OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, July 09, 1930, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1930-07-09/ed-1/seq-11/

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What’s What and Where
Attractions Soon to Be Seen in Washington Theaters
*"lnside the Linen”
At Keith's Saturday.
••l tures' talking drama, featuring
I Betty Compson and Ralph
A Forbe.s, comes to R-K-O Keith's
for the new week beginning Sat
wday. It is not a war picture, but a story
of espionage at Gibraltar during the
"World W'ar. There are no spectacles,
no horrors. It is adapted from the
original stage success.
It is the story of a great love, and
concerns Jane Gershon and her fiance,
Eric Woodhouse.
who separate in
Germany upon the
declaration of war.
They meet in the
British fortress at
Gibraltai a> Ger
man spies. Jane
poses as the daugh
ter of an old friend
of the governor's
family, and Wood
liouse, under that
name, is supposed
ly a British officer.
Jane is to secure
the key to the
mine control field
In the ha'bor. Eric
surprises her by
stealing the key.
Betty Cnmpion.
She tries to disuade him from destroy
ing the British fleet, then coming into
the harbor. He notices a gun covering
Jane He lays the key on the table,
and tells her that, she is sending him
to his death. He goes behind a map
rack A shot is heard, A trusted
Hindu servant enters and upbraids
her as a traitor to the father
land He threatens to kill her and fix
the blame for the fleet's destruction
upon her. and yet the denouement is
brought about in a happy but thrilling
The supporting cast includes well
known English and American players,
among them Betty Carter, Ivan Simp
son. Montagu Love, Reginald Sharland,
Evan Thomas and Mischa Auer.
“A Man From Wyoming”
Next Feature at the raise*.
COOPER will come to Loews
Palace for the week beginning Sat
urday in “A Man From Wyoming."
June CoUyer and Regis Toomey appear
In the cast.
Cooper as Jim Baker, an engineer,
hear? the call to arms and gets into
the World War. Patricia Hunter, a
spoiled society girl in search of thrills,
wanders up near the front lines and
draws the enemy's fire. Baker is forced
to arrest her, but falls in love with and
marries her. He Is ordered to active
duty on a dangerous mission, and his
bride, at first grief-stricken, soon em
barks upon a wild career. He finds her
thus and then plunges into the thickest
of the fray. Love, however, eventually I
reunites them.
On the stage will come from the
"Great White Way” ‘Singing to the
Stars.” a Capitol Theater presentation,
featuring the Peggy-Taylor-Gary Leon
Ensemble in an adagio fantasy; Hilda
Butsova. protege of the great Pavlowa;
Wesley Boynton. Broadway's popular
tenor, and a ballet of 24 Chester Hale
girls will complete the cast.
Dick Leibert, wizard of the organ,
will conclude his engagement in original
organlogues. "Old-Time Movies” will
be one of the short subjects, and the
Heart Metrotone News and the Palace
Orchestra will complete the program.
"Women Everywhere”
New Feature at the Fox Friday.
CIFI DORSAY, the French comedi
r enne, and J. Harold Murray, former
Ziegfeld singing star, featured in a
During July and August store |H
will be closed all day on Saturdays
I You ’ll Need Porch Rockers
a long time yet — j
And don't reckon on only one season's service from
these because they are the better kind —although at J
“popular” prices.
Made of maple—strong and durable of construction.
Correctly poised for utmost comfort —with wide, slant
edge seats —the rattan work being of the close weave
that can stand use and exposure.
Sewing Roeker, Rattan Seat and Bark $3.75
Arm Roeker, Rattan Seat, Horizontal Slat Baek 3.95
Arm Roeker, Rattan Seat, Low Vertical Slat Back 4.75
Arm Rocker, Rattan Seat, High Vertical Slat Back 5.25
Arm Roeker, Rattan Seat, High Horizontal Slat Back 4.95
Arm Rocker, High Rattan Seat and Back 5.95
Open a Charge Account — that's our
way of extending our costless credit
| House &. Herrmann I
“Furniture of Merit” Seventh at Eye
movietone musical romance, Women
Everywhere.” will appear on the Fox
Theater bill starting Friday.
The story is described as “a tuneful,
dramatic romance of the adventures of
a rum-runner whose adventures with
women everywhere, and particularly
with one woman of a Moroccan seaport,
led him in and out of the Foieign
Legion. The story settings include a
French seaport of the Mediterranean,
a Moroccan city of Casablanca, an out
po<l of the Foreign Legion and the
African desert. Others in the cast in
clude the famed comedian, Clyde Cook:
George Grossmith, Rose Dione and
Ralph Kellard.
The stage program presents the Fan
chron & Marco idea, 'Desert,” featuring
Ed and Morton Beck, Muriel Stryker,
Cropley and Violet and Chief Eagle
Feather, but with the Sunkist Beauties
replaced by the Carla Torney Girls, a
group of trained dancers.
