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UTILITIES LEAD "ADVANCE ON CURB Buying Pace Slow, but Main tains Upward Trend After Selling at Opening. »Y JOHN I* COOLEY, , ’ * liikliM Pres* flnmr I*l Wrltsr. ;JttfW YORK, August 20—Under the Ipulership of utility stocks, the upward •Wtag of prices on the New York Curb Bxehange was maintained today. The •Itna. for the most part, were nominal, j but the market gave bears no encour •fement to resume their operations for * reaction, and what little selling de veloped was at the opening, after which tIM rising tendency of leading equity Igaues Imparted a firm tone to nearly th* whole list. The buying movement lacked briskness, however, and was re dacted in the slow pace of trading. established as an ba- Knym'eter of the trend of the market, Electric Bond ds Share discouraged calling at the outset and spurted above the previous final, and at one point in day’s trading reached BU a . an ad vance of more than 2 points. The de- SMtnd was sufficient to maintain the «rm trend of the stock. American Gas fcJßectric. which failed to join the for movement yesterday, reacted 2' a I at- the opening today and then firmed. •American & Foreign Power with war- Ftnt* was another strong spot. Asso ciated Gas & Electrict A. Brazilian *&action, Middlewest Utilities, American Cities B, United Gas new and United light A were well supported. Petroleum shares held close to yes terday'* final prices. Cities Service Actuated narrowly. Standard OH Go. stocks, Houston Oil, Ohio Oil and Vacuum were firm. Among the specialties Mead & John <aon attracted further buying. Trans- Hix was more than usually active and I apld about 1 point below the year's high. Deere suffered from profit taking. Acme Steel, an inactive stock, dropped 18 V* points om a few sales to a new pear’# low - National Baking preferred B*i strong. BONDS ON THE CURB - MARKET. Rs'nf in DOMESTIC BONDS. th''>4*»nds. High. Low Close. J7 Alsbsms Pw 4’ 2 k 67 90% 9f% •S' 1 -. -.1 Alabama Pow Si 68 103% 183% 103% f Aluminum Co 5| 'S3 104 184 184 4Am Cmwlh Pw 6s ’4O 83% 93', 93'. t- -4 Amer G & E 5s 'lf. 100'. 100% 100’. M Amer P&L 6s 3016. 107 s , 107' 2 107 s , lAfflir Roll Mill 5» '4B 99% 99’« 99'. JAppalach Gas 6s 4S 104 103', 103’, 1 Appaiac Gas 6s B '4S 95‘* 95% 95V* 5 Appalaeh Pow 5s ‘56 106‘a IMS toot, 1 Arkans P A L 5s '59. 100 100 100 * Is Armstrong Cork 55... 90% 90% 9»'. 10 As GSc E 4%s 48 ww. ll'. Il 015, 83 Asso O* E 4*4* C '49 761* 75 75 10 Asso Oas A E 4%s '53 **% *8 08% •f Asso Gas Sc El 5s ’BB 83 83’. *2% 7 Asso Gas * E 5%s 38 78 77>s 7?', 6 Asso G * E 5%s ’77 . 99 99 99 lAs Sim Hdw *%s 33 M SI *8 ns*rw'&hi jfe jfe f Can Nat Rl7| I 35 103 101% 1018. (Can Pacifc Ry 5s '54 90% 88 s * 98 s . 11 Carolina PScL 5s 56 102% 103 s , 102 s . 42 Caterpillar Tr 5s ’35 103 s« lOJU 102% figg a w ga wt itC+M 8t PAL 5' 28 '53 MS 80 MV, Mecinea Service 6s 50. 984a M% 98', 1 Cities Service 5s '66. 83V, 83'a 82’, 4Cit Serv Gas 5<28 42 *O% 83 83'a ICit Ser Gat P 6s ’43. 91* 91'a 91'a 6 Cit Sere Pow s*B 53 89 89 89 1 Cltve Klee lUu 7s '4l 100% 106*4 106% " 4 Cleve Ter Bldg 6t '4l 93 93 s , $3 T Comwlh Ed 4s B '4O . 99% 90% 99% 1 Comwh Bd 4%S n ’57 99% 99% 99% 4 Con Gas Balt 4V>s H 101% 101% 101% 1 Coiftinen OH 5%k '37 97% 97% 07% 9 Crucible Stael 5a '4O. 101% ioi 101% 9 Cudahy Pkg »%a '37 . 98', 96 9SV« 3 Det C Gas 5s A '47., 107% 107 107 T Det Int Brdg «%t '52 50 49 50 "IDUquesnt Gas On '45 84 % 84 94% 10 Ed is El Boat 5s A '33 103% 103 103 3 El Paso N G 6>aS '3B 103', 103% 103% 8 Elec PAL 5s A 3030.. 93 93% 93% 1 Empire OAR 5%: '43 93% 83% 83% t Fairbanks Mor 5s '42 97 5 , 97*4 97% Florida P A L 5s '54 84 84 84 EGatineeu Pow 5s '56 95% 95 95 - f Gatineau Pow B '41.. 98 98 98 “ I Gen Ldy 4%a '37 ww 41 41 41 laen Vend 8s '3? ww 24 34 34 3 Gen Wat Wk 6s B 34 87 88 86 1 Grand Trunk 4%a '3B 107% 107% 107% 7 Gulf St mu 6s A '56 90% 89% 90% U Hanna 9s '94..: 99 % 99% 99% 1 Hood Rubber 7s 38.. 88 88 88 .1 Hous O 0 6' 2 S '43 ww 95 95 95 J Hous Gulf G 6a A '43 95 95 96 11 Xndnap PAL 6a A '57 100% 100% 100% 8s '34.... 98% 98% 08% Insull Utllit 6s B 40 102% 102% 103% Inter Pw Sec 7s E '57 100 100 100 Bl Intern Sec Am 5s '47 80% NV< »% .lint Cont Pow 6s '4B 97 97 97 If Intersta Power 5a 'B7 91% 91 91% 44 Intersta Power 6s 52 89 87% 88% 37 lowa-Neb LAP 5s '57 80% 06% 08% ale ter C PAL 5%s A '45 103% 103% 103% ifKans GA E 4%1 'BO 94% 94 5 , 94 5 , OKans GAS Os A 2022 99 99 09 % Lehigh PS 8s A 2030 105% 105 105 8 Libby McN AL 5s 42 96 95 % 95% io oi% 2 Manitob P s%s*A "si 100 * loo '* ioo* 14 Mass Gas 5s 40.... 99% 09% 99% 1 Maas Gas 6%s ’46 103% 103% 103 s , v Mid -West util 5s *4 98% 98 s , 98% eg Mid West util 5s '35 98 V, 98', 98% •frMis* Riv PI 6s '44 Ww 112 112 112 3 Miss River Fuel gw.. 97% 97% 97% Sf Mo Pac RRSsBO wi 101% 101 V, 101%. 3 Moat L HAP 5s A ’sl 103 103 103 . 8 Montr LA P 5s B ’55 103 103 103 ONarratansett 5(. '57. 101 s , 101% 101% . 8 Nat P A \6s A 2836 104 104 104 gl Nat P A t 5s R 2030 92% 92 s , 02% - i Nat P 8 Is 78 75% 75% 71% (National Tea 5k 35. 98 90 96 6New Eng Q&E 5s ’47. 