Newspaper Page Text
B-8 | ALE—AUTOMOBILES. (Canttn—d.) DICK MURPHY, INC., 1724 Kalorama Rd. N.W. Open Evenings. REO. REO. 1929 Re© Sedan. 1926 Reo Sedan. 1929 Reo Brougham. 1929 Essex Coupe. 1929 Ford Fordor Sedan. 1927 Reo Sedan. 1925 Reo Sedan. f ; 1925 Marmon Phaeton. 1926 Hudson Sedan. 1925 Buick Sedan. 1925 Willys-Knight Sedan. 1925 Buick Touring. 1925 Moon Sedan. Terms —Trade. HUDSON. ESSEX. SALE OF GOOD DEPENDABLE USED CARS. 2 Essex ’29 Town Sedans, $565. 2 Essex Challenger Coupes, $495. jgBSSS SSStaET:::::::::::::::: I WHIPPET ’29 Coach 385 NASH ’3* Conv. Coupe NASH '2B Coach 3*5 PONTIAC ’39 Sedan 485 PONTIAC ’29 Sport Coupe 485 ESSEX Roadster 495 ESSEX '2B Coach 195 NASH ’27 Coach 245 HUDSON ’2B Brougham 49? REO Sedan RICKENBACKER Sedan 135 ESSEX '29 Sedan. J 95 ESSEX ’29 Coach 345 50 Other Real Bargains. LIBERAL TERMS. LAMBERT-HUDSON MOTORS CO., 24th and M Sts. N.W. West 1134. Open Evenings. 1930 FORD COUPE. Driven Less Than 500 Miles. Wire wheel equipment, seat cover*, fully equipped. Just like new In •very respect. Substantial reduction from new car price. TERMS AND TRADE. H. B. LEARYTJR., & BROS.. 1321-23 14th. North 6826. HAWKINS, “Your FORD Dealer,” 1529 14th St. N.W. SALES ARE GOOD, BUT SPACE IS SCARCE, THEREFORE, AN UNUSUAL SALE. 1928 Chrysler Speedster $275 1928 Essex Coach 195 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 360 1928 Ford Roadster 295 1929 Ford Coach 325 1926 Buick Sedan 250 1927 Hudson Sedan, late model.. 275 1929 Ford Sport Coupe, like new. 375 1927 Chevrolet Pickup, new paint. 175 1929 Chevrolet Truck 295 1928 Pontiac Coach and Cab riolet $295 and up 1929 Chevrolet Coach 375 1926 Nash Special Coupe 195 Many Others to Choose From. Terms. Trade. 1529~14th. . stopTstop! • ONLY A FEW LEFT. COME~EARLY IF YOU WANT ONE OF THEM. CO., UPTOWN FORD DEALER. CLOSING "day OF OUR SALE IS NEAR. Ford Touring III.M Maxwell Sport Tourin* 36.00 Columbia 6 Sedan, runa food 25.00 Ford Truck, it runa 8.00 Dodge Touring 48.00 Jewett Bport Touring 95.00 Oakland Sport Coupe 95.00 Ford 1928 Delivery 95.00 Ford 1937 Roadster 95.00 Hupp 8 Sedan. 4 new tires 195.00 Chev. 1937 Coupe, reduced 175.00 Dodte 4-Pass. Coupe, reduced 135 00 Pontiac ’2B Delivery, reduced 195.00 Cadillac Brougham-Sedan 185 00 Buick Coupe 195.00 MODEL ~A” FORDS. AH Drastically Reduced! Roadsters! Coupes! Sedans! ALSO 1928 Chevrolet Conv. Coupe $295 LOOK FOR""THE FORD DEALER. CHERNER - MOTOR CO., 1781 You St. N.W. Open Evenings and Sundays Till 10. TREW~VALUES! YOUR OPPORTUNITY. BUY \\TTH~CONFIDENCE. 1509 14t"hSt. N.W, 1930 Dodge Senior Landau $1,295 1930 Dodge Sedan. D. A., display ear.. 1,036 1930 Dodge Sedan. D. D. display car.. 850 1928 Dodge Senior 4-pass Coupe 545 1926 Essex Coach 95 1926 Nash Sedan 195 1938 Whippet Sedan 395 1926 Hudson 4-door Brougham, new tires 395 1938 Dodge Fast 4 Sedan 575 1924 Chalmers Phaeton 95 1927 Dodge Coupe, new paint 325 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, new tires 275 1935 Wlllyg-Knlght Bedan 195 1926 Chrysler Sedan 265 used-car' dept., 2nd Floor. Decatur 1910. ■„i ... —l. l ■■■ —,i r..,".y==s WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. wssr ACCEPT AUTO at down payment on Takoma lot. Shepherd 3019-W. Consignments solicited tor our sale by auction oo Wednesday or Saturday. 10 a.m. Weschler, 930 Penna are n.w National 1282. Quick, satisfactory method RIGHT NOW WE NEED a few more used cars. Will oay hither than usual. North 10090 Fred L. Mortan. 14th and R. I. are. CASH POR ANY GOOD USED CARS, large, small, open or closed, or will sell on com mission basis and handle all term deals at eur risk. No sale, no eharse. AUTO LOAN A SALES OO . 909 10th NW. Tel. Met. <999 9* “CASH FOR YOUR CAR.” GOLDEN MOTORS. 1833 l«th St. ’ CASH IMMEDIATELY \-for late model cars. Get our price Mat. uto Mart. 3012 14th at. n.w. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Call to see us 3931 M st. n.w, CASH sos your car. Without a doubt (pay the highest prices in this city. If your car is not ail paid for, I will >ay your undue balance and give you the difference in cash. No delay. See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th n.w. (Decatur 2390. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GARAGE BUILDERS. R.ST CONBTRUCTIONLOWPRICE. got) g St. NE Phone Uncoin BS3I I'°GvasflMo"*r -318-A OutSt N.W. Potomac 3814. •• AUTOMOBILES TARZAN AND THE JEWELS OF OPAR By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS I -ttrT _ A *yj> h mi v Tarzan, entering the tent of Achmet Zek. searched the interior thoroughly. He tore the bed to pieces and scattered the contents of box and bag about the floor. He investigated whatever his eyes discov ered. nor did those organs overlook a single article within the habitation of the raider chief, but no pouch of pretty pebbles rewarded his thorough ness. Satisfied at last that his belongings were not in the possession of Achmet Zek, Tarzan de cided to secure the “she.” SALE—AUTO TRUCKS. CHEVROLET 1929 DELIVERY, closed panel. ! 1350; terms; guaranteed. See Mr. Barnes, | 1729 14th st. Decatur 2390. i FORD 1 '.a -TON TRUCK, 1929; fully guar i anteed: save money on this one; only $295. i Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. Open | evenings and Sundays. ! PORD TRUCKB—Choice of open, canopy or j express body: can be purchased at a great saving, SSO up. We also have hand-hoist ' dump bodies for Ford chasses that can be . bought very cheap. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. Open evenings and Sundays. j SUMMER SALE. Cleaning Out Spring Trades Getting Ready for Fall. All Makes, Types, Sizes. Come, Look, Make Offer. Sterrett Operating Service, 7 New York Ave. N. E. Met. 0505. AUTO WRECKERS. AUTO WRECKERS. Cars bought and fold in any condition. Part., for all makes. Open Sunday morning ROBERT HERSON'S AUTO EXCHANGE. 100 Fla. Ave. N.E. North 10408. SENT—GARAGES. PRIVATE BRICK GARAGES. CENTRAL downtown location; suitable for large trucks or private cars; four available; $10.50 each. Mr. Mott, Metropolitan 1844. GARAGE - REPAIR SHOP. REAR. GOOD auto section; 7.000 sq. ft.; 2-story bldg.; elevator; low rent. 1 BOSS A PHELPS. Nat. 9300. 1417 K. SIX-CAR GARAGE, ELEC. AND WATER;' reasonable. Atlantic 4480 - ELEVEN METAL GARAGES. REAR PARK View Market; only $3.50 month each. Call DARNELL A WHALEY. Room 111, McGill Bldg. Phone Met. 2660. "2nd COMMERCIAL ZONE. 3-story modern garage, 40x130 ft., 1358-60 Florida ave. n.e. Ramp, show room. Ist and 2nd floor; will subdivide If desired; low rent. HOWENSTEIN BROS., Exclusive Agents. 7th and H Sts. N.E. Uncoln 0897. ROOMS—FURNISHED. 1437 QIRARD ST.—Nicely furnished room. for gentleman. Col. 2387. 