Newspaper Page Text
B-2 SOCIETY Chief Justice of Supreme Court and Mrs. Hughe* Leave for West After' Brief Stay Here. THE Chief Justice and Mrs. Hughes | will leave Washington this after noon for Chicago to attend the sessions of the American Bar Association. The Chief Justice and Mrs. Hughes came to Washington Monday from New York, where they arrived a few days before from Europe They were accompanied on their trip abroad by their daughter. Miss Elisa beth Hughes, who remained in New York. Chief Justice and Mrs. Hughes have been at the Mayflower, their house on R street, which they purchased last Spring, not being in readiness for them. Sir Ronald Lindsay Host to British and French Visitors. The Ambassador of Great Britain, Sir Ronald Lindsay, w’ill be host to a com pany of men Wednesday evening, Au ■uest 27, preceding the reception which he has planned for that evening in com pliment to the distinguished members of law societies of France and England Who will be in Washington next week Lady Lindsav will remain on Long Island until the Autumn, recuperating from a long illness. Mr. Allan Hoover, who has been with his parents, the President and Mrs. Hoover, at the White House for a short stay, has left Washington. Representative and Mrs. James M. Beck returned to this country aboard the Bremen from Europe, where they j have been for some weeks, and have gone to their Summer home, at Sea bright, N. J., for the remainder of the Bummer and Autumn. Representative amd Mrs. Beck visited their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pinkney Tuck, at Budapest, where Mr. Tuck is flrat secretary of the United States le gation. , Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hamilton will have as guests at Stone Ridge. Bethes* da, Md., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Bird and Miss Margaret Ann Bird of Lon don, England, who are in this country to attend the meeting of the American Bar Association in Chicago and the special entertainments planned for the visitors in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Bird and their daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton before tak ing a trip to California, and will re turn here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will have sev eral hundred gueats at a buffet luncheon at Stone Ridge August 27, preceding the garden party to be given by the Secretary of State and Mrs. Stimson, both events being in honor of the visit ing delegates. Mme. Nano, wife of the counselor of the Rumanian legation, is spending a few days at the Ritz-Carlton, in New York, and will join Mr. Nano, in New port, at the end of the week. Th* newly appointed United States Minister to Canada and Mrs. Hanford MacNlder are guests for the remainder of the week of the Assistant Secretary of War. Mr, P. Trubee Davison, who entertained at luncheon for them at the Mayflower yesterday. Mr. Davison Lb spending the Summer with Mr. David B. Ingalls, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, in his home, on Woodland 1 drive, while the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daviaon is undergoing repairs. Mr and Mrs. MacNlder will not start for Otta wa until neat week. . ' Mrs. Davison, who has been abroad through the Summer, will sail within 10 days for this country, and is expect ad to arrive In New York September 6. She will go to Peacock Point, the Sum mer home of Mr. Davison's mother, Mrs. Henry P. Davison, in Locust Val ley, Long Island, where her three sons, lfr. F. Trubee Davison, jr.; Mr. Endi cott Davison and Mr. Daniel P. Davison, will Join her after a visit of sonic time at Entrance, Alberta, Canada, where they are with their grandmother. Capt. William Carleton Watts, United States Navy, and Mrs. Watts announce the engagement of their daughter, Emily Pepper Watts, to Mr. Ernest Bell Tracy es New York. . „ mi« Watts Is a graduate of Bryn Alawr, claas of 1925, and completed her studies at the Sorbonne In Paris the following year. Mr. Tracy graduated from Yale in 1907 and Is a member of the Union Club, the Yale Club and the Racquet and Tennis Club of New York. The wedding will take place In Phila delphia in the Autumn. Mr. UssakJ Bulent, second secretary es the Turkish embassy, at , dinner last evening at the Carlton. Mrs. Chauncey M. Depew, who re turned from Europe recently, has gone : to Brlareltff Manor, N. Y., for the late Summer. Miss Pranceska McKenney, daughter bf Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. McKenney, went to Sayvllle, L. 1., today to be the Blast8 last for a fortnight of Mr. and Mrs. ugh O’Donnell at the Lilacs, the Sum mer home of Mrs. O’Donnell’s mother, Mrs Robert B. Roosevelt, who Is spend ing the Summer in Eurpoe. Mias McKenney will meet her cousin, Mias Prances Miller, daughter of Mr. iimmnwnnnmmmwttmnmmmtg Ih4 Sendee Cniumnt< . (Hnllitr 3«ttfl Columbia’rd. *t is r -«sr • I , 0»»0flTt 4MIASSAOOA TONIGHT la exjunction with Z XfuJ&l 6 to 7:301 Bratled Twot Soft Shell Crabs on Mp» *—*• i*\c ImM Meat*. | : Vegetable Dinner. SI.OO DINNER c nWX* Chlfk6B ALWAYS ANM PARKING SPACE COLUMBIA Hit [R£ , ' r ■SSSSSWWW Living, rp Up to Our | Reputation II Our over thirty years of satisfac tory service to the public is your as- Asurance that every thing will be right when we do your G Shipping, Packing, Moving. Storing, E Phone Sat’l 6900 for euimttum. Merchants Transfer & Storage Co. MOVING—PACKING—SHIPPING ‘.