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ENSIGN NEFF DIES ■' IN AIRPLANE FALL Former Capital Youtti. Who Married Alexandria Girl in Flight, Tampa Victim. Ensign Philip Normand Neff. 25 years old, formerly of 1143 Massachusetts •venue southeast, was killed at Tampa, * Fl*., when his plane crashed near that City yesterday afternoon. Neff, who was manager of the Tropi cal Airways, at Jacksonville, Fla., left the U. S. S. Florida after serving as an ensign, Naval Reserve, on the ship two years. Neff joined the Naval Reserves here four years ago and was stationed for some time at the Navy Yard. He left the U. S. S. Florida set era 1 months ago to take up his duties at the airport. A short time later he married Miss Ixnnse Apderson of Alexandria, Va., and de cided to make his home at Jackson ville. He attended the McDonough. School for Boys, at Baltimore, Md.. and grad uated later from the Georgetown School «f Foreign Service here. The body will arrive at Alexandria ' tomorrow morning. Neff had desired to be buried in Arlington Cemetery. The family is considering burial there. He is survived by his wife, his mother, Mrs. Eunice B. Neff, and two Sisters, Miss Ruth Neff and Miss Mary Neff. ' His father, William Neff, died some years ago. Several weeks ago Ensign Neff and , his wife were forced do\ui in a plane Neff was piloting over Tampa. He made an excellent forced landing after the gasoline in the plane became ex- i hausted. Neff and his wife received | some publicity when they were married In a plane over Tampa. Neff received his ground school training with the lo cal Naval Reserve unit at Anacostia. MACNIDER CONFERS WITH HOOVER TODAY Hinister to Canada Expected to Work on St. Lawrence Water ways Problem. Hanford MacNider, American Minis ter to Canada, planned to confer with ! President Hoover today preparatory to taking up his new duties soon. Mr. MacNider announced yesterday, after conferring with the President, that he would leave for Ottawa in time to con fer with Prime Minister Bennett before the latter leaves for the Imperial Con ference in London in September. MacNider dined with President Hoo . ver last night and he may be among the week end guests at the Hoover camp on the Rapidan. One of the questions of vital concern between the two countries is the St. Lawrence waterway, in which the Chief Executive was deeply interested before he became President. MacNider’s princial task at Ottawa is expected to l>e the bringing to the Ca nadian government’s attention the status of the St. Lawrence dipomlatic exchanges and President Hoover’s atti tude on the question. MacNider said today he was not fa miliar with details of the St. Lawrence waterway/but said as “an lowa farmer” * he was deeply interested in the subject. Commenting on the tariff situation, he said he did not believe the Ameri can rates would have a great deal of effect this year and that he had found predictions did not always turn out as ; anticipated on tariffs. MacNider praised the co-operation of the Canadian goverment with the United States on liquor. BODIES OF MRS. LINCOLN AND CHILDREN MOVED Have Been Placed in a Mausoleum I Pending Reconstruction of Lincoln's Tomb. Br the Associated Press. I SPRINGFIELD. 111., August 20.—Re construction of the tomb of Abraham Lincoln here has necessitated moving the bodies of Mrs. Lincoln and the Lincoln children. The bodies of Mrs. Lincoln, and her •ons have been placed in a mausoleum • •t the Oak Ridge Cqmejery until the remodeling of the tomb is completed-- State officials expect to finish the work I by the latter part of November. j It will not be necessary to disturb | Lincoln’s body. STUBBORN BLAZE FOUGHT Baltimore Firemen Battle Flames in Old Monticello Distillery. BALTIMORE, August 20 (IP)'.