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CAPITAL iRACTION STOCK IN ADVANCE 9ain of More Than Six Points Made on Highqr S Car Fare. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Chief interest in trading on thi W sshingfton Stock Exchange today was | olnned on Capital Traction stock. It | jeinf; the first trading day sincj the | ouri, announced the ruling permitting : 10-cent fare, or four tokens for 30 : 'nts. . '"he stock jumped 6% points during j he session, or rather since 'he closing rnossetion last Friday at. 60. It opened today with a sincic share ; filing ft 65. a 5-point advance over' he week end. Members of the Ex-; hange had been united in predicting ~n advance, hut somp did not look for t 5-polnt Jump on the opening sale. This sale was followed by two small *-lea at the same price and then by t so sales of 30 shares path, also at 65. r .en more shares moved at this price’, 'ut after call the price began to go eJll higher. Ten shares sold at 65'7. 10 at 65' 4. v tile sales were then recorded at 65'a r d 65 :, «. The next sales totaled 40 s ares, at 66. The day's trading closed ’ !h 15 shares chancing hands at 66',. t aking the total turnover 175 shares Trice Kerorrl. Capital Traction stock opened the i • -rent year at 75. reached a high of 1 1 7. then dropped to 58 when the 1 vfdend was rut to 4 per cent, and ; • 'tind up last week at fin. Traction « trials expect a larger net with 'he! f lerease in fares. Members of the hange are divided in their views. ! • hi Baltimore Traction Co. inev used j nines on higher fares, while lias ton's i 1 3’ier fares were ollset by an in t Irial depression. While the advance is less than 1 cent per token, the of- , flr‘tls believe this will be a tremendous hr \ exchange members called attention tc the fact today, that regardless of 1? -enues, the ruling definitely estab r»ihes the present valuations as sound rj til replaced by future valuations. F< me local financiers also see in the r‘ ing another step toward a merger % 'lrh has recently seemed so far away. ither transactions at today's rx eh nge session included Jie sale of 1 $3 >OO Capital Traction 5s at !)3, j M rgenthnler Linotype stock at 97. 1 Bt.wmboat rights at. 16 and 16':. i Fr ral-American Bank stock at 275 j •r Potomac Electric Power 5'2 per cr preferred at 108. the bond department. Washington I Gr Light, and Washington Railway <5; Eb Tie issues were in fair demand at rcc it prices. C. A O. Net Inrome Lower. I'M inrome of the Chesapeake and Oh Railway, including the Hocking; Va \v. for th» first six months of 1930 Is ..276,188 under that for the can 'ts ending perio’ 4 of 1029 Th" net 4n —ir for June w-as $177,453 lower than few the same month last year. While! « • r revenue is considerably under the j —-. revenue for the first six months of 1929. the operating expenses were :m -rially redue"d. The operating ratio 01 the six months this year was 66 2 w. cent, as against 66 per cent for the ! six months of 1929. The operating M > for 1930 was 63.1. as against 66 cent last year. Gross revenues for b month of June. 1930. were $11,351,- :2. a decrease of $898,403. Net railway f ai ating income totaled $3,299,736, a dec rase of $290,216 from last June. j What Sound Credit Means. "What If Means to Establish Bound Credit Standing is to be discussed by .hr. Stephen I. Miller, executive man t rer of the National Association of t edit Men, on the Halsey Stuart & C v radio program Wednesday night. The organisation of which Dr. i* the head includes more than 25 000 ' s.nks, manufacturing and wholesaling f ms throughout the country. The basis of the national organization is formed by 144 local credit associations. Dr. Miller is a recognized authority fr the field of economics, as an edu- ! cater, writer and director of business research. He was formerly dean of th* Bchoo! of Busmens Administration at the University of Washington and served on the faculties of Leland Stan ford University and the University of California. He is the author of several text, books on banking and finance. Business Lags in District. Based on debits to individual ac count* business in the Richmond Fed eral Reserve district for the second week In July lagged behind the previous week and was considerably under