*2o-922 E Street N.W. t SOCIETY. | and Mrs. Andrew J. Miller, in New York when she arrives September 3 from Europe and they will go to Hot Sprlnp for a two-week stay. Miss Mary Martha Wren entertained at luncheon today in compliment to Mrs Watlington, wife of Lieut. Thomas M. Watlington, U. 8. A., who has just been transferred from Port Hoyle, Md.. to duty in Panama. Lieut, and Mrs. Watlington will spend a month with the latter’s parents, Coi. and Mrs. Edgar Conley, at their home, Greenridge, in Montgomery County, Md. Miss Thelda M. Roason of Alexandria, Va„ was married to Mr. O. Douglas Swan of Culpeper, Va„ yesterday, the ceremony taking place in the home of the bride's parents at 122 East Howell avenue in Alexandria. The wedding was simply arranged, the house having ferns and Midsummer flowers as deco ration. Mrs. Herbert W. Scott wae matron of honor for her aister and Mr. Alec Kelly j of Culpeper was best man. The small company which witnessed the cere mony included only the members of the two families and a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Swan started immedi ately after the ceremony for a motor trip to Canada and on ttvlr return will make their home in Culpeper. Hostesses at Luncheon to Honor Ladies es Foreign lawyers. Mrs. John Lord O’Brlan, wife of the assistant to the Attorney General, will be one of the hostesses at the luncheon which the Ladies' Committee will give at Wardman Park Hotel Tuesday for the ladies accompanying the members of foreign law societies who will spend next week lp Washington. Mrs. Wil liam P. MacCracken, Jr., chairman of the committee, will be hostess at the guest of honor's table, and other mem bers of the committee and wives of prominent lawyers and legal officials will be hostesses at small tables. Among these will be Mrs. Frank S. Bright, vice chairman of the committee; Mri. P. Regis Noel, secretary; Mrs. Prank S. Hogan. Mrs. J. Miller Kenyon. Mrs. Fiank W. Mondell, Mrs. Sidney F. Tal liaferro, Mrs. Howard S. Le Roy, Mrs. Ralph' Van Orsdel. Mrs. Charles P. Wil son and Mrs. William Roy Vallance. Brig. Gen. George B. Pillsbury, U. S. A . assistant chief of Engineers, and Mrs. Pillsbury are now In Washington, at the Mayflower. Maj. and Mrs. Alfred Quinton, jr., have arrived from Boston and are set tled in their apartment an the Dresden. Mrs. Quinton will leave aliortly for New England, returning the latter part of September with their daughter, who ia spending the Summer in Vermont. Col. and Mrs. John A. B. Richardson I of Boston are on a brief leave of ab sence in Washington and will be at the Martinique for a few days. Mrs. Charles West Stewart, wife of Lieut. Stewart, Engineer Corps, U. S. A., is vlaiting her father, Mr. Irwin H. Hoover, and will later join Lieut. Stewart at his now post, at Fort Humphreys, Va. Lieut. Stewart was formerly stationed at West Point, and he and Mrs. Stewart frequently entertained their Washington friends there. Maj. and Mrs. R. S. Barr have arrived in Washington and are spending several days in the Martinique. Maj. Barr was stationed in the district ordnance office. Cincinnati, Ohio, and will be on ..duty at the office of chief df ordnance, War Department. • The members of the National Public FUR COATS Cleaned Glazed j C and *3 Stored , This special pries Include* thoroush cleaning of your coat Inside sad eut, teswasarwr ■ Special Prices in Remodeling Expert Workmanship Work Called tor and Osliv«isd. NEW ENGLAND FURRIERS Beniamin Sherman . Prop 618 12th Street Nat 9458 1 f —■■ ■ , S \ ■ u *’ . ' • . • . ‘ ' : ' : W. !£>. tfttoses 6? Sons SINCE 1861 — SIXTY-NINE YEARS OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE National 3770 F Street at Eleventh 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE Dresses Are Reduced I *5 Were $lO to sls *3 14 to 44 .50 I * In the Croup 4 -i Were $5.95 to $6.95 Were $lO to sls . Coats Are Reduced $7-50 Were $lO to sls *5 V,f« *lO — In the Croup WereslO to sls . r Were sls to $25 MOSES—SECOND EtOOR . .... . _ THE EVENING' STAR. W'Abiuu* '"D.. C.,* Av\u., ~ » ,v . .. j ’ 20. 