Newspaper Page Text
MOON MULLINS— Uncle Oscar, the Dough Boy —By WILLARD COM ViV 1 1 ml 1 -\fn,l Ts / MONiEV- V j |§Sg|gj|r I STILL HAVEMYOWM I \ \l|jU \ I ///mi \ REMIND MEOF MV W v A ( BEFORE WE ELOPED Ht dliißP^vife> SHS-oo« imtac-t: I K\ \\J ) I \ ! J,/ n! \ second husbamo. H ves,y&3- was always worrying lilliES® BUT THAT AINY / MR. POTTS WAS j K l OAPt FOR FEAR UNCLE OSCAR ' r^' unc£3scar OF ' jHES \ S remarks, *gS7* FTWviTfftHt HE 15 VERY VPDV V ' VOU QU ' TE -N S A ®‘ J T.T HA:r WAS / 010 NOTHING BUT WORRY up ... ERY * / FOP \ i ABOUT Al_\_ HE / I FOR FEAR UNCLE OSCAR WOULD rTT/^YT - ■ '''- ' , ir F - SALE—HOUSES. (Continued.) ‘ CAN BE SOLD TO COLORED PURCHASER- Attractive home on New York ave. near Ist at . fronting Dark: well located and arranged for doctor's office: 9 rooms and bath, cellar, {team heat, electricity; in fine order. Priced to settle an estate at *8.500; reasonable terms. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor, FOR SALE TO COLORED. 1603 N. J. Ave N.W. Vacant, brick. 7 rooms and bath, cellar, new back porch, new pantry, electricity; newly papered and painted. Price ehesp Terms same as rent. Act quick, get this bargain. 1416 Pat n.w. Nat. >172. FOR COLORED. KINGMAN PARK. . The Wonder Community of New Homes. H St. Cars to 23rd St. N.F.. These houses represent the ideal in homes for small families. Every possible feature is added to aubstan tialness in construction and are most conveniently located, adjoining large river park area. All brick, with con crete front porches, deep lot* to alley Sample houses. 580 and 535 23rd st. n.e. Prices. *6.175 to *7.250. Open and lighted daily until 9 p m. If you have ambition and thriftiness, you will not fail to investigate. CHAS. D. SAGER, Owner and Builder. National 0036. 924 14th St. N.W. V *= 1- _ WANTED TO BUY—HOUSES. CASH FOB WELL LOCATED HOUSES, stores and apartments. Also have friany clients who wish to purchase homes on terms at present market value. BHOWAL TER REALTY CO , 1427 Eye at. n.w. Nat. *■4122: evenings. Pot. 4491. SMALL HOUSE: PREFER NEAR EAST CAP- Rji st. Have cash. *6.000. Write details Immediately. 201 McGill Bldg. 4* _SALL OR RENT—HOUSES. NEW OR NEARLY NEW HOUSE: THREE bed rooms; near high school; before July 10; please state rent in reply. Address Box 237-A. Star office 6* BURLEITH. One of the larger houses, with 6 rooms, bath. 2 porches, screens, awnings, garage, many improvements. 1714 37th st. n.w. SHORE PROPERTY^ SALE OR RENT. VERY REASONABLE: large aleeping porch 10x24. overlooking bay; living room (open fire), 2 bed rooms, kitch en. bath; safe bathing: store near; refined neighborhood colony; 1 mile north Fairhaven. CAPT MARSHALL. Town Point. Wis. 2992, . Nat. o*oß. RENT—STORES. 2114 EYE ST N.W.—SMALL STORE WITH S rms and b.: fine opportunity for business from large apartment houses nearby; *45. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, realtor, 723 20th st. n w. NE. CORNER 14th AND R Large. Modern Auto Sale* Room. 100 Feet Front on 14th St Former Agency for Studebaker Cars EDW P SCHWARTZ. INC. 1014 Vt Ave. 711 AND 711 ’a 9th BT. N.W. Next to Rialto Theater. Very Reasonable Rent. FDW. P SCHWARTZ. INC . 1014 Vt. Av«. Bth AND H STS. N.E. At Intersection of two car lines. Unusual opportunity to rent large store In one of the best blocks on H st. Suitable for most any business immediate possession. Apply • t once. HOWENSTETN BROS , 7th A H Sts. NE ' WANTED—STORES. STORE. GOOD N.W. LOCATION. POR confectionery and catering, with living quarters preferred. Addresa Box 176-A. Btar office. 7* . * exchange! MATCtf 0+ MOST ANY REASONABLE trade In local or clear out-of-town real estate. Cicv. 6160. BUNGALOW. CORNER N.W.; COBT 610,000; clear. For larger semi or detached house about the same price. National 0882. FOR TRADE—STORE AND LARGE LOT, corner Taylor and Wells aves., Hyattsvllle, Md. Good for grocery and gas station. Clear of trusts Price. *2.000. C. F. WAR ING. owner, 1416 F st_. n.w. Nat l 9172. Tale OR EXCHANGE. , OFFER *2,000 EQUITY IN COTTAGE CITY B-rm. bungalow for city house, co-operative ant, or out-of-town property. Clev. 6160. NEAR 18 th AND COL. RD —l2 ROOMS. 2 baths. 8 bed rooms- good income: thoroughly modern; excellent condition: best oil burner: *18.500. one trust. Trade for clear property. Address Box 494-Z. Star office. 4* ON 16th STREET Beautiful detached home of 11 large room* , end 3 baths, modern In ell details. 2-car ga-age to match. Will consider exchanging the equity of *22,500 for small apartment, vacant ground or smaller houses. Address Box 376-A. Star office. BEAUTIFUL DETACHED HOME ON upper 16th at 12 rooms and 3 baths. Subject to one trust. Will exchange for small renting or commercial prop erty, will also consider a farm or country estate Mr. Brockson H. G. SMITHY CO., Successor to Business of N. L. Satisbury Co.. Inc.. 1418 Eye St. Nat l 5904. SALE—ACREAGE. IDEAL SUBDIVISION SITE FOR J, 2 AND 3 acre tracts, located on Btate road In Ken ra> section, not far from Congressional v Country Club and close to Maryland Gulf and Country Club About 35 acres, with long frontage on State load Price, *SOO per acre, if all :* taken at this time. Address Box 269-A. Star office. 100 ACRES FRONTING ON THE POTOMAC near Great Falls: *lls per acre. Address % Box Star office 6* SALE—FARMS. •0 ACRES. 1, CLEARED! 7-R HOUBE. labarn, 4-r. tenant house; *4.200: easy ten s ERVIN REALTY CO . phone Hyatts vllle 765 135 ACRES ON PATUXENT" RIVER* IN Anne Arundel County, Md , near State road; about 100 acres large timber, valuable gravel deposits, old farm buildings. *3,500. Address Box 284-A. Star office. _ 6*_ 25-ACRE FARM." BUNGALOW, H-W H . barn, chicken houses, tools, cow. horse. 250 chickens: near Fairfax, *3.000, cash only. Particulars, address Box 275-A. Star office. 5* Ts ACRES. POULTRY OR FLOWERS. 6 miles from D C. line. Southern Maryland, on State road; 5-room house, J acre m grapes, excellent water, plenty shade, elec tricity in front of house. *6,000. Address Box 202-A, Star office 6* WANTED—FARMS OFFER *7 000 EQUITY IN J-RM. TAKOMA frame, beautiful lot < 22,000 square feet), for Dear farm or acreage. Clev. 6160 SALK—LOTS. MUST BELL 4 GOOD BUILDING LOTS 40x125 feet each all improvements In. In cluding 2-car garage Make offer Cal! Myattaville 569 or inquire 3620 33rd at., Mt Rainier. Md. IT MUST BE SOLD! OUT-OP-TOWN owner directs me to sell choice bldg site on 49th st. in American University Park, D. C. Price *1.250 or offer ADELBERT W LEE 1343 H 8t N_W Ntt'l 1936 Price, 12c Ft. Near W at. and Conduit rd n w 75x150 ft. On grade with aewer. Water electricity c E WARING. 