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RESORTS. RESORTS t ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ill* il*2}i:» k -J •;!**.ii tutu „ H^BSpr • JS.’D t»IK.IU II lt^ b; ui. ■•:* itu ii iiHii unr ■•- * i £^SPrPLs^bßß I & 9 *la Make a Vacation Mietake”—Pleata Reterve 'I and enjoy your own private table and a cool, beautiful room NEW \ /|| I j- DIRECT FIREPROOF I J**\/|| I L OCEAN BUILDINGS L/C V iLLL VIEWS Live amidst 1980 environments at 19*0 rales, on quiet, peaceful Kentucky Ave. E H ”o sl*ep-aisvarbiiu: elements. delegations or cor.\entions; no noisv ‘rollevs Bf*>t E M bathing section facint; the Traymor *. Midway between Steel and Million Dollar Piers P and the World s Largest Auditorium. Eight churches nearby. “Don’t Be Extravagant. Please Apply Your Wisdom ” 40 yards off the boardwalk save* you $40.00 per week Our farm products, personal ownership direction and no bonded debts create lates f° r nlc « People who demand an informal hotel that is strictly select and exclusive. Every room adjacent to tub baths or showers. SPECIAL WEEKLY FOR JULY 1 wivh st r^ t f = «rt’t,Th th i™i nnl ?#k wate ,' : *, 60 UP for 2. with private toilet: *65 up for 2, with toilet and tub. July, *35 up for 1; August. *45 up for 1: August. *6O up for 2. *B5 up for 3, *llO up for 4. Wonderful meals ln . eluded, properly balanced by a Battle Creek Better rrVk?. Health Dietitian. I Hotel C"Pacity. 500 Dining room. 650. Grand yfc ballroom: 8-piece orchesira. Golf, tennis, fishing, g|m[i?*uill|Hßßie| 7) sailing, beach and card parties daily. Hostess. Mblßb! liilUWßildiiliDl _ Urean bathing from rnnms free. '-WHOHI f our sundecks, three large porches, roof O-zone fo’ks' l hotel t *° RRrftBes ' You wIU pn ’ oy thl * »oijn* * To Convince the Skeptical 4i% "lAtjy. gef 1 AS TO THE MERITS OF THIS V $4, $4.50 or $5 —1 night and 3 meals Please help us prove it pays to advertise. Bring or mail this ad now. Washington 17th Year of Satisfactory Service. Otar *“*- It's the Environment. PHONE 4-1063 THOMAS M. OBRIEN. rs ■■■■■■■«■■■■■■«»■ REDUCED RATES FOR 1930 Atlantic City’s Best Hotel Offer—at i-% Rmial Palace I 1 336 ROOMS J On. the BoardwaJh* E : City ,/v.y. E Coolest location covering almost a city block. 2 Fpa''k>u« Looms- meat of th«>m orcrlooklnjr ocean, half of them do*m upon Boardwalk. • 3 aud rxclufcitf family Hotel. Vegetables, poultry, «tc.. supplied by our own J 2 farm*. o<**ir view ro«ms as low a§ $3O tveekly with meals New. beautiful $35.C00. J ", iea Food Grill, featuring shore dinners and platters. 55c up. 2 Dining Rooms, seating £ gj 1330 Orchestra water batlta Birimmfoff Tck*l. Public bath house* Free N * k Bathlnc TWor# e«]ert«re ycwi bot*»i N» sure to write for our menu cards and booklet. * jjj ETTROPFAN PLAN 02.50 up. Bn* meets all trains. Thone 4-3191. R. L. QUEEN. J tmiiirmrrsiiinTtiimiiii»i.iii«*rii..iiifid«.MMimuiim. /Sriqantme Direct Ocean Front 10 MINUTES FROM CENTER OF , ATLANTIC CITY 165 ROOMS WITH BATH European Plan Daily From >cy.BQ American Plan Daily From *g‘o° EXCELLENT DINING ROOM GRILL—DANCING NTGHTLT Golf Course * Minute. From Hotel. Greens Fee 81.00 Boardwalk. Bathing. Bcatirc. F’sMng SEA WATER IN ALU BATH 3 New Management AUS-SIR HOTEL CO. Brigantine Hotel. Brigantine Bench. N. J, ffieMADISONI . J OVERLOOKING 1 OCEAN I'*'( ’ AT ILLINOIS AVENUE ? \ ATLANTIC CITY NJL ✓ [ J A HOTEL $ I J DISTINCTIVELY DIFFEREHT ' f J JUST COMPLETED ✓ | 3 SHOW BATHS ' I j THROUGHOUT / j FIREPROOF ' [ , SPECIAL JUNE RATES f"” gi - - 1 m Courtesy---Quality- Service ,/fTLANTIS Ocaan End of New Tork Avenue 4th duly Special ALL MEALS INCLUDED Thursday, Friday, CIA FA Saturday, Sunday OiU.OU Rooms with Hot and O CA Cold Running Water »3>l^*DU With Private Bath, $l6 to $lB These rates for each person— 2 In room Single Rooms, $l4 to $lB Kuhwadel & Kennady 9f&/UMrlo I Kentucky Ave.