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CURB ISSUES DRIFT TO LOWER LEVELS Utilities Bear Brunt of Sell ing Pressdre—Declines Are Small. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. July 21.—After opentn* active and lower, today’* Curb Mar ket slackened it* trading pare and con tinued *to drift toward lower level*. Pivotal utilities were the first to meet profit-taking. Electric Bond As Share dropped about, 2 points as the result of fairly free offerings. American Super power lost almost a point. Middle West Utilities around mid-day snapped back from its early decline. Cities Service opened <pn a block of 6.300 shares at 29. off'**., and later added to tts decline. Mlssourl-Kan aas Pipe Line, soft most, of the session, was the only active pipe line issue. Aviation Corporation of America fell 3 3 a points in response to further rumors linking that company with New York, Rio ti Buenos Aires Lines, while the latter stock rose almost a point. Trading in the investment trust holding corporation group largely cen lered around National Investors, Trans america Corporation and United Founders Corporation. Securities gen eral. even allowing for the fact, that it was selling ex-dlvldend. was lower. Standard Oil of Indiana was a fee ture of the Standard Oil group in the first three hours, at one time losing as muu a* lti points. Standard Oil of Kentucky quickly lost its initial gain and then backed and filled. Zonite Products toppled to a new low price of 11 alter a few sales. It later met support. Bigelow-Sanford Carpet opened at 56, a decline of 7 4 points, after allowing for the $1.50 ex-dividend, which was a new low price. Wall Street Briefs •▼ the Associated Press. North and South American Corpora tion an investment company with South America n a filiations, reported for the first full fiscal year ended May 31. net Income of $635,924. equal to $2.27 a share on the class A common and 6.6 cents on the class B common Total asset value of the class A common as of May 31 was shown as $30.05 a share. General Motors Co. has announced a decision to dispose of its Fleetwood, Pa. automobile body-building plant, which has ben operated as the Penn sylvania unit of Fisher Body Corpora tion. Albert M. Greenfield At Co. of Philadelphia has been appointed agent for negotiating sale of the property. The board of directors of Exide Se curities Corporation has recommended to stockholders acceptance of an offer of Atlas Securities Corporation for an exchange of stock. Wants Bobbed Heads Taxed. Chief bourgomaster of Gletwitx. Ger many, has received appeals from many males of the town imploring him to put a tax on women s bobbed heads The complaint, states that men And children must go hungry while the women waste *1.25 monthly keeping their bobbed locks in order. It is urged that the police should make a canvass and re port the names of the offenders. - • NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. July 21 i/P). Over-the counter market— Bank Stocks. Bid. A*ked. America 0* 99 Sank of V 9 units 49 48 roadway Natl 101 ins Chase 19* 141 Chat Phenix MS 109 City 1384 19* 1 2 Fifth Are 172* 302} Firat Natl N Y 4*75 507$ Harrlroan 1510 I*lo Manhat Co 110 113 Peoplea Natl 400 500 Trust Companies. Bankers 140 143 Cen» Hanover .. 351 35* Chelsea Bk * Tr 34 3* Chem Bk * Tr 70 73 Corn Exchange 1524 1*64 County IS* is* Guaranty *l* *23 Irvin* 50 52 Manufacturers 9* 100 New York 247 252 United states 3»50 4tso Westchester Title A Tr ....... 125 185 DIVIDENDS DECLARED NEW YORK, July 21 HP).— Heavier. Pe- Pay- Hldrs. of Company Bate. rtod. able. record. Arlloom Coro pL.11.7S <3 Sen. 1 Aug. 15 Chicago Corp pf. . 75c Q Sep. 1 Aug. 15 Chi Investors pf 75c Q Bep. 1 Au*. 20 Hamilton Watch 01d.30c M Sep. 1 Au*. 11 Do. new 15c m Sep. 1 Aug. 11 Do. pf 51.80 Q Sep. 1 Au*. 11 Hanna <M A> CO 7% pf old *1.78 Q Sep 20 Hep. 5 Do 7% pf new II 75 Q Sep 20 Sep. 5 Lehigh Pw Sec pf .tl 50 Q Au*. 1 July 22 Mid W 8t Ut A..43 5 ,r Q Au*. 1 July 21 Parker Pen 624 c Q Aue. 15 Au*. 1 Peru G AC pf. 51.75 Q Au*. 1 July 18 V* CCh 7”. pr pf .51.75 Q Sep. 1 Au*. 15 Weston El Instru.. 25c Q Oct. 1 Bep 19 Do. A 50c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 19 Special. Noxema Chem July 24 July 19 Deferred. Pioneer Rubber pf..,174e Q Due July 15 INVESTMENT TRUSTS NEW YORK. July 21 (&).—Over-the eounter market — Bid. Asked. Affiliated Inv Inc 5 8 Affiliated Inv new units *3 70 Alex Hamilton Inv A 10 20 Alliance In* Corp .... 20 23 Amer A Cont Corp 174 19' * Amer A Gen Secur 15 Amer A Oen Secur B 3 Am A Oen Secur *7 pf 41 ..... Amer Brit A Cont B'. pf 80 70 Amer Founders 11V* IJ4 Amer Founders *% o? 414 484 Amer Founders 7** pf , 47 51 Amor Founders l-70th etfs 15 .19 Amer Founders eonv pf rtfs..... 3* Amer Founders war . I’a Amer Founder* l-40th com 24 .28 Amer Ins Stocks 13 15 Am Dtll A Oen A 15 18 Am mil A Oen Allot rtf 42 47 , Assoc Stand Oil Shares 104 11 ’« Atl Sec pf 3* 41 At! Sec war 1 .... At! A Par Ini unit* 3* 31 Atl A Pac pf war 30 40 Banker* Nat Inv 2* in Bansietlla Corp IS 18 Basic Industry Shares 84 84 British Type Intest 94 10’s Capital Manage 23 31 Chain A Oen Equities 4 7 Chain A Oen Eqt ll 64% pf *0 87 Chain Store Invest .. 1 3 Chain Store Invest pf *0 ..... Chartered Invest 23 25 Chartered Invest pf 7* *0 Chelsea Exchan** A $ Chelsea Exchange B .......... 5 9 Cont Metro Bank Share* A 4 a Corporate Trust Shares 7 » *4 Crum A Footer Ins B 58 an Crum A Foster Ins pf 188 183’* Crum A Foster Inc B •>] 80 Crura A Foster Inc A*, pf . .I}}, Deposited Bank Share ser A... 1U« 12 Deposited Bank Share ser B 9 s 104 Diversified Trustee Shares A.. 224 23 Diversified Trustee Shares 8... If 4 20 Diversified Trustee Shares C... 7% gy* Federated Cap 104 }2‘* Federated Cap units 10’* }2’* First Amer Corp it's 18V4 Fixed Trust Shares A 19’* Fixed Trust Shares B li’s Granger Trade 19 ..... Guardian Invest 20 23 Stiardian Invest pf 20 24 uardian Invest ww 22 28 Glide Wlnmlll Trad 35 45 Incorporated Investor* 51 ti 54 Insurance Trust Shares 9’» 104 Ini Secur Corp Am A 41 ..... Ini Secur Coro Am B 124 In* Secur Corp Am B*V of 8* Ini Secur Cnrp Am *4% pf 91'* . .. Investment Co of Am 37 «1 Investment Co of Am pf *1 a 95 In eatment Trust Aasoc 24 26 Investment Trust. Associate* ... 