"Our Blushing Bride*”
Coming to Loew's Columbia.
TERS” are announced by Loew's
Columbia for the week beginning Satur
day in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pro
duction, "Our Blushing Brides.” The
east Is headed by Joan Crawford, and
Includes Dorothy Sebastian, Anita Page,
Robert Montgomery, Raymond Hackett
and John Miljan.
The plot centers about three girls who
work in the same department store
and share the same rooms. Fed up
with the monotony of clock punching,
delicatessen meals, made-over dresses
and other millstones of poverty, they
are patiently awaiting an escape, when
David Jardine, son of the store owner,
begs Connie to allow him to set her up
in a Park avenue apartment, with the
promise of future marriage. Throwing
caution to the wind, she consents. Then
Francine appears with a wedding ring,
a symbol of her marriage to Mr. Martin,
a wealthy customer of the store. A
chap named Tony tries to similarly en
trap Jerry, the last of the trio, but she
sees through his intentions and spurns
his offer. Then Connie discovers that
her David is about to marry a aociety
girl, and Mr. Martin turns out to be a
thief. Jerry, the level-headed girt,
IBU atomach
Excess acid is the common cause methods, never continue to suffer,
of indigestion. It results in pain and when you learn how quickly, how
sourness about two hours after eat- pleasantly this premier method acts,
ing. The quick corrective is an alkali Please let it show you—now.
which neutralizes acid. The best cor- Be sure to get the genuine Phillips’
rective is Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phy-
It has remained standard with physi- sicians for 50 years in correcting ex
cians in the 50 years since its inven- cess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle —any
tion. _ drug store.
One spoonful of Phillips’ Milk of “Milk of Magnesia” has been the
Magnesia neutralizes instantly many U. S. Registered Trade Mark of The
times its volume in acid. It is harm- Charles H. Phillips Chemical Com
less and tasteless and its action is pany and its predecessor Charles H.
quick. You will never rely on crude Phillips since 1875.
however, earns the respect of Tony, the
man who seeks her, and is happily mar
ried to him.
Short subjects, the Hearst Metrotone
News and the Columbia Orchestra will
complete the program.
Will Osborne in Person
At the Earle Theater Friday.
\YfILL OSBORNE, radio idol, will be
, vv gin a return engagement, in per
! son. Friday at Warner Bras.’ Earle
Theater, accompanied by his radio
band, and with an entirely new pro
-1 gram of song hits. Known as the orig
j inal crooner of radio ballads. Osborne's
‘ personal success at the Earle several
! weeks ago necessitated this second visit,
j The stage setting is novel, representing
the radio studio from which broadcasts
from the well known “night club of the
! air” are made.
The principal screen offering will be
a film tale of beauty, thieves, romance
and a mistake in identity, called “Road
to Paradise,” a First National Vitaphone
production featuring Loretta Young.
• Road to Paradise" is the story of a
beautiful orphan, reared by two ex
traordinary crooks, but inclined to be
! honest despite her environment.
( In the cast are Jack Mulhall Ray
mond Hatton. George Barraud, Kath
lyn Williams, Ben Hendricks, Jr.; Dot
Farley. Winter Hall, Purnell Pratt, Fred
Kelsey and others.
Additional features will include Vila
Again Wildwood and Wildwood Croat.
th« twin reaorta on the New Jersey
Coast <35 miles below Atlantic City),
' prove their rlaim as “New Jersey's most
popular resort*." More than 150.000
happy pleasure, seekers were here over
July Fourth Week-end ... a 'visitation
equal in size to Bndceport. Conn., or
i Grand Rapids. Mich.
The railroads brought 17.000 visitors:
busses, 3.000; while 46.338 automobiles
I were here by actual count .. . one-third
as many as crossed the famous Delaware
River Bridge during the three peak day*.
For booklet and further information
write Bureau of Publicity. Chamber of
Commeroe, Wildwood. N. J.
phone Varieties, the Earle Orchestra
and the Pathe and Paramount news
‘Way of All Men”
At Metropolitan Friday.
DRAMA of human emotions. “Way
of All Men,” a First National Vita
phone talking picture, will come to
Warner Bros.’ Metropolitan Theater
Friday for a week.
It pictures what happened to a group
of men and women trapped by the Mis
sissippi flood in the underground saloon
of the community’s richest publican.
