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Woodward ScLothrop v 10™ 11™ F ajcd.G Streets First Copies of Paris Fall Hats Specially priced S^ .75 \ W> 'wM Hats of Marie Alphonsine .. . Rose Descat ... and Gaby Mono are accurately l ll copied for this event. One finds felt and velvet berets as they are draped for JL J this Fall . . . with deft, new treatments that lift brims up off the brow, or fold (I /]V . brims double. Each h at >* a definite, important Fall Millinery Fashion .. . each 11 \ s J ' \V\ Jf J one is remarkable for as little as $8.75 .. . and each hat bears the label of J fir/ J the designer who created its original. * Black, and Fall's New Browns and Tans Millinery, Third Floor. = ~~|l Cash's Woven /) '' j Tlin. im name lap.. -. . •V WL Wvjfew (rA r ■ ties)... keep everything “your s '' s >J.| \ \ j£2itjß| 1 1 P~ own.” Wrong things cannot be Take Toiletries Ha \°/T iSB * \ \/ I returned by the laundry . . . Traveling in 'ft M f%Sll \J. ,or you h * v * each "^ U ® I \ ,1 I labeled with your name. You T"| * k I h r i--l 1 j L - can keep gym shoes from stray- I hIS NCW 1/ 'll 1 ing into “unidentified clothes” Tm I rict ft l m fI - K/J* the boasts of your school linen I OUriSt Dag ;flUl m P closets. Any name or words x? \\ /' ffln 11 1 *' |jM can be woven distinctly on You can even be air-mind- I l’ ft m 1 fj f | • 1 Cashs fine P ed. and take them flying, I 111 § \ tJ\ 11. J Guaranteed washable. looking silk moire tourist J 11\ »jf \ // K* / j \ ifn _ Cl cn bag. Roomy rubber pock- I I H s| # \ [I I I\ \ Dozen .• ♦ ♦ date many toiletries. Talon *— —. y— | cl. —y 1 .“ -3 vX— /"/ 6 Dozen ♦•• • • slide fasteners make it easy I ££/ £•] I “7 • / 1 v to keep beauty aids “ready I / {♦;</ §£/ j / */ _ «t and at hand.” >j j U ;/ J VS 12 L/OZen %w . .. . If /7 *1 111 Notions, Aisle 21. First Floor. You may choose these bags 1 /./ y;J J in rose, blue, tan or black. A // \ /y I People buy them to blend j, /j/ U* sories, and tuck them, Py w W \pr completely packed, into —. . ni I .ui,^Summer rrocks Reduced 54 95 no. Notions, Aisle 21, First Floor. ■ Women's Sports and Afternoon Models ‘ A limited number, on sale Monday. Styles women find flatter /¥\ ing . . . and fabrics as practical as they are smart —because \ s o^v S \ ' (lir*\ lyT l I they can be worn late in the season. Chiffons .. . plain and \Vn\\ i/7 /J 1 / I A / printed crepes . . . and shantungs . . . clever jacket styles, x\\, \ \ I/I 111 4nfyn I I] J somc With longer coats; long and short sleeves. Pastels and —~ j/ f Women’s Frocks, Third Floor. Walnut Room Frocks Greatly Reduced to *39 50 /F Printed chiffon ensembles . . . pastel siik,crepes with jackets, MarcaSlte and k ( . : for street and spectator sports .. . and delectable chiffons for Baguette Crvstal /, XN&A- afternoon teas. The fact that they are Walnut Room frocks ” ' rjk' / bespeaks their fine fabrics, their beautiful workmanship. j p|| Walnut Room, Third Floor. RlFlgS Specially Priced Take Movies From a Moving Train y.» k .m«r h buck'.„ , d a “^ O frocks of the coming season When your train is speeding through the beau- With Kodacolor . . . the marvelous process . . . these marcasite and ba ties of the Rockies or across the painted that so vividly reproduces color . . . you will guette crystal rings are set desert . . . even though you never pass that always have life-like pictures. In our Movie with real onyx .. . and mount way again you can capture these scenes with Studio on the Fourth Floor we are glad to show ed in sterling silver. Five at your Cine Kodak from the window of your you how easy these movies are to take and tractive styles at a price moving train or automobile. how surprisingly inexpensive. much lower than regularly. Model K Cine Kodak F 1.9 Lens, SISO KeTo j £E^loo.. Kodaks, Fourth Floor. Imported Woven Sandals Reduced $w e p e „ ir $4- 50 clearance of our finer type sandals with outside wgrfK | soles; Cuban and spike heels. White-and-blue, 1 T white-and-brown, white-and-black, beige-and- t