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A-12 BORGLUM URGES NEW MEMORIAL I Larger Program at Stone Mountain Is Proposed to Atlantans. Mr the Associated Press. ATLANTA, September B.—A new and larger conception of a Stone Mountain Memorial to the Confederacy was ad vanced today by Gutzon Borglum, the original sculptor, whose work was blasted from the mountain several years ago after his connection with the project was terminated. Announcement also was made that a deed for the property has been turned over to Mayor-elect James L. Key for the City of Atlanta by the owners, the Venable family. The title. It was said, will be held In escrow by Key pending Its official acceptance by the city and the designation of a bonded commis sion to take charge of plans for comple tion of the memorial. Under the deed a year was allowed for the fulfillment of that provision and another stipulation is that title be obtained by the city for a space of ap proximately 200 feet now held by the Stone Mountain Memorial Association. “You have got to accept responsi bility for what has happened in the past five years,” said Borglum at a mass meeting yesterday, “and I have faith that you are ready to do that and to unite this lovely city in the new plans." “I stand before you as an indicted felon," Borglum said in reference to charges which were made in De Kalb County, but have not been pressed dur ing his visit. The indictments arose from the destruction of Borglum's models. Later an unsuccessful attempt was made to carry out the project with Augustus Lukeman as sculptor. Borglum planned to leave today for his carving at Rapid City, 8. D. He •aid he would return here when needed. SHIPPING NEWS Arrivals at and Sailings From New York. ARRIVED. Csrinthi* —Liverpool August 30 Csrmsnls—Southampton August 30 Evangeline—Yarmouth September 6 Pan America —Bermuda September 5 Ulus—Port Llmon August 30 Kungsholm—Gothenburg August 30 Kosciusko —Gdynia August 36 Prederik Vlll—Copenhagen Augustas Stuttgart—Bremerhaven August 38 Conte Grande —Genoa August 38 DUE TODAY. Virginia—San Francisco August 3S Westernland—Antwerp August 39 Ecuador—San Francisco August 9 frron— Piraeus August 33 ono Rico—San Juan September 3 American Banker —London August 30 Britannic—Liverpool August 30 Minnetonka—London August 30 Rochambeau—Havre August 39 Yoro—Kingston September 3 Veendam—Bermuda September 6 Caledonia —Glasgow August 39 DUE TOMORROW. Olympic—Southampton September 3 Carlllo—Santa Marta September 3 C.rabobo—La Guayra September X Bolivar—Puerto Colombia August 36 San Jacinto—Vera Crus September 3 Sibone/—Havana September 6 Alfonso Xin—Corunna, Havana and Vera Ccuz. Cosmo— Santo Domingo City... September 5 Cristobal—Cristobal August 31 DUE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. lie de France—Havre September 4 Evangeline—Yarmouth September • Santa Elisa—Valparaiso August 18 BUaola —Ssnta Marta ........September 3 Munargo—Nassau September 7 George Washington—Hamburg August 1 DUE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. Bermuda—Bermuda September 9 Arcadian—Canadian cruise. Fort St George—St. John’s.... September • SUv:a—St. Thomas September 7 Aconcagua—Valparaiso August 33 Samaria—Liverpool September 3 Cefalu—La Celt* September 5 DUE FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. Berengaria—Southampton September 6 Morro Castle—Havana September 9 Virginia—Kingston September < DUE SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. Albert Ballln—Hamburg September B Berlin—Bremerhaven September 4 Columbus—Bremerhaven September 6 Luetsov—Bremerhaven September 3 Fatrla—Marseilles August 35 DUE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. Belgenland—Antwerp