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PROGRAMS OFFER FOURTH NUMBERS Patriotic Music and Talks Feature of Today's Broad* casting Schedules. Sporadic blasts of patriotic music, a pagran and a few Fourth of July crea tions con?titute radio's principal contri butions to the observance of Independ ence day. The programs of both the Na tional nnd Columbia networks have been carefully censored to prevent an overdose of patriotic coloring. Columbia will outdo its rival, how ever, as far as the patriotic programs go. In addition to a group of Inde pendence day features scattered through i r s morning and afternoon programs, it will inject in the night broadcast a patriotic musical extravaganza called •- "The Pageant of Freedom.” The National network programs lack special patriotic features. Some of the regular attractions will have a sprin kling of music generally associated with * Independence dav. but a majority of them will avoid the use of patriotic airs entirely. The Raleigh Revue, for instance is colored with red. white and blue. There will be numbers from "Three Cheers,” from "Americana,” and from “Bons ©' Guns.” The Cities Service Hour like wise will be tinged with popular Amer ican melodies such ns Victor Herbert’s 'Evolution of Dixie,” and ‘‘America” the Beautiful.” WRC’s major patriotic broadcast, however, will be a broadcast of the municipal Independence day ceremonies at the sylvan Theater, where Senator Fess of Ohio Is to speak and the United States Marine Band to provide the musical program. These exercises will serve as a substitute for the serial drama. "Big Guns.” Aside from “The Pageant of Free dom.” other Columbia presentations having a patriotic atmosphere to be broadcast by WMAL include the Gold Medal Fast Freight program. In its holiday run. the Fast Freight will make a musical reference to various sections of the country. The selections range from "California Here I Come," to "Carry Me Back to Old Virgtnny.” "My Miracle of Love” Is the title of the True Story Hour dramatization. It concerns a homely girl and a social out cast who achieved success in the world. Rev. c. A. Langston, rector of the historic Pohlck Church, at Pohlck, Va., will give a patriotic flavor to the pro gram of WJSV with a talk on "George Washington and His Fairfax County v Neighbors.” The station’s musical fea tures include a concert by the United Siates Army Band and another "Song Story” version. The Silver String Revelers and two prominent Washington concert artists, Harriet R. Wagner, soprano, and Thelma Callahan, pianist, will be the principal contributors to the program of WOL. FIVE NEW CARDINALS RECEIVE BERRETTA Pope Presents Cape at Ceremony Held in Consistorial Hall. By the Associated Press. VATICAN CITY, July 4—Pope Pius Imposed the red berretta and cape on the five new cardinals created Monday a* a ceremony in the Consistorial Hall W'dnesday night. The new Cardinal Leme of Rio de Jsniero first was given the berretta. Then Cardinal Leme, in the name of all five, read a speech of thanksgiving. After the Pope had replied, the new cardinals conversed with him privately In his apartments. They were to re , ceive their red hats today. Besides the Brazilian churchman, the new cardinals are Cardinal Lienart, Cardinal Marchettl-Selvaggiani. Cardi nal Raffaelo-Rossi and Cardinal Sera fim. % CLOUDBURST BLOCKS HISTORIC SIENA RACE Thousands Are Drenched in Down pour—Festa Will Be Run Today. By the Associated Press. SIENA. Italy, July 4.—The historic Festa del Palio, or horse race, which goes back to the middle ages, was liter ally washed out by a terrific cloudburst. A great crowd had gathered in the principal square of this picturesque hill; town to watch the race and the down- j pour drenched thousands, Including many Americans. King Victor Emmanuel was one of the : disappointed spectators. Officials said the race would be run today. The Festa del Palio is essentially a re- ! llgious festival, celebrating the visita- i tion of the Virgin, and consequently is laid In a richly religious setting. CHICAGO GOVERNMENTS REGAIN FINANCE FEET Eilat Strawn Announces Disaolu . tlon of Relief Committee for Expenses. Bv the Associated Press. CHICAOO, July 4.—The Chicago * governments, after several months of financial stress, are back on their feet. SJas Strawn yesterday announced dis solution of the Relief Committee or ganied last Spring, when city employes, school teachers and others went without pay because of lack of funds. "The governments now should be able to get along by themselves,” Btrawn said. Major “Chain” Features TONIGHT. 7:00 —Cities Service hour; solo ists, male quartet and Bourdon Orchestra—WßC and N. B. C. network. g.OO—lnterwoven Pair; Ernie Hare, Billy Jones and > Orchestra WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KDKA, WMC, WHAS, WBM. WSB and others. 8:30 —Big Guns; dramatic sketch—WßC and N. B. C network. 9:00 —The Sign of the Green and White; quartet and Mendoza Orchestra— WMAL and C. B. 8. net work. 9:00 —Raleigh Revue; orchestra, quartet and soloist*—WßC and N. B. C. network. 9:30 —Fast Freight; organ and quartet—WMAL and C. B. 8. network. 9:3o— Kodak week end pro -4 gram; aololsts and Shil kret’s Orchestra WRC and N. B. C. network. 10:00 —Vincent Lopez Orchestra; dance music—WßC and N. B. C. network. 11:00 —Duke Ellington’s Band; dance music—WßC and C. B. S. network. 11:30 Dell Lampe’s Orchestra: 1 dance music—WßC and v N. B C. network. j —1 I Today on the Radio '] (All time p.m., unless otherwise indicated.) LOCAL STATIONS. I tTM 41 475.9 Meters. I W «3» Kilocycle*. * 2:oo—Variety program from Atlantic j City. 3:3o—"The Inspiration of the Repub lic.” by Vice President Curtis. j 4:oo—Organ recital by Jesse Crawford, j 4:3o—Carl Rupp’s Captivators. s:oo—Melody Musketeers. s:ls—Goldenberg program. > s:3o—Orange Crush program. ■ j s:4s—Talk under auspices of the Washington Board of Trade. | 6:oo—Crockett Mountaineers. ! 6:ls —Flashes from The Evening Star. 6:3o—Evangeline Adams, astrologer. 6:45—A. A. A. radiologue. 7:00 —Correct time. 7:oo—Jimmy and Jane. 7:3o—Melody Moon, i B:oo—Correct time. 8:01 —True Story hour. 1 1 9:oo—Pageant of Freedom, j 9:3o—Gold Medal Fast Freight. | 10:00—Baltimore Orchestra, j 10:15—Heywod Broun’s radio column, i 10:30 —Biltmore Orchestra. I 11:00 —Duke Ellington’s Band, j 11:30—Nocturne. ! 12:00 —Correct time. Early Program Tomorrow. ] 8; 00a—Something for every one. ! B:3oa—Morning Moods. I 9:ooa—Columbia Grenadiers. ! 9:3oa—Mexican moments. | 10:30a—Saturday Syncopators. I 11:00a—Adventures of Helen and Mary. 11:15a—"Your Neighbor Next Door. 11:20a—Frank Young, pianist, ill:3oa—Manhattan Towers Orchestra, j 12:30—Savoy Plaza Orchestra. I I:oo—Organ recital by Ann Leaf, j I:3o—Dominion Male Quartet, j 2:oo—Columbia Ensemble. 2:3o—For your information. 3:oo—The Aztecs. 3:3o—French Trio. 4:00 to 4:4s—Manhattan Towers Or chestra. WOT 228 9 Meters. ” 1.310 Kilocycles. 3:3o—Sports hour. 4:3o—"Tom and Wash.” s:oo—Sports hour (continued). s:3o—“One-Time Opportunities.” 5:45—J. C. Flood. 6:oo—Dinner music. 6:3o—Police flashes. 6:4s—Harriet L. Wagner, soprano, and Thelma Callahan, pianist. 7:oo—Silver String Revelers. 7:20 to 7:30 —News flashes. Early Program Tomorrow. 7:3oa—Reveille and musical clock. 8:00a —Birthdays. B:lsa—Breakfast brevities. 