1930. ' SOCIETY. Sailing From Europe j ' >•;' ■HB ] ' * 6 h| ~ / lEil^lHnmmp** 'ffl \ -.Br jß^ff Kc.,. W» MISS ADELINE PORTER, Daughter of Mr*. Eric Greenleaf. sail ing from Southampton for Montreal Saturday after spending * seme time abroad. —Underwood Photo. < Parka Tennis Association, who are mak ing their headquarters at the Hotel Roosevelt, will he the guests of the Washington Public Parks Tennis Asso ciation at a banquet and dance this eve ning at the Hotel Roosevelt. Mr. Win free Johnson, president of the Washing ton Public Parks Tennis Association, and Mr. Robert E. Newby, also of the local association, will be in the com pany. Among the prominent speakers at the dinner will be Comdr. Joel T. i Boone, and Mr. D. Obear, chairman of ' the United States Lawn Tennis Pub lic Parks Association. The members of the teams spent yesterday visiting points \ of interest in and around Washington. ; There will be a meeting held Thursday ] morning at 9:30 o’clock at the hotel. Miss Elizabeth Henning, daughter of < Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henning, who re turned from Europe Monday, with her mother and sister, Miss Barbara Hen- \ ning, is the guest of Miss Jean Wood- : aon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Woodson, with whom she will go to 1 West Point Saturday. Miss Henning 1 and Miss Woodson will attend the camp ; elimination and the furlough hop and other events there next week. Miss Woodson has just returned from a visit to Miss Elizabeth Orth In Mil waukee. where she was constantly en tertained, many affairs being especially arranged in her honor. Mrs. Henning and Miss Barbara went to Maine from New York and will spend some time there before opening their Washington home. The marriage of Miss Louise Hallett, j formerly of Bridgeport, Conn., to Mr. I Anthony Pit* Gerald H. Lucas took j place Saturday morning in Bt. Marys City, Md., the Rev. George Culbertson, assistant pastor of the New York Ave nue Presbyterian Church, officiating in i the presence of a small company of I cloae friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A | yr Just a Few Reasons Why So Many Are Buying Harris' Winter Coats Lavish Fur treatment, a com- ** a— prehensive collection that em- Q^.UU braces every truly good style— a partiality for Brown and J X.OO Black (the two best Fall and Winter colors) and a decidedly ft ft.oo worthwhde saving on every OO coat. These are some of the to reasons Harris Coats are *o I O O ftO popular. 100* UU , n osephßHarris(B- J Holmes of New York acted as beat man and matron of honor, raapectively. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas have started for the far West and will be absent several months. They will make their home in Washington. Miss Mabel Angel has as her guest n her home, at 916 Nineteenth street northwest, her mother, Mrs. P. H. An r;el of Winston-Salem, N. C., who will •emnin over Sunday before returning to ivr Southern home. Mrs. Angel and her daughter returned the first of the’ veek from a trip to Canada, where they isited in Montreal and Quebec and topped at Niagara Palls. They spent a hort time in New York on their way >ack to Washington. rrueworthy—Blount Wedding Church Event Saturday. The marriage of Mias Margaret Lee Blount, daughter of Mr. William Wal lace Blount, to Mr. Burnett Thurston Trueworthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Augustus Trueworthy of Wash ington, will take place Saturday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock in the Marvin M. E. Church South. The Rev. A. E. Owens will perform the ceremony. Mis* Blount will have as her maid of honor Miss Donna-May Sparks, and Miss Margaret Smith and Mlsa Loraine Bunch will be bridesmaids. Mr. Trueworthy will have as best man his brother. Mr. William Qrson Trueworthy, and Mr. Stanley Lingbach and Mr Aldrich Medbury will serve as ushers. There will be no reception fol lowing the wedding, but many of the friends of the bride and bridegroom, who have been sweethearts since their early school days, will witness the cere mony. Dean and Mrs. George B. Woods of Cathedral avenue have as their guests their son-in-law and daughter. Prof, and Mrs. Phil R. Clugston of Boulder. Colo. Prof. Clugston is professor of English at the University of Colorado. Mr. John Hay Whitney, grandson of the late Secretary of State, Mr. John Hay, was host at dinner last evening at the Arrow Head Inn. at Saratoga Springs, having as his guests hia fiance, MUs Elizabeth Altemns; Mrs. Dobson Altemus Eastman and Mr. James D. Altemus of Philadelphia. Mr . Whitney is the son of Mrs. Payne Whitney and the late Mr. Whitney of New York, his mother having been before her mar riage Miss Helen Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Gwathmeyhave gone to Saratoga Springs and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Sal mon and will be joined today by Mr. Temple