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B-8 TRUSSES ELASTIC HOSIERY ABDOMINAL SUPPORTS Fitted Expertly GIBSON’S 917 G St. N.W. y Th* Wonder Hot*! of Washington E i AMBASSADOR I HOTEL | » WmshimgUm • Downteum * Z N«Mtt I4ih & K ~ S Radio in Every Room = § Swimming Pool 5 race to cvesti (M room* i E Rooms with run = ning water. . , $2.50 E E For two .... 3-50 5 E Rooms with shower or bath and z shower . . 3.00*5-00 z z For two . . 5-00-6.00 E fhrhstantial Refaction tm 5 Monthly Rate* 5 s DEAF? Hear With the ACOUSTICON Ear piece no larger than a silver dime E T Z 1217 G Street V a COMPLETE line of J £ blank book supplies / y LA may be selected from £ / • “ our high-grade stock, y £ Open 8:00-5:00 P.M. /> £ E. Morrison Paper Co. / £ 1009 Pa. Ave. > Hot Weather and Showers Suggest The Any StrmnMmower Head —and all types of complete show ers. Installed by your Plumber. E. G. Schafer Co. 215 13th St. N.W. Speedboat Rides Down The Potomac Speedboats operating from 1 p.m., to 12 midnight every day. Enjoy a cooling ride these hot days and nights in a fast boat down the river. Gar Wood, nationally known speedboats. Cool, safe and enjoyable. s\.oo Speedboat Terminal (Hains Point) Jnst Past the Potomac Golf Conrsc on the Speedway HERZOG’S Open All Day July 4th Hard Shell, Soft Shell, Imperial and Deviled Crabs at Their Best Open Until Midnight 11th & Water Sts. S.W. See Us About Developing and Printing m. i rrer™’ a LLh jLsvsw I EXPERTS HERE TO REPAIR I ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES J snch as Irons. Fans. Toasters. Grills. I etc., at small coat. E GlftSON'S. 917 G ST. I I "5 Ben hundlet TIRES Liberal Allowance on Tour Old Tlrea 3436 14th St. N.W. Adama 8100 Road Service—Charge Account! Invited MT. VERNON STEAMER TRED AVON Under O. 8 Government Inapeetlon Leave. Seventh St. Wharf Dally 10 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. Round Trip, 85c Admission, 25c ML Vernon not open on Sundnvs. OPEN AT 8:30 A.M. DAILY 3% I|| 4% Savings Time Accounts deposits Experienced Financial Counsel Is Yours —as needed, when you •hank at “Franklin.” fiOur officers invite con ference at your conven ience. Travelers' Checks FRANKLIN National Bank Penna. Ave. at 10th St. N.W. 1111 Connecticut Avenue JOHN B. COCHRAN THOS. P. HICKMAN President V. P. and Cashier MOONEY PARSON OPINION STUDIED Governor to Delay Decision in California Bombing j Case Several Days. . By the Associated Press. ; SAN FRANCISCO, July 4As Gov ; C. C. Young studied a long advisory j opinion from the California Supreme ' Court, Tom Mooney and Warren K. BU- : j lings today awaited his action which may end or prolong their imprison- j ; ment upon conviction of bombing a Preparedness day parade in 1917. The Governor was powerless to act without the recommendation because of a prior conviction against Billings, and ! • had declined to free Mooney unless he i could restore Billings to full citizenship. l i Two former chief executives wrestled i , with the pardon problem in response to j a clamor, almost world wide in scope, for their release. Onlv Gov. Young, ' however, carried his action so far as to seek the opinion of the Supreme Court. But twice before, on appeals of various forms, the court had the case before it and both times upheld the convictions. The United States