91% 91 91V* 31 N j P i L 4%S 61.. 96% MV, 96% .IN t P/Q *%f, ’46. •• 85 85 85 10 Nlag Share* s%s’ 50 103% 103% 103% 5 Nor Sta Pow B%* '33 163 103 163 •1 Northw Power 6s 60 99% 991, 99% ; 4 Ohio Pow 4V28 D 56 99V, 99% 99% k (Ohio Ed 5s 99% 99% 99% / lOMo Riv Ed 5s 51.. 166% 105% 105% ' 6 Okla ss. 101 101 101 (.Oswego R Pow 6s. '3l 101% 161% 101% 13 Pac G A K 4%s E '57 97 97 97 4 Pacific Pub S 6s '44 83 83 83 7 Pae W O «%s '43 ww 96 95 96 • Penn OEd S' 2B B 59 102 102 102 1 Penn O Ed 6s ’SO xw 104 104 104 8 Penn P A L 5s D ’53 103% 103% 103% . 2 Phila Elec 6%» ’72.. 106 106 106 10 Pitts Coal Co 6s 49 101 101 101 S 1 Pitts Steel 6s 48 103 103 103 1 Poor A Co 6s ’39 102 103 ' 102 - 6 Potomac Ed 5s E '56. 100% 100% 100% It Pub S Nor 111 5s 31 103 162’, 103% 1 Pub S N 111 4%s ’3l 96 96 96 ! Pug 8 P A L SVjS 49 96 96 96 1* Pug 6 PAL 5s C SO 99% 99% 99% 9 Rocn Cen Pow 5s ’53 73% 73% 73% • Ryerson A Son 5a 43 95% 95% 95% ISt L Gas ACIs 47 69% 99 69 1 San Ant P S Si. B 58 98 98 98 • Shw WAP 4%S B '67 37V* 97% 87% l(Si PAL 6s A 2025 x» 1079, 106% 107% 20 South Calif 2d 5s 51 103% 103% 103% } South Calif Ed 6s 5* 103 s , 103 s, 103% 5 s<v.; Cal Gas 5a A 37 95 95 95 g( Southern NG 8s 44 90% 96 90 (Sthw.Dai 6%s 'BB ww 77 75 77 I So'thV PAL 8s A 2022 108 107% 187% 11 Stand Gas A K! 51.. 101% 101% 101% 14 Stand Ba* AK! 66 102% 101% 163 V, *» Standard P A L 6s '57 100% 160% '•«% 1 Sun Oil 5%s '38.... 103 192 163 1 Swtft Co *s 32 100% 100% 100’, 14 Texas Gas Ut 6s ’45 91% 91% 91% |U Texas P A L 5» 56 39% 99% 90% "uien A Co 6s ’44. 91 91 91 munltt A Ry n%s 52 93 s , 93% 92% . 3 Uni Lt Ac Ry 6s A 53 101 161 101 JO U S Rubber 6s 33.. 95% 95% 95% 1 U S Rub 6%a 33 96 96 39 *■ 3' Union Gulf 5s 'SO. ... 102% 102% 102% 1 Van Camp Pk 6s '6B 68 68 68 41 Van Sweringcn 6s '35 97% 97 97', 2Va EAP 5s A 55 103'. 162% 102' 3 Wabash 5s O 80 101% 101% 101% 10 Waldorf-Astor 7s 54 91 91 91 1 Wash W A Pow 5s 60 184'., 104' lft»' 1 Wes Tex Ut 5s A '75 93% 93% 93% 1 Weft vac Chi S'.* *3 i- ’ -.»• , lu. 102%. FOREIGN BONDS 2 Berlin Cy E 6b 55 v.i <l3'« 83% 83% I Brisbane City 6* 50 95% 95% 95% 3 Buenos Aires 6%s 61 66 6o 86 5 Uuen Air Prov 7* 52 93 97 97 1 Bu f n Air Pr 7%i ’47 IQBV, 106% 100 V, , lCe*t Bk Co 6s B 51. 82%. 82 s , 82% 1 Chile MtJ Bk ,6s '3llOl 101 101 1 Danish Con 5%s 55 101 101 101 ( “ 1 Danzig Pert 6%t '52 73% 78% 78% ! 1 EurOP J Ger Cans Mun 6s '47 86% 84% 86% , 4 Ger Con Mull 7s '47 94% 94% 94% ? 3 Gesfueral 6s '53 ww. 90Vl 90 90% 3 Hamburg El 5%s ,’3B 87 s , 87% 07% 10 Hanover Cretl 6s 31 99 s , 39V, 99% 2 Isarco Hyd II 7s 53 89 80% 89 1 Isotta Pr*s 7k '42 xw 87 87 07 41 Itel SUP Pow 6s 63 74% 74 74% , 3 Mendoaa Pr 7%s 'Bl 88 |7'i 87A, 10 NethlS Kam 6s B 12 164 104 lit 7 Parana Frasll 7s '57 66 65 5 , 66 11 Prussia r 5 Is '53.. 89 89V, 89', 2 Prussian P S 9%s 'sl 93% 63% 93% ; 4Rie d. Jan fi%s ’39. J. 67 67 1 Saar Bas Con 7* ,*■> #8 6* ®* 1 Santiago Chile 7» 48 97 97 97 0 Santiago Chile 7k 61 94% 94% 04% llsydn”** vl* ’«• w»JJM% 101% 101% iSfr—WithWorrA»tß, xVr -Without warrants. n~- New- Rb-When usuelL FINANCIAL. | NEW YORK CURB MARKET SsnyrsT Note—All stocks are sold in one hundred-shart lots I exceptiing thooo dooignatod by the letter s (80s) (2505) which shows thooe stocks to be sold in odd lets only. —Prev 1930. Etoea end Salee— ■ish Lew Dividend Rato. AM M Ooea Riga, utw mesa 70% «6% Acme Steel (4) AOs 62 (2 62 62 141 lit Ala Gt Sou pf «t7).. 20s 116 116 116 116 4% l% Alexander Induat... g 1% 11% 11 9% 4 Allegheny Gaa 14% 4% 4% 4% 8 % Allied Aviation I % % % % 18% 8% Allied Mills f00e1... 18% 8% 8% 8% 99% 97 Alum Ltd cum pf (I) « 87% 99 97% 99 7«% Amer Austin Car,... 78% 7 •% 7 49 35% Am Cit PALi Alta*) 8 39 39 39 89 28% 12% Am CFJkLl■»<!•%> 9 18% 15% 16 16% 88% 20% Am Com TtA) 810% 8 21% 21% 21% 31% % %Am Control Oil Fide. 1 * * 4 A *7 17% AmCynam B ll.JO). 16 21% 21% 21 21 6 3 Am Dept Storea..... 13% 8% 8% 3% 22 11% Am Equltlea 8 14% 14% 14% 14% 76% 88% Art For Pwr(war).. 18 47% 49% 47% 49 167 104 Am Gaa A Eloo 111). 89 128% 182 128 131% 109% 104 Am GasAElec pf<4). 1 102 108 108 108 16% 7% Am Invest, lno iB).. 2 8 9 8 8 89% 62% Am Lt* Trao <2%). S 58 , (8% 88 68% 4% 1% Am Marlcabo 12 2 2% 2 2% 26 17% Am St Pub S A(I.M) 2 17% 17% 17% 17% 39% 20% Am Superpwr «1». 140 21% 22% 21% 22% 101% 94% Am Super Ist pf <6). 3 100% 100% 100% 100% 20 13 Am Transfor U.4OK 28s 16 15 16 18 16% 7% Am UAGen B vte 40e II 9 9% 9 9%; 14% 6 Anchor P F <hlo%). 2 6 8% 8 8% ! 14% 8% Appalachian Gas.... 6 9% 10 94, 10 16% b% Arkansas Nat Gaa... 1 9 9 9 9 16% 8% Ark Nat Gaa 1A).... 17 9 9 8% 9 8 6% Asso Elec lnd (30c). 16% 6% 8% 5% 46% 80% AssoG&E A (at2.4J) 16 80% 30% 80% 80% 11% 4 Asso G&E <A) db rte 2 4 4 4 4 6% 2% Asso Rayon 1 ;% 2% 2% 2% 60% 38% Asso Rayon pf 16).. 1 49 49 49 49 14% 8 Atlas Util Corp 11 8% 8% 8% 8% 15% 2% Auto M us Inst (A). • 2 2% 2% 2% 2% S% 3% Auto Voting Mach.. 16% 6% 6% 8% 20% 12% Aviation Credit,.... 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 7% 2% Bahia Corp 4 6% • 6% 6 7% 1% Babia Corp pf 2 6% 5% 5% 8% 15% 6% Blue RldgoCp (40o). 6 7% 7% 7% 7% 44% 33% Blue Ridge ev Dfial) 5 38% 38% 38% 88% 65% 31% Brasil Troo A Ltt bJ) 26 32% 32 . 