17 21 Investment Trutt of N Y .... 10 V. 11 ■* Investors Trustee Shares ... 17V* If** Jsclcaon A Curtis Invest Assoc . 52 Vi 55 Jackson A Curtis Secur Corp pf. *74 108 Joint Investors 36 ..... Leaders of Industry 185* 1H Mass Investors Trust «4 48’'* Mohawk Invest 594 *24 Nassau Manage Corp 3* 45 Natl Investors Shares B*. »4 Nation Wide Secur *4 9*4 Nor it South Am Corp B i 3 Nor Am Trust Shares 7'« 84 Northern Secur .......128 132 Old Colony Invest Trust 43 47 t Old Colony Trust Assoc 18 If CU Shares Inc units 51 *6 FINANCIAL. | NEW YORK CURB MARKET JE | Notice —All stock* are sold hi one bnndred-shar# lota i excepting those designated by tbs letter e (•*•) (Ml) 1 which shows those stocks to be sold in odd lets only. Pray.l93o.—. Slack and falea— . . Hick. Lew. Dlyideni Bate. Add 9*. Opes. High. Law. Cleat. 134 64 Aero Supply t 8).... IS 8 8 $ 234 10 Aero Underwriters.. 1 11*4 HH 11*4 114 334 1* Ainsworth <l2 54)... 4 23 2* 22 22 list* 111 Alabama Pwr pf (7). 60a 113 113 113 113 4H IV4 Alexander Indust... 8 1H 14 154 14 954 4 Allegheny Gas 1 44 44 44 44 *B* 210 Aluminum Co of Am 1 2364 2364 2364 2364 484 3«4 Am Arch Co <3) 1 374 374 374 874 25 25 Amer Capital Attl4 6 26 26 26 26 134 6 Am Capital pf (8)... 6 74 74 74 74 40 30 Am Capital pf <8)... 2 $1 81 *1 81 285. 124 Am C PALI BK 10%) 11 184 JB4 18 18 284 214 Am Com F(A) blO* 6 -24 22 4 224 224 37 174 Am Cynam B 11.10). 23 224 224 214 214 6 3 Am Dept Stores 1 4 4 4 4 22 124 Am Equities .. 1 164 164 164 164 764 384 Am For Pwr(war)... 14 484 604 464 464 157 104 Am Gas & Else <*l). 7 1184 1184 116 116 109». 104 Am GasAElec pf<«). 1 1054 1054 1014 1054 74 24 Am invest (war).._ 6 44 44 44 44 164 74 Am invest. Ino iB).. 9 94 *4 84 84 894 624 Am Lt A Trac (2 4). 6 624 624 604 604 44 14 Am Marlcabo 1 24 24 24 24 38 304 Am Potash&ChemU) l 294 294 29 4 594 624 624 Am Saiamandra (J). 1 624 524 624 624 394 204 Am Superpwr 11)... 120 244 24 4 234 234 1014 944 Am Sperpwr let (8). $ 994 994 994 994 974 8784 Am Superpwr pf 16). 1 934 934 934 934 120 1114 Am Tob B new <D4). 3 1194 1194 1174 1174 154 74 Am UAGen B vte 40* 26 114 114 104 114 74 14 Am Yvetts (n) w.1... I 24 24 24 24 144 6 Anchor P F (blO%). 1 94 94 9 9 434 154 Anglo Chll Nitrato.. 2 35 35 34 3t 144 84 Appalachian Gas.... 20 94 104 94 10 164 84 Arkansas Nat Gas... 24 114 114 104 1»4 164 84 Ark Mat Gae (A). ... 27 104 104 10 10 84 74 Ark NGcu pf(6oc).. 1 74 74 74 74 514 364 Aaso Gas A Elec.... 1 37 37 364 364 464 30ta Aaso GAE A <at2.4o) 14 334 334 324 824 114 54 A**o GAE tAt db rta 11 6 6 6 6 1474 97 AesO Gaa&El ctfs(S) 50a 104 104 104 104 144 84 Atlas Util Corp 14 64 9 84 9 68 244 Avtition Corp of Am 1 484 484 47 47 21 144 Bickford s. Ine (1).. 1 19 19 19 19 73 60 Bigelow Sans Cpl 6). 26a 66 66 56 f 6 88 30 Blauners (32) ) 30 SO 30 30 164 64 Blue Ridge Cp («0e). 17 94 94 84 94 444 334 Blue Ridge cv pfiaS) 20 39* 394 384 394 £64 354 Brazil Trac A Lt(h2) 1 394 394 394 3914 64 24 Brldgept Mach <2Sc) 1 6 6 6 6 286* 264 Brit Am Tob B t 1.20. 7 26 26 26 26 174 84 Butler Bros (10c).... 1 84 84 84 84 64 3 Bwana M. Kubwa.... 4 34 84 84 34 2 4 Cable&Wire (B) rets 2 4 4 4 4 94 34 Canada Marconi. ... 12 5 5 44 44 33 ?6U Carnation Co (jl 4)« 1 80 30 30 30 9* 794 Celanee# Corp pf(7). 1 83 83 83 83 64 34 Cent Atlantic States. 2 34 34 34 34 42*4 28 Cent P S (A) (51.75) 9 304 304 294 294 894 19 Cent State* El(k4oc) 17 264 254 234 244 84 44 Centrlfug Plpe(6oe). 1 T 4 74 74 74 84 24 Chain Stores Dew.... 3 44 44 44 '44 17 94 Chain Stores Stock.. 1 .124 124 124 124 26 174 Chath Ph A1 nv (30*) 6 194 194 194 194 264 174 Chem Nat Asso n-v. 6 23 23 224 224 IT4 104 Chicago Corp (The). 2 114 114 114 114 444 244 Cities Service <g3oc). 266 29 294 274 28 934 88 Cities Srve pf 16)... 1 91 91 91 91 364 144 Clev Tractor (1.60).. 1 16 16 IS 15 64 3 Club Alumn Utensils 1 4 4 4 4 83 83 Club Alum Uten pf n 1 83 83 83 83 32 224 COlts Pat Fir* A (2). 4 24V* 264 244 264 21 84 Col Oil A Gas vte.... 12 84 84 84 84 664 24 Columbia Piet <fl 4) 1 384 384 384 384 64 34 Com’wlth A Sou war 20 3 4 8 4 3 4 3*. I*4 114 Comm Wat Sere b(% 3 124 124 124 124 1 4 Comstock Tunnel.. • 2 4 4 4 4 14 4 Consol Auto Merch.. 2 4 4 4 4 84 34 Consol Copper 1 44 44 44 44 19 134 Con* Dairy Prod (2) 1 144 144 144 144 1364 904 Con Gas. BaltofS 60) 1 114 114 1134 1134 304 214 Con Gas Util A 2.20.. 1 234 234 234 234 64 24 Consol Instrument.. 5 24 24 24 24 16 10 Consol Laundries.... 3 134 134 134 134 13 7 Con Retail Strs (1).. 2 74 74 74 74 174 6 Cord Corp.... V 84 84 84 84 274 194 Corp Sec. Chi (h«%). 1 244 244 244 244 204 94 Corroon A Reynolds. 6 10 ]0 10 10 744 32 Coaden Oil 3 394 "64 364 364 74 54 Creole Petroleum...•> S 6V* 64 64 64 344 15 Crocker Wheeler.... 6 174 174 174 174 614 34 Cuneo Press f 24 )•.. 2 41 41 41 41 44 14 Curtlsi Wright war. 1 14 14 14 14 224 11 Davenport Hos (2).. 2 114 144 14 14 1624 82 Deere ACo (Wt 1.20). 4 854 864 85 85 84 24 De Forest Radio.... 12 4 4 34 34 94 44 Detroit Aircraft.... 19 54 54 64 64 234 10 Dixie GaaAUtilitles. 4 13% 134 134 134 23 84 Doehler Die Casting. 1 10 10 ]0 10 784 124 Douglas Air (76c) . . 13 20 20 194 194 564 31 Dresser(Sß) A(S’i) 1 44 44 44 44 209 140 Duke Power < jtS)... 60a f6O ]6O 158 158 17 84 Dnquesne Gas Cp w.l 19 11 11 )04 104 7 24 Durant Motors 3 *34 84 34 84 44 184 Eastn Sta Pwr B(l). 3 28 28 274 27H 184 74 Eastn Util ln» (A).. 1 10 10 10 ]0 ?3 9 Elsler Eelectrlo 14' 3 94 94 94 94 954 924 El BondASha cu pf (5 l 954 954 964 954 1174 704 611 Bond ASh (b«).. 298 834 834 794 794 1094 1034 El Bond ASh pf (C). 8 1054 106 1054 105 V. 394 19 Elec Pwr Asso (1).. 9 244 244 234 234 37 164 Elec Pwr Asso A <l> 7 234 23 4 234 "34 784 2P4 El*<’ Pwr AL op war 4 484 484 47 47 15V, 12 Empire Fir# Ins .. 2 124 13 124 13 25 17 Emp P Ser A <al.*o). 1 174 174 174 174 9 84 Euro Elec deb rt*.. . 