1416 F st. n.w Nat 9172. \\ ANTED—LOTS. BUILDING LOT IN ARLINGTON COUNTY. . Va, west of Rosalyn. State terms and loca * tlon. Addreaa Star office 6* * SALE—INVESTMENT PROPER I V. ATTENTION! INVESTORS—MANUFACTURERS Or Biadensbtrrg rd . north of 15th A- H *ts n.e—A bargain tract of nearly two acres, containing over 17.000 sq fi first commercial and 64,000 sq. ft second com mercial land Priced for quick aaie at 20c per sq. it. Term* if desired r GARMAN BROS 3533 Bladensburg Rd. Lin. 9400. REAL ESTATE. SALE—BUSINESS PROPERTY. TWO SITES ON K ST *9,250 EACH Fine business location vest of Connecticut ave., near the market at 21st. Adjoining sites each 14 ft. wide, deep lot to alley, and if both are taken at this time will consider *9,250 each. Full Information fronwiwneiu Address Box 267-A. Star office RENT—BUSINESS PROPERTY 2nd. 3rd AND 4th FLOORS "( ABOUT 18 rooms) of building at n.w. corner 17th and Pa. ave. n.w. First floor to be occupied by • new Liggett'* Drug store. EDW. P. SCHWARTZ. INC., 1014 Vermont ave. (see Mr. Birckhead). RENT—WAREHOUSES. 458 VIRGINIA AVE. S.W. Convenient location:# suitable for aecond commercial or business uses JAMES F. SHEA, 643 La. Ave. N W. WATER-FRONT PROPERTY. PINEY POINT SHORES—LOTB *52 TO 6250. send for free circular. BAUMAN A HEINZ MAN. 1 Thomas Circle. Dec. 4700. foR .sale —my beautiful water front home, Chesapeake Bay. adjoining An napolis; water, sewer, gas. electricity, large beach Addresg Box 382-R. Star_offlce SHERWOOD FOREST SMALL COTTAGE; modern conveniences: furnished: 635 week Addresa Box 199-A. Star office. 4* FOR SALE. WATER FRONT ON PATUXENT. 2 ,0 . 20 , a ? r ? s . : * ood bathinr and crabbing, beach, duck blind, fishing and oyster ground. Come and see it. A. B. Duke, Adelina, Md. e* ST CLEMENTS SHORES—COTTAGE, FIVE rooms, bath. boat, near steamboat wharf, churches, stores; *35 week or *6O for 2 weeka. Lin. 2521, 813 Eye st. n.e, g« FOR BALE—WATER FRONT COTTAGE AT Cedarhurst on the Bay (near Shadyaide); furnished. including boat. Price *2.500: terms. Inquire on property or Bauman & Helnzman. 1 Thomas Circle. NEWLY FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES, running water, city toilets, electric lights; for rent. *25 a week, or for sale, easy terms: I Sylvan Shores: safe, sandy, shady beach; refined Summer home colony. C. W. RID DICK. Riva. Md. • NORTH BEACH—CLEAN COTTAGEsTeLEC . screened porches; accommodate 9; available July 7: *2O per week. Shep, 2484-J » VERY 800 N NEELD ESTATE. AT PLUM Point Wharf on the Chesapeake, will open its wonderful bayside lot development. Now is the time to buv lots at predevelopment prices. Every lot is close to water; best, bathing beach In Maryland, fine fishing and crabbing. To promote Interest, lots right on the perfect beach and within 100 feet of water, with unobstructed view of the 24- mlle-wtde ’.ay. will be offered during the holidays at astounding prices. Closest In miles and minutes over fast State highways all the way. Solomons road to Plum Point road, which runs direct to property. Never before and never again will there be this op- | portunlty to obtain the finest bayside lots ever offered at prices that coax you to buy. I Don't hesitate. You can drive down In an i hour and be convinced. 4* j FOLLOW THE ORANGE SIGNS TO CEDARHURST I ON THE BAY. 32 miles from D. C Lots as low as *2OO. Cottages for sale: easy terms. Cedarhurst ! is a refined Summer colonv having electric- j ity. good bathing, fine fishing; private boat harbor good roada. hotel, store and bakerv. Bring your bathing suits. Free parking, i Drive through Marlboro and Mt Zion to I Shady Side road and follow signs. Send ! for circular. BAUMAN A HEINZMAN, 1 Thomas Cirrle. Decatur 4700. PINK WIIIFF REACH, On South River. Sacrifice sale water front lots and bunga- I low sites. *l5O up. New 5-room, screened I bungalow on lot 50x140 Not a shack! Best material and workmanship: concrete block foundation, 20-ft. porch. French win dows. hardwood floors. Ready for occu pancy. See this cottage and save *1,500. Our price only *1.750 FRANK BERNARD, 421 Quincy 8t NW. Adam* 3233. 1 1 i! Food For Thought A small cash payment will re serve for you a fine salt-water- j:, front site, with bungalow built to ' „ order In a community subdivision on beautiful South River. With in daily commuting distance of Washington by bus or auto. Southaven is a carefully but sensibly restricted colony, with sixty-foot streets and sites of one half acre up. Beautifully shaded ij parkways, community beach and piers, pure spring water, salt water bathing. Comparable to our best suburbs, yet our prices are exceptionally reasonable. Di rections: 21 1 2 miles from Bladens burg. over Defense Highway to ward Annapolis, turn at large sign. For further Information call District 6229. Offices: 3103 Vermont Avenue N.W., District 6229, and on premise*. REAL"ESTATE—LOANS” lat and 2nd TRUST LOANS PROMPTLY negotiated; lowest rates Refinancing JAMES N HUGHES. 1427 Eye at National 9372. HAVE *4.000 FOR FIRST TRUST LOAN. BG. D. C white property. Room 10, 1410 G st. , I! W. Met 8333. 8* MONEY TO LOAN ON b. C REAL' ESTATE In an} amount at prevailing interest. JESSE I L. HEISKELL. 1115 Eye at. n.w. _ SEE ME FIRST—Ist. 2nd AND 3rd TRUSTS: j no red tape quick service, reasonable *3OO. repay *1 50 wg *SOO. repay *2.60 wk ' *7OO. repay *3 50 wk 1900. repay *4 50 wk 11.500. repay *7.60 wk 12.000. repay *IO.OO wk 12.500, repay *l2 50 wk *3.000. repay *ls 00 wk *3.500. repay *l7 50 wk *4.000. repay *2O 00 wk Above payment* Include principal and in terest and can be arranged monthly and bi-monthly Also loans In nearby Md AVa DR A HENRY. INC. 1016 Eye at. O.W (where Eye at. meets N Y a»e.). QUICK MONEY, - TO LEND. 2nd AND 3rd TRUSTS; *IOO TO *4 Win ON MARYLAND AND D. C HOMES THREE DAYS TO COMPLETE TRANSAC TIONS. COURTEOUS SERVICE C. F. WARING, 1416 F ST N.W NATL. 9173. AUTO LOANS. a Better, cheaper plan. TO BORROW ON YOUR AUTO OR TO REFINANCE THE UNPAID BALANCE. NORMAN GOLDBERG. 