—near Beach | Kvery Modern Appointment American Plan *4 up Dally—Special Weekly ■ Free Bathing—with Showers , , Booklet—Phone 4-0933 Ownership Mgt., Ralph Meekley I J IMORTIMERk Virginia Ave. Near Boardwalk Where tree have been lon. overdue" I A Hewellke with an nnen- B e*Hed T.C*!.. ipeclal attention to diets, fl M. fvlbt-Bun.Weter—Bathing Privileges H AMEBICAN PLAN EUROPEAN PLAN 9 »3. Up Weekly *lO. Up Weekly H Gelßrrj, Oarage. Booklet, C. V. Mertliecr' % REMEMBER This Is the time for Your visit to '' Virginia Ave.. SM feet from Steel Pier 3. Biddle Ellis. Managing Director, a Write for rates x Kilts Batata. Owner*. RESORTS. S- nib Carolina Ava. at Itaa Boardwalk ATI.A.Vrn: CITY’S .\EWKST Cenlrailv Located Fireproof Hotel Overlookiag the Ocean , 220 ROOMS Felt Weter Bath* >olarinm Ocean Deck Bathing from Hotel B3 UP A-ari... $5 W Firmproof Caraf. AliaeAad R. B. Lady. M. D. jr%.*xacom»awnctrrr |O | IVY | vilarendon VIRGINIA AVENUE ■alf Black te Bear* aad Meal Pteo. Owe sarrmindlnga. a leva toe. aleetrta ttgbta. Roun* single or ea suite, wMfe getvate bath. all rooms g" CAREFUL SERVICE WHte far aad flaakle* Ownerahl* ManagcoteaL MONROE HUTCHINS Hotel New Belmont ON BOARDWALK AT OCEAN AVENI’E 205 feet on Ocean front. Atlantic City’s Newest Beam Front Hotel. 100 rooms with hath ano telephones. European plan. Bath ing privileges from bedroom*. Garage. KENTUCKY Kentucky Avenue near Baarh SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES Oatmlly loeftttd; *l«e«tor to street. Entrance Lounge. Bathing privileges. Denying. ifuaie. Ail rooms with beth or running weter. Selective cuisine. Whit# service. EI.VA M KING. Ownership Menesrvment H«bl BRIGHTON I -w- city 'j Oho, C&ur-J-ry Tfamc i iSi*. Oceans (Sa^ye. ofLaixm cvrid Special Weekly and Season Rates Surf' Bathlntj Feyrj^^ f<f. ; Manor I V ONB OF THE FINEST HOTELS I W / IN ATLANTIC CITY I ROOMS OVKHLOOKINU TNI OCEAN MikuoN ocuaii pick -f*’* of V.— Jf-W. AIT solfea v-ltb " TRT»*>* C I POTTT r--. W Pb 4-oBBf. E. W. ROCFFNBnoT Hotel Deerment. Bt. Fcf»ntlmnr. Tie. NEWMCHNOND KENTUCKY AVE. at thj BOARDWALK ABSOLUTE OPEN SURROUNDINGS Ocean view rooms an suite with private bath and tUe showers. Phones. Elevator, EUROPEAN FLAN. *2 np dly., *lO up wkly/feathlng Prlv. Garat*. WrlU lor Booklet. ii/OTLER. Mgr. \ * THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ JUNE 29, 1930—PART TWO. RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, W. J. \ ODCEWUIRI Ocean End South Carolina Avanut A EUROPE AN PLAN *2 UP Rurniing wator. private hath or shower. Radio nntl telephone In rooms. Ocean Rathing direct hB from Hotel with free privilege*. Vi S Most central location. C*p. 250. J ®,| laTLANTIC JciTY T\ mbaiiador / In the Meat Fashionable I Beachfront Sectioa f One of America’a distinguished f : hotels combining luxury end fmmm \ good taste, with surroundings | appropriate to social life of the f better sort. f 685 Rooms 685 Baths f Ktiropean Plan f ladeer Sea Water Swimming Peal f Sim Owntnhip a$ A mbaattdor Hdik Nt» Ymrk mm 3 la Antals* •monarch of the boardwalk* LEXINGTON^ 4th July Special All Meals Included Thursday, Friday, Saturday, a Sunday A" 1 A few front, also few extra large rooms ( With Private Beth. SI4 to SIH Tliese rates for each person—two to room i Slnir’e Dooms. M 4 lo Sl: i European Plan, **fl to slo—each person Sea foods and vemetables. fresh daily; 200 bath and locker rooms with hot and cold showers for surf bathers. Music and danc inq; phone 4-0880; booklet. WM. M. HASLETT JULY