Newspaper Page Text
B-2 SOCIETY Postmaster General Brown Entertained at Luncheon Today for Cuban Postal Official. THE Postmaster General. Mr. Wal ter P Brown, was host at luncheon today at the Metro politan Club in honor of Senor J. A. Montalvo, director of the posts of Cuba. The other guests were the charge d'affaires of Cuba. Senor Jose T. Baron: the Assistant Secretary Os State, Mr. Francis White; the Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Beymour Lowman: the Assistant Post master General, Mr. Frederic A. Tilton; the director general of the Pan-American Union. Dr. Leo S. Rowe: the director of the International Postal Service. Mr. Eugene White: Mr. Joseph H. Bagley. Senor Rafael Montalva and the Assist ant Postmaster General. Mr. W. Irving Olover. Hungarian Envoy and Family Again at the Breakers. The Minister of Hungary and Count ess Szechenyi and their family, who i have been occupying the place of Countess Szechenyi's sister. Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, at Newport, are now guests of Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, mother of the countess, at the Breakers. They will sail shortly to spend the remainder of the Summer in their home in the mountains of Czechoslo vakia. Representative Robert Ijow Baton has | gone to his home at Westbury. Long Island, for the remainder of the Sum mer. * The Assistant Secretary of State. Mr. William R. Castle, returned to Wash ington this morning from Hot Springs, where he spent the week end with Mrs. Castle. Maj. Charles P. George, who was the guest for a short time of his father-in law. the Vice President. Mr. Charles Curtis, left Washington yesterday to Join Mrs George and their children at Biaconsett, Mass. Lieut, and Mrs. G. M. Shuster, TJ S. A., have come from Philadelphia for several days stay in Washington, 1 and are at the Dodge Hotel. The former Ambassador of Spain and Senora de Riano have as their guest, •t Newport, Mrs. Eldridge Jordan. Mrs. James R. Mann has arrived at the Hotel Asplnwall. tn Lenox. Mass., where she will spend the remainder of the Summer. Mrs. Henry F. Dimock entertained at dinner last evening, at Bar Harbor, Me., where she Is established for the Bummer. Mrs. John S. Parker and her son. \ John. Jr., have returned from a motor trip to Lenox and through New Eng land. They spent a few days with Mrs Ambrose S. Murray, "Jr., at her home in Goshen, N. Y. A number of last season's debutantes are being entertain'd at a house party i In the cottage of Mr. L. A. Jetts at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Driver of Norfolk. Va., are acting as chaperons for the party, which went to the resort Friday and will remain there until the first part of next week. The company Includes Miss Marjorie Talman, Miss Susan Klntner. Miss Janet Murray. Miss Katharine Stringer. Miss Peggy Stringer. Miss Nancy Ad ams. Miss Baynie Prescott and Miss Marguerite Prescott of Norfolk, Dr. Ed win O'Brien, Mr. Forney Reese, Mr. Bv Whitney. Mr. Walter Watson. Mr. Kenneth Watson. Mr. Jack Hayes. Mr. James Tuohy and Mr. Ray Midaugh. Mrs. Frank Henry, who Is spending the Summer at, Poland Springs. Me., was hostess recently to a company of 60 at tea. entertaining at the Poland Spring House. Mrs. Henry was assist ed by Mrs. Daniel C. Stapleton, who presided at the tea table, and Mrs. Al len Passmore of Philadelphia and Miss Catherine Singer of New York, who served ices. