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■ CURB CLOSES FIRM 1 IN RALLYING TREND Selling Pressure Resumed/ but Most Groups Re sist Attack. BT JOHN A. CRONE. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, August 9—Rallying at the end of the first hour, after opening active and lower, the Curb Market to day finished fairly firm and rather dull. Electric Bond A Share, long the,fa-' vorite leader of the Curb, turned the market upward around the end of the first hour, as it advanced more than a point from its early low level. Cities Service gave tape readers some what of a thrill as it snapped out of Its 27 level and run up to before meeting resistance. A running-in of some shorts accounted for this quick rise, a part of which was not retained. American Cyanamid B led such rallies as took place in the industrials. The higher-priced industrials and natural gift shares were very dull. American Gas & Electric made the most noticeable improvement in the rally. This stock dropped 7>2 points to 125, and then, within two odd-lot •ales, jumped to 130. Selling attacks directed against Ooidman Sachs not only caused that issue to move to a record low price, but unsettled other trust, holding com pany and trading corporation issues. The Reybam Co. touched a new low •nd was followed by others. Brasilian Light & Traction was the first of the utilities to enter record low territory. Eisler Electric again made the first low mark in the radio division. * GRAIN MARKET CHICAGO, August 9 (Special).—A nervous tone prevailed again today in the grain markets. Weather and crop news was bullish both on com and wheat, but the desire to take profits still was dominant. Com closed % higher to V* lower and for the week 10V 4 to 11% cents higher. September, 98% to 98Vi: De cember. 94% to 94Vi: March, 96% to M%; May. 98% to 98%. Wheat showed strength of buying based on the upturn in Liverpool and the bullish Winnipeg Free Press crop • report. Closing prices were Vi to % lower and for the week 10% to 11% higher. September. 95% to 95%; De cember, 101% to 101%; March, 106% to 10« Vi; May, 109% to 109%. INFLUENCE OF DROUGHT DECLARED WIDESPREAD Special Dispatch to The Btar. NEW YORK. August 9 —The wide spread influence of the drought may be observed in the many references to ■weather and crop conditions in all lines of business. Cotton traders ap parently were disappointed that the dry weather had not brought greater deterioration in the South, for they promptly sold cotton futures in large volume when the Government estimates on crop conditions of August 1 indi cated a higher yield that the trade had anticipated. Others professed a fear of further shrinkage in railroad earn ings if cairiers make concessions to • afflicted farmers, so they pressed rail shares for sale. The fact that higher crop valuations seemed probable failed to stir any speculative enthusiasm. BOND HEARING SET. BALTIMORE, August 9 (Special).— The Public Service Commission will hold a hearing at the office of the com mission, Baltimore, on Thursday, Au gust 21, at 9:30 o'clock, in ‘.he matter of the application of the Maryland Light & Power Co. for authority to issue and sell $104,000, principal amount, of first mortgage 5% per cent gold bonds, subject to the terms, conditions and provisions of an indenture between said company and Maryland Trust Co., trustee, dated January 1, 1930. BONDS ON THE CURB MARKET. •ties DOMESTIC BONDS. m thousands. Kish. Low Close. 1 Alabama Pow Ss '6B 103% 103% 103% 4 Aluminum Ltd 5s '4B 100 99*4 99% lAm Cmwlt Pw 6s 40 93% 93Vt 93% , 13 Amer O 1I h '2B. 99*. #9% 99’, • $8 Amer P*L 6s 2016 107V* 107 107 • Amer Roll Mill Ss 48 99 98’, 98'. , 1 Appalach Gas 6s ’4S 10414 104’, 104’, • i 1 Appalac Gas 6s B '45 95% 95% 95% 25 Arkans P A L 5s ’56 99 % 99 99% 41 Asso Elec 4%s 85% 85% 85% 19 Asso Gas A El 5s '6B 83% 83 83% 4 Asso Gas A E 5%S '3B 79% 79% 79% I 1 ASSO a A E 5%S ’77.. 97% 97% 97% lAs 81m Hdw 6%S 33 86 86 88 ! »As Tel Util 5%s ’44 C 96 96 96 j • Bell Tel Can 5s A '55 103% 103% 103”, I 7 Call! Paekint 5s ’4O 100% 100% 100% 4 Can Pacific 4%s ’54 98% 98% 98V, t7 Caterpillar .Tr 5s ’35 102% 102% 103% 3 Cent St Elec 5%s ’54 78 78 78 •00 Cities Service 5s 'SO 100 97% 100 2CIUCS Service 5s ‘66 . 82 % 82% 82% 1 at Serv Gss 5%s ’42 83 83 83 I > Comwlh Ed 4s E '6O 98% 98T. 98% I 2 Con Oas Balt 5s P ’BS 105% 105% 106% ’ J Continen Oil 5%s 37 97”. 97% 97”, ' 19 Crucible Steel 5s ’4O 100'/, 100”, 100% 1 Cudahy Pkg 5%s '37 98 98 98 4 Det Inter Brdg 7s '52 26 25’, 25’’, 5 Edis El Boat 5s A ’33 101% 101’, 101% I 1 European El «%* '65 80% 80% 60% 1 Federal Wat 5%, ’54 94 94 94 f 3 Fisk Rubber 5%s ’SI. 37 37 37 • 2 Florida P&L 5s ’54 85% 85”, 85% 1 Oattneau Pow 5s 56. 94% 94% 94% I 1 Gen Vend 6s ’37 ww. 20 20 20 [ 2 Georgia Power 5s ’B7 100% .00% 100% I 1 Gulf Oil Pa 5s ’47. .. 103 103 103 2 Oulf St Util 5s A 56 98% 58% 98% f 2 Hood Rubber 7s *86.. 90 90 90 3 Koust Gulf G6s A 43 96% 06V, 96% I 2 Hygrade Fd 6s A ’49 60 59 59 3 IlUn P & L 5%s B 54 101”, 101 101 » 8 Indnap PAL 5s A ’57 100% 100”, 100”, i 2 Inland Util 6s ’34 98% 98% 98% 7 Insull UtlUt 6s B 40 101% 101 V. 101% II Inter Pw Sec 7s E ’57 100”, 300 100’, 4 Intern Sec Am 5s 47 80% 80V. 80% • Inlersta Power 6s ’52 89 % 69”, 89V, 2 Inves Co 5s A '47 ww 90 90 90 ; 13 Inves Co 5s A '47 xw 7#’, '.9% 79% 2 lowa-Neb LAP 5s 57 96% 96% 96% 10 Jer Cen PAL 5s B 47 99% 99% 99 , 1 Kans O A E 4%s 'BO 94 94 94 12 Lehigh P 8 6s A 2026 105”, ’OS”. 105% 7 LlbbT McN AL 5* 'l2 96% 96% 96”, 80 La PAL 5» 57 97'1 97% 27% 9 Mass Oas 5s 46 .. 98% 98% 98% 6 Mead 6s A '49 97% 97 97% 5 Mid West Util 5* 32 100% 100% 100% 7 Mid West Util 5s '35 98% 98 98% 4 Miss RiV FI 6s 44 ww 112 112 112 1 Mo Pac R R 5s ’BO wi 101% 101% 101% 6 Narragansett 5s '57 101% 101% 101% 5 Nat P A L 5a B 2030 92% 92% 92% 20 National Tea 5s 35 98% 98”. 98% 38 N Y P A L 4%s '67. . 94 95% 96 14 Niaf Shares 5%s 'SO 103 >O3 103 1 Pac G A E 4%l E 57 96% 96% 96% 4 Pae W O 6%s 43 ww 34% 94% 94% 2 Penn O Ed 6s 'SO \w 103% 103% 103% 1 Phila Elec 5%s '72 106’, 106% 106% 2 Pow Co N Y *%s '47 95% 95% 95% 1 Pub S Nor 111 5s '3l 101 101 101 1 Schulte R E 8a ’35 79V, 79% 79% $5 Shaw WAP 4” s A 67 96”, 96V, 96% 3 8E PAL 6s A 2025 xw 107'/, 107% 107% 3 South Calif Ed 5s 51 103% !03% 103% 6 South Calif Ed 5s 53 103% 103% 103% 1 Southern N O 6s 44 93 93 93 > f 1 Southw Nat G6a ’44 96 96 96 1 Bo'thw PAL 6s A 2022 107% lui% lu.;) 1 Swift Co 5* '39 in’% inoi. 10’*% • 2 Texas Gas Ut 6s '45 92 #2 92 2 Texas aGs Ut 8s 45 92 92 92 6 Texas P A L 5s '56 . 99% 99% 99% 2 Thermoid Co 6s ’34 . 90% 90% 90', 12 Tri Util 5s 79 84% 84 84 2ynl Lt A Ry 6a A ’52 101% loi% I'M’. SU 8 Rubber 6s ’33 96% 96 96% l t Van Swellnaen 6s '35 97% 97 97V, IVa E A P 5s A '55. 