916 OST N.W . ROOM 501 MET 4142 Liberal Loans Procured On Autos, Trucks. Btor*. Office Equipment Quick Low cost. Confidential service No Indorsements MONK. 931 N Y Ave. NW. Nat *722 AUTO LOANS. QUICK SERVICE. Open Evenings. 645 Md. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 0178 1710 14th St. N.W. North 9540. LOANS ON AUTOS. USE YOUR CAR—LOWEST RATES LOANB ON UNPAID CARS ACME FIN. & REALTY CO., LICENSED BROKERS 905 N. y. Ave. N.W. National 2453 WANTED— MONEY. REBPOBIBLE PARTY WILL PAYIOV POR L°. an ’ • m ® l « security. Address i Box 209-A. Star office. 4# MONEY TO LOAN! WE BUY'FIRST DEEDS - ?)F" TRUST NOTES on vacant ground, building lots and acreage, buy second deeds of trust notes on im proved property FULTON % OORDON. Continental Trust Bldg. Diitrlll *3*l. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1930. SALE—SUBURBAN. | LARGE HOUSE; CORNER LOT' SHADE trees: garage; 4 bed rooms. 2 baths, cltv I water, sewer. Price. *8.750; small cash uav- i ; £?£xL. a * a slL. t,r ?l*' ADPIv aurora hills HOMES. INC., Mount Vernon Boulevard at 1 Frazier Ave. 1 —__ . ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM HOUSE, ‘j, ACHE. ! good water: near Kensington; *2OO cash. I *lB monthly. Price, $2,000. Kensington 74-J. ; [ ‘ LOTS AND ACREAGE. BELTSVILLE. MD.. | j ideally located for business or residential ] purposes. New 5-room bungalow, modern I : Improvements, on new State road: reason able. J. S. JONES, Oxford Bldg., 14th and 1 N. Y. ave. n.w. 5* SIX ROOMS. BATH. KITCHEN. H.-WIL. garaee. Oakmont ave. and Marion st.. Seat Pleasant, Md. See J. A. WILLAMETTE on premises. 5» SOUTHERN EXPOSURE HOME 7 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, gas. electricity; lot 50x150 ft.; garage: lovelv shade trees; on the most beautiful street in Hyattsville; *7.000; terms ERVIN REALTY 1 CO., phone Hyattsvllle 765 ATTRACTIVE HOME IN HERNDON. VA . on large lot; 6 rooms and bath, electric range, refrigerator and pump; furnished Price, including furniture, *5,200. An osier invited. J. M. WOODWARD. 723 20th St. N.W. .DOWNTOWN BUSINESS LOCATIONS. Lot 28 by 119.9 to wide alley: second com mercial zone, near 7th and Pcnna. ave. n.w. by substantial brick dwelling. *20,000, reasonable terms. Lot 23.5 Iront on Mass. ave. n.w. near 4th st. and running through to H st. Im- i n y , fra sl e «iL w * M,n *- FirM commercial I speculafion*’ * 8,500 ' A good buy lor use or JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor, NEAR CLARENDON, VA. I#iLl'S ? as ’ 6ath, elec., cellar, heat, garage: _Price *4.500, *2OO down, balance *35 mo New 5r . gas. elec., bath, h-w h . Frigidaire. hardwood floors, citv water, ga- ; !!***• Jj. acre; price *6.500; *SOO down, bal- ! moand many others to choose from. Also choice lots. *ls down. *lO mo ! JUDSON R CAM Y, !■ 15 N. Clarendon Ave., Clarendon. Va. Telephone Clarendon 1032; Evenings. 1823. WOODRIDGE BARGAIN.” I' . 3900 20th ST. N.E. OPEN AND LIGHTED UNTIL 9PM 1 , “I* lar 6<‘- bright rooms, tile bath and ! dln ' n * alcove and Kelvinator. h.-w h. j slJ?i on rst hiaterlal and construction lh,s - Ho 'ise open, or call North 7203 for appointment. NEW BRICK BUNGALOW—S7,9SO UNUSUAL DESIGN. OPEN JULY 4 AND 5, 2 P.M. TO 6 P.M. 1 <*T?i* t 0 ! na an< * Boston aves., Ta £?{P a ) Par > c - 2 blocks north of Bliss Electrical ! School, near grade and high schools. . MINT—SUBURBAN. j FAIRFAX. VA —SMALL" HOUSE. CHARM! ■ ing surroundings, acre grounds: antique fur ?m u i e ’ .w? k f d , ru **’ * tc ' : two bed rooms. i e! . ec, rlc stove, water heater. Cnil ct j )J[x S 8 n * ton nn ' FKirtax ’ or Phone Falr- LARGE HOUSE; CORNER LOT: SHADE «f?;- * b * d '°oms. 2 bkth“" X HOME* TNo r ' V* Ap ? ly „ AURORA HTLLS 1 Praide?’A^e C " Mount v *rnon Boulevard at WE HAVE SEVERAL 6 AND 7 ROOM houses furnished or unfurnished Rental ranging from *6O to *BS per month Call erViii 0 "- 32 , 2 ,or appointment. C. W CLEVER. Realtor. Clarendon. Va A RLINGTON RIDGE. VA. FURNISHED auburban residence available for 3 months 3 " car *l3O per month _ TBP B J- FISHER &CO , INC. _P 8 15th Bt. N.W. District 6830. SALE OR RENT—SUBURBAN. SIX-ROOM. BATH BUNGALOWT A M I vui e r'rSS r, ri; B ell, *7,000. rent. *45. T. S. ar ' Melwood, Cherry « 6 MELROSEAveT bETHESDATmD^ALL modern Improvements; close to school and car line. Terms to suit purchaser. Wisconsin 3243. 4» ! WANTED—SUBURBAN. BUNGALOW. FURNISHED, TO RENT~IN ‘Ob’trbs T of rUy; must be reasonable rent! j Address I. SELFON, 623 M st. n.w. 4* OFFICIAL NOTICES ZONING COMMISSION OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia. Washington. June 4, 1930 2T d, /£mi «?“ A o GK FROM RESIDENTIAL. JJ.. AND 60 . B AREA TO SECOND COM -60 • P AREA: that portion of par cel 129/6 zoned Residential and lying west of proposed 6th Street, except a strip 100 feet in depth lying north of Florida Avenue, ; 5, e L ween t sth Street and proposed 6th Street NE ; which strip is zoned First Commercial ; 60 . C area; all changes being contingent upon the dedication of. and acceptance by, the District of Columbia of all streets shown on the District of Columbia High way plans falling within the area bounded : by Florida Avenue. New York Avenue, the t newly acquired park land, and the Colum bia Institute for the Deaf. W. B LADUE. L H. REICHELDERFKH. H B CROSBY. DAVID LYNN. U. 8 GRANT, 3rd. ZoriYng Commission of the Plitrlct of Columbia. i COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF ! COLUMBIA I NOTICE TO SELL PROPERTY FOR UNPAID TA X KA TO ROBERT W. DULEY. ROBERT Y SLATER, JOSEPH LAVEZZO. J. A. JONES and JOHN J CLEAREY. their heirs, ex ecutors. administrators and assigp*. and to any other person or persons having any Interest whatsoever In lot 805, squate 56, i In the District of Columbia, TAKE NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of the Art of Congress approved Pebruarv 14. 1929. entitled I "An Art to provide an additional method for collecting taxes in the District of Co- ! : lumbia. and for other purposes.” the Com- I missloners of the District of Columbia will i apply to the Supreme Court, of the District I of Columbia, holding an Eauity Court, for j authority to sell at public auetton all of that I piece or parcel of land, located In the Dis trict of Columbia, known and described as ! lot 805. square 56, to satisfy the outstanding and unpaid taxes and special assessments, I and the penalties and charges thereon, impos ed by law, for the years 1889.1890, 1891, 1892. 