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stellwagen, Mrs. William Hamilton Bavley, Mrs. Simon Wo.f. Mrs. J. B Church and Dr. Walter S. Harban of Washington. Haviland-Fralt Wedding Os Unusual Interest Here. Announcements have been received In Washington from Representative and Mrs. Harcourt J. Pratt of the marriage of their daughter. Rowena. to Mr Le Grand Havtiand. jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Le Grand Havtiand of Highland, j N Y. The ceremony was performed Saturday, July 12, in the First Presby terian Church, in Highland, the Rev. Harrison D. Heist official iiig. in the presence of more than 300. including the 89-vear-olcl grandfather of tne bride, Mr. Gec-rge W Pratt of High»- land. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and had as her maid of honor Miss Ruth Nicol of New Rochelle. The other attendants were Miss Jane t. Crosby, daughter of the Commis sioner of the District and Mrs. Herbert Crosby; Miss Adelaide Oldfield, Mrs. Gilbert S. Terwilliger of Mount. Ktsco, Miss Marian Elisabeth Hudson of High land. Miss Josephine Pratt and Mias Helen Fitzgerald. Mr. William Haviland was best, man for hi* brother, and the ushers were Mr. Egbert Van Wagner and Mr. Stockholm Baldwin of New York and Highland. Mr. Gilbert S. Terwilligpr of Mount Kisco. Mr. Ira Fitzgerald of Chester. Mr. Webster Kohler of Middle town and Mr. Charles E. Cooke of Highland. Little Miss Mary Betts of ] Bayslde, Long Island, and Miss Sally Sundstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Sundstrom of Marlboro, nieces of the bride, were flower girls. . The ceremony was followed by a re ception on the lawn of the home of the bride's parents. The bride was graduated from Penn Hall. Chambersburg. Pa . and the bride groom from Highland High School and Irving School. Tarrytown. He is In business in New York, and with his bride will reside In Flushing, Long Island. The Pratt family, of English stock, VOGUi y Cleaners Urd & Eye Sts. N.E. Vogue - cleaning is a special process that removes soil and renews style. Prices are moder ate and results always please. W#n« today and givo Vogue cleaning a thoro trial—for apparrl or AoAte furnishing». SOCIETY. | helped settle Ulster County, and three I ancestors fought In the Revolution. The Havtlands were among the early Inhabitants of Dutchess County, ante dating the Revolution, but later moved across the Hudson to settle in Ulster County. Among the guests at the wedding were Representative John D. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke of Fraser. Represents ; five John Taber and Mrs. Taber. Mrs. 1 ! Franklin P Taber and Miss Emilv j Taber of Auburn. Mrs. Davenport, wife , 1 of Representative F. W. Davenport, and ! Miss Barbara Davenport of Clinton. Mrs. Thaddeus C. Sweet, widow of the j Representative and former Speaker pi j the New York Assembly: Mr. Martin Hasbrouck, superintendent of schools of Paterson. N. J., and Mrs. Has brouck. The marrlagp of Miss Mary Zero Car penter. daughter of Mrs. Marie E. Reh betn. to Mr. Louis Heald Qutnter. son I 1 of Mr and Mrs. William Keyes Quinter. will take place this evening, at 7:30 i o'clock, in the home of the bride's mother, at 1303 Holly street.. Engagement Announced Os Miss Lind to Mr. Ambrose. Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lind of Co lumbus. Ohio, announce the engage ment of their daughter Jean to Mr. Harry Ambrose, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ambrose of Logan. Miss Lind attended Ohio State Uni- , versity and is a member of Theta Phi i Alpha Sorority, and has been in Wash ington for a year or more in business, j Mr. Ambrose, a graduate of Notre ; Dame University, class of 1925, is an ! associate architect, in the supervising ; architect's office in Washington. The wpdding will take place in the early Fall. Mrs. Edward Lind was hostess at a | bridge tea Tuesday at the Broad-Lln coln for her daughter, and Friday Mrs. ! Joseph Stein of Begley entertained with i a bridge tea and lawn party