Newspaper Page Text
HELP ANP SITUATIONS, CIRCULARS PROHIBITED. In order to protect it* ad* ▼ertiseri from receiving circular natter, it is expressly under stood and agreed that all such matter will be withheld as far as possible by The Star. Only bona fide answers to advertise ments addressed to box numbers in care of The Star will be de livered to advertisers on pres entation of the box number ticket. HELP—MEN. HOT. colored, with bicycle, to work in drug •tore. Apply today. 51* Florid* ave. COLLECTOR, dun have car; experienced preferred. Good opportunity for right party. Apply M 3 7th st. n.w. _ DRUGGIST, registered, relief work; must have reference. Address Box 367-D, Star office. 10 FURNITURE SALESMAN, must be experi enced: by one of Washington* most pro •ressive stores. Reply, giving full details about yourself: also past employment. Address Box 3.18-D. Star office. _L n _ ICE CREAM MAN. experienced on high grade cream and sherbet give references and salary expected. Address Box 442-D. Star office. MAN. young, wanted, between the ages of 25 and 30. Must have college education and good business contacts. *lO Mills Bldg. MAN, young, between 20 and ?* *5? rs _.2! age. having experience of bookkeeper, ste nographer and general office clerk. To re ceive consideration, age. education, experi ence. references and salary expected must be stated. Address_Box_364-D. Star MKN—We can offer an attractive proflbsition to men who can sell coal. Yale Lumber & Coal Co . 920 New York a xr. n.w. 10 __ MEN. young. 3. 1* to 22. who are desirous of procuring a position with a future. Must be clean cut, of neat appearance and d li tent Apply 8a m and 6 p.m. t 0 Mr. Bun kin. Suite 401. Parkaide Hotel. *2 MWTt—The National Music Studio. 2928 14th »,w.. needs 5 neat appearing young men. Apply until 9 p.m. _ - MEN, young. 20-30 years of age. over 5 ft. 9 inches in height, of good appearance and adapted to sales work. See Mr. Noyes, 1317 N. Y. ave. n.w. PAPERHANGER and painter to furnish ma terials and work around apt. house Painting ■nd papering apts. at odd times, on idle days and evenings, while holding other ret ular job. in exchange for rent of furnished apt for about 3 months; no wages. Apply 8716 16th st. n.w.. 7 to 9 nights. Ga. 1883. PATENT ATTORNEY with experience in specification work and interference mat tens wanted by large corporation having Riant in New Jersey closely adjacent to ew York city. Excellent opportunity for man technically and legally qualified. Ad dress Box 266-D. Star office. ? PRESSER. experienced, one who can do minor repairs. Reference. Apply 1909 Fox hall rd. n.w. . SALESMAN wanted for wiping rags and cot ton waste, to cover city of Washington. Salary and commission. Address Box 4ie-u, Star office. 11 SALESMEN, specialty: commission basis only; high-class proposition; permanent. Apply only 9-10 ind 4-5. 985,11 th st. n.w. UPHOLSTERER, to take full charge of shop; must understand furniture finishing and mattress making; work year round. Give references and experience. Address Box 163-Q. Btar office. WANTEI' -College graduate, age 32-26 years, single, some sales experience or a knowledge of accounting desirable. Large corporation has unusual opening for young man with character, personality and perse y e [*?f *• Man selected will be factory trained beftwe being placed in sales organisation. Address Box 421-D. Star office. SALESMEN To Sell Ford Cars. Phone Mr. Collins, West 320*. ARLINGTON MOTOR CO., ROSSLYN. VA- CHAUFFERS—SO. No excuse for unemployment. Our men •re practically in business for themselves, making $4 to 17 per day and more 1“ “»- aon. We will assist with licenses. Apply Bell Cab Co.. 1317 L at. SALESMAN. Large corporation which has maintained •fflees for a number of years, and has a well established local business, desires the service of a wide-awake, energetic man to act as local reorerentative. Thls la an opportunity for the right man to establish himself in a permanent business, where he will be paid for loyalty and service on generous commission basis. Rales experi ence not absolutely necessary, if yon meas ure up to our standards In other way*. Prefer married man between 30 and 50. Address Box 428-D. Star office. WOODWARD & LOTHROP desires the services of a colored man about 25 years of age for ♦levator starter. Apply Men’s Time Desk, basement, 11th and G Sts, side. - HELP—MEN ANP WOMEN. UAN AND WIFE, youns, to take complete aharge of large modern* dairy. Must be a graduate of an agriculture school. Must have experience. B«»t references. Cornnen cation excellent. Good home. Within 25 miles of Washington. Both to apply in per son with references. Bundcy morning. Au gust 19. at Chesterbrook Farm. Chester hrook. Va. Phone Clarendon 631-F-U. 10* WANTED—SALESMEN. FRIGIDAIRE SALESMEN, experience unnec essary; liberal commission; part or full time. Add reas Box 441 -D. Star office. SALESMEN WANTED—ReaI estate salesmen of experience, eatable of selling general brokerage as well as new moderately priced homes an easy terms. Firm doing extensive advertising. See Sales Manager. Chas. D. Sager, 924 14th st. n.w. SALESMEN —We can use 25 more salesmen at once. Apply 806 17th st. n.w. MAN, experienced oil burner sales man. We have a very special prop osition for the right man. Call Georga 1330 for appontment. Miller- Lacey & Co., Inc. 10* INSTRUCTION COURSES. AUTO DRIVING LESSONS. ANY HOUR, anywhere, licensed white men: your or our ear. Call an. time, Adams 34*9. LQ_ AUTO DRIVING QUICKLY TAUGHT. _ lo auire about -ur new method: licensed white men: eatabllibed 10 years. Call Lin. 0083 TUTORING by private school Ihstnictor. Specialist with children. R. T. Vanderltp. 707 Randolph. Columbia 3760-W. THE COURSE IS WORTH A THOUSAND dollar*. Try it. Wood a School. 311 East Capitol at. Lincoln Ot'3B. Rate* per moath: Day. SIS: evening. 35.60 Typewriting only, per month; Day. 35 end 310; evening. *4. Cou-t F. Wood.LLJU.. principal. DICTAPHONE OPERATORS’ EXAMINATION for civil service will be held September 15. Special training now being given by Strayer College. 721 13th gt. n.w. National 174 g. BEAUTY CULTURE. A Pleasant and Profitable Vocation Expertly Taught at the MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL ‘Est. 1918). The South's Leading Beauty Culture School EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. STENOORAPHERST BOOKKEEPERS, TY?; Ist*, male and female, needed to supply the 1.400 firms that use this office regularly as their employment dept. In the past six years we have placed 5.233 people in office positions; no charge unless placed. Wash ington Employment Exchange. 214 Nat. Press Bldg.. 14th and F. District 2460. HELP —WOMEN. BACKERS AND FINISHERS, colored, expe rienced on shirts. Page Laundry. 620 E n.w. