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A-6 QUIZ IS RESUMED IN LYLE RUM TRIAL Alfred Hubbard Has Admitted t i - Some of His Former Tes l timony Was “Colored.” By tht ARsocigtcd Prvss. SEATTLE, August 20. Resumption of cross-examination was in store to day for Alfred M. Hubbard. Govern- , jnent witness in the conspiracy trial | of Roy C. Lyle, former Federal prohibi- ! lion administrator, and four others ac- . £used of allying themselves with rum gunners. i Attorneys for the defendants. Lyle, fSVilliam M. Whitney. Earl H i,. Bryant, and Clifford 1 McK nney, the witness ye-terday wlt-h »xcerpt* of testimony he had givpn in Tormer liquor trials in an effort to dis jcredit his testimony in the piesent case. . He admitted some of his former test;- | Jnony was "slightly colored” or "false, j ft>ut countered with the statement, he j Ikt'as acting under the direc t ion of his j Sormer superiors in giving the evidenee. He accused former United States At- | Homey Thomas P. Revelle of knowing 3fcnd approving of false testimony given j 3>y him as a Government witness. ; At one time Hubbard was searched t>v court officials to determine whether lie was armed. JACQUES DE BROGLIE SEEKS ANNULMENT Marital Tangle With Pianist Brings Embroiled Family Name Into Court. By the Associated Press. DIJON. France, August 20.—One phase of the tangled affairs of the De Broglie family, princely and ducal house, which includes Prince Louis Victor de Broglie, Noble science prise Winner, Is on the court docket here. • Prince Jacques de Broglie has applied for a decree nullifying his marriage to Mme. Marie Antoinette Aussnac, well known pianist. He is the former hus band of the Princess de Wagram. His marital differences with his present wife date from two years ago, when, his wife j •lieges, he refused her permission to leave the country to fulfill concert en- j gagerftents. Annulment of the wedding is sought on me grounds the marriage, performed •bflAd. was not in conformance with French law. There have been other marriage., annulments in the immediate; De Broglie family. Prince Jacques’ brother • Robert has had two out of j four marriages annulled. The mother of Prince Jacques de Broglie is the 73-year-old Princess Amedee. whose name is frequently j mentioned as the possible future wife Os Prince Luis de Bourbon, nephew of King Alphonso of Spain. Both Spain j gnd France refuse to allow him in the country. He makes his home at San ftemo, Italy. Princess Amedee is the owner of the historic Chateau de Chaumont, in the Loire country. She bought the chateau eist before her marriage to Prince de roglle In 1875. MRS KOHLHOUSEN BURIED Daughter of Juror in Famous Trial of John Brown in 1859. Fpeclgl Dispstch to Tho Star. WINCHESTER. V*., August 20. Mrs. Julia McClure Kohlhousen, 73. trldow of Theodore F. Kohlhousen. who died several days ago at East Radford, Va., and whose body was brought here Monday for mterment in the family kit in Mount Hebron Cemetery, was a daughter 'bf the' late John C. McClure. Jefferson County, W. Va., who served yjt i Juror on the famous John Brown rebellion and Insurrection trial at Charles Town in 1859. which resulted in Brown and several of his followers being hanged for murder. Mrs. Kohl tlousen is survived by s daughter, Mrs. ©race K. Custer, and one son, Fred erick Kohlhousen, both