101% 101% 101% 1 Virxln Ry 4%s B 62 100 100 100 1 Wamash 5s D ’BO 100% 100% 100% 10 Waeh W A Pow 5a ’6O 1034, 103% 103% i 2 Weet Newa Del 6a ’44 83 % 83”, 83% 7 Wea Penn 5a 2030 wt 89% 89% 89% I 8 We* -ex Ut 5a A ’75 93%, 98% 93% FOREIGN BONDS. l Jeßrlin Cy E Ss '55 wi 84 84 84 2 Bogota Mt* Bk 7s ’47 81 81 81 j 1 Brisbane City 6s ’SO. »*% 96% 96% 1 4 Buencs Aires 6s ’ll. 97% 67% 87% ( • Buen Air Prov 7a ’6] 87% 87% 97% , • Buen Air Pr 7%$ '47 100;. .00% 100% 6 Com Pr Bk *%• 37 88V, 88V, 88% 3 Eur El Cp 6%8 '« xw 80% 80% 80% 2 Oer Con Mun 7* '47 95% 95% 95% ■>. 8 Hanover City 7s 39 . 88 M 98 24 rtal Sup Pow 6s '63 71”, 70% 71% 6 Frtweia F S 6s ’53 . 88% 88 V, 88% 1 Prussian F 6 6%S 'sl 93% 93% 93% 2 Rie de Jan 6%t 69. 88% 68% 68% 8 Ruhr GCo 6%s A ;53 87% 87% 87% I Russ B%s etf N C 19 4% 4% 4% 3 Saarbrueck 7s ’35 ... 161 101 -01 3 Santiago Chile 7a '49 93”, 93% 93% 1 Stlnnes 7s 36 xw... 84% 84% 84% 2 Sydney NSW 6%a ’65 88 88 88 6 Soe 4%s A 53 82% 82% 82% 8 Baited Ed Ber 7s ’6B 98% 1-5% 954, 15 Obit 81 Ber 7s '56 xw 91% 91 M ww—With warrant* xw—Without warrant*. k fit—When lamed. financial; | NEW YORK CURB MARKET SStygSs —Prev. 1930.—. Stock and ■ale*— High. Low. Dividend Rata. Add M. Open. High. Low. Cloaa 23% 10 Aero Under writer*.. l 16 15 15 15 4% 1% Alexander Induat... 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 3 % Allied Aviation 8 % U, % % i 356 210 Aluminum Co of Am 1 240% 240% 240% 240% 99% 97 Alum Ltd cu pf (now) 1 97% 97% 97% 97% 28% 12% Am C P&L(B)(10%) 7 16% 15% 16% 15% 28% 21% Am Com I*(A> blo%. 12 21 21% 21 -1% 60% 34% Am Cwltb P(B)10% 2 44% 44% 44 44 % %Am Control Oil rids. 6 ft A % % 87 17% AmCynara B 11.66)., 24 19% 20% 19% 19% 6 8 Am Dept Stores 6 4 4 3% 3% 22 * 12% Am Equities 1 16% 16% 16% 15% 76% 88% Am For Pwr(war). M 17 44 «4 42% 43% 167 104 Am Gas ft mss ($1). 60 129% 180% 125 130% 16% 7% Am In vast. Ino (B).. 6 8% 8% 8% 6% 89% 62% Am LtftTrao (2%).. 4 69% 60 69% 60 4% 1% Am Maricnbo 30 2% 2% 2% 2%' 19% 7% Am Natural Oas 2 12% 12% 12% 12% 26 17% Am St Pub 8 A(l.60) 1 18 18 10 18 39% 20% Am Suporpwr «1)... 70 21% 21% 21 21% 101% 94% Am Bperpwr Ist (6). 1 100% 100% 100% 100% 16% 7% Am UAOon B vt« 40s 78% 8% 8% 8% 14% 8% Appalachian Gas.... 9 9% 9% 9% 9% 23% 8 Arcturus Rad Tube. , l 8% 8% 8% 8% 16% 8% Arkansas Nat Gas... 19 9% 9% 8% 9V. 16% $% Ark Nat Gas (A).... 41 9 9% 8% 9% 8% 7% Ark NGeu pf (60c) .. 1 8 8 8 8 8% % Asso Dyeing ft Ptg.. 1 ft ft ft ft 46% 30% AsxoGAE A (at 2.40) 2 £ £O% 80% 80% 30% 11% 4% AssoGAE (A) dbrta 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 26 16 Atlas Plywood (*).. 1 18% 18% 18% 18% 14% 8% Atlas UtU Corp 18% 8% 8% 8% 17% 9% Auto Vot Ma cv pf pt 1 13% 13% 18% 13% 18% 12% Aviation Credit 11 17% 17% 17% 17% 26 IS% Atlantic Secur Corp.' 7 16 15 16 15 157% 146 Bell Telof CanAt).. 60s 150 150 160 160 16V* b% Blue Ridge Cp (60S). 21 8% 8% 7% 8 44% 33% Blue Ridge cv pfta3» 3 37% 37% 37% 37% 66% 86 Brazil Trao ft Lt(b2) 62 36 25 38% 34 10% 7 Burco. ino 6 77 77 8% 2% Burma Corp (talc).. 12% 2% 2% 2% 2 % Cable*Wire (B) rets 68 % % % % 9% 8% Canada Marconi...., 8 3% 4 3% 8% 2% % Carlb Syndicate 11% 1% 1% 1% 90 60 Celanese Ist pf(7%). 1 60% 60% 60% 60% 42% 27 Cent PS (A) (a1.76) 9 27 27% 26% 26% 89% 19 Cent States Kl(k«0c) 16 21 21% 21 21% 8% 2% Chain Stores Dev..., 2 4% 6 4% 6 26 17% Chat Ph Al nv (60c), 4 18% lb% 18% 18% 26% 17% Chem Nat Aaao n-v. 9 24% 24% *24 24 44% 24% Cities ServiceigSOc). 842 27% 28% 27 28 9 7% Cit Svc pf B (600... 18% 8% 8% 8% 93 50% Clev El Ilium (1.60). 4 66 65 66 66 14% 9 Cohn ft Rosen, Inc.., 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 8% 3% jColon Oil 14% 4% 4% 4% 32 22% Colts Pat Fire A (2). 1 24% 24% 24% 24% 21 8 Col Oil ft Gas vie.... 15 8 8 8 8 64% 83% Colum Plct vto (fl% 6 86% 36% 36% 85% b% 8% Com’with ft Sou war. 104 8% 3% 3% 3% 19%' 11% Comto Wat Serv b«% 1 13 13 13 IS 1 % Comstock Tunnel... 2 % % % % 1% % Consol Auto Merch.. 2 % % % % 8% 3% Consol Copper. 6 4 4 4 4 IM% 90% Con Gan Balto(f.lO) 2 113% 113% 113% 113% 16 10 Consol Laundries... 6 13 i 3 13 IS 13 7 Con Retail Strs (1).. 17 77 7 19% 14% Conti Chicago Corp.. 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 57 28 Cooper Beseumer(2) 1 40% 40% 40% 40% 60 38 Cooper Besa pf A (>) 1 44 44 44 44 17% 6 Cord Corp 11 7% 7% 7% 7% . 27% 19% Corp Sec. Chi (b 6%). 3 21% 22 21% 22 74% 32 Cosden Oil 2 37% B<% 35 37% 7% 5% Creole Petroleum...! 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 34% 15 Crocker Wheeler.... 1 17 17 17 17 36% 3(1 Crown C&S pf (2.70). 1 32% 32% 32% 82% 1 ft Cuban Cane pr opt w 2 % % % % 61% 34 Cuneo Press (2%)... 4 38% 38% 36% 36% 162% 66% Deere ft Co (m 1.20). 6 68% 70 6e% 68% 8% 2% De Forest Radio.... 3 8% 3% 3% 3% 22% 16 Delsel W Gilbert (Ift 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 11 4% Derby Oil Refining.. 17 77 7 9% 4 Detroit Aircraft.... 6 4% 4% 4% 4% 19 14 Dinkier Hotels (2).., 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 28% 10 Dixie Gas*Utilities. 1 13 13 13 13 66% 31 Dresser(Sß) A(t%). 2 42% 42% 42% 42% 108% 41 Driver Harris!new). 1 70 70 70 70 17 8% Duquesne Gas Cp w.l 6 8% 8% 8% 8% 72% Durant Motors 2 3 3 8 3 42 26% EastnGftk Asso.... 10 30% 30% 30% 30% 44 18% Eastn Sta Pwr B(l). 5 28 28 27% 27% 23 7% Eisler Eelectrlc(l%> 8 7% 7%. 7% 7% 95% 92% El Bond&Sba cu pf (6 2 94% 94% 94% 94% 117% 70% El Bond ft Sb 1b6).. 263 76% 77% 75% 76% 109% 103% El Bond ft Sb pf (6). 1 107% 107% 107% 107% 39% 19 Elec Pwr Asso (1).. 1 21% 21% 21% 21% 37 16% Elec Pwr Asso A (1) 4 20% 20% 20% 20% 78% 2G% El#« Pwr ft Lop war 8 39% 39% 39 39% 32% 15% Elec Shareholdgtfl) 2 19 19 18% 18% 108 82 Elec Sharehold pf(a6 1 93% 93% 95% 95% 8% 7 Empire Corporation. 4 77 ' 77 98 86% Emp G&Fcu pf (7).. 2 89% 89% 89% 89% 60 89 Emp Pwr pt (t 4.04). 2 40% 40% 40 40 25 17 EmpPSer A (al.lO). 7 17 17 17 17 9 3% Euro Else deb rts.. -1 4% 4% 4% 4% 9% 2 Fabrics F Hunching.. 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 34% 13% Fokxsr Aircraft.... 6 16% 16% 15% 16 38% 28 Ford Mot, Can Atl % 4 30% 31% 30% 31% 22% 10% Ford Mor.Ltd. 87 We. £5 19% 20% 19% 20% 17% 2% Fox Theater Cl (A). 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 4% 2% General Baaing 12% 2% 2% 2% 54% 27 Gen Baking pf (8)... 8 30 30 30 30 14 10% Gen B. Ltd rets(soc) 2 11% 11% 11% 11% 97% 74 Gen G&Ecv pf B«6) 200s 77% 77% 77% 77% 16% 9 Glob' Underwriters. 6 10% 10% 10% 10% % % Goldfield C0n501.... 3 % % % % 46% 15% Goldman Sach TC... 87 16% 16% 15% 16 1% % Griffith (D W) (A).. 2 1% IV* IV, 1% 29% 23% Guenther Law 12)... 1 23% 23'/, 23% 23% 166% 117% Gulf Oil of Pad %!.. 2 117% 117% 117% 117% 1% % Happiness Candy...% 2 % % % % 14 8% Heels Mining (1)... 2 9 9 9 9 27% 12 Houston OU of Texas 28 17% 17% 16% 16”, 14% 7 Hudson Bay Mft 8.. 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 119 78 Humble Oil (3)..... 3 85% 86% 85 85 15 8% Hygrade Food Prod. 6 10 10 10 10 30 18% imp OU. Can. ntsUe). 2 20% 20% 20 50 28 18% Imp Oil. Can reg 60c. 1 19% 19% 19% 19% 41 31% IndianPLn (12*).. 