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IMPROVED LABOR I l CONDITIONS SEEN / Seasonal Outdoor Activities Absorbing Some Surplus and i Situation Looks Better. BY J. C. BOYLE. 1 Seasonal outdoor activities are rapidly ; absorbing the surplus In certain types i of labor, but in the industrial and man* ufacturlng fields only small changes are in evidence. However, the labor situa tion is plainly becoming better. Perhaps the most significant note was struck by the announcement by financial interests 1 In the steel region that the automobile , manufacturers had already made defi nite and comprehensive plans to in crease output and to put on more men from this time onward. 1 it is quite true that automobile , production this year has been well un , der that for 1929, but there is every reason to believe that from this time on production, which Is closely adjusted to sales at present, will equal or exceed that for the last half of last year. In the case of one of the two largest pro ducers, sales to customers were 10,000 , cars in excess of sales to dealers. Parts Major Factor. The improvement along this line, to gether with the requirements of the ag ricultural implement concerns, public utilities, construction, electrical equip ' ment manufacturers and pipe line pro grams, are expected to keep the steel industry at a high rate of output throughout the remainder of the year. The railroads are Increasing their car loadings, and this is giving them addi tional revenue with which to purchase new equipment. These purchases are always a major factor in the steel Industry. . x , Building construction has not sliown the life and vitality which were ex pected of it when Midsummer ap proached. It is today about on the same level as it was In 1913 and is far under the peaks which were attained in September of 1928 and 1929. However, the volume of construction increased approximately per cent in the last month. BONDS ON THE CURB MARKET. gales In DOMESTIC BONDS thousands. Hißh. Low. CIOM. 5 AUbama Pow 5s ’6B. 103'. 103% 103 * 3 Aljbama Pw 4' 2 s 67 98 97% .j}®,, 2 Aluminum Co 5s ,62 103’ 2 103 a 103 .a 3 Aluminum Ltd 5s *8 100 100 100 BAm Cmwlh Pw 6s ‘4O 94% 64 84 8 Amer G & E 5s 98% 9f% 6 Amer P & L 652016 101% 107 « 195% lAm Solv 6%s ’36 »w 92% MV. 92% 5 Appalach Pow 5s ’66 100'. 100% 1M » 2 Appalach Gas 6S ’45 107’i. 107 /« 1014 3 Appalac Gas 6s B 45 96 . 96.« 96J. 4 Arkans P i- L 5s 56 98% MS 88^4 5 Asso Electrl 4%s 53 85’. 85% 85 . \ 30 Asso G& E 4%S_C 49 78% 77% 78% 20 Asso Gas & El os 68 SSVa §3 83 6 Asso Gas&E 5%s ’3B 83 1 ASSO O& E sVis ’77. 98* 98% 98 . lAs Sim Hdw u%Si 33 86 86 86 3As Tel Util 5%a '44 C 97% 97% 97% 2 Bell Tel Can 5s A ;55 103% 103% 103^ X Bell Tel Can 5s C 55 102% 102% 102 % 4 Bell Tel Can 5s B 57 103% 103% 103% 3 Bost & Me 6s m '33 102% 103% 1021% 2 Boston Con Gss ’47 103 10l 103 ■ 14 Calif Pack 5s ...... 100% 100% 100 » 4 Can Nat R E 4%5.. 100 99% 100 3 Carolina P & L 5s ’56 102% 102% 102 6 Caterpil Tr 5s ’3B wi 101% 101% 101 1 2 4 Cent Stat Elec 5s 48 75% 75 75 2 Cig Str Re s'/*s A 49 86V. 88% 86% 1120 Cities Service 5s ’SO. 102% 100% 102% 1 Cit Serv Gas 5%s 42 33% 83% 83% 8 Clt Serv Pow 5V 2 s 52 87% 87 87 IComwh Ed 4%S D ’57 97% 97 . 9< a 4 Cons Pub 6%s 36.. . 98 % 98/2 98 2 1 Cont G & E 5s A ’SB 98% 98% 96% 1 Con Gas Balt 4%s H. 99% 99% 99% BContinen Oil 5%a 37 96 % 96% 96 /* SComwlth Ed 4%* E.. 98 87/. 98 4 Crown Zeller 6s 40... 96% |6% 96 2 131 Crucible Steel 5s '4O 99% 99% 99% 4 Cudahy Pkg 5%s 37 97 96 h 97 2 Cudahy Packg 5s 46. 101 101 101 28 Det C Gas 5s B 50.. 101 J 4 100 a 4 101 3 4 IDet C Gas 6s A *47. 106*4 106}* 106*4 42 Det Int Brdg 6%s '52 60 68% 68% 2 Dix GG 6%| A ’37 ww 94% |4% 94% iglT«0 n N°O a, 6%. “• 100- 2 100% 100% 12 Elec P&L 5s A 2030. 91% 91 91% 14 Empire O&R 5%s '42 83% |3 83 2 1 Fairbanks Mor 5s 42 97 97 97 * Hudson Bay 6s 101% 101% 101 * 3 Intercom Pow ww.. 88 68 88 2 Federal Wat 5%s 54 9595% 95% 5 Firestone Tire 5s 42 91 81 91 15 Florida P & L 5s ’54 88% 67% 87% 12 Gatineau Pow 5s 56. 94% 94% 94 /2 2 Gatineau Pow 6s 41 98% 97 97 7 Gen Wat Wk 6s B 44 88 88 88 19 Georgia Pone 5s ’67 100% 100 % 100% 7 Gulf Oil Pa 5s ’37... 101% 101% 101% 1 Hood Rubber 7s ’36. . 88 68 88 1 Houst Gulf G6s A ’43 94% 94% 94% 6 Hvgrade Fd 6s A ’49 62 60% 62 1 Illinois PAL 5%s ’57 101% 101% 01% llndependt Oil 6s ’39 103 % 103% 103% 2 Indnap PL 5s A 57 100% 100% 100 « 2 Inland Util 6s 34. .. 99 98% 98% 39 Insull Utilit 6s B ’4O 102% 102% 102% 7 Inter Pw Sec 7s E '57 99% 99, 99 13 Intern Sec Am 5s '47 82 61% 81% 19 Intersta Power 5s '57 90'. 60 90 5 Intersta Power 6s ’S3 88 88 88 12 Inves Co 5s A ’47 xw 79 78% 79 3 Jers C PAL 5V 2 s A ’45 102% 102% 102% 6 Kans G A E 4%s ’BO 94 93'i 94 10 Hoppers GAC 5s ’47 100 100 100 2 Hopper OAC 5%S ’SO 102% 102% 102% 14 Lehigh P S 6s A 2026 105% 105 V. 105% 1 Libby McN A Lss '42 93% .93% 93% 3 Long Island Lt 6s '45 105% 105% 105% 2La P A Lss '57 97% 97% 97% 4 McCord Rd 6s ’43 ww 73 12% 73 I 3 Manitob P 5%s A ’sl 99% 99% 99% 14 Mass Gai> 5s '55 98% 98 98 2 Mas* Ga; 5 1 2 s '46.... 103% 103% 103 V. 5 Mead 6s 97 97 97 *5 Mid West Util 5s 32 100% 100% 100% 5 Mid West Util 5s ’33. 99V. 99% 99% 5 Mid West Utl 5s ’35. 97% 97% 97% 2 Mnn PAL 4%s ’7B . 93% 93% 93% 19 MO Pac RR 5s 'BO wi 100% 99% 100% 2 Nat P A L 6s A 2026. 105% 105% 105’. 3 Narragansett 5s ’57.. 101% 101% 101% 32 Nat P A L 5* B 91% 91 91% 10 Nat P 8 5s ’78....... 77% 18% 77*/a 5 Newb y J J 5%s '4O wi 98 98 98 4 New Eng GAE 5s 47. 90% 90% 90% 2NY PA L 4%s ’67. . 106% 106 106% 15 Niag Bhares 5%s ’SO 103% 103% 103% 4 Nor Tex Ut 7s ’35 ww 112% 112% 112% 3 Northw Power 6s ’6O 98% 98% 98% 10 Ohio Pow 6s B ’52 102 102 102 7 Pac GAE 4%s E '57 96% 96% 96% 4 Pac W O 6%s 43 ww 93% 93% 93% 11 Penn OEd 6s ’SO xw 103% 103 103% 3 Penn P A L 5s D M 102% 102% 102% 2 Poor ACo 6s 39. ~ 103 103 103 4 Qunsb Gas 5%s A ’52 102% 102% 102% 3 Roch Cen Pow 5s ’53 76% 76% 76% BSt L Gas A C 6s ’47. 