FOURTH SPECIAL Thure. to Sun., Incl., $l4-$l6-$lB Total Charge, Including All Meals PRINCESS Ocean Lnd of South Carolina Avenue BPECIAL EARLY SI'MMIR RATES From SI Daily, American Plan From $2O Wrekly, American Plan MODERN BRICK HOTEL—AM, CONV’B CAPACITY 500—MUSIC—DANCING ALL WHITE SERVICE BATHING FROM HOTEL RESERVE NOW—NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Write Box M "Princes." for Hklt. & Road Map Phone Late Reservn’a Atlantic City 4111* 21th Yr. Paul C. Rosccrans. Owner A Mar. Hotel HEADY Kentucky AVe. 4th from Beach if ELEGANTLY APPOINTED BEAU TIFULLY EURNISHEO. Every rna with running hot and eold water. Prlvat* bath,. Elevatw t. ,tr..t. Fro# bathing allow.d tram h.tal. with u«» «f ihtweri. Orcheitra. Doncina. D ATUQ * 4 - 50 u P D»''y l\l\ 1 L 3 $22.50 up Weekly latludlni meal, of ougorior guility ■*4. Menu on roquwt. A. MEALY. , L I Hotel Byron KENTUCKY KV.eear IOtROWKLK 111 er nrt if yosr gicitii* gititd hi this attractivg, modora tad tostefally aggaiattd Ratal wM a .'kg thi siaarwact ana ta recall with flftture. Firtgraol amt. atwly taraiihed. carefully aad cagakly managed. RATES —*4.50 up daily, with znaala *22.50 up wecklY, with meals Wm.K. Camgkill igR»CETON I ((entL' o ''/ Atlantic City I EUROPEAN PLAN—Strictly modem 4 I ■ unexcelled for comfort. All rooms have 1 | m telephones, running water or private I i-atlm. Elevator. Entiling from Hotel. Central I ! location. Mmlerate rates. IVrite. telephone or | w ire rcsrrtat!fln.« at our expeute. J‘b. 3-3296. Carroll W. Brown, formerly of Phila. Athletic*. So. Tannctaas Avsnu* near Beach CENTER OF ALL ATTRACTIONS Private Baths . Batkins Privileges . Excellent Cuisina American Plan European Plan *4 d1y.,*20 wkly. *2 dly., *lO wkly. Par Parten Par Parson H. 0. • C. R. THAYER SHOREHAM Virginia Ave., close to Beach A Steel Pier Newly renovated and beautifully refur nished. Capacity 250. All outside airy rooms Running water. Private baths. Elevator to street,. EUROPEAN PLAN. *1.50 Up Daily. American Plan. *4 up Dly.; *lB up Wkly. Free bathing privileges from hotel. Booklet on request. J. BICKAR, Owner Mgt. / ICCPCCHS* 7S BATHS \ ( ru?. N i‘ni C : ATt|R ,N 41LW)CM*\ ) V Cl Write fer hock let / VJ lICINI L BlHBwAMaatawaaiea (0/ ZgTW' ATLANTIC CITY'S m NEW FIREPROOF HOTEL kcfiliKlY-kve.-krjrlfdth r /fA CwrenhipHuugcment by* 4 . FtTIE* lg^^^%/ftpAerre~s*ol4l^ A REAL BEACHFRONT HOTEL WITH MODERATE RATES ABERDEEN Southern end of Atlantic City at Lonaport. American plan. Bathine. Sailing. Fishing. Mrs. FRANCIS D. MAXWELL. THE WHITNEY ARMS (Formerly The Wheeler) Corner Man. Ave. A Boardwalk. Atlantic City Completely renovated and newly furnished throughout, assuring comfort without ex travagance. New management oSering In troductory ratea. ON BOARDWALK MONO OCCAM. CENTRAL Tb ALL ATTRACT lON S RATES*2 50 u? SPECIAL fiYUKLYFWKPROQy 6ARABR. BATHIHO FROM MOTO. LEWIS Pacific & Illinois Avcs. Nr. Beach. Caj... 250. Running water all rooms. Private baths. Bathing from hotel. Amer. plan. *4 up dally ■ *2O up wkly. Oy. Bklt. Oscar Vago, -CONTINENTAL Tennessee Are. Alwaya Open. Private baths, running water In rooms: elevator; whit* service. Very attractive weekly rates. • American and European filan. V* square to railroad station and bus Jne a. Oa r a «e. M. WAI. Sll Dv N CAN. Creston Boardwalk at Montpelier Av*. A beach-frout hotel witli moderate rates. American and European plan. Prlvat# bath*. Elevator. Running water all rooms. CHAB. P SEARCH. mu mwm ARKANSAS AVE.. 6 Doers from Batch—Newly renovated. Hod era A eenv. Running weter ail I room* Katai raasoaaUa E. R. HAULE. Proa I TREXLER r-v <w. Ar. nr. Bea-h. Am. A- Ear. plans. | K<a«. .Ingle er en siwie. Run. water. Prl*. tcilet or bath. Modern appointments. Mod. rates. Free bathing. *9th yr. A. L. TBKXi.r.s New Clarion KENTUCKY AVC.JU6T OrF BOAOOWALK FOR YOUR COMFORT ALL THE VEAR BATH HOUSES FREE TO QUESTS ! ■ ■iii —B.K.BONIFACE SEBSB | HOTEL VERMONT -"T.1.