J• * * ' ~ tan and all-white. All sizes in the combined lot. £. i / Women s and Misses' Shoes, Third Floor. ! ! THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C. t SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930. DR. H. W. KENSHAW DIES AT AGE OF SO Former Chief of Biological Survey Succumbs After Long illness. Dr. Henry W. Henshaw, SO years old, widely known naturalist and former chief of the Biological Survey, Depart ment of Agriculture, with which he was connected for many years, died in a local hospital yesterday after a long illness. He retired a number of years ago. Dr. Henshaw was a founder and char ter member of the cbsmos Club here and belonged to a number of scientific societies. A native of Cambridge. Mass., Dr. Henshaw received his early education in the public schools there and later secured wide knowledge as a scientist through practical study In the field and extensive reading. In 1872 he joined the Wheeler Sur vey as a naturalist and explored the West and made reports on his findings in 1879. In the latter year he began' work with the Bureau of Ethnology, Department of Agriculture, and served there chiefly in an administrative ca pacity until 1893. A part of this time he was editor of the American Anthro pologist. He became administrative biologist in 1905 in the Biological Sur vey and continued in that capacity until 1910, when he was promoted to the position of chief of the survey. He spent time in the Hawaiian Islands from 1894 to 1904 and in 1902 wrote a book, “Birds of the Hawaiian Islands.’’ Dr. Henshaw was the author of re ports on ornithology of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado. New Mexico and Arizona in 1875. He also had written numerous other articles on ornithology and ethnology. He was unmarried. He is survived by a brother, Prank A. Henshaw of Chi cago, and a niece. Mrs. Walter P. Oreenman of Augusta, Me., the wife of Rev. Dr. Oreenman. Dr. Henshaw was the yn of the late William and Sarah Henshaw. Puneral services will be conducted at Lee’s, undertakers, Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Dr. Henshaw made hi£ home in the Ontario Apartments prior to his illness. R. F. KENEFICK BURIED : Former Washington Man Laid to Rest in Arlington Cemetery. Puneral services for Richard Francis Kenefick. 30 years old, former Wash ingtonian. who died Wednesday in Toledo, Ohio, were held this morning at the undertaking establishment of James T. Ryan. Interment was in Arlington National Cemetery. After his graduation from the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Kenefick, the son of Mrs. Margaret Kenefick of the Maryland Apartments, went to Toledo to accept a position as civil engineer. Besides his mother, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lucille Connolly Kene flck, and three sisters, Mrs. William E. McCaffrey, Mrs. Prank B. Gaffney and Miss Morell Kenefick. Births Reported. William A. and Marie A. Schake. Ctrl. Alvin F. and Kathryn Parker, girl. Jamea M. and Erneatlne L. Joyner, boy. Carl n. and Mary F. Schueneman, boy. Walter O. and Olla V. Harrison, boy. Charles E. and Lena V. Lightner, boy. Thomas and Emma O’Neill, girl. Alphonse and Ruth Brooks, boy. Fred and Charlotte Owens, boy. Alexander and Ruth Medlock, boy. Thomas C. and Birdie Smith, girl. John and Margaret A. Galloway, girl. _JVilliam__V_ajid i _Marßaret <> Bailey ; jlrr LOST. ~ BACHRACH PROOFS and small oval picture: vicinity court house. Reward. Address Box 479-C. Star office. 3» BILLFOLD—Leather, containing S4O. driver's permit, registration card and Navy dis charge; between sth and G sts. n.w. and Rcsslyn, Va. Reward. F. B. Grier, 455 G at. n.w. S* BREASTPIN, large .gold knot: valued loom: lost Wednesday. If found. Col. 4265. CAT. red Persian, with white breast; strayed' night of July 28. Phone Columbia 0574, CAT—Fluff, black; from Sfot st. Return 8111 N n w. Reward. « COIN PURBE—SmaII, red, containing wed ding ring and change, between North Capi tol and First sts. on M n.w. Reward. Apt. 109. 