10:00a—Talk by Commodore W. E. Longfellow of the American Red Cross. 10:30a—Today's bright spots. 10:45a—Request program. 12:00—Request program for Walter Reed Hospital. I:oo—George Cornwell, pianist. V 4 i 434.5 Meters, #9O Kilocycle*. 3:4s—Weather Bureau reports. 7:45 to B:oo—Public Health Service broadcast. No. 365. "What About Goiter?” 9:4s—Time signals. 10:00—Weather Bureau reports. OUT-OF-TOWN STATIONS. Programs prepared by the Associated Press Scheduled for Eastern standard time. (Meters on left of call letters, kilocycles on right.) 454.3—WEAF New York—666 (N. B. C. Chain). s:4s—Uncle Abe and David (15 min utes). 6:ls—Safety Berles. 6:3o—Welcome Lewis and Artists. 7:oo—Bourdon Orchestra and Cava liers. B:oo—Eskimos' Dance Orchestra. B:3o—Big Guns. 9:oo—Radio Review. 10:00—Vincent Lopez Dance Orchestra. 10:15—Uncle Abe and David (repeat). 348.6—WA8C New York—B6o (C. B. 8. Chain). 6:15 —H. V. Kaltenborn, talk; dance orchestra. 6:30 —Evangeline Adams. 6:4s—Fashion Plates; Levitow Orches tra. 7:oo—The Nitwits. 7:3o—The Adventurers’ Club. B:oo—Story Hour. 9:oo—Pageant of Freedom. 9:3o—Fast Freight. 10:00 —town’s Orchestra. 10:15—Hey wood Broun. 10:30—Osbornt ">-"hestra; Ellington’s Band. 11:30 — Ann Leaf at organ. J94.S—WJZ New York—76o (N. B. C. Chain). s:oo—Orchestra. 5:15 —Lime lights. s:4s—Floyd Gibbons. ! 6:oo—Amos ’n’ Andy. 6:ls—Lessons In golf. 6:30—T0 be announced. 6:4s—Rise of the Goldberg’s. ; 7:oo—Scores; the Pickard Family. 7:3o—Hysterical Sportcasts. 7.45 Lucile Turner. 8:00—Billy Jones and Ernie Hare. B:3o—Orchestra and Mixed Chorus. 9:00 —Quakers. 9 30—Week end program. 1 10:00 —Drama. 10:15 —Slumber music (46 minutes). 571.8 —WPG Atlantic City—l,loo. 7:OO—WABC (30 m); harmonies. B:oo—Music Mssters; July 4th. 9:OO—WABC (30 m.); Wandering Poet. 10:00—Same as WABC (2 hrs.). 282.8—WBAL Baltimore—l.o6o. fI:OO—WBAL Ensemble. 8:30 Musical Moments (30 m.). 282.8 WTIC Hartford— 7:oo—Same as WEAK (I*4 hrs). 8:30 —Old Timers; studio. 9:3o—The Traveler's Hour. • 10:30 —News; WEAF program. 422.1—W0R Newark—7lo. B:ls—Trio: revue. 7:oo—lndependence Day program 7:30 —Ensemble; Gypsies; orchestra. 9:00 —By the fireside; feature. 10:00—News; orchestra; Moonbeams. 256.3—WCAU Philadelphia—l,l7o. 5.45 Mac and Al: feature. 6:3O—WABC (15 m); Mr. Hill. 7:oo—Entertainers (30 m.). 7:3o—Same as WABC (4Vi hrs.). 305.9 KDKA Pittsburgh—9 80. S:4S—WJZ (30 m.); music (45 m). 7 00 —Summer program. 7 30—Same as WJZ <2 3 « hrs.). 10:15—Jewelers; Sports Review. 10:40—Jack Denny’s Orchestra. 260 7—WHAM Rochester—l,lso. S:4S—WJZ (45 min); Trio. 7:00 —Same as WJZ (SV« hours). | 10:15—Tom Grierson, Organ. 379.5—WGY Schenectady—79o. 8:30 —WOAF (30 min); Orchestra. 8:00 —Two Hours from WEAF. 10:00 —Pop the Question 10:30—Half Hour from WEAF. 302.1—W8Z Springfield—99o. s:4s—Jesters (15 min.); WJZ (30 min). 6:3o—Mac and Al; Gossip; Pioneers. 7:3o—Same as WJZ <2*4 hours). 10:15—Sports; WJZ Program. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN STATIONS. 428.3—W'LW Cincinnati—7oo. 6:00 —Organ: Brooks Ac. Ross. 6:3o—Orchtstra: Mac and Al. 7:ls—Night School: variety. 7:4S—WJZ (15 min.); Champions. B:4s—Scribe (15 min); WJZ (1«4 hours). 10:15 Party (15 min ); WJZ, (30 min ). 11:00—Variety programs (2 If hours). THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C„ FRIDAY. .THEY 4, 1930, W D(> 315.6 Meters. " 956 Kilocycles. ; 2:oo—The Merrymakers. • 2:3o—Chicago Serenade. , 3:00 —The Moxie Hostess. 3:15 —Pacific feature hour. 4:00—“Call to Freedom.” 4:3o—The Tea Timers. 5:00 —Black and Gold Orchestra. s:ls —Tri-Me Ambassadors. s:4s—Uncle Abe and David. 6:oo—Amos ’n' Andy. 6:ls—Universal Safety Series. 6:3o—Correct time. 6:3l—Songs by Peter de Rose and May Singhi Breen. 6:4s—Rise of the Goldbergs. 7:oo—Cities Service hour. B:oo—Clicquot Club Eskimos. B:3o—Washington’s Independence dav celebration, broadcast from the . Sylvan Theater. ■ 9:oo—Raleigh Revue. 9:3o—Kodak week end program. 10:00—Vincent Lopez and his St. Regis. Orchestra. 10:15—Slumber music. 11:00—Weather forecast. 11:01 to 12:00—Dell Lampe's Orchestra. Early Program Tomorrow. 6:4sa—Tower health exercises. 7:lsa —Morning devotions. 7:3oa—Cheerio. B:ooa—The Crackels Man. B:lsa—Morning melodies. 9:ooa—Hits and Bite. 10:00a—Three Little Maids. 10:15a—Radio Household Institute. 10:30a—Peter Dardis, tenor. 10:45a—Talk by A. Cloyd Oill. 11:00a—On Wings of Song. 12:00—Organ recital and Kltt studio. 12:45—National farm and home hour. I:3o—The Melody Three. 2:00 —The Marionettes. 3:oo—Wyoming ranch life. 3:15 —Cyril Langlois. baritone. 3:3o—Dancing melodies. 4:00 to 4:3o—The Lady Next Door. WKV 205.4 Meters. "J’ 3 ’ 1.460 Kilocyrle*. 3:00—Bob Merchant. 4:oo—Robert Downing presentation. 4:3o—Children’s program. s:oo—Science and History. s:3o—Down the Highway. 6:oo—Musical Interlude. 6:ls—Service program. 6:3o—News flashes. 6:4o—Classified program. 7:oo—Police flashes. 7:ls—"George Washington and Hts Fairfax County Neighbors," by Rev. C. A. Langston, pastor of the Pohlck Church. 7:3o—Time signals. 7:3l—United Slates Army Band. 8:00 —Jenifer's Jubilee Singers. 8:30 —Legion program. 9:l6—lnsurance program. 9:3o—The Gondoliers. 10:00—Song story 10:30 to 11:00—Dance music. Early Program Tomorrow. 9:00a to I:oo—Farm news, current events and music. 2:oo—Midafternoon musicale. 398.8—WJR Detroit—7so. 7:oo—Feature; Je«ters. 7:3O—WJZ (15 min.); feature. 8:00—Two hours from WJz. 10:00—Orchestra (30 min.); WJZ (30 min ). llrOO—Dance ahd organ (2 hours). 405.2—W’58 Atlanta—74o. 7:oo—Hour of features. B:OO—WJZ programs (2*4 hours). 10:15—WEAF (15 min.); WJZ (15 min.). 10:45—Studio concerts. 11:00—Feature hour. 12:00—Transcontinental program. 277.6 WBT Charlotte—l,oßo. 6:OO—WJZ (15 min.); classified. 6:3o—Dairies; political talk. 7:ls—Protective League. 7:4S—WJZ and WEAF (2Vi hours). 10:15—City Court. 10:30—Same as WABC (l»/ 2 hours). 365.6 WHAS Louisville—B2o. 7:oo—Violin; scores; feature. 8:00—Two hours from WJZ. 10:00—Painters (30 min); WJZ. 10:45—Bank program; news. 11:30—WHAS Dance Band. 461.3—WSM Nashville—6so. 7:OO—WJZ <3O min.); orchestra. B:OO—WEAF and WJZ (2(4 hours). 10:15—Feature (15 min.); WJZ. 10:45—Melodies; feature. 11:15—Players; Jack and Bill. 270.1—WRVA Richmond—l,llo. 6:00 —N. B. C. (30 min.); dinner music. 7:00 —Mac and Al; sports; feature. 7:45 —Same as WJZ (IV4 hours). 9:oo—Studio <3omin ); WJZ (45 min.). 10:15—Feature; July Fourth; orchestra. EUGENIA BANKHEAD’S NEW HUSBAND IS ILL Honeymoon Will Be Delayed, but Bridegroom in No Danger, Doctors Assert. By th# Associated Press. RENO, Nev., July 4.—Howard Lee. Dallas aviator, and former polo player, was recovering from an illness that seized him a few minutes after his mar riage here to Mrs. Eugenia Bankhead Hoyt Butt, daughter of Representative Bankhead of Alabama. The ailment was diagnosed as appen dicular colic. Lee collapsed Tuesday night, ending the wedding festivities at tended by 20 guests. Physicians said his condition was not serious and the honeymoon of the couple may not be delayed more than a day or two. The bride last Monday obtained an annulment of her marriage to Wilfred LAwson Butt, former University T>f Ne vada student, whom she married here last December after a second divorce from her first husband. $ Radio Service i < > Phone Adams 3803 \ 18th & Col. Rd. i > Fattest and Beat Hadlo Servlet IS fawn £ CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS U pm day before publication. For Sunday. 