Newspaper Page Text
HELP AND SITUATIONS. CIRCULARS PROHIBITED. In order to protect it* ad vertisers from receiving circular matter, it is expressly under stood and agreed that all such matter will be withlWld as far as possible by The Star. Only bona fide answers to advertise ments addressed to box numbers in care of The Star will be de livered to advertisers on pres entation of the box number ticket. ATTENDANT. service station, must have two yrs' experience in privately operated sta tion Must he Rood, all-around man in tire repair and lubrication dept. Call in person. 2" ■’ Pa. avc. s e.. Ccnnora S- Foster. 8* BAliin. white. wanted at once on bread and icll- Apply Crabtree's Bakery, North Beach. Md. 3* BOV honest, willing to learn electrical Jjusi :v . s r.iiout 17 must have bicycle. Apply I'--vc Shop. 228 O st. n.w. _ *_ CAR: ENTERS, 67 ready to work Monday mermne 70c an hour Call Mlddleburg 76. CCOK, white, experienced, for yacht on Potomac River. Address Box 302-C, Star office. DELIVERY BOY. colored, with wheel, v.r Oman Park Pharmacy. Wardman Park Hn: el, El VCTRICIANS 10: fixture hangeTS. Ap piv Mr. RUNKLE. Westchester Apts., 39th and cathedral ftve. rrw. 3* GROCERY CtMk. white. experienced, with driver's permit. Apply 3704 Nichols eve, s.e. _______ HOtll night AUDITOR wanted. Must be familiar with transcript and switchboard. Give axe. experience and salary desired. Box 14R-B._ Star_offlce. MEAT CUTTERS. 2. capable of handling cut grice markets: experienced. 1428 7th st. n.W. MAN. younc. corporation has opening on their clerical force for young man about 21. knowledge of accounting necessary. Must be able to furnish good character references. Give full details in first letter. Address Box 147-B. Star office. _ MEN —New proposition. I want 20 men at once for extensive Washington campaign. Big money IX you follow Instructions. 806 nth st. 2* JdEN (2) to Join crew; prefer men between 18 and 24 years of age. with some selling ability and free to leave city: transporta tion furnished: pay daily; permanent work. Apply 317 Mather Building. NIGHT WATCHMAN, white Answer by let ter. giving age and at least four local f farences. Address Box 450-C. Star office. PAFKRHANGER and painter to furnish ma terials and work around apt. house painting giU papering apts. at odd times, on idle dSe and evenings, while holding other reg- Wlr Job, In exchange for rent of furnished apt. for about 3 months: no wages. Apply 8216 I6th st. n.w.. 7 to 9 nights. Ga. 1883. PLUMBER, registered: work warranted for •ntlre year. Address Box 308-C. Star office. pRESSER wanted at once, with driver's permit. Harrison Bros- 3918 14th st. P.W. feat.TjaMAN to canvass for demonstration: good paying, steady position; salary. *lB per week and 2% commission while learning. Bee Mr. Harris. 1017 Conn, ave. BECITRITY SALESMAN with car to work on Eastern Shore following perfect leads. Must be one who is used to making big commis sion. Bee Mr. Davis, Room 734. Investment Vre._ __ IrHOE SALESMAN—Young man to learn the shoe business. Must be a willing worker. Wonderful chance for promotion. Apply Outlet Shoe Store, 1112 7th st. n.w. tISED TRUCK SALESMAN: a real proposi tion to a real producer; none others need apply. Address Box 193-B. Star office. TRUCK MECHANICS (2). first class, for day work. Apply L. W. Burgess, second-floor ■hop. Bterrett Operating Service. 30 M n.e. YOUNG MAN to sell America's most popular automobile, model A Ford: car owner pre ferred. See Mr. Kraft. Washington Motor Co., Ford dealer. 635 Mass. ave. n.w. . VOUNO MAN—Wanted by large corporation, manufacturing and selling office appliances throughout the world, young man, 21-2* years old, university education, single, good health, height at least 5 ft. 6 in. One with selling experience preferred. Success ful applicant will be given two months train ing course at factory before commencing aaies work. Address Box 487-C. Star office. REAL feSTATE SALESMAN —with Washington real estate experience to gtay at and sell new homes, also brokerage. Must have auto and finance self. Co operation given. WAPLR A JAMES. INC.. 1276 141h_St. N W. North 0962. Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper and Collection Clerk. Must be apable of balancing accounts receivable monthly and assume personal re feOdnsiniihv for posting and collection wora. Hridrcss Box 539-C. Star office CHAUFFERS—SO. No excuse for unemployment. , Our men arv practically in business for themselves, making *4 to *7 per day and more in *ea f m We will assist with licenses. Apply E-ii Cab Co.. 1317 L st. SALESMEN. We are enlarging our organiza tion; have openings for several neat appearing men between the ages of 25 and 50. Men who have responsi bilities and have to make big money; full or part time work. \\ e teach you the business. Regardless of vour past or present salary we can increase your earning capacity 100 per cent. Come in and meet a live organization. Meet some men who are making from $l5O to $450 per week. If you have an automobile call in person. 1416 Eye st. n.w. after 9 a.m. Ask for Mr. Reidford. HELP—MEN - AND WOMEN. MARKERS and assorters. exrerienced. Fra r»e-Potomac Laundry. 18th A D sts. n.w. SOLICITORS—Outside work. CaU between B and 12. 1319 F st. n.w.. Room 509. * WANTED—SALESMEN. MANUFACTURER of high-grade line of box chocolates has opening in District of Co lumbia. Virginia and North Carolina for experienced salesman on commission basis with suitable drawing account Territory available September 1. In reply give full Information about yourself Also rive there references. The Gobelin Company, 253 Nor folk st- Cambridge, Mass. ” SALESMEN WANTED—ReaI esUte talesmen of experience, capable of selling general brokerage as well as new moderately priced homes on easy terms. Firm doing extensive advertising. See Bales Manager, Chas. D. Sag-r._§24 14th st. n.w. nfAL ESTATi SALESMAN to work thre* hours a day, our method, sellin* Jobs; make good money. Address Box 413-C, Star office. a | INSTRUCTION COURSES. AUTO DRIVING dUICKLY TAUGHT Quire about jur new method; licensed white men, established 10 years Call Lin 0082 AUTO DRIVING TAUGHT QUlCKLY—Li censed men and evpert lady instructors. Call CONOVER. 2128 H_St. n.w. _West_3o6B. 7* _ WOOD S SCHOOL. *3! 1 EAST CAPITOL ST* Lincoln 0038 Rates: Day. *l6; evening, *5.60: typewriting only. day. *5 and *10; evening, *4 The course Is worth *I.OOO Try it. COURT F. WOOD. LL. M- Principal. DICTAPHONE OPERATORS EXAMINATION for civil service will be held September 15. Special training now being given by Strayer Coll»ge._72l _l3th st a.w_ National 1748. THE COURSE IS WORTH A THOUSAND dollars Try it Wood s School. 311 East Capitol st Lincoln of3B Rates per month: Day. *l6; evening. *5.60 Typewriting only, per month: Day. *5 and *10: evening. *4. Cou-t F. Wood. LL_M- principal. BEAUTY CULTURE A '’’leasant and Profitable Vocation Expertly Taught at the MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL (Est 19181. The South's Leading Beauty Culture School. 1325 N H Ave and 817 14th St N.W. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES^ NOTICE- National Personnel Bureau! I7TB K st n.w Competent help furnished dal'y; positions open dally, District 5821. __ STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, typists r.-eded daily No charge unless piaced. v asnmeton Employment Exchange. 214 Natl. P p.«, p.ldg.. 14th tt F sts. n.w. District 2480. I l ICI'I'M 1 VC Need 500 applicants daily 1 'J.>l 1 1 1 -f-v •* stenographers, tV P lsta, ook Keepers, clerk*, salesmen, etc Free reg Boyd's. 1333 Fn w Nafl 2338 HELP—WOMEN. T ' OPR WAVER, expert. Call Mabel Har -1003 Conn, ave., or call Col. 915 i-J, r LS. 30. wanted for chorus work. Report <■ etv Theater, 2 cm , Monday, Aug. 4, V;IRI. athletic, well built, lor window >''iionr.tratlon; excellent chance lor rapid a Ivanccment. Mr Keefe. 