Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER. (tt. 8. Weather Bureau Forecast.) Cloudy, possibly occasional showers o nlght and tomorrow; not much Csn£h in temperature. Temperature:s-High* est, 82. at 2:45 p.m. yesterday, lowc , 67. at 7 am. today. Full report on page 9. Closing N.Y. Markets, Pages 13,14 &15 Xo. 31,454. TARIFF RILL PASSES BY VOTE OF 44 TO 42 AS COALITION LOSES LONG-DRAWN FIGHT Stinging Attack by Connally, Robinson of Arkansas and Simmons in Closing Debate . Fails to Beat Measure. HOOVER IS EXPECTED TO SIGN ON RECEIPT House Votes Tomorrow on Confer ence Agreements Adjusting Dif ferences Between Houses, With Approval of Schedules in Short Order Expected. E' the Associated Press. The Senate today passed the tariff bill by adopting the confer ence reports. The vote on adoption was 44 to 42. The vote assured final congres sional approval of the tariff measure. The House will vote tomorrow on the conference agreement adjusting differences between the two branches, and affirmative action in a few hours is expected. President Hoover probably will ‘ receive the year-and-a-half-old Hawley-Smoot bill next week. Republican leaders have predicted he would sign it. He will study Its provisions before acting. Five Democrats voted for the meas ure The roll call follows: For: Republicans—Allen. Baird. Bingham. Capper. Couzens, Dale, Deneen, Fess, Gillett, Glenn. Goldsborough. Greene, Grundy. Hale, Hastings, Hatfield, He bert. Johnson, Jones, Kean. Keyes, Mc- Culloch, McNary. Metcalf. Oddie, Pat , terson. Phipps, Reed, Robinson of In diana. Robsion of Kentucky, Shortridge. Smoot, Steiwer, Sullivan. Thomas of Idaho. Townsend, Vandenberg. Wal cott and Waterman —39. Democrats: Broussard, Ransdell, Fletcher, Tram mell and Kendrick —5. Total, 44. Ago'inst: Republicans—Blaine. Borah, Brookhart. Frazier. Howell, La Follette, Norbeck, Norris. Pine and Schall—ll. Democrats —Ashurst, Barkley! Black, Bratton, Brock, Caraway, Connally, Copeland. Dill. George, Glass. Harris, Harrison, Hawes, Hayden, Heflin, Mc- Kellar. Overman, Pittman, Robinson of Arkansas, Sheppard, Simmons, Stephens, Swanson. Thomas of Oklahoma. Tyd lngs, Wagner, Walsh of Massachusetts, Walsh of Montana, and Wheeler —30. Farmer-Labor —Ships tead —1. Total, 42. Os those not voting the following pairs were announced: For —Republicans: Cutting, Goff 4 Gould, Moses and Watson. Acalnst —Republicans: Nye. Demo crats: Steck. Blease. King and Smith. This accounted for every one of the 96 Senators. Connally Opens Fight. Opening the last three hours of de bate before the final vote, at 2 p.m.. Senator Connally. Democrat, Texas, said the farmer was not helped by the legis lation and he could hope for little re lief except through the export debenture plan, which was stricken out of the bill by the conferees. “The American farmer,” he said, “is the most popular individual —at election time, but after that he loses his popu larity except for orations In his behalf.” Connally said the bill “increases the cost to the people at home and increases the number of their enemies abroad.” Asserting the “world is in rebellion against these taxes of Congress,” Sen ator Simmons, Democrat, North Caro lina, contended foreign countries would j “no longer give us their trade.” No Help for Agriculture. “I do not see how this bill can possibly help agriculture, the most depressed of all industries," he continued. “The little help held out for agriculture, will be manv times offset by the increased burdens levied on it by the excessive Industrial rates.” Senator Robinson, the Democratic leader, asserted "as a feature of the ad , ministration's farm relief program the bill is an abortion.” “It perpetuates and intensifies in equalities and discriminations between • agriculture and other industries,” he said. “For this reason It violates the platforms of both political parties.” Winding up the contest for the Re publican proponents, Senator Watson, the majority leader, said: "If this bill is passed this Nation will be on the upgrade financially, economi cally and commercially within 30 days, and within a year we shall have re gained the peak of prosperity and the position we lost last October.” He assailed Henry Ford and Alfred F. Sloan, president of General Motors, for their opposition to the measure, say ing they both produced automobiles abroad and “want free trade in those articles In order that they may com pete in our market where they pay 50 per cent