Newspaper Page Text
BUNG PROJECTS TOTAL $570,000 Manufacturing and Storage Plant Permit Is Boost for Week. i Continued From First Page.) Cooley Bros., owners and builders; George T. Santmyers. architect; to erect eight 2-story brick dwellings, 3819 to 3833 T street (lots 48 to 55, •quare 1310); to cost $60,000. D. J. Dunlgan, Inc., owners and builders; George T. Santmyers, archi tect; to erect six 2-story brick dwell ings. 5518 to 5528 Fourth street (lots S 2 to 27, square 3260); to cost $36,000. D. J. Dunigan, Inc., owners and builders; George T. Santmyers, archi tect; to erect five 2-story brick dwell ings. 5519 to 5527 Fourth street (lots 12 to 16, square 3295); to cost $30,000. Ruth Hanna McCormick, owner; Ward Brown, architect; H. W. Bolling, builder; to erect one 2-story brick ad dition and make repairs and altera tions, rear 1224 Thirtieth street (lots 812. 813, 850 and 853, square 1209); to cost $21,000. W C. and A. N. Miller, owners and builders; G. E. Mac Neil. architect: to erect one 2'--story stone dwelling, 4931 Rockwood parkway (lot 8, square i 1512); to cost $17,200. Crew Levick Co., owners and fle aigners; C. H. Brooks, builder; to erect one 1-story brick and terracotta gas station, 5440 Wisconsin avenue (lot 1, aquare 1660); to cost SI 7 - 0 . 00 - ... r . J. M. Gleason, owner and builder, to erect, two 2-story brick and frame dwellings. 5908 and 5912 Nevada ave nue (lots 33 and 34, square 1863), to cost $14,000. . John M. King, owner and builder J. A. Melby, architect; to erect three 1- frame dwellings, 3214, 18 and 20 Fourteenth street northeasttlote 51 Co 53, square 3961); to cost S 12^52• Christian Heurtch. owner ; J. £• <*}**' architect; Clarence W. Gosnell, bunder, to erect one 2-story stone and concrete block dwelling. 4438 (parcel 35/215, square 16.9), to cost ** Peonies Drug Stores, owner; George N Ray, architect; C. Wohlgemuth, Jr., builder; to erect one 2-story brick addition and remodel 2481 Eighteenth street (lot 822, square 2560); to cost W W. Vaughn, owner, designer and builder; to erect one 2 -story brick and dwelling 1011 Varnum street SKtaJt square 3891); to cost 5 °W. Vaughn, owner, designer and builder' to erect one 2-story brick and cinde/’ block dwelling, 1015 Varnum street northeast (lot 99, square 3891), to cost SB,IOO. j Martin Mclnerney, owner smd builder; J. H. Abel, designer; to erect one 1-story brick store. 3105 Nichols avenue southeast (lot 3 and Pt- > square 5989); to cost SB,OOO. B. Hilton, owner, designer and builder; to erect one 2-story brick and frame dwelling, 3210 Stephenson street (lot 44, square 2019); to cost $5,000. Protestant Episcopal Cathedral of District of Columbia, owners; to con struct steps etc., Wisconsin avenue and Woodley road (lot —, square 1925), to cost $4,000. v Alfonsi Vignan. owner; George f- Locknane, designer and builder, to erect one 2-story brick addition and remodel 4801 Georgia avenue (lot 25, aquare 3011), to cost $4,000. Herbert T. Devine, owner and build er Sears, Roebuck & Co., designers; to erect one 2-story frame dwelling, 4922 Quarles street northeast lets 30 and 31. square 6171), to cost $4,000. Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church, owner; Pringle & Arnold, designers and builders', to make repairs, Sixteenth and Church streets (lot 83, square 180), to cost $3,000. J H King, owner; J. H. Mclntyre, designer and builder; to erect one 2- brick addition, 1723 Thirty fifth street (lot 803, square 1277), to cost $3,000. Mrs. R. L. Hoxie, owner : C. Raymond Thire. designer and builder; to re model 3401 Macomb street (lot 41, aquare 2078), to cost $3,000. George A. Martin, owner; Randolph Dodd, builder; Lewis W. Giles, archi tect; to erect two 2-story brick dwell ings, 1506 and 1508 First street south west (lots 15 and 16, square 656), to cost $4,000. W. A. Elliott, owner; T. F. Collier, builder; to make repairs. 