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER with plenty of office experience; position of responsi bility and carries adequate salary. Reply in own handwriting. State age. experience; give references Address Box 334-D, Star office. COLORED, to write orders; salary and commission; experience unnecessary: whole or part lime work Apply 133 S You st.. basement office, before 10 am., after s^™. COOK, colored, female, must be experienced in cafeteria. Address Box 383-D, Btar office. REPRESENTATIVE, ambitious, intellectual, at least hich-school education. Guaranteed income end commissions. Travel. Perms - nent Address Box 429-C. Btar office. TYPIST, experienced in credit office work. State salary. Address Box 307-D. Star office. WOMAN, past 30. intelligent, resourceful; position offers life work and chance for ad vancement in a field particularly adapted to women of superior type. Inexperienced person considered. Address Box 415-D, Star office WOMAN—Opening in our business for a ca pable, energetic woman who is free to make her home in another city. Permanent work with good opportunity Write Room 916. Colorado Bldg.. 14th Ac G at*, n w., for Interview. WOMEN—We can offer an attractive prop osition to women who can sell coal. Yale Lumber A Coal Co., 920 New York ave. STENOGRAPHER^BTittzh"" subject, - welFedu - cated, accurate Apjiy in person immedlete ly MT. PLEASANT SCHOOL for SECRETARIES. TIVOLI THEATER BLDG., 14th ST. AT PARK RD ‘ EXPERIENCED SHIRT OPERATORS. * PALACE LAUNDRY, HELP—DOMESTIC. COOK, " colored, experienced, for place in cefuntry to assist butler. Write Col. W. H. Clifford. Oatlands. Loudoun County. Ve. 10* GIRL, youne. white. Protestant. Part time, mothers helper. Phone Cleveland 7134. * MAID, young, neat, colored, for three-room apartment. Petwortb. Briahtwood section. Address Box 413-D. Star office. I»*_ WOMAN, middle-aged, white, fond of babies; rtay nights. Call Lincoln 1042*. 13 «th st. n.e. WOMAN. colored- settled. experienced mother’s helper, reference Apply mornings. Abbey cL a.e„ Apt. *. “UNCLE SAM AT YOUR SERVICE” ’ Tricking the Treacheroua Surf. By Quig Slaver ķđkdfkd The Coast Guard's primary work in saving life from perils of the sea continues to show substan tial gains, as evidenced by the following compari son of the number of lives saved or persons rescued from danger: Last five years. 17,192; preceeding five years. 12,246; and the next five, back to 1915, the birth year of the present organization. 8.207. To save the passengers and crew of ships driven on rock or shoal by tempestuous seas too mighty to HELP—DOMESTIC. l Continued.) WOMAN, white, middle aged, to care for 3 children; good home and *4O a m “{?, th ’ Phone Cleveland 4813. - YOUNG WOMAN, white, for small family. Address Box 434-D. Star office.- SITUATION—MEN. awed 30. with 2'M years’ printing, would like to finish trad*; has good refer enct. Call Up. 19<0-W --—- DINING CAR STEWARD, experienced; best reference*, permanent position with hotel ® r restaurant. Address Box 440-D. Star office. ELEVATOR OPERATOR., color «- perienced. wants lob. Call North 4704. FILIPINO, college student, desires family job. experienced cook, butler; best city ref erences. Address Box 403-D. Star offlce_._lo _ FILIPINO, young, college of engineering stu dent, can apeak English and Spanish fluently, desires position as chauffeur, me chanic or butler for private family. Met. 9593. 1 i“—- OARDENER. German, married, wishes posi tion. experienced in all kinds of and shrubbery. References. pho , ne ,„ h * n 1821-F-5. Karl Mayer, care of John Walsh. Gambrllls F. 0.. Md. 10 _ MAN - , young, position clerical work prefer red or anything In that line. Best of refer ences. Phone Cleveland 7179. _? . man! young, colored, 18 years’ experience, wants Janitor place. 1008 New Jersey MAN! 27, Ohio State UnTveriitly graduate. wishes part-time work; will f . n A b I 'L take business course. Call Adams 2483 J for teacher. iu— i MAN. young, desires work of any kind. Ap ply Martin Richardson. 233 Bth st. s.e. Ij> REGISTERED PHARMACIST, experienced, graduate, desires hours S to 4:30; employed. Address Box 3I»-D. Star office. n YOUNG MAN, unemployed, experienced ac countant, auditor, bookkeeper. offlce man ager. secretary, typist, desires Pinion, excellent education; reference*. Atlantic 0235. 1U - SITUATION—WOMEN. Tiror, white. 18 years old, would room and tor her work jsfter school hours. Can fur. references. Address Box 399-D, Star GRADUATE NURBE wishes long w c*«e.. 18- hour duty, or steady position. Will travel with patient. References furnished. Ad dress Box 4Q7-P. Star office. _ ntViu*SCHOOL GRADUATE wishes clerical So?” method. KOOd mathe matician; references; *12.50 weekly. F.aams 18*7 after 4 p.m. —- NURSE, experienced, white. undergraduate, will take day or night duty, jSJs -j’ 1747 Park rd. n.w. Phone Adams ask for nurse. ——i"—- TYPIST wishes work in afternoons and eve ning- prefer doing it at homA Phone North 9570_ar0u nd 6 o’clock. N. Hooper. . WIDOW with girl • years old wants job as housekeeper or nurse for invalid. Will so anywhere. Address Mrs. Wood 232* F n-W* — WOMAN of culture, understanding making and dispensing of food, experienced prac tical nurse, will do 18-hour duty, desires institutional or private employment. refer cnees. Call Os. 1202 before noon. «!_ WOMAN, educated, experienced, wishes po sition as stewardess of A valfrtte will ftiuist manaeer If necessary. Avanaoie li 1 TddreL BOX 128-P. Star office. « YOUNG LADY desire# position. competent .i.nnw tvulst and off asst.; 4 years exp. C A re i d ?ef Oll A C Xss n^% m s7-^Bt«% U ?fflce C lo y - SITUATION—DOMESTIC. GENERAL "HOUSEWORK, by colored girl; references. I*3l lHh„st._n.w, _ GENERAL HOUSEWORK and Plain cooking. 121 L at. n.w. Sylvia Morgan. GIRL colored, wishes part time or hour work. Phone Col. 2347-W_ . —~ GIRL colored, for part Sherman day nurse; atay some nights. 2337 snerman ave. n.w. 1— - GIRL, colored, neat, lor general housework. Pot. 1292. ——j MAID’S POSITION deslreo by young. reftnea American lady. neat, capable; references. Address Box 290-D._Bt*r_offict. 9 WOMAN, colored, wants day s work, P*rt time work or washing t° home or by the day. Call Llncoln_B34WW._____ j __ g _^ PERSONAL. The rate under neadlng of Personal is 3 cents per lint additional to th* regular lin* rat*. MONEY ADVANCED ON PAWN TICKETS. quiet, refined home; good board, eare oi competent practical nurse, all essentials, moderate cost. Col. 33*5. YOUNGS SUMMER DAY CAMP BOYS, girls 3 to 13 year*; called for, returned by private car; swimming, athletics, crafts, kim dersarten; college counselors. North 6993. — EVERY CARE GIVEN AGED PERSONS, semi-invalids or aUght Pri vate home, pleasant *“*Jronment. FrVd ences. Mrs. Cromwell, 109 E 3rd st., rreo erick. Md. CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER OPEN FOR En gagement. Good reference. A l ®® caoS'w enced nurse and companion. Adams 7Bo9^vv. tKT ITS GIVE YOU HONEST DEAL IN retiring and general house and store bunding In cost of ‘?' ate 'L*.tlmVtes cheer- Screen work our specialty. Estimates cheer fully given. O’Brien AFox, 1531 Norm Capitol. Phone North 3451. * 1 CONVALESCENTS AND ELDERLY PEOPLK r>Rv and night nursPß. Dietitian. oea baths tray service’, private rooms and ward. DoVtor'?* references. Call superintendent. —BOARDED IN TEACHER' 8 lovely home near D. C.i spacious grounds, tutoring if desired; .references exchanged. Marlboro 27-F-12. TONE UP YOUR SYSTEM WITH A BALT- Glow alco-rub or massage at your home and by appointment. Columbia son. DR. LEHMAN. PLATE SPECIALIST. Special, natural-like set of teeth. *lO. Plates repaired while .Ffh wait. *I.OO 405 rth at. n.w., over Woolworth s a 6t io. 11 ~ BEAUTY PARLORS. PERMANENT~WAVE~C~*4 COMPLETE; ALL aiiaranteed materials used; shampoo, flnser waves, hair cuta. marcels. f ® c ‘®J.* .* n o d 4 gf * n 9 cures. 35c. 505 ltth st. n.w. Met._946i._9_ REED BEAUTY SCHOOL. Complete course. *SO. Special Price*. **a r * cels fiuaer waves, shampoos, hair tilts, henna packs. **F»cl*L ormancures. 35c; permanent waves, *4. 505 12th at. irw. Met. 9461 Jl— MOTOR TRAVEL. DRIVING CALIFORNIA. people; ready any day. share expenses. Addrrss_Box 379-D._Btar_offlce. 