5:30 p.m. Saturday. At th# Branch Agencies, one hour earlier, both for daily and Sunday Only Exceptions. Death Notices and Lost and Found advertisements for the Dally wlii be accepted up to noon da* of issue, except Saturday and (,e*a< Holidays, when the closlnt time is 10 20 a m Death Notices and Lost and Pound for The Sunday Star will be accepted up to 11 p.m. Saturday. CIRCULARS PROHIBITED. In order to protect its ad vertisers from receiving circular matter, it is expressly under stood and agreed that all such matter will be withheld as far as possible by The Star. Only bona fide answers to advertise ments addressed to box numbers in care of The Star will be de livered to advertisers on pres entation of the box number ticket. HELP—MEN. ACCOUNTANT, thoroughly experienced, hav ing executive ability and capable of taking complete charge o£ office of local corpora tion. To receive consideration letter must state age. education, experience, salary de sired and references. Address Box 265-A, Star office. AGENTS, colored. $lO per week and-com mission: spare-time work, no experience necessary. Apply J33S U st. n.w.. basement office. before 10, after_s_p.m. 5* AUTO SALESMEN, experienced; men versed in commercial field desired. Commercial Motor Sales Co., Ml 4V* st. s.w., Wash., P. C. Telephone National 8680. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC" wanted at PiinT phrey Motor Co., Meadows. Md. Apply im mediately. BOV, about 16. for 2 or 3 weeks’ temporary work in office. State age and education. Address Box 281-A. Star office. » COLLECTORS, young and energetic men with cars; experienced men only; good sal aries to real collectors. Apply In person. 788 7th st. n w. COLLEGE STUDENT or teacher, vacation at Summer resort; pleasant, valuable experi ence $2lO for 60 days. Address Box 158-A, Star office. _ DENTIST, experienced, having some practice and equipment, to join elderly dentist owning office and wishing to retire. Address Box 226-A. Star office. HIOH-SCHOOL ORADUATES for house-to house work, under supervision of manager. We show you how. You give the time and make the money. Pay daily. Call 8:30 am. or after <:3O p.m. *l7 Mather Bldg MAN. strong, whiter driver * permit! Call evening. Ga. 0247 • MAN. young, employed, owning car. for permanent part-time Position as sales super visor. Hours 2.30 to 6:30 pm. Straight salary Address Box 230-A. Star office. PAINTER and papsrhanger, services about apt. house In exchange for rent of fur. apt. Apply 5716 16th st. n.w. Georgia 1883. SALESMEN (two) for our Chevrolet sales organisation; inexperienced men will be taueht the art of selling Chevrolets and will be furnished full selling equipment: Prefer men who now own Chevrolets; men grasping at straws will not like this Job. See Mr. Bailing, new-car department, Owens Motor Co., 682* Oa. ave. SALESMEN, with cars, can make real money, Washington and Va. Room 222 Oxford Bid* :_MrParker. SHOE SALESMAN, must have experience; reference required. 1128 7th st. n.w. _____ Salesman. Here Is a real deal offering plenty of leads and action. Our good men earning *l5O weekly and better. If you have a car and can really sell, come m and talk It over. A man with executive ability Is especially wanted, as our present opening should lead to something worth while shortly. See Mr. Drushell, 1416 Eye st. n.w. HELP—MEN AND WOMEN. JANlTOß—Settled couple, no children, two story, 16-apt. bldg.; experienced: quarters for services, no wages; bring references. Both apply 5718 16th st. Georgia 1883. WANTED—SALESMEN. * FOR~?ULL TIME gelling Oeneral Motors radio; wonderful proposition; time on floor. «._G._Dunne._6ll_ H at. n.e. _ 6* MEN now working during day. wonderful opportunity to make *25 to *SO a week selling General Motors radio. Call tn per- I?? “ ny evening, 7:30 to ». R. O. Dunne, 1611 H st. n.e. fi» RALESMSiN for Ford dealer. Edwards Mol tor Co.. 34th_ana R I. ave . Mt. Rainier. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES! NOTlCE—National Personnel Bureau, 1719 Kst n.w Competent help furnished daLy; positions open daily District 5821 POSITIONS OPEN 'DAILY. . WA6H. GEN. EMP. AOCY,. 602 Albec Bldg., 15th and O N.W. _Closed July 5 and 6. POSITIONS Nted 600 applicants daily Z u Stenographers, ty p tsta. bookkeepers, clerks, salesmen, etc. Free reg- Boyd's. 1333 Pn w Nat’l 23*8, INSTRUCTION COURSES. AUTO DRIVING LESSONS, any hour, anywhere; licensed white men: your or our car. CKU any time. Adam* 3489. 7» BEAUTY CULTURE TAUGHT -"Marcellng. *35; shampooing, *10: permanent waylng. *25; finger waving. *2O: manicuring, *5: complete course. *75. if enrolled by July 15 657 Earle Bldg MeL_ 7920. AUTO DRIVING QUICKLY* TAUGHT. In quire about jur new method; licensed white men. established 10 years Call Lin. 00*2 CORNET AND TRUMPET "INSTRUCTOR, former member Naval Academy Band. 26 7th st sc. 4* AUTO DRIVINGTAUOHT QUICKLY! - U .l2l£.ri 5!’ d expert lady Instructor, Call CONOVER. 2128 H st. n.w. West 3068. 8‘ AUTO DRIVING" TAUOHT BY LICENSED Instructor; reasonable rates. Frank Parlon, 804 Q st. n.e. Lincoln 9606. 7* SUMMER SCHOOL, SPECIAL.' N*W AffD review classes now forming In Gregg and Boyd shorthand, bookkeeping, etc. Boyd courses are accredited and improved, saves you time and money. Your Inquiry is wel comed. BOYD SECRETARIAL SCHOOL. 1333 F (opposite Fox Theater). Nat 2340. MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE. Operator's course, *75. Com prehensive intensive course. Day. eve. classes. H 25 N, H ave.. and 817 14th st. BTEUARTS BEAUTY SCHOOL. 921 F ST. n.w.—Marcelling. *25; finger wave. *2O; per manent wave, *ls; comb wave. *10; mani cure. *10; complete course. *65. Pay SS week as you learn Live models STENOGRAPHERS. TRY OUR SPEED DIO"- tatlon, *5 monthly Columbia Shorthand Club. Post Office Building, 14th and Park rd. Col. 7078. TWELVE WEEKS’ TERM for HTGIT SCHOOL GRADUATES. Beginners' and advanced classes tn Oregg Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Dictation, Correspondence and other secretarial subjects Special Summer Rates. Twelve weeks—Day, *3O; evening. *2O. Register Before July 7. < MOUNT PLEASANT SCHOOL FOR SECRETARIES, Tivoli Theater Building. Telephone. Columbia 3000. HELP—WOMEN. COLLEGE STUDENT - Corporation has open ing for student of pleasing personality; In teresting work: will pay right parly *l5O per month Address Box ISI-A. Star office COUNTER GIRL, experienced. Apply Hotel Washington Coffee Shop. MARKER and sssorter. experienced: must he quick and accurate. Conger Laundry, 23rd and New TWk ave. n.w. PRESB OPERATOR, night shift; good'wa'ge* Conger Laundry. 23rd and New York ave. n.w, SALESLADIES wanted Apply F. W. Wool worth 1201 F st. I) w. _ ; SHIRT OPERATORS (white), experlenoedon body, collar and cuff press; good wages guar anteed. Pioneer Laundry Co., 920 ft. I. _____ STENOGRAPHER, "preferably young lady who has been employed In credit clothing store Permanent position. Apply 703 7th at. ji.w_ WOMAN, white, to work iif lunch room"; hoars, 4 to 11:30 pm. Call personally. Crys tal Lunch. 6640 Georgia ave. n.w. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER. ' companion. white, good home, moderate salary, mother and daughter, latter employed. Lincoln 7011. BOOKKEEPER YYdf fished real estate company de sires first-class bookkeeper with experience. Salary, $1,200 to $1,500 to start. Reply in own handwriting, stating experience. Address Box 373-Z, Star office. HELP—DOMESTIC. mother;* HELPER, refined white' girl. Stay nights Splendid home. $25 a month. Ref erences required. Address Box 27-Z, Star ofTWr wHiWwOMAIT~*fn*fe. middle-aged, to do general housework. Address Box 273-A. Star office _ _ g» woman, whit*, to care for small apt and £^ ldr,n - CaU Lincoln 741 g-W a^Jer SITUATION—MEN. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, duality work at bedrock prices: new or repair. Estimates Riven D DeWald. 633 East Capitol. Phone Atl 8841-W. »• BUTLER-YALfcT. English. good references. Deeatar SM2 before it a m. s*_ CARPENTER WORK wanted, repair Work a spec'alty. Lin. 5474-W. 15#* Betmina rd. n.e. •* CHAUFFEUR or janitor, voting colored man with wife and * children desires position. Aionao GortreUe. Decatur 6424. •_ CHAUFFEUR (colored!, houseman and but ler: 14 years’ experience; good relerence. Call Met. 0057. CHAUFFEUR, white, wishes position with private family: tree to travel; first-class city referencesjof lon* periods. North >458. 4* FILIPINO, cook, butler, chauffeur: can fur nish best city references. Gregorio Castillo. US T at ne . Washington. D _C. ;* FILIPINO, youn*. well educated, would like to woik in private family as butler-house man: can drive any make car; do plain cooking. Address Box 262-A. Star office. 6* PAINTER, white, first class, desires house ito paint, interior or exterior. Reasonable. Call Mr. Russell. National 1338. P YOUNG DANE, has been here two months, wants work In private family; willing >o do any kind of work _Phone North 6452-.1. YOUNG MAN. colored, wants job as chauf feur or butler. Phone Decatur 5925-W, Oeorge McCullough. 3* SITUATIONS—MEN AND WOMEN. CHAUFFEUR. nrivßte or store, with refs ; also a woman would like part-time work. N 0867. CHAUFFEUR, MAtb. by man and wifiTT iont experience; country or city; stay nights pre ferred. 1008 New Jersey ave. n.w. 4* SITUATION—WOMEN. NURSE, registered, desires nurse-compan ion position; references. Tel. Clev. 4184-W. 6* STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST, part time or by the week; satisfaction assured. Miss Nolan. Lincoln 0082 SITUATION—DOMESTIC. COOK, good, willing, honest: family or cafe teria. in or hear Washington. ' Mrs. T. Marcus. 1836 N H. ave. n.w^ GENERAL KOUSEWORKER. colored, com petent, part or full time, hotel chamber maid, waiting Lincoln 8100. _ GIRL. neat, light colored, wlahes position as mother’s helper; good references; stay night. Call Cleveland 4705, Apt. 409, between 10and_6. GIRL, colored, 14 years old: place as nurse or mother's helper, part-time work, in city. 1339 Que st- n.w. Phone North_l4s3. HIGH-SCHOOL GlftL. colored, wants work in shop, office or care of children. Ap piy_ 11as sth st. s.e. HOUSEKEEPER, young lady, experienced, wishes employment with small family or employed couple; references. Address Box 288-A. Btgr office. • MAID, colored, good personality and ap pearance; excellent cook, housemaid, wait ress or part time; excellent reference. Pot. 5912. MAID, colored, good cook, general worker, nurse or mother’s helper, full or part time; reference. Decatur 2418. WOMAN wishes position as cook In private family or bachelor apt; city reference. 1454(2 Que st. n.w. WOMAN, colored, settled, wants part-time work cleaning apts. or wash dishes at lunch room or boarding house or private family. Potomac 8127 or 207 O st. n.w. • WOMAN wants general housework with Gen tile people, or part time; has ref. 1525 9th st. n.w. _____ YOUNG GIRL, colored, mother's helper, also bundles to take home. 2618 Georgia ave. n.w. Adams 5427, ~ PERSONAL. The rate under heading of Personal la 8 cents per Una additional to tfis regular Una rata EVERY CARE Cd"ir valescents artd aged by nurse In her own home. Adams 7353. 1533 Kalorama rd. MONSV ADVANCED ON PAWN diamonds, antloues. silver and gold Lit lngston j Co.. 1319 F st. n.w. Nat. 8149 VIT-O-NET BATHS. BATTLE CREfk RE ducer massages for chronic pains, cooling alcohol rubs Potomac_472l. 9* CHILDREN ONLY $25 MONTH, BUMMER school-home; nutritious meals; experienced instructors; cool bed rooms; supervised play grounds; varied recreational program; near Rock Creek Park. North 8244. • YOUNG PROFESSIONAL WOMAN WILL share exclusive apartment (one room unfur nished) with another; rent, 142 50. Dec. 3671 or Dec. 0659 • GRADUATE NURSI WILL OIVIJ ROOM and hoard and nursing care to elderly or convalescent patients at very reasonable rate._ 1122_Lamont at._n.w._ Adams 6902. SWEDISH MASSAGE FOR RHEUMATISM, reducing and general body building. 1328 Fairmont _st._n.w. Adams 7084. YOUNGS SUMMER DAY CAMP BOYS, girls, 3 to 13 years: called for, returned by private car; awimmtnt. athletics, crafts, klndeigarten:_college counselors. North 6993 SURPRISING HOW REASONABLE— OLD floors refintshed; painting, interior and ex terior; plastering, cement work: screens window and house cleaning Call BEN. Potomac 2868. • BU i L f? ING “Construction and ~ieneral _ re modeling The L. A T. Construction Co £?/. satisfactory service call Metropolitan 0854. “We help you to finance.” SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. _ 2528 Uth D ft ”• ADD *bbt 4683. i MOTOR TRAVEL~_ TWO-WEiK TRIP, Birmingham. Ala. and return; leave July 11; room for one person. Address Box 221-A, Star office. _ 4» DRIVING TO INDIANAPOLIS JULY 6. Can accommodate two passengers; reason abie. Adama 6824 4« MAN DESniES TRANS. DENVBR or Pacific Coast; share expenses or drive. Address Box 256-A, Star onice. 4* 1100- CALIFORNIA bus eamping Trlp, all expense; Yellowstone, Los Angeles, Orand Canyon: leaves July 13. Phone 4,5, 6 and ves. Clev. 3193-J. _ "7« TRANSPORTATION WANTED TOIifIDDLE West around July »; share expanses. Adams 1431. • DRIVING W BjRMINdHAM. AtA , MorTday, July 7, bia Nash; have room for one or two, share expense. Address Box 279-A, Btar office. • LADY WOULDT.IKE TRANSPORTATToN to ?M U t d .ri,’-^ Col0 ’ ** • ,00Q *® Possible, call 33(MUuiiana *ve. n w. 4« BEAUT If PARLORS. MABiLIE HONOUR SCHOOL OF~SiAUTY Culture closed Saturday, July 5. 1356 N. H ave. and 817 14th st. n.w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. == ” J'ANTED. CONFECTIONERY or delicatessen with living rooms, for exchange for alx-room paT o«»h difference. Address Box 16-Z. Star office. 7* ron SALE—Small apt. house containing 6 apts., desirably located. Well worth investi gating owner, Decatur_474B. on tha "* wly opened hlgh uub!? f ? r ., auto accM - or any other business; oil station to be built opposite; Jof rent. 1507 Kenilworth ave. J. W. Koob, 631 Center Market. Eve. Col. 9583 FOR LEASE, SBO per month, tea rom and equipment with dance hail. el«ht acrea. cnlcken house for 300 chickens, extra large barn, city improvements. Southern Md , 7 miles from D. C. line on Stats rd. Address Box office. 6» PARTNER WANTED for paylnt “ chicken farm, nearby Md., to Invest In business. Address Box 260-A, St ar_ office. 