Newspaper Page Text
B-2 SOCIETY — First Lady of the Land Motored to the 5 Camp on the Rapidan This Morning to Spend the Day. A ' ■ ' "■ ■■.■ ii— - MRS. HOOVER, accompanied by one of her secretaries, motored to the presidential camp on the Rapidan this morning and will remain through the day. W Hoover is proving her complete recovery from the serious and painful lifiury to her back several months ago and walked with ease and grace among tlfc guests at the annual garden party j for disabled veterans which was given yesterday by President and Mrs. Hoover on the White House lawn. The party y#terday was one of the most delightful of its kind given by the Chief Executive anti First Lady of the land. Mrs. Lester J. Hinsdale and her daughter. Miss Betty Ann Hinsdale, of Sacramento, Calif., left today for New England after spending several days as guests of the President and Mrs. Hoover. British Envoy Will Come Back From North Tomorrow. The Ambassador of Great Britain. Sir Ronald Lindsay, will return to Wash ington tomorrow’ morning from Boston, where he went for the tercentenary of Boston. The Minister of Uruguay, Dr. Varela, will entertain at luncheon tomorrow at the Pan-American Union in cele bration of the centenary of the Repub lic of Uruguay. The luncheon will be served in the Hall of the Americas, and several members of the cabinet as well as representatives of the various branches of the Government will be in the large company, which will also in clude the Uruguayan colony and friends of Uruguay. The Marine Band will play Uruguayan music and the na tional anthem. Before the luncheon the Minister will address the people of Uruguay by telephone, this being the first experiment in communication by voice with that part of South America. The Minister of Hungary and Count ess Szechenyi entertained at dinner last evening at Newport. They return ed to the resort yesterday from Boston, where they went for the tercentenary exercises. The Minister of Greece and Mme. Bimopoulos will return to Newport to day aftere spending several days in Boston. The Minister of Ecuador and Senora Dona Rosa H. de Viteri entertained at luncheon today, in the legation, in honor of the United States Minister to Ecuador and Mrs. William Dawson, who will sail July 22 for Mr. Dawson's new post. The company Included the Min ister of Uruguay, Dr. Varela; the Min ister of Bolivia and Senora de Medina; the charge d’affaires of Cuba and Se nora de Baron; the charge d'affaires of Chile, Senor Don Oscar Bianco Vie]; the Assistant Secretary of Slate and Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr; the director gen eral of the Pan-American Union, Dr. Leo S. Rowe; Mr. Thurston of Ihc State Department and Mrs. Thflrston, Dr. and Mrs. William F- Notz, Dr. and Mrs. Bolivar Lloyd and members of the legation staff. Representative and Mrs. Parker Coming have closed their home in New York and are at their new Summer home at Glen Head, Long Island. Dr. T. D. Boaz, U. S. N., and Mrs. Boas will go today to Quantlco, Va., where the former will be stationed lor a year. Mrs. T. Foster Slaughter, mother of Mrs. Boaz, will accompany them for a fortnight's visit. Maj. Gen. B. A. Poore, U. 8. A., re tired, has as his guests. In his apart ment in Tilden Gardens, his son-in law and daughter, C&pt. and Mrs. C. L. H«B>rccfcs»Cc street!; betW'epn , lIT H A. \2T»Hx I For Friday Only! • j SALE of Vagabond Natural TOYOS The Hat of the Day! I So Very Low Priced at 1 • Smartly tailored fine r-r quality black silk vel- C vet ribbon. Also black fD grosgrain ribbon and at tractive colorful Roman warnmmmm stripe ribbon. . n. • Each one in the nat ural shade that is ,3#s* suitable to be worn with fpll any of your colored sport • They are so, splendid in quality, such chic and dash we would think them real Fanamas if it was not for the ridiculously low price. Just the type hat to take with you on your Summer vacation. Suit able for the miss and youthful