3* 1315 HARVARD ST—Large front room, southern exposure; also back room, next to bath; a.m.l. Reasonable. 1209 N ST. N.W—One room and kitchen, nicely furnished; hot and cold water. Adults. References required. 2708 ONTARIO RD.—Large sleeping porch; connecting rooms, with or without 1.h.k.; nicely furnished: adjoining bath. Col. 4491. 1404 L ST. N.W.—Large, comfortable rooms, home privileges: references exchanged. Phone District 4113. 1500 O ST. N.E—Large front room, ihower bath, new home; tel.; 1 or 2 gentlemen; meals If desired. * 939 K STTkTw!—Housekeeping rooms, fur -818 H BT. R.W.—2 large rooms, 1.h.k.; $7 50 week. 3* 3132 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W.—Nicely fur nished room with twin beds; convenient to bath; in desirable neighborhood; private family; reasonable. 4* 734 Bth ST. N.W.—3 nice, cool, sleeping rooms; rent reasonable. Phone Metro polltan 1833. _____ A PLEASANT PLACE TO STAY. The Westminister, 1607 17th st. n.w Lovely rooms, newly decorated, each with bath or running water: elevator service; beautiful parlor; $7 to $lO weekly. _ 640 10th ST. N.E.—Furnished room, hot water heat, electric lights; second floor apartment; $3.50 per week, 1731 K ST. N.W.—Furnished room for men only. Rent. $25. Percy H. Bussell Com pany. 1731 K st. n.w.. National 1581. '909 L ST. N W.—Furnished rooms with or without l.h.k. Also hall room. $2.50 per week. . 3110 16th ST. S.E., ANACOSTIA. D. C 81ngle first-floor room, next to bath. prl vate entrance; small family. HO month. gentleman; garage; reference. 3 ATTRACTIVE, homelike; lady or gentleman. North 1808, Apt. 303. 2 3035 18th BT. NW—One large front room, twin beds; one, S2O; two. S3O; all conven lences. 3—— 141 ADAMS. N.W.—Light, clean, next to bath: reasonable. - TtTs LANEER PL. —Large front room and bath, hot water, unlimited phone; quiet home, convenient to car*. 2__. 5405 39th ST. N.W.—One room. $35 per month, and garage, $10; near Bureau of Standard*. Call Clev. 7329 _ * 1033 sth ST. N.E. —2 large rooms, furnished for 1.h.k., $35 month; light, gas Included, bath on tame floor. 3 1426 Bth N.W.—3 nicely furnished rooms; by week or month; large enough for two. 1312 GIRARD N.W.—Beautiful, .large front, suitable for two; also h £ r U )^; keeping; very reasonable; phone and privi leges; —; 1794 LANIER PL- Handsomely furnished double room. 2nd-floor front, 4 »'r>dows. twin beds if desired; reasonable. Col. 4985. 1307 CLIFTON ST. N.W.—sls and 820 moj single, double, cool front rms., 3 baths, auto. hot water: 3 car lines. Adams 4830. 1302 CONN. AVE.— Walking down town: 3nd-floor double room, bath adjoining. 525 mo.: single rooms SIS mo. 1013 B ST. N.E.—Pront room snd kitchen ette; modern improvements; near bsth; con venient to cars. Lincoln 6260-W. 3516 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.— Comfortable; 3 windows; privileges: on bus line. sls for one. $lB for two. Columbia 4789. GEORGETOWN (Slst between P and Que)— 3 comfortable room* for employed gentle men; private home of two persona; break fast and dinner If desired; garden; excellent transportation. Call West 2333 for par ticulars; 220 E ST. N.W.—Housekeeping acts., with private, semi-private baths, cabinet ranges; well furnished; gas, electricity included. 4* 2138 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W., Apt. 107- Large. beautifully furnished room, suitable for two people; refined neighborhood. Poto mac 2864. 4* . 711 EYE ST. N.E.—3 cool, clean, bright, first floor, front yard; h.-w.h.. coal fur nlshed, electricity: convenient. Lincoln 8127. 1320 VERMONT AVE. Comfortable room, twin beds, private lavatory; also single: newly papered and painted; parlor, phone. 3541 10th ST. N.W.—2 furnished ' rooms for housekeeping: sink In kitchen; phone, elec triclty, gas: 325. 430 3nd ST. N.W.—One room, kitchen, psn try. porch, running water; l.h.k. 3* 931 EYE ST. N.W —Rooms: sleeping. S 4. S 5 week: 1.h.k.. S< week: adults; modern, clean. quiet: desirable location. 3408 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W.—Front room, cool, reasonable. Phone Adams 7071. 2* 1388 11th ST. N.W—l large, clean, quiet, living-bed room, cooking facilities, first floor, sd’oinlna bath. gas. elec, linens, silver, dishes, only *6.80 week Cheaper monthly. 1013 WEBSTER ST N.W.—Large rronTTpom” next to bath; S3O. Garage. Also single room, Sl3 mo. Col. 4617. NEAR CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE-Pnvate home, beautifully furnished front room, pri vate bath; garage; for gentleman. Call Wis. 4357 «!_ ONE-ROOM. kITCHEN. _ BATH APT : won derfully furnished: telephone, elevator aerv lce. radio. Met 3137. Reasonable. 3* 1329 11th «T. NW—Bed room and kitchen ette apta., semi-private bath. 3rd floor. S7 and 18 weekly; basement rooms, S 6; adults. 7* LIGHT. AIRY, wonderfully fur. room In apartment; telephone, elevator service: 5 mins, to Govt, offices. Met 3133. Reasonable. 1318 M ST. N.W.—l room and bath, twin beds, suitable for two gentlemen or couple, employed: unlimited phone. Other rooms reasonable. Board optional. 1118 12th ST. N W., the New Berne, Apt. 43. In private family; congenial surrounding*, refined atmosphere; convenient to downtown shopping district. Met. 3881. 1338 VT AVE. Col. 8043. Houaekeeplng. $4. 35. 18 weekly. 1431 Fairmont at. Elegant homa. parlor*, flowers, community kitchen, dining room. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE, *2o—l exposures, semi-private batb; for lady; private home. Adlieas Box 380-C. Sisr offlre 3*_ 1419 32nd ST—Single and double, private family; meal* If desired Reasonable. North 9048. For quiet people 3^_ 3118 F ST. N.J»„ The Lindbergh, near Du pont Circlo—Nteely furnished rooms. SIS month. Apply to Janitor. 8* THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930. ■■ip ß5 * n mMmmm > ,J irl \wjMß ? k\ ! / jML i^ 11 j / i i//1 1. \ > v vlhi^bk W mm&mtl ROOMS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) CONN. AVE. NEAR WARDMAN PARK— Highly desirable bachelor suite, front sleep ing room and sitting room with fireplace and bookshelves: priv. home; g«r. Col. 3437. ‘3543 16th ST. N.W.—Beautifully furnished' room in exclusive 16th st. home; reasonable. 2* 1215 12th ST. N.W.—2 large, airy rooms. Ist floor, suitable lor two; clean, quiet house; gentlemen. 2* 1007 23rd ST. N.W., after 5 p.m. 3*~ 1741 P ST. N.W. Beautifully furnished, large front room, twin beds; also single room; laundry privileges. 1467 R. I. AVE. N.W.—l single room. 1 dou ble; meals; dancing and home environment; vacancies for young ladies. 1315 FAIRMONT—CIean, comfortable rooms for one or two in 4-bath house; continuous hot water: 2-car garage. 