*J.,V. , u 1 FRS® PARKJNO on Grounds. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (no charge) Served to Room Cap. 300. Bathing Prlv. *2 Dally—llo Wgakly. I RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, K. J. # NS?« Ave. sBeach I eCf RM European Plan K ~SLj * _ large l Airy Rooms Morclal Dailv wyAnUICL nrd Weekly Katea RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS PRIVATE BATHB. CAP.. *5O. MTH BEABOK Frae Bathing Priyilaga*. Bhower Bath* MRS. 3. 3. JOYCE. Ownership Management Bin g h am Cor. New Tork and Paeifle Aval. One Block from Boardwalk. BATHINO FROM HOTEL. Wail appointed rooms. Running water. 81.50 DAY VP. EUROPEAN PLAN. SPECIAL SEASON RATES. DOHERTY ESTATE—Own tra-Hgia, BIScSvyRI] ! Kentucky Ave .near Buell ther# it at r*t*fm«hl« ■Rtei, Amerlctn plan, P. H. JONES WESTMINSTER 107 So. Kentucky Ave., Near Bench Open surroundings, all outside rooms. Hot and cold running water, private baths. Elevator. Spacious porch. ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES Ownership Management. W. 8. Bachman. NOTED FOR ITS TABLE I * AVTLATLCin.N jT^V Scrupulously clean: block to Convention Hall. White service: rooms with running water *3.00 up dally; *lB up weekly. American Plan. Slat TEAR. EMERSON CROUTHAMEL. ifEW HOLLAND HI NSW YORK AVSiVU£ NEAR BEACH. > 108 Amer. k Eurcp. plan Running water | II and pnv. baihs. All outside rooms. 8 n Bathing from Hotel. Near stations. I | Mr. and Mrs.i George P. ProfTatt. FLEETWOOD Tenncesser Ave., 2tM) Ft. Off Boardwalk EUROPEAN PLAN. ROOMS ONLY With Running Water. *3 up day —2 persona. With shower or priv. bath. *7 up day —2 per sons. Restful Lobbies. Bathing Privileges. Phone 4-2660. J. W. Binder, formerly Strath-Haven A Malvern. ALBEMARLE Virginia Avenue nsar Beach and Steal Pier. OCEAN BATHING FROM HOTEL BEDROOMS Rooms—St day up. SI t eresk up. With meals— S 4 day up. 511.50 week ep. Running water. Elevator. Private hath* Very best feed. GALEN lIALL Atlantic City* Me Je appeals to partirelar people who do not wish to- spend for show. “Excellence without extravagance.” "THE OPEN DOOR TO HOSPITALITY” Mc’GufGAN N. Y. Av. nr. Beach. Amer. PI. R. water. Kiev. Exe. tahle. Prl. b*ths L Mod, ratea. Dancing. A homelike Hotel on Beautiful Penniylvanla Ave. Comfort without extravagance. *2o Week Up—American Plan. FRANKLIN HOTEL Atlantic City. Virginia Ave. Near Beach European Plan. Famed Restaurant. Rates *2.50 up. Bathinc from Hotel Ownership Management. Milton Lindsay if KSNTUCKY AVtNUt NISS OCACH I eunoPSANiMODjiUTg/’owu.seVto'MT I ' PLANONLY l RATES JJ. H.FERRY J T OCJ 1 C\ Tennessee Ave,. near Ocean. Mod , M ern Either Rooms or meals. Sen— sible Rates. Bathing. R. Rmwley. OCEAN HOUSE 1.6 Ocean Avenue—Atlantic City. First house from Boardwalk. Clean and attractive. Large porches and comfortable sitting room. Break fasts if desired. Moderate rates. Including bathing pnvlleges, MRS. COLLINB. Mgr. I niivst, i* l 80. Tennessee Ave., near LUUVaII Beach. Eurohean Plan. Cool, comfortable rooms. Running water. Batns, Showers. Ph. 5-9784. Mn. E. GUNNER. nfl A T>V7 Tenn - aVf . near Beach! I _ld A |c V Amer - Pi - *4 up dly. Euro. Ilri rt l\ I Jl.. *2 up dly. Bklt. Owner mMW m shlp-Mgmt. A. G. Lovctte. We*t Virginia ° c,,n Av '- ty esu v irgima 3rd Housf from BfBrh Large, comfortable room*. European Plan *1.30 up day. Mrs. R. A. Stryker. CT i?I KM D So - Tenn- Av*.. near beach. Center of all