the volume for the same period last year Additional construction projects for which contracts were awarded in the last few days assures thp district of the best month for the current year. Sev eral large projects awarded last month have been started and the eflect on employment will be marked Manufacturing during the month will slow down considerably, due to a num- j her of large plants closing two weeks for vacation. This is done regularly j in the cigav’tte industry. Railroad j shop work remains dull. Agricultural conditions remain fair, but crops will not come tin to last year's yield, accoidinr, to present indi cations. Heard In Finn trial District. Clarence F. Normn t, chairman of th* board of directors of the National Bank of Washington and or the Norfolk Washington Steamboat Co., ts paying I his usual Summer visit to Atlantic City. ( I. J. Roberts, one of the assistant cashiers of the Riggs National Bank, has returned from his vacation passed in Washington, Virginia and Johnstown, I Pa Robert C. Jones of G. M. P. Murphy , A-. Co., reports that his son. who was so ' seriously hurt in a fall at Ins homo at, Wesley Heights, is showing encouraging lmproveme/it at the hospital. The lad s j complete recovery is now exp eted. June output of popular sized clga- j rettes rises 910.851.824 over 1929 month , to 11,750.524.523 iota!; large size cigars; decline to 519,599.166 from 556,746,375 j In June. 1929. United States June foreign trade shows excess of exports of $49,000,000, against $39,832,000 excess year ago; six months' excess of exports $344,199,000. against $3."/,892,000 year ago. WHOLESALE FIRM MAKES REDUCTIONS IN PRICES Bv the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 21.—Butler Bros., wholesalers of general merchandise, to dav announced reductions in whole sale prices of more than 4.000 merchan dise items. The new prices, contained in the August catalogue, embrace prac tically every line handled by the com pany and the reductions are charac teriz’d by the company as "one of the most inclusive downward revisions of price* in the history of American mer chandising.” , The me jo. by of it. s are reduced 2 to 12 per cent, with nr oy more run ning up to 20 per cent. *r. some ex treme case* they amount to £0 rod 60 ®rr cent. BUSINESS INDICATOR. By the Associated Press. Checks drawn on individual accounts in leading cities of the Federal Reserve system rose sharply during the week ended July 12 as compared with the 1 previous week, which contained a two day holiday in most sections. The pres ent level, however, is still materially under that for the same period of last rear. Totals for comparable periods are Sven, as follows, by the Federal Reserve oard; Week ended July 16. sl3 493.739.000. Previous week, $11,039 695.n0n. Same week last year, $19,024 641,000. F I N A NCIAL, |[ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I SaMhred by Frt-mte Wtea Mart la Tbs Mar Ofltoa. | - I kv l!>:k>— stack and Sale*— Prat, (liili. Low. Dividend Rate. Add<Ml. Hitß. Low. Close. Close , 42% 22 Ablttbl Pwrr * Paper 4 26 26 26 26% 37% 21% Adam* Kip il 60). 23 26% 25% 255* 27 92 85% Aflam* Expr's pf <5 ) 100* 92 91 92 91% 82 23 Adam* Mllll* 12) . . 1 27 27 27 26% 34% 29% Addressograph 11’-*) t 27 27 27 81% 156% 103% Air Reduction i3i... 99 116 112% 112% 115% .76 16 Air Way Tl Ap<2%>. 2 1»% 19% l fl % 19% 2% 1 Ajax Rubber 3 1% !% I ,J l l '- 9% 4% Alneka Juneau 3 6% 5% 6% 54, 35% IK Allegheny Corn 116 '3% 22% 27% 23% 72 55 Alleg Steel (t 2.30). . 1 57 57 57 55 3i ! 232 Allied Ch * livtini) 18 2*7 261 263 268 68 48% A IHn-Chalmere <3).„ » 57% 56'. 57% 57% 31% J 9 Amernda Corn til... $ 24% 24% 24% 25 10%, 4% Am Asrrieul Chem,.. .3 5% 5% f>"» ,5% j 89 23 Am Agrlcul Ch 0f... 6 78% 28 28 2, j 97%* 68 Am Bank Note •♦ 3 > 1 75 ”> 75 74% , 66 61 Am Hank Note pf (31100 s 63 63 63 63 | 54% 41% Am Brake Shoe< 2 40) 1 12 42 42 4.3 j 21% f% Am Brown Bov Elec. 45 17 16% 16% 16% 156% 108% Am Pari (4) 311 127% 13% 123% 128% j 82% 42 AmC*rSP4v (J).,. 4 49% 48% 48% 50 • 51% ru% Am (’hide (+3).,,., 42% 43% 13% 45% lot 7.5% Mil Chain of (71 .. I 96 96 96 95 133 9% Am Corrun Alcohol.. 7<* 13 12% 1 % 13V, 59% 33% Am European Seeur. 8 40% 8 59% 40 101% 56% Am X- Porn Tower 355 73% 69 69 72% j 101 95 Am A For Tver pf(6).llo* 99 98% 99 96% ‘3% 17 Am Hawaiian itlO). 