2 5 5 5 5 114 84 Feddera Mfg Cos A). 1 104 104 104 104 424 164 Federal Screw <*).. 8 214 2'4 214 22V. 244 154 Federat Metlsftl 4) 4 15 15 15 15 6 2 Financial Inv. N Y.. 1 14 14 14 24 344 134 Fokker Aircraft... . 8 184 I*4 184 184 384 28 Ford Mot. Can Atl Vi 14 334 334 324 324 194 104 Ford MOr.Ltd S7V4«. 2 17 17 164 164 174 24 Fox Theater Cl (A). 16 10 104 94 94 44 24 General Baking..... 1 24 24 24 24 644 27 Gen Baking pf (1)... 8 3t4 314 314 314 14 104 Gen E. Ltd rcts(6oe) 30 12 12 12 12 974 79 Gen GAEev pf Bt<). 8 74 74 74 74 164 9 Glob- Underwriters. 4 11 114 11 114 54 24 Gold Coin (new).... 4 34 4 34 4 V 24 Golden Center 1 34 34 34 34 464 18 Goldman Sach T C... 82 214 214 194 194 6 14 Gold Seal Elec new.. 5 24 24 24 24 84 4 Goth Knltbaek Mach 8 11 11 122 1154 Gr AAP Tea pf (7) 40a 118 1194 118 1194 314 26 Gt Lakes DD nwl (J) 4 314 314 304 304 1664 1174 Gulf Oil of Patl 4 8 129 129 127 127 184 14 HamhlelnnCorp.,.,l 1 14 14 14 14 36 35 Hambleton pr pf(*).. 1 33 33 83 33 14 4 Happiness Candy.... 64444 16 94 Hartman Tobacco... 1 6 6 6 6 14 B*. Heeia Mining 11 1... 1 9 9 9 9 274 13 Houston Oil of Texas 32 194 20 19 19 144 7 Hudson Flay M A S.. 2 84 84 84 84 119 78 Humble Oil (2) 6 91 91 90 90 56 354 Hydro Elec Seo (I).. 4 394 394 384 '4BV, 15 84 Hygrade Food Prod. 64 114 13 114 124 30 184 Imp OU. Can. n(6oe). 9 204 204 194*194 474 264 (nd Terr lllu Oil (A) 2 34. 324 324 S"*!, 634 264 Ind Terr lllu Oil (B) 5 334 334 324 3"4 854 63 lmCo. Ne Am (tl).. 15 704 704 70V* 704 23 154 Insurance Seel 1 40). 16 17 17 164 164 234 114 Intercoast Trad* (1) 8 134 134 134 134 14 4 Intercontinent Pet n 3 V* 4 q. * 4 24 174 Inti Petroleum <1 . 2 19 19 184 184 134 10 Tnl l Safe Raz F(t24 1 104 104 104 104 464 304 Intemail Super) I f1) 2 33 33 33 S 3 10 7 Inti Util war (new). 3 74 74 77 27 -112 Irving Air Chut* (1). 2 144 144 144 144 94 34 Irving Air Chut* war 6 44 44 44 44 18 84 Italian Superpwr A. 1 94 94 94 94 254 134 Lefcourt R*al(tl.*B) 3 16 16 16 16 374 274 Lefeourt Reel pf(3). 2 284 284 284 284 204 34 Loews Inc (war)... 2 104 104 104 104 654 344 Lon* Star Gas. n (1). 8 404 404 40 40 6 2 Louisiana Lan A Ex. 2 24 2Vg 24 24 Corporation News NEW YORK, July 21.—The following j is today's summary of important cor- | poration news, prepared by Standard Statistics Co.. Inc., New York, for the Associated Press: Weekly News Review. A continued advance jn security prices of rather broad character was witnessed I during the past, week, with our index of 90 stocks closing on Saturday at 171.3, showing a gain of 5.2 points over the levels attained at the close on July 12. Twenty utility stocks registered an in crease of 5.5 points, while 50 industrials were up 5.7 and 20 rails 1.9 points. De spite the recovery from the low levels reached in June there is nothing to in dicate byway of improvement in cur rent business conditions that anything but technical factors of the market were responsible for the advance. Brokers’ Loans Gain. Following an uninterrupted decline since June 4, brokers’ loans increased $40,000 000 this week, indicating some stimulation of marginal trading, where as in prior weeks it appeared that se curities were passing more into the hands of strong interests. This gain, however, : is relatively small and brings the aggregate to $3,243,000,000. which is ' still less than any totals witnessed since , the Summer of 1927. Ease in money i continued, the official call loan rate dropping as low as l'j, per cent, while funds outside were available at It* per cent. Federal funds for short terms were offered at the extremely low point THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., MONDAY. JULY 21, 1930. —Frey» Sleek *n« Bales— High. Lew. Dividend Rale. Add a*. Open. High. lew. Cl««e. 24H 16 MacMarr Stores 11). 6 164 164 16 16 474 294 Marin* Mid <1.10... 6 824 33 32H 324 *4 1 Mayle Bottling...l6 14 14 14 14 224 104 Memphis Nat Gas... 1 144 144 144 144 694 40 Mercantile Store (S). 1 60 60 60 60 24 14 Mesabl Iron 1 14 14 14 14 80 5 Met Chain Stores.. 2 64 64 6 6 164 84 M*l A Min. Incfl.80) 2 IS 1$ 13 13 414 86 Met T Cor pt pf t 3 4 • 1 87 37 37 87 6 24 Mid Sts Pet y.t.e. B— 1X333 294 24 Mid W Sts Ut (1%).. 1 26 26 26 26 38 264 Mld Wat Utll(b8%). 69 80 304 294 294 6 1 Mls« KP L Y.t.e 1 2 14 14 14 14 24 4 Montecatlnl deb rts.. 1 4 4 4 4 364 16 Mo Kan PL <blO%). 32 204 204 204 204 124 8 Mount Pr0d(1.60)... 2 8 4 8 4 8 4 84 164 64 Municipal Service... 2 84 84 8 8 124 64 Natl Amer Co 6 77 64 64 | 214 84 Natl Aviation 1 114 114 114 114 20 12 Natl Fam Strs(l.«o). 3 M 14 1< 14 26 16 Natl Fam Spf (J)... 1 204 204 204 204 414 264 Natl Fuel Gas <1)... 4 324 324 324 3'4 30 11 Natl Investors 15 154 164 144 144 1034 1004 Natl PwrALt pf («). 260 s 1014 1014 1014 1014 16 12 Nat Sh Tm See(fiOe) 3 144 144 144 144 26 164 Nehl Corp (1.30).... 1 21 21 21 21 42 204 Newport Co (2) 2 23 234 23 234 18 7 N T RtoAßu Aires... 18 9 104 9 104 1 4 New Quincy Mining. 44 A flr 4 4 244 164 Nlag.-H. Power (40c) 43 174 184 17 17 64 4 Niag.-H. Pwr A war. 24 6 5 44 44 164 84 Mag Hud Pwr B war 9 114 114 104 104 214 12 Mag Shars Md(4oe). 6 144 144 14 14 464 264 Nilea-Betn-P (t 24) • 8 30 30 294 294 214 84 Noma El Corp (80c). 8 84 84 .84 84 444 204 Noranda Mines (3).. 4 SB4 234 58 234 6 2 No Am Avlat A war.. 34 24 24 24 24 44 24 Noth Euro OU Corp. 4 24 24 24 24 64 364 Northern PL (t 5).. 50a 37 4 374 374 374 76 654 Ohio Brass < B 1..... 26* 70 70 70 '7O 764 *24 Ohio Oil (t 44) 5 664 664 6.64 r. 54 344 324 Ohio Oil new wl 68 334 334 324 324 108 103 Ohio Oil pf new (•).. 1 105 105 105 105 114 84 O'stocks Ld B 150 c). 1 10 10 10 10 184 104 Outbd Mot(A)fl.Bo>. 6 114 114 10 10 18 34 Outboard Motor (B). 2 6 5 6 5 824 264 PacGAE Ist pf (14) 2 274 274 274 274 394 234 Pac Pub Svo (1.10).. 1 264 274 274 274 34 4 Pandem OU 14 4 4 4 44 14 Pantepee Oil 1 24 24 24 24 134 k Param't Cab (b* 0f,).. 13 44 44 44 44 32V* 31 Parke Davis (t 1.65). 2 35 35 34 34 164 104 Pennroad Corp (20c) 16 114 .114 114 114 105 65 Repperel! Mfg <s)... 10s 814 814 814 814 54 24 Petrol Corp war 13 34 34 214 134 Philippe(L) B t 1.10.. 