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A-6 THE EVENING STAR With Sunday Morning Edition. WASHINGTON, D. C. FRIDAY July 4, 1930 THEODORE W. NOYES Editor The Evening Star Newspaper Company Business once: 11th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. New York Office: 110 East 42nd St. Chicago Office: Lake Michigan Bulletins. European Office: 14 Resent St.. London. England. Rate by Carrier Within the City. The Evening Star ...,45c per month The Evening and Sunday Star (when 4 Sundays) SOc per month The Evening and Sunday Star (when 5 Sundays) 85c per month The Sunday Star Sc rer copy Collection made at the end of each month. Orders may be sent In by mall or telephone NAtlonel 6000. Rate by Mall—Payable In Advance. Maryland and Virginia. Dally and Sunday 1 yr„ *10.00; 1 mo.. 85e Daily only 1 yr., *6.00: 1 mo.. 50c Sunday only 1 yr.. *4.00; 1 mo.. 40c All Other States and Canada. pally Bnd Sunday. .1 yr.. *12.00: 1 mo., 11.00 Dally only ..lyr., 18.90:1 mo., 75c Sunday only lyr., *5.00: 1 mo.. 60c Member of the Associated Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatlon of all news dis patches credited to It or not otherwise cred- Ited in this paper and also the local l ews published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. The Inestimable Right. One hundred and fifty-four years ago today a body of Americans assembled In Philadelphia, representing the people of the colonies of England in this con tinent, signed a Declaration of Inde pendence which became the comer stone of American freedom and national ex istence. A bitter war was necessary to secure that independence. It was won and with the victory was established a free and independent Government of the United States which stands today the strongest In the world. In the Declaration the citizens of the colonies who staked their very lives upon their demand for freedom from British dominion recited numerous grievances against the King of England, whose rule had been tyrannical and un just. The statement of these political and economic cruelties constituted the body of the immortal instrument. In brief compass the case of the colonists against the King was set forth vividly and completely. That document be came the Magna Charta of America and Inspired other peoples, in distant lands, to strike for freedom. Today, as for more than a century and a half, the signing of the Declaration is celebrated in America and by Americans wherever in the world they may chance to be placed. Throughout the Declaration runs the thought that representation in the law making and taxing body that consti tutes the actual Government is a funda mental right of a free people. In one passage particularly this principle Is declared: He (the King) has refused his as sent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his*Govemors to pass laws of Immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their (Operation until his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation In the Legislature, a right Inestimable to them and formi dable to tyrant* only. Here In this free country, In this land established upon the principle of full participation by the people In their Government, the principle of repre sentation in the law-making body, "a right inestimable to them and formida ble to tyrants only,” half a million Americans are today a* they have been for more than a century and a half denied this very right, deprived of this Inestimable privilege of representation. They are, by the most singular of anomalies, the resident* of the very eeat of Government. Today, on. thi* anniversary of the birth of the American Republic, on this day consecrated to the principle of gov ernment by representation, the half million imfranchised American* cele brate the Declaration of Independence without any share In the supreme right of participation which that instrument proclaimed. They Join in the celebra tion because they are by birth or by adoption American citizens. They sor row because they are denied that which all other citizens enjoy without ques tion or restriction unless they are crim inals or insane. These unfrinchlaed Americans are not enduring this injustice in silence. They- are demanding a redress of this grievance of taxation and administra tion without representation. They ar« asking Congress to adopt for submission to the States an amendment to the Constitution that will enable Congress In Its discretion to admit the District to representation in House and Senate and in the electoral college. They will continue to demand this redress of grievances. They will continue to ap peal to the people of the country to aid thefn in their plea for enfranchisement. Tbpy will persist in the hope and the that through their complete ad mission to American citizenship they will eventually be in a position to cele brate Independence day without reserva tion and with pride. Suffering and privation am not nec essary to make a hero. Bobby Jones, idol of the golf course, is as great a hero as any of them. Victory for Principle*. Long before the end of the fight over the amount of the lump sum the battle between House and Senate had narrowed to one that concerned prin ciple* more than mere figure*. For this reason the settlements on the District bill can be counted as a distinct vic tory for the Senate, and some of the fruit# of that victory will accrue to the District, which In the fight ha* been the Senate’s silent ally. The principle, as far as the House and Senate alone were concerned, as- j tected the fundamental rights of the j latter body as a copartner In the bust- j ness of legislating. The Senate has demonstrated that It is not to be bluffed or bulldozed. As far as the District was concerned the principle narrowed down to the old point of whether a few members of the House, disregarding considerations of equity and fair treatment, would con- ' tinue indefinitely and without rhyme or reason to allot as the Federal share an arbitrary and fixed sum to Capital maintenance without regard to the number, nature or cost of Capital City projects to be charged to the taxpayers by an alien legislative body. The protracted fight between the Sen ■MHHHfUHUiiii plus the arrogant refusal of the House to compromise until the last minute of a long session, makes the Senate vic tory more pronounced. The $500,000 > yielded by the House Is a relatively small sum. The main thing la that the House, . and not the Senate, yielded at the end, and that the lump sum, fixed and un changing for the last six years, has been changed and revised upward