Newspaper Page Text
B-8 KENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED __ (CwUiKl ■ > _____ ’ BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE. 4616 Norwood Drive—s9o. This comfortable home, overlooking Chevy Chase golf course, one square south of Bradley lane at Wisconsin ave., contains reception hall, large, bright living room with fireplace, (lining room, bright kitchen. 3 large bed rooms, tile bath with built-in tub and shower, extra tile lavatory on bed-room floor; large front and rear yards, garage. This type home is seldom offered for rent. CAFRITZ. 14th and K. Dist. LOW RENT. $45. JlO BRYANT ST. N.E. This comfortable home contains 5 large, bright rooms and bath; large front and rear Yards. A real bargain. CAFRITZ. 14th and K. Pist. >O6O COLORED—4I6 M S.E. 4 R . B , GAS. latrobe; redecorated: porches: *30.50; key. 420. *lO 26th n.w. —6 r.. b . latrobe. hall; redecorated; $35 SO. OWNER. Cleveland 2661. _lo* COLORED! 1746 T ST. N.W.—« ROOMS and bath. a m i,, second floor. $65 00. Po tomac 5201. _ " COLORED. 224 EXPRESS ALLEY N.W —4 RMS sl2 50 X 630 Covington st. n.w.—4 rooms. .. .. 22.50 ALLAN E. WALKER A CO . INC.. •13 15th St. N.W. National 2*90. _ TO COLORED. w 2126 Flagler pi. n.w.—* rooms. ____ h.-a.h.. elec $50.00 1133 C n.e.—6 r,. b.. a m i., gar 42 50 2231 12th pi—6 r.. brick, elec.. 32.50 339 McLean ave. s.w.— 6 r.. bath 32.50 474 K st. s.w'.—* r.. water, gas 23.50 8 E s.w.—-6 r.. brick 22.50 Rear 4*o Eye s.w.—4 rooms 10 oo 496 Clarks ct. s.w. —4 rooms 12-50 240 13th st. n.e.—s r.. bath, range 2< 50 644 L s.e.—2 r.. heat furn.. elec. <apt.) 2a 00 112 Francis s.e—4 r„ brick, water 13 50 201 K s.e.—4. r.. bath, brick 26.50 FLOYD E DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W. National 0353-0352. COLOR EI)—IIOUSES. (14 M n.w —l3 r.. 3 b.. h-w.h . elec. *9O 00 1908 11th st. n.w —7 r„ b.a mi. . 60.00 648 L st. n.e—6 r.. b. h.-a.h.. gas . 50.00 320 Elm st. n.w.—6 r.. b . Ist h . gas. 45.00 2619 K st. n.w.—7 r., b.. gas. lat. neat. 45.00 1300 C st. s.e —6 r.. b„ elec., pipelsss furnace ’S.ou 4621 Galt pi.—6 r. flat. h.. elec. .. 42 50 2734 10th st. n.w.—6 r . b . lat. h.. gas 40.50 1604 Montello ave. n.e.—6 r.. b.. lat. heat and gas 40 00 247 W st. n.w —6 r. b.. lat. ht . Ras. . 40.00 *7 L at. n.w —6 r.. b.. lat. ht., gas .. . 3i 50 1526 N. Car. ate. ne —5 r.. b . lat. heat and gas 32.50 2224 G st. n.w —6 r. b . lat. h. and gas. 32 50 2307 Bth st. n.w —6 r,. b . lat. h.. gas. 32 50 1523 Marion n.w —« r . gas. stove ht. 30.00 2265 Cleveland ave. n.w.—6 r.. lat. h., gas 30 50 2269 Bth st. li w—s r.. b.. lat. h.. gas. 30.00 •09 6th st. s.e—6 r.. b.. gas. lat. ht.. 30.00 2214 9th st. n.w —8 r . stove heat 30.00 735 Morton st. n.w —5 rooms, gas . 27.50 2261 Bth n.w —5 r.. gas. stove heaU. 27.50 1441 Church st. n.w. -6 r.. stove heat 27 00 42 Decatur n.e —4 r . b„ stove n.. gas -5 00 #2O Barry pi. n.w —5 r. and stove ht. 25.00 1340 4th st. n.w.—s r.. stove h. and *as 23.50 1634 Covington st. n.w.—4 r.. stove ht. 22.50 2322 Bth n.w.—4 r. stove heat...... 2200 1631 Kraemer n.e - 6r . gas. stove ht. 20.50 711 Pleasant ct. s.w.—4 r. stove ht.. 12 50 26 Woodburn. D C—2 r.. stove ht... 10.00 R. F. SAUL CO.. National 2100. 925 15th St. N.W, FOR COLORED. 2004 12th St. N.W.—sss. This large house contains 6 rooms, kitchen •nd bath. A real bargain. CAFRITZ. _ 1004 K St. _ Dist. 9080. _ FOR COLORED. 614 M St. N.W. Large, three-story, thirteen-room house, entirely renovated and re decorated. Each floor arranged a? a separate apartment, fully equipped with kichen and bath.* Suitable for subrenting. Hot-water heat and electricity. Convenient to downtown business district, car lines and two markets. Key at Xo. 4 Madison court or our office. 13 rms., 3 baths, a.m.i $90.00 B. F. SAUL CO., 925 15th St. N.W. Nat’l 2100. WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES. WANTED. BY AUGUST IS, 6 OR 7 ROOM modern unfurnished house, white neighbor hood; excellent tenant: no small children. Cilvr particulars. Address Box 225-A. Star office. tp*_ LIST YOUR VACANT PROPERTY WITH US. We have calls for property in all sections of the city and vicinity. ROBERT A. HUMPHRIES}. Call National 6733. 808 North Capitol Bt. SALE-HOUSES. COR. 3rd AND 8 STS. N.E —9 ROOMS. 3 baths, garage: a.mX: bargain for cash. See CARROLL. 918 O st. n.w. Met. 8810. CAPITOL HILL -SEMI-DETACHED. SEVEN rooms, modern: forced sale; $5,500. terms: re duced from $7,500; Immediate sale. Dist. 7831. 10* NEAR CAPITOL—TEN ROOMS. MODERN, hardwood floors: leaving town; reduced: 16.900: SSOO cash; 2 apt*., rents $75: worth around SIO,OOO. Dist. 7831. 10* TO SETTLE ESTATE; 2-STORY. 9-ROOM, bay-window brick, long lot. brick garage; clear. 622 A st. n.e CAPITOL HILL'B BEST BUY. 707 MASS ave. n.e.—Newly decorated, hot-water heat, elec., a.m 1.: 2 nice yards, garage. Best buy on Northeast's widest avenue. Might con sider trade, not over $6,000. Open 5 pm. to * D m daily. Phone Adams 47*6. DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE— Circumstances make it possible to offer this 7-room brick home on very reasonable terms. Cleveland 0712. BUNGALOW in CHEVY CHASE. MD.. 4509 Ridge st.—Large sun parlor and porch: low price; convenient terms. A REAL BARGAIN—72O C ST. N.E.—55,500 Six rooms, bath, electricity, furnace: con crete cellar under entire house. Easy terms. Owner. 