1894. 1895, 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901, 1902, 1203. 1904 190'). 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. j 1910 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915, 1916, 1917, I 1918. 1919, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925. f 1928. 1930 t WHEREFORE. ROBERT W. DULEY. ROB ! ERT Y. SLATER. JOSEPH LAVEZZO. J. A. JONES and JOHN J CLEAREY. their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and any other person or persons having any in terest whatsoever in said property are in vited to appear and ahow cause, if any they l have to the Commissioners of the District ! of Columbia, on or before July 14. 1930. why such application should not be made to the I Supreme Court of the District of Columbia , to sell said property at public auction to sat isfy the taxes, special assessments, penalties and charges on such property due to the said ! District of Columbia, as provided by law By the Board of Commissioners, District | of Columbia. ~ I 1e20.?, ;v4 Secretary to the Board I ' COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF I COLUMBIA. NOTICE TO SELL PROPERTY FOR UNPAID j TA XEB TO BETSEY RICHARDSON and JOHN H 1 HUTCHINSON, their heirs, executor*, ad- ! mtnlstrators and assigns, and to any other) person or persons having anv Interest | whatsoever In lot 73. square 276 (now known as lot 802), in the District of Co lumbia TAKE NOTICE: Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress approved February 14 1929. entitled "An Act to provide an additional method for eoiipctmg taxes in the District of Co lumbia. and for other purposes " the Com missioners of the District oj Columbia will applv to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding an Equity Court, for authority to sell at public auction all of that piece of parcel of land located in the Dis trict of Columbia, and known and described as lot 73 (now known as lot 802), square 276 to satisfy the outstanding and unpaid tßxes , and special assessments, and the penalties and charges thereon, imposed by Taw. for | the years 1899. 1900 1901. 1902. 1904. 1905. j 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. !i J9IJ- J 915. 1916 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. 1921.1 1922 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926, 1927. 1928 I ’ WHEREFORE. BETSEY RICH A I#,ISO N ' and JOHN H HUTCHINSON, their heir*, executors administrators and assigns, and any other person or persona having any In t.frest whatsoever In said property are in vlted to appear and show cause. If any they have, to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, on or before July 14. 1930. why ; such application should not be made to the) Supreme Court of the District of Columbia ! i to sell said property »t publlr aurtion to sat isfy the taxes, spenal assessments, penalties and charges on such property due to th» said I D'atrlct of Columbia, as provided by Saw Bv Jo?. P°» rtl of Commissioners. District • of Columbia. ' . ->e ..a DANIEL E OAROES. 1«30.27.Jy* Secretary to tha Board. OFFICIAL NOTICE. : COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA NOTICE TO SELL PROPERTY FOR UNPAID TAXES TO C. H WILTSIE. JAMES H. WINSLOW i and JOHN FAUST, their heirs, executors, j administrators and assigns, and to any other person or persons having any In terest whatsoever in Lot 74, Square 276. in the District of Columbia. •TAKE NOTICE: ! Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of I Congress approved February 14. 1929. enti tled •'An Act to provide an additional method for collecting taxes tn the District i of Columbia, and for other purposes.” the i Commissioners of the District of Columbia [ will apply to thp Supreme Court of the j District of Columbia, holding an Equity Court, for authority to sell at public auc tion all of that piece or parcel of land, located In the Disirict of Columbia, ana known and described at Lot 74. Square 276. to satisfy the outstanding and unpaid taxes and necial assessments and penalties and j charges thereon, imposed by law. for the ! years 1916. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. | 1926 and 1927. ! WHEREFORE. C H WILTSIE. JAMES H | WINSLOW and JOHN FAUST, their heirs. ! executors, administrators and assigns, and any other person or persons having any interest whatsoever In said property are invited to appear and show cause. 11 any they have, to the Commissioners of the Dis trict of Columbia, on or before July 14, 1930. why such application should not be made to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia to sell said property at public | auction to satisfy the taxes, special assess j ments, penalties and charges on such prop- I erty due to the said District of Columbia. 1 as provided by law j By the Board of Commissioners. District of Columbia. DANIEL E. GARGES. je20.27,jy4 Secretary to the Board. AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. S 50 AUTOMOBILES C BY AUCTION £ Saturday, July sth At 462 r*. Ave. N.W. C Many Late Models of Various Makes \ GUI FKHHFRG J Official Auctioneer. U. S Govt. • KESORTs7 ’. 11 \\ I H CITY. N. J. South larolina A*r. at the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY’S NEW EST Centrally f.orated Fireproof Hotel Overlooking the Orean 220 ROOMS ,-JtXX™. Salt Baler Bathe Solarium Orean Deck Bathing from Hotal »3 vr »6 ur Fir 0 proof Garago Attar hod R. B. Indy, M. IK s®Meffersoih V . 'I * ATLANTIC CITY'S W\ Ml NEW FIREPROOF HOTEL H }Jsw "4. Fertilely Ave.-Wwßeach ft' \Wa v CtmenNpMaiAgitmeat yife-. FETTER (-HCttINCIR Hotel BRIGHTON ATLANTIC CITY Ofae Quddofa Coum/rty r 7fome | atiheOc&ar&<Sdg» /lore* ofLau/n and fVoa&rt ’ Special Weekly and Season Riles Surf' BaUhi'nq facddie.-!. [ j (MORTIMER) I Virginia A*«. Near Boardwalk E "Whara yea tiara kaaa loot overdue” I B A Homelike atmosphere with an ansi- I B celled table. Special attention ta diets. 