Newspaper Page Text
B-6 SALE—AUTOMOBILES. < Continued.) USED CARS AND TRUCKS, ill make* and tnontlt: open and closed types. Robert Hcrson Auto Exchange, 100 Florida Ave. N.E. and HAWKINS MOTORS, INC, Authorized Ford Dealers, 1529 14th. 1930 Essex Coupe. 1929 Nash Standard Sedan. 1929 Ford Roadster. 1929 Whippet Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coach. 1929 Oakland Coupe. 1929 Ford Sport Coupe. 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1928 Nash Special Cabriolet. 1928 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1928 Ford Coupe. 1928 Chevrolet Coach. 1928 Nash Bpeclal Sedan. 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet. 1928 Essex Coupe. 1928 Chevrolet Coupe. r Terms—Trade. LAMBERTVHUDSON. 25 HUDSONS. 50 ESSEX. _ ALL PRICES REDUCED 24 TO 40 PER CENT. These are high-grade used cars Absolutely a better buy at our low price than a cheap new car SPEOALS! *2B Nash Coach t 395 *27 Nash Adv. 6 Coach 345 28 Pontiac Coupe 345 *29 Pontiac Sedan 565 29 Whippet Coach 395 28 Whippet Coach 265 Cadillac Phaeton 325 27 Chevrolet Coupe 195 .25 M°3 e ! A Ford Roadster 285 .25 s?odel A Sport Roadster .. ?75 *2B Oakland Cab 445 LAM BERT-HUDSON MOTOR CO., The House of Confidence, 24th at M St. N.W. SAVE TODAY sssssss ON N-A-S-H C-A-R-S! Driven only a few thousand miles by former H-wkins-Nash Co. men. Also 5 Nash cars never driven. These cars must be sold regardless of price. Coupes. Sedans. Cabriolets, single 6. twin ignition and 8 cylinders. These cars on displav at 1825 14th St. N.W. Phone Decatur 3322. HAWKINS MOTORS, INC, AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 1529 14th ST. N W. OPEN EVENINGS. A TRADED PACKARD —is sold you at a price from which has been deducted ALL OF THE FACTORY PROFIT, THE DEALER’S COMMISSION —and the biggest item, depre ciation, has been paid by the previous owner. * i SPECIAL TODAY! i Page Sedan, ’2B $350,' Buick Coupe, ’27 400 1 Packard 3-26 Sedan 400 Buick 27-48 Coupe 400 Nash ’26 Sedan 175 • Chevrolet ’26 Sedan 150 i Nash Coupe. ’27 250 C Packard 1-16 Touring 100 j This department is operated i as a customer convenience and * not for profit, so our prices are l always fair. J 6 TERMS, of Course. PACKARD’S - USED CARS, i Kalorama Rd. at 17th. ■-■■■j',--. . . ■ .. = f WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. 5 CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED for our Mleby * auction on Wednesday or Saturday. 19 a m V Weschler. 920 Penna. ave n.w National l 1282 Quick, satisfactory method e HUPP TOURING. 1925. for cash, from prl- , Tate party. Phone Columbia 3666. j “CASH FOR YOUR CAR.” i GOLDEN MOTORS. 1 CASH IMMEDIATELY ? —for late model cars Get our price list. Auto Mart, 2012 14th st, n.w. I MUBT HAVE 50 CARS AT ONCE. { Best cash price at our door. r 2921 M St. N.W. CASH for your car. Without a doubt 1 pay the highest prices in this city. ' If your car is not all paid for, 1 will pay your undue balance and give you the difference in cash. No delay. ; See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th n.w. j Decatur 2390 Open 9am. to 9 p.m. ; SALE—AUTO TRUCKS. OMC RADIO TRUCK—Practically new 1 Discontinuance of radio department leaves I this Model T-19 OMC panel truck for sale at a rare bargain Can be shown and demon- : •trated by appointment. Address Box 198-A, 1 Star office. * . CHEVROLET TRUCK, new. with dump body; ( driven 400 miles, bargain. Phone owner, Adams 8627. 6*_ G. M. C. V.-TON TRUCK. 1928; screen body; , first-class condition throughout: only $245. ‘ Triangle Motor Co., 2 N. Y. ave. Open ! evenings. * RENT—GARAGES. ' Modern 2-story, fireproof garage ; on main thoroughfare: suitable for any business, reasonable rental and long-term 1 lease to responsible person; owner. Address : Box 289-A. Star office. 1 BETWEEN WARDMAN PARK AND CATHE- ( dral Mansions, brick garage, *9. Mrs. c ROLLER Col. 5996. 1 1435 CHAPIN ST—STRICTLY PRIVATE, concrete, electricity, water; 20-ft. paved alley: suitable large car: 310. Col. 1818. 9* , FIREPROOF. BRICK. IN ALLEY. BE- i tween 16th and 17th. U and V n.w. Call ! i Mrs. ROLLER. Col. 5996, , 1 REAR 3628 CONN. AVE N.W —NEAR ROD- ' Kan st.—Single garages available. $5 PER MONTH. During Summer. THOS J. FISHER Ac CO . INC . 738 15th St. ICW District 6830. * ~ AUTO WRECKERS. AUTO WRECKERS. Cars oought and sold in any condition Farts for all nakes Open Sunday morning ROBERT HERSON’S AUTO EXCHANOE. 100 Fla Ave N E North 10408 GARAGE BUILDERS. Best construction low price, terms geo p brunk, 806 K St N E Phone Lincoln 6531 ROOMS—FURNISHED. 1534 COLUMBIA RD N W —lls and 120 mo ; ain*le. double, clean, cool, outside rooms. 3 baths, auto, hot water. 2 car lines. Col. 2986 TABARD inn. 1739 N ST NW—Desirable I rooms with bath reduced rates for July and August. Phone Decatur 1278. $425 COLUMBIA ROAEt— Cool, cozy room. With screened sleeping porch, adjoining bath; j ton hot water: quiet: refined gentleman 5* 1431 FAlßMONT—Magnificent home, parlors, kitchen, dining room, reasonable; also 1338 yt ave : 13. >4. 86 wk.; l.h.k. Col. 8043. 1227 N ST N W—Two front housekeeping rooms, tvewly papered and painted; electric ity. h -w h . semi-private bath. 3601 AUSTIN ST SE , Alabama ave arid Sultland rd.—L.h.k In splendid furnished ! bungalow In beautiful Summit Park for re- 1 fined couple without children 7* *2l EYE' sT.' N W.—Ro. ms. modern; clean, i auiet home; sleeping or light housekeeping; i •6 week: double and single. Merrill mansions. i36i Fairmont st. ti w . top of hill. 14th st. car—l, 2 room i tultes. with or without bath, furnished com- j ►ietely; linen and maid service optional, ' Hay, week, month: »7. no. m m week a -1347 L ST. NW -2 lovely housekeeping ; (ultes. 2 rooms, kit.; 1 room, kit.; completely l fur . h. k.. elec fans. gas. electricity. Only I tip for two *620 GARFIELD ST. near Wardman Park Hotel —One room, bath, 2 rooms, bath 3 rooms, bath, garage 4* icOTT CIRCLE. 1409 16th ST.