The scenes are laid in the river town
of Cottonia, on the Mississippi, and
|Deep-Cut Prices on Needs!|
if n I m m lanfv (S£ySß
Cream Almond* , /&.. 33c A ~ “TT
« \\“ s " J£ r CL Bnar p 'P es U
Hi /I I„lf.. Cf.\ IL on, m. Our Twenty-Fifth Year W M V 4 A large assortment. from which fu
pf Orange Jelly cilice a, In .2"c of Public Service 1 choose your favorite ft?* and ; p
I! Home Remedies I il
fl] Priced low ‘° Soee Ton Mor# | Q " w,,, ~ ZZL Toilet Requisites (HI
II $1 Waterbury Compound 79c BathinP v „ ... ||
fil $1 Squibb’* Mineral Oil .79c ° 8 „ P lWnrfly a™™ B*~«y Art, M
p 25c Seidlitz Powder, 10’* 19c jZtrTT bll PP erS 75c Aznrea Sachet 58c E
Msl Pierce’s G. M. Discovery... 89c «, io IMir JSSfftSf TtEJf&t 35c Barbasol Shaving Cream.. 24c U
|| $1.35 Gude s Pepto Mangan. .81c -50 c Bencoline Tooth Paste... .29c L*J
f|l 75c P. D. Alophen Pills 49c Rathmo fa r»« 50c Brownatone Hair Dye 39c (il
« n Nmldb- T * M '“ 79e “I "A, _T„, 10c <W Soap, 3 for 25c ffl
ji Nujol Oil, pint. 57c SS to lt yJteach il ln2i£ t ™ c 35c Cutex Nail Polish 29c Sil
m Sl-25 Minrolagar ... .....98c | $1 Coty Face Powder 85c M
I! ?5 C Solut,on !? c 10c t 0 98c $1 Delatone Depilatory 89c 111
I 60c Merck’s Sugar Milk 49c JigV Kleen Picnic Sets Paste!TJEM
f|{ 50c Lysol Disinfectant 45c JKjMA Commie, 25c 50 c Hair Groom iar . 34c <
M u >d Peptonoids 98c 60c Hennafoam Shampoo 34c m
|! SlKojeueAntwephc ,84c 50c Jergens Lotion 33c M
i 25c J .&XKjdneyP lasters....l 1 asters....l9 c $1 Leas Hair Tonic 84c ffl]
Yeart Tablet, 73c Ex . Ray Hats
50c Horhck , Malted Mdk... 39c JL from th ,
ft! 35c Freezone Com Remover, ,24c »* JTtHiSS 30c Lyons Tooth Powder 21c M
«°>< *”««»“ out- L/h 50c Mavis Talcum 33c m
! | »c -*M» * M.l.ifad Shampw. 37r tjj
OH I Pitcher and Classes <*=*=&, M
I*E i ! > isl With each purchase of —\A/%/4occ ‘Jtßil il
; f| II im /Y\Oaess Gracefully Shaped W
1 1 !' HI Astrmg-O-Sol W " Vacation U Six glares and pitcher set. all fc/J
d % [ If O fk VdWUUn made of cool, green glass, grace- I L "FI ||
“ 1 ■ ... . r* e I fully shaped. A handy set that IvALI e! pil-ll ■
An Antiseptic Mouth Wa*h ==gE3 - ODCCiaI Will be useful In serving iced drink*. Ml ltt'l WJIM' T*
If This mouth wash has antiseptic. Mffl ap|| I »' Tt Iff *M
C| astringent and deodorant proper- H WBHIW ■PfeS 1 a timely bargain! This travel stse Complete, QRf Vi^ill
fH ties. It is very economical to use, ’ packaae of Modess wUi easily slip * ’ l [/
,1 sas?ajsrjSß« ,,k,n ‘ ——— ki
fj ?ou7”S.; h *. t „'d u ’S:pSS to s, ft Z 1 Two pkg„. Mode..„9oc Shur Gene Sarazen jll
I SSSSk” - * "«** RgTyO One Travel Pkg 25c #gS| F yre _ k"J
I Both f°rssc fESPSWRI All for 78c Total value ... 51.15 Lighter AjOU I eeS ,|J
$1 Books—New Stories Are Your ifes 25c I prac*?cglly f unbreakable** a " d NH
1 These books are first editions. Stories never published GIIPStS A.
before await your selection at the book counter of all our (llAthlH /'/HfvT Pennsylvania *
(If sUirM - Take * evcral th you on your vacation. ijggg™! Annoyed \ SSS Hawthorne,
k]| Young Man of Manhattan .. $| IWil by Flies i Tennis Golf A 1J
I) uyai rr: t. ... si ,W| I 3 Balls , l,s ||| i
5,' Margwrl Widdgmrr J /or for 1
Ikit Hr,,,. sea Then you, perhaps, are wonder- *B&ijTrJ AJ& )/ ( J \ _ _ _ W* >
L/OOT ♦••**•*, ,S| Ing why they do not coma to SI 1 •I-*'- WC fl
PI 1 , „ _ _ D . L vi.it you more often. r# * XJ a?> 1./ .> dl
Si A Wnry Ingect PCIU m , y be „ illT mnd Cannon Brand 1
iff AAv Alint AnoiP Cl surely banished from your home —j— ■ » a
jli | */ ** $1 by rPCuUr i y spraying with one I ■lt'KlCll ... naTTW C a ■
P( hy Roy McCardrll of these effective Insecticides. lUIIM3II fgjgpT 7 " jJ jatCCn V-TetOnneand
Il The Immediate Family •.. $1 Dpthnl nt 4Qr Towels r W* . Checked Sateen
tt l L a, u , ' I-/CUIUI, pi. . . These tow e1 s are made of if : . i : r-LnSSKI D.'lUaa/c .