attractions. Amer. A Euro. Plan. Mod., table. Mrs. Theo. Miller WINDERMERE *• c f Amencan-European plan. Bathlns prlv. Elev. Benders, ownershlp-mgt. TABOR INN Ocean end Connecticut Ava | Ideal location; largt, airy uoms: running water; 28tb season. Owner management, J. P A A M #UNN. HOTEL STANLEY tS' Baths or running water In all rooms. Mod. ratei Elevator, Bathing. Geo. L. Klelnrinna. THE ESTELLE lllLi LJ 1 Li Li Li Li baths. Moderate rates 2008 Pacific Ave. M. MULLEN AVALON. N. J. r.'i tk«"? rf v Faibaf. Modi -y.rvib'mq M '•“".ft. k ’>i ,poH* jaaibore re- Z •Y d * , ! r V a va |on fbi* Y«» r I irt. Salact Avajo t 'J* j° U for*aU ♦'tma. Amp|* \ ,t v# d for •' , 1 del, • «,**;« who l -rLatTyr*- Commu+ara t-t Fur+bar Information ] Avalon, N. J* BEACHJIAVEN. N. J. ENGLHfIM aID RESORT A n the Jersey coast a perfect bathing, a ■thing, with a St 1, and gives from Hay sLL ■a. Booklet. lis courts. jfc=l= ity SOU INGI.K, ;OOEBMN * “iawSsf®, 1 . w Modern House, 200 outside rooms. 100 baths. Hay fever cur# and sportsmen's Paradise. Tsl. 84 K. D. Towntmnd, Owner k. Manager. V t RESORTS. RESORTS. CAPE MAY, N. J. CAPE MAY, N. .T, Jh new jersey Slimmer'* Social Capitol Tj for over a Century • 0k J If* Aa today—aoaahere aad aaharha ia M/ / y fiotoraagoo nomhiaalioa tree-shaded avenues /T> h —eagy /1 n ■ home*, excellent hotels, aa iaterestiag //W M t 1 Boardwolh— perfect sarf hathiag, gal! * ■Br m aad other ayorta. Nnmerane Hotels aad haardiag haaaea— Rate* scaled to fit roar parse. 128ih SEASON / N Aa far South at tVaihinaton 20' cooler \ For Information, write //jfl C j l I G VOLCKER, City Mgr. Jjd ■ fCDNGRESS HALL I Directly on the Ocean Front An American Plan Hold With F.yery Modedrn Appointment. Large I.awnx A Gardens. Tennl*. Golf. Orchextra. JOHN V. SCOTT. Manager. 1 HOTEL. cv» 'pi AFAYETTK CAPE MAY. M. J. *d ON THE COOL BEACH FRONT Hot and cold running water In all rooms, private baths; elevator; fireproof turn. Write for Roap Map and Bookler R OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT OCEAN GROVE, N. J. OCEAN GROVE. X. J. -TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE errd He BEACHFRONT SECnOUT- Offering a charming, unobstructed ocean frontage, with gpaoout board ,walk. bathing beaches and public parks. It has upward' of ion hotel*, an auditorhim (eating 10.000, where the foremost public speakers, lecturers and concert singert are heard daily; and has the support of tae kind of people you will like te leave your family with. The rates are reasonable. Write Municipal Information Bureau. Drawer W. 8., Ocean Grove, N. J. Please Mention This Paper When Writing.- WHffmD Cne of the Best Equipped Hotels In OCEAN GROVE—Fireproof, overlooking ocean. Suites with private baths Write for Ulustratad booklet Capacity. 200. Phone 1991. CHARLES M. HERMAN, Owner A Prop. COLONIAL Oei‘.n M £“.v?:£ i. WLlVl*f'KL' Half blk. to bearh. 1 Europ. Mod, ratei. Run. water. TeL 274-2. PARK VIEW' Overlooking Lake 1 and Ocean; blk. to new Casino: run. water., j reas rates, Tel, 3100 R A WAINWRIGHT, »WILDWOOD. N. J. SPEND YOUR HONEYMOON AT Wildwood AND WILDWOOD CREST HERE you will be laaurvd that vour viatt will be comfortable, can-free, > interesting and pleannt. You will hire hrirbt. tiry roesu with hot tnd told runnis* water, private hath*, nttrle or en elevator aerviee, aathing. the beat cuisine and cheerful aerviee, all at moderate ratea. FKIE AUTO PARKIN!, , Ownership Management, D. J. WOODS | DAytoN P— ■ WILDWOOD, NEW JERSEY OPEN ALL YEAR I AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN I T1 HOTEL KreakerS ON THE BEACH FRONT I IN BEAUTIFUL WILDWOOD CRF.ST I Private Baths. Hot and Cold Water in all I Rooms. Bathing