— Nicely fur bished. second-floor front instant hot aster. aeml-private bath, showei Reason a >le 15* >l2 MASS AVE. NW—Two second, front, clean, cool, complete, housekeeping, sink, range; phone No children 8* 1431 CHAPIN ST NW. Cool, attractive room In Colonial house, adiacent park, two rooms. cenUeman. 315. first class. 9* AUTOMOBILES. ( “UNCLE SAM AT \OLR SERVICE'’ Panama Government Business. By Quig StaveP ... Padro Operation of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad with their extensive business and govern ment adjuncts, requires under present conditions, a force of 3.150 Americans, known as “gold'’ employes, and 12,000 “silver," or alien workers. The Governor of the Canal Zone is also president of Uncle Sam’s railroad on the Isthmus. His headquarters are in the Administration Building, situated at one end of the TARZAN AND THE JEWELS OF OPAR Tarzan. the mighty jungle creature, lay helpless and bound at the feet of La the high priestess. "To morrow. in the face of the flaming god," she cried, “La will offer up the heart of this deflier of the temple. Where is the sacred knife?” No one had seen the sacrificial weapon upon Tarzan's person when they captured him. The apeman looked upon the menacing creatures which surrounded him and snarled his defiance. He looked upon the beau- tiful La and smiled. ROOMS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) Nw ~ 2 attractive 2nd-floor rooms, bath, between 545 and SSO. 2 va £?ii. cies f ,9 r y° un ß ladies: 2 single rooms: also excellent meals. Very attractive loca tion furn i sh *d room, adjoining bath, with shower; cont. n. w.; southern exposure; new. private home; gentleman; garage. Ga. 4714 9* COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, close in. 1435 Chapin st. immaculate, large south front room, semi private bath, three windows; artistically furnished; a mi.; near park and car line; private home; gentleman: S2O. 9 • 1737 UPSHUR N.W.. west 16th—Nicely fur nished room, semi-private bath: garage; $6 week: private family. Adams 8985-J. 1129 11th ST. N.W.—2 nice connecting housekeeping rooms. Ist and 3rd floor; gar,, elec., water; $8 week. 1320 HARVARD ST.. APT. I—l large~bed room, next to bath, nicely furnished. Phone Adams 3900-J. 1522 E ST. S.E.—2 front, 1 h.k. rms. cool, with 4 windows: very reasonable. 5* 313 F ST. N.E.—2 rooms suitable for l.h.kT; next to bath; $8 One sleeping room on first floor. sl2; heat, gas and elec. 5* 1758 COL. RD.—Delightful, large front room, iW'n beds, and single room adjoining bath; clean, cool, reasonable; 2 gentlemen. 4* 1329 11th ST N.W.—Bed room and kitchen ette apts.; third floor; front and back: $7 and S 8 week Adults. 5* 1794 PL. (near 18th and Col. rd.) Beautiful second-floor front, well kept, con genial home; 4 windows; reasonable. Col. 4985. 909 L ST. N.W.—Furnished room for light housekeeping; also basement apartment. 63 YOU ST. N.W.—Furnished room for gen tleman, S2O month. 5* THE SHERMAN, 1101 15th st„ Apt. 701- Large front room, twin beds, extra large closet; also single room, next to bath. NEAR WARDMAN PARK HOTEL (Just over Rock Creek Bridge) Large, comfortable front room, plenty hot water. Col. 4532. 6* MAN AND WIFE have large, beautiful apt., every comfort. Would like gentleman to take one room. North 127 E ST. N.W.—2 large rooms, 1.h.k.. kltch enette. a.m 1., gas and elec.; reasonable. • 1741 P N.W.—Beautifully furnished, large front room, twin beds; also single room; continuous hot water. 1357 PARK RD. N.W.—3 rooms, kitchen, bath, in refined, clean home: Ideal for em ployed couple: splendid location. , A PLEASANT PLACE TO STAY. The Westminster, 1607 17th st. n.w.— lively rooms, newly decorated, each with bath or running water; elevator service; beautiful parlor: $7 to $lO weekly. WINDSOR HOTEL. Rooms, $25 and S3O month. „ 3125 G Bt. N.W. West 1816. _ls* PORTLAND HOTEL, THOMAS CIRCLE. For a generation a home for Con gressmen, Senators, Cabinet Mem bers and high officials. Downtown. Save car fare; good beds, good food; large rooms, open fireplaces; every comfort and dignity obtainable in higher priced hotel. $2.00 and $3.00 PER DAY FOR TWO PEOPLE; 10% reduction by the month. Man agement FIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY ROOMS— UNFURNISHE D. 719 D ST 8 E—4 rooms, private bath; very reasonable; adults. South, at Bth st. and Pa ave. 5« WOODRIDGE, 3301 17th~nTeTTwo Targe", connecting rooms for 1.h.k.: light and airy; near cars and busses: reasonable. COLORED: 715 FAIRMONT—4 rooms, 2nd floor, housekeeping: adults. 4* ROOMS—FURNISHED AND I NFUR 638 CST N.E Floor. 3 rooms, unfurnished: could furnish for desirable tenant; 2 nicely furnished convenient location. fl» SUBURBAN BOARD. OAKDALE VILLA, Olen Echo, Md—Now open for the Summer: first-class table and all modern conveniences. Special rates to families. Opposite Bannockburn Golf Club Call Bradley 657. COUNTRY BOARD. SPEND delightful vacation on large Va estate Colonial home, modem conveniences, bert of Southern cooking: free golf. $lO to sl6 weekly Spring chicken dinners. SIOO Two hours' from city. Major Marshall Mac- Donald, Media Farm. Charles Town. W Va. ROOMS AND BOARD. 1629 K ST. N.W., the Lee-Marque—Nicely furnished room, semi-private bath, excellent board home cookinjg _ garage 6 •_ 1844 MInTwOOD PL —Two attractive rooms in private home for those desiring a real home atmosphere; fresh fruit and vegeta bles a specialty. Columbia 8119. U)2O !6th ST.—Large room, private bath with shower walking distance; with excel lent meels. for young ladles; available Juiy 15th 4* 1515 MASS AVE— Beautiful detached cor ner double, triple rooms, delicious food; ladies gentlemen, high class, reasonable; central. 1253 IRVING ST —Room and board, private home. Adams 7585-W. 1414 MASS AVE N.W -Third-floor front room, twin beds, hot and cold water; single room. 4* 2521 CONN AVE N.W.’