Supreme Court also ; refused to review the case. In the years which have passed, how- ! ever, since the trial jury found the two trade unionists guilty of planting the bomb that snuffed out the lives of 10 persons, and injured 40 others numer ous developments have changed the complexion of the case. Indictment of one of the State’s chief witnesses for perjury, although he was subsequently acquitted, influenced the trial jury to join the movement launched to liberate the two men. The foreman of the jury I and 9 out of 10 surviving jurors have been quoted as believing the con victions were obtained on fraudulent tes timony. Although Gov. Young said he will be guided largely by the recommendation of the Supreme Court he announced he does not contemplate making public his final decision as to a pardon for several days. Mooney entered prison July 1, 1918 j when 35 years old. Billings was 23 when | he entered Folsom. JURY FAILS TO AGREE IN GINGER SALE CASE | First Hearing of Druggist on 85 j Indictments Due to “Jake Leg’’ j Disease Outbreak. By the Associated Press. LONDON. Ky., July 4.—The trial of Charles Eaton. Corbin, Ky., druggist charged with the sale of jamaica gin ger for beverage purposes. Tuesday re sulted in a hung jury when it was called before the special Federal Court of Judge A. M. J. Cochrane. The charges were preferred by Will Hacker, Corbin contractor, and the jury was out three hours. Eaton is held under about 85 more Indictments in the same connection. His arrest followed the prevalence of the disease known as “jake leg" in Ken tucky. Officials said that as far as they knew the case was the first of its kind to be completed. CALIFORNIAN PETITIONS TO RECOVER $25,000 Says Bond Given Alien Property Custodian for Land Purchase Illegally Retained. Morris Stulsart, San Francisco. Calif., has filed suit in the District of Colum bia Supreme Court to recover $25,000 ! which he claims is being retained by | the alien property custodian and the : treasurer of the United States. Stul ! sart states that April 18, 1925, he con | tracted with the then incumbent of the | office of alien property custodian to j buy certain lands in San Francisco | CAunty which had been seized under I the trading with the enemy act and de- I posited $25,000 as a guarantee of good i faith. j Shortly afterward he was notified I that the contract could not be carried ! out and the land was sold to other persons. Since that time he has made several futile attempts to get his money beck, he says, and now seeks the aid of the court. He is represented by At tomeys, Peyser. Edelln & Peyser. G R O S N E R % S 13i 8?y »street I Open Saturdays Till 2 P.M . During July and August SATURDAY 9 ONLY —one day M OpCvlulO of special prices on j Qr ans hay low timely spe- JL JLi i :;:' c v.:: ;r,ni niYT v? savings! \JIIL 1 > Regular $lO \ # l White Flannel W Trousers * IT i Every pair of our regular $lO quality WHITE FLAN- M OCT NEI/5 are offered at the spe- lk M— rial prices ... all sizes. • * R-/ 1 Saturday Only | Regular $2.50 \ VX[\ White Imported Broadcloth I i \ SHIRTS 4c k 1 W| V Neckband and col- I * V-LsJilm ~T\ lar - attached styles— Ej Three s * zes f rom 13Va tO for ■E****" 17. Saturday only— ** eucj'NeiDa’ 1 } 2 3 • F • STREET j THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, P. C., FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1930. TODAY’S AMUSEMENTS. Columbia—“ The Big House." at 11:05 am., 1:05, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. Earle-'Theßprder Legion.” at 11:40 am., 1:45, 3:50, 5:45, 7:45 and 9:50 p.m. Fo* —"Rough Romance," at 12:04. 