Newspaper Page Text
B-6 BAIIE AUTOMOBILES. - YOU’D BK SURPRISED! IT RUNS! 1926 Overland Sedan Complete, $lO. IT HAS 4 TIRES. THEY HOLD AIR IT HAS A BATTERY IT HAS A GENERATOR. THEY WORK! ALSO 1024 Ford Coupe. $lB. RONS EVEN BETTER. ALSO Maxwell Sedan, $lB. RONS EVEN BETTER. ALL TIRES HOLD AIR BATTERY GENERATOR. WORJL COMPLETE. READY TO DRIVE. ALSO 1924 Durant Sport Touring, SJO. OH BOY! KHAKI TOP MAROON RUNS BETTER YET. CAN YOO BEAT IT? ALSO Ruiik Touring, $.lO. THIS is REALLY A FINE RUNNING CAR. IT HAS A CALIFORNIA TOP YOU DON T SEE A CAR LIKE THIS *R E EADY ,A TO START FOR THE BEACH ALSO —many others. C'nmr in. They are rolling out fast. Don t tiiG» this opportunity. Everybody can have a car. Trade—Terms. TOSF.PH MoRKYNOI.PS. INC, 142.T27 L St. NAY. Come in ami Learn Used Car Values. NOTICE THESE SPECIALS La SaU* Sport Tourin*. equal to new. will take small car in trade Chryale; 62 Coupe, rumble seat *295 Ford*Model A “-fu'dor Sedan . Nash Sport Roadster, rumb *l9o* 275 2 Chrysler Roadsters * * 75 & 2 50 •*•> ;g maw®„ 'Si” m 2 Chevrolet Coupes. -* * 21.... 175 Chrysler *8 Coupe. !!'.!! 175 Whippet 28 Roadster _ 195 ?uick Master Brougham ,- 5 Dodge Business Coupes 12 j Chevrolet Coupe ;; 150 Whippet ’2* Delivery 150 Nash ’27 Sedan . . . ■ ... 125 Chevtolct s ßoVdster ith closed body 125 Pa ire Srort Touring us Chevrolet Coach. 27. Perfect ... j>o Buiek Standard Coach 9f) Willys-Knifht Tourin*. 1925 Maxwell ’25 Sedan 85 2 Dodte Sedans 65 Hudson Phaeton ... <r. Ford Roadster. 1926 225 Winton 8 Tourin*. perfect . •••-.- Plenty Others on Hina From ’25 00 and UP- Nr - ROBERT HEPSON S AUTO 100 Fla. Ave. N R and MBff» * YOUR DOLLAR IS WORTH MORE HERE— BIGGER AND BETTER USED CAR VALUES. siooxxToff 1928 HUDSON BROUGHAM. BANK THE DIFFERENCE. On this snappy looking Hudson. New Kut ‘arfy NoV MW ESSEX. $125. Here is a wonderful 1»27 *-cyl. »edan. Urge enou*h for the family. Excellent tires, upholstenn* same at HUDSON COACH. $675. 1929 original finish like new. motor excellent good tires, excellent appearance. . .. REO 4-DOOR SEDAN. $595. 1928 looks and runa absolutely Hke new. you really must sea the ear to appreciate It: real value. MAR MON. $625. Sport. 1927: 8-cyl convertible coupe cream body with apeci*! tan fender* 5 wire wheel*, rumble aeet. heavy tan leather upholsterln*: won derful looking Job. ESSEX. $445. 1929 coupe with sngppr motor. end Tumble seat: cream body: black fenders. Truly a beautiful auto and an extra fine running motor. ESSEX. $225. Super 6-cy!. coupe. 1927. new fin ish. Bale rank bumper*, seat covers, parkin* light, strong battery, 2 new tires, others O. K ESSEX. $495. ' Challenger, late 1929 coupe. We have 2 in stock, each in wonderful condition: black body, with cream strlpin* and cream wood wheel*: rumble seat, motors In excellent order. Drive one and you'll buy It. Essex Coach $19.00 E>sex 4-cyl. Touring ... 50.00 Chevrolet Coupe 22.50 TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT. LAM RKRT-lIUDSON MOTORS CO., 2.U9 M ST. NAY. BARGAIN”SPOT OF WASH. 1922 Buiek Tourin* 115 1925 Dodge Touring ** 1924 Wlllys-Knight Coach 68 1925 Oldsmobile Coach JJ 1925 Dodge Coupe »* 1928 Chevrolet Coach 135 1927 Whippet Coach l«f 1928 Dodge Sedan I*s 1927 Paige Sedan 265 1529 Essex Coach 345 Ib2* Graham-Paige Sedan 395 1929 Graham-Paige Sedan 895 1928 Packard 7-Pass. Sedan 895 Han? Evening* and Sundays. FRAZIER MOTOR CO., 1 SAVE! SAVE! HERE’S THE BIG MONEY SAVING EVENT OF 1930. HOUSE OF BARGAINS. "THE PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR.'’ 3 GOOD REASONS: Lowest Trices, 3-Dav Free Driving Trial, SIOO —for your old car provided It will run to our show room on any car aellina for 1300 or more. EVERY CARREDUCED TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICE. *29 Durant Sport Cabriolet.. .$425.00 *29 Chevrolet Coupe 395.00 *29 Whippet Coupe 395.00 *2B Pontiac Coach 385.00 *26 St lHehaker Duplex Ph ton. 195.00 , *2B firahatn-Paigc Town Sdn. 845.00 *2h Willys-Knight Sedan . 150.00 *27 Reo Flying Cloud Coupe.. 595.00 *29 Graham-Paige Sedan 675.00 *25 Buiek 4-Pass. Coupe . .. 195 0*) *2B Paige Coach 300.00 *27 Dodge Sedan 175.00 *29 Dodge D. A. Sedan 74300 *27 Es«ex Super 6 Sedan... .. 187.50 Payments to fit everybody’s earnings. ■ DOWNTOWN PARKING GARAGE. 613 G St. Nat’l 6660. ' OPEN TTI.T. 1* P I*. ncTcash DOWN PAYMENT. No cash required, balance I 'mall monthly payments (as t low as sls each). VVe take f your present car, providing it is a fairly late model and in good condition. YOUR CHOICE OF a 50 MECHANICALLY CERTIFIED USED CARS- LATE MODELS. MOSES MOTOR CO., J 437 Irving St. Adams 5688. AtJTQMOBILES. < TARZAN AND THE JEWELS OF OPAR 1 By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Achmet Zek, spying Werper at the head of the charge, bore down upon the Belgian, who. terrified by contemplation of the fate he deserved, turned his horse’s head and dashed madly away in an ef fort to escape. Shouting to a lieutenant to take command and urging him upon pain of death to dispatch the Abyssinians and bring back the gold to his camp, Achmet Zek, unable to forego the , pleasures of revenge, set off across the plain in pursuit of the Belgian. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. barnesTiotor. ALL CARS FULLY GUARANTEED. V 1929 Buiek Sedan. $875. 4-door, 6 wire wheels, well fenders, low miieace, runs and looks like new. 1929 Btiick Sport Roadster, SBSO. Rumble seat, black paint, natural wood wheels. 192*1 Ruick Standard Coupe, SBSO. Rumble seat, dark maroon Duro. natural wood wheels, low mileage. excellent appear ance. 1929 Chevrolet De Luxe Delivery, $350. All new tires: priced to sell quickly. 1929 Chrysler 65 Sport Roadster, $025. Rumble seat, black paint, low mtleaie. \ runs and looks like new ; wood wheels. 1929 Chrysler 65 Coach. $625. Appearance and mechanically like new. 1 1930 Series Essex Challenger Coupe, $475. ! Wire wheel equipment: just like new. ’ 1929 Essex Challenger Sedan. $475. < Mechanically and appearance excellent. 1930 Ford Coach. SSOO. !! Black Duco; fully equipped: run less than j ' 500 miles. ! 1929 Ford 4-Door Sedan. S4OO. i 6 wire wheels. Steel trunk, fender wells. ! 1928 Nash Adv. 2-Door Sedan. $450. , Wire wheel equipment, fully equipped. 1930 Oakland Custom Sedan. $975. Run lea* than 1.800 mile*, natural wood wheels. 1928 Packard 6 Sedan, $875. Low miieace. mechanically and appear ance excellent. 