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• •Oroir\.tte AVENUE at NINTH* jg-pg-gggggggggqsacSßSSS: ' f mm, ■ mhnrrtiH ■■n■ ■■ ■ * - ■ ■'■«*■ ■ ■ —-I.''wia' Store Closed All Day Saturday Fixtures for Sale Building for Lease All fixtures of every description I Sjoup of buildings at Ninth ... , . and The Avenue occupied bv us mav store and window used in con- leased for future occupancy, nection with our present store. I; Apply to Details upon request Weaver Bros. Now Comes the Announcement of Paramount Importance in the Removal Sale All Overcoats— Winter-Weights—Top Coats—Rain Coats — Half Price! The real justification for such selling is the imperativeness for quick and complete clearance before removal to our new store in the Washington Building—and it gives you opportunity to antici pate your Fall and Winter needs and SAVE EXACTLY HALF PRICE! Every $35 Overcoat .... $ 17 .50 Every S4O Overcoat . . : *2O Every $45 Overcoat *22 50 Every SSO Overcoat .... *25 . I Every $65 Overcoat .. ; • *32 S 0 Every $75 Overcoat . . I $37.5° Third Floor. Camel’s Hair and Llama Every Top Coat Great Coats Half Price! Half Price! $35 Grade $69.50 Grade .. 534 .75 I I S4O Grade ... *2O SIOO Grade .... *SO $45 Grade ... 522- 50 sllO Grade .... *55 SSO Grade .... *25 $125 Grade .... 562- 50 S6O Grade ..., *3O Third Floor. * Third Floor. The Only Two Exceptions to the Half Price are noted in Mt. Rock Fleece Imported Burberry Overcoats Overcoats That are never reduced— London-made and exclusive with us. Regularly SSO Regularly SIOO and sllO $32-50 $59.50 Third Floor. Third Floor. All Raincoats Leather Coats arH Half Price! Windbreakers Were $6 to $35 Half Price! mm Were sl2 to $22.50 Now $3 to $! 750 Now $ 6 to $11.25 Third Floor. Third Floor. • These prices are effective at once! Alterations will be made at cost —but please consider every selection final. No exchanges can be made; no returns accepted, and none sent C.O.D. 7 hi at Ninth store TnE KvjlaixNU STAR. WABUX-MilON, D. C., \> AluUbr 20. 1930., BOURGEOIS, TEMPLE SCULPTOR,JXPIS Credited With First New Ar chitectural Concept in Seven Centuries. By the Associated Preia. CHICAGO, August 20.—Louis Jean Bourgeois, architect and sculptor, died last night with fulfillment of his fond est dream not far away. He had hoped to live long enough to see the framework started on the Bahai Temple he started 20 years ago. Completion of the structure, which has been declared the first new idea in architecture since the thirteenth cen tury, was assured recently, but actual work is not to start until Sptember. Won International Contest. Bourgeois had spent the last years of an eventful life in his plans for a house of worship for the Bahai, fol lowers of the Persian Bahaiuillah. In 1020, Bourgeois, himself a member of the sect, won an international con test for a design for a temple to be located in Chicago. Selecting a site at Wilmette. North ern auburb, Bourgeois started work on the structure and moved his home to a studio on the property. The comer stone was laid by Abdul Baba, son of the founder of the reli gion. By 1922 the foundation and basement had been completed, and then work was suspended until sufficient funds were on hand to continue on the $2,000,000 temple—the Bahais hav ing the principles of no debts, no mort gages, no solicitations. Recently enough voluntary contribu tions were made to proceed a few steps, and an engineering firm of Wash ington. D. C„ was engaged to go ahead with construction. In his design, Bourgeois has com bined the essence of the architecture of the Egyptians, the Greek, the Ro man, the Arabic, the Gothic, the Renaissance and the modem. In his decorative motif he has Interwoven symbolism