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% , ■ 1 - ■ - ' - ' ■ ■ ~ ...., ,»Qro/ry, the. AVENUE ej .NINTH** Highlights of the Removal Sale The extraordinary is happening —deeper reductions are being made on merchandise of appealing importance for the replenishment of the wardrobe. 1 , Super-Value Suits Never Before Reduced! * - First Floor. , As staple as wheat —a standard of P-B excellence —always outstanding in value; and built to fashion in type. Every Super-Value Suit included —both fancy tweeds, cheviots and cassimeres; but also the plain blues. Each with two /fairs of trousers ctq Always $38 —But Now— Genuine P~B Palm Beach w ashingtonian Suits Suits Out of our exclusive lines—never sub- Madc up in the P-B careful way—that jected to reductions, insures shapeliness. Always SSO Regular Price , $16.50 Now $37.50 Now $1 iw ° t>ni,s tr ° users , Including grays and blues; silk trim- Plain shades; and popular stripes. tried; and superbly tailored. First Floor. First Floor. Men’s Fine Shirts Men’s Sweaters An assortment of many pradcs and Strictly all wool and in the desirable makes —including woven madras; fine . V , , , , 1 • „ ,i„* „ shapes—\ and crew neck; coat and pull count percales—in exclusive patterns; 1 F collar attached and neckband styles. Also over models. Plain colors and fancy jac plain white broadcloth shirts; with at- quard patterns. tached collar. Regularly $2 and $2.50 Regularly $5 Now sl-45 **£ Now $ 2* 95 * ' . r.. First Floor. First tloor. i ' ' | ■ Men’s I Men’s Golf Hose "1 Bathing Suits Choice of either cotton, or wool and All-wool worsted suits; in the popular cotton mixed; plain colors and variety, one-piece model. _ . . Regularly $5 Regularly $2 Now $2-95 Now 95c First Floor. First Floor. Boys’ Wash Suits Men’s Straw Hats A group of plain and fancy wash The stiff straws —in the favored Suits models that aic popular; effects braids and becoming proportions, that are distinctive. Sizes 2*/ 2 to 8 years. , . * , „ . Regularly up to $2.50 ' Chmce of U and fS Grades Now 79c Now sl-95 Second Floor. First Floor. Boys’ Shirts and Blouses I I Suit Cases and Bags Mostly fancy patterns; but of selective , _ , _ . _ , styles. Slade with collars attached—and . Gladstone Bags and Suit Cases, full * of just what every boys’ wardrobe needs a slzc ,\ sn ! leather, hca\\ brass fastenings ] n |' * * and locks. Regularly $1.65 Worth tTlt,ch ,I,orc - Now 69c Now $7.25 Second Floor. First Floor. Men’s Tan Oxfords Youths’ Keds Os course the sizes are broken, but the These are the better grade of Keds— value is the P-B standard, and in desirable sizes 10 to 12J/L Full of Kcd comfort and shapes. Leather and rubber heels. quality. Regularly $6.00 Regularly $1.75 Now Now 95C Second Floor. Second Floor. ■— . ... - Everything Else 1/4 Off Without Reserve Tht at Ninth STORE w n wfr iv wgt/ w rwv trgwy W/ JIQ) Arvmrv w rrw v/ ff' V W.VLVV St Y.'tr.B'B.'U V T/av tr TC THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. MONDAY, JULY 21, 1930. JOHN E. MONK DIES AT HOSPITAL HERE Veteran News Correspondent Was Charter Member of National Press'Club. John Edward Monk, a Washington correspondent for the New York Times and nationally known as a writer on political and economic subjects, died in Garfield Hospital yesterday. He was 55 years old. Mr. Monk was widely known among the veteran journalists of the National Capital. He was a member of the Grid iron Club and a charter member of the National Press Club. . ; rarently recovering from a recent attack of pneumonia. Mr. Monk was taken to the hospital Saturday for an X-ray examination. He became sud denly ill and the immediate cause of his death was believed due to a hemorrhage resulting from an abscess of the lung. His illness began with an attack of bronchitis while he was engaged in preparing tables of rates in the new tariff act for publication in the New York Times. Came Here as Boy. , Coming to this city as a boy. Mr. Monk had been engaged in newspaper work since 1805. In 1907 he became assistant correspondent of the Mil waukee Sentinal and subsequently be came