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A-6 ■ssssssss^eorge^TcosEEsEsess LAST 2 DAYS! Friday and Saturday Winds Up George & Co.’s Famous Bargain Party SALE^gg These “FUN SALE PRICES” for Friday and Saturday only. No C. O. D.s — Mail Orders — No Exchanges—All Sales Are Final! All Quantities Limited! J Famous 1 Blue Work MEYRICK Shirts (SHIRTS 43c Slight Seconds ■■ 1— I: Collar-attach- Men’s 69c Fancy GOLF HOSE IZJ1 ZJ 3Q C s!*a Light Cotton A |* e *“ i<,ri!c BeU Brand **y° n Fancy SHIRTS “* HOSE Wuh M CAPS 3t -39c 69c 25c WHITE DUCK J Ju« lor Fun! & Khaki & 1 Bh* sweet-orr pants 1 I OVERALLS ■■■ " --" ‘H Heavy Denim Fancy || Regular Size* Afl SHIRTS & SHORTS | « Thm $1 I Lowest Price 29c 1 Since 1914 ” * mm— y We rtfMii the return es anything that earn he bmmght fee fee* aiaawhare 910 7th Street N.W. Hot August Highways Demand Thick-Treaded Goodyears! Don't drive these hot days and nights on thin, worn tires. Trade them in now on tough, thick-treaded new Goodyears. Let us Or trade vour old tires famous Stand est tires for most motoring requirements. You can enjoy all the safety, riding com- Ml aTjmf fort and mileage built into these great tires W 11 11KB^MM^^^MS/m new low prices and have the benefit of Ml, LAJf iMMfIII I our Liberal August Trade-in Allowance jmIMJM l M on your worn tires in part payment. BUBIIt 1 1 New Low Prices on a* Sturdy Goodyear Pathfinders - Underneath the road-gripping Pathfinder husky tread of tough rubber is a body of elastic shock-absorbing Supertwist Cord. These fine tires offer a value, at these low prices, made possible only by reason of Goodyear’s vast production. 30x31/* O. 5...54.98 30x5.25 $9.40 31x4 • .w.m«...•. .53,65 31x5.25 • •••,:.. $9*75 32x4 ~,59.35 20x5.50 $9.95 ' 20x4.40 $5.55 31x6.00 .......... $12.80 29x4.50 $6.30 32x6.00 ... $12.90 30x5.00 . $8.15 33*6.00 $13.10 ROAD SERVICE EXPERT VULCANIZING CHARGE ACCOUNTS HFAVY FMITY —invited or, if you prefer, you riEa/W I U\J I I can buy any type of Goodyear TRUCK TIRES tires on our convenient CLUB PLAN 30x5 520.25 Easy weekly payments. No red -- tape or delay. Just ask for our J&XO ........ . $ jD.4j Qub Plan. MID-WASHINGTON TIRE COMPANY, Inc. No?tfc um 1602 14th St. N.W. OPEN 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. THE EVKMKU STAR, WASH-LNUTUxN. L>. Cm IhußsDaV, ALijbfti 7, liteO. ANTI-SALOON BODY FEARSWET INS Executives Express Alarm | Over Activities in Democratic Party Before Election. By the Ansocinted Press. LITTLE POINT SABLE, Mich., Au gust 7 —Executives of the Anti-Saloon League of America, gathered here In conference, already are prepertof for another wet and dry fight In the 1832 presidential election. The Democratic party, they concede, will then be stronger than it was in 1928, and in the words of Dr. T. Scott Mcßride, national superintendent of the league, the chances of having a Demo cratic nominee friendly to prohibition “are not very hopeful.” Gathered yesterday for the opening session of their conference in a little church almost hidden by sand dunes, on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, the league executives from all over the United States heard reports predicting few reversals for the cause of prohibi tion in the Pall elections. Alarmed Over Democratic Activity. Although those elections are the im mediate concern of the league, prlnci pal alarm was expressed over the activ ities within Democratic ranks thus far In advance of the next presidential election. To counteract those activities. Dr. Mcßride urged accumulation of a bigger war chest, strengthening of State or ganisations and planning of a definite offensive against the wets. “I am of the opinion,” Dr. Mcßride said, “that the time is overripe to go to the public with a challenging call and program. A more adequate fund for a more adequate program is demanded if we are to meet the needs of the day.” Dr. Mcßride sounded a cheerful note in his report of the political situation to date. “So far,” he said, “20 primary elec tions have been held. In most districts and In most States the primary is the real election. We have not forgotten, however, In earing for the primaries, the non-partisan methods of the league. Particularly In those districts where the vote is likely to be close in the election, we have made it a point to win drys in both major parties. Embrace Doubtful Districts. “These 20 primaries have embraced most of the doubtful districts. They have proved to be a cross, section of the country, extending from Oregon to Maine, and embracing the very critical States of Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Illinois. It