1 E Frl. Baths - Run Water—Bathine Frlvlleees I ■ AMERICAN FLAN EUROPEAN PLAN I I *9O. Up Weekly SlO. Up Weekly I xOalßng, Garage, laahlet, C. V. Mortimer^ WESTMINSTER j 107 So. Kentucky Ave. Nonr Beach. Open surroundings All outside rooms. Hot end cold running water. Private baths. Elevator Spacious Porch ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES Open-Air Parking Ownership Management. W. S Bachman Crcston Boardwalk at Montpelier Ave A beacn-Iront hotel wltl: moderate rates. American and European plan. Private baths Elevator. Running water all roomy CHAS P SEARCH. Neiu Clarion 1 KtNI jckv Avr.JU«T orF BOSODWALK I FOR YOUR COMFORT ALL THE YEAR 1 BATH HOUSES FREE TO GUESTS ■' it S.K.BOttl FACE PENN VILLA 100 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Opposite Post Office. Finest location, airy rooms with bath or running water. Bathing and pat king. Home-! llke__atmosphere. Moderate rates OCEAN HOUSE ! lit! Ocean Avenue—Atlantic City. First house from Boardwalk. Clean and attractive Laige porches and comfortable sitting room. Break farts If desired. Moderate lutes, including : ba'hlng privileges. MRS COLLINS. Mgr_ I nnvin So. Tennessee Ave . near LUUVdII Beach. European Plan. Cool, comfortable rooms. Running water. Battle Showers. Pli. 5-9784 Mrs. E. GUNNER. fy P A fNa/Tenn ave.. near Beach. I _§4 /a W Amer pi . <4 up dly Euro. IH iM i\ I jl . 72 UP dly Bkit Owner ahlp-M«ml A a I ABERDFFN a real nULBULLIS BEACH-FRONT HOTEL. At Longport. southern end of Atlantic City. Moderate rates American plan Bathitu: Sailing Fishing Mts. Fianrla D Maxwell shorehaivi Virginia Ave., near Reach. Running water. Private baths. American plan, *4 up daily European plan, *1 50 up daily. Special wkly Lille fm booklet, J. HICKAR. Owner Met. Hotel I ewi« Pacific and Illinoie Ave. r.„ Ru ”- w »‘"- Erly. bath*. Cam. -ill. Bathing from hotel. Garage. Amer plan. St up dl>.. S2CI un wkly. O. Vagn. Tennessee Ave k Beach. swdStrO Running water all rooms. n . „ Europ. Bathing. Showers. Cap 250 : 28lh Season Mrs J J Joyce. FLEETWOOD ■" , " rt . . ' lenneasre Ave. European Plan ROOMS. With running water. I’* LP day 2 persons. With private bath. $7 up i Sftk Bathlnic privileges. Showers. J W. BIN 25*'• formerly of Strath-Haven and Malvern. i WHEN GOING TO ATLANTIC CIIV Try CLARENDON HOTEL I Virginia ave., halt block to Beach & Steel Pier. | Hot A cold running water in every room Pil i oath* Write for rates Monro# Hutchins. hotel trexler .srass, i u ,v. Rooms with run. water, priv. toilet or bath Bathing priv. Amer. plan A. L. Trrxlrr. TABOK INN Ocean end Connecticut Avg Ideal location: large, airy i jomi; running water. 2flth season. Owner management J P A A M DUNN HOTEL STANLEY near Boardwalk Balh. or running walar In .all room*. Mod. rates Elevator. Bathing. Gee. L. Klelnglnna. RESORTS. i ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Ellis Ownership Management ’ Come to S^cWILiT^HIRE 300 feet from Steel Pier on Virginia Ave. • Write for rates. BEACH HAVEN, N. J. i Tbe Engleside -? h " c J s und ’Resert : that combines perfect bathing, always ■ good Ashing with a modern hotel, and gives sure relief from hay fever, beside*. ■ Capacity, 300. Booklet. R. F. ENGLE, Mgr. i CAPE MAY. N. J. Rooms en suite, with bath: cuisine and serv lce unexcelled: elevator. J W. Mecray * Bro. HOTEL WINDSOR On Cape May’a Cool Bearh Front. Pri vate Baths. Elevator. Capacity, 300. Ownerahlp-Dlreetlon. M. Ralpin. OCEAN CITY, N. J. THE ILLINOIS 926 Wesley Ave. Amer. plan. Running water. Priv. baths. Mod. rates. A. J. Mlchencr, Owner. THE FLANDERS On the Boardwalk. Orean City. N. J. A unique American Plan Hotel Sea Water Swimming Pools J. HOWARD SI OCI M._Prea.-MgT. BKADDOCK HEIGHTS. MD. CVT Y7T A Bright. cheerful rooms; ML VIA £& porchM - • xc,ll,nt MISS LAMAR. Phono Braddoek 107 ! VIRGINIA. In the Mountains of Virginia Bryce's Hillside Cottages, near Orkney I Springs. Just off the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, turn west at Mt Jackson. Va Fine | roads A unique resort Wonderful scenery . "The call of the mountain*." nature, good | food, pure air. will rejuvenate you. 44 acrea lof playgrounds, swimming pool, outdoor | amusements American olan. *2 50 per day: *12.50 and *ls a week Booklet Mr and Mrs WILLIAM R. BRYCE. Owner*. Post offices. either Mt Jackson. Macar le or Ork | ney Springs. Va. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. NEW WAVERLEY HOTEL AH outside Rooms, Private Baths. Golf Privileges, Surf Bathing, Delirious South ern Meals. Write for illustrated Booklet. OCEAN MEW, VA. • Atlantic Hotel SO Room* Wide verandas. Convenient bathing, fish ing. boating, etc. 20 years' personal j management. MRS W F AYERS. _ BKADDOCK HEIGHTS. MD. ; FOR RENT. From now until the first of j October, a five-room furnished apartment j with garage at Braddoek Heights, Maryland, ! near Frederick, also Baltimore and Washlng j ton. Cook with electricity, hot and cold • water, and steam heat if needed. On the ! cool Braddoek Heights mountain, swimming pool and golf course close, also tennis court I and riding hones. Apply Mrs. Charles Opel, Jr.. Braddoek Heights. Md. 5* OCEAN CITY. MD. MAJESTIC HOTEL Facing the Ocean. 1 American or European Plan. ! Day Rates *4.50 to *7 00 Weekly Rates *20.00 to *4O 00 Day Rates. 2 persons *lO 00 to *l2 00 Weekly Rates. 2 persons *4O 00 to *7O 00 15”. Discount up to July Ist. Also alter Labor Day. C. PARKER SMITH. Prop. Telephone 74. Hotel Richardton. Dover. Delaware, under tame management. HAMILTON THE HOUSE OF PLENTY Ocean Front. Hotel Bus. Running Water. Garage. Dancing Bathing. Golf. Ocean Front. Bun Deck and Sun Parlor. PLIMHIMMON • HOTEL. 40 new rooms and baths addrd. Ocean front. Best service. Ballroom. _ Garage. Golf._ Tennis. COLONIAL HOTEL ! Boardwalk; modern Special rates to July 15. Golf; Ownership Management. I7t.h season. ! RRFAIfFPC «N BOARDWALK. ui\L,CM\r,l\J Rooms with hot and cold running water and private bath. Phone : 76, Ce._ll. Tlmmonu Prop. ! THF fiFI MONT ° c **h front rooms i Int DCUIIUn 1 Running water In all rooms. Terms Reasonable. L. R. HEARNE THE DENNIS Comfort »ble and home like. Hot and cold run ning water Terms reasonable Bathing free ; 39th__*eason MRS. R. J DENNIS THE DEL-M AR Private baths. MRS, a. X. CAREY. THE HASTINGS HOTEL Bo <^. walk Modern and homelike Running water and private hath. MRB. CHAS I.UDLAM. NEW MT. VERNON [ Under n-w management 'reasonable rates. MRS. H. formerly of j HOTEL STEPHEN DECATUR , Newest on Boardwalk, Elevator and tele phone serv Ph. 205. Then M Purnell. Plop. THE KAYE modern. On boardwalk. Excellent table. Bathing free. MRS M. KAYE. Prop. Ph, 117. EAGLES MI KE. PA. EAGLES MERE “The Loveliest Spot In Pennsylvania” ( With Its natural beauty unimpaired, is ! on the very summit of the Alleghenies, 2 200 feet above the sea The sandy beach and temperate water of the Lake of the Eagles afford Ideal boating and bathing. Two splendid golf courses. 