32 32% 14% «% Brill Corp tA> 185 c). 16% 6% 6% 6% 8 % Buxza Clark. 1n5.... 8 1111 9% 2% Cable Radio T v.t.%. 1 3 8 3 8 3% % Cable A Wire A rota. 3 1111 2 % Cable*Wire tB) rota 4 % % % % 9% 8% Canada Marconi.... 7 4 4% 4 4% 2% % Carib Syndicate.... 11% 1% 1% 1% 90 60 Celanese Ist pf(7%) 850 b 60% 60% 60 60 20 12 Celluloid Corp 1 18% 18% 18% 18% 40% 25% Cent Pub Sva. Del... 2 80% 83% 30% 38% 42 s . 38 Cent PB «AMal 78) 10 26% 26% 25% 26% 39% 19 Cent States El Ik4oc) 13 21% 22% 21% 22% 3% 4% Centrifug PlpetSOo) 16% 8% 6% 6% 8% 2% Chain Storea Dev... 2 4% 5 4% 6 25 17% Chat Ph A1 nv (60c). 6 18% 18% 18% IK% 26% 17% Cbera Nat Asso n-v. 49 24 26% 24 24% 44% 24% Cities Service(g39c) 93 27% 27% 27% 27% 92% 68 Cities Sr v« pf (4).., 1 89% 89% 89% 69% 8% 3% Colon Oil 6 3% 3% 3% 3% 21 5% Col Oil A Gaa vtc.... 17 6% 6% 6% 6% 56% 24 Columbia Piet (fl Vs) 2 36 36 86 36 b% 6% Com’wlth A Sou war 86 8% 3% 3% 3% 8% 3% Consol Copper 1 4 4 4 4 126% 90% Con Gas. Ballot 3.60) 1 113% 113% 113% 113% 16 10 Consol Laundrlta... 16 13 18% ia 13% 57 28 Coopar Bessemer (2) 6 35 35 85 35 27% 19% Corp Sec. Chi »b«%). 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 20% 9 Corroon A Reynolds. 19% 9% 9% 9% 74% 31% Coaden Oil 4 35 8» 34% 34% 7% 6% Creole Petroleum... 22 6% 6% 6„ 6% % % Cvesson Consol < 8c). 2 % % % % 34% 16 Croohar Wheeler.... 8 17% 18 17% 18 12% 9% Crown Cork IntlAil) 2 11% 11% 11 11 16% 80 Crown CAS pf(3.7o>, 60a 38% 83% 33% 33% 4% 1% Curtiss Wright war. 8 1% 1% 1% 1% 8% 2% Dayton Air A Eng... 60 3% 4 3% 4 162% 66% Deere ACo (m 1.20). 10 81 8-% £O% £O% 8% 2% Do Forest Radio.... 3 3% 8% 3% 3% 11 4% Derby Oil RsfuUng., 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 9% 3% Detroit Aircraft.... 10 4% 4% 4 4% 19 14 Dinkier Hotels (2).. 1 14 14 14 14 172 162% Dixon (J) Crue (S).. 10a 162% 162% 162% 162% 23 8% Doahler Dla Casting. 10 9% 9% 9% 9% 56% 31 Dresser(Sß) A(3%). 7 46% 46% 46 46 13% 4 Dubtlier Cond A Rad 14% 4% 4% 4% 909 140 Duke Powar (Jtß)... 300a 163% 159 168% 159 17 7 Duquesne Gaa Cp w.l 19 10% 10% 10% 10% 72% Durant Motors 139 4% 6% 4% 4% 42 25% Eaatn GAJ Asso..,, 1 28% 28% 28% 28% 44 18% Eaatn Sta Pwr B(l). 16 28 28 28 28 18% 7% Eaatn UtiUnv iA4.. 8 9 g 8 9 23 7% Eialer Eeiectrtol 1 %» 8 7% 7% 7% 7% 96% 92% El BondASha cu pf (6 3 94% 94% 94% 84% 117% 70% El Bond ASb <bl)., 454 79% 81% 79% 81% 109% 109% El Bond ASb pf <•>. 2 107% 107% 107% 1u7% 39% 19 Elec Pow Asao U).., S 23% 23% *23% 23% 78% 28% Bit" Pwr AL op war 8 44 46% 41 46% 1 8% 6 Empire Corporation. 6 6 7 6 7 60 39 Bmp Pwr pt (74.01). 3 40% 40% 40% 40% I 25 16% Emp P Ser A tal-80). 2 16% 16% 16% 16% j 30 22% Employ Reload %>. 1 26 26 26 26, < 23 12% Europ El. Ltd A (80c) 2 12% 12% 12% 125.1 9 3% Euro Elec dob rts... 8 4% 4% 4% 4% I 6 1% Evans Wallow Load. 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 9% 2 Fabrics Flnlnahlng. 2 2% 2% 2% 2%! 22% 22 Federal C.AW.(t1.60: 2 18 19% 19 19% 8% % Fist Stock dee n 0... 12 % % % % 22% 16% Fiat receipts <I.JI). 3 14% 14% 14% 14%; 6% % Film Inspect Mach.. 11% 1% 1% 1% j 84% 18% Fokker A1 reran.... 1 17% 17% 17% 17%; 9% 4% FoUls Fisohar Corp. 14% 4% 4% 4% j 38% 28 Ford Mot, Can A tl# 8 31 31 31 81 23% 10% Ford Mor,Ltd. 87 %e. 183 22 22% 21% 22% 17% 2% Fox Theater Cl (A). 78% 9 8% 9 j 83% 19% Oarlock Pkg (1.30).. 4 21 21% 20% 20V*' 14% 6% Gan Alloya tlQc).... 4 10% 10% 10 105, 4% 2% Ganeral Baking...... 3 > 2% 2% 2% 2% j 64% 27 Gen Baking pf (1).,. 1 33 33 S 3 33 69 40 Gen Capital Corp... I 42 42 42 42 97% 74 Gen GAEev pf B(«). 60s 76% 76% 75% 76% I 10% 4 Gen Laundry Macb. 19% 3% 3% 8% 87% SO Gen Petroleum w.L., 6 31 91 31 81 j 90% 20 Oon W WAB(A> (3). 8 29% 28% 28% 28%; 121% 75 Glen Alden Coal 8... 1 82 82 82 82 5% 25. Sold Coin mew).... 14% 4% 4% 4V, 46% 15% Goldman Saeb TC... 18 16 16% 16% 16% 6 1% Gold Seal Eloo new.. 8 2% 2% 2% 2%; 260 180 Gr AA P T a-v (6).. 40a ?10 210 V. 210 210%! 122 116% Or A APToapf (J). 10a 119% 119% 119% 119% 44 29 GraymurCorp 1 31 31 31 31 14% 10 Groo Stores Prod vto 2 10 10 10 10 49 28 Guard Fire Aoaoi2l. 1 30 30 30 80 29% 22% Guenther Law (2).. 1 24%< 24% 24% 24% 166% 116% Gulf Oil of Pa(l %). 6 123 123 122% 122% 14 8% Heels Mining <1)... 6 9 9 9 9 32% 24% Hires (C E> (A)(2). 6 30% 31% 30% 31% 27% 18 Houston Oil of Texas 21 18% 18% 17% 18 14% 7 Hudson Bay MAE,, 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 80 18% Imp Oil. Cam. o(80o). 7 19% 19% 18% 18% i 28 18% Imp Oil. Con reg 69e. 1 18% 18% 18% jg% i 10% 10 Imp Tob, Can (26c)., 19% 9% 9% 9% 63% 26% tad Terr Ulu OH 1B) 1 30% 30% 30% 30% 71 58% Inaull Util Inv tb9% 1 59 59 59 59 85% 63 Ins Co. No Am (tJ). 2 64% 65% 64 s . 65% 23 16 Insurance Seed.4o). 4 144. 15 14 s . 15 1% % Intercom Inert! Pot n 2 4. 4. 5, % 24 17% Inti Petroleum (1).. 6 18 18% 18 18% FARM REPORT HITS VIRGINIA GROWERS August Price Figures Prove Discouraging to State Apple Orchardists. ' By tht AfSOClattd Prrss. RICHMOND, Va., August 20.