31 15 14 14 17 34% 17% Am Hide * Lea pf. . . 2 22 21% 22 19 (9% 55 Am Home Trod(4 20) 2 61 60% 61 60 41% 31 Am Ice (14) 1 34% 34% 34% .74% 55% 28% A m Intern*ll 12) ~. 49 .75% 34 .34 36 105 4.7% Am Locomotive <4). 5 47% 15 45 46 42% .78% Am Maeli At- Fy n sv.i. 2 4" 42 42 41% 119% 7; % Am I’lVi X- l.t «tl ). . 6 85% 81% 84% 86 107 99 AmPwtAl.t pfl(). 2 102% 1"2% 10 ■% 10: ' 9% • .3% Am BaX-Std San IH. 66 2f 26% 26% 26% 37 K% Am Republic* . 7 19% 17' 17% 20% 100% is Am Rolling MilKnS) 31 59 55% 55% fill 67% 5V% Am Safety liazor<s) 2 60% 60' 60'• 62% 26% 7% Am Sea tine 1 10% 10% 10% 10 54% 46% Am Shipbuilding (5) 360 s 5.3% 49% 51 50 5% 1% Am Shin* Pom 11% 1% I‘v I*, 79% 53 Am Sm X- Ref «4»... 29 65% 643 64% 64% 43% 38 AmKniiirit.i'A) 3 41 40% 40% 41% 22% 6% Am Sole* Them. ... 2 9% 8% $% 9% 33% IS Am RolA-Ch cv nf(S). 1 22% 22% 22% 21% 1 62. 35% Am Steel Fdv i J). . . 2 39% 39% 39% 41 | 55% 42% Am Stores <2)...... 1 44 44 44 4 1 "6% 9% Am Sumatra Toh... 4 11 10% 10% 11 ! 271'. '6"% Am Tel * Telee IP) 2'o 216%. 213' 913% "17 94% 197 Am Tobacco .ft > I 37 237 137 229% 269' . 197 Am .Tnl.acco II (R) 7 L''l 211". "|l". •>M%. 124% 120 Am Tobacco pf 2 122% 122% 122% 12.3% 141% 113 Am Tvpe Fdry (8). . 1 125 l‘>s I 5 125 121% 7*% Am Water Wka ml) 44 93 88 88 92% 17% 6%. AmF.lnc Ld rt Sm .. 79% 9 9 10 H%. 41% Anaconda Pop (3«4). 117 19% 48 48% 50 53% 26% Anaconda \YACG %) 1 31 31 31 .31 % 51% 34% Anchor Cab (2.40)... 4 »2 41 41 41 29% 19% Archer-lien-M <2).. 6 22% 22' 22% 23% 8% 4% Armour of IB (A)... 9 5 5 5 5 4*4. 2% Armonrof 111(B)... 5 2% 2% 2% 2% 65 55 Armour of 111 of (7). 1 58 58 58 59 28H 24% Art Metal Con*tr(2). 124 H 24% 24% 25 50%. 98 Asso Drv G(2 % i... 2 35 35 35 35% 95% 85 A-so DG Ist pf («).. 2 90% 90% 90% 91|| 21'”* 191 Atch To* BFe GO). 10 223% "18% "23% 223 | 108 102% Atch To *SF nf (fi) 2 ]o4' . 104% 104% 105 ! 80% 49% AtlGillfAr W Infill). 1 56% 5.% 56', 55% 'K 0% All Retinitis its) 18 36 35'.. 95% 36% 106 |Ol Atlas Powder pf Hi), 30s 104% 1046. 101% 105 37 95% Atlas Stores ml).. . 7 28% 97% 27% 28% 269% 91 Auburn Auto (14) 99 126% 120 1"0 125 7? 37 Auto-Strop Saf IDS) 9 70% 69 69 71 9% 4% Aviation Corn of D*l 18 6% f.% 5% 6% 38 19'.. Baldwin Loco 41% >. 12 "I "3 23 ’4 116 104'■ Baldwin I.nco pf (7) 10a 106% 106% 106’ 106 12 % 98% Kaltn * Ohio <7) .. . . ,34 106% 105 105 107 84 78% Rsllo * Ohio pf (4). 3 81% 81.% 81% 81% 20", 13% Barker Bros (2) ... 120* 15 11% 14% 15 34 20% Barnsdall A (31.... 8 25 2'"v 23’- ”4% 68 49% Baytik Clear (3). .. . 380* 49% 49% 49', 51 92 67'• Beatrice Cream (4> 5 81 K' % 82% S 3 107 101% B’trlco Cream pf (7). 2 105% 105%. 105% jofi 7014 49% Beech-Nut Tkg (3).. 1 .53 53 5.2' 5i 57% 27% Benilx Aviation (2), 46 33% 31% 31% 33 56', 31% Rest £Co <2l 18 47 43 45 48% 110', 75% Bethlehem Steel (6). 41 81% 83 83 84% 131 132% Bethlehem Stl pf (71 1 126% 126'.. 126% 126% 69 28% Bohn A1 * Bras* (3). 18 36% 35% 35% 37 90% 60% Borden Co t k 3) 71 79 76% 76% 79% fO% 23% Rorc Warner 43).... 16 30 29 29 30 5 2% Botany Con M (A).. 1 3 3 3 3 94% 13% Rrlecs Mfp Co. . . ... 616 23% 22 22% 23 22% l’% Rrockway Motor Trk 3 14% 14% 14% 16 76% 58% Rk!vn»Manh*t (4) . 4 65% 65% 65% 65% 91 84% Bklyn Man Tr of 66). 1 91 91 91 92 18% 10 Brooklyn A- Queen*. , 1 13 13 13 13 178% 115 Rklvn Union da* (B) 5 150% 128% 128% 133 33% 5% Bruns Ter *Ry 5... 8 10 9% 9% 10% 31% 19% Rucyr«»<l) 15 25 94 24 25 43 33% Bucvrus cv pf (2 H). 2 37% 37% 37% 37 16% 7% Rudd (EG) II) 3 10% 9% 9% 10% 14% 8% Rudd Wheel (1 ) 6 11% 11% Jp* 12% 71 ‘7% Bullard Co (1 60)... 41 36% 34% 34% 36% 35 15% Burns Bros <81..... 2 17% 17 17 18% ion 89% Burns Bros pf 47) ... log 94 94 94 96 51% 29% Burr Add Mch ID. .. 14 34% 33% 33% 35% 110 99 Rush Term deb 47). . 100 s 102 102 102 102 112% 66% Byers (AM) 95 76% 74 71 76% 77% 60% Calif Packing (4)... 2 63 62% 62% 64 33% 13 Calumet&Hecta 1 Mi). 4 15% 15 15 15% 75% 56 Canada Drv G A (6). 7 66% 66 66% 66% ti'26% 181% Canadian PaclfledOl fi 187% ]S7% 187% 187% 52% 45% Can Taclflcinewiw 1. 3 46% 46% 46% 47 34% 20 Cannon Mills (1 SO). 1 23% 23% 23% 23 101% 96 Car Clin * O «ta tS). 10* 100% 100% 100% 100% 362% 156% c*«e ij I) i«) . .. 190 194'* 162 182 " 195% 79% 54 Caterpillar Tree 43 V 4 18 62% 62 61 63% 11% 5 Cavanattgh-Dobhs. . 