of East Red ford. ■ Closed All Day Saturday* During August Store Hour*: 8; IS to 6 I Rich's Semi-Annual 1 | CLEARANCE SALE I J A Further Cut 1 To effect a quick and complete clearance we are closing out the balance of the footwear in this sale at $6- 90 I Included are smart black and brown suede slip pers —the very models you’ll need for early Fall wear —and many styles of Summer footwear. All Sales Final || Women’s Full-Fashioned Silk Chiffon Hosiery Reduced to — $1.45 3 pairs, $4 I INCH'S , r ST. AT TENTH | France lo Clear Spy Charge Against California Son German Used Identity of Hollister Hotel Man for War Activity. By the Asgoeigted Pr*«». PARIS, August 20.—A military ( ! tribunal will be convened today to re ! move from Charles Leopold Hartmann. hotel man of Hollister. Calif., the stigma I that he was a German agent during the war. 1 Hartmann, an Alsatian, returning to , France recently from California, was ; amazed to find his friends chilly In their reception. He sought out the mayor of his little town. Nordheim, in the Bas- | Rhein, and was informed that during : ! the war he had been convicted as a traitor and spy. Hartmann not sted his Innocence, j 1 faying he had never left California in i the 58 years he had resided there. An official investigation was b°gun. the authorities discovering that another man. a German spy arrested in London at the beginning of the war. had ob tained his freedom by adopting Mr. Hartmann's identity, and showing forged papers to establish that he had chosen to remain a French citizen at the close of the Franco-German War In 1872. The verdict stigmatizing Hartmann ; will be set aside today with the apologies l of the French tribunal. STUDY PLEASES DAWES Ambassador to Visit Traces of Work of Neolithic Men. LONDON. August 20 (/P) —Ambassa- i I i dor Charles G. Dawes yesterday mani fested enthusiasm over his proposed trip to the Rio Tinto mines, in Anda lusia, Spain, where he will study work attributed to neolithic men. Gen. Dawes will leave Friday with a party led by George MacCurdv, head of the American School of Prehistoric Research. The Ambassador Is a keen student of archeology and has been deeply engrossed in reports of finds in the slag heaps at Rio Tinto, which Indi cate that the neolithic* conducted ex tensive mining, built tunnels and even | had water systems. ALL-EXPENSE TOUR WASHINGTON te BALTIMORE By Boat and Rail $12.12 Round Trip Follow the pioneers through the hl»- ' torlcelly Interesting country. S2O miles of | delightful cruising—down the Potomac, up the Chesepeeke Bay. Return by test Penna. R R trains. Two nights end a day on water. First - class accommodations, excellent meals, congenial people. Modern ateam ers Dorchester and Talbot. Leave 7th Street Wharf Mon Weo and Sat. 4 p.m. (Standard time) Minimum cost. 112.12 per person All information, literature, etc., at Penna. R R. City Ticket OBee. 613 14th st. n.w.. or Agent’s Office 7th Street Wharf. Phona National >14(1. Balto. Jc V*. Steamboat Co. FRUIT STAINS' DISAPPEAR Perspiration, grease, all food, fruit and beverage stains are swiftly j removed with Annette’s Perfect Cleanser. It’a a Powder not a j liquid. Leaves no odor, does' not affect color —Cannot Leave a Ring. At Dep’t and Drue Btorea. 