1 31% 31% 81% "31% 47% 26% ind Terr UluOll (A) 3 31% 31% 31% 31% 53% 26% Ind Terr lllu Oil (B) 2 31% 81% 31% 31% 29% 17 Ind Ftnctfs(blO%>. 2» 18 18 18 18 71 63% Insull Util Inv tb9% 4 67% 68% 57% 68% 85% 63 Int Co. No AoKtl).. 1 68 68 68 68 23 15% Insurance Seed.4o). 6 16% 16% 16% 15% 1% % Intercontinent Pet n 4 % % % % 24 17% Inti Petroleum «).. 2 18% 18% 18% 18% NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office. (Continued Prom Page 10 ) Stock and kales— Prev. Hi*h Low. Dividend Koto. Add 00. Hlih. Low. Close. Close. 141% 100 Reading Kwy ««>... 1 104% 104% 104% 105% 67 47% Reading 2d pf (3)... 1 47% 47% 47% 48 64% 34% Real Silk (6> 9 40% 40% 40% 40% 46% 23 Rem Rend 11.10)..., 29 26% 25% 25% 26% 100% 92 Rem-Rand lat pf(t). 3 95% 95 95 98 104 95 Rem-Rand 2d pf<B).. 10a 101 101 101 100 14% 8% Reo Motor .Car «80c) 5 9% 9% 9% 9% 79% 87% Republic Steel (4) .. 46 42% 40% 40% 41 95% 86 Republic Steel pf II) 4 85% 85 85 86% 34% 23 Reynolds Metals (2). 2 24 24 24 24% 7% 3 Reynolds Spring.... 2 3% 8% 3% 3% 68% 45% Reynolds Tob B (8). 25 49% 49 49% 49% 28% 14% Richfield Oil 18).. 22 15% 15% 16% 16% 25% 16% Rio Grande Oil <2).. 3 16 15% 16 , 16 48% 27% Rossla Insur 12.20),. 4 78% 28% 28% 28% 56% 49% Royal Dutch al 2165 6 51% 51% 51% 61% 122% 68% Safeway 4 69% 59% 59% 69% 99% 87% Safeway pf «6> 17*)a 88% 87 88% 87% 57% 33% St Joseph Lead itl). 2 39% 39 39 39% 118% 85% St L-San Fran tl>... 1 87% 87% 87% 87 76% 62% St L Boutnwesters. 2 64% 64% 64% 65 13V* 4% Schulte Retail Strs.. 9 5% 5% 5% 6 75 35 Schulte Retail pftl). 10a 62 62 52 56% 12% 5% Seaboard Air Line. .. S 6% 5 5 '5% 100% 59% Sears Roebuck <22%) 62 63 61% 62 63% 28 7 Second Natl low 2 9% 9% 9% 10 82% 58% Sec Natl Inv pf <6)... 1 66 66 66 66 13% 6% ServeL Ino 2 6 ’i 0% 6'% 37% 16% Sharon Stl Hoop d). 2 18 17 18 17 62 31% ShattucktFO)«»l Vi) 7 34% 33% 34% 35 25% 18 Shell Union (1.401... 14 19% 19 19 19 36 8% Shubert Theatre*.... 8 16 14% 14% 15% 94% 21 Simmons Co.. *2 23 I '* *2*B 23V* 23% 37 18 Simms Petrm <1.601. 21 20% 20 20 20% 32 20 Sinclair Con OU <Bl. • 67 22% 22% 22V* 22’% 42 28% Skelly OU <2) 7 29% 28% 29% 28% 72 62% Southern Cal Ed 4S>. 14 55 54% 65 55% 127 108 Southern Paclflejd)-. 12 116% 115 116% 116% 136% 86% Southern Kwy <W»». 46 79 76% 79 77% 30% 13% Sparks Wlthnartnll).' 48 21V4 20% 20% 21 62 10% Splegel-May-Stern.. 1 17V* 17% 17% 17 29% 17 'Stand Brands < 1 Ml.. 66 19 18% 18% 19% 129V* 84% Stand GAB <3 Vi )... 21 88** 87% 87% 88% 67 61% BtandGAEpf <41... 3 66% 65 65% 65% 75 55% Stand Oof Cal <BVi). 30 61% 60% 61% 61% 104% 98 Stand Oil Bap pfli). 4 103% 103% 103% 103% 84% 68 Stand OU of N J<t2). 343 68% 67% 68% 68 40% 30 Stand Oil N Y (160). 63 31% 31 31 31% 20% 9% Sterling Seo (A).... 10 10% 10% 10% 10% 14% 11 Sterling See pf< 1.20) 4 12 11% 11% 12 48 36 Sterling Sec ev pf (2) 2 39% 38 39% 39% 47 18% Stewart-Warner <2) 2 24 23% 24 23% 113% 70% Stone A Webater <4l. 8 76% 75 75 75 47% 26% Studebaker Corp <3). 28 29% 28% 29% 29% 1% % Submarine Beat .... 2 % % % % 45% 38 Superheater (t3V6). • l 43% 43% 43,* 42% 9% 2 Superior OU * 3 2% 2% 3 72% 5ym1ngt0n.........i 1 8 3 3 3% 145 110 Texas A Pacific (6).. 1 111 111 111 . 122 60% 60% Texas Corp <3> . 2* 62% 61% 61% 61% 67% 48% Tex Gulf Bulphur<4) 22 66% 66% 66V* 67 14% 8% Texas PCA OU 14 8% 8% 8 % 32% 13% Texas Pac Land Tr.. 74 20 18% 19% 19 36% 17% Thatcher Mfg <1 66). 9 20% 20% 20% 21% 29% 11 Thermoid C 0..;... 8 12Mt. 11% 12% 12% 46% 26 Third Nat Inv (2)... 2 24% 24% 24% 27% 47% 36 Thompaon <J R) <l). 2 87 37 87 38 189% 20 Thompson Prod<2.4o) 4 24% 24% 24% 25 18% 9 Thompson Surratt.. 19% 8% »% 10 17% 10% Tide Water An (60e). 22 14 13% 14 14% I 89% 78 Tide Water An sf (8> 8 88% 83% 83% 84. 81% 13% Timken DetAadOe), l 18% 18% 18% 18% \ • THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., SATURDAY. AUGUST 9. 1930. HbrkL J Low. Dividend Bate. A*!*#*. Opes. Blab. Lew. Cleee. 13% 10 Infl Safe Rax 8(t2% 6 11 11 11 11 46% 80% Internatl Superl (fl) 1 96 35 86 86 , 60% 84% Int Utllltlea A <*%). 4 40% 40% 40 40 , 19% 6% internal! Util IB)... 80 12 12% 11% 11% 43% 35% Lackawanna Sect 4). 1 40% 40% 40% 40% 20% 3% Loews, ino (war)... 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 ~ Louisiana Lan ft Ex. 12 • 2 2 2 2 3% 1 Mavis Bottling 11 1% 1% 1% 1% 22% 10% Memphis Nat Gas... 7 18% 18% 13% 13% 16% 8% Met ft Min. lac (L3O) 7 12% 12% 12% 12% 11% 4% Mid Sts Pet v.LS. A.. 16% 5% 6% 6% 88 26% Mid Wst UtU(blft). 32 27% 28% 27% 28 , 109% 97 Mid W Utcvpf xw 6. 2 100 100 100 100 44% 43% Midland UtdpfA(l). 1 45% 46% 45% 46% 36% lb Mo Ivan Pl* (D 10%). 24 lt% 19% 19% 19% 6 1 MIaaKPL v.1c..... i 4 11% 11 < 27% 12% Miss Rlv Fuel bd rts. 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 106 103 Miss Rlv Pwr pf (6). 26s 107% 107% 107% 107% 44% 21 Moody’s 1S pt pt (I) 1 39% 39% 89% 39% 12% 8 Mount Pr0d(1.60)... 6 10*» 10% 10% -BLOVk 12% 6 Natl Amer Co 1 6 6 6 6 61% 33% Natl Bond ft S (2ic). 2 36% Sa% 86% 35% 108 104 Natl DaPr pf A (7).. 1 106% 106% 106% 106% 20 7% Natl Fam Sirs(l.6o). b 8% 9% 8)a 9 20 8 Natl Food Prod (A).. 41% 26% Natl Fuel Gas UJ..., 8 30% 30% 30% 30% 3u 11 Natl investors...... 9 12% 12% 12% 12% 26% 21% Natl Pub SV A(1.«0). 2 23% 28% 23% 23% 32% 161, Natl Screen Svc(2).. 2 30 30 80 80 16 12 Nat Sb Tm Set(ffOc) 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 8 Nebel (Osc.) (62%c) 4 7% 7% 77 95% 88% New Eng Pwr pf (6). 60s 90% 90% 90% 90% 141% 79 NewmontMin (f 4).. 6 84 “86 84 86 21% 10% N. Y. Transit ltl.*0) • 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 24% 16% N'lag.-H. Power t4oc) 36 16% 15% 16% 16% 6% 4 Niag.-H. Pwr A war.. 3 4% 4% 4% 4% 15% 8% Niag Hud Pwr B war 19% 9% 9% 9% 44% 20% Noranda Mines (3).. 5 23% 2.% 23% 23% "6 2 No Am Aviat A war.. 4 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% Noth Euro Oil Corp., 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 34% 22% Novadel Agene t 2%.. 1 9U% S£% 30% 30% 1% % onio Copper 12 % % % % 34% 81% Ohio Oil new wi 9 32% 32% 31% 31% 2% % Pandexn oil lu % % % % 16% 10% Pennroad Corp (20c) 8 11 11 10% 10% 46 26% Peoples LAP. A a2.40 1 30 30 30 30 16% 4% Pilot Radio Tube (A) 8 7% 7% 77% 27% 20% Piyraoutn 011 (21.... 1 26 26 26 26 1% % Premier Gold (24c).. 1 % % % % 15% 8% Prince & Whitei26c) 4 9% 9% 9% 9% 44 36 Prince AVV hit pm > 3 38* 38% 37% 37% 23 12% Prudential invest... 4 14% 14% 14% 14% 27% 15 Pub Util Hold w w.. 9 17 17% 17 r7% 99 93% Pure Oil pf (6) .10s 96 96 96 96 14% 6 Rainbow Lu Prod A. 9 10% 10% 9% 10% 7% 2% Rainbow Lu Prod B. 12 6 b 4% 6 6% 2% Reiter-Foster 1 3 3 3 3 6 6% Key barn C 0... 16% 6% 5% 6% 93 75% Klchinan Bros (3). ..100s 74% 74% 74 74 6% 2 Roosevelt Field.lno.. 12% 2% 2% 2% 11% 6% Rossla inti Corp.... 16% 6% 6% 6% 11% 8 Royalty Cor pf (1.20) 1 12% 12% 12% 12% 8% 3% Ryan Consolidated.. 1 4 4 4 4 34 18% St Regis Paper «1).. 59 22 22% 21 21% 15% 8% Sail Creek Prod (2).. 