18-hole and 9-hole. Imr details write THF EDGFMERF L B C List THF FOREST INN Edgar R. Kiess THF I.AKFSIDI' .1 S. Kirk & Son THF RAYMOND Murray S. K ess THE CRF.BTMONT INN—William Woods MAINE. Wells Beach, Maine For Rent. Furnished cottage. * rooms All modern. Fireplace. Quiet, resort on the ocean, excellent beach, splendid ffshtng. Reasonable Hawkes. Shepherd 315 P-J. TOURS. _ CllDhor by private motor. .Small parfy L.UI\UrCi sailing Aug. 16th for delightful tour of six countries. First class throughout. Return on 8 8 He de Fiance Oct. 15th. Write for particulars. FRANK R. SF.LLLCK 551 Fifth Avenue New York MOTOR COACH LINES. NORTH BEACH Motor Coach Service By Wash., Marlboro & Annapolis Motor Lines, Inc. SI.OO One Way $1.50 Round Trip An ideal place to spend your week ends. Frequent service from (bus ter minal) 9lb and Pa. Ave. N.W. Con nection* for Solomon's Island. In formation, National 949 J. WOMAN MUST SERVE TERM FOR PERJURY • I - j . Sentence Is Upheld to Claimant to $5,000,000 Estate of Lotta Crabtree, Actress. ! I By the Associated Press. BOSTON. July 4.—The sentence of ; Mrs. Ida Blankenburg of Tulsa, Okla., | to six months in jail for perjury be i cause she claimed to be a daughter of k Lotta Crabtree and therefore entitled - to her 55,000,000 estate, was upheld yesterday by the full bench of the Supreme Court. After sentence was imposed upon Mrs. Blankenburg by Judge William M. Prest . of the Suffolk County Probate Court, Mrs. Blankenburg filed a petition for a writ of error with the Supreme Court and was released on bond of $2,500, to • go home. She must now return to serve ’ her sentence. The Lotta Crabtree estate was fought for by numerous alleged descendants and relations from all over the coun try, none of whom proved their case. Judge Prest found Mrs. Blankenburg guilty of willful perjury and obstruction of justice for swearing in court that she was Lotta Crabtree's daughter. • Most of the estate of the famous actress is to be devoted to the benefit l of disabled veterans of the World War. MINISTER FACES EXTORTION CHARGE I _______________ New York Broker Alleges Attempt to Obtain $75,000 From Him. i • By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Julv 4.—A county grand ! Jury yesterday filed an Indictment charging Rev. Herbert W. Hunter of ! Hudson, N. Y.; B. Leo Schwartz and Edward W. Drucker, lawyers, with at tempted abduction. William E. Willard, New York investment broker, accused them of trying to obtain $75,000 from him. When he was arraigned In Magis trate's Court June 3 to answer the charge of extortion Hunter declared through counsel that the $75,000 in ' volved was made up of legitimate | claims, including $7,000 due as commis- J slons on stock sales Hunter had made as a salesman for Willard. $35,000 Hunter planned to return to friends to whom he sold stock which, he said, proved to be worthless, and $25,000 representing damage to his reputation < as the result of handling the stock. Hunter, the attorney said, had last i his post as a minister in a Pennsyl i vanla town because of checks which | Willard circulated and which Hunter made good. An attorney for Willard said he con ferred with Hunter's attorneys, one of whom read a statement outlining Hunt er's claims. The lawyer said another conference later was held in Willard’s office, where two detectives were se • creted. Subsequently Hunter was ar- I rested. FARMER IS ADVISED TO EAT OWN PRODUCE i National Dairy Council Places Blame for Overproduction of Butter. By the Associated Pres*. CHICAGO. July 4—The farmer must learn to eat what he raises, the Farm Press Division of the National Dairy Council has decided. M. D Munn, president of the coun cil, said the farmer himself was largely , I responsible for overproduction of dairy products, especially butter, because his tendency is to "sell his cream and eat substitutes.” Munn said the campaign was an out growth of an emergency scheme that resulted In reduction of surplus butter by more than 1.300,000 pounds between January and April. —■ • -•- Cadets Deny Marriages. WEST POINT. N. Y„ July 4 With blushes, 320 picked youths, mostly under 19. have insisted under rigid ! questioning that they are not married They are new members of the Military Academy. EDUCATIONAL. ~ ACCOUNTANCY /Tk Pace Course*; B. C. S. and M. C. S. degrees; Day and Eve ning Classes; Coeducational. Atk for Bulletin * Benjamin Franklin University _. *l* TRANSPORTATION BLDG. Dist. 8259 17th and H Intensive Summer Courses In Shorthand & Typewriting Temple School, Inc. 1420 K St. Nat. 3258 MOMNG PACKING AND STORAGE. ! LONG DISTANCE MOVING Sine. 1896 DAVIDSON SIORACpF* Co II i —jj_l7 II St. N.W. National 922 H to 9230 I /VNOVINO STORAat .] KRIEGSp XPRESS A Storage I I co. . im c PACKING V 9HIPPI NG ■ 616 EVE ST NW ♦ P'ST 20 10 Ask No Questions By Beldon Duff PopyrlrhU I*J#, by North American New*p»p*r AlMbnct. foe. | L BYNOPSIS Mis* Anna*** West leases Bride's Housa. in Connacticut. so-called because * bnda wno had sousht shelter there with her husband had manga!* disap paarad. The laasa specified that tha tanant mint aalc no ouestion* no matter what happanad in tha housa Anna*** And* that on* of tha craves in tha pri vata burial ground ha,*, baan opanad. Her stable boy. Otto, is murdered. John Diamond, ownar of a Naw York neas papar. trias to induca Annassa !o taava tha place. She refuse*. Derick Cranson. a former circus athlete and admirer of Jana Runnells. one of the first tenant* of tha housa. calls to taka rare of An nas** s polo ponies Dracu’.a. a savage stallion, fights off Cranson. who advises the new tanant to leave Bride s House A deputy is put on guard In tha kitchen, heavily *rmed j Anna***, in tha niaht. looks out and seas a strargar riding Drecula about the pasture She admires 111 l f»n*ar s horsemanship She hears "V d «L ut3r !