6* for SALE—First deed of trust notes in small denominations bearing 7 per cent; opportunity to largely Increase returns upon modest accumulations. H. D. Williams Co, Ouray Bldg. «• LUNCH ROOM, fully equipped; reasonable. Mrs Higgins, 1018 Eye at. s.e. • DININQ ROOM for rent, wonderful oppor tunity for party familiar with serving tour- near Capitol. Lincoln 8898. • SANDWICH SHOP AND BARBECUE~cora pietely equipped, desirable downtown loca tion; bargain for quick buyer; reasonable terms If desired. Call National 2900, Apt. 202 __#• _ DRUG STORE, on prominent thoroughfare; growing business and neighborhood; price right; substantial cash payment required; good reason for selling; real buy; owner Address Box 286-A. Star office. SMALL CAPITAL brings big returns by fol lowing our plan This is no gel-rich-quick scheme, but a safe, sure way to make your money make you money; no work neces sary Only limited number can be accept ed. but full informal ion given each reply. Address Box 215-A Star office. LAROE STORE and I rooms, all modern Im provements with large gArage. Good for any business, especially for ladles’ and chil dren's apparel. Sale or lease. 1851 H st. n.e. 4* TO BUY OR SEi7l~ ANY BUSINESS, SEE US FIRST. CAPITAL ADJUSTING A FINANCE CO. LARGEST BUSINESS BROKERAGE CONCERN IN WASHINGTON FSTAB. 1921 9th FLOOR, DIST. NAT L BANK BLDG., 1406 O ST. N.W. TEL, MET. 4i19. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star read ers. Any complaint found necessary to be made to The Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Service Column call National 6000, Branch 11S. ANT. BEDBUG. MOTH. ROACH extermina tion guaranteed Fumigation and moth proofing of houses. Also fumigation cham ber .o rid furniture of moths and bedbugs Call and deliver American Disinfectant Co. ® 38 _ Eye et. n.w Rational 8478 ARCHITECTURAL, mechanical and patent drafting, saw filing and tool sharpening 3160 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w. Office phone. Adams 7127; residence phone, Adams 8562. 4* BEDDING of all ttnda renovated and steri lised by process approved by Healtb Dept . p C Prompt aerviee and »w Driest Eagle Bedding Co 2318 >th at n.e Decatur 715 BEDDING RENOVATED, springs, mattresses, pillows, feather mat.; down comfort, re-eov ered Ideal Bedding Co, 622 t n w, Nat 4094 snf£f>fck.’competent, will furnlFtTolanl and estimates on remodellna. new construction stores, porches, concrete, plumbing, heating'. Otorgfa *' RECOMMENDED SERVICE. JlCont inwed. > BEDDING. MATTRESSES. boif'spFihl* Shd pillows reno.. best prices and prompt del Wwan Mattress Co., lit L at. i t Nat 9979 CARPENTER WORlc and repairing done: PrlC". can Columbia 3483-W. IK for Carpenter. 4* PPtrh rockers splinted, up- SXMan W™; I2U 10tb “ »• ELECTRrb Wiring —We Will wire your six room house, including fixtures and inside services, for SSO Cash or terms up to 3 years to pay; first payment to start Sept. I; h° ijherest. People s Home Decorating Co., 81 > 9th n.w F3ione National 7417. 6*_ ELECTRICAL WIRING— 6 rooms wired, with fixtures. S6O and up. star Electric Co. Adams 8850 4927 9th n.w. *• EXPERT FLOOR FINISHING, aereplng. wax-, in*: skilled mechanics. Paul Serene. 28 N. Y. ave. n.w. Nat. 3666 FLOOR WORK in all branches, new dust less machines; expert mechanics: moderate charges. Let us estimate. Wright s Floor Service. 800 Kennedy st. n.w. Ga. 0885 -J. _ FLOOR WORK, expert; floors refinished like new: dustiess machines, reasonable. W C. Deaton. 2010 P st._n.w_Pot. 5250-M._B* FLOORS SCRAPED, refinished. cleaned, waxed, hand or machine work; reliable serv ice. reasonable price* Nash Floor Service 803 Princeton st n.w Columbia 4231 HOME IMPROVEMENTS—EIectric wlrlnt and fixtures, papering and painting, hard wood floors and staircases, carpentry, plumb ing and heating, porch inclosuies. metal ceilings, roofing, guttering, spouting, plaster ing. cement and brick work: terms to please you. get our price, our service is our repu tation. Penn Improvement & Electric CD., Inc., 911 7th st. n.w., Nat. 0512 and 0513, opposite Goldenhei g s. KEYS—Duplicate Keys. 25 cents; made While you wait Turner A Clark. 1221 W New Yorg ave n y Met 3005 PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. PLAS’I ERtkd Special prices this month; best material; ail work guaranteed S D Lopatin. 3329 llth st. jiear_Pnrk rd _Adams 5349 PAPERING ROOMS. $7 and UP PAINTING at lowest prices, using pure lead and oil. We do plumbing, heating, wiring, porch in closures and general remodeling. No rash necessary. Terms to suit your convenience Just call The Home Decorators, 1009 9th st. n.w. Metropolitan 0854. PAPERHANGEP. * wants work. Will* aave you money. Work guaranteed. Also paint ing ,nd plast-ring. North 1299. _4* PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING—W* will scrape (dry) and paper average sige room, $7. We also paint interior and exterior. We use Dutch Boy lead, pure linseed oil only. Paperhanging guaranteed for 5 years. Cash or terms up to 3 years; first payment Sept. 1: no interest. Estimates free of eharge. People's Home Decorating Co.. Inc., 817 9th st. n.w. Do not confuse our name with other home decorating companies We are tlie People's Home Decorating, Nat. 7418. 8* PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING—SpeciaI prices this month only, average sized rooms scraped (dry), pointed where necessary, papered for $7; paperhanging guaranteed In writing for 5 years. We do interior and . exterior painting. We use only pure Dutch ' Boy lead, linseed oil. pure turpentine, and paints are mixed on premises so ingredients can be seen Will wire six-room house, in cluding Inside services and fixtures, for SSO. We install new baths, do all kinds of plumb ing work, which is accomplished under our registered plumber in accordance with the regulations of the District Buildinr. We in stall new heating plants, use new American style radiators exclusively, at SSO per radi ator. Our heating plants are guaranteed to give 70 degrees heat inside when It is be low *ero outside. We build new porches, brick, metal and stone garages and lay and scrape floors. No Job is too small or too large. Cash or terms up to three years to pay. without interest. It does not require a mortgage on your home; you need not Jian • note until the work is completed. First payment may start Sept. 1 for work done this week. No work sublet: all our work is oone from our own shop under the 2i!s£E?’ i £ ion ,2 ur manager, who has the experience of li years. Estimates free of c G,,e special prices offered, we will keep open for your convenience until 9 pm. Do not confuse our name with other 'dTc«S,no W 'co'".^'. 8D 9th_st. n.w. National 7417. 7418. • FAINTING. Interior and exterior: TkTllei reasonable prices. Paul Cerenc. 28 _N._Y. ave. n.w. Nat. 3666 PAPERHANGING—Rooms papered. $5 and I 0 ’ “'X™ 1 ' *' ork guaranteed pec, T lur G S?4T 2139 18lh Apt ’ 3 {'•'"tint, netting, carpen » •i! d Plastering; anything repaired » n Z°'X.Jl om Si. n £ cash - • “‘tie each month J. R. Bears. 639 N Y ate. North 4911 PIANO TUNfNd. $2.50; repair - estimates 1 E** . *anders°n-Schaeffer Co , 644 H st n.a Lin. 1057; night Call, Col. 6940 Pot. 989 PLUMBING, HEATING, - OIL BURNING; rt palr* and installation; found reliable for 32 years. J R Guerin, 413 E Cap _Lin._34n ROOF REPAIRING, painting, gutter, spotit : reasonable. Ajax Roof i ihg Co., North 5314, day, night. 2038 l*th n w. .