1 18 18 18 18 ' 124 74 Pierce Gov (14).... 1 8 8 8 8 154 44 Pilot Radio Tuhe( A) 19 84 84 84 84 27 4 204 Plymouth Oil (2).... 6 264 264 264 264 184 84 Poly met Mfg (t1)... 2 9 9 9 9 76 38 Power Securities pf.. 1 694 694 694 694 14 4 Premier Gold (240.. 2 4 4 4 4 154 84 Prince A White(2sc) 11 164 104 104 104 44 85 Prlnc* A Whit pf(t) 1 384 384 384 384 23 124 Prudential Invest... 14 164 154 15 15 274 15 Pub Util Hold w w.. 10 17 174 164 164 94 4 Pub Util Hold war.. 4 44 44 44 44 1014 984 Puget Sd PAT, pf (<) 10* 100 10(1 100 100 99 944 Pure Oil pf <•) 10s 95V* 95V, 954 954 10 74 Pyrene Mfg (80c)... 1 74 74 74 74 144 6 Rainbow Lu Prod A. 4 9 9V* 84 94 74 24 Rainbow Lu Prod 8.. 2 44 44 44 44 54 24 Reiter-Foster 2 4 4 i 4 93 754 Richman Bros (3). .. 25s 784 7K4 764 784 304 264 Rika Kumbler<2.2o). 128 V, 284 284 2*4 294 194 R'kland Lt A P (90c) 7 234 234 23 4 234 84 34 Ryan Consolidated.. l 44 44 44 4a, | 104 5 Safeway St war sth. 20s 10 10 10 10 4 4 St Anthony G01d.... 8 4 4 4, 34 184 St Regis Paper (1).. 25 234 234 224 234 154 144 SaxetCo 1 15 15 15 15 44 24 Schulte Un 6e-$1 St.. 2 3 3 3 3 104 54 Seaboard Util (60c). 1 64 64 64 64 754 314 Recur Corp Gen ((fie) ) 374 374 374 374 9 5 Seg Lock A H (60c). 3 54 64 54 54 124 5% Selected Industries. 7 64 64 64 64 844 64 Set Indust ctfs (454) 2 664% 664 66V, 664 94 34 Sentry Safety Cont.. 7 34 34 . 34 34 94 5 Shattuck Den Min... 1 54 64 54 54 20 84 Shenandoah Corp. 10 124 124 114 114 484 33 Shenan Corn pf (a8). 3 404 404 40 404 86 66 Sherwln Will (t4V4). 1 784 784 784 7*4 344 154 Silica Gel Ctfs 1 IK 18 18 )g 27 4 244 So Cal Ed pf 8<154) . 1 264 264 264 264 264 224 So Col Pwr (A) (2).. 1 234 234 23 4 234 84 44 Southern Corp 1 64 64 64 64 17 9 Southland Roy (1).. 4 10 10 94 94 204 7 4 S W Gas Utilities.... 5 134 134 124 124 24 4 Spanish A Gen Reg.. 5 14 14 14 14 82V. 70v* Stand Invea pf(s4). 1 754 754 754 764 34 4 Standard Motors.... 1 1H iv, jv, jx.. 594 474 Stand Oil. Ind (24). 76 514 514 504 61 404 304 Stand Oil. KYttl. 10) 6 324 324 .314 .314 122 116 V, St OU. Ohio pf (7)... 2 117". 117 V, 116 v„ U 64 107 994 Std Pwr ALt pf (7). 60* 1024 1024 1024 1024 374 14 Starrett Corp 3 23V. 234 224 224 4 k 4 30 Starrett Corp pf (2). 4 34 344 34 344 I 21 164 Stein (A )ACo < 1.60). 1 18 18 )8 Ir’ 72 64 Stetson (J B) (64). 25s 624 624 624 624 224 94 Strauss Roth 11 10 15 10 15 44 14 Stutx Motor Car 1 14 14 14 14 344 28 Swift ACo new (2).. 6 29 29 29 29 984 90 Swiss-Am El Df (6).. 1 964 964 964 964 9 64 Syrao Wash M B (1) 1 54 64 54 54 98 544 Tampa Eleetrle (22) 2 704 704 70 70 864 254 Technicolor. 1ne.... 3 324 324 324 324 63 444 Todd Shipyard (4).. 2 484 484 48 48 474 20V* Trsnsamer (21.60).. 213 244 244 234 234 104 54 Tran Con Air Tran.. 6 84 84 84 84 134 44 Trans Lux DL P S.. 4 84 84 84 84 9 4 Trl-Cont Corp t war) 14 54 64 54 54 584 36 Trl Utifittest2l.2o).. 7 484 484 48 48 284 13 Tung Sol Lamp (1).. 4 134 134 134 134 27 17V. Ulen ACo (1.60).... 1 224 224 224 224 1 4 Union Tobacco 14 4 4 4 304 124 United Corp (war).. 14 194 194 18V, jgi, 44 164 Unit Found <b2-S6 sh 187 16V, 17 164 16V, 284 12 United Gas Co (new) 107 154 154 144 164 114 5 United Gaa (war)... 5 64 64 6v, gv, 99 914 United Gas pf (7)... 8 954 954 954 954 56 274 Utd Lt A Pwr A(l).. 35 404 404 384 39 1194 974 Utd Lt A Pwr oft 6). 2 1094 1094 109 109 6■ 4 60 Unit Shoe Mach (t 354 1 654 654 654 654 264 134 U S Dairy <B> 1 194 194 194 194 224 11 v, U S Elec Pwr ww.... 35 114 12 114 114 30 104 US Finishing fi 114 114 114 114 264 174 U S Foil <B) (1)...., 1 18 18 18 18 8 24 USA Inti Secur i 34 34 34 34 23 134 US A Overseas war.. 1 164 164 164 164 204 11 US Lines pf<l) 6 IP, 114 114 ip, 55 41 U S Radiator (2).... 1 42 42 42 42 164 9 Unit Verde Ext (2).. 3 9 94 9 94 28 144 Utility PwrALttal). 11 184 184 174 174 684 37 Util PAL B ctfs <al) 1 43 43 43 43 234 124 Utility A Ind 6 144 14S 134 134 294 204 Util A Ind pf (14)., 1 224 224 224 224 22 104 Utility Equitiss.l 124 124 124 124 974 764 Vacuum Oil (4)...... 19 874 874 87 87 16 54 Van Camp Packing.. 1 54 64 64 54 94 64 Vick Financial Corp. 17 77 7 21 15 Waitt A Bond A (2).i 6 194 194 194 194 *•1 30 Walgreen Co 9 364 364 36 36 13V* 84 Walker (H) (1)..... 2 94 94 94 94 44 14 Walker Mtn (7 4 0.. 9 24 24 24 24 6 14 Wateon (J W) C 0..« 1 24 24 24 24 4 4 Wenden Copper 6 4 4 4 4 24 2 West Va Coal A Coke 1 14 14 14 14 284 224 West Cont UtAfl.3o) 1 23 23 23 23 68 684 West MassCo(24). 1 694 594 59 4 594 4 A Yukon Gold 1 4 4 4 4 214 124 Zonlt* Product* (1). 14 124 124 11 12 LIGHTS. Expire. A 4 lntl Nickel w,.L 6 4 4 A A 8 i, Mo Kan Pipe... .June 25 14 4 4 4 4 Dividend rate* In dollar* baaed on last quarterly or semi annual payment. ’Ex dividend *Partly extra. iPlna (<* in alock. aPavable tn caah or atock. bPavable in atoek. dSubiect to approval of stock holders. eAd.lustment dividend (Plus 8% in alock. tPlus tn atock. hPlua i% in atock. jPlua 3% instock. kPlus 10% In atock. mPlua 14% in stock. nPlua 8% in stock. of Vi of 1 per cent; such quotations appear abnormally low and merely re flect the almost total absence of de mand for employment of funds In com mercial lines. Any pick-up In business, or even the usual Fall increase in dis- I tribution of goods, should result in a moderate advance in rates, although during the balance of 1930 comparative ease should prevail. Developments In the petroleum in dustry continue to be constructive. Cur tailment of crude output reached unan imity when, first, Oklahoma operators i agreed to reduce thetr productions by 100,000 to 550,000 barrels dally and, then, Texas producers followed with a cut of 120.000 to 737,000 barrels, con siderably below current demand. It is expected that further revision will take place within the next few weeks. With these States and California operating on a strict proration program it also has been possible to check the advance In stocks of refined products. The Ameri can Petroleum Institute reported that during the week ended July 12 gasoline stocks at refineries declined 1,242,000 barrels to 47.792,000. Gross daily aver age crude production in the United States was reduced by 50,700 barrels. —— CHICAGO DAIEY MAHKET. CHICAGO. July 21 <&).