fcv Nalhro Hartley highly absorbent material. A*- | r IIIOWS
§i : ——w.i.iw _ , traetively designed in colors. 34 i ■ xjLffiMfißagjgß '
HI Preventol, pt., 53c HI I I
ce ream Freezers Bono, pt. ...59c 39c mnr >... for thrm 49c j
ijs Simply l g] durable.
tiS. il Y*ou**can*qulckly and easily make / lx __ Bnpf C* QRr ,!
■Bl 41 enough Ice cream to serve twelve I .'f* V-.C13 0 ****** -?OC J
!1 •i'Sv M people. A cooling dessert that every /I'IS hrA'- / B-a - , _
|U V ‘ :S J - rree ♦♦ ♦ Vacuum Bottles 79c il
<*"*«'• 9 * A 35c Bottle of Bath Brushes 49c |
|f\| The Preference of American Made .. . -'■■ —.— |
Thounandt of Our p oc |< e t Anne Lotion /frpr-BirssrTtm \
(.umomert .. . ■? itMfj Th) . |otio|| lhtl „ p | 4Ces ,h c loss of M)m3S /fe Jieifns ! yS\ 4
if g National Knives SJrSLS.teIi’SUIS-dl" 0 *"
Ginger Ale [LiHfll B,ek,t Get rid of that ••Springtime”
B/JSL IH knl vea Hnr \ MA fueling. Have plenty of pep and L J
k fter I H * v * a ,laa * of thl * BD have AA r£sf I rtllnfriPC vitality. Keep the system in 8|
UPf I 11” after Stone*/and™ et ] WOT “*d** h I°* HO/ /VlOlCl I OIICU 1C) jTl 1 condition. Buy a box of Bliss |y
ti dehcious° n who l |eson?e re- ||,H H tempe re d Madame’s every licautv need lias been money-back guarantee. Enjoy fj
[f fflBH blinded' n &.to b ginmg > Jt. IHwB 'mil
P fffBIF of r *» l at'iger, per- 1/iWVW flrmly riv- / i3U_S. qua ny oi creams, oils, etc., were nseo io j.c the heat t 0 one a[ _
M RSHBf? fectiy blended and Drop- 11HMNI eted on ¥ 1 l ’ are tliese fine Teqiusites. our modern wanl- D| ICC IS AT If E sp
tains* or ready OU to take jP\HM| / item 'is fashioned with a charming design *na tary sou nt n li«. OLIJJ HFKBS vh
yI -nr o S rtf' VvHBH 49c I l Moret has long ago proved its claim to the dressing tables sundaes and cool- AO , .I
|J 15c 1 TOP 2oC drinks "your fl /Ml yOC njl
varied group stories Interlock In a
tensely dramatic fashion.
In the cast are Douglas Fairbanks,
jr.; Noah Beery, Dorothy Revier, An
ders Randolf. Robert Edeson, William
Courtenay, William Orlamond. Julanne
Johnston. Ivan Simpson, Henry Kolker
and Wade Boteler.
Additional screen features will in
clude new Vitaphone Varieties and The
Evening Star-Universal newsreel, with
Graham McNamee broadcasting the
latest events.
The first British Labor M. P. was a
MacDonald, Alexander MacDonald, son
of a sailor, who entered Parliament
more than fifty years ago.
Financial Backer Indicate* Po»»i*
bility of Placing Craft in
By the Associated Press.
SANTA MARIA. Calif., July
While its commander and crew spent
a brief holiday at San Simeon, Calif.,
final disposition of the globe-girdling
monoplane Southern Cross today occu
pied the attention of O. Allan Han
cock, financial backer* of the ship's
famed Pacific flight. Wing Comdr.
Charles Klngsford-Smith and his two
flying mates formally returned the craft
to Hancock yesterday.
Hancock said he planned to put the
Southern Cross on temporary display at
an aeronautical college he founded here
and later might place it with some mu
seum. He said the Smithsonian Institu-!
tion at Washington had been suggested !
as the final resting place for the plane, l
but added he had made no decision or
Kingsford-Smith and his flving com
, panlons will spend a few days here rcst
! ing before returning home.
the new
SI.OO per
Containing 12 treatment*
A t Yonr Ne igh hor fi ood
Torb, Incorporated. Allentown, Pa.

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