5 5% fii; fi% 6 20 17% Celanfse Corp. t.... 77 16% 1,6% 15% 171, 60 9 Celoteg Co 2 16 14% 15 16*. 30% 23% Cent A'euirre As 14. 1 23% 23% 23% 24 8% S', Century Rib Mills... 15% 5% 5% 5% 65% 43% Cerro d* Pasco («).. 2 49% 49', 49% 50 67% 90% Checker Cab 14 20).. 28 29 27 27 C7% 241", 171 Ch** (% Ohio I tO) 15 189% 185 188 191% 82% 51% Ches A-Ohio Corp (1> 4 6;:% 62 62% 63% 10 4% Chi A- Alton. I 4% 4% 4% 4% 10'. 4% Chi A- Alton Pf 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 53% 33 Chi A- Eastern ill pf. 8 36 36 36 36% 17', 8% ChlGreai Western . ]8 12 11% 11% 12% 62% 27 Chi Great Weetn pf. . 26 41% 39% 39% 4" 26% 12% Chi Mil StP & Pae. .. 3 16% 16% 16% 15% 46V, 20% Chi Mil StP A Pac of 19 26 25 2k 26% 89% 66 Chicago AN W <6>.. 23 75 74% 74% 75 125% SB Chi RI A- Pae <7l. .. 7 107% 105 105 107 110% 105 Chi R1 * Pac nf (7). 1 106% 106% 106% 107% 67% 49% Childs Co <2 40) 18 53 50% 51% 54% 43 24 Chrysler Corp < 3 . 245 30% 28% 29 31 49 38 Cttv IceAF (k.t fid) 9 41 41 41 88% 8.3 City Ice&Fuel pf 6% 300* 85 83 85 85 13% 5% CltV Stores (600.... 15 7% 6% 6% 7.4 191% 133% Coca-Cola <6l 4 179% 175", 175% 180 52 48% Coca-Cola A <*) 4 51 50% 51 50% 64% .50 Colcate-Pal-P (2%). 3 66% 56% f>6% 56% 35% 14% Collins At Aikman.... 5 22% 22 22% 23 77 36% Col Fuel * Iron (2).. 82 51** 48% 49 52 87 58% Col Gas A- Et 12).... 80 64% 63% 6,3%, 65% 110 104% Col Gas AElpf A (6) 3 106 ]O6 106 106 37% 15% Cnlum Graph <a£Bc) . 177 19 17% 18 19% 199 108 Columbian Carb (t6> 32 135% 131% 131% 137 405, 23% Comm Credit 12).... 22 26 25% 26 26 55 25% Comm In v Tri gl 60) 6 34% 54% 34% 34', 38 20% Comm Solvents (J1) "01 25% 24% 24% 25", 20% 12% Comwlth * Sou(6oc) 91 14% 14% 14V, 14% 104% 99 Cm with * Sou of <6) 6 101% 101 101 101% 19% 10% Concoleum-Nalrn. .. 11 13% 11% 12% 12% 56% 30% Congress Cigars (4). 1 30% 30% 30% 30% 80 67 Consol Cgr pr pf 6% . 10* 70% - 70% 70% 70 27% 15% Consol Film (2) 6 19% 18% 18% 19% 28% 18 Consol Film pf 42).. 4 20% 20!. 20% 20% 136% 96% Consol Gas N Y (4). 257 112% 107% 107% 113% 103T* 99% Con*ol Gas NY pf 16) 7 102% 102% 102% 103 2 % Consol Textile 9 % % % % 22% 11% Container!A) 11.20). 1 14% 14% 14% 15% 62% 18% Conti Baking (A).... 7 24% 23*, 23% 25 73% Conti Baking <B>. ... 6 3% 3% 3% 3% 94% 66% Conti Baking pf <s).. 3 74% 74 74 75 71% 50% Conti Can <2% ) 41 59% 58 58 59% 37% 16% Conti Diamond (2).. 5 19% 18% 18% 20% 77% 50 Conti lnaur <2.40)... 1 67 57 67 68% 8% 3% Conti Motor* 9 4% 4% 4% 4% 30% 18', Conti Oil of De1...... 38 21% 20% 20% 21% 40% 20 Conti Shares (1) 38 25% 24% 24% 26% 111% 87% Corn Prod Ref 114’4) 21 95% 93% 93% 96 147% 140 Corn Prod pf (7) . ... 60s 146 146 146 146 33 15% Coty. Ine 47 20% 20% 20% 20% ! 35% 25% Cream of Wht<t2t4). 1 30% 30% 30% 30% 7 2 Cuba Cane Product*. 12% 2% 2*, 2% 19% 9 Cuba Co I 13% 13% .13% 13% 65% 46 Cuban-Amer Sue pf. 100 s 45 45 45 46 14% 6% Curl iss Wright Corp 97 7% 7% 7% 7') 19% 8% Curt Wright Corp A. 27 10% 9% 9% 10 90% 65 Cutl*r-Hammsr<SV4> 2 63% 63 63% 63% 43'. 24% Davison Chemical.., 3 30 29 29 29% 153 110% Del Lack *Wn <t7). 8 114 113% 113% 115 60 45 Denver &B G W pf.. 2 62 61% 62 61 255', 195% Detroit Edison (I).. 1 218 218 218 221 66% 66% Pet Hillsd &S W (4) 60* 80 79% 80 66% 237 139 Diamond Match 18).. 3 218% 214% 214% 216 30*. 18 Dom Stores < 11-20).. 1 20% 20% 20% 20 87% 67 Drug Corporatn <«)» 25 75% 74% 74% 76% 43% 15% Dunhill Inti <14).... 3 20 19% 19% 20 145% 93% Du Pont fie N 1T4.70) 124 107% 103% 103% I<)7 255% 175% Eastman Kodak <t|, 55 210 202', 202% 208 * 37% 19% Eaton Axle & S <B).. 16 25% 24'* 24% 25% 114'. 55% E'eo Auto Lite <•).,. 97 77% 74% 74% 78% )!'.’,% 49% El r’—r *Lt (1) i ' 73 69' 69% 72% 11" 105 r*Ltpf«7).. .1 108% 108', 108% 109 79% 61% e,(«„ .Storage Bat <s), 3 66% 65% 65% 66 66 39% Eng Pub Kerv <2.40). 5 53% 52% 52% 54 60% 39', Hquit Office Bldg <2) 1 -'5% 45% 45% 45% 67H 53% Erie R R Ist pf <«).. 1 58% 58% 58% 58% 43A* 10% Eureka Vac Cleaner. 1 12*% 12% 12% 12 j 20% 6% Evans Auto Treading. 110 11% 10% 10% 11% 39% 7 Fairbanks Co pf.... so* 8% 8% 8% 8% 50Mi 34% Fairbanks Morns (1) 1 37% 37% 37% 39 43 30 Fed Wat S. A <e1.40) 9 36% 34% 34% 36 89% 66 Fid Pho Fire K 2.60). 6 66% 66% 66% 66% 33% 19% Firestone TARt 1 60) 9 21 20% 21 21% S7 ! .ti 69% Firestone TAR pf<«) 9 72 71% 71% 72% 61% 46 First Nat Str* (2%). 