matron. Brooks Millinery — 4th Floor "I -. .. ... ■.... _ ■ -± SOCIETY. Bolte, with their young David and Phillip. They will be with him for a few weeks, after which they will leave for Fort Leavenworth, Kans. where Capt. Bilce is detailed for two years as student at the Command and General Staff School. Mrs. Patch, wife of Maj. J. D. Patch, U. S. A., has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs R. G. Fstill, l/i St. Louis. She was accompanied by two of her sons, William Patch and Joseph Patch, and spent two weeks there. The Governor of Guam and Mrs. Lloyd Shapley were the guests in whose honor Capt. Ralph E. Pope, U. S. N., and Mrs. Pope entertained at dinner Tuesday evening on the Plage Deau ville at the Wardman Park Hotel. Lieut. Comdr. and Mrs. Clement V. Rault. who have many friends in Wash ington. where he was stationed a short time ago, and lived on Forty-fourth place, are spending* the Summer in Tsingtoa. China, a favorite resort with Navy folk stationed in China. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Longyear, with their four sons. Robert, Peter. r Friday and Saturday p Only 1 I Perfect jJBt | All-Silk '£ i * ChiffonJ t Hosel j * I*I}*?* 1 }*?* / . •*> ./ Because jt the X. X -J we are m Bummer M*:- iBsST over- ft Season! / stocked • . Jr MV Bummer M jf- colors. ■ i f we are * offering f AH p‘ rf M t 9 price or F' ■aflw m immediate M clearance. i | Regular SI.9S Valuel i L * ®PESS I I <2Smm ♦ jfij Opposite The Willard Hotel i p 527 14th Street N.W. | THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON.. D. C., THURSDAY. JULY 17, >1930. Christopher and Andrew, are now In their new home at 5101 Tilden street, in Spring Valley, to which they moved from 2435 Kalorama road northwest. Mr. Longyear is with the foreign serv ice, detailed to the State Department. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Putzkl and their two daughters, Barbara Lee and Ann Stirling, are spending the Summer months in the home of Mrs. Ruth C. Buttler on Forty-fifth street. Mrs. Buttler, with her children, is staying at New Found Lake, N. H. Miss Littlefield and Mr. MacArthur Feted Tonight. Miss Jean Peoples will be hostess to a small company at a “dove" supper this evening, entertaining in compli ment to Miss Beatrice Ashmead Little field, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Wil liam Lord Littlefield, whose marriage to Mr. Bowman MacArthur will take place Saturday. Miss Peoples will be maid of honor and the bride’s only attendent. Mr. MacArthur will be the guest in whose honor a group of young men who will entertain at the Carlton Hotel at dinner tonight. Mrs. Richard H. Townsend has with her, at Bar Harbor, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sumner Welles. Mrs. Wallace Neff has closed her house at 1746 N street, which she has occupied since the death of her sister, Mrs. William Belden Noble, and is stay ing at Wardman Park Hotel for a few days. Mrs. Neff Is a daughter of the I H• A member of the Brooks organization will ■ —. attend Amos Parrish's Fashion ■ M A Clinic all next week in New 9 ■ J H ■ )■ j 1 V W /■ J York .. . Remember, we spare M H no p a i nSi n o expense to give ■ - I - vou the fashions that are O * STREET BETWEEN HTtt A. I2TH authentically smart at moderate ■■ — — prices. A Dramatic Clearance SUMMER DRESSES In Our Third Floor Better Dress Department Dresses Heretofore Selling From $16.75 to $35 JW- !ki Cool, Washable I I / j Tailored /#M|\ JLJmB l iff COTTON / Featuring Pastel and r Crepes and DRESSES L# ■ J \\\ Chiffons and Shantungs . .. /#***»• 4 y Over two more months in ' S— 3 \ * w^ to wear these beautiful Reduced to \JL \ Summer dresses, but if there l Avere only two more weeks f I \\ U \ they’d he well worth buying to - a H *l'\\ il' \ l a . v away until next year .. . mT Jm // I \\ i \ most of them were bought just II I 1 \ \ recently, so you can he sure I I ill they are eminently fashion ® • /// / 111 right ... in