. near Rock Creek Park, in lovely modern home Beautiful rooms, porches, private; semi-private baths garage; suitable for couple or persons de siring first-class home, breakfast, dinner WANTED—ROOMS. I EMPLOYED" COUPLE desire two furnished rooms in private home, breakfast facilities. 1 Give full particulars. Address Box 32-A, Stay. office _ __ _ YOUNG LADY, employed, desires cool, nice ly furnished room, vicinity Capitol Hill, pri vate home. Address Box 220-A. Star office I »*_ WANTED—ROOMS AND BOARD. ' ROOM AND BOARD with private family. ; Georgetown or vicinity; young man. single; references furnished. Address Box 63-A, Star office APARTMENTS—FURNISHED ENTIRE FLOOR.' DETACHED HOME: 5 ft . b. Inst. h. w attractive, private. $65 Oeorgia 1783. 248 Carroll st . Takoma Park. 704 3rd ST N W—NICELY FURNISHED apts., housekeeping, rents reasonable, rales from $5 to tlO per week. _ 4* JULY 1 TO dCT. T—WARDMAN PARK. 2 large rooms, kitchenette, balcony; cool. Call Col. 2000, Apt. 608-X. • THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C, FRIDAY. JULY 4. 1930. APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) r ?« EVY CHASE—LIVING ROOM.' KITCHEN. - 2 bed rooms, bath, screened porch, cool and • attractive; a m l.; Frlgidalre: half block ' ,7 buSl stores, restaurant. Cleve . land 0777, 4* • POTOMAC “ARK APARTMENTS" 21st A C • j Sts. n.w Phone National 9102 Within 1 walkir distance ol the White House and • ! Washington Monument Here you nave 1 the beautiful gardens of Potomac Park and . the Lincoln Memorial for a front vard; miles r o* watks among tne trees and flowers of Washington. The Magnificent Completely furnished hotel room' and apartments. With . or wlthou' full housekeeping facilities a . high-grade house with standard service No dog- or cats or wild parties . ! 1209 N ST N.W—ONE AND TWO~ROOM • ■ apts. newly furnished and decorated: a m i.; ’ I Adults: reduced. . DUPONT CIRCLE, 1626 18th BT— TWOAND | three room apts , heat, gas and electricity; ■ nicely furnished; garage. 1504 PARK RD—TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN^ ' cue, bath, electricity, continuous hot water; phone. I 814 CONN LARGE. COOL,~f R . KITCHEN ’!£,*. b-> completely furn.; $9 wk. up; cont. I hot water; quiet, refined: rooms. $5 wk. up. 1 i 114 12th ST 8.E., NR LINCOLN PARK— Fur or unfur.. 2 or 3 rms., kit., bath, : am.l.: adults. Lin. 2390-W. in* | FIRST FLOOR. THREE ROOMS. BREAK fast porch, hall: newly furnished piano, Majestic radio. Phone Adams 3888. 763 Princeton pi. n.w. 6* SOMERSET HOUSE. 1801 16th ST. APT. 311—Spacious, attractively furnished, four ! rooms, linen, silver, Frlgidalre. radio; July • j 1 to Oct, 1: adults. 6* 1426 33rd N.W , 2nd FLOOR—EXTRA LARGE 1 rooms, gas and elec.; suited for man and ' wife. _ Price. $35. «• TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH, i third floor KEDRICK. 1801 K ST. N.W—FRONTa apartment, 403; one large room, bath and) dressing closet. Apply Apt. 502. 6* 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, COMPLETE !y furnished; rent reasonable. No. 17 2nd re. Near Congressional Library. 5* SUMMER MONTHS ONLY sth-FLOOR apartmeint. corner Mass, and Wls. aves., 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, shower, elaborately furnished, twin beds, radio, Frigidalre*; SBO. Call Mrs. STEDHAM. Cleveland 4705. before noon. DETACHED APT.. THREE EXPOSURES; three large rooms, kitchen, bath The Wall | raff, 3025 15th. Resident manager. 1320 HARVARD ST.. APT. I—TWO ROOMB. ! kitchen, bath, porch; well furnished. Adams ! 3900-J. See janitor or Apt. 1. 1422 MASS AVE S E—FOUR ROOMS AND bath, a.m.1.; furnished or unfurnished; adults only. 5* DOWNTOWN—NICELY FURNISHED 4-RM. apartment; rent reasonable. Apply 803 Bth st. n.w. 5* 1204 N ST N.W —3-ROOM, NICEIY FUR - nlshed. front and rear ants.; $lO week; gas. elec, included. North 5977. LESS THAN TWO DOLLARS A DAY Llv rm„ bed rm., k,. b and porch, nicely furn., Incl bed-davenport, spinet desk, etc $52.50 to $57 50 mo ; large yard; the Bu chanan Apts , cor 13th and Buchanan sts Also the Wyatt Apts , 4520 Ga ave., $55 up ; Bpi offer to couple, no children. Oa 1883. NEW BLDG.—RENT CUT. SHORT WALK DOWNTOWN. Best n.w., fireproof, elevator, switchboard bldg . all large, outside rooms, tile baths and halls, neatly and comfortably furn.; bachelor or h.k .; 1 to 3 room opts Special, 1-R., K„ FURN., SSO; 3 R„ $75. Electric Refrigeration on House Current. Phone Potomac 1960. CORCORAN COURTS, 401 23rd ST. N.W. Frlgidalre. 1 Overlooking Lincoln Memorial. Convenient to Downtown. Just a Few Steps from the Golf Course. SSO.OO—A charming apartment, consisting of large living room. rec. hall, bath, ! Murphy bed; comfortably furnished. $92 50“ A beautifully furnished apartment, consisting of rec. hall, large living room, bed room, dlnet, kitchen and tiled bath; Murphy bed In living ■ room. i __ , . Manager on Premises. } 23rd and DN W. National 6933. JUST NO. DUPONT CIRCLE. FUR. APT. S4O; 4 RMS., $65. Completely and beautifully furn.. extra large and bright; exclusive apt. bldg . tile bath, parquet floors Thnne Pot 4258-J • MONMOUTH HOTEL, 1819 G ST. N.W. Three rooms, bath (large rooms and closet), overstuffed davenport , suites, modern furniture; all night | telephone and elevator service. i COOL SLEEPING PORCHT" FUR. APT., S4O; 3 R„ $65. i Also extra large 4 rooms, large inclosed porch, tile bath, fireplace completely furn ! only $,7 50 Worth $175. Corner bldg facing 2 parks; near stores, cars Adams 5578' | TH L J EFFE R: SON, 16th AND M STS. s Two-room, bath, kit. apts , t fur. complete for housekeeping; e linen, light, maid service and re f frigeration included in rent; 1 large, cool rooms. Apply Man ' ager, or Pot 566 Q 14th &~K—2 R„ FUR., $557 , Large rms, neatly furn apts. in finest ‘ marble bldg : most convenient location in city. Sea Champlain. 1424 K_»L_n w BEST VALUE—COOL : FUR. APTS., LOW RATES. 4-rm. h.