for her niece. Miss Lind. Mrs. Agnes Fltzhugh Shapter and her sister. Mrs. Daisy Fitzhugh Ayres. I have gone to Cape May for the Mid summer and are staying at the Hotel Devon. Mrs. George E. Bowen of Sait Lake j City is visiting her sister, Mrs. Francis Betz. A number of entertainments I JIJLUJsGARFINCKEL&Ca $ • A o Approvals All Sales Final Purchase Summer Foot Comfort at a very little cost in this July Clearance of House Slippers. An opportune time to supply your entire needs . , . not only for the present but for ' Fall and Winter, too ... A most unusual o i offering of Garfinckel merchandise so highly 02116 sl*7s Lrepe LI Ursays prized for its extraordinarily fine style, charm, quality . . . Truly notable values at /\x F»r Tomorrows IQ greatly reduced price*. I /. V\ Selling Only V I —- I v a '~ Our Great Removal Sale V 5 Black, Red. Orchid. Grean, j . . . v pink and Powder Biue-pad- —has aroused widespread interest \ SSPN 2rS»“*S with . . its exceptional savings oppor■ the lot. j ' tunities .. . the most unusual reduc m tions ever presented here prevail in every departmnt . Sale $2.50 Leather D Orsays Fashions and Accessories for Women, .. ... , <* *4 nr Misses, Girls, Small Boys and Infants. or * omorrow s X g * IB - | ft-“* ° nh X ~ F STREET CORNER OF 13TH v B '* Ue reen 0r Blac k m:=ss^^^^==£^^^^Ss^£Sxs&S&SsSS=3gSEEs3&sgEssE3EsEssE3sESi heels—all sizes In the lot. |[ Only the BEST [ ; | 1 I M l A Irn A The wide experience of our Mr. Krikorian I M B J m I m in buving and selling onlv the heat and B BVC us ■■ I 1 genuine Oriental Hugs. the finest qual- M B r J B J obtainable without additional cost. C TF DURING THE SUMMKR MONTHS you will M V find values in,both Scatter Size and Room Size R A? ■ Rugs that are remarkably low. IT * ff elcome Your Inspection \I ]i i Dulin a Martin i ! \\ (Bonnecticut <y4ve. a/utJC DULIN & MARTIN DUU.I DULLI DULL! Final I Clearance M: liOUMidrt. Lac Lustre Stockings I , —because their lustreless surface has the magic gift of Vi to V? Off of making well-rounded legs look decidedly slimmer —because their colors seem softer, note subtle PotTTl 8£ »• tv Gliding Divans —because their dearer weave gives the illusion that they are much sheerer than they really are (jcttrletl ArbotS and, of course, everyone knows that y Artcrete ~Ko rum Oust afrtM a/tenrt emm jmm tfu Gold Snip/’ AIdHS Urns, Pots, Sun Dials, BHB Chairs—-Tables Gold Stripe Lac Lustre Chiffons ... $1.95 Rustic Hickory, Iron ana willow Silk Stocking 0 Stoneleigh 1 D ulin a Martin 1 strTn m /552? imcJnZ, ConnecticutcJ^anar *** WWPfMi x%Li»rt. parking SPACE—Connecticut Avenue Entrance THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C., MONDAY, JULY 21, 1930. MARRIED SATURDAY MRS. MARSHALL SHUEY, Who was before her marriage Saturday Miss Susan Hall, daughter of Mr. and ! Mrs. John A. Hall. - —Underwcod & Underwood Photo. have been planned in honor of Mrs. Bowen. Mr. find Mrs. L. Emory White have closed their apartment in the Cavalier Hotel and will go to Rehoboth Beach for a short stay, after which they will j motor through Pennsylvania and Ohio. I Mrs. Teadbetter. wife of Dr. Guy W Leadbetter, is spending the Summer ' months with her two children at New * Found Lake. N. H. Miss Marion Smith has returned to ! her home at 1423 R street northwest, j from a visit to Mrs, James Irving i Dodds at Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ole H. Olsen of Evans- ' i " ville. Ind . are spending the Summer in the home of Judge and Mrs. Charles S. Hatfield, on Cathedral avenue, while Judge and Mrs. Hatfield are tn Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have two sons. Ole J. Olsen, who is studying this Summer at Georgetown Law School, and Robert Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cole and their son have gone to Virginia Beach and are at the Martha Washington for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Laird of Los Angeies are at the Dodge Hotel while in | Washington. t Mrs. Temple W. Seay, who with her i son. Temple. Jr., has been at Virginia ! Beach for a week, was Joined for the i week end by Mr. Seay, who will re j main to spend his vacation there. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Howell en tertained at dinner Wednesday for Dr. 1 C. Ernest Smith, rector of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, and Mr. Temple W. ! Seay. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Briggs went to Virginia Beach last week to spend some time at the Martha Washington. Lunrh Today for Aids ; To Congress of F. I. D. A. C. Maj. Julius I. Peyser, vice president of the Federation Interalliee Des An | dens Combattants. gave a luncheon yes terday to the officials of the embassies and legations who will assist in the ar ; rangements for the delegates to the Congress o fthe “Fidac" which will j meet in-Washington September 18 to 21. Among those present were Dr. Jan Skalicky. counselor of the Czechoslovak < legation: Dr. Andrei Popovici. secretary of the Rumanian legation; Mr. Jan | Tr.maszewski,' attache of. the Polish embassy; Lieut. Col. Marco Pennaroli, military attache of the Italian embassy: SLIP COVERS Three-pc. suite and 5 separate cushions, shap fasteners, tailored to .vour furniture, lncludlnii material. $16.50. Write or phone for samples R. L. ISHERWOOD. Line. 5380. 1513 28fb St. 9.E. ianiuniHnmi*wiimniimiii*—miitawi—awa— Reupholsterivg m jsr n A m Draperies at very low j LvfegMjH prices -o keep our \ ! ! = shop going | - this month _ J STANDARD UPHOLSTERY STORE j .101 11th St. N.W. Mat. |W HaiWMuIBiSiBBmwiBSiBBwBBBBBBM Co!. H. Edmund Bullis. Mr. Carroll Kenworthy and Edward Rosenblum. Mrs. Elkanah Huff has returned from a vacation spent In Columbus. Ohio, and other cities of the Midwest. Mr. and Mrs. Roy" Clyde Miller en tertained at their home Monday night, July 14. at bridge. In honor of Miss Marian Wurts of Reading. Pa., house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Eitzel. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eitzel. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Horn and Mr. and Mrs. John Werner. Mrs. Elmer C. Laser entertained in her home last week at. a shower in honor of Mrs Austin Hume, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hume who was married in May. The guests were Mrs. David Hume. Miss Margaret Blount, Miss Margaret Smith. Miss Ruth Brown. Miss Madge Brown, Miss Mildred Krouse. Miss Helen Davis. Miss Loraine . ..!=i I FUR COATS Cleaned . Glazed and «1 Stored This special price includes thorough cleaning of your coat inside and out. glazing and guaranteed cold storage. Scarf remodeled. IS 00 Special Price a in Remodeling Expert Worhmanehip • Work Called for aud Delivered. NEW ENGLAND FURRIERS Beniamin Sherman. Prop. 6111 12th Street Nat. 2456 O' SALE OF THAWS Our entire stock of new Midsummer mod els for dress or sport wear—included within these three special prices. Values are up to $35 . . . NOW, at clearance prices— ss $7.50 sj_o lt‘ft been a busv dav. but it look? as though there'd be jg A A AA* plenty of splendid values tomorrow, too. for this is /I- DO DU A more'than a clearance before inventory ... it s also *f£LL£rrtl stock reduction before changing into our remodeled ■fVWV| g V building! If vou didn’t get here today, hurry down A FASHION INSTITUTION fir . t t bi nß in the morning for the WaJhlHgto* tiiwYork nrsi g Second Day of Our J uly Fre-lnventor/ Clearance A few items