—The August report on farm prices issued by the United States Department of Agri culture is not encouraging to Virginia apple-growers, whose prospects have ' been estimated by the Federal-State i Crop-Reporting Service to be a mil lion barrels under last year's production. A supply of apples fbr the Nation 4.000,000 bushels in excess of last year, is forecast by the Department of Agri | culture for a total of 146,000,000 bushels Decreases in the North Central and ( South Atlantic States, says the report, , have been more than offset by increased production in the North Atlantic and Far Western States. With special reference to Virginia, * the report aays that here, where prices J appear to depend largely on the Na * tional and local supply, it would seem * that the considerably reduced produc -1 lion would sustain prices above last year’s level. “But since business is sub * normal.” the report points out, "the * full influence of reduced local supplies may not materialize. The shortage is 4 likely to be reflected more toward the * end of the 1930-31 season than in the next few months.” For the country as a whole, the re port says,, the larger apple crop Is likeli * to bring a smaller income than last year s because of the lower level ©1 food prleas in general and because ©1 the reduced purchasing power ©f mpn eumera in this country and abro^ THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930. t _prev.l9BA. Sleek aai taleo— High Lew. Dividend Bata. Aid M. Oasn. Risk. Low. Cl#m. 13% 10 Int'l Safe Rax B(tl% 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 46% SOU intarnatl Super! (fl) 4 86 86% 84 86% 60% 84% Int Utilities A <«%). 2 40% 41 40% 41 19% 6% Internatl Util 4 11% 11% 11% 11% 14% 6% Interstate Equities. 8 4% 76% 7 27 12 Irving Air Chute (1). 8 13 13% 18 13% 48% 86% Sat (I). 1 37% 87% 37% 37% 86% 214, Lane Sftrant (2).... 2 22% 32% 22 U 26% 13% Lefemirt Realdl.ld 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 604. 80 Leh CAN’S new(l.4o) 1 84 24 34 24 4% 1% Leonard Oil * 1% 1% l% 1% | 27 11% Libby McKall AL. -. 1 14 14 14 14 32% 2U Liberty Dairy Food. 4 21% 21% 21% 21% | 64% 12% Lotw’o. lae.dobrta. 4 33 88 38 33 20% 3% Loew'a las (war)... 16 9% 9 9% 9 | 55% 34% Lone Star Gas. n <1). 1 37 37 87 37 ; 112% 107% Long laid Lt pf (7).. 1 105% 105% 105% 105% 6 2 Louisiana Lan A Ex. 2 2 2 2 2 3% 1 Mavis Bottling 18 1% 1% 1% 1% 82% 55% Mead Johnson t*.76. 7 82% 83% 82% 83% 22% 10% Memphis Nat Gaa... 3 13% 13% 13% 13% 165, 84e Met A Mia. 1n0d.20) 8 12 124, 12 12% 30 6 Mat Chain Stores... 8 6 6 4 4 38 ?6% Mid Wat UllUbt%). 6 78 28% 28 28% 5% 1 Mid West Ut A war.. 1 2v; 2% 2% 2% m 8% Mid Wat Util B war. 1 44. 4% 4% 4% ; 33% 25% Miller A Sons (2)... 8 26% 26% 25% 26% 36% 15 Mo Kan P L <bl«%) 90 21% 21% 21 21% 6 1 Mlaa KP L v.u0..... 71% 1% 11% 16% •% Municipal Ser vies... 1 9 8 9 8 1?% 6 Natl Amer Co 4 • 6 9 6 *7O 69% Natl Baking pf (7).. 26a 62 62 62 62 61% 33% Natl Bond A S (25c). 1 37% 37% BT% 37% 4% 1% Natl Food (B)(b2%) 11% 14, 15* 1% 41% 25% Natl Fuel Gas (1). 2 30 30 30 30 30 11 Natl Investors 12 12 12% 12 12 103% 100% Natl PwrALt pf <«). 450 s 101% 102 101% 102 27% 9% Natl Rub Mach (2).. 4 12% 13% 12% 13% 32% 15 >« Natl Screen Sv«(2).. 4 26% 26% 26% 26% 154, 12 Nat Sh Tm Soo(fiOc) 1 16 16 16 16 14% 5 Nebel (Oae.) (63 Vie) 1 6 5 5 5 26 16% Nehl Corp d. 10) 8 19 19 19 19 42 19% Newport Co (2) 7 20% 21 20% 21 9% 64, NY Auction... 1 8 8 8 8 18 7 N T RtoAßu A Iras . 3 7% 7% 7% 7% 24% 15% Nlag.-H. Power (40c) 85 164, 16 15% 16 6% 4 Niag.-H Pwr A war. 14% 4% 4% 4% • 21% 11 Nlag Share Mdigoc) 5 12% 13% 12% 13% 46% ifi% Niles-Bem-P (tdg). 3 28% 29 28% 28% 44% 20% Noranda Mines II),. 5 20% 20% 20% 20% 6 2 No Am Avlat A war. 14 2% 2% 2% 3% 6% 3 North Am Cement. . 3 4% 4% 4 4 24 14 NorASou A(t> Corp A 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 102 05H North St Pwr pf( 6). 10* 99 09 99 99 4% 1% Noth Euroo4l Corp. 1 2 2 2 2 116 111 Ohio B Tell cu pf (7) 10« 112% 112% 112% 112% 1% % Ohio Copper 10 % % , % % 76% 62 OhloOll (t4Vi) 3 64V, 64% 68% 68% *4% 304, Ohio Oil (t) 14 32% 32% 31% 31% 18% 6% Outboard Mot (A)... 4 77% 77 27% 24% Pac Fin Corp «1.32).. 2 22% 22% 22% 22% 39% 28’, Pac Pub Svo d. 80),. 2 26% 27 26', 27 19% 12% Pao West ora 0i1.,.. 6 16% 17 16% 17 2% A Pandom Oil., 10 % % % % 4% 1% Pantepee Oil : 11% 1% 1% 1% 13% 4 Param’t Cab(bl%>,, 16 4% 4% 4 4 42V* 81 Parke Davie (t 1.55). 2 32% 32% 82% 32% 16% 10% Peonroad Corp (290) 26 11 11 10% 10% 111 108 Tenna PwrALt pf(T) 26s 106% 106% 106% 106% 46 25% Peoples LAP. A 52.40 1 31 31 31 31 27% 20% Plymouth Oil (2)... 8 26'<i 26% 26% 26% 1% 4, Premier Gold (24c).. 13 11 11 16% 9% Prince A Whlte(2sc) 19% 9% 9% 9% 23 12% Prudential in veal... 1 15% 16% 16% 15% 27% 15 Pub Util Hold w w.. 24 17% 17% 17% 17% 9% 3% Pub Util Hold war. . 4 4 4 4 4 99 93% Pure Oil pf (4).,.... 80s 95% 96% 95% 95% 9% 5% Railroad ShCp(3se), 1 6 6 6 6 14% 6 Rainbow Lu Prod A. 6 10% 10% 9% 9% 7% 2% Rainbow Lu Prod B. 6 4% 4% 4% 4% 6% 4", Reybarn Co 6 6 6% 5 6% 8% 3 Reynolds lavas*.... 8 3% 3% 3% 8% 29% 19% R’klandLt AP (90c) 1 22 22 22 22 18 7% Rolls-Roy of Am pf. 260e 6% 6% 6% 6% % A St Anthony Gald.... 3 A A A 84 18% Rt Regie Paper (*)., 3 23 28 22% 22% 16% 8% Sait Creek Prod (8),. 