in favor of the District At one time the District was placed In the position of losing the 1931 ap propriation or of seeing the Senate yield once more to the domination of the House. If the appropriation had failed the District would have been forced to undergo actual hardship and development of the Capital would have been seriously retarded. If the Senate had yielded the long fight by the Dis trict for fiscal equity would have been fruitless, and small hope would have remained for a new deal. The agreement, however, changes all this. The deadlock, and with it the fixed amount of the lump sum, has been broken. The Senate has ably demon strated that there is spirit as well as strength in the District’s contention, and the attention of the Nation has been centered on a problem for which Congress in self-defense alone must pro vide a sensible and permanent solution. Once again the Senate, taking the part of the unrepresented citizens of the District, has waged a good fight. But this time the Senate has won. Congress Adjourns. The Seventy-first Congress concluded last night its second session, and, shak ing the dust of the National Capital from its heels, went home. The Sen ate was balky to the end, but inef fectual. The accomplishments of the insurgents and the Democrats, united in a coalition, have been practically nil—except talk and delay. The Con gress might have wound up its work two months ago and gone home with the same legislative results as have now been accomplished. The Senate coalitionists may urge that the time has been well spent in "educating the country.” The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Much has been said in the press and in the Senate about the ineptitude of President Hoover in dealing with the Congress. Now that the Congress has actually adjourned it is possible to assay more correctly what has been done, in ac cordance with the recommendations of the President. In the end Mr. Hoover has won all along the line. Yesterday, for example, was a big day for the ad ministration forces on Capitol Hill. The World War Veterans’ bill was put through In a shape which met the views of the Chief Executive, whose veto of the original veterans’ bill had been sustained by the House. Mr. Hoover also was successful in obtaining a $250,000 appropriation in the second deficiency bill to continue the work of his Law Enforcement Commission, and, finally, his insistence that something be done to break the deadlock between the House and Senate on the District of Columbia appropriation bill was sue cessful. The President, it is true, has had the support of a strong Republican organi zation in the House. The combination of the Chief Executive and the House proved too much for the Senate coall- i tlon. The very fact that a strong party organization has functioned In the House, while the Senate coalitionists have had no effective leadership, has given the House an advantage over the Senate which it has not been slow to use. It has been clear that the House, ready to sustain a presidential veto, has had the whip hand ever the Senate from the start. The President met only two reverses that stand out In the session of Con gress just closed. His appointment of Judge John J. Parker of North Carolina to be an associate justice of the Su preme Court was rejected by a narrow margin in the Senate and his veto of the Spanish War veterans’ new pen sion bill was overridden by both houses of Congress. His successes far overshadow these reverses. He won In his contest with the Senate coalition on the "debenture” and the "flexible tariff” In consideration of the tariff bill. He won In his demand for con tinuance of his Law Enforcement Com mission. He won In the fight over the nomination of Chief Justice Hughes. He had his way in connection with the pension legislation for the World War veterans. His program of legislation | for the better enforcement of the pro hibition laws has been partially en acted Into law. The record of legislative accomplish ment during the special and reg ular sessions of the Seventy-first Con gress stands out as remarkable when compared to actual results with the ad ministration which Just preceded. The Coolldge administration tackled farm-relief legislation. It remained for the Hoover administration to write the 1 farm bill into law. The Coolldge ad ’ ministration did not tackle the tariff, r and the Hoover administration did and ■ put through a revision. The Hoover ■ administration put through the trans fer of prohibition enforcement from the Treasury Department to the Depart ment of Justice. The Hoover administration has nego -1 tlated a naval limitation treaty with the other great naval powers of the world, covering every category of naval craft. The treaty has been reported favorably from the Senate Foreign Rela tions Committee and will be ratified at a special session of the Senate to be called by the President almost imme diately. It appears that a supplemen tary chapter dealing with the alleged "lneptness of Mr. Hoov«£’ must be written before the book is closed. Chicago racketeers are not as much afraid of the constituted civil authori ties as they are of one another. Patriotism by Rote. Writing In one of the reviews that takes a pessimistic outlook on the striv ings of humanity in general, an author recounts the fact that be never sees the American flag proudly waving with out experiencing a secret desire to heave a rock at It, not because of any subversive philosophy that he has em j braced, but because, as a school boy, he was once required to stay after school and practice the “Salute to the Flag" while his comrades stood around and made merry over his shortcomings in mastering the prescribed formula. The other day one of Washington’s kindergarten teachers thought she heard a discordant note in tha class , rendition of "Three Cheers for the Red, THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY. JULY 4, 1930 White and Blue,” and after the song asked the class what “Cheer” meant. Up went a dozen hands or so, and a child was ksked for the definition. “Something you sit on,” said the young 100 per center, and pursuing the in quiry further it was discovered that some of the children, at least, had con ceived of three chairs, one for the red, one for the white and another for the blue —the concept being perfectly or derly and with no overcrowding, as in the schools. In another case a child reciting the "Salute to the Flag” was substituting for the words “One Nation Indivisible” the shocking picture of "One Naked Individual,” while another, with