10 _ YOUNO MAN. good character. Nash sedan, wants 4 or 5 pass, to Luray or other places, 55. Col. 7516. -v-s GENTLEMAN WANTS TRAN3PORTATION to Lynchburg* Va. Atl>ntlc 2351-J. 2 PASSENGERS' WANTED FOR JNDIANAP oIis about August 28; reasonable. Phone Adams 5342 after 6pm. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GAS BTATION. store, llaht lunch. on niain highway. Sacrifice. Phone Alexandria 30-F-4. *1 - WANTED—By two partners, small paying business Will pay substantial cash. Ad dress Box 231 -P. Star STORE—Attractive, good location, excellent business; profitable line; investlaate. . Ad dress Box 73-D. Star office. ? TEA ROOM, close city, main road, electricity, fine dance floor; 310.000, Consider exchanse. Address Box 272-D. Star office. MINIATURE GOLF COURSE Have option on several very sood 1 ocatlons. need capital, advise quick. Address Box 425-D, Btar of fice. J® _ CONFECTIONERY, SODA FOUNTAIN and light lunch for sate; Ideal location; bargain. HyattsviUe I—3. FOR RENT—-Store and living rooms, suit able lunch room, soft drinks, etc.; busy Balto. road. 6 miles from D. C. Berwyn. Md.._Fark_ Lane Tourist C«mp. *0 _ _ TAILORING, cleaning, pressing, shoe repalr -1 ing. cleaning hats; combination shop: for sale. Apply 1202 E at. n.w. 11* *4,450 BUYS OILT-EDOE, seasoned aecona trust note, balance 16.800, payable *7O per month; downtown commercial property; first trust *9.000: occupant maker of note. Your 1 investment back and (4,200 profit. Particu • lars* address Box 347-P. Star office. >» HAVE GOOD LOCATION for some one in terested in large place guitable for auto accessories, csr washing, repair work, in connection with 6-pump gasoline station, i Ren* or buy Owner retlrins from all . active business. Address Box 375-D, Star office. 10« *4 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star read ers. Any complaint found necessary to be made to The Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Service Column call National 5000, Branch 115. ALTERATIONS. brick work. plastering, porches, plumbing, heating: plans, specifica tions cheerfully given. Archer Dev. Co., building contractors. Dec. 4*48. >* ANT. BEDBUG. MOTH. ROACH extermina tion guaranteed Fumigation and moth proofing of houses. Also fumigation cham ber .0 rid furniture of moths and bedbugs. Call and deliver American Disinfectant Co. 936 Eye st. n.w National 6478. ANTS. BEDBUGS. MOTHS. ROACH extermi nation; guaranteed one year; largest and 1 best service in Washington Ask for Exten sion 10. Acme Disinfecting Co., 1426 G st. n.w. National 2058. _4078. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED, mirrors and fur niture tops, mirrors resilvered. National Glass Shop, 211 New York ave. Nat. 5720. BEDDINQ of all kinds ‘renovated and steri iized by process approved by Health Dept.. D C Prompt service and low prices Eagle Bedding Co 3215 sth at. n.e. Decatur 755. BEDDINO RENOVATED, springs, mattresses, pillows, feather mat.; down comfort, re-cov ered Ideal Bedding Co- 623 E n.w Nat. 4094 BEDDINO. MATTRESSES, box springs and pillows reno.: best prices and prompt del Wasn Mattress Co.. 319 L st. s.w Nat. 6679 BRICKLAYING, pointing, waterproofing, re pairing chimneys, roofs; painting, gutter work. Weatherproof caulking. Estimates furnished. Contractor, phone Georgia 4425 1 18* CARPENTER AND PAINTER: free estimates, first-class work, lowest prices. Phone morn ings, Adams 9967-J. White. 18* CARPENTER—Any kind Job or repair work; painting, porch work, roofs repaired and painted; cementing. Met. 1917 any time. 10* CHAIR CANEING, porch rockers splinted, upholstering Armstrong. 1235 10th st. n.w Metropolitan 2062. . ELECTRIC WIRING —6 rooms. 2 halls, bath. *4O complete; fixtures, *2O installed. Get my estimate: save time and money; work guar anteed. North 0885. H. M. Carpenter. 9* EXPERT FLOOR FINISHING, scraping, wax ing; skilled mechanics Paul Serena. 28 N. Y. ave. n.w. Nat. 3666 FLOORS SCRAPED, shellacked, varnished and waxed by modern electric machine. H. L. Caton, 1244 D st. s.e. Atlantic 0665. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, repaired; slip covers made; est. cheerfully given; returned free Tittensor. 1600 Bth st. n.w. N. 7702 PAINTING. PAPERHANGINO. PLASTERING Special prices this month; best material; all work guaranteed 8 D Lopatin, 3329 11th at, n.w.. jiear Park rd. Adam* 5340 PAINTING, interior, exterio"r: papering Special prices this week. Best material; work guaranteed. Call first, J. Mason, Adams 10278. _*°!_ PAINTINO —Lewis le’ad and linseed oil mixed on the job. Low prices, fine work. Try us. Atlantic_4273; PAINTING, interior and exterior; skilled mechanics; reasonable prices. Paul Serene. 28 N Y. ave. n.w Nat. 3666, PAPERING. PAINTING, first-class work and materials absolutely guaranteed. Spe cial prices. Get our estimate. Gussln Company. Adams 8635. 10* PAPERING AND PAINTING—if you have the reputation of paying your bills, will do vour work; no cash, a Uttl# each month, J. R Sears. 639 N Y. ave. No. 4011. PAPERING ROOMS. 17, paper included: good work. Southern Decorators, 407 Richardson st. n.w. North 7267, ?• _ PAPERHANGLNG—Rooms papered. 85 and up; estimate furnished; woTk guaranteed. A. T George 212* 18th st. n.w.. Apt. 3 Decatur 4X49. PIANO TUNING. *2.50; repiir estimates free. Banderson-Bchaeffer Co.. 644 H st. n.s. Lin. 1057: night call. Col. 5940. Pot. 880 PLUMBING, hot-water heating, repairing, remodeling; monthly payments or cash. R. E. Dove, phone Lin. 7964. 10OT O «t. n.e. 11* ROOFING, rutterlng. spouting, painting and repairing; lowest prices, best work. BALUB ROOFING CO- North 10114 ~S ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ADDING MACHINES—We are Government contractors for the repair of Burroughs, Wales. Sunstrand, Dalton and other adding machines. Give us a trial. Rentals, ex changes. United Typ. Ac Add. Mach. Co., Inc., 1227 N. Y. ave. n.w. Nat. 5609. • _ ANTlQUES—Mahogany' sideboard over 150 years old. table, parlor suite. Phone Falls Church 835-F-21. old Row estate, Munsons Hill, Falls Church. Va. 10* BATHTUBS ana ouilding material—We are wrecking one entire city block in the rear of the new Agricultural Dept. Building, be tween B and C. 13th and Linwood pi. s.w. > All kinds of Dutldinc material at bargain prices. Brick, lumber, sheathing, flooring, studding, windows, doors, sash, cook stoves, and latrobes. pipe, alnks. bathtubs, radia tors and other plumbing and heating mate rials. Apply at our office, corner I3th and B s.w.: ask for Mike. BRICK AND BUILDING MATERlAL—Wreck ing two city blocks containing 78 bouses and 4 apartment buildings Just east of Capitol at Ist and A sts n.e. Thousands of feet of good flooring, sheathing and framing; thou sands of clean, whole brick; thousands of good sash; complete windows with frames: good doors with locks and h*?ges; lavatories, bathtubs, toilets, radiators, heating plants and "Ipe. Hundreds of other bargains. Two entlr* city blocks of buildings to choose from. Come early and get your pick. Sell ing directly from job. Ist and A n.e. HECHINOER CO.. Houaewrecking Dept. BUFFET for sale, *2O. Rug, *ls. Apt. 108._l 701__Park_rd. * _ BUILDING MATERlAL—Wrecking at Walter Reed Hospltai. sheathing. 2x4s and all other kinds of lumber: sash, doors, window frames: plumbing and heating fixtures; our low prices will move this material quickly; all the material is being sold at our Bright wood branch. 