1929 Series Pontiac Coach. $350. Disc wheels and fully equipped. 1929 Whippet 4 Coach. $350. Low mileage, equipped with General tires Terms—See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th. Decatur 2,190. Open Till 10 I’M. 27 OAKLAND COUPE 1285 26 Buiek Roadster (rumble seat) 225 '2B Essex Coach (new paint) 350 Chevrolet Touring (cheap; 65 27 <4>Chevrolet Coupes *IBO to 235 26 Dodge Coupe I*o 28 Chrysler Coupe 300 26 Essex Coach 65 28 Chevrolet Roadster 250 29 Ford Coupe 395 HAWKINS, "Your FORD Dealer,” 1529 14th”st. NAV. SALES ARE GOOD, BUT SPACE IS SCARCE, THEREFORE, AN UNUSUAL SALE. 1928 Chevrolet Coach $285 1927 Gardner Sedan 350 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 360 1928 F'ord Roadster 295 1926 Buiek Sedan 250 1927 Hudson Sedan, late model., 275 1929 F'ord Sport Conpe, like new. 375 1927 Chevrolet Pickup, new paint. 175 1929 Chevrolet Truck... 295 1928 Pontiac Coach and Cab riolet $295 and up 1929 Chevrolet Coach 375 1926 Nash Special Coupe 195 Many Others to Choose From. Terms. Trade. 1529 14th. Washington "motor co* 635 Mass. Ave. NAY. Guaranteed Used Mor lei A Fords. Convertible Coupe, 1929 $435 ! Roadster. 1929 325 ; Tudor, 1929 350 i Sport Coupe, 1929 350 1 Chevrolet Coach, 1928 260 Reo Sedan. 1927. 185 SPECIAL TODAY. Model A Tudor.. S.IOO TER M S. Nat l 9006 Open Evening* and Sunday*. ROADSTERS7~ROADSTERS! 1926 Chrysler 70 Roadster $295 1925 Chrysler 70 Roadster 165 1926 Hupp Straight 8.. 295 1929 Chrysler 75 Roadster....... 895 1928 Chrysler 72 Roadster.. 695 1926 Chrysler Imperial Roadster. 675 These roadsters arc in the best of mechanical condition and ready for the road. H. B. LEARYTJr., Sc BROS., 1321-23 14th. North 6826. TRFAV VALUES! YOUR OPPORTUNITY. | BUY WITIfCONFIDENCE. 1509 14th St. NAV. I 1930 Essex Sedan ... 1825 , 1930 Dodge Senior Landau 1,295 1 1930 Dodge Sedan. D A. display ear. 1.02 S I 1930 Dodge Sedan. D D. display ear. 850 1928 Dodge Senior 4-Pas*. Coupe 545 1 1928 Essex Coach 95 i 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 445 I*2B Whippet Sedan 295 I 1927 Reo Brougham 545 1926 Hudson 4-Door Brougham, new tires 295 • 1927 Dodge Coupe, new paint 225 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, new tire* 275 1925 Wlllys-Knight Sed»n 195 1926 Chrysler Sedan 265 USED-CAR DEPT., 2nd Floor. Decatur 1910. USED CARS. MANY DIFFERENT MAKES. OPEN AND CLOSED. SOLD ON G. M. A. C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN. YOUR PRESENT CAR AS PART PAYMENT. “WE HAVEYOUR CAR.” THE WASHINGTON CADILLAC CO., 1136-40 Connecticut Ave. NAV. Decatur 3900. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930. FORDS! FORDS! Several Used Fords. I*s Up. Terms to Suit. STEUART MOTOR CO., 6th at K N.W. Nat l 3000. WAjITEO —AUTOMOBILES. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED for our sale by 1 auction on Wednesday or Saturday. 10 a m ! ! Weschler. 920 Penna ave n.w National i 1282 Oulek. satisfactory method 1 ! RIGHT NOW WE NEED a lew more used cars. Will pay higher than usual. North 10096 Fred L Morgan. 14th and R. I ave , ! CASH" FOR YOUR CAR or will sell on com mislson basis and handle all term deals at , our risk: no *alc no charge. Auto Loan & ; Sale* Co . 908 10th n.w. •_ “CASH FOR YOUR CAR.” GOLDEN MOTORS. 1823 14th St. CASH IMMEDIATELY —for late model car* Get our price Uat. Auto Mart, 2012 14th at. n.w, CASH for your car. Without a doubt I pay the highest prices in this city. If your car is not all paid for, 1 will pay your undue balance and give you , the difference in cash. No delay. See Mr. Barnes, 1729 14th n.w. i Decatur 2390 Open 9 am. to 9 p.m. SALE—A UTO TBUCKS. MODEL'A PANEL DELIVERY, good tires. I mechanically perfect 30-day guarantee: fine bargain at $295 Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave Open evenings. REPUBLIC 2-TON TRUCK—Has large open express body. 5 good pneumatic tires. Runs fine. First $125 takes It. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. n.w. Open evening* I and 3tinday*. : FORD TON TRUCK. 1*37 Has dandy closed pane: body and runs excellently. This truck carries our 30-day guarantee. One of the biggest bargain* tn town Triangle Motor Co . 2 New York ave. n.w. SUMMER SALE. Cleaning Out Spring Trades Getting Ready for Fall. All Makes, Types, Sizes. Come, Look, Make Offer. Sterrett Operating Service, 7 New York Ave. N. E. Met. 0505. GARAGE BUILDERS. I BEST CONSTRUCTION. LOW PRICE. TERMB ! GEO F. BRUNK. i 806 KSt N E Phone Lincoln 8531. _ !! — s —. * i AUTO WRECKERS. AUfO WRECKERS: Cars bought and sold In any condition Par*- for all makes. Open Sunday morning I ROBERT HERSON'S AUTO EXCHANGE. 100 Fla Ave N.E. North 10408. RENT—GARAGES. MODERN 2-STORY GARAGE BUILDING. 75-car capacity, near North Capitol and H sts. Long-leim lease to responalble person. Address Box 127-D._Siar_offlre FIREPROOF BRICK. IN ALLEY BETWEEN j lith and 17th. U and V sts. n.w. Call MRS. | ROLLER. Columbia 5996 _ _ j ROOMS—FURM SHED. 320 E ST. N.W.—Entire floor. 3 rooms, well furnished, private bath: r*s, electricity fur ntshed. no small children. ! n *_ 1207 CLIFTON BT. N W.—sls anu *2O mo : single, double, cool front rms., 3 baths, auto hot water: 2 car lines. Adams 4630. ,200 EAST CAPITOL—One room, kitchen. 1 ?bath. porch. S2B: other locations. 2 to 4 room*._* 2637. 1324 L ST. N.W.—Lovely one room, kitchen ette apts : completely eauippcd: newly deco 1322 L ST. N.W—Beautiful airy rooms, newly papered and painted; each with run ntng_water; S6._*7. 1322. 1316. 1310 EYE NW. (OPD. Franklin Park)—s3 week up: large 1.h.k.. $4; clean, cool; a.m.1.: transients, SOc up. Met. *O7B. »• 1448 R. I. AVE. N.W.’-Large and airy, sin gle or double. In private home. 11* 18th ST. N.W., 3321—0ne very attractive cool room, next to bath; private home, gentlemen only: garage 11* 1338 11th ST. N.W—l large, clean, quiet living-bed room, cooking facfiltle*. 3 windows, adjoining bath: gas, elec, linens, silver, dishes; only $6.50 week; cheaper monthly. 1322 IT ST: N.W.Cool rooms. large and ! small: some with running water; excellent day service. $4. SB. SB. $lO weekly. THE SHERMAN, 1101 15th St. N.W.. Apt. 401—Large, comfortable front room, for gen tleman. Call after 4:30. _ CONN. AVE NEAR WARDMAN PARK— Highly desirable haehelor suite, front sleep ing room and sitting room with fireplace and bookshelves: prlv, home: gar. Col. 3437. 1309 N ST. N.W.—l room and'kitchen; also 1 room. 1 h.k ; hot and cold water; adults: references required. 