1119 12th—Large room. 6 windows, with kitchen and hall, 4 exposures; cool, clean, comfortable sleeping rooms. Met. 6814. 1437 BELMONT ST. N.W.—High elevation; real home; redecorated: single front room; coxy, clean, cool; garage; reasonable. 1834 COLUMBIA RD. N.W—sls and s2<Tmo7; single, double: clean, cool outside rooms. 3 baths, auto, hot water; 2 car lines. Col. 2986. 1320 HARVARD BT. N.W., Apt. I—One large, hlcely furnished room, next to bath. Adams 3900-J. 1216 16th BT. N.W.—Attractive second-floor room, suitable for one or two; near bath; desirable, convenient neighborhood. 2» MEN, WHY DON’T YOU LIVE AT THE DE SALES CHAMBERS? Rates not higher than a good rooming house: large, cool rooms; well furnished; hotel service; a cool roof for the warm evenings. 8-story, fireproof building. 1735 De Sales st., opposite Mayflower Hotel. WINDSOR HOTEL. Rooms. $25 and S3O month. 2125 G st. n.w. west 1816. ii« PORTLAND HOTEL, THOMAS CIRCLE. For a generation a home for Con gressmen, Senators, Cabinet Mem bers and high officials. Downtown. Save car fare; good beds, good food; large rooms, open fireplaces; every comfort and dignity obtainable in higher priced hotel. $2.00 and $3.00 PER DAY FOR TWO PEOPLE; 10% reduction by the month. Man agement FIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY. COLORED—I7I7 8 ST. N.W.—Bright room, second floor, a.m.1., sls. Call Pot. 1968. « ROOMS—unfurnishedT 643 MASS. AVE. N.E.—3 large rooms, kitchen and private bath; h.-w.h., electricity. *3B F BT. S.W.—Extra large front room. SJJt to bath; heat, electricity; private home; $22 monthly. * ROOMS—FURNISHED AND IJNFUR. 734 ROCK CREEK CHURCH RD. Large Jin*, range, bath; S2O month. Single room. sls. Adams 3133. ROOMS AND BOARD. ISIS MASS. AVE.—Beautiful detached cor ner; single, double, rooms; delicious food; ladies, gentlemen; high class; reasonable; central. 335 N. C. AVE. S.E.—Double and single rooms: good meals; ladles and gentlemen. 1232 9th ST. N.W.—Large front furnished room and board for two gentlemen; private family, 1642 HOBART ST N.W. - Beautlfiir' nlsned room, board, to refined young per son: private family. Col. 1836. 3* 1352 FAIRMONT Excellently home-cooked me »1», breakfast, dinner, $25 month; din ners, 60c; cool, 2nd floor, front, 4 windows, for two. 3* 1409 16th ST. N.W.—Choice vacanclesT lovely home, twin beds. Instant, hot water, laundry, home privileges: S4O. $45. 15* 1116 9th N.W.—Clean, comfortable rooms: 3 square, delicious meals daily; large dining room, separate tables; radio; homelike sur roundlngs; $8 to $lO weekly. j« 1253 IRVING ST. N.W.—Room and board? private home, near car line; home cooking. Phone Adams 7585-W. 3« 414 A BT. S.E.—Room and board; large rooms; good home cooking; near Capitol and Library; reasonable. _ 3» 101 WOOTTON AVE., cor Willard, Chevy Chase. Md.—Large, attractively fur., 2nd floor front room; eastern, southern and western exposures; opening on wide sleep ing porch; det. house: wide upper and lower porches around 3 sides of house, cov ered with vines; large grounds surround house, with plenty of shade and shrubs; excellent home table; Vt block from cars; $45 mo. each. Just like country. Wls. 4345, THE SOUTHERN CLUB. 1701 Mass. ave. n.w.—Club residence offer ing social activities and entertainments, mu sic and dancing; homtllke atmosphere, with splendid meals; redecorated throughout. 1854 WYOMING AVE.—Attractive det. house, wide space around; two large rooms, twin beds. Ladies and gentlemen. Delicious food. Reasonable. 4» 2*oo 13th N.W.—Room with private bath; 2nd floor; also alngla room; excellent home cooked food; reasonable. 2* WANTED—ROOMS" ~ 2 ROOMS, KITCHENETTE, white neighbor hood, not over S2B. Call North 6478-W. • SETTLED LADY wants unfurnished room, Ist or 2nd floor, sl2 to sls. Mt. Pleasant. Address Box 485-C, Star office. • SUBURBAN ROOMS AND BOARD. EMPLOYED MOTHER and 8-year-old son wish home with congenial family In good locality, near school and Potomac Park bus or car line. Address Box 491-C, Star office. 3* WANTED—SUBURBAN BOARD. ROOM AND BOARD wanted In nearby Vir ainla for mother and 9-year-old daughter, mother employed. Address Box 489-C, Star office, g« GENTLEMAN with boy 15, board for August In commuting dlstanco Washington. Address Box 494-C. Star office. 4• YOUNG COUPLE" desire room and board in nearby country where quiet, rest, good fresh food and sleeping porch are available; please state terms. Address Box 445-C, Star office. 3* ROOMS—SUBURBAN. FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; one car fare; 15 minutes to Capitol; sls per month; garage. $5 per month. Phone Ciar endon 723 for directions. 3* COUNTRY~BOARD. SPEND delightful vacation on large Va. estate. Colonial home, modern conveniences, best of Southern cooking; free golf; $lO to sl6 weekly. Spring chtcken dinners. SI.OO. Two hours’ from city Major Marshall Mac- Donald, Media Farm, Charles Town, W. Va. RENT HOUSES—FURNISHED, 306 C ST. N.E.—Two 3rd-floor rooms, 1.h.k.; elec, and gas: newly papered; running wa ter and sink. 3* 2318 30th BT. N.W.—VERY EXCLUSIVE neighborhood. 8 rooms, attic, cellar and garage. Rent reasonable. 4* EDGEMOOR. MD —FOR 1, 3 OR 3 WEEKS. 4 bed rooms, large porch and flower garden; $76 per week. Bradley 196-J, 1318 11th ST. N.W.—H.-w.h., elec, and hot water: large front housekeeping room, run ning water; completely furnished; children permitted. 2* 145 13th St. N.E. 6 r., b., h.-w.h.. elec $60.00 ! JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, ’ 314 Pennsylvania Avenue B.E. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. CLEVELAND PARK. 2927 MACOMB ST. n.w.—B rooms. h.-w.h.; garage. Lease for one or two years. Furnished If desired. Clev 3315. 1134 ABBEY PL N.E 6-POOM BRICK house, built-in garage, elec., h.-w.h . a.m.1.; $47.00 month. Phone Kensington 301-R. 7 R.. 3 8.. H.-W.H . 133 CARROLL' AVE. Takoma Park. Rent reduced, $56.00. Call OWNER. N. 7460. 4» BUNGALOW, WILSON PARK. CONORE3S Height!—Six rooms, bath, improvements, three porches, exclusively white; $36 mo. 103 4th st. n.w. '■ 3115 Ist ST. N W.—RESTRICTED NEIGH -1 borhood; 10 rooms, reception hall, new tile bath, back porchea, new hot-w>ter heater, all newly papered; electricity. Apply OWN- I HR. 2025 North Capitol. Decatur 2454-W. After that he would further search for the pouch containing the jewels of Opar. Motioning Chulk to follow him, the ape-man passed out of the tent by the same way he had entered it, and walking boldly through the village made directly for the hut where Jane Clayton had been imprisoned. He noted with surprise the absence of Taglat. whom he had expected to find awaiting him outside the tent of Achmet Zek, but he was accustomed to the unreliability of apes and gave it no serious atten tion. _ RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED (Continued.) 