Gwathmev. Mr. and Mrs. Sal mon are also entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dykman. Mr. and Mrs. Harra A. Rodda, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waldo Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Cogan and Mrs. Charles H. Seton and her daughter. Miss Helen Seton, sailed from Baltimore yesterday on the ateam- I Selling Out Sale | j % Off White china for firing. Kiln for firing china and glass—No. 6—very reason | able— Every day this week from ( 4to 6 P.M. Studio of Art 1006 F St. N.W. •hip Fairfax, Merchant* 4k Miners, for poeton and will spend a short time in inat city. / —... Mrs. Carl C. Crampton of Klingle I street and her two children, Charles and Mary, left Washington Sdturdav , and are staying two- weeks near Ash ton, Md. Mrs. George F~Morris. with Mias ; Helen Morris and Sinclair P. Morris, 4a i at the Chalfonto-Haddon Hall, Atlan !• tic City. Mrs. Charles T. Penn of Hawthorne 1 street and her daughter. Doreen Evelyn, havejuat returned from Ocean City, N J. They spent two months at this re sort. where Mrs. Penn rented a cottage. Mr. Penn joining them for week ends. Mrs. Prank Kellogr Raymond of "the Kenesaw is spending a brief vacation with frlenda in Manchester, N. H„ and the White Mountains. Mrs. Frederick Daum of Forty-fifth street, who reached New York yesterday from Europe, was met there by Mr. Daum, her two children, Mr. Frederick E. Daum and Miaa Helen Daum, and her mother, Mrs. Bessie Gawler. Mrs. gawler and young Mr. Daum will return i Washington shortly, but the others 1 . -} 3Tto»fc» Son* Public Confidence Since 1861 F Street at Eleventh 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. For the College Girl Tweeds and Wool Are Fashion's Rule $19.75 to *397? Simple lines... subtle cut ...tasteful colors... all YljP these requisites for smart % C dress you will find in these Jut frocks that are copies of Patou, Chantal, Jane Regny and other fashion experts. ym'tH&SpWß \ The i ntr i cate weaves alone make them distinctive. / ) Then, too, you will like the \ clever little style details, in> ( SPHni eluding high belts, elabo rately treated sleeves, pleats and buttons. 1 ' Brown wool frock with beret to match. Wide belt, collar P ©f white that -gives a chic W Sizes II to 38 MOSSB —SECOND FLOOR - , . : „ . J « - • ■ t;-. •* •»*;*■> -.J* a iJ't H ••SV» J.E.Ctrnningluim Cot. }|4‘3Jt SEVENTH ST..NJV. Never Before . ♦ ♦ Have We Offered Such Qualities ... Such Lavish Fur Trimmings Fine Workmanship . Beauty of Stylings Smart Distinction ... in This Sale of COATS ®4M V New Details % of 1930-31 Coat Mode 1 Longer Home Fitted Waist a IT Gentle Flmrea Mi 1 Bolero Backs /ll \ jj\ Bloused Bachs J M \ V Double Sleeves / [ \ . Frame Collars Proving beyond a I doubt that now is the fettme and Cunning ham's the place to buy your coat. : f $5 DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY COAT L Pag a fa 10 dollara new amd than as eanveniant ths Hina "whan teal I weather” arrivaa „ yen'll HAVE your test ...PAID F OR. ..Your aoat will ba held in our fee atorage vaulta until Mil. i will makers stay at Wildwood, N. J., be fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clifford Burke, formerly of Lob Angeles, who are living ai. the Ambassador Hotel. Fourteenth and K streets, are entetalning Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Broodeen of Carthay Circle, Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and MVs. Broo deen are touring the East—New York, Baltimore. Washington, the Adirondacka. Lake George and Boston, also Cape Ood—before returning to California. Mr V. J. Sudman of New York City entertained a small party at dinner last evening at the Carlton, where he Is stopping while in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Gayer of 1124 Abbey place northeast, Washington, who < Continued on Third Page.) Hourly Nursing Service iiilitinl Mum Baths, Massage, Irrigations. Etc. Treatments Ordered by Physicians , ■ Col. 8676 H AipASTERNAK | #1 IH9 COMMSCTICUT ;; FINAL SALE jj o Last Drastic Reductions <> o || for Absolute Clearance || < ► Regular Pasternak apparel at unheard of < 1 | | low prices for such quality... the selection { | is still varied and of great importance. || o To Close Out Below Cost !! \ t || Women's and Misses' || || DRESSES COATS ENSEMBLES J|| I! SUITS BLOUSES HATS ]|| || SPORTSWEAR ||| All sales final.. No charges. No returns. BLACKS will have much to say about the new Autumn mode in smart footwear . See the advance fashions already on display here in— ' Hahn * Carltons 99 * sloso to sl4-50 *Arch Preservers 99 $lO 50 to $14.50 *Hahn Specials* $6.50 now comes the final week of the arterafuf street salon removal sale s^4s formerly $19.50 early shopping for best selections is advisedl WIF Street 1101 Am * ' " -