55 M st. n.w. COLLIE PUP—Male, tan and white; tag 5838. Reward. J. Paul Ward, 1857 Monroe. Col. 7082. » DOG. German police, northeast section. Fri day morning. Liberal reward. Tag No 10381. Lincoln 4938. ENVELOPE—With bank books. Please call PO. 3208. 3* FRATERNITY PIN mounted with opals and one emerald; lost in vicinity of 11th and G sts. Reward. Col. 2560. * GERMAN SPITZ DOG. black and white: will party return the dog and receive re ward. M. Miller. 1825 Holbrook st. n.e. 3« GLASSES, shell-rim. vicinity of Conn. ave. and Calvert. Reward. 3737 Conn, ave. LADY’B'WRIST WATCH. Elgin, on Thurs day; ’•erard. 104 17th ft. s.e. Phone Lin. 6971. POCKETBOOK—EnveIope style! containing glasses, key, etc., near 16th and You sts., Friday afternoon. Phone Col. 8106. PlN—Cameo; between Lansburgh’a and 15th and E sts. n.e. Adams 2374. 3* PIN. gold, in shape of N. with chain and small pin attached, with date ''1930." Valued as keepsake. Finder notify Annapolis Hotel. Liberal reward. 4* RlNG—Lady's, diamond dinner ring, lost in lavatory at 9th st. and N. Y. ave. Re ward. Met. 6783. RINGS, sorority and ruby, get in white gold, in or near Astor Restaurant. Reward. Call Potomac 6022. TRAVELING BAG—Black leather, with ini tials R. T. A.: vicinity Calvert and 24th sts. n.w., late Friday evening. Reward. Write 4718 Chesapeake st. n.w. ♦ UMBRELLA—Green silk, on Bth and Emer i son express bus, Tuesday, July 30. Call i Ad. 10378. Reward. WEDDING RINO; Murphy’s 10-cent store basement or Forsythe shoe store; $5 reward. 3320 Reservoir rd. West 2888. WRIST WATCH—White metal, black ribbon band; letters ”E. M. V. T.” engraved across back. Reward. 3439 Mt. Pleasant st. Co lumbla 1882-W. 4* Two Rooms, Kitchen and Bath, $42.50 Cambria-Majestic 1324-26 Euclid Street N.W. AMBULANCES Best in Town. A8 aa Local Call 04.UU Call Chambers Co. Col - 0438 Eat. 1883 ONUMENTS en Display far Your Selee tlon. workmanship and Ma terial Guaranteed. Prl e• a Right. WASHINGTON GRANITE MONUMENTAL CO„ Inc. WM. JARDINE. Becty. 448 New Turk Ave. N.W. Natl. 8870. Why Pay for Everything? Chambers will (ivg the whole funeral, cars A.;.vL ,ood sloo up STEEL VAULTS. Boat that money can buy aro 0n1y...... All Prleaa Include the Sincere Service of The Greater CHAMBERS CO. Ofßtaa and Chapala 14th Cor. Chapin N.W. Phono Columbia 0492 RADFORD SERVICES HELD IN OAK HILL CEMETERY Son and Two Daughters, Sister and Brother Survive Retired Treasury Employe. Funeral services for Stephen Kearny Radford, son of the late Rear Admiral William Radford. U. S. N.. who died Thursday, were held this afternoon in the chapel at Oak Hill Cemetery. In terment was In the cemetery. After 30 years with the Treasury De partment Mr. Radford retired from the Government service four years ago. He is survived by his son, Robert Armstrong Radford, and two daughters. Miss Mary Radford and Mrs. David Sandow. A sister. Mrs. de Meissner, and a brother. G. R. Radford of Beth- ' lehem, Pa„ also survive. TWO SLAIN AT ROAD HOUSE I Auto Fair, Accompanied by Wom en, Escape in Wisconsin Shooting. KENOSHA. Wis., August 2 (fP). —Louis Derler, 45, owner of a roadhouse, and his bartender were slain early yesterday by two men, who drove an automobile bearing an Illinois license. The shoot ing came as the climax of an argu ment between Derler and one of the | slayers. Charles Buxder, owner of a neighboring roadhouse, joined In the struggle and was slugged over the head with a revolver butt. Two women ac companied the slayers, who escaped. ©arite us Quanta. ALEXANDER. BETTY TERRELL. The fam ily OI BETTY TEKRELL ALEXANDER wishes to acknowledge with sincere thanks and gratelul appreciation the many floral tributes and expressions of sympathy sent during its bereavement. MAE ANDERSON SMITH AND FAMILY. • Ff.ETCHER, IRENE M. We wish to thank our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the expressions of kindness and sym pathy and the beautiful floral tributes sent to us during the illness and death of our wife, mother and sister, IRENE M. FLETCHER JAMES FRANKLIN FLETCHER AND FAM ILY. • Eratha. ANDERSON. AURELIA. On Friday. August 1. 