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MACDONALD LIKELY 1.10 YIELD TO LORDS c r ls Expected to Concede * “Spreadover” Fortnight Amendment on Coal Bill, i K - - jjk Bv thp Associated Press, j, I/)NDON. July 21.—The MacDonald j > I.abor government Is expected to yield ; a point to the House of Lords in a coal j g>ill amendment which likely will be übmitted to the House of Commons to light. The Lords have troubled the govern or. jnent at. numerous times with opposition „„ <to certain portions of the coal mines LbUl, occasionally defeating it. in a vote, and with a hope to settle the conten ,tious measure this week the MacDonald forces will accept, in principle a point of ,' the Upper House with regard to mine ■' wot king hours >•" Heretofore the ministry has held out , for a 7 1 j -hour working • day in the r * mines. The Lords would replace the | provision with one permitting a "spread over” fortnight of 90 working hours. % The Miners’ Federation executive has approved the "spreadover” system. \ ** It is understood that, the govern ment’s amendment will embody that V principle but will provide that the * /’ftpreadover” can be applied only by ; ‘‘.toint agreement, of the mine owners and the Miners’ Association, and will , -br Inoperable without their joint ap i proval. Thp Upper House is expected to vote - final approval of the measure after the amendment is added. All parties hope so, it is learned, for they are eager to wind up Parliament by July and be ■- gin their vacations., PRIEST FACES DEATH IF DEPORTED, HE SAYS Ukranian Fights Desperately to Prevent Return From U. S. to Soviet Dominion. Bv the Associated Press. OKLAHOMA CITY, July 21.—Citing that, deprivation to the Soviet Republic ■will mean his death before a firing . squad, Rev. Gregory Onyschenko. a priest of the Ukranian Church, is des perately combatting the move. District immigration officials yester day said the case was to be thoroughly Investigated by officials at Fort Worth, Tex. « * The Rev. Onyschenko asserts he was g .soldier in the Ukranian army and opposed Soviet occupation of the region. of this he is liable to execution and also lost his citizenship, becoming p "man without a country.” Now leader of the Ukranian Church Hear Harrah, Okla., the priest was ad mitted to the United States to attend school in New Jersey. Deportation order against Rev. Onyschenko was ' signed July 7. He is charged with re maining in the United States after he left the New Jersey school. Friend? of the priest have urged Sen ator Elmer Thomas, Oklahoma, to seek to halt the proceedings. MEXICAN RULING BARS AMERICAN’S REMOVAL jm ■ 3 oy Palmer Harper Wins Injunc tion Against Being Extradited on Fraud Charges, the Associated Press. MEXICO CITY, July 21.—The Fifth District Court yesterday granted a 72- hour injunction against extradition to Joy Palmer Harper, American wanted In Oklahoma City and several other Amer ican cities on charges of embezzlement gnd forgery. The Foreign Relations Department re cently approved an order for Harper’s , extradition. He in turn applied for a permanent injunction restraining the department from carrying out the order. His petition is based on the allegation that the granting of extradition is not in conformity with the prior verdict of a 1 district court, which ruled that the evidence in his case- did not warrant it. FRED J. KRIEG formerly president and eeneral mansjer of Krieg’s Express and Stora.e Co., is now in business for himself at— -904 10th St. N.W. Storage. Parkins, Morin* (padded vans) and Shipping. Phone Diatrict 9115 Summer Vacation Excursions At Special Low Rates From WASHINGTON, D. C. To New Orleans, Edgewater Park, Gulfport, Pass Chris tian. Miss.; Mobile, Ala.; also cities in Florida and to Havana, Cuba. On July 26th August 9th, 23rd, 1930 Good to return within i thirty days. For reservations * and tickets, call on S. E. Burgess—D. P. A. McPherson Square Phones National 1465-1466 Washington, D. C. Southern Railway System mr K New Achievement in Face Powder ‘ The skin of youth lies in every • box of new wonderful MELLO-GLO Face Powder.” says lovely Mary j ’ Mulhem. beautiful actress. The •j ■ purest powder made—-Its color is I passed by the U. 8. Government. I No pastiness, flakiness or lrrita » 1 tion. A npw French process makes ”5 its spread more smoothly and pre vents large pores. , No more shiny I noses—it stays on longer. Use MFLLO-GLO.