718 C st. me. Atlantic#7B3-1. SUBSTANTIAL CHEVY CHASE HOME— Taken for trust. Bargain. Nine rooms, two baths, brick: worth $25,000. Goes for 919.950. Small cash payment. Phone Col. 4402-J * REAL GEM—CLEVELAND PARK HOME, modern in every respect; center-hall plan, ideal location; .lust the home for small fam ily Columbia 7868. PROM OWNER. AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVING, new all-brick, detached 6-room. 2-bath home, Krage; Chevy Chase. D. C.; $12,950. Address x 358-D. Blar office. 10* CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. 3412 QUEBADA ST Scuaie south of Rittenhouse at Broad Branch rd. Nine rooms (four bed rooms), auto matic heater, Frigidaire. garage: $12,500 net. If so>d before August 15. Open until 9 p m Reeves. Cleveland 6334. * _ « PINE ROOMS. LARGE LOT. HARDWOOD floors, metal weather stripping and copper screens throughout, hot-water heat, -large bath room with shower and extra lavatory in master bed room, garage. Nicely land scaped. Occupied less than year, owner moving to California and must sell. 3610 Kanawha st.. Cleveland 1987. PRICE $7,250 4212 4th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS & BATH. 2-CAR GARAGE HARRY F. BIEBEH. B*B MASS. AVE. NAT. 7169. _ NEARLY NEW HOMES. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 3428 4th st. n.e ? »«?50 2*39 4th st. n.e 7.500 187 Uhland Terrace n.e 6.650 307 17th st. s.e 5,650 All in excellent condition and can be bought on easy term*. WAOGAMAN A BRAWNER. INC ■ _ 1700 Eye St. N.W. Met. 3**o._ “ NEW MT PLEASANT HOMES OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK. Ultra Modern. 6 and 7 Rooms. Frigidaire. Built-in Garage. Front and Rear Porches. Low Price—Easy Terms. Sample House. 1853 Ingleslde Terrace. North from 19th A Park Rd., About 2 Blocks to Houses. W G. IRVIN. Owner-Builder. Cleveland 1531. __ YOUR oproRtUMTV. CASH, SIOO. Easy Monthly Payments. This unusual home is located in a re stricted northwest community and will sure ly meet with your approval. It contains six large rooms and bath with built-in Pembroke tub and shower, hardwood floors, three large covered porches, paved street and alley. This home is in perfect con dition and you should inspect it at once. Call Cleveland 1758-W. SPEC IA L "HO M K BAKG A INS. The following houses have »een traded in to us for larger homes, so we can offer them at special bargain prices and terms. 1202 Hemlock St. N.W. A beautiful, semi-detached, four-berl-room colonial house. rlo*ed-ln porches, also ftre tllaee and built-in garage. Drive out 16th A. and turn right to Alaska ave. to Hemlock at. and then 100 feet east to sample. 765 Princeton St. N.W. Eight rooms and bath, built-in garage Just et<e of Ga ave.. on paved street. Regular price. $11,500 ours only $9,950. 1108 E St. N.E. Six rooms and bath, three porches, metal garage, stone wall parking, a very pretty home facing south. Regular prtce. $8,950. ours only $8,450. __ _ 1654 Gales St. N.E. Just east of 15th and G sts n.e.—Neat 6 rooms and bath, with lot 192 feet deep. Flowers, garden, vegetable garden and ga rage, SIOO cash. SSO monthly: only $6,950. 1623 G St. S.E. Just finished-a real homey home with colored fixtures in bath and kitchen. Gen eral electric refrigeration. Don t miss thi» bargain. Open every night. H. R. HOWF.NSTEIN CO., 1315 H St. N.W. Dis. 0908. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. One block west of Conn, ave., near schools, j churches, stores ar.d transportation; semi detached brick: 7 rooms. 2 baths, screens, electric refrigeration, large lot; $12*60. 3902 McKinley st Owner and builder, Cler. 9707, or your broker. Open. REAL ESTATE. MOON MULLINS—A Special Inducement. By WILLARD ■P» OH coMMOOoog. vou -- i-SiDpr* pPPalfy AwsuenArucrrena! \ I W'l *-thought *m« V§g\ • IL/ JU«T BET ABPgTTV > it, .2®'% *IIk!P| that if vou bought that fmmmm S; 'Jjgsgf- J&0 '■ SALE—HOUSES. < Continued.) DETACH ED RESIDENCE. CATHEDRAL HEIGHTS. 10-room. 3-bath. Spanish-type house, tin- \ usually excellent in construction and loca- j tion. All conveniences of in-town residence, i yet suburban surroundings. Reasonably priced. 3842 Cathedral ave. n.w. CHAB. D. SAGER. 924 14th St. N.W. National 0036. | PRICE, $6,250. NORTHEAST. 7th st. near Md. ave.—A three-story, bay window brick dwelling containing nine large rooms and bath. This property is situated In g good section of the Northeast and can be sold on exceptionally low terms. JOHN F. DONOHOE Sc SONS. 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. Realtors. _ Bargains—l7th and G Sts. S.E. Just North of Pa. Ave. Cars. ”ls you are paying as much as S6O a month rent you can buy one.of these new homes They have many new ideas, in cluding closed porches, garages, all colored porcelain bath and kitchen fixtures, a i beautiful green, which we are sure will j p’ease you. Why not come down this eve- I ning and look them over? Open and light- ■ ed until 9 o'clock. H. R. HOWF.NSTEIN CO., 1315 H St. N.W. Dist. 0908. FIRST COMMERCIAL ZONE L ST.. NEAR CORNER OF 19th ST. PRICE $5,750 6 ROOMS AND BATH SPACE FOR 2-CAR GARAGE GOOD FOR MOST ANY BUSINESS. ASSESSED AT $4,722. HARRY F. BIEBER. A NEW HOME CROWDED WITH NEW FEATURES. 