—Butter—Re ceipts, 17,544 tubs; firm; creamery ex tras. 3514; standards, 33; extra flrsta, 32a33>4; firsts, 31>/ 2 a32; seconds, 28a30. Eggs—Receipts. 20.941 cases; firm; extra firsts, 22'.;a23; fresh graded firsts, 22: fresh current receipts, 19ft20 1 *; ordinary current receipts, I7alß. Algeria proper is only slightly smaller than Texas In area. Business Notes By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 21.—With a sub stantial increase In the number of buy ers expected in the New York market this week, more active purchasing for Fall is anticipated. So far a large amount of buyers’ attention has been given to covering August sales needs. This type of buying has not been com pleted, but along with it wholesalers look for expansion in early committ ments for selling after Labor day. Business activity fell to the lowest point of the year in June,. according to the statisticians In Industry of the National Industrial Conference Board, which adds, however, that "Inventories and stocks of finished goods in many lines are low in comparison with de mand.” Price reductions, the survey says, have Increased consumer pur chasing power and the volume of goods moving into retail channels compares favorably with that of earlier years. In the view of the National Asso ciation of Finance Companies, no sub stantial Increase In the number of automobiles bought on “time” can be anticipated this year. The association points out that the ratio of new cars sold on the installment plan and handled by finance companies during the first four months of 1930 was 3 per cent greater than the corresponding period of 1929. The increase la large ly attributed to the fact that dealer* have been unable to handle their own financing to the same extent hey have In tha past. FEEDING OF WHEAT TO HOGS MAY STOP Improvement in Market Like ly to Offset Use of Grain on Farms. By the Associated Press. Right when he was about to desert it. the wheat farmer’s pet inhibition feeding wheat to live stock—hss been saved by a veritable deluge of pros pects for ma fleet improvement. The last w’eekly span of trade saw prices improve 2 to 3 cents a bushel, serious deterioration in the Canadian crop, heavy domestic mill demand, and the season's first indication that the prodigal European inquiry for North American wheat may have returned. Exports were variously estimated at from 9,000,000 to 12,000 000 bushels— a figure considered good even in normal times. Shipments had dwindled to as low as 2,000,000 bushels a week with a stubbornness that baffled even the most optimistic. In addition, the Farm Board an nounced that the Farmers’ National Grain Corporation had acquired ac counts with every importing European country. Practice May Stop. Market observers believe that if the ' next few days bolster current pros | pects, the wholesale feeding of wheat to | live stock will stop as quickly as it : started. Even w hen the price on wheat ! is so low that it Is worth twice as much I fed to live stock, the farmer would rather pitch dollars in the hog trough than pour out the precious grain he always has been so careful to protect. It was not until No. 2 corn at Kan sas City started selling for 2 to 4 cents a bushel more than No. 1 hard Winter wheat that farmvs descried their in hibition and started feeding wheat on a scale that indicated 200,000,000 bushels or more would find the way to the manger. The fine quality of the new wheat Is one of the chief arguments against dumping it into the feed boxes. Sam ples taken from 7,000 cars at Kansas City showed a protein content of 12** per cent, at. compared with 11% per cent last year. It is against tradition for a farmer to feed good wheat to his stock, and since almost all the 1929 crop has left the farms, there is very little wheat to feed except that from the new har vest. Manufacturers of mixed feeds .are in position to get old wheat and while the price is low may be expected to use all the wheat that feed stand ards will allow’. However, other feed grains have been cheap. Rye is pre ferred to wheat in hog-feed mixtures, and rye has been cheaper than wheat. BONDS ON THE CURB MARKET. Sales in DOMESTIC BONDS, thousands. High. Dow Close. 4 Alabama Pw 44s '97 Si’s 974 974 6 Aluminum Co 5s ’52. 103', 1034 1034 9 Aluminum Ltd 5s 48 994 994 994 11 Am Cmwlh Pw 9s '4O 94'* 94 94 3 Amer G A E 5s ’2B. 984 984 984 4 Airier P & L (Is 2018. 1074 1074 1074 7 Amer Roll Mill 5s '4B 98’, 984 98’, 1 Am Solv 64s '3B ww 92 92 92 2 Appalarh Pow 5s '56 100’, 100', 1004 5 Appalach Gas 6s '45 107’, 1064 1064 2 Anpalac Gas 6s B '45 96' 2 96 96 8 Arkans PAL 5s '56 98', 9R', 98', 10 Asso Electric 4' 2 s '54 85 s , R4 , S 85 s , 22 As G AE 4' 2 s '4B ww 99 974 90*5 8 Asso O& E 44s C '49 7R’ii 78’, 78’, 1 Asso Gas AvEI 5s '6B 83 s , 83 s , 83 s , 4 Asso Gas A E 5 1 2 s 38 83 82 s , 82’, 5 As Sim Hdw 6' 2 s ’33 86 86 86 12 As Tel mil 5> 2 a ’44 C 97’, 97 97 5 Bell Tel Can 5s A '55 103', 103', 103’, 4 Bell Tel Can 5s C '55 102 s , 102 s , 102 s * 5 Bell Tel Ctn 5s B ’57 103 s , 103 s * 103 s * 1 Host A’, Me 6s B 33. 102'* 102', to2’» 17 Buff Gen El 5s A '56 105 104' 2 105 sCan Nal R E 4’,5... 101 101 101 1 Cap Adm 5s ’53 xw, 80 80 80 3 Calif Pack 5s 100’* 100', 100** 15 Canadian Pac 4' 2 5... 98 98 98 2 Caterpil Tr 5s ’3B wl 101’, 1014 1014 12 Cent St Elec 54* ’54 78', 78 78', I Cent St PAL S' 2 s '53 86 s , 865, 86 s . 5 Chic Ry cod 5s 2027 82', 82', 82’, lOCig Str Re 54s A ’49 86 86 66 620 Cities Service 5s 'SO 102 100’, 100’,* 3 Cities Service 5s '66 83 83 83 5 Cit Serv Gas 54s 42 83', 83', 83', | 3 Cit Serv Pow 54s ’52 87 88’, 87 1 Comwh Ed 44s D '57 97’, 97’, 97’* 2 Commonwl Ed 44s t, 97’, 97’., 97’, i 5 Con G Bal 4’,* G 'SB 102% 102 s * 102 s * 20 Consum Pow 44s 'SB 100 99’, 100 5 Cont C, A- E 5s A 'SB 88’, 88’, 88’, 3 Continen Oil S',s ’37 964 964 964 13 Crane Comp Ss 1004 1004 100', 3 Crown Zeller 6s '40..' 