—Advertisement. k YANCEY TALKS TO U. S. BUENOS AIRES. July 21 (Ah. —F. T. Gray, editor of the San Francisco Ex aminer, today telephoned to Capt. Lewis j A. Yancey while the aviator was flying high above the local airport and car ried on « conversation successfully. The operator who received the San Francisco call here was greatly sur prised, but quickly connected the Cali fornian with the plane. Capt. Yancey later talked to Holly wood. U. S. Books to Be Left in Spain. CHICAGO (A I ). —A collection of 600 American books, now on exhibit at. the I Ibero-American Exposition at Seville, is j to be left in Spain, according to the American Library Association. 1— 1,1 "• Woodward &Lothrop 1 iqt" aND G Streets '^Chiffonlk L H hr ° P J?} (Q) The "Long and Short" *l' 50 /mir ACf Jacket Frock Question ■’ || - the popular plaited sole and toe that ( \\ I W Uur - A V l l „ , . -t. I give additional longevity. Fine gauge / j \/ 1\ _P \r— — Long or short .. . Fashion decrees jacket I chiffon, with picot edge . . . in mid- / . nUHT frocks still smart. Their jackets may be gay [ Summer’s smartest shades suntan, / / Xl \ k little boleros in dis S uise •• • th «y ma y en beige, sand, white and shadow tones. W 1// J \ M Steal a , tUnic ef [ ect . fr ? m cr ? atlo " s for Fal J C.t* m Arlii ictohU Women’s Hose, Aislk 19, First Floor. '~V J \/ A /\| Jt Bji I tp'M ... they may be in the active sports mood VJClll r\UlUsldDie LJ '"W \f fi ■■■■ I f * or as feminine as a floating chiffon negligee __ L. , . « , I BIU I —but, be they high or be they low, jacket KadiatOl* bhields I n /i -> ' frocks are Summer frocks. Celanese and \\ Hill /j An exceptionally nice thought for vacation RcdllCetl V 2 Ravon Vmlf» \ Hill 7 ITT' for »° occasions. Without jackets, day- Because we must have apace 'NdyUil VUlie \ j— time jacket ensembles "do" sports .. . for new already ar _ _ \\ ■■■■ | while afternoon ensembles remove their rmn*. we have marked our stock Special 5Sc yard UHIII jackets for evening function, • / \\ BUR / I / c , „. Jf radiator * shields may be adjusted 25 patterns in smart Summer voiles I \ \ l l.S]| •* bhantunga bilk to fit steam or hot-water radiators; that were in regular stock, prior to this I \ \ \L j Silk Piques Chiffons each comes equipped with a Water purchase, at 85c and $1 a yard. Buy / / J. r \ j \ pan humidifier, them tomorrow for that needed extra / / \ \ 1/ / Women’s and Misces’ Frocks, Third Floor. Summer frock or two . . . at the ex- M APj I \ l! A v ' ’ ceptionally low price of 58c a yard. If I | j \ 1 1- Hto 17 6to 8 $2.75 36-inch width. JkA JVA y/ 1— Uto 17 6to 8 2.50 # J O 1 VJ H Cj 1— 14 to 24 6to 8 2.75 rrinted Kayon ”A« soft and Thi« Black The Jacket on ! I I 914t0 24 Bto 10 3.00 / floating a* a Shantung Jack- thia white’ silk j 5 14 to 24 Bto 10 300 CLI *L ’ et Frock !* crepe steals the Junior A(/ 2 22t0 40 6to 8 3.00 Imt the young so it tunic idea from aIUIHUr A\/ V|lO\ 22 to 40 6to 8 3.00 ■ IHI. jacket of this likes the bolero Fall co 11 ec- AY MuA 4 22 to 40 6to 8 3.75 chic line chis- theme .....