10 11% 11% 11% 11% 17 14% Saxet Co 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 4% 2% Schulte Un 60-81 Bt.. 4 2% 2% 2% 2% 10% 5% Seaboard Util (60c). 2 5% 6 5% 6 43% 36 Seaman Bros (3).... 1 43% 43% 43% 43% 9 4% Sag Lock AH (50o). 8 4% 5 4% 5 12% 5% Selected Industries.. 78% 6% 5% 6% 71% 54% Select lnd pr(s%>.. 4 58 69 58 59 2% 2% Self Prov St (1»c).,. 8 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 2 Sentry Safety Cont.. 6 2% 3 2% 3 20 8% Shenandoah Corp.... 2 10 10 10 10 48% 33 SbenanCoropf (al). 5 41% 41% 41 41% 250 137% Smith (AO) (2) 40* 185 V, 189% 185% 189% 46% 35 South Pann OU(t2%) 1 36% 36% 36% 36% 8% 4% Southern C0rp...... 6 5% 6% 6% 6% 17 9 Southland Roy (1).. 19% 9% 9% 9% 2% % Spanish A Gan Reg.. 2 11% 11% 3% % Standard Motors.... 83 1% 2 1% 14, I 50% 47% Stand Oil. lnd (BVk>. 45 49% 49% 49% 49% 40% 30% Stand Oil. KYttl.Bo) 2 31% 31% 31% 31% i 108% 76% Stand Oil ObloCJVfc). 1 76 76 76 76 ! 107 99% Std Pwr A Ltpf (7), 1 1024, 10254 102% 102% 23% 4V« Stain Cosmetics.... 17% 7V, 7% 7% ! 22% 9% Strauss Roth 12 14 14% 13% 14% 34% 28 Swift ACo now (8). 1 33% 33% 33% 33% 86% 24% Tocbnleolor. 1n0.... 7 25 25 24% 24% I 10% 6% Tran Con Air Tran.. I 7% 7% 7% 7% 13% 4V* Trans Lux OL PS.. 195 10% -12% 10% 11% 58% 36 TiT Utilities! 11.30). 3 44 44 44 44 ! 15% 11% J Twin St NGA pt 1). 2 13 13 12% 12% 36% 21% Oagarlelder F Corp. 8 26% 26% 26% 25% 1 % Union Tobacoo 1 % % % % 16V, 6% Unit Car Fastnr(fOe) 17% 7V« 7V, 7% | 30% 12% United Oorp twar).. 1 17% 17% 17% 17% l 8% 4 Unltt Dry Docks.... 8 4% 4% 4% 4% : 44 15% Unit Found (bl-16 oh 52 16V, 16% 16V, 16% 2844 12 United Gaa Co tnow) 118 14% 16% 14% 15 11% 5 United Gao (wAr).... 12 6V« 6% 6 6 56 27% Utd Lt A Pwr Atl).. 65 38% 39% 38% 39% ! 119% 97% Utd Lt A Pwr of (6). 2 107% 108 107% 108 4% 2% Unit Milk Products. . 1 3 3 3 3 ; 72% 52 U 8 Dairy (A) (6>... 4 64% 65% 64% 65% 22% 10% U 8 Eloo Pwr ww..,. 20 12% 13 12% 12% : 26% 16% U 8 Foil (B)(1)...« 8 17% 17% 17% 17% 58 36% U S Gypaum (1.60).. 2 44 44 44 44 h 2% U S A Inti Secur.... 1 3 3 8 3 20% 11 U S Linos pf <!>.... 11 11% 12 11% 12 *23 13% U 8 A Overooao war, 1 17 17 17 17 3% 1% Utah Apex (60c).« 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 28 14V* Utility PwrALt(al). 1 16*, 16% 16% 16% ; 23% 12% Utility A lnd 7 12% 13% 12% 13% 1 29% 20% Util A lnd pf (11(b)., 1 22 22 22 22 22 10% Utility Equities,.... 1 11% 11% 11% 11% 97% 76% Vacuum Oil (4) 12 80% 80% 80 80 9% 6% Vtc Finan Corp (40c) 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 61 28% Walgreen Co 1 29% 29% 29% 29% 32% 30 Wheatsworth (J)... 4 88 33% 33 334 J 21% 9% Zonlta Produota (1). 6 9% 9% 9% 9Vk hIOHTB. 9x»ire -4% 2% In* Co of NA. .Oct 1 3 3 3 2% 2% 3 AMo Kan Aug 25 1 A b h * Dividend rates in dollars based on left euaiterlv or aemi- Rn a Onlt*' oTTradlng lew than 100 ahere*. ’Partly extra. tPlu* 4% in stock, a Payable in cash or itock. b Payable In stock, e Adjustment dividend, t Plus 6% In stock, s Plus In *»ock h Plus 1% in stock. J Plus JS> in stock, k Plus 107, in stock, m Plus 3% in stock, n Plus 0% In ftoek. LONG AND SHORT OF IT. NEW YORK, August 20.—1 t is fitting that the largest bank in the world should have the largest building. So the $2,000,000,000 Chase National Bank, which recently became the world’s big | gest bank through absorption of the Equitable Trust and other financial in stitutions is getting together a plot of land In the block bounded by Wall, I Broad and William streets and Ex change place. In this block the pulse of Ameri can finance now finds its origin, for on the corner of Wall and Broad is the house of Morgan, across the street one way is the Stock Exchange, across the street at right angles is the Sub treasury and soaring over Wall street near the Subtreasury is the Bank of ! Manhattan Building, at present the , highest in the district, Report hqs it that the Chase National Bank Building will tower over them > all. even higher than the lordly Chrys . ler Building uptown. Buying of the . necessary land has been going on for months. I The new building will be over 70 : ; stories high and will be based on a plot 163 feet on Broad street by 151 feet on ; j Exchange place. The plot surrounds the Morgan property. 1 Another advocate of high wages has * been found in Eldridge R. Johnson, for * mer president ©f the Victor Co Calling * on President Hoover at the White House he declared: * “The thing that will snap us out 1 of the present slump is high wages. ’ It is far better to resume on a high -1 wage basis than it is on a low-wage ' basis because on a high-wage basis 1 everything begins where it left off right ' away whereas on a low-wage basis it e : will take years to build up again to £ I the old standard. ’ I “The way to start general prosperity e i is to begin it individually. Let every , e one who wants something go out and buy it now, if possible. Do not w r ait * for better times/’ (Copyright. ISSSi if * r| ” if Introduction of new -mod*'* from . America has quickened the 'bile trade in India. TRADING IN COTTON IN GOTHAM NERVOUS Early Advance Checked