— For aeveral hours tonight firemen battled a stubborn blaze in the old Monticello Distellery property, on the rim of the business district, used in recent years as a storehouse by a paper stock manu- ! facturer. The blaze was confined to the three lower floors of the five-story building known as the Baltimore Concentration Warehouse. Five firemen received acid burns but Were able to return to work after rtr eeiving treatment. The acid, the na ture of which was not determined, seemed to be driven from the building by the force of the water played from ! * many hose lines. - ♦ Airplanes are being used to plant corn •ver large tracts in South America. ' Rs|fL*ii4fr P a f| re breaks out to* - ill. Telephone, of course, lut, can you get at it QUICKLY? | I gi Every extension telephone you have installed means time and jßk^” energy saved ... and in «n |BjpP emergency, MAY mean the e THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY C„. . . “•MfoffWT*'' ■**£. . . * .... . Killed in Plane lip WMI l # : -3f' 11 1 ENSIGN PHILIP NORMAND NEFF, i Philanthropist Dios in Vitnna. VIENNA, August 20 (A>).—Max Grab, philanthropist and business man, who spent many years of bis life in the United States, died yesterday at Bad gasstein. He assisted in founding the Vienna Austro-Ameriean Society and was well known for his charities. r FRED J'Por SO ye ars President , and General Manager , iof Krleg s Express Co. __ _ lis NOW in business at KRIEG »o«io*st ( all It strict Auto Enamel Refiaiah your car. Fia* aelec- H lion of oolora. Drios with hard aurfaco. MEtro. 01S1 BUTLER-FLYNNI 607-609 C St Phono for Color Card V I “Pinch-Hitter*" Nile” ve wee ** *3 \* e •;* io ti' te \» O' * > v t.^Ve >#7/ Tin V «w ~ *Hff io °* p!^* neyJßack THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1930. PLANE CRASH LAID TO BALKY MOTOR Federal Investigator Blames Fatal Fall on Engine Failure. - - •• ~~ Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, August 20—W. Fiske Marshall, chief of the division of aero nautics of the Department of Commerce, yesterday declared that the plane crash near Lipin's Corner Sunday, when two men were burned to death, was caused by motor failure. Mr. Marshall said: "We looked the wreck over very ! carefully and found decided Indications that the engine failed as the pilot was coming into a landing. This probably Woodward &Lothrop lO™ 11 TK F and G Streets 1,800 Oriental Rugs at Very Low Prices Girls' Alpaca-Pile Coats In The Semi-Annual Selling Mallinson Washable Silk Lamp Shades j >jjj 1. %* Pussywillow silks in ros*, green »nd beige tones. Bridge Shades i SSj reducsd to s4...Junior and Tabls Lamp Shades reduced to sl>£& I cmjjfaW/wJnufjr Brocaded Rayon Shades Reduced Better Values Than - l ln Ware Bridge shades ($4.50) and junior lamp shades ($7.50) of brocaded tains of a fine quality marqui- ftjfi JjKßmUr 1,1 ray on rose, beige and green.. .offered tomorrow at greatly *«tte. Cream and beige .. . g W/|-ntn*»\/ Rakv/ P arriadPC ffffflTfffSfll r l—The y were purchased in the Orient an off- W niiriCy DaDy |U|li | season ... under a very favorable low exchange. Greatly Reduced llii !l Jiilj 2 —They were stored in quantities by importers, ' pending action on the Tariff Bill. *22 50 t ’MM r lljiii I | jljl I 3—We purchased them from the e overstocked Im- II 1! 1 I | jl porters .. . anxious to release them before the In*** „ popuUr whi *"«v 9 u IT" high tariff went into effect ... at prices in many uphni.ured, with r.ver.ihi. ~ JJ | | • «■ cases below their actual import cost. artillery rubber-tired wheel*, ]( Our outstanding collection of high quality, richly-colored rugs Whitney Pullmenette Stroll- ranging in size from small mats to unusual large pieces for er*. reduced to ...522.50 Curtains exceptionally large rooms... include— vfllSjuwJ 52 ’ 93 paiT Five Types of Oriental W w Rugs at One Special SAfZ.SO fa Defiance Tires ;r„,r d ,ctU Semi-Annual Price -TVJ Di»mns, sixth rix»» Persian Lilhfian Rugs, 3. 6x5,6 Size s46'^ Ran Almost 4 Times as Far | 1 Semi-Antique Persian Rugs f.rt.r7.6 .SiipS46-50 |II ° n * °L th ' mo '‘ *“ ur «* d ' vic « Hamadan Rugs, 3. 6x6.6 Size *46-50 I ■>* the Sprague machine. Defiance Tires, tssted I bl on this machine, ran almost four times as far ji 'gtsSSfc' _ n c. a cn Mn as one of the other nationally known and na- & KugS, 3, 6x6,6 Size 46*^ W ‘you" win wear, greater a.fety and . Cholce M ° USul Ru S*- 3.6x6.6 Size *46-50 V more riding comfort if you use Defiance or W Super Defiance Tires on your car. They are l-x- - _ O sieclusively here, in Washington. Defiance Four-Ply Super Defiance Six-Ply Original French 9 silr 5"Z0.50 Tires Tires Etchings, *2-75 2 - 6 *™ ->*■ 30x3'/i CL. 54.65 30x4.75 ...57.75 20x4.40 ...-IMS 30*5.50 ...|13.