1912 "CALVERT ST. n"w. Single or double cool rooms, $lB month; Instantaneous hot j water. 3 baths: comfortable home ! 216 "'TENNESSEE AVE. NE— 2 bed rooms, j furnished: sls each. Private home. At | Untie 2136. i 1421 COL. RD "N.W. -Large double front room, suitable two gentlemen; private fam ily: _Ant No 1: reasonable I 132# 11th" ST. N.W Bed room and kitchen; ette apts. semi-private bath. 3rd floor. *7 and $8 weekly; basement rooms, *6; aduUa. ! 640 10th"” STL N.E Furnished "room hot water heat, electric lights; second-floor »Pt.. *3 50 per week. 1321 11th ST N.W Large, comfortable light housekeeping rooms and kitchenettes; rea- adults, 1“ DOWNTOWN—SIS H ST NW—L.h.k. rooms: large, cheerful, plenty of air; $5. $8; bed rooms. $3.50. I NEAR WARDMAN HOTEL AND THE ZOO Comfortable room for the Bummer or tempo rarily In refined family. Col. 4532. 10 MT. PLEASANT, NEAR PARK -Desirable suite, private bath, porch: new home; attor ney and wife. 3430 Brown, west of lStlr^at. 3541 l'oth“BT. N.W.—2~"rur7tished"Tooms for electricity,__***• D h .? n * ; 418 3rd 8T N W—Beautiful rooms, arranged lor housekeeping: $5 week * 714* Bth BT. N.W.-- Large bright rooms for housekeeping: $6 week, convenient to busi ness 631 O ST. N.E. —t front rooms, furnished for 1.h.k., ami.: private family. CHEVY CHASE.' D. C One room with porch in private family. Call Cleveland 1351. 1741 P ST. N.W.—Beautifully furnished, large double room, running water; also single roomj laundry privilege. 1009 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE." N.W. —Large, airy front room, comfortably furnished, near bath; continuous hot water; *ls. rhont West 1455 JO _ 135 "mV ST. BE - Large front room, near , Lincoln Park. $4 a week: also extra large , room and sleeping porch. Lincoln 6587-J after 5 p.m. 1302 KENYON 8T NW Clean single room, gentleman Phone Adams 3370. 2723 ONTARIO RD N W - Large 2nd-floor front room, gentleman. S2O per mo, 111* 12th NW. Large rm . 6 windows, with kitchen. $8 week: slso sleeping rms. for 1 or i 2 clean, cool, comfortable. 11»_ 1315 FAIRMONT NW.--Clean, rnmfortahle rooms in 4-bath house; *2O and *35 per mo.; garage. It* BROOKLAND Room adjoining bath, near bus line; gentleman, *2O per month. Phone Potomac 3948-M 5211 CONN. AVE.—Nice room for gantleman” next to bath. *2O per mo.; convenient to cars. Clev. 3662. 123 TENNESSEE AVE. N.E~- Bed-aittln* room, large screened-in porch, 2nd floor; very light housekeeping: $25. 10* MARYLAND AVeT A 2nd ST. N E , Roland. Apt. 28—Near Capitol and Library; comfort able room, continuous hot water; rent rea sonable: gentleman. Lin. 1732-W. 10* _ 1712 LANIER PL- —Large, cool front room and bath; every convenience; cloae to cars; employed gentlemen or business women pre ferred . _ 1508 COLUMBIA RD.—Clean, cool, cheerful south room, screened porch, second floor; Instantaneous hot water; private home; gen tleman. 15* _ THE PLYMOUTH. 1236 11th St. NW. Large front room end kitchen, completely fur. for h k , other rooms. *l6. *ls, |2s. Near corner 11th and N nw. Met. 8389 1418 M ST. NW. Large, comfortably furnished second-floor room, also other rooms, with running water; transients accommodated. As the pursued and the pursuer raced madly toward the distant forest, the battle behind them raged with bloody savageness. No quarter was asked or given by either the ferocious Abyssinians or the murderous cutthroats of Achmet Zek. From the concealment of the shrubbery watched the sanguinary conflict which so effectually surrounded him that he found no loophole through w’hich he might escape to follow Werper and the Arab chief. ROOMS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) 1834 COLUMBIA RD. N.W"—*ls and *2O mo.: single, double, clean, cool outside rooms. 3 baths, auto, hot water: 2 ear lines. Col. 2988 NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—*3O; 3 exposures; semi-private bath: lady; private home. Ad dress Box 45LD. Star offire _ 1(P 921 EYE ST. N W.—-Rooms. *3.50. *4.50. *5 week: cool, clean, quiet; modern improve ments: single. double. Desirable location; | LARGE ROOM, nicely furnished: basin in room; plenty of hot water; *25 a month. I Nicely furnished room, especially suitable ! for youno lady. *2O a month. THE O B ZANT7.INGER CO.. National 5370. I A PLEASANT PLACE TO STAY. The Westminister, 1607 17th st. n.w.— ! Lovely rooms, mewly decorated, each with bath or running water: elevator service: beautiful parlor; *7 to *lO weekly. MEN, WHY DON’T YOU LIVE AT THE DE SALES CHAMBERS? Rates not higher than a good rooming house: large, cool rooms; well furnished: hotel | service: a cool roof for the warm evenings. I 8-story, fireproof building. 1735 De Sales i st., opposite Mayflower Hotel. i WINDSOR HOTEL. i Rooms. *25 and *3O month. 3125 G at. j n.w. West 1816 H* COLON IAI - HOTEL. Rooms with runnlna water and lavatory. *32.50 up per month. . . . Rooms with running water only. *26 per ! month and up. Rooms with bath. *55 per month and up. Coflee shcp now being installed. EB B ITT HOTEL, 10th and H Sts. N.W. In the Heart of the Business District. A limited number of rooms set aside for permanent auests at special monthly rates, as follows: *42 50. *45. *SO. one or two per sons to a room; every room has outside ex posure. private bath, circulating ice water and electric fan. Full Hotel Service. National 5034 or Apply at Desk. “PORTLAND HOTEL, THOMAS CIRCLE. For a generation a home for Con gressmen, Senators, Cabinet Mem bers and high officials. Downtown. Sate car fare; good beds, good food; large rooms, open fireplaces; every comfort and dignity obtainable in higher priced hotel. $2.00 and $3.00 PER DAY FOR TWO PEOPLE: 10% reduction by the month. Man agement FIDELITY STORAGE COM PA NY, * ROOMS—UNFURNISHED. 4424 3rd ST. N.W Coolest sleeping place in city. Two rooms and kitchenette in at tractive new home, a.m.i., furnished bed room and kitchen or remove furniture to uut tenant *4O CaU_after 7 5011 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W -Two rooms and kitchen, ami., semi-det.: private home; conveniently located; employed couple. 11 519 IRVING ST N.W.- 3 rooms, kitchen and i bath: a.m.i.: adults only. ; 2706 33rd ST.~ 8E —2 attractive rooms; rea sonable; cool, l.h.k. if desired: no objection i to child: high elevation. ; BROOKLX'ND. 1247 KEARNEY ST.-One room, kitchenette; gas and elec. *2O. 1 949 14th ST.'S E.