5925 Ga. ave.. next to car barn. Hechinter Co . Housewrecking Dept. DENTAL EQUIPMENT, complete, and prac tice in Washington. Outfit almost ntw; reasonable. Address Box 408-D, Star office. __ ___ _____ 11* DESKS—SaIe of “iactory seconds” ol office furniture, desks, tables, chairs, bookcases, file rabinets. cabinet safes and used office furniture You can also rent it. H. Baum St Son. 618 E at, n.w. National 8136. DIAMOND RING and”diamond cuff buttons in pawn for $225. Sell ticket cljeap. Ad dress Box 341 DINNER RINGS, 60lid platinum, 18 perfect diamonds each Traded on automobile. Must be sold, *IOO each. 813 sth n.w. . DINING ROOM SET. beds, table's, ice box'. 3514 9th st. n.e. Decatur Hsl. DRESSES, two beautiful"silk lace, one eve ning. size 36-38; one afternoon, size 40; worn only once, and one navy georgetle, size 40. 44 Grafton st., Chevy Chase.^Md. itiCTRIC FAfi. l<Miichr<r~cT oscillating. See tt run •t 30i6 G st. n.w. Price. 36. FAN, 16-inch oacilatlng. direct current. *l2 50._ 26 Jackson pl. n w. , FRIGIDAIRE, porcelain, furniture, radio. * typewriter, china; private. Telephone Met. * 3024._5 to 7 p.m. FUR COAT, muskrat, size 38. *2O; hardwood swing, 2 steamer chairs, awnings, wicker table; child s swing and sand box, *5. North . 2083-W. - 1 FURNACE - Hercules pipe, hot air; used 2 seasons, fine condition; *lO. Clarendon . 354-W-l. : ! 1 FURNITURE-p-piece dining room suite. 5-piece bed room suite. 2 rugs. Must sell at once. 2100 Eye «t. n.w.. Apt. 003, Hiter 5 p.m. , FURNITURE of 2 rooms and kitchen; if i party likes the apartment, only *22.50 a month rent. 1113 9th st. n.w.. Apt. 1. 10 i FURNITURE—WaInut bed 'room suite com . plete. *42.50: kitchen cabinet, *12.75; dlnlh* room table. 4 chairs. *lO beds complete. *9, . other furniture. 12U H st. n.e. » . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Oak china closet, beds, chairs, oak bureau, etc. Call ■ before 12 am,. 1722 19th at.. Apt. 310. * ICE BOX. large family; perfect condition; ' cheap. Call 1209 Clifton n.w. or phone - Adams 8894. ■ LADY'S COAT, new Fall model;' worn three t.mes; black, size 16. 1616 Varnum at. n.w. MACHINERY of all types, motors. «h°P ■ equipment, etc. Edgar Baum, Jr.. 101 6th st. n.w. Met. 6974. PIANO BARGAlN'S—Huntington, fine condi ; tlon. *7O Stleff. like new. *225 Btelnway. . *l6O. One player-piano, littla used. *195 One midget player. *285. One grand, like ' new. *390 Sole agent for Kranlch k Bach - and Hardman uprights and grands. Pianos -for rent Moving, packing and storage r Huge Worch, 1110 G st. n.w. Established 1879 PIANO FOR RENT, Kimball upright, apart -3 ment size; good condition; *2.50 per month. r Columbia >664. J PUMPt electric motor, water tank with r pipes. Call at 4620 Montgomery ave., * Bethesda- Md. 11* __ - REFRIGERATORS-One 100-lb. ice capacity. * good as new; one 200-lb. ice capacity, good n condition: cheap. 701 D at. sf. 10*_ i REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. electric, uaed 111 only Ave months: family size, perfect eon r dition; late model. 8403 Georgia ave. n.w. dare launching of even a surf boat, our Coast Guardsmen must use that dexterous expedient—Lyle gun and breeches-buoy. Prepared through constant drill such as we recently witnessed, the beach cart is rushed as near as possible—swung into position— gun loaded, aimed, fired —with the speed and pre cision of crack artillery. Seizing the shotline as it drops, the shipwrecked haul aboard the stout haw ser from the cart reel and out over it is drawn the SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. < Con tinned.) REVOLVING DOOR, good condition, at a bargain. Apply Dick Dame, Hotel Oxford. RADlO—Beautiful new 9-tube Bremer Tully Brunswick electric, screen grid model; cost *162.50; sacrifice for quick sale *67.50. Lin coln 8462. 1305 S st. S.e. RADlO—Beautiful 9-tube screen grid high boy, 2 months old, less than half price; wonderful tone. Waltham 8-day auto clock, 2 extra speakers. 1223 Franklin st. n.e. SEWING MACHINES—Drophead Singer, *l* New Home. *ls: Standard. 815; New Ideal. *10; others at *5: all guar New machines. *3 mo Renting and repairing. Open evening S.E Sew. Mch Shop. 313 Pa. ave. s.e. Lin. 275 STORE FIXTURES—Show cases, wall cases, counters, shelving, tables, chairs, cash regis ters, Iron safes, scales, coffee urns, soda i fountains, elec, mixers, partitions and equip ment of every description. Edgar Baum. Inc ■ 914 E st. n.w TYPEWRITER. Underwood. No. 5. Stand ard. good as new; a bargain at *2O. Clar endon 354-W-l. TYPEWRITER. Corona portable, used two months, perfect condition; reasonable. 1654 Park rd. Col. 4681-W. TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Georgia 1883. Underwoods. Royals and L. C. Smiths. *2.50 mo.; 8 mos. In adv., *6.75; g mos., *l2 TYPEWRITERS—2 Corona No. 4's, *3O each; Underwood ptble., *25: Remington No. 10. *ls. Other bargains. United Typewriter & A. M. Co., Inc., 1227 N. Y. ave. n.w. Nat. 5509; 1«* TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co All makes bought, sold, rented, repaired Student rates Open evenings. 1431 East Capitol st. Lin 0082 VITA DEDUCING MACHINE. 5-speed; excel lent condition. 3523 12th st. n.e. North 10093 __ Being Torn Down GOVERNMENT HOTELS, Union Station Plaza. FOFTsALE Second-Hand Materials. 500,000 Ft. Lumber. 3x4, 2x6, 2xß, 2x12 in AU Lengths. Flooring, Sheathing and Framing. 2.000 Doors and Sash. 50 Bath-Room Sets. Water, steam and Gas Pipes. 35,000 Ft7~B~X. Cable. 1,500 Electric Fixtures. 900 Steam Radiators, 7c Ft. 350,000 12x12 Building Til* Given Away FREE. S. M. OSBORN & CO., P. O. Box 1251, Wash., D. C. Now Wrecking GOVERNMENT HOTELS, Union Station Plaza. POULTRY AND EGGS. WHITE PEKIN DUCKLINGS. Atherton's Pet Shops. 813 F N.W. BOATS. por'd MOTOR, model A, 1339. complete, all ready to put in boat; just the thing for speed or heavy duty; no repairs needed Only *65; act quickly. Mr. Rogers, 1111 18th st nw. during daytime only. CLOSING OUT four 16-ft. service model out board runabouts at *BO each. These are new boats and sell regularly at *95. Capitol Boat Works. 714 K st. s.w. HAVINO SOLD MY HOUSE, will sacrifice 40-ft. cabin boat suited for fishing parties. Recently purchased for *l5O. Original cost, *9OO Will take best offer. B. H. Schultz, Arundel-on - the-Bay. Md. Via Annapolis CABIN CRUISER. 34-ft., good condition. Kermath motor, electric lights, toilet, galley, radio: sacrifice; *SOO. Gregory’s Boat House. oth & Water sts. s.w. or call Clarendon 343-J-3. 10* MOTOR BOAT, La Minuet Eastern Power Boat Club. 10* 1930 RICHARDSON DOUBLE CABIN DEM onstrator 6-73 hp. Gray; cost *5.100; price, *4.500. 1 1930 Richardson Btngle Cabin 6-60 hp. Gray; cost *3.825. Price, $3,450. 1 1930 35-mile Chase Emerson Demon strator; cost *1,625; price. *1,425. 1 1929 Double Cabin Richardson 6-60 hp. Gray motor *3.000. Inspect our new 1930 Matthews Cruisers. FLOOD GATE MOTOR BOAT SALES. 14th and Water Sts. S.W. 11* DOGS. PETS, ETC, BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES (4) for sale: well marked: subject to registration. Phone Cleveland 4850. 9*_ PEKINGESE PUPS, pedigreed, lor sale. Cleveland 8875. 18* CHOW PUPPY, beautiful red female, pedt greed; also at stud, two superior red males ot different blood lines. Telephone Ander son. Silver Spring 305. * BLACK CHOW PUPPY for sale. 7 months old; very reasonable. 27 Sherman Circle n.w. ESKIMO SPITZ PUPPIES. Males and females. Atherton’s Pet Shops, 612 F n.w. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIQUES, old gold, silver, diamonds, jew elry bought and sold. Tendler’s Pawn brokers Bales Co., 913 D at. n.w. Fr. 9339 BOOKS—Highest prices for acts, fiction and miscellaneous books. In any quantity. ‘‘Bring them” or phone Metropolitan 5415. °earl man’i Big Book Shop. 933 O at. nje. CASH REGISTERS, show cases and store fixtures; entire contents bought Edgar Baum. Inc., 914 E at. n.w. Met, 9744. COINB. stamp collections. Presidents', states men's letters bought and sold. Hobby Shop. 1427 F st, n.w. District 1272, 11* FURNITURE -Would like to purchase some used furniture to outfit large house. Baby grand piano. Phone Metropolitan 3051. 