the wanted ma- U] / J 1 terials and the most wanted You can’t have too many rY 1 f 7 . ummer shades ... Included tn cottort frocks. There are y, [/ ' th,s collection are dresses for onp> two, and three piece p| if if every hour of the Summer, day models in fine piques, hand \ II or evening, and there are ail kerchief linens, batistes and \ / { sizes in the lot. Uwns *. ' vh,tes and f J prints. Good range of 4 \ bNA Brooks Re tier Dresses sizes. Rj ■ Third Floor U Tailored Cotton Dresses Second Floor—Brooks Main Floor—Brooks SALE! CLEARANCE Silk,Crepede Chine _ and Flowered Crepe 75 Spring and Summer Summer f + A "T* UNDIES LUA I J Value 'o $3.95 at Formerly sls to $25 $2-74 What Bargains at I I There are *o many uses for Dance Sets, these coats during the Summer . # and early Autumn . . . for cool W C-hemiSe, evenings, for traveling, for any Slips, Petticoats number of purposes. Remember, • ’ these coats are fashion right, the M W and Panties ' ver 7 at were most pop ular this Spring and Summer ... Gorgeously lace-trimmed We include plain and fur-trim atid tailored styles in all the rner j woolens, silks, ttveeds (for sports) and even most Avantcd Summer shades. ... . c - c . Every piece in this event is of wh,te coats - S,zfs for m,sscs and "ompn the newer lingerie mode... _ . _ . _ , cool, well made and very de- Brooks Coats Second Floor sirable. Regular and extra * Here's Extraordinary Thrift Shop NEWS! Entire Stock of Over 400 Silk Summer Frocks I Were Formerly $lO and $11.75 They’re auch superlative values that you’ll be sure to r * I want at least two . . . the variety is tremendous ... the .W fur styles are right ... the materials include Chiffon, Washable /j J ■ M W and Flat Crepes, sheer Georgettes, Shantungs and even W ! Party Dresses . . . the colors include lovely flowered effects, pastels and plenty of wanted whites . . . navys, browns and blacks, too, for travel and business. ALL SIZES! r - t i CQ O C Brooks-Main Floor-Thrift Shop-Dresses I I T y , 4 late Senator Yulee of Florida, who rep resented the Territory of Florida before its admission to statehood, and was the first Senator from that State. Mr. and Mrs. Denise Barkalow. with their three daughters, Miss Mary Bark alow. Miss Caroline Barkalow and Miss Gladys Barkalow. are spending some time at Ocean View, Va. They were joined last week end bf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Pyle, who are remaining through this week. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman enter tained at dinner on the Willard roof Tuesday evening. Miss Laura Manly returned this morning from Asheville, N. C., where she has been the guest of Miss Dorothy Pryor for a month. Mrs. Frederick T. F. Johnson re turned yesterday to her apartment in the Mendota after spending two weeks with her sister, Miss Catherine E. Wil son. in their Summer home on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Mrs. Anton Heitmuller has returned to her home at 1307 Fourteenth street after an absence of several weeks on visits to her daughters, Mrs. James I. Dodds in Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs Ernest Love in New York City. Miss Charlotte A. Millard of Mount Carmel, Pa., is the house guest of Miss Lyndall Eckert at 3202 Cleveland avenue, with whom she attended Beaver College in Jenkintown, Pa. Miss Mil- I lard is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Millard of Mount Carmel, Pa. Mr. and Mra. Kirk E. Wallace an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Ellse, to Mr. Donald Hamilton Cooper, son of Mrs. Theodore R. Smith of Washington. The wedding took place yesterday afternoon in the home of the bride’s parents, in Mount Ida, Va., the Rev. Dr. George S. Vest officiating, at 4 o’clock, in the presence of a small company of members of the two fam ilies. The marriage of Miss Rachel Vir ginia Clark and Mr. Emery Thomas Knode took place last evening, the Rev. S. Read McAlpin officiating. The bride was attended by her cousin. Miss Dorothy Schutz, Miss Evelyn Brown and Mrs. Mary Gaskins. Mr. Abner Clark was best man. A reception followed in the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Schutz. at 7520 Momingside drive northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Lansburgh Hosts at Dinner Last Night. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lansburgh enter tained last night at dinner in honor of Dr. Charles Basseches and his sister, Miss Augusta Basseches. Mr. John H. Storer has closed his apartment at the Wardman Park Hotel and has gone to his Summer home in I Massachusetts. Mr. Storer flew to New York last week and from there he went by plane Saturday to Boston. After a brief visit in Boston he motored to his Summer home. Mrs. T. E. McArdle and Mr. Fred McArdle have tone to Atlantic City and are spending July at the Seaside Hotel. Mrs. James H. Pou of Raleigh. N. C.. has motored to Washington and is at the Dodge Hotel. Mrs. Pou is accom panied by her daughters Virginia and Elizabeth and by Josiah Bailey, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Floore are at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morgan of Atlanta are at the Willard for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Hiles Pardoe, with Mrs. Pardoe’s two daughters Erva and Mar garet, are visiting Mrs. Par doe's mother, Mrs. Pox well, in her home in Leonard town, Md. „ Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Behrend and Miss Ruth Behrend are spending the mld season at the Hotel Ambassador in Atlantic City. Miss Marie Donnelly was the guest in whose honor Mr. Tofle Admey enter tained at luncheon today at the Aster. Other guests were Miss Norma Bayer, Miss Marje Good rum, Miss Adele Klug. | An Unexcelled Cooling Svitem. A : Complete Change of Air Every : •I I'A Minutei. it l M Via* , COUttr 1 COLUMBIA RD. atlB»SX* 1 , ' OMOSITt AMBASSADOR I JUtar TONIGHT : In conjunction with _ .. : oar rerular men* 5t07 130 j-l we are featurtnt — ““ 1 " w Chicken aln Kins, nmsßßf Soft Shell Crabs en 1— Tosit. Rosat Serine / Lamb. Breaded Veal i Cutlet and Ve*e- w w : : table DINNER Sseelal Resit #4| flfi : : Daek line. Broiled W I : jl Chicken aad Club X jj Steak DINNER Salad Cearaea fer These Net Deelrlns Rerular Dinner Columbia 5042 Open Till 2 PM, SaturcUryt RALEIGH HABERDASHER Closes Out Women's Shoe Dept. STETSON Walking Shoes Spectator Sports Straps, Pumps, Ties, Sandals Riding Boots Golf Shoes $ 5 95 Linen Shoes, Shantung Shoes, Patent Leather Shoes! Black, blue, green, blonde, and White Kid Shoes! Black or Tan Calf Shoes! Nothing reserved ... Every pair of women’s shoes included at the extreme low price of $5.95. 1 No refunds—No exchanges No C. O. D.’s RALEIGH HABERDASHER 1310 F S-reet Mis* Florence Kin*. Mis* Dorothy Gaise, Miss Trudy Pickering, Mias Toppy Lee, Miss Beatrice Leubke. Mias Ellen Hen rlci. Miss Adlyn Schaffer, Miss Edna Dean Best, Miss Muriel Stryker and Mrs. Pickering. Arts Chib Weekly Dinner Tomorrow Followed by Plays. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Peters will be hosts at the dinner at the Arts Club of Washington tomorrow evening, after which the ‘Workshop Round Table” will present four original one-act plays by I I << A beautiful design which v! a V I can be had in an entire din * v> C Goblets, Sherbets, X> > Tumblers — slo.oo dos. $ || Finger Bowls SB.SO I Dulin a Martin j| Connecticut cAve* andJC' | PARKING SERVlCE— Connecticut Ave, Entrance | SOCIETY. members. "The Workshop'* has met once a month during the past year, under the leadership of Mrs. Peters, and has given opportunity for those in* terested to work out problems of play writing and producing. Plays by Mrs. Estelle Moses. Mrs. Pearl Etz and Mr*. Miriam B. Hilton will be read and a play by Mrs. Edith Ogden Heldel. •‘Chinese Lady.” will be given costumed production under the direction of Mr. William F. Baker. The best talent of (Continued on Third Page.)