1225 Pa. ave. 3 VjiRLS, ever 18. sci curb service; good rr<,, JC v Apply the Hot Shoppe, 4340 Conn, ave or 1733 R. I. ave. n.e, at 7 P.m., Fri da v or 11 am., Saturday. MASSEUSE—GirI, experienced or Inexperi enced for body massaging. 1309 Md. ave., Baltimore. Md. Phone Vernon 0338-. T, 3* ‘PRESS OPERATOR on shirt and body clothes. Also shirt nnisher. Arcade Laundry, 713 Lamont at. n.W. STENOGRAPHER. law oMce, legal experi ence desired. State full education, legal and other experience, and salary expected. Address Box 500-C. Star office TAILORESS to do men's work. Call at once. 5534 Conn, av*. . TEACHER, unemployed, to Qualify for po sition with corporation dot.og nation-wide business Free to leave city! $1,400 income. Address Box 423-C. Star office. WOMEN, new proposition. I want 20 wom en at once for extensive Washington cam paign. Big money if you follow instructions. 806 17th st. YOUNG WOMAN—Excellent opportunity of fered to one who wishes to capitalise her energy and ambition: must be over IS years of age and have strong general educational background and. above all. the tion to succeed. Address Box 187-B, Sa. office.- WOMAN, white, middle aged, refined; house ' keeping for two; practical nursing neces sary; references. Go home night. State wages expected. Address Bo* l-D. B'ar pace »’ “UNCLE SAM AT YOUR SERVICE” New Homes for Lost Parcels* By Quig Starer P Let us Attend one of those picturesque dead parcel post auction sales which Uncle Sam conducts in the Fall and in the Spring. In Washington, as at the 14 dead-parcel branch offices situated between Boston and Honolulu, all “lost” packages which have been cleared from local post offices and placed in storage are sorted out and catalogued for disposal at auc tion. Prospective bidders are allowed to examine the lots before the auctioneer arrives, and the spirited HELP—WOMEN. (Continued.> STENOGRAPHER Well es tablished real estate company desires first-class stenographer with experience. Salary, $1,200 to $1,500 to start. Reply in own handwriting, stating experience. Address Rox 3-D, Star Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper and Collection Clerk. Must be capable of balancing accounts ! receivable monthly and assume personal re sponsibility for posting and,collection work. Address Box 389-C. Star office. HELP—DOMESTIC. COOK, general housework; small family; stay nights. Tel. Wisconsin 3733. * COOKING and general housework; city references. 2330 Mas*. ave. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, must be good cook: stay nights, and furnish references. Apply 2801 34th at. n.w- Cleveland 2556. » GIRL for housework; small washing. 3309 lSth at. *_ WOMAN. White, general housework; fond of children: good home for responsible party. 3821 13th St. n.w. WOMAN, young, white- for general house work and care of child; Stay nights. 7 to 9 p m- 1416 R. st. n.W„ Apt. 24. SITUATION—MEN. ACCOUNTANT, experienced, capable taking charge of office; also credits, collections, well recommended. r ali Adams 2235. 4* BUILDING ESTIMATOR will take off build ing Quantities; reasonable. W. Sawyer, 334 Md. ave. n.e. Phor.- Atlantic 2720. CHAUFFEUR, by young man. thoroughly experienced driver; finest references. Call Lin. 3655-J ! »* Ch£f. colored, case or private, will leave city; 14 yrs' exp.: best reference. Call North 3954. 1915 11th st. n.w. 2* FARM SUPERINTiNbEftT, Scotch, desires position on gentleman's country place, life time experience in care of flowers and stock. Mr. M. Grant, 1409 Chapin st. n.w.. Apt. 2 FILIPINO wants a lob in private family as chauffeur, butler; city references. Call Columbia 3488. 3 FILIPINO desire* position as driver and butler for a private family; exp. in domes ttc work. Met. 8598. 4 _ FILIPINO, cook, butler, chauffeur; can fur nish best city references for prliate family. Address BoX 499-C. Star office. _ 4 _ GENTLEMAN, married, no children. Ameri can, Protestant, capable, efficient, honjst, sober, adaptable, assume responsibility supt. estate, apartment house, home, timekeeper, cashier, hotel clerk; referencea. Address Box 439-C. Star office. 3 __ GENTLEMAN. 7 year*' superintending work tn the electrical field, desires permanent , connection; available at once. Address Box 452-C. Star office. 4 ' JANITOR, colored, all-around man. experi enced, desires small apartment or day * work. Call or write 1209 »th at. MAN. colored, desires work, experienced In private and commercial driving, apt. house work. No. 1, 1765 Oreton ave. n.w. N. 9170-J. 3 r?ny y ®; 'h\Th^ 9517-.1. MAN young, unemployed, experienced ac countant. auditor, bookkeeper, office man ager, secretary, typist, excellent education »nd references Phone Atlantic 0225, 2 PAINtEr! first-class, interior, exterior, wishes work, day or contract. Address Box 219-C. Star - revising records, mortality gtudle* and up to-date poatint. Address Box 410-C, star OffiCiß, a wm TuTorIHS In tilth school and collie mathematics and chemistry, or grammar school subject* by young man age 25, pref erably of boys. Georgia 2815-J. 2 _ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, experl enced. first-class, desires to work on com missinn basis. District 5483. YOUNG MAN want* any kind employment for two or three week*. Address Box 35|;C, Star office. 4 SITUATION—WOMEN. HuftSf-wTshes Part-tlme duty cam* for sick or baby. Hours * to 4 jp.m. or 7 to 7 a.m. Adams 8820-w. 3 —_ NURSE, college graduate. w i?h»a P°sUion as companion or nurse; valuable experience in dieteties and Swedish massage; will travel. Address Box 438-C, Star office, or phone Adams 3382. 2-4 p.m. 3 _ WOMAN, refined, aged 37. wishes P° B ' ,l °/' In linen room of high-class hotel. Address Box 407-C. Star office. 3 _ YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN dfsirM position as constant companion »nd tutor to eblld or SITUATION—DOMESTIC. COOItING wanted by settled colored woman. Best rshruifit. 8882 P »t. »»-*■ nights. Decatur 2836 or call at 924 « st. SENERAL coFir Colored woman; private family, boarding house: at ay ntghig. 1138 Bth_st. a*. GIRL, colored, want* cook and general housework; good l* u 2s ,r *lo ; ie C 5J' stßy or *° home nlght>. Columbia 8246-W. GIRL. neat, reliable, desires general bftuse work; home nights. Pot. 2709-W. 2018 10th st. n.w. T— GIRL, colored, wants Job M cook, chambermaid or house cleaning. 1409 10th st. n.w.; reference. ( GIRL, neat, light colored, desires place as mother’s helper or nursemaid. Call Cleve land 4705. Apt. 408. GIRL, coloi ed. withes light housework or maid. Phone Lincoln 7509 2 MAID, experienced, good cook; can serve; general work; stay or 80 home nights. North 3976. WOMAN, colored, experienced con* and wa ttreas: be>t city tit. North 3372 woman WISHES day or weekly work; rel iances can Adams 5047 or 737 Kenyon st. n.w. . MOTOR TRAVEL’ Call 2,t0 10 p.m., Saturday; other days after 6 *p.m. YOUNG MAN to drive car Chicago Milwaukee, ylclnlty, August 15, for transportation; can return An*Hi l 29 ij desired: references 2_ WOULD LIKE TRANSPORTATION to Co- ro d cio 0 c r k.^ BlAlfi PARLORS. plSmaWent WAvSsT *4 coHpleti; all guaranteed materials used; shampoo, finger waves, hair cuts, marcels, lacials and mam cures. 35c. 505 12th st. n.w. Met. 0461. 9« fteRSONAL. I The rat* under heading of .fet*en*i I ia 3 cents per line additional to the I regular line rate. tone up your system "with a salt glow alco rub or massage at your home or by appointment. Columbia 4617, Sunday. • a m. to 1 p.m. —_ ELECTRO - THERAPY REDUCING; TEN treatments. »6; cabinet Turkish baths, bak ing. Met 0429. 