1312 CONN. AVE.—IS ROOMS. 3 BATHS; good repair, well located; reasonable. HENRY SCHAFFERT. 330 John Marshall PI. 5306 Bth ST. N.W.—6 ROOMS AND BATII, newly decorated. OWNER, after 6 p.m., 911 Decatur st. n.w. Adams 4996-W. 1406 QUINCY ST. N.W.—6 ROOMS. BATH, a.m.i.. garage; $65. 1510 Buchanan st. n.w. —6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, garage; $75. 1364 Kenyon st. n.w.—ll rooms, 2 baths, a.m.1.: $75. 1116 Monroe st. n.w.—9 rooms, 2 baths, a.m.1.. garage: SBO. 2911 13th st. n.w.—l2 rooms, 2 baths, garage; SBS 50. DONNELLY A PLANT, Inc. 3123 14th St. N.W, Col. 0838. WHITE. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. 1424 Belmont st. n.w.—l3 rms.. bath. .SIOO.OO 1341 New Hampshire ave. n.w.—lo rooms. 2 baths 90.00 1344 Vermont ave. n.w.—lo rms., bath 75.50 1021 9th st. n.w.—B rooms, bath 60.50 818 6th st. n.w.—B rooms, bath 50.50 513 3rd st. n.w.—l2 rooms, bath 57.50 5702 Georgia ave. n.w.—6 rms., bath.. 55.00 209 C st. n.w.—lo rooms, bath 50.50 2004 F st. n.w.—lo rooms, bath 50.50 709 Michigan ave. n.e.—6 rms., bath.. 37.50 N.w. corner 17th and Kearney sts. n.e.—7 rooms, bath 50.00 2-FAMILY HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. 223 R st. n.e.—4 rooms and bath $37.50 520 G st. s.e.—4 rooms and bath 30.50 232’i 12th t>l. n.e.—4 rooms and bath.. 20.50 Colored—unfurnished houses. 401 You st. n.w.—6 rooms, bath $42.50 2129 N st. n.w.—9 rooms, bath 55.00 230 N st. n.w.—B rooms, 2 baths 50.50 1839 9th st. n.w.—B rooms, bath 45.50 1639 Kraemer st. n.e.—6 rooms, bath.. 35.50 211 C st. n.e —6 rooms, bath 32.50 2427 Eye st. n.w.—6 rooms, bath 25.50 249 3rd st. s.w.—6 rooms 20.50 THE WASHINGTON LOAN A TRUST CO . 900 F St. N.W. Phone National 3440. WHITE—HOUSES. 3911 Harrison st. n.w.—B r., 3 b.. a.m.1.. gar $140.00 1411 K st. n.w.—l3 r.. 2 b . a m l 135.00 6410 Ga. st , C. C., Md.—6 r„ b„ a.m.1.. gar 90.00 3210 17th n.w.—9 r . 2 b.. a.m.l . gar.. 90.00 206 E. Taylor st., C. C., Md.—6 r., b„ a. i., garage 90.00 1210 Lamont n.w.—ll r., b., a.m.1., gar. 80.00 910 M st. n.w.—lo r.. b.. a.m.l 75.00 1226 Quincy n.w.—6 r.. b.. a.m.1.. gar. 75.00 1306 Col. rd. n.w.—7 r., 2 b., a.m.1.... 70.00 442 K st. n.w.—7 r., b.. a.m.l 60.00 736 Newton n.w.—6 r., b„ a.m.i., gar. 60.00 3238 N st. n.w.—B r., b., a.m.l 60.00 1829 Ist st. n.w 8 r., b., a.m.i., gar. 57.50 1843 N. Cap. st.—6 r.. b.. a.m.i 55.00 49 Quincy pi. n.e.—6 r., b., a.m.i 55.00 3730 New Hampshire ave. n.w.—6 r., b. h.-w.h., elec 52.50 3651 13th st. n.w.—B r.. b„ a.m.i., gar. 50.09 825 sth n.w.—B r.. b., lat. h.. elec 50.00 33 You st. n.w.—6 r., b., h.-a.h., elec. 50.00 205 Douglas n.e.—6 r.. b., a.m.i.. gar.. 49.50 450 K st. n.w.—9 r.. b., a.m.i 47.50 229 17th st. s.e.—4 r.. b., a.m.1., gar. 37.50 1741 Ist st. n.w.—6 r„ b., a.m.i 35.00 2 Military rd.. Fort Myer Heights, Va.—s r.. b., pipeless furnace, elec. 30.00 912 M s.e. —B. r.. b. gas. stove heat... 25.00 B. F. SAUL CO., National 2100. 925 15th Bt, N.W. BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE. 4616 Norwood Drive—s9o. This comfortable home, overlooking Chevy Chase golf course, one square south of Bradley lane at Wisconsin ave.. contains reception hall, large, bright living room with fireplace, dining room, bright kitchen. 3 large bed rooms, tile bath with built-in tub and shower, extra tile lavatory on bed-room floor; large front and rear yards, garage. This type home is seldom offered for rent. CAFRITZ, 14th and K. Dist 9080. REDUCED RENT. NEAR 14th & VARNUM ST. 1404 VARNUM 3T. N.W.—s9o. Beautiful home, conveniently located, only one-half block from 14th st. car line, con taining large, bright living room, dining room, kitchen and four bed rooms, built-in garage and Frigldaire. CAFRITZ. 1404 K 8t Dist. 9080. ONLY $25. 1003 SOUTH CAROLINA AVE S.E. 5-room frame house. National 8949. 3" • ■ * 1 | FLOWERS, shrubbery snd trees J) X are a special feature of this « * £ charming stucco home, located *! X north of Bradley Lane and west <j £ of Connecticut avenue.. Contains <, <• six large rooms, tiled bath, open J j ? fireplace, attractive covered side .» ♦ porch, detached garage, and 11 X other modem conveniences. «» £ Take advantage of this unusual J J o offer to rent in Chevy Chase at «> SIOO a month. Today, phono Wisconsin 2764 *• ? 1 to 9 p.m. N s <> 2008 R ST. N.W. M | 8 rooms and bath $75.00 117 GRAFTON ST.. CHEVY CHASE. MD jj 8 rooms and 2 baths..... $165.00 3135 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W. •| 6 rooms and 2 baths $90.00 604 C ST. N.E. : 6 rooms and bath $35.00 4205 18th ST. N.W. •I 3 rooms and bath $115.00 5315 16th ST. N.W. Jt: 12 rooms and 3 baths $275.00 2819 CONN. AVE. N.W. 5 12 rooms and 4 batha $200.09 1308 16th ST. N.W. jj 14 rooms and 8 baths $300.00 1336 COLUMBIA RD. N.W _ 12 rooms and 3 baths SBO.OO 2122 Ist ST. N.W. j:j 8 rooms and bath $65.00 3396 BTUYVESANT PL. N.W. jsj 8 rooms and bath $135.00 2830 27th ST. N.W. : 8 rooms and bath $90.00 3808 KANAWHA ST. N.W. jj 9 rooms and 2 baths $150.00 2010 R ST. N.W. •; 8 rooms and 2 baths SIOO.OO 2810 WOODLEY PL. N.W. i: 9 rooms, recep. hall, 2 baths... $150.00 3555 18th ST. •: 8 rooms and 2 baths $125.00 3117 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W t 8 rooms and ’ baths SIIO.OO HI. Rust Company CJMIUSHC9 tBB9 1001 15* Street N.W. s f Mini...l w.Tr.TT..nrnmYiv.TmTiiii.i'..T.r.?KTiui..i.i.iiiigi...'..i....u»...; t! illillf I ir^lL So long as Taglat did not cause interference with his plans, Tarzan was indifferent to his absence. As he approached the hut, the ape-man noticed that a crowd had collected about the entrance. He could see that the men who composed it were much excited, and fearing that Chulk’s disguise should prove inadequate to the concealment of his true identity in the face of so many observers, he com manded the ape to betake himself off to the far end of the village and there await him. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED UNUSUAL OFFER. NEW HOME—I43B PARKWOOD PL. Beautiful new home, just north ot 14th and Park rd. n.w., containing 7 large rooms (3 bed rooms) and glassed-in sleeping porch, 2-car built-in garage, large front porch, hardwood floors, hot-water heat and elec tricity. A real bargain for S9O a month. CAPRITZ, 14th and K. Dist. 9090. SEMI-DETACHED—SS9.SO. 7 rooms, bath, garage; practically new. 1901 Otis St. N.E. National 8949. 4» TO COLORED. 2272 12th pi. n.w.—6 r„ brick, elec... .$32.50 1837 11th st. n.w. (apt.)—4 r,. b.. a.m.l. 37.50 240 13th st. n.e.—s r., b.. range, water.. 