70 69% 70 1 Scrip’s s' 2 s ’43 .... 92 * 92% 92% 4 Shaw WAP 4%&A 67 95%. 95 95% 1 3 Shaw *ss C "0..... 102% 102 V. 102% 4 Sbawsneen 7s /Si... 101 101 101 9 Sheffield Steel 5%s ’4B 101% 101% 101% > 2 Snider Pack 6r 32. 63 63 63 11 SE PAL 6s A 2025 xw 107 106% 106% *2 South Calif Ed 5s -44 103% 103% 103% 5 South Calif Ed 5s ’sl 103% 103% 103% 1 South Cal Gas 5s 37 93' 2 93% 93 % 8 Southern N G 6s 44 94 92% 94 1 South L A P 5s A 57 95 95 95 i 11 Southw GAE 5s A 57 95% 95 95% 3 So thw PAL 6s A 2022 107% 107% 107% 2 Staley Mfg 6s ’42 .. 99 98% 99 5 Stand Inv 5%S 39_. 100 89 100 8 Standard P A L 6.s 57 99% 99% 99% 1 Stutz Mot 7%s '37.... 33 33 J* 4 Sun Oil 5%s '39 102 . 102% 102% 10 Swift CO 5s 32 100-4 100% 100% 1 Texas Gas Ut 6s 45. 95% 95% 95% *6 Texas PAL 5s 56.. 100 49% 99% 3 Thermoid Co 6s ’34... 90 90 90 16 Tri Util 5s '79 . 86 86% 85% 1 Uni Lt A Ry 5%s 52. 89% 88% 89% 24 Union Gas 5s 101 100% I®l 1S W Nat Gas 5s 96% 96% 96% 2 Saxut 6s 99 ®9 99 3 Valvolirie OH 7s 37 102% 103% 102% 4 Van Swerlnsen 6s '35 97 97 97 15 Wabash 5s D 'BO . .100% 100% 100% 2 Weldorf-Astor 7s ’54. 91 90% 90% 10 Wash V/ A Pow 5s '6O 103% 103% 103% 1 Webster Mill 6%s ’33 97% 97% 97% 17 Wes Tex Ut 5s A '75. 92% 92% 92% FOREIGN BONDS. 1 Berlin Cy E 6s ’55 wi. 82% 82% 82% 1 Bogota Mtg Bk 7s '47. 31 81 81 35 Buenoi Aires 6%s '6l. 86 85 85 2 Buen Air PrpV 7s ’52. 98% 96% 96% sCent Bk Co 6s B 51. 82% 82% 82% 13 Cuban Repub 5s 45 94% 93% 93% 5 Cuban Tef 7%s A ’4l 107V 2 107% 107% 5 Den Mtg B 5s ’72 IX 97% 97% 97% 2 Europ El Cp 6%s ’65. 93% 93 93% 8 Finld Ind Bk 7s ’44 99 Va 99% 99% 5 Ist Bo GW 7s ’57 ww 82 82 82 5 Ger Cons Mun 6s ’47. 86% 86% 86% I 2 Hanover Pro 6%s '4O 91 91 91 1 Hanover St 6%s '49 99% 99% 99% 10 Hanover City 7s ’39 97% 97% 97% 5 *tal Sup Pow 6s '63 73% 73 73% 15 Mansfeld MAS 7s ’4l 86% 86% 88% 15 Mansf MAS 7s ’4l xw 85% 85% 85% ' 7 Nippon El P 6%s ’53 91% #l% 91% 10 Prussia F 8 6s ’52 88% 88% 88% 3 Prussian F 8 6%s ’sl 94 94 94 6 Ruhr GCo 6%s A ’sl 86V. 86% 88% f 8 Ruhr Hous S'As '58.. 88 88 88 ! 3 Saarbrueck 7s ’35 101% 101% 101% ! 1 Santiago Chile 7s 49 97 97 97 ' 1 Santiago Chile 7s '6l 93 % 93% 93% 3 Stinnes 7s ’36 xw,.. 85 85 85 t 6 Sydney NSW 5%s 55 88% 88% 88% ! 7 Ternl Soc 6%s A ’52 84% 84% 84% 4Tietz (Li 7%s '46 xw 99% 99% 99% ww—with warrants, xw—Without warrants. *i—New. wl—When issued. { RUBBER MARKET. NEW YORK. July 18 (CPA.).— Rubber —Crude rubber, smoked ribbed sheets, declined Va at today’s noon quo tation of 10%. This compares with JJia » month ago and 20% a year ago. FINANCIAL. | NEW YORK CURB MARKET JSs | Notice—AO stock* are eold In one bnndred-abare lota excepting those designated by the letter s (655) (285) I which shows those stocks to be eold in odd lets only. —Fr*t.lo*o. Stack sag galea— ■irk. Law. Dlrlgsng bats. ASS 00. Ossa. Risk. Law. Clegs. 13% 6% Aero Supply 18)..,. 4 8 8% 8 8% ; 28% 10 Aero Underwriters., 2 11 Ilk 11 11H 88% 16 Ainsworth 12 22% 28% 82% 23% 9H 4 Allegheny Ga 5...... 4 4% 4% 4% 4% 856 210 Aluminum Co Os Am 1 249 248 249 249% 24% 18 Alumn Goode (1.20). 1 19 19 19 19 10% 6 Am Bsvefkge 2 6 6 4% 4V4 8% 3% Am British A Cont.. 14% 4% 4% 13% 6 Am Capital pf (8)... 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 80 60% Am Capital prpffityi 163 V. 68% 63% 63% 28% 12% Am C PAL(B)il0%) 20 16% 17% 18% 17% 28% 21% Am Com P(A) 610%. 10 i 2% 28% 22% 23% 60% 24% AmCwith P(B)10% 21 42 42 42 46% H % Am Control Oil rids. 16 % A % * #7 17% Am Cynam B (I.IO).I 11 23% 28% 22% 22% 6 3 Am Dept Stores..... 2 4 4 4 4 22 12% Am Equities 1 15% 15% 16% 15% 76% 88% Am For Pwr(war).., 12 48% 50 48% 50 16% ■ 7V4 Am Invest, Ino iB).. 9 9% 9% 9% 9% 7% 2% Am Invest (war)..«. 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 89% 62% Am Lt&Trac (2%).. 1 61% 62 61% 62 4% 1% Am Marlcabo 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 19% 7V« Am Natural Gas.... 11 13 14 13 14 33 20% Am Potash&Chemd) 1 30% 30% 30% 30% 26 1$ Am St Pub S A(1.60) 1 18% 18% 18% 18% 39% 20% AM Muperpwr «1 >... 94 24% 25% 24% 25% 101% 94% Am Sperpwr Ist (6). 1 99% 99V* 99% 99% 119 111% Am Tob B new (D 4). 8 117% 119% 117% 119% 15% 7% Am U&Gen B vtc 400 40 12 I f 11% 12 7% 1% Am Yvette (n) w.1... l 2% 2% 2% 2% 32%. 17 Ararad Corporation.. 1 19% 19% 19% 19% 14% 6 Anchor PF <blo%). 16 9% 9% 9 9 43% 15% Angle Chil Nitrate.. 2 27% 37% 37% 37% 14% 8% Appalachian Gas.... 8 9% 9% 9% 9% 23% 8 Arcturus Rad Tube." 1 9 9 9 9 16% 8% Arkansas Nat Gas.., 60 10% 11% 10% 11% 16% 8% Ark Nat Gaa (A).... 195 9% 11% 9% 11% 8% 7% Ark NG cu pf(6oc).. 2 8 8 7% 7V* 8% % Asso Dyeing APtg,. 1 ts U A II 61% 36% Asso Gas & E1ec..,.. 1 87 87 37 87 46% 30% Asso G&E A (at 2.40) 11 84% 34% 33% 34% 11% ‘6% Asso G&E <A) db rtß 2 6 6% 6 6% 147% 97 Asso Gss&El ctfs<B) 25* 106 10C 106 106 2 1 Asso Laundries 6 1% 1% IV4 1% 6% 2% Asso Rayon 1 4 4 4 « 60% Asso Rayon pf i 6). . 4 51% 61% 47% 47% 28% 19 Asso Tel Util (bB%). 3 23 23 23 23 14% 8% Atlas Util Corp 4 9% 9% 9% 9% 5 3% Atlas Utilltles(war). 6 3>* 4 3% 4 19 7Vi Aviation Securities., 3 14% 14% 14% 14% 49% 36 Axton-F Tob A <3.20. 1 42% 42% 42% 42% 21 14% Bickford’s. Ine (1). •> 4 18 20 18 20 30% 18 BlisaCo (E W) (1).. 2 19% 19% 19 19 15% 6% Blue Ridge Cp (40s). 9 9% 9% 9% 9% 44% 33% Blue Ridge cv pf(a3) 4 39% 39% 39% 39% 25 14 Borne Scrymser (2). 1 20 20 20 20 55% 35% Brazil Trac & Lt(h2) 29 39% 40% 39% 40% 5% 2% Bridgept Mach (25c) 12 6% 6% 6% 6% 26% 24% Buft,N&EPpm.6o). 1 25% 26% 26% 26% 46 32 Bulovacvpf (3%)..* 1 34% 34% 34% 24% 4 2 Burco. Ino (war).... 1 2 2 2 2 6% 3 Bwana M Kubwa.... 11 3% 3% 3% 8% 9% 2% Cable Radio 13% 3% 3% 3% 15 11 Camps Corp (2)..... 2 11% 12 11% 12 9% 3% Canada Marconi. ...i 30 4% 6% 4% 5 2% % Carib Syndicate 11 1% 1% i% i% 33 26% Carnation Co (tl%). 1 30 30 30 SO 8% 6 Carnegis Metals..... 16% 6% 6% 6% 90 79% Celaness Corp pf(7). 25s 85% 86% 85% 65% 6% 3% Cent Atlantic States. 6 3% 3% 3% 3% 42% 28 Cent Pd (A) (a1.76) . 