-k. apts., 2 bed rms , at price of 2 rms Completely furn,. incl. linen, silver, etc. Accommodate 4 or 5 people, for S9O month Also 2 and 3 rm. apts $55 up 5-mir. ride downtown Leading opt group ; in city. Acres of ground. Case, etc ; ele vator and phone splendid lobbies; view 1 • I over city; largest rms . ha'ls. closets, porch I balconies, tile baths Most lor the money, i Swimming, tennis, golf handy Col. 7744 | OVERLOOK ROCK CREEK. COOL 16th ST. APTS. > 2. 3, 4 R. FUR.. $57 UP. 5 Finest detached bldg , overlooking park Extra large rms. beautifully furn New, 2 24-hr. phone and elevator service, ttle bath, 1 shower, kitchenette. Murpny bed, refrigera tion. lateat fittings Phone Adams 6010. Padro in Balboa, the Pacific terminal. His govern ment organization includes the usual departments covering health, roads, education, customs, postal service, and so on—a complete regulating and law enforcing body. His business branches conduct all facilities required by ocean shipping—fueling sta tions, storehouses handling all sorts of foodstuffs and supplies, dry docks, repair shops and salvage equip ment. Copyright, I WO. by B4g»f Hie. Burrough.. l„r All right. rwrrM “Where is the knife?" La asked him. "I do not know," replied Tarzan. "The man took It with him when he slipped away during the night. Os what good was your knife You can make another. Did you follow us all this way for nothing more than a knife? Let me go and find him. and I will bring it back to you.” La laughed a bitter laugh. In her heart she saw that Tarzan’s sin was greater than the purloining of the sacrificial knife, he had dared to spurn her love. That was worse. APARTMENTS—FUR. A UNFUR. 1717 R NW—ONE ROOM. BATH. NICELY furnished. $37.50: with kitchenette. Frigid aire. MO; two rooms, kit., bath. $55: nicely furnished. <07.50. Apply resident manager APT. 202. HARVARD HALL—ONE ROOM, kitchenette, dinette, bath, porch; sublet; ’ swimming pool, gymnasium; Frigidaire, elec tric dishwasher. 5» THE BRADFORD, 1800 K ST. NAV. 1.2, 3. 4 Room Apartments. Furnished and Unfurnished. Delightful Roof. Frigidaire on House Current. Resident Manager. Walking Distance Shops. Theaters Golf Courses. Tennis Courts APARTMENT PRIVACY AND CONVEN IENCE AT LESS THAN ROOM RENT. THE CONARD. 13th AND EYE N.W. t All apts. newly decorated: wide double! casement windows make them ideal lor i Summer. Beautiful Franklin Park at your j door Modern 11-story fireproof building, I located most desirably downtown. Large 1 lobby. 24-hour elevator and switchboard service; convenient to everything; 1 room, reception hall, kitchen and bath. $35 to S4O: 1 room, reception hall and bath. $32 50 and $35: attractively furnished apartments S4O to 150, Apply resident manager. Nat. 9070 FONTANET COURTS, 14th AND FAIRMONT. --2 rooms, bath (large rooms and closets), j S6O: furnished, S7O. Furnished have overstufled davenport suites. All have elevator and telephones; j all-night service, 812 10th ST. 3 rooms, bath, unfurnished. $35. FIDELITY GARAGE, 14th and Fla Ave.—so Cars. Management FIDELITY STORAGE CO., T H2O You St. N.W. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. 163! 8 ST NW.. SHELBURNITaPTS (ONLY 3 Y ac^}£ 1 ?£ ) ~-° ne 2-room, kitchen and bath apt $55.50: one at $57 50. and one 3-room. ) kitchen, bath apartment $69 50 Frigidaire free. Now under Barrett supervision ADULTS: 3 OUTSIDE" ROOMB. KITCHEN and oath: on Maryland ave.; overlooking beautiful Stanton Park, near Capitol and Congressional Library. Apply 317 Md. ave. n.e. Line. 5686. 1417 MASS AVE. 8E —4 LARGE. LIGHT rms , hall; a m.l • tanltor service; big yard; j fine view; reduced. S4O mo. Clev. 3931-W i Janitor. 1507 B at. s.e. 5* 2122 P ST. N.W.-NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE 6 beautiful ail outside rooms, norch. tile cnam»l rangr. Frigidaire ex-! ccllent location: with without rar.ige 1438 COLUMBIA HD N.W. DESIRABLE ! front apartment of 3 rooms, kitchen and bath; convenient neighborhood: newly deco rated: reasonable rent. Apply to janitor or call National 3626. 4* 3 ROOMS. "NEW HOME. OVERLOOKING Sherman Circle; near bus; reas. 4837 Kansas I ave. n.w. Adana 1914 or 6i:>7 1004 Quebec PL. N.W.—2nd-FLOOR APT.; ; large, porch a.m.1., telephone; reasonable,! one block noith Spring rd. and 13th 3* 225 H 8T N.W'.—ONE 3-ROOM APT; one 4-room apt., rear porch, tile bath, a,m.1.; ! rents Apply Janitor. 1824 MASS. AVE S E —2 ROOMS, KITCHEN and bath: gas, heat, electricity furnished; ajn.i. Atlantic 3031 5 ROOMS, KITCHEN AND BATH NEWLY decorated, modernly equipped. Apply 2414 14th_st, n.w,._Rt barber shop 5« j 1310 MASS AVE N.W ATTRACTIVE, newly decorated 2nd-floor front; large living room, kitchen, dining alcove, dressing room,; bath: will furnish if desired. For inspection. Metropolitan 8647. 2 BED ROOMS. LIVING ROOM. KITCHEN and bath: 3 exposures: near cars, busses, ; movies and market; S6O. 3517 13th nw. ONE ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH REA- 1 sonable; good location. 4916 9th st. n w Adams 2978 CLEVELAND PARK 2 OR 3 LARGE RMS . sleeping porch, bath. elec, refrigeration; for 1.h.k.; a m.1.; cool; 2nd floor, private home.! 2 blocks from Conn. ave. stores. Clev. 5537 i WANTED GIRL"TO SHARE APT WITH ■bother, July 15 or Aug. 1 Inquire at 2535 I 13th st. n.w.. Apt. 44 6* ON 4th FLOOR; BRIGHT APT 5 ROOMS. "®th. porch, etc.: steam. Janitor service; $45.50. worth SSO 50 Adams_s4s7-W. CHEVY CHASE UPPER APT IN BEAUTI fuI duplex home; 6 rooms (3 bed roomsi, 3330 geraKe - 3620 Ulttenhouse st. Clev 12 8 ST. NE - ONE OF FINEST, LARGEST, cheapest, all outside, spotlessly clean 6-room apt in city. 1929 16th ST NW ATTRACT!VEAPART- I ment. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, splendid' location: reasonably priced Call North 2058 ! 822 O ST. B.W 2 ROOMS AND BATH, cool and attractive, in homelike apartment house: rent. S3O. CORNER APT 035 KENNEDY ST NW 2 and 3 rooms, kit., dinette, bath, newly decorated: $55. Janitor or Adams 0574 302 EAST CAPITOL ST 3 ROOMS; COOLM ; bright, everything new, adults. S4O and SSO. Apply 325 C st s.e 6*_ I ON CAPITOL HILL THE DAVMAR. 