—TwoTarge rooms, kitchen | ette and use of hath: «gs_and electricity. »* 1 COLORED 7 512 YOU ST N W.j Apt. B—3 | communicating, strictly priva e. for 2 lariles | or married couple, congenial environment. I Reasonable. 11 BjfiOMS AND BOARD. ' 1116 9th N.W.— l Clean, comfortable rooms: 3 square, delicious meals dally: large dining room separate tables; radio; homelike sur roundings; $3 to JlO weekly. *? _ 1409 16th ST N.W.-Choice vacancies, lovely home, twin beds, Instant, hot water. laundry, home privileges; S4O. *45. 15 1354 WYOMING AVE Attractive det. house, wide space: 2 large rooms, twin beds: ladle* and gentlemen; delicious food; reasonable. 1744 p ST. NW ~ Dupont Circle—Newly furnished rooms, single beds, good meals. *4O and *45 mo. Highly recommended. 9* 29 BRYANT BT. N.E. —Large front room, near bath: convenient to car. private home, suitable for 2. Pot. 5709-J. 1253 IRVING ST. N.W Board and room, private home, near car line; home cooking. Phone_Adams 7585-W. WASH CIRCLE. 1003 New Hampshire—Room and board. *8 week. Home convenience*. IP* ! 1834 CONN. AVE. Have 3 nice rooms, third floor, suitable for men, *35; second floor, ideal for married couple, *4O; home cooking. 1353 FAIRMONT—Lar ge “secotfil -floor f ront for 2; also single. *lO. Excellent home cooked mealtn 1615 MABB. Beautiful triple rooms: delicious meals, ladies* fenlle men: central; reasonable; high-class. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, private bath, twin beds, a m i., nice and cool; young man preferred. Use phone. Very good meals. Phone Columbia 10156 GOOD’HOME COOKING: large, cool rooms: near two car lines; reduced rates. Lin. 7808. 1749 QUE ST. Furnished, single, double rooms. 2nd flour, for employed: board ow tionaJ. continuous hot water: reasonable. 2800 13th N.W.—Room with private bath: 2nd floor; also single room; excellent home cooked food: reasonable » COUNTRY BOAJUV SPEND delightful vacation on large Va. estate. Colonial home, modern conveniences, best of Southern cooking; free golf; *lO to *l6 weekly. Spring chicken dinners. *I.OO. Two hours' from city Major Marshall Mac- Donald. Media Farm. Charles Town, W. Va. TAKE FEW QUIET ADULTS In our old brick homestead. 2 large double rooms, elec, light, baths: special cooking: large, cool porches, old shade trees. Phone Ashton 141. WANTED—ROOMS AND BOARD. IN REPINED PRIVATE HOME. Mt Pleasant section; neatly furnished room for two, with breakfast, twin beds, southern or western exposure state price and all details. Ad dress 80x_366-D. Star office. 10 ROOM AND BOARD for two in refined pri vate Protestant home; north of Euclid st : southern or western exposure; twin beds. Please state terms, etc. Address Box 365-D, Star office. 1 __ WANTED—ROOMS. GENTLEMAN" DESIRES single room with prvatr family: near Dupont Circle Refer ences furn. Address Box 418-D, Star oflice. APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. CHEVY CHASE—COOL AND ATTRACTIVE; windows on 4 sides; living room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, bath, screened porch: a.m.i.; Frlgldalre. Half block from cars. Clev. 0777. 8* 973-MASS - AVE~ N.W.-TWO SECOND, front, clean, cool, complete housekeeping. , range, sink, phone, const, h. w.; no chil dren t«*. BEAUTIFUL THREE ROOMS. TWO BATHS, kitchen and porch, Frigldaire /Call Na tional 3626 or inquire 1716 H rt. n.w. 9* 414 IT"ST. N.E.— BEAUTI>UL 2. 3 AND 4 room apts.. elegantly and completely fur nished for housekeeping. Lincoln 3005. DOWNTOWN - RARE FIND. IN ATTRAC- I live apt. building; 2 newly decorated bed j rooms, kit., private bath. *l2 week; also 1 j room, kit., semi-bath. *8 50 waak; Includes ; elec . gas, linens, elec. fan. etc.; quiet house, no children. JOl C st. n.w. •*__ 1733 '2oth ST.. SHOREHAM—3 BEAUTIFUL] rooms, well furnished: also large kitchen and ; bath, Frigldaire newly decorated In soft : ?ieen living room, peach-colored bed room. J emon-yellow bed room; six months' or year s lease. - I NEAR ROCK CREEK BRIDGE COUPLE; | living room, bed room, kitchen alcove, porch, i 2nd floor; gas, elec.; *45. 1933 Calvert st. ENTIRE' FLOOR. TWO ROOMB, KITCHEN, bath; newly furnished, modern; adults. *55. Garage optional. 1131 Euclid n.w. Adams 5764-3. NEAR MCKINLEY HIGH—ENTIRE SECOND floor; suitable 5 adults; clean; completely furnished; 3 bed rooms, living room, break fast room, kitchenette, bath, large closets, 2 entrances, screened porch. Nokol heat: rea sonable rent. 1961* N. Capitol. Pot. 3083-M. ■nUE WINDERMERE. 1825 N, H. AVE.—UN tiI November. 1 room, kitchenette, dinette, bath, dressing closet, Murphy bed, Frigldaire. 10* CARLISLE COURT. 1401 COL. RD NW One room, kit, bath, porch, second floor, bright, outside. Apply 308 or Janitor. The Abyssinians were formed in a circle which in cluded Tarzan’s position. Around them and into them galloped the yelling raiders, now darting away, now charging in to deliver thrusts and cuts with their curved swords. Achmet Zek's men were more in number. Slowly but surely the soldiers of Mene leu were being exterminated. To Tarzan the result was Immaterial. He watched wdth but a single pur pose, to escape the ring of blood-mad fighters and be away after the Belgian and his pouch. APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) CHEVY CHABE—COOL AND ATTRACTIVE; windows on four sides; living room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms, bath, screened porch, a.m.i.. Frigldaire; half block from cars. Clev. 0777. RESTRICTED NORTHWEST SECTION -ONE or two newly furnished rooms, kitchenette, ! one-piece sink; a.m.i.; rets. Decatur 2085-W. CHEVY CHASE BEST "LOCATION; DE ] lightful. cool, comfortable: 2 rooms, k. Ab., ! large porches: large, shady grounds; quiet, ] homelike; Frigidaire, phone. Near Conn. I ave stores and cars; *75. incl. electricity. I 3819 Military rd Phone Clev. 0038. 10* | 1323 M. THOMAS CIRCLE LARGE DOU ble rooms, second floor; also light housekeep ing, clean, modern, nicely fur. Reasonable rent. K ST.. AT CONN. AVE.—6nE ROOM, MUR phy bed. kitchen, bath; completely furnished References. _ Decatur_ 3981. 10* 83. *5. *7 weeklyT' completely FUR nished, gas included. 1.2, 3 large-room apts Apply 828 E st. s.w. .10* 1320 HARVARD ST "N W . APT. I—2 ROOMS, semi-bath, furnished for housekeeping; good ventilation: *35. Adams_3?oo-J. NICELY FURNISHED. COMFORTABLE. 5- room apartment. Tilden Gardens. For rent August, and September. Call Cleveland 5334. Apt. 204-B. 1883 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. ENTIRE floor. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch; newly decorated: completely furnished. 14th AND T STS 8.E.—2 COOL ROOMS. : with large screened porch; quiet couple de sired. Call THE CLIFTON, 1323 CLIFTON BT. N.W—4 large rooms, nicely furnished, newly deco rated. Kelvinator; *75. Roger B. Smith. 314 Bth n.w IS* _ 3rd FLOOR, COMPLETELY PURNISHED: 2 bed rooms, living room, kitchen and bath; gas, elec., telephone. 1831 Lamont st. n.w. POTOMAC “ARK APARTMENTS 31st A C sts. n.w Phona National 9102. Within walkir distance of the White House and the Washington Monument Here you bare the beautiful gardens of Potomac Park and the Lincoln Memorial (or a front yard; miles of walks among the trees and flowers of Washington. Th* Magnificent Completely furnished hotel room'- and apartments, with or without full housekeeping facilities; a high-trade house with standard atrvlca No dog or cats or wtld parties 1204 N 8T N.W.—S-R. APT.: NICELY FUR ntshed: *lO wk. 5 r . porch, *16.50 wk.; gas, elec., included. North 5977. PARK LEE. 1630 PARK RD.—NEW FRIGID aIre, fine location; 1 or 2 cool, beautifully furnished rms., dressing rm., hall, dinette, kitchen, bath: 2 exposures. Adams 3382. 10* LIV RM.. BED RM.. K.. B AND PORCH, nicely turn., incl bed-davenport, spinet desk, etc.: large yard: the Buchanan Apts., cor. 13th and Buchanan sts.; 153.50 np Also the Wyatt Apts., 4520 Ga;_ave.._*ss tip. Os. 1883. SAUL S' ADDITION—DET. HOUSE: LIVING and dining room combined, bed room, kitch en. running water, private tile bath: good condition: garage. 4910 Georgia ave. n.w. Adams 0179. 814 CONN AVE.—EXTRA LARGE. AIRY", 1 r . k nette. b , con.p. furn., *9.50 up: rooms. *4.soup. coat, hi.; l.h.k. rms.. *8.50: refined. 1814 N BT. N W.- ONE TO" FOUR ROOMS, kitchenette and bath; also single rooms. Decatur 2025. FIRST FLOOR. 3 OR 4 LARGE ROO'MS. yard, several single rooms; garage 2 cars. 1318 10th n.w. Nat. 487V_d*y. 10* LARGE FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN eite, newly decorated. Sink, range, break fast set; completely furnished; second floor: reasonable. 1234 10th at. n.w. 1120 9th ST. N.W. Three rooms, kitchen and bath: can ac commodate four. 10* 3020 PORTER ST. N.W.—APARTMENT? OF 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, all outside rooms, electric refrigeration; convenient to cars and bus; *70.00 3432 Conn. ave. n.w.—Newly decorated apartment of 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, free electri.; refrigeration, convenient to stores; *77.50. BOSS & PHELPS. 1417 K St. N.W. Nat l 9301 L 104 Bth ST. N.E —TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN. Near Bath Reasonable. 2* THE TORONTO- DUPONT CIRCLE. Large Room and Bath, 125. Apply Manager. EXCLUSIVE LOCATION. CONN. AVE. BRIDGE, 3 R„ $65 Best location; new fireproor bldg.: phone and elevator service: all improv°ments: neatly furn., exclusive apt. See Le Marquis. 2308_.4shmcad pi. n.w . near Conn, ave. COPLEY COURTS, 1514 17th ST. N.W. See ad under_Unfurnished Apartments. CORCORAN COURTS, 401 23rd St. N.W OVERLOOKING LINCOLN MEMORIAL. CONVENIENT TO DOWNTOWN. FRIGIDAIRE CURRENT FREE. *62.50 This charming apartment contains Urge living room with Murphy bed, kitch en. tiled bath and reception hall. (110.00 —This beautiful furnished apart ment contains reception hall, large living room, dlnet. kitchen and tiled bath, Murphy bed In living room. SEE _ RES. MA NAG ER. NAT. 6933. FRANCIS SCOTT KF.Y, JPfh turd T 1 Sts. N.W. VERY DESIRABLE DOWNTOWN LOCATION. One unusually large room, dress ing room. Murphy bed. kitchen and hath, completely furnished, includ ing Frisidaire, linens, silver, chnia, etc. *87.50 . See Resident Manager. J. C WEEDON CO . 1727 K St. N.W. Met. 3011. CENTRAL—I4th nncTK. NEAT 2-R. FUR. APT., SSO. Large rms, neatly furn. apts.. in finest merble bldg.; most convenient location in city. See Champlain. 1434 K at n.w. THE JEFFERSON, 16th And m sts. Two-room, bath, kit. apts., fur. complete for housekeeping; linen, light, maid service and re frigeration included in rent; large, cool rooms. Apply Man ager, or Pot 5660. MONMOUTH HOTEL, 1819 G ST. N.W. Three room*, bath (large rooms and closet), overstuffed davenport suites, modern furniture; all night telephone and elevator service. $«). ______ —* Cairo Hotel 16th at Que Street N.W. Large, comfortable rooms, j newly furnished, redecorated throughout, with or without full hotel service. These may be j furnished with davenport beds I If preferred. Dining room in building. i i Single Rooms From $33 ! Double Rooms From $45 2- Suites From SIOO 3- Suites From $l4O T. F. Schneider Corporation 10211 15th Street N.W. Phone North 2104 or Natl. 6336 -■ - 1 1 AFARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED CHEVY CHASE—tJPPER APT. IN BEAUTI fuI duplex home: 6 r (3 bedrooms). double garage. 3830 Rittentaouee tt. Clev. 3180. . ■I / v wVi W When Tarzan first discovered Werper upon the trail he had thought his eyes must be playing him false, so certain was he that the thief had been slain by Numa. But after two days of watching he no longer doubted the identity of the man. As Tarzan crouched in hiding among the unkempt shrubbery which so short a while before had been the pride and delight of the wife he no longer recalled, an Arab and an Abyssinian wheeled their mounts close to him, slashing away with their swords. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) NEAR CONN. AVE —2 LARGE ROOMS. K„ dinette & b., real fireplace. 3 exposures; at tractive and unusual. 1707 R. I. ave. i> », 9* 1631 S ST.. THE SHELBOURNE—ONE ROOM, bath apartment. *32 50: 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, *52.50 up: 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. *87.51) Free Frigldaire. See resident man ager. bath, reception hall, including porch; south exposure: newly_decorated: *82.50; adults. 2501 14th ST "N.W.—NO. I*9. EACH 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath. Frigidaire. ele vator; reduced *45.50. Apt. 20. pleasant. 4 rooms, bath. Frigldaire, elevator, large porch: reduced to *55.50. P. J. WALSHE, Inc.. 1107 Eye gt. n.w. LIV. RM'. BED RM., K., B. AND PORCH The Buchanan Apts., cor. 13th Si Buchanan ats. n.w *44.50 mo., up. Gw. 1883. 1733 20th ST —3 LARGE ROOMS, KITCHEN and bath; completely remodeled and newly decorated in beautiful colors; all outside rooms: Frigidaire; reasonable. DESIRABLE 3. 