2 11 11 11 ll 17 14% SaxetCo 3 10% 16% 16% 16% 10% 6% Seaboard Util (50c). 1 "6% 0% 0% 6% 9 6 Seg Luck A H (6uc).. 1 b 6 6 6 12% 6% ‘Selected industries.. 5 6 6 6 6 84% 64 Sel indust ctfs (4%). 1 67 67 67 67 71% 65 V* Select ind prtb% j... 1 59% 69% 59% 69% 9% 2% Sentry Safety Cont.. 12% 2* 2* 2% 20 8% Snenandoah Corp.... 26 9% 9% 8% b% 48% 33 Shenan Corp pf (al). 6 41% 41% 40% 41% 34% 15% Silica Gel Ctfs 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 46% 36 South Penn 011(12%) 2 36V* 36V* 36V* 36% 8% 4% Southern Corp 6 6% 6% 6% 6% 112 108 S W Pwr A Ltpf (7). 20s 115% 116% 115% 116% 3% % Staudaid Motors.... 3 1% 1% 1% 1% 69% 47% Stand Oil, ino (2%). 40 49% 60 49% 49% 40% 30% stand OU.KX(TI.»O) 11 31% 31% 31% 31% 48% 44% Stand OU. Neb.(T3%; 2 47% 47% 47% 47% 108 V, 77 Stand OU. Chioiaft). 60s 78% 78% 78% 78% 122 115% StOU, Ohio pf (7)... 1118 118 lie 118 80% 65V* Stand Pwr ft Lt (2)., 2 66 66 56 66 80 54 Stand PwrALt B (X). 1 66 66 66 56 37% 14 Starrett Corp 1 18 18 18 Is 48% 30 Starrett Corp pf (»). 4 33% 33% 32% 32% 18% 10 Sterchl Bros Stores.. 1 9 9 9 9 10 6% Stlnnes (Hugo) 16% 6% 6% 6% 22% 9% Strauss Roth „ 2 17% 17% 17% 17% 20 12 Struthers Wells T..» 1 12 12 12 12 4% 1% Stuts Motor Car..... 11% 1% 1% 1% 10 5 Sunray UU H0C).... 2 5% 6% 6% 6% 98 54'% Tampa Klectrlo ($» 2 71 71 $1 71 86% 25% Technicolor. 1nc.... 2 27'% 27% 27% 27% 15% 8% Texon OU & Ld(2sc). 23 14 16 14 15 5% 2% Thatcher Sec Corp.. 2 3V* 3% 3% 3% 87 66 Thermoid Co pf (7).. 25s 68 6s 68 68 9 4 Tri-Cont Corp • war) 3 5% 6% 6% 6% 58% 86 Trl Utilities! 11.20).. 3 44 44 43% 43% 26 19 TrunaPork S (l.« 0).. 1 18 18 18 18 28% 13 Tung Sol Lamp 11)..N 6 13% 13% 13% 13% 15% 11% Twin St NO Apt 1)., 3 11% 12% 11% 12% 27 17% Glen ACo (1.60).,... 1 21% 21% 21% 21% 36% 21% Unger (elder F Corp. 2 26% 25% 25% 25% 36 26 UnNGof Can (tl.«0 1 29% 29% 29% 29% 1 % Union Tobacco 1 % % % % 30% 12% United Corp (war).. 3 15% 15% J 5% 16% 1 ft Unit El 6vc pr war,. 4 % % % % 44 15% Unit Found tbJi-35 ah 107 16% 17 16 17 28% 12 United Gas Co (new) 46 13% 13% 13% 13% 11V* 5 United Gas (war)... 6 6% 6% 6% 6% 99 91% United Gas pf 17)..„ 1 95 96 96 95 66 27% Utd Lt ft Pwr All).. 78 38% 39% 88Vk 38% 119% 97% Utd Lift Pwr pf(«)., 1 109 109 109 109 26% 13% US Dairy (B) 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 22% 10% USEleoPwrww.... 5 11% 11% 11% 11% 58 36V* U S Gypsum (1.60).. 1 41% 41% 41% 41% 20% 11 US Lines pf (1) 2 12% 12V* 12V, 12% 23 13% US ft Overseas war.. 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 9 Unit Verde Ext (2).. 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 18 9% United Wail Paper.. 1 9 9 9 9 ft % Unity Gold 1 V* % % Vi 28 14V, Utility PwrALt(al). 12 11% 16 15% 15% 68% 37 UtU P&LB Ctfs tal) 2 40 40 40 40 23% 12% Utility ft Ind 4 13 13 13 13 22 10% Utility Eaultles 6 12% 12% 11% 11% 97% 76% Vacuum Oil (4) 5 81% 8-% 81% 82 9% 6% Vic »;inan Corp (40c) 3 7% 7% T% 7% 61 30 Walgreen Co 3 31% 31% 81 31 35 11% Walgreen Co (war)., 1 10 10 10 10 13% 8% Walker (H) (1) 21 8% 8% 8% 8% 19 8% Wayne Pump 1 13 13 13 13 hIGHTS. Expire % % Segal Lock Aug. It 29 % % ft 4 —rrav.iesfr-. stock and S»le«— Prey. Hick. Lew. Dividend Kate. Add SO. Sick. Lew. Ctese. Clone. 89% 65% Timken Roller t*)... 4 63 62% 63 63% 6% 2% Tobacco Products... 4 3% 3% 3% 3% 25% 20% Traneareer <21.60>.. 276 19% 19 19% 20% 24 16% TranacontlOil (30c). 30 17% 17% 17% 17% 20% 9% Trl-Contl Corp 7 11% 11% 11% 11% 94 89% Tri-CntlCorp pf <•). 2 92% 92% 92% 92% 37% 25 Truscon SU <g1.20).. 1 28 28 28 *9 138 83 Und-BU-Ftacner (6). 11 89% 88 88% 88% 106% 60% Union Carbide (2.60) 218 69% 68% 697* 68% 242% 200 Union Pacific (10)... 5 212% 210 212% 210% 38% 26% Union T’k Car (1.60). 4 27% 27 27 27 99 43% Utd Aircraft 340 63% 60% 52% 64 68% 36 Utd Biscuit (1.60)... 1 46% 46% 46% 46% 84 40% Utd Carbon (8) 34 46 44% 46 45% 8% 6% Utd Cigar Stores.... 16% 6% 6% 6% 52 28% United Corporation.. 852 29% 29% 29% 29% 19% 7 Utd Eleotrio C0a1.... 3 7% 7% 7% 7% 49% 31% Utd Gaa A lmp(1.20) 71 33% 33% 33% 33% 14% 4% Utd Store* (A) 8 9% 9% 9% 10% 50% 15% Utd Stores pf........ 2 48 48 48 48 20% 9% U S Distributing. ..„ 3 10 10 IQ 10 103 40% US Freight (I) 2 47 47 47 47 139% 60 U S Alcohol (tT).... 6 63 60% 60% 60 15% 7% US Leather » 2 9 9*9 9 26 15 US Leather (A) 2 16% 16% 16% 17% 38% 18% USPlpe&Ftl) 60 307* 29% 30% 31 21 15% U S Pipe A F let 1.30. 3 18% 18% 18% 18% 76% 48V* U S Realty (61....... 2 62% 52 52% 62% 35 19V* U S Rubber 26 19% 19 19% 19% 68% 39% U S Rubber lat pf.... 7 39% 39% 39% 39% 198% 161% U S Steel (7) 391 160% 158% 159% 161 146% 141 U S Steel pf (7>....« 4 145% 145% 145% 146% 9 2% Uni v Pipe A Rad.... 4 4% 4 4% 4 45% 80 Util PwrALt A <S2). 11 31% 81 31% 31% 7% 2% vadaeco Sales Corp.. 3 2% 2% 2% 2% 143% 49% Vanadium Stl tt4).. 819 84% 80% 82% 85% 8% 4 Va-Car Chem....... 6 4V* 4% 4% 4% 34% 22 Va-CaroChem 6* pf 1 23V* 23% 23% 23% 103 101 VaElAPwrpf (6).. 70a 103 102% 103 102% 156 60 Vulcan Det <4) 120a 74 74 74 74% 67% 28 Wabaah 8 29 28% 29 29% 31% 24% Waldorf SvatmdVi) 1 26 26 26 25% 42% 21 Walworth Co (2).... 18 21% 20% 20% 21% 54 21% Ward Baking 1A)... 20» 24 24 24 24 15% 4% Ward Baking <8).... 3 6% 6% 6% 6% 80% 28 Warner Bros Fict.... 480 27% 26% 26% 28% 70% 36% War Bros Ppf tX.2O) 4 46 46 46 47% 27 12% Warner-Quinlan d). 1» 13 12% 12% 13 63% 40% Warren Bros <3).... 14 46 44% 46 45 54% 50 Wren Bros cv pf (3) 60s 60Vi 60 60 52 43% 13% Warren Fdy A P <2>. 6 30 27% 30 30 59% 50% WesaOASn pf (4).. 1 56% 66% 65% 65 110 104% Weat Penn Pw pft«). 10a 109% 109% 109% 109 24% 11 Western Dairy tB).. 6 11 11 11 u% 36 18% Western Md 6 21% 21% 21% 21% 30% 17 Weetern Paclfie....* 1 19% 19% 19% 20% 219% 150 H Western Union (I).. 6 165 164 164 164% 62 36% Weetinghae *. B IS). 12 37% 87% 37% 38% 201% 124% WeatlngbseßAM (•> 225 140% 134% 138 137% 197% 126 Weethae EAM pf (t> 40a 136% 186 136 136 48% 29% Weston E) Instr d). 5 83% 32 83% 33% 21 7 Wexurk Radio Strg.. 1 11 11 11 9 43 27% White Motors (3),.. 3 31 31 31 31 64% 36% White Rck MS<t4Vi) 8 46% 45% 46% 46% 21 11% Wilcox OR A Gas.... 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 11 6% WUlya-Overland .*.. 86 6% 6 6 6 86 62 Wlllya-Over pf (7).. 4 67 67 67 67 7% 3% Wilson ACo 8 3% 3% 3% 3% 13 7% Wilson ACo (A).... 18% 8% 8% 8% 72% 51% Woolworth <2.40)..,. 62 57% 57 67% 57% 169 67% Wortb Pump.. 44 116 110% 114% 112% 81 67% Wrtgley <Wm> (4).. 9 76 74 74 74 ' 82% 12% Yellow Truck 147 ; 32%. 20% 31H 21 160% 108 Young Sheet * T«). 1 116 116 116. I 16% Mi Zenith Radio *.* MM *a .14, .Me * - *l4 HEAT AND DROUGHT RETARD BUSINESS \ « ; Slackness in Commercial and Industrial Lines Noted by Reviews. i Special Dispatch to The Star. | NEW YORK. August 9.