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t MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. —By BURTIS THE "ftOy WHO ' MOVIES AND MOVIE PEOPLE 1 , • BY MOLLIE MERRICK. HOLLYWOOD. July 19 (N.A.N.A.).— Lila Lee will not be able to appear at the hearing of the divorce suit Insti tuted by James Kirkwood, her actor husband, and contested by the actress. A nervous breakdown, with complica tions, which has taken her to an Ari zona sanitarium, prevents her appear ance in court next week. Friends say •he is still in a very critical condition. Lila Lee's illness followed 18 months of the hardest work any girl in the colony has put in. Add to that t.w’o years of minimum diet to maintain the slimmest silhouette imaginable. Rene Adoree emerged from an illness of two months to take her first automo bile ride yesterday. The plump French type of the Adoree became a little too rounded for camera uses. One of the best actresses in the profession, she was prevailed upon to acquire camera outlines, with disastrous results. The camera adds 10 to 15 pounds to Its victims. So they must keep that weight below normal slenderness. And Mother Nature frequently cries out in protest. Those with a little loose cash are laying bets on how long Frederick Lonsdale, playwright, will be able to stand Hollywood on this the occasion of his third attempt to storm the gela tin colony. The first time he got as far as Cher bourg on a Hollywood-bent Journey; second time he arrived here, but out again almost immediately. He was due here again last night with a Ronald Colman story. He's one of the convivial spirits of the colony. And he has made a for tune from writing talkies. He main tains a splendid estate in Beverly Hills, and his parties, presided over by his charming wife, are all that hospitality should be. But he also has maintained an apart tnent in Hollywood village for his more Daily Cross-Word Puzzle r. 'j | i i I'!' > Aero'S. 1. Certain proportional part. 6. Snow vehicle. 13. Killing. * 14. Sea shell. •8. Wonder about. 16. Rational. 17. Go amiss. 18. Annoy. 20. Part of the head. 21. Kindled. - 22. Indian song bird. 23. Isolated. 24. Proficient. 26. Plays boisterously. 28. Brightest star in the heavens. 30. Fodder pit. 31. Right of precedence. 34. Gaudy Hindu handkerchief. 36. Dispute. 38. Some. 39. Blister. 41. Swoop or spring suddenly. 42. Prying tool. 44. Niggard. 45. Succinct. 49. Adversary. 51. Caravansary. 52. Entrance. 53. Token of distinction. 54. A lyric epic. 55. Serving as a turning point. 57. Dispenser of charities. 60. Exalt. 61. Granted temporary use. 62. Regenerated. 63. Come in. ANSWER TO YESTERDAY’S PUZZLE. SHtIA yk sMcle H IMk p AHr. e ntHe TO n|PO L A EMTsIs I J 1 SpfTE P E EIPATH cfflfflWMHiDiar eme e S? R TMDO H A.Tjg smßk ;M|o O SMS.I E iIIRJE A C JIA l A.S lOR EmTitoß S U NMwAGEIia r e aHne PARA 6 ONIP R't cTSE htUivltlwKilwm informal entertaining—a sort of <lrop ping-ln place for a few who "rapport tres blen.” Recently he a&ked about a score of lads and girls to the apartment, and, telling his wife he had a story confer ence, went merrily off to foregather with the gayer set. When the party ing w'as at its height a ring at the doorbell took the flushed host to the door. His wife entered breezily, accom panied by one of the most attractive of the local bachelors. In fact, this bach elor has a reputation for sirening wives away from their lawful spouses that cannot be beat. The host and husband waited for the scene. It was not forthcoming. His wife and her boy friend were the hit of the evening. She easily stole the atten tion of most of the lads, and some of the little blonds who brought them were in a pet. All she ever said to her husband was. "I think you’re a mean old thing not to invite me to your hobohemian par ties! You know how I love informality. So does So-and-So" (mentioning the boy friend). And she airily conveyed the impres sion that she’d been seeing the heart breaker on the long evenings when husband was "in conference.” Now he spends his time at his own hearthside, keeping the lady-killer from the door. His cronies say the episode has ruined his flair for fun. His wife looks like the cat that ate the canary. And being a wise lady, she’ll never talk; just gives him the Mona Lisa. It seems Joan Crawford has never learned to use a knife and fork, but eats all of her courses with a spoon. I quote from a recently published article: “I’ve never noticed that charming lady spooning up a chicken leg or bringing the round weapon to bear upon a dish of asparagus.” (Copyright. 