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A-16 'J'fei ’ntw&tA-' o^* (faadjL flrlß The Grade School set likes clothes to take account of the fact that they're growing up. They want a. >*yiv . . I ( \ \1 hit of grown-up fashion; but they want to “be their age” they come to the Palais Royal for /At Q' • [T>o%i ■■• - \ \ \ —fcJL^~r just that mixture of youth and sophistication... at always moderate prices. \ Simple, practical little wash frocks.. .classic berets. . .brief Hr # __ _ # -J- J • . QTv shorts and sweaters.. .all the gay, soft colors that ore be- '• [ W J A1 ff WI AA I I IfACCAC UL y V I svitching ivith shining eyes and rosy checks. At the Palais A \l —* Vv tv tv V/Ul JL/X vuuvU) \ Royal, smartly simple clothes for school-bound kindergarteners J [ ( Smartest thing with her coUege sister this Fall. She chooses the same materials, too \V 1 O J J J 11 U\ ' J . k / ... wool crepe, jersey, as well as the traditional covert, flannel and velveteen. —Third Floor. VIOLwOH I\ Boys’School & Dress Suits s]_ J. 95 2*95. W|i% 1 A 1 Just look at these three little lassies m their crisp frocks of cotton prints and broad- V. Hu cloth, with touches of smocking, sashes and matching bloomers!. You’ve never seen X.^ _ t , ~ . 1t x- „ r „,. M '**/ more adorable frocks than the new ones at the Palais.Royal—for the 2to 6 year Correctly cut...well fitting...suits for boys of 7to 18 New Fall pattern* m tweeds olds* ...regulation navv blue cheviots. Special offer this week... select the boys’ suits and 1/ ) _ rTfy _ ~ . __ . _,, .. f pay for them In November-Main Floor. ' / to Children’* Sock* RlbbonS Os » 1 Cpb C b f\DC new knit-stocking-cap effects in Mercerized lisle and cotton socks, The fjttle girls are wearing them CJI *4- DI 1 n 4 - again, you know. There should be Skirt, Blouse and Beret "| QQ _ A JZtZ mBBB / \ / / J l\\7 ** ucy * nd splTe the P roblem of plain legs. Sizes 6to ll.—Main a bow to match every frock.— The Classic Grade School Outfit I*o y lO TCeO v / H B /\ A II II ' \ the “everyday” hat.—Third Floor. Floor. Main Floor. Skirts, $1.95 and $2.95 Good for growing feet, at school or at ! | E /-N \ I II I . __ # Blouse,, sl BPo \,H£\,\ ■ U School Bags & Pencil Boxes Berets *nd Tams, $1 and 51.25 S MSSk VS H /Si twKPNhA C„ OCA -SC, x- IQC Classic pleated skirts in sc.-ge, oufhs’ ’’•izes —BowniSire fill \\ Xlfc/ tU OtJU LU li7 J Van* V n rnnoiiliVopn ’’ Store. Jiw Vu%Na v>y ✓ Cravanette, patent leather, leatherette and leather school bags.,.they’re fhev’ve a manner of their ovni this T .1 Ti ‘ C OQC HIHH the pride of the little folks’ hearts, ..second the treasured pencil year, when won, with a crisp Leather Bnei CaSCS, 2.V5 A (LA. bOXCS I ,l '. ch p C . on ’ e from the P ractlca l slze to the luxuriously equipped K J umper Dress With Beret to Match Gets a High Fashion-Mark «■#* v *umivu W ' to get into ... easy to wear ... and as young as can ■ m ■ 1 jO SjW • Jw/ ersey or silk crepe jumper with cream silk crepe I I ■ * I ff 1 V »Wii They come in green, navy, wine, brown, with bow- ■ Exclusive with the Palais Royal are these v X T jo AM JuBI l beret to match. . Ivory college jprl. from freshman to senior,must most awagge^o^spom^ coats fll M flfl AVthe PaVais Royal,°thS"i P hnd W the “sHckest” : ..and the new Fall colors are more allur- «H N Btl MB . , , . _ -- - __ r , •. atyles in all the colors they like...the kind that mg than ever. Illustrated, belted model in *1 ffiißglß lents New Fall and Winter Suits kr ":r wuunr...» sswo ”B 8 -4 r\ CA /%/% rfA T«« Dances Arc Graced by Semi-Formal W 18* and 22* Silk Afternoon Frocks he price, the good quality, the excellent fit. Becoming tweed mixtures in popular ] J V *bL. Select Suits Now . . . Pay in November #ant©n crepe, crepe faille, metal embroidered crepes . * . satin ... j , . at the Palais Royal • • « at one modest price. We’ve sketched a /. j Yr\ ’» Silk Frocks Are Promoted “* - to Party Occasions Evening Gowns, 1K.95 to 29,.~50 nrl’s days there are dozens of junior styles in E? _ ■ ...... , r. . /.. '■ sea he very materials and colors that are smart for I I ■•/O YOUtHful HatS Smart GIOVCS 19 iKJP $ || ZTLtTI withw^lh« L^ k ** -i-vs $5 $1.95 to $5 ' g|K Hisses’Silk Hose. $1 Puii-on swe«t«r*, s.9s / / iHV ’ A pull-on sweater is an essential of the only has to pay $5 to be smartly fashions are at the Palais Royal / . / ' I \ hill-fashioned hose...pure thread silk... high school outfit. ..and the Palais Royal “hatted”.*.at the Palais Royal. ...moderately priced. WLUIDCffIfIJHIUIIHH /A / * l \ \ n a medium .ervire «.W» ™ new F.ll ''A".* M* Girl. Wil. lih. *,. Slim Gm.. - Our Nm Prmm.. . Hi I i /h ffi Y ’ \ I- ■ “I, ,W MW, ~1l IJ ' f*” The Palais Royal is Your School Time Store! (- .•- ... i .. ' •, • , r ' J ‘ <■ • » THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER I. 1930. '