some vague memory of the Lord’s Prayer, was adding "With Liberty and Trespass for All.” Another child, who will probably develop into a realist as he waxes in years, was making more truth than poetry out of "The Star Spangled Banner” when he sang, "Oh Satan Can See, by the Dawn’s Early Light,” and yet another was making It “Darned Early Light.” None of this proves anything in par ticular, and all the incidents above recounted were, happily, not in the same class. But as the Fourth of July approaches it is well to remember that patriotism is one subject not to be mastered by rote alone and something might be gained by informing the chil dren that the Fourth of July is not observed to commemorate the first man who lit a firecracker. On the other hand, it does not make a great deal of difference after all. » Washington, D. C., is the Nation’s city beautiful. It requires the intelli gent consideration of statesmen who do not regard a country town style of cap ital as exemplifying the spirit of de mocracy. Criminals are no longer adroit. They proceed to regulate their own affairs and intimate that if let alone they will co-operate with Justice to the extent of killing off one another. Few newspaper men aspire to be President. Several Presidents have aspired to be newspaper men. There Is a fascination In printer’s ink that levels all distinctions. A great poem might be revealed to the world if D’Annunzio could feel se cure in liberating his muse from the Mussolini censorship. America has provided Spain with one of her greatest bullfighters. What the New York Stock Exchange is looking for is a good, reliable bearfighter. Limitations of ship strength lead to minute calculation, which shows no present sign of limiting the possibility of airship strength. Communistic activities are arousing protest in various parts of Asia. Ex periments in that line have been under taken by Asia for centuries past. It is not believed that continuous in vestigation is of benefit to basic finan cial interests. Wall Street needs relief at times, as well as agriculture. Athletic games still hold their popu larity, although aviation, at present, is undoubtedly the world’s greatest sport. SHOOTING STARS. BY PHILANDER JOHNSON. Celebration. Proud is the boast on the Fourth of July, When matches with firecrackers flirt, If we can remark when the day has gone by, "Nobody Hurt!” Oreat is the day and sublime is the fun As we Independence assert, If we can observe, when the fireworks are done, "Nobody Hurt!” Swift is the pace we are setting today, And we move with our senses alert, That hour brings a triumph in which we can say, "Nobody Hurt!” Braving the Future. "What do you know about the tariff?” "A great deal,” answered Senator Sorghum. "A tariff always leaves a great many people dissatisfied. My im pression is that It is another of those J things they call a noble experiment.” Jud Tunkins says he goes fishing when real amusement gets so scarce that there doesn’t seem any other place to go. Personal Viewpoint. Each theory that I call nice I advocate as good advice. And each that brings my mind distress Is "propaganda”—nothing less. Honest Admiration. "Are you Interested in the Russian drama?” "Very much,” answered Miss Cayenne. “I don't understand what is being said and I must admire the intellectual su periority of the actors who unquestion ably do.” "If all our wishes were fulfilled,’’ 6aid Hi HI, the sage of Chinatown, "life would be sorrowful, with nothing left to wish for." Brief Authority. The chain store makes a haughty show That leaves its patrons at a loss. While new directors come and go, Each showing clerks just who is boss. "Dar is heaps of automobile drivers,” said Uncle Xben, "but mighty few men wif sense enough to drive a mule. Ma chinery Is useful, but animals still pro vide de sportsmanship.” June Time for Showers. From the Lowell Evening Leader. And in the merry, bridal month of June little Dan Cupid will be safe enough in predicting showers. 20,000 Tariff Mistakes. Prom the Tulia Dally World. It Is said the tariff bill has 20,000 1 mistake*. That comes from rushing things. Shooting to Continue. Prom the Dei Moinei Tribune-Capital. Apparently there are so many rack [ eteers in Chicago that the shooting will be good for some time to come. i _ _ t Unimportant News. , Prom the Tulsa World. Our idea of unimportance is matri -1 monlal news concerning gals allied with , the show business out In California. | THIS AND THAT BY CHARLES E. TRACEWELL. The Senate's troubles with the au tomatic phones are as nothing com pared with the trials of a man who can’t get his own home because his wife insists on talking so long with-a friend. Such a gentleman is always willing to swear that no woman in the world can talk so long on the telephone. Per haps this is a slander on a good woman who, after all, is no mote talkative than the next. One Washingtonian solved this prob lem in a masterful manner. After he had called his home several times, with the unvarying reply that “The line is busy,” he decided to try headquarters. Calling up the telephone company Itself, he explained his dilemma and asked that an interruption be made in the talkfest in progress, and that his wife be Informed that her husband de sired to talk with her on urgent busi ness. This scheme, which worked out suc cessfully, is recommended to all busy executives who find themselves foiled in this little domestic matter. The telephone company is willing to please at all times. ** * * When one stops to think of the mul titudinous human relations Involved in the successful working of this modern utility, he will be willing to admit that, on the whole, that working is carried out with great smoothness. Just whether the dial phones will add to or end the troubles of subscrib ers remains to be seen. Those who have have had experience with them in other cities declare that they are a great improvement over the old manual system. At present there is a gfceat deal of confusion in the minds of many tele phone users, owing to the fact that often they use a dial phone to talk to some one who is still on the old-style system. They do not realize that their call does not go straight through, as it will when the dials are In universal use throughout the city, but that it must go into a regular "central" and then be completed by hand, as it were. One of the most exasperating things about the dials, as some see them, is that the user has such a helpless feel ing when the dialing does not work out correctly. Especially is this true when the call must be completed as