20 Ft. W ide—Lot 142; i Ft. Deep Situated on the highest and prettiest street in Petworth. natural cabinet trim throughout, select oak floors, massive closet space, cedar lined closet. Expensive fix- ( tures. found only in houses of higher price. , Screens throughout, daylight kitchen, all built-in cabinets, electric refrigeration and a bath room you 11 rase about. Long sodded lot with a. detached garage. Moderate pMce with modest terms. Call Metropolitan 5630, : Apt. 610. j '* ' ‘ CLEVELAND PARK. $13,750. ATTRACT!WE ENGLISH COTTAGE TYPE. 3620 Veazey St. N.W. Near the Bureau of Standards: most attractive, new. 8-room. 3-bath, semi-detached house, midway be tween Conn, and Wis. aves.. in rap iciv developing, desirable, restricted residential community: excellent in design construction and location: 8 rooms at the price asked for 6-room hn-'ses in the same vicinity: equipped with electric refrigeration and every modern home refinement. Go out Conn ave. to Bureau of Standards, turn left on Pierce Mill rd,. to right one block to Veazey *t. CHASi D. SAGER, National 0036. 924 14th St. N.W. Double-Front English Group Homes FOXALL r Overlookinf Foundry Branch Valley Park Si* and Eijht Rooms, One and Two Baths Outstanding Values, f STAR MODEL HOME, 1609 44th Stratf N.W. WAVERLY TAYLORS IJM K *TM£f NATX 1040 1930 WONDER HOUSES \ Ml Just Complete*! e m w Extraordinary Value 5 5. p Something Different « y 7 Rooms » Many features usually found in house* costing twice as much. The kitchen is a beauty. What a bath room! Sample: No. 313 17tli St. N.E. East Capitol St. to 17th and then north 3 squares. WAPLE & JAMES, Inc. § 1226 14th Street North 0962 | or Your Own Broker m wi w *fiffCl*>!»m«lftt*l»H**aflftl&«»lii»l &miUilKlllftlt!illifStl*ftftlltll»lftft«!llk; First Showing of j “A—MODEL —CHEVY—CHASE—HOME” Furnished hy I). S. Pool, Inc. Rugs hy Nazarian & Hekimian $18,750 Center - Hall - Plan Brie k—Slate Roof Four Bed Rooms—2 Baths—2-Car Garage Corner Lot One Square East of Circle Inspect the de luxe kitchen, the wide entrance hall, the living room. 14x20; jj : the dining room. 13x18: the tour large well planned bed rooms. Among the structural features you will find a steel girder supporting each • bearing partition; two solid masonry storage rooms In basement: basement 7 It. >; : high. Every up-to-date appliance. Including radio connection. The architectural t; | ill beauty of the rear of this home la unusual, being typical Dutch Colonial over- ! ; ' : looking a pretty sodded lawn I*l This ideal home is located on a beautiful paved avenue, connecting with {:> : Rock Creek Park. j: : Drive out Connecticut Avenue to Patterson Street and turn to right one I: : square and Inspect It. OPEN UNTIL 9:30. MITCHELL QUICK j 516 Tower Bldg. Me*. 3788 j ■ ;• • «!Hu«!«• ••••*«*■?iMWuiujMmdiiitiuHHiim jiOLUUfyMTeTif* i • jfshsi!* •11 Homes for One Large Family or Two Smaller Ones Inspect the Following Houses 412 to 442 Jefferson St. N.W. i 938 Quincy St. N.W. 1601 to 1619 D St. N.E. j | 1519 Isherwood St. N.E. One Block North of 15th and O Sts. N.E. Bix. seven and eight large rooms, built-la tile bath, cement front porch, I- double rear porches, upper porch Inclosed (with heat), garage with each house. ,:j S Cedar-lined closets. Frtgidaire. . j These desirable communities have excellent bus and street xar service, Ist : and are very convenient to every facility. These houses are priced at very moderate figures on convenient terms. :: INSPECT AT ONCE BUILT BY UNION LABOR THOS. A. JAMESON CO. j |:| Owner and Builder I 906 N. Y. Ave. N.W. NA. 5526 j ls,rnmnm>.i.tii.m»i.n).im»nu...u .........if THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C„ SATURDAY. AUGUST 9. 1930. SALE—HOUSES. “ PRICk, $6,250. just off of East Capitol st.—A colonial brick dwelling containing six rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights: newly papered and painted and ready for immedl j ate occupancy. Any reasonable terms will be considered. j JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. Realtors. SP VMSH BUNGALOW INK AR COLUMBIA COUNTRY CLUB rj ~ ]..» ACRE GROUND. $9,930 Unusually large living room, dining room, kitchen, three bed rooms and tile baths, all on one floor. Solio masonry walls—tile roof—oak floors in every room—hot-water heat and close to stores, schools and transportation. This beautiful place overlooks spacious grounds and is a bargain. Drive out Connecticut Avenue to Taylor Street and turn to right, four squares to corner of Deifield Street. OPEN UNTIL 9:30 MITCHELL QUICK Tower Bidr* Met. I Only One Left Os Our New 'Detached Thirty-Second Street Homes in CHEVY CHASE, D. C. $11,950 5411 32nd Street An elevation of Wonderful Views. Big, finely landscaped lot. Built-in garage; concrete porch. Brimful of features, including FRIGIDAIRE. OPEN 9 A\M. TO 8 P.M. P.OSS & PHELPS 1417 K St. National 9300. Drive out Connecticut Ave. to Ne braska Ave., east to Military Rd , right to 32nd St. and lelt to house. GET OUR BIG RENT LIST FROM OFFICE SALE—HOUSES. S2OO CASH—SS9.SO MONTHLY j $6,950. ; Near 14th and Spring Rd. N.W. 1 In perfect condition, with two-car garage, inclosed breakfast porch, electricity, close to stores and all means of transportation. > Call Adams 5641 after 8 p.m. CHEVY CIIASE —$11,950. Two Short Blocks from Conn. Ave. You will find in this home a real buy. 1 It contains living room 23 ft. long, with I open fireplace: dining room, kitchen, pantry, large living porch. 3 bed rooms, tile bath, large attic and built-in garage. It is fully screened and has hardwood floors through out. Will sell on very easy terms. Wis consin 2873 SOUTHEAST BARGAIN. A REAL BUY. SEE THIS BEFORE DECIDING. 140.1 RIDGE PI.. S.E. NEAR NAVY YARD. (Cross 11th St. Bridge. Turn Left at 8 St. to 14th.