817 18th. Apt. 2. V— youngTS summer day CAM? - BOYS, girls 3 to IS year*: celled for. returned by private car; swimming, athletics, crafts, kin der garten. coliege counselors. North 6893, WILL HAVE 3 LARGE WEATHERPROOF mo n nd, tr vP, empty ng abSut Augutt %. Will AtlanU, Oa. GRADUATE NURSE/WILL GIVE ROOM and board to Ihvadilds and elderly people; very reasonable rates. Adams B*o2. EXCELLENT CARE GIVEN TWO LITTLE tfwaoici? te 2ra porut ‘ on u *s d: ALCOHOL RUB—SPtIfAL FOMENTATION, cold mitten friction, restful massage. Com plete treatment. $2.60. Falrmdnt Rest Sanatorium, 1457 Fairmont. Adams 5346, or at your home. 3* THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930. P PERSONAL. * Continued.! THE LEEHURBT—A REAL HOME. INVA lids, aged, convalescents. Nurses. Home cooking. Reasonable. 1775 Lanier pi. 5* CHILDREN BOARDED IN TEACHER’S lovely home, near Washington: tutoring if desired; references exchanged. Marlboro 27-F-12. SPANISH. NATIVE LADY; PRIVATE LES son, $1; class, 50c. Translations. English lor foreigners. Call evenings, 1412 Chapin, Columbia 0814. 3* DR. LEHMAN, PLATE SPECIALIST. Plates repaired while you wait, $l.OO. 408 7th st. n.w., over Woolworth's 5 & 10. 2* VIT-O-NET BATHS f~BATTLE CREEK RE ducer; massages for chronic pains: alcohol rubs. Closed Thursdays. Potomac 4721. 14* FOR CONVALESCENTS, INVALIDS. AGED and special diet patients. Beautiful rooms, porches, view Rock Creek Park, skilled nurs mg: day and night care. Refs. Adams 4863. YOUNG WOMAN, capable, wishes position in doctor’s or dentist s office or nursing; go home nights; best city reference. Address Box 396-C. Star office. 2* MONEY ADVANCED ON PAWN TICKETS, diamonds, antiques, silver and gold. Liv ingston & Co., 1319 F st. n.w Nat. 5649 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTOMOBILE REPAIR BUSINESS, estab~ lished 10 years, in good location. Shop will accommodate 10 cars. Address Box 12-D, Star office. FOR SALE— Millinery store and library; reasonable for quick sale. Address Box 8-D, Star offlee. THBIV T NG DRUG STORE, established 35 years at 901 4'a st. s.w., will lease or sell real estate, good reason for selling: terms. Apply David F. Smith, attorney. 917 15th n.w. Nat. 6587. 2* WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. A young inventor will share profits with party who will supply a small amount of cash needed at once to finance a trip to the manufacturers, introducing ten new inven tions ready for market; patents pending; other Inventions already oil the market; references exchanged; very attractive prop osition to the right party. Address Box 156-C. Star offlee. 3* STORE FOR RENT—Wonderful location for hardware, tailor, barber. 503 Kennedy st. n.w. Heat furnished; cellar; garage; $45. 3* RESTAURANT FOR SALfe, with apartments above; selling account ill health. 1129 17th st. n. w. (back of May flower Hotel! ■ 3* RESTAURANT FOR SALE in Riggs Market, between 14th and 15th on P st. n.w.; own er retiring: reasonable. TIRE AND BATTERY BUSINESS Sacrifice: must leave city and will sell business for only a fraction of the cost of the equipment. Address Bo» 207-C. Star office. A BUSINESS. 14th st., District agency open; new proposition. Call 808 17th st., Mr. Myers. 3* TOURIST HOUSE. 8 bed rooms, furnished, for sale, $500; rent very reasonable. Adams 9078. , LUNCH ROOM, doing good business. See Crist Senador. 3505 Georgia WVe. n.w. 4" _ FOfi RENT—Large case in’new apartihent house at Takoma Park, near Waiter Reed Hospital: wonderful opportunity for right party. H. L. Thornton, 6900 4th st. Georgia 22t»1. DISTRIBUTOR, Washington territory, for electrically operated offlee machine to re place present manually operated equipment now in use in all offices. Machine retails at $250. Minimum capital required $15,000. Give full particulars. Address Box 168-B. Star office. CONFECTIONERY, fight lunch and living Quarters; good paying business: for sale, or will exchange lor 6-room house. Lin. 10286 2* RECOMMENDED SERVICE. The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star read ers. Any complaint found necessary to be made to TJhe Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Service Column call National 5000, Branch 115. ANT BiSDBUG. MOTH. ROACH extermina tion guaranteed Fumigation and moth- E roofing of houses. Also fumigation chant er .o rid furniture of moths and bedbugs. Call and deliver American Disinfectant Co. 936 Eye st. n,w Nat ion a1_6478. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED, mirrors and fur niture tops, mirrors resilvered. National Glass Shop. 211 New York ave. Nat. 5720. BEDDING of aU kinds renovated and steri lized by process approved by Health Dept., D. C Prompt service and low prices Basle Bedding Co 2215 sth st. n.t, Decatur 755 BEDDING RENOVATED, springs, mattresses, pillows, feather mat.: down comfort, rc-cov ered Ideal Bedding Co- 622 t n.w. Nat. 4094 BEDDING. MATTRESSES. Pox springs and pillows reno.: best prices and prompt del Wasn. Mattress Co- 819 L st. ».w Nat 6»79 BRICK, piaster, stone and cement work; damp walls waterproofed: free estimate. Stoutsenberger, 210 R. I. ave. n.w. Dec. 5422. BUILDING AND REMODELING "by compe tent builder; plumbing, heating, electrical work, porches inclosed, paperhanging and painting. Terms to suit your budget H. Berenter, contractor. Ad. 883 s. 4927 9th n.w. 7* CHAIR CANEING, porch rockers splinted, upholstering Armstrong, 1235 10th st. n.w. Metropolitan 2062. CARPENTER AND JOBBER, general repair ing; estimates free. M. Brining, 1359 Taylor st. n.w. Adams 1624. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Garages, porches, screens, weather stripping. Adams 5841-J. E. R. C. Ha rtley. «» CARPENTERING, rrpalring. remodeiing. floor finishing, hand or machine; reasonable prices. De Ney Building Co., Met. 3290, branch_43 2* ELECTRIC WIRING. 6 rooms, complete with flxturts. $6O and up. Star Electric Co., Adams 8855. 4927 9th nw. 7* EXPERT FLOOR FINISHING, scraping, wax ing; skilled mechanics Paul Serene. 28 N. T. tve. n.w. Nat. 3866. \ FLOOR WORK In all branches; new dust less machines; expert mechanics; moderate charges. Let us estimate. Wright’s Floor Srrvice. 800 Kennedy st._h w. Ga. 08R5-J. FLOOR WORK, every description; guar.; rea*.; dustless machine; prompt service. L. T Folk. 5357 Bherrier pi. n.w. Clev. 0528. _ FLOORS SCRAPED, reflnlshed, cleaned, waxed, hand or machine work; reliable serv ice, reasonable prices. Nash Floor Service. 803 Princeton st. n.w. Columbia 4231 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, repaired; slip covers made; est. cheerfully given: returned free Tittensor. 1800 Bth st. n.w. N. 7702 HEATING REPAIRS, Grate Bars. Boiler Replacements, Arbestos Covering, Auto matic Water Feeders; quick, superior serv ice; reasonable rates; long list of satisfied clients. Crown Fuel Service. 917 11th st. n.w. District 9922. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. PLASTERING. Special prices this month; best material; all wrork guaranteed 8 D Lopatin, 3829 11th st. n.w., near Part rd. Ada ms 5340 PAINTING. Interior and exterior: skilled mcc-hanics; reasonable prices. Paul Serene. 28 N V, ave, n.w Nat. 3868. . PAPERHANGING Special low prices this week. Get my estimate first; save money. Work guaranteed for 5 years. J. Baitz. 601 Irving st n.wu Col. 1889. 7* PAPERING AND PAINTING— IF~ you have the reputation of paying your bills, will do your work; no cash, a little each month. J. R Sears. 839 N Y. ave. No. 40U. PAPIrHANQING— Rooms papered. $5 and UP: estimate furnished; work guaranteed. A T George 2139 18th «t. n.w.. Apt 2 Decatur 4149 I’lAtfci TUNING, $2.50; repair, estimates free Sanderson-Sohaefler Co.. 644 H st. n.e Lin 1057: night call. Col. 5940. Pot. 989 PLUMBING, hot-water heating, repairing, remodeling: monthly payments or cash. R. E. Dove, phone Lin. 7964. 