of all the religions ever known to mankind. He has portrayed ths tree of life, and given note to the place of the earth in the universe. Represents Universal Religion. Thus the temple as a whole repre sents the principles of the Bahai move ment universal religion, universal brotherhood, universal education and union of science and religion. Because of the symbolism of per fection attached by the Orientals to the figure, nine, as the highest single intergral. the number or its multiples are employed extensively throughout the temple. It has nine sides,’ nine doors, which will be approached by 1* steps; nine fountains; nine ribs in the dome. The height of the build ing was scaled at 162 feet, the first story at 36 and the minarets at 45. The property Includes nine acres. The structure will be surrounded by a cir cular wall. ■ •- ■ ■-■■■■ Deaths Reported. .The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department in the last 34 hours: Artamlss Lena. 80. 301* Bladensburs rd. n e. Ada C. 77, 1073 Columbia rd.. Apt. William r. Dunn, 73. 731 23d st. Bridget Condon. 73. 813 Oth st. s.w. Martha Mangum. 70. Casualty Hospital. Mary M Cassln. 89. 1413 30th st. Helen 6. Reed. 59, 1521 Upshur st. Betty Hustbedt. 18. Children's Hospital. N. Brooks, 03. 1247 Kenilworth Charlotte Hodges, 1. Children's Hospital. M£ef. 1883 ONUMENTS •n Display far Tear geloa lion. Workmanship and Ma terial Guaranteed. Prl aa s Right. WASHINGTON GRANITE MONUMENTAL CO„ Inc. WM. JARDIKE. Seety. Nstj. **7o. When ✓ V Swrow f*) Beckons ... and loved ones aro railed . . . that is when Ryan Sorv- , lea Is needed most F*” eral ß ?“ T t : and appr ee 1 ated lore. Private host. Careful, eg- Ambulance sating, personal at- nn< * Itiverv In tentlon to every de- connection. tall. JAMES T. RYAN Funeral Director < 317 Pa. Ave S. E. Telephone Atlentic 1700-1701 1219 F St. F St. N.W. Drastic Reduction for Quick Clearance Summer Footwear Exceptional Opportunity to Buy Queen Quality Summer Footwear Open Saturday Until 2 P.M. 63 Pairs 121 Pairs Imported Sandals Green, Blonde, White White-Beige Kid and Combination Tan—Black Shoes Formerly priced $5.00 Formerly priced to $lO Quick $0.95 Quick s^.Bs Clearance fLi Clearance 146 Pairs 582 Pairs Sport Footwear White, Blonde, Black Pumps, Strap Pumps and Brown Kid and Oxfords Pumps and Oxfords Formerly priced to $lO Formerly priced to $lO Quick $J..85 Quick SC.BS Clearance JL Clearance Should you desire the new Fall styles we have added to this clearance several hundred pairs of our new Fall arrivals, specially priced, $5.85* Queen Quality Boot Shop 1219 F Street N.W, m i 0 Ukelele Record HORACE WALTERS, Who yesterday finished 160 hours almost continuous ukelele playing in the window of a G street music store. Walters rested for 15 minutes and played for 45 minutes of each hour. —Star Staff Photo. Births Reported. Tha following births have been reported to the Health Department in the last 24 hour*: | James R. and Blanche V. Sanders, girl. Arthur D. and Virgil M. Rothrock, girl. Brewer O. and Alma M. Head. girl. Harrison and Florence M. Somerville, girl. William J. and Loretta G. Bryan, girl. Josephine and Catherine Pino. girl. Gerald L. and Dolores Shlely. girl. Arthur L. and Mary Orme, girl. Nathan and Yetta Fishkin. girl. Robinson and Grace Lappin. girl. John W. and Estelle Dußose, girl. Theodore and Mary Edwards, girl. Mitchell and Charlotte Maley. girl. Edwin E. and Mildred E. Clark, boy. Syed W. and Margaret E. Housen, boy. Mahlon P. and Helen M. Lepperd. boy. Thomas and Eleanora Twomey. boy. Harry P. and Ethel Brightman, boy. Enoch 8. and Edith G. Nilsson, boy. Percy B. and Marguerite L. McCoy, boy. William L. and Mae Fielder, boy. Roy D. and