37.50 122 D st s.e.—B r., b . store. 5-car gar. 60.00 10 E st. s.w.—6 r.. brick 20.00 301 K s.e —4 r., brick, elec 28.50 112 Francis s.e,—4 r.. brk., water hi kit. 13.50 FLOYD E. DAVIS COMPANY. i 733 12th St. N.W. Nat. 0352-0353. 917 E ST. S.E.—6 ROOMS. BATH $43.50 626 Morton st. n.e.—6 rooms, bath 35.00 1 923 Shepherd st. n.w.—B rooms, 2 baths 1 and garage 65.00 1 1245 Hamlin st. n.e. —7 r.. detached.... 45 00 ' WAPLE & JAMES. INC , , 1226 14th St. N.W. North 0962. 1 416 COLUMBIA RD 6R . 8.. A.M.I. .$45.00 459 M s.w.—6 r., bath 35.00 910 7th s.w.—6 r., brick, bath 32.50 609 C st. s.w.—6 r., brick 20.00 309 12th s.w.—B r„ bath 27.50 1325 4>/i s.w.—s r., brick 20.50 371 9th st. s.e.—6 r„ bath, h.-w.h 35.50 4027 9th n.w.—ll r.. b.. a.m.i.. gar 65.00 FLOYD E. DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W. Nat. 0353-0352. I CHEVY CHASE. Six Rooms, Detached. Close to Stores. Immediate Possession. Telephone Wisconsin 2873. 2905 OTIS ST. N.E' ~ 6 r.» b.. gas As elec., h.-w.h $65.00 3145 NEWTON ST. N.E. 5 r., b., gas and elec., h.-w.h $50.00 , 217 14th PL. N.E. 6 r., b., gas, elec., h.-w.h., newly dec...547.50 1362 N. C. AVE. S.E. ... 6 rooms, bath; rental $35.00 COLORED. 4683 HAYES BT. N.E. 4 r., b., gas. elec., h.-w.h $35.00 4841 HAYES BT. N.E. ..... 6 r., b., gas and elec., h.-w.h $42.50 ' 32 P ST. N.E. 6 r.. b., gas; rental $50.00 | HARRY A. KITE, INC., j 1019 15th. Nat’l 4846. j IN ENGLISH VILLAGE. 2 blocks from John Eaton School. 5 bed rooms, 3 baths. Call Adams 1724 or see MRS. JACK HAYES, 220 Bth St. S.E. 8 r., b., h.-w.h., elec, and garage $70.00 12 7th St. S.E. 8 r„ b., h.-w.h., elec S7O 00 316 sth St. S.E. 8 r., b., h.-wh., elec ...$60.00 400 10th St. S.E. T r.. b., h.-w.h., elec $52.50 225 10th St. N.E. 6 r., b., h.-w.h., elec $50.00 509 B St. S.E. 9 r., b., Ist. hest, elec $45.00 1009 E St. S.E. 9 r., b., lat. heat, elec 142.50 708 Eye St. S.E. 6 r., b„ lat. heat, elec $35.50 427 N. J. Ave. S.E. 9 r., b., lat. heat $35.00 207 E St. N.E. 6 r., lat. heat, elec $30.00 405 D St. N.E. 6 rooms $35.00 776 6th St. S.E. 6 rooms, elec $25.00 GET OUR COMPLETE LIST. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, NEAR 16th ST. 1513 Upshur st. n.w. Only $75. 7 large ' ' rooms. 2 baths, a.m.1., 2 porches. Nat. 8949. > | »• _ : NEAR WARDMAN PARK. ' 2771 WOODLEY PL. N.W.—s7s. > 8 rooms, bath, bullt-ln garage 3767 WOODLEY PL. N.W.—sloo. Semi-detached, a rooms. 2 baths, gargae. , Call National 8949. 3* COLORED—HOUSES. 614 M n.w.—l3 r„ 3 b., h.-w.h., elec..sloo 00 1908 11th st. n.w.—7 r., b., a.m.l 60.00 848 L at. n.e.—6 r., b.. h.-a.h., gas.. 50.00 320 Elm st. n.w.—B r.. b., lat. h., gas. 45.00 3619 K at. n.w.—7 r„ b„ gas. lat. heat 45.00 1300 O st. s.e.—6 r., b., elec., pipeless furnace P. 45.00 4621 Oalt pi. n.e—6 r„ b„ el., lat. h.. 43.00 1504 Montello av*. n.e.—6 r., b., lat. haat and gas 40.00 i 247 W st. n.w.—6 r.. b, lat. ht„ sas.. 40 00 57 L st. n.w.—6 r., b.. lat. ht„ gas 37.50 1662 Kalorama rd. n.w.—( r., b., lat. heat, gas 32.50 1526 N. Car. ave. n.e.—s r., b, lat. heat and sas 32.50 2224 G at. n.w.—6 r., b., lat. h. and gas. 32.50 2307 Bth st. n w.—6 r . b,. lat. h.. gas. 32.50 1523 Marion n.w.—6 r., gas. stove ht.. 30.50 2265 Cleveland ave. n.w.—6 r., lat. h., gas 30.50 2269 Bth st n.w.—s r.. b.. lat. h., gas. 30.00 909 6th st. s.e.—6 r., b.. gas., lat. ht.. 30.00 2214 9th st. n.w.—B r., stove heat 30.00 735 Morton st. n.w.—s rooms, gas.... 27.50 2261 Bth n.w.—s r., gas, stove heat. . 27.50 1441 Church st. n.w.—6 r., stove hest. 27.00 1340 4th st. n.w.—6 r.. stove h. snd gas 23.50 1217 6Vi st. n.w.—s r., stove heat.... 22.50 3322 Bth n.w.—4 r.. stove heat 22.50 1631 Kraemer n.e.—6 r , gas. stove ht. 20.50 711 Pleasant et. e.w.—4 r., stove ht... 12.50 26 Woodburn, D. C.—2 r.. stove ht... 10.00 B. F. SAUL CO., National 3100. 925 15th St. N.W. iiiifHiHtniHiiniainHiiiliimliiHiimiiinnii.mmittiini* 1860 ONTARIO PL. N.W. 6 rooms and bath $66.00 : 2805 38th ST. N.W. 7 rooms and bath $115.00 1877 MONROE ST. N.W. 8 rooms and bath $85.00 : 1603 NEWARK ST. N.W. 10 rooms and 3 batha 8135.00 |* *306 RITTENHOOSB ST. N W 8 rooms and 3 baths $275.00 j 3608 CONN. AVE. N.W. 11 rooms and 3 batha *176.00 : 3907 RXTTENROUBE ST.. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. 11 rooms and * baths 1150.00 *O3 L ST. N.W. • rooms and bath (55.00 UNFURNISHED HOUSES. COLORED. 1150 list ST. N.W . „ |: 8 rooms and bath $45.00 411 NEW JERBEY AVE. N.W. I rooms $18.50 j: 1405 COLUMBIA ST. N.W. 8 rooms and bath tIS.eo ; 510 M ST. N.W. jl • rooms and bath *50.00 j 1410 COLUMBIA ST. N.W. 8 rooms and 1 bath *45.00 : *7 DINGMAN COURT N.W. 4 rooms *15.00 : 81* N. H. AVE. N.W. 6 rooms and bath *30.50 ; 314 MORGAN ST. N.W. 5 rooms and bath $47.50 : till.. » . •» ..I. b “ pi I Chulk waddled off, keeping to the shadows. Tarzan advanced toward the group before the doorway. He mingled with the blacks and Arabs, trying to learn the cause of the commotion, totally forgetting in his interest that only he carried a spear and a bow and arrows, and thus might become an object of suspicion. Which was just what happened! A* Tarzan shouldered his way forward, an Arab grab bed him, crying: “Who is this?” at the same time snatching back the hood from the ape-man’s face. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED COLORED. 3660 STANTON RD. S.E., ANA costla —4-room house, large lot; $15.50 per mo. Met. 4300; Clev. 0316. » COLORED; 56 N ST. S.E.—3 ROOMS, bath. gas. etc. Splendid condition: S2B 50 to responsible tenant with references. 3* COLORED—4I6 M 8.E.—4 R„ B. GAB, latrobe: redecorated; porches; *30.50. Key. 420. 810 26th n.w.—6 r., b , latrobe. hall; redecorated, $35.50. OWNER. Cleveland 2661. FOR COLORED. 2127 L ST. N.W. 8 rooms and 2 baths, electricity; suitable for rooming house. Rent reduced. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO . INC.. 738 15th St. N.W. Dist 6830. TO COLORED. 2201 CHAMPLAIN ST. N.W. At Rentals Greatly Reduced. Apts, of 2 and 3 rooms, kit. & modern bath. $32.50 to $37.50 per month. Includes heat, hot water, janitor and elevator service. FLOYD E. DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W. Nat. 0353-0352. FOR COLORED. 2004 12th St. N.W.—sss. This large house contains 6 rooms, kitchen and bath. A real bargain. CAFRITZ, 1004 K St. Dist. 9080. WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES. WANTED—FURNISHED HOUSE, 6 TO 10 rooms, immediately; reasonable; central lo catlon. Phone Adams 4786. WANTED FURNIBHED HOUBE OR BUN galow. 6 rooms, by family of adults; can give good reference; must be cheap. Ad dress Box 7-D. Star office. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN; OPTION TO buy; prefer detached, west of Georgia. State location, price. Reasonable. Address Box 486-C. Star office. 3» SINGLE HOUSE. NORTHWEST SECTION— Must have three bed rooms. In replying give full details and rent desired. Address Box 453-C, Star office. » SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN OOOD northwest section; possession by September Ist. Address Box 436-C, Star office. MINISTER WOULD LOOK APTER AN Es tate one year for use of home; adults only. Address Box 443-C, Star office. 3« TO RENT—DETACHED OR BEMI-DETACH ed. unfurnished, 6 or 7 rooms, a.m.1.. by service officer, Chevy Chase, D. C., or Cleve l*nd Park. Long lease for reasonable rental. Add] ess Box 433-C. Star office. 3« IS YOUR PROPERTY VACANT? WE ARE having applications daliy for 6-room mod ern houses, n.w. section. List yours for results. EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ, INC., 1014 Vermont Ave. Dist. 6310. LIST YOUR VACANT PROPERTY WITH ÜB. We have calls for property in all sections of the city and vicinity. ROBERT A. HUMPHRIES, Call National 6733, 808 North Capitol St. APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. 200 EAST CAPITOL—ONE ROOM. KITCHEN, bath, porch. S2B; other locations, 3 to 4 rooms. *17.50 to $32.50. Line. 2637. POTOMAC PARK APARTMENTS, 31st * C at*, n.w. Phon* National 9102. within walkir? distance of the White House and the Washington Monument. Her* you bav* the beautiful gardens of Potomac Park and the Lincoln Memorial for a front yard; miles of walks among the trees and flowers of Washington, The Magnificent. Completely furnished hotel roomr and apartments, with or without full housekeeping facilities; a high-grade house with standard service. No dog- or cats or wild parties. LIV. RM„ BED RM.. K., B. AND PORCH, nicely turn., incl. bed-davenport, spinet desk, etc.; large yard; the Buchanan Apts., cor. 13th and Buchanan at*.; $52.50 up. Also ths Wyatt Apts,. 4520 Qa. ave., <55 up. G». 1883. 1119 K ST. N.W.—NICELY FURNISHED apt. of 1 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath; S2O and S4O. Met. 8623. NORTHUMBERLAND—POUR LARGE RMS., bath, electric ref rig.; completely furnished; year’s lease. SBO, North 3280, Apt. 103. 3« 5 LARGE? CLEAN ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR. Will reserve few weeks; adults; completely furnished. 1909 N. Capitol Potomac 3083-M. 4 IOWA CIRCLE—TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN ette, porch; S4O. Gas and elec. Also base ment apt. Cheap. N. 872*. NEAR 16th AND COLUMBIA RD.—APART ment. 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, $35. One housekeeping room, $25. 3033 15th st. n.w. 1460 IRVING ST. N.W.—ONE ROOM, dinette, kitchen, bath, Frigldaire, Murphy bed; elevator; accommodate 3; $53.50. Nicely furnished. Janitor. DELIGHTFULLY COOL FURNISHED TWO and three room apartments; rents reason able. 1626 19th st. n.w. 4* 1917 EYE ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS AND BATH, beautifully redecorated, non-housekeeping; furnished to suit, within reason; $47.50 mo. 3* 831 a ST. N.E.—TWO FRONT ROOMS. Nicely furnished for l.h.k. A.m.l. TWO NICELY FURNIBHED ROOMS. S3O a month. THREE ROOMS WITH GARAGE. USE of laundry. 409 Upshur st. n.w. No children. S4O. 3* NEAR ROCK CREEK BRIDGE—TO BET tled couple. 3 nice rooms, porch, Snd floor. 1 room, porch. 1933 Calvert st. 3* GENTLEMAN WANTED TO SHARE APART ment with two others. Call after 5 p.m., Met. 1692, Apt. 506, *ls 18th st. 2 BLOCKS WEST OP AUDITORIUM. 2310 E st. n.w.—ln modern apartment house. 1 rm.. kitchen, dining alcove, dressing rm. Murphy bed and bath. Completely and at attractively furnished Including player-piano; very reasonable. Res. mgr., Apt. 32 or Janitor. 3* NORTHUMBERLAND—LIVING ROOM. BED room and bath, non-housekeeping; $55 monthly, including maid service. North 3380. 3 ROOMB. KITCHEN AND BATH; CON tlnuous hot water, large porch, lawn and shade trees. 13th and Lawrence, Brookland, D. C. Phone North 6646. 3* 1713 18th ST., APT. 203—FOR RENT, BE ginning Aug. 15, one room, kitchenette, bath; completely furnished: Summer rates. 3« 1120 9th ST. N.W. Three rooms, kitchen and bath; can ac commodate four. $« 221 9th ST. S.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath <33.50 Met 4300, Clev. 0316. •_ 732 2let N.W.—3 ROOMS, BATH, HEAT, gas, elec. $35 Month. 4* «0l THE ARGONNE—TWO LARGE ROOMS, reception hall, kitchen, bath, porch, twin beds, dishes, linen, etc.; beautiful view; one month or longer; $75 per mo. Phone Col. 4630. 3* LADY TO SHARE APT. WITH ANOTHER; reasonable. North 1806. Apt. 303 »« SUBLET FURNISHED APT. 1 ROOM, kitchenette. Prigidatre and radio. The Park Lane, Apt. 1023. after 7 p.m. UNUSUALLY LOW RENT FOR COMPLETE- Iy furnished two rooms, bath and kitchen ette. 1803 Blltmore st., Apt. 614, over Col iler Inn. 3* CHEVY CHASE-COOL AND ATTRACTIVE; windows on 4 sides; llvins room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms, bath, screened porch, a.m.1.. Prig idalre; half block from cars. Clev, 0777, 4» 3624 Uth ST. N.W.—THREE ROOMS. COM pletely Turn., second or first floors; gas. elec.: $35. S4O month. • » TWO LARGE ROOMS. KITCHEN. TILED bath, large closets: adults: $55; tsrtse op tional. 1131 Euclid st. Tel. Adams 5764-J. 3* 4024 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W.—2nd FLOOR: living, dining, hall rooms; shower and tub baths, kitchenette, porch. 5» 1863 CALIFORNIA BT. N.W—ENTIRE 3rd floor, completely furnished; two rooms, kitchen, bath, porch. Phone North 8810. 2000 16th ST.—Two-room, kitchen and bath ants.; electricity, gas and Frigldaire in cluded. $55 to S7O. ENTIRE FLOOR. 3 R., KIT.. BATH. FUR. comp.; a.m.1.; elec., gas included, <l2 week ly. 911 M n.w. 405 B ST. N.E.—ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR. 2 large rooms, kitchen, private bath, porch, h.-w.h., electricity; near Capitol; $45; no children. TAKOMA ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED first floor. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath; reasonable; adults. 7130 Plney Branch rd. Georgia 3888. 414 H ST. N.E.—BEAUTIFUL 2. 3 AND 4 room apartments, nicely furnished, complete for housekeeping; reasonable. Lincoln 3005. THE TORONTO, DUPONT CIRCLE—LARGE room and bath. $25 _AP? ly Manager. 