*enerat repairing. paintTnltTtiiF nlng, spouting, guttering, service; guaran *tf»s«iWiMan,a£S.h,Pv.uC%ll Mr - Russell. Na t!onal i 332. _ 820 llth *t. n.w. 6* ROOFINO. guttering. suoutlngT painting an 3 repairing, lowest prices, best work! BALUB ROOFING CO., North 10114. ' SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS In Underwood and L. C. Smith typewriters, setting hen and model T Ford Will reciprocate by buying new Ford from dealer who purchases my radio. 6519 Plney Brahch rd. nw. Ga. 3379. BUILDING MATERIAL, all kinds. DoiVt buy plate glass or store doors until seeing mine. Bathtubs, basins, porcelain sinks, tel lets, windows and doors. 2x4’s and 2xl2’s. Columbia Pike and Mt. Vernon Blvd.. Arllnt tnn. Va, R E. Rencher. Clarendon 1526. BUILDING MATERIAL AND ing two city blocks containing 78 houses and 4 apartment buildings Just east of CapitoJ f*t Ist and A sts. n.e. Thousands of feet of pod flooring, sheathing and framing; thou ands of Clean, whole brick; thousands Os good sash; complete windows with frames; good doors with locks and hinges; lavatories, bathtubs, toilets, radiators, heating plants and oipe Hundreds of other bargains. Two entire city blocks of buildings to choose from Come early and get your pick. Sell- Job ' lßt and A n.e. _ HECHINOER CO,. HousewreCklng Dept. l CdpCH. Englander; good condition; cheap. Apt. 204, 1451_ Park rd. n.w. DESKS—SaIe of ‘factory sec»ndi :r "ol - office furniture, desks, tables, chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, cabinet safes and used office furniture. You can also rent it. H Baum A Bon, 816 E at. n.w. National 9138. DESKS, chairs, safes, files; cheapest prices In Washington Special sale factory sec onds. Commercial office Furniture Co., 430 Bth st. n.w Met 7743. SS?*3nß[ SOL IT AIR E.~welg h l about 1 kT; 1280 will buy. Also one, weight about the same. Answer quick, need money. Address Box 271-A. Star office. • DIAMOND RING, weight 2 S/ », pure. Also bracelet; pledged, together or separate. Take to your friend who knows. Address Box 268-A, Star office. • DOORS Mirror doors with full-length mlr rors. $7.50, used, perfect; limited quantity. Come quick to Job, Ist and A sts. n.e. _HECHINOER CO, Housewrecking__pept. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR; guaranteed In first-class condition Col. 2267. FURNITURE- Contents 1-room apt., antique table, desk, pictures; over $1,500,000 par value stocks, various companies; all for $250; bargain for somebody. 204 Conard Apts. • FURNITURE- Handsome 3-ptece bed-daven port suite, benutiful day bed, five rugs, other pieces; real bargains Home all day. 2521 Conn.ave. FURNITURE-New iron beds, chairs, ma hogany, Morris chair, screens, enam*led kitchen table, rugs. 33 >th st. n.e. • OAS RANGES, slightly used. less than half price. Why pay more? All styles; every range guaranteed. J. W. Williams. 609 6th at. n.w. National 2986. •}• HEATING PLANTS—Slightly iised steanTand hot-water boilr.s for large bOlldlngs. Also radiation; perfect condition. Come to J«b Ist and A sts. n.e. Hechlnger Co., Housewrecking Department. ICE BOX (store), large, suitable for butch er, dairyman or florist; 1.500 lbs. Ice ca pacity; Mce new; $125 cash. United States Storage Co.. 420 st. n w MACHINERY— Lathes, electric spot welder, air compressors, power punch, planer Join er. cut-off saws, steam boiler, belting 'shaft- Ing. 5 hp. ac. motor, tools, etc. Edgar Baum, Jr., 101 6th st. n.w. OFFICE FURNITURE fr*m U. 8. Govt.— Desks, chairs, file cabinets, tables: everything Y e,t Washington Salvage Co., office furn. dept.. 310Jth et. n.w mn N( t7l? A m Huntin *ton. fine condf- V.°" * 7B Btleff, like new. $225 Steinway. PixYFr-plano, little gsed. $195 One midget player. 1265 One stand Itkr JJ-J g? 3d 9 ®° le for Kranlch dr Bach tnr d r , .*nt dm *l!.« U ? rll,ht * and « ra "<>* PISIIOS J or rent Moving, packing and utoraa# Hugn - Woroh ‘ HIP Q it_n.w Established 1879 MACHINE (steam), good condi- Jl?. p J £. Uchl^,"L' v National cash reg- Istei . reasonable. 301 Todd pi. n.e. 6* RANGE, hot-water back, SB. 30 S'stT n siT REFRIGERATOR, 100-pound capacity, per fect condition, Call Columbia 7812-J. REFRIGERATOR. General electric: owner ,or California: onty one month old. Call between 6 and 7 p m . Lin. 4225. 4* np ? a,ld second-hand; vault doorii safe deposit boxes and lockers. G. G. Ham- Nor'th W 174L°27i2. rf>r 1126 IJ,h «’ wf2 rl 2?~ MA f,y iN Jf S— Drophead Singer, sl9 * ,B .v fi'endarcL *ls; New ideal. «i°i. ot> lf rs .. at * S; all * uar machines. »«# Renting and repairing. Open evening i BE. Brw.JMch. Shop, 313 Pa. ave. s.e. Lin. 275 i STAMPS. U 8. and foreign, packet#, sets. 1 i>lbums, catelogs, accessories Phone Dle trlct 4185. Collins Stamp Shop. 927 15th at. STORE FIXTURES—Show cases, wail cases, counters, shelving, tables, chairs, cash regis ters. iron safes, scales, coffee urns, soda fountains, elec, mixers, partitions and equip ment of every description. Edgar Baum. Inc . 914 E st. n.w 1 TYPEWRITER—A very good Underwood No. 5; reasonable. _Phone Hyatlaville 1587-W. TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Georgia • 1883 Underwoods. Royals and L. C. Smiths. * $3.50 mo.; 3 moa. ln adv„ J1 75; 8 mos.i. *l3 I 1 TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co ' All makes bought, aold. rented, repaired ' Student rates Open evenings. 1431 East ] Capitol at. Lin 00S2 VACUUM CLEANERS. Airway. HodyerT Eureka. Royal, Premier, O. E.. sls, J2O; like ! new; year's guarantee: rent cleaners, 51.50 1 day; bags, parts; repairing all kinds: de- ] livery. Vacuum Cleaner Shop. 1404 Girard. ; Adama 0900. i VENDING MACHINES' to sell any confer- 1 tion; six; sufficient to start paying route: 1 Other business reason for selling: make l t offer. Phone George. Adams 0351, between ! i 4 Bia- and 7:30 p m 4* I VICTROLA. arthopnAnie: walnut cabinet. 1 HELP AND SITUATIONS. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. _ iCoMlmnl.) VT&LIR. by »n OM master. XiTTume-Fri day to Sunday, 312 2nd st. ne. Lin. 6470-W. 3* __ WASHING MACHINE. electric. with centrif ugal dryer. first-class condition: name cash price. Address Box 62-A. Star nOW DOGS, nrs. BTC. ENGLISH Bull DOG PUPPISS. pedigreed. j Dr Kelly S Doe Hospital, 8423 14!h n w., tel. Col BMi Angora kittens for sale 8* J DOGS BOARDED Modern kennelsT - large'. I shady run. does called for and delivered Inspection invited Boston terrier puppies reatstered stock: cheap. Dee Cee Kennels WhHe Oaks. Md. Silver Sprint: 2-F-S Take Colesville pike et stop light in Silver Spring, miles to kennels. SALE, wire haired fox terrier cuppte*. pedigreed. West 0736 212« L st. n* DOGS BOARDED BALDWIN KENNELS. COMPLETE SATISFACTION THOR P BALDWIN A SON Bradley Hills. Md . phone Bradley 768. CANARIES BOARDED Called for and Delivered. tl Week: *3 50 Month. ATHERTON S PET SHOPS. 812 F St. 1404 Irvine St. BOATS. WANTED- A sailboat, to rent or buy must have cabin. Dr. Alfred Oberle. Ambassa dor Apt. MOTOR Eito light-weight. 4-h p . 1929 mo tor, weighs 30 lbs : bargain for the Fourth. S9O cash. Phone George. Adams 0351. be tween 4:30 p m and 1 30 p.m._ 4* | CHRIS CRAFT SEDAN. 26-Tt de luxe type. 150 lip Kermath motor speed about 40 miles per hour: accommodations for 11 per sons: practically new. will sacrifice. Ad dress Box 121-X. 3tar office CRUISER. 