When Weather Report* Come I*, hut Market Stiffens. By th* Associated Press. NEW YORK. August 20—Rather nervous and Irregular fluctuations wer* reported In cotton hare today, but the decline seemed to bring in considerable covering and the undertone was gener ally steady. An early advance ol about 20 to 25 points on bullish features in the weekly report of the Weather Bureau was fol lowed bv reactions on the detailed weather reports showing rains in Okla homa, but the market stiflened up again on renewed covering. December contracts, after advancing from 11.13 to 11.37. sold off to 14.21, but were holding around 11.30 at 2 o'clock, when the general market was 16 to 1* points Vet higher. TO SETTLE ESTATE Administrator Named by Prince Georges Orphans' Court. By a Staff CorrwaenStnt of The Star. UPPER MARLBORO, Md., August 20.--Poliowing admission to probate of the will of John A. Wells of Marlboro, the Prince Georges Orphans Court year terday appointed Ids M. Wells execu trlx of his estate, setting her bond at S6OO Administrators appointed by ihe onurt yesterday are: H. Itanley Stine, administrator of the estate of John W. Kephart. whose bond was fixed St 1100; Henry W. Gilbertson, administrator of the estate of Maude L. OUberteon, bend 11,200, sad Thomas F. MArphy, admin istrator at tbs estats at Hairy K. Soper. 'CORN PRICES RISE ON CHICAGO BOARD Falling Off in Receipt* and Re port* of Feeding Pnih Wheat Up. By th» Asseelate* Friu CHICAGO. August 20 —With corn , showing bettor than a 10-to-l feeding ratio, and with hogs quoted the highest ' in two years, corn values developed buoyancy today. The jump In hog 1 prices today amounted in some eases to as much as 50 cents a hundred weight. Palling off In receipts of domestic Winter wheat also attracted notice and had a bullish Influence in connection with increasing reports of enlarged use 1 of wheat as feed for live stock. WHEAT— High. Low. Close. i September 00ft % .88'a .89 December 93ft .SIN 93*4 March 90ft ,05 ft 98 1 May ....I.olft .98ft 1.01 Seatenriser 9S .94'a 97*» December •>!» .00 91st Starch 93’ 4 .Mft 93 ft i May , ~ 95*4 .M’s .95’4 Rptembar 39 ft .Sift 39 ft cembSr §'4 .«ft «ft as?*..::::::::::::: M ir :!s■; September ......... H .MVi .S6 l < aJcembVr S3'a Mfy Mft March o®ft •*}» «6ft May .M .MVfc .68 Markets at a Glance NEW YORK, August 30 UP).—Stocks strong; public utilities again lead rise. Bonds irregular; rail issues firm. Curb Arm; Bond * Share crosses *2. For eign exchanges easy; Brazil at new 1930 low. Colton higher; unfavorable weekly weather report. Sugar easy; unsettled refined market. Coffee lower; foreign selling. CHICAGO, August 30 (A*)—Wheat firm; firmness Liverpool and strong cash situation. Com firm; bullish Government weather report. Cattle steady to strong. Hogs higher. PAGE AND SHAW FILES BANKRUPTCY PETITION BOSTON. August 20 (A*).—Page At Shaw, Inc., candy manufacturers, today filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in the Federal Court here. Otis E. Dunham, president of the firm, with 17 other persons, was indicted last May on charges growing out of alleged ir regularities in the sale of stock in the company worth $2,000,000. The bankruptcy petition showed the firm’s liabilities would exceed *300,000 and that its assets totaled about $200,000. The action was in accordance with a vote of stockholders yesterday. Voting In tna meeting were Dunham and Hanry J. Shaw, treasurer. A receiver was appointed for the firm , by a State court last June, after a minority stock holdair brought action to recover large sums of money alleged to have been paid as a bonus for stock sales promotion. MONET MARKET. NEW YORK, August 30 (4*).—Call money easier. High, 2ft; low. 2; ruling r«t«, 2ft; close, 2 per cent. Time loans steady; 30 days, 3aay«; *0 days, 2ft a 3ft; 90 days. 2fta2ft; 4 months, 3ft *3; 5 to « months, 3a3ft. Prime commer cial paper, 3a3ft. Bankers’ acceptances unchanged. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET 1 By tn* Associated Press CHICAGO, August 20.—Following is , the complete official list of transactions , in stocks on the Chicago Stock Ex change today: , Salas. STOCKS. High. Low Close. 50 Abbott Lab 41V, 41st tits 100 Acme Steel 53 N S 3 S 3 50 Allied Mot Ind 10 10 10 10 Am Pub Util PI 107’/a 107 ft 107 Vi» 47 Am Pub Util osr pi.. 102 ft 101st 101st 50 Amer Util & 0en.... Oft 9ft 9ft i 50 Art Metal 9ft Oft 9ft | 110 Assoc T * T A 67 86 87 1000 Assoc Tel Util. 24 23 24 i 50 Assoc Inv 60ft (Oft 60ft I 1050 Auburn Auto 110 ft 105 107 ft . 50 Banco Kentucky .... 16ft 16ft 16ft 50 Baxter Laund A 4 4 4 1050 Bendix Aviation .... 31st 31st 31 ft i 11 Blums Inc 7ft 7ft 7ft • UEShB K" V* i 50 Brown P A W B 10 10 10 250 Butler Bros s>4 9ft 9ft i £® n !' P “J? 6“ P*-. »* 94ft 95 100 Cent Pub JServ Dal.. 39ft 30ft 29ft > 350 Cent Pub Rerv A 26ft 25ft 26ft i 37 9«£«>t *So West 22ft 21st 22ft 50 Chi City A Con Ry. ft ft ft &S&W**::: tt* 18* W • siS gSE SSWfS-*11: *$ 50 Chtc Invest p( .. . 36 36 36 70 Chi No 8 A MU B pf 11 11 11 , 300 Chic Yell Cab »ft 25ft »ft : 100 Construct Mat 14ft 14ft 14ft so Construct Mat pf ... 