above outlined, and the “hello girl” declares that you have not dialed the numbers correctly. “But I know I did!" you assert with some heat. The truth often is that you did not; that you have not yet got so used to the dial that the instrument is handled without mistake. It must be kept in mind that “Figures never lie,” and that if the dial numbers are done correctly the call must be completed correctly. ** * * Many users do not seem to realize that the dials are pure mathematics. The letters on them, for instance, are in reality numbers. Thus if one wants to call National 6000, what he really dials is 62 — 5000. Suppose it was a party line, and had a “J” on the end of it. In that event, what he would dial in reality would be 62 —5000—5. The greatest difficulty with the dials is not with the manipulation, but with the powers of memory, or their lack, of the user. Perhaps it would be nearer the truth to say that their use requires a co-ordination of hand and mind which approaches, in some slight de gree, the abilities of a good tennis play er or golfer. By this we would not imply that dialing is a sport, either Indoor or out, but simply that the use of the dial phones does introduce a totally new WASHINGTON OBSERVATIONS BY FREDERIC WILLIAM WILE. When President Hoover tu at the 1 Capitol late last night signing eleventh* 1 hour bills observers thought they de tected Just the semblance of a smile 1 on the face that hasn’t often been so 1 adorned In recent times. Congress was ; off the Chief Engineer’s hands at last, j It has been on his hands for all but six weeks of his presidency. Mr. Hoo- ; ver has the Senate still to deal with for ( a spell in connection with the naval j treaty. But his principal trials and tribulations on Capitol Hill are over— , for the time being. What the remain- . lng two and a half years have in store , for the administration Is on the lap of the gods. If the Democrats capture • either branch of Congress In November or make G. O. P. control of the House or Senate more precarious than It now ; Is, Hoover’s troubles will pile up. De spite taunts of his lack of leadership the President can contemplate with satisfaction his first siege with Con gress. He was beaten on the national origins Immigration repeal, on the Parker nomination and on the Spanish War Veterans’ bill. But otherwise the Hoover legislative slate Is clean. In stead of wielding big sticks he Issued statements. In nearly every case they accomplished the White House purpose. ** * * No stone will be left unturned by the administration to get prompt and affirmative action on the naval treaty at the special Senate session opening Mon day. The President regards the London pact the brightest feather in his cap thus far. He doesn’t intend to have It droop In ignominious defeat If he can help it. The first fight of the ratifica tion forces will be to keep a quorum In the chamber. Senator Watson, Repub lican leader, confesses that’s a tall order. Cool weather will help. If blistering Midsummer heat comes along next weejs, admlnistratlonlsts admit it's going to be a tough Job to hold enough Senators In Washington for business purposes. Transatlantic sailing plans, vacation ar rangements at home and congressional campaigns In many States are factors which have to be combated. Perhaps the treaty’s deadliest foe Is apathy. Sev eral of the men in whose hands the ratification battle will rest are for the pact, they say, because It’s "harmless.” Not of such lukewarm stuff Is the fight ing spirit made. ** * * Col. Amos W. W. Woodcock, newly created prohibition director In the De partment of Justice, will spend the next two weeks at one of his iavorite occu pations, soldiering. He Is about to Join his regiment, the Ist Maryland Na tional Guard, for a fortnight’s tour of duty at Camp Meade. The regiment Is going to engage In some particularly fascinating activities. It Intends to carry out a plan of campaign not dis similar from that which the British Army conducted when it sacked Wash ington In the War of 1812, Some of Col. Woodcock’s friends suspect that his main Interest In the operations Is to find out Just how a British rum fleet, acting In co-operation with American land forces, might maneuver In the waters adjacent to these arid shores. Folks who dote on coincidences have just discovered that Bishop Cannon and the new prohibition ’ czar” w’ere born j In the same town, Salisbury, Md. ,** * * Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm von Prittwitz, German Ambassador to the United States, will make his radio debut on Sunday afternoon, when he speaks In the Columbia Broadcasting System’s "Conclave of Nations” series at Wash , ington. The talk will be in the nature ' of a temporary farewell, for the Am bassador and his family are sailing for Germany next week on an annual leave of absence. Dr. Von Prittwitz has seen Gernjan-American relations substantially solidified during his two and a half years in this country. Rep arations and war claims have been defi nitely adjusted. Investment of Amer ican capital In German industrial enterprises* has taken place on an ex tensive scale. We have had visits from the Graf Zeppelin, German transatlantic - flyers and Prof. Max Schmeling. The l Bremen and the Europa have captured the blue ribbon of the ocean and the equation into this great necessity and utility. We do not know Just what the proportion Is between familiar calls which one makes and unfamiliar, but probably most men in business call more numbers with which they are un familiar. Under the old system It was easy enough to look at a strange number in the book, repeat it to one’s self a couple of times, and then remember It long enough to give it to the operator. After that it was her lookout. The patron’s responsibilty was ended. With the dial phones one is required to keep track of two entirely different matters, the handling of the right hand, and the handling of the memory. This is further complicated by the use of the letters, especially with three to every number, and the use of the two upon the same spots. An old saying declares that “No one can do two things at the same time,” yet that is exactly what the dials call upon one to do —to do a little fancy twiddling with the finger, while at the same time keep in mind a sequence of numbers. ** * * It will be found helpful to most users of the dials to write out on a piece of paper the number which they want to call. This applies particularly to the unfamiliar calls. Often the dial will slip, or rather one will dial clumsily. Immediately the at tention will