1814 BELMONT RD., NEAR 18th & COL. RIF —3 cool rooms, bath, gas stove, sink, 3rd floor private home; $55. Adams 39X8. DOWNTOWN—I4O2 15th. One room, kitchen and bath; new equip ment; ideri for married couple. •* APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) CORCORAN COURTS, 401 23rd St. N.W. OVERLOOKING LINCOLN MEMORIAL. CONVENIENT TO DOWNTOWN. JUST A FEW STEPS PROM THE GOLP COURSE. EQUIPPED WITH FRIGIDAIRE. Current Free. $62.50 —This charming apartment contains larce living room with Murphy bed. kitchen, tiled bath and reception hall. $llO.O0 —This beautiful furnished apartment contains reception hall, large living room, dinet, kitchen and tiled bath. Murphy bed in living room. Bee Manager. National 6833. THE JEFFERSON, 16th AND M STS. Two-room, bath, kit. apts., fur. complete for housekeeping; linen, light, maid service and re frigeration included in rent; large, cool rooms. Apply Man ager, or Pot. 5660. CENTRAL—I4th and K. NEAT 2-R. FUR. APT., SSO. Large rms.. neatly furn. apts., - .n finest marble bldg.; most convenient location in city. See Champlain. 1424 K st. n.w, JUST NO. DUPONT CIRCLE. FUR. APT., S4O; 4 RMS., $65. Completely and beautifully furn., extra large and bright; exclusive apt. bldg.; tile bath, parquet floors. Phone Pot. 4258-J. EXCLUSIVE LOCATION. CONN. AVE. BRIDGE, 3 R., $65 Best location; new fireproof bldg.; phone and elevator service; all improvements; neatly furn., exclusive apt. See Le Marquis, 2308 Ashmead pi. n.w. STUDIO APARTMENT. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. Four rooms, salon living room, bath, water pond; completely furnished; most attractive. Rental, $125 a month. Further Particulars. SHANNON & LUCHS, INC, 1435 K St. N.W. National 2345. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY, 20th and F Sts. N.W. VERY DESIRABLE DOWNTOWN LOCATION. One unusually large room, dress ing room. Murphy bed. kitchen and bath; completely iurnished, includ ing Frlgldalre, linens, silver, china, etc. $67.50. See Resident Manager. J. C. WEEDON CO.. 1727 K St. N.W. Met. 3011. Cairo Hotel 16th at Que Street N.W. Large, comfortable rooms, newly furnished, redecorated throughout, with or without full hotel service. These may be furnished with davenport beds if preferred. Dining room in building. t Single Rooms From $33 Double Rooms From $45 2- Suites From SIOO 3- Suites From $l4O T. F. Schneider Corporation 1025 15th Street N.W. Phone North 2104 or Natl. 6336 MONMOUTH HOTEL, 1819 G ST. N.W. Three rooms, bath (large rooms and closet), overstuffed davenport suites, modern furniture; all night telephone and elevator service. ■ S6O. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. MT. PLEASANT—2 ROOMS, K.. B.; LARGE, airy, a.m.i.; edge Rock Creek Park. Inapect Sunday. 1865 Newton at. n.w. 1311 11th ST. N.W. (DOWNTOWN)—THREE rooms, private bath; h.-w.h.. electricity in cluded in rent; >32.50. Adams 7589. LIV RM. BED RM, K . B. AND OPEN porch. The Buchanan Apts., cor. 13th A Buchanan ats. n.w. >39.50. 344.50 mo. 2524 17th ST. N.W.—FRIGIDAIRE. 4 ROOMS. bati. reception hall, inclosed porch; south exposure: r.ewly decorated; $62.50; adults. THE EARLINGTON, 3033 16th ST.. CORNER Columbia rd.—3. 4, 5 rooms and bath, fac ing 16th st. First floor. $67.50. $77.50, S9O. Electric refrigeration. Apply manager, 1832 BILTMORE STT N.W.—FOUR ROOMS, kitchen and bath; perfect condition; free electrical refrigeration. 3« 2nd-FLOOR FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND KITCH en; gas and elec. 911 Longfellow it. n.w. See PETE MANTZOURIS. 725 9th st. n.w. 3* CHEVY CHASE—UPPER APT. IN BEAUTI fuI duplex home; 6 rooms (3 bed rooms), double garaie. 3620 Rlttenhouse st. Cleve iand 3330 DESIRABLE. OUTSIDE 3 ROOMS. KITCH en and bath, a.m.i. 1102 14th at. Apply at drug store. ; 1631 S BT.. THE SHELBOURNE—ONE ROOM, bath apartment. 332.50; 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. 352.50 up; 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. 367.50. Free Prigidaire. See resident man age r. NEWLY DECORATED 6-ROOM AND BATH apt., corner 16th and Col. rd.; $52.50. Call ‘ Georgia 4220. 1-ROOM BACHELOR APT., PRIGIDAIRE; , Columbia rd. and Mlntwood; $32.50. Adams 3046. 405 B BT. N.E.—ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR 2 large rooms, kitchen, private bath, porch. h.-wh.. electricity: $45. No children. ' DESIRABLE 2-R.. K.. 8.. APT. HOUSE. 1929 16th st. n.w. Reasonable. Phone North ! 2058. 3* | 3223 HIATT PL. N.W.—POUR ROOMS AND : bath and sleeping porch; S4O month. Cltr. 1904. DOWNTOWN—3 ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH, sleeping porch, modern. 2 apts.; S3O and $45. Apply 732 13th st. n.w. Met. 0896. • 3 LARGE ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH. A.ML ( S3O monthly. 235 C st. n.e. Rent begins August IS. No children. 2* 1115 C ST. S.E.— 3 ROOMS. MODERN CON- * venlences; near Capitol and Library, con- , venlent to two car lines; adults only; t3S. 3 3550 14th ST. N. W.—s ROOMS. BATH. 1 electric refrigeration; $65. 1340 Monroe at. n.w.—7 rooms, battik porch; $65. DONNELLY A PLANT. INC., 3123 14th St. N.W. Col. 0838. g 3 ROOMS. INCLOSED PORCH. ! * Reasonable. i DESIRABLE 3. 4 R.. K.. 8.. RECEPTION , hall, balcony. Prigidaire. Saluda Apts.. 11th 3 and Euclid n.w. Reasonable. Phone North ? 2058. 3*_ 1 1101 PENNA. AVE. S.E. Two outside rooms, kitchenette and bath; 1 heated; 345. 1 KENTUCKY APARTMENT. One 3-room apartment, heat, janitor aerv ice; very low. Apply 233 Ky ave.. Apt. IS. . 3 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE. BATH. A.M.1.: 3 near cars and bus: In private home; garaae . 11 desired. 706 Rock Creek Church rd. 3* IN THE EMBABBY SECTION. NEAR ME rtdlan Hill Park, one square to 14th at. car line or 16th st. bus—Apartments of 1 and 2 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, good slsed rooms 3 and closets. Rental only 333.50 to 350 per month. Apply resident manager, 3309 15th st nw, 3 ROOMS. BAffH, UNTO*., S4B; ALSO 1 room, kitchenette, furnished. 323. 1724 . 31st st. n.w. • APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. (Continue*.) 210 lsjh SI. B.W.—* RMS. A B John Marshall PI. 3-ROOM APARTMENT. Ist FLOOR: RSNT reasonable. 734 6th st. n.w. Phone Metro politan 1833. A— -1718 17th H.W.- FIVE ROOMS. *■**£• second floor front: newly decorated, elec trlclty Included; 145. National 0693- 1900 £ ST. N.W.—ATTRACTIVE SECOND floor; all front. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, near Dupont Circle. Reasonable. See Jan Itor or call Wl*. 2906. - mAp RENT 3 r.. kit. bath. UNITED STATES SECURITIES CORP.. Phone Nat. 3637. 1815 A BT. S.E.—2 R- *■ AND ».. A.MT: cosy, cool apt., one block aouth Eastern High Bchool. See janitor. _JL__ 7 ROOMS. BATH. 2 BLEEPINO PORCHES; now being renovated; $37.50 per month. 2410 14th st. n.w. Col. 5363. 3 BED ROOMS. LIVING ROOM. K^CHKN and bath. 3 exposures; near cars, movies and maraet: >6O. 3517 Hth P-w. 1819 2nd ST. N.W - FIRST FLOOR. FOUR rooms and bath; S3O. . Key at 1815 2nd ___ DOWNTOWN LOCATION—HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. - Two rooms and bath. . 