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A-10 Stove - Boiler Repairs Rudolph & West Co. Temporarily Located 605 R. I. Ave. N.E. North 6613 | Real Estate Loans (D. C. Property Only) 6% No Commission Charged You can take 12 years to pay off your loans without the expense of renewing. SI,OOO for $lO per month, including I interest and principal. Larger or smaller loans at proportion ate rates. Perpetual Building Association EttablitheJ 1881 Largest in Washington Assets Over $23,000,000 Cor. 11th and E N.W. JAMES BERM, Mrli/RCA RADIOLA I* S f| SUPER-HETERODYNE "a great advance in radio reception" MARCONI Sensational new instrument •.. thrilling new performance . at a remarkably low price! jHk The greatest compliment a radio ever received I •.. Marconi calls the new RCA Radiola Super- Heterodyne "a great advance in radio reception ... a splendid contribution to the art!'* As the inventor of radio ... as the courageous Senator Guglielmo Marconi, inventor A pioneer who first made it practical... as the U^g^./lbefin, model, M bri.lian,leaderof t hescience fo r3 6y ears,Mar. fl com s judgment must indeed be respected. fl After seven years of scientific development... isl after seven years of RCA sponsor,hip of the Hhfl Super-Heterodyne principle .. . after an invest- tJ§lt ’ . , ment of millions of dollars in research .. . the ‘ ' ‘ "* : f : > world s most brilliant radio engineers nowbring out the new RCA Radiola Super-Heterodyne! A radio so far advanced ... so skilfully engi- highly perfected that even Marconi, 8 himself, was moved to praise it! ** This new Radiola is not merely twice, not merely J|| three times, hut four times more sensitive than fl any recent model... three times more selective fife in getting the one station you want.. .without fl interference from others ... without hum! 'IgP-l It reproduces the broadcast superbly. . . voice BBflflMj^Bßi^^^^^ig afi fl for voice... instrument for instrument... tone 8 8 op B for tone... note for note! fl 18 fof*/ Fi H mm fl The greatest value in Radiola history! In 1926, fl 3 B jj* fl fl the Radiola Super-Heterodyne cost $ 5 70. Today, B 8 V^—^ this highly perfected Radiola comes toyou for the fl 9 unheard oflow price of $142.50, less Radiotrons. fl ■ Hear its thrilling tone ... see its exquisitely de- signed, well-built cabinets .. . You’ll agree that fl ;;> : 4 . only the world's greatest manufacturer of radio fl could offer so much for so little . . . Since the ’ best now costs no more, why not own the best? NEW RADIOLA SUPER - HETERODYNE A nominal down payment secure* immediate delivery from model 80 Mustrated-with screen-grid, nine tuned circuits, latest electro-dynamic < deaL i: S - Aik y ° Ur dcaX T ab T l *" y “ r ” M and Wmat apeaker, iUuminated preci.ion dial, puah-pull amplification, improved "local trade-in allowance on your present set Stance’’ .witch, no A. C hum, and beautiful new cabinet, by famou. dcaignera. GO TO YOUR LOCAL RADIOLA DEALER TODAY! He's 3; ci; 2 :: :!r.S?!© merthonf selling Hie world's most dopondablo musical Instrument •• • the Radiola. “ ————— DAVIS’ FRATERNAL DAY PLAN INDORSED K. P/s Favor U. S.-Canada Joint Celebration of Wash ington Bicentennial. The proposal of Secretary of Labor James J. Davis that the various frater nal orders of the United States and Canada join in the National Capital in the Fall of 1932 in a great "Fraternal day" celebration of the 200th anniver sary of the birth of George Washing ton has been indorsed by the Knights of Pythias of this country and Canada, it was announced today by United States Marshal Edgar C. Snyder, a member of the order. The idea was officially approved re cently at the convention of the Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias in Tampa. Fla. The convention appointed Leslie E. Crouch of Oregon supreme chancellor, Harry M. Love of Minneap olis, supreme Keeper of records and seal, and Marshal Snyder, supreme rep resentative of the District of Columbia in the order, to co-operate with Secre tary Davis and representatives of the fraternal orders in arranging for the celebration here. A resolution to indorse the “Fraternal day" was introduced at the meeting of the Supreme Lodge by Marshal Snyder and Frank B. Crown, also supreme rep resentative of the District of Columbia. There are some 40,000.000 members of fraternal organizations in America, it is pointed out in the resolution, indicat ! ing the probable magnitude of the j celebration here, provided the other fraternal groups approve. Food Profiteers Shot. MOSCOW, September 8 (JP). —The Ogpu Soviet secret police announced last night that six persons were shot yesterday and others were sentenced to imprisonment for attempting to dis rupt the food market by acquiring large ?uan titles from government shops under alse pretenses and re-selling the food privately at high prices. The Ogpu said this had broken up the ring. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1930. INJUNCTIONS ON LABOR ORGANIZATION SCORED Senator Copeland and Green, A. 7. I*. President, Address Mass Meeting at Philadelphia. By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, September B. Court injunctions prohibiting organi zation activity of trade unions were denounced by Senator Royal S. Cope land. of New York, William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, and other speakers at an anti injunction mass meeting in the National League base ball park yesterday. Senator Copeland asserted that such injunctions were a “crime sgainst humanity and civilisation.” He said that the “yellow dog contracts protected by injunctions” were "unjust, unfair and un-American.” and expressed the belief that they soon would be “a thing of the past.” The New York Senator predicted that unemployment eventually would force the adoption of a 6-hour day and a 5-day week. BRAZILIAN BEAUTY WINS Portuguese, Greek and American Girls Place in International Contest RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil, September 8 UP).—'The title of "Miss Universe” was conferred today upon Senhopina Hollands Pereira, representative of Brazil, in the international beauty contest. Second place went equally to Fer nanda Goncales of Portugal and Alice Diplorackou of Greece. Miss Beatrice Lee, who was Miss “United States,” was accorded third place. The girls were chosen from a group of 26 girls, winners of previous beauty contests in all parts of the world. The contest did not permit bathing suits, but only evening clothes, street clothes, and the like. 4 Killed, 42 Hurt in Train Crash. CALCUTTA, September 8 (>P).— Pour were killed and 42 injured in the derailment of the Dacca mail train yesterday. One of the coaches fell into a culvert and was submerged. The disaster was caused by the re moval of bolts from the plates that held the rails together. All the coaches of the train were overturned. BARKLEY ATTACKS REPUBLICAN TARIFF Watson Replies With Demand for Any Cure Democrats May Propose. By the Associated Press. A Democratic charge that the new tariff law was responsible for a decline : in foreign trade and a Republican chal lenge for the Democrats to outline "what they propose as substitutes for farm re lief and tariff measures" were issued POPULAR EXCURSION Via Southern Railway Washington, D. C. and Alexandria, Va. TO Round Trip Charlottesville, Va $3 00 Culpeper, Va $2.00 Danville, Va $5.00 Lynchburg, Va $4.00 Orange, Va $2.50 SATURDAY September 20, 1930 Tickets wilt be honored on Train No. 31. or sections thereof, leaving Wash ington (Union Station) 8:40 P.M.. Alex andria. Va.. 8:57 P.M.. September 30th. Returning. tickets good on all regular trains EXCEPT CRESCENT LIMITED, up to Train No. 30 leaving above points Sunday, September 31st. Similar Excursion Will ba Operated October 11th Next BACK HOME EXCURSION October 4th Tickets and information at Ctty Ticket Office, McPherson Square. Phone Natl 1485-88: Union Station; also Union Sta tion, Alexandria, Va. Southern Railway System yesterday through the National Com mittees of the two parties. Benator Barkley of Kentucky, the Democratic spokesman, also attributed a renewal of agitation among European nations for reduction of war debts to the new tariff and said the coUection of these debts, approximating some $12,- 000,000,000. was becoming an increas ingly complicated problem. The movement for a United States of Europe primarily is economic and not political, he asserted, adding this move ment unquestionably has been acceler ated by the enactment of “America's costliest tariff ” The Republican challenge came from Senator Watson. Republican. Indiana, who aald his party's measures had been *lO Delivers the I New R. C. A. Super-Heterodyne THE HECHT CO. F STREET AT SEVENTH Radio Salon, Main Floor ——————————— I i Lansburgh & Bro I 7th. Bth and E Sts.