4 ROOMS, RECEPTION hall. Frigidaire Saluda Apts., 11th A- Euclid n.w. Reasonable. Phone North 2058. ♦ 812 OTIS PL. N.W.—3 RMS. K.. 8... *35.50 2434 Penna. ave. n.w.—2 rms., kit., b.. 30 00 727 12th n.w.—2 rms., kit., bath 42.50 309 7th s.w.—4 rooms, bath 25.00 FLOYD E DAVIS COMPANY. 733 V2th St. N.W. National 0353-0352. _ 1625 15th ST. N.W. FOUR ROOMS. BATH elec., gas, h.-w.h., large porch: newly deco rated; low rent. DAVID R THOMAS. 907 15th st. Nat. 3359 or Col, 4393-W. 10* _ THE MELROSE. U 43 CLIFTON ST. N.W Attractive 4-room and bath apt.: elevator service, Frigidaire; *SO ner month. Apply UNION STORAGE CO. North 0104. * 1309 11th ST. N.W —2 ROOMS. KITCHEN , ette and bath; adults only; $45, including elec., gas_ and heat. 10* 504 2nd ST STB —2"IROOMS * KITCHEN, nice back porch: first floor. Reasonable. Adults. After 6p m. 10* ; 3 ROOMS AND BATH, ELEC., A.M.I ; Ms Pleasant : Call Adams 9271. 10*_ 3920 ONTARIO RD <3 BQB N 18th AND i Col. rd.)—Free Frigidaire; 2 bed rms., Uv. rm . dinette, kit., b.. *55; 1_ rm ■ k.. b . >35 ’ 1330 BELMONT ST —3 "LARGE. AIRY, OUT side rooms, k„ b., hall, double exposure, ! Wn* condition: dumb waiter: *55 709 PRINCETON PL. N.W.—POUR ROOMS, kitchen, sleeping porch, private bath, elec tric light, gas; *SO a month. 10* L.H.K. 3 ROOMS. BATH, IN PRIVATE home. *35 a month Heat, gas, light in cluded. Adams 2615-W. 4806 Georgia ’ a_ve.__n.w. : 3008 CHANNING ST. N.E—3 OUTSIDE rooms, newly decorated; entire second floor 1 a m i., gas range. _ ’ IN THE EMBASSY SECTION, NEAR ME j ridtau Hill Park, one square to 14th st. car line or 16th st. bus—Apartments of 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, good sized rooms [ and closets. Renta! only *32.50 to *SO per ; month. Apply resident manager. 2809 15lh 1 st. n.w. 210 13th ST. S.W.—3 RMS. & B *40.66 1447 East Cap.—s rm*. & b 42.0(1 1009 R. I. ave.—l rm.. kit., b 25.00 HENRY_SCHAFFERT. 330 John Marshall PI 723 7th ST. S.W.—S' AND 6 ROOM FLATS: *26 to *3O. good condition; electricity. HENRY SCHAFFERT, 330 John Marshall PI APARTMENTS. 1831 2nd ST. N E —MOD ■ ern, new. Must be seen to be appreciated Phone Potomac 0490. McKinley Apts. • 1819 2nd ST. N'w “ First, floor; 4 rooms, bath; *3O. Key at 1815 2nd st. n.w. * SUvERAL APARTMENTS IN THE BTAN hope. New Jersey ave and H n.w. All out side rooms. Rents very reasonable. JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO.. 914 O N.W. , f ROOM. itl'T . FUR DINETTE. BATH AND shower, ref. free: *45 4105 wls. ave. n.w,. Apt 104 So Clev. 6500. 10* 1800 QUE BT. N W.—VERY DESIRABLE: 2 rms.. kitchen, bath, porch, fireplace; moder ate rent. Potomac 3609-W. 10* 3 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. Private Family. Col 8516. 10* THE COLUMBIA. 1401 Girard St. N.W. 6 large rooms and bath *77 50 THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL CO.. INC.. 14th and Q Sts L__—_ N>t - 2880 1327 KENYON ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath; screened porch, electric refrigeration. THOS E. JARRELL CO , National 0765 POPULAR. CONVENIENT-WELL MANAGED. THE CLYDE. 1124 10th St. N.W. Resident Manager. Telephone Metropolitan 5128. _ Electric Refrigeration. I 1773 LANIER PL —2 AND 3 ROOMS. KlTCH enette and bath with porches. *SO. 70 R I. ave.- 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, first floor. Iront. *SO. Several small apts. jn the downtown sec tion. *35 to *SO. Apply CIS3EI TALBOTT CO- Nat. 1092. IN PETWORTH. 1 ROOM. KIT # BATH *35 50 HARRY F BIEBER, 628 MASBL AVE. NAT. 7169 1828 RIGGS PL N.W. Living room. Murphy bed, dressing closet, dlnet with table and chaira, kit., b.; 132.50. 1314 11th ST. 'N.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath: S4Q. FRANCIS A. BLW.NDOfy CO., INC., 505 H St M W National 0714. 2nd FLOOR, 651 O ST. N.E. 6 rooms, bath, front and rear porches, attic and separate basement: *45. 2nd AND 3rd FLOORS. 21 H ST. N.W. 6 rooms and bath; *45 per month. Keys on Premises. STEUART BROTHERS. INC., 1011 Bth St. N W. National 3007. 2550 14t.h ST. N.W. Apt 3—5 rooms, bath and porch, electric refrigeration: *65 1340 Monroe st. n.w.—7 rooms, bath and porch; *65. ISIS Park rd,—s rooms, bath, electric re frigeration: *77.50. DONNELLY * PLANT. INC., 3123 14th Bt. N W Col 0838 2807 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. Between Woodley Rd. <fc Cathedral Ave. Newly Renovated Apartments Now Available. Reception hall. 1. 2 and 3 rooms, dining alcove, kitchen and bath *42 50 to *72.50 Electric Refrigeration. Resident Manager. THOMAS J FISHER & CO . INC.. 736 15th St. N W. Dlst. 6830. 1315 PARK RD.—WISTERIA. 4 rooms, bath *55.50 1319 PARK RD. HOLMEAD. 2 rooms, bath *35 50 1 room, bath 25.00 General Electric Refrigeration. 2854 CONN. AVE. 2 rooms, kit . bath *45.00 1408 GIRARD ST—BERMUDA. 3 rooms, bath *35.50 1751 COL RD. 8 rooms, bath (65.00 THOMAS P. BPOWN. 615 4'„ St. SW. ’ National 1819. ROYDON. R NEAR 18th" ST N.W. 2 larae front rms., rec hall, k . bath (60.50 3 large outiide rms., kitchen, bath . . 70 50 4 large front rms., rec. hall. k.. bath. 100.50 1 arge outside rm. and bath 30.50 2 large outside rms., k.. b.. balcony... 60.60 See Resident Manager, LARGE APARTM ENT. 401 23rd ST N.W *l3s—An unusually large and attractive apartment containing reception hall, three large bed rooms, living room, dlnet. kitchen and two bath* See Manager -Nat. 6933 UNUSUALLY LOW RENT. Large Apartment— 2111 18th ST NW. Thia unusually attractive apartment con tains five large rooms and bath, NEAR 14th AND PARK RD. 4222 14th ST. N.W—*50.50. Apartment consisting of two large rooms, kitchen and bath; Frigidaire. LOW RENT—S4S. I 938 MADISON ST N.W. Large apartment consisting of three rooms, kitchen and bath; Janitor service NEAR FRANKLIN PARK. 1225 K ST. N.W.—*50.00. Large apartment containing two rooms, kitchen and bath. CAFRITZ, 1404- K St. Plat. 9080 THE BKLFORD, 304 F St. N.W. Just East of U. 8. Pension Offire. 1 room. Murphy bed and bath *40.09 2 rooms. Murphy bed. kitchen, bath... 45 00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 55.00 ’NSPECT ANY TIME Easy walk to department atoreg and the aters. Frigldaire H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO., 1315 H St. N.W. Dist. 0908. APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. COPLEY COURTS, 1514 17th St. NAV. WALKING DISTANCE DOWNTOWN. 