2:31. 4:44, 7:46 and 9:59 p.m. Metropolitan “Golden Dawn.” at 11:35 am., 1:35, 3:35, 5:35, 7:35 and 9:35 p.m. Palace —"The Bad One.” at 11:55 am., 2:16, 4:39, 7:26 and 9:49 p.m. R-K-O- Keith's — "Midnight Mvstery,” at 11:50 am., 1:50, 3:50, 6, 8 and 10 p.m. Ambassador—‘‘Young Man of Man hattan." at 2, 3:55, 5:45, 7:40 and 9:35 p.m. Central—" The Big Pond," from 11 a m. to 11 p.m. Tivoli—“The Tejcan,” at 2:25, 4:10, 6. 7:45 and 9:35 p.m. TROOPSTOGUARD PIPE EINE IN CUBA Sabotage Feared by French Scientist Seeking to Har ness Gulf Stream. By the Associated Press. HAVANA, July 4. —Fearing that at tempts will be made to wreck the mile long pipe line being built by Prof. Georges Claude, French scientist, who is experimenting with a plan to produce electrical energy frem the Gulf Stream, the Cuban government yesterday ordered i I troops to Matanzas to safeguard the scientist’s laboratory from sabotage. Prof. Claude has started the construc tion of a new steel tube, similar to that which was lost at sea while being launched a fortnight ago. He says he suspects hostile action on the part of power interests his invention might supplant. At Matanzas a high steel fence has been erected around his laboratory and workshops. A detachment of Cuban troops will remain there until after the new tube has been launched, August JO. Carlos Miguel de Cespedes, secretary of public works, visited the plant yes terday, and upon his return expressed confidence in Dr. Claude’s plan. If It is successful, he said, the Cuban govern ment will receive 25 per cent of the net profits from operations in exchange for the co-operation being extended the French scientist. Owing to the fact that machinery already is in place, Claude’s new 5.400- foot tube will cost only $170,000 —a fraction cf the cost of the last one he built. Launching expenses, it is esti mated, will run to $40,000. COX SELLS PAPER Brush-Moore Interests Buy the Canton Daily News. CANTON, Ohio, July 4 (/P). —Sale of the Canton Daily News, established 97 years ago, to the Brush-Moore News paper, Inc., publishers of the Canton Repository, was announced here yester day by James M. Cox. former Governor of Ohio and owner of the News. TRAVEL BY WATER TO PHILADELPHIA and ihorouthly anloy »kl» Picturesque trip •var Rlvar, Canal and Say. Dally pauantai lervlcc •kcirl Sunday. The *t*aia*i CADWAL ADER Sail* Irani Baltimore Tuciday and Thursday 4 P. M., Saturday 4 P.M. Daylltkt Savin* Tima FARE, SI.SO ROUND TRIP, $4 Tkraatk ticket* ta New Yark City and New Jersey s*a*kar* paint*. Fold*r an r«o***l. ERICSSON LINE PIER 1 LIGHT ST. Annoying m C.