12* FURNITURE of all kinds wanted: beat price* paid. Capital Furniture Co., 621 La. ave. n.w. or phone Met. 8459. i OAK FLOORINO, second-hand. 1,000 to 2.6(10 feet; must oe in good condition. Gilman's Drug Store. 627 Pe. eve, n.w OIL TANK for fuel oil, 275-gallon site; must be first-class condition. Oilmen's Drug Store, 627 Pa. ave. n.w. OLD BTAMP COLLECTIONS, U. S. and for eign. Write me immediately when and where i I may see yours. Address Box 378-D, Star office __ 14* PUMP, WATER-PRESSURE SYSTEM, deep well; reasonable. C. F. Bayley. Falls Church, Va. 10 'REFRIGERATOR, capacity 50 pounds ice. Must be clean and in excellent condition. 408 East_J3ll fton Terrace. STAMPS. United States end foreign, singly or collections. Phone District 4185. Collins' stamp Bhop. 927 15th Bt. N.W. ANYTHING TO 'SELL? Phone National 1281 or National 8539. WFSCIHLER'S, 920 PA AVE N W Household effects, merchandise, stocks, automobiles, etc. Thirty-nine years gervlng the Washington public SALE—AUTOMOBILES. AUBURN. 1929 SEDAN -Owner leaving city. Mrs Woodhouse. Hotel Cairo. 10* BUICK CONVERTIBLE SPORT COUPE. 1929 —Miroon. rumble seat, six wire wheels, nearly new tires; paint and mechanical con dition excellent. *I.OOO. can finance. See Saturday. 8 30 to 8:30 p.m.; Sunday 10 to I. Owrer. North 8802. 10 BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN, 1927—Master 6. *495 Excellent finish Inside and out. Re conditioned and guaranteed. Don t fall to see this real buy at Emerson & Orme, 17th & M its, n.w. BUICKB—We have just traded In on our new 8-cyl. cars numerous 1929 Bulcks In all body styles which are priced right for quick sale. If you are in the market for a Bulck now is the time to see our most unusual, fine selection. Stanley H. Horner, 1015 or 111! 14th st. n.w. BUICK MASTER 8 5-PASS. COUPE—Finished in beautiful maroon Duco. In excellent con dition all the way through. Priced low. Terms. Don’t fall to see this real smart looking lob at Emerson 6c Orme, 17th 6c M sts. n.w BUICK TWO-DOOR SEDAN. 1929. 118-inch Series—Finish like new. New rubber. Guar anteed the same as a new car Priced low. Terms and trade. Emerson 6c Orme, 17th A M sts. n.w. BUICK* 1928 COUPE. *275; ihls Is a real bargain. 33 New York ave. n.e. Open till 9 p m. BUICK BEDAN—Perfect paint, rubber and upholstery; only *B2. Toms Auto Service, inf 637 N st. n.w North 3231. 11* CADILLAC PHAETON— Very good condition: latest model, V-61; at only 3150. Phone North 3716, , . kdslfk empty breeches-buoy, to be loaded with human frieght. It bears a tablet of instruction, written in several languages. When the wreck signals “Ready,” the Coast Guard officer ashore cries out, “Man the weather wftip, haul ashore!” Hand over hand the crew drag in a human life. The angry waves in a last desperate effort to snatch back their escaping sacrifice often completely engulf both buoy and man. The rescued may be lifted ashore more dead SALE—AUTOMOBILES. CADILLAC. 7-passenger touring car: in per fect condition; low mileage; appearance proves the best of care. Price. *148.75; un paid notes. Auto Loan A Sales Co., 908 10th n.w. •_ CHEVROLET 4-DOOR CLUB SEDAN. 1930! 8-cylinder, fully equipped and in perfect condition; low mileage; new-car warranty; *650: small down payment, balance 12 months. See Mr. Graves, Owens Motor Co., 632.3 Ga ave CHEVROLET COACH. 1927; *95. In good running order; good tires. Will take notes. 511 4>/a st. s.w. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1929—Excellent condi tion throughout; dark blue Duco finish: bumpers front and rear: all good tires; *145 down, balance in 12 months. Barry-Pate Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET LANDAU SEDAN. 4-door model; 5 good tires; a splendid running car at a remarkably low price: paint and upholsterv 0.K.: *235. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. CHEVROLET COACH. 1936—Fully equipped, good running condition: *75; terms. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730. CHEVROLET CABRIOLET. 1928—Red. Will sell to responsible party. No down payment necessary: easy monthly terms arranged. Liberty Garage, North 5162. ask for Mr. Burrell. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1929 *295. Excep tional value. Edwards Motor Co.. Mt. Rain ler. Md. CHEVROLET 1928 COACH, exceptional con dition, *275: Chevrolet 1928 Cabriolet, (red). *275. Best terms in town. Simmons Motor Co,. 14th and S Sts. N.W. CHEVROLET COACH. 1929—Run less than 12,000 miles, in fine condition all over. Price. *435. Franklin Motor Car Co., 346 Penn, ave. n.w. _ CHEVROLET COACH, 19S0—Used 3 months; midnight blue color. Investigate before de ciding on a new car and save money: terms. Col. 0800. Ant. 409. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1928—1 n the best of mechanical condition; good tires and excel lent paint; very low at *259.50; terms and trade. Hill A Tibbitts, Used-Car Dept., third floor. 301 14th st. n.w. Open evenings. CHEVROLET COACH. 1929—Thoroughly re conditioned and guaranteed; hat the appear ance of a new car; fullv equipped; 5 excel lent tires; *435. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave n.w. CHEVROLET LANDAU SEDAN, early 1927* Car looks fine and runs excellent; has all ! equipment; *175; terms arranged. 511 4> a i st. s.w. CHEVROLET COACH. 1929—Run very little: tires practically new; motor excellent: an pearance fine: *425: terms and trade. Stan ley H. Horner. 1015 or 1111 14th st. CHEVROLET COUPE. 1928—Fully equipped: good tires: mechanically O.K. A real buy for some one; *265. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Bherman ave. n.w. . CHEVROLET COACH. 1930—Just broken im Will sacrifice. See it today,. 1840 14th st. n.w.. J. A. Kitchln. North 6600 10* CHEVROLET COUPE. 1926—Excellent run ning condition; good tires. Sacrifice, leav- town; *65. Lincoln 8675. 9* CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN, 1927 —ln splendid condition; good paint, tires, etc. A real bargain for some one. *225: *75 cash and *ls monthly. 2752 Woodley pi. n.w. Col. 1245 any time. CHRYSLER 1927 ROADSTER. $395; best terms in town. Simmons Motor Co., 14th and S Sts. N.W. Pot. 3886. CHRYSLER 62 per mo. Car Just reconditioned; guaranteed. Warrington Motors. 2035_17th n.w. Pot. 0044 CHRYSLER, MODEL 62 4-DOOR SEDAN— This 1938 is an outstanding value; has 4 brand-new tires; dark green Duco finish: car in excellent shape all over. Price only **ls. Hill A Tibbitts. 301 14th st. n.w., third floor. Used-Car Dept. Open evenings and Sundays. CHRYSLER SPORT ROADSTER Fine order, late model. 6-cylinder. A give-away at *295. 33 New York ave. n.e. Open till 9 p.m. • DE SOTO SPORT ROADSTER, 1929—With rumble seat. Brand-new tires, cream Duco like new. Perfect in every respect. *2OO down, balance monthly. De Soto Used-Car Dept. 1324 14th st. n.w. DE SOTO 1929 SEDAN, in excellent appear- i pearance and condition; *595; best terms in j town. Simmons Motor Co., 14th St. at S NW. Pot. 3886 _ DODGE SENIOR LANDAU SEDAN. 1930 Official's car; mileage very low. This car is fully equipped and may be considered prac tically a new car. Substantial reduction in price; terms and trade. The Trew Motor Co.. 1509 14th st. Decatur 1910. DODGE SPORT ROADSTER', 1926 Repo sessed by finance company. Will sell for unpaid balance. *95.60 Fully equipped, excellent condition and good tires. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730. 9* DODGE 8-CYL SEDAN. 1926—*550. 6 wire wheels, trunk; new rubber: mechanically perfect. Your car as part payment. Terms. Emerson Sr Orme. 17th & M sts. n.w. DODGE SEDAN and touring, both in real good condition. Price. *48.50 each: unpaid notes. Auto Loan & Sales Co., 908 10th nw. • DODGE COUPE—Good condition: *55. Tom's Auto Service, Inc., 637 N st. nw. North 3231. 11* DURANT 1929 COACH, priced to move, *285; best terms In town. Simmons Motor Co., 14th and 8 Sts. NW. Pot. 3886. ESSEX COACH. FIRST very good condition; fully equipped: good seat covers. Reposessed by finance com pany. Will sell for unpaid balance. *97.60. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730. 9* ESSEX CHALLENGER TOURING SEDAN, latest 1930; practically new: very little mile age. with new-car guarantee. Substantial reduction from new-car price. The Trew Motor Co.. 1509 14th at. Decatur 1910. ESSEX COUPE. 1928—Rumble seat; original finish like new: excellent paint and very good tires: motor guaranteed in writing; low price; trade and terms. Dick Murphy, Inc., 604 H at. n.e. ESSiyc COACH, looks good, tires good, mo tor runs good: only *SO. Simmons Motor Co.. J4£h and S Sts. N.W. ESSEX 4-DOOR SEDAN, latest 1929 Chal lenger; used very little by private party; fully equipped: mileage only 8.000. Will sacrifice *4OO less than it cost new. Mr. Roper. Dec. 0216. ESSEX CHALLENGER COUPE, 1929—Rum ble Dark blue and cream. Nearly new. Perfect condition. Guaranteed. *475. Terms. ' Pred L. Morgan. 14th and R. I. ave. ESSEX COACH, 1926—1 n absolutely perfect condition: *75. This car is clean as a pin. 33 New York ave. ne. Open till 9 p.m. • ESSEX, super six 1928 four-door aedanT original blue finish, mohair upholstery. A-l condition mechanically, good rubber; must sell; 3168. Dec. 3989. 1727 P st. n.w. 11* FORD TUDOR SEDAN, 1930—Demonstrator. Driven very few miles. Sacrifice: only *475. See Mr. Hunt. Triangle Motor Co., 2 N. Y. ave Open evenlngs and Sundays FORD SEDAN. FORDOR. 1930 Nearly new, Nat * a 3OOO ’ Steuan Motor Co- «th at K n.w. fOfp BLacK COUPeT Tm~Mofith old 'Tun 1.100 miles; panama seat covers; $522. Wls consln_3o2l after 5:30. io* I FORD SPORT COUPE, 1929—0n1y one yeiT | old. in exceptional condition; extra equip ment, Logan Motor Co.. 1810 E st. n.w. FORD FORDOR SEDAN, i 929—Choice oTT; first-class condition: see this collection and save money; *365 up. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. Open evenings and Sun days _ FORD SEDAN. 1930 New-car guarantee. Will sacrifice and arrange terms or trade ! for cheap car, P. Q, Box 3241. You St. Sta. FORD COUPE. 1929 Mode] A: fully equipped, I excellent motor, paint and upholstery In i splendid condition; *335: easy terms. Barry- , Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. j FORD TUDOR' SEDAN, 1930—Like new. A real bargain for *4OO. National 9102. Apt. 510. 300 21st st. n.w. 10* I FORD 1929 COUPE, *296. This car In fine | order, worth much more; terms. 33 New I York ave. n.e. Open _tlll _9_ p.m._ * FORD TUDOR SEDAN, late 1929: run only ! 3.600 miles; as clean as a pin inside and ’ outside: tully equipped; *425. Barry-Pate . Motor Co . 2528 Sherman ave. n.w. • FORD STANDARD COUPE. 1929—A-l con- • ditlon; low mileage; one of today's be3t bar- t ealns: only *335. Triangle Motor Co. 2 ; New York ave. Open evenings and Sundays. FORD STANDARD COUPE. 1929—*395. Me- | chanlcally perfect. Edwards Motor Co.. Mt. Rainier. Md. FORD TUDOR. 1929—*395. Completely re- J conditioned. Edwards Motor Co., Mt. Raln | ter. Md. FORD FORDOR SEDAN. 1929—Run very lit- I tie and in best of mechanical condition; i new-car appearance; *450; terms and trade Stanley H. Horner. 1015 or 1111 14th st. , FORD FORDOR—Six months old, very carel t fully driven and is like new. Don't buy a Ford until you see this car. Priced for , today, **so Trades, terms. Dick Murphy, , Inc.. 1724 Kslorama rd. n.w. Adamae 9700 j roRD — BFORT~CONVERTIBLE CJTBRIOLET. model A, 1930; fully equipped; looks like ' new. A real bargain at *545. easy terms. J L. Jerman Co., Ine., 3342 M st. n.w. West-3730. . . •* /g _ Mr than alive. In such cases the Coast Guard crew at tempt restoration according to methods In which they are skilled through continual practice. From shore to ship and ship to shore, the breeches-buoy speeds—until all have been saved. At the station every comfort is provided—hot coffee, dry clothing and medical aid. Monday—The Coast Guard Flotilla. cau rlshts protected. Trade mark retlatered V. B. Patent Office.) SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FORD ROADSTER. Model T; rumble seat: in perfect condition, late wnes. Price. $52.50; unpaid notes. Auto Loan ft sajes Co.. 908 10th n.w. FORD COUPE, late 1926; new balloon tires, perfect condition; *65. Lady, basement. 1105 I3t,h st. n.w. 10 — FORD BPORT ROADSTER. 1 *** } 9 . 2 ®~ Dr '!* n 4.000 miles and cannot be told from new only *395. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. Open evenings and Sundays. FORD FORDOR SEDAN. Model A. 1929 Dark blue Duco finish, tires and mechanical condition like new. Reduced to *395. De- Soto Used-Car Dept.. 1324 14th st. n.w. FORD MODEL A COUPE. IMB—Beautiful new Duco finish; fully equipped. *195, easy terms. Barry-Pate Motor Co.» 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. - FORD TUDOR SEDAN. p atat and upholstery like new. New tires, low priced. Logan Motor Co.« 1810 E st. n.w. FORD TUDOR SEDAN, late 1 929—M0 tor reconditioned; beautiful Pa*nt sod upnol stery. Logan Motor Co.. 1810 E FORD TUDOR. 1930— Driven only 1,200 miles. ! Very substantial reduction. See R Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. n.w. Open evenings and Sundays. FORD FORDOR TOWN SEDAN, model A, 1929; finished in beautiful 2-tone green Duco; 5 brand-new tires; mechanically A-l through out; upholstery perfect. We will guarantee this car In every respect. See it today. Only *525; low down payment. Hill A Tib bitts. 301 14th st. n.w., third floor. Open evenlngs and Sundays. FORDS—ModeI T roadsters, coaches, coupes, tourings, Fordor sedans. *25 up; a choice selection; the early shopper will find a great stock at unheard-of prices. These cars are in running condition and will give thou sands of miles ol reliable transportation and well worth the price we ask. Hill & Tib bitts. Used-Car Dept., third floor, 301 14th at. Open evenings and Sundays. FORD ROADSTER, 1930 Run only 4.000 miles and equal to new In every respect and guaranteed; well fenders both sides, 6 wire wheels, trunk rack, cowl lights, folding windshield, etc.; *475: terms and trade. Used-Car Dept., third floor. Hill A Tibbitts, 301 14th st. n.w. Open evenings. FORD SPORT COUPE, 1929—Tires like new; paint withbut a blemish; mechanically in the best of condition; guaranteed: *375; terms and trade. Hill A Tibbitts. 301 14th st. n.w., Used-Car Dept., third floor. Open evenings FORD MODEL A FORDOR SEDAN. 1929 Fully equipped and excellent In every detail; *395; terms and trade. Hill A Tibbitts. 301 i 14th st. n.w.. Used-Car Dept., third floor. ! Open evenings. FORD MODEL A 1929 TUDORS—Three to choose from; finished In beautiful blue Duco; all tires like new; thoroughly reconditioned. We believe these to be the best buys on the used-car market. Guaranteed in every re spect. Only *369: low down payment. Hill A Tibbitts. 301 14th at. n.w. Open evenings. FORD ROADSTER. 1929—Motor overhauled This car has been well cared for and is priced right. Logan Garage. 