24-HOUR ELEVATOR. SWITCHBOARD, REFRIGERATION Solidly Constructed, Boundprool Apartments. Large Rooms. Commodious Closets. Reasonable Rents. Apply Resident Manager. Decatur MOO. THE BILTMORE, 1940 Riltmore St. NAV. (Only‘3 Apts. Available.) 4 and 5 rm. apts *#o.oo to *lO5 00 Newly decorated: Frigidaire. open fire places. porches, service entrances, servants’ quarters, garages. THE WOODROW, 1835 Phelps PI. N.W. Free Electric Refrigeration. 4 rms„ ree. hall and bath *9O 00 5 rms.. rec. hall and bath.... 100.00 THE MI NT WOOD, 1843 Mintwood PI. N.W. Near 18th and Col. Rd. Free Electric Refrigeration. 1 room. rec. hall and bath *27.50 4 rooms, ree. hall and bath 57.50 THE NATCHEZ, 1440 W St. N.W. 4 rooms, rec. hall and bath *42.50 1511 PARK RD. N.W. - 6 rooms, rec. hall, bath, porch *85.00 5 rooms, rec hall, bath, porch 75.00 (Front Apts., Southern Exposure.) WALTER A. BROWN. 1400 H St. N.W. Nat. 1#52. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION GREATLY REDUCED RENT 1413 GIRARD ST. N.W. Newly Decorated Housekeeping Apts. 2 and a Rooms. Hall and Bath. 1737 F ST. N.W. New and Attractive. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. Bachelor apt . 2 rooms, bath *35.00 1201 M ST. N.W. Five rooms and bath, corner puilding; all outside rooms: splendid order: *65. 950 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. 3 rooms, hall and bath, $35. All outside rooms; good order TAKOMA PARK, Splendid Order. All Outside Rooms. 6615 Eastern ave~~s rooms, bath *40.00 LEE 1). LATIMER CO., i Investment Bldg. National 4146. EVERETT APTS., 2127 P. 1 ROOM. KIT . DIN. AL . BATH *43 00 3 ROOMS. KIT . DINING. LIVING .. 58 00 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION F A BLUNDON. 805 H OR JANITOR^ BEAUTIFUL AI’ARTMENT. NEAR 14th * PARK RD. 4106 Arkansas Ave. < 14th dr Virnum). Beautiful front apartment, constating of comfortable living room, dining room, two bed rooms, kitchen and bath, only 872 50 Apt. 101. CAFRITZ. 14th A K. Dist 908 P THE FARNSBORO, FLORIDA AVE k DECATUR ST. Very Desirable Apartments. 2 Rooms and Bath. 3 Rooms and bath. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1420 You St. N.W. THE MADISON. 1739~EYE BT. 1 ROOM AND BATH *35 50 So *38.50 2 ROOMS AND BATH 62.50 CORDOVA. 20th AND FLA AVE. 5 ROOMS AND BATH *BO 50 to *83.50 7 ROOMS AND BATH (DUPLEX). *110.50 to 125.00 6 ROOMS AND BATH. PORCH 90 50 4 ROOMS, BATH. PORCH 67.50 COYWOOD. 1225 L ST. 5 ROOMS AND BATH *61.50 2 ROOMS AND BATH 32 50 4 ROOMS AND BATH 45.50 DECATUR. 2122 DECATUR PL. | 4 ROOMS AND BATH, *55 50 to *57.50 CARVEL HALL. 1915 K ST. 1 ROOM. KIT AND BATH.. *35.50 to *42.50 WELDON HALL, 1262 21st ST, 2 ROOMS, KIT. AND BATH. . *52.00 to *54 00 1 ROOM, KIT. AND BATH.. 40.00 to 45.00 THE 1 ROOM. GRILL. BATH *29.50 to *32.50 2 ROOMS, KIT AND BATH.. 48.50 to 49 50 1 ROOM. KIT. AND BATH.... 33.50 to 87.60 THE PENFIELd7~9O9 20th ST. ‘ 1 ROOM. GRILL AND BATH. «32 50 to *37.50 1 ROOM, KIT. &. BATH 32.50 to 34.50 THE NORTHMINSTERT 2114 N ST. N.W. 1 ROOM. KIT. AND BATH . *32.50 to 135.50 L. W.GROOMES, 1719 Eye St. 1875 MINTWOOD FL. N.W. Several attractive apts. for rent in this modern building. Elec. Refrigeration Free. Res. Mgr. on Premises. 1 r., k. and b $43.00 2 r., k. and b 50.00 3 r., k, and b 65.00 R. F. SAUL CO., Nat’l 2100. 925 15th St. 1818 RIGGS PL. N.W. Downtown Location. 1 Room. Murphy Bed. Kit.. Dinette .135.00 Resident Manager. North 9194-M. W A RDM AN. 143 1 K St District 3830._ WHY PAY MORE? THE SORRENTO. 2233 18th ST. N.W. No. 34—5 rooms and bath $60.00 THE CLIFFBOURNE. 1855 Calvert St. N.W. No. 4—5 rooms and bath $52.50 No. 54 —5 morns and bath •.. 62.50 THE ROCHESTER, 1438 Meridian St. No. 3—l room and bath *25.50 No. 48—4 rooms and bath 50.00 No 46—3 rooms and bath 40 50 THE CARLETON. 1741 Lanier PI. N.W. No. 32—3 rooms and bath *37.50 No. 24 —4 rooms and bath 47.50 THE ST. PAUL. 1822 15th St. N.W. No. 2—5 rooms and bath. *50.00 No. 4—3 moms and bath 35.00 THE LAMONT. 1627 Lamont Bt. No. I—s rooms and bath >65.00 No. 31—5 rooms and bath . 72.50 THE ALAMO. 1223 12th Bt. N.W No. 4 -4 rooms and bath *50.00 No. 48—-3 rooms and bath 40.00 THE INOLESIDE. 1651 Lamont St No. 20 -4 rooms and bath 155.00 THE PARKER. 1601 Park Rd. No 503- 3 rooms and bath *52 50 THE CALIFORNIA. 1775 California St No 33- 5 rooms and bath *45 00 THE DETROIT. 1440 Meridian PI. N.W No 28 4 rooms and bath *82.50 THE BIRMINGHAM. 2611 Adams Mill Rd No. 41 5 atoms and bath ?62 50 CHAB. E TRIBBY. 814 Dist. Nat Bk. Bldg. Day nh . Dist. 4778: night ph ■ Col. 8670. 1832 30th ST. N.W. (HALF BLOCK OF QUK ST. BOULEVARD.) 2 ROOMS. COMB. DINETTE. KITCH ENETTE AND BATH *35.00 3 ROOMS, KITCHEN AND BATH. FRONT 55 00 IDEAL LOCATION—NEAR MONTROSE PARK. THE CRESTHILL. 1430 BELMONT ST. N.W. ON THE HEIGHTS. ADJOINING MERIDIAN PARK—COOL. AIRY APARTMENTS, CONSISTING OF 2 ROOMS, KIT. BATH. BREAKFAST PORCH *SO 00 s ROOMS. KIT. A BATH. 3 PORCHES. SOUTHERN EXPOSURE 77 50 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION (INCLUDED IN RENT)—ELEVATOR—RESIDENT MANAGER. 1658 EUCLID ST N.W 2 ROOMS. KIT. AND BATH. FRONT PORCH *SO 00 4 ROOMS. KIT AND BATH. RECEP. HALL AND PORCH 65.00 r MOORE & HILL. INC, 730 17th S* #.W. APARTMENTS—UNrUKWISMBP. 1830 R ST. N.W. Southeast corner l*th at., near Conn. t*r: 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and Path, electric refrigeration: *65 to *BO. 1732 CONN. AVE. N.W. 2 looms, kitchen and bath. Sreplace; also studio apartment: *7O and *B3. 1860 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. Redecorated throughout: 3 rooms and bath and 6 room* and 2 bath*. KIHBMI,k<KB; free electric refriaeration: *35 ana *IOO 1900 BILTMORE ST. N.W. 2 room*, reception hall, kitchen, bath and porch: free electric refrlgeraiton; inciner ator. convenient location; *53 THE DUDDINGTON, 1734 LANIER PL. N.W. First-floor apartment. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch: M 2.30 and S3O 00. 2812 CONN. AVE. N.W. Spacious apartment. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch, electric refrigeration; *BS. 3432 CONN. AVE. N.W. Most conveniently located; redecorated; 2 and 3 room*, kitchen and bath: elec refrig eration optional; locate before the Fall ruah. *47.50 to *6O 00 MAMMOTH OAK, 1609 31*t ST N.W. Attractive yard. 2 room*, icitchan. dining elcove. Safft: free electric refrigeration- *53 to *62.50. Resident manager. 3435 R ST. N.W. 2 room*, kitchen and bath; convenient to schools, $42 50 to SSO Resident mistier. 