September 5 Calamares—Port Llmon September 6 Lafayetto—Havre September 8 Lancastria—Southampton September 6 Tranaylvanla —Glastow September 6 Baltic—Liverpool September 8 Rotterdam—Rotterdam September « Evangeline—Yarmouth September 13 OUTGOING STEAMERS. SAILING TODAY. Evangeline—Yarmouth. Pan America—Bermuda. Roussillon—Vigo and Bordeaux. Resoiute Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. SAILING TOMORROW. Matura—Trinidad. Francis—Para. Araeaju—Perntmbuco. Californian—Pacific Coast. BAILINO WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. Atuitenla—Cherbourg and Southampton. Cannthia—Cobh and Liverpool. Hamburg Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. L>ra— San Juan and La Guayra. Metapan—Kingston, Cristobal, Cartagena. Puerto Colombia and Santa Marta, president Roosevelt Plymoutn. Cherbourg and Hamburg. Veendam—Bermuda. Toro —Kingston. % S?c U h I Ml°. P tS nh ‘** B - Saw Mexico—Accra. Sac City—Rotterdam. Sandgato Castla—Cape Town. X. L Luekenbach—Pacific Coast. ■AILING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1L B Banker—London. Wilson—World cruiae. >u—Plymouth and Havra. -Cobh and Cherbourg, n Juan and Santo Domingo, cean—St. Thomas. Ill—Vigo and Coruna. SAILING FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. Csrmsnls —Cobh, Plymouth, Havre and Lon don. Northern Prince—Rio de Janeiro, Santos, _ Mortevideo and Buenos Aires. Santa Maria—Cristobal, Callao and Valpa _ raiso. ■tatendam—Plymouth, Elologne and Rotter dam. Conte Grande—Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa. Munargo—Nassau and Havana. Biboney—Havana, Progreso and Vera Crus. Olympic—Cherbourg and Southampton. Weaternland—Plymouth, Cherbourg and Ant werp. Meda—La Guayra, Curacao and Mara caibo. Flora—Haitien ports. lit da France—Plymouth and Havre. SAILING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. Ooorga Washington—Plymouth. Cherbourg ana Hemourg Milwaukee—Cobh, Cherbourg and Hamburg. Caiednnla—Moviiie and Glasgow. Fredenk Vlll—Christlansana. Oslo and Cophenhagen Kungsholm—Gothenburg. Britannic—Cobh and Liverpool. Virginia—Havana, Cristobal and San Fran cisco. Porto Rico—Ban Juan. Bollvsr—Puerto Colombia. Ecuador—Puerto Colombia, Cristobal. Car tagena and Ban Francisco. Csrillo—Santiago, Kingston, Tala, Puerto Barrios and Bellxe. Morro Castie—Havana. Ulus—Havana, CnstoDal and Port Llmon Fort Bt. George—St. Johns and Halifax. Arcadian—Bermuda. Bermuda—Hamilton. Flatano—Puerto Castilla and Puerto Cortex. Samaria—Belfast and Liverpool. Minnetonka—London. SAILING MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. Pan-America—Bermuda. Evangeline— Yarmouth. ■srduta—Bremerhaven. His former German cruiser Hlnden buif, which was sunk In Scapa Flow during the World War, was raised re cently and beached on the English PERSPIRATION STAINS VANISH The new discovery—Annette's Per fect Cleanser swiftly removes per spiration, grease, all food, fruit and beverage stains. It's a Powder—not a liquid. Leaves no odor, does not affect color—Cannot Leave a Ring. ifiC —Advertisement. W** DEADLY WAR GAS AND BENZINE JOIN TO MAKE CHEWING GUM Synthetic Product Is Tastless and Odorless Like Chicle, Chemist Says. By the Associated Press. CINCINNATI, Ohio, September 8 Bynthetlc chewing gum. made by adding a dash of war-time chlorine to a new substance produced from ben zine, Is one of chemistry’s latest mar vels. The new chew Is described In a re port made public by the American Chemical Society at Its meeting which began here today. It substitutes for chicle, and like the natural product Is tasteless and odor less. Experiments with It are Incom plete and not In the commercial stage