more wages.” Final Bill Is Compromise. The bill as it stood at the final roll call was not the measure which passed either House or Senate, but was a com promise between the two, reached by conferees of the two houses, as was the case in virtually all the 20 tariff bills that preceded it. Supplanting the Republican Fordney- McCumber act of 1922, the measure would raise an estimated revenue of 5630.000.000, or $107,000,000 more than the existing law based on 1928 importa tions. Os 3.218 named commodities and bas ket clauses comprising the measure, changes are made in 1.122, or about 32 per cent of the total. There are 887 in creases in rates and 235 decreases, 75 , items transferred from the dutiable tc (Continued on Page 2, Column 4.) Milligan Victory Upheld. The elect : on contest from the third Missouri district was closed today with adoption by the House of a resolution declaring Representative Milligan. Dem ocrat. the winner over H. F. Lawrence, .Republican, In the 1928 election. centered as second class matter £" r nVe. Washington. D. C. MAJ. SEGRAVE KILLED TESTING NEW SPEEDBOAT CONTENDER Auto Speed Record Holder Dies After Craft Overturns. Boat Traveling About 100 Miles Per Hour When Accident Occurs. By the Associated Press. WINDERMERE, England, June 13. Maj. Sir Henry O. Segrave, interna tionally known speed king, died shortly after 5 o'clock this evening from inju ries he suffered when his speed boat overturned on Lake Windermere. The famous racer, who held the world automobile record of 231 miles an hour, lost his life while testing out his newest speed boat, Miss England 11. with which he hoped to capture the International Trophy at Detroit this Summer. While pounding along on the lake at I a speed of about 100 miles an hour, the j boat suddenly was seen to turn over and plunge into the water. Segrave was ; dragged from the wreck by the owners | of speed launches which shot to his as j sistance. He was taken to a nearby | hotel and was found to have suffered a broken arm, a broken rib and a frac tured thigh. There were two companions in the boat with him. Mechanic E. Halliwell was believed to have been caught under the boat, which sank within half an MORROW VICTORY ON WEI ISSUE IS BELIEVED CERTAIN Republican Drys Hope Fort Will Win Through Vote Division. BY G. GOI'LD LINCOLN, Staff Correspondent of The Star. NEWARK, N. J.. June 13—The nomination and election of Dwight W. j Morrow to the Senate is New Jersey's opportunity for a place in the sun. That is the sincere belief of thousands of citizens of this Commonwealth almost j on the eve of the senatorial primary. Unless the usual political signs fail and veteran politicians and observers are at fault, Mr. Morrow will be the nomi nee of the Republican party. There is a fight on, however. The principal question at issue is national prohibition. Mr, Morrow has declared himself opposed to national prohibition and in favor of control of the liquor traffic by the States. He has declared emphatically individual States, if they desire, should have the authority to adopt prohibition and that they should be protected in their desire for prohibi tion. He is opposed to having the Na- ! tional Government undertake, as it has, to control or to prohibit the manufac ture and use of alcoholic beverages. Mr. Morrow has three opponents in the Republican primary. The first in the field was former Senator Joseph S. Frelinghuysen. who formerly was con sidered a dry. but who during the present campaign has switched and de clared himself for a change in dealing with liquor, favoring a system some what like that adopted in Canada, where 1 the government has undertaken to act I as distributor of alcoholic beverages. Fort Is Real Competitor. Mr. Morrow's second opponent is Representative Franklin W. Fort, sup- I porter of the eighteenth amendment, i secretary of the Republican national i committee during the Hoover presiden- j tial campaign and a close friend of the President The third entry against Mr. j Morrow is John A. Kelly of Monmouth County, a wringing wet. If it were not for the candidacy of j Mr. Fort, the nomination of Mr. Morrow would be a comparatively simple affair. The Ambassador to Mexico has the sup port of the Republican organization of the State, generally speaking. That, added to his own personality, his repu tation as a business man and as a dip lomat, made his nomination practically sure. With Frelinghuysen and Kelly espousing the