1515 Twenty eighth street (lot 279, square 1266), to cost $2,000. Judith Steele, owner; T. F. Collier, builder; to make repairs, 3113 Four teenth street (lot 68. square 2848), to cost $1,500. Cooley Bros., owners and builders: to erect eight brick garages. 3819 to 3833 T street (lots 48 to 55, square 1310), to cost $1,200. Republic Investment Co., owners and builders; R. M. Briscoe, designer; to erect brick service station, 6429 Blair road (lot 803, square 3344), to cost $1,200. Royal! D. Bradbury, owner; Frank Simpson Building Corporation, build ers; to make alterations, 3706 Ingomax street (lot 45, square 1876), to cost SI,OOO. „ . Judson J. Whitehead and Max Corin, owners; P. L. Adams, builder; to make + + Tabloid Suggestions For Sunday Inspection Chevy Chase, D. C. North Cleveland Park Detached, $10,500 Detached, $14,750 5417 Nevada Ave. 3712 Yuma St. Thoroughly redecorated and N f*\ brick ar l d *2““ reflnished throughout. 6 big ter bed rooms, 2 tile baths, ftre rooms tile bath, breakfast al- place, 2-car built-in garage, cove floored attic, fireplace. Frigidaire. private porch, fin garage. deep lot. A most re- lshed attic, large lawn. West on markable value for this section. Van Ness from Conn., north on 37th to Yuma. Cleveland Park Npar Masg . Ave . H ts. Detached, $22,000 f ljp(i Knomt f 8,750 „ 350 J; 2126 37th St. N.W. screened breakfast and sleeping You can save SI,OOO on this porches, 2 tile baths, extra lav- home. Completely reconditioned, atory. 2-car built-in garage, Are- 4 big bed rooms, inclosed**J*«P* Diace, Frigidaire, floored attic. ing porch, cement front porch. High elevation on large shaded tile bath shower, built-in gar comer lot. At 34th and Ordway age. fireplace, oak floors and streets. every modem feature. North Cleveland Park $5,950 Bargain Semi-detached, $12,950 Brick, Like fteu> 3731 Van Ness St. 1444 W St. S.E. instruction rod tile Convenient to schools, stores ro?f 8 <4 ah? bed and everything. Tapestry brick, rooms), tile bath, fireplace. Frig- like new in ewary way. B'big idaire, front porch, floored attic, rooms, tile floors, ; 3 beautifully landscaped lawn. Re- rt ?nlit rCh Term! Uke t ’rmt^ b conditioned like new. bcry, fruit. Terms like rent. Clip this ad NOW for reference. In the event that Sunday inspection la Incon venient you’ll find ail the homes open every day until 9 p.m. T ZI QLcMctfooler ££ — 3 REAL ESTATE.’ LAST UNIT OF TILDEN GARDENS COMPLETED >;». w The Point Buildinr, last unit of the Tilden Gardens development of M. & R. B. Warren, located on Connecticut ave nue between Sedrwick and Tilden streets, which has just been completed. The entire development of six buildings has an WnUwdTalueo?approxlmately^ $3,000,000. About one-third of the five-acre site is occupied by the buildings, the remain der being devoted to walks and landscaping. j. DRIVE FOR 60,000,000 MEMBERS IS BUILDING AND LOAN INTENTION Savings of Investors Is Potential Means of Reducing Home Costs, League President Declares. Member bodies of the United States Building and Loan League will make a drive to increase their individual mem bership to a grand total of 60.000,000 1 persons in as short a time as possi ble and if this plan is successful, the savings of these investors will reduce home costs for the Nation. Ernest A. Hale, Boston, president of the league, declared this week at the convention of the organization. The building up of an enormous fund for home buying purposes will encourage more people to undertake home ownership and a great Increase in the volume of residential construction would tend to lower costs in this field, he believes. “We would like to increase the mem berships in building and loan associ ations to 60.000,000. and this is not an impossible desire.” he said. “The bene- PROMINENT EUROPEAN LAWYERS COMING HERE Leaders of England, Scotland, Ire land and France to Attend Bar Conventions. By the Associated Press. LONDON, August 2.