the Washington correspondent for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and the St. Paul Dispatch, which he represented for a number of years. Prior to then, in’l9o4 he was associat ed with the Washington bureau of the old New York Sun. He had “covered” many important activities of national import in the Capital. During the association with the Sun, Mr. Monk accompanied President Roosevelt on several of his tours, in cluding his picturesque wolf hunt in Colorado. Mr. Monk's intimate knowledge of political affairs made him a valuable man for reporting various political events and he had attended many of the national conventions of the politi cal parties. At the time his last illness began he was engaged in covering the Senate and the United States Supreme Court for the New York Times. In addition to politics, Mr. Monk specialized in financial news waiting and as a close student of transportation problems he had a very thorough knowledge of eases coming before the Interstate Commerce Commission. His acquaintance with public men was widespread and many of them were his close personal friends. In 1916 Mr. Monk invaded politics MEst. 1883 ONUMENTS on Display for Your Srlee lion. Workmanship and Ma terial Guaranteed. Prices Right. WASHINGTON GRANITE MONUMENTAL CO., Inc. WM. JARDINE. SectY. itH \rw York Ave. N.W. Nail. 5870. Why Pay for Everything? Chambers will give the whole I funeral, cars and all, and ft* iA A ca.k V eVfor g ? U P STEEL VAULTS. Best that money can buy are only All Trices lnelude the Sincere Service of The Greater CHAMBERS CO. Office* and Chapel* 14th Cor. Chapin N.W. Phone Columbia 0432 IceomatiC REFRIGERATION $195 Up . —is the coldest of domestic re frigerants known—thrifty and entirely automatic—no work or worry. Made by the makers of OIL'O-MATIC V oil BURNERS Made to Suit All Requirements— DOMESTIC SERVICE CORP. 1706 Conn. Ave. Phone Potomac 2048 Wm. H. Gottlieb, Manager m ts TAKE A Mountains—North. South. East or West a»e all reached by bus. ' Drnvrr 38.50 . R*E2TkA!!'!!lCfete(g^ the Northern border and in Canada Fishing Resorts am reached by bus. Cleveland 510.25 Detroit 13.00 W Buffalo 12.50 w Chicago 18.00 yjffgr dominion stages Gw Go comfortably by bus "11 Fa- Wf m J us Atlantic Coast Summer Resorts. Boston ... $0,50 V Portland. .Me 12.00 V *San Francisco 50.00 • Lo* Angeles 59.00 •Reduced transcontinental tare. route* take you to al most every important city varationland. Get infor /manon and tickets at— Tenn (12.50 KoJP Winston Salem 8.50 Fur party service charier a Grey bound lm». Fur liiluriiiation phone Metropolitan 1.12. W I N ION BI S REPOT. m 1330 New York Ave. N.W. Phone: Metropolitan 1512-3-4. Veteran Writer Dies JOHN EDWARD MONK. —Harris-Ewing Photo. through becoming assistant to the chairman of the Republican National Committee, a service which lasted until shortly after the election of that year. Mr. Monk is survived by his widow, who was Miss Anna E. Tripp of Wash ington; two sons, George and John E. Monk, jr.; a daughter Miss Margaret Monk: a sister. Miss Ella M. Monk, and a brother, Fred Monk. Funeral arrangements were to be completed today. Tentative plans were for the services to be held tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Monk's home was at 1528 Monroe street. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Fair and con tinued warm tonight; tomorrow partly cloudy, probably local thundershowers and not quite so warm in the after noon; cooler tomorrow night and Wed nesday; gentle to moderate southwest shifting to west and northwest winds. Maryland—Generally fair and con tinued warm tonight; tomorrow partly cloudy, probably local thundershowers and not quite so warm in the after noon; cooler tomorrow’ night and Wed nesday; moderate southwest shifting to west and northwest winds. Virginia—Generally fair and con tinued warm tonight and tomorrow, ex cept possibly scattered thundershowers and not quite so warm in extreme north portion: somewhat cooler tomoirow night and Wednesday; moderate south west or west winds. Records for Past 36 Hours. Thermometer (Saturday), 4 p.m., 101: 8 p.m., 93: 12 midnight. 