96 5 , 96 4 96 5 , 3 Crucible Steel 5s '4O 99’,, 99’. 99’. 1 Cudahy Pka 54s '37 97’, 97’, 974 2 Cudahy Packs 5s '46 101 ini 101 9 Det Ini Brdg 64s '52 594 58 58 9 Del, Inter Brdg 7s '52 30 284 30 7 Dix GO 64* A '37 ww 95 95 95 4 Duquesne Gas 6s '45 88 4 86 4 86 4 4 Elec PAL 5s A 2030 91 904 91 2 Empire OAR 54s 42 83 4 83 4 83 4 7 Fairbanks Mor 5s '42 974 974 974 1 Firestone Tire 5s 42 90 4 90 4 904 5 Florida P A L 5s '54. 87’,, 87 4 87V, 6 Gatineau Pow 5s '56. 944 94', 944 10 Gatineau Pow 6s 41 98 4 98 4 98', 6 Georgia Power 5s '67 100 4 100' , 1004 5 Gulf Oil Pa 5s '37... 1014 1014 1014 1 Houst Gulf C, 6s A 43 94 4 94 4 94 4 9 Hygrsrif Pd 6s A 49 65 60 65 9 Indnap PAL 5s A '57 1004 100 100 II Inland Util 6s 34... 99’* 98 s , 994 37 Insull Utilit 6s B '4O 102 4 101 s * 1014 1 Intern Sec Am 5s '47 80 4 80 4 80 4 7 Intersta Power 5s '57 90 90 90 9 Intersta Power 6s '52 88 874 874 1 Inves Co Ss A '47 ww. 95 95 95 10 Inves Co 5s A 47 xw. 78 4 78 78 4 10 Inv Eq Ss A 47 xw . 78 78 78 1 lowa-Neb LAP 5s '57. 95 95 95 1 Jers C PAL 54s A '45 102% 1024 1024 lOKans G A E 44s 80 . 93 4 93 4 93 4 1 Kans GAE 6s A 2022 106 106 106 1 Koppers O A C 5s '47 100 100 100 3 Kopper OAC S4s ’SO 102 s , 102 s * 1024 2 Laclede G 54s 60 wi 101 101 101 6 Lehigh P S 6s A 2026 105', 105 4 1054 1 Lone Star Gas 5s '42. 97'/* 97 4 97 4 17 La P A L Ss '57 94'* 93 4 93 4 3 Manitob P 54s A 'sl. 99’, 994 99’, 14 Mass Gas S'js '46 . 98', 98 98 5 Mid West Util 5s '32. 100 4 100 4 100 4 1 Milw GAE 44s '67 . 99 4 99 4 994 5 Miss Riv FI 6s '44 ww 109 109 109 1 Miss River Fuel xw 95’* 954 954 1 Mo Pae R R 5s 'BO wi 1004 1004 1004 3 Mont I, HAP 5s A 51 101', 1014 1014 1 Morris A Co 74s '3O. 100', 1004 100', 1 Nat P A L 6s A 2026. 105 4 105 4 105 4 26 Nat P A Lss B 914 914 91’* 4 Neisner Bros 6s '48.. 864 65 864 67 N Y P A L 4 4s 'B7 . 95 4 95 4 95 4 7 Niag Shares 54s 'SO 102’* 102’* 1024 1 Nor Sta Pow 64* '33 103 103 103 3 Northw Pow Ss '6O 99 99 99 3 Pae GAE 44s E '57 96 96 96 7 Par W O 84s '43 ww 93 s * 93 s * 93 s * 2 Penn Doc A W 6s '49 94 4 94 4 94 4 6 Penn O Ed 54s B '59 100 99’, 100 1 Penn O Ed 6s 'SO xw 103 4 1034 103'* 1 Penn PAL 5s n 53 102’, 102’, 102’, 2 Peop LA P 5s '79 ww 81 80 81 6 Rocb Cen Pow 5s 53 75', 754 754 3 Ryerson A Son Ss '43 93 4 93 4 934 7 Scripps 54s '43 ,92 4 92 92 2 Shaw WAP 44s A '67 954 95V* 954 1 Shawg Ss C '7O 102 4 102'* 1024 12Shawsheen 7s 31. loi inn’, mi 5 Sheffield Steel 54s '4B 1014 101', 1014 1 Hmder Pack 6s 32 . 64 64 64 13 SE PAL 6s A 2025 xw 1074 106’, 106’, 5 South Calif Ed 5s 'sl 103’* 103 103*, 8 Southern N O 6s '44 94 93 93 1 Baxet 6s 994 994 994 5 So'thw PAL 8s A 2022 107’, 107’* 107’, 3 S W Nat Gas 55... 96 4 95 95 2 Stand Inv 54s '39.. 85 4 85 85 4 16 Standard P A L 6s 57 99’, 99 s , 99 s . 1 Sun Maid R 64s '42 56 4 56 4 56 4 2 Texas Gas Ut 6s '45 95’,, 95 4 95 4 3 Texas P A L 5s '56 99’* 99’, 99", 1 Uni Lt A Ry 8s A 52 99 99 99 16 Union Gas 5s ini lOO’A 1004 1 Van Camp Pk 6s 68 65'* 65 4 65 4 12 Van Sweringen 6s '35 974 97 974 4 Wabash 5s D 80. loo»* 1004 1004 3 Waldorf-Astor 7a 54 90 4 90 90 5 Wash W A Pow 5s '6O 103’* 103 1034 6 Webster Mill 84a '33 97'* 97 4 97 4 1 Wes Tex Ut Ss A '75 924 924 924 I Westvac Chi s'** '37 102V* 1024 1024 FOREIGN BONDS 30 Berlin Cy I4s 55 wi 864 854 85V, 1 Boaata Mtf Bk 7s '47 83 83 83 5 Brisbane City 8s 'SO 95 4 95 4 96 4 6 Buenos Aires 64* '6l 86 88 4 86 1 Buen Atr Prov 7s '52 96 98 96 2 Buen Air Pr 74s '47 100 4 100 100 4 Cent Bk Co 8s B 'sl. 83 83 83 2 Chile Mtg BV 6s 31 994 994 994 2 Com Pr Bk 54s '37 89V. 89 4 89 4 5 Cuban Repub 5s '45 94 4 94 94 2 Danish Cons 5s '53.. 964 964 964 3 Den Mtg B 5s '72 IX 974 974 974 5 Err ME 64a A 53 ww 82 82 82 5 Europ El Cp 64s 65 93 4 93 4 93 4 16 Finld Ind Bk 7s "44 100 99 4 994 2 Finld R M Bk. 6s 61 88V* 86’* 86 s * 9 Get' Cons Mun 6s 47 86 4 86 864 20Ocafueral 6s 53 xw 91 91 91 3 Hamburg B! 54s '3B 87'* 87 4 87 4 11 Hamburg Elec 7s 35 102 102 102 1 Helsingfors 84s ,'BO 914 914 914 5 Isarco Hyd El 7s ’92. 914 91 814 30 Ital Sup Pow 6s ’B3 714 71 71 1 Mansfeld MAS 7s ’4l 85 86 » 1 Nippon El P 64s '53 914 914 914 2 Parana Brasil 7s '9B 704 704 TO4 1 pow C Can 44a 59 B 884 884 M 4 4 Pruasia F S 6s 52 .. 89 89 89 II Ruhr OCo 64a A '53 884 86 864 2 Ruhr Hous 64s 'SB 884 884 884 14 Stlmiex 7s '46 xw 854 85 85 7 Sydney NSW 64x 55 884 88 88'. 3 Term Soe 84* A '52 844 8«4 844 6 Enron Elec 64* xw.. 79 79 79 ww With warrants. xw Without warrant*, n New wi—When laaued. 1 Rail Stocks BY GEORGE T. HUGHES. (This is the sixteenth of a series of brief analyses by Mr. Hughes on railroad securities. The Intent is not to recommend the purchase or sale of any particular stock, but to give the tnvestor such Information as may enable him intelligently to chart his own course. Delaware. Lackawanna A Western. With no funded debt of its own. al though there are over $70,000,000 in bonds of leased railroads which are guaranteed as .to principal and interest, the stock of the Delaware. Lackawanna & Western has long commanded an in vestment rating. There is only one class which is of SSO par and outstand ing to the amount of $84,441,200. On this stock dividends have been paid at one rate or another without interruption since 1880, The record goes back to 1854, since which time there have only been three periods when the shareholders went without some return on their invest ment. These three periods were 1857. 