be called to one’s poor han dling of the mechanism, just long enough to permit the mind to forget the next number to be twirled. Those who dial seem to be divided between the use of the right forefinger and a lead pencil. Just why some take to the use of the pencil is a mystery, when the index finger serves very well, indeed. We heard of one woman who asked for a pencil to make a call, thinking that the job could not be done with any other instrument. Use of the dials in the flat position seems easy enough, but to many their placement in an upright or vertical position makes for clumsy handling. Their use in this position in the booths peculiarly complicates difficult telephon ing. Some Inventive genius ought to do something to improve the booths. They are hot, stuffy and uncomfort able, especial*) in hot weather. Now, with the coming of the dials, they are particularly disagreeable. If one finds it necessary to write out the number’ in order to have it before his eyes while he is dialing, he will find that there is no place to put the slip of paper. Ho, hum! ** * * Yet surely one is going to miss the “hello girl” and the opportunity she offered of some one to “talk back to.” It is amazing how quickly the aver age male telephone user can “fly off the handle,” especially in the morning hours before he has warmed up to the day. It is no mystery—especially to tele phone girls and stenographers—that the average business man does not smile until about 10 or 10:30 a.m., no matter how good a breakfast he has had. It is during these early morning min utes that the “hello girl” gets “bawled out” the most. Then she is submerged beneath a barrage of masculine sar casm. That she remains as pleasant as she usually does is vastly to her credit. The dial phones, we are told, will offer & mute mechanism, Infallible, re lentless and remorseless, instead of a very human being. If you dial it cor rectly, it will respond correctly; If it does not produce, the user has made a mistake. The machine wins again. World War seems as far away almost as if it had never happened. ** * * Suggestions are forthcoming that S. Parker Gilbert, young American wizard of finance, may be invited by President Hoover to take the chairmanship of the reconstituted United States Tariff Com mission. Gilbert’s Job as agent general for reparation payments at Berlin came to an end a few weeks ago with the In ception of the Young plan. He can have his pick of a dozen New York banking Jobs at fancy salaries and may prefer that kind of a career to con tinued public service. Gilbert, who is only 37, would meet with Mr. Hoover’s requirements for a tariff chief, wholly isolated from politics and political en tanglements. His four years in Europe have given him a deep Insight into eco nomic conditions “over there.” As these will be the bedrock of tariff re vision under the flexible system, Gil bert, in many respects, is ready-made for the Job In question. ** a * Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard Law School and one of the members of the Wickersham Law Enforcement Commission has gone to Ireland for a walking tour. Perhaps he wants to as certain at first-hand just what It was that St. Patrick did to drive the snakes from the Emerald Isle and see how far the methods of Erin’s legendary hero can be invoked for certain purposes in the United States. Pound is an inde fatigable knight of the road. He made himself an authority on Civil War bat tlefields by tramping over them. ** * * Representative Robert Luce, Repub lican, of Massachusetts, ranking mem ber of the House Committee on World Wa t Veterans’ Legislation, receives the lion’s share of credit on Capitol Hill for the final termination of the recent scrap along lines satisfactory to the adminis tration. The cultured author of “Legis lative Procedure” and “Congress: An Explanation” rates as the strategist who evolved the rapid-fire scheme of sustain ing the Hoover veto of the first veterans’ bill and then trotting out the Johnson substitute, which now is law. There’s nothing in recent annals to equal the deftness with which the White House face was saved and Congress extricated from a predicament by one and the same token. Luce is a past master of the ins and outs of legislative magic, and he drew triumphantly on his storehouse of knowledge in the veterans' mess. ** ♦ * While veterans’ legislation is still fresh in mind comes the story that Represent ative John E. Rankin, Democrat, of Mississippi, sponsor of the original House bill, aspires to be majority floor leader if and when the Democrats or ganize the lower branch and name ‘Jack Garner Speaker. Rankin is a World War service man himself. To him Is credited the grandiose plan of seeking to wrest for the Democratic party the leadership of all veterans’ legislation, In order that It may reap the power and the glory so long enjoyed by the Republicans as the political spon sors of the Grand Army of the Republic. (Copyright, 1930.) Questions Justice of Skid-Death Penalty To the Editor of The Star: I read in The Star the account of a man being sentenced to five years in Jail because his machine skidded and killed a woman. I know neither party nor have we any mutual friends, but I did not know any one could be held re sponsible for his car skidding. How can a skid be prevented? The account said the car skidded 50 feet before striking the woman. Surely the driver was in very great danger himself and must have been doing everything in his power to stop the skid. I would be glad to know the reasoning of the jury in this case. B. S. GOODWIN. Does Own Angling. Prom the South Bend Tribune. It Is now Evident that President Hoover's fish are not caught for Mrn by his secretaries. Absurd Parking Light Rule Enforcement To tho Editor of The Star: The District police may not be able to catch a murderer, but they are won derfully clever at surrounding a parked car and attaching a ticket to It for some petty violation of the traffic ordl- , nances. Mine was parked In front of , my residence, within 20 feet of an arc , light, but clear visibility of the offend- , tag vehicle Is no excuse. Two thousand other Washingtonians are In the same . fix, which works out at $4,000 to for- . felted collateral for one night's work. | Not bad! I hereby propose and offer myself as signatory to a petition to Congress for modernization of the traffic rules. Why ( should cars parked under an arc light ; need a parking light? Os course, “It Is the law .and therefore It should be j obeyed,” but why are the police so ca pricious in enforcing it? About six