Newspaper Page Text
• I ®Oro/r\^Me AVENHJE at NINTH* —■ II ■ ■*»*) ■»«»fwi»w ■ II II ■'' I IT W T W W'H U ■ U li WWJLU ummmm ■■geSgg Store Closes at 2 P.M. Saturdays • “Must” —and “Now” The two considerations of uppermost importance in our Removal Sale. Clearance MUST be complete—and MUST he accomplished NOW. Off Rules Throughout the House —With many special groupings cut still deeper— Men’s Tropical Clothing Men’s Shirts First Floor. First Floor. Tropical worsted suits, Sport coats, in flannel, A lot combining several grades of extra fine count two and three piece mod- with pinch back; blue percale, woven madras, in choice patterns; collar-attached els; made in effective pat- shade. Regular price, $lB. and neckband. Also plain white broadcloth, collar-at terns. Regular price, Now V 4 off tached. • $25.00. Now Vi Sports coats, blue and Regular Prices .45 3 for off 5 10- /S . tan flannel. Regular price, $2 and $2.50 X 54-25 Men’s tropical worsted $22.50. Now l/ 4 off. SRS’.SS suits, with and without White flannel trousers. C. vests; correctly cut and Regular price, $8.50. Now iJllllS carefully tailored: Regu- l A off $638 All worsted suits, one Bathing shirts and lar price, $3O. Now \\ White and striped flan- piece trunks, combination off $22-50 nel and serge trousers. Were $5 jersey and flannel. ~ , r •. . Regular price, $lO. Now Were $2.50 x Mens linen suits two I/ « cn ivt a* a* nt- tvt a> * and three piece models. */« off *7-50 Now $2.95 Now $| .65 Regular price, $lB. Now hlt e d uck pants. Reg- ** • IA off $13.50 ular P r,ce > $ 3OO - Now V 4 off * $2-25 TVfpn’<i Nurotex suits coat and Linen knicUers> big plus lvieii ® jpweaiers Now l?' gu js r P rice * All-wool sweaters, V and crew neck; coat and s2 ° A 0ft....915 Now 1/4 off $2-63 pull-on models. Plain and jacquard patterns. Mohair suits, coat and Linen knickers, plus 4 Were $5. Now $0.95 trousers. Regular price, model, plain shades. Reg- J. $2O. Now- V 4 off... $45 ular price, $5.00. Now Vi .„dt”u® e r a s ! h P wn«io?' °* vooi knickers* feiit I Bathrobes—in 4 Groups and fancy patterns. Reg- weight; smart patterns, First Floor ular price. $16.50. Now plus 4s. Regular price, Beach and Lounging Robes—those specially IA off $l2-38 $ 6 - Now Vi off... $4-50 selected patterns that have made our assortment so / popular. Cotton, rayon, brocades, etc. Suoer-Value Suits 5 3 -65 rs 2 o up .... *9* OUJJCI t a tie Rob up w # 3s Robes up S' §5 With two pairs of trousers to $12.50 / ‘ to $3O A O' Both the plain Blue Worsteds and Serge, tt /’'n . u and the exclusive fancy tweeds, cassimeres, etc. AIOUS6 xlSlll Jl FICG Now, $78.50 Double-faced cloths and plain weaves, silk lined, . Regular Price, $lO to $22.50 _ . Now $C to $1 125 Palm Beach Sports Suits 1 D 11 re First Floor. Chauffeur Coat vest and i on g Hosierv —Osf 1 Suits trousers and knickers. r/, J* Sports suits. Regu ar Hosiery, plain colors, Hosiery in plain and Third Floor. price, $-5-. w l4 fancy patterns, in rayon fancy patterns, including °" and lisle mixtures; all the standard makes. Reg- Dark oxford gray, regu- Sports suits. Regular sizes. Regular price, 55c. ular price, $l.OO. Now Vi lation cut, with half-belt. price, $4O. Now Vi Now off 42c off 75c off 530 Regular Price , $2O Sports suits. Regular Underwear—V4 Off! r •*- ** 0a ce price, $6O. Now Vi First Floor " OW s l2’ <>s ° ff Athletic shirts and Athletic union suits, • shorts, rayon, lisle, broad- . . , , . . . „ cloth and madras, in white stnped madras and plam RnVQ npnurtment or so Ji d colors. Regular madras and broadcloth. price, $l.OO. Now V 4 Regular price, $1.50. Now Boys’ Wash Suits-pTatn and fancy es- __ 75c V. *l>3 sects. Popular models. Regularly priced up 7Mf to $2 so. now All Stiff Straws Rowejs English sailor suits, Bo y®’ A* 01 ? 01 l First F,oor wool and wash, long and short ScotclTpatternV. There are no exceptions to your choosing—they are pants, white and blue Sizes 3 q; zes B to io»4 ad included in these three groups to 9 years. Were $2.50 to $4 • Were $2. Now $1 .00 Were $3.50 to $9.00 Now Were S 3 Nnw c-l /r Now $1.75 to $4.-50 $1.25 to $2-00 " ere * 3 ’ Now $l-65 1 Were $4 and $5. Now $2*65 Boys’ Shirts and Blouses Fancy attached collars. 69° Wanted Lllggage Boys’ Wash and Soft Straw Hats for f^ pl £i cc of Luggage in stock is now at off - Linen ar.d duck. s and mada Gladstone bags, made of Traveling bags, 18 to 20 Were $1 to $2 W’ere $3.50 to $5.75 solid leather, pretty stitch- • inch; made of solid leath- NOW 59 C NOW $l-69 ; n n f h . tn R m e l g g uia 2 r ?ric“ ££ . , ~ , , . , . $1275. Now 0ff.59.57 N°w % off $732 Bos wain s whistle with halyards. 