18 9th ST. N.E. 1 room, kitchen and bath S4O 00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 47.50 Frigidaire on House Current I See Resident Manager _AtlantjC 3073.1 „ 3223 HIATT PL. Four rooms and bath, sleeping porch; S4O Phone Clarendon 1904 THE RAYK7nS\Y( >OD, 1466 COL. RD. Especially attractive, bright apartments. I room, Murphy bed. kitchen. Frigidaire, $42 Also 2 rooms, kitchen, front. $52 50. Res mgr or L. E. F PRINCE. 314 Investment Bldg __ ______ DOWNTOWN LOCATION—HOUSEKEEPING _ APARTMENTS Two rooms and bath 132.50 to $42 50 Three rooms and bath 50 00 TYLER A RUTHERFORD. INC. 1520 K St. N W Phone National 0478-0478. 1347 MD. AVE. N E 5 rooms and bath S3O 00 833 ELLIOTT ST N E 4 rooms and bath $27 00 3921 7th ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath $35 00 1 „ ARTHUR CARR. 306 Mills Bldg. • National 2865. 2000 H ST. N W I Convenient Downtown Location Near George Washington University, Government Departments. Etc. 4 rooms and bath SSO 00 . 3142 O ST NW. 3 rooms and bath S3B 00 4 rooms and bath 45 00 ISI 13th ST NE NEAR LINCOLN PARK. 5 rooms and bath ...,SSO 00 ARTHUR CARR. 306 Mills Bldg. National 2863. The Panama Canal maintains clubhouses for its employes: conducts two large, modern hotels: op erates plantations and cattle ranches. Attractive quarters are provided for both gold and silver em ployes and a commissary division, complete; from bakery to laundry, supplies their living needs. Then there is the railroad, and, too. a fleet of steamships plying between the zone and the United States for bringing supplies and transporting employes. All w ~ * — raiem unicr » Bv EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Inflexible remained her determination to make him pay in suffering. "All right I shall torture him." she muttered to her priests, "and at the first streak of dawn prepare the flaming altar.” During the balance of the day the priests of Opar busied them selves erecting it, and while they worked they chanted weird hymns in the ancient tongue of that lost continent that lies at the bottom of the Atlantic. And in the shelter of the hut, La paced to and fro beside the stoic ape-man. I APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 1441 HARVARD ST. Front—3 large rooms, kitchen and bath; electricity: Frigidaire. manager. OVERLOOK ROCK CREEK. FINEST APTS. ON 16th ST. 2-4 RMS., BATH, $45 UP. New bldg., largest and brightest rms.. mag nificent outlook. 4 rms., din. r., k., and bath. elec, refrigeration. SB2 50; one left. Tiie bath, shower, garage, etc.. 2 r. $45; 3 r.. >6O Phone Adams 6010 NORTHEAST, $42.50 TO $57750. Modern—Frigidaire. Front apts , 3 and 4 rooms, bath. Inspect 1700 Lyman pi. n.e. (Blads. rd. A L st.). Kevs. Janitor I HOWENSTEIN BROS . Lincoln 0897. COOLEST APTS. IN CITY, i AT GIVE AWAY RATES. Just became available, rates $55 to $75. 3 to 4 rms. Nearly twice the space of average apt . in largest group of modern bldgs., finest location. 5-min ride downtown. Near schools, stores, theaters; 5 acres of grounds beaut.fully landscaped; extra large rms. and closets, hardwood floors, tile baths, balconies; overlooking entire city; everything up to the minute. Elec, refrigeration If desired. Posi tively best for the money. Swimming. 1 tennis and golf handy to bldg Col. 7744 THE MADISON. 1739~EYS ST. 1 ROOM AND BATH $35.50 to $38.50 2 ROOMS AND BATH 52.50 i CORDOVA. 20th AND FLA AVE | 5 ROOMS AND BATH $80.50 to SB3 50 I 6 ROOMS AND BATH (DUPLEX! 110.50 COYWOOD. 1225 L ST. 5 ROOMS AND BATH $6150 2 ROOMS AND BATH $32.50 to 33.50 4 ROOMS AND BATH 45 50 DECATUR. 2122~DECATUR FL. 4 ROOMS AND BATH . $55.50 to *57 50 CARVEL HALL." 1915 K BT. 1 ROOM. KIT. AND BATH $35 50 to $42 50 WELDON HALL. 1282 21st ST. 2 ROOMS, KIT. AND BATH. .$53 00 to $54.00 1 ROOM. KIT. AND BATH .. 38.50 to 45.00 THE TIVERTON. 1121 24th BT. I 1 ROOM. GRILL. BATH $29 50 to $32 30 2 ROOMS. KIT. AND BATH.. 48.50 to 49.50 1 ROOM. KIT. AND BATH... 33 50 to 37.50 THE PENFIELD. 909 20th ST 1 ROOM. GRILL AND BATH $32 50 1 ROOM. KIT. 4 BATH $32.50 to 34.50 ! THE NORTHMINSTER 2114 N ST. N.W. 1 ROOM. KIT. AND BATH.... $32.50 to $35.50 L._W. GROOMES. 1719 Eye St. MOST CONVENIENT LOCATION IN CITY Largest, bright apts. in finest marble 7-story, fireproof, elevator bldg.: 2 to 5 looms. $45 up. CHAMPLAIN, 1424 K n.w. 2140 N ST. N.W. 4 and 5 room apartments, newly deco rated Rent $37.50 to $52.50 J. DALLAS GRADY, 1 1010 Vt Ave N.W. District 9179 ALL FRONT ROOMS, SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. 4-rm. apts. as low as S6O. Beautiful de tached bldg. In one of finest residential squares uptown. Few minutes' walk to Rock Creek, car and bus terminal. Convenient to i stores and schools. Extra wide, airy halls; rms unusually large and bright. Best and ! healthiest place to live. Rates especially re duced. 1 apt,. 5 rms,. h., only $75; 3 rms., $47 50; tile baths, parquet floors throughout; See Wellington. 1701 Park rd. n.w. glAss-porch apts., OPEN FIREPLACES. In the mist beautiful bldg, in Mt Pleas ant. All outside rms. Extra large and j bright. Porches glassed and screened, some j as large as 10 ft. by 20 ft., in addition to 4 rms,. pantry, tile bath, everything the i very best and redecorated ,ike new. or will j be redecorated to suit tenant. Price spe cially reduced to as low as *62.50. Also 5- rm. apt. with pantry, porch and open fire- 1 place as low as $72.50. Positively the best I anywhere for the money Adams 5578 FOUR ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH. Frigidaire. NAVAL VILLAGE, 2423-2431 E St. N.W. Electric Refrigeration. Convenient to Govt, depts, Potomac Park \ and Geo. Wash. Univ. All outside rooms. I some facing Potomac River and two or ! , three exposures. 1 AN IDEAL PLACE FOR CHILDREN 2 r., kit , dining alcove, bath. . $43.00 to SSO 00 ! j 3 r. kit. dining alcove, bath.. 55.50 to 58.00 I 4 rooms, kitchen, bath 65 00 Apply MRS. HOOVER, Apt. 102. 2423 E St. N.W. West 0472. 