weeks ago some local business man ] abandoned his car in front of my res idence for three days, naturally without parking lights, and I had to call up the police twice to notify the owner of my Innocent desire to have access to my own house. For weeks and months cars to my street are left without park- i tag lights and there is never a sign of 1 a summons. Then the police flop on a big murder case and show their au- 1 thority by holding a battue of parked automobiles. All we can do is to petition Congress for relief and for a recognition of the fact that the police are not our masters, but our servants. They exist for us and are paid by us to protect us from each other. Is It too much to ask Congress to protect us from the police? I sug gest a petition, but If any more prac tical method can be suggested for put ting an end to the arbitrary exercise of petty authority on the part of our po lice servants, I shall be glad to co operate. JOHN CARTER. Error as to House of Marshall Corrected To the Editor ot The Star: Mr. James W. Brooks, who wrote the article in Sunday’s Star, "American History by Motor,” was misinformed In regard to Rosebank being the home of Chief Justice Marshall and & soldier under Lafayette naming the village of Paris. I was bom in Fauquier County, Va st years ago, between Markham and Piedmont, the latter now called Dela plane. Rosebank, which is at Mark ham, was the home of Gen. Turner Ash by’s father and Turner himself was bom there. It was purchased from Turner Ashby’s mother after his father's death by Edward C. Marshall, a descendant of the Chief Justice. The Ashby family were my relatives. The home of Chief Justice Marshall was called Oak Hill, and it Is still stand ing between Delaplane and Marshall. I was there many times in my youth, visiting and attending parties, and a ; great-granddaughter of the Chief Jus , tice was one of my most intimate friends. I motored over this route three years ago and saw many of the old places, Including both Rosebank and ; Oak Hill. A great-uncle of mine, Thompson ; Ashby, was keeping the tavern at Paris when Lafayette stopped there and he himself gave the village Its name. Thompson Ashby was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. MRS. BLANCHE ASHBY LAMBERT. No Pedestrian Safety in Red Lights or Zones To the Editor of The Star: Is it lawful for autos and cabs to run through safety zones? We have al ways been told that this was not lawful and that the red light meant safety and we could cross while it was on. But It seems that the public must have been misinformed, for a few days since I came within a few inches of being run down crossing directly before my home, 1736 Connecticut avenue northwest, from one platform and on the red light, when an auto came dashing through and almost ran me down. Several peo ple saw this. A poor woman who has to earn her living shortly before this was run down early before dark in an other place—(safety zone) —and was so badly injured that she was taken to a hospital with a badly Hurt hip from which she is still suffering. The offender told the policeman he either had to run into her or another auto mobile. Has it come to this pass, that a human life is worth much less than a thing of iron without feeling? Some times 10 and 15 cars will pass between these safety zones, in a few moments, and when getting off a car it Is im possible to see them running through behind the car. Every one Is talking about this point and we would be glad to know definitely what we are to ex pect, as to the law upon this point. MADGE I. MCLAUGHLIN. Better Standards In Government Prom ths Chicago Dally New*. , Sir Joslah Stamp, the British econ omist and financier, in an address before the American Academy of Po litical Science, expressed the hope that before long the constructive thinkers and business leaders of the world would put ; as much driving force behind economic questions as they do behind chemistry and physics. In order to do this they must take an active part in public affairs. Why should they not? Those affairs have a direct and important bearing upon business, just as do the discoveries of the experts in physical science. Politicians and holders of public office have much to do and say In re gard to economic matters. It would be difficult to take economics out of politics. The tariff, the reparations question, waterway development, the idea of European federation and many more illustrations of this truth readily come to mind. But the social sciences are not exact. Their conclusions can not be tested in laboratories. Hence every person has his own notions— ! and emotions—about government, eco nomics, international relations. When one’s emotions are excited, one has little respect for expert opinions. As Macaulay pointed out many years . ago and Spencer after him, bias, per sonal Interest, fear and habit stand , in the way of ready recognition of truth in the domain of social relations, whereas in the domain of the exact sciences one encounters few such ob stacles or none at all. Discoveries and generalizations make their way largely because their ultimate effects cannot ; be foreseen or measured. Selfishness and timidity may delay the use of an invention, but cannot long prevent that use. In the social and political sciences , the whole situation Is different. Issues are confused; appeals made deliber , ately to prejudice and common; dema ; gogues care little for truth, sacrificing , everything to ambition, love of power , and desire for gain. Men of science and men of large affairs and sound moral standards are needed to combat these evils by going into politics, taking office and. at the risk of defeat, educating the electorate in essential, if unpopular, truths. Where the leaders are in earnest and have courage and integrity, truth ulti mately prevails. Little Difference. rrom the Helena Montana Record-Herald. It makes little difference to the pedes trian who has been messed up bv an automobile whether the car was a brand-new model or one of the used 1 variety. Doesn’t Work. > From the Topeka Dally Capital If they keep arresting A1 Capone, the Chicago gangster. In Florida, he may change his mind about Southern hos pitality. Might Croak. i From the Omaha World-Herald r These shoes that are made es trot 1 skins ought at least to squ££! f ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS BY FREDERIC 1. RASKIN. This bureau does not give advice, but It gives free Information on any subject. Often to be accurately informed is to be beyond the need of advice, and infor mation is always valuable, whereas ad rice may not be. In using this service be sure to write clearly, state your in quiry briefly and inclose 2-oent stamp for reply postage. Address The Evening Star Information Bureau, Frederic j. Haskln, director, Washington, D. C. Q. On a hot Summer day does an airplane ride have a cooling effect?