cause of prohibition mod ification or repeal, along with Mr. Mor row, the wet and dry issue was insig- j nificant,. But when Mr. Fort threw j his hat in the ring as a dry, the situ- j ation changed over night. Because of the Fort entry, New Jer- j sey has become a new battleground j over which the wet and dry forces are ' waging a desperate struggle. The drys In the Republican party see a chance, through a divided vote of the wets, to nominate their candidate and defeat both Morrow and Frelinghuysen. They are leaving no stone unturned to bring about this end. The Anti-Saloon League, many of the churches and in dependent supporters of national prohi bition have taken off their coats and gone to work to defeat Mr. Morrow. (Continued on Page 3, Column i.) - ■ - ■ -• WEATHER HOLDS PLANE DUBLIN June 13 (A I ). —After all ar rangements had been made for the ; Southern Cross to fly to the Curragh j camp this afternoon, bad weather again j dashed the hopes of Capt. Charles Kingsford-Smlth for a take-off on his I attempted flight to America. Capt. Kingsford-Smith stated that while the frequent postponements which have marred his plans were causing him much annoyance, he hoped to start his westward transatlantic flight Sun day morning. BALTIMORE OVERTAKES BOSTON, HISTORIC RIVAL FOR CENSUS LEAD Both Cities Pushed Down on List by Entry of Los Angeles Into "Big Five” Class. By the Associated Press. Historic Boston today woke to Friday the thirteenth luck—she had lost her population lead of half a century to equally tradition-filled Baltimore. She also failed to pass St. Louis. From the beginning of census time, It has been nip and tuck between Bos ton and Baltimore. Boston led in the first census of 1790. Baltimore took the lead from her in 1800 and held it. until 1880. Then the New England city again forged to the front. 1 %hc ffoeratm Sfat V y J V y WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION MAJ. SIR HENRY O. D. SEGRAVE, hour. Efforts to find his body were made immediately. The third member of the crew. M. J. Willcocks, was badly injured and was taken to a hospital. Maj. Seagrave held the world land speed record 1n_1926,_1927_andj;929 and • Continued on Page 2, Column 3.) MARINE SAYS CREW OF FAIRFAX ACIEO WITH EFFICIENCY Witness Declares Confusion on Ship Lasted But Few Minutes. By the Associated Pres*. BOSTON, June 13. —Members of the crew of the steamship Fairfax seemed fairly efficient and the confusion on board lasted but a few minutes after the collision of the Fairfax and the oil tank er Pinthis in Massachusetts Bay Tues day night. Harry E. Kipp, Marine ser i geant, testified today at the opening of the second day of the Federal inquiry into the disaster which claimed 47 lives. Kipp, who had been stationed at the Boston Navy Yard, was proceeding un der orders to Norfolk as a passenger on the Merchants <fc Miners liner Fairfax when the ship drove her bow into the oil tanker a few miles off Scituate. Immediately after the crash, Kipp said, he came out of his cabin, on the port side, to find smoke and flames cutting off the first exit and he had to dash for another. As he arrived on deck | there seemed to be some confusion, but ; it was brief. The Marine said he saw several man and woman passengers and members of the crew jump into the sea, and he saw one lifeboat filled with colored men, ap parently of the crew. They were sitting quietly, however, and not making any 1 effort to lower the boat. Some time \ later, possibly an hour and a half after the collision, he said he saw another lifeboat filled with passengers. Helped to Fight Fire. He was joined on deck by Sergt. Hutchcroft, also a Marine, and the two helped to fight the fire, which caught from the flaming oil shot out by the tanker after it exploded from the col lision. He said he was not one of the Marines who helped to repair the radio antenna, which witnesses at the in quiry yesterday testified was melted away by the oil flames and later re paired. Kipp praised the work of the nurses and women who helped care for the Injured. A. J. Powell, third officer of the Fair fax, went back on the stand today at his own request. Powell appeared yestprday with a large bandage across his upper lip, but denied he had been hurt in the colli i sion. Today, he reiterated his denial. Hoover asked him a number of tech- I nical questions about preparations for launching lifeboats. Others Take Stand. Miss Nellie Todd, an entertainer on the