> Everything you could wish for in a com plete home: brand-new. VERY SMALT, CASH PAYMENT. OPEN M APLE & TAMES, INC., NortlL 0962. 1y 2 Blocks from Chevy Chase Circle. I 342*. 3432. 3502 PATTERSON ST. N.W. I Three new beautiful detached brick homes jto select from. They ail have reception hall. | 8 rooms. 2 baths, porches and garage: each , house of a different architectural design. Located in a high, exclusive, restricted neigh borhood and close to churches, schools and car line. Prices. *13.500-*14,000. Open for inspection day and night. JACOBSON BROS., Owners and Builders, 1616 K St. N.W. Phone Dist. 2126. Col. 3353. Wis. 2916 I AN INDUCEMENT —to purchaser before formal opening of new group of Artistic Brick Homes. Six charming rooms, ooen fireplace, attrac tive tiled bath. elec, refrigerator and every i up-to-the-minute feature. Convenient, at- I tractive and highly restricted location. A | real opportunity to make a saving before j formal opening. : Special Price, $9,250 —Terms, t Shown hv Appointment Only. Call North 7471. i TAKOMA PARK, ATTRAC ■ tive bungalow, five rooms and | inclosed porch ; s reasonably I priced, S2OO cash payment. Call I Shep. 2850-R. 509 Elm ave. * NOW $177250. Detached Corner Stucco House. 6 rooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage. Heve. 2453. WANTED NEW HOUSE SALESMEN, DE taehed homes. See Mr. Webster. BOSS & PHELPS. 5100 Block Conduit Road Bargain Price New semi-detached dwellings, containing 6 rooms, tiled bath, built-in tub. hot-water heat and electric light. j Built to Sell for $9,750 Our Price #6,650 —Cash, $l5O Lots 25x120 The Commercial National Co. 14th and G Sts. Nat'l 2680 I FOR COLORED NEW HOMES KINGMAN PARK H St. Gars to 23rd St. N.E. $6,175 to $7,250 The only fully modern com munity of new homes. Fur nished sample house at 521 23rd st. n.e. Play golf on the most com pletely equipped 48-hole course in the city. CHAS. D. SAGER, National 0036. 924 14th St. N.W. REFINED COLORED—ON HILL NEAR Euclid: 6 rooms, semi-detached: new expen sive gas range, new 1-piece sink. Oarney plant, electricity and double brick garage; fine condition: SB.500: terms. Ad j dress Box 288-D._Btar office. • COLOR I'D OPPORTUNITY! TO SETTLE ESTATE. *9.500 Downtown, beautiful brick home, modern: 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, electric ity. 2-car garage: located Just off lowa Circle Reduced from *12.500, and will sell on easy terms. Interested purchasers ad vised to call immediately. BHOWALTER REALTY CO., 1427 Eye St. N.W. National 4122. Eves.. Pot. 4491. WANTED ~TO~BUY—HOUSES i HOUSE, FIVE OR SIX ROOMS. GOOD LO > cation, near grade school. Offer fine northwest lot in exchange. Give exact lo | cation. Address Box 373-D._Star j>fllce._lo^ i pa y cash for bargains or will as ! sum* your trusts at equity bargain prior*; I any section. Address Box 1268. City P. O. I WANTED—OLD HOMES THAT NEED RE | pairing. Downtown only. Cash. 606 D st. n.w. National 4164. DETACHED OR SEMI-DETACHED 'HOUSE', n.w. or Woodridge Price $6,500 to *8.500. Give lull particulars. Address Box 433-D. Star office. _ WILL PAY ALL CASH FOR' SEVERAL brick houses, reasonably priced, white or colored: prefer clear property or subject to small indebtedness. EARLE W. MANSON. District 9373. 1103 Vermont ave PAY CASH FOB BRICK HOUBEB WHITE or colored. Must be cheap. Address Box 388-D. Star office. 10» SALE OR RENT—HOUSES. LEAVING WASHINGTON—WILL SELL OR rent at a bargain. Chevy Chase. D. C. cor., built for a doctor's home. Large front porch, oak floors. 2 baths, garage: furnished or unfurnished. Owner. Address Box 289-D. jy*£ office. 152 Ilth B.E.- « R.. 8.. A?M.I., OAR .*47.50 141 Adams n.w.—6 r,. b., ami., car.. 45.60 342 N s.w.—6 r.. br., no b,. repair 28.50 Glendale, Md - 5 r., 21 a., gar , etc 19 50 Colored Dewey at., Hyattaville 16 50 N. E. RYON CO., 1316 N. Y. Ave. 3411 14th. RENT—STORES. STORE. B.E. BUSINESS SECTION. SUTT able for drug store, lunch room, shoe re pairing or any other business. Inquire 12415th st. s 937 H ST. N.W. —IN THE SHOPPING . district. Attractive show window. .SIIO.OO 1010 Eye st. n.w 65.00 1010 Eye st. n.w.—Basement store.... 40.00 804 Fla. ave. n.w.—Colored sth ave... 50.00 1027 9th st. n.w 50.00 801'i 10th st. n.w 45.00 1936 9th st n.w 50.00 F. P. 3HEKHY. *OS 10th. Met. 1577. DELICATESSEN. 5631 GEORGIA AVE. N.W.—s6s. Large store, located in new and fast-grow ing community, especially suited for a deli catessen. CAFRITZ. 2300 9th ST N.W.—STORE AND DWELL -1346 YOU N.W.—sl2s. AT BIG TRANSFER CORNER. SUITABLE FOR ROOT BEER STAND. SANDWICH SHOP. GROCERIES AND MEAT. CUT-RATE TIRE STORE. SHOE-REPAIR SHOP OR BAKERY. AFFLECK REALTY CO.. 1235 N. Y. AVE. 1436 PARK RD. N.W.—STORE AND apartment above $125.00 1847 14th st. n.w.—Store 125.00 2509 14th st. n.w.—Store 100.00 1940 9th n.w.—Store. 4 r., b„ a.m.i... 100.00 3522 12th st. n.e.—Store 85.00 1923 L st. n.w.—Store. 6 r., a.m.i.... 75.00 1329 7th n.w.—Store. 2 floors above.. 75.00 1201 26th st. n.w—Store 75 00 2807 M st. n.w.—Store. 4 r„ b., elec.. 75.00 3301 12th st. n.e 65.00 3305 12th st. n 50.00 420 Fla. ave. n.w.—Store 50 00 1035 Bladensburg rd. n.e.—Store 50.00 7303 Ga. ave. n.w.—Store 50.00 1161 20th st. n.w.—Store, 3 r., elec... 47.50 1808 Fla ave. n.w 40.00 3603 18th n e 35 00 2505 M st. n.w.—Store 30 00 3331 18th st n.e. —Store 25.00 R. F. SAUL CO., National 2100. _ 925 15th St, N.W. LARGE STORE, 3212 GEORGIA AVE.