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GIRL IS INJURED 1 IN LEAP FROM CAR Father Tells Police She Left Home and Was Being Returned. Injured when she Jumped out of a moving airmobile in which her father was returning her to their home. Dallas . iCaines, 17, whose home Is in Piscatt way, Prince Georges County, Md . was ft patient at Gallinger Hospital today, suffering from injuries thought to be not serious. The police were told by the girls father that she left her home several days ago acid was found at the home of friends in the Southwest section. The return trip was being made in a friend's automobile, with father and daughter riding in the rumble seat. As the car neared the Maryland line the girl suddenly raised herself and Jumped from the car. Cut and bruised and suffering from Shock. Miss Maines was removed at once to Casualty Hospital and then to Gallinger, where she received treat • went. „. ‘ ATTORNEY ADMITS BOMBING OF AUTO Wife Killed in Blaet and Son Maimed —Promises Writ ten Confession. ffy the Associated Press. STINNETT. Tex.. August 7 —Chief of Police W. N. McDowell said today A. D. Payne. Amarillo attorney, had admitted placing the bomb in his automobile which wrecked it, killing his wife and ■Miming his 9-year-old son. Payne. McDowell said, promised last night to make a written confession upon the arrival of his brother Sidney, whose Whereabouts is unknown. In his statement, the police chief •aid. Payne described himself as the “meanest man in the world’’ and upheld the reputation of Miss Verona Thomp son his former secretary, whose state ment that Payne had made love to her led to his arrest in Amarillo. Mrs. Payne was killed by an ex plosion June 27 which wrecked her au tomobile and threw her body several hundred feet. The car had been placed •t her disposal for shopping by her husband, who walked to his office. HELICOPTER iNVENTOR IN DRAMATIC LANDING Descends Absolutely Vertically Prom Altitude of 1,000 Feet After Hovering Over I<e Bouxget Field. Br the Associated Press. LE BOURGET FIELD, France, August 7.—Juan de la Cierva, the Spanish inventor of the helicopter, made a dramatic landing last night on his arrival from a trip begun in Eng land Tuesday morning. The helicopter, which has a sort of • “wind mill” apparatus that revolves above the fuselage, hovered over the field for 10 minutes and then descended absolutely vertically from an altitude of 1,000 feet. De la Cierva left Croydon Airdrome in England at 8 o’clock Tuesday morn ing and landed here at 9:15 o'clock 1 last night. The delay was caused by j • landing Tuesday at Abbeville. France. ; I , r k e I | J ERE’Sa treat for all the family. Gorton’s Ready- JLJL to-Fiy Cod Fish Cakes are made from the pick of the finest cod fish caught—by America's oldest and largest fisheries. Here’s fresh caught, deep sea cod, blended with mealy boiled potato, in exactly the right proportion, and put up ready to fry. Here’s New England’s oldest dish and a favorite everywhere, j And if you would have Gorton’s Ready-to-Fry Cod Fish Cakes still more delicious, shape into small balls about the size of scallops and fry in deep fat in a deep fat fryer. Crisp, delicately tasty, beautifully browned balls of rich goodness. A real treat. At your grocer’s. GORTON -PEW FISHERIES, GLOUCESTER, MASS. GortPffs * Reaty-tcbF& Codiash Cakes More told than all others, combined Low Water Creates Dead Fish Menace In Eastern Branch Special Dispatch to The Btaf. EDMONSTON. Md.. August 7. Town authorities of Edmonston have started an investigation to deter mine the cause of the waters of the Eastern Branch here becoming glutted with dead fish. Mayor Wil liam W. LewLs and a party visited the branch Tuesday and reported finding numerous fish, some of them 12 to 16 inches long, lying in the stream which has become low as the result of the prolonged drought. A bad odor about the stream re sults from this condition and Mayor LewLs said that the town authorities, | realising that the situation is not only obnoxious but unhealthy, is planning prompt steps to over come it. BOMBING SUSPECT’S ESTATE SUED BY TWO— Woman Victim of Explosion and Husband Seek SIOO,OOO. Defendant Lynched. By the Associated Pres*. TAMPA, Fla., August 7.—Two suits totaling SIOO,OOO against the estate of John Hodax, Plant City bombing sus pect. lynched April 27, were on file in circuit court today in behalf of Mrs. J. L. Waller, seriously injured by a bomb explosion, and her husband, a truck I farmer. The Wallers each are suing for j $50,000. I The Plant City bombings occurred ! April 24. Hodaz, arrested in Tampa, was seised by a mob as an officer was taking him to jail at Bartow. Mrs. Waller’s left leg was amputated and the sight of an eye lost as the re sult of a dynamite bomb planted on the back porch of her home. Her suit is based on personal injuries. Her hus band is suing for the loss of services of his wife and destruction of their home. Will Attend TJ. S. Air Course. Cadet Harl Cryz y Artigaa of the Cuban Army has been authorized by the Secretary of War to attend the air plane mechanic's course at the Air Corps Technical School at Chanute Field. Rantoul, 111., extending from September 3 to February 15, 1931. Branded with the "plDevil butfit ' J for the Gods H&VSSMr&M ■ ■■■!»’ THE EVENING HTAK. \V ASSHIiSUTUJS, D. U., TnuiioiAAl, AUUU»T 7, 1930, Blue Label 1 Libby's Tomato Juiee Cocktail? H Apple Butter Pure natural juice of tomatoes, lightly ALSO OPERATING seasoned. Chill and serve as a fruit An juice for breakfast or as an appetizer * or JH for dinner. H ) T ATm A f T AjTfd ATM a . . . for quality and flavor Libby’s Apple Pint Bottle Jt C Butter is unexcelled. STUFFED OLIVES nM AQ HUNrs T fuPREME ALAD Here is one of the most popular WP AND delicacies to be had and at the nvr unuTT lowest price we have offered them a aps to you for years. Ip Two well-known brands of- Absolutely finest quality MuSmmkwmJ sered to you at an extremely low Manzanilla olives. price. 6.0*. Jar IJC PEAS »»>™ IP© SANICO COFFEE V 39c FRESH PEAS ,N P ° D WILKINS COFFEE . . lb. 35c V ' V/ T,n Have vou tried these wonderfully good Washington State “ “ Peas? None better grown anywhere in the United State*. COOKED ITWCTANR Large, green, well-filled pods; truly are as fine Peas as we _ _ IMI la® *B A have ever offered for sale through our stores. fftß WF.H BEEF -- .1 u 1 j See these wonderful Peas on display at your nearest Sam- _ ______ r innvie Mammoth Halved tary” or Piggly Wiggly. A trial order will convince you of ARMOUR S OF EIRE* S DV A C W U 1 ® the except,onally finc caling quahty * Just at this season of the year » ®AVII ® O Priced Very Reasonably when cooked meats are most in Large lu.ciou. halve, of strictly _ demand, we offer you cooked choice California Peache.. corned beef at a real .awng.. No. 2>/ 2 Tin, 21c pound. ro« C Single Tin, 22c 5 TINS FOR S 1 *OO 2 ™ S ** 43 C * Famon. GREEN BAG COFFEE Lb. 29c ——“ I _____ Take Home a Supply of SAUCES and -WitOurQnmmaMs qg] -i SOFT drinks rnNniMFNTS WEEK END VALUES IN QUALITY MEAT _ _ THAT SHOULD PROVE mTERESTINC Rock Creek SI prime rib roast -28 c Ginger Ale Sr.::: broiling chickens - jsc _ ni- Libby’* Catchup —l9 c mUi UnJtr ° ur ° wn Supervltlon J Bottle, I L(> Kitchen Bouquet 39c Fresh Trout * }* c A ■ (Contents) J im. W Mcllhenny’s Tobasco Pepper .35c Fillet of Haddock 23c Del Monte Sweet Relish 25c Sliced Halibut .... 16 35c pi i G k ° (UM 29c II Del Monte Tomato Sauce .. . Mn 6c Regular Lump Crab Meat ,b 37c r^j 0 **«• in c Brand’s A-l Sauce —27 c „ Canada Dry... ..Kc SIRLOIN STEAK - 45 c JSSES,-:::::: :Z& Hamburg steak -Me :: : Z\£ Gulden’s Mustard 13c SMOKED HAMS Lb-29© Country Club il Dingee’s Mustard , , ~ 2 9 C Abner Drury (contents) 5c Acme Mustard 5c Puritan Sliced Bacon, Lb., 38c— Loftier. Reg. Frank., Lb., CoCO-Cola (content*) . .6 25 c Heinz Mustard 10c JII LAND O’ LAKES SWEET*CREAM BUTTER “ 49c B _ Li _ , | Select Your Favorite for Coffee Lb 25c EinvivTC ICED TEA _ X, 1% WAJL l 9 Afternoon, Orange Pekoe.... * * 19c Milk Afternoon, Orange Pekoe. 35c AND Afternoon, green Wc r “s«iico” c. rt oo ot OQ Afternoon, green M LiffffS Fresh tDo,w wmv Mjq Afternoon, mixed A^ c I J -2 -21 c VEGETABLES Lard c * rton « , , Banquet Orange Pekoe 25c During th© present warm weather no efforts have been D p.L nA h-«» 40- — k Pound jp- spared to keep our stores well supplied with the very finest Banque g % , b Rllffor Cation AKp quality of fruits and vegetables. Naturally, the housewife Banquet UUn TOWder L&C DUllCr 4 Prints T'tJ w ;n want to do as little cooking as possible. We are quite Banquet Ind. Tea Ball* 23c „, l certain that y«U will be »We to .upply your entire want. thi. House of Lord* .. “ ,k ’ 23c C1.... “Sanico” 11-Lb- AC. wee k end at your neare.t “Sanitary” and Piggly Wiggly. You u ~ i K». .C --rlOUr Non ' B,U,r 1 T:ov will find them well .upplied with Ea.tern Shore Cantaloupe., HoUSe of Lords. «C California Iceberg Lettuce, Washington State Peas, Home- Lipton S *•••••• ' 'aT -|-i| Liberty 12 Lb AA grown Tomatoes, Beets, Carrots, Squash, Cucumbers. Upton’s 10c Yellow Label 9c Hour "KB* « J»c tow.r*«uw and Grapes and Oranges from California, Cooking Apples Lipton 8 YellOW Label ........ f?l PUUb^^t 1 12,Lb - CC/s from Virginia, and innumerable other commodities—in fact, Lipton Tea Bag S .** 25c * lOUr Best Ba * VtJ V everything the market will produce at this season of the year. Salada Tea .. . . I# * **■ 9c You wUI find lheM *“ priced rao “ re “° Mbly ’ j Salada Black Orange Pekoe ...’“‘2sc DEL MONTE No 2 | O, 0r KIRKMAN'S soap2CJce.for 15c I PEAS Tin 15 c QUEEN OLIVES J., 39 C KIRKM*H’S,SS I Ic...I«Ii. * —^' —=== "r rT A-11