84. (Sun day). 4 a.m., 77; 8 am., 80: noon, 97;* 4 p.m.. 106; 8 p.m., 94; 12 midnight, 84. (Monday), 4 a.m., 79; 8 a.m.. 81; noon, 97. Barometer—(Saturday). 4 p.m., 29.87; 8 p.m., 29 88; 12 midnight, 29.89. (Sun day), 4 a.m., 2989; 8 a.m., 29.93; noon. 29 88; 4 p.m,. 29.80; 8 p.m., 29.81; 12 midnight. 29.81. (Monday). 4 a.m., 29 79; 8 a.m.. 29 81; noon. 29.77. Highest temperature, 106, occurred at 4 p.m. yesterday. Lowest temperature, 76, occurred at 6 am. today. Temperatures same date last year— j Highest. 78; lowest, 58. Condition of the water—Potomac and Shenandoah clear. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) | Today—Low tide, 10;37 a.m. and 10:08 i p.m.; high tide, 3:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide 11:36 a m. and 11:17 p.m.; high tide, 4:32 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 4:59 a.m.; sun sets. 7:29 p.m. Tomorrow'—Sun rises 4:59 a.m.; sun ] sets 7:29 p.m. Moon rises 12:29 a.m.; sets 3:38 p.m. Weather in Various Cities. BjTemperature. S *3 ££ n % 3** 5- Station*. £ S~ weather. £ w « «*• Abilene. Tex... 29.92 98 76 .... Clear Albany. N. Y... 29.70 90 64 .... Cloudy Atlanta, Ga 30.10 90 72 .... Clear Atlantic City... 29.76 94 74 .... Clear Baltimore. Md.. 29.78 102 84 .... Clear Birmingham ... 30.12 94 72 .... clear Bismarck. N. D. 30,02 78 54 .... Clear Boston, Mass... 29.72 86 68 .... Cloudy Buffalo. N. Y... 29.64 82 72 .... Clear Charleston. S.C. 30.08 92 78 .... Clear Chicago, 111 29 80 98 76 .... Clear Cincinnati, Ohio 29 90 102 80 .... Clear Cleveland. Ohio. 29.76 98 82 Clear Columbia. S. C. 30 04 94 74 .... Clear . Denver, C 010... 30.08 76 58 0.04 Rain Detroit. Mich. 29 72 96 80 .... Clear Ei Paso, Tex... 29 84 84 68 0.04 Cloudy Galveston. Tex. 30.04 88 82 .... Clear Helena, Mont... 30.08 76 50 Clear Huron, S. 86 60 .... Clear Indianapolis.lnd 29 86 100 80 .... Clear Jacksonville. Fla. 30 12 94 78 .... Clear Kansas City. Mo. 29 86 100 80 Pt.cloudy Los Angeles. ... 29 90 76 60 Cloudy Louisville. Ky.. 29 98 98 78 .... Clear Miami. Fla 30.10 88 80 .... Clear New Orleans. .. 30.10 88 76 Pt.cloudy New York. NY. 29.74 92 76 .... Clear Oklahoma City. 29.88 98 78 Cloudy Omaha. Nebr.. 29.86 102 70 0.36 Rain Philadelphia. Pa. 29.78 98 78 .... Clear Phoenix. Aril!... 29.80 104 78 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa. 29 84 98 80 .... Clear Portland. Me... 29.76 84 66 .... Cloudy Portland, Oitc. 82 60 .... Clear Raleigh. N. C. 29 94 96 76 .... Clear Salt Lake City. 29 92 82 62 .... Clear San Antonio. 29 98 94 74 .... Clear San Diego, Calif 29 88 72 64 .... Cloudv San Francisro. 29 84 62 54 .... Cloudv St. Louis. Mo.. 29 88 100 80 .... Pt.cloudy St. Paul. Minn 29 80 86 64 Pt.cloudy Seattle. Wash.. 30.14 76 58 ....Clear Spokane, Wash. 30 f)6 86 56 .... Clear Tampa, Fla 30.10 92 76 0.58 Clear WASH., D. C... 29.81 106 76 .... Clear FOREIGN. (7 a.m., Greenwich time, today.) Station's. Temperature. Weather. London. England 56 Ram Pans. France 62 Clear Vienna, Austria 60 Clear Berlin. Germany 62 Clear Brest. France 58 Clear Stockhlom, Sweden 60 Cloudy Gibraltar. Spain 68 Clear (Noon. Greenwich time, today > Horta (Fayali. Azores... 72 Part cloudy (Current observations.) Hamilton, Barmuda 80 Part cloudv Havana, Cuba 78 Pari cloudy Col On. Canal Zone 80 Part cloudy FOUND. DOG small, white; recently clipped; bow of ribbon and bell attached to collar, no tag. Lewis Hotel Training School. LOST. BIFOCALS, tortoise shell frame, in case, on 15th st. between Ohio ave. and E si. n.w., or on E between 13th st. and Mun scy Bldg. Finder please return Mr. Gill chrlst. Room 1240. Munsey Bldg. BILLFOLD containing S2O and personal papers, either on 14th near Decatur or 100 block B st. it. Pot. 3762. • CAT. black. Persian: strayed from Apt. 20L Cavalier Hotel, early Sunday; answers to name of Dracula. Reward to Under. Call Columbia 3600. • EYEGLASSES. Oxford style, Mark rim; vicinity of 16th and K sts. n.w.. or on 7th between Eye and E. Thone Nat. 8939. Re ward 22* POCKET BOOK, small black, with *5 gold piece wrapped in brown paper, $1 bill, some change and receipted bill of Mrs. Jordan. 