3-R. APT., sso DOWNTOWN. 7-story, elevator, fireproof building, excel lent view and exposure. Extra large rms., I closets, tile bath. Phone West 1497-J. WHY PAY MORE? THE SORRENTO. 2233 18th Bt. N.W. 1 No 24 -5 rooms and bath S6O 00 I THE CLIFb BOURNE. 1855 Calvert St N W | No 33—5 rooms and oath SSO 00 I THE ST PAUL. 1822 15th 8t N.W | No 5—5 rooms and bath SSO 00! THE ROCHESTER. 1438 Meridian 8t \ Nr.. 34—4 rooms and bath $47.50 No. 36—3 rooms and bath 40 50] No 41—5 rooms and oath 52 50 i . THE LAMONT 1627 Lamont 8t No 31—5 rooms and oath $72 50 No 34—4 rooms and balh £5 00 THE CARLETON. 1741 Lanier PI No. 3—3 rooms and bath $35 00 THE A1 AMO. 1223 12th St N W No 40—3 rooms and bath S4O 00! THE INGLESIDE. 1651 Lamont St ! No -o—4 rooms and bath $55 00 No 7—3 rooms and ba.h . 42 50 .the PARKER. 1601 Park Rd No 503—3 rooms and Oath $55 00 THE BIRMINGHAM 2611 Adams Mill Rd No, 3—3 rooms and bath $45 00 No. 41—5 rooms, bath and porch . . 62 50 THE DETROIT 1440 Meredlan PI No 33—1 room and bath $25 50 THE CALIFORNIA. 1775 California St • No. 3—5 rooms and bath SSO 00 CHAS E TRIBBY, 814 Dlst Nat Bk Bid* IJay ph., Dist 4778. night nh , Col. 8670 THE WADE, 13th and M Sts. NAV. Just North of Mass. Ave. 1 room. Murphy bed and bath $35 00 1 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 65 00 Only 4 squares' walk downtown. Frigid alre and 2 elevators. Inspect tonight H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO., 1311 H St. N.W. District 0908. - /rttertays/faf: ) ■■■ - ■ r>u>tn **{**/ <* *>z,o7o? jsL~ vru^Jctb&iccv pcuci ? " @**>*<*AJuL . " /<*•»* g*>^U>Kj/ of these auxiliary operations are under centralised control. They returned a net profit of $737,850 for 1929. The Panama Canal Fortifications Division Is augmented by Army and Navy reservations. There is a large submarine base and both forces have model air stations. Tomorrow —Our Sister Republic, Panama. (AH rights protected. Trade mark registered D. 8. Patent Office.) Resigned to his fate was Tarzan. In the face of death he was unafraid. No hope of succor gleamed through the dead black of the death sentence hang ing over him. He had strained his giant muscles ineffectually at the many strands that bound him. There was no hope. Yet he continued to smile at La as she paced nervously back and forth before him. And La? She fingered her knife and looked down upon her captive. But she did not strike. Conflicting emotions smote her breast. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. THE FARNSBORO, FLORIDA AVE. AND DECATUR BT. Very Desirable Apartments. 2 rooms and bath. 3 rooms and bath. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1420 You St. NAV. REAL VALUE Largest apt. in city reduces its rates. Fireproof buildings. 5 acres of ground, with lawns, playgrounds; case and stores In bldg.; 10 minutes' ride downtown; on high eleva tion. cool In Summer; 24-hour elevator, switchboard: big outside rms, huge closets, kitchens, porch balconies, reception halls; from 3 rms., $57.50; 4 rms.. $75; 5 rms , S9O; refrigeration optional: tennis and golf course, swimming nearby. Phone Col 7744 . . NEW DOWNTOWN APARTMENT HOTEL PARK CENTRAL 19th and F Sts. N.W. 8-Btory fireproof building within walking distance of all Government j departments. convenient to all shops, theaters and to the recrea tional facilities of Potomac Park. INSPECT TODAY $47 50 A splendid housekeeping j suite with spacious living room, large I dressing room with Murphy bed. tiled bath with bullt-ln tub and shower and kitchenette. ' *57.50—A well arranged housekeep ing apartment, with unusually large living room with folding dining set. I inclosed porch, dressing room with Murphy bed, tiled bath with bullt-ln j tub, shower and fixtures, and kltch | enette. $82.50—A charming apartment with vestibule and closet Large living room, bright bed room with closet. j 1 tiled bath with built-in tub and fixtures, inclosed porch, cozy dining > room and kitchenette with special cabinet. Frigidaire in every aparfmenf Beautifully appointed 2-storv lobby. Radio in every apartment Carpeted corridors. Hioh speed elevators Switchboard. Apartments available immediately All-night service. See Manager on Premises Metropolitan 0540 Just Completed — Only a Few Left Immediate Occupancy NEW MIRAMAR Downtown Apt. Hotel 13th and Rhode Island Ave. Within Walking Distance of All Government Departments and Everything Downtown Out of Over 200 Apartments Only a Few Left l mutually Attractive Rentals Charming apartment contain- j ing large living room, kitchen, dinet equipment, sun porch, large dressing room with built-in Murphy bed, tiled hath, built-in I tub and shower. $57.50 and $59.50 FREE—Frigidaire Current Radio Reception ' Every Apartment Planned for ! j Maximum Comfort—You Will Be \ Proud to Live in the Miramar ' Res. Manager on Premises Pot. 5600 CAFRITZ Owners and Builders Quiet Neighborhood 401 23rd St. N.W. j Overlooking Lincoln Memorial Convenient lo Downtown Just a Few Minutes to the Golf Course J Corcoran Courts Lowest Rents in Town Equipped With Frigidaire t Twenty-four-Hour Switchboard ' I t and Elevator Ssrvlce. Rooms of enormous size, apart- i - arrangement, ton HUU Pot mac Rlver » n <l Arling c°nstatlng of ree. Sed and' ‘ r °° m wlth Murph, *—This beautiful apartment contains enormously large living 5-X'rec hir* kltChen » nd b ‘ th ' .consisting of rec. hall. | L?i 1 r? e n«rrh*ai,,.f. vln f roon '! inclosed and *bath ‘ d ette ’ bed mom. kitchen _.,H 7 southern ll ! 1 ! 1 ,r °nt apartment with southern exposure, all outside rooms: reception hall, with .nor I room 17 small* &?."• fIU brt ' an^baUi 1 * dlnin * room, kitchen , F j I Manager on Premises | * 23rd & D N.W. National 6933 | 5 I APARTMENTS • V»w ligi V do V. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. NO. OF DUPONT CIRCLE. GLORIOUS 4-R. APT., $65. Choice apt. bldg , exclusive n.w. section, all large, cool, outside rms., parquet floors, tile baths, reception hall. Really an ex ceptlonal value. Phone Pot. 4238-J. JUST REDECORATED. Downtown apt., 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath, elec, light. Apply in Jewelry store. 