TWO KILLED IN CRASH Pilot and Passenger Die in Fall of Burning Plane. BAXTER SPRINGS, Kans., Septem ber 8 (IP). —An airplane crash here late yesterday cost the lives of Melvin Mish ler, the pilot, and Ray Phillips, a pas senger, both of Baxter Springs. The airplane fell from an altitude of 200 feet as Mishler banked in a turn, and burst into flames. Airmen said they believed Phillips had "frozen" to controls in the second seat. .... ... » Farewell Audience Granted. VATICAN CITY, September 8 OF). — The Pope today accorded a farewell au dience to Count Galeazzo Clano, hus band of Premier Mussolini’s daughter, who will retire presently as secretary of the Italian embassy to the Holy See to become consul general at Shanghai. The countess also was received by the Pope. Before her marriage she was Edda Mussolini. I Will Sell SSOO I Player-Piano For Cl QA USED vIJV Slightly Terms Granted Box 313-K, Star Office Ok Palais Royal G STREET AT ELEVENTH TELEPHONE DISTRICT 4400 IMI the DOWNSTAIRS STORE | Tomorrow Is the Last Day of This Great New Travel Prints! r 3.11 ollk o3IG « tartest Daytime Dresses 1101 ct die opportunity slip by extremely low price! All-Silk Plain Flat Crepe ) \ AA— fOj Printed Rayon Flat Crepe ( I ® Plain Rayon Flat Crepe ( M. yd. f Silk Tweed Prints \ r- A RAi' All-Silk Crepe Satin / | mBhI All-Silk Heavy Flat Crepe / I , Every one wearing theee fashionable |HH All-Silk Plain Chiffon \ ■ , yd. cotton-and-rayon prints ... to smart and J practical for Fall wear. \ A All-Silk Canton Crepe lA. They’re styled exactly like the more ex- \tt o;n_ f I • M Jt pensive silk travel tweeds. Dark back- All-bilk Crepe batlll . I tt&ZELStZZ:- ifi V All-Silk Flat Crepe j A yd. Every frock i. trimmed and piped with IMBi Silk and Wool Travel Crepes \ v ... , im Black Crepe Satin ) a a You eon'atonUo Jawbone. ”” Black Chiffon Velvet ('j .44 These Ftdl Shades: v / Black Imported Costume ( / , Brfcwn ... Wine ... Green Navy .. • / VplVfitfiPn 1 Vfl» 81ue... Black and White. ' _ , __ T rr . ) ** .pr c . n . v ... Print-Warp Taffeta / These Smart Details: You can copy this Bolero. .. * Flared Skirt* .. . Peter Pan Smart Vionnet model jj r TI. t ,^ } . Collars .. . Tunic Silhouettes .. . Leather or ess than $lO. jtLLSD 1 r (ttUCS * Belts ... Tailored Bows ... Buttons. for misses or women .. . after All Silk Radium Taffeta 79c yd. Transparent Velvet $4.29 yd. The Down * tai ” store Dress shop frZed S Satin Rayon Twill 74c yd. Black Chiffon Velvet $4.79 yd. ..w- - - Canton Crepe, Crepe Faille, All-Silk Flat Crepe $124 yd. New Lining Brocades. .69c, 85c, 98c nr y oaa n m frrL nr j r i _____ thTsuffqested materials. Buy in Costume Velveteen $1.44 yd. Printed Comfort Sateen Lining, 39c We’ve 300 Prs. More of Those Wonderful mmst »• Full-Fashioned Smart to Wear . . . Easy to Make Silk Stockings m/m Cotton Frocks for Little Girls of Every Pair Full Fashioned! [UN ABCPrintsandOtherFallWashFabrics Every Pair of Pure Silk! pr ‘ // \ I 1 ABC Prints Dress Ginghams Irregulars of $1.15 and $1.50 Values! fy )\ B 25c Vfifi 29(i yds Medium service Silk Hose with lisle short I * 1 Horne Frocks II Novelty Pajamas | Prin(«; Rayon "toldciT 1 C\Q JteXSTSir, 4 25cyd. 38cyrd. tsroaactotn %%3%f Well made of crepe and broadcloth {I „a siitaiisusrisir: x >-» n* -*• *** s ™r fi L s w°“«k. nc . l r" d ll te ki 44i SJoter? 