1008 Q st. n.t. 4« ROOFING, gutteting. spouting, painting and Wi?fd SK'WioiH* work SALUH SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. AUTOMOBILE RADIO, complete, new, with all accessories. *75 cash; garage battery charger, cheap Lincoln 8402. 1305 8 at. se. BABY CARRIAGE, good condition. Adams 4218. . • BATHTUBS and Building material—We are wrecking one entire city block In the rear of tha new Agricultural Dept. Building, be tween B and C. 13th and Llnwood pi. a.w. All kinds of building material at bargain prices. Brick, lumber, sheathing, flooring, studding, wlhdows. doors, sash, cook stoves, and latrobes, pipe, sinks, bathtubs, radia tors and other plumbing and heating mate rials. Apply at pur offlee. corner 13th and B s.w : ask for Mike. BEDS, bureaus, wardrobes, tables, rockers. Slnens. blankets and other hotel equipment ty auction, 8 am., Monday, Aug. 4, Ox ord Hotel. Pa ave. and 15th at. n.w. 3* BEDS (2). iron, double, same style. $2 each; 4 heavy oak chairs. SI each. 3824 11th St. n.w. * BED-DAVENPORT BUITE, 2 ftne~piecesi odd sofa, chairs, rugs, fine aid pieces maple, maheg. and walnut. Reasonable. 3531 Code ave., cor. Calvert at. bidding; begins. “Look! Look-e-ee!’’ shouts the mailman-auctioneer. “This beautiful hand-painted vahse. Magnificent! How much am I . A dol lar! A dollar, you say? Who’ll make it two? Why, folks, this ” And every time the hammer falls some one in the crowded room receives high value for his money. And there is something here for everybody—from axle grease to glass beads—the oddest assortment of wares ever collected. In a SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continued.) BED ROOM SUITE, gray rnamel; bed nearly new; >6O. Call West 2661. BRICK AND BUILDING MATERlAL—Wreck ing two city blocks containing 78 houses and 4 apartment buildings just east of Capitol at Ist and A sts. n.e Thousands of feet of good flooring, sheathing and framing; thou sands of clean, whole brick; thousands of good sash; complete windows with frames: good doors with locks and h'.jaes; lavatories, bathtubs, toilets, radiators, heating plants and "tpe. Hundreds of other bargains. Two entire city blocks of buildings to choose from Come early and get your pick Sell ing directly from job, Ist and A n.e, HECHINGER CO.. Hotisewrecking Dept. BUILDING MATERlAL—Wrecking at Waiter Reed Hospital: sheathing. 2x4s and all other kinds of lumber; sash, doors, window frames; plumbing and heating fixtures: our low prices will move this material quickly; all the material is being sold at our Bright wood branch. 5925 Ga. ave., next to car barn. Hechlnger Co., Housewrecking Dept. BUFFET, kitchen cabinet, walnut chiffo ribe. porch shade, nursery refrigerator. All good condition. 2038 Allen pi. tbet. Biltmore at. At Belmont rd.i Phone Adams 2205. CHIFFOROBE, light walnut; also electric fireless cooker. Phone Decatur 0824, or 1741 P at. n.w. DAVENPORT SUITE. 3 lovely pieces, like new. Reasons hie. 1952 Calvert st. n. Vr. DAVBED, lamps, china closet, chair, mat tress. 804 23rd st- Apt._3. DAYBED, pillows and cover, cheap; new Summer rug, $5. 518 9th st. n.e.. Apt. 412. 3* DESKS—SaIe of "lactory seconds” of office furniture, desks, tables, chairs, bookcases, file cabinets, cabinet safes and used office furniture. You can also rent It. H. Baum & Son, 616 E st. n.w National 9136 FURNACE—Hot-air heating furnace. A-l condition. See Mrs. Tubman, 1529 Vermont ave. n. w. Potomac 1699. FURNITURE —Mahogany bed room suite, 137.50; bed-davenport suite. $18: kitchen set, $7.50; day bed. $6: chifforobe. $10; other furniture; cheap. 1211 H st. me. 2£ GAS RANGE. 18; child's bed, $5; porch chair, gas Irons, rug, electric washer. 1251 6th 3* GAS RANGES, slightly used, less than half price. Why pay more? All styles; every range guaranteed. J. W. Williams, GO9 6th st n.w National 2986. 8* GRASS—Especially fine Washington anti Metropolitan ber.t grass, desirable for golf course greens. Army, Navy and Marine Corps Country Club._ phone Clarendon _1859. PIANO BARGAlNS—Huntington, line condi tion. S7O. StlefT, like new. $225 Slelnway. $l6O One player-piano, little used. $195 One midget player, $265. One grand, like new. $390 Sole agent for Kranich & Bach and Hardman uprights and grands. Pianos for rent Moving, packing and storage Hugo Worch, 1110 O st. n.w. Established 1878 PIANO, good, ior sale cheap. 700 K st. n.e. 3* RADIO Beautiful 9-tube electric console, brand-cew radio: cost $177; sacrifice S6O cash. Lincoln 8462. 1305 S st. s.jx REFRIGERATOR. Alaska, midsize, porce lain Inside and out; good as new; cost $150; will sell cheap. 16 fit h st. se, 4» RUG. Worsted Wilton Angio-Perslan, 9x12. taupe with rose and black Chinese design; fringed ends. Price SSO. Also morris chair. L. K. Williams, 3100 Connecticut ave. Col. 2145 _ 3* SEWING MACHINE. White, electric, port able; chest cl drawers, four-burner oil stove, almost new; Brunswick phonograph; all in excellent condition and reasonable. Apt. SB; 1332 Mass ave. Dist. 5463. 2*_ SEWING MACHINES—Drophead Singer,' *l* New Home. sls; Standard. sls; New Ideal. $10; others at $5; all guar. New machines, $3 mo Renting and repairing Open evening RE _Scw, Men. Shop, 313 Pa. ave. g.e. Lin. 276 SHOWCASE heavy plate glass, marble base. 3 adjustable shelves; 5 it. long; S4O. 1128 H it. n.e. 3* SHOWCASES (2), plate glass, marble base; and other fixture!, of retail cigar store. 1228 Pa. ave. n..w. 4* STORE FIXTURES—Show cases, wall cases, counters, shelving, tables, chairs, cash regis ters, iron safes, scales, cotfee urns. Soda fountains, elec, mixers, partitions and equip ment of every description. Edgar Baum. Inc . 914 JE st. n.w. TWO GAS STOVES, lower oven, $5 each. Apply manager. 3033 lfiih st. n.w. TYPEWRITER RENTAL Sr.RVICE. Georgia 1883. Underwoods. Royals and L. C Smiths. $2.50 mo.;_3 mos. in adv., $8.75; 6 mol., sl3. TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co fll makes bought, sold, rented, repaired tudent rates Open evenings. 1431 East Capitol st Lin 0082. VIEW CAMERA. Eastman. 5x7; optitmTshut ter, Turner Reich convertible lens; sale cheap. _Lincoln 4641. 229 Pa. ave. se. WASHING MACHINE.'Thou In good running order; *2O. Also two stationary laundry tubs. Frank Suter, R. F-. D. 1. Rosslyn. Va. Phone Clarendon 788-W-l. 3* WATEft-PRESSURE SYSTEM, deep Well; reasonable. C. F. Baylcy, Falls Church, Va. _ 3* CORRUGATED BOARD. Available, 15.000 pieces of A-l corrugated board, representing balance from a recent large mailing. Can give you the large quan tity price on almost any small quantity order. Address Box 310-C, Btar office. LIVE StOCK ANP CATTLE. BOARS, thoroughbred spotted Poland China, for sale. 2625 Bladensburg rd. Lincoln 9781. POOS, PETS, ETC. BOSTON TERRIERS. Springer spaniels, fox terriers. Equimo Spitz, goldfishes, aquari ums, plants, rabbits, parrots. Schmidt's Pet Emporium. 712 12th st. n.w. chcJw PUPPIES, red or black. 2600 Til den st. n.w. 3* PONIES FOR SALE- 632 RidJe ave., feilver Spring. Md. Phone R. R 230-M. WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER PUPS for sale, male, pedigreed. 4410 Holliday st., on new Baltimore blvd. near D. C. line. Phone Hyatts._463-W. 3* PERSIAN KITTENS 7or sale, male and fe male $7.50. 605 SMgo ave., Silver Spring. 4* ESKIMO SPITZ PUPS for Sale, pure breed; reasonable. M. P. Rollins, 22 Preston ave., Clierrydale. Vu. 4* WILL GIVE AWAY valuable Airedale.' gooH watch dog, to responsible person in country. Address 80x_495-C._Btar office. 3* WANTED English Setter pup about 6 months old. Give particulars. Address Box 293-C, Star office. PUPPIES- Irish terrier, cocker spaniel, Scottish and wire-haired fox terrier; pedi greed stock Ruilcote Kennels. Sliver Spring, Md. Mrs. R. H. Johnston. Shep. 2353. 