<tlrrln * »nd calls a warning to the horsemen. There is th* sound of *, n<J M| ss Barth. Ann* f* ll * out that the deputy has baan murdarad. fContlnupd From Yesterday's ftar.l I eighth installment. The man lay half in. half out or the fireplace, face downward among the ashes. His head, or rather the upper portion of It. had been blown completely away by the widespreading charge in the riot gun. Miss Weat felt a curious lack of emo tion as she stood and looked down at him. No fear. No repulsion. Not even a decent sense of pity. Was she so . quickly becoming inured to the sight of death? Or had the part of her that cared about such things ceased to func . tion? I _ seemed to remember that the [ finding of her stable bov, bruised and , battered, in a pool of his own blood, had been a great shock. For hours she had cringed at the thought of it. But . even that had lost its poignancy now. A.; .or this stranger, it was impossible to anguish over him as though his kill ing hr l been depicted for her on the i moving-nicture screen instead of here in real life. Yes. decidedly something Inside of her had died—the spiritual essence—all that made people worth while. "Oh, Miss Ann, Miss Ann!" wailed Abby. “You look perfectly terrible Do come away. You can't help the poor man by staring at him." "This." said the girl unheeding, and in a tone as terrible as her look, “Is murder. There can be no doubt about Miss Barth wrung her hands. “Listen to the child! Os course, it's murder Dtnna I tell you when we came to this unhallowed spot we should all be laid cold in our beds?” “Murder.” Annas*a West repeated in that same dull, emotionless voice “Dracula”—-she dd not add “and Dracula s rider," though that was what she thought—“must have been miles i sway when it happened. No one can lay It to his door this time." The desperate Abigail passed her candle before the girl's dilated pupils, whimpering when they failed to re spond, “Oh. what shall I do? What shall I do? My bairn's gone crazv. And no wonder, wie all th s bloodshed!" For the first time Miss West seemed aware that she was not alon**. “Don't worry,” she said. “I shall be j all right—ln a minute." And when I Abigail had done a little more wailing, , "Yes. I'm beginning to feel again. I'm beginnng to think—straight. Otto"— a tear sprang to her eyes—“was not kicked to Dr. Cranson was I wrong about his having been trapped ! in Dracula’s stall.” The tears were I flowing freely by now. “He didn't know what he was talking about.” "Don't be too sure he didn't!" Miss j Barth's relief at seeing her mistress re- j turn to normal had to have an outlet in some direction. “I wouldna trust I that one behind a ten-cent piece. A j bit touched up here," she tapped her I own forehead, “but I m thinkin’ he I misses no tricks.” Annassa declined to discuss the cred- j ibility of the absent veterinary and j began fumbling for a handkerchief. It w'as plain that a lack of emotion need no longer trouble either of the women. The mere mention of Otto’s name had done its work. Both of them were shaken by sobs. After they had embraced each other rather futilely, Abby took the steamer i rug from the end of the couch and i threw it over the huddled form on j the hearth. “Let’s go out In the i kitchen," she urged. “Nothing ever happens in a kitchen." Which was her way of saying that something was liable to happen where they stood at I any minute. , “We fcmst get help," said Miss West, i pushing away the arms that sought j 1 to draw her from th« scene of the ! murder. "We must get help at once.” | “And how are you going to get It?” l “The way I did last night—stop a j passing car.” “You'll have no such bit of luck ! again. That lad was well gone in his j cups or he'd never have been on the j Wood road after dark.” Miss West raised her head sharply. "Strange that I should have forgotten, but there was some one on the Wood j road tonight. I distinctly heard a car start just after the shot was fired.” j “And who might that have been, j I’d like to know?” “The murderer, of course." Though j she had told herself a dozen times j during the last half hour that the | mysterious stranger had had nothing to" do with the deputy's death, she was j glad now* to be able to provide him j with what looked like a perfect alibi. “The car proves that the murderer i came from a distance. At least we can be thankful he's gone." “Aye. and no way of stopping him neether." Miss Barth began, picking candle grea?e from her bare arms. “Most a pity ye wouldna listen to rea son and have a teelvphone put in be fore ye dragged us all to this God forsaken hole." Despite her desire to keep the peace, the red-headed girl was stung to make defense. “That's not fair. Abby. You • know' I tried to get the company to install a phone the day I signed the lease. They said I’d have to wait. There were orders ahead of mine." "Orders ahead, ah? Mayhap they were orders nay to let ye have a teely- j phone." . . ... . . The girl put her hands to her hpad. “Don't try to pile mystery on mys tery. I've had about all I can stand for I one night." ... „ “But you can stand to see us all butchered. Twa people dead a'ready, just to satisfy what your falther would have called 'the West sense of fair plav.’" Annassa drew herself up, a slim ( young fury. “That will do, Abigail Barth. I wish to hear no more." But Miss Barth had never yet let go of an argument until she had wrung the last word from it. “Weel, the man yer doing all this for. be he the great archi tect you say he Is or be he not, Is nay ] worth the powder it would take to blow him to Hades. And that's God's own £ truth.” t Though she obviously resented the . bluntness of this allusion to her former fiance, Annassa West's anger died with- , out a second splutter: and when the In- . | defatigable Abigail took up the candle . | to leave the room she followed like a , ; spanked child, her eyes averted from | the form under the steamer rug. * Dressed, and seated before the kitchen j range, which Miss Barth took noisy } pains to stir up with the shaker, the two women again discussed the best c method of getting word about the mur der to Hales Crossing. “ “One of us must go. and one of us f must stay." decided Miss West. "I can i take Blue Bullet and ride to Seth f Toby’s house. Or you can walk as far ' as the main road and try to signal a c passing car." “I shall nay