—S32.SO. This store, conveniently located in a new and thriving community at an unusually 1 attractive rental. Suitable for any business. CAFRITZ, _ 1404 K St Dfst. 9080. : CONN. AVE. STORE. Show Windows. . Suitable for any business catering to select clientelle. Apply Resident Manager, STONELEIGII COURT, NAtional 2266 or * United Realties, Inc., Wardman Park Hotel, Br. 6—Columbia 2000. OFFICES AND STUDIOS. OFFICES FOR RENT IN STAR BUILDINO— For desirable tenants, three single offices are immediately available in The Btar Building Convenient to new Government buildings south of the Avenue. All three offices are desirable locations. Rentals from S4O to S6O a month. Apply 610 Btar Building or call National 6000, ext. 253. VERY DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOM IN OUR suite, S4O month includes answering your phone, use of our reception room. Apply International Insurance, Inc., 2nd floor, 1000 Conn. ave. 15* BARRISTER BUILDING. 635 P ST N W Suite or single rooms, suitable for lawyer’s office or national concern. Apply superin tendent. Room 106. SINGLE OFFICES AND SUITES —with a wide range In size and rentals In the following buildings: Albee Bldg.. 15th and G Sts. Chandler Bldg.. 1427 Eye St. Edmonds Bldg., 927 15th St. Brownley Bldg.. 1304 F St. Loew Bldg.. 1110 F St. Maryland Bldg., 1410 H St. SHANNON k LUCHS. INC., Managing Agents. 1700 EYE ST. N.W. THREE BEAUTFUL ROOMS, on aecond floor, large and light. Janitor and elevator service. Rent reasonable Waggaman & Brawner, Inc., 1700 Eye St. N.W. Met. 3860. STUDIO ROOM. Suitable for Artists, Teachers, Etc. • See Resident Manager, STONELEIGII COURT, Conn. Ave. at L St. National 2266. SALE OR EXCHANGE. ! APARTMENT HOUBE, 12 APARTMENTS, subject one trust; equity $17,000: house or LpCKWOpD._Dec. 0100. ll* STORE AND 2 ROOMS WITH 2 APTS . 4 rooms, bath each; a m l.: $65 full mo. pay ment A bargain for aome one. SSOO cash, mo. payment like rent. HOLMEB CO., 1004 K at. n.w. Nat. 3677. BENT—WAREHOUSES. RENT—WAREHOUSES. 1935 Fifth St. N.E. INDUSTRIAL ZONK , ' - 3-story, part-cellar, fire-resisting constructed building containing approxi mately 30,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Office sections and part of storage space are steam heated. Private B. & O. R. R. siding with car-loading platform on the second floor level. » Ideal location for central distributions Further particulars will be furnished by — * | F. G. KAYHOE 1845 4th St. N.E. North 1287 l BBBEIB 8 ■ 118 B—MB— I SALE—BUSINESS PROPERTY. A REAL BUY." ZONED FOR BUSINESS. 17- 6 R ST. N W. Less than 65 feet from the corner, ad joining large Sanitary Store: three stories. 10 rooms and bath. Easily remodeled or could be used for tailor shop, beauty parlor, barber shop. etc. Easily worth SIO,OOO. Will sell for *6.825. H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO., Dist 0908. 1315 H ST. N.W. WANTED—BUSINESS PROPERTY. WANT TO LEASE SMALL FACTORY plant. Must be in the industrial zone. Ad dress Box 363-D. Star office. RENT—BUSINESS PROPERTY. I WAREHOUSE OR~ GARAGE. 43x140 FEET, with additional brick building 53x113 feet, also land for outside storage, all at S2OO per month. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. MO7 New York Ave. N.W. Natongi 1166. FOR RENT—GROUND. NORTHWEST CORNER, 19th & L STS. N.W. 60x52 FT EXCELLENT GASOLINE STATION. GOOD FOR ANY BUSINESS WILI REMODEL TO SUIT TENANT. HARRY F. BIEBER. BUSINESS PROPERTIES. 421 11th st. n.w $350.00 408 H st. n.e 125.00 2416 14th st.. n.w 125.00 1362 Florida ave. n.e 65.00 428 10th st. n.w 50.00 903 Grant pi. n.w 35.00 THE WASHINGTON LOAN A TRUST CO., 900 F St. N.W. Phone National 3440. For 421 lltlTsl N.W. Large desirable building, 25x100 ft. Reasonable altera tions to suit tenant. Price, $450 per mo. On 5-year lease. Apply WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST CO., Real Estate Dept. 9th and F. SALE—LOTS. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE ‘.-ACRE LOT for SIOO cash, or arrange terms to suit. Cell North 0553. OAKCREST. VA.—VILLA SITES AND LOTS In this beautiful nearby suburb. Special proposition to builders and home buyers. Or will finance and build to suit purchaser. J. L. PRICE. Oakcrest office, Mt. Vernon Blvd. near Frazier ave. Clar.. 2115-W-l. BARGAIN—3Sc SQ. FT. LONGFELLOW ST. n.w. Southern exposure. 70x157 fall or part). High elevation. Level. E. R. AN DERSON. 717 Longfellow st. n.w. Oa. 1914, VERY DESIRABLE LOT. 50x165. SHEPHERD st. (east of Brookville rd.). Chevy Chase. Md. Deal direct with owner, must sell. Address 80x_409-D._Star office. 15* LOT 30x175 FEET. LOCATED ON HORNER pi.. Congress Heights; SBOO. Phone Lincoln 8788 ’ 15 LOTS AND 2 STABLES—APPLY MRS. T. M. GATES. Chewton ave. & C st., Greater Capitol Heights._Md. • OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER OFFERS 3 CHEVY Chase. D C.. lots for immediate sale at gieat sacrifice. Want lot listings in n.w. for immediate sale to builders. Want sites for 10 miniature golf courses. GEO. E DIEFFENBACH. Lot Specialist. Nat JBBSO 1343 H St N.W. Clev._4ll7 SPECULATIVE B ITLDERS, ATTENTION. We have lots for row. semi-detached and dftached houses, on grade, all improvements in. Will finance to responsible builders. B. F. SAUL CO., 925 I.sth St. N.W. National 2100. REAL 1% 15 TA”T S. WATER-FRONT PROPERTY. Say ridge—beautiful 7-room and bath cottage facing the water; large shad ed corner lot 50 by 325: garage: private boat pier: for sale or rent; price reason able. Call Adams 7404. ' dUNSTON MANOR. VA.