16 30% SI 80% 30% 31% 20% Cent &Sw U(b6%).. 8 24% 26 24% 24% 89% 10 Cent States El(k4oc) 11 25 26% 24% 25% 8% 4% Centrlfug Pipei6oe>. 2 77% 77% 8% 2% Chain Stores Dev... 14% 4% 4% 4% 25 17% Chath Ph A1 nv (SOS) 10 19% 19% 19 19% 25% 17% Cham Nat Asao n-v. 81 23% 23% 23 23% 164% 140% Chesbrough Mfg(tS) 1 168 168 168 168 44% 24% Clt Service (g30c)... 591 28% 31 28% 31 93% 88 Cities Srvopf (6)... 7 89% 9i% 89% 92% 9 7% CitSvcpf B (60c)... 18% 8% 8% 8% 46 43% City Sav B. Ltd(2.79) 1 46% 45% 45% 45% 35% 14% Clev Tractor (1.60).. 2 16 16% 15 15% % % Colombia Syndlcata.. 4 % ' % % % 8% 3% Colon Oil 13% 3% 3% 3% 32 22% Colts Pat Fire A (2). 2 24% 24% 24% 24% 21 8% Col Oil 4 Gas vte.... 81 8% 9 8% 8% 64% 83% Oolum TMct vtc (fl % ‘ 1 40% 40% 40% 40% 886% 284 Com’wlth fidiaen(S) 80s 288 288 288 288 6% 3% Com’wlth & Sou war. 12 3% 4 3V. 4 19% 11% Comm Wat Serv b 6% 3 12% 12% 12% 12% 27% 15 Consol Aircraft 1 19% 19% 19% 19% 1% % Consol Auto March.. 2 % % % 8% 3% Consol Copper 14% 4% 4% 4% 136% 90% Con Gaa. Balto(S.60) 1 114 114 114 114 16 10 Consol Laundries. 3 13% 13% 13% 13% 79% 71 Conti Shares pf (6).. 26s 79% 79% 79% 79% 12% 6 Copeland Prod.lno A 18% 8H 8% 8% 17% 6 Cord Corp.... 11 9% 9% 9 9 27% 19% Corp Sec. Chi (b 6%). 5 22 23% 22 23% 20% 9% Corroon & Reynolds. 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 92 67 Cor & Rey pf (A)(6). 2 67% 67% 67% 67% 7% 5% Creole Petroleum...i 22 6% 6% 6% 6% 34% 15 Crocker Wheeler.. 4. 7 17% 18 17% 17% 1 % Crown Cent Petrol.. 2 % % % % 51% 34 Cuneo Press (2%)... 1 41% 41% 41% 41% 4% 1% Curtiss Wright war. 6 2 2 2 2 8% 2% Dayton Air & Eng... 6 3% 3% 3 3 162% 82 Deere &Co (m 1.20).. 26 89% 93% 89% 93% 8% 2% De Forest Radio.... 10 4 4 s% 3% 22% 16 Deisel W Gilbert (ltf 3 18 18 18 18 11 4V4 Derby Oil Refining.. 10 7% 7% 7% 7% 9% 4% Detroit Aircraft...,) 14 6% 6% 6% 5% 23% 12% DouglM Air <t6fl)... 2 80S 20% 20% 80% 65 60 Draper Corp (tS)... 180 s6O 60 60 60 44% 31% Dresser (S R) B (2).. 3 39 39% 29 39% 108% 41 Driver Harris(new). 3 77 77 74% 74% 17 8% Duqufisne Gas Cp w.l 15 11 It 10 10 72% Durant M0t0r5...... 13 3% 3% 8% 3% 42 25% Eastn G&F Asso.... 2 31% 31% 31% 31% 44 18% Eastn Sta Pwr B(l). 4 28% 28% 28% 28% 18% 7% Eastn Util Inv (A).. 4 10 11 10 10% 23 9 Eisler EelectrlcU %> 4 9% 9% 9% 9% 95% 92% El Bond&Sha cu pf(s 7 95% 95% 95% 95% 117% 70% El Bond&Sh (bf).. 740 83% 84% 82% 84% 109% 103% El Bond &Sh pf (6). 3 105% 108% 106% 105% 39% 19 Elec Pwr Asso (1).. 10 25 25% 24 24 37 16% Elec Pwr Asso A (1) 8 24% 24% 24 24 78% 28% Elen Pwr &L op war 7 47% 49% 47% 49% 8% 8 Empire Corporation. 1 8 8 8 8 15% 12 Empire Fire Ins 2 12% 13 12% 13 30 22% Employ Relns(l%). 1 26 26 26 26 23 12% Europ El. Ltd A (60c) 2 14% 15 14% 15 9 3% Euro Elec deb rts.... 10 4% 5 4% 5 6 1% Evans Wallow Lead. 1 2 2 2 2 9% 2 Fabrics Flnlnshlng.. 4 3 3 3 3 42% 16V4 Federal Screw (3)... 5 21% 22% 21% 22% 34% 13% Fokker Aircraft.... 2 19% 19% 18% 18% 38% 28 Ford Mot, Can A tIH 6 33 83% 83 38% 19% 10% Ford Mor.Ltd. ITHd. 53 17% 17% 16% 17% 17% 2% Fox Theater Cl (A). 21 10% 10% 10% 10% 4% 2% General Baking...., 8 2% 2% 2% 2% 64% 27 Gen Baking pf (1>... 3 31% 31% 31% 31% 14 10% Gen E. Ltd rcts(6oc> 2 12% 12% 12'% 12% 30% 20 Gen W W&E<A) (3). 3 28 28% 28 28% 121% 75 Glen Alden Coal 8.... 5 80 82 80 82 16% 9 Glob* Underwriters. 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 2% Gold Coin (new)..... 3 4 4 3% 3V. 72% Golden Center 2 3% 3% 3% 3% 46% 18 Goldman Sach T C... 11l 23% 23% 32% 23% 6 1% Gold Seal Eleo new.. 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 26% 16V* Gramapho-rcts (20c) 5 16% 17 16% 17 260 189 Gr A& PT n-v (»>.. 10* 220 220 220 220 122 115% Gr A&P Tea pf (7). 40* 117% 118% 117% 117 31 26 Gt Lakes DDn wi (1) 3 31 31% 31 31% 1% % Griffith (D W) (A).. 2 % % % % 6% 3 Guardian Invest 18% 8% 3% 3% 166% 117% Gulf Oil of PSIIHI. 12 181% 181% 181 181 27% 13 Houston Oil of Texas 68 19% 20% 19% 20% 14% 7 Hudson Bay M & S.. 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 119 78 Humble Oil (2)..... 7 93% 93% 91% 91% 15 8% Hygrade Food Prod. 38 11% 12 11% 12 30 18% Imp Oil. Can. n(6oe). 2 20% 20% 20% 20% i 9% 17 ind KTn ctf*( 010%). 4 18% 19 18% 19 47% 26% Ind Terr lllu Oil (A) 18 30% 34% 30% 34% 53% 26% Ind Terr lllu Oil «B> 19 31% 34 31% 34 71 63% Insull Util Inv tb9% 1 69 59 59 59 23 15% Insurance Seed.4o). 1 17% 17% 17% 17% 1% % Interoontlnent Pet n 6 % % % % 24 17% Inti Petroleum (11.. 9 18% 19% 18% 19% 7% 2% internal Products... 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 10 7 Inti Util war (new).. 2 77 77 27 12 Irving Air Chute (1). 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 9% 8% Irving Air Chute war 9 6% 6% 4% 4% 3 1% Iron Csp Copper 11% 1% 1% 1% 18 8% Italian Superpwr A.. 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 3 1% Kirby Petroleum. 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 2 % KoUter-Or *AmSb). 1 % % % % 14% 9 Lake Superior Corp.. 2 10 10 10 10 SILK MARKET. NEW YORK, July 18 (C.P.A.).—Raw silk futures, reflecting better cables from the Far Eastern markets, opened 1 to 5 points higher. At the call there were no sales, but some interest in September at current levels was in evi- I dence. Commission houses and local operators as well as some prominent uptown operators were bidding for fair quantities, with most of the offerings still coming from uptown trade inter ests. Yokohama was 21 to 28 points higher and Kobe 12 to 38.. DRY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK, July 18 fC.P.A.).—Dry goods—Cotton goods, markets were quiet today, with print cloths quoted un changed at 51*, for 64x60s and at 6 % for 68x725. Raw silks were firm. TREASURY BALANCE. The United States Treasury balance announced today as close of business July 16 was $211,679,818.59. Customs 'receipts for the month to date were $12,188,521.96. Total ordigpry expendi , tures, $7,914,701.43. : ■ • ; . :' l •• THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., FRIDAY, JULY 18. 