—More than 200 prominent lawyers from England, Scot land. Ireland and France will sail Au gust 5 for America to attend the con ventions of the Canadian and American Bar Associations. The first will be held at Toronto, commencing on August 14, and the second at Chicago. Viscount Dunedin, wno presides oyer the judicial committee of the privy council, heads the party. He is now 80 years of age. but Is as keen as ever on legal problems. ~. _ Sir John Simon, chairman of the In dian Reform Commission, will make the trip also. , _ , Sir William Jowitt. attorney general since the advent of the Labor govern ment, is another going. 11 SCOUTS RESCUED Canadian Boys’ Cries Bring Aid When Boat Capsizes In Lake. OTTAWA. Ontario. August 2 UP.— Eleven Canadian Boy Scouts were res cued from Lake Deschenes, near Ayl ; mer, yesterday, after clinging for four hours to their capsized rowboat. The i boys’ cries for help were heard by two men at the Aylmer Yacht Club, who put out in a motor boat and picked them up. repairs, Mount Olivet road and Mon tello avenue northeast (parcel 141/11, square 4051), to cost SI,OOO. Jewel Tea Co., Inc., owners; A. 8. J. Atkinson, architect; to erect one 1-story brick, tile and concrete store and garage. 1539 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, and 1528 K street south east (lots 2, 801 and 812; square 1078), cost not given. | BUSINESS PROPERTY LEASES We Specialise in Finding the Right Location Mawn CONSULT MR. BRENT BOSKOPS 1417 K St. National 9300 * frHE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930. fit of such a program would be two fold; People would be encouraged to iave who perhaps would not do so other wise, and the savings of such a vast army, reloaned exclusively for home buying purposes, would, in the end, tend to lower costs In this field by releasing such a flood of money. I am confident that the savings of this many people can be reloaned rapidly to other people anxious to undertake home owming.” Mr. Hale said that associations throughout the country now possess surplus funds, and that “normal con ditions will be reestablished throughout the country in a very short period of time.” \ NOW IS THE TIME f > COME OUT AND SEE OUR > < FULLY DETACHED BRICK < > HOMES! > C 6,7 and 8 Rooms—l and 2 Baths C i Garage, Large Lot C i * Prices From < * :J; H 0,950 to *12,500 : : < y Easy Terms < > 4 . Will Consider Small House as Part Payment. , ► SAMPLE HOUSE !> ► OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. , ► ; 7119 9th Street N.W. < i . (One block east of Ga. Ave. at Dahlia St. * opposite Waiter Reed Hospital Grounds.) < l WAPLE & JAMES, Inc. S < ► 1226 14th St. N.W. North 0962 > Semi-Detached Brick Homes 4441 Fessenden St. West Chevy Chase Easy *8,950 Terms I Well located and in the direct {lath of our city's most rapid expansion, these h&totes represent as complete and attractive home values as you can find in any of our better home communities. Six large rooms flooded with sunlight through English case ment windows—most attractively decorated through out and completely appointed — built-in bath with shower instantaneous gas heater oah floors ■ throughout linoleum on kitchen floor built-in garage. Open Daily Until 9 P.M. National Mortgage & Investment Corporation 1004 Vl. Ave. Nat’l 5833 11 11 ■ i' ■■ ""' i i lJ "'‘sssjasggßg:' MARIETTA PARK One Only Remaining I ' *y '• - • • * ;j 5819 7th St. N.W. C. H. SMALL A CO., Builders NOWHERE ELSE is there a community more beautiful than here, where the oldest house is new and each house reflects distinction and quality. New junior high and new graded schools within a few blocks. Exceptionally well planned is this semi-detached home. Rooms of more than generous size, flooded with sunlight, elevated on