Helen Marcey, boy. Andy and Katie KaUetos, boy. Charles A. and Esther M. Denkin. boy. Luther J. and Eva M. Royston. girl. w 'illiam and Hattie Tymus. boy. Samuel F. and Ada Scott, boy. Walter L. and Beatrice N. Shepherd, boy. Joseph and Aillen Redd. girl. Charles D. and Grace B. Adams, girl. John M. and Ruby Payne, girl. James L. and Henrietta Middleton, girl. Tillman and Eddie L. Weaver, girl. Walter and Elsie Ward, girl. Jesse and Fannie Holmes, girl. Samuel H. and Alberta Lacy. girl. Miller and Doshia Wood. girl. Charles and Janie Simpkins, girl. James H. and Gladys Petterson. girl. William J. and Denslow Owens, girl. William H. and Florence V. Bowers, boy. Permanla and Vantce Conrad, boy. Cyrus and Marie Parker, boy. Henry and Dorothy Lyles, boy. James and Ivory Rountree, boy. Edwin H. and Dorothy Twyman, boy. —a The Thiepval (Somme) Memorial, the largest to be erected In the World War battlefields and on which will be In scribed the names of 73,501 British sol diers, Is to be, completed next year. FOUND. FOR LOST ANIMALS apply Animal Rescue League. 248 Maryland ave. i.w. Nat. SOM. LOST. tiULtDOO, French, black and brown, screw tail, tag 8870. Answers to name Bozo; re ward. Clev. 8621. 20* BUNCH OP KEYS, Tuesday. Liberal re ward. S. M. Broslus, 1002 Washington Lean ft Trust Bldg. * DOG, small In size, long hair; black, white, yellow markings; name Biiu. Reward. Re turn Wm. A. Brown, 5912 18th st. Phone Oa. 1315. 22* GEkMAN POLICE DOG, vicinity 1827 7th st. n.w.; new collar, tag and lock. Reward at 1827 7th at. n.w. GLASSES, horn rim: lost on bus, neighbor hood 16th and Columbia rd. or New Navy Bldg. Call Operator Col. 4630. GLASSES, pair of tortoise rimmed, in leath- : er case, Monday evening between Lans hurgh's and F street car. or in trolley car. ; Phone Met. 2161. Br. 1006. 22* i PEKINGESE DOG. brown, female, strayed from Queens Chapel rd. and D. C. Lne In Brookland Monday morning. Liberal re ward. Call John L. Newbold, 920 E at. I n.w. National 6900. POLICE DOG. female, mixed tan and gray, wearing tan harness with brass trimmings; answers to name Dutch. 2822 Sherman ave. i n.w, Columbia 3354. Reward. i TRAVELING BAG, brown, containing cloth lng: lost Sunday morning between Wash ington and Fredericksburg. Reward. P. H. : Taylor. 8001 14th atT n.e. * j UMBRELLA, blue silk. Saturday. Aug. 16. on ' Mt. Pleasant car. Return to Apt. 63. the ' Champlain. 1424 K n.w. Reward. • WATCH, lady’s; Lafayette Square or Pa. ave. Reward If returned. Mrs. Smith, 1818 H st. Phone Met. 7718. 20• WATCH, lady's: white gold with yellow gold i ] band; Saturday, 16th and F sts. 302 Ken- j tucky ave. e.e. 21* i BANKRUPTCY ENDS ENDURANCE PLANS Recrewing, Refueling Flight Proj ect Given TJp After IT. S. Frowns Upon Idea. By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, August 20.—One of the most ambitious endurance flights yet planned landed with a splash yester day In a pool of red ink. A voluntary petition in bankruptcy was filed In the Federal Building by the New York and New Jersey Endur ance Flight, Inc., which planned to put on a recrewing and refueling flight. Liabilities were estimated at $50,672 and assets at $12,280, almost all of this being the value of the three planes. Department of Commerce officials | frowned on the recrewing idea. Tired pilots were going to Jump out in para j chutes and fresh ones slide down ropes from the refuelling endurance planes. A regular refueling flight was begun with two planes, but neither stayed up long enough to threaten the record. The bankruptcy petition was filed by John S. Donaldson, president of the corporation and chief creditor. Five pilots who participated in the venture are also creditors, as is Alice