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A-16 RUM RUNNERS USE ISLANDS EOR BASE Canadians Obey Ban on Liquor to U. S. by Chang ing Route. ■pedal Dispatch tp The Star. OTTAWA, Ontario, August 7.—There Were no declared exports of liquor to the United States last month, according to official figures released here, but the hi* rum shipments that formerly crossed ; the Internationa 1 border have been diverted to the French Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. • In other words, Canada has lived Up to her bargain of prohibiting liquor exports to the United States, but the rum runners have solved the difficulty by using St. Pierre and Miquelon as the base of operations. Island Cargoes Grow. As a matter of fact, last month 178,- 668 gallons of whisky • were shipped from Canada to various countries, as compared with 164,957 gallons in July, 1829. Then, however, 74,901 gallons of “hard stuff” was exported to the United States against none so cleared during July this year. Those exports to St. Pierre and Miquelon clear the situation. In July, 1929, when the Canadian Government permitted liquor to be sent into the United States, only 19,021 gallons were rAo« gwrfnr^llllllillllltßWHtlWlilllllillilHHllliaiHlHlHlHllllllllllllllillllllllffllllllllllllWllllllllllllllilim^ 10% to 40% Discounts - s_p c solid Oak Decorated 6-Pc. Colonial Maple Bed Room Suite Breakfast Set Nothing can be more charming than a truly Colonial This suite consists of an attrac- /"VC* designed maple bed room suite. The suite sketched con- ■ I W tively shaped dropleaf table and B •ists of a poster bed, Queen Anne French Vanity with aTj I B W four spindle-back chairs, neatly C 47 ■ v bench, large size dresser, chest of drawers and a ladder- B B finished in oak with attractive back chair. August Sale Price • „ decorations. August Sale Price.... Refrigerator si” 95 flat lL ——l *IAJ£ t - 10-Pc. Walnut-Veneer Dining Room Suite Strongly con- . Nicely fin- Th ; s attractive su i te j s made of selected walnut Two-door, front structed, has one ished in deco- veneer on hardwood foundation. Consisting of 60-inch ■ ■ fl ■ Icing. Stationary drawer. rated maple. buffet, extension table, inclosed server, grilled front china B I top. 50-lb. Ice ca- Phonm cabinet, five side chairs and one armchair, upholstered in B ■ W Sd en ’ No Phone Orders Order, jacquard velour. August Sale Price - —. . ■ 11 1 ” . - . . . 1 196 $198.00 Carved Panel and Base Persian Mohair prices less tubes. . T -.. T • • Q Every Phllco model, regardless of price, has Phllco tone Lfivinc rvooin 011 l 1C control, new station recording dial for permanently log _ , glng favorite stations. New Improved electro-dynamic Two attractive pieces with handsome carved panels , pmm r*/\ Model No. 41 is available for direct current, and bottom rails. Carefully upholstered in durable r J I Persian mohair of taupe sh&de The soft spring cushion M % %J\J MAJESTIC RADIOS •eats have a handsome ray6h moquette reverse. August V W M n . Sale Price $126.50 to $177.50 Complete , M j iPi. Bed-Davenport Suite Coil Sonne: DCCi Ulinit Beauty and utility are features of this three .Y. r .. . ... piece Bed Suite. Consisting of Bed-Davenport This splendid outfit consists o t coil spring, all which opens up into a full size double bed. Club N 11 BB cotton matfress aud brown-finished metal bed. A? I chair 11/ most unusual value at the price. August Sale Price. JL In Three-tone Jacquard velour Uhe Julius X&nsburgh Qb. Entrance —909 F Street N. W. Deterred Payment! |||||||llfllllllli!l|||||lll|||l|li|!||||||||l!lil|if!t!!|||||l|lllllll||||||||tl|||!||||llllllll]lllllltlh. exported to these two French Islands. Last month, however, the exports to St. Pierre and Miquelon jumped to 113.- 219 gallons— proving that the rum run ners had changed their base. Brewer* Suffer. Ale and beer shipped to the United States in July, 1929, totaled 143,008 gallons, while last month this business dropped off to nothing—and Canadian brewers suffered. No gin was exported across the border last month, but in the July of the previous year 2,508 gallons were shipped. It is estimated here that the Cana dian Government last month lost $750,- 000 in revenue as a result of the law barring liquor exports to the United States. {Copyright. 1M0.) two dTe IN PISTOL DUEL IN NEW ORLEANS STREET Former Convict and Foe Slay Each Other—Police Believe Hold-up Attempted. By the Associated Press. NEW ORLEANS. August 7. —Frank Mullen, identified by authorities as a former convict, and “Rube” Chisholm shot each other to death early today in a gun fight at a residential street inter section. Chisolm was identified by nearby residents, who said they were awakened by five shots and the sound of a woman screaming. A search was begun for the woman, and authorities advanced the theory that one of the men attempted to hold up the other and met with resistance. Netherland India has a bumper rice crop this year. THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1930. ""■■, r ' ' „ * RETRACING VOYAGE OF COLUMBUS Rafael Colorado, resident of Porto Rico, and two companions sailed from San Juan in the 30-foot sailboat Isla de Puerto Rico to retrace the first voyage of Columbus through tho West Indies. He plans to sail up the Eastern coast of the United States and then to Spain and Rome. —A. P. Photo. RUSSIANS DEMAND ‘HANDS OFF’ IN CHINA Communists of World Urged to Oppose Intervention With Revolution. By tlie Associated Press. MOSCOW, August 7.