1 - fl * r#d “ • tr * l,ht P olka dots * P laids and colorful geometric prints. matter of « cent ,.. {or a clever moth ' er wh^like s to sew for The palais royal downstairs store The paLais royal downstairs store re smartly turned out for school, at little coat. the children. Lm—— * .1 -S * X PALAIS ROYAL—second Floor "HE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1930. for gum, but indicate that as a chew It would have a medicinal effect. The gum is an Incidental discovery In a score of new commercial possibilities, some already in practice, all coming from this same new chemical, diphenyl. These commercial uses are reported In a technical paper by Chester H. Pen ning of the commercial research de partment of Swann Research, Inc., of Anniston. Ala. Piphenyl Is a milky colored soils, made by uniting two benzine mole cules, which thereupon become so dif ferent In character that Instead of be ing explosive they are a substitute for steam for carrying heat. It was the demand of gasoline refining for this heat-carrying prop-eity that recently brought diphenyl into existence in quantity. Mr. Penning says it appears possible to use the substances for making flameproof and waterproof garments. They make wood “virtually fireproof” and add to its strength, but, he says, are more expensive for wood fire proofing than mineral salt processes. Other Indicated uses include em ployment as cement for rubber and for laminated glass. —Will Solve Your Window Shade Problems HI For Lander* Waahade i* a quality window •hade fabric... and will outwear ordinary window shade* many time*. Landers is washable and sunfast... not affected by inclement weather. We’ll make your next window shade* of ISi Landers Washade at low factory prices. A Phene National 4763-4784 V WimmUMutmiuuiuuumuimuumuuuMuMUMuiiMimiim^ George J. Benzing G Windew Shades and Awnlnre POLES HANG EFFIGY OF GERMAN LEADER 50,000 Demonstrators De mand League Action Against Berlin’s Policies. By the Associated Press. POSNAN, Poland. September B. Fifty thousand inhabitants of Western Poland yesterday demonstrated in pro test against “German aggressiveness” regarding this area, which was German before the World War and which the Poles now say the Germans are trying to recover. Representatives of various political parties. Including the government party, the National Democrats and the Central Radical bloc, made speeches, and later a procession was formed to hang Gott fried Treviranus, German minister of occupied regions, in effigy. Treviranus, in recent speeches, has been bitter regarding the Polish cor ridor and his actions were interpreted in Poland as meaning that the territory lostby post-war treaties should be re covered by force if necessary. His effigy was labeled: “The fate of those who want to attack Polish lands.” The demonstrators asked the chief of Western Poland’s administration to demand that the government take ac tion before the League of Nations against the alleged German attacks on the basis of article 10 of the League covenant. This article specified that members of the League shall undertake to re spect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political Independence of all members of the League. Ford’s Foreign Airmail Project. COPENHAGEN. September 8 G4>).— The Ford interests have offered to establish a regular airmail service between Copenhagen and Esbjerg, using three two-ton Ford planes. Though the Danish government had not yet decided to accept, it was reported favorably disposed. Hungarian Official Dies. BUDAPEST. Hungary, September 8 (4*). —Dr. Joseph Vass. acting prime minister of Hungary, and Minister of Social Welfare for ten years, died to day of apoplexy, aged 49. Dressed alike and each given away by a cousin, three sisters were married at the same ceremony recently at St. Philip’s Church, Glrlington, England. Buy Your Home Hi Through Our Loan Plant We have helped hundreds of Wash- ingtonians—and they now number among our most ideal citizens—happy and contented. Ask about our plan— and