1930. Stock sod Sale*— Hish. Low. Dividend Rata Add 00. Open. Hlah. Low. Cloea 4% 1% Land Co of Florida.. 11% 1% 1% 1% 87% 27% Lefcouft Real pf i 3). 1 29 29 29 29 4% 1% Leonard Oil 3 1% 1% 1% 1% 30% 17% Lily Tulip Cup 1%.., 1 28% 28% 28% 28% 20% 8% l.oew’s. ino (war)... 5 9% 10% 9% 10% 64% 12% Loew'a inadekrts.. l 40 *4O 40 40 65% 84% Lone Star Gaa n (1). 6 40% 40% 40% 40% 66 88 Long Island Lt (55c) 4 41% 41% 41 41 5 2 Louisiana Lan 4k Ex. 72% 2% 2% 2% 24% 16 MacMarr Stores (l). 12 16% 16% 16% 16% H % MagdalenaSynd.... 1 % % % % 27% 18% Mfg Finance t.t.0.... 1 19 19 19 19 47% 89% Marine Mid (1.10).., 22 32% 88% 32% 38% 10% 6% Mass Util Asso 17 77 7 8% i Mavis Bottling.... M 71% 1% 1% 1% 22% 10% Memphis Nat Gas... 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 16% 8% MetdMtn.lnoa.2o) 4 18 18 13 13 30 6 Met Chain Stores.... 4 6 6 6 6 11% 4% Mid Sts Pet v.t.c. A.. 8 6% 76% 7 6 2% Mid Sts Pet B.„ 6 2% 3 2% 3 29% 24 Mid W Sts Ut (1%).. 3 25V. 26% 25% 26% 38 26% Mid Wst UUl(bB%). 40 30% 31 80% 31 83% 26 Miller* Sons (2).... 3 26 27 25% 27 36% 15 Mo Kan PL (bl 0%). 29 21 21% 20% 21 6 1 MlssKPLv.t.c...... 9 1% 1% 1% 1% % % Mountain&Gulf(Sc). 2 % % % % 18% 6% Municipal Service... 18% 8% 8% 8% 21% 8% Natl Aviation 1 12 12 12 12 61% 83% Natl Bond d S (26c). 1 39 39 39 89- 108 10* Natl Da Pr pf A (7).. 1 104% 104% 104% 104% 20 12 Natl FamStfSC 1.80), 1 14 14 14 14 41% 26% Natl Fuel Gas (1).... 2 82% 32% 32% 3x% 30 11 Natl Investors 68 15% 16% 15% 16% 2i% 14% Natl Rub Mach (8).. 8 16% 17 16% 17 15 12 Nat Sh Tm Sec(fsoc) 2 15 15 15 15 10% 8% Natl Union Radio.... 4 4% 5 4% 6 .5. Nebel <Osc.) (68%0). K 8% 8% 8% 8% 2 5 16% Nehl Corp (1.80).... 1 21 21 21 21 49 30% Newberry(JJ)( 1,10). 1 84% 34% 34%’ 34% .52? New Brad OH (80S).. 12% 2% 2% 2% 95% 88% New Eng Pwr pf (4). 50a 90% 90% 90% 90% 7% 8% New Mex it Arts Ld.. 18% 3% 3% 8% 141% 79 Newmont Min (f().. 8 87 89% 86 89% 42 20% Newport CO (2) 1 23% 23% 23% 28% 18 7 N V Rio&Bu Aires... 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 117% 113% N Y Tel pf (6%). ... 25s 115 115 115 115 24% 15% Niag.-H. Power (40c) 143 17% 18% 17% 18% 6% 4 Niag.-H. Pwr A war. 74% '4% 4% .4% 15% 8% Nias Hud Pwr B war 19 10 11 10 11 7% 7 Niag.-Hud Pwr C wai 17% 7% 7% 7% 21% 18 Niag Shara Md(4oci, 2 15 15 14% 14% 46% 26% NUes-Bem-P (t 8%)„ 1 28% 28% 28% 28% 21% 8% Noma El Corp (80c). 3 8% 8% 8% 8% 44% 20% Noranda Mines (2).. 26 23Vj 24 23% 24 6 2 No Am Avlat A war.. 11 3% 3% 3 3 11% 6 Nor Cent Tex(6oc).. 2 7% 7% 7%, 1% % Ohio Copper 7 % % % % 76% 62% Ohio Oil (t 4%) 11 67% 67% 67 67 34% 32% Ohio Oil new wi 32 33% 33% 33% 33% 105% 100% Ohio Pu Svc pf A(7). 10a 107% 107% 107% 10f% 11% 7% OilstoCks LtdA(soe), 18% 8% 8% 8% 11% 8H Oilstocke (B) (|soc). 4 9% 9H 9% 9% g r angsCr«sh OH). 1 34% 84% 84% 84% 18% 10% Outbd Mot(A)(l.l0). 2 11% 11% 11% n% 82% 26% Pac G&Elst pf (1%) 1 27% 27% 27% 27% 19% 12% Pao Western 0i1.... 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 4% 1% PantepecOil 2 2% 2% 2 2 13% 4 Param’t Cab <bß %).. 4 4% 4% 4% 4% 29% 22% Patterson Sargnt (2) 2 27V* 28 2/% 28 16% 10% Pennroad Corp <2oc) 28 11% 11% 11% 11% 32 17 Penn Mexlc Fuel (1) 1 19% 19% 19% 19% 105 85 Pepperell Mfg (8). ~2loa 86 85 84 84 5% 2% Petrol Corp war..««, 78% 4 3% 4 2 % Philip Morris, ino... 1 % % % % 12% 7% Pierce Gov (1 %)..., 3 8 8 8 8 15% 4% Pilot Radio Tube (A) 9 77% 7 7(4 20% 10 Pitney BP. n (20o).. 3 12 12% 12 12% 59% 45% Pitte Plate Glass(3). 3 48 48 48 48 27V* 20% Plymouth 011 (2).. M 2 26% 26% 26% 26% 1% % Premier Gold (24c).. 31111 15% 8% Prince & White(2sc) 17 10% 10% 10% 10% 44 35 Prince* Whit pf(S) 2 38 38 37% 37% 23 12% Prudential Invest... 5 17% 17% 15% 15% 27% 15 Pub Util Hold w w.. 37 16% 17V* 16% 17% 99 94% Pure Oil pf («) 40s 96V* 96% 96 96 14% 6 Rainbow Lu Prod A. 3 8% 9% g% 9% 7% 2% Rainbow Lu Prod 8.. 5 4% 4% 4% 4% 51 45 Raymond Concrete 4. 1 52% 62% ’62% 52% 5% 2% Reiter-Foster 8 4 4 4 4 93 75% Richman Bros (8)... 1 77 77 77 77 3 1% Richmond Radiator.. 6 1% 1% 1% 12 6 Rich Rad cum pf.... 75% 5% 5% 5% 147 109% Safety Car H*L (8). 75s 117 117 117 117 % St Anthony G01d.... 15 fa 1 34 18% St Regis Paper (1).. 27 23% 23% 23% 23% 15% 8% Salt Creek Prod (2).. 2 10% 10% 10% 10% 15 14% SaxetCo 2 15 15 15 15 34 20% Schlft(The) Co (2).. 1 24% 24% 24% 24% 4% 2% Bohulte Un 60-II St., 2 3 3 8 8 10% 5% Seaboard Util (50c). 4 6% 6% 6% 6% 42% 36 Seaman Bros (3).... 3 39V* 40% 39% 40% 9 5 Seg Lock* H (50c).. 4 5% 5% 5 5 12% 6% Selected Industries. .4 6% 6% 6% 6% 84% 64 Sel Indust ctfs (4%). 1 66% 66% 66% 66% 9% 3% Sentry Safety Cont.. 73% 4 3% 4 9% 5 Shattuck Den Min... 3 5% 5% 5% 5% 20 8% Shenandoah Corp.. M 5 12% 12% 12% 12% 48% 33 Shenan Coro pf (m 3). 6 40% 40V* 40% 40% 34% 15% Silica Gel Ctfs 1 19 19 19 19 250 137% Smith (A O) *2).... 40a 193% 193% 190 190 27% 24% So Cal Ed pf fed %). 1 26% 26% 26% 26% 17 9 Southland Roy d. 5 9% 9% 9% 9% 13 3% S W Dairy Products. 1 5 5 5 5 82% 70’4 Stand Inves pf(6 Vi). 1 75 75 75 75 3% % Standard Motors.... 11% I%' 1% 1% 59!. 47% Stand Oil. ind (2%). 63 51% 51% 51 51% 40% 30% Stand Oil, KY(tl.80) 20 32% 32% 32 32% 108% 77 Stand Oil. OhlO(2%). 2 80% 81 80% 81 28% 4% Stein Cosmetics 1 7jt 7% 7% 7% 10 7 Stinnes (Hugo) 17 77 7 25% 17 Stroock &Co (3).... 1 18 18 18 18 10 6 Sunray Oil (40c).... 15% 5% 5% 5% 34% 28 Swift &Co new (2).. , 1 29 29 29 29 38% 30 Swift Internatli2%) 3 33% 34% 33% 34% 9 5% Syrao Wash M B (1) 2 6 6 6 6 98 54% Tampa Electrlo (32) 15 67% 72 67% 72 86V* 26% Technicolor, in 0.... 2 32% 32% 32% 32% 7% 4% Took Hughes (COo).. 16% 6% 6% 6% 87 85 Thermoid Co pf (7). 100 s 65% 68% 65 66% % it Tonopah Belmont... 1 j, 4, j, 4 47% 20% Transamer d 1.60).. 266 26% 26% 25% 26’% 10% 5% Tran Con Air Tran.. 10 8% 9 8% 9 13% 4% Trans Lux DL P S.. 4 8% 8% 8% 8% 9 4 Trl-ContCorp (war) 2 5% 6% 5% 5% 11 5% Triplex Safety Glass 18% 8% 8% 6% 58% 36 Trl Utilltlesdl.2o).. 