—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1860- National 9800 Our First Offering of New Fall (M. FOOTWEAR ilk rf.95 tmf Size* 3 to 8 /jßb|| f —Black and Brown Suede r^ Naq ,|||^^k\ —The New High Cuban Heel sflj —Dull Black Calf—Brown Kid 5. —Moire-Satin Combinations jj^B^ Jm Are you acquainted with our Base- Vj £[ naent Shoe Department? If you are, /jsL\ y° u ® cnow w bat this announcement ( W) really means. If you are not, you’re \ 1/ in for a wonderful surprise! Look ] again at the 10 shoes pictured! Think \W of being able to choose from 20 styles / * preme JU in RIGHTNESS ml AND VALUE GIVING. Look, Boys! Tweed New FSshlOll Dctdlls M&kc Knickers $ -i Women’s Frocks Just the kind of knickers you’ll I £jTv- fmj Y 1 Y7 be wanting for school! Good- ™ S\ 1-OOIC B looking gray and brown tweed > L i-iUt/A, * UUllgWl mixtures—well tailored, lined throughout and with taped seams. Sixes 8 to 16. A— , mmk *9.69 Girls’ “Cleo” Rayon —Longer Skirts I r • —Smooth Hiplines Undies n A -—“V” and Vestee Fronts And now, girls too, may | M(* — Surplice Closing. i*” 1h... wond.rfui t/t/ v Hip —Straight Up-and-Down Super Dulesco rayon un- pi , derthings! Bloomers, panties and easts— f 16&18 famous "Cleo” brand in white, peach, pink _ and coral. 4 to 16 years. We used our heads when we - |BlSfllll selected these frocks for women IlllEizila requiring sizes 16V2 to 26 ! / 2 and 1 llMMlif 38|/2 to 50V2! And we made it a T nr in point to get frocks with those de- Larger Women s Rayon IBimHi M tails that ma k® women look more ni lliillnla slender and youthful! And here Bloomers g% g% ■ flflllfl nil they are at a price of which you*d , j . 1 LL never dream! Os flat crepes, dull six. bioomars # (up‘toViU ss) of the well-known \ / sheer georgettes, faille crepes and Supar Oulesce rayan. Made with the 11 ( ileck, shiny Satin. So Smart no large cratch far extra fullness. Peach, A One will gUCSI yOU Only paid $9.69 pink .«d orchid. for them! Black, navy, brown, ii. .in. —■■— wine, green and prints. assailed by Democratic apeakers, but no definite Indication had been given that the tariff and farm relief measures would be repealed or modified if the Democrats won control of Congress in the Pall elections. ARAB EDITOR IS SLAIN Six Injured in Moslem-Catholic Row Over Haifa Cemetery Rights. HAIFA. Palestine, September 8 {IP).— The Jewish Telegraphic Agency says that Jamal Bakhrl. editor of the Christlan-Arab newspaper A1 Zamir, was killed and six other persons were injured in a fight between Moslems and Catholics in the streets of Haifa yester day. The agency said that the Moslems and Catholics had been disputing over the rights to a cemetery for some time, and that Catholic workers who at* tempted to build a structure in the cemetery today were attacked by a crowd of Moslems. “I Don’t Feel Just Right, Doc” (The Common Way of Describing Aridity You're not sick, yet not well. Your stomach Isn’t Just right, you don’t sleep well and you tire easily. Your color isn’t what it should be and you probably look drawn. A sort of vague, run-down feeling Is one of the first symptoms of acidity. Acidity is due to our unnatural eat ing. our irregular hours and other excesses. The excess acid upsets diges tion and causes putrefaction and fer mentation in the gastro-intestinal canal. This frequently results in sick headaches, dizzy spells, “nerves.” men tal depression and general lassitude. A remarkabale new corrective of acidity has been developed by a fa mous 100-year-old pharmaceutical house in Germany. This new, improved magnesia comes in the form of small, white tablets, called Magnesia Oxoids, which do not have to be chewed, but mav be swallowed whole. Magnesia Oxoids, upon contact with the acid in the stomach, generate nascent, or active oxygen. Now, active oxygen, as any ! doctor will tell you, when generated! within the digestive tract does just i OrUitl* McCormick Modlcoi OItUN fltlM Collet* Ira If wtao<l DR. CLAUDE S. SEMONES Eyesight Specialist Mioa* National #7*l «*•-«!• McLaehloa BMa. 10th and O Sta. N.wT the things required for acidity, ft stimulates the secretion of the alkaline mucus. It checks the putre faction and fermentation in the gastro-intestinal canal. It stimulate* the activities of the intestinal walls and aids the natural movement a< the bow’els. All three effects are necessary to the true relief of acidity and Mag nesia Oxoids supply them in a per fectly natural manner. Make This Acidity Test See for yourself how much add has to do with your run-down con dition and that persistent feeling of tiredness. Make this acidity test. Get a package of Magnesia Oxoids from Peoples Drug Stores. Inc., or any other druggist today on our money-back guarantee. Take two after each meal. Note the pick-up in your pep and vigor. Mark the new peace of your stomach and nerves. If, after taking contents ofi ; one Dottle, you don’t notice a decided | improvement in your health, return ! the bottle to the druggist and he willj ' refund your money.—Advertisement.