3 55% 65% 65% 65 6% 2% Fisk Rubber 10 2% 2% 2% 2% 21 ;6% Fisk Rubber Ist pf.. 50s 8 8 8 8 21% 6% Fisk Rub l*t pf cv.. 50* 10 10 10 10 THE EYFXTXG STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. <TTLY 21. 1930. Hirh. Low. Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Bilk. Low. Cl»*e. Clo«*. 104>-i 60% Foster Wbaclnr (1). 70 84% 81% I*l '* 8;(% 28% 11 Foundation Co I 13 13 13 18 57**, 16'* Fox Film (A) (4). .. 186 47<-« 45% 45% 46% 55% 37 Freaport. Tax 4t6).. 56 44% 42% 431* 44% 11% 5% Gabriel SnubtAjnew 9 9 9 9 9'* 7% 2% Gardner Motor 1 3 3 3 3 111% 78% Gen Am Tnk Carl 14) 18 85% 84% 84% 88% 71% 38% Gen Asphalt (4) 12 47 44% 44% 47% 38% 16% tifn Brnni* rl) 20 21% 19% 19% 22 74% 32 Gen Cable (A)(4)... 2 42 42 42 42% 61 40% Gen Clsar 14 ) 1 47 47 47 47 95% 60% Gen Electric (1.10).. 59 71% 69% 69% 72% 11% 11% Gen Elec t6tlc). 6 11% 11% 11% 11% 61% 46% Gen Food Corp (3>. . 33 55% 54% 55 55% 18% 8 Gen Gas&El. AteSO). 32 10% 10 10 10% 106% 78 Gen GAEI cv psi R> . . 1 83 83 83 82 44% 3‘4'4 Gen ftal Ed* («2 62). 1 36% 36% 36% 37 59% 40% Gen Mills 43) 1 45 45 45 45 54% 37% Gen Motors (’3 39). 508 44*. 42% 42% 44H 96% 92** Gen Motors pf wl (5) 44 94% 92% 93% 93% | 131% 117% Gen Motors pf (7)... 26 126% 125 125 126 106% 75% (ten Ry Slenal <S)... 2 79 75 75 79 19% 11% Gen llealtv * Util... 10 12% 12% 12% 13 90 65% Gen Refractor! 14 % ) 53 77% 71% 74% 75 51% *3O Gen Theat Enulp vto 33 35 33% 34% 35% 106% 53 Gillette Saf Hast ’5) 149 77% 73% 74 77% 20% 10% G'mbel Bros 5 12% 12 12 12% 38 15% Glidden Co <2) 6 17% 17% 17% 17% 105% 91 Glidden pr pf <7) 60* 95 95 95 91 19 8% Gohel (Adolf) 13 10% 9% 9% 10% 47% 34% Gold Dust 42 %) 60 41% 39% 39% 41% 58% 22% Goodrich iB F> (4).. 17 28% 27% 27% 29 96% 54% Goodyear Tire < 6)... 17 65% 64% 65% 67 102% 90 Goodyear Ist pf 47). 1 95 95 95 94% 18% 5% Grahnm-Palpe .. 13 6% 6% 6** 6% 59% IS Granby Con Min 43). 2 22% 22% 22% 22% 20% 10 Grand Union . . ... 7 15% 15 15 15% 43% 34% Grand Union pf 43).. 2 40 40 40 '4l 43 .9 Grant 4WT)'I ). ... 1 33 33 33 33% 102 71% Grt North nf (6),... 6 82% 81% 82% 82% 25% 18 Gr Nor ctfs Ore (a % 2 21 21 21 /21% 120 110* Grt West Bug pf (7). 10a 114% 114% 114% 115% 28 12% Grle sbv Grnnow. ... 198 14% 14 14 14% 98% 90 Gulf Mo AN pf <«>.. 1 93 93 93 94 34% 26 Hackensack W 41V* I 70s 33 32% 33 33 23% 12'* Hahn Dept Btoree. .. 13 16% 15% 15% 16% 86% 71% Hahn Dept S pf(R%) 3 82% 91% 82% 81% 20 10«* Hartman (B) 41.20). 8 14 13 13 14 17% 5-H Haves Bodv 12 7% 7% 7% 7% 92% 77% Helm# (C.eo II) 447). I 85 85 85 84 109 70 Hetaliev 4'*hoc Ifi). .. 12 96 9 4 04 96 108% 83% llersbev 4'hne nf<46) I 100% 100% 100% 103 107% 104% Hershey Ch pr pf<6). 1 108%. 108% 108% 107% 11% 26% Holland Fur 4*t2% ). 4 24% 32 32 31% 80 72 llomestake Min (t7). 1 77 77 77 72 29 9% Hoitdallle-H 4B)1.20 13 12% 12 12 12% 64% 49 Household Fin pf(4) 3 64% 64% 64% 64 116% 52% Houston Oil (bio's.) 146 87% 82 82 86% 53% 41 RudAMan Ry 43.60). 3 46% 46% 46% 47% 62% •’5% Hudson Motor 45)... 40 35% 33 33 35% . 13 Hupp Motor Car (J». 23 15% 15 15 15% 136% 113% minolsCentral (7).. 3 117 116% 116% 117% 32 19% Independ Oil A 0(2). 2 23% 22% 22% 23% 17 4% (nd Motor Cycla. .... 2 5% 5% 5% 5*4 28% 8% Indian Refining 39 13% 13 13 13% 27% 8% Indian Hednine rets. 1 13% 13% 13% 13% 98 68 rnland Steel (4) 4 74 73 73% 73 30’* 12% Inspiration Cop <2).. 6 15% 15% 15% 15% 17% 10% Insura nee Sh < 4te). . 1 11% 11% 11% 42 . 13 9% Insur ctfsfMd) (*oe) 2 11% 11% 11% 113* 28% 15% Interlake Iron 41)... 7 19 18% 18% 19 I 8' . 4% Inti Agricultural.... 75% 5% 5% 5% I 67% 52% Inti Acrlcul pf (7).. 4 56 55 55 60 j 197% 152% Inti Bus Msch (n«).. 3 179 177 177 179%] 19% 11. Inti Carriers 54* 4 13% 13% 13% 13% ; 75% 55% Inti Cement 44 ) 1 66', 16% 66% 67% | 14% 5 Inti Combustion.... 51 8% 7% 7% B'* j 78 30 fntl Comb Fn* of . 9 66% 64', 64% 66%, 115% 76 Inti Harvester (2%) 106 84 81 81 83% 144% 140% Inti Harvester nf (7 ) 1 142% 14°% 142% 142*. 54 31% fntl Wvdro El A <e2) 17 39 37 374* 39% 92 65%. tntl Match pf (4)... 1 77 77 77 77 33 19 Inti Mer Marine (2). 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 44% 21 Inti Ntckl of Cand). 222 25% 24% 24% 25% | 73', 61% (nt Rvs Cen Aof (5) 60* 65% 65% 65% 69% i 45% .76 Inti Salt (new) ... 67 38", 36% 37 .79 112% 105 Inti Silver pf (7) 10* 107 107 107 107 | 77% 40% Inti Tel * Tele* (2). 