2* ESKIMO SPITZ PUPPIES. Males and females. Atherton's Pet Shops, 612 F n lw. — ANU coos. WHITE PEKIN DUCKLINGS Atherton'S Pet Shops, 612 F N.W. * Barred rock pullets "(loot, hatched April Ist: $1 each. Address Carl Gromen, Sultland._Md. : 4* CHICKS—Rocks. sll hundred; best stock. Order now before price advance. Phone J. B. Henry. Falls Church, Va. 348. 7* PULLETS- 100 April-hatched S. C. White Leghorn; AAA mating; 270 to 300 egg strain; Will lay In September; $2 each. Phone i Hiatts. 1712. BOATS. ~ ___ SPEED BOAT, 22 ft., equipped with a 22 1 - h.p. Gray motor; $225 or best oner. 726 1 lth st. n e 3* Johnson seahorse "12," 1930 model; run less than 30 hours, practically new; i $165 cash, cost S2OO. Phone Adams 7693-W. CABIN CRUISER. 27-FI . IN'GOOD CON dltlon. ready to go. Will sacrifice lor $225. Wonder ful buy. Phone North 6519. 72-FTi "YACHT. mAhOOANY CABIN. FULLY EQUIPPED. COST $40,000 TO BUILD, LEAVING CITY; WILL SACRIFICE. NA TIONAL 5194. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIQUES, old gold, silver, diamonds, jew -11 elry bought and sold. Tendler's Pawn brokers Sales Co., 913 i D Bt. n.w. Ft. 9389 ANTIQUES; diamonds; pawn tickets cashed Livingston 1 Co.. 1318 F st. n.w.. Room 804 I BOOKB— Highest prices for sets, fiction and • miscellaneous books, in any quantity •Bring • them" or phone Metropolitan 5415 “earl ; man's Big Book Shop, 933 G at. saw. 'cash REGISTERS, show cases antTjTtore 1 fixtures; entire contents bought Edgar ■ ; Baum. Ifae,. 914 E it. n.w. Met, 9744. !! COINS, stamp collections, Presidents', states - men’s letters bought and sold. Hobby Shop, I 1427 P st. n.w. District 1272. 11* COUPE BODY for Ford chassis, 1926 lhodel; must be good condition and cheap for cash. t 723 Princeton at. n.w. Adama 0198. • FURNITURE"of jail kinds wanted; best prices psia. Capital Furniture Co., 621 La. ave ; n.w , or phone Met. 8459. _______________ 1 ANYTHING TO SELL? Phone National 1281 or National 8539 j WESCHLER 8. 920 PA AVI NW. Household effects, merchandise, stocks. I automobiles, eto. Th!rt*»nint year* serving Mia Washington public. — smaller room adjoining is another collection taken from the dead mail. These things are not for sale. Here is a cake which some bootlegger thought would shield the hidden bottle from the postal authorities. Contraband drugs, lascivious literature w’ithin a Bible binding, and firearms of every description. The latter are to be removed to the National Museum or the Smithsonian Institution to help complete the display on the story of firearms evolution. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continued.) FURNITURE of all description wanted; best cash prices paid. Call A. Margollus Furn. Co., 32C Bth st n.w. Met. 9533. 6* FURNITURE —Would like to purchase some I used furniture to outfit large house. Baby Ci And piano. Phone Metropolitan 3051. 5* ; STAMPS. United States and foreign, singly or collections. Phone District 4185. Collins' Stamp Bhop, 927 15th St. N.W. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. AUBURN 8-CYLINDER SPORT SEDAN, *550. or sllO down and $29.34 per mo. Car In brst condition; looks fine; guaranteed. War rington Motors. 2035 17th n.w. Pot. 0044. BUICK COACH; SIOO, small down payment, bal. monthly. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ! ave. BUICK 1929 SPOhT ROADSTER, rumble seat, $850; 1929 sport coupe, rumble seat, $875: terms: guaranteed. See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. BUICK—A brand-new; 1930 6-cyl., 5-pass, sedan at a substantial reduction; trade and terms may be arranged. Address Box 165-B, Star_office. BUICK, late 1928. A No. 1 condition. 5-pas senger. ♦ doors; cheap. 3218 19th n.w. 2* BUICK SEDAN. 1930; this model-47 job IS th; cream of the used-car market; guaran teed the same as a new car and looks like new: priced to move quickly; your car in trade; easy terms. Emerson & Orme, 17th end M sts. n.w. BUICK 1928 SEDAN; $795; this model 47-5, which is ol the Master 6 type on a 120-ln. wheelbase —In other words, the ideal sport sedan which has been reconditioned and guaranteed. This is really a beautiful car with excellent rubber; your chance to join in with our many happy owners; terms. Emerson A Orme. 17th and M st*. n.w. BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1928; $700; this Standard 6 job is one of the most popular models, and this one in particular is in excellent condition in every detail; recon ditioned and guaranteed; the ideal economy car; '-our car in trade; easy terms. Emer son & Orme, 17th and M sts. n.w. BUICK 5-PASS COUPE. 1927. a beautiful job. finished in maroon; excellent rubber, upholstery, top and motor; this aristocratic model at an exceptional price; terms; your car in trade. Emerson 4k Orme. 17th and M sts. n.w. CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER TOURINO CAR— Privately used; in real good running condi tion; appearance proves the very best of care. Price, $165, unpaid notes. Auto Loan A _Sales Co.. 908 10th n.w. * CADILLAC TOURlNG—Privately owned; 6 good tires; runs and looks good; $l5O, Quick bu»\_ B. H. Hart. 508 12th st. n.w. 2• Chevrolet's—bo not buy any car until you see our selection of reconditioned Chevrolets and Fords In all body styles and all prices; terms as low as $25 down. R. L. Taylor Mo tor Co.. 1901 14th st. n.w. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1929; 175 cash, balance $25 per month. Car must be sold this week. Cleveland 4654. 3« CHEVROLET SEDAN, 1929; lillly equipped and in perfect condition; formerly owned by rarefcl driver who took pride In the appearani'* of his car; low mileage; a real bargain a- $485; small down payment, bal. monthly. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET 1930 SPORT ROADSTER: ru3 less than 100 miles: new-car guarantee; will sell for SIOO off; no trade. Call Brad ley 237 before 11 or after 6. CHEVROLET COACHES," 1928; fully equip ped RUd m perfect condition; these cars are away above the average car. therefore price is a little higher. If you want a good Chev rolet that will give you thousands of miles of satisfactory transportation, we recom mend that you select one of these cars; $325: small down payment, bal. 12 months. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET.' 1929 COACHES, "6-cylinder; $425. several from which to make your se lection. These cars have gone through our shops and bear our O. K. tags: small down payment, bal. monthly. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET LANDAU-SEDAN. 1927; very clean; dandy motot. top, tire* and uphol stery; fully equipped; a real buy at $225: small down payment, bal. easy. Owens Mo tor Co.. 6323 Qa. ave. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1926; fully equipped; looks good. O. K. mechanically; thousands ol miles of transportation for only $135; small down payment, bal. easy. Owens Mo tor Co., 6323 Ga. RVe. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1927—Fine shape; $175: terms. 2132 13th at. n.w. CHEVROLET COACH—In perfect condition throughout, a real bargain for $95. Auto Loan A Sales Co., 908 10th n.w. ♦ CHEVROLET ToCRING—In real good con dition; appearance proves the beat of care. Price, $65. Auto Loan A Sales Co.. 998 10th n.W. » CHEVROLET COACH. 1929—8-cylinder; fin ished in beautiful Duco; fully equipped; low mileage; motor, top, tires, upholstery In fine condition; $415; small down payment, bal. 12 months. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 da. ave. CHEVROLET SEDANS, 1926. several from which to make your selection: thousands of mites of .ransportatlon for $135; small down payment, bal. S2O per mo. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE' COUPt. late 1928—Red Duco finish, mechanically per fect. A sacrifice at $275. Triangle Motor §o.. 2 New York ave. Open evenings and undays. CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1*28; dandy motor, fine tires, new seat covers; $325; small down payment, bal. mo. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. ____________ CHEVROLET i#3o COACH, run lei* than 1,000 miles; *IOO less than new-car price; 5111 give new-car guarantee. See Mr. arnes._l729 _l4th St. Decatur_239o. CHEVROLET Very late 1928 convertible sport cabriolet, in red Duco; rumble seat; full sport equipment; *IOO down. 1324 14th st. n.w. CHEVROLET COACH, 1929 Duco finish and upholstery as clean as new; 5 splendid tlies, Lilly equipped; mechanically ok. guaranteed; $435. Your car in trade. Barry- Put e Motor Cq, 2525_Shermnn_ave. n.w. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1927 Dark blue Duco finish in splendid condition; 5 good tiles, fully equipped; $225; easy terms. Barry- Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. n.w-. CHEVROLET COACH, 1927 Dark' blue Duco finish; 5 good tires, splendid motor, tully equipped; $215; easy terms, Barry- Pate Motor Co. I _2s2s_Bheiman ave. h.w. CHEVROLET COACH. 1930 10 weeks old;' fully equipped; Goodyear tires; reasonable for quick sale. Col. 0800. Apt. 409. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1927; good mechani cal condition; SIOO. See owner Sunday, Apt. 101, 3024 Wisconsin ave. i* CHEVROLET 1929 COUPE, 6-cyltnder; motor completely overhauled and guaranteed; top, tires, upholstery and finish in perfect con dition; a real buy at $425; small down pay ment. balance easy. Owens Motor Co., 6323 | Oa.ave. CHEVROLET COACH, 1927—New batter? and tires; mechanically perfect; paint and upholstery fine; must sell tdttay. Col 4040. CHEVROLET' 1929 ' COUPE. 6-cyl.; paint, i tires, upholstery and motor in the best of I condition; S3SO. terms, trade. Neumeyer Motor Co.. Marmon distributors, 2021 17th stj.w. North CHRYSLER 1928 SEDAN, 4-doors dandy mo tor, two nearly new tires; top, finish and upholstery good; a buy at $225: small down payment, balance monthly. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Ga. ave. CHRYSLER 75 ROADSTER—This car ha* original finish, new rubber, o k. mechani cally; one of the smartest car* In the city. Unpaid notes of $795 and it's yours; can re finance again. Liberty Finance Co.. 1719 i4tn at. North ml. 8* CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1927 Up holstery and paint in excellent condition, natural wood wheels, good tires, Splendid mechanical condition; $260; easy terms. Barry-Pate Motor Co , 2525 Sherman ave. n.w, _ CHRYSLER PHAETON- Balance due. 10 notes at $18.50; it * yotus for the notes. Frazier Mdtor Cb., slf_loth ft. h e. CHRYSLER 1929 SPORT ROADSTER, model 65. rumble seat. $625; 1929 model 85 coach. $650; terms; guaranteed. See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. CHRYSLER 82 ROADSTfeR, *IOO 3oWn, *13.34 per mo. Car just reconditioned; guaranteed Warrington Motor*. 2035 17th h.w. Pot. 6044. DE SOTO ROADSTER, 1929-Latest sport, rumble seat model; brand-new tires: looks like a new tar. Reduced to *595. DO Soto Used Car Dept., 1324 14th st. n.w. Dl2 SOTO SEDAS Driven onjy 11,000, mtles"; cannot be told from a ne.w car. will be sold with absolute guarantee; *2OO down. De Soto Used Car Dept., 1«4 14th st. n.w. DODGE SEDAN—Disc wheels, fully equipped and good tires. If you gre looking for a real cheap car, In good runnink condition, don't miss thl* one lor *58.75, unpaid notes. Auto Loan A Sales Co.. 908 10th n.w. * DODGE SPORT ROADSTER. 1927 type; IQ good condition: oullet-type lights, one-piece windkhield: only *188: bring your deposit. Nolan Motor Co.. 1 111 ltth »t. n.w. DODGE. qbiiPft. 1927 type; dark green Duco, all good balloon tires, finest running condi tion: sacrifice. *195; on terms. If interest ed please bung a deposit, to we can do business. Ndlan Motor Co,. 1111 18th n.w. sobaE 1927 SEDAN; leather upholstery, balloon tlrts. Original Duco paint, all ex tras: shows very good care; only *200; bring » deposit. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 18th n.w. pirn Pm I FI 4 W sgS'Sr' a** ♦ A year’s collection of dead parcel post package* contains no less titan 50,000 unsalable articles— unsalable from the standpoint of law and good morals —which must be destroyed. The net proceeds from sales of the other unclaimed articles net us b»tween $150,000 and $200,000, a mere fractional part of their original cost. Monday—Why the Coast Guard? (All right* protected. Trade mark registered TJ. B. Patent Office.) SALE—AUTOMOBILES. (Continued.! ; ESSEX COACH. 1928 type; just the car for trips and use about city, as it has all-new balloon tires, motor in perfect condition; ready to go anywhere; bargain, *197.50. Mr. Roper, nil 18th st. n.w. EBSf)X 1930 COACH—Finished in Duco, brown and black, many extra*. This car has been driven only 500 mllea and by only one driver. Will have to be seen and driven to be appreciated. Full new-car guaranty and exceptionally good terms. Act quick lor this real bargalm Call Mr. , Inge. Col. 3746 or Adams 9241-W. i §SSEX SPORT COUPE. 1928—This car has ■ had exceptional care, beautiful dark blue Duco finish, upholstery very clean, equipped with round bumpers, rumble seat, cowl lights and other extras; mechanically o.k. $350. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. - ESSEX BUPER-SIX SEDAN: only *225 and In very good condition throughout. Neu meyer Motor Co., Marmon distributor*. 2021 17tti North 4010. ESSEX SPORT COUPE. 1930, first series, rumble seat, wire wheels, low mileage. *500; terms; guatanteed. See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. , ESSEX 1929 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, equipped With steel trunk; *500; terms: guaranteed, see Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. ESSEX" COUPE, 1929 —Rumble seat; new tires; dark blue Duco like new. Reduced to $345. 1324 14th St. n.W. ESSEX SUPER SIX, 1928 COACH—Two-tone original blue finish: low mileage. Must sell. *195; best offer Will be accepted. Decatur 3989. 1727 P St. n.w. 4* FORD COUPE. 1829 Excellent condition: fully equipped; *3OO cash. Call owner, Clev 2663. FORD TUDOR SEDAta, 1930," "Brand-new; run only 408 miles; color black with red stripe; has all extras: your chance to save some real money. Mr. Roper, 1111 18th at. n.w. Terms. FORD 1926 COUPE; finest condition, no re palrs needed; just the car for about town. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 18th st. n.w. FORD SEDAN. 1930—Nearly new; bargain. Steuart Motor Co., 6t’ at K st. n.w, FORDS—Do not buy j car until you see our • selection ol reconditioned Fords and Chevrolets; all body styles and all prices; terms as low as $25 down. R. L. Taylor Motor Co., 1901 14th st. n.w. FORD TUDOR. Model A—Choice of 3, ail In A-l shape and priced very low. You can find a fine bargain among these. See them today. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. Opyi evenings and Sundays. FORD SPORT COUPE. 1939; run less than 3.000 miles; splendid mechanical condition, like new throughout. Call Clev. 4389. FORD STATION WA(SoN (suburban body), model A: usad In company service; priced right Ford Motor Co., 451 Pa. ave. FORD MODEL A COUPE. 1829—This is without a doubt one of the cheapest Model As ever sold. Only *225. Triangle Motor Co.. 3 New York ave. Open evenings. FORD COUPE. 1929 Model A—fexcelient con dition throughout, 5 good tires: bumpers, front and rear; *350; terms. Barry-Pate Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman >ve. n.w. FORD TUDOR. 1930—A rare bargain; used only 3.000 miles by this company as a demonstrator; cannot be told from new; will guarantee same as new car; price re duccd. Eynon Motor C0..^20 15_1 4th st. n.w. FORD COUPE. 1927: excellent cuhnlna con dition. four new tires; will sacrifice, *65. Lincoln 8675. 2* FoSiT COUPE. 