1810 E it. n.w. FRANKLIN SEDAN, *95. This car will give many miles of good service. Franklin Motor Car Co.. 346 Penn, ave. n.w. FRANKLIN SEDAN, 1939—This car is In splendid condition in every respect. Looks almost like a new car and Is being priced at *2OO lower than any Franklin car priced in Washington. Price, *1,265. Franklin Mo tor Car Co.. 346 Penn, ave. n.w. FRANKLIN SEDAN. 1927—Duco in fine shape, good tires and good mechanical con dition. Franklin Motor Car Co., 346 Penn. ave. n.w. GRAHAM-PAIGE 1930 STANDARD SEDAN; i low mileage, low price; best terms in town. Simmons Motor Co., 14th and S Sts. N.W. Pot. 38b~6. HUDSON DE LUXE COUPE. 1929; S2OO down, *4O per mo. Best of condition every way; new tires: guaranteed. Warrington Motors. 2035 17th n.w. Pot, 0044. HUDSON 1926 COACH, runs good; *95; best terms in town. Simmons Motor Co., 14th and S Sts. N.W. HUDSON 7-PASS. SEDAN—Ideal for large family or hacking purposes: *325: smsll car in trade; terms. Dick Murphy, Inc., 604 H st. n.e. HUDSON COACH. *SO down. *18.50 per mo. Excellent condition; any demonstration. War rington Motors. 2035 17th n.w. Pot, 0044. HUDSON 'BROUGHAM. 1926 Reflnished in ; beautiful dark blue and In very good condi ! tion; just repossessed. Will sell for unpaid balance, $145.60. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 3342 M at. n.w. West 2730. 9*_ HUPMOBILE TOURING. 1925 model—New top. A-l condition. Will sacrifice; *135; terms or trade. Mr. Long. 1520 14Mi st. JEWETT COACH. *SO down. *23.34 per mo. Reconditioned and line appearance: guaran teed. Warrington Motors, 2035 17th n.w. Pot, 0044. JORDAN LINE 8 SPORT ROADSTER—One of the sportiest and most powerful cars on the street; excellent condition throughout. Genuine bargain at *285. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. n.w. Open evenings and Sundays. _ JORDAN STRAIGHT 8 4-DOOR SEDAN— Just reflnished in Duco. beautiful dark gray: all new nickel work and tires; car looks and runs perfectly; was repossessed by finance company. Will sell for unpaid notes, *298. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730. 9* JORDAN 8-CYL., 5-PA3B. SEDAN—Car like new; motoV in A-l shape; diust sell; best cash offer. Col. 7608. 9* MARMON 8 SEDAN. 68 model, nearly new. de luxe equipment and wire wheels, at only *850; also a similar car but a year older at 5650- Packard. 1700 Kalorama rd. MARMON 8-CYL. CABRIOLET. *IOO down. *28.34 per mo. Just reconditioned; fine ap pearance: new tires; guaranteed. Warring ton Motors, Pot. 0044, 2035 17th n.w. MARMON 8-CYL.. 4-PASS. SPEEDSTER. *IOO down, *23.34 per mo. Wonderful buy; excellent condition: fine appearance; guar anteed. Warrington Motors, 2035 17th n.w. Pot. 0044,_ MARQUETTE SPORT ROADSTER, 1930- Rumble seat, 6 wire wheels; well fenders: trunk rack: two-tone brown Duco; fully equipped and Just like new; new-car guaran tee. *87.4; terms and trade. Stanley H. MOON COACH. 1926—G00d running condi tion. Owner. *SO. Phone Atlantic 2958-W NASH. 1926 SPECIAL SIX SEDAN for only *6B. Tom’s Auto Service, Inc., 637 N at. n.w. North 3231. - 1 NASH TOURING—In perfect condition; good tires, fully equipped; price. I 4 *:* o -,Ji, n £*L d notes. Auto Loan & Sales Co., 908 10th n,». NASH STANDARD BEDAN. 1929—G00d paint. 5 new tires, upholstery like new and mechan ically in the best of condition; *650; terms and trade. Stanley H. Horner, 1015 or 1111 14th st. n.w. NASH SPECIAL COACH—FuIIy equipped. Motor has last been rebored, new pistons, rings and pins Installed. Was just re possessed by finance company. Will sell for unpaid notes. *163. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730. 3* NASH SPECIAL 6 COUPE. 1927—Finished In two-tone tan Duco. Excellent leather up holstery Motor perfect. The ideal busi ness car. Priced right Your car in trade. Terms. Emerson de Orme. 17th & M sts. n.w. NASH~ADV. 6 7-PASS. SEDAN—Excellent blue finish. Disc wheels. Upholstery in per fect shape. A real value. Ternis and trade. i Emerson & Orme. 17th and M sts. n.w. NASH "LIGHT SIX COACH, 1928; *IOO down. $23 34 per mo. Just like new. new tires, excellent condition: guaranteed. Warring ton Motors. Pot. 0044. 2035 17th n.w. OLD6MOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1929-Black with natural wood wheels; perfect condition and looks like new: must sacrifice at *895; can arrange easv terms A** for Mr. Steck lein J- L. Jerman Co.. Inc., 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730 1_ OLDBMOBILE. four-door sport sedan: tn perfect condition, fully equipped: price. *138.75: unpaid notes. Auto Loan A Sales : Co . 908 10th n.w. OLOSMOBILE COACH. 1929—Paint, tires, upholstery and general condition excellent, ; fully equipped; *550; terms and trade. Stan- I ley H. Horner. 1015 or 1111 14th st. n.w. OLDSMOBILE TOURING. 1928—A wonder i ful buy for only *4B. Tom s Auto Service, Inc.. 637 N st. n.w. North 3231. U* ! PACKARD SEDAN, 1926— This car is In splendid condition all over and Is Priced very low; *395. Franklin Motor Car Co., 346 Penn, ave. n.w. PAIGE SEDAN. 1928, model 6-45: driven only 13.000 miles by careful owner: looks i and runs like new: only *325. Triangle , Motor Co , 2 N. Y. ave. Open evenings. PEERLESS DE LUXE SEDAN, *I.OOO equity. Will trade for light coupe or cash. A bargain. 1304 Ridge pi. s.e. U* PIERCE-ARROW SEDAN, model 133. 1929 A 7-passenger car with 6 wire wheels (2 mounted on fenders), a trunk rack and new slip covers; finished tn maroon, with dark brown trim. A car any one would be proud | to own and priced very reasonable by Pack ard at 1700 Kalorama rd. n.w. PIERCE-ARROW SPORT OOUPE—Three months old; cost *3.225; absolutely Perfect In every detail: *2.500. Metropolitan 6130. PLYMOUTH ROADSTER, late 1929—With l rumble seat. Looks like brand-new and Is I perfect mechanically. J- 0 . *4JS i Plymouth Used-Car Dept . 1324 l*th st. nw 1 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN, 1929—Looks and runs like new; any demonstration; *575; aasy terms. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., 1343 M st. n.w. West 3730. »* MISCELLANEOUS. I V OiiiF 1 I SALE—AUTOMOBILES. PONTIAC SPORT ROADSTER—AII extra equipment: rumble seat. Finish and tires l in excellent condition. Was repossessed by our finance company. Will sell for rust the unpaid notes; J 298. J. L. Jerman Co., ' Inc • 3342 M at. n.w. West 2730. »* I PONTIAC ROADSTER. 1937—Rumble seat. , Good condition; 5250; easy terms. Fred L. ' Morgan. 14th and R. I. ave. bO ether cars. : PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN—FuIIy equipped: In excellent condition, with new seat covers; $185; easy terms. J. L. Jerman Co., Inc., I 3843 M st. n.w. West 2730. * ■ PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN, 1929— Paint and upholstery clean as new; excellent condition i throughout: fully equipped: $495: easy terms. I Barry-Pate Motor Co.. 3525 Sherman ave. n.w. 1 PONTIAC LIGHT DELIVERY for sale cheap. 3051 H st. n.e, Atlantic 0518. I PONTIAC SPORT ROADSTER. 1927—Recon ’ dltioned and* reflnlshed in beautiful dark gray; $235: easy terms. 3. L. Jerman Co., : Inc,. 3342 M st. n.w. West 2730. 9* ■ REO FLYING CLOUD SEDAN—Reflnished. new tires. This car has been reconditioned in our shop. Its appearance, mechanical performance is the ssrfie as a new car. Buy a car where they will write you your guar antee. then bond their word. Trades, terms. Dick Murphy, Inc., 1724 Kalorama rd. ■ Adams 9700 : REO BROUGHAM—This car is one year old . Replacement value is $1,850. Original finish like new. new tires. "A Word-of-Honor. 