beat, said there was no trampling of passengers and little disorder. She said the crew behaved well and that she saw one colored waiter going about breaking open cabins and assisting pas sengers in getting out. Miss Doiothy Mannix. a nurse on the ship, told of her efforts to quiet pas sengers and of rendering aid to those who were hurt. Miss Jane Stone of Washington, chief stewardess on the Fairfax, told of as sisting Mrs. Ida Berkowitz, 22, of Bos ton and her son Robert. Both Mrs. Berkowitz and the child died at the Carney Hospital from burns and the effects of smoke. Mrs. Berkowitz refused to enter a lifeboat until a lifebelt had been placed | around her child, Miss Stone testified, i She described the difficulty with which she cared for the injured woman. William M. Smith, chief steward of the Fairfax, opened his testimony by saying that “nothing in the world could have been done that was not done.” He said he had charge of 43 members of the crew, including stewards, waiters, the nurses and entertainers. Eleven (Continued on Page 2. Column 8 j Now Baltimore, with 789,921, a 7.2 per cent increase, takes precedence over. Boston, present population 775,729, giving them eighth and ninth places, respectively, both being pushed down the list a notch by the entry of Lcs Angeles in 1920 into the *big five.” St. Louis held the lead over both Boston and Baltimore, with 817,334. The relative rank of the first 10 cities now Is certain as follows: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit. Los Angeles, Cleveland, St. Louis, Baltimore, Boston and Pittsburgh. WASHINGTON, I). C., FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930—FIFTY PAGES. *** DISTRICT FUND BILL IS THOUGHT DOOMLO AS CONFEREES SPLIT Attempts of Senate to Reach Agreement by 70-30 Com promise Fail. 1930 CONSTRUCTION HERE FACES DEATH School, Street, Road, Water, Sewer, Grade Crossing and Other Proj ects Would Be Killed. The District appropriation bill for the fiscal year beginning July 1 ap peared doomed today when the Senate and House conferees parted at noon after another futile effort to compromise on the amount of the Federal con tribution. When the conference adjourned, a report was being drafted for presenta tion to the Senate and House stating that after a full and free conference, the managers on the part of the two houses have been unable to agree. This means that unless some un foreseen development should occur, the regular appropriation bill will fail and Congress will have to put through a continuing resolution to take care of the routine operating expenses of the Municipal Government. Such a reso lution, however, would not permit of any new construction work of any kind. House Decline* Compromise. The Senate conferees made two prop ositions this morning, either to ompro mise with the House on the lump sum at. some point between the House flgurp of $9,000,000 and the Senate figure of $12,000,000. or to adopt a new ratio of 70-30 for apportioning the cost of running the National Capital between the District and Federal governments Both propositions were turned down by the House conferees. Emerging from the conference room. Senator Bingham, Republican of Con necticut, chairman of the Senate group, said: “The Senate offered to compromise cn the lump sum and was told the House conferees refused to increase it over $9,000,000 The Senate conferees also offered to fix a new ratio of 70-30 and that was refused.” Senator Bingham said the Senate conferees would submit to the Senate a report of their inability to reach an agreement with the House. The Connecticut Senator said that a continuing resolution would have to originate in the House. Representative Simmons. Republican, of Nebraska, chairman of thp House conferees, said as he left the confer ence: “It’s over forever, as far as I am concerned.” Right Bark at Start. Asked if any headway had been made at, the meeting. Mr. Simmons added that "We are rijght where we were when we first went into conference.” The formal report setting forth the failure to reach an agreement had been prepared, but had not been signed by all of the conferees at noon. It will not be filed in the Senate until It has been signed. This was the first time the conferees had been together during the past two weeks, having reached a deadlock at the previous meeting over the fiscal rela tions item. During that interval, both Senator Bingham and Representative Simmons made speeches in their re