28-foot, completely equipped: *450. Also Elto motor. Phone National RB4B. Apt. 715. POULTRY AND IOCS. OAK GROVE POULTRY iArM-WHITE ; leghorn pullets. 12 weeks old. from certi- ! fied flock, Tancred strain. *1.25 eacn. Phone Ashton 13-F-2. Mrs H. P. HINES A SON, Olnev. Md._ 5* CHICKS—Rocks, *11: Reds, sl2; Leghorn*. *9 hundred. Hollywood Leghorns, trap nested, best you can buv. sl2 Final hatch. Phone J. B. Henrv. Falls Church 343 'o* BABY CHICKS AND DUCKLINGS Pure-bred Reds. Rocks and Leghorn*. White Pekin* Ducklings. Atherton's Pet Bhop. 612 F St. N W. I.IVK STOC K AND CATTLE. PIOS for s*le. J. O. Stevens. 2620 llladens bttrg rd. n.e., Lincoln 9781. U ANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIQUES. old gold, silver, diamonds, jew elry bought and sold Tendler’s Pawn brokers Bale* Co- 913 D st. n w __Fr._9339 ! ANTIQ uF 9:" diamonds: pawn tickets cashed. | lUvlngston A BEST CASH PRICES given for desirable furniture and other goods Be sure to phone District 8112 before selling. D Notes. 633 Louisiana ave. n.w BOOKS— Highest prices for sets, fiction and miscellaneous books, in anv quantity. "Bring them" or phone Metropolitan 5415. Pearl man's Big Book Shop. 933 O et. n.w. BOOKS—We buy books: we pay fair prices. Liberty Book Store, 507 P St. n.w. Phone Met 8340. 7« CASH REGISTERS, show cases and store fixtures; entire content* bought Edgar B-urn, Ire.. 914 E st_ n w Met__B744 like to purchsse some good used furniture, also baby grand piano; can pay rash. Met. 3051. • _ 4* FURftrrtjßE ot all kinds wanted: best price* paid Capital Furniture Co.. 621 La. ave n.w., or onone Met. 2452 GAS RANGES and cookers, 100 used, or we will repair and reflnish your old range. Ed gar Morris Sales CO., 1305- G st. n.w. Na tional 1031. OLD GOLD—Bring your old gold, silver, plat- Inum. diamonds, also discarded jewelry; we need them in our manufacturing dept.: will pay highest prices. _A Katin. WE PAY 12 to 110 for old suit* and over coats; also buy luggage Wash Clothing Ex Nat 3378 633 D st. n.w. Unlettered auto trill call anywhere Cash Paid for Diamonds, Old gold silver, platinum and antiqug Jear «lry LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 711 O n.w. ANYTHING TO SELL* Phone National 1281 or National 9532. WESCIILER 8. 920 PA AVE NW. Household effects, merchandise, stoekg. automobiles, etc Thirty-nine year* serving the Washington public. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. BUICK MASTER COUPE, 1925—1250. Rumble seat Excellent rubber and paint. Motor A-l. A real buy. Don’t miss this one at Emerson A Ormc. 17th & M sts. »,.w. BUICK MASTER 6 BROUGHAM. 1929 Equipped With trunk. Perfect condition throughout. Guaranteed the same as a new car. Terms and trade. Emerson As Orme. 17th and M sts._n.w. BUICK 5-PASS. STANDARD SEDAN—Ueis than 4 months old; nearly new. Big reduc tion. 1011 6th st. n.w.. Mr. Pox. BUICK MASTER • 5-PASS. COU?E. 1927 - Reflnished in maroon Dttco. New tire*. Motor reconditioned. Large, roomy Fisher body. Don t fall to see this one at Bmer* son A Orme. 17th A■ M sts. n.w. BUICK 1930 SEDAN perfect in every re spect, new car guaranty. Phone between 6 and 7 p.m. Metropolitan 0614. CADILLAC 314 7-PASS. TOURING—In fln**t condition and appearance; fully equipped: wind deflectors and other extras. Also 314 sedans. 5 and 7 passenger. Your car in trade; terms. The Washington Cadillac Co., U3B-40 Conn. ave. Deratur 3900. CADILLAC SHORT-COUPLED SEDAN, mode! V-61—Original Dttco. Car perfect mechanical condition. Sacrifice; *197.50. Nolan Motors Co., nil 18th st. n.w. CHEVROLir COACH. 1921; attractive ap pearance. quiet and snappy motor; will not cost much to operate; good tires: liberal terms; *295. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1928; excellent me chanical condition, original finish, uphol stery like new: your car as part payment; *295 Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2528 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1927; 4 new tire*, new Duco finish, perfect condition throughout, fully equipped; *255. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2528 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET HOADSTER. 1929; has g rum ble seat and full equipment; a speedy and smart-looking car; see and try It: *385 Barry-Pate Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET COACH. 1927;" "new Duco fin ish. good tires, fully equipped; good trans portation at low cost: *195. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2825 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET coupe. 1929- Save you tried 6-cylinder smoothness? Ride in this car and be convinced of its value; excellent fin ish and upholstery, fully equipped; *415. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET "8 ' COUPE. 1929—1 n best of condition mechanically and in appearance; an unusually fine car; low price; easy terms or trade. Neumeyer Motor Co., 2021 llth. North 4010. Open evenings. CHEVROLET COUPE, latest 1929, practical ly brand-new; lustrous blue Duco; disc wneels; sacrifice, *365. 1336 Farkwood Pi. Adams 9738-J. • CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1927—Ca1l Clev. S’llfc before 9:30 s.m and bet. 6 and 7:80 pm. CHEVROLET OOACH, 192*—An ideal ear for the family: big. roomy, 5-pass, coach. A real buy at a greatly reduced price, *285. Jiynnn Motor Co.. 2015 14th_*t. n.w. CHEVROLET SEDAN, 1910—6-cylinder. Fully equipped and in perfect condition. Run less than 3.500 miles; looks like new. 30-day new-car warranty; *650; small down pay ment. balance 12 month*. Your c*r in trade. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Georgia aye n .w. CHEVROLET COACH. 1929; Ane 8-cyllnder car. equal to new; *how* no evidence of hard use; a ride will convince you; price low. *415. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sher* man ave. n.w. CHRYSLER ROADSTER, model 75, 1989: snappy looking. Bargain hunters, here is your chance Special price of *798. Open evenings and Sundays. 818 10th gj. n.e. CHRYSLER 75 SPORT PHAETON Looks and runs like new; used very little: fully equipped: tonneau shield, trunk, spot light. 6 wire wheels and fender well*; a beautiful color combination of brown and tan. Your car in trade: terms. The Washington Cad illac Co . 1136-40 Conn, ave. Decatur 3900. CHRYSLER ROADSTER—SIightIy used by original owner. Cash or terms. 1431 East Capitol st. Lincoln 0082. DODGE D. A. SEDAN. 1930; owner leaving town Call North 2853-J. *» ESSEX COACH. 1928: an exceptionally clean car. thoroughly reconditioned; bumpers front and rear, good tires; terms: *275. Barry-Pate Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave. ESSEX - SUPER-Six l-bodS~ s£dan. 192* — 2-tone original finish: inside covering Is mo hair throughout; mechanically A-l; less than 15.000 miles: original tires. Must sell. (265; can give terms. Dec. 39*9. 1727 P st. n.w. 6* ESSEX COUPE. 1929—This is the real snialT car value of the day. Don't miss it. Excel lent condition. Priced to move and not to hold Terms. Emerson & Orme, 17th A M sts _n w. ESSEX COACH. 1929—0n1y *896. and in tip top shape In every detail; a fine little coach that will give thousands of miles of reliable transportation: terms and trade. Neumeyer Motor Co . Marmon Distributors, 2021 17th. North FORD TUDOR. 