—Pravda, mouth piece of the Communist party, yesterday sounded a clarion call to the prole tarian masses and Communist parties throughout the world to support the Chinese revolution. “In each factory or enterprise and in every port of the world,” the paper said, “there should be established com mittees for enforcing the policy of hands off the Chinese revolution.” Declaring that two large American munitions plants and all the capitalistic countries of the world are supplying tbe Chinese reactionary generals with munitions and money, Pravda urged the workers in all these countries reso lutely to oppose all shipments of mu nitions, to carry on the active revolu tionary work among the soldiers of their own countries and to mobilize the masses against imperialistic interven tion in China. Pravda also urged recall of foreign military forces from China. "The present Soviet organization in China constitutes a red light house casting its rays into India, Indo-China, Korea, the Philippine Islands and the entire East and inspiring the* suppressed I ." . 1 THE MONITOR TOP SAVES YOU MONEY... BEFORE YOU BUY-KNOW WHY HOP '** * <r “ ** v ‘ *“■■ m— -- LT 1 * Mm * "'*- m— -■ -"■ i -' .'lar^tag^ kJMSiimaginef We thought we couldn’t afford one ' $ Thousands are discovering that the Refrigerator with the Monitor Top is not an expense but an actual saving THE General Electric Refrigerator is not an expense. A family in 3Ej|MHapp|ivjiiip|MVW the most modest circumstances can afford one. The General !bQEHi!i!lifil!B3g Electric Refrigerator has the money-saving Monitor Top! • ijWPBj ',| ' J The Monitor Top, with its extraordinary efficiency—with its ~ ;rJjg mechanism hermetically sealed in steel from air, dirt and moisture w&m 1 If —operates the General Electric Refrigerator at a cost of but a few jen I • cents a day. The Monitor Top, with its unflagging dependability, is B renders a service so continuously reliable, that to own a General "M \ Electric Refrigerator is more than a joy and comfort; it is an i unquestionable economy. < Drop in and let us prove to your satisfaction the big savings you \ ■* may effect the very day a General Electric Refrigerator starts w ork- — ~~ I JT ing for you. A cash payment of a very few dollars will put one in jBLr— JqT* your kitchen within forty-eight hours. Our special payment plan 7/j| makes the rest easy! ' GENERAL # ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Join us in the General Electric program, broadcast every Saturday evening on a nation-wide N, B. C. network* National Electrical Supply Co. * “A Washington-Owned Firm Working for the Best Interest of Washington” 1328-1330 New York Ave. Phone National 6800 ELECTRIC WATER COOLERS « COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS « ELECTRIC MILK COOLERS ‘— j ! people of these colonies to follow the example of the Chinese revolutionaries in attempting to overthrow the im perialistic regime.” DERBY WINNER’S OWNER DINES LONDON FRIENDS Claud Leigh’s “Thank-Offering” Transforms Hall at Savoy Into Miniature Epsom. LONDON (N.A.N.A.). —Claud Leigh, ifho, as a guest at the H. B. Club’s derby dinner, had purchased the derby winner Blenheim, which brought him in a sub stantial four-figure cheque, celebrated the event the other day by giving a din ner at the Savoy as a thank offering to his hosts. The banqueting hall was transformed “61” Enamel Dries in 4 hr*. Beautiful E variety of colors. Hard g finish. • MEtro. 0151 BUTLER-FLYNNI 607-609 C St. Phone for Color Card d r for the occasion Into a miniature Epsom. Stretched across its entire width was a canvas on which a scenic artist had painted with vivid realism the scene on Derby day. Here one saw Lord Lons dale on his familiar look-out from D'Arcy’s stand, while in the background was a conglomeration of stands, tents, amusements, and flaming advertise ments. In the front of the panorama were half a dozen horses in the order they Went past the winning post, and in the correct colors, too. The diners sat at a vast horseshoe i table, flanked with real flower beds rep- 1 resenting the ornamental part of a race j ■ " ~~ [1 First gm Mortgage fjg Wj Loans These are me of the Invest ments that are free from all speculation; and return a definite and liberal interest regularly. May be purchased In amounts from 9250 up. B. F. SAUL CO. National 2100 #25 15th 9t. N.W. li il course paddock, and this waa P*rtl* i tioned off from the “course” by white rails. . . A guest at the banquet who had at tended some of the notable dinners given by the New York Jockey Club at the Biltmore Hotel said afterward that for once London had New York beaten. An authority an rug cleaning, ’ ' ' No greater ecenomy can be exercised than having your ! rugs cleaned before you have them stored. By doing this you prevent moth loss. Wa fin • rat linniN ••liar far 4 run. Aik far detail*. Call Mr . PyU Nat. 3257—3291—2036 Sanitary Carpet & Rug Cleaning Co. 106 Indiana Are.