132.30 to $42.50 Three rooms and • Vw,’ • TYLER St RUTHERFORD. INC.. 1520 K St. N.W. Phone National 0478-0478. __ THE ESSEX. 1*23 N ST.—5 LAROE ROOMS, batlf. porch, light and airy; **6.50. Apply to janitor or call Adams 5467-W. - 723 7th ST. S.W.-6 AND « ROOM IPT£TS ; reasonable. good condition. H* HENRY BCHAFFERT. 330 John Maraha»_£ii EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE, COOL. AIRY, lst-floor front apt. T rooms, kitchen, bath, adults only; llihted evenings. 818 P st. ne. 3325 37th ST. N.W.—TrMB., KIT., screened porch, garage; *55 P er m - APPiy 24 Jackson pi. n.w. Nat. 1403. THE COLUMBIA. 1401 Girard St. N.W. .. 6 large rooms and bath THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL CO.. INC.. 14th and G Sts. Nat. 2680._ 3434 PA. AVE. N.W.—2 R., KIT. * 8.*30.00 808 Otis pi. n.w.—3 r. and b 35.50 *°» - ” 00 733 12th Bt. Nat 1 0363_ L _0352. 1315 PARK RD.—WISTERIA. 4 rooms. 3 bath. _ . " ' 2 rooms, bath 25 00 1 *,* e * 'refrigeration. 2854 CONN. AVE. ... _ 2 room 1 ** 08 kl £j’ I RARD' ST.—BERMUDA. • COLUMBIA ' RD- ” “ • st; *K.t' ““ "' ' *** 00 • ~~ “‘ ii»Nk»£p:i!£' “* • ' 3 rooms and bath, h.-w.h. THOMAS P. BROWN. 613 t'/a St. 8-W. National 1819. _ 1800 EYE ST. N.W. NO ELECTRIC OR GAS BILLS. Walking distance to Govt. depta. and downtown; modern elevator building, run ning ice water in every apartment, xuii length mirror doors. , 2 rooms and bath, non-housekeeping, elec, lights included *60.00 2 rooms, tiled kitchen and bath; re frigeration, gas and electric light Resident Manager. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY, 600 20th ST. N.W. (COR. F). Prigidaire, Modern Building, Big Rooms. 1 room, kitchen and bath $45.00 See Manager on Premises THE SIBLEY. 15 M BT. N.W. FRIGIDAIRE INCLUDED. 3 rooms, rec. hall and bath 1*2.50 4 rooms, rec. hall and bath............ 52.50 Walking Distance to G. P. 0., Union Station and City P. O. See Resident Manager. Apt. 23. NORWOOD, 1343 E. CAP. ST. Electrical Refrigeration. 5 rooms and bath. Apt. 15 $52.50 Va Block to Lincoln Park. Apply Apt. 2. 1305 POTOMAC ST. N.W. Electrolux Refrigeration. 1 room, dressing room, bath *37.50 3 rooms, kit., rec. hall, bath 57.50 All Apts Just Redecorated. ST. DENNIS. 1636 KENYON ST. 2 rooms and bath $35.00 4 rooms and bath, large porch 60.00 FRIGIDAIRE—MODERN BUILDING. Mt. Pleasant Section. Resident Manager. THE GORGAS, 6805 OA. AVE. OPPOSITE WALTER REED HOSPITAL. 3 rooms, rec. hall. d. a., bath 347.50 435 16th ST. S.E. 3 rooms and bath *40.00 228 10th ST. N.E. 3 rooms and bath $45.00 See Resident Manager. Apt. 5. 529 G ST. S E 3 rooms, rec. hall and bath...' $42 50 See Resident Manager. 317 3rd ST. N.E. 3 rooms and bath $45.00 4524 IOWA AVE. N.W. Electrical Retrigeratlon. 3 rooms and bath 149.50 See Janitor. 314 V ST. N.E. 3 rooms and bath $39.50 4 rooms and bath 50.00 115 D ST. S.E. 3 rooms and bath $45.00 4 rooms and bath 45.00 One Block from House Office Bldg. Resident Manager. J. C. WEEDON CO., 1727 K St. N.W. Metropolitan 3011. CAMILLE APT., 204 F ST. N.W. 1 ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH ....*28.00 3 ROOMS, KITCHEN AND BATH 40.00 Near Govt. Printing Office and General Accounting Office. Res. Manager. 1430 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. Apartment with Porches. Large Rooms and Closets. Sound- Proof Walls. Manager In Residence. 3^ BERKELEY HALL. 1440 COLUMBIA tj). N.W. Apts, of 3 rooms ana bath $45.00 to 150.00 CLAIBORNE, 518 H ST. N.W. Apta. of 5 rooms and bath. .$45.00 and $50.00 DAKOTA, 1410 GIRARD ST. N.W. Apt. B—6 rooms and bath $55.00 HUDSON, 14th AND S STS. N.W. Apt. 32—5 rooms and bath $65.00 HUNTINGTON. 2715 14tb ST. N.W. Apt. 12—3 rooms and bath $42.50 Apta. of 5 rms. and bath*. $60.00 and 65.00 Apt. 11—6 rooms and bath 65.00 1009 Uth BT. N.W. Apta. of 1 r. dinette and b. .$50.00 and $52.50 LAWRENCE. 1922 16th ST. N.W. Apt. 4—7 rooms and bath 355.00 MANOR HOUSE. 1324 MONROE BT. N.W. Apts, of 5 rooms and bath $75.00 MONTGOMERY, 1151 NORTH CAPITOL ST Apt. 46—5 rooms and bath $50.00 Apt. 33—4 rooms and bath 43.50 NAVARRE, 217 E ST. N.W. Apts, ol 5 rooms and bath $32.50 1661 PARK RD. N.W. Apts, of 3 rooms and bath... .$50.00 to *57.50 REGINA. 1214 EYE ST. N.W. Apts, of 6 rooms and bath. .$60.00 and *87.50 1440 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Apt. 36—6 rooms and bath $77.50 SALUDA. 1101 EUCLID ST. N.W. Apts, of 3 rooms and bath... .$40.00 to $43.50 Apts, of 4 rooms and bath 50.00 St 60.00 SARANAC. 1309 NORTH CAPITOL ST. Apt. 7—6 rooms and bath $52.50 Apt. B—7 rooms and bath 60.00 STERLING. 1915 CALVERT ST. N.W. Apta. of 5 rooms and bath. .170.00 and $85.00 Apt. 12—4 rooms and bath 80.00 401-407 3rd ST. N.W. Apt. 3—3 rooms and bath 325.00 Baaement —3 rooms and bath 35.00 WOODWORTH. 1306 10th BT. N.W. Acts, of 3 rooms and bath. .346.50 and $48.50 THE WASHINGTON LOAN St TRUST CO, 900 P St. N.W. Phone National 3440 HEATED. 411 2nd St. S.E. 6 rooms, bath. 310 East Capitol St. 3 rooms, bath, elec. $52.00 121 B St. S.E. 3 rooms, bath, elec 347.50 668 B St. S.E. 6 rooms, bath, elec $45.00 631 B St. N.E. 3 rooms, bath, elec $40.00 205 Penn. Ave. S.E. 0 rooms, bath, elec $40.00 503 B St. S.E. 3 rooms, bath, elec $35.00 311 3rd St. N.E. 3 rooms, bath, elec $35.00 NOT HEATED. 9059th St. S.E. 6 rooms, bath, h.-wh., elec $35 00 1351 E St. S.E. 4 rooms, bath $30.00 439 Tenn. Ave. N.E. * rooms, bath $20.00 GET OUR COMPLETE LIST. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS. 1633 30th ST. N.W. BLOCK OF Q ST. BOULEVARD.) 1 ROOM. COMB. DINETTE, KITCH ENETTE AND BATH $35.00 3 ROOMS, KITCHEN AND BATH. FRONT 55.00 IDEAL LOCATION—NEAR MONTROSE PARK. THE CRESTHILL. 1430 BELMONT ST N.W. ON THE HEIGHTS. ADJOINING MERIDIAN PARK—COOL. AIRY APARTMENTS. CONSISTING OP 2 ROOMS. KIT. St BATH. BREAKFAST PORCH 350.0* 3 ROOMS. KIT & BATH. 2 PORCHES. SOUTHERN EXPOSURE 77.5e ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION < INCtJUftK? IN RENT)— ELEVATOR— RESIDEIS MANAGER THE BTRATHMORE. 3501 13th St. N.W. 2 ROOMB. KITCHEN AND BATH SBO 00 ELEVATOR. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. REB. MANAGER. 2316 F ST. N.W. 1 ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH *32 50 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH . . 45 00 CONVENIENT TO GOVT. DEPARTMENTS 1915 EYITsT N.W. 1 ,-OOM AND BATH *35 00 1 ROOM AND BATH. FURNISHED ... 30.00 IDEAL DOWNTOWN APARTMENT. 1656 EUCLID ST N.W. 3 ROOMS. KIT. St BATH. FRONT PORCH *50.00 3 ROOMS. KIT # BATH. RECEP. HALL A PORCH... 05.00 1708 N«WTON ST N.W. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN A BATH *47 50 3 ROOMS. KITCHEN A BATH 82.50 MOORE &~HILL, INC., 730 17th St. N.W. .Continue* an Next Paae.)