arcom. Garage. Free I Parking Booklet. Capacity 130. Sensible I Rates. BINNAMON. Owner. - I Hhotel f«1! OOSEVELT > COR. 2615 St PENN A. AVE. A NEAR OCEAN PIER AND SPORTI.AND All rooms running water, private baths. : free bath houses and parking, music, danc- | ing; capacity, 150, rates moderate. A. I- SINNAMON. Manager hotel horsey FOURTH OF JULY Thursday evening uiftll Sunday cvtnini $l2. $l5, $lB, 20, $24 Catlre time. Inal. meal*, ear sarten 2 in recta Orchestra j. R. WHITES ELL "A HOTEL VOU’LITbECOMMEND” ARLINGTON Fine location nr. heaeh. Cap.. 200. All rooms have bath or run. water. Exceptional food. Golf. >2O up wkly. Oarage. Bklt. Fret bath houses. & C. H. TOPHAM. Owners. lYrAirilh of July Special AVI IV sl2 ’ Thursday VJL Supper to Sunday Supper. Free Parking—W. H. Gerstel. OCEAN CR EST IN BEAUTIFUL CREST SECTION. Near beach, amusements, running water, private baths. Amer. Plan—*2o up. bathing priv ileges. o._T._Klng. Own—Mcr. BEACHWOOD Montgomery Ave.. nr bearh. all rooms hot and eold water, dancing, bathing, ope- surroundings. Am (1* UP wkly., *3.50 up dly. J. H MldtTZ. MOTJEJLJDA^MS New, brick, near beach, amusements. Private baths. Amer. Sc European plan. Booklet. flfNtnn Pine Av., Nr. Beach— W M I \T XT Hot A cold run. water. a. 1 r.l 1 1 Free bathing; cap., 150; * bklt. A. E. fleipp. CLEARVIEW VS" «.*£ Moderate Bates Running water. Bathlnr »riv._M. J. JONES. TUC DEI U AIUI Famous for it* mealsi IflLlLLllniff Homelike; good peo ple. Pleasing service. Near Beach and Pter. Scamptor. A Hamburg. TFNT PITY On beach at l«th~8t:. * * X*g * a f urn cottages accom. four. *2O up wkly. day. week and season. restaurant, tourist camp ROYAL INN MI^ 1 &¥& »25*wkfy IT rVCTHIMF SBth Av. Nr. Beach. NLIOi Unt *2O up wkly. Ruit houses. Parking fret. P. 3. Greiner Town, ttgr BELMARH'OTEL Runnlfig water. Bathing frdm Hotel. Oarag* Am. plan. *2O up wkly. NOLL-TIMMEB. HOSPITALITY AT ITS BEST American plan hotel; famous for Its food. All outside rooms. Running water. Moderate rates. Near beach. Booklet. H^COLUMBIA j R"oms en suite, with bath; cuisine and serv- I lcejunexcelled: elevator J W» Mecray A Bro HOTEL WINDSOR On Cape M»>'« Cool Beach Front. Prl rate Baths. Elevator. Capacity, *O9. Ownership-Direction M. Halpin. k Os Eire O LO N I A L On the beach front. Cape May. N. J. *4 up I dally (with mealsi. special weekly. Running water, private baths, elevator. Booklet. STOKES HALL 2* Ocean Pathway O * WIVEO nrtLL overlooking Ocean and Auditorium. Modern throughout. Ac commodating 100 A. L. C. Slrasaburger. Ocean Grore. N. J. LORAINE No. 1 Ocean Pathway, Ocean at the Grove. N. J. Pull ocean view. Beach Run. wster. Table a Peature. ■w Phone 5196, F. W. ROHLANP. THE MELITA SSST-fit Room*. Alto houstkofpint prlv. Spcr. June A Sept, rale* Tel. I.Mfi. Mn, Beth Radrauff. WILMA HALL SJWJS end auditorium. Hot and cold run. water. *l5 up. Am plan. Ph. 1951-R. O. M. Trible. WILDWOOD. N. J. DICKSON-PITTSBURGH~ 2nd house from beach: runnlnt water* Am, plan; 25th season. J. R, DICKSON. CROMWELL N>,r heaeh and V ' l Yy lT f.” C ‘ LL ' oeean pier. Amerl- E* 11 *BIRD° U ° week T< New man ***ment, WASHINGTON :S£L!TxS‘£fc^f.'\f„' u ’“ ■” •• Tlia I HR AY 246 E Andrews Ave.. Wlld ine LUIVAI wood. N J Furn. rooms. *6 wk. UP. Housekeepinc suites. Bathing from house. PS » WILD WOODS’ Largest and Finest Hotel TWO HUNDRED LARGE . . . AIRY ROOMS . . . MANY OVERLOOK OCEAN . , . EVERY FACILITY . . . METROPOLITAN SERVICE • • A STEP PROM BOARDWALK . . . MOD ERATE RATES. Write for Booklet M.N.KMKNT ASHFVir.L,:. N. r.