39C Gladstone bags, choice Traveling bags, 18 and Were $l. inow 0 f b i ack or tan so jj d 20 inch; genuine leather, _ , , . .. " leather, strongly made. 22 reinforced stitching. Reg- Boys wash knickers, . n Acnok to 26 inch. Regular price, ular price, $l5. Now Vi sizes Bto 18; plain and suits, in fine nainsook. slg Now Vi off. .$13.50 off $1135 fancy striped linens; full. Regular price, 59c. Now AO pockeu"’ R«guuf||J athletic shirw Men’s and Boys’ Shoes $1.75. Now Vi off. $l3l and - {ancy sbortS| plain . Second Floor. Khaki knickers, sizes 8 hite - R 1 e S ul^ r Men’s tan oxfords—in desir- Boys’ High and to 18; plus 4s, cut full. Now / 4 off... 44c able shapes—and Low Shoes Ox- Regular price, $1.50. Now Wash shorts, sizes 6 to Regular $6 tirade fords, black and tan. V 4 off $4.13 12, fancy and plain linens ' Were $4 D ~ . . . , and khaki. Regular price, Now $7.83 N0w.... S'! .95 Boys shirts, plain and $1.25. Now i/ 4 off.. 94 C ** 1 fancy, with attached col- v . . lar and sports collar, sizes Boys’ plain and fancy 7 _ ouths Keds sizes 10 to 12vi. Were ' 12tol4Vi. Regular prices, pull-over sweaters, sizes Now y aJC $l.OO to $1.50. Now Vi 6 to 18. Regular prices, off. $2.50 to $5.00. Now Vi off. Men’s English golf shoes, made by Hawkins $Q*OO 75c si- 13 s4*BB to of London. Regular price, $12.00. Now Vi off.. The Avenue at Ninth STORE *•- ¥ . THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON, D. C- THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1930. MEDICAL LEADER RAPS GLAND USES Tells Kansas Board Goat Organisms of No Aid to Humans. By the Associated Press. TOPEKA, Kens., July 17— A contro versy surrounding gland transplanting operations for the purpose*of rejuvenat ing patients developed at the hearing yesterday, before the Kansas Board of Medical Registration and examination of a complainant seeking revocation of Dr. John R. Brinkley's license to prac tice medicine in this State. , were made by Fred S. Jacic soh, one of the attorneys for the Mil ford. Kang., physician, to prove that reputable medical authorities believe gland transplanting operations can be performed successfully. Lengthy technical discussion followed testimony of Dr. E. S. Edgeton, Wichita, president of the Kansas Medical Society, that in his belief Dr. Brinkley’s so called compound operation "has no value” and that "no good can come" from the transplanting of goat glands Into human patients. The medical society president also at tacked Dr. Brinkley's practice of diag nosing and prescribing for patients over a radio station operated in connection with his hospital as "incomplete, in accurate and a menace to public health.” Endeavoring to show that the Federal Government broadcasts medical infor mation in a similar fashion. Dr. Brink ley’s attorney read into the record a bulletin announcing the United States Public Health Service would give infor mation over the radio. The attorney contended the bulletin said the Health Service "would answer specific ques tions as Brinkley does,” while Dr. Ed gerton contended prescriptions were not given for specific cases. Approximately 100 persons, nearly half of them women, attended today’s sessions of the hearing, which opened > yesterday. Dr. Brinkley was not pres ent. Documents and books were Introduced by Dr. Brinkley’s attorney In his effort to establish proof of successful gland transplantations from animals and hu mans to men. One document reported case histories of three operations In which ram glands were stated to have been transplanted successfully into pa tients by a New York physician. MAXEY FUNERAL HELD Washington Hotel Man Buried in Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Funeral services for Henry R. Maxey, connected with the Washington Hotel for a number of years, who died Tues day at his home at Mulhall, Va., were held this afternoon at the resident. Interment was at Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Prior to doming to Washington, Mr Maxey had been connected with the hotel business In Florida. Besides his widow, Mrs. Milicent Maxey. he is survived by two sons and two daughters. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department In the pest 24 hours: Annie Neslin. 