1929—Y0u won r t appreciate this c*r until you see It. Seat covers, paint perfect and new tires; mechanically perfect; priced low to move at once. Eynon Motor Co., 2015 14th st. n.w. FORD MODEL A SPORT" ROADSTER. 1929 Here Is the car you have been watting for Rumble seat, side shields and new tires. A snappy car at a sacrifice price. *365. Eynon Motor Co . 2015 14th st. n.w. FORD ROADSTER, 1928; a snappy car fin ished in attractive color: splendid mechani cal condition, good tires; *345. Barry-Pate Motor Cii . 2525 Sherman ave. n.w FORD TUDOR. 1929- Fine condition; muet sell. C. A. Riippert, 2002 4th st. n.e. North 6071. , rORD BLACK CABRIOLET. 1929—Run *OOO miles by owner; *465. Wisconsin 3021 after 6. Everett Flood FORD CONVERTIBLE C6UPE, 1930—Brand new. paint dark blue; purchased July 1, 1930: cost new $71150; to be sold at dis count. H. B Leary Jr., A Bro. 1321-23 14th st. nW. Nnrth_6B26. SPORT ROADSTER—6 Wire Wheel*, good tires, mechanically 0.K.: cheap at *345. H B Leary, Jr . A Bro., 1321-23 14th *t. n.w. North 6826 _ ] FORD TUDOR. 1939—Dark blue finish, new 1 tires mechanically perfect. A fine bargain at *365 Trlanele Motor Co.. 2 New York ave Open evenings and Sunday. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. _ tCwntihaet.v Franklin s-paas sedaN. aerie* nTTPi mechanically; paint and tire* like nMr Priced low. Yonr car in trade: terms Th* Washington Cadillac CP. 1136-40 Conn. *y». Decatur 3900 | HUDSON BRsusßa>> SEDAN. l§sir*e"cond , series; fender wells and wire wheel*. An I excellent buy. Your car In trade terms. : The Washington Cadillac Co., 1138-49 Conn i ave. I>cati:r S9OO _____ I HUDSON Sft6uOHA\i. 1933--Origina 1 finish I like new, mechanically OK. excellent ap pearance. A real buy at *490; terms snd trade. Neumeyer Motor Co, 2021 17th. North 4010 Open evenings HUDSON SEbAN In rood runhing condi tion: balance due. *9B; It's your* for the notes Open evenings and Sunday*. Sl* lot,) at. n.e. __ MARMON 68" REDAN. 1929—Wire wheel equipment, trunk rack, well fenders and me chanically and appearance like new A high grade car; *1.000; terms and trade Neu me -rr Motor Co . 202 t 17th North 4010 NASH 1927 ADVANCED TWO-DOOR SEDAN - Two-tone original finish. A-l condition In every way. Will run 70 per. Must sell, *265; can give terms. DC'-atur 3999. 1727 P n w-. 6* Nash SPECIAL 8 COUP*. 1927 8428. Beau tiful two-tone tan Duco paint job. New rubber A re*l smart looking job Your car «s p*rt payment. Terms, Emerson « Orme 17th lk_ M st*. _n .w NASH ! PASS SEDAN. IM7- *525 Finished tn blue Duco Disc wheels. Motor excellent A real value at this price. Terms. Emerson 2t Orme._l7th_Ar M sts, n.w. OAKLAND COUPE. 1928" *450. Famous All- American 6 model. Paint looks like new. gest of car perfect. Terms and trade. merson A Orme J7t.lL A M sts n w.__ PAIGE SEDAN. 1926 -Cheapest buy in town. *125: private owner. Apply Dewey Oarage. I rear of 424 4th st. n.e. _ _ PEERLESS 7-PASS. SEDAN, model STiTTST ance due. *197 It's youra for the note* Open evenings and Sunday* _ 519 10th »t n e PEERLESS 4-DOOR SEDAN. 19*7 *450. Seat I covers. Motor In excellent condition. Fin -1 ished in blue Duco New tires. Your ta in trade Terms. Emerson A Orme, 17th A M sts. n w.__ PONTIAC COACH. I*37—Excellent condition new tires: *300._919 8 Carolina ave. a • * PONTIAC COACH. 1937-Good running order: low mileage. Phone North 2089-W RED FLYINO CLOUD COUPE AND REDAN late models, These two fine cars are In the best of condition mechanically and in ap pearance. See them today Your choice at *500; terms and trade. Neumeyer Motor Co . Marmon Distributor*. 2021 17th nw. North 4010 ROOSEVELT CONVERTIBLE COUPE. 1929- Sport equipment: new-car appearance and mechanically 0.K.: *750: terms and trade Neumeyer Motor Co. 2021 17th at. North 4010; Ooen evenings WHIPPET COACH. 1928—Only *175; good paint and tires; very good motor. Eynon Motor_Co,. 7015 14th st. n.w _ AITOMOBII.ES at Weacnmr'a auto auction, 613 O st n.w., every Wednesday and Sat urdi.y. 10 a.m SPECIAL FOURTH OF JULY SALE OF GOOD USED CARS. Oldsmobile Coupe, OidsmOblle Sport Road ster, 3 Oldsmobile Sedans from 1928 to 1930 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 Nash Coach, late series. 1929 Ford Tudor, Modbl A. 1928 Hudson Custom Built 4-Pass Coupe . 1928 Chevrolet Coach. 1928 Chevrolet Sedan. 1928 Oakland Sport Coupe, With trunk. 1927 Ford Coupfes, 3. We have 50 others for you to pick from Come and get first choice. Must sell at once as we need the room *SO 00 and up. Low down payment, easv terms and your ear In trade. NORTHEABT OLDRMOBIL* SALES AND SERVICE. M R E Met, 5281. 5» PRICE WILL SELL THEM. this is our final reduction. EVERY CAR MUST BE BOLD REAL HONEST REDUCTIONS. Get Past Copies of This Pkper and Compare. NOW WAS 1923 Franklin Convertible Sedan. 5-pass 11,475 *1.575 1929 Franklin Sedan 1.465 1,950 1929 Whippet Coach 295 445 1925 Packard Club Sedan 487 595 1926 Franklin Coupe 495 650 1925 Pierce-Arrow Sedan 375 550 1925 Stearns-Kntght 2-door ... 338 475 1928 Franklin Roadster de luxe, 1,175 1.285 1926 Packard 7-pass Sedan ... 825 675 1929 Franklin Limousine 1.650 2.000 All Cars Fully Guaranteed. EASY TERMS. FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO., 346 Penn. Ave. N.W, Met. 0961. MORE THAN BARGAINS! If you are looking for cheap transportation, you clnnet possibly duplicate these buy* and prices in Washington, Sat these cars before buying else where. Easy terms. Buick Sport Roadster $247.50 Essex Super 6 Sedan 187.50 Buick Sedan 112.50 Dodge Sedan 175.00 Dodge Coupe 147.50 Page Sedan .100.00 Packard Coupe 287.50 Nash Coach 150.00 Nash Sedan 162.50 SEMMES MOTOR CO., 1525 14th St. N.W. Potomac 0772. VACATION DAYS ARE HERE! Drive away in safety in one of our mechanically O. K. Usdd Cars. It's wise to choose a car here. INVESTIGATE. 1020 FORD ROADSTER. A beautiful, anappy, fully equipped aport job, ready for a vacation trip. Don’t fall to see it. $365. (2) 1929 CHEVROLET IMPERIAL SEDANS. Both clean as a pin and in ex cellent condition tnrouthout: fin ished in 2-tone brown Duco; tiree excellent, a car thet la modern tomorrow aa well as today. REDUCED TO $475 EACH. 1928 CHEVROLET COACH. Four brand-new tiree. Inalde and outside this car will bear the strict est inspection. We will gladly dem onstrate. See this car before bey lnt. NOW $520. 1929 CHEVROLET 6 TOURING. Beautiful green Dueo equal to new. Ideal car for the Summer vacetien. One of the best values on today* market; fully equipped. PRICED I.OW AT $365. 1929 FORD MODEL A TUDOR (Dark Rlue). Has been driven eery little bv t careful driver end shows It. Every thing about this car O. K. Has full equipment. $399. TERMS. COMB TO URBrT-CAft DEPT. R. L. TAYLOR MOTOR CO., 1901 14th. TREW VALUES! READ CAREFULLY. 1930 Dodge Sdn., D.A. diap. car. 51.025 1930 Dodge Sdn,, D.D. di*p. car. 850 1930 Dodge Sedan, D.C 8-eyl. display car 1,045 1929 Dodge Victory 6 Sedan.... 545 1928 Dodge Senior Sedan 545 1928 Dodge Fast 4 Sedan 395 1927 Dodge Coupe, new paint.. 225 1927 Dodge Sedan 245 1926 Dodge Sedan 200 1925 Dodge Coach, new Duco.. 195 1924 Dodge Sedan 125 1923 Dodge Sedan 100 Dodge Victoria. 95 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 145 1926 Chrysler Sedan 265 1928 Essex Coach, new Duco... 325 1929 Ford 2-Door Sedan 395 Ford 2-Door Sedan Jo 1928 Graham-Paige Sedan 395 1926 Htipmobile Sedan 325 TREW MOTOR CO., _ DMd I ‘ ;cZ'L,* . B-5