spective Houses, upholding the posi tions taken by the conferees, and there was little hope of obtaining an agree ment when hey went back into confer ence this morning. The Senate conferees have been of the unanimous opinion that the steady increase in the total annual cost of running the National Capital since the $9.0C0,000 lump sum was adopted in 1925 justifies an increase in the Federal contribution. The House conferees have been equally firm in contending that $9,000,000 is sufficient. Senate Urge* Compromise. The position of the Senate conferees has been that where the two branches of Congress take conflicting views on a question, the solution should lie in a compromise between the two points of view. There are no indications, how ever. of obtaining a compromise at this time. When the District supply bill went to conference. It carried approximately $44,000,000. This figure represented manv important new projects in addi tion to the routine operating expenses for the next 12 months. It covered a long list of street im provements, a program of school con struction. money for elimination of an other railroad grade crossing, a sub stantial amount for continuing the Mu nicipal Center and other new work, none of which could be done under a continuing resolution. Senator Jones. Republican, of Wash ington, chairman of the Senate appro priations rommittee. and Representa tive Wood, Republican, of Indiana, chairman of the House appropriations committee, conferred with the conferees at the meeting today. The Senate conferees are Senators Bingham of Connecticut, Phipps of Colorado. Capper of Kansas, Glass of Virginia and Kendrick of Wyoming. The House managers are Representative Simmons of Nebraska, Holladay of Il linois, Thatcher of Kentucky. Collins of Mississippi and Cannon of Missouri. If the District appropriation bill does not pass at this session of Congress and a continuing resolution is passed, the net effect would be that no new con struction of schools, streets, roads, sew - ers. water mains, fire engine houses or police stations or any other description of new construction work, including bridges and grade crossing elimination (Continued on Page 2, Column 2.) 0 ■ ■ - SLAIN IN MOTHER’S HOME BLYTHEVILLE. Ark., June 13 UP\.— Mrs. Annie R. Hodge. 27, was shot to death at the home of her mother here last night by her estranged hus band. Fletcher E. Hodge of Memphis, Tenn.. and today a posse was search ing for him In all parts of Mississippi County. Two small children saw their father enter the home, kill their mother, and shoot at Mrs. R. Reing, mother of Mrs. Hodge, as he fled. Sheriff W. W. Shaver organized the posse soon after the shooting, but no trace of Hodge had been found today. He is a former base ball player. Relatives said he had not been em ployed recently. - , Radio Programs on Page C-8 XO FOUR ROUXD DECISTOX HF.RF.f SCHMELING’S NAME BARRED FROM CUP * Muldoon Declares He Is Thoroughly Disgusted by Title Fight. By the Associated Press NEW YORK. June 13 —The Evening Post today quotes William Muldoon. vet eran member of the New York State Athletic Commission, as saying that Max Schmelings name will not be engraved on the Tunney-Muldoon trophy, em blematic of the world heavyweight championship. “No man who wins the title on a foul will have his name engraved on the trouhy," said the "solid man.” “I am thoroughly disgusted. I've' spent two years in trying to get a solu- ; tion to the heavyweight puzzle and now i a thing like this has to occur.” James A. Farley, chairman of the New York Commission, declined to dis cuss the muddlpd situation until the committee in charge of the trophy award holds a meeting. GEORGIANS BACK STRIBI.ING. Offer Sehmeling SIOO,OOO and Gate Split for Bout. GRIFFIN. Ga., June 13 </P).— E A Scales, chairman of the Griffin Boxing Commission, today telegraphed Max Sehmeling that he would pay him SIOO,OOO and a split in the gate receipts to fight W. L. (Young) Stribling here j Labor day. Scales said he would build a stadium to seat 75.000 persons and put $50,000 on deposit as a guarantee of good faith if Sehmeling would sign a contract to meet Stribling subject to the approval of the Griffin Boxing Commission and the New York Boxing Commission. Griffin is located midway between Atlanta and Macon, the home of Strib ling. TALKS WITH MOTHER. Srhmeling Telephones ller News of Victory Over Sharkey. BERLIN. June 13 <A>).