116 7th st. n.w 1685 CRESCENT PL. 1 Room, Kitchen and Bath, $35.00. 2 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath, $40.00. RESIDENT MANAGER. VIEW OVER ROCK CREEK. AT CONN. AVE. BRIDGE. APT. 8 RMS., 3 BATHS, $175. 3 RMS., $47.50; 4 RMS., S6O. Newer bldg : 24-hr. elev.. switchboard, re frigeration. Finest apt. In D. C„ at Mtl lipn-Dollar Bridge; entire front of bldg. Most unusual values for this fashionable neighborhood. Act quickly. Phone Pot 0270. SPECIAL NOTICE! LARGE NEW BLDG.—RENT DRASTICALLY REDUCED. Best n.w. fireproof, elevator, -.witohboard bldg., all large, outside rms ; tile baths and halls; bachelor or h.k.; 1 to 3 rm. apts. 1- KIT. APT., S4O; 3 R., $55. REFRIGERATION ON HOUSE CURRENT. PHONE POTOMAC 1900. COLORED ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS, newly decorated; desirable neighborhood; a m l.; Janitor; clean and quiet; reasonable rents. Phone Adams 1550. 4« FOR RENT TO COLORED—I7O4 T ST. N.W. —Front apartment of 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; newly decorated throughout. 1222 T st n.w.—Apartment of 2 rooms, Murphy bed, kitchen and bath; in excellent condition; reasonable rent. Apply to Janitor or call National 3626 4» 933 N N.W —THE HENRIETTA. 4 rms., kit. and oath S6O 00 2 rms., kit. and bath 37.50 Apts, have large rooms. Jan. serv., ele vator service and am i. Apply FLOYD E DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W. Nat l 0353-0352. RENT—FLATS, 1205 C NE—5 R.. BATH, ELEC 135.00 JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor, BENI HOUSES—FURNISHED. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 20 MIN. BY motor from Capitol: every convenience; an tique furniture. Cap. Hghts 256, or Me- KEEVER & GOSS. 1415 K st. n.w. 5» RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. SILVER BPRING. MD DETACHED BRICK bungalow. 7 rooms, spacious porches and grounds, shrubbery, garage; half block from Ga. ave 909 Silver Spring ave, Shep. 2581 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. WATER. GAS. ELEC tricUy. furnace heat, garage; S3O per month. Room 700. 1103 Vermont ave. 1138 ABBEY PL N E~-6-ROC)M BRICK house, h.-w. h.. elec., built-in garage, a m i.; *47 mo. Ken. 201-R. 6» 126 BRYANT ST. N W.; RENT SSO A MONTH —•Reception hall, living room, dining room, large kitchen with pantry. 4 bed rooms, bath, breakfast oorch. sleeping porch, ga rage; nice lot; newly decorated. Call W'is consin 4208: evenings Potomac 6334-J 2,11 17th ST. SE NEAR EASTERN HIOH School: 6 rooms, modern Colonial brick. 3 P,? rc , h ££. : . v ' ac » nt July 15: *45. ADELBERT w. LEE. 1343 H st. n.w.- National 1936. 1757 PARK RD—BRICK: NINE ROOMS, bath, a m 1., double garage; rent. *85.75; near cars. Open. WILLETT. National 4928 6* *77.50. REDUCED; 6909 Bth ST N.W?—DE tact ed. 8 r.. bath, garage, porches and sleeping porch; newly decorated. Phone Cltr., V>,% I*ol. UNUSUAL OFFER. NEW HOME—I42B PARKWOOD PL. Beautiful new home. Just north of 14th "•i 1 > n c , on, * tr >lng 7 large rooms ff??," I®' 1 ®' and «lassed-ln sleeping porch. 2- bullt>ln garage, large front porch, hardwood floors, hot-water heat and elec tricity. A real bargain for S9O a month. ~ CAFRITZ, 1404 K at. niKt oofln 418 6th ST. N.W. —B r!~AND^bTThTw! ilii :::::’BSS 2215 Eye n.w.—9 r . b.. h.-w.h., eiec . 1915 Pa ave. n.w.— B r„ 3 b.. h.-w.h.', °°° elec so on 2114 Eye n.w.—Store. 5 r. and h is no 1205 C n.e.—s r and b. 35 So 810 20th n w.—B r. bath "“.I" 33 00 423 H st. n.w.— 6 r.. water 32 00 1229 D i.e.-S r. and bath 30 50 1313 Lse 5 r.. water ! . 15 50 JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor, NEAR 14th AND VARNUM ST 1404 VARNUM ST NW slOO Beautiful home, conveniently located, onlv one-half block from 14th st. car line, con taining large, bright living room, dining J2Tge k indV n r«;i n d d aiJe 0 . Ur bPd bullt ' ln 1404 K St _ Dla t 9080 NR. GOV. PRINTING OFF ICR 1733 NORTH CAPITOL ST.-S6O bright rooms, kitchen and bath, hot-water heat, electricity, garage. CAFRITZ, 1404 K St __ Dist 9080 BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE. 4616 Norwood Drive—s9o. This comfortable home, overlooking Chevy „9 h £ se jf°**, course. 1 square south of Bradley lane at Wisconsin u 0 ?} 1 ? 1 "® reception hall, large, blight living room with fireplace, dining room, bright kitchen. 3 large bed rooms, tile bath with built-in tub and shower, extra tile lavatory on bed-room floor; large front and rear yards, garage This type home Is sel dom offered for rent. CAFRITZ. FOR COLORED; 1843 CORCORAN ST. NE . < Ky City—Practically new house. 5 rooms t and bath, h.-w.h electricity; rent very rea- , , sonable to reliable party. Call Atlantic 1366. c or key at 714 7th st. n.e. j COLORED. 2JOB', L BT. N.W.—3 RAND B elec.; S3O per month. H. I. COLEMAN, 1410 . Q n.w. Met. 8338. •• t KENT HOI'SES—I'NFURNISHED tCanttnued.) ATTRACTIVE HOMES FOR COLORED TEN • nt*—Llat aent on request of • number of houses and apartments for colored tenants, m a month up. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD realtor, 733 30th st. n.w. Phone District SP* COLORED $35 3» FIVE-ROOM BRICK, food condition. *l9 N. H aveTkey at «li N, H. ave., next door, excellent opportunity. *•_ WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES. TO RENT AT ONCE AND DURINO BUM br Son J*, er - b » married couple. Cleveland Park. Chew £P,* S * ® r . MT Pleasant section, not over $75 g 3:A m ßUr'office. Addr “ a *>* COR 3rd AND 8 STS N (~» hOOMST~3 V 11" baT ** ln lor cash. See CARROLL. 91> O St. n.w. Met. B*lo 314 AST NE (NEAR CAPITOL' —1 iTrooM house, brick «»ra*e. sm l Ideal for tourist or rooming house, price. 19.000. 