— H. J. A. Aside from the motion, there is a second reason which makes an airplane ride cool: For every 1,000 feet ascended there is an actual drop of 3 degrees in temperature. Q. Are there any Negro Jockeys in the big-time races? —L. B. S. A. Although Negro boys are employed as exercise boys and stable boys at the big race tracks, they are not employed as jockeys. The number has been de creasing rapidly for the last five or six years, and they do not usually ride, even on the smaller race tracks. Q. Did Lindbergh actually deliver the letters of introduction which he took to Paris?—T. W. A. Ambassador Herrick said of this: "When I greeted him he handed me his three letters of introduction with a happy smile.’* Q. Os the money spent by American tourists, how much is spent in the United States?—C. A. A. It has been estimated that Ameri can tourists spent $4,000,000,000 in 1929, Os this, about $3,000,000,000 was spent in tourist resorts within the United States, $800,000,000 went to Europe. $350,000,000 to Canada and $24,000,000 to Cuba. Q. Where is the famous Endicott pear tree? How old is it?—F. L. A. This tree is at Danvers port, near Danvers, Mass. It was planted in 1632 by Gov. John Endicott on his land there and is still the property of the Endicott family. William Crowningshield Endi cott, owner of the tree, believes that it was planted In Gov. Endlcott’s garden at Salem even before it was planted at Danvers and that it was brought from a nursery in England in 1630. The tree bloomed this Spring preparatory to bearing its annual crop of sugar pears. Q. What is the origin of notches in coat lapels?—T. B. A. A. The notch is said to have origi nated through the rivalry of Gen. Mo reau with Napoleon, Moreau’s followers having devised it as a secret badge of their partnership. Q. Who was master of ceremonies at the first inaugural?—G. S. M. A. Col. Smith, husband of Abigail Adams Smith, was one. Q. What is meant by the Brattsys tem of Sweden?—M. F. A. The Brattsystem refers to Sweden’s system of liquor control, organized by Dr. Ivan Bratt. Under its workings Sweden is divided into 121 liquor con trol districts, with a separate system company to each district, the company having the monopoly of the retail trade in its district. Each of the 121 system companies buys its liquor from a sin gle wholesale system company which has the monopoly of the wholesale business in Sweden. Q. What is being done to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa?—H. K. A. A commission of experts has been appointed to check the increasing list of the famous monument. It was found Country Is Unable to Agree On Law Enforcement Board Pew subjects before the country In recent months have brought out so many differing opinions as the contro versy over the appropriation for Presi dent Hoover’s Law Enforcement Commis sion. Supporters of the commission that is headed by Mr. Wickers ham charge that senatorial criticism has been inspired by political opposition. Others, commending ithe achievements of the commission to date, believe that the $250,000 asked should be granted for further work. There are conflicting views, also, as to the suggestions that private contributions be made in the absence of adequate funds from the Treasury, and that the inquiry should be confined to prohibition. The theory that both sides to the controversy are wrong is held by the Milwaukee Journal, whose position is set forth* in the statement: “President Hoover’s motives in defying the Sen ate’s limitations on his Law Enforcement Commission are doubtless good, but when he announces that he will seek private funds to carry on the part of the work the Senate refused to approve, he is setting a precedent which has dangerous possibilities. The propriety of a President of the United States soliciting funds for any public purpose, other than in behalf of the Red Cross or similar charitable enterprises, is ex* tremely doubtful, for it will always be difficult to divorce from such funds a political implication.” In reply to this argument, the Phila delphia Inquirer states: “Such action is not without precedent. An act passed to forbid it during the Roosevelt administration was interpreted by the Attorney General as ‘not intended to cover services rendered in an oflicial capacity under regular appointment otherwise permitted by law to be un salaried.’ Since the members of the Law Enforcement Commission are serv ing without salary, this ruling obviously applies to them.” The Inquirer charges “a policy of harassing the President” and contends that “there will be scant sympathy with any attempt to hamper the President by such' picayunish methods of interfering with the work of an important commission appointed by him for a highly useful purpose." “Pin-pricking hostility to President Hoover” is seen by the New York Herald Tribune, which maintains that “the commission was created for the broader purpose of recommending improvements in the whole field of law enforcement. * * * The members of the commis sion are public-spirited citizens serving without salary. * • • It shows petti ness of mind on the Senate’s part to refuse to support this work to its con clusion. * * * Its gesture is one largely of futile ill-will." “As for the public generally,” in the opinion of the Chattanooga Times, “some will agree with Senator Glass that those private individuals who may finance the commission will be foolishly wasting their money, while others will hold with Senator Jones that Congress ought to feel humiliated. One thing, at least, is clear: Congress has got very much out of the hands of the Presi dent. And the body’s action in connec- " tion with this commission appropriation may be taken as further indication that Congress is not likely to pay much at tention to the commission’s report when it is finally issued.” The New York Evening Post sees “more than a tinge of personal spite in this congressional attack” and states : that “to limit the commission is to give it a function half public, half private, is to reduce the value of the costly work already done and to lessen the authority of any verdict or verdicts which It may eventually bring In.” The value of the work done by the commission Is questioned by the Balti more Sun, with the added comment: , “In all probability the commission is making useful studies in certain fields, but so far little has been advanced save < suggestions for greater efficiency in en- < forcing laws which millions of people regard as unjust and unworkable. Find- 1 ing in the commission no interest in . that aspect of the question, the public i is tired of the commission. It is that fact, over and above senatorial ill j nature, which explains the act of 1 mayhem.” 