3215 O st. n.w . between 3215 O and Potomac at. Return to 3215 o. apl_i. POCKETBOOK, containing a sum of money, a If. H. ticket to Bridgeport, Conn., and other articles, on Sunday ulternoon. pre sumably on Ml. Rainier car. between sth and G sts. and 28th and Perry sts. Finder call Potomac 4422._ Reward. S2* _ POLICE DOG, 10 weeks old. wearing tan harness, near Hechtnger's lumber yard; $5 reward. Herman Heuser. 2127 P st. n.w. 22* SCARF, heavy tan fringe, near 17 th and Eve_sts._n.w. Cleveland _____ SPECTACLES, heavy, dark-nmmrd Reward. 2718 17th st. lie Decatur 2989-J UMBRELLA, dark blue, small, with border; 13th and D ear Sunday noon. Reward. Pot. 1248. 2127 Ist st. n.w. WRIST WATCH, white gold. Elgin, on black ribbon, lost Saturday forenoon between Oregon ave. and Stoneleigh Courts or Conn, ave. car. Reward Telephone Mrs. Choate, North 6393, or call at 1702 Oregon. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT MOD ERATE PRICES. TEL. NAT. 2418 ti NAT. 81U6 .32 £35?.. 14th & Eye Prompt Auto Delivery Service Gude Bros. Co., 7212 F St* Artistic—expressive—lnexpensive. <£arh us chunks. SCHODER. HERBERT. The family of HEP.- j BERT ECHODER wish to acknowledge i with sincere thanks and grateful eppre eiation the many floral tributes and ex pressions of sympathy sent during their bereavement MRS? HERBERT SCHODER AND FAMILY. 22* Sratlia. ANDERSON. ARNOLD NATHANIEL. En tered into peaceful slumber Saturday. July 19. 1930. at 840 p m.. ARNOLD NATHANIEL ANDERSON, dearly beloved son of Walter and Gladys Anderson, de voted brother of Almeda Wilbur. Arline. Walter, jr.; Stanly. George and Stephen Anderson, grandson of Stephen Anderson and the late Mary Anderson and Manilla Jones. A host of other relatives and friends survive. Funeral Tuesday July 22. from his late residence. 140 Thomas st. n.w., thence to Ebenezer M. E Church, corner 4th and D *ts. se„ Rev. R. S. Thomas, pastor, at 2 o'clock. • ASH. JAMES EARL. JR. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 20. 1930. JAMES EARL, Jr.. beloved son of Mai. and Mrs, James Earl Ash, in his 15th year. Services on Tues day. July 22, at Trinity Church. Takoma Park. D. C. at 10 am. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. • BAKER. DOCIA ANN. Sunday. July 20. 1930. at the residence of her daughter. Lillian Stcgmaier, Bon Air. Va . DOCIA ANN. be loved wife of the late John W. Baker. Fu neral Tuesday. July 22. at 2 p m . from the above residence. Interment Herndon, Va. Relatives and friends Invited. • BARRIERE. MARY FRANCES. On Sunday. July 20. 1930, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William Mudd. 434 Clif- | ford ave.. Alexandria, Va.. MARY FRAN CES. widow of Isadore B. Barriere. Fu neral services at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Clara B. Sullivan of 3424 Brown st. n.w.. on Tuesday. July 22. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and triends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. BROWN. MARY M. Departed this life Sat urday. July 19. 1930. atter a brief Illness, at Columbia Hospital, MARY M. BROWN, beloved wife of Fleming W. Brown, devoted mother of Fleming W . Jr.: Morton and Richard Brown and Mrs. Marion Wood, grandmother of Vivian Brown and mother in-law of Maud Brow T.. Remains can be viewed at her late residence. 1513 sth st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. July 22. at 1 p m., from Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. 3rd and Eve sts. n.w. Interment Harmony Ceme tery. BROWN, MARY. Officers and members of Wueen of Sheba Chapter. No. 2, O. E. S , »r<* requested to attend the funeral of our late member. Hon. Lady MARY BROWN, on Tuesday. July 22. 1930. at 1 p.m,. from the Mount Carmel Baptist Church. 3rd and sts. n.w. Please wear black clothes. By order FLORENCE M. D. CARROLL, R. M. RICHARD A. PHILLIPS, R. P. JEBSIE C BANKS. Sec. • BROWN, MARY. The Ladies' Crispus Atlucks Relief Association announces the death of Mra. MARY BROWN. Funeral Tuesday. July 22. 1930. at 1 pm. from Mount Carmel Baptist Church. 