-.Mmt. alt* 1h« Ht.lth P»«t. hr k.tpina M m k»m« tr„ *1 SO ACM I*. * T-V CRACK.SHOT i. (Mr- NwCltjfPs .Rtta* t. 4* Mil |.k ( ■( I LSYwaip «*i»ki». LA/ RAILROAD SEEKS I. C. C. MANDAMUS New York, New Haven and Hartford Asks Valuation of Property. The New York. New Haven & Hart- : ford Railroad Co. yesterday asked the District of Columbia Supreme Coart for a writ of mandamus against the Interstate Commerce Commission to re quire the commission to Investigate, ascertain and report the true value of the carrier's property and to include therein the value of the estates and franchises of the carrier in the tracks of the New York and Harlem Railroad Co. from Woodlawn to Forty-third street and in the Grand Central Termi nal in New York City and the Boston Terminal properties. The court is advised by Attorneys Choate, Hall and Stewart of Boston and Harleigh H. Hartman of Washington that the commission reported its valu ation of the company's properties for "rate-making purposes” Januarv 14, 1930. to be $256,400,000. which included $4,650,000 for working capital and de nied any valuation of the terminals and approaches. The company points out that the Grand Central Terminal is lo cated In the heart of New York City and the South Station is in the center of Boston and if proper allowance is made for the railroad's interest and franchises therein a much larger valu ation would be given the company's property. Irreparable damage will result to the company, it is claimed, by the continued refusal to value these interests and the law provides no appeal from the deci sion of the commission. DEATH SENTENCE GIVEN FOR ASSAULT ON GIRL Oklahoman, 39, a Pardoned Mur derer, Will Die in Electric Chair September 12. By the Associated Press. DUNCAN, Okla., July 4.—E. S Hem bree, 39. pardoned murderer, Wednesday was under sentence to die in the electric chair September 12 for assaulting and shooting Lent.a Bosley, young school teacher, near Loco, March 9. No. 27—HAY FEVER SUMMER CATARRH Homeopathic Pharmacy 1007 H Street N.W. Phone NA. 169 S s " :sr WxasoT sssw Promotes Good Health by Combating Constipation The first step In pro mount: and keepiny the rosy glow of health in your cheeks W? Is to remiJaiTy ellmi- * nate all waste matter ✓ Irom your intestinal tract. This can be v accomplished easily jf and safely by the use loi' of HEXASOL. a well Vr\\MWW\ balanced saline com- ■I ■ Jjji /A 1 > HEXASOL fiSSfr,™ SO* at All Proplea and Other Good Open All Day Saturday -.HARRY- KaufmaNs 1316-1326 Seventh S«N.W Slip Into One of These Cool Summer Suits and Laugh at the feuL Hot Weather $12.50 to $17.50 Values*®', s ß* 9o Mohairs, Gabardines, Arcolas, A j Linens, Tropical Worsteds I V. J and Featherweights 1 *| Not suits made up expressly for I I Jk sale purposes, but well tailored I / Mj ft j perfect fitting garments for men llf jl and young men alike. Come in If /■ all the newest and most popular fi 1 of Summer styles and colorings. B / S f. ■ Plain, check and stripe effects, S | B in light, dark and medium effects. ■ B Snug-fitting arms, lapels that iie B m flat and a neck that sets right. I U Sizes 33 to 44 in the I , A assortments. if%l|L Alterations at cost, if any. Again for Tomorrow! $3.50 and $4 Smart Oxfords and Sport Shoes ||k nTbJBKi. Choice of blucher or bal styles. with genuine Goodyear welt soles and rubber heels. Offered for your selection are- Black and White, Tan and Elk. Plain Black and Tan Oxfords. Sises 5 to 11 In the assortments. Also Boys 4 Shoes, same styles as above. $0,40 Sizes 1 to 6 " _ AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Starting Crashing his way with dare-devil courage and a rings true SNOOTIN’ STRAIGHT WARY LAWLOR Dix reaches the peak of eminence Wgfjm '' H~ a* a new type of '‘ideal lover” in TO thi* romance of a man who set himself against the law. FREDDY CLARKE AND HIS R-K-OLIANS and Other Hits Last Times Today—“MIDNIGHT MYSTERY” h 0 Hour Kodak FILMS I l^,^ ore ready 4:30 same day. Home Movie Camera Headquarters COLUMBIA PHOTO SUPPLY 1424 New York Ave. N.W. 52$ ’ p^!zr3P iß wprnr ,,, mi I mjKk Chesapeake Beach. Md. MI T WATER POOI. DANCING—IOc PER lIANCE AM. OCR RIDES 10c REDtCKD ROUNII-TRIP RATES Seaside. No. Beach Adult* 50c 00c Children 100 20e 30-da v ticket* 75c Be Train* leave District Station: Sunday*, 8, 10:30. 2:30, 8. 7, 10:15; Other day*. 9. 10:30, 2:30, 5:«0, 7, 10:15. JEree Parking at District l.lne Ir PDIMprCC 1119 H St. N.E. I rI\inCE.Do Line. 2600 The Northeast Home of Western Electric Sound Equipment I MARION DAVIES in “NOT SO DUMB." TAIf nM A 4th * nd Butternut St»~ IAAUITIA No Parking Trouble* j MAURICE CHEVALIER in "THE BIG I POND." Warner Bros.’ AMBASSADOR co. m ß V B N%. TODAY—CLAUDETTE COLBERT in ■ YOUNG MAN OP MANHATTAN." Warner Bros.' APOLLO ** 4 H " * TODAY—DOROTHY MACKAILL In "STRICTLY MODERN." Warner Broa.’ AVALON I lekinlev St.. *D. -C. TODAY—BLANCHE SWEET in "THE WOMAN RACKET" Warner Bros.' AVENUE GRAND aV. B S** TODAY—CLIFF EDWARDS in "LORD BYRON OF BROADWAY." Warner Bro*.' CENTRAL Bth “ Bet D “” a * ! TODAY-MAURICE CHEVALIER In [ "THE 810 POND " Warner Bros.’ COLONY G * * r,rr,n, ‘ ij TODAY HELEN JOHNSON and LAWRENCE GRAY In CHILDREN OP PLEASURE." Warner Bros.’ HOME «° 0 «■ N TODAY—WILLIAM COLLIER, JR., Warner Broa.’ SAVOY 14th * Cot Rd ' N ' w * TODAY NORMAN FOSTER and I BUZANNE KEENER in "LOVE AT FIRST BIGHT" Warner Broa.’ TIVOLI 14th * Park M< " w ‘ I TODAY—GARY COOPER in "THE TEXAN." Warner Bros.’ YORK Ga. At*. A Quebe* It. N.W. I TODAY—BILLIE DOVE in "SWEET HEARTS AND WIVES " DIRECTION SIDNEY LUST TALKING AND SOUND PICTURES HIPPODROME * lARKENED ROOM 8." EVELYN BRENT. RICHMOND * LADn;a B op U LEISURE," RALPH GRAVES. fAMFO „ Mt. Ba'nler. Md. LnlllCU Western Electric Sound. "THE OOLDEN CALF." JACK MUL HALL. Also FAMILY NIGHT. CAROLINA 11 T.OVING 3 THE *'* I \ LADIES." with RICHARD DIX, LOIS CAIDI AWN -AN AC OSTIA.“n c raiivLMwni ramon novarro m "GAY MADRID.” rißflF P* AtcT”Ph.W. #33 VIItULL Home of the Mirror Screen , _ Typhoon Cooled Showings 7 and 9 P.M. Admission 35 cfs. I FRENCH GERTIE,” BEBE DANIELS and BEN LYON. I YRir Galther»burg~Md. L 4 Btv Sound Pictures. | T °oN T PARADE” !TIOrrOW ~ “PARAMOUNT STANTON Jinn I vll finest flonnd Equipment Continuous from 2PM J A^^DM°LF^ tlßtS ' M ° de,S DUMBARTON conwaV s ™^. .yjßflff?*. VALLT and RICHARD SSwIP vitaphoneTct ZEPPELIN " SYI VAN ut .„ B *v * * *• At*. N.wT : joan^rawford TANA MOON " JESSE THEATER ScUaora and Knivea Expertly Sharpened SWAT THE | fly T a ke advantage of an early start by an aggres slve war on the fly It the } beginning of the season. The Star has for free j distribution wire-handled fly swatters. Ask for one at the main office of The Star. 11th ) and Pa. Ave. N.W. 1111 .I. AMT/SEME NTS. AMUSEMENTS. _ , JjgffraOPOIIIAM 1 Cjstfrr Jj \% -A«* *o*V e c' Vltsshen. V.rletle. \% , C° nl Ve \% t n t° v ( "thf song ntiocir \% ?<***,? o'^ 9 .