Grace D’Oench, who says $15,075 is due her. | THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Partly cloudy, ! continued cool tonight and tomorrow; gentle north and northeast winds. Maryland—Partly cloudy to cloudy tonight and tomorrow; continued cool moderate northeast winds. Virginia—Partly cloudy to cloudy to night and tomorrow; possibly showers tomorrow in extreme southwest portion; continued cool; moderate northeast winds. West Virginia—Cloudy tonight and tomorrow; not much change in tem perature. Record for 24 Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m., 80; 8 p.m., 76; midnight, 66; 4 am., 61; 8 a.m., 66; noon, 78. Barometer—4 p.m., 29.94; 8 p.m., 29.97; midnight, 30.01; 4 a.m., 30.02; 8 a.m., 30.06; noon, 30.04. Highest temperature, 83, occurred at 2:30 p.m. yesterday. Lowest temperature, 59, occurred at 6 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 77; lowest, 58. Potomac River clear and Shenandoah very cloudy. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide. 11:11 a.m. and 11 p.m.; high tide, 4:05 a.m. and 4:38 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide, 12:13 p.m.; high tide, 5:08 a.m. and 8:42 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 5:25 a.m.; sun sets 6:57 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 5:26 a.m.; sun sets 6:56 p.m. Moon rises 12:42 a.m.; sets 4:44 p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Weather in Various Cities. B Temperature. — aj 5 5® | Ss Rg go Stations. a 3| b 8 gs weather. * 9* fi. to ? r f ttei“f.;. ss‘s a iUßtx* At ante. Ga.... 39.94 84 70 ....Cloudy Atlantic City... 30.04 74 66 .... Clear Baltimore, Md.. 30.06 84 63 .... Clear Birmingham ...39.92 84 66 0.46 Clear Bismarck, N. D. 30.06 64 80 0.10 Cloudy Boston, Mass... 30.14 72 60 .... pt.cloudy Buffalo. N. Y 30.14 68 58 0.02 Pt.cloudy Charleston. S.C. 39.90 82 72 ....Cloudy Chicago, 111 30.18 74 64 ....Cloudy Cincinnati, Ohio 30.03 80 58 ....Clear Cleveland, Ohio. 30.10 70 62 .... Pt.cloudy Columbia. S. C. 29 95 82 64 .... Pt.cloudy Denver, C 010... 29.96 88 60 ....Clear Detroit. Mich... 30.16 74 58 ....Clear El Paso, Tex... 29 86 100 76 .... Clear Galveston, Tex. 29.94 88 80 ....Clear Helena, Mont... 29.83 86 54 0.03 Cloudy Huron, S. Dak. 30.06 76 82 .... Cloudy Indianapolis,lnd 30.10 78 58 ....Clear Jacksonvllle.Fla. 29 86 90 72 0.32 Cloudy Kansas City,Mo. 30 02 78 66 ....Pt.cloudy L° s , Angeles.... 29.84 82 64 ....Clear I/)uisvUle, Ky.. 30.08 80 60 ....Clear Miami. Fla 29.88 90 76 001 Pt.cloudy New Orleans. .. 29.92 92 74 0.04 Clear New York, NY. 30.08 72 66 ....Pt.cloudy Oklahoma City. 29 92 98 66 1.26 Rain Omaha, Nebr.. 30.02 74 62 0.88 Clear Philadelphia ... 30.08 82 64 ....Clear Phoenix, Ariz... 29.76 108 74 Clear Pittsburgh, Pa.. 30.06 78 62 Cloudy Portland. Me... 30.18 68 58 0.06 Cloudy Portland, Oreg. 30.18 68 58 Cloudy Raleigh. N. C. 29.98 82 62 .... Pt.cloudy Salt Lake City. 29.84 90 72 .... Pt.cloudy San Antonio... 29.92 102 76 .... Clear San Diego, Calif 29 84 74 62 .... Pt cloudy San Francisco. 29.98 66 54 .... Clear Bt. Louis. Mo.. 30.08 80 62 .... Pt.cloudy Bt. Paul. Minn. 30.18 78 64 .... Cloudy Seattle. Wash.. 30.12 72 54 .... Cloudy Spokane. Wash 30.04 80 58 0.18 Cloudy Tampa, Fla 29.86 90 74 0.40 Rain WASH , D. C... 30.06 83 59 .... Clear FOREIGN. (7 am., Greenwich time, today.) Btattons. Temperature, Weather. London, England 54 Clear Paris. France 58 Clear Vienna, Austria 60 Clear Berlin, Germany 58 Rain Brest, Prance 88 Clear Stockholm, Sweden 62 Clear Gibraltar, Spain.... 68 Clear (Noon. Greenwich time, today.) Horta (Faya!), Azores .. 