1930. AURELIA ANDERSON, devoted daughter of Mary Atchison and step daughter of Will Atchison. She also leaves seven aunts and five uncles. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You at. n.w. Inter ment Lynchburg, Va., August 4. 2 AUGUSTE. PAUL EDWARD. Suddenly, on Friday, August 1, 1930. PAUL EDWARD, beloved son of George O. and the late Irene S. Auguste (nee King), aged 11 years. Funeral services will be held at his late residence. 3915 Illinois ave. n.w., on Monday, August 4. at 10:30 am. In terment at Congressional Cemetery. 3 BARNES. J. WALLACE. On Thursday morning. July 31, 1930, J. WALLACE BARNES, beloved husband of Clara A. j Barnes. Interment (private) Sunday after-1 < noon, August 3, Oakton, Va. 3* BOSWELL, KATE. Departed this life on Friday, August 1, 1930. at 3:40 p.m., at the residence of her sister. Mrs. James Peyton. Nauk Sta., Arlington, Va., KATE BOSWELL. She leaves to mourn their loss a daughter. Nellie Boswell: a devoted fa ther. Wallace Bcswell: four sisters and seven brothers. James L., William N., Theodore, Otto. Roscoe. Herman and Charles Boswell; Blanche Brown, Nettle Peyton and Maude and Florlne Boswell: one aunt. Mollfe Braxton, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday. August 3. at 2 p.m.. from Lomax A. M. E. Zion Church. Nauk Station, Va. 3 BROOKS. .HOBART. Early Saturday morn ing. August 2. 1930, at his residence. 316 15th st., HOBART BROOKS, husband of Kate Neal Scott, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brooks of Illinois. Funeral arrangements hereafter. CASSADY. JOHN THOMAS. On Friday. Au gust 1. 1930. at his residence. 5301 Potomac ave. n.w.. JOHN THOMAS CASSADY. chief pharmacist's mate. U. S. Navy, retired, hu band of Mildred Margaret Casaady. Funeral services at Gawler's chapel, 1750 Pa ave. n.w.. on Monday. August 4. at 10:30 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 3 CHESTNUTT. OLIN. Passed peacefully away July 30. 1930. at his residence. 304 New York ave. n.w., OLIN. beloved husband of Hannah E. Chestnutt and adopted father of Janie M. Bell. Funeral Sunday. August 3. at 1:30 p.m. sharp, from Galbraith A. M. E. Zion Church, 6th st. between L and M sts. n.w.. Rev. W. D. Battle officiating. Relatives and friends Invited. 2* CHESTNUT. OLLIE. The Interdenomina tional Ushers' Union is hereby asked to attend funeral of our late brother. OLLIE CHESTNUT, from Galbraith A. M. E. Z. Church. 6th st. bgtween L and M sts. n.w., Sunday. August 3. at 1 p.m. Ushers ' are asked to serve. Those who can will report to president at 12:45 p.m. WILLIAM H. DAVIS, President. ; F H. ATKINS, Cor. Sec'y. • CHESTNUT. OLIN. Officers and members of i Columbia Lodge, No. 85. I .B. P. O. E. of W., are hereby notifled of the death of Brother OLIN CHESTNUT and that the funeral will be held from the chapel of Galbraith M. E. Church, 6th st. between L and M sts. n.w., on Sunday. August 3. at 1 p.m. Morning Star Lodge, No. 40: Forest Temple. No. 9. Columbia Temple. I 422, are invited. HERBERT E. JONES, E. R. A. E. WILLIAMS. Sec. COFFEY. LOTTIE. On Friday. August 1, 1930, LOTTIE COFFEY, devoted grand mother of Ludger Coffey and cousin of Mrs. Ada Boyd. Funeral Monday, August 4. at 9 am., from Epiphany Church. Dumbarton ave. between 27th and 28th sts. n.w. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis West End parlor. 28th st. and Dumbarton ave. Relatives and friends invited. 3 FLEMING, FREDDIE. Departed this life on Tuesday. July 29. 1930. at 3 am., at his residence. 636 Orleans pi. n.e.. after a brief illness. FREDDIE FLEMING. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Edna Fleming; a beloved father, brother and two sisters and a host of friends. Funeral Sunday. August 3. at 1 p.m., from Zion Baptist Church. F st. s.w. be tween 3rd and 4ta sts. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. Husband, dear, kind and true. Has gone and left me here behind. For all he did he did his best. May God give him eternal rest. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, EDNA. God needed a sweet rosebud To bloom In His garden so fair. So He took our dear brother And transplanted him over there. HIB LOVING SISTERS, PEARL AND MA BEL. FONTROY, ANNIE. On Friday. August 1, 1930. at her residence. 706 3rd st. s.w., ANNIE FONTROY. devoted mother of Lenora Taylor. Laura Slater and Samuel Dixon. She also leaves three grandchil dren and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines fu neral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice I of funeral later. 3 GARDINER. JOSEPH S. On Friday. August 1. 1930. at his residence. 1733 Q st. n.w , JOSEPH S.. beloved husband of Mary B. Gardiner. Funeral on Sunday. August 3. from his late residence at 3 p.m. Inter ment at Plscataway. Md., at 4 p.m. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend. GRAY. ELIZABETH. Departed this life on Thursday, July 31. 1930, at her residence, 1509 9th St. n.w. ELIZABETH GRAY, beloved daughter of Mary L. Holmes, de voted mother of Mamie W. Brown, grand mother of Andrew Brown, foster mother of Mamie Smothers. Funeral Monday. August 4. from Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, M st. between 15th and 16th sts. n.w.. Rev. Thomas pastor. Dearest mother, could you speak to me. And could you live again. My longing heart would then be healed. But this I wish in vain. 3 GRAY. ELIZABETH. The Ladies' Crlspus Attucks Relief Association announces the death of Mrs. ELIZABETH GRAY. Fu neral Monday. August 4. 1930. at 2 pm. from Metropolitan A. M. E. Church. M st. between 15th and 16th sts. n.w. JULIA WEST HAMILTON. President. JENNIE S BOONES. Recording Sec. GRAY. ELIZABETH. Officers and members of Columbia Temple. No. 422, I. B. P. O. E. of W.. are hereby notifled of the death of Daughter ELIZABETH GRAY. Ses sion of sorrow Saturday, August 2, at 7:30 p.m., from Elks' Home. 301 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Monday. August 4. 1930. at 3 p.m., from the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church. M st. between 15th and 16th sts. n.w. Morning Star Lodge. No. 40: Co lumbia Lodge. No. 85: Forest Temple. No. 9; Love and Harmony Temples are invited. ALETHYA H. WILLIAMS, D. R. RHODA F. COLSTON, Fin. Sec. GREENFIELD. MARY C. Departed this life on Thursday. July 31, 1930. at her residence. 1931 13th st. n.w.. MARY C. GREENFIELD, the beloved wife of the late George H. Greenfield, the devoted mother of Lonnie M. Greenfield Richard son. Richard B. and George H. Green field. sister of Catherine Brown, four grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Funeral Monday. August 4. at 10 a.m., from St. Augustine's Church. Solemn high mass. Relatives and friends are cordially invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • HANEN. MARY C. On August 2. 1930. at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. Ta koma Park. D. C . MARY C. HANEN. Re mains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. fu neral home, 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. a&TOol6 HENSHAW. formerly of the Ontario apts . in his eightieth year. Funeral services will be held at the parlors of J wm Lee Son. 332 Penna. ave. n.w., on Monday. August 4, at 2 p.m. 3 JOHNSON. FRED. Departed this life July 31. 1930, after a brief illness, at Freed men’s Hospital. FRED JOHNSON. He leaves to mourn their loss an aunt, two cousins and a dear friend, Mrs. Carlena Howard. Funeral from Wesley Washington's funeral parlors. 2053 Georgia ave. n.w.. Bunday. August 3. 1930. Services at 2 o'clock p.m.. Rev. Colson preaching. In terment Payne’s Cemetery. KINSLEY. CAROLINE A. On 4iturday. Au gust 2. 1930. at her residence, 1868 Mon roe »t. n.w., CAROLINE A. KINSLEY, wife of the late Joseph W. Kinsley. No tice of funeral later. 4 A-5 Stall?*. LA MOTHE. MARGARET WALKER. On Fri day. August 1. 