1928; fully equipped, good tires, motor, top and upholstery; a real bargain at *285; small down payment, bal ance easy. Owens Motor Co., 6323 Georgia ave. n.w. FORD STAND thb COUpfe. model A; in perfect condition; low milsage- looks good a* new; price. *350, See Mr. Dougherty at 908 10th n.w. * _ FORD 1929 TOURING, model A, in fine condition: motor, top, upholstery and tires in fine condition; a real buy at *325; small downjsayment. bal. easy. Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave. FoKd 1930 _ CAftftidLET COUPE, converti ble: many extras: 3 months old: run 2.500 miles; Just broken In: $580; term*. Wls consln 3021. Everett Flood. FORD TUDOR SEDAN, 1926—Driven 3,400 miles; dome light, lender, mirror and «11 other extras. Reasonable Tor quick sale; term*. Mr. Decatur 5737. FORD TUDOR SEDAN. 1930." dark blue, per fect in every respect, drjven very little: substantial reduction: guaranteed; small car terms, call Mr. Connell, Col. FOtD 1929 FORDOR SEDAN, equipped with steel trunk. Six Wire Wheels, well fenders, $425; 1929 standard coupe, $350: 1928 stand ard coupe. *250; terms; guaranteed. See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th st. Decatur 3390. FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE, latest,l929; trunk, well lenders and all extras. Will sac rifice. $450: can give terms. Mr. Roper, Decatur 0216;_af ter 5:30. Adams 8627. FORD FORDOR SEDAN. 1929-Dark blue Duco; in perfect condition and apfiearancc like new. Reduced to *4OO. Act quickly. 1324 14th st. n.w. . fRANSUN 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1926. series 11; perfect; looks like new; $525; terms. 1920 Kearney st. n.e. North 0891. 3* GrAhAM-PAIOI SEDAN. 1929—Model 6-15: 4-speed transmission, beautiful, powerful and fast; a car of outstanding quality and performance: price very low. Frasier Mo tor Co.. 518 10th st. n.e. ORAHAM-PAIOK ‘ SfeDAN. 11 months pig. runs good, looks good and is good; 3695. Frailer Motor Co.. 518 loth at. n.g. HUDSON DE LUXE COUPE. .1939: 3300 down, *4O pir mo. Best of condition every way; new tire*; guaranteed. Warrington Motors. 2035 17th H.w. Pot. 0044. HUDSON COACH. *SO dqWrn, *lB SO per mo. Excellent condition; any demonstration. War rington Motors. 2035 17th n.w. Pot. 0044. HUPMOBILE 6~SFDAN. 1929; *850; looks like new In every respect: the former own er really took excellent care of this car; don’t fall to give this car your attention if you Want a real good huy In a used car; your car In trade; easy terms. Emerson A Orme. 17th and M sts. JEWETT COACH. Iso down. $23.34 per mo. Reconditioned and fine .appearance: guaran teed. Warrington Motors, 2035 17th n.wr. Pot. 0044. _ , MARMON "66” SPORT SfeDAN. 1929: 6 wire wheel* and in the best or mechanical condition, ey.cellent appearance; low price. SiK. inraT r A|r Marmon |-cyl.. 4-paIST" speedster. *IOO down. *23.34 per mo Wonderful buy; excellent condition; fine appearance; guar anteed. Warrington Motors, 2035 17th n.w. Pot. 0044. MARMON VICTORIA COUPE. 1936, 6-cylln der; perfect condition: paint like new; 6 tires, cost *4,400;:. $550; terms, trade. 1920 KCarney at. tt.e. Worth 6891. 3* _ MARMON 8-CYL. CABRIOLET. *IOO ddWh. $28.34 per mo. Just reconditioned; fine ap pearance; new tires: guaranteed. Warrlna ton Motors, Pot. 0044. 2035 17th n.W. i NASH 1926 7-PABfe §iDAWr just like new; a real bargain, *410; terms. 3rd floor. NO - Motor Co.. lUI 18th «t. n.w, NASH ADVANCED 81X. 7-Passenger se3an; latest 1929; perfect condition throughout; appearance and running condition like new; must sell at once; sacrifice $750. Wiscon sin 17SA Nash Sport tourlng; new black and gresm Duco. disc wheels, cutout, heater. umoers and many extras; sacrifice. *2OO. Mr. Roper, fill lith at, n.w. NABH ADVANCE 8 COUPE; $500: this Is truly a sport job: excellent Duco finish, wire wheels and rumble seat, general condition excellent: a real buy; your car in trade; easy terms. Emerson A Orme, 17th and M sts. NASH ADVANCED Six BRoUgRAM. 6-pas senger, 4-door. In real good condition throughout. Price, *198.78. unpaid notes. Auto Loan A Sales Co.. 908 10th n.w. * NASH LIGHT SIX COACH, 1938fj 100 Jown. $23734 her mo. Just like new; new tires; excelleht condition; guaranteed. Warrington Pot. 0044. 2035 17th n.w. NASH 1928 TWO-DGOR SEDAN, equipped Writh ateel trunk: *479; terms, guaranteed. See Mr. Barheg, 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. OaWland, 1930 V-8 SEDAN Exchange equity light, late model car, balance month ly;, consider diamond, planp, stocks; spe clal cash deal. Clarendon 959-J-l. 3* oLdSMOBILE Dfe LUXE SIbAN. four-doorT 1929, si* wire wheels. Well fenders; low mile age; *850: terms: guaranteed. See Mr. Barnea. 1739 14th at. Decatur >B9O. 6LbBMOBSLE 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN—In good condition; price. *138.78; unpaid notes. Auto ioah A Sales Co. 908 10th n.w. * OVEftLA'ND CoAcii. 1926; In good running condition; a good buy it *125; small down payment, balance monthly. Owen* Motor CO.. 6923 OS. kve PACKARb OPEN CARS and convertibles— No better cars or lower prices can be found than those offered by Packard; Buy from a reputable firm that warrant* Its merchan dise "The safest used-car market in the world" at 1700 Kalotama rd. PACKARD ~ EiafiT >ct condition; new tire*: low mtleaM; gly owned and anpearahee proves the iest of care. Cqat over $4,500 .end for the unpaid notea of *64* 90; o£ trade. Auto Loan A Sales Co.. 901 MISCELLANEOUS. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. PACKARD 8 SPORT ROADSTER—RumbIe seat; in perfect condition; fully equipped and one of the most attractive roadsters in town. Cost over $4,000 and offered for Just the unpaid loan of $848.50; terms or trade. Auto Loan A Sales Co.. »08 10th n.w. ♦ PACKARD SEDANS, five or seven passen ger; renewed and warranted by Packard; prices range from $350 up. These fine cars at our prices represent the finest values avallcble; our design shows little change; the car always looks modern and will serve you for years; true road comfort, easy to drive: low upkeep costs; flat-rate service charges, equal treatment to all. Packard Used Cars. 1700 Kalorama rd. n.w. Packard Sport roadster, Model no— Black and cream, collapsible windshield, one-man top. disk wheels, all extras, splen did general condition: forced sale; private Mr. Sinclair, 13th and Upshur sts. * PACKARD 1928 Little Blx 5-passenger Sedan, good as new. Phone Cleveland 5233 before 10 a. m, 2* PEERLESS 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1927; $305; this is real value: the original finish looks like new 7 , new tires, excellent motor and seat covers; come in and look this car over; terms. Emerson & Orme, 17th and M sts. n.w. PIERCE-ARROW, 1930, model B, demon strator; driven 4,000 miles; new-car guar antee; painted granite gray; de luxe equip ment. Harry Sommers. Inc., Pierce-Arrow distributor, 1727 Connecticut ave. Potomac 0858; PIERCE-ARROW—Resale cars offered for sale; model 80 brougham. $500; model S 3. 4-wheel brakes, inclosed-drive sedan. $550; 2-43 "-passenger, custom-built Packard, $500; 1927 Marmon sedan. $560; 1927 Pack ard club sedan. $600; model 33 Pierce-Arrow sedan. $250. These cars are all In excel lent condition and the prices quoted here are below present market values; your in spection invited. Harry Bommers, Ins.. Pierce-Arrow distributor, 1727 Connecticut ave. Potomac 0858. PLYMOUTH SPORT ROADSTER, late 1929. rumble seat. A snappy little car that looks like new and runs perfectly; reduced Ui $425; terms. Plymouth Used Car Dept., 1324 14th st n.w. PONTIAC TWO-DOOR SEDAN. 1929. first series; mechanically and appearance excel lent; $375; terms; guaranteed. See Mr, Barnes. 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. REO touring; in best condition, S2OO. See Mr. W. F. Sheehan, 1213 12th st. n.w. Na- Uonal R 125 between 9:30 and 4. 