*«» • "** KM.ATivrs p| ) Grshsm McNsmee Nesrs @ TODAY West Thrill- I the Screen I ** / oat / K HOI.T *" I ' WRAY I Idrffd /f The Chnmpi" /§ Coder. In I lv Girolo” it le News it Orchestra f , SEEING IS BELIEVING -i Ue* T SHOWIN m^r o J \ 50c Today : ‘A W* JL ALL SEATS $ d ■ ALL PAy pj S Fox’s Glorioat ALL-ACTION OUTDOOR Romance 0/ Tike West I Y M 1- GEORGE O’BRIEN in “ROUGH ROMANCE’ M - nW«I America's Different Showman ij it 2. SAM JACK KAUFMAN f j yfei The Fox Grand Orchestra and k>/ « 3. LEON BRUSILOFF j^; He's Orpanilftc—and Hoic • tfW4. MORTON FLOODAS j, f> X~( “ ! -AdLAt The "/nlernationa! 7dea" b» rnT^^ >W<\ 5. FANCHON & MARCO /-Rg p Just a Funny Pair I 6. MARKEL & FAUN fcyffc JOJkO i Plain •'Nutty" l' a vl .* 7. JIMMY LYONS Watch This Chap l t/o\, M#il A; 8. FREDERICO FLORES . \ Direct From Japan fl-/SA 9, OSAK A BROS. *T Sensational Acrobatic Dancer (j)]; 1 10. JOE ROSE rl f-- 1 “A Promise Made Is a Debt Unpaid” I */>' j£®l 0 I k P romlse mnde when the 1 Jl r\VftT\ R 1 Fox first opened Its doors HAS BEEN iJcVI \v\\ • 1 and ALWAYB WILL BE tulflUed . . . /ML ttl \l \)\\ I Here is found Washington's I * nfj ~•V jj \ FINEST ENTERTAINMENT! J MiM 1 ■ «*■** UNITIO AIVT I/ V / PICTUKft |D€iCRES Idee kic in lur first aIL 'taJkina I wisc cr/LcJanj convrdu of lovt Y'THC BADCNE" with-** £DMUND Lfe)W€- t ON THE STAGE ■ LEAVITT and LOCKWOOD ■ In a Capitol Theatre N. Y. Revue HIT BITS OF 1930 STARTING SATVRDAT ft LILLIAN GISH In i (CIIMBIA NOW PLAYINq f 7/te Supreme *Thrill / THE CtlYt-eo CO*o»ern «>'<* •icrune Pllv HOUSE tvitl*. CH-ESTEFS MOFUMS ' WAILACE BEERY * LEILA HYAMS AO BEAT MONTGOMERY LOWS STONE - q.F. MAAIQH ~ i ftADFEft b HARin !■% A M.Q.M C~TalkiZs » •j Marshall Hall Excursion Every Day Steamer Leave* 7th St. Wharf 10 A.M., 2:30 and 6:45 P.M. Dancing Every Evening Swimming—All Amusementa Adult*, 50c; Children, 25c CETN <3 R.A*VINQ and pine CMI • PRINTING'S I A.C.Mh.lichampe w&m j (82» SEVENTH N gate %Penmq gtat Pjjo IMYFUSAL bjffifNtW^EEL these, theaters (*) Indicates Where Film la Being Shown Today. District of Columbia ♦THE METROPOLITAN—F »t. n.w. AMBASSADOR—IBth and Col. rd. n.w. APOLLO—624 H at. n.e. AVALON—Conn. ave. and McKinley •AVENUE GRAND—64S Pa. ave. a.e. CENTRAL—9th at. COLONY—Georgia ave. and Farragut EMPRESS—4I6 9th at. n.w. HOME—I23O C at. n.e. JESSE—3IOO 18th at. n.e. SAVOY—3O3O 14th at. n.w. STANTON—SIS C at. n.e. SYLVAN—IO4 Rhode Island ave. n.w, TAKOMA—4th and Butternut *ts. ♦TIVOLI—I4th and Park rd. YORK—Georgia ave. and Quebec n.w. Maryland and Virginia ♦MARYLAND—Hagerstown, Md. •ARCADE—Crlsfleld. Md. •ARCADE—Hyattsville, Md. •ASHTON—Clarendon. Va. AUDITORIUM—Onanc-sck, Va. BERKELEY—Berkeley Springs, W. Va CAPlTAL—Cumberland, Md. •CAPlTOL—Winchester. Va. COMMUNITY—RidgeIy, Md. CREWE—Crewe. Va. EMPlßE—Pocomoke City, Md. EMPIRE—Saxis. Va. FIREMEN’S HALL—Willards, Md. •GLOBE—Berlin, Md. IMPERlAL—Brunswick. Md. JEFFERSON—BrookneaI. Va. LYRlC—Fishing Creek. Va. •MARADA— St. Michaels, Md. MARYLAND—Kitxmiller, Md. •MASONIC—Clifton Forge. Va. MELVlLLE—Sykesville, Md. NELSON HALL—Lovington, Va. NEW—Aberdeen. Md. NEW—Elkton, Md. NEW—Hancock. Md. •NEW—Lexington. Va. NEW VlßGlNlA—Harrisonburg. Va. . •OPERA HOUSE—Leesburg. Va. t OPERA HOUSE—Piedmont, W. Va. PALACE—Frostburg, Md. •PALACE—Hagerstown. Md. •RAMONA—Westminster, Md. •REPUBLIC THEATER—Annapolis. ROCKBRIDGE—Buena Vista, Va. STATE—Bethesda, Md. •STATE—Westminster, Md. •STRAND—Staunton, Va. •WALLACE DALE—Tangier, Va. WARRENTON—Warrenton, Va. Wmß—'Alberton, w