1 “If the commission gives out a quar- < ter-million siollars’ worth of lnforma- i tion,” suggests the Port Worth Record- that water, filtering underneath the tower, is responsible for undermining its foundations. A process of strength ening through injections of cement is to be used for the future safety of the tower. t Q. How long is the Potomac River?— P. B. L. A. It is about 650 miles In length. , Q Who originated the chambermaid or parlormaid comedy character?—G. X. A. Kitty Clive, who flourished in the early part of the eighteenth century, was famed for depicting such a char acter. Q. What is a clerical linen collar called?—W. W. A. It is called a rabat. * Q. Why do sea gulls face the wind when they fly?—P. D. B. A. They can balance and steer better when flying In that position. Q. Where is the best port in Cen tral America on the Atlantic aide?— H. D. A. The most Important Atlantic port in Central America is Port Barrios, Guatemala. Q. What is catnip tea?—R. M. A. Catnip is a synonym for catmint. Catmint is an aromatic herb of the mint family of which cats are fond, and which is used as a domestic rem edy. being slightly stimulant and tonic. Catnip tea is simply made by steeping catmint leaves in water. Q. What is the length of time an average popular song holds the public's favor?—M. T H. A. E. C. Mills of the National Broad casting Co. says the modern popular tune has a life span of 90 days. It is this situation which has given rise to such new methods of distribution as selling phonograph records at the news stands. Q Where was Pocahontas* eon reared?—F. A. L. A. An uncle in England reared ! Thomas Rolfe. 1 Q. How old is Gene Austin?—R. T. A. This popular singer was born June | 24. 1900. > Q. What do the initials A, J, O, J . mean when used in connection with stocks?—P. L. i A. They stand for April, July. Octo ber and January, meaning that quar • terly interest, or dividends, are payable ■ in those months. ! . • Q. How long have we had free pub lic libraries in the United States?— M. E. V. < A. The modem public library, main tained by the municipality or some I other unit of local government from the proceeds of taxation, dates from about 1850, but its real development began in 1876. The earliest tax-sup ported library is said to have been the . town library of Salisbury, Conn., es . tabllshed in 1803. The oldest existing ’ library of this kind is the one at Peter | borough, N. H, established in 1833. Q. In casino, playing a four-handed 1 partnership game, can a partner assist in a build which has already been started, even though he has not the 1 card in his hand to take the trick?— i T. T. A. The rules provide that this may be done. ** British Museum?— . i Y. The ® rltish Museum was opened to the public on January 15, 1759. Telegram, “the American public will feel easily justified in believing In Sant* , once “ orc " The New York World is convinced that “the snarl which the appropriation for the commission’s work is a natural re sult of the confusion of its nnHHM The curtailment of funds was virtually denia! of a vote of full confidence ” No one has been able to give any assurance,” says the New Orleans item, that the commission has a chance to render greater service in the .than it has already rendered. The evidence indicates that it has been an important agency and is likely to continue so. Why, then, spend $250,000 more upon it?” The Birmingham News voices the view that “findings of a com m“»}°n financed by private and not by public funds may become legally doud fu Lynchburg Advance offers the criticism, “The people of the United States are vastly more interested in the dry question than they are in a study of general crime, and had the commis sil,l followed the general purpose for which it was created, the country might have been on the way to a solution of a perplexing problem.” '•That the Wickersham commission should be adequately financed in the completion of the work on the broad lines hitherto projected seems a per fectly reasonable proposal,” states the Springfield Republican, expressing its sympathy “with the President’s purpose to finance by means of private funds the commission’s requirements in complet w* program unhampered by the limitations which the Senate would impose on it.” The Louisville Times comments: “The results of the work may be or may not be worth the outlay, or worth a farthing. But why investi gate one form of crime only?” The Asheville Times “finds itself in sympathy, speaking in general, with the President’s defense of his commls but adds, “It must be confessed that it is not difficult to understand the impatience that marks the criti cisms. in the Senate and elsewhere, of the law commission’s necessarily slow labors.” “Since the commission has under taken,” according to the Erie Dispatch- Herald, “the huge task of investigating the whole subject of law obedience and enforcement, with special reference to the prohibition problem, it should go through with it. The commission has accomplished something substantial, giving hope of a final constructive report.” Parents Responsible For July 4 Injuries To the Editor of The Stsr: May I suggest that you call to the attention of your readers: 1. The “Glorious Fourth” in 30 year* has cost U. S. A. morq. lives than tho war that made its celebration worth while. ~ 2. Parents never expect their children will be the sufferers. 3. It is the parents’ direct respon sibility if they are hurt. 4. Powder injuries are peculiarly sub ject to infection. 5. There’s a reason why fireworks must be “bootlegged”—and there is still a big work to be done by the peo ple of the suburbs. H. V, SCHREIDER. Move to Check Sale of Fireworks in Maryland To the Editor of The Star: The Decatur Heights Citizens' Asso- , elation wishes to commend your edi torial “The Barrage Descends,” which appeared in the issue of The Star of July 1, 1930. This association by a unanimous vote has passed a resolu tion favoring the restriction of the sale of fireworks in the State of Mary land in conformity with the rules regu !•«?* the sale in the District a# Columbia. GERTRUDE BICKNKLL, Secretary;