76, Galllnger Hospital. George W. Kosack, 62, Oeorge Washing ton University Hospital. ’ Helen V. Banakett. 52. 1201 Girard st. Katherine A. Gray, 51, 901 24th st. Nelson T. Proctor, 33, Emergenecy Hos pital. Ross Golden. 29. 1121 B st. n.e. Thresa Audry. 4, Emergenecy Hospital. Charles Sanford, Jr., 11 months, 1213 K st. s.e. Mary t,. Johnson. 14 days. Children's Hospital. Limas Roulhac, 72, 1123 48th pi. n.e. . Mary E Boone. 70. 1444 T st. Robert Buckanan, 61. Gsllinger Hospital. Isaac Morrow. 60, 1230 ,sth st. Florence Ware, 58. 425 P st. Julia Johnson. 53. 708 Q st. Ida V. Brewer. 51, 409 R st. Alice Williams, 44, 1931 Capitol ave. n.e. Core E. Coffer. 41, Casualty Hospital. Clifton Woodland, 23, en route to Provi dence Hospital. * John E. Beckett, 18, Freedmen's Hospital. Wllilsm Douglass. 6 months, 632 2nd st. OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT —Weekly or Monthly Payments EISEMAN’S Fine Men’s Wear Seventh and F Sts. AMBULANCES I Bost In Town. IM AA Local Ca 11... «T*eUU • Call Chambers Co. Col - 0425 I W. WARREN | TALTAVULL. Funeral Home * 3619 14th St. N.W. Corner Spring Road d. I Col. 464 Why Pay for Everything? Chambers will give the whole funeral, cars and all. and (hi AA caakatTnrfsloo Up STEEL VAULTS. gQg Beat that money can dOO buy ara*only AU Prices Inelode tbe Sincere Service es The Greater CHAMBERS CO. Offices and Chapels 14th Cor. Chapin N.W. Phone Columbia 0432 MEst. 1883 ONUMENTS on Display for Tour Selec tion. Workmanship and Ma terial Guaranteed. Prices Rlfht. WASHINGTON GRANITE MONUMENTAL CO., Inc. Funeral Director Ambulance Service Just Phone JAMES T. RYAN Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701 ; | THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Mostly cloudy tonight; tomorrow partly cloudy, prob ably followed by local thunder showers tomorrow afternoon or night; not much change in temperature; light to gentle winds, mostly southwest and south. Maryland—Mostly cloudy, ** probably showers on the southeast coast tonight; tomorrow partly cloudy, probably local thunder showers tomorrow afternoon or night in west and north portions; not much change in temperature; gentle winds, mostly southwest and south. Virginia—Mostly cloudy, with show ers on the coast and warmer in extreifie west portion tonight: tomorrow partly cloudy, possibly local thunder showers the afternoon in extreme north por tlon; light to gentle variable winds. West Virginia—Fair and somewhat warmer tonight: tomorrow partly cloudy, probably local thunder showers in the afternoon In north and west por tions. Records for Past 24 Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m„ 82; 8 p.m., 77; 12 midnight, 72; 4 a.m.. 69; 8 am., 71; noon, 82. o^S ro . mefcer "~ 4 P m - 30.10; 8 p.m., 30.12; 12 midnight, 30.14; 4 a.m., 30.13; 8 a.m., 30.16; noon, 30.13. _ Highest temperature, 86, occurred at 2:30 p.m. yesterday. lowest temperature, 67, occurred at 5:30 a m. today. .., T , emperature same date last year— Highest, 84; lowest, 56. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and I Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide. 6:58 a.m. and 7:05 ! p.m.; high tide, 12:19 a.m. and 12:23 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide. 7:44 a.m. and 7:36 p.m.; high tide, 1:03 a.m. and 1:10 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 4:55 a.m.; sun sets 7:32 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 4:56 a.m.; sun sets 7:31 p.m. Moon rises 11:09 p.m.; sets 11:12 a.m. Condition of the water. Potomac and Shenandoah clear. Weather In Various Citie*. B Temperature. _a, . iMi Stations. g 0.8 -ft gs weather. t : I 3 t Abilene, Tex... 30.00 96 68 ....Clear Albany, N Y... 30.06 82 62 .... Clear Atlanta. Ga ... 30.10 72 66 .... Cloudv Atlantic City.. . 30.14 76 68 ....Cloudy Baltimore. Md.. 30.14 84 68 ....Cloudy Birmingham ...30 10 90 68 Clear Bismarck, N. D. 29.74 100 64 0.08 Clear Boston, Mass... 30.06 80 62 .... Clear Buffalo. N. T... 30.08 72 66 „... Clear Charleston. S.C. 30.10 82 76 0.94 Clear Chicago. 11l 30.06 84 66 .... Clear Cincinnati. Ohio 30.10 88 58 ....Clear Cleveland, Ohio. 3010 80 84 Clear Columbia. S. C. 30.08 72 68 0.80 Rain Denver, C 010... 29 92 94 66 ....Clear Detroit. Mich... 30.08 84 66 ....Clear El Paso. Tex ... 