3rd and Eye sts. n.w. JULIA WEST HAMILTON. Pres. JENNIE E. BARNES. Rec.. Sec. BRYAN, BENJAMIN CHAMBERS. On Mon day. July 21, 1930. at the Naval Hospital Washington. I) C. Rear Admiral BEN JAMIN CHAMBERS BRYAN. U. 8 N, retired, in his 72nd year. Notice of fu neral later. BUTLER. OTTOWAY N. Departed this life on Sunday. July 20. 1930. at his residence. 2708 O st. n.w . OTTOWAY N.. the beloved husband of Obereta Butler and devoted father of Ottoway. ir.. Hugh L. and Charles F. Butler. Notice of funeral heie aftcr. • COLE. ETHEL L. Suddenly, on Saturday, July 19, 1930, ETHEL L COLE <nee Mull), beloved wife of Francis Irvin Cole. Fu neral from her late residence. 639 Long fellow st. n.w.. on Tuesday. July 22. at 10 am. Requiem mass at St. John's Church. Forest Glen. Md.. at 10:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Forest Glen. Md. • CORNISH, ADDIE. On Sunday, July 20, 1930, at the residence of her grandson. Dr. Tinym Cornish. 1122 Kenyon st. n w.. ADDIE CORNISH. Remains resting “ at Moon A- Allen's funeral parlors, 12th st. and Florida ave. n.w. Notice of fu- I neral later. I DAVERN. WILLIAM C. On Saturday. July I 19. 1930. at the United States Naval Hos- 1 pital. WILLIAM C.. beloved husband of Sadie E. Davern. Funeral from W. W. Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. •i w., on Tuesday. July 22, at 8:30 am.: thenrr to Immaculate Conception Church. Bth and N sts. n.w.. where mass will be said at 9 am. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. DAVIS. MARY L. On Sunday, July 20. 1930. at the residence of her nephew, Richard E. Borseau, 5905 Blair rd n.w,. MARY L. daughter of the late Thomas J. and Rosetta A. Davis. Funeral from W. W. Chambers' funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Tuesday. July 22. at 9 am.; thence to the Church of the Nativity. Brightwood, D. C . where mass will be sa>d at 9 30 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. DORSEY. ANNIE M. On Saturday. July 19, 1930. at the home of her daughter, in Schenectady. N. Y.. ANNIE M. DORSEY, beloved wife of Morgan J. Dorsey. Re mains will be at. Hines' undertaking parlors Monday, July 20. after 0 a.m. Notice of funeral hereafter. * ENGLISH. ANNIE. A. On Sunday. July 20, 1530. ai Columbia Hospital. ANNIE A., be loved wife of John English. Fineral serv ices in W. W. Chambers' funeral home, 14th and Chapin sts.. Monday, July 21, at 8 p.m. Interment Harrisburg. Pa. FRITCHMAN. CATHERINE. On Sunday. July 20, 1930, CATHERINE, beloved wife of William H. Fritchman. Funeral serv ices at 112 Baltimore avenue. Takoma Park, Md . on Wednesday. July 23. at 2:30 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 22 GRIER. CLARK. On Sunday. July 20, 1930. at his residence. 2000 16th st. n.w.. CLARK, beloved husband of Georgia B. Grier. Funeral services in W. W. Cham bers’ funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Tuesday, July 22. at 3 pm. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. HENSON. LOOSE. The Ladies' Golden Leaf Whispering Hope Society announces the funeral of Mrs. LOUISE HENSON Bunriay. July 13. 1930. from Zion Wesley A. M. E. Church. D st. bet. 2nd and 3rd sts. s w. PAULINE MARSHALL, Pres. JENNIE E. BARNES. Rec. Sec. HODGE. MARY F. On Sunday, July 20. 1930. MARY F. HODGE, devoted sister of Fan nie M. Rowe. She also leaves four nieces and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Thurs day. July 24, at 9 a.m. 23 HUGHES. MARY E. On Sunday. July 20, 1930. at her residence. Potomac. Md., 1 MARY E. HUGHES, in her 86th year. Fu neral Tupsday. July 22, at 11 am., from Potomac M. E. Church. Interment church cemetery. JONES. BESSIE. On Sunday. July 20. 1930, en route to Petersburg. Va.. BESSIE JONES, devoted daughter of Mrs. Mary E Jones of 612 Cedar st.. Petersburg, Va. Remains resting at Moon & Allen's funeral par lors. 12th and Florida ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. KEtSER. ELIZABETH. On Monday. July 21. 1930, at 12:30 a.m.. at her home. Ingle side. Rockville Pike. Md.. ELIZABETH KEISER. in her eightieth year, beloved wife of Cyrus Keiser. Funeral Wednes day. July 23. at 2 p.m.. from Mount Zion Baptist Church. Bethcsda, Md. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. 22 KF.I.I.ItIf R. JOHN D. Suddenly, on Satur day, July 19. 1930. at Providence Hospital. JOHN D. KELLIIIER. beloved husband of Ellen R. Kelllhcr (nee O'Brien) of 2025 First st. n.w. Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday. July 22. 1930, at 8:30 i am. Requiem mass at St. Martin's Church j at 9 a.m, Interment Mnunt Olivet Ceme tery. Relatives and friends invited. KIDWEI.L. KATIE. On Friday. July lfU 1930. at Providence Hospital, Miss KATIE KIDWELL. Requiem mass at Immaculate Conception Church today at 8 a.m. Re mains were sent to Richmond. Va., for interment. KREBS, ARMIN C. On Sunday. July 20. 1930. at Sibley Hospital. ARMIN C.. be loved . husband of Frances C. Krebs of 325 Fa: rive. s.e. Funeral from the par lors of James T. Ryan, 317 Pa. ave. s.e., on Wednesday. July 23.. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 22 LYDDANE. JOHN. On Monday. July 21. 1930. at the residence of his son In Baltimore. Md.. JOHN LYDDANE. hus- j band of the late Elizabeth Fox Lyddane and father of Harry H. 5 Margaret R. .and Florence S. Lyddane. Notice of funeral later. i McDowell. JAMES H. On Sunday. July 20. 1930, JAMES IT.. 76 years old. husband of Lounnna McDowell. 2421 Ist st. Fu neral on Tuesday. July 22. at 2 p.m . from the chapel of A. R. Speare Co.. 1623 Con necticut ave. MICHAEL. MARY EDWARDS. On Sunday. July 20. 1930. at her residence. 5315 Bth st. li.w.. Mrs. MARY EDWARDS MICHAEL, beloved wife us Rev. Walter M. Micharl. Funeral services at the Brightwood Park M. E. Church, Bth and Jefferson sts. n.w,. ] Tuesday, July 22, 1930. «t 10 a.m. Casket will be opened in the church from 9 to 10 o'clock. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. * MINER. ELLA F. On Sunday. July 20.’ 1930. at 1775 Lanier pi n w , ELLA F. beloved wife of the late Harry Miner and mother of Miss Helen Miner. Funeral services at W. W. Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w . Tuesday. July 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemeiery. MONK. JOHN E. On Sunday. July 20. 1930. at 9 am., JOHN E , be’oved husband of Anna E. Monk <nee Tripp). Funeral from his late residence. 1528 Monroe st. n.w., on Tuesday, July 22, at 3 p.m. * MONROE. WILSON H On Saturday. July 19. 1930. at 5 a m . WILSON H. MONROE, devoted son of Mrs llurriett Monroe Ar thurs of Ashburn. Va : tieloved father of Wilma Monroe, grandson of Mrs Cath erine Hull He also leaves four sistrrs. Mrs. Fannie Stewart. Mrs. Susie Jack son. Mrs. Emma Smith and Mrs. Rosa Price, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* funeral cliapel, 3d and Eye sts. sw. Funeral Monday, July 21, at Ash burn, Va. OUTCAULT. EEVIE MATTHEWS. Suddenly. »» 5 pm. July 1». 1930. at her residence. ' 3217 Conn ave . EFFIE MATTHEWS OUT- C.iULT. beloved wife of Harry J Outcault. Funeral services at Hysong’s funeral home, 1300 N st n.w . Tuesday. July 22. at 11 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. DARKER. JAMES. On Sunday. July 20. 1930. JAMES PARKER, devoted father of Cassius Parker. William Parker and Agnes Mas lerson and brother of Cora Botts. Funeral Wednesday. July 23. at 1 D m . from Rork Creek Baptist Church. Tenleytown, D. C. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w. 22 PENN, C. EARLE. Suddenly. Friday, July ! 18, 1930. C. EARLE, beloved husband of Cora A Fenii and son of Emma M Penn, aged 30 years. Funeral from H. M. Pnd- Sett's funeral home. 131 11th st\ s.e.. Tues ay. July 22. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Con giesslonal Cemetery. A-9 Death*. ! PUGH. W ILLIAM S. Entered Into eternal ; rest Saturday morning, July It, 1980 at 1 o’clock, at the Emergency Hospital. WILLIAM S PUGH, devoted husband of , MRbel J Pish and father of Oliver O. Pugh. He also leaves to mourn his de parture one sister and many other rela tives and friends. Remains resting tem porarily a! the John T Rhlnes funeral chapel. Funeral Tuesday. July 22. at 1 p.m... from Peoples' Congregational Church, M between 6th and 7th sts. n.w. Inter ment Harmony Cemetery. REVII.LE. ALICE G. On Saturday. July It, at 10:45 p m.. ALICE G. REVILLE . be loved aunt of Monrtte. Nellie. Henry, Paul and William Hallam and Mrs. Mil ton Tibbetts Funeral Tuesday at 2 p m. from her late residence. 