2 48V* 48% 48 48 58% 45 Tri Utilities pf (3).. 1 49 49 49 49 36% 21% Ungerlelder F Corp.. 9 24% 25% 24% 25% 30% 12% United Corp (war).. 10 19 19% 18% 19% 8% 4’ Unitt Dry Docks.... 1* 4% 4% 4% 4% 44 17% Unit Found (b2-3fi sh 186 18% 18% 17% 17% 28% 12 United Gaa Co (new) 116 15% 15% 15% 15% 11% 5 United Gas (war)... 9 6% 6% 6% 6% 99 91% United Gas pf (7)..» 10 94% 95% 94% 95% 66 27% Utd Lt * Pwr A(l). .* 65 39% 40% 39% 40% 99% 80 Unit Lt&Pwr(B) (1) 27 68% 89 88% 89 119% 97% Utd Lt * Pwr pf(B).. 2 110% 110% 110% 110% 26% 13% 08 Dairy (8>...... 1 18% i»% i«% ig% 22% 11% U S Eleo Pwr ww.... 40 12 12 11% 11% 26% 17% U S Foil IB) (1)...., 9 17% 18% 17% 18% 58 36V* U S Gypsum (1.60).. 4 43% 43% 43% 43% 20% 11 US Lines pf (1) 1 12 12 12 12 23 13% US* Overseas war.. 5 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 9 Unit Verde Ext (2).. 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 28 14'i Utility Pwr&Lual). 11 18% 19% 18% 19% 23% 12% Utility A Ind 7 14% 14% 14 14% 29% 20% Util A Ind pf (1%).. 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 22 10% Utility Equities. ...* 2 18 18% 18 13% 97%' 76% Vacuum Oil (4) 10 88% 88% 88 88 4% 2 Venezuela Petrolm.. 3 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 6% Vick Financial Corp. 11 77 6% 7 21 15 Waltt & Bond A (2) .1 10 19% 19% 19% 19% hi 30 Walgreen Co 1 36% 36% 36% 36% 13% BVi, walker (H)(1) 6 »% w% 9% 9% 19 8% Wayne Pump 1 14 14 14 14 % % Wenden Copper..,.. 3 % % % % 46% 18% Westn Air Exp(6oc). 1 34% 34% 34% 34% 15% 6% WU-Low Cafeteria.. 3 6% 8% 8 8 2% % "Y** Oil & Gas 2 1111 21% 13% Zonlte Products (1).. 1 13% 13% 13% 13% LIGHTS. Expire. . 4% 2% Ins Co of N A Oct 1 3 3% 3% 3% 3% 3 *Mo Kan Pipe.... June 26 12 A % 4 % Dividend rates in dollar* baaed on last quarterly or semi annual payment. •Ex dividend. tPartly extra. (Plus 4<r in stock. aPayable in cash or stock. bPayable in stock. dSubicct to approval of stock holders eAdiuetment dividend fPlus 5% In stock. sPlus •’> in stock. hPlus \% in stock. JPlus 2% Instock. kPlus 10% in stock. niPlus 1%% in stock nPlus 8% in stock. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Report*a or J. 4W. StUgmtn k Co^ Allls-Chalmers Co. 5s 1937 10/% American Tel. & Tel. 5%« 1943 107% 107% American Thread 5%* 1938. .. 100% 101% Baltimore & Onlo 4%s 1933.... 100 100% Batavian Pet. Corp. 4%s 1942.. 94% 94% Bell Tel ot Canada 5s 1937 103 103*jj California Pet. Corp 5%a 1938. 102% 102% Canadlfh Nor Rwy. 4%s 1935., 99% 100 Roclc island 4s 1934 97% 98 Chile Copper Co. 5s 1947. 95*4 96 Cudahy Packing Co. 5%s 1937.. 96% 97% Gen Mot. Accep. Corp. 6s 1937. 102 102'. General Pet. Corp. 5s 1940.. . 102% 102% Gen. Theater Equip. 6s 1940 .. 95% 96 Goodyear T AR. 5s 1957. 93% 93*4 Grand Trunk Canada 6s i«36l 105% 105% gulf Oil of Pa. 6s 1937 101% 101% SMV„ c y„*i- iCiifcM *Sh ‘Slit lS r s, 9, ll , Corp 19 * 7 99% too, Shell Union Ol] Co. 5s 1947 96 36% Sinclair Crude Oil Co. 5%s 1938 101% 101% Btand. Oil of N Jersey 5s 1948 103% 103% Stand. OH of N York 4'.” 1951! 99% 99% hl T * BO Hy ■ o* 'Mi 100% 101 H St. L., Southwestern Ry. 4s 1932 98% 99% Bwlft & Co. 5a 1932 100*. 101 Union Oil Co of Calif 5s 1935 99% 100 United Drug Co. 5s 1953. 97% 98 U. S. Rubber 6s 1947.. ' 82% 83% Western Electric Co 5s i94«' ' 103% 104 Wheeling Steel Corp. 5%s 1948 102% 103 Wheeling Steel Corp. 4%s 1953. 91% 91% -• ... ■ Mexico's petroleum production in a recent month w«u> 3,319,000 barrels. INVESTMENT TRUSTS NEW YORK. July 18 (IP). —over-the- counter market: . / , Bid. Asked. Cont Metro Bank Shares A.. 4 . j Crum tc Foster Ins pf 101 103 Vi Crum & Foster Ins B 57 80 Diversified Trustee Shares A. 22'j 23*/« Diversified Trustee Shares B . ISVk 20*/* Diversified Trustee Shares C.. V, BVa Fixed Trust Shares A 19»» .... Fixed Trust Shares B 17>« .... Incorporated Investors 51 1 a 54 Investment Trust of N Y 10'/« IIV4 Jackson & Curtis Inv Assoc.. 52 54>« Mohawk Invest 99*4 62V« Nor h Amer Trust Shares.... V,» *4a Oil Snares Inc Units 51 56 Spencer Trask Knd Inc 95V* 37 Vi Super Corp of Am Tr Shrs A 8‘« B*4 Super .Corp of Am Tr Shrs B B*4 B>/« Trustee Stand Oil Shares A.. I# l '* 30*4 Trustee Stand Oil Shares 8.. 10V4 JOV» United Ins Trust Shares F... ISVi 17V4 U 8 Elec Lt Sc Power Shares A 37 38 Others unchanged. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, July 18 (/P). —Copper easy, electrolytic, spot and futures, Hall 1 /,: Iron stdady, unchanged; tin easier, spot and nearby, 29.75; future, 30.00; lead dull, New York, spot, 5.25; East St. Louis, spot, 5.15; zinc firmer, East St. Louis, soot and future, 4.25; antimony, spot* 6.87, CURB LIST PRICES EXHIBIT FIRMNESS Movements More or Less of Routine Nature, With Few Exceptions. BY JOHN L. COOLEY. Associated Frees Financial Writer. NEW YORK, July 18.— With the ex ception of k few issues, price move ments Were more or less of a routine nature on the Curb Market today. Re actions on week end profit-taking in the general list proved small and prices on the whole exhibited further firm ness. Trading wpa moderately active. Tranaatnerica's application for listing in the New York Stock Exchange brought an initial advance of more than 2 points in the stock, but part of the gain was lost. Investment trusts as a group were firm. Bhenandokh attracted some attention on an unoffi cial estimate of an increase in its as sets. Ooldman-Sachs trading was firm. United Founders, a holding company with a large Investment in trust stocks, was under pressure, reacting nearly a point before support was forthcoming. The utilities were dull. Niagara Hud son was strong on talk of merger pos sibilities with Consolidated Gas. Re ports that the company had concluded an agreement for an interchange of power with New York Edison, a prom inent Consolidated Gas subsidiary, were denied, although it was admitted that negotiations for the project had been