— Wholesale and retail buying have been retarded and Industrial activity curtailed to , some extent by the heat and drought of the last week, according to the reviews of the commercial agencies made public yesterday. These points are emphasised above all others, but notice is taken of the fact that the aridity has been re lieved partly by showers in some of the Midwestern areas. Bradstreet's reports indicate that the heat drought have injected “new and as yet uncertain elements, not only into the general domestic price situa tion, but also continue, as in recent weeks, to retard wholesale and retail buying and slow down some industries which have resumed operations after the very general shutdowns of July." These reports also point to “partial re lief from the Intense dryness, mainly as the result of showers in central areas east and west of the Mississippi, includ ing parts of the Dakotas, Nebraska and lowa, and especially aiding to improve slightly the rather better than earlier indicated outlook in the Spring wheat Northwest.” Better Weather Reports. “Better reports as to weather also come from many points in the South east, particularly in the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida, where past rain fall appears to have been better than in most of the rest of the country,” Bradstreet's continues. “Otherwise there there seems up to the time of writing to have been little change for the better in the main central areas lying between the Alleghanies and the Rock ies or in the Atlantic States north of the Carolinas. "In Industry the favorable features this week include a resumption of work by several hundred thousand employes of the automobile industry and con tinued marked activity in the making of gas pipe, with heavy orders booked ahead. July output of pig iron and steel ingots fell heavily from June and from July a year ago. Stiff prices for scrap, but ease in several kinds of auto mobile steel, were also outstanding fea tures. Silk manufacturers in July in creased takings of raw silk heavily as compared with the low totals of June. “Reports from other industries are not greatly different from those earlier noted. Bradstreet's report on building permits in July shows a gain at New York City over June, but reductions offsetting this at other cities, with very general decreases from July a year ago. Pacific Coast lumber production is about half normal and the same is true of hardwood production in the Middle Mississippi Valley.” “The status of agriculture, always highly Important because of its funda mental bearing on the general economic situation, has attained the position of outstanding prominence,” says Dun’s Review. “Prolonged heat and drought over much of the country have had their chief damaging in results in the great corn-producing areas of the Mid dle West, while injury to some other crops and live stock also has been seri ous, and there has been a sharp re versal of the declining trend of prices for various farm staples. The latter movement has lessened the excess of recessions in Dun’s comprehensive list of wholesale quotations, and its influ ence was partly reflected in the smaller ratio of reduction in the monthly index number. Forward Needs. “It is yet too early accurately to gauge the probable effects upon busi ness of the changed agricultural prospects, and the*main response thus far has been in the sensitive speculative markets. Elsewhere, with few excep tions, activity has continued at low ebb, the normal Midsummer repression of trade being accentuated by the un usual conditions prevailing this year. The numerous statistical indices have plainly revealed the extent of the com mercial setback, and no definite uplift 1 was to be expected during August, but there is a logical inference in many quarters that at least some seasonal re vival will come with the Autumn. 1 “Conservation, in providing for an ticipated forward needs, is nearly everywhere Evident, yet there is the 1 wholesome aspect now, with the cur tailment of manufacturing, of a closer alignment between outputs and sup -1 plies. That phase, although not of im mediate benefit, is regarded as one of 1 the basic forces making for ultimate recuperation.” NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, August 9 (Special).— The cotton market staged a rally today after coming under heavy selling pres sure again the first hour, during which several deliveries made new low prices for the year. Predictions of unsettled weather in the Western belt over Sunday and a weak stock market carried October to 12.20, when the weekly weather forecast indicating the prospect of only scattered showers the middle of the week de veloped a covering movement and prices rallied 15 points before the close. Final quotations were a few points higher than Friday. Spots were advanced 5 points to 13.60. Cotton range: , Open High Low Close. October, old 12.59 13.63 12.41 12.61 October, new 12.3 S 12.37 12.20 12.36 December, old 12.71 12.77 12.64 12.75 December, new.... 12.49 12.54 12.38 12.53 January, old 12 80 12.83 12.70 12.83 January, new 12 61 12.63 12.48 12.63 March 12 77 12 83 12.65 12 83 May 12.98 12 98 12.85 12.96 July 12 98 13.01 12.98 18.01 i—• NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK, August 9 (/P).—Over the-counter market: BANKS. Bid. Asked. i America 88 91 Bank of V S Units 38 40 Broadway National 89 100 ■ Chasa 135 138 > Chat Phenlx 105 108 City 122 125 Fifth Avenue 2750 3050 i First National N Y 4800 5000 Harriman 1501 1610 , Manhattan Co 102% 108'a 1 Peoples National 400 500 TRUST COMPANIES. Bankers .' 132 135 Cent Hanover 326 333 ' Chel»ea Bk A Tr 30 34 i Chem Bk & Tr 82% 64*» , Corn Exchange 154 158 County 230 240 ' Guaranty >9B 60S i Irvin* 48V« 50V« , Manufacturers ... 81% 83'i 1 New York 237 242 United States 3925 4125 i Westchester Title A Tr 130 170 ’ SHOUT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by J. A W. Sellgman <fc Co.i Bid. Asked. Allis-Chalmera Co. 5s 1937 102 103 American Tel. Si Tel. 5%s 1943. lOS'k 108 3 i Amti lean Thread g%* 1938 100% 101 Baltimore A Ohio 4*as 1933... 100% 100% Batavian Pet. Corp 4%* 1942.. 95 05% ■ Bell Tel of Canada 5s 1957 103 103*4 , California Pat. Corp. S»a 1938. 102% 10J*/a Canadian Nor Rwy. 4%s 1935. 99’.* 100 l Chicago Rock Island 4s 1934 fB% 98*4 l Chile Copper Co. 5s 1947 P 6% 96 3 i Cudahy Paokinc Co. SV»s 1937,. 98% #7 V * I SsaSfVr&fTt si* s *: «* W» Humble Oil 6*4s 1832.......... 102*1, 1025, Internat. Match Corp. 5s 1847. 99 3 - 100 « N Y„ Chi. A St. Louia 6s 1932 102% 102% i Phillips Pet. Co •%« 1939 ... 95% 98 Pure Oil Corp. 5%s 1937: 99% 100 Bhel' Union Oil Co. 5s 1947 97% 97% Sinclair Crude Ot] Co. 5%s 1938 :02V, 102% . Standard Oil N. Jersey 5s 1946. 104 104% , Standard Oil N. York 4%* 1961 99*4 99% 9 St. L., U. Mt. A So. Ry. Ss 1931 101% 101% * St. L., Southwestern Ry. 4s 1932 U 9% 9954 , Swift Si Co 8s 1932 100% 101 Union Oil Co. of Calif 5s itSB. 100% 101 United Drug Co. 5a 1953 99% 98% U. S. Rubber 6a 1947 82 82*% Western Electric Co. 8a 1944... 