1341 Fairmont st. n.w. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. • SADGWAR. BELLE M. On Monday morn ing. July 21. 1930. BELLE M . beloved daughter of Emma B and the late O. Luther Sadswar and the sister of Luther T. Sadgwar. Notice of funeral later. SHEPHERD. PHILI.IP M. On Saturday, July 19. 1930. at Walter Reed Hospital, PHILLIP M SHEPHERD, devoted son of Henderson and Sarah Shepherd, brother of Annie. Willie, Margaret and Theodora Shepherd. Mrs Carrie Ragland of New York. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Detroit. Mich., and cousin of Mrs. Louisa Edwards. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w., until Tuesday morning 10 a.m.. thereafter at his late residence, 1325 Que st. n.w. Fu neral Wednesday. July 23. 1930. at 1 p m., from Metropolitan Baptist Church, B st. between 12th and 13th n.w. 22 SHEPHARD. PHILLIP. By order of the worshipful master, all members of Doric Lodge. No 19. F. A. A. M., are hereby or dered to assemble at the Masonic Temple. 10th and You sts n.w., Wednesday. July 23. 1930. at 11:30 am., for the purpose of ultending the funeral of our late brother, PHILLIP SHEPHARD. „ JULIUS L. MILES, W. M. FREDERIC W. ALSTON, Sec. 22 SLAUGHTER. BETTY. On Bunday, July 20, 1930. at Emergency Hospital. Mrs. BETTY SLAUGHTER, faithful servant and devoted friend for twenty-five years of Mrs. A. L. Rollins of 2032 Eye st. n.w. May her soul rest in peace. SMITH. BEULAH OREM. On July 20, 1930, at her home. 3945 Connecticut ave., BEULAH OREM, wife of Elmer Q Bmi*h. Funeral from the home of her mother, Mrs. Perry C. Orem, 320 Radnor ave. Baltimore, Md . Tuesday, July 22. at 3 p.m., standard time. Interment in Loudon Park Ceme tery. • STEVEN'S. RUSSELL LEROY. On Sunday, 20, 1930. at 9:30 pm.. RUSSELL LEROY, beloved husband of Maude Allen Stevens and father of Catherine Allen Stevens. Notice of funeral later. STEWART LORENZO T. Departed this life Sunday. July 20, 1930. at 1:50 pm at Freshmen's Hospital. LORENZO T„ be loved husband of Lena M. Stewart and uncle of George. James and Samuel John son. Remains resting at Adams 4 Smoot's undertaking parlors. Notice of funeral later. F , RA>iK W - ° n Sunday, July 20. 1930, Ht his residence, 437 Park rd. n.w.. KRAMIC W. STREET, beloved husband of M a leak a s. Street. Services at the above address Wednesday. July 23. at 11 a.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 22 VALENTINE, MATTIE. Departed' thle life Saturday, July 19. 1930. at 6:20 a.m., after a long illness, MATTIE VALEN TINE. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. George Valentine: one brother. Grant Hughes: a grandmother, Mrs. Martha Gilmore, and three aunts, Mrs. Annie Champ, Mrs. Pearl Woodford and Mrs. Bessie Hawkins; one uncle. John h. Gilmore, and numerous other relatives and friends. Funeral Tuesday, July 22. at i ® the First Baptist Church. Brentwood, Md. WALSH. WILLIAM M. On Saturday. July 19, 19..0. WILLIAM M.. belovrd son of the late Ur. Joseph anti Elizabeth Walsh and devoted brother of Mrs. Elizabeth E. Herbert. Funeral Tuesday. July 21. from the funeral home of Perry Ac Walsh, 20 ", st -. n at 839 am.: thence to Bt. Aloysius Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul. Interment at Mount Olivet, Ceme j tery. Relatives and friends Invited. WRIGHT. GEORGE HERDMAN. On Sun day. July 20. n. 30. at. his home. Carroll S’JJi 1 !?* Sanitarium. Forest Glen. Md , Dr. GEORGE HERDMAN WRIGHT, in his 72nd year. Services will be held at his late residence on Wednesday morning. July 23. at 10 o'clock. Cremation at Lee's fu neral parlors immediately following (prl vale). WHITE, WILLIAM S. On Sunday. July 2t>. 19.30, at hts residence. 1622 Newton st. ne. WILLIAM 3. WHITE, aged 71 years, beloved husband of Clara White and brother of Dr Charles Stanley White. Funeral services at his late residence, Tuesday. July 22 at 230 pm. Interment Congressional Cemetery. IttfHmurtam. BROOKS. ADA F. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear mother, ADA F. BROOKS, who passed away July 21. 1925. EVA B. WORKS. • BROWN. ANNA W. (NANCY). In loving and fender mem.ory of my mother. ANNA W. I NANCY I BROWN, who died July 21. 1919. LEIGH CHOATE ALLNXJTT. FRENCH. HUGH T. In memory of mt dear son. HUGH T. FRENCH, who departed this life one year ago today, July 21, 1929. Dearest son. how I miss you. Since from earth you passed away. And my heart for you is aching As I think of you today. LOVING MOTHER. EMMA WADE. • HAMBURG. WALTER. In memory of our darling son. WALTER HAMBURG, who died four years ago today, July 21. 1926. You have gone from us. dear Walter, To your Savior, good and true: You have won the heavenly glory. Which it is for us to do. MOTHER. DAD AND FAMILY. • JENKINS. JAMES E. In sad but loving re membrance of my dear husband. JAMES E. JENKINS, who departed this life one year ago today. July 21. 1929. Thy will be done. O Lord: We do not dare complain. And in our hearts we have the hope That our loss was Thy gain. It draws us from our surroundings To long for the meeting above. No natter how heavy our loss is. No matter hoW great our despair. Doesn't heaven seem near and brighter To know that our loved one Is there? What matter though life be lonely And we tread the path alone. If when our journey is ended In heaven we'll know our own? LOVING WIFE, MAGGIE. • JOHNSON. ELIZABETH. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear mother. ELIZA BETH JOHNSON, who pa tied away two years ago today. July 21. 1928. Loving and kind in all her way*. Upright and just to the end of her days. Sincere and kind in heart tnd mind— What a beautiful memory she left behind. HER LOVING SON. ERNEST E. DOGANS• LEVY. ISAAC. On July 21, 1926. there de parted from this earth a man whose goodness was always rcfleited in his lov ing kindness to his fellow man. ISAAC LEVY We mourn this heartfelt loss. HIS WIFE. CYRIL: HTS CHILDREN. HI3 GRANDCHILDREN AND HIS GREAT GRANDCHILDREN. RIDGH AV. GEORGE A. In metnory of my devoted father. GEORGE A RIDGWAY. who passed into the great beyond twelvg years ago today. „ ... _ HIS LOVING DAUGHTER. ALMA RIDG WAY FORTUNE. * THORPE. RHODA M. In sad but loving memory of my dear sister, RHODA M. THORPE, who departed this life one year ago today, July 21. 1929. Sleep <n. dear sister, take your rest. I loved you dearly, but God loved you best And took you home with Him to rest. HER LOVING SISTER. MARY E. RYAN. • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. _ Clyde J. Nichols, Inc, 4?««i Hth Rt._N.WL Cel. WH "j. WILLIAM LEE’S SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORR CREMATORIUM 23? FA AVE N.W NATIONAL 1384. 13»S CHAS. S. ZURHORST 391 EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln 03*2 ■ Frank Geier's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST NV. National 2473 Modern Chapel. Telephone l ™* l ” l —* V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors ot nor connected with the original W R. Speare establish- Phone Frank 6626 N.W. Formerly 910 F St. N.W. W. We Deal & Co -816 H ST NE_ LINcbLN 8200 Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 4i2 h st nt Lincoln 0524 Modern Chapel Lincoln ALMUS R. SPEARE Surmdinit th«* Original W. ft. Rprtre Ct. - Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4HOP __ Joseph F. Birch's Sons <IS AAC BIRCH! ?m4 AT Cf M\V Phone West 609 g .WAFT 4U Z>l. I\. W . Established 1841 'Established i 876 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1387 l«th Bt. N.W. Phone North #047. cemeteries" FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY invitee inspection of it* beautiful COLUMBARIUM Family vaults and single niches for In terment of cremation ashes. For sale or rent. 'Lots for sale in new Masonic section.) Two offices: 183? G Street N.W. and at remeterv gate. Call District 6103 or Lin coln 3679 _ GLENWOOD CEMETERY Yaultage; $5 per month Choice lotg and sites tor sale. 'it A