—SMALL COTTAGE 1 on two lots, near water, furnished; good bathing. Ashing, crabbing; cheap for cash. j 781 20th at, n.e. * COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—NICE COOL FlVE room water front cottage, furnished; S2O week. 2817 18th at. n.w. Adams 3420. NORTH BEACH—COMFORTABLE COT tages. electricity, water inside, screened porches; accommodate Bor 9. Call Shepherd 2484-J. ' PLUM POINT (NEELD ESTATE). MD.—FOR ■ sale, water front lot; cheap; easy terms. Address Box 282-D. Star office. 12* ' NORTH BEACH—VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ing lots, 1300 Met. 0832, or See Dr. GRAF - TON D. P. BAILEY at Beach. Md. 22* ’ FOR SALE BY OWNER AT NORTH CHE3A -1 pealce Beach large completely furnished bungalow half block from water front and post office; electricity, sanitary toilet: lot 50x150. Cheap for quick sale. Phone MARGARET J. CONNOR. District 3661. 943 K St. n.W. MODERN HOME. 12 ROOMB. 3 BATHS, near Washington; 750 feet on salt water. Value $45,000. Will take $24,500. Address Box 44-A. Star office NORTH BEACH—DESIRABLE COTTAGE. Parking space, shade, elec.. Reasonable by week or bal. of season. Hyatts. 1439. * BUNGALOWS, SOUTH RIVER SECTION— Rent or sale. New and clean. Good water „ supply. 5 *.. bath, porches, shade, directly fronting water. Safe, sandy beaches. No 1! mosquitoes. One hour to Washington. Good „ roads. Electricity available. Houses will be X sold for less than cost for cash. Easy terms 2 if desired. R. D. LILLIE. Citizens Bank 0 Building. Takoma. Shepherd 3092. * 1 EDGEWATER BEACH. WATER FRONT LOT 58 ft. on South River. S9OO. Lot 50x125 ft , | overlooking South River, $175. M. H. Healy, - I Edgewater. Md. FOR RENT—AT NORTH BEACH. COT tages. August 15. Furnished. Lincoln 7436. 10* NORTH BEACH COTTAGE FOR RENT— Electricity, shower, bath, toilet, running watery also lots for sale. Nat. 1147, • WILL SACRIFICE SEW 6-ROOM AND bath house on 2 beautiful lots in Epping Forest; large water frontage overlooking Severn: 4 bed rooms, servant's room, shower, 3 large porches. V. H. Schulz. Col. 4040. NORTH BEACH. MD.—3 LARGE ROOMS, water inside; furnished; $lO week. Phone Lincoln 2461. 10* TALL TIMBERB. NEAR PINEY POINT,'MD. Cottage furnished, on front lot 50x200 feet. Phone North 6648. FOk' SALE— 3 . ACRE. BEAUTIFUL, LARGE hrme. Severn River; all modern conven iences: suitable for home or tea room. Rea sonable for prompt sale. Herald Harbor. Edward W. Digges. PINE WHIFF BEACH. MD., ON SOUTH River—For sale, new 5-room screened bun galow on lot 50x140: large porch: bargain, $1,750. Lots, $l5O up. FRANK BERNARD, Adams 3233. 10* NORTH BEACH PARK COTTAGE, FOUR rooms, two porches, elec,. S2O week; fur nlshed. Col. 4613 or National 3712. COLONIAL BEACH—NICE 4-ROOM COT tage (furnished), city water, porches, ac commodates 6 to 8. Near front. For rent last two weeks of August and September. Reasonable, Col. 6 <9B, * SEE CEDARHURST ON CHESAPEAKE BAY. A refined Summei colony. 31 miles from D. C.. line. Lots S2OO up. Cottages at low est prices. Good rofcds. harbor, electricity, hotel, store and bakery on property. Cedar hurst is not an amusement resort or public park, but a restricted, well planned. Sum mer colony. We invite you to inspect the development. Take Marlboro pike 'hrough Marlboro and Mt. Zion, turn right on Shady Side road. Avoid right turns at Mt. Zion and new concrete road. BAUMAN A HEINZMAN. 1 Thomas circle. Decatur 4700. Water Front ‘Cottages For rent at Fenwick. Md., near Marshall Hall. Apply J. C. Addor. SOUTHHAV EN. Washington's closest salt water suburb. , Located on South River just 30 miles from downtown section, over Defense Highway towards Annapolis, turn right at large sign l'i miles to entrance. A restricted coiony for discriminating people. For further In formation call District 6229. Offices 1103 Vt. ave. n.w. BAY kIDGE, On the Chesapeake Bay. These hot days remind us that It Is never too late to have a nice cool home on the bay and remember It is always 20 de grees cooler at Bay Ridge; nice large, shaded lots are block from water. $500; ’ water front lots. SI,OOO and up. Attractive. 1 cozy homes nicely decorated, on lots 50x200. $5,000 and up. Agent at office on i ground or call BAY RIDGE REALTY CORP., I 219 Bond Bldg,. National 9857. ST. GEORGES BEACH. Lots 40x100. $20.00. $2 DOWN. $2 PER MONTH. A new water front colony where people of moderate means can enjoy salt-water bath ing. boating. Ashing, crabbing. COME EARLY SUNDAY. AUGUST 10. to take advantage of this exceptional oppor tunity Comfort stations, bath house, arte sian water, pier. Route: Waldorf. Leonard town. turn right at Great Mills to sign. On Georges River. 66 miles from D. C„ State road all the way. ST. GEORGES BEACH CO., 1340 H St. N.E. Lincoln 5707. • - ■ ---■■■ ■ -r:-r= ( REAL ESTATE—LOANS. j I MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C REAL ESTATE - in an] amount at prevailing interest. JESSE L. HEISKELL. 1118 Eye at. n.w. ! SMALL PAYMENTS. QUICK SERVICE; lit. 2nd and 3rd trusts In D. C. Loans in nearby Md. and Va No red tape. Dr. A. HENRY. INC.. 1016 Eye st n.w, FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS—SEE SUPERIOR FINANCE As INVESTMENT CO.. , 1 INC.. 1131 a 8t N.W., Room 308. Met. 3495. FIRST TRUST LOANS AT Vb% AND UP ward on Improved property In the District of Columbia: also a limited amount for the nearby Improved parts of Maryland and Vir ginia. Building loans made occasionally. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. ! 1407 New York Ave. Main 1140. | QUICK MONEY, i —TO LEND. 2nd AND 3rd TRUSTS: *IOO TO *4.000 ON MARYLAND AND D. C. HOMES THREE DAYS TO COMPLETE TRANSAC TIONS. COURTEOUS SERVICE C. F. WARING. 1414 P ST. N.W NATL. 0173 AUTO LOANS. I LOANS PROCURED ON ZaUTOS OR STORE FIXTUREB. I M. OREENBAUM. RM. 830. TOWER BLDG., I 14th and K Sts. N.W. Met. 8462. »♦ A BETTER, CHEAPER PLAN. TO BORROW ON YOUR AUTO OR TO REFINANCE THE UNPAID BALANCE. NORMAN GOLDBERG. >lB O ST. N.W.. ROOM 501. MKT. 4142. AUTO LOANS: 7 QUICK SERVICE. Open Evenings. 645 Md. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 0178. 1719 14th St. N.W. North 9540. LOANS ON AUTOS. USE YOUR CAR—LOWEST RATES. LOANS ON UNPAID CARS. ACME FIN. & REALTY CO., LICENSED BROKERS. 905 N. Y. Ave. N.W. National 2453 WANTED—MONEY: *<6.000 WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE owner, secured by first trust on northern Virginia real estate Improved with new and substantial buildings. Property is valued at three times amount sought. Ad dress Box 372-D. Star office. 10* MONEY rO LOAN WE BUY FIRST DEEDS OF TRUST NOTES on vacant around, building lots and acreage; also buy second deeds of trust notes on im proved property FULTON R GORDON. Continental Trust Bldg District 6231 __BUMME RCOTTAGF. S. COOL COTTAGE FURNISHED POR SIX" airy; screened, artesian water, salt water swimming and crabbing and fishing. 52 miles Irons Washington; month. *IOO. week. *3B day. $5 Relereaees required. Phone National 44M. 10* WANTED—LOTS. ,‘jfe dreaa Box 404-D. Star office. 18* SALE—FARMS. FaCRES FRONTING ON DEFENSE hlgH way; email running stream. $750; terms, SIBO cash. Acireaa Bos 382-D, Star nfflee. 10* ' KENT—FARMS. MODERN HOUSE. BARN. ETC.. 810 FARM, for truck, grain, stock, dairy, ®r nursery, in near <Md.>. < Small poultry farm. White or colored. > Address Box 158-C. Star office, 8* EXCHANGE. OWNER WHX"EXCHANGE CLEAR HOtTf* in suburbs lor 6-room modern house, n preferred. Lincoln 1809. 219 3rd at. n.e. 1 ' ~ SALE—SUBURBAN. TAKOMA PARK—S-ROOM. MODERN galow. For rent or aale. OWNER. Deea tur 1961-J. NEW FOUR - BED - ROOM. , TWO- BATH brick, near Rosemont. Large lot with tree*. Convenient to transportation. Priced under $13,000. on terms. Address Bo* 304-D. Star COLORED—I Will. SELL MY FINE 4-ROOK bungalow, located at 4500 Gault pi. n.e., Hillbrook. D. C. Price. *3.375; *SO cash, balance *25 per mo.; a.m.l. Large let, suitable for gardening. Owner on prein- , ises from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Take N. Y. eve. car and get oft at 44th st. n.e. and walk one block south. FIVE-BED-ROOM. TWO-BATH. MODERN frame house with over acre of ground, near Clarendon. Can be bought on small cash payment. Address Box 305-D. Star office. BEAUTIFUL SEVEN OAKS. MD.: NEAR District line: most unusual home; stucco: 9 rooms. 3 baths. Frlgldalre; oil heat; beauti fullv landscaped; 2-car built-in garage; real bargain. Nat. 1590. Evenings, Shep. 2944. Open for appointment. . WOODRIDGE. 5-room bungalow, modern, well located; sacrifice. $8.500, Adams 6163. 10* WILL TAKE $7,300 CASH FOR MY FIrF proot Spanish bungalow in Forest Glen. Md. Electric refrigerator, electric range, ripe less furnace, kitchen, living room, bath, two bed rooms, steel casements screened. Two large garages under. Half-acre lot with large shade trees, and hemlock hedge. , Call Kensington 78-M. J 2 OLEBER RD—NEARLY 2 ACRES, 6-Rl house. $3,000. cash required. $1,500; worth . $6,000; reason for this iitcriflce. owner out of U. S. Va. Highlands, o-r. modern bunga low. h.-w.h.. oak floors, fireplace, white , enamel range. $5,500, SSOO cash, balance to ' suit. Also Abingdon, like new. 4-r. modern bungalow, $4,250. Also Va. Highlands. 6-r. colonial, nearly new. with modern conven iences, h.-w.h., automatic dishwasher. Kelvi nator, hardwood floors, fireplace, 5-car ga rage; only $7,950; terms to suit: may taka good lot as part payment. Also 5-r. house to rent. $45 mo Also lots and villa sites in Va. Highlands. Aurora Hills and Oak crest. J. L. PRICE. Oakcrest, Va., office, Mt. Vernon blvd. near Frazier ave. Phone Clarendon 3115-W-l. COUNTRY HOUSE. 30 MINUTES DOWN town. Eight rooms. 1 ecre. lerge chicken house, double garage, wonderful garden, fruit, berries. Ideal home for Government worker. Sacrifice, quick sale: easy terms. SMITH C. BLAIR, “Lewinsville," McLean, Va. 10* WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW houses priced from $5,500 to $35,000. ex cellently situated In nearby Virginia. Priced right, terms BOSS & PHELPS. Arlington Title Company Building. Clarendon 2345. Clarendon. Va. WOODRIDGE. D. C. Price reduced SI,OOO. Only S3OO cash re quired. 5-room bungalow, tile bath, hot water heat, large attic. Monthly payments only $45. Inquire of owner, 2002 R. I. avp_n t North 0730. BUNGALOW (ON 80-FT. PLOT) INST. Marys County. Md., about 1 mile from River Springs. 4 rooms and 2 porches: on State road Price reasonable. For information apply at home of Clyde Lawrence, near Avenue, Md.. on ... August 9. 10 and 11. in ~ BARGAIN. ALCOVA HEIGHTS. 7 rooms and bath, large lot, shade trees, shrubbery. Price. 13-250. T. & B. TERRETT. , Met. 6236, Cler. 1828-J-2. 631 Pa. Are. N.W. COME TO AURORA HILUF" J* —and see our houses. Bungalows with mod ern improvements, including garage, for $7,000. and other houses with 6. 