1930. Mrs. MARGARET walker LA MOTHE. widow of Bishop John D. La Motbe and beloved mother of Mra. Thomas P. Aaron and John D. La Mothe. jr. Funeral from St. Alban a Episcopal Church Sunday, August 3, at 2:30 p.m Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. Alexandria. Va. Body at chapel of John R. Wright Co, 1337 10th st. n.w. 3* LEE. MARY. On Friday. August 1. 1930. MARY LEK (nee Wlttls>. devoted wife of Robert Lee. loving daughter of Rosie Wittis. sister of the late Pearl Abbott She also leaves two sons. James and Henry Williams; one grandson. James Wil liams. ir.. and a host of friends. Remains restinr at the John T. Rhine* funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. *.w. Notice of funeral later. • MAGRUDER. JULIETTE I. On ,Friday, August 1, 1930. at her residence. Hunting Hill. Md.. JULIETTE S , beloved wife of Elmer E. Magruder. Fur.eral Sunday. Au aust 3. 1930. at 2 30 pm. front funeral chapel of Warner E. Pumphrey, Rockville, Md. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. Bethesda. Md. 3 MOODY. JAMES F. On April 18. 1930. in New York City, of natural causes, JAMES | F. MOODY. * i NUGENT. FERDINAND. JR. Cm Thursdsy. I July 31. 1930. at 950 p.m., FERDINAND i NUGENT. Jr., beloved *on of Ferdinand and Emma Nugent. Funeral Sunday. August 3. from Jerusalem M. E. Church. Rockville. Md . at 2:30 p.m. Friends and relatives invited. * PERKINS. MINNIE T. On Friday, August I, 1930, MINNIE T., beloved wife of George M Perkins. Funeral from her late residence. 731 7th st. n.e., on Mon day. August 4. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. • ROSS. LILLIE L. On Thursday. July 31, 1930, at Atlantic City. N. J., LILLIE L-. widow of Sextus Ross and ®‘ Charles Ross. Mrs. Bertha Stahl and Mrs. Grace Barnard. Funeral from her late residence. 2028 Portner pi. n.w . on Sat urday. August 2. at 3 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. RUDDLESDEN. MARIETTA. On Wednesday. July 30. 1930. MARIETTA RUDDLESBEN. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., Monday. August 4, at 10 am. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. * SEARLE. CECILIA D. On Friday. Auguat 1. 1930. CECILIA D. SEARLE. beloved wife of Charles R. Bearle of 1453 Pa. ave. s.e. ’Funeral from Harry M. Padgetts funeral parlors. 131 11th st. i.e.. Sunday. August 3, at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Ceme tc ry SHORTT. CECELIA BARNES. DrPari'd this life Friday. August 1, 1930. at i* *® CECELIA BARNES BHORTT. She leave* to mourn their loss her husband. Heber Shortt; daughter, Irene Barnes, and brother. Robert Adams. Remains resting temporarily at Robert Campbell s funeral home. 423 iVt at. s.w., until Sunday. 11 am., thence to 127 L st. s.e. Funeral Mon day at 1 p.m. from the above address. You are gone, but not forgotten. Fresh my love will always be. For as long as there Is memory I will always think ol thee. SMITH. EARL RHODES. On Saturday, Au gust 2. 1930, at his residence. 1604 V st. s.e., EARL RHODES SMITH, beloved hus band of Margaret Smith (nee Graves). Notice of funeral later. VERZI. THERESA CECELIA. On Friday. August 1, 1930. at Children a Hospital. THERESA CECELIA, beloveddaughterof Joseph and Marie Versl, of 507 South Spruce st.. Lyon Park, Va. Funeral Sun day, August 3, from her late realdence at 3 p.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. I YOUNG. RICHARD. Departed this life Au gust 1, 1930. at 6:15 a.m., after a lingering illness. RICHARD YOUNG, the son of the late Ralph and Rachel Young. He leaves one brother. Thomas Young, three sisters. Mrs. Jennie Young. Mrs. Gtorge Better and Mrs Helen Mitchell, to mourn their loss Funeral Monday at 9 o clock from Holy Rosary Church, Rosaryvilie. Body at the residence of his lister, Mrs. George Better. 