— Max Sehmel ing. world heavyweight champion, talk ed with his mother for 10 minutes over the transaltantic telephone thLs fore noon. giving her personally the news of his victory over Jack Sharkey on a foul last night. Frau Sehmeling had waited many hours for her phone to ring. Bad at mospheric conditions had prevented the call. This time the reception was sat isfactory. “Max said he felt all right.” Frau Sehmeling told the Associated Press. “But whether he only told me that to make me feel happier I do not know. One cannot tell. But anyway I heard the boy laugh, so I hope all is well and I feel reassured.” Max told his mother that he was coming home just as soon as his busi ness in the United States could be cleared up. “Meanwhile." Frau Sehmeling added, “there’s going to be no junketing at home here over the result —not until Max comes back.” Then she settled down for a long postponed nap. A Great Audience It takes nearly two car loads of paper (45 tons) a day to print "The Star for over 100.000 families in Washington and suburbs. . Merchants use this op portunity to reach .this great audience to tell of all that is newest and best in the stores. Yesterday's Advertising (Local Display) Lines. The Evening Star.. 53,259 2nd Newspaper... .21,214 3rd Newspaper.... 7,230 4th Newspaper 4,796 sth Newspaper.... 4,018 ♦ Total other four Newspapers .... 37,258 The stores are full of seasonable merchandise at very reasonable prices. Blaze Continues On Water at Spot Where Pinthis Sank By the Associated Press. BOSTON. June 13 —The Coast ] Guard cutter No 190, returning ( last night from the scene of the Fairfax-PinthLs disaster, reported that an area of approximately 25 square yards presumably directly above the sunken hulk of the oil tanker, was still flaming last night as it has been since the collision. MANIU SUCCEEDS FORMING CABINET King Carol Proclaims Helen Queen in Royal Decree. By the Associated Pi ess. BUCHAREST. June 13.—A new Ru manian cabinet has been formed, with M. Maniu as premier. The new- cabi net. contains several previous minis ters, inlcudlng George G. Mironescu. for foreign affairs, and the following: M. Vajdovojvod, vice premier; M. Junian. justice: M. Popovick. home af fairs: M. Virgil Madgearn. finance; M. Manoilescu. commerce: M. lon Miha laehe, agriculture, and Gen. Condescu, war. M. Maniu, who was premier when Carol made hLs dramatic return from exile last week, resigned on Carol's re turn and a new ministry was formed which lasted only over the period re quired for Parliament to proclaim Carol King. Since then Carol has been trying to set up an all party government, but was unsuccessful, and has now gone back to Maniu for the formation of a Peas ant party government. Gen. Prezan last night failed to form a government and returned the mandate to King Carol. Gen. Prezan. in accept ing the mission, had told the press his hopes were extremely small. Princess Helen of Greece, divorced wife of King Carol II and mother of Prince Michael, today became Queen Helen of Rumania. The transition was accomplished with (Continued on Page 2, Column 7.) ~ 1 MOTHERS REACH PARIS FaRIS, June 13 <JP\. —The sixth group of American Gold Star Mothers, com posed largely of women from Michigan and California, arrived in Paris today from Cherbourg. All were well and anxious to begin their pilgrimage to the graves of their beloved ones. There were 226 women whose sons lie in five of the six American cemeteries, none being at Bony. The mothers had a good passage from the United States, but their landing was delayed by fog. They will start for the battle front on Mondav. while the group of mothers now there will arrive in Paris Sunday, concluding their pilgrimage. Three women of this latter group who are still on the sick list continued to im prove today. DEPORTATION GROWS By the Associated Press When the Government's fiscal year terminates, on June 30. the immigra tion service will have set a new high record for the deportation of aliens. Commissioner Hull estimated today the total number deported would reach 17,000 and average about 60 for every business dav during the year. The Gov ernment will have spent about. $1,000,- 000 on the task. CHICAGOAN JAILED AS VAGRANT, DECLARED POLITICAL SHADOWER Arkansas Candidate Charges Opponent With Hiring L. A. Week’s, Suspected Gangster. By the Associated Press. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., June 13.