29.90 96 72 0.08 Clear Galveston. Tex. 30.08 86 78 ....Clear Helena, Mont... 29.94 84 56 .... Clear Huron, 8. Dak. 29.68 102 70 .... Cloudy Indianapolls.lnd 30.10 86 66 Clear Jacksonville. Fla. 30.10 86 76 0.82 Pt.cloudy Kansas City. Mo 29.98 94 74 .... Clear L)s Angeles.... 29.94 96 72 ....Clear Louisville. Ky... 30.12 86 64 ....Clear Miami. Fla.. ... 30.10 88 78 ....Pt.cloudy N. Orleans, La.. 80 06 90 72 ....dear New York, NY. 30.12 78 64 .... Pt cloudy Oklahoma City. 30.02 96 68 .... Clear Omaha. Nebr... 27.86 96 78 .... Clear Philadelphia ...30.18 82 66 ...Pt.cloudy Phoenix, Ari;... 29.84 98 82 004 Pt cloudy Pittsburgh. Pa.. 30.14 86 58 .... Cloudy Portland. Me... 30.02 78 58 ....Clear Portland, Ore?. 30.22 74 54 .... Cloudy Raleigh. N. C. 30.12 72 68 .... Rain Salt Lake City. 29 98 92 66 .... Clear Ban Antonio... 30.02 98 74 .... Pt.cloudy San Diego. Calif 29.92 82 70 .... Pt cloudy San Francisco. 29.98 64 52 .... Cloudy St. Louis. Mo.. 30.04 88 68 .... Clear St. Paul. Minn. 29.74 92 74 .... Cloudy Seattle. Wash. 30.20 64 56 ....Cloudy Spokane, Wash. 30.02 82 54 ... Clear Tampa. Fla ... 3010 88 76 0.02 Clear WASH., D. C... 30.16 86 67 .... Cloudy FOREIGN. (7 a.m., Greenwich time, today.) Stations. Temperature. Weather. London. England 60 Clear Paris. France 62 Clear Vienna, Austria 62 Clear Berlin. Germany 64 Clear Brest. France. 64 Clear Stockholm, Sweden 64 Clear Gibraltar. Spain 68 Clear (Noon. Greenwich time, today.) Horta (Fayal). Azores... 72 Part cloudy (Current observations.)* Hamilton. Bermuda 78 Part cloudy San Juan. Porto Rico... 80 Part cloudy Havana, Cuba 78 dear Colon, Canal Zone 82 • Cloudy CLARENCE MACDONALD, ENGRAVER, SUCCUMBS Man 85 Tears in Business in Wash ington Stricken With Heart Attack at Cumberland, Md. Clarence Edward MacDonald, en gaged In the engraving business here for the past 25 years, died suddenly yesterday at the home of his niece, Miss Bess Gurley, at Cumberland, Md. He was 71 years old. Mr. MacDonald, who had been visit ing his niece for the past two weeks, was stricken with a heart attack. He had conducted an engraving busi ness here for many years. His offices were in the Roberts Building. He was a member o| the Federal Masonic Lodge, No. 1. Besides his widow, Mrs. Jean Holmes MacDonald, he is survived by a son, Clarence Holmes MacDonald of Phila delphia, and a daughter, Mrs. Grace Reed of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Funeral services will be held Satur day afternoon at Oxford, Pa„ at the family home of Mrs. MacDonald. Ma sonic rites will attend the services, ’ FOUND, BILL FOLD with blllr State denomina tlons. amount and describe folder. Address Box 380-B, Star office. * BILL FOLD, new. Owner call at 436 ning Star Bldg, and Identify contents and pay for ad. jg* LOST. BARPIN, platinum. 2 diamonds; vicinity 12th and B sts. n.w. or 14th and Newton. W. R. Woodward. North 4430, Branch 6. Reward. BARPIN, white gold, with 1 diamond and 2 emeralds: lost between Government Print ing Office and New Jersey ave. and K st. n.w Reward If returned to captain of guard at Govt. Printing Office. n« BOSTON BULLDOG, male; reward. Tele phone Clarendon 368-J-2. 22« BRACELET—ChiId's white gold link brace let with one sapphire, lost between 6th and E , an d,« 9 „ th ,nd H 8t "- Reward. Lln coln 8309. CHAIN—GoId chain with knife attached: reward 4208 14th at. n.w. Phone Colum bia 5728 CHOW DOG, brown, female, name Chum. Reward for return or Information as to whereabouts. 4543 KUngle st. n.w. Phone Clev. 0181. is* CLASS PIN, Naval Academy, class of 1922, In downtown shopping district. Finder please call Adams 3526-J. DOG—Small, white male, long hair, bow eyes: 1930 tag 793; lost Wednesday. Reward. 4408 111, ave. n.w. Col. 2749-J. DOG. Scotch terrier, vicinity Chevy Chase Circle: answers to name of “Patsy” or “Scotty.” Reward for return. Phone Wls. 3286. EASTERN STAR PIN, gold, in Denrlke Bldg". 1010 Vt. ave., July 16. Please return Ma sontc Employment Bureau. • FOUNTAIN PEN. allver. Initials R. N. W. Liberal reward. 613 G. Phone R. N. Wafle, Nat. 6660. 18* GLASSES, on July 6. at Griffith Stadium or on way from sth at. exit to N. Cap. and Adams sts: case marked Wm. H. Waters A Co. Reward 1018 Irving st. n.e. 18•_ GLASSES, horn-rimmed, gold-plated hose and ear pieces, locality public library. Bth and K. Phone mornings Nat. 8186; after 6 p.m.. Dec. 3326. Reward. • GOLD PIN, shape of leaf, has 3 Star is; on July 6th: reward. Call North 10456. MONEY lost by collector, vicinity Times- Herald Bldg.. 7th and B sts. s w,. Anacostla, or Bth and 11th sts. s.e., Tu&day. Reward. W. A. Brown, North 1436. 