1203 Walter st s.e. until Sunday morning; then win be taken to the family home at RosaryviUe, Md., from where his funeral will take place. May he rest In peace. * iti Umortam. ABBOTT. ETHEL MORRIS. In l*dbut Mov ing remembrance of our dearslster. ETHEL MORRIS ABBOTT, Who died one year ago, August 2, 1939. Oone. but not forgotten. HER LOVING SISTHERS. JENNIE B.MOBU RIB. LOUISA STEVENBON AND BESSIE PARKER. BALDWIN. EMOBY J. In sad but loving remembrance of my deer husband and our father. EMORY J. BALDWUL who departed this life five years ago today. August 2, 1925. We've only your memory, dear daddy. To remember our whole hv** through. And you are the ore we willsever forget, For we are always thinking of you. Sadly missed. . HIS LONELY WIFE AND CHILDREN. JONES. NANNIE. In sad hmnre of our dear mother, nanni® JONES, who departed thi« Ufa fifteen years ago today. August 2. 1015. Just a thought of sweet remembrance. Just a memory, sad and true: Just the love and sweet devotion Os the ones who think of you. DEVOTED SON AND DAUGHTERS, A. 8 JONES. NETTIE PUOH AND EMMA KESSLER. CHARLES E. In loving remem brance of our dear husband and father. CHARLES E. KESSLER, who died five years ago. August 2. 1925. Our thoughts go wandering when daylight fades . . , To the land of long ago. And memory paints the scenes of old In the gold of the twilight glow. We aeem to see in the soft, dim light A face we loved the best. And think of him when the sun a last ray Goes down in the far-off west HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN. McGUIRE. DR. ROBERT L. In memory of our devoted husband and father. Dr res*four lift "May his *°jjig*sijrj and BON. • SIMMS. SAPHBONIA E. In sad but loving membrance of our dear daughter. BA PHRONIA E. SIMMS, who departed this life three years ago today. August 2, 1927 Today recalls sad memories Os a dear one gone to rest. The ones who think of her today Are the ones who l°v* h jtr he*t_ MOTHER AND BROTHER. * SWEENEY. VIBGIE E. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear, beloved daugn ter and sister. VIRGIE E. SWEENEY, who passed away seven years ago. August 2. 1933. Dear Is the grave where you are laid. Sweet Is the memory which never shall MOTHER. FATHER. SISTER AND BROTHERS. YOUNG. ELIZABETH. In sadl but loving remembrance of our dear mother. ELIZA BETH YOUNG, who died five year* ago today. August 2. 1925. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our eyes shed many tears. For God only knows how we miss you At the end of five lonely ye*r * • _ HER CHILDREN. MAUD, GRACE. JIO LANP AND FRANCES. * funeral directors. VTL. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of nor connected with the original W R S e»*C» IU lXf m « nt - w 1009 H St. N.W. Phone , Bt , „. w , Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 4i2 h st n.e Lincoln 0524 Modern Chape l - ALMUS R.SPEARE Snrreeding the Original If. B. SpearsiCe 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4696 Wo Wo Deal & Co. 816 H ST N.E LINCOLN 8200 Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) 3034 M St. N.W. iffi* Established 1876 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1387 loth St. N.W. Phone North —47. Clyde J. Nichols, Inc. 4MO 9th St. N.W. Col. 68»4 J. WILLIAM LEE’S SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS CREMATORIUM 232 PA AVE. N.W NATIONAL 1384, 138; CHAS. S. ZURHORST 861 EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln 6873 Frank Geicr’s Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST N.W National 2473 Modern Chapel, Telephone l ™ llo ”* l *** J CEMETERIES. GLENWOOD CEMETERY Vaßltsce. IS per meatb Choice lota and altea (or tala FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY invites inspection of ita beautiful COLUMBARIUM Family vaults and single niches for in terment of cremation ashes. For sale or rent. (Lot* for sale in new Masonic section.l Two offlcee: 138! G Street N.W. end at cemetery gate. Call District glOl or ÜB coln 3579. FUNERAL DESIGNS. Prompt Aato Delivery Service Gude Bros. Co., 1212 F St. Artistic—expressive— Inexpensive. GEO. C SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT MOD EBATE PRICES. TEL. NAT. !4!6 i NAT. MM 14th & Eye