—The arrest of L. A. Weeks of Chicago on a charge of vagrancy blossomed today into charges by a Little Rock political candidate that Weeks had been hired by his opponent to ‘'shadow" him dur ing his campaign. Carl E. Bailev, candidate for the Democratic nomination lor prosecuting attorney of Pulaski Ccunty, charged that his opponent, Tom Poe, had em ployed Weeks. Po( vigorously denied the char"'. A telegraijprom John Stege, Ci' ~so ~ I The only evening paper ' Washington with the Associated Press news service. Yesterday’s Circulation, 112,788. (IP) Mean* Associated Press, FEARS NAVAL RACE IF PACE IS DELAYED i * Stimson. in Forum Address. Says Postponement Would Void 10 Years' Work. Immediate ratification of the london naval treaty was urged in a speech las' night by Secretary of Sta'e Stimson. I who warned that postponement of Sen ate action until next Autumn would breed not only -unfounded suspicion" i but would also neutralize th« efforts j of 10 years to promote international peace. Secretary Stimson. who was one of the American delegates to the London Conference, stoutly defended the naval pact against "militaristic critics" dur ing the course of his appeal which was I made when he spoke in the National Radio Forum, arranged by The Evening Star and sponsored by the Columbia Broadcasting System. Because of a slight difference of opinion with respect to less than 3 per rent in tonnage of the total fleet. Seerc- . tary Stimson declared, its opponents would throw it “overboard" and go back j to an era of unrestricted competition with Japan and Great Britain. “Never was the narrowness and in- ■ tolerance of militarism exhibited in a i more striking light," he said of certain , naval critics. The London naval treaty represents a definite constructive step on the long ; road toward international good under- j standing and peace.” Mr. Stimson said , in his concluding argument for early ; ratification. “Its ratification will en- ; sure that step. Its defeat would undo the progress ot many years." His address is full follows: The full text of Mr. Stimson''s speech follows: For over a year the work of the State Department of the United States has been very largely directed toward carrying out the movement initiated by President Hoover looking toward a treaty of general naval limitation. This (.Continued on Page 5. Column 1.) SOVIET WILL BUILD $150,000,000 TOWN Steel Mill and Workers’ City to Be Founded in Siberia Under American Supervision. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 13.—A steel mill and workers' town easting $130,000 000 will be erected in Kuznets Basin. ! Siberia, under the technical supervision ; of the Frejn Engineering Co. of Chi ■ cago. it wns announced yesterday by : the Amtorg Trading Corporation. Arnor ! ican business representative of the I Soviet government. Preliminary construction already has started and the plant, with an annual I output of 1.000.000 metric tons is to be in full operation by the Fall of 1932 It will have four blast furnaces and 12 open hearth furnaces. The plant is near the great iron ore and coal deposits of the Kuznets Basin and is the first modern iron and steel industry established in Siberia. Oppose Modernism. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. June 13 UP), j —Plans for a new organization of Bap- I tists to combat modernistic theology j were laid at a meeting of the Baptist I Bible Union of North America which j closed its annual convention here yes- I terday. chief of detectives, requested that fin gerprints of Weeks, “alias Kelley." be forwarded immediately on the theory Weeks might be Edward King, wanted in Chicago. Other reports said Weeks was known to authorities in Cedar Rapids. Iowa; Topeka, Kans.. and various Indiana ; and Texas cities. In a signed statement procured by I E. I. McKinley, deputy prosecuting at ] torney of Little Rock. Weeks admitted ! having been employed to watch Bailey s i headquarters and make daily reports as an operative of a detective agency. Po lice said two reports were found in his possession, p f TWO CENTS. STIMSON DECLARES ACTION OF SENATE SHOULD BE BASED ON TREATY’S TEXT Secretary of State Writes Borah That Pact Should Be Considered on Language of Document Itself. CABINET MEMBER FAILS TO SEND NOTES SOUGHT Committee Called Monday and Final Report on Naval Arms Agreement Is Expetced to R# Taken by Foreign Relations Group. By 'h* Pr* 1 > Replying to the Senate foreign relations committee assertion of Its right to the London naval papers, Secretary Stimson wro’a today to the eommittee it should base its treaty action on the language of the treaty itself. The Secretary of state acknowl edged the commi’tee's resolution in a brief letter to Chairman Borah. He made no mention of forwarding the exchange of notrg among the powers leading up t<j the London par!e\. The commit tee resolution did not demand tht papers. Accepting the incident ?