168 47% 45% 45% 47% j 40 IS Inter Dept Strs f 2).. 222 22 22 22 j 148% 70 Johns-Manvllle (3).. 95 84% 79% 79% 82% j 85% 58% Kan Otty Soil 48) 2 63% 63% 63% 63% I 20% 16% Kaufmann DS 4 1 %). 1 17 17 17 17 I 150 85 Kelth-Albee-O pf<7). 1 112% 112% 112% 110 j 6% 3 Kelly Sprloe Tire .. 13% 3% 3% 4% j 55 29 Kelly-Sprlnc 6G> pf. 100* 35 35 35 35 j 38% 22% Kelsey Have* 4f)... 3 30% 29% 29% 30% j 20'* 7% Kelvinaror Corn. ... 117 18% 17% 17% 19 | 62% 37% Kennecott Cop (3). . 88 39'-. 38% 38% 39% 8% 1% holster Radio .... 1 3'* 3% 3% 3% 36", 26% KreseelSßiCo(l 60) 23 28’* 28 28% 28% i 35% 23% Kreutrer A-Toll! 60. 44" 28% j 27% 27% 28% 48% 21 KrogGrA Rak(nl). 23 26% 25% 25% 27% 29% 21% Laco Oil A Trana. . . 2 29% 29% 29% 29% 113 76% l.ambert Co 46). ... 12 89% 89 89 90 108% 105 Port Cm pf 47) . 30a 106 106 106 107% 17% 7% I.ehlch Valiev Coal. 4 10% 10 10 10% 37% 22% Ueh Val Coal pf <»’).. 1?«% 26% 26% 2« 97% 66% r.ehtna n Cnrp (3). . . 16 78 75% 75% 78U. 113% 85 Liggett * Myers(ts) 1 93 93 93 95% 114% 85 I .Isa A Mvers B/tR). 27 94% 92% 92% 94% 142% 138 I,lgg A Myers pf (7). 2 141% 141% 141% 141%- 49% 20 Dima Locomotive... 5 25 24% 24"* 25 • 81% 52% Mould Carbonic (4). 6 69% 68% 68% 69 96", 42% Loew's. Ino 43)..... 128 74% 70 70 74 6% 3 r,oft Inc 3 4 4 4 4 j 70% 50% Goose-wiles (t2.*o). 28 62% 59% 60"* 62% 28% 16V* Gorillard iPI Co 52 20% 20 20% 20% MV, 33 Lou O A El( A) 41%) 15 37% 36 37 38 44% 22 Midlum Steel (3). .. 18 28 26% 26% * 28% 39% 24% Mac And A* F 4t2 SS). 1 28 28 28 27% 19% 14% Mclntyre Pore M< t) 2 18 18 18 18% 89% 61 McKeespt TPI itß). 1 80 79 79 80% 37% 18% McKesson A- Rob (2) 29 24 24 24 24% 20% 12 MeLellan Stores. ... 5 14 l i 14% 14", 14% I 88% 46% M«ck Trucks 1*).... 2 57V, 55% 55% 67'* j 15% 10% Madison Sn G< 1 %). 7 14% 14% 14V* 14% j 52% 28% Mamma Copper (4).. 6 32 31 31 32% j 13 fi% MalllsonACo 3 10% 10’* 10’* 10% i 25% 17 Market St Ry pr pf.. 2 19 19 19 19 30% B’* Martnon Mot thfiOc). 16 IS 1 * 12 12% 14 48% 35% Marshall Field <2%) 4 36% 36% 35% 36 I 51% 39"» Mnlhteson Alktli (2) 6 38% 38 BH% 38% ' 127 115 Mathleson pf (7). ... 30a 120 120 120 127 j 61% 40% May I >ept Btr* tn 2). 3 46% 45% 45% 46", I 23 13% Me vtae Co (t 2). . ... 5 13% 13% 13% 13% 23% 10 Menttel Co (2) 3 12% 12% 12% 13%, 37 16% Mexican Keyboard . 160 24*, 21% 21% 23% 33% 15 Miami Copper (1%). 7 16% 16 16 16% 77 53 Michigan Rtl (1)2%). 4 70 69 69 71% 33 22% Mld-Cont Petm (2). . 16 24% 23% 23% 24% 53 21% Midland Steel 4»>. .. 6 30%. 30% 30% 31% 110 84 Midland Steel of 48). L 89 89 89 92 28% 12'* Minn Moline Pwr . 4 16% ]6% 16", 16% 66% 32% Mohan A Texas (?). 16 42 41% 41% 42% 108"* 98% Mo Kan A Tex pf 47 ) . 3 100' .. 100% 100% 100% 98% 57 Missouri Pacific 3 69% 69% 69% 68% 146% 115% Missouri Pac pf (5). 3 124 124 124 124 63% 35 Monsanto Ch (el%). 1 46 46 46 46% 49% 31 T.lontpom Ward (%).. 9 36% 35 35 36% 72 51% Morrell ACo (4.40). . 3 63V* 53 53 53 84 81*. Morris*Essex 43%) 100* 85% 85% 85% 83% 2 1% Mother Loda (20c),. 11% 1% 1% 1% 20% 8 Mullins Mf* 15 16% 14% 16% 14% 64% 40 Mullins MfSTOf (7).. 10* 67 57 67 50 26% 12% Murray <b2%stk)... 51 18% 17 17% 17% 58% 30% Nash Motors <4).... 24 38 35 35 38% 26% 10%. Nat Acme 41%) 3 14% 14 14 14% 20 8% Natl Bella Hess 5 10% 9% 10 10% 93 71 Natl Biscuit. n(2.80) 53 86 84% 85% 86% 83% 42%. Natl Cash Rep.Alt4) 52 53% 50 60% 53 62 45% Natl Dairy <J2) 57 62% 51 51 52% 68% 32 Natl Pwr ALt <t)... 151 44% 42% 42% 44% 1% % Natl Rys Mex 2d pf.. 2 1% 1% 1% l 61% 63 Natl Steel <2) 15 60 69% 59% 60 116 113 Natl Supply pf (7).. 60* 115 115 115 116 98% 66% Natl Suretv (5) 4 72% 72 72 73% 41% 24 Natl Tea Co (2) 3 29% 29% 29% 29 32*. 15% Nevada Copper (1%) 11 16% 16% 16% 16% 85 51 Newport Co (A) (3). 1 50% 50% 60% 66 47 37% N V Airbrake (3 60). 1 39% 39% 39% 39 192% 150% NY Central (8) 37 168% 164 164 169 32 17% N Y Invent 11.20)... 2 19% 19 19 20% 128% 97% NINH4 Hart (6). 13 106% 104% 104% 107% 4% 1% N Y Railways pf. ... 11% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1 N Y State Railways.. 70s 1111% 33% 10 Norfolk A Southern. 2 13% 13% 13'% 13% 88% 83 Norfolk &Wn pf <*> 200* 86 86 86 86 15% 7% North Am Aviation. 17 10 8% 9% 10% 132% 87% North AmiblO%stk) 159 100 95% 96 100 97 66% Northern Pacific (6). 12 77 75% 75% 77 22% 9% OH Well Supply 21 22% 21% 21% 22% 34% 13% Oliver Farm Equip.. 