the crest of a hill and cooled by gentle breezes. Porches that charm, and a real old-fashioned fireplace. A lot so large you would expect to find it only in the country. Come out and see a home more complete than you ever dreamed possible. Take 14th St. Car Marked Takoma” Get Off at 7th St, Walk North to Houses or Drive Out 7th St. Tower Bldg., 14th & K Dist. 0853 ** ARCHBISHOP MOONEY ILL Apostolic Delegate to India in Hos pital at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, August 2 bishop Edward A. . Mooney, apostolic delegate to India, is dll in a hospital here with acute bronchitis and sinusitis, physicians said Thursday. His illness is not serious, it was said, and his con dition was “fairly good’’ this evening. Archbishop Mooney came to Cleve land from his family home In Youngs town Wednesday. He has been visiting his home for the first time since ap pointment as apostolic delegate Jan uary 31, 1926, Three Rooms, Kitchen and Porch, $50.00 The Wilson -412 First Street S.E. MECHANICAL AGE OPPRESSES ART, SAYS REPORT SCORING IDEALS Prof. Boring of Columbia Uuniversity, However, Looks for Renaissance in America. Art Is oppressed In this mechanical age. Prof. William A. Boring, director of the School of Architecture of Colum bia University, declares In his annual report, made public by President Nicho las Murray Butler. “Our ideals are too cheap,” asserts Prof. Boring, who holds that great ma terial advantages fall to give rise to sublime music, great literature or great art. Prof. Boring's conclusions are in agreement with the recently expressed views of Ignace Paderewski, who be lieves that the machine age is working against art, and that genius, and there fore the creation of great art, is im possible under the present system of living. Prof. Boring, long prominent in the American Institute of Architects, said, in discussing his report, that, like Pad erewski, he looks for the renaissance of art to take place in America. Like Paderewski, also, he feels that the hope of the world is in youth. “Man's achievement in art reflects his Ideals of beauty,” Prof. Boring says. “What visions rule his mind, guide his hands in his work, give beauty to his creation, if, in his soul, he sees beauty; but if he has not a fine ideal of beauty his work is without charm. “In this mechanical age w r e are sur rounded by new Inventions of form which show function, power and move ment, forms which amaze and impress 6,7 and 8 large room*, tiled r~x?.rssrA ! bath, built-in tub, shower, hard- Bt JB wood floors, cedar-lined closets, sis sen ant's toilet and wash trays. ||| |jf \ Frigidaire and other modern S’ j* flg V '4ll ;f Double rear porches and concrete front porch. Paved §-• B| ; street and alley. Lots 140 feet HMIHIfB Bri Garage with each house. Built by White Union Labor. BBtt ,-0f ;,i§ Conveniently located to jj’| | schools, street cars, stores and |l Thos. A. Jameson Co i' OWNERS AND BUILDERS i j 906 New York Ave. N.W. National 5526 FACING FORT SLOCUM GOVERNMENT PARK OF 17 ACRES NEW 7- ROOM BRICK HOMES WITH 4 BED ROOMS $9,650 Sample House Open Daily to 10 P.M. See These Homes and Make Your Selection Today 3 SOLD BEFORE COMPLETION! Never again will you have the opportunity to purchase such a complete Home, facing a 17-acre Park in the District of Columbia, near all conveniences at the price we are selling these. Features: Seven well proportioned rooms; full tiled hath; many roomy closets; large, bright kitchen; huilt-out pantry with electric refrigeration; artistically decorated; very latest electric fixtures; Colonial cement front porch; large, bright cellar with cold storage room and coal bin under porch; built-in garage. COME OVT TODAY OR TOMORROW AND SEE THE SAMPLE HOVSES “252 and 254 MADISON STREET” (At 3rd and Modi fan Streets N.W.) WAPLE & JAMES, Inc. Owners and Builders 1226 14th Street N.W. North 0962 CHEVY CHASE 203 Oxford Street $16,500 New—STONE AND STUCCO CONSTRUCTION —6 rooms —2 BATHS—magnificent shade trees—2- CAR GARAGE—slate roof—7o foot frontage. AN OUTSTANDING VALUE 5621 Grove Street $24,500 New-—brick and frame—Early American—7 rooms —2 baths—Frigidaire—2-car garage. A HOME OF DISTINCTION TO REACH: South from Chevy Chase Circle on Western Ave. to Oliver Street, one square to Grove Street. 