1877 and 1877 to 1879. In recent years the rate has been 12 per cent or $6 a share regular with 81 extra annually. However the margin over and above dividend requirements has not been large. Earnings per share have been as follows: 1923. $7.63; 1924. $8.67; 1925, $8.54; 1926. $10.61; 1927, $9.31; 1928, $7.77. and 1929. $7.90. In the first half of 1930 there has been a sharp falling off In both gross and net with the present outlook that not much more than $6 per share, if as much, will be realised. The question thpn for in tending investors in the stork is how far the market price has discounted the immediate unfavorable situation. Over a period of years commitments made at the prevailing level may work out proft ably, but there is no assurance that a paper loss would not be experienced In the meantime. The Lackawanna is one of the most Important anthracite carriers, and its fortunes are more or less bound with the hard coal trade. The management Is experienced and efficient. In the In terstate Commerce Commission plan the road is linked up with the Van Swe ringen group, but the New York Central has a substantial interest in the stock. GRAIN MARKET CHICAGO. July 21 \/P). —Beneficial rains and lower temperatures In Spring wheat areas, together with a huge in crease of the domestic wheat visible supply, tumbled wheat values downward today. Estimates of more than 1,000,- 000 bushels fresh export business today in United States and Canadian wheat failed to check price setbacks. The United States wheat visible supply In crease was 8.394.000 bushels, greatl'v ex ceeding that either of last week or a year ago. WHEAT— High. Low. Close July 88’* .874 .87’, September 924 .90’, 904 December 984 964 96 s * M *rrh r 1.03 1.014 1.014 CORN— July .. 814 .804 .81 September 844 .784 .79 December 744 .724 734 March 77’, .76 4 .77 4 OATS— July 344 .344 .344- September 37’, .36’, 364 December 414 .40', .404 Mar£b_ 434 .42’, .424 July .53’,. .52’, .53 September 374 55 .35 s , December 634 .614 .61'* March 874 .654 .634 NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK. July 21 (Special!.— Predictions of showers in the Western belt, for the first time this month caused a sharp break In cotton prices today and under steady pressure the list closed about 35 points lower than on Saturday. July broke nearly half a cent to below 13 cents, and weakness in both stocks and grain had an unsettling influence throughout the session. Spots were re duced 50 points to 13.15. Cotton range: Open. High. Low. Close July 13.26 13.26 12.95 12.95 October, old .... 13 42 13.43 13.22 13.22 October, new 13 13 13.18 12.94 12.95 Becember. 01d... 13 57 13.69 13.33 13.35 ecember. new.. 13.32 13.36 13.12 13 12 January, old 13.56 13.62 13.36 13.36 January, new .. 13.40 13 40 13.18 13 19 March 13,58 13 61 13.34 13.34 May 13.72 13 75 13.53 13.53 SILVER STOCKS GAIN. By the Associated Pres*. Silver stocks in Shanghai on July 10 totaled 218.000.000 taels, of which 121.- 000,000 taels were held in native banks, the Commerce Department is advised. The corresponding figures for Julv 3 were 120,000.000 taels and 119,200i000 taels, respectively. Syeee and silver bars were valued at 108,000.000 taels on July 10, as com pared with 107.200.000 on July 3. The total number of silver dollars in Shang hai on July 10 was 153.000.000. as com pared with 158,200.000 on July 3, aSS ' IL. -. ' . " Specializing in Established Business Investments JAMES Y. PENNEBAKER Nat. 5291 1520 K St. N.W. First Mortgage Loans Lowest Rates of Interest and Commission Thomas J. Fisher Sc Company, Inc. I REAL ESTATE LOANS Made at Low Interest Rates TYLER & RUTHERFORD Application* Invited on high • class apartment* and dwelling,, and particu larly on well located business properties, for 3. 9 or 10 years, If an desired. 1520 K St. N.W. National 0475 " Money to Loan - Secured hr Arst deed of trust on real estatr. Prevailing Interest and eommlaalon. Joseph 1 Wel^ ||| l^;^ || ;vg >t 24-Hour Parking Basement of Investment Sifts. 15th A K Sta. Met. 7801 Hear. Pay ar Month. SSSSHESSBSSSfIBBHs TRUSTEED SHARES —the IDEAL INVESTMENT for In vestors who demand SAFETY. YIELD and OROWTH of principal. Specially suited to long-term In vestment* for individuals, truit funds and funds of organizations. Sold in Lota — floo.oo Up Call or Writa Standard Collateral Shares Corporation Woodward Bolldlng Met. 8788 Fenner & Beane Mtmiars Pam Yark Stack Bachaof tap atktr principal tsekangat New York New Orleans Our New Telephone Number is National 7000 1430 K Street, N.W. Washington 111 ; 4 j CHICAGO STOCK MARKET ! By th* Ai*oci»ted Pr*n. CHICAGO, July 31.—Following is the complete official list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: 8«les in STOCKS thounsand*. High. Lew. Cloa*. 1 Abbott Lab 42 42 42 ISO Adams Mfs 22 31% 22 ISO Ainsworth Mfs 22' , 22% 22'. ISOAU-Am Mohawk ... 1% 1% 1% 1 Allied Mot Ind 10% 10% 10', 21 Am Pub Utli P L . 95 92% 9S 50 Am Radio 1% 1% 1% 100 Am Service ...... 9 9 9 190 Assoc TAT A .. OS’. 60 So’« 100 Assoc Tel Util 23 22% 32% 3SO Assoc Inv 58% 57% 57% 100 Atlas Stores 28 28 28 9SOP Auburn Auto 128 118% 119 180 Banco Kentucky ... 20% 20% 20% 200 Beatrice Creamery .. 83 82% 83 1750 Bendlx Aviation .... 33% 31% 32 4400 Bors-Warner . 30 29 29 400 Bonn Vlvitone of 12% 10 12% SO Brach A Bon? 14% 14% 14% 200 Butler Bros 8% 8% 8% i aSCent 111 Pub Ser of.. 9S 93 95 280 Cent 111 See 25% 25 25% 150 Cent Pub *Berv A ... 31 30 30 1700 Cent * So west 24% 24 24 150 Chi City At Con Ry.. 1% 1% 1% 1750 Chic. Coro 11% 10% 11 250 Chic Corp of 37% 37 37% 6100 Chic Investors 7% 77% 50 Chicago Towel 0f.... 90 90 90 ! 1800 Cities Service 29% 27% 28 228 Comwlth Edison 29s 290 290 1 Construct. Mat of xd. 40 40 40 100 Cent Chicago 18% 15 15 ! 100 COnt Chic Os 44 44 44 3200 Cord Corp 8% 8, 8% 1850 COrp Sec 24% 23% 23 a 10 crane Co 42 42 42 i 50 Crane pf 114 114 114 : 600 Elec Household 45% 44 44 I * 150 Foote G A Mach 12% 12% 12% 28 Gardner-Denver .... 51 57 57 300 Gen Thea Eq 35. 34 34 200 Gen Wat Wks A 29 28% 28% j 200 Gt Lakes Aircraft... 4% 4% 4% | 4050 Ot Lakes Dredge 31% 29% 29‘». 6500 Grigsby-Grunow 15 14% 14% 100 Hall Print 23 23 23 50 Hart-Carter 17% 17% 11% 50 Hart SA M 120 120 120 j 100 Houdaille-Her A 19% 19% 13% | 50 Houdallle-Her B 12% 12% 12%' 100 Ind Trr Ilium Oil 32% 32% 32% inoo Inland Util 22% 21% 22 4500 Insull Util 60% 58% 59 i 250 Iron Fireman 28% 26 26 50 Invest Co ol Am 37 37 37 i 450 Jefferson Elec 32% 31% 31%; 200 Kalamazoo Stove .... 53 50 50 200 Ken-Rad TA L 7% 7% 7%; 150 Libby-McNelll 15 15 15 150 Lincoln Print 23% 23 23% 130 Lion Oil Ref 22 22 21 100 Lynch Glass 21% 21% 21% I 3400 Majestic House Ut... 37% 35 , 35% j 250 Manhat Dearborn ... 