go alone, and I shall nay stay alone." was the uncompromising t reply. “Think of somethiffc else." 3 R F o R I S Annassa West had not lived for al most 20 years under the same roof with the stubborn Scotchwoman for nothing. She accepted the ultimatum without argument. ' Then suppose we both go. Do you think you could ride the bay mare if I put a blanket on her? Shie couldn't possibly run away with you in her present condition." But Miss Barth was taking no chances with a quadrupled, and said so. The girl gritted her teeth “That settles it. We must both walk. Come on." Taking a lantern from a peg over the sink, she pushed her companion out the door ahead of her. turned the key in the lock, and set off doggedly around the house to the brick wall. At the gate, however, she paused. "It’s almost 5 miles to the Crowing. The way your feet always hurt you. unless a car picks us up we can never do it before daylight, Suppose we make a try for that veterinary's home He told me he lived on the other aide of the south pasture, somewhere in the woods." Abby, to whom 5 miles sounded like 500, was graciously pleased to offer no objections to trying for Dr. Cransons house. "It can't be far,” encouraged Miss West as they retraced their steps. “He spoke of it. as being right over vonder." I Always after dark, the rock-bound pool smelled of the sea. Miss West was moved to comment on this phe nomenon as they hurried past. “I can actually taste salt on mv llpe," she said and paused to mend the wick of the lantern, which had begun to smoke Rvi!T*'>, and we „ r f milM from the ocean. Even the sound isn t very close. Hath earth no graves that ye thus must spread Th dead?“ dleSS **‘ R f ° r thC thron f ln e The words seem to say themselves. It irtt'a U V C x nn ;'u l 4 he May ln which the idea of death Intruded Itself here at every turn A sort of self-induced hvp call a " m the P fi >’chiatrists would "Look!" Abby had caught her by the wrist. “What's that?" “What's what?" Miss Barth said in a sepulchral whis per. "I thought I saw summat floating on the water." , ®} r ! swung the lantern back and forth till its rays had Illumined the en tire surface of the pool, but It brought out only patches of green slime and an i abort *ve lily. She said in a tone of hor ror. Abby, can't you see now why tnat woman was found drowned Fear drove her to it. Let's don’t talk till we frnm here - Let * even think. Come!" They went on. Lucky they did not have to pass the rfict barn, lhat would have been worse than the pool. Something suggestively j sinister in its stark outlines sent them away from even the shadow it cast in • a wide detour. It was a relief when they came to the south pasture. Here no skulking form could lie in wait, no escaping murderer find a place in which to hide. A sweet smell of clover filled the air. Crickets chirped their homely song under their feet Miss West saw traces of the ti tanic struggle with Dracula—patches of turf torn up. the earth underneath still moist and black Could it be that only an hour had passed since she knelt at her window to watch the battle between the mysterious stranger and her stal lion? How had it ended, she wondered, and where were the two now? Within sight of the family burvlng | ground the girl remembered about the ; quagmire and Mr. Runnels' span of j plow horses. Conscience smote her. It ! would not be fair to take Abbv into the I woods without warning her. Yet, if Abby were warned there would be no ] going into the woods. Os this she was j well aware A scheme at last suggested itself. | “Abby," she said, as they reached the fringe of willow' trees, “you stay here ! where you can watch the house. Some | thing tells me the murderer will come back to the scene of this crime. If a light appears in any of the rooms, you yell ‘O-ooh-ol’ That way. Like a screech owl. I’ll hear you.” The Scotchwoman did not seem alto gether pleased with the role that had been assigned her. “You’re sure it's safe j for you to go into those woods alone?” “Absolutely. There's nothing to be afraid of. And anyway. I don't mean i to go in so deep I can’t get out.” Which in a manner of speaking was the truth. Miss Barth resigned herself to the thought of separating, but only, as she took pains to declare, for five minutes. If at the expiration of that time Miss West had not returned, she would fol j low' and do something, the whole of which was not audible to her young I mistress, but which sounded like "Up root every tree till I find ye.” (Continued in Tomorrow’s Star.) HIGH WATERS FORCE SEMINOLES TO FLEE Red Cross Worker Asks for Aid for Indians From Everglades. By the Associated Press. FORT MYERS, Fla. July 4.—Driven from their Everglades haunts by high water, a band of 30 Seminole Indians, headed by Josie Billy, has taken refuge at Immokalee, where they are said to be ln need of food and medical attention. W. Stanley Hanson, known as the "with medicine man” of the Seminoles, because of his friendship with the tribe, and Miss Margaret Shepherd, local Red Cross executive, after a visit to Immo kalee, described the situation as acute. They appealed for aid High water has prevented the In dians from hunting deer and other game and from catching alligators, the sale of which forms their chief rev enue. It also kept them from attend ing the annual shot-cataw, or green corn dance. POLICE MOBILIZE AS JOBLESS GATHER Chicago Riot* Feared a* Conven tion of 10.000 I* Called. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. July 4.—Five thousand policemen were ordered mobilized earlv today to prevent trouble feared at Com munist demonstrations. Acting Commissioner Alcock ordered the mobilization when he received word the convention had been called for today of 10,000 delegates representing the unemployed of the United States and Canada. Every police captain in Chicago was ordered to be at his office promptly this morning. Reserves were to be kept on duty until all danger of disorder was over. Little was known of the plans for the convention. Police believed there w'ould be a gathering of some kind, but they did not known where. Use of Union Park for a demonstration was refused the Trade Union Unity League yester day. Employes in the British civil service have Increased from 247,700 ln 1914 to 304,000 today. B-7