spotlighted here • . hundreds more ready in the morning. __ _—— Women’s $25 and $29.50 ** «« $7.50 . Silk Undies Dresses —Suits $0.95 All new fa,hion», but they $1(1.50 Lovely things, but they must go out at J. must make way* for the There certainly is variety in this group . . . turmoil of moving ...» ■sports dresses of senoussi crepe, rajah, and fine crepe satin and crepe shantung . . . two and three-piece jacket frocks, de chine, with gorgeous tailored one-piece dresses . . . chiffons, geor- laces and fine net . . . gettes. and crepes , . . but there just isn't some exquisitely .tailored room for them, so thev must go. Regular sizes ones with fine hand 36 to 44. little women's 33# to 41#. featherstitching. Women's Dress Shop. Second Floor Grey Shops , Second Floor -- Tailored Sports Frocks Regularly $25 to—Clearing Now at These are the finer type of sports frocks . . . beautifully tai- *T| lored affairs in the smart shantung and printed crepes. I Many are jacket frocks and some three-piece suits .. . the B w type you’ll want now and for many months. All sizes—l 4 to 42. but not in every style. i Sports Shop. Fourth Floor A $6.75 Bottle of Women's, Misses', Juniors’ Perfume r COATS I Regularly $35 to $59.50. Pre- j *"| Unusual, even for Jelleff’s, noted for fine coats. We took this popular group of coats and slashed A special site attractively the ,P on ! h, ‘ h ' because we must reduce the , . . stock before inventory at the end of the week, wrapped in a stunning Sports and dress types in kashmirs, crepey grey velour box . . . most weaves, crepes, imported and domestic tweeds, popular fragrances of this coverts . . . many hand-fini»h«<i . . . many with popular maker . . . fine furs such as— Ermine Squirr* 1 L*pin Mole Chypre, L’Origan, # Galipan Badger Fe* Broarkail Emeraud, Paris, But \ot in all styles. La Jaeee Women’s 36 to 44—Misses' 14 to 20 Toiletries Section, Street Floor Juniors 11 to 17 Coat Shops, Third Floor I | Bunch, Miss Helen Amin. Miss Virginia * Denty and Miss Louise Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berg have gone to Atlantic City and are at the Seaside Hotel for July. Miss Elizabeth Allen of Dallas, is at the Dodge Hotel, accompanied by Miss Mary Sue Barrington and Miss Kathe rine Telfair of Ennis. Tex. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Cowan and their two children are spending the vacation period at Virginia Beach where they 1 have a cottage at the Martha Washing ton. Mr. D. Morganthau is again in his apartment in the Portsmouth, after a , visit to Mr. Ben White in the latter's Summer home at Cape Cod. Mass. - - - THE COLLIER INN k CehmtMa lU. at lith St. N.W. B ■yRY our delicious Chicken Stlin IS| for sour next Roms Parts- B | also Ssndwiehs*. les Cream and * Pastries—a complete and eatlsfrlßS I eaterlnt eereiee—eure te please rou 1 Cehiaibta MU B ■ 1 11 ' ~ ' - - I IjPWhgg Three Steps A perfect treatment originated bv HELENA 88l *] RUBINSTEIN, the jjgjß L J world's greatest beauty specialist, for the essen- \ B tial care of every skin. I Cleanse with Pasteurized* Face Cream— Pasteurized Face Cream Special for dry sensitive tissues— ■■ the marvelous cleanser that soothes, softens and revitalizes the skin Clear and Animate with Beautify ing Skin food to clear away blotches, blemishes, light tan and freckles and cultivate an exquisite jk transparency of tone and JW A A 0D ft Tone and Brace with Skin Toning U*OKK £j JLIm.V Lotion—Skin Toning Lotion Spe g cial if your skin is dry—a mild tonic Jf ~ astringent, soothing, refreshing and T, '7gU f™"""-' «■* S 0 C I £ T V. Rosedere Values | Offer Substantial | Savings in Summer Dresses | *5 -’lOl 1 You Get Rosedere Style and Quality ROSEDERE | 1206 G Street |