*5 Exceptionally low priced in rw # n I t * n SStt&SS ££S:::SS 29x450 -■ S9 - 75 30x000 •••’”•« Persian Beloochistan Rugs 31x4 58.35 31x5.00 ... 38.45 30x4.50 ....39.95 31x6.00 ...314.95 French etchings are exquisitely g _ 32x4'/j V/.512.85 30x5.25 "... 30x5.00 ...311.65 33x6.00 ...315.95 • • • in a variety of subjects. ■ 33x4'/, ...313.35 31x525 ....59.75 iixSOD 11195 30x650 Hi 45 Others, 65c to 512. _ _ SS w ..::::liiS 28,*W aixsso Zw.n when you take advantage Finest Quality Persian Sarouk Rugs 29x4.50 ... 55.95 32x6.00 ...$11.95 30x5.25 ...$12.95 30x6.7* ...*18.95 the etchings you choose %/T A S|| CQs C iAP 28x4 7? $735 32x6’75 ‘”51695 31x5.25 ...$13.25 32x6.75 ...$19.95 suitably framed in Our J 29*475 $7.50 33*6.75 '.'.M7.4S 29*5.50 ...$13.35 33x6.75 ...$20.95 Framing Department. § ize 3.6*5 Size 4x7 Size 9x12 Tikes aub Tuses, Fourth Floor. Etchings, Sixth Floor. Rugs. Fifth Floor. earned the machine to loae flying spaed and go Into a spin." The plane was piloted by 21-year-old Marshal Tarbet when It Is said to have gone into a spin and pancaked to the : ground. Inspection of the death ship by Ben jamin Brewster, HI, and Comdr. De Witt C. Ramsay, in charge of aviation 1 at the Naval Academy, members of the ! State Aviation Commission, revealed ‘ that the controls of the plane were In good order. Mr. Brewster, one of the three licensed pilots of the Maryland Commission said i that the State’s investigation would be extended to the question of license* . He said: "We will check the licenses both of ! the pilot, who, we understand had a limited commercial llcenae, and of the plane. The plane, we are told, was not licensed by the Federal Government, but had been identified by it. Identifi cation merely is to show that a ship Is fit for flying. "There are many points which the commission must check up. AH pilots in Maryland must have licenses, either Federal or State and all ships must have State licenses.” A new oil field in the Btate of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, has just been reported. I LIEUT. COL. WINFREE GETS I I POST AT FT. BROWN, TEX. 1 Transferred From Now York Un der Recent Order—Numerous Other Changes Listed. Lieut. 001. 8. W. Wlnfree, Cavalry, at New York City, has been assigned to the 12th Cavalry, at Fort Brown, Tex : Capt. Davis H. Estill, Infantry, at • San Francisco, has been ordered to ex amination for retirement: Capt. Mait land Bottoms, Coast Artillery, from Fort Monroe, Va., to Hawaii: Capt. Harold S. Johnson, Coast Artillery, from Hawaii to Fort Winfield Scott, Calif.; Maj. F. F. Hall. Quartermaster Corps, from Brooklyn, N. Y., to Hawaii; Capt. Carroll L. Ellis, Infantry, from Fort Howard, Md., to Bremerton, Washington; Maj. D. B. Falk, Jr„ In- Jan try, from the Panama Canal Zone to Fort Bherldan, HI.; Maj. Robert T. Snow, Infantry, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to the Panama Canal Zone; Capt. G. C. Nielsen, Infantry, from the Panama Canal Zone to Oklahoma City; 1 Capt. M. L. Young, Field Artillery, from i the Philippines to Madison Barracks, * N. Y. The resignation of Second Lieut. Maurice M. Condon, Field Artillery, in I Hawaii, has been accaotod by the Pres | ident. COL. BRICKER PROMOTED Named Assistant Ordnance Chief, With Rank of Brigadier. Col. Edwin Dyson Brlcker ha* been appointed assistant chief of ord- , nance with the rank of brigadier gen- ! eral. . | Gen Brlcker, whose home is Cham bershurg, Pa., will replace Brig. Gen. C. L’H. Ruggles, who retires August 31 after 44 years of service. Sturtevant Blowers For Burning Buckwheat Coal Fries, Beall & Sharp W 4 10th St. N.W. NA. 1564 Open-Air Mass Honors St. Emery. BUDAPEST, Hungary. August 20 (IP) —An open-air high mass In honor of St. Emery of Hungary was attended yesterday by many eminent European prelates and bishops. John Noll of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Bishop Joseph Schrembs of Cleveland, two American bishops, joined In the ceremony. The mass was celebrated on the banks of the Danube. R' -- ~ ID* mm recommend ■km foe their eoothins relief. • Nklui-U Treatment* AtYour Neighborhood Druggist or direct from Torli. Inrorßorettd. Allentown. P«, EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS A Convert - —g tent size for Q L your vaca- J tion at.... £ MUDDIMAN g. 911 G Street Phone* NAT. 0140-1622 A-11