19* PAIR OF TORTOISE SHELL GLASSES—Sat urday, between Veteran*' District Building and 13th and G. Reward. Phone Met. 3290, Apt. 57. 17« Pn R SEi large black leather, containing money and ring with 13 diamonds, etc.; on read to Fredericksburg. $5O reward for In formation or return to Mrs. Root. 2127 Call fornla st.. Apt. 412. Phone Potomac 6049. SHAWL—White embtoldered shawl, lost Bat~- urday night, July 12. Villa Roma. Reward. Return to 1717 Mass, ave. n.w. SMALL PURSE, containing money, driver's permit and house key: vicinity lith and E sts. n.w. Reward. Address Box 389-B. Star office. * » WEDDING RENO with seven diamond sets; initial* inside. Liberal reward. Address Box 349-B, Stay offica. ao* RAINBOW DIVISION MEN SAIL FOR BATTLEFIELDS 100, Many With Wlym and Families, to Stag* Annual Ba union at Chalona-Bur-Xarn*. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.—On* hundred Rainbow Division veterans, many with their wive* and families, aalled for France yesterday on the President Roosevelt to hold their annual reunion at Chalona-Bur-Mame, near the bat tlefields where they were entrenched In the World War. In France the vetjrans will be the gueate of Gen. Henri Gouraud, now military governor of-Parla, who com manded the division on the battle front. The delegation la headed by Col. John J. Mangan, national commander of the division, and Father Francis P. Duffy, its war-time chaplain. The Rainbow Division, among the first 100,000 American soldiers to ar rive in France after America’s entrance into the World War, was recruited from National Guard troops in 26 States and the District of Columbia. KOSACK RITES HELD Lifelong Resident Died in George Washington Hospital Tuesday. Funeral services for George W. Ko sack, a lifelong resident of Washington, who died Tuesday at George Washing ton Hospital, were held at 2 o’clock this afternoon at his late residence, 1616 Potomac avenue southeast. In- I terment was at Glenwood Cemetery. • Mr. Kosack, a descendant of an old Washington family, had been employed 27 years with the United States Capitol power plant. The Kosack family re sided next to the Ford Theater, both at the time of the assassination of Lincoln and the theater’s collapse in 1893. Besides his widow, Mrs. Sophie Kosack, who bears the same name as his mother, Mr. Kosack is survived by four children, Albert and Cart Kosack and Mrs. Dorothy Lohma% and Mrs. Elizabeth Greedy, all of this city. Marriage Licenses. Clanton Smith, 22. and Clara Jackson, 19 Ca?f V kan*n,‘ 34?°and Bvelyn Wilson. 24: R ¥an^el n M**la'chL U «! T Seat Pleasant. Md.. and Helen Girard, 20, thl* city; Rev. W. B 'deo a rge h Washington. 34, and Virginia Ray, 18: Rev. W. A. Jones. William H. White. 68. and Willie A. Plater, 54; Rev. Leon 8. Wormley. Frances W Peegans. 23. Alexandria, Va., and Mary E. Craft, 21, CUfton Forge. Vm.; Rev. Allan F. Poore. John H. N. Newton, Jr„ 34. aod Lillian Alfey. 29; Rev. Elijah Coleman. Robert D. Owen. 46. and Dollle B. Ktl baugh. 46. both of Baltimore. Md.; Rev. Al Frederick°Bermel. 28. Baltimore. Md.. and Leona E. Wolfe, 20. this city; Rev. Henry W. Tolson. , „ _ James J. Murray. 38. and Hatelle C. Martelle, 34: Judge Nathan Cayton. • Births Reported. The following births have been reported to the Health Department in the past 24 hours: Frank and Olivia Wine, girl, Harvey L. and Mary F. Smith, girl. Louis W. and Gertrude B. Metzger, girl. Joseph E. and HaJlif R. Ead, girl. Samuel and Fannie Becker, girl. James C. and Jane M. Groves, girl. Peter S. and Sylvia Mantis, girl. Fred and Rosa Deckelbaum. girl. Harry and Ethel D. Mabbett, girl. Walter E. and Florence Reed, boy. George E. and Lillian M. Kiessling, boy. George B. and Emily I. Tennyson, boy. Henry 8. and Pearl K.