under way for some time. Tampa Elec tric was run ud several points and Con solidated Gas of Baltimore rallied, but the more active utility shares moved listlessly. There was some irregularity in the in dustrials. Driver Harris, a recent fea ture, reappeared on the tape several points below the previous sale. The company announced that it had ac quired rights to manufacture under the Krupp-Nlrosta stainless steel patents. Deere moved up and down with some uncertainty, united States Gypsum broke more than 2 points, and New mont was off a point or two. Aluminum of America made a broad upward move on limited buying. Dresser Manufactur ing “B” sold higher. A rise of kbout a point In Cities Serv ice was the outstanding development in the oil group, which otherwise was quiet. Call money renewed at 2V 2 per cent. DRY WEATHER SENDS WHEAT PRICES HIGHER Corn Also Up, bnt Oats and Pro visions Are Ir regular. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, July 18.—Persistent com plaints of hot, dry weather over the Spring wheat belt resulted in early higher prices today for wheat. Renewal of anxiety as to the Canadian crop outcome in particular was apparent. Opening at a shade to % gain, wheat values later showed additional upturns all around. Com prices developed In dependent strength, starting 3%a3% up and subsequently rising still more. Oats and provisions were irregular. WHEAT— Hi*h. Low. Close. July .88'/* .87% .88% September 92 .90% .91% December 97% .98% .97% March 1.02% 1.01 1.02% CORN— July .MV* .81% .82% September ff% .77% .78% December 11 .71 .18% March .78% .78% OATS— July 84% .14% .34% September 37 .88% .87 December .40% .39% .40% M*r|ir 48% July 84% .51% .52% September .......... .57% .53% .57% December 83% .59% .63% March 68% .65% .68% * LOAN RATE REDUCED. LOUISVILLE. Ky., July 18.—The Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of Louisville yesterday announced a re duction in its interest rate on loans and discounts from 4V 2 to 4 per cent, effective July 15. The reduction will reflect to farmers in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee borrowing from agricultural credit corporations and financial institutions discounting with this bank. POTATO MARKET. CHICAGO, July 18 (/P).—Potatoes. 96 carloads; on track, 212 carloads; total United States shipments, 745 car loads; weak; trading slow; Kansas and Missouri sacked Irish Cobblers, 1.40a 1.50; poor stock, 1.25 tsp; some lower; Virginia barrels Irish Cobblers, 3.25a 3.45. MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, July 18 (A*).—Call money firm; high, 2; low, 2; ruling rate, 2; close, 2. Time loans easier: 30 days, 2a2%; 60 days, 2%a23/i; 90 days, 2%*3; 4 to 5 months, 3a3V4; 6 months, 3V4f13%. Prime mercantile paper, 3a3%. Bankers’ acceptances un- p changed. ( c i We take pleasure We take pleasure * in announcing that ’ in announcing that Messrs, de Saint-Phalle & Go. Messrs. F. B. Keech & Co. have become havS become correspondents for us in Europe correspondents for us in tile United States as of today as of today F. B. keech & company de Saint-Phalle & Co. - MEMBER! OP THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCKANOB Members T ork Stock Exchontt IX BROADWAY. NEW YORK ~ „ , 11 Broadway, New York OMICAQO PHILADELPHIA WASHINOTON PROVIDENCE 17, floe* V.ndom* 63 Av«. d.i Champ* ElytMt PARIS ‘ July H. 1930 ■■■ ‘" ni 1 "J ' . •- ■■ !■ i,lfriuw>i)i!/iP"; , (ft; r■ . » :r " '• •• * tt \ *««f STOCK AND BOND AVERAGES By the Associated Prm From Yesterday’s 8:30 Edition. STOCKS. - i 50 20 20 90 Industrials. Rails. Utilities. ToUL Today 107.8 124.9 226.9 171.4 Previous day 186.8 124.0 226.7 170.6 Week ago 160.7 122.7 218.6 164.9 Month ago 188.7 121.8 218.7 163.4 Tret ago 228.8 156.6 295.6 227.6 Two years ago 159.9 118.7 146.8 150.8 Three years ago, weekly aver. ..123.4 119.1 118.4 121.1 High (1930) .202.4 141.6 281.3 205.8 Low (1930) 149.6 115.4 204.9 154.0 High (1929) * 252.8 167.8 853.1. 253.5 Low (1929) .141.3 117.7 156.6 140.3 BONDS. 10 10 10 30 Industrials. Ralls. Utilities. Total. Today 93.3 107.2 100.3 100.3 Previous day 98.5 107.8 100.2 100.4 Week ag0....' 93.2 107.5 100.1 100.2 Month ago 93.4 107.1 99.7 100.0 Tear ago 92.9 102.3 97.3 97.5 Two years ago 95.1 105.0 99.0 99.7 Three years ago, weekly aver... 95.1 106.2 * 98.8 100.0 High (1930) 94.5 107.8 100.3 100.5 Low (1930)..... 91.9 104.5 97.8 98.4 High (1929) 95.3 106.0 98.8 99.9 Low (1929) 90.4 100.8 96.0 t 96.3 (Copyright. 1930. Standard Statistics Co.) - ■ * STOCKS EX-DIVIDEND NEW YORK, July 18 VP).— Stock, ex dividend today: Pe- Fay- Company. Rate. riod. abit. Adams Mill is Corn SOc Q Auc. 1 Do. Ist pt $1.75 Q Aug. 1 80. 2nd pf ..,..*175 Q Au«. 1 Amtr Equitable Assur N Y...30C Q Au*. 1 Amer Olue Co Pf . ..$2 Q Au*. I Amer Mach & Fdrr 01d....51.75 Q Aug. 1 Do. pf , $175 Q Aug. 1 Amer Nat Gas $7 pf $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Amer Thermos Bottle A 30c Q Aug. 1 Amer Vitrified Prod pf 75c Q Aug. 1 Assoc Secur Invest pf $1.50 Q Aug. 1 Atlas Powder Co pf $l5O Q Aug. 1 Bali & Ohio R R $1.75 Q Sep. 2 Do. pf *t Q Sep. 2 Benson & Hedges pf 50c Q Aug. 1 Bethlehem Steel $1.50 Q Aug. 15 Bloomingdale Bros Inc pi... $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Bruce <E L) Co 62’uC Q Aug. 1 Canadian Bgnze Co Ltd 62‘jc Q Aug. 1 Columbia Gas & Elec 50c Q Aug. 15 Do. s'i pf. $1.25 Q Aug. 15 Do. Ser A pf $1.50 Q Aug. 15 Community Pow A Lt $6 pf. 51.50 Q Aug. 1 Cumberland Co P & L pf .