40ft 40ft 40ft wSSSTBS :::::::::: fc f* «s WSs.* ::::::::::: !*• 5* ; AVrjUmrv.z •«; *#* ‘SKI . 50 Elec Research ft ft ft 50 Fits Simmons A Con 40 40 40 2700 Foots O A Mach.... 10 ift 10 k 300 Oen Thaa ........ 30ft 30 30ft 100 Oen Wat Wits A 28ft 28ft 28ft 50 Gleaner 57’,a 27ft 27ft t 100 Ot Lakes Aircraft.... sft sft sft 1100 Gt Lakes Dredge.... 20ft 29 29 I 5000 Grigsby -Orunow TV* 13ft 133% ,■ 150 Hall Ptiai W'« 39ft t«>v, | 100 Hart-Carter 17 17 17 1 450 Hlbb Sean Bart 50 an 50 50 HoudaSße Her B oft 9ft 9ft 700 Inland will 32 Mft 21st 1; 3100 fosull Util... Sift 50ft 58ft 100 invest Co of Am ... $8 27 27 1 ***:::: §& 5k Wt 100 Kellogg Switch 4ft Aft 4ft 50 Kiiscn Mfg 10 10 10 1300 Libby-McNelll 14ft last 14 90 Lincoln Print 23ft 23ft 23ft 130 Lipdsay Nunn 221* 19 19 350 Lion Oil Ref 19’ , 19ft 19ft 350 Lynch Corn 22 19 22 2400 Maiestlc Housa Ut.. 40ft 47V* 49ft 200 Manhst Dearborn . 28 ft 24 Vi 38ft I 500 Marshal! Plaid 4$ ft 37ft 3*ft 30 McQraw Elec 19 19 39 50 Meadows Mf# Ift Ift Ift ! aOOMerch A Mfr» A 30V* 30 36ft , j 5400 Mid Wast Util iiSft 27ft , 100 Mid WUt6s Pf A . 101 101 101 '| 7300 Mid Ws Ut A war... 3 Ift 3 2900 Mid WUt B war. . ift 3ft S’* ( 500 Midland Nil Gbs A. 1* 15ft 18 j 250 Midland Umtad .. .. 56ft 25ft 2* ft I i 350 Midland Unit pf... 45ft 45 45’* l i 100 Midland Unit war... 3ft 2 2ft 30 Mid m 6s A Pi .... 98ft U M 10 Mid Ut 7s A pi Mft 99ft »ft l 4-1 Mid Ut 7s Pi 108 108 308 I S3OO Mo-Kan FlPd lift 21 ft 21st see Modlne 46 45ft 45ft ' SOeMc.rgsn titho 14ft 14 14 MOKa! Battfry 28 28 26 ! 30 Nat Slec Pow A 27ft 27ft 27ft I 55 Nat Pub Strv pf 47 47 47 . ■ 100 Not Rep Inv 4! ft 41st 41st 360 North Am Cgr 35 35 35 i 1 sac Nor Am a a ii m, 17ft 17ft i 609 No ASo Am 14ft 14 14 46 No Wast Bancorp ... 41 41 41 , i 15 No Wast Ut 7% pf.. 93 93 99 ■ft too Polynsst »ft 5 5 •90 Procsss Corp 6ft 6 6 ! 50 S4RB Music 13 13 13 100 Rtilroad 8h sft sft sft 1 150 Ross Gear 29 28 29 ’ 50 Rysrson A Son. 81 It 31 j 550 Sssboard Util 8 sft sft ‘ 100 8o Union Gas 33ft ?3ft 23ft • 50 Stand Dreda pf 32 32 33 J .50 Stone HOA Co . . ltd sft SV« 38 Storkline Furn 14 14 14 100 Swift A Co 39ft 29ft 29ft SOTenn Prod 11 11 11 100 Thompson J R 37 ft 375* 3fft .1 TOO Transformer of Am.. 305* 30ft 30', *1 1650 Twin St Nst Gas ISft 12', 13 , 150 Twin states rts ft V* ft l 3050 U S Gypsum 44ft 43ft 43ft . | 2206 U 8 Radio A Tel 233, 21 ft 23ft s ISO Util Pow ALA 32 Sift 33 100 Util PAL n-vot 16ft 1634 1834 IJOO uui A Ind lift 133, 1334 iSj mn A inJ Pf $5 33ft 3$ 200 Viking Pump 10 lfl 10 20 Viking Pump pf 29 39 30 100 .awSSSBlF::::: r S’ 1 P 300 Zenith Radio 77 7 Stock sales today. 110,300 shares. t BONDS. t 3000 Insult is '4O 103 ft 103 ft 103 ft , Bond sales today, 13,000. ■ TREASURY CERTIFICATES. < Reported by J. it W Seliuuan A Co • Ri,te-v Maturity Bid Oflar ngEippia } «|Jfe*li !HM t Automohilo registration* la Spain in r. Increasing. STOCK AND BOND AVERAGES By (ha Asaaalatad Frees. From Yesterday's 5:30 Bdltlos. STOCKS. 50 t§ CO M Industrial*. lUlto. CUUttM. Total. Today i«*.l UM *14.« 1«4.7 Prvviaus day l* 118 * 21$.* 1*3.1 Week ago 155.0 117-* *04.7 157.5 Month ago 167.7 1*4.7 226.9 m.g Year ago 241.4 1*0.4 $30.2 242.* Tiro yurt ago 122.5 155.3 Throe yoart ago, weekly aver.. .112.1 I*l* 117.7 High.ltSfi 202.4 111.3 Ml.* Low, 1930 115.4 204.7 154.0 I High, 1929 258.2 107 J 252.1 *51.5 Low, 19** 141.5 117.7 150.9 149.1 BONGS. 10 10 10 *0 Industrial*. Bails. Utilities. Total. Today 94.0 105.2* 1*0.5 I*l.o* Previous day 93.9 109.1 100. S 1M.9 Week ago 93.8 107.7 140.4 , Month ago 93.5 107.3 100.3 100.3 Year ago 92.5 101.7 »fi.* *7.0 Two years ago 94.8 104.5 9 99.5 Three years ago, weekly aver.. 95.9 101.6 99.0 101.1 High. 1930 94.5 104.5 101.0 Low. 1930 91.9 104.5 07.5 95.4 High, 1929 05.3 1*«.0 00.0 09.0 Low. 1029 90.4 100.5 96.0 9«.3 • New 1930 highs. (Copyright. 1030. standard Btatiitlea Oo.) DROP IN FARMERS’ INCOME IS FORECAST By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, August 20.—0 n the 1 basis of the latest official forecasts and | price levels, Standard Statistics Co. 1 tentatively estimates that the 1930 agri cultural Income will be about $2,000,- 000.000, or 12 per cent below the pre vious year. While stating that sufficient data is available to clearly indicate farm wealth for 1930 aill be well below the previous ' year, the statistical organization states ; it will not be as severe as in the major 1 depression of 1921, when gross value ' of farm products slumped $5,000,000. and that consideration must be given to increased purchasing power of the farm dollar resulting from the slump in non-agricultural commodities. Crop conditions are unusually spotty because of the drought, and while reduced val ues in some will adversely affect trade ; in their reducing regions, the favorable , trend of fruit and vegetable crops should be somewhat a palliative factor to a certain degree. | Standard Statistics take the view that while the decline will prove a deterrent 1 ■wegNßaeeeiNaeewißaaaMßHa 1 * ll " p 11 " ,pi U * » ■■■ ■ i If You