*Holl, boy. John W. and Mary M. McAullffe, boy. George J. and Katherine M. Ellis, boy. Irvin R. and Carrie A. Beall, girl. John O. and Innette Hornlg, girl. David and Cltdy B. Wilson, girl. James T. and Edith Bias. girl, p Orpheus and Selena Tolson, girl. Charles E. and Virginia Walker, girl. Joseph C. and Estelle Minor, boy. Edward P. and Ada Green, box. Le Roy and Rosa Gainor, boy" Akin and Lulu G. Tolin. boy. James H. and Harriet I. Lacey, boy. David and Ruth A. YaTbough. boy. Hollis and Jennie McDade. boy. Benjamin F. and Carrie Harrison, boy. Costello M. and Thelma L. Bell, boy. (Earb at almnka. HAWKINS. FANNIE ARMSTED. The family of Mrs. FANNIE ARMSTED HAWKINS wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks and appreciation the many floral tributes and expressions of sympathy sent by ordera. mends and associations during tne tune of their bereavement. FAMILY. • lUatba.. ALBRECHT. WILLIAM* E. Suddenly, on Wednesday, July 16, 1930. at l:i& a.m., at the Georgetown University Hospital, WIL LIAM 8. ALBRECHT, beloved son ot the late John C. and Agnes M. Albrecht, aged 38 years. Funeral from the residence ot his sister, Mrs. Emma L. Riley, 4632 Wia consin ave. n.w., Friday, July 18, at 1:30 o’clock p.m., thence to Georgetown Lu theran Church, Wisconsin ave. and Volta place, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. BECKWITH. MAKCELLUS. Departed ’this life on Thursday, July 17, 1930, at his residence, 1321 Hock Creek Ford road, MARCELLUS BECKWITH, devoted hue bund of Sadie Lawrence Beckwith, father of Raymond, Lawrence, Lucille, Joseph and Marguerite Beckwith. Notice of lunerel later. BRADLEY. GEORGE. On Tuesday. July IS, 1930. at GalUnger Hospital, GEORGE BRADLEY. He leaves lour sisters and three brothers to mourn his departure. Remains resting at the Jonn T. Rhines luneral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Fu neral Friday, July 19. from the John T. Rhines funeral cnapel at 2 p.m. Inter ment Rosemont Cemetery. BRANNAN, WINIFRED. Departed this life on Thursday, Juiy 17, 1930, WINIFRED, beloved wife of the laie Samuel Brannan. Funeral from the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Alice Ward. 3406 Dent place n.w., Saturday. July 19, at 9 a.m., thence to Holy Trinity Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9:16 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and. Iriends invited. . 18* BROWN. WILLIAM. On Wednesday, July 18. 1930. at 2:30 a.m., at his residence, 1811 10th st. n.w., WILLIAM BROWN, loving father of Thomas, Richard and Henry Brown, loving son of Fannie Brown and brother of Luther and Elmer Brown. He also leaves other relatives and tneruls. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w., until 9 a.m. Friday, thereafter at his late r«81- dence, 1611 10th at. n.w. Funeral Friday. July 19. 1930. at 8 p.m., from his late residence. CARTER ERNEST. The Crlspus Attucks Relief Association announces the death of Brother ERNEST CARTER on July 16. 1930, and that the funeral will be held from his late residence. 1614 32nd st., on Friday morning, July 18. at 10 o’clock. W. STEPHEN FULLER, President. J. C. BURLLS, Secretary. CARTER, ERNEST J. Members of Morning Star Lodge, No. 40. I. B. P. O. E. of W.. are hereby notified to attend a session of sorrow in the Elks' Home, 1536 15th st. n.w., on Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m., to make arrangements for the funeral of our late brother. ERNEST J. CARTER. Cere mony will take place from residence, 1814 32nd st. n.w., on Friday, July 18, at 10 a.m. Forest Temple, No. 9; Columbia Lodge. No, 85, and Columbia Temple, No. 422. are cordially invited to attend. DR. LEO S. HOLTON. Exalted Ruler. CORTEZ W. PETERS. Sect'y. CLEVELAND. JOSEPHINE L. On Wednes day. July 16. 1930. JOSEPHINE L. CLEVE LAND. Funeral from W. W. Deal funeral home. 818 H st. n.e.. Friday. July 18. at 8:30 a.m.. thence to Holy Name Church, where requiem mass will be eald at 9 am. for the repose of her soul. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. CORNWELL. FLORENCE. On Wednesday. July 16, 1930. at her residence. 341 South Peyton st., Alexandria. Va., FLORENCE, beloved wife of the late Franklin L. Corn well (nee Meyers). She is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Ralph C. Bunt. Funeral from William Demalne A Son chapel, Al exandria. Va.. Friday, July 18, at 3 p.m. Interment St. Paul’s Cemetery, Alexan dria, Va. DAVIS. MARTA L. Departed this life sud denly, on Tuesday. July 15. 1930. at 12:30 p m., at her residence. . 1109 Rhode Island ave., n.w. MARIA L. DAVIS, beloved wife of George V. Davis, devoted mother of Gladys M. Davis, loving sister of Mrs. Ruth Jones. -Mrs. Laura Davis, Mrs Martha Snowden and Mrs. Margaret Plummer Chase. Funeral from her late residence, Saturday, July 19. at 2 p.m. Friends and relatives Invited to attend. 