1930. by North American News paper Alliance.) Down. 1. Every three months. 2. Funereal vessel. 3. Extra. 4. Cogs. 5. Unpaid debt. 6. Healing. 7. Woodwind. £ J 8. Animals caught in hunting. if 9. Errs. 10. Not widespread, l’l. Growing out. 12. Canceled. 13. Highest point. 15. Dark skin discoloration. 19. Book of the Old Testament. 22. Stumps of grain left after reaping. 23. Equality of rights. 25. Tuberous herb of East India. 27. To plump down. 29. Auction. 31. A dependent. 32. Mounted. 33. More severe. 35. Divulged. 37. Maori parson bird. -*■ 40. Crook. 43. Feast. 45. Candle. 46. Roman official. 47. Split. 48. Heating device. 50. Kind of fruit. 53. Diminish. 56. Prepared hides. 58. Entangle. 69. Number. Jellied Pineapple Pie. One deep baked pie shell, one-half tablespoonful granulated gelatin, two tablespoonfuls cold water, one-half cup ful boiling water, two cupfuls diced canned pineapple, one-half cupful sugar, two tablespoonfuls butter, one table spoonful lemon juice, one egg yolk and one cupful whipped cream. Soak gela tin and cold water five minutes. Dis solve In boiling water. Mix pineapple. ! sugar, butter, lemon juice and egg yolk. ! Cook # two minutes, stirring constantly. Add ’gelatin mixture. Coni and allow ;to thicken a little. Pour into baked j pie shell. Store in ice box until ready !to serve. Spread the top with the j whipped cream. Serve In wedge-shaped Ifitoce* THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ SATURDAY. JULY 19, 1930. __. r rurrDn ,. l! . |—TT *ll JOST TH|nk/muSH,\ (THATS fctf*T, AIJ! G E€' YoJRE V £*-©*, ONLY FOR. TVC| f IF* I CAN PUT IT OVER IT WILL M€*K TflL UlttßFUl ClitTVUp : Jfo /I Th‘ last time i- -things have - NOT ON -rvte moment - ; voo see millions - Pcrhaps wc might oer WAS C6RTAINLY you' WAi IN CHANGED SINCE A@e I DROPPED A LOT Os TOGETHeR ON IT - l’J> LIXE TO S€€ you Altkoudk Iv®. liw.A rf<£P* -«SuRPR»S€D WHENCt PARIS WITH MY / THEN ! I yo . . ' ? j COIN IN EUROPE TSyiN* CLEAN UP TboHl'M TRYING TO INTeRCTT uLtV Jw&jX he htS he old *a<t odoie! y l>°*ey To peohcte « few noNTnopewey' towet im nr. «l i *j l l t A jjp " ]/ ——-— <V ideas Cf Nine.* bur, is *5ooo.• al, have you dot And k**n v, <sood ! .FRicND noermeri K I eould k%. fflfx *t>£Ze\ Utopia * p hot proposition —7/ IfW j© svilty wken. Ry O.opiA , t NOW - ITS A PIP,- A HOCKshop not. LON*) / I PopMomano I FfiO AMP p l vtf SHRSTAP- V D D\ \r K \ K \ IKTO BUSIER VATERS WHERE 'HELW s' X UYTLt \ OL\LV\ \ LOT- V\GG«L ] IT MAT BE PICKED UP ALMOST >l*;, y.c.tvti usast j v. , • y* i ■KT-fjCFF, Y>A THROUGH Lj FROM N»U) OK) X*KA GITHER. THe I THE OWC/ TIMG X CO€R. {/BUT YACHTING IS A SQUARE SAME— \ W&r?) wrtH TH€ FU>HT gam£.l CHAMWOM CHCCKGft Of~X S^h. G T> VMAS OK) A SWAK)BOAT |TM6 YACHTS CAKJT WHISPER TO EACH HKL *3 Y€S-nERT>Ay r WAS m VERMONT Op TH€ WORLDS LGADIMG PAPkf LAkf t J OTHER- A SAILOR MUST GO DOWKJ THRGG \ < w-r k^c« s c^v ß v I. SEEV ££2 s?»Cs«n» Y ™-* *'*°°t a4t<l .X\ A GUY WHO DIDN'T ■ liptomJT t WAfaTGl > to RAi>»o r* f MORC LIPTO4J DeUER GOTCLOSe/^ I’M SORUY T S ALL "PRL Tup > SOCKED YOU Mvou REALLY OPENED AW / r lhmoßiml* FOR R X, SovciHG 30UTS ToNIGHT ) no?*Vnu / YesTERDRY if EWES V4H6H Y)U CLOSED / -£’ u CK <Tne \ * AMO X'LL HRv/E YOU / PPfICTIC.M «a». 1 'SSuartasiM ( sjrasSfssssaiiss'J .sss^i^s^^—-««, tWt " C K ub(^ 11* ) /WORSE TrANSiCkTX Y AT ? ) TrtE SAMeXI j HOURS AGO I- CAME you LOOK SICK I I I>M AF o AID ~, , V l STRAIN: J / 'MORTAL SUFFER/W<7 BOGOV j| , ( WITA A NET 7CT-:JMO W BLOOD ) --v ' y l KMK TO GWE U& ' 1 / JO>JES DID AT. HOyLAKE WHEN J T V PRESSURE RAS uTONE UP N r VcoMPETITWE <SOLE. J i WE WAITED "TWO HOURS TO / j xPO/NTS WAIT/WS -fO‘ SEE IE SOME TUP > fa-* l I’M WOT STROMS ( K* A V SEEHE LEO DIESEL OR- Xf OWE'. COMES-ALONG UrlP VeNOuSaTo STAND \ /MACDONALD SN|ITA WAS GOW<? ; %d.WIWA 69 AND . \y V -THE* STRAIN / //V > VTb BEAT THE-. . J/ BEATS ME IN x “X " o'V\V)i'%va SWELL »p you could \ NUTH)K \ Aom Y, have NXVv/ J^ rfc PRE& S A »JTTOH A hi' V" _ COULD BE SOFTEfchi ) i \ f/ » AP M 6.ET ALL THE \ JMf 111 TM/VT 1 A^r- mil . X THE BUTTON kW\l'^lz:< QffiVy 7 ICE-CREAM, PIES, CAKE?.. I "if <k THWT • /Y \ U FOR •.X VJ. o K* effS CANDIES, PUNCHIN’BA&S •-- X 5 - TV I .X« I” ScSi 'fAi 4 \I '• \ sticks, aih* warbles / * »>/ . J /IK 9 1 s yysynW-i—l— i - --v * V 'H-'XT YOU WANTED? y M J •' i x /Y\ 5 » . —■.— ——^——- —~— * —L—_— ! — sZ^yi. — 1/^ —’- [ tomsmamim*uj± ~~ ,«sc^ Mt,c tTe“ a /S--tX ■. \k> ) j~r s 6aJ 7 , p CL °y N f W y f j! | I B-7