78 Part cloudy (Current observations.) Hamilton. Bermuda 82 Part cloudy San Juan, Porto Rico... 82 Cloudy Havana, Cuba 76 Clear Colon. Canal Zone 76 Part cloudy FUNERAL DIRECTORS W. W. Deal & Co. 816 H ST N.E LINCOLN 8200 J. WILLIAM LEE’S SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS CREMATORIUM 232 PA. AVE. N.W NATIONAL 1364, 1385 CHAS. S. ZURHORST 801 EAST CAPITOL BT. Phone Lincoln 037* Frank Geier's Sons Co. an seventh BT. N.w National 2473 Modern Chapel. Telephone 4 '* llo "* l V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors ot nor eonnecteo with the original W R Speare establish ment. 1009 H St N W Phone Frank 6620 lwu * n Formerly fl<o F St. N.W. Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 412 H 8T N.E. Lincoln 0524 Modem Chapel Lincoln ALMUS R. SPEARE Succeeding the Original W. R. Speare Ce 1623 Conncctlcut Ave. Potomac 4600 Joseph F. Birch's Sons (IS AAO BIRCH) V)l4 M MYV Phone We*t 0096 IN.W. Established 1641 Established 1878 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1887 lOth St. N.W. Phene North 0047. Clyde J. Nichols, Inc. 4209 9th St. N.W. Col. 0324 CEMETERIES GLENWOOD CEMETERY Vanltare. |5 per menth Choice lota and alt— for aale. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY Invites inspection of its beautiful COLUMBARIUM Family vaults and single niches for In- , terment ot cremation aihea. For sale or J rent. * iLots tor sale in new Masonic section.) Two offices: 1382 G Street N.W. and at remetery gats. Call District 6103 ar Un :oln3>79 1 FUNERAL DESIGNS. Gude Bros. Co., 1212 F St. Premgt Ante Delivery Berries Artistic—expressive—inexpenaive GEO. C SHAFFER 1 EBttHtsuTOtsisinan IBSSST 14th & Eye RITES FOR W. H. M’GRANN Veteran Real Estate Dealer Will Be Buried in Mount Olivet. Funeral services for William H. Mc- Orann, 72 years old, veteran real es tate dealer, who died Monday, will be held Friday morning at 9:16 o’clock a* the residence, 1431 Clifton street. Re quiem mass will follow at St Aloysiue Church. Interment will be jd Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mr. McOrann. a native of Washing ton, h»d been prominently connected in reni estate circles here for more than 30 years. His offices are at 722 Elev enth street. He was a member of Washington Council. Knights of Co lumbus, and the Holy Name Society of St. Paul's Church. Besides his widow, Mrs. Blanche L. , MtGrann. he is survived by a daughter, Miss Sarah Blanche McOrann. Marriage Licenses. Emmett Johnson. 37. and Mary B. John i ion. 36: Rev. John L. S. Holloman, i David Bell. 31, ar.d Marsaret William*. 23: Rev. Leals T. Chapman. Lester W. Crist. 27, Mount Rainier. Md., and Amy F. Bartain, 33. this city; Rev. i Charles R. Barnes. Powhatan Carter. «5. Htxeyville, Va., and Madlyn Taylcr. 53. this city. ! Zebedee M. Hawkins. 46. and Alica A. White, 38: Rev. W. H. Thomas. Maurice N. Thompson, 23. and Frances K. Ogden. 21: Rev. Walter M. Michael. Lewi* White. 22. and Eliiabeth R. Wood. 19; Rev. William A. Murphy. Walter Kelly. 21. and Katherine Williams, 21: Rev. Isaac Wright. Russell S. Benhofl. 22. and Florenee M. Garnaud, 21: Rev. Thomas S. Davit. Dennis V. Gascon. 26. and Matty* O. Reil loy. 21: Judge Robert E. Mattingly. Milton S. Lowen, jr.. 24. this City, and Viola Hartsteln, 24, Woodmere, N. Y.; Rev. Abram Simon. Odes K. White, 25. Huron. Ind., and Char lotte L Zveare, 27. this city; Rev. William J. Sweeney. Sratha. BECKER. WILLIAM B. Suddenly, on Tues day. August 19. 1930. WILLIAM 8.. be loved husband of Rose M. Becker. Funeral from the family residence. 1135 10th tt. n.w., on Friday, August 22. at 9:30 am.; thence to the Immaculate Conception Church, where mass will be aald at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. 