100.000-mile automobile. Will take a Model i A Ford or 1929 Chevrolet for down payment See this car today. Trades, terms, .pick Murphy, Inc., 1724 Kalorama rd. Adams • 9700. ‘ REO MASTER FLYING CLOUD. $195 down. . $52 per mo. Perfect condition; General bal : loon tires: looks like new; absolutely guar l anteed. Warrington Motors. 2035 17th n.w. ! Pot, 0044. _____ . . STUDEBAKER 1930 DICTATOR 8 SEDAN; lust like brand new: cost over $1,400. our > price. *875, with new-car guarantee and 18 i months to pay. Simmons Motor Co., 14th • St. at S. Pot. 3881. [ STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX BEDAN. *so_oo . down. $18.50 per mo. Fine transportation . at low cost; any demonstration. Warring ton Motors. 3035 17th n.w. Pot. 0044. STUDEBAKER STANDARD SIX SEDAN—In i perfect condition; only SIOO- T®nr s Auto ; Service. Inc., 637 N st. n.w. North ?231. H« 1 WHIPPET 6 COUPE. 1929— Original tires: 1 low mileage: good condition; finger-tip con trol: *535. Terms. Fred L. Morgan, 14th & - R .1. ave. n.w. 50 other cars. WILLYS-KNIGHT 65 COUPE—In very fine condition mechanically tires. Very good transportation at a low price. Logan Garage. 1810 E st. n.w. ’ WILLYS-KNIGHT. 1926 SEDAN—Wonderful family car: only *172 Tom's Auto Service, Inc.. 637 N st. n.w. Worth 3331. Li i 1930 BTUDE DICTATOR » SEDAN, Just like I brand new: reduced- fully * u * r *n t ** d ', months to pay. Simmons Motor Co., 14th St. at S. Po 3886. - i 1930 BUICK MARQUETTE ROADSTER, de luxe equipment (8 wire wheels, fender wells and trunk rack); color Is biscuit t an ..with orange wheels: car has very low mileage and the price Is remarkably low, *695. terms. 16 months to pu. Simmons Motor Co., 14th and S sts. N.W. Pot. 3886. open till 10 p m. —— AUTOMOBILES at Weschler’g auto Auction. 613 O st nw . every Wednesday and Sat urday. 10 a m CHRYSLER USED-CAR DEPT. » guaranteed!used cars. I —~ 1930 Ford Coupe ss^s 1929 Plymouth Sedan 450 1928 Falcon-Knight, 2-door 200 ■ 1926 Chrysler 58 Coach 16. i 1 1928 Chrysler 62 Coach 470 1928 Buick Master Sedan 67h 1926 Essex Coach 6a 1924 Buick Touring 50 . 1929 Chrysler Royal Sedan, 6 1 wire wheels 985 1927 Nash Victoria Coupe 395 1926 Studebaker Sedan 125 1926 Hudson Coach *• • 95 1927 Chrysler 70 Sedan 485 Your Car In Trade. H. B. LEARY7JR., & BROS., 1321-23 14th. North 6826. Open Evenings and Sundays. OWENS MOTOR CO. WATCH THIS SPACE EACH DAY FOR OUTSTANDING VALUES! CHEVROLETS COACHES. 1929. 4 TO SELECT FROM—ALL FULLY EQUIPPED TOP, UPHOLSTERY. TIRES. DUCO FINISH LIKE NEW; *425; SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE. 13 MONTHS; TRADES ACCEPTED. CHEVROLET COUPE, 1929. LOW MILEAGE; DARK BLUE DUCO FINISH; FULLY EQUIPPED: MOTOR JUST OVERHAULED: 30-DAY GUARANTEE; $425: DOWN PAYMENT, BALANCE, 13 MONTHS; TRADE ACCEPTED. CHEVROLET'S ED AN. 1929. LOW MILEAGE; TOP UPHOL STERY. TIRES AND DUCO LIKE NEW: A GOOD BUY. $475; SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. BALANCE, 12 MONTHS; TRADE ACCEPTED. CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY. 1929: FULLY EQUIPPED: FINISH ED IN BLUE DUCO. THE CAR CAN BE USED FOR GROCERY. LAUNDRY OR CLEANER: NO LET TERING ON BODY: $375; A REAL BUY: SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. balance: 12 MONTHS; TRADE ACCEPTED. OWENS MOTOR CO., 6323 Georgia Ave. Georgia 0100. Open Evenings and Sundays. SALESTILL GOING STRONG! A FEYV~OF OUR “BETTER CARS” AT LOWER PRICES. latfTmodel FORDS. ’29 Town Sedan $445 ’29 Standard Coupe 385 ’29 Coach 395 cheyTolets. ’29.Coach ...7777,’ $.195 ’29 Coupe 395 ’2B Coupe 295 ’2B Sedan 325 ’2B Coach 295 AND~MANY STILL AT PRICE. OURISMA>LCHEVROLET SALES CO., 625 II St. N.E. Lincoln 10200. 13th and Good Hope Rd. Atl. 4400. 1 OAKLAND. ~ PONTIAC L. P. STEUART, INC Any Old Car and $22.22 Cash, Balance Monthly, WILL BUY 1926 ESSEX COACH. 1927 DODGE TOURING. 1927 CHEVROLET COACH. 1926 DODGE TOURING. 1926 HUDSON COACH 1926 CLEVELAND SEDAN. 1924 BUICK SEDAN. Any Old Car and SB2 Cash, Balance Monthly, WILL BUY 1928 CHEVROLET COACH. 1928 PONTIAC COUPE. 1938 PONTIAC COACH. 1929 ESSEX COACH. Any Old Car and $99 Cash, Balance Monthly, WILL BUY 1938 NASH COACH 1929 ESSEX COACH 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. 1938 OAKLAND COUPE. ALSOHAVE 1929 OAKLAND CABRIOLET. 1929 PONTIAC COACH. 1929 OAKLAND COACH. 1928 DODGE SEDAN 825 CASH—YOUR CHOICE OP 5 MODEL T FORDS 1924 OAKLAND TOURINO. 1925 MAXWELL BEDAN 5 1926 FORDS. *49.50. 1325 14th~ST. N.W. LOOK fI—RIDE! 1 BE CONVINCED. OUR USED CARS SELL THEMSELVES. SMALLDOYVN PAYMENTS. 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN (Late). Dark green Duco. seat covers, very low mileage and runs equal to new. A car you will be proud to own. $595. 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. Dark blue Duco. tires like new, run very litle and in the best of mechanical condition. Bee it today. $445. 1929 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE. (Rumble Seat). Natural wood wheels, gray Duco with blue trim which is equal to new; tlrea, upholstery and general appear ance excellent. $495. 1928 CHEVROLET COACH. Original paint and in good me chanical condition: good tlrea and excellent appearance. $295. WHIPPETS. 1928 8-cyl. roadster with rumbla seat and khaki top. $250. 1928 4-cyl. roadster. $235. And a 1928 sedan, $265. These fine cars will give you many miles o t satisfactory transpor tation. Don’t fail to see them. HOT-WEATHER BARGAINS. Dodge Coupe SSO Dodge Coupe 115 Ford Coupe 45 Studebaker Touring 60 TERMS. COME TO USED-CAR DEPT. R. L. TAYLORMOTOR CO., 1901 14th. F-R-J'.-E-! 100 GALLONS GASOLINE —to the purchaser of a used car. WILLIAMS & BAKER, Nash Dealers. 1507 14th St. N.YV. Pot. 6140. PEERLESS “Factory Branch.” ANNIVERSARY SALE! WE HAVE BEEN BUILDING FINE AUTOMOBILES FOR THIRTY-ONE YEARS. 5 DAY SALE. PRICES "SLASHED! Was Now ’3O Peerless Rds., de luxe. $875 $775 ’3O Peerless Sed., de luxe.. 950 850 ’29 Peerless Sedan 850 750 ’2B Marmon 7-pass. Sdn .. 850 675 '2B Marmon Brougham 750 650 ’2B Studebaker Sedan 750 595 ’2B Peerless Conv. Coupe.. 850 650 '2B Nash Adv. Sedan 585 500 ’2B Peerless Sedan ... 550 400 '2B Peerless 7-pass. Sdn... 850 750 '27 Peerless 8-cyl. 7-pass. Sedan 850 700 ’2B Peerless Coupe 295 245 ’29 Peerless 61 Sedan 850 700 ’2B Essex Sedan 295 245 ’2B Chevrolet Coupe 295 245 ’27 Kissel Cabriolet 450 350 ’26 Hudson Sedan. 165 100 ’26 Nash Special Coach.... 235 175 ’27 Studebaker Sedan 675 575 ’29 Peerless 81 De Luxe Sedan 950 845 ’27"Puick Master Sedan... 585 495 '27 Peerless Sedan 350 275 ’27 Oldsmohile Sedan...... 225 185 ’26 Cadillac. 314 7(H) 585 ’26 Buick Std. Sedan 245 175 ’26 Dodge Coach....* 250 195 ’25 Willys-Knight 65 195 125 ’25 Peerless Sedan 195 125 ’24 Lincoln 7-pass. Sedan.. 500 395 ’24 Cadillac Y’ictoria, 63 .. 395 300 Terms. Trade. CAR DEPARTMENT. 14th and P Sts. N.W. Day Phone, Dec. 3400. Phone Nights and Sundays, No. 9697. REO. REO. NO-DOWN PAYMENT SALE. Once a year we run a No- Down-Pavment Sale, this is for your benefit, the above cars are in wonderful condition, most of them have new tires and will give you the best of service*' courteous salesmen to wait on you. 1929 Reo Sedan. 1926 Hudson Sedan. 1926 Chrysler Sedan. 1927 Jewett Sedan. 1926 Olds Sedan. » 1928 Essex Coach. 1927 Ford Coupe. 1926 Hudson Brougham. 1926 Moon Sedan. 1924 Buick Roadster (2). 1925 Reo Seq*R -1926 Reo Sedan. 1926 Reo 3-Pass. Coupe. 1925 Willys-Knight Sedan. 1925 Stutz Sedan. 1925 Marmon Sport Touring. And Many Others. DICK MURPHY. INC., 1724 Kalorama Rd. Open Eevenings, Adams 9700. (Continue* mi Next rag*.) t B-5