$25 tions $25 , p I 4 j£V \p)l 2 22 to 40 10 to 12 4.00 s . » SI-25 i. Women’s Frocks Misses’ Fjocks Misses’ Fbocks rTOCKS 22 to 4ft Ift Tl 2 4Sft Special I yard third floor. third floor. third floor. ■ ■ j 22 to to J 2 5 35 to 65 8 to 10 3.75 Smart prints on light and dark grounds 1_ 35 to 65 Bto 10 4.75 ... of flat crepe that fashion decrees f'll *T" I I" I rtV Ivory, Gold, Mahogany, Walnut and suitable for sports, afternoon or street. Silk I TaVPI hmfU % SO Aluminum Finishes in the Croup Tomorrow $1.25 a yard. It was in M * & I I Housewares, Fifth Floor. regular stock prior to this special pur- \{lfp& chase at $1.95 a yard. For larger C Silver StaVS Bright in Women ZJ Specially Priced Iff * H C. L \ T' cl . j n- &£ l \ otaybrite I issue Jlidlltunp and KIGUe Fashion has classic frocks for every / „ 6 1 occasion . . . these silk prints and This unusually smart collec- JT / / Wrap the stiver pieces you do not PA navv are h er smart tion brings “reinforcements” A / plan to use this Summer in Stay navy georgettes are her smart ..** . \\ / I 1 brite tissue .. . put them away for l S htl y jaded youthful \j / 1 weeks or months, and when you Two of Summer’s most popular sports larger woman finds them exception- Summer wardiobes. Sports / / \ wish to use them they will be as fabrics ... . silk-and-cotton shantung ally becoming because their new st y les of P ic l ue -• • clever / / \ bri g ht . as when y° u wrapped them, and rayon-and-cotton. piques ... in silhouettes are charmingly slender. 4-piece affairs with embroid- LJ J Tegular stock prior to this special pur- ir„ m ;n;«;+vr isnp ar i o ered jackets, skirts, blouses 4 r~~* insurance for any metal surface. chase at 85c and $1 a yard.. .36-inch Fe ty a PP ears n g _ nd s horts as well as P I popular use for it is to protect width. . touches about necklines and cuffs. ana shorts . as welt as i metal brocade slippers.) Wear them to be smart and cool. more formal frocks offlow- / j. .j l's I ered ch,ffon and georgette. j 24 bhects 50c nandkerchier Lawn L«rg«r women’. V«c«tion Frocks ' / Stationery. Fiest Flooe. of Tub Silk, Shantung and Crepe „. si. to I nyc Sue, 11 to 17 J —j —— S fie rial C yard Laecer Women’s Frocks, Third Floor. Junior Misses*. Fourth Floor jF i \ Gayly colored printed lawn ... on ’ f^?Vu whit? and tinted grounds. Prior to this , ll 4 special purchase, it was in regular stock at 38c a yard. 36-inch width. Hollywood Chintz F Ur CoatS "vl Special 28c yard I I Reduced for Immediate Clearance r , M , Included in this collection are many LilaSS copies Os Liberty prints. 36-inch Jhese fine fur coats ... the outstanding styles from the past season’s selling .. . offer Complete With cJ qk special purchased S 3Bc a yard. °** exceptional savings to clever women who look ahead to Winter smartness. But one Metal Stands 4* cotton dtcss goods, seconb Plot.. coa i G s each fur mentioned below . . . and the savings are so unusual it will profit you The newest glass beverage sets to be here early tomorrow. come wlth metal serving stands J that have removable glass trays. ... ' These are green .. . they make $? , * ,, ** , **~°c*Tj Size Originally Now most attractive services for your 1 A HudsonSeal(DyedMuskrat),fitch trim 38.,.,*495 ' *275 SS-JSSS Ll " Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat), fitch trim 20.> .>>» .*395 *240 G een Glass Refrigerator Hydrators; two \ fWs Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat), squirrel t 0 k «P >' oor ve«et,We»freßh m I - J . ■ 30 S7)O Site 10x6 SI.SO t rim jO.vr.-.M. J3 Sis€ 12x j fits ■ e khe f Hudson Seal (DyedMuskrat),fitch trim 38.5395 $240 G assware. Fifth Floor. Junior Misses Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) krimmer r , ri I cl D j , trim - J6. : .. t .. i ...M95 $240 beth I hompsClocks bhoes Keduced Persian Lamb, krimmer trim 18. .-. T .> r .. .$550 ... Popular Banjo Persian Lamb, self trim 38.. 395 I I Type—Special ‘ M. 75 Were, $6.30 Brown Squirrel* self trim 36 .r.. T-. . 395 $240 II ciT^n to $8.50 Natural Squirrel, self trim 36. : .-. T . These drastic reductions make it pos- Natural Squirrel, fox trim 36 *355 I I This is th, lowest sible to buy junior misses’ smart shoes Raccoon 18. .*>wtw.*3so *220 Hjl b«n able moffeT^ main ... at an exceptionally low Brown Muskrat, fitch trim _ 30.