~~ ' A GLORIOUSLY COMPLETE VACATION FANNED BY COOLING BREEZES PfIVE Donald Ross golf court*# m at Asheville provide every thrill known to the tricky old pastime. Low-handicap players find a zcatfnl test for tncir skill. That noble clan who send tele grams and make speeches each lime they break a hundred will find courses made to their measure. And how good it is to drive and pitch and putt while cooling breezes whisper cheery counsel! Then there’s tennis ... riding .. . trout fishing . . .swim ming ... canoeing ... speed boating on shining lakes high above the mosquito line. See the art treasures of Bill more Mansion ... motor over broad concrete ribbons through scenes of indescribable beanty. Sleep cool sleep ... revel in rest ... World-famed hotels, more mod est inns and homes run the whole scale of price. Ask yonr ticket agent about special rates and Pullman service via South ern Railway. Asheville is near yon by motor over perfect J laved roads. For motor rout ngs, hotel information and 52- page booklet about Asheville and “The Land of the Slcy,” write Dept. _ Chamber of Commerce. fAsheville) »**OBTB RESORTS COTOKFUL "GOOD ______ to stay for thu balmiest fall you RETURNING could POMibly Imagine.Toko A/TADCn Ml/ time to *#* Rocky Mountain WV I UDICK $1 Notional Pork, Me,a Vordo Low cost summer excursion National Park and tho Pikas tickets to Colorado enable you Peak regior at thoir best. {The COLORADO ASSOCIATION, 6ept .> 54. A F 1 ■ | 514 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colorado 85 45 Sand mo Colorado vacation Information. Bummer Round Trip I NAME ■ ■ | Washington to Colo- , rado Good Until ADDRESS October »1 j —,, 1 COLORADO This Takes (Country has Everything- From Toronto and Niaßara into Canada, or \ I to the enchanting lakes and forests and \ I streams of Michigan and Wisconsin; a \ country of countless summer resorts near \ • Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit—where could 'W | you find anything more interesting than along this 3606 miles of fine paved roads? II Seed fer the Picture-Book with Map ll Writ* to The Great Lakes Tours Assoc la tion 1888 Stroh Building, Detroit; enclose y !c postage. The whole region Is rich In pleasure grounds. ASBURY PARK, ,V. J. Monterey A3BUR.Y PARK.NIJ.^ A Famous Hotel Ja a Famous Resort ; Where one lives in lux- As BU ury while playing the Summer away. Directly on the ocean. Spaeious Bjttl verandas. Sea water baths. Golf. Music. ] i Open-air pool. Socially L delightful. , J I i Capacity s#o Open All the Write tor Literature. fi £) ”5 Phone 4»b«rv Park 9 SHERMAN DENNIS |^H HOTEL ABERDEEN EUROPEAN. MODERATE RATES. WILLIAM DUNNING, Manager Third Ave. 4i Kingsley St. ASBURY PARK, N. J. Second Door from Boardwalk. ■ NEWEST* Jake park. L HOTEL Park t 7th Ave., A«bury Park. N. J. European and American Plan Phone SlOO Wear Beach and Lake Ratea Moderate PLAZA HOTEL ASBURY PARK. N. J. Famouj for Its Fresh Sea Foods A Whole Block on the Ocean Front. SPECIAL EUROPEAN PLAN RATES Single. *2O up weekly; *25 up Double Orehaatra. Phene SOOQ. JAMFS KELSEY. THE ALBION ASBURY PARK. N. J. Beat Bearh Pront Moderate Price Hotel Every modern accommodation and conven ience. For 300 guests. Booklet. Phone 49*1. E. D. TOWNSEND. Owner-Manager. HOTEL THEDFORD NORTH ASBURY PARK. N. J. A superior hotel of established reputa tion In the center of th* Beach Front Section, with reasonable rate*. Phona 187. HARRY DUFFIELD, Owner ASBURY INPT Asbury Park! N. J. I Two block* from beach—Highest form of culsln*. Tei. 1465 F. L. OC.DEN HOTEL CLAREMONT “*lff o0 A ; Ing ocean On beautiful Sunset Lake. Home llke. Amer, A European. J. Jeanlnga. Mgr. SPRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. OToranouih SPRJNC LAKE BEACH. N.J. Directly Facing the Sea Sport* and Social centra of thg North Jersey Cogat. Tare 18-hole golf course*. Ocaan Bathing. Boating. Horseback Riding. Pole. Motoring. Open Jane 37th te Mid-September Dancing avaty afternoon and evaaung. Sunday Concert*. jtWj Joaerif E. Sums 3m. Mgr. n. «A.i v OCF.AN CITY, N. J. THE ILLINOIS 926 Wealey Ave. Amer. plan. Running water. Prlv. baths. Mod. rates. A. J. Michener. Owner. * THE FLANDERS On the Boardwalk. Oeean City, N. J. A untaue American Plan Hotel 8»a Water Swimming Pools J. HOWARD SLOCUM. Proi.