< closed, Senator Borah called another meeting of the eommittee for Monday, when he hopes to get ac tion on the treaty. There were indications that (•'’rr* commute'men would seek to deft action because of the refusal of Pre.J dent Hoover and Secretary Stirmon turn over the note but it was appairs that a majority wouid vote for imme dia»e action on the treatv Sumson’s letter, dated yesterday as follows: Dear Snator Borah: ‘1 have received your favor of todaf transmitting a copy < i a resolution or the committee on foreign rrla’lons m respect to letters and documents in th« recent negotiation of the treaty. ■ I did not. in my letter :o you of .Tune 6. attempt to define the duties of the Senate or the scope of its powers in passing upon treaties. My statement in tint letter that‘the question whether tnis treaty is or Is not in the interests ol the United Sacs and should or should not hr ratified by the Srna*e must in Urn la-u event be determined from th« language of the document itself and not from extraneous matter’ was in tend'd to rah attention to the fact that the obligations and rights arising from the treaty, as in the rase of any other contract. must be measured by Uae language of the document itself.” Confers With Moses. President Hoover called in Senator Moses, Republican. New Hampshire, to day for an hour's conference. Senator Moses has lined up with the opposition I to the treaty ar.d was one of the 10 mem ! bers of the foreign relations committee | who voted for the resolution yesterday asserting a claim to the London notes. The New Hampshire Senator declined ; to eomment upon his White House visit j as he left the President. ! However, despite the prospect of an i attempt to stop action on the treaty be i cause of the President's refusal to turn j over the London documents to the com \ mittee. it was believed today both at the White House and at the Capitol I that the pact would be reported to the ; Senate before adjournment of the reg -1 ular session, probably some time next week. Johnson's Comment. | Senator Johnson. Republican, Cali , fornia, who asked for the exchange of I notes prior to the London parley, of fered the following comment on Secre tary Stimson's letter: ‘‘Obviously the learned Secretary of State was unfortunate In his expres sions. In his prior communication ho said the question whether the treaty is or is net in the interests of the* United States and should or should j not be ratified by the Senate must in I the last event be determined from tho ! language of the document itself and j not from extraneous matter. "By every rule of construction, this language would seem to imply that In the matter of the ratification of a treaty by the Senate the Senate in the last event is limited to the document itseif and no extraneous matter coufci be con sidered. Now the distinguished Secre tary of State says he was merely calling attention to the fact that obligation* and rights arising from the treaty must be measured by the language itself. "While the explanation may not be as elear and as bright as the noonday sun I'm delighted that the declaration of policy enunciated by the foreign rela tions committee is neither controverted nor denied. We may accept as settled now the rights of the Senate in the con sideration of treaties as defined in th* resolution of the eommittee on foreign relations.” OHIO REFORMATORY OUTBREAK IS QUELLED j Threat of Clubs and Tear Ga« Bombs Restore Order in Sec ond Attempt to Riot. | By the Associated Press. MANSFIELD. Ohio, June 13.—Tha threat of swinging clubs and tear gas bombs had restored order at the Mans field Reformatory today after a sec ond outbreak within less than two weeks, during which guards beat the ringleaders of 1,500 howling, milling inmates into submission. The latest disturbance occurred dur ing the “big supper” hour late yester day. when 1,700 prisoners in the dining room became noisy, tipped over tables and hurled their stools around. Two hundred of the inmates filed outside, apparently with the intention of avoid ing injury rather than attempting escape.