-. -r- -i» . .'295 *145 clocks like these, price, sOs. . Beaver 16. *550 - *315 MM P °Uct\hT'tJy Pumps , . . patent leather, white calf , Japanese Mink, fox trim 40.-. .*495 *275 vknow a new Fashion and white canvas. Oxfords . . . tan place in our homes elk, two-tone elk. white calf with 12 Scarfs , assorted furs . Origirudly $95.00, Now $71,25 today. 8-day move -12 Scarf., assorted fur,. Originally $79.50. Nou, $58.50 ££J«.. Mahogany Junto* Missis’ Shoes, FWjith Floor. ' Third Floor. Clocks, First Floor. THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. I). C„ MONDAY. JULY 21. 1930. STRIKE OF BUTTE TEAMSTERS ENDS Secret Agreement Under Which Men Hetnrn to Jobs Today Pleases Both Sides. j By the Associated Pres*, j BUTTE, Mont... July 21.—Butte's ' strike, which virtually has suspended all business for a week, was ended yes terday. j Striking teamsters and automobile ■ machinists and locked out union clerks i agreed to return to their jobs today I tinder terms of a secret agreement ! reached yesterday. Both strikers and employers professed complete satisfaction with terms of the iettlement. Fifteen hundred men were concerned in the strike. The trouble started June 16 with the refusal of union teamsters to accept a ; wage reduction of 25 to 50 cents a day. 1 The machinists walked out at the an- I ' nouncement of a proposed reduction of $1 & day. Attempts to employ non-union team sters proved unsatisfactory. The Clerks' Union supported the teamsters with a vote of sympathy. Employers carhged the clerks refused to handle goods de livered by non-union teamsters. Clerks were locked out a week ago last Satur day, practically suspending all business -School Board Re-Elects. STAUNTON, Va.. July 19 iSpecial). ! —At the July meeting of the Augusta j County public school board held here all officers of the board were re-elected to serve for the coming year. AIRLINE MERGERS RUMORED IN GOTHAM Report Links T. A. T. With West ern Air Express and Joins Latin American Systems. i NEW YORK. July 21.—The New York World says negotiations are in an ad- j vanced state for merger into two dom- ■ 1 inant groups of four, of America's lead- I ing air lines. Merger of the Transcontinental Air Transport’s ’’Lindbergh Line" with ] Western Air Express is one of the pro | jected deals. The other is consolida j tion of forces by the Pan-American j ' Airways, Inc., and the New York, Rio i & Buenos Line. The last two lines have been struggling for control of South American air commerce for sev eral months. Their merger would link approximately 30,000 miles of airmail | lines. PASTOR SHOOTS SUSPECT LOUISVILLE, Ky.. July 21 <JP>. —Ar- j , thur Hunt, 46, was shot and seriously i wounded yesterday by Rev. Justin Smith, 49, of St. Agnes’ Catholic Church, who told police he caught the man robbing the church's chicken coop. Hunt recently completed a prison sen tence for chicken stealing. The priest said the church sold the chickens' eggs and that about SIOO worth of the fowls had been stolen re ] cently. No charge was placed against 1 him. WALES’ SECRETARY DENIES TRIP TO U. S. Story of Holiday Jaunt to America and Canada Is Called “Pure Invention.’’ i By the Associated Press. LONDON. July 21—Sir Godfrey ' Thomas, private secretary to the Prince of Wales, yesterday described as "pure invention” a story that the prince in tends to visit the United States and have a "camping holiday” in Canada this year. The early edition of the Sunday Ex press published the story Saturday, saying the prince had planned the trip and would have Sir Phillip Sassoon as a companion. 25 HURT IN PANIC NEW YORK, July 21 <;F).—Twenty ; five persons were Injured last night ! In a panic when a ruse blew out in the i first car of a crowded elevated train In I Brooklyn. The train was Jammed with ' people returning home from Coney ; Island. Women and girls fainted and were , trampled in the rush for the exits. - CLAFLIN Optician—Optometrist 922 14th St. N.W. Established 1889 A-7