JVant Automatic Heat Y TTHE BEST I • V* . | I ' I Here’s what you get from the Quiet MAY - ' L '™ !,nc OIL BURNER K I , TV every weather severe, .moderate or company devoted exclusively to the manufacture ! changeable —you get absolutely uniform heat of oil burners. , furnished by a self-operating, self-regulating , device that needs no human help whatever. * You get the assurance that your oil burner will be installed by the factory-trained staff of e 1 You get greater physical and mental comfort reliable Washington organization which pledge* 1 than any other modern convenience can pro- * to renc * er serv * ce ar ’ se at an^ vide, unmarred by even the slightest odor, dirt, hour of the da\ or night. vibration or audible sound. . . . In a word, you get the assurance of perfect, continuous heating satisfaction from the moment You enjoy the utmost in operating economy, install a QUIET MAY. • for the QUIET MAY burns the heavy grades of oil that not only cost less, but yield more heat than the lighter, more expensive grades. ' You get lifetime service from the QUIET MAY, foe it has only two moving parts. This SEE optratien... sea why it after* 11 further minimizes wear in an oil burner that is tha biggest ail burner life > already built with an excess of strength in tim « Ta,u « can buy at any Priw every last part. I FARN how easy * s to p ur * You get an additional saving from the fact that se h * w QL O^ T the QUIET MAY is completely electric. It has Fall offer enables you to no gas pilot to send ignition bills soaring. You get a perfected oil burner, listed as standard SAVE MONEY by the Underwriters’ Laboratories, endorsed |f VOU bllV at OtlCc! by owners in every civilized country, made and 77 guaranteed by the world’s financially strongest \ 4 I Open Evenings Until 9:30 COLUMBIA SPECIALTY COMPANY, Inc. 1201-1203 Eye Street N.W. I National 1433-1454. Open Evening* { JOSEPH RICHARDS. Sf. JOSEPH RICHARDS, J*. - B. BROWN I FmMwt Treasurer Secretary; \ * 1 liii.iiMMii ■' Vi " i*im’iS'li”*" iiTii'*"ni'hi 1 srTfffrT 1 11 1 Term,i. financial. to general business recovery it should not prove mi insurmountable obstacle. FORMER WASHINGTON MAN GETS POST IN COLLEGE Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, August 30.—Bennet L Mead, a former Washingtonian, has been made assistant professor of eco nomics on part time for the first semester at Goucher College, it was an nounced by the board of trustees yes terday. Mr. Mead has served in the children’s bureau of the United Btates Depart ment of Labor and has been associated with many sociological and economic studies. He is a special consultant of the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection, has. served the United States Department of Justice in the Bureau of Prisons and is associated with the Institute of Law of the Johns Hopkins University. RUBBER MARKET. NEW YORK. August 30.—Crude rub ber, smoked ribbed sheets, was marked down % at today's noon quotation of 9%. This compares with 10% a month ago and 20% a year ago. A-15 SUGAR BEET CROP . HAS GOOD PROSPECT Weather Has Been Favor i able for Production This Year. •' ■ ■ ■ - rthe Ammiiuo Rimi. Excellent progress of the growing domestic sugar beet crop, augmented by favorable weather conditions, point to the largest crop in 1930-31 tret recorded In the industry’s 43 years' history. Private estimates, considered reliable by the foodstuffs division of the De partment of Commerce, indicate the United States acreage planted to beets for the crop this Fall amounted to 809.493 acres, against 789.094 acres originally planted last year. Os the latter area, however, only 693,041 aeros were harvested owing to disastrous weather. Based on the area planted, these esti mates, dated as of July 18. last, indi cate current production will approx imate 1,060,841 long tons. The crop of 1829-30. according to the statement made public yesterday by the Depart ment of Commerce, amounted to but 1,070,895 short tons, reduced, for pur poses of comparison, to 956,156 long tons. These figures for last year’s crop represented an increase of 19 1 per cent as compared with 1927, which consti tutes the last preceding census year. This year’s crop is represented as ex periencing the most favorable weathsr conditions during the growing season that have prevailed in several yean. Practically all States report generally satisfactory conditions all through the Spring with the crop, at latest report ing time, in excellent stand. “With a continuance of these condi tions,” says the estimate, “we aes BO reason why our forecast will not bb reached and even exceeded.” The acreage and long ton produc tion, in order, by States, is given ss follows: Ohio. 28.250 acres and 28,571 long tons; Michigan. 89.800, 83,315; Nebraska. 76,386, 100,223; Colorado, 244,963, 357,232; Idaho, 49,126, 56,805; Utah, 45,724, 75,593: California, 65, - 353, 116,573; Wyoming, 52,003. 69,151; Montana, 44,015.' 61,617; all other States including Wisconsin, lowa, Min nesota, Indiana. Kansas. Washington and South Dakota. 113.893, 102,260.