104% 105 ' Wheeling Steel Corp. J’ je I»4|. 102 V« 103 k Wheeling Steel Corn. 4V4s IWL M ON NEW YORK BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE | Received by Private Wire Direct te The Star Oflce UNITED STATES, (•alee in ta IMMJ Sales. High. Lew. do#*. Llblfeg 20 1011 101 101 Lib let fifes.. l 102 6 102 6 102 6 Lib 4th 4fea.. 3 1032 103 103 FOREIGN. „ „ Sales. High. Low. Close. Argentine Se 2t 93 93 • 93 Argentine, Mny'6l4* 6 99 99 99 Argentine 6e Jn *69. 8 99 98% 99 Argentine Is Oet*t9 1 99 99 99 Argentine 158..... 1 99 99 99 Anatrnlin 4%a ’Eg.. 7 79% T 9% 79% Australia Bn *66.... 19 88% 67 *7 Australis Bsl6 87 86% 86% Austria 7a l 104% 104% 104% Batavian Pet 4fee.. 22 95% 95% 95% Belgium 4e 3 104% 103% 104% Belgium 6%a l 109% 109% 109% Belgium 7e*55 9 114% 114% 114% Belgium 7e*66 It HO 110 110 Bolivia 7a ctfa *ll.. 2 71 71 71 Bolivia Is 6 89 88 88 Bordeaux 6s l 106% 106% 106% Brasil Ifes *2B 12 75% 75% 76% Brasil 6%e'27 3 76 74% 75% Brasil 7s 15 89;£ 88 89 Brazil (a 6 100% 100% 100% Canada 6a *11...... 2 100% 100% 100% Canada 6a‘63 3 106% 106% 105% Chile 6s '6O 9 91% 90% 91% Chile 6s *6l g 91% 91% 91% Copenhagen 6a rota 6 99% 99% 99% Danish Munlo te A. 3 109 109 109 Danish MunleSsß. 4 109 108% 108% Denmark 4%s l 93% 93% 93% Dutch Eaat Ind* 47. 6 102% 102% 102% Dutch Eaet lls *62. 2 102% 102% 102% Finland 7a 4 100% 100 100% Framerlcan Tfeg... l 108% 108% 108% French 7s 6 119% 119% 119% Gelsenkir Min 6s '44 7 95% 95% 95% Ger 6%a’30-’35 rets 9 87% 87% b7% German Bank 6e *3. 1 90% 90% 90% Ger Gen Else 75.... 2 103% 103% 103% Haiti 6s 5 95% 95% ¥6% Hungary 7%a 2 101 101 101 Italy 7s 17 99 98% 99 Italian Pub Svo 7a.. 2 96% 95% 95% Japanese 4s 2 97% 97% 97% Japanese 5 %s-65.. 17 92% 92% 92% Japanese 6%s 27 105% 105 105% Karstadt 6s *41.... 6 74% 74% 74% KreugerAToll 6a ot. 1 97 97 97 Marseille «a . 2 106% 106% 106% Milan 6%s 4 90% 90% 90% Netherlands 6s *72.. 2 106% 106% 106% New So Wales‘ST.. 1 84% 84% 84% New So Waiea 51.., 2 84% 84 84 Norway 6a *63 6 100 99% 99% Norway 6fes 6 101% 101% 101% Norway 6s‘4l 7 104% 104% 104% Norway <5‘44..... 5 104% 104% 104% Orient dev 6% 61.. 18 90% 90% 90% Orient Dev 6s 63... 2 97% 97 97 Paris-Lyons-M 6a.. 1 104 104 104 Parls-Ly-Med 75... 1 106 106 106 Parts Orleans 6%e. 2 103% 103% 103% Peru 6s‘6o 1 71% 71% 71% Peru 6s ’ll 1 72 72 72 D oland ?s (rets)... 15 84% 84% 84% Poland 8s 2 94% 94% 94% Prague 7fea 1 104% 104% 104% Queenland 7a 1 104% 104% 104% Rhine Westls *63.. 1 90% 90% 90% Rio de Janeiro 6fe.. 16 69 68% 69 Rio de Jan Is ’46... 2 96% 96% 96% Rio Gr du Sul 6s’4S 2 66 64% 64% Rio Gr Du Sul 15... 12 94% 94% 94% Romaics 8 91% 91 91% R’y'l Dutch fifesww 7 90% 90% 90% Serba Cr Slov Te.... 1 86 86 86 Serba-Crot-Slo ta.. 6 97 96% 97 Soissonsla 18 106% 106% 106% Swiss Coni ed 1a.... 3 107% 107% 107% Toho El Pwr Is *l2. 5 99% 99% 99% Toklo fifea *ll 9 91% 91% 91% Utd Klngm 8%5’17 3 105% 105% 106% Utd SS Copen la’lT. 1 100% 100% 100% Uruguay la 1 107 107 107 Vienna Is-52 8 86% 86% 86% Warsaw 7a ’62 3 74% 74 74 Yokohama Is 2 97 97 97 MISCELLANEOUS. Alleghany 15'49... 10 99% 99% 99% Am Agrl Chem 7 fee 2 103% 103% 103% Am Beet Sugar Is.. 5 65% 65% 65% Am For Pwr 6s 2010 23 88% 88% 88% Am 1Q Cb fifes 49. 11 106% 106% 106% Am int Cor 6fee’49 10 98 98 98 Am Metal fifes *14.. 18 96% 96% 96% Am Smlt A H Ist te 4 102% 102% 102% .vra TAT cv4fea'S9 3 163 162 163 Am TAT fie‘fit 8 106% 106% 106% Am TAT efts 80 106% 106% 106% Am TAT fifes 15 108% 10d% 108% Am Water Wks fie. 18 101% 101% 101*% ArmourACo 4fea'S9 8 92% 92% 92% Armour, Del.6fee.. 13 82% 82 82 Beil Tel. Pa. fie (B) 1 106 106 106 Beth Steel rs fie.... 2 104% 104% 104% Bush Term Bldg fie. 3 102 102 102 Chile Copper 65.... 5 96% 96% 96% CoT GAEI 6s,May'S2 11 102% 102% 102% Colon Oil «s ‘1t.... 2 63% 63 63 Cora Invest fie *42.. 1 99% 99% 99% Con Gas NX 6 fee.. 13 106% 106% 106 H Dodge Is 2 94 94 94 Duquesne 4 fee *87.. 1 101% 101% 101% Eaat Cuba Sug 7 fee 9 53 63 53 Gen Mot Ae Cor Is. 6 103% 103% 103% Gen St Cast fifes‘4l 4 101% 101% 101% Gen Thea Eq la *4O. 11 94% 94 94% Goodyer Is rets.... 2 93% 93% 98% HumbleOAß fifes. 9 102% 102% 102% Inti Cement ta 41.. 20 101 100% 100% Inti Match fie *4T... 1 99% 99% 99% lntl Paper la 2 87% 87% 87% Inti Tel A Tel 4fee. 45 91 91 91 lntl TAT 4 fee ev.. 5 110 110 110 Inti TelATel fie *fifi. 12 98 97% 98 Kan City PA Lt te. 3 105% 105% 105% KanG A Els 62... 2 106 106 106 Laclede Ga a 6a.... 43 101% 101% 101% Laelede fifes D’fiO.. 1 103% 103% 103% Lautaro Nitrate fie. 7 83 82% 83 Loew’s Is w • war.. 1 98% 99% 99% McCrmck KR Ba*24 1 102% 102% 102% Montana Pwr‘4B... 2 103% 103% 103% Montana Pwr db is 2 108% 103 103% Nat Dairy 6fee.... 68 9# 99 99 No Am Ed fifes *12.. 1 103% 103% 108% Nor Ohio TrAL Is.. 1 106% 105% 106% Paclflo Gaa AEI fia. 1 103 103 103 Pec TA T let fie... 3 103% 103% 103% Paramount fia *47.. 11 100 99% 99% Paths Exchange 7e. 6 60 57% 60 PhllaCofie’lT 20 101% 101 101 Phlla A Read (s’4l. 10 97 97 97 Phillips Pet fifes.. 31 96 95% 96 Por Rio Am Tob fia. 1 85% 86% 85V4 Postal Tel AC fife* 1 93% 93% 98% Pub Svo G 4fes‘B7. 2 101% 101% 101% Pub Serv G 4fes *7B 10 100% 100% 100% Rem Arms la *37... 25 96% 96% 96% Richfield OH la *44. 2 88% 88% 88% Sinclair Oil Ifes... 2 103% 103% 103% Sinclair Oil Ta 5 104% 104% 104% Sinclair Crude fifes 27 102% 102% 102% Sinclair P L6a 1 101% 101% 101% Stand OR NJ ‘41... 8 104% 104% 104% Sti.nd OH. N T.fifeS- 26 99% 99% 99% Sug Es Orient 7a... 5 34 34 34 Tex Corp cv fie‘44.. 3 104% 101 104 Trensrontl OH I fee 41 109% 109% 109% United Drug fie *6B. 35 98% 98 98 *’ S Rub Ist rs fie... 18 82 82 82 Utah PwrALt te... 15 101 101 101 Utilities Pwr 6fea. 4 90 90 90 Warn Bros Pie*4l. 14 89% 89 89% White Eagle fifes.. 2 104 104 104 Wlllys-Ov Ifes'll. 1 101 101 101 Wilson ACo let Is. 2 99% 99% 99% RAILROAD. Ann Arbor 4a 1 83 83 83 Atchison gen 45.... 8 96% 96% 96% Atl Coast L Ist 45.. 9 95% 95% 96% Atl Coast Line 45.. 1 92% 92% 92% BA O gold 45...6 95*4 95% £5% BAO cv 4fes *21... 19 100% 100% 100% BA O 4fes '6O 48 100% 100% 100% BA O ref 6s 5 104% 104 104 B A O ref Is *95.... 7 109% 109% 109% B A O SW 65'60.... 2 104% 104% 104% BA O Toledo 45.... 2 87% 87% 87% BangAArooa 4e‘fil> 2 91fe 91% 91% Boston A M fie lltfi 2 99% 99% 99% Boston A Maine fia.. 1 100 100 100 Bklyn Mmnhat 1a... 4 90 99 99 Bklyn Un Ist Is *6O. 4 88% 88% 88% Bklyn Un El 6a *SO. 6 103% 103% 103% Buff R* Pitta fifea. 11 s3fe 93% 93% CsnNatfifea 54... 1 98% 98% 98% Can Nat 4fee *67. .. 3 98% 98% * 98% Can Nat fifes'll... 12 98 9-t 98 Can Nat fifes *70.. 1 104% 104% 104% Can Nat 6a July'l9. 1 103% 103% 103% Can Nat 6a Oct ‘l*. 5 104 103% 103% Can Nor 4fee'll... 1 100% 100% 100% Can Nor Ifes 6 117 117 117 j Canadian Pae db 4s. 3 80% 89% 89% Can Pao fifes*4l... 7 100 100 100 Can Paclflo etfs fig. < 1 104% 104% 104%. Can Facile M *§*.*, A 103% 103% 108% FINANCIAL'. Sale*. High. Low. Clow. Choo Corp (S ‘4?.... 