30 29% 30 ! 100 Marshall Field 35% 35% 35% 100 McGraw Elec 20% 20 20 lOOMe.rch A Mfrs A.... 28% 28% 28% > 7500 Mid West Util 30% 29% 29% 50 Mid W Dt 6s pf A .. 101 101 101 150 Mid W Ut "A" war.. 2% 2 2 200 Midland Nat Gas A 15% 15% 15% ! 350 Midland United .... 26% 26% 26% j 250 Midland Unit Pf 45% 44% 45% 150 Midland Unit war... 3 2% 1« 750 Mo-Kail Pipe 20% 20% 20% 500 Mo Kans rts % % Va 100 Nachmann Spring... 11% 11% 11% inn Nat. Battery 27% 27% 27% 100 Nat Elec Pow A 28 28 28 140 Nat Pub Serv pf 46 43% 46 350 Nat Rep Inv 41% 41% 41% 150 Nat Becur Inv 15% 15 15 100 Nat Standard 31% 31 31 200 New Eng Pow 5 5 5 350 Nor Am L A Pow... 67 88 06 300 No A So Am 16% 16 18 20 No West Ut 7s pf... 94% 94 94 200 Pines Winter 25 24% 24% 100 Polymet 8% 6"* 8% 150 Potter Co 13% 13 13% 75 Public Serv n P 278 272 272 50 Q R 8 Music 14% 14% 14% 150 Railroad Sh 6% 6 8% 50 Rollins Hos 36% 36% 36% 50 ryerson A Son 31 31 31 250 Sangamn Elec .32 .32 32 950 Seaboard Util 6% 6% 6% 250 Southern Union Gas 925% 25 25% 20 So West Gas A El pf 91 97 97 61 Stand Pub Serv...%. 15% 14 15% 50 Steinite Radio 1% 1% 1% 50 Stone (H G> A C 0... 8 8 6 400 Swift A Co 29% 28% 29% 300 Swift Inti 34% 34% 34% 250 Thompson (J R> 37% 37 37% 350 Transformer Corn ... 25% 24% 24% 200 Twin St Nat Gas... 11% 11% 11% 100 Unit Corp 18 15 15 250 U S Gypsum 43% 43 43 50 U S Lines 12% 12% 12% * p 250 U S Radio Az Tel 21 20% 21 550 Utah Radio 7% 7% 7% 151 Util Pow A L "A" .. 34% 33% 33% 250 Util Pow & L n-vot.. 18% 18% 18% 600 Util A Ind 14 13% 13% 400 Util Ac Ind pf 23% 23 23 200 Vortex Cup 23 22% 23 150 Vortex C'lP A 28% 26% 26% 780 Western Coni Util... 34% 24 24% 150 Wis Bank Shrs 9% 9% 9% 300 Zenith Radio 9% 9 9 Total stock sales today. 110.300 shares. BONDS. 13000 Insull Util 6s -40 . 102% 102% 102% 1000 Chi Cl Rys ctfs 5s ’27 82% 82% 82% 10000 South Nat GB 6s '44 97 97 91 , 1000 SWift 5s 44 102% 102% 102% I 2000 United Am -Ut 8s ’4O 98 97% 98 j Total bond sales today. *27.000. 1 • - Beech-Nut Packing Co. NEW YORK, July 21 (IP).— Beech- ; . Nut Packing Co. had net profit of sl.- 438.814 in the first six months, against \ 31.553.242. A year ago per common ] share earnings for the respective periods j were $2.96 and $3.24. I | Equitable Co-operative Bldg. Ass’n Organized 1879 50th YEAR COMPLETED JOHN JOY EDSON, President WALTER S. PRATT, Jr., Secretary Assets $5,723,083.61 Surplus A Profits $1,755,911.57 Subscription for the 99th Issue of Stock Being Received ■! S > c st ' mat , ic t Saving! / r 'Mr Let us j Learn the D At . > , Value of rer fc. our P l!,n | M s-H ca) Jif ofsaving! 915 F St. N.W. \ Good-Bye to “Good Buys” Without a moment’s regret, investors of today have cheerfully scrapped the good old grapevine telegraph of finance —which used to whisper to them mys tic words about a stock that was a “sure thing buy”—muffled sales talk on giant, undeveloped holdings, a new that would “make millions” for the company (if it worked)—and all the new fol-de-rol of frenzied in vestment . . . Instead, investors the country over are demanding FACTS—proof over a period of years, the bad years as well as the good, that the seeuritv they are buying will vicld them an unfailing re turn—despite commnditv price changes. .market depressions, brokers’ loans, and ell the other gyrations that affect a Wall street stock . . . And that is why so many investors are choosing investments such as the 6T First Mortgage Notes sold through the Swartzell. Rheem & Hensey Comnanv —securities which have proved their steady, unfailing earning power, the unshakable safety of their principal, since the first of these Notes was issued in April, 1869. SWAKT/EIL, Rl-IEEAt&hENSEY ffi. MORTGAGE BANKERS L V 7X7 l» STREET N.W. / \ WA9IIINCTON K).C* / * U %■ , -A FINANCIAL. BUSINESS UPTURN SEEN BY BROKERS Wall Street Attitude Toward Industry Changes to Optimism. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, July 21.—Predictions of more than an ordinary seasonal upturn in business in Autumn and advice to buy standard American securities at theje levels for the long pull, because of j the deflation of security values, money and commodities, which would make I such purchases prcbebly profitable, are ; features of week end brokerage com ment. Within a fortnight—lndeed, almost j within a week—Wall Street has almost completely changed from pessimism to optimism. To be sure, letters are sprinkled with "cautious" phrases, ! which have divided over the debatable i question of whether the market upturn is preceding business recovery or whether a quickened trade pace, not yet I discernible to the many, is causing the ; market upswing. ] The public is in the market and it is not in the market., depending on the point of view taken. The gain in odd lot buying suggests that the public has | been buying securities. The tremendous increase in the number of shareholders, as shown by more than 100 corpora ; tions, attests public buying. On the other hand, the public, mean ing the “little fellow,'’ as well as the buyer of 100-share lots, ts not in the market In the sense of a year ago. The public is buying stocks for cash and making no rush to the savings banks to get cash for thinly margined accounts. 1 This ’investing public” will mean more to the market over a long period than the thinly margined accounts of a year ago. WHEAT DUTY INCREASED. By the Associated Press. The increased Mexican duty on wheat from 'OS to 07 pesos per gross kilo And the separate assessment of duty on the cloth sacks used as container* for wheat and corn became effective yes terday instead of August 11 next,' as previously reported. This information came to t.he De partment of Commerce from Commer cial Attache Wythe in Mexico. | Accumulate Safely! I H By selecting Guar- Nanty First Mortgages you can always be as |H sured that your prin cipal, as well as inter || est is doubly secure! 8 Real Estate Mortgages Guaranty i Corporation HH Capital Resources, $3,80(1,000 N^PLACE^^ A-15