6802 Brookeville Road This lovely New England Colonial borne, thorough ly modern and in perfect condition, with its beautifully developed grounds, cannot fail to interest any one familiar with the charm of the old New England coun try homes. The 9 rooms are unusually spacious and well ar ranged, and the 3 tiled baths are modernly equipped. Electrical refrigeration and oil heat. NEARLY ONE ' HALF ACRE OF GROUND. YOU WILL FIND THE PRICE AS ATTRACTIVE AS THE PROPERTY ITSELF. VACANT. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Edw. H. Jones & Co., Inc. Chevy Chase Properties 5520 Conn. Ave. Cleve. 2300 us, but which rarely exhibit the ele ments of beauty. ‘‘Our forms and expressions do not spring from spiritual impulse*. We are so engrossed with functions and results that we forget the element of beauty. We build bigger and bigger, higher and higher, instead of more and more beau tiful.” 300 MEN FIGHT SPREAD OF WEST VIRGINIA FIRES Tennessee and Virginia Crew Lead ers Sent to Aid Attempt to Check Flames. By the Associated Press. ELKINS. W. Va, August 2.—A forest fire in the Monongahela National Forest in Grant and Tucker Counties raged anew yesterday and 50 additional men were sent to the Are lines in an attempt to curb the flames. The fire-fighting force now totals more than 300 men. Crew leaders from national forests in Virginia and Tennessee joined the fire fighters, and three large motor-driven' pumps were obtained to provide water. The flames have covered approxi mately 1,000 acres in the Government preserve, destroying second-growth tim ber. At least as much privately-owned timber also has been burned. REAE ESTATE.' First Shotting 4 Three New Detached Homes CHEVY CHASE, D. C. i s-i'?-. <• ONLY—III,9SO Electric Refrigeration ".. Over 53-ft. frontage. A real home of half brick Large living room doset, op , n complete - (.overed side porch. kitchen equipment, three large Full tiled bath. bed rooms, cedar closet, linen I ,]» Built-in garage. closet and three other closets. Exhibit Home—32oo Jocelyn St. Pi.W. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY - Drive rifffct from Conn. Ave. on Military Rd. to Broad Branch Rd., then right «■- one-half block to Jocelyn St. and our sign. 5. <£• ©ouglaais; Co. 2 Realtor t w 1621 K St. N.W. Metrop. 5678 Z <4O Charming Individual Homes In Beautiful La Salle Park I A Development of Over 23*4 Acres Where Values Are Sustained By the Character of Its Development 4308-4312 18th St. N.E. 7 and 8 Rooms 8C 2 Baths—Garage Complete to the smallest detail in construction and of the best modern equipment. In the fastest growing home development of the better type in this section, where permanency of values is assured. Priced from $12,950 to $13,500 L Open for Inspection Daily—Sunday Until 9 P.M. on To Inspect—Drive out Mich. Ave. to 18th St. N.E. SULLIVAN BROS. Realtors and Developers 819 15th St. N.W. Ph. Met. 4323 Z 44 , 1 - ■■■■■■'—'■■" j ■■ ' ■■■ !■■ .. ■■ ■.■■■■■ ■y.—- ■■ ■■■. ■I. ■ 1 1 ■-—'■■■ ■■ ' . t l See These |» > . Dunigan Built Homes 422 Longfellow St. N.W. 5 o» Now Open For Inspection <■*o Four real bed rooms; fully screened, large porches, tiled hath, pantry, electric refrigeration, hardwood trim and oak floors throughout, garage, large yard. | One block from 14th Street car line. % Liberal Terms 5 » * D. J. DUNIGAN, Inc. j Nat’l 1265 Tower Bldg. • s *, Buy With Confidence —Buy a Dunigan All-Brick Home m * —... ... —...——. B-3