31 BRANSON, GEORGE W. Departed this life Tuesday. August 19, 1930. OEOROB W. BRANSON, husband of the late Mattla Branson. He leaves to mourn their lost three sons. N. Randolph. George W., lr„ and William A. Branson; three daugh ters, Mrs. Gertrude Elmore, Rather Naomi and Pearl Julia Branson; ona eon-ln-law. Philip Elmore; nine grandchildren and a host of other relatives and lrlend*. Fu neral Thursday. August 21, at 1 p.m., from Eugene Ford’* funeral parlor, 1300 South Capitol at. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. Friend* invited. CLARKE. KATHERINE LTSIGHT. On Thurs day. August 14, 1930. at San Antonio. Tex.. KATHERINE LYSIGHT CLARKE. Wife of Lieut. Col. Walter E. Clarke, Signal Corps, retired. Interment at San Antonio. CRAWFORD. CHARLES. Suddenly on Wed nesday, August 20. 1930. CHARLES CRAW FORD, beloved son of the lata Adam and Mary Jane Crawford. He 1* survived by two brothers. James and Samuel Crawford. Funeral from the chapel of Thomas F. Murray tk Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s.*.. on Friday. August 32. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedsr Hill Cemetery. 21 HARRIS. LUTHER. On Tuesday. August 19. 1930. at Walter Reed General Hospital, LUTHER HARRIB. the devoted husband of Lethia Harris and father of Andrew and Nannie Harris and brother of Vanderbilt Harris and Phylis Truesdsle. Funeral Friday, August 22, at 1 pm., from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1433 You st. n.w. ii HART. THEODORE IRVING. Suddenly. on August 19, 1930. at 4:45 p.m.. THEODORE IRVING HART, beloved son of Irvine and Ruth Hart, grandson of James and Annie Hart and Ernest Richardson. Funeral Thursday, August 21. at 2 p.m., from the residence of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hart. Radio, Va. Relatives and friends invited. • HOGE. MARCELLUS D. On Sunday. August 17. 1930. after a lingering Illness, MAR CELLUS D., beloved husband of Marl* Hove of 207 O st. n.w. He elso leaves two daughters and other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Funeral Thursday, August 21. from Henry S. Washington's funeral home, 467 N st. n.w., at f p.m. Relatives and friends invited. JOHNSON, JAMES CORNELIUS. On Tues day. August 19, 1930, at 2:30 a.m., at 141 Rhode Island ave. n.w., JAMES COR NELIUS JOHNSON, beloved husband of Elisabeth Johnson, loving son of Frank and Frances Johnson of Kansas City, brother of Bessie. Lula, Frances. Howard and William Johnson. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Funeral Fri day. August 22. at 2:30 p.m., from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Interment Kansas City, Kans. - 31 KELLY. SELENA. On Monday. August 18, 1930. at her residence. Sp-ncervllle, Md., SELENA KELLY, beloved wife of Nelson Kelly, mother of five sons and four daugh ters. Funeral from Round Oak Baptist Church. Spencerville. Md., Thursday, Au gust 21. at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. 30 MrGRANN, WILLIAM H. On Monday, Au gust 18. 1930. at his residence. 1431 Clif ton st. n.w., WILLIAM H., beloved husband of Blanche L. McOrann. Funeral from his late residence on Friday. August 33. at 9:15 a.m.; thence to Bt. Aloysiue Church, where requiem mass will be sung at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 31 MrGRANN. WILLIAM H. Members of Wash, ington Council. No. 334, Knights of Co lumbus. are notified of the death of Brother WILLIAM H. MeORANN. 1431 Clifton st. n.w.. and requested to attend the funeral services Friday morning at 10 o’clock at st. Aloyslus Church, North Capitol and Eye sts. n.w. P. MICHAEL COOK, O. K. DR. A. D. WILKINSON. F. S. NEFF. PHILIP NORMAN. Suddenly; at Jacksonville, Fla,. PHILIP NORMAN NBFF. Funeral arrangements later. • PADGETT. ANNIE M. On Wednesday. Au gust 20. 