810 BARGAIN. $(1,950. ON TERMB. ONLY one left; new six-room semi-detached brick ami ; extra features; carafe: It will take quick action to secure this bargain. Ad dress Box 31-A, Star office, or Cleve. s**4 6* NEAR C A PITOI —COLONIAL HOME. SIX aara * a Redured for Immediate sale. $4,950. this a give-away; terms. Dls. 7*31 DETACHED BRICK. NEW. ONtY . Near Conn. ave . surrounded by K. r . , .r„« r n,ce and eoo i : Iar * a lot. garage, beautiful home, a m.L. fireplace. etc . slat* Act Quickly. See by appointment only Ad sms 478*. OPEN. CORNER. BAROAIff 3501 N H £?* * ' f ,r k ra. Must be sold at once 3? ,'T h ’, elw • ,hrff porches Bargain for quick sale. trms, or rash offer above trust E W BAILEY. Adams 4786 CLEVELAND PARK—NEW DE tached 6-room brick house, tiled bath with shower, extra lavatory. Frlfidalre. bullt-ln garage, large porch. OWNER. 3635 Wlndom pi n w BY OWNER- HOME, large yard; In old Cleveland Park Price reduced $3.000 3314 Roaa ol e ™ PL* .MODERN. VERY LAROE i ut w Ul flowfr »- grapes. 4 garages. Che*PV,\ home northeast. $6,500. terms. UIS~ 7031. 5 • N E R l EL'S CHURCH AND SCHOOL. _ . .817 ALLISON ST NW. * bMt opportunity to buy a aeml detached house with side windows, contain v%nfu * t * ven room** large cement porches. h« h ?ak floors throughout, tile b ?,. b built-in tub and shower, large ?IIIL* 0r o torage. Reduced price; reasonable U.h&J ur?tl***9*p m" Pr,miSM - ° P * n * nd CHAS. D. SAGER. National 0036. 934 14th St N W WALTER A. DUNIOAN QUALTY BUILT HOMEB A FEW SELECT BUYS. ALL REAL BARGAINS. EABY TERMS . N.W. SECTION 6 rooms and bath. 20x32 brick house, all !Tn. d v rr l. , D * ved Btreel * nd alley, new. t4th and Qulncv sts, n.w. Priced Low at $10,950. _ . MARIFTTA PARK. Semi-detached; 8 r. and bath; bullt-ln ga- J, a *®- This 1* * beautiful corner; cedar closets, wnlte oak floors upstairs and down Bargain at slo.2so—Easy Terms. NORTH CLEVELAND PARK. Corner, on 47 ft. lot. 8-room. 2-bath Sj,lek. garage to match house, hard wood floors upstairs and down This is a real bu A Can b * hPught right with a good further P *nform.«loi? Bl * N>t '° nal 9H ° ,0r WALTER A 9 DUNIOAN t Owner A BuUd.r. 638 sth ST. N.E. mo P ffh , ‘ 1 5. b^ O &r ,ftoo C,Bh “ nd » 50 s ?* r OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER —will sacrifice two houses, one north east, one Petworth Miss Mercer, the High lands. North 1240 evenings or Sunday. 6* WILL TRADE NEW CORNER [ HOME. rn? s »v?i» t i? na U# ,1 i d J" are opportunity to trade for this beautiful Petworth corner at an In teresting price. This home has all the latest a l s P vnM em nnrt S i* nd mod, rn equipment, such 5,® ?° t 4, P"*? ln . expensive homes. If you want to deal, act quickly. Call Oeorgla 3522. Bargains—l7th and G Sts. S.E. Just North of Pa. Ave. Cars. _JUv, yo J!. f re P a 7ln* as much as S6O a homes r Th.v OU *.«? buy one of these new Siding p h o , rc^ S ma g n a y ra^ tHuj a, green at wh??h l llchen flxt ures. a beau vm. wYI 1 ' *, h i. c . h w * *re sure will please H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO.. 1315 H St. N.W. Dist. 0908 ITALIAN VILLA. 3842 Cathedral Ave. N.W. $32,500. lor»fed r< Ji O .T?' ,1?° b# ths. detached residence. r St” I */i S K Ct on r? f . Mass and Wls. most’ f b ?"f Cathedral: highest. 1 munlt” a ««i*!l!s.-" cl V 8 r * sld *Ptia! com- I ness riHhUiw.*!?!?®* -. of unus ’ jal desirable. nacu/miM / reduced in price: an unsur exrefl2n? P F2. r ix Un ty for on, “ requiring a real, Ce rn^Ll esl £* nc * c °nvenlently located; but b?.sine.. VL ( L y ,rom , th « downtown Sunday center - ° pen and lighted all day ’ CHAS. D. SAGER. 1 National 0036. 924 14th St. N.W. i NEAR~DUPONT CIRCLE. , rA ?l° wn - st 2 n ?v. front - .1730 18th st. n.w.: S ta°sru?.' ? baths - »"il '• excellent condition; >8.500, terms. Call OWNER. Atlantic 2470 * CHEVY CHASE. D. C. S7O Per Month. Semi-detached, modern: 4 bed rooms, open fireplace. 3 large porch es. large attic; fully screened: garage. Vacant and in excellent condition, small down payment. Open for In spection Sunday afternoon. Drive out Conn. ave. to Military rd,, left on Military rd. to 5332 Belt rd„ or call Nat. 7936. REAL BARGAIN. NORTHEAST. ONLY $7,250. VERY EASY TERMS. Be sure to inspect this before von buy. 1274 Neal St. N.E. T (Just North of Florida Ave.) Near Sears, Roebuck & Co. Close to schools. Modern. Fine condition. 6 rooms, 3 porches. Lot 150 feet deep. Open 5 to 9 P.M. YOUR OWN BROKER OR CALL DECATUR 2513. NEAR NATIONAL CATHEDRAL. $13,950. ■> det „ Bc .t* d brlrk hoi r 8 rooms and T«r b A tit ril h , * ve 7 modern appointment. Large lot and long front terrace. This home & offered »t $ 2 .500 less than original prTe Call AdSms Sist'lw h ° mC aS P,rt paymfnt - BUNGALOW FOR SALE. 2109 S2nd st. s.e , Hlllcrest—s-room bun •fjo'tl}f b*th. hardwood floors and trim, electric lights and am 1. Can be bought i. li 50 J?, ow . n ,lnc, per month. See or call Mr. Clarke. 1011 6th gt. n.w. Nat 3007. DETACHED SPANISH BUNGALOW. ONLY $5,250. *’ ld e Payed avenue; large, beautiful lot. with plenty of shrubbery: garage, hot-water heat, electric lights, fireplace. $350 cash. SSO monthly Address Box 22-A. Star office. 14th ST. HEIGHTS NAV. 1222 KENNEDY ST. $8,950. Modern 6-room house with two Inclosed porch rooms; parquetry floors on first floor, house tn excellent, condition; unusually deep lot. planted with beautiful flowers; con venient to cars, schools, stores, etc. Open Saturday and Sunday. Terms reasonable. CHAS. D. SAGER. National 0036. 924 14th St N W OBLIGED TO SELL BRICK HOME. Six rooms, bath, front and rear porches, nice lot. Ideal Section of Petworth. A small home you will be proud to own Owing to unusual clrcum stances this home is under market D r ice at.— s7.4so.oo—Terms. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone for Particulars. PAUL P. STONE, 1103 Vermont Ave. N.W. District 6229. , Night, North 7471. CHEVY CHASE HOME. $11,950 Two blocks from Conn. ave. on wide con- S n tr 7ir;Je l ! ,r^ r r , o e o^, and on b n h n,e P „? re t h o eludes M. AND R. B. WARREN, 1 Wlsct nain 2873 (Contlnued on Next Paga.)