Is within those States that the wets have had their chance to win. While the wets put on a big campaign and spent more money and effort than ever before, they have not made any worthwhile inroads on the prohibition majority in Congress. There has been no loss of drys in either house. They were badly routed and disappointed In Pennsylvania, They have, however, be come greatly encouraged over the nomi nation of Dwight W. Morrow in New Jersey.” youngltudents WILL GO ON SAIL Americanization School Associa tion Plans Second Moonlight Excursion Down Potomac. The Americanisation School Associa tion x>f the District of Columbia will hold its second moonlight excursion down the Potomac River next Wednes day evening. The trip will be made aboard the steamer City of Washington, leaving the Seventh street wharves at 8:30 o'clock. More than BO nationalities are ex pected to be represented. Dancing will be one of the features. Community singing will also be featured and the folk songs of many nations will be sung. PERU AND CHILE SIGN TACNA-ARICA TREATY Frontier Between Two South American Republics Is Es tablished by Pact. By the Associated Press. LIMA, Peru. August 7.—A treaty establishing the new frontier between Peru and Chile, as modified by the settlement of the Tacna-Arlca dispute, was signed at noon Tuesday by Foreign Minister Oliveira of Peru and Ambassador Rios Galliardo of Chile. Tlte document completes the enact Bjrniture company ions on inier jGoods— J This Lawn Bench $2-49 $3.98 on These ROCKERS 98 c U as this in mind, we have reduced gg-y o nSs tSSft pppp SJSfIV prices drastically. Buy now and HP | le^O gpjßßjppgagaßHßaßsagsagßOßgaM»i»assagCßeaßMß»3aaßaPßßgWi mm'.tbsi mamssamKKssssamssssss '■ 11 » "issac— pg—sagOP m> ■■ —« - "~ a *—»■—••• ' ,ass ' ~ "' ~ t h . ... - - ■■■ ■—■ ■ ' ■ :-SSS Fiber Stroller Filnn Cubage Save 40% on Thh Fiber Suite Reeular Price 554.50 With adjustable hood. Nicely I Comfortable, well made, I /U , I O finished. tightly woven carriage. Neatly Settee, armchair and rocker comprise this Less 40% . ♦ . . . $21.80 ! Q1 - finished. attractive fiber suite. Has spring-filled ere- \ ■ slT[*Bs tonne-covered seat cushions. Strong con- ( August I struction. V Sale $*X *7O ft Down ... 50c * Weak $1 Down ... 50c a Week $5 Delivers It / Price ** m , msM 0 ( [h Regularly $19.95 Save 40% on This 1 Regular Price .♦ . $149.00 2 p Less SS °° Bed Room Suite [ Less 40% $59.60 HU 3b I Q 5 Large Dresser, Chest- of Drawers, / —7. «K£. nicely finished in Walnut and prettily V c Jr <£ OfX ar\ II $5 Delivers It • ) Prt - TO9 4 " Save 40% on This Pining Room Suite Dresser HP; jAC~j|j Ten handsome in- Easy Credit L ■ "^TJ eluding long Buffet, Extension Table, Enclosed 7t*l * n Server, China Cabinet, Host Chair and Side ment of -the treaty of Lima signed June 3, 1929, which ended half a . century of conflict between Chile and Peru over the territory. A disagreement over the boundary line In the region of Laguna Negra, 1 near Bolivia, which caused the Peruvian and Chilean commissions surveying the line to leave the field last Juanary, has been settled. r Comdr. Hickey Sworn In. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, August 7 ! (JP).—Comdr. Andrew 8. Hickey, U. S. N., I of Kingston, N. Y., has been sworn in l as vice president of the National Board of Nicaraguan Congressional Elections. The elections will be held November 2. CLAIMS FRIEND KILLED POLICEMAN Youth, 10, Confesses to Attempt to Make Money From Life of Crime. By the Associated Pres* NEW YORK, August 7.—Thomas Healy, 19, of 518 Armandale street, Pittsburgh, arrested Tuesday in con nection with the killing ot a policeman [ in Brookline. Mass., told his story in , the police line-up yesterday. He said he and Paul Hurley, a Bos ton friend, had decided on a life of ’ crime u the best means of making money and chose a Brookline drugstore for their first “job.” As they were in front of the store the policeman stop ped to question them and Hurley. Healy said, drew a gun and shot the officer. Healy then took a bus for New York. He was arrested as he alighted here. College Change* Name. CINCINNATI, August 7 (£*). —Change of the corporate name from St. Xavier Callege to Xavier University was an nounced here Sunday by the board of trustees. The Institution was founded in 1831. Its present enrollment is slightly more than 1,000. ENTERPRISE SEREBL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 7tb St. & La. A Vs. N.W. 84th Issue sf Stock Now Open, for Subscription Money loaned to members on easy monthly payments James E. Connelly James F. Shea Prettdrni Start tart