1930, ANNIE M.. Wife of the late Thomas W. and mother of Harry M. Padgett, aged 75 years. Funeral from her residence. 131 11th st. s.e.. on Friday. August 22. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Kindly omit flowers. 91* FITTS, CORA. On Tuesday, August 19, 1930. CORA PITTS, fevoted sister of Wil liam, Harry, Joseph! and Bernard Jack son. Hattie Lee, A'nnle Harrington and Mary Kendall. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You at. n.w. Notice of funeral later. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL. On Sunday. August 17. 1930. at 8:30 p.m.. at his residence, 2614 K st n.w., SAMUEL REYNOLDB, de voted husband of Mattie Reynolds, fa ther of Herman and Leroy Reynolds, brother of Mlttte Deeneer. He also leaves three grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Funeral Thursday. August 21, at 2 p.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. 20 RICHARDSON. ALBERTA. Departed this life Tuesday. August 19. 1930, at Alexan dria. Va.. Hospital. ALBERTA RICHARD SON, beloved sister of John A. Jones. Mrs. Eliza Carson. Mrs. Florence Johnson and Mrs. Ossie Hunter; devoted niece es Mrs. Ida Johnson of New York City and sister-in-law of Mrs. Frances Jones. Bhe also leaves many other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Rameins resting st the John T. Rhtnes funeral home. 221 North Patrick st., Alexandria. Va. Notice of funeral later. TAYLOR. NANNIE. On Tuesday. August 19, 1930. st 7 am., at her residence. 1438 N st n.w., NANNIE TAYLOR, the loving sister of Mary A. Taylor and Cornelia Brashesrs. She also leaves other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. August 22. at 1 p.m.. from Walker Memorial Baptist Church, 13th st. between U and V sts. n.w. 31 VEAN. JOHN W. Departed this life Mon day. August 18. 1930. at Freedmen’s Hos pital. JOHN W. VEAN. He leaves to mourn their Iras a loving wife. Cora Vean; two sisters-in-law, Kate Miles and Mrs. Scott: one niece. Lucille Carson, and a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at William P. Tolbert’s fu neral home, 1308 6th st. n.w.. until Thurs day. 3 p.m.: thence to his late residence, 430 Ridge st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. WATSON, PEARL REDMOND. On Monday. August 18. 1930, at her residence. Tysons Cross Roads. Va.. PEARL REDMOND WATSON. belOTfd wife of Albert M. Wat son and mother of Mary Frances Watson. Funeral Thursday. Auauat 31, 3:30 p.m., from Andrew Chapel. Va. Relatives and friends invited. • lit Hmrrrfam. DOBSON, REBECCA. In loving memory es our dear mother. RFRECCA DOBSON, who departed this life two year* ago today. August 20. 1926. It Is sweet to know we will meet again. Where parting Is no more. And that the one we loved so dearly _Has only gone before. HER SONS AND DAUGHTER. RICHARD, SIDNEY AND LOTTIE. • HENDERSON. HARDIE A. A tribute es love and devotion to the memory of our be loved one. HARDIE A. HENDERSON. Who passed.away six yeare ago today, August 20, 1934. It 1s sweet to know we will meet again, Where parting Is no more. And that the one we lore so dearly Has only gone before. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN • MORRIS. ANDREW. SR. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear husband and father. ANDREW MORRIS. Sr., who departed this life two years ago today, August 30. 1928. THE FAMILY. rosasco. I.OVIS a. In loving memory of our dear son and brother. LOUIS A ROSASCO. who died suddenly. August 30. 1925. FATHER. SISTERS AND BROTHERS. BARTHOLOMEW ROSASCO. MRS. JT& HARRISON, MRS. E. J. BRODT, JO SEPH AND NOEL ROSASCO. • WINFIELD. EMORY R. In sweet memory of. mr dear husband. EMORY R. WIN FIELD. who departed thl* life five years ago today. August 20. 1936. VW’XWSS * A A-9