2 100 100 100 CBAQ lttrtCs... 1 10814 108% 9R% Chi Or W*»t 4a ’CI. CO 73 71% 73 Chi MAStP 4% o 'SO 6 99% 99% 99% CbIMIIBtPAP <s*7S. 4 35 84% 84% CM&StP Pae adj Ss. 23 51% 50% 51% Chi AN W eoa 4%0 21 100 99% 100 Chi RIAPfO 45... 1 92% 92% 92% ChlRIAPrf 45... 1 98% 98% 98% Chi Rlw 4 Vis CO.. CC 97% 97% 97% Chi Rk Isl 4%s 1 96% 96% 96% Chi Un Sts C%5.... 8 115% 115% 116% CCCAStL 4%s (E). 6 99% 99% 99% Cloy Tsrm 4%s *77.- 6 101 100% 10l Del* Hud ref 4s *«S 8 94% 94% 94% DsnAROW Ss’SS... 2 93 93 93 D R GAWst Ss *7l. * 2 91% 91% 91% E Tenn VsAGs Ss. . 6 106% 106% 106% Erl* Ist eon 45..... 2 87% 87% 87% Brio cob 4s 1 82% 82% 82% Erls 6s. 19C7 11 92% 92% 92% Erls A Jersey Cs... 1 113% 118% 118% Or Trunk st deb Cs. 1 106% 106% 106% Grand Trunk 7e.... 1 111% 111% 111% GrtNor 4%s 4 99 99 99 Gt Northern 55.... 6 108% 108 108 Gt Northern 6%5.., 6 111% 111% 111% Great Nor con 75... 5 111% 111% 111% Gulf Mo 6s (8)...., 1 99% 99% 99% RarElßySHs’ll. 5 45 45 45 Hud A Man adl Ss.. 64 81% 81 81% Hud A Man ref Ss.. 6 101 100% 101 111 Cent 4s’S3 28 91% 91% 91% 111 Cant ref 4s 1 93% 93% 93% 111 Cent 4%5*C6.... 3 101% 100% 100 v. Int Rapid Trans Ss. 1 67 67 67 IjptßapTr Ssstpd.. 2 66% 66% 66% Int Rapid Trans Cs. 6 50 60 60 Int Rapid Trans 7s. 1 88% 88% 88% Int AGt Nor Ss ’SC. 2 94 94 94 Int AG Nor Ist Cs.. 8 103% 103% 103% Ist AGt Nor adj Cs. 6 88% 88 88 Int RjrsC Am 55.... 1 72 72 72 Kan City Sou Is. . M 3 79% 78% 78% Lake Shore 4s *31.. 4 100% 100% 100% LAN uni 4S 10 97% 97% 97% Menßy Ist 40’90... 2 49% 49% 49% Mill El HyALSs'SI. 6 101% 101% 101% M StP&SSM eon 4a. 1 88% 88% 88% M StP&SSM 5s gtd. 18 94% 94% 94% MKAT4%a7S.... 6 99 98% 99 Mo Paclflo cen 45.. 3 79 78% 79 Mo Pao 5s F ’77.... 10 101% 101 101% Mo Pao 6s G '78.... 1 101 101* 101 Mo Pae 6%s ’49 ev.. 20 108 107% 107% N O.Tex AM 6 He. 5 103 108 103 N Y Cen sen 1 %s. .• 2 82% 82% 82% N Y Cen ref Ss 7 108% 108% ips% NYC& St L 45.... 1 97% 97% 97% NYCA St L 6%sA 4 107% 107% 107% NY NH&H 4%s’C7. 2 95% 95% 95% N Y Ont A W Ist 4S 7 49 49 49 Norf A Wncon4s.. 10 95% 95% 95% Nor Paolflo 4a 4 94 94 94 Ore Wash Ist 4S. .»• 2 93% 93% 93% Penns 4%s 1970.... 5 98% 97% 97% Penna sen 4%a.... 4 101% 101% 101% Penna 4%s ’CS 2 101% lul% 101% Penna Ss ’C4....... 2 105 105 105 Penna C%s 3 109% 109% 109% Pitts WVa4%sC. 8 95 95 95 Port El P L Cs. .... 10 98% 98% 98% Port RL is '47.... 2 99% 99% 99% Port RLAP 7%s’4S. 1 106 106 106 Reading 4%s 8.... 9 100% 100% 100% Heading J C4s SI.. 1 93% 93% 93% Rio Or Wat Ist 45.. 2 94 94 94 StLIMASSs... 1 101 101 101 StL ASF pi 4S A... 11 91% 91% 91% StL A 8 F4%sTI.. 8 93 92% 92% StL&SanF 6s B 1 103% 103% 103% St LS W eon 4S ’ll 5 99% 99% 99% Seavdard AL rsf 4a 1 45 45 45 Ssaboard AJu cn Cs. 4 52 61% 62 S B All ria Cs 35 A. 2 43% 43% 43% Sou Pae ref 45.... 4 95% 94% 94% Sou Pao 4%s rets.. 8 99% 99% 99% Sou Pao 4%s C 9 «* 11 100 100 100 Sou Rwy gen 4a.. 6 90% 90 90 Sou Rwy eon 65.... 70 111% 111 111 Term Asso SL 45.. 4 92 92 92 Tex Ark PS 6%5‘50 2 106% 106% 106% Tex A Pao 6s C *ll. 1 102% 102% 102% Third Avsad) SS... 7 x7% 27% 27% Union Pae 4a’Cl..« 6 91% 91% 91% Union Pas 4%5.... 5 100% 100% 100% Virginia Ry Ist is.. 1 107% 107% 107% ; Wabash 4%a’71... 6 93% 93% 93% Wabash Ist 6a 1 103% 103% 103% , Wabash 6s*7C 8..., 8 101% 101% 101% Western Md 4a 4 86% 86% Bj% West Shore 4s Cl..> 14 92% 92% 92% CHICAGO STOCK MARKET By the Associated Prase. ■ CHICAGO, August 9.—Following is 1 the complete official list of transactions 1 In stocks on the Chicago Stock Ex change today: High. Low. Close. > 50 Adams Mis 33% 32V. 33% 3200 Aihea Mot me io% io ioy« 10 Am Pub Ber pi *7 97 27 > 84 Am Pub par pi. 102% 102% 102% i 223 Am Pub Util p 1 107% 108% 107% 130 Art Metal 87% 67 87% 400 Assoc Tel Util 21% 2i% 21% > 250 Auburn Auto 110 107% 110 100 Banco Kentucky IS If 18 050 Bastlan-Blessing .... 38 32 34 1510 Btndlx Aviation 30 29 30 t 1900 Borg-Warner 29 28 99 50 Bonn Vlvitone pi.... 5% 3% 5% 400 Brack Sons 15% 15V* 16% 300 Brown PAW "8"... 10% 9% 10% i 50 Bruce (E L) 26% 38% 28% , 150 Butler Bros 9% 9% 9% 50 Castle AM 41 41 41 1 102 Cent 111 Pub Ser pi.. 95 93% 95 • 150 Cent 111 Bee 25 24% 25 15 Cent Ind Power pid. 9*% 92% 92% > 100 Cent Pub Serv De1.... 29 29 29 250 Cent Pub Serv A.... 37% 28% 28% < 700 Cent A Bo Welt 21% 21% 21% i 50 Chain Belt 41% 41% 41% , 10 Cherry 8urre11....... 33 33 33 1 1750 Chic Corp 10% 10V. 10% 100 Chic Elec Mig A 5 5 5 100 Chic Investors 8% 6% 6% 100 Chic Yell Cab 25% 35% 25% 8600 Cities Service 28% 28% 28% 450 Comwlth Edison 285 Sol 388 30 Community Tel 17 17 17 400 Consumers 4 4 4 2100 Cont Chicago 14% 13% 14% 1 150 Cont Chi *1 42% 42% 42% t 1800 Cord Corp 7% 77% 2100 Corp Sec 22% 22 22% • 212 Crgne Co 42 42 42 ' 350 Elec Household 40% 40, 40 , 100 Poote G A Mach 8% 9% 9% 1 100 Gen Wat Wks A... 28% 18% 28% ■ 350 Gleaner 28 28 28 r 150 Ot Lakes Alrcrait... 8%, 8% 8% 100 Gt Lakes Dredge.... 28 27% 27% 100 Greyhound 7% 7% 7% , 6000 Grigsby-Grunow 14% 12% 14 400 Hall Print 22 22 32 1 50 W Harniechlager 21% 22% 22% 100 Houdailie-Her B 10% 10% 10% 450 Inland Util 21% 21 21% • 13000 Insull Util 8# 88 58% i 150 Insull U pi 2nd Ber.. 93% 91% 02% 100 Invest Co o! Am.... 34 30 30 750 Kttlamasoo Stove 51 49 81 200 Katz Drug 28% 21% 28% 50 Kellogg Bwltch 4% 4% 4% 30 Lincoln Print 22% 22% 22% 100 Loudon Pack ........ 45 48 45 > 18200 Males!le House Ut.... 48% 41% 43% i 300 Manhst Dearborn ... 89% 29% 29% 1200 Marshall Field *9 37% 38 800 March A Mirs A 30% 30 30% 11800 Mid West Util 28% a7% 28 850 Mid WUtB% Pi A... 181 100 10} 500 Midland Nat Gas "A” 18% 15 15% 850 Midland United 26% 28 28% 300 Midland Unit pi 41 48% 48% 50 Midland Unit war 3% 2% 2% 1250 Mo-Kin Pipe 19% 19% 19% , 300 Modlr.e 45 44 % 44% 100 Mohawk Rub 10 10 10 150 Morgan Litho 11% 11% 11% 21 Mogser Leather 77 7 150 Muakegen M0t0r.... 10 9% 10 20 Nat Pub Berv pi 46% 46% 46% 50 Nat Rep Inv 42% 42% 42% 100 Nat Secur Inv 0ti.... 89 89 89 r 0 Nat-Standard 23 23 23 150 North Am Car 28% 27 28% 500 Nor Am L A P0w.... 65 63 65 550 No West Bancorp.... 40% 40% 40% 130 Pines Winter 23 23 23 50 Process Corp 6% 6% 8% 100 QRS MUSiC 14 14 14 300 Railroad Sh 6 57a 8 150 Rom Gear 39 38 39 SO Ryerson a Son. 30% 30% 30% 300 Seaboard Util • 6 6 500 Southern Union Gas. 3* 33% 34 300 Bt«inlt# Radio l'/« 1V« l« *IBO Swfft *lntl..'. ".'. '.‘ 33% 33% 3?4» 100 Time-O- o «Ttat J Oont:! 1! 35% 33% 25% 100 Transformer 33% 33 33 150 Twin St. Nat 0a».... 13% 13 13% ?o°SS JJfe life 400 Utah Radio 8% BVe 8% 950 Util h Ind 13% 13 13 100 mil 4 Ind pf 33% 33% 33% 100 Vortex Cup 35 34% 35, 160 Weal FLi Tel 30% 38 30% 350 Zenith Radio 7% 3% 7% Total stock sales today, 117,300 shares. , BONDS. 