$1.50 Q Aug. 1 Curtis Pub Co 50c M Aug. 2 Dayton Pow A Lt pf 50c M Aug. 1 Diamond Iron Works 50c Q Aug. 1 Early A Daniels s': Stk Aug. 1 Genl Tire A Rubber $1 Q Aug. 1 Granby Cons Mng Sm A P..75c Q Aug. 1 Gruen Watch Co pf $1 75 Q Aug. X Hall (W F> Printing ~..50c « July 31 Havana Elec Util Ist pf.... 51.50 Q Aug. 15 Do. cum pf $1.25 Q Aug. 15 Higbee Co Ist pf $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Homestake Mining Co 50c M July 25 Inti Cigar Mach 01d......51.25 Q Aug. 1 Inti Utilities pf $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Invest of Wash Inc pf A $3 S Aug. 1 Keystone Watch Case $1.50 S Aug. 1 Kidder Participating Inc.. .56V,,c S Aug. 1 Do. pf 37' 2 c Ex Aug. 1 Do. No. 3 6% pf $2.50 S Aug. 1 Klein (D Emil) Co 7% pf. $1.75 .. Aug. 1 Knickerbocker Ins 37V a c Q Aug. 1 Kodej Elec A Mfg pf .-...35c <3 Aug. 1 Lawbeck Corp 6'.0 pf $1.50 Q Aug. 1 Do. 6% pf allot ctfs $l5O Q Aug. 1 -Las (FAB) A Co pf .sl.62'j Q Aug. 1 Liberty Bell Ins <slo> 50c S Aug. 1 Lincoln Print Co .....50c Q Aug. 1 (Increased from 45c quarter.) Liquid Carbonic Coro, II Q Aug. 1 Loews Bost The* ($25) 15c Q Aug. 1 Loose Wiles Blsc ($25) 65c Q Aug. 1 Do 10c Ex Aug. 1 McCall Corp 62 <3 Aug. 1 Melville Shoe Corp... 50c Q Aug. 1 Do. Ist of $l5O Q Aug. 1 Do. 2nd pf , 7‘ic Q Aug. 1 Merch A Mfgrs F Ins ($5)..25c Q Aug. 1 Metal A Thermit $1.50 Q Aug. 1 Metropol Ind $6 conv pf. ..$1.50 Q Aug. 1 Do. $6 cv pf al ctfs 50 % pd.7sc <1 Aug. 1 Mutual Teleg (Hawaii) ($10).8c M Aug. 1 Nashville Chat A St L $2.50 S Aug. I Natl Carbon Co of $2 <3 Aug. 1 Natl Lead Co Cl B pf $1.50 Q Aug. I Nat Ter conv pf ($25).43 J /«c Q Aug. 1 Do part pf., 25c Q Aug. 1 Nevada Qulcxsllver Min Inc ise Stk Aug. 19 New Jersey Zinc Co 50c Q Au*. 9 N Y Fire Ins 30c <3 Au*. 1 Newton Steel Co 6"', pf $1.30 Q July 30 North Amer Lt A Pow 2% Stk Aug. 15 Pacific Pow A Light pf...’. .31.75 Q Aug. 1 Penha Power Co $6.60 pf. 55c M Aug. 1 Perfection Stove Co 37' ic M July 31 Potomac Edison 7% pf $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Do. 6'c pf... $1.50 Q Aug. 1 Process Corp 12 Vac (3 Aug. 1 Pyrene Mfg Inc 20c <3 Aug. 1 Ravenswood Nat Bk 'Chic) <3 Aug. 1 Raymond Concrete Pile $1 Q Aug. 1 Do. 13 pf 75c Q Au*.- 1 Ryerson (Jos T) A Bon 50c Q Aug. 1 Ruud Mfg Co 65c Q Aug. 1 St Lawrence FI Mills pf.. 51.75 Q Aug. 1 Securities Corp Genl 10c Q Aug. 1 Do. pf. . $1.75 « Aug. 1 Do. pf $1.50 <3 Aug. 1 Shareholders Inv Corp 30c Q Aug. 1 Southern Calif Edison 50c Q Aug. 15 Superior Port Cem Cl A...27%c M Aug. 1 Sun Investing Co pf......... 75c Q Aug. 1 Sylvanta Ins Co 37Vac <3 Aug. 1 Telephone Invest Corp 20c M Aug. 1 Thermoid Co 7% Pf $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Troxel Mfg Co $2 Q Aug. 1 Do. pf $1.75 Q Aug. 1 Tung Sol Lamp Works 25c Q Aug. 1 Do. pf i 75c Q Aug. 1 Universal Leaf ob 75c Q Aug. 1 Utica Gas A Elec $6 pf $1.50 <3 Aug. 1 Walker A Co Cl B 30c Q Aug. 1 Walker Mfg Co $3 pf 75c Q Aug. 1 West Penn Elec 70, ~51.75 Q Aug. 1 DO. 6% Pf ...$1.50 Q Aug. 15 Williams (R C) Co 35c Q Aug. 1 Wisconsin Telephone Co pf. 51.75 <3 July 31 Wrigley (W) Jr (Del) 25c Aug. 1 FOREIGN EXCHANGES. (Quotation* furnished by W B. Hibbs & Co.) Nominal gold Selling checks value (or par). today. London, p0und....... $4 8665 $4 86,« Paris, franc 3.91 3 <c 3.93 5 aC Brussels, belga 13.91 c 13.97‘ac Berlin, mark 23.82 c 23 88c Rome, lira 5.26 c 5.23 3 «c Zurich, franc 19.3 c Athens, drachma..... 1.3 c Madrid, peseta 19.3 c Vienna, schilling .... 14.07 c Budapest, pengo 17.49 c Prague, crown (nom.) 2.964 c 2.9611 c Warsaw, zloty 1122 c Copenhagen, crown.. 26.8 c 26.79 c Oslo, crown 26.8 c 26.78‘bc Stockholm, crown.... 26.8 c 26.88'2C TREASURY CERTIFICATES. (Reported by J. A W. Seligman & Co.) Rat*—Maturity Bid. Offer. 3 Vs* Sept. 15, 1930 100 5-32 100 7-32 *>/,» Dec. 15, 1930 100 15-32 100 17-32 2 7 « s June 15. 1931 100 15-32 100 17-32 3 1 is Mar. 15. 1932 100 26-32 100 28-32 3Vis Sept. 15. 1932 100 25-32 100 27-32 3>/bs Dec. 15, 1932 100 25-32 100 27-31 • NEW SECURITIES. NEW YORK, July 18 (IP).— New se curities offered today include: Chicago South Park Commissioners. $5,750,000 4 per cent improvement bonds, priced to yield from 3 to 4.25 per cent, by syndicate headed by Halsey- Stuart & Co. FINANCI AE,~ COTTON OPENS STEADY IN VIEW OF DROUGHT By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, July I*.—Cotton open ed steady at an advance of 5 to 9 points today on reports of continued dry weather in the Central and West ern belts. There may have been a little selling or) the relatively easy show ing of Liverpool, but offerings were comparatively light and the market showed increasing steadiness after the publication of the weather map, which according to local map readers held out no promise of a break iri the Cen- | tral and Western drouth. At the end of the first half hour, the market was about 5 to 16 points net higher, with the more active new crop positions showing net advances of 8 to 16 points. Notices estimated at 1,900 bales caused a little liquidation of July which sold at 13.03 during the early trading, while the new De cember was selling at 13.20. Liverpool cables said that continental selling had offset local and foreign buying In that market. Buying increased after publication of the official forecasts, which pointed to continued dry weather ih Western and Central belt sections. July was rela tively quiet, but advanced to 13.12, or 15 points net higher, while new crop positions sold about 20 to 24 points above yesterday’s closing quotations, with the new October advancing to 13.10. Realizing by recent buyers checked the advance at these figures and caused some irregularity, but the market was steady at midday and within 2 or 3 points of the best on the more active new crop positions. DIVIDENDS DECLARED NEW YORK, July 18 (IP).