13 19% 18% 18% 20% 90% 70 Ollr Fr Eq pf A 46).. 1 76% 76% 76% 76 60 36 Oppenhelm Col (3),. 1 37 37 37 37 80% 55 Otla Kiev. nGt%|. .. 11 65 64% 64% 66% 128 118% Otis Els'v pf <R) 200s 126 124% 124% 126% 60% 45% Owens 111 Glass (8)6 49%, 49 49 60 74% 52% Pacific Ga* AEI (2). 3 68 57% 67% 68% 107% 72 Paciflo Lighting (S). 3 80 80 80 83% 30 20% Pacific Mills 80s 21% 21% 21% 22% 178 130 Pacific Tel ATsl (7). 10s 137 137 137 138 23% 12% Packard Motor (1).. 34 IN**, 14% 14% 15% 64', 51% Pan-Am Petrolm.... 1 69 69 59 69% 67% 50% Pan-Arn Petm <8)... 23 59% 59 59 69% , 77% 48% Param’nt Publlx (4). 94 61% 59% 69% 62% 35% 19 Park A Tilford 411). 6 2<) 19 20 19 26V* 9 Parrnelee Trans 1%. 17 10% 10% 10% 10% 9 2% Paths Exchange.... 12 4% 4% 4% 5 19% 5 Paths Exchange (A) 9 11 ]i) ]« m% 32% 17 Patino Mines 6 17% 171, 17 ,, 4 17v4 14 4% Peerless Motor Car.. 16% 5% fi% 6% 55% 26V* Renlek * Ford 4J>... 10 46% 45 45 47% 80 48 Penney 4J C> 11>.... 6 57% 56 56 57%’ 12 6% Penn Dixie Cement.. 4 7% 7% 7% 7% 86% 69% Penna RR4 4» 18 76 75% 75% 76% 826 230 People s Gas. Chi (!) 1 261 261 261 271 101 94% PereMarq prpf 4 6). 20s 96% 86% 96% 96% 27% 18% Petrol Corp 41 %)... 24 21% 20% 20% 21% 44% 29% Phelps Dodge (1).... 9 36% 35% 85% 86% 1 25% 11% Phlla Read C A 1.... 66 17 15% 15% 17% 15% 8% Philip Morris <1>.... 1 11 n n u% , >27% 19 Phillips-Jonea Corp. 1 21 21 21 21% 44% 29% Phillips Petrm 4n2). 40 33% 37% 82% 83% 82 68% Pierce-Arrow pf <6). 10 76 74% 74% 76% (Continued on STOCKS DEPRESSED! ON PROFIT TAKING Technical Reaction Causes Losses of Several Points in Leading Shares. BY CLAUDE A. JAGGER. Associated Press Financial Editor. i NEW YORK. July 21.—Mutiny In the ranks of the bull forces threw share prices into retreat In today's stock mar ket, interrupting the irregular advance of the past few we'eks, which had re taken about a third of the ground lost between early April and late June. The new bull recruits demanded something more substantial than the 1 frothy pabulum of forecasts of business improvement. But as the month of July Is normally n barren period in the business year, their demands were not met. Profit taking and renewed: bear forays drove share prices gener- \ ally l to 4 point* lower. Trading, how ever. was in moderate volume. Today’s reaction had been foreshadowed on > Saturday. Commodities Lower. Reactionary tendencies in the grain and cotton markets discouraged the bull leaders from offering aggressive resistance to the decline, but broker age house gossip had it that bull pools ; were extending their holdings by pur chases on scale down. The selling was for the most part well absorbed. A reaction of at least technical propor tions might be expected at this stage of an advance, and bulls were not con cerned News appearing over the week end for the most part only served to delin- j onle more clearly the current quiet in ; Industry. Reports generally indicated, I however, that retail trade was holding | up relatively well for this time ol year. I The first of the large railway systems ! to report for June was Chesapeake & Ohio, which showed a decline in gross operating income of 8.1 per cent from the like month of a year ago, somewhat in excess of the decline for the entire first half year, which was 6.4 per cent. Beechnut Packing's first half report served further to attest the relative sta bility of food company earnings, show ing net of $1.72 a share, against $1.79 last year. The recession in building i was reflected in a drop of 11 ’ 2 per cent j in United States Realty's first half net. IBBMIMHaHaMHHBIMaBaBHHHHHMMaaaHaaHaRaIn _ National Metropolitan Bank 1814—Oldest National Bank in the District of Columbia—l93o 15th St., Opposite U. S. Treasury Small eyijMjffi -profit bv careful set- TSSo | tlement, no less than w ith Our i j... _ji. ..j. j^i—j Trust Officers is invited. ■' ~ 3% on Savings ; ■ ! —— mmm ———————■■———i Real Estate Loans . Ample funds always available for loans on improved property in the District of Columbia and nearby Maryland and Virginia. i Low Interest Rates Long Term WE AVER BROC W REALTORS 0 809 15th St. N.W. District 9486 J Mortgage Loan Correspondent ® Metropolttan Life Insurance Company I I I ‘ I I • I I I I I I I I w ! ; T T E consider the present market favorable • i ' < i ... 