18* DORSEY. GERTRUDE LYDDANE. On Wed nesday. July 16. IMS. at G;3O p.m., GER TRUDE LYDDANE DORSEY, widow of William Dorsey. Funeral Friday, July 18. at 3:30 p.m.. from the funeral home of W. R. Pumphrey. Jr.. 301 West Montgom ery ave . Rockville. Md. Interment Rock ville Union Cemetery. GUGLIERI. PIETRO. ,On Wednesday. July 16, 1930. at Garfleld Hospital. Pietro OUOLIERI. aged 62 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Luigi Paglola of 1226 N at. n.w. Funeral services at the above address on Saturday. July 19, at 9:30 a.m., thenca to Holy Rosary Church, where mass will be said at 9 a.m. Interment St Mary's Cemetery. , 16 JONES. CLARENCE M. On Wednesday, July 16. 1930. CLARENCE M., beloved husband of Amelia Jones (nee Moser). Funeral from his late residence. 3036 11th st. n.w.. on Friday. July 18. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. * KIDD, f ANNIE Thursday. July 17, 1930, at 3:30 am., at her residence. 916 P st. n.w.. FANNIE KIDD. Remains at Frasier's KAW *"• Si*' , A-9 9ratl}«. t. &o%?zr.'’oi L. Lamb and mother ot Mrs. Wllilsm L. Peters. Funerel services et her late resi dence. 3729 Jenifer st n.w., on Friday. July 19. thence to the Church, of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Chevy Chase Circle. Mpae et 9.30 em. Please omit flowers. • tOVE IT, RICHARD. On Wednesday. July !,*■ >»3O . at hla home. Cedar at., Mulhall. Va., RICHARD LOVBrtT. beloved huaband of Emma Kevg Lovett and father of Clin i£!LA n ? S**" * w,n . n and Evmyn Bteger. funeral Saturday, July 19, et II a m , from the chapel at Fort Myer. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives end friends invited. PlR| a MARY. On Wednesday, July 18. h ' r residence. 1706 North Capitol »t., MARY PIKE. Funeral from T. F. Costello chapel. 1724 North Capitol at., on Friday morning July 18. at. 8 30. thence to St. Martin» Cnurch. where nun will he said at 9 a m Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Funerel private. PIXABKI. GEORGE T. On Wednesday. July 16, 1930. at Georgetown University Hospital. OEoroE T. husband of the late Susie M. Pulaski (nee Cole). Funeral from James T. Clements' Sons’ funeral Wisconsin ave., on Saturday. July 19. at 8:30 am.; thence to Bt. Ste phen a Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 o'clock a.m Relatives and Jr |f nda invited. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. lg* PULASKI, GEORGE. Members of Keans Council. No. 353. K. of C., are hereby noti- SfJl ,°JL. the _ d ' ath . ot Broth-r OEORGE PULASKI. Funeral from J. T. Clem mts' undertaking parlors. 1241 Wisconsin ave n.w., Saturday. July 19. at 9:30 am., thence to Bt. Stephen's Church, where mass will be eung at 9 a m . JOHN E BURNS. O. K DENNIS J. NILAND. F. S. 1« ROCKECHARLIE. LENA It. On Wadnesday. July 16. 1930. at her residence, 601 M st n.e., LENA H. ROCKECHARLIE. beloved wife of William P, Rockecherlle. Funerel private. B< y ,Tl !: EDWARD. Departed this life on Tuesday. July 15. 1930. et Oarfleld Hos pital. EDWARD SCOTT, beloved father of Jos i lu S,, Bc 2 tt .'w M«cy Miller. Elnora Allison • and Elizabeth Scott, brother of Samuel Scott. Mary Winston and Rosa Syphax Remains resting at the residence of hla * • thence to Zion Baptist Church, Friday. July 18, et l p.m. Relatives and friends invited. BHEI.WOOD. WILLIAM HENRY. On Wed nesday, July 16. IP3O. at U 8. Soldiers* Home. WILLIAM HENRY, beloved husband of the late Katherine Bowling Sherwood. Funeral from the chapel of Thomas F. A B ,°. n ' ?°S 7 Nichols ave. a e., . Friday. July 18. at 9 a m.' Relative* and friends invited Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. SMITH. CORRELL F. On Wednesday, July 16. 1930. at his residence. 642 Irving et. n w . CORRELL F. SMITH, aged 52 years, beloved husband of Charlotte Smith. Fu- V&2 1 iT rvl . CM Hyson* a funeral home. 13P0 N. st. n.w., Friday, July 18. at 1:30 p.m. if WEWH, FRANZ CARROLL. Departed this on Wednesday, July 16. at 11:88 am., FRANZ CARROLL WELCH. Notice of fu neral hereafter. • Itt Hbmarfam. ASHER. CATHERINE GASKINS. In sad but joying memory of our devoted deuthter, CATHERINE OASKINS ASHER, who left today, July 17. 1929 her Father and mother, jamss AND CLARA GABKINS. • ™ H.ROTHERTON. WARREN E. In aed but loving remembrance of our dearly beloved brother. WARREN E. BROTHERTON. who departed this life to iay. jVIUm9 ,n,eU U y ** rs M 0 ‘°* You have gone from us. dear son and * brother. To your Savior ao loving, kind and true: You have won the heavenly glory Which It is for us to try to do. Our hearts still ache with sadness. Our eyes shed many tear*. For God only knows how we do miss you At the end of eleven long. sad. lonely years. $ With your Savior you are waiting, „ In that upper garden beautiful and fair; You are waiting for our coming home, For there will be no parting there. . Sadly missed. • HIS LONELY. SAD MOTHER AND FA THER; BROTHER RAYMOND. • BROWN. ALBERTUS. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear brother. AL BERTUS BROWN, who departed this lif* three years ago today, July 17, 1927. Our lips need not speak when our heart* mourn sincerely. For grief often dwells where It seldom is seen. BENIDENE. • HONESTY. MARY JANE. Sacred to tho memory of my dear beloved mother, MARY JANE HONESTY, who departed th i life thirty-three year* ago todty. July 17, 1897. There Is a face I used to know Back in the long, long time ago; So far awav it almost seems That this dear face is one ot dreams. So far away and yet so near. * I almost see my mother, dear: At night when stars are shining bright I know that one is her bright light. It guides me over life's dark ways And bids me strive for future days, When God shall call me home to rest. To be with her whom I loved best. H ?&«i?JSX? TED SON ' H. AUGUSTUS HONESTY. • LETCHER. ROSETTA A. In fond memory ■ovin* mother and grandmother, ROSETTA A. LETCHER, who passed Into eternity two years ago today, July 17. 1928. Mother is not far away. We feel her presence every day: Qpd found her ready at her post, er last thoughts—those she loved the . most. Her Influence still around we feel. To cheer and lead, to warm and heal; So we rejoice each night and day. Our mother is not far away. MARIE. BERT, COURTS. FLOSSIE. Grandma, deep In our hearts you are fondly remembered. Sweet memories cling to your name. True hearts that loved you with deepest affection. Always will love you In death lust th# same. LOUISE. HENRY, VABHTI, ADELAIDE, EUGENE. * LYNCH, MARTHA F. Beared to the memory Os -OU- devoted mother, MARTHA P. LYNCH, wno entered “the great beyond” eighteen years ago today, July 17, 1912. Gentle mother, patient mother. Ever faithful, kind and true; Now at rest so sweet in heaven, . All loving hearts remember you. Sadly missed. HER LOVING CHILDREN. ARTHUR. NET TIE. VIRGIE, OLLIE AND FANNIE • O’CONNELL. CLARENCE J. In sad and lov ing remembrance of our dear son, CLAR ENCE J. (PACKY) O'CONNELL, who de- Sarted this life three years ago today, uly 17, 1927. Dear Is the grave where our son is laid; Sweet Is the memory that never will fad*. Part of our lives Is burled deep. Under the sod. where our dear son sleeps. MOTHER AND FATHER. • SLACKE. MARY B. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear mother. MARY B. SLACKE. who departed this life three years ago today. July 17. 1927. Loving mother, how we miss you. Since from earth you passed away. You win live in our memory always And never be forgoten. LOVING CHILDREN. » FUNERAL DIRECTORS. We We Deal & Coe 816 H ST. N.E. LINCOLN 8200 Frank Geier’s Sons Co. ms seventh ST. n w National 2473 Modern Chapel. Telephone*^ Bl * oll * l A^efJ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors ot nor connected with, the original W. R Spcare establish- Phone Frank. 8626 St N.W. Fermerly 948 F St. N.W. Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 412 R ST. N.E. Lincoln Modern Chape) 1-inCOin ALMUS R. SPEARE Succeeding the Original W. R. Speare Ce. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) * 3034 M St NVV Phone West 0098 IVI Ot. IX •w. Established 1841 Established 1876 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 10th Bt. N.W. Phone North 6047. Clyde J. Nichols, Inc. 4209 9th St. N.W. Col. 6324 J. WILLIAM LEE’S SONS. TUNERAL DIRECTORS CREMATORIUM 233 PA. AVE. N.W. NATIONAL 1384, 1385 • CHAS. S. ZURHORST SOI EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln 0372 FUNERAL DESIGNS. Prompt Auto Delivery Service Gude Bros. Co., 1212 F St. Artistic—expressive—inexpensive. GEO. C SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL C.’IBLEMS AT MOD ERATE PRICES. TEL. NAT. 2416 A NAT. 0106 .’grassy >4th&E ye CEMETERIES. GLENWOfib CfiMtTtRY Vault***, |S per month Choice lots and site* for sale. I*ORT LINCOLN CEMETERY invito* inspection of its beautiful COLUMBARIUM Family vaults and single nlrb.. fq terment of cremation ashes. For sal* cr rent. (Lota for sale in new Masonic section.) Two offices: 1882 G Street N.W. sad at cemetery gate. Call District 9108 or Ltn