— , Regular. Pe- Pay- Hldrs. of Company. Rate. riod. able. record. Alld Int Inv $3 pf..75c Q Aug. 1 July 24 Am Euro Sec pf.. 51.50 Q Aug. 15 July 31 Clinchfd coal pf.. 51.75 Q Aug. 1 July 25 Grd F Assur N Y. ,s'» Q Aug. 1 July 23 Int Harvester pf.. 51.75 Q Sep. 2 Aug. 5 Int Merc Aug. 15 July 28 Ital Superpw pf. $1.50 Q Aug. 1 July 16 Stearns F A C0..164iC M Aug. 30 Aug. 20 Tex OuH Sulphur...Sl Q Sep. 15 Aug. 30 Trunz Pork Sto... .40c Q Aug. 11 July 31 Am Dp St Ist pf.. $1.75 Q Aug. 1 July 19 Ameri Dept Strs Ist pfd $1.75 Q Aug. 1 July 20 Berl Sh Strs pfd. $1.75 Q Aug. 1 July 20 Knoxville P & L $7 pfd $1.75 Q Aug. 1 July 19 Do. $6 pfd $1.50 Q Aug. 1 July 19 ljake of the Woods Milling 80c Q Sep. 1 Aug. 16 Do. pfd $1.75 Q Sep. 1 Aug. 16 Natl Pow & Lt 25c Q Sep. 2 Aug. 9 Conn Rwy A Lt.Sl.l2 1 * Q Aug. 15 July 31 Do. pfd *1.12% Q Aug. 15 July 31 Emporium Cap Cop. 25c Q Sep. 24 Sep. 1 Super maid C0rp...25c Q Aug. 1 July 26 Extra. Autom Music Inst.. 5c Aug. 15 Aug. 1 Initial. General Empire... 25c Sep. 1 Aug. 15 Interim. Courtaulds Ltd ...3 Aug. 15 Reduced. Colum Invest ...12%c Q Aug. I July 25 Stock. Std P 3er Part A. .2% Q Sep. 1 Aug. 15 Omitted. Hayes Jack Cor A. .24c Q Due Aug. 1 Lest & Co Lond. — Due at this time Viking 0.1 Cor pf. .50c Q Due July 15 Yellow Cab 8a1ti...25c Q Due Jhne 30 Do pr pf $1.75 Q Due June 30 Deferred. Valker Mfg 37%c Q Due Aug. 1 Mackubin, Goodrich & Co. Established 1899 BANKERS JMembers New iLork and Baltimore Stock Exchanges c Associate <J\iember New York Curb Exchange 1508 H STREET REDWOOD & SOUTH STS. WASHINGTON D.G BALTIMORE, MD. I ;;; • A-15 CHICAGO STOCK MARKEY By the Associated Pres*. ■,] CHICAGO, July It—Fbnowtag complete official list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: •• / Sales in STOCK®. ’ > thousands. High. Lew Close. 200 Abbott Lab 42 41% 4} ::::::::: jk n% K% 300 Ainsworth Mfg 24 33%, 150 Allied Mot Ind »■ fl, 50 Am Com Pow ‘'A”... 22% Wra 15% 150 Am Eauities ........ 15% ISVi 15'* 10 Am Pub Ser pf 97 97 i»7 20 Am Pub Util pi 92Vi 93'c ‘92* 4 - 100 Art Metal .12 12 12 / 237 Assoc TAT "A"... 66% 66 66V 100 Assoc Tel Util .....23% 23% . 33J/J 50 Assoc Inv 58% 58% 58-« 1550 Auburn Auto 11l Ilf 186 100 Banco Kentucky .... 20‘a 20'i 2s's 200 Bastlan-Blessing ... 39 l|% 33% 200 Beatrice Creamery .. 85*4 §2% fa 1 * 1800 Bendix Aviation .... 14% 11% |4% 6400 iorg-Wamer 114 k 10% 30'* 100Borin Vlvitone pf.... 14 14 »<=*» 30 Bright ttar ”Al% l)b f ~J% 350 Brown PAW 16 18% H 50 Burnham Trad....... 7 3 . "1. 150 Butler Bros 8% 8% >-§*» 100 Castle A M Xd 41% 41% 4}'* 400 ceco Mfg a aV« i 73 Cent 111 Pub Ser pf.. 94 92 *4 450 Cent 111 Sec 29)4 38 ft'* 350 Cent Pub Berv A |O% 29% 3Ms 2600 Cent A So West 36 34 31 50 Cent A So West pf.. 97'/« §7% f»V 4 250 Cherry Burrell ...... 31 31 il 150 Chi City A Con Hr.. 1H 1% Jl% 1400 Chic Corp., 11V* 11*4'11% 150 Chic Corp pr 37% 37V4 37'* 250 Chic investors 64k 6% ,6% 100 Chic Invest pf....... 14 34 if 60 Chi No 8h A Mil pi. if 10 M 50 Chic Yell Cab Si Si 26 60 Chi Rap Tran Pf A.. 96 96 £f 29500 Cities 5ervice......... *074 26% 38*4 10 Chicago Towel pf.... 30 10 90 50 Chgo Ry* ser 2 |'» 2% i% 250 Com'wlth Edison 36114 317 219'* 150 Construct Mat pf.. .. 40 39V 4 40 150 Con umers 4% 4% 4% 1850 Cont Chicago 16Vs 15V 4 is l * 200 Cent Chic pf 49 49 46 7850 Cord Corp 9% 644 i% 2600 Corp Sec 24 23% 3f 20 Crane CO 4244 42)4 43*4 50 Duouesne Gas Corp... 11 11 11 2750 Elec Household 454* 41V4 45*4 50 Elec Research 1% 1% }% 50 Fed Compress 22 22 22 300 Foote O A Mach 12*4 IS% 1J44 1100 Oen Thea Eq JS 84% 3} 50 Gen Wat Wks A 2*'* ?*% 3114 1150 Gleaner 28 27 26 200 Ot Lakes Aircraft 4% 4% 4*4 i 5400 Gt Lakes Dredge 31 28% 30*4 200 Greyhound 8 i 8 16500 Orlssby-arunow 19‘4 i«v* 15V4 100 Hall Print xd. ....... I 23 % llvS 2|% 50 Hai nlschfeger 23% 23% 2§*4 50 Hart SA M 120 120 120 400 Houdaille-Her A 20 19V* 20 is firsts 1 ;-"".ih jh »'• 750 Ind Ter Ilium 0i1.... 34)4 10 34% 900 Inland Util 29'/* *2 22'^ 7100 Insull Util 6974 9# 69% 300 Jefferson Elec 33 *l% 31% lOOKalamasoo Stove;..; 53 61 83 200 Katz Drug 29'/* 38% 29% 100 Kellogg Switch 444 4% 4% 600 Ken-Rad T A L...... 7% 7 7\* 50 Keystone Bteel 11% 11% 137 k 400 Llbby-McNelir‘!!‘.!’.; IS)J 15Vt 15% i?% r* % 50 Lynch Glass 21** 2144 2144 18500 Majestic House tit... 39 34 39 lOOManhat Dearborn... JOH 30*4 30% 500 Marshall Field 38 3? 16 1000 Merch & Mfrs A..... 28% 21 26% 200 Mid West Te1....:::; i 3*4 2* 23*4 28900 Mid West Uti1...... 1% 30'/* 31 100 Mid W Ot 6s pf A 101V4 101 101V4 500 Mid WUt “A” war. V* 2 2 650 Mid WUt •■B" war % 444 I*4 Mid miifflj.'.n! 1 11: WH 94 Mid Ut 6s p! 9 97 |i 2700 Mo-Kan Pipe 2 % t 6% 11% 750 Modine xw..... 52 61 51% 50 Muncle Gear B % |44 I*4 100 Muskegon Motor new 1 16 18 200 Nat Elec Fow A 31*4 19 29’/* 300 Nat Leather......... Vs IV4 I*4 20 Nat Pub serv pf 4 46 45 100 Nat Seeur 1nv...... 15 15 150 Nst Secur Inv ctf... * 85 *6 50 Nat Term 19 12 12 500 Not Un Radio 9% 5 544 200 Noblitt-Sparks ...... 44 43 44 1300 Nor Am L A Pow 69V* 88y, M 50 No West Bancorp.... 43 43 43 350 Parker Pen. 33'A 32 V 433 500 Penn Oas Cl 13% 12% 13% 50 Pines Winter 26 26 26 50 Polymet 844 8% 3*4 25 Public Serv n p.... 27514 275*4 271*4 10 Quaker Oats 210 210 210 300 Railroad Sh 6% 6 6*4 200 Raytheon vtc 17 17 17 100 Reliance Inti 9*4 o*4 6*4 100 Reliance Mfg 9 9 9 150 Ross Gear 30 29 30 300 flangamo Elec If 32 32 2250 Seaboard trtil 6*4 6% *l4 .90 Sivyer St Cast 31*4 11*4 31*4 480 Southern Union Oss. 25V* 25*4 29>4 10 So West a El pf... 67 67 97 100 Stand Dredging It 18 19 80 Stand Dredg pf 32% 33*4 33*i ?oo Stetnite Radio 144 1% 1% 100 Stene (H O) A 00... 6 7V 4 t 3ooSKff*5 m, 80.v.v::.v. W* Js*; W* JOORwift Int’l .......... if 34 34% 200 Tenn Prod li 13 JJ 50Thompson <3 R) .... }$V4 *s*4 38*4 1000 Transformer *6 24 38 100 Twin St. Nat 0a5.... 11V4 11V4 11% 100 United Am Ulil 14 14 .14 150 Un A*n Util “A” 19 17 li TOO U S Gvpsum 44 '4 43 44 loot* S Lines. 12 19 12 8 Radio A Tsl 22% 21% 32*4 450 Utah Radio 6 7*4 7*4 150 Util FOW A L •■A"... 14% 34% 94*. joo mil Pow A L n-vot .. 19% 18*. li 500 UMI A Ind 14% 127 sl4 200UUI A Ind pf 36*4 23 93*4 50 Vortex Cup ‘‘A”..... if 27 37 860Western Cont Util .. 28 31% Si 400 Wextark Radio 13% 13 13% 2200 wis Bank Shra 18*4 f<4 ih 850 Zenith Radio i 6% 6% 16 Stock sales today; 220.700 abarea. BdNM. 25000 Insull 6s •40........ 103 lOSY* 1M 1000 Chi Ry ctfs if..... 63 I* 62