-Mgr. RALEIGH c “ ,r ' N - J RALCIun 16th * Wcolor Avo. Rooms arith running water A private baths Ocean view. Excellant table, Mrs. J. Hamilton. BRADDOCK HEIGHTS, MD. The Braethorn Cottage Mrs, Clarence W. Rudy—Phone 124 STONEHURST llnners on Sun- | days and holidays. Weekly A week-end rates Mr*. C. O, Hottci. Prop, Ph. Brad. Hta. 2_B.P-2. Washington Cottage JoSd'TedT home cooking; chicken three time* a week' Phone 102. Mr.-Mr*. Chaa. H Kau*. CVT T7TA Bright, cheerful room*: ML VIA poreh,,; MISS LAMAR. fhoa* Braddeik I*7 NORTH BEACH. MD. Health Restorative—Children'e Heaven. OPEN!! e o / . . RESORTS. the Adirondack*, I see.** “Well, after all, one good vacation deserves another.** Typical. Outdoor lover* who have once discovered the D & H way to the ideal vacation invariably come for more. Here they find everything Nature haa to offer within a few hours’ train ride of New York. Every imaginable aport and pastime in a crisp-cool mountain setting. I Write or call for free book, “A Sum mer Paradise”...3so pages of helpful, maps, etc... De laware & Hudson Railroad Corp DELAWARE & HUDSON DAH Tret ms learn Grand CsntretTerminal. N. T.C. rrjri kAKt aaoaaa sahatosa aaamaa I fjA uutneiuMuuuM asironsacks \/ K J- POWERS. General Poeeeneer Ape. ! Delaware A Hodaon R. R. Carp.. Albuy. N. Y. flease lead IM-pege beek. "A B<nuaer Peradtee", deeerlblag Ideal places. Eaeleaed l#c far poeUga. Heme Addreee Dept, _Q SHADY SIDE, MD. Spend the Fourth at RURAL HOME HOTEL On Chesapeake Ray. Baatlna. bathing. Bsh ' ing. crabbing, tennis, quoit,, ball (rounds. '3* miles from Washington. Booklet. A. W. ! Andrews. Shady Bide. Md. Phone West Elver I OCEAN CITY. MD. MAJESTIC HOTEL Facing the Ocean. American or European Plan. FES? ; 14 so to *7 00 Weekly* Rates *20.00 to *4O 00 Day Rates. 2 persons *lO 00 to *l2 00 Weekly Rates. 2 persons *4O 00 to *7O 00 15'# Discount up to July ljt. Also after Labor Day. C. PARKER SMITH. Prop. Telephone 74. Hotel Richardson. Dover, Delaware, under lame manapeinent. Atlantic 200 rooms, new. Ocean front Orchestra. Dancing Fresh sea food. Pasteurized milk and i pure filtered mater used exclusively. Ph. 128. PLIMHIMMON HOTEL. 40 new rooms and baths added. Oeean front. Best tervlee. Ballroom. Orchestra. Garage. Golf. Tennis. COLONIAL HOTE Boardwalk: modern. Special ratal to July IS. Oolf. Ownership Manarement. 17th season. HAMMQJI Ocean Front. Hotel Bus Running Wgtgr. Oarage. Danelna Bathing. Oolf. Ocean Pront. Bun Deck and Sun Parlor. BRFAICFRS ° N boardwalk Rooms with hot and cold running watar and prlvat# tath Phona 78. C. H. Timmons. Prop. MAYFIOWERI’JiS THE BELMONT Running wattr in ail room* Terms Reasonable. L. R, HEARNE. THE DENNIS ? k “ ms0 H r^ b J^ , 2 d M ho^- Jilni y a4 * r Terms reasonable. C °Bath?n» free, 39th season MRS. R. J. DENNIS * THE LANKFORD Oq Broadwalk; garage. M. B. Qnlllln. Prop. CHANDLER HOUSE i?. W THE KAYE SsTr* " KAYE,*'Prop. I*Ph 1 *Ph n?*““V THE DELMAR *SE«- Private baths. MRS. 8 i. CAREY THE HASTINGSHOfELS; XS?m£ffi r k3£ t m'rb 1 * <!; it a s u l u dLam* ' NEW MT. VFRNON on M d t r s. n ft w f HOTEL STEPHEN DECATUR" Newest on Boardwalk. Elevator and teig. Pkont sarv. th. 208. The* M. Purnell. Prop. Resorts, Page 5