1 for investment in standard American Securities. ■ > Our belief is based upon facts presented in a • i i special memorandum which we have prepared and which will be sent upon request. • i • i • i ? i i • i • i HORNBLOWER & WEEKS j | ESTABLISHED IMS 4.2 Broadway yjl Fifth Avenue j NEW YORK CITY i BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO CLEVELAND DETROIT PROVIDENCE PORTLAND, ME. PITTSBURGH ! 1 • J Members oj the New York, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, [ and Detroit Stock Exchanges and the New York Curb Exchange. J 11 J1 < J 1 • 1 ..... ....... « 11 r . ~v 1 Standard Statistics Co. stated that the first 44 companies to report for the first half showed a drop from last year of about 19 per cent. Credit Conditions. There was little change in the money market, call loans were at 2 per cent officially, but were reported at only 1 1 '2 j in the outside market, against I'* Fri day, when eagerness to employ funds ■ over the week end resulted in an un- j usual surplus of offerings. Other monetary accommodations were steady. | Several issues rallied by early after- j ' noon. a>. the market turn'd extremely i dull and selling appeared to have been ! completed, losses of 2 points recorded j during the morning In such issues as ; ! U. S. Steel. Ameriegn Telephone and J American Can. were partially regained.! CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. July 21 (Ah (United States Department of Agriculture).—Hogs— Receipts. 45,000 head, including 20.000 direct; unevenly 10 to 20 lower; 1 butchers’ and packing sows very slow; top. 9 75; bulk desirable. 160-210 pounds, 9.50«9.75: light light, good and I choice. 140-160 pounds. 9.25a9.75; light- i weight. 160-200 pounds, 9.40a9.75; | medium weight. 200-250 pounds, 9.00a j i 9.75; heavyweight. 250-350 pounds, j 8.40a9.15: packing- sows, medium and j | good. 275-500 pounds. 7.25a8.00; slaugh- j ter pigs, good and choice. 100-130 | pounds. 8.50a9.40. Cattle—Receipts. 13.000 head: calves, ' 2,000 head Yearlings and light steel's about steady, slow; general undertone weak; heavy steers weak to 25 lower, j killing quality plain; she stock lower. Slaughter rattle and vealers: Steers, i good and choice, 600-900 pounds. 9.25 n j 1100; 900-1.100 pounds. 8.75all.00; j 1.1 no-1.300 pounds. 8.75all.00: 1.300- , 1.500 pounds. 8.50810.75: common and j i medium, 600-1,300 pounds, 6.00a8.75. Heifers, good and choice, 550-850 ; pounds, D.boall.OO; common and me dium. 5. 25a9.0n. Cows, good and choice. ! 5.00b8 00: common and medium. 4 25a ; 5.75; low cutter and cutter, 3.25a4.25. Bulls (yearlings excluded), good and choice (bcrfi, 6.75a8.00; cutter to me dium, 5.50H7.00. Vealers imilk fed). 1 good and choice, ll.00al2.00; medium. |9 75ull.OO; cull and common, 6.00a9.75. Stocker and feeder cattle—-Steers, I good and choice, 50S)-1.050 pounds. 7.50a 8.50; common and medium, 5.25a7.50. New Laws Hard to Make. J. H. Thomas of the British House of Commons Is an optimist. While speaking of the criticism of constituents to a friend, he said: "Why. when I wanted to provide work by doing away with 300 or 400 level crossings, I found i that 262 acts of Parliament would have | to be passed before the way was cleared for beginning the work." FINANCIAL. ;'H Bond and Stock Salesman Wanted Attractive opening for good man. Must have satisfactory references and desire to work. Apply at once. Samuel McCreery and Company mkmrfhk } Npw York Stock Exchan ße MiSMBUKB j Philadelphia Stock Exchange Shoreham Building 15th Street at H SAFE first mortgages. || . | “ • INEXPERIENCED INVESTORS ®soon learn that they can place 6% FIRST MORTGAGES Over a Thud. f° r throughout the third of a 0 j a century they have been offered Century *o the investing public no one Without a has ever lost a dollar in principal Loss or interest. May be purchased in amounts from $250 up. * | B. F. SAUL CO. National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SAFETY ----- - - - ■ - - - r 6% First Mortgage Notes & Punctual payment of interest—prompt re turn of invested t funds at maturity, when desired. SAFE - PROFITABLE CONVENIENT *» Particulars of available notes mil be mailed upon request. H. L. Rust Company 1001 15th Street Nat’l. 8100 ESTABLISHED 1889 A-13