2* REO FLYING CLOUD'SEDAN; very power ful motor and excellent In appearance and mechanical condition, good tires and paint; $490; terms, trade. Neumeyer Motor Co., Marmon distributors. 2021 17th n.w. North 4010. Open evenings. REO MASTER FLYING CLOUD, $195 down. $52 per mo. Perfect condition; General bal loon tires; looks like new; absolutely guar anteed. Warrington Motors, 2035 17th n.w. POTJIO44; . ROOSEVELT 1929 CONVERTIBLE COUPE; rumble seat, wire wheels, khaki top ahd very snappy; good tires, original finish like new; $700; terms, trade. Neumeyer Motor Co.. Marmon distributors, 2021 17th n.w. North_40 10, Open evenings. Studebaker coach. 1926, standard it* model; this is a beautiful little car; sacrl flee. $l6O Mr. Roper, 1111 18th at. n.w. STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX SEDAN, SSO down. $18.50 per mo. Fine transportation at low cost; any demonstration. Warrington Motors. 2035 17th n.w. Pot. 0044. STUDEBAKER 1926 SEDAN. seven-pAssen ger; mechanically and appearance excellent; $275: terms See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. . WHIPPET SPORT ROADSTER Rumble scat. Original finish like new. Mechanic ally oik. Will go quickly for $lB5. Tri angle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. Open evening and Sundays. WHIPPET 1929 COACH, equipped with Gen eral tires, $350; 1928 coach, «S 0; te:mJU guaranteed. See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th It. Decatur 2390- , _, L 1929 WHIPPET SPORT MODEL ROADSTER —Fine mechanical condition; finger-tip control; driven less than 8.000 miles; ex cellent appearance:, owner leaving town. Price. *550 cash. Cost nearly $1,000: dem onstration Sunday by appointment. Tel. Potomac _0292 ; 3* AUTOMOBILES at Weschler’B auto auction. 613 G st n.w . every Wednesday and Sat urday. 10 a.m. stillToweri WE STILLHAVE OVER 60 CARS LEFT! Some cars have been reduced 3 times. Some cars have been ; reduced 4 times. Nearly a bun- j dred Washington people have, already taken advantage of this ! opportunity. A FEW DAYS AND IT MAY BE TOO LATE! SOME OF OUR PRICES: 1927 Buick Master Victoria $313 1928 Chrysler 72 Sedan 560 1928 Chrysler 62 Coach 365 1928 Chrysler 52 Sedan 180 1929 Erskine Sedan 430 1927 Hupmobile Sedan 285 1929 Pontiac Big 6 Sedan 480 1930 Studebaker Diet. Sedan.... 750 1930 Studebaker Comdr. Conv. Cah 885 Over 20 Good. Fine-Looking Cars at Less Than S2OO. Liberal Terms and Trade Considered. JOSEPH McREYNOLDS, Inc., 1423-1427 L St. N.W. Come in ami Learn Used Car Values. CHRYSLER USED-CAR DEPT. GUARANTEED - "IUSED CARS. 1929 Chrysler 75 4-Pass. Coupe..s9Bs 1926 Essex Coach 65 Chevrolet Coupe 45 1929 Chrysler 65 Sedan.. 695 1926 Hupp 8 Rd., r. seat 295 1928 Chrysler 62 Coach 450 1925 Packard 6 Sedan 395 1929 Chrysler 75 Roadster 895 1929 Ford Coupe, r. seat 385 1926 Nash Adv. Coach 195 1927 Chrysler 70 Sedan 485 1928 Chrysler 72 Sedan 685 1926 Hudson Coach 125 Your Car In Trade. 11. B. LEARYTTr., & BROS., 1321-23 14th. North 6826. Operi Evenings and Sundays. f-rhT-e i * 100 GALLONS GASOLINE —to the purchaser of a Used car. WILLIAMS & BAKER, Nash Dealers, 1507 14th St. N.W. Pot. 6140 1929 Chrysler ‘VS*’ Phaeton. Six wire wheels, trunk rack, ton neau windshield, beautiful blue Duco and fully equipped: hi the , est of fnechanical condition. Terms and rade. Priced for quick rale. H. B. LEARYTJR.. & BROS.. 1321-23 14th. tforth 6626. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. LOOKIE^RIDEI! BE CONVINCED. OUR USED CARS SELL THEMSELVES. smalTTdown PAYMENTS. 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN (Late). Two-tone green Duco. ««at eoven. very law mileage and runs equal to new. A car you will be proud to own. $595. 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. Dark blue Duco. tires life* new. run very little and In the best of mechanical condition. Bee It today. $445. 1929 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE (Rumble Seat). Natural wood wheels, gray Duco with blue trim which is equal to new; tires, upholstery and general appear ance excellent. $495. 1928 CHEVROLET COACH. Original paint and In good me chanical condition: good tires and exceilcnt appearance. $295. WHIPPETS. 1838 6-eyl. Roadster with rumble seat and khakt top, $250. 1928 4-cyl. Roadster. $235. And a 1928 Sedan. $265. These fine cars will give you many miles of satisfactory transpor tation. Don’t fall to see them. HOT-WEATHER BARGAINS. 1927 Ford Roadster ISO Dodge Coupe lift Ford Coupe ai Btudebaker Touring 60 TERMS. COME TO~UfWD-CAR DEPT. R. L. TAYLOR - MOTOR CO., 1901 14th. 1930 ESSEX COACH. New; less than 1,000 miles; perfect in every respect; fully equipped and worth much more than * $495. Terms and Trade. H. B. LEARYTJR., & BROS., 1321 14th. North 6826. CONTINUING OUR ; M OFF SALE! BUY AN AUTOMOBILE NOW FOR $24.95. running. NO JUNK. AND A~NUMBER WITH PRICES CUT IN HALF. LATE~MODELS. Chevrolets—Fords—Buicks. Whippets—Dodges—Pontiacs. Essex—Chryslers—Studebakers. 1929 Ford Road., in fine shape.s2Bs.oo 1928 Chevrolet Touring 137.50 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 235.00 1928 Essex Coach 265.00 1928 Studebaker Comdr. Sdn.. 349.00 S24.9S~EACH. ’26 Ford Roadster. ‘24 Studebaker Coupe. ’25 Dodge Touring. ’26 Ford Coupe. ’2f Chevrolet Touring. ’24 Chevrolet Sedan. ‘25 Chevrolet Coach. ’25 Chevrolet Touring. A Number of Others. 1927 Star Touring., 179 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 135 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 79 1927 Nash Adv. 6 Coach 195 1926 Dodge Sedan, late 125 1926 Chrysler 78 Sedan 269 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet 295 1928 Chevrolet Sedan, perfect 225 1928 Chevrolet C0ach...... J 35 1929 Chevrolet 4-Door Sferian 479 1929 Chevrolet Coach 379 1928 Studebaker Commander 6 Victoria. 329 SALES CO., , 625 H St. N.E. Lincoln 10200. 13th and Good Hope Rd. Atl. 4400. ' BEFORE YOU BUY LOOK THESE OVER. I Buick Mister 4-door Sedan, new tires.. .$395 ! 1928 Chevrolet Rdstr., used very little.. 80S I tfc-9 J?se* 4-door Sedan, like new 875 i 1928 Nash Special Coupe, in excellent condition 825 1927 Pontiac Coupe, rumble seat..) 315 ’ Ford A Sport Coupe, rumble seat.: 295 I 1928 Chevrolet Coach, in A-l shape 275 1927 Chrysler Coupe 250 1927 Chevrolet Coupe, rumble seat.; 210 1927 Dodge Roadster, excellent cordtt.. 195 Peerless 8 4-pass. Coupe :.... 170 Hudson Coach, new tires 96 1927 Ford Tudor Sedan .... 95 Studebaker 4-pass. Coupe, good tires and runs good 45 Trade and Easy Terms. MANHATTAN GARAGE, PEERLESS * “Factory Branch.” ?• ANNIVERSARY SALE! i WE HAVE BEEN BUILDING FINE AUTOMOBILES FOR THIRTY-ONE YEARS. ~5~ DAY SALE. PRICES~SLASHED! Was Now ’3O Peerless Rds., de luxe. $875 $775 '3O Peerless Sed., de luxe. 1,150 1,050 ’29 Peerless Sedan... .... 850 750 28 Marmon 7-pass. Sdn . 850 675 ’2B Marmon Brougham... 750 650 '2B Studebaker Sedan... 750 595 '2B Peerless Conv. Coupe 850 650 '2B Nash Adv. Sedan 585 500 '2B Peerless Sedan 550 400 '2B Peerless 7-pass. Sdn. 850 750 '27 Peerless 8-cyl. 7-pass. Sedan 850 700 '27 Buick Master Sedan.. 585 495 ’27 Peerless Sedan. ..... 435 375 '27 Peerless Sedan 350 275 27 Oldsmobile Sedan 225 185 '26 Cadillac, 314... 700 585 '26 Buick Std. Sedan 245 175 '26 Dodge Coach 250 195 '25 Packard 6-cyl. Sedan 400 300 ’25 Willys-Knight 65 .... 195 125 ’25 Peerless Sedan 195 125 '24 Lincoln 7-pass. Sedan. 500 ’24 Cadillac Victoria, 63 395 30u Terms. Trade. PEER LESS USED CAR DEPARTMENT, 14th and P St». N.W. Day Phone, Dec. 3400. Phone Nights and Sundays, No. 9697. REPOSSESSED CARS. Here art Some of the best buys in town. See them and compare the prices. 1930 Ford Coaches $465 1929 Fords from.. .S3OO to 400 1928 Essex Coach 225 1929 Chrysler 75 Roadster. 795 1928 Reo Flying Cloud Cpe. 495 See MR. HANNA, U <C*hUimi*i «ita uSifuZf 8 ‘ " B-7