3110 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. High elevation, opposite Cathedral; 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. elec, refrlg.; *54. 1929 16th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch; *55. 1412 15th ST. N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath: *55. 1314 14th ST. N.W. Wiflsin easy walking distance of the Govt, departments: 3 rooms, kitchen and bath; 137.50 to *47 50. Resident manager. 1133 14th ST. N.W. Save car fare: 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, bath: *35 and SSO. 2112 PENNA. AVE. NAV. Low rent: 3 rooms and bath: *3O. 1917 G ST. N.W. Central; 3 rooms, bath and porch; *4O. NORTHEAST. GLASGOW COURTS, 330 RHODE ISLAND AVE. NE. Corner 4th st.—l room, kitchen, bath. Murphy bed; 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath; free electric re frigeration; *42.50 to *65. Reaident manager. BROOKLAND COURTS, 1210-1218 PERRY ST. N.E. Detached building: 2 rooms, kitchen and bath to 4 rooms, kitchen and ba*h; electric refrigeration on house current; *3O to *65.50. 236 MASS. AVE. N.E. 1 room, bath; 1 room, kitchen, bath: 1 room, reception hall, kitchen, bath; free electric refrigeration: *3O lo *47 50. 1208 EVA RTS ST. N.E. Handy to bus end car; 1 room. bath, and 2 rooms, kitchen, bath; redecorated; *37.60 and *45.00. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K St. NW National 9300. 1800 EYE ST. NW. NO ELECTRIC OR GAS BILLS. Walking distance to Govt, depts. and downtown: modern elevator building: run ning ice water in every apartment; full length mirror doors. 2 rooms and bath, non-housekeeping: elec, lights included 160.90 2 rooms. tiled kitchen and bath; re frigeration, gas and electric light included 60.00 Resident Manager. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. 600 20th ST N.W. (COR F.'. Frigidaire. Modern Building, Big Room#. 1 room, kitchen and bath *45.06 See Manager on Premises. THE SIBLEY. 15 M ST. N.W. FRIGIDAIRE INCLUDED. 3 rooms, rec. hall and bath *42.50 4 rooms, rec. hall and bath 52.80 Walking Distance to G. P. 0.. Union Station and City P. O. See Resident Manaaer. Apt. 23. NORWOOD. 1343 E. CAP ST. Electrical F.efriaeration. 5 rooms and hath. Apt. 15 *63.50 'i Block to Lincoln Park. Apply Apt. 3. 1305 POTOM AC ST. NW. Electrolux Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kitchen, rec hall and bath. .*47.50 3 rooms, kit., rec. hall, bath 56.00 All Ants. Just Redecorated. ST. DENNIS. 1636 KENYON ST. 2 rooms and bath *35.00 4 rooms and bath, large porch 60.00 FRIOIDATRE—MODERN BUILDING. Mt. Pl-asant Section. Resident Manager. THE GOROAS 6805 GA. AVE. OPPOSITE WALTER REED HOSPITAL. 3 rooms, rec. hall, d a . bath *47.50 435 16th ST. S.E. 3 rooms and bath *4O 00 228 10th ST. N.E 3 rooms and bath *45.00 See Resident Manager. Apt. 5. 529 G ST. S.E. 3 rooms, rec. hall and bath *42.50 See Resident Manager. 317 3rd St. N.E. _ 3 rooms and hath *45.00 4524 IOWA AVE N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 3 rooms and bath 149.50 See Janitor. 314 V ST. N.E. 3 rooms and bath *39.30 4 rooms and bath _ so oo 115 D ST. 8 E 3 rooms and bath- *6*22 4 rooms and bath" . *8.06 One Block from House Office Bldg. Resident Manager. T. C. WEEDON CO., 1727 k St N W Metropolitan 3011. THE "SAVOY, 2804 14th ST. N.W. Bee these apartments today. Redecorated. Open and lighted until 9 pm. 24-hour elO» vator service 5 large rooms, foyer, bath. *65 and *76, SHANNON & LUCHS RECOMMEND 1921 KALORAMA RD. (Northeast Corner 20th St.) 2 Rooms and Bath to 5 Rooms and 2 Baths. Secretarial Telephone Service. 2 Elevators (Operator Controlled). Refrigeration on House Current. Manager on Premises. PARK TOWERi 2440 16th ST. 1 Room and Bath to 6 Rooms. 3 Baths and Poren. Telephone Switchboard. 3 Elevators (Operator Controlled). Refrigeration on House Current. Manager on Premises. 900 19th BT. 1 Room, Kit. and Bath. Some with Porches. A Few Furnished Apartment*. Refrigeration on House Current. Switchboard and Elevator*. Manager on Premises. 2109 F ST. N.W. 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath, *38.00. 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath, 163 50. Dining Alcove and In-a-Dor Bed. Refrigeration on House Current. THE MAYFAIR. 2115 C ST. N.W 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath. *4O 00. 3 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. *64.00. Refrigeration on House Current. Elevator —Manager on Premises. THE GREENBRIER. 1107 16th ST. , 3 Rooms. Pantry. Kitchen and Bath. Elevator—Electric Refrigeration. Manager on Premises. 1835 18th ST NW. 6 Rooms. Bath and Porch. *IIO.OO. Refrigeration on House Current. 1 THE RADNOR. 2901 16th ST N.W. 5 Rooms. Bath and Porch, *BS 00. 4 Rooms. Bath and Porch. *7O 00. Refrigeration on House Current. Elevator. NEWTON HALL. 1417 NEWTON ST. N.W. 3 Rooms. Dining Alcove. Kitchen and Bath. Refrigeration on House Current. *55.00 to *65.00 Manager on Premises—Elevator. MERIDIAN HILL. 1447 CHAPIN ST. N W 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. *47.50. 3 Rooms Kitchen and Bath, *67.50. Electric Refrigeration. Manager on Premises. 1321 BELMONT ST. N.W. 1 Room. Din. Ale.. Kit. and Bath. *35.00. 2 Rooms, Din. Ale.. Kit. and Bath. *47.50. 1717 COLUMBIA RD. 2 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath. *55 00. 5 Rooms and Bath, *75.00 Refrigeration on House Current. THE WAVERLY. 1906 N ST N W 3 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath, *52 50. Refrigeration on House Current. 4506 GEORGIA AVE 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. *SO 06. Refrigeration on House Current. 5524 Bth ST NW (Corner Longfellow St.) 2 Room*. Kitchen and Bath. (41 00. THE CREBCENT, 1885 CRESCENT PL N.W 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath. *35.00. 3 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath. *40.00. 1619 30th BT. NW. 2 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath. *4O 06. 3 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath, *50.00. THE RAMONA. 676 4th ST. N.E. 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath, *37 50. 3 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath, *40.00. 1337 M ST. N.W. 1 Room. Kit.. Bath and Porch. (42.50. Furnished if Desired, (50.00. SHANNON & LUCHS, INC., 1435 K ST. NATIONAL 2346. 2140 N ST. NAV. 4 and 5 room apartments, ngwly deco rated Rent *37 50 to 153 50 I. DALLAS GRADY. 101 J Vl Ave. N.W. Dtatrlet 61T6. (Continual ej» Next Page.)