7 and I rooms, 1 and 2 baths, up to $15,500. This . is a restricted community, with paved streets, city water, electricity, street lights, stores and convenient transportation. Few houses for rent. AURORA HILLS HOMES. INC.. Washington's Most Convenient Suburb. Phone Clarendon 1057. , BEAUTIFUL WOODRIDGE. Open 6 to 9 p.m. and Sunday afternoon. 3906 20th ST. N.E. 3604 24th ST. N.E. 2400 NEWTON ST. N.E. Will be looking for you at these splendid new homes. Don't disappoint me. Priced low, terms easy. Call Mr. Burton, North 0553 for car. WOODRIDGE, D. C. Lovely 6-room house. 3 large bed rooms, inclosed porch: S3OO cash. 3 dandy. 5-room * bungalows, *l5O cash. *SO month. Move In. MAYNOR, 2605 Brentwood rd. n.e. North «38. HILLCREST. 5-room modern bungalow, garage, large lot, $6,500; 6-room modern home, fine loca tion. real value, $8,500. Also level lot, 50-ft. front. 32nd at.: sacrifice. S4OO. Hlllcrest office. 3319 Alabama ave. s.a. Phone Adams 6163. 10* WOODRIDGE, D. C. 2217 Quincy st.—New colonial house: 7 rooms, tile bath, breakfast alcove, elec, re frigerator; large lot: garage. BUNGALOW. 3713 24th st.—s large rooms, breakfast al cove. large attic, garage; price. $8,750; easy terms. F. BQNNEMANN. builder 11* * ” WOODRIDGE, D. C. Lovely 6-room house. 3 large bed rooms. Inclosed porch: S3OO sash. 2 dandy. 5-room bungalows, $l5O cash. SSO month Move in. MAYNOR, 605 Brentwood rd. n.e. North 4338, RENT—SUBURBAN. IN BEAUTIFUL CHEVY CHABE—4-BED room home, unfurnished. 2 baths. 2-car n- . rage with a large yard Owner leaving city, t Will rent to refined family. Phone Wis consin 2568. ELEGANT 9-ROOM HOUSE..... $52.50 6-room house, 1 acre 40.60 6-room house, h.-w.h 35.C0 4-room bungalow 30.00 J. M. EARNEST. 3821 34th St.. Mt. Ratnier. 804 SLIGO—SEMI-DETACHED. SIX ROOMS.' modern, garage, poultry house EDWIN C. POWELL, 8837 Colesvllle rd.. Silver Spring. Md. 11* VA. HIGHLANDS—ONE 5-R BUNGALOW, h.-w.h.. tile bath, on concrete street, $45; also colonial house. $45; h.-w.h. and ga rage. Also Oakcrest. 6-r. beautiful home. 4 acres wooded land, $l5O. J. L. PRICE, Oak crest. Va.. office, Mt. Vernon blvd. near Frazier ave. BARCROPT. VA. 5-room house, large lot; fruit trees, shade trees. $25 per mo. L. ft B. TERRETT. Met. 8236. Clar. 1828-J-2. 831 Pa. Ave. NW. » SALE ORRENT—SUBURBAN. 4-R. BUNGALOW. ELEC.. GAS. FURNACE, porches, cellar, attic: large lot: car and bus Jine. B. M. SMITH. Arlington, Va., Clarendon 2038. 15* __ WASHINGTON GROVE. SEVEN-ROOM COT tage, garage, garden: sell. $800: SIOO cash; rent. sio month. DORSEY COTTAGE. Sixth avenue. • WANTED—SUBURBAN. 6 OR 7 ROOMS WITH BATH AND ELEC tricity; some ground in nearby Md. or Va.: garage: reasonable rent. Address Box 306-D. Star office. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PATS. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON, Auctioneer*: TRUSTEES’ SALE OP _ CAFETERIA FIX TURES AND EQUIPMENT AT THE •CHARLES CAFETERIA.’’ 1712 FOUR TEENTH STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a chattel deed of trust filed June 30. 1928. instrument No. 121 among the records of the recorder of deeds of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trus tees will sell by public auction, within the above premises, on TUEBDAY, AUGUST TWELFTH. 1930. AT TEN O'CLOCK AM. restaurant equipment, including Chairs. Tables. Hat Racks. Electric and Exhaust Fans. Self-cooling Water Cooler. Co flee Urns and Stand. Cash Register. Cigar Case. Ice Boxes. Steam Table. Service Counter. Dlsh \ ashing Machine. Grease Trap. Gas Ranxes, Waffle Iron. Toaster and Griddle. Blodgett Oven, Aluminum Trays. Silver-plated Wsre. Crockery. Cooking Utensils and Miscellane ous Equipment, Etc. JAMES P. REILLY. REEVES HILTON. 5U7.5.9.H Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Btreet Northwest. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF DETACHED DWELL ING. NO. 3406 MILITARY RD N.W By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated March 20. 1929. recorded In Liber 4300. folio 149. amont the land records of the District of Columbia, anci at the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. 1930. AT FIVE O CLOCK P.M . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and being east 3 i feet tront on Keokuk street, by the full depth thereof of lot 40 and parts of lots 41 and 42 In square 1454 In the subdivision made by the Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery County. Maryland, and other* of certain land known as ’’Chevy Chase IMghts. as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 36 at folio 40. said parts of lots 4i arid 42 being together described by me r es and bounds as follows, via; Beginning for the same at the northwest corner of lot 41 and running thence south along the west line of said lot 41 84 feet to an alley, thence east along said alley 30 feet, thenca north and parallel with the west line of said lot 41 84 feet to the south line of Keokuk street, thence west along said line of said street 30 feet to the beginning: subject to the covenants running with the land. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for 19.000.00. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: 4 the purchase price above said trust to be ' paid in cash. A deposit of *500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at the pur chaser’s cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for- ! felted and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. rRXD auS-d&ds.txSu Trust***.