21000 Insull 8s ’4O 101% 101% 101% ■SSSSMt B 8 Total bond sales today, 137,000. Soviet Trade With U. S. NEW YORK, August 9 Russia has advanced since 1929 from seventeenth to sixth position In the list of the most important foreign customers for United States merchandise, accord ing to an analysis by Moody’s of for . eign trade statistics. During the first ! five months of this year exports from I the United States to Russia amounted to $64,424,921. a gain of 177.5 per eent over ahipments in the like period of last ytar, and represented 5.6 per cent of 5 the total value of exporta from the 1 Un4fcd States. U* survex shows. A-11 BONDS HOLD FIRM 1 DESPITE SELLING Market Shows Stronger Tone at Close After Forced Liquidation. BY F. H. RICHARDSON. Special Dispatch to The Btar. NEW YORK, August 9.—After ab sorbing a heavy volume of forced liqui dation during the first hour, bond trad-, ing quieted down today and the market exhibited a stronger tone. Prime bonds were generally higher on. the day, while semi-speculative indus trials. rails and second-grade foreign credits had an irregular movement:. Money rates were unchanged. Nothing hung over the Investment market ex cept the weakness of stocks, and when stocks steadied a little before the cloee convertibles immediately picked up. Generally speaking, the declines at the opening were in those bonds most sensitive to stock movements, such as St. Paul adjustments, Pathe 7s. Richfield 011 5s and Hudson-Manhattan income ss, and in the foreign department Ori ental Development 5 Vis, Poland 7*, Lautaro Nitrate 6s, Silesian Bank 6s and Vienna 6s. Australian ■ss (1955) were 1% points lower, reflecting news from that coun try that unemployment had reached I*o,ooo, or roughly 10 per cent of all those employed, and that a grave eco nomic crisis impends. In the Industrials National Dairy Products s*4s, Dodge Brothers 6s, American Sugar Refining 6s and Phil lips Petroleum 5V«s were supported. Municipals were still heavily in de mand and counter trading was brisk. The week showed a general tightening of prices, with prime issues now yield ing from 3.10 to 3.90 per cant. ABSENCE OF WAGE CUTS HOPEFUL SIGN Special Dispatch to Th. Star. NEW YORK, August 9.—The most hopeful sign of the present business de pression is the absence of any concerted movement on the part of big business to reduce wages, according to Fortune, the new magazine of business, which warns in an article in its August issue that any tendency in this direction would be the surest sign of even more protracted bad times. "The fact that Industry has so far remained, in a period of marked de pression, committed to maintaining, as far as possible, boom-time wages,” de clares the monthly, "Is a safeguard against 4 more acute crisis and an in dication of better times to come. • * * Today, the American people are not so eager to purchase equities in American wealth, the hypothesis of unlimited con sumption has collided with a reality of surplus supplies, and the traditional trade-cycle concept has substantially returned. Yet even at a time when so much of the old structure of prosperity has been swept away, American In dustry is still clinging to its high wage program. The theory of high wages has thus far remained unchallenged. "If economists today were generally conceding the impossibility of main taining salary levels, if the leaders of industry were preparing a national pro gram of salvaging dividends by con tracting pay rolls; if labor were look ing forward not to a possible, or even a likely, but an inevitable reduction of its earning power, it might then be said that our entire post-war develop ment has been a snare and an Illusion. "Depression, meanwhile, stays with us, but as long as big business remains ss bullish as figures on steel production and freight-car loadings permit and as long as little business does not get ap prehensive and inaugurate a wager cutting program of its own, we should be able to mark time and avoid calamity until we reach a period in which the undigested production of the recent in flation has been absorbed Into the body economic.” EMPLOYES GET $900,000 IN PROFIT DIVIDENDS Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, August 9.—Profit-shar ing dividends amounting to over $900,000 were paid in cash or credited to Proc ter & Gamble employes, who are profit sharers, for the 12 months ending June 30, 1930, according to an announce ment of the company. This is the largest sum ever paid to emptoyes over a one-year period since the plan was inaugurated 43 years ago. Officials of the company stated that the employes who are members of the profit-sharing plan either own outright or have subscribed for 235,636 shares of the company’s common stock, the value of which, figured on the basis of the present market price, is approxi mately $19,000,000. Procter Se Gamble now operate plants at Cincinnati. New York, Kansas Citj’i St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, Dallas and Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. In addition to profit sharing, the Procter & Gamble Co. also has a plan for guaranteed year-around employ ment in effect in all of its plants whereby the employes are assured of a minimum of 49 weeks, work per year with full pay. Markets at a Glance NEW YORK, August 9 (JP). —Stocks heavy; leaders resums decline after mo mentary rally. Bonds sluggish; prime issues show firm undertone. Curb irregular; short covering reduces mod erate early losses. Foreign exchanges steady; German mark advances. Cot-, ton steady; week end covering. Sugar, holiday. Coffee, holiday. CHICAGO, August 9 (A*). —Wheat barely steady; bearish Canadian esti mate and hedge selling. Corn firm; bullish Kansas and Illinois reports and continued hot weather. Cattle steady. Hogs Irregular. BALTIMORE STOCKS. Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, August 9. Sales. Last sales. 3 Arundel Corporation 43 70 Black & Decker 35% 1 C & P Telephone, Balto., pfd — llf% 17 Commercial Crsdlt pfd 88 30 Consolidated Oas com 114 3 Consol. Oas 5% cum. pfd A 103% 10 Consolidated Coal edm 0 10 Eastern Rolling Mills cam 11% 135 Finance Co. of Amertoa 12 5Mt Ver-Woodbury Mills pfd,.... 73 40 Union Trust Co Si : 10 United Railway a Electric 9 1 U 8 Fidelity a Guaranty 39 3000 North Avenue Market Bs. 90 1000 United Ry a Elec, income 4j. ... 39% FOREIGN EXCHANGES. (Quotations furnished by W. B. Htbbs Sc Co.) Nominal gold Belling checks . value (or par). today, London, pound 14. SMS 14 37% Paris, franc 3.91%c 3 93,2 c Brussels, belga 13.91e 13.99%c WIS Zurich, franc 19.3 c » Athena, drachma 1.3 c Madrid, peseta 19.3 c 1f.45%c ? Vienna, schilling 14.07 c udgpegt ponso 17.43 c rague, crown (nom.) 3.954 c 3 98%e Warsaw, gloty 11.33 c o?K n crown . fj£ ISift* Stockholm, crown.... 38. Sc 38.91 c TREASURY CERTIFICATES. (Resorted by J. to W. Betigman a Co ) Rate—Maturity. Bid. . Offer. Sept. Is. 14.10.. 100 4-33 100 Sj33 3%a Dee. 15. 1330 100 17-13 100 10-33 jl%* June 19, 1931 too 17-11 100 19-33 KuiiMiU.uu.MM.iHiMa iS2£iS