50c. Frfe ! sample. Write Annette's. Boston, Mass. ! —Advertisement. ITCHING TORTURE EN?S when toothing Zomo it uttd It’s remarkable how quickly Summer itching vanishes when Zemo touches the skin. Use It for rashes, bites, ivy poisoning and itching, peeling toes. Thi* far-famed antiseptic draws out heat and pain and quickly soothes away irritation. Use safe, healing Zemo freely to clear up ugly pimples and dandruff. It’s invisible and odorless. Just the thing for sunburn and other Bummer skin irritations. Have Zemo handy always Any druggist. 35c, 80c, SI.OO. zemo FOB «WIN IBBITATIONF 7HK Eygyj.NO STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C.. AVKOXKSUAY, Al’iU'ST 20. 1930. - | ———— ——— "I——s— . *' } j '■ ■ * ’ A I - Health Belt Corselettes >• a :■ g 3.48 » %%usy &1/ belt, flexible over the abdomen and s V • * fnrner' K I MM.Mm mm X m a(A A adjustable by lacings over either f \fl {OriftJ M ■mJMjm AjM side. Sizes 34 to 50. I 0\ J Wrm M jJh I J Kann's—Second Floor * h 24 Bargain Table Specials I The Crowds Will Lead the Way To These Bargains I Special! Novelty Knit Silver-Plated Ware, 10c Costume Jewelry, 29c Writing Paper, 19c TTmO Your Choice of 59c to SLOO Values With Envelopes to Match 111 I —Knives, forks, spoons, butter knives —Necklaces, earrings, bracelets and —Linen and fancy finished papers, white K 5 JW I. J I I y and sugar shells. brooches. New styles. and colors; neatly boxed. Mjk and Mesh Dresses Leather Ba g 5 > 51,00 Eskay Napkins Women's Dresses, 50c i 500 to Sell 3 Boxes, 65c Our SI.OO Grades $10.95 and $16.50 Value, -Top ,„ ~r.p In ,1I Regularly 39c a Box !"**■**»* Vsl AV 4 /iv -v —Soluble sanitary napkins. Our own \mh toil I ViJ Wash Silk Crepe, Yd., $1 °™ < ’"" n ,n * b ‘”‘- Muslin Undies, 59c I J) vJ Our tI.SO Grade Sample Neckwear, 45c 79c to SI.9S Values fpi m I /• 1 -40-in. flat crepe in white, black, navy Os Lace and Batiste -Samples and "seconds” of Fruit of the Vy • and colors. -Vestees with cuffs, collars, collar-and- Loom. Misses and women s sizes. n r» _ , ls , cuff sets. Smart new styles. • _ , —Sport costumes that will be Kag Kugs, 2 tor 51 Rayon Crepes, yd., 34c mm 79c Lunch cioth*, 39c ,» K\ Nnveltv knitted suits in three- —27x54-in. Old Colonial ruga, fringed Our 59c Grade -36-ln. flat crepes, in pastel and dark* •;m: t- jifv lu Novelty knitted suits in i ends. Crow-foot borders: washabla. of D art-linen In solid colors shade*. Fast colors. #ll ?»<:. with mFJaejwsf"- sS’s.n" a vi.r t “ n “‘"* < ”" 1 _ „ jMzMm * had *» cardigan jacket and skirt Colgate's Soap, 17 for $1 Mohawk Sheets, SI.OO a y° ' made on band. And two-piece o r' 2 Pieces for $1 1 dresses of cotton-and-wool mix- Regularly 10c a Lake Uur #i.4d l*rmtle —Tailored and trimmed chemise, bloom \ j / fni-.c White orchid maize, oink —The big bath size, specially priced in —72x98-inch Sheets of soft bleached era, step-ins, panties and vests, i « lu ‘”' v this sale. sheeting. Extra Sise Garment*, 89c \ / and beige. —9oxloß size. Reg. $1.95, 11.39. lif Sizes 14 to 20. Fabric Gloves, 79c S,U Hose Dr 59c Velour Hassocks, 89c I JIL Kann's —Second Floor. . _ , J . n ° sC f P r V ' -4 n Iniftorted Grade j prs., $1.65 sl-50 1 alue . —Pull-on styles—in white and the pop- —Beamless hose, new colors; sizes I'4 —Choice of several attractive shapes and Ular eggshell. to 10. colors. I IN OUR ANNUAL COAT SALE Handkerchiefs, 5c Chiffon Hose, pr., 98c Cotton Undies, 3 for $1 \T rp 1 Special Value 3 P<lirS ' 92,85 Misses' and Women's ip\4Z I A l , . . . . . —Full fashioned, silk to picot top; —Handmade Porto Rican Gowns—Cot- I a. TT ATV v " 4.1 'Wb&f —White tnd colored handkerchief! of French heels. Sizes §Vs to 10 In new ton sllpe, bloomers and gowns. limy) and cotton, some colored jorflers. colon. SllOrt CIOA-TS Bandeaux, 29c Overnight Cases, $2.98 Door Stops, 89c t Our 50c Grades Our $4.95 Grade Our SI.OO Grade TJuki —Assorted styles In white and flesh. -Women's cases, severed with cobra —The P?P u J ar ‘' do ß” door stops; 9& in. imtW 81Z ** 30 10 36 * rmin * d 4upont. 14, 18, 22 In. sizes. high, with leather strap. I ' /(Hfr [ Special! 1,500 Pcs. I Greatl > Reduced3oo I tweeds in brown, tan, berry .red, / S \ T /» • j -- ims\ miants Wear Silk Dresses •' weight, yet and warm for / \ U -■—X M. V/ k/ V/ wirn'r* im * rlined for extra . \I / r | I Formerly SB.OO, SIO.OO I Size, 14 to 20 and .36 In 46 )I / IL I and $12.00 Kann’s —Second ‘ Floor, I /4v \ " —38x84-ln. White Sheets —lnfants* Hand-embr,oid- | LI , with blue, yellow, pink and ered Nainsook Dresses, y . green hemstitched hems. with scalloped neck and jj I | yj IN OUR ANNUAL FUR SALE Ci*. *^ v "-.I \\\' ‘ —Pillowcases, 2 for 58c. —C hll drens Printed g ~ ■ / 1 / \|\\ /#, Fnrfnfitc l r^V l In the New Longer and SS. 2 “ “ -H.« i. .'hwc,*. quickly \\ V|| \A/ Viy tb, 1 • fr/*j Cm I corner. 50c each. —lnfants’ Hand-crocheted revive yoilT jaded Summer M JU \ / I\ 1 " trier styles Birdeye Diapers, ready White Bootees, lined with wardrobe with fresh new / I\\\ V J WhJ' 1-m li hemmed. Six in package pink or blue. 58c pair. * . I i\u. \ mlb&Aw /"A >»' nr- —children's cro.s-b.r fro ck s economically .nd I / I\\\ \ Svf |U k 7d Ox Sm C ih" nll b<.S“‘;. SWaSST&iSr ,manly Flowered crepe., 7] IPS tPMA rr „„„ -latauw DouM.-br.MUd crepe., navy geor- U \\ I Ml 1 /( 1 7wt?“Snk STSSf «t£ gette., pastel .georgettes and ,U embroidered yokes. Sizes 3 lor sec ' printed silks that flaunt I / \ Kam. —Muskrat, caracul, sealine (dyed to 3 ' togs. fa k 2 dainty ruffles, capes, boleros I / l\ . fy rabbit), pony and Lapin (dyed and'flglired ** lrs ' s#c ’ *nd new pleated collars. The I / \ Mr rabbit), coats await your choos- cloth And chambray. —Vanta Washcloths, trim- mainritv chnrt aleeved l / \ mm ing in this special group. The Sizes 2to 8 years. 58c pink or blue. 4 majonty short sleeved. / l • ' muskrat in silver and natural. eM * 1 .* Caracul and sealine, with fitch or % „ _ Juniors , Misses 9 Womens I \ \ ■I , F , ox“u g r‘-c T^„. p Girls School Frocks „ nd Extra Si «. LI \ J \ Lapin with pouch or scarf col- —Pretty prints, checks and plaids, in Peggy, /ffe -| PWT lars, belted or semi-fitted lined. Regulation and B.oomer styles—all washable. JJI I Kann's-Second Floor. l 7 / Sizes 7to 14 years. ■*- \ / Misses * and Women's Sizes Kann’s—second Floor. \ f —A small deposit reserves any Fur Coat Kann's—Second Floor. ) Imported Numdah —' I &wD»y bu.* 1 Sp “ ul N RUGS Table” ( 500 Pm- »« W “” e “’ s * 2 ' 9 ' I couch covers or hangings on /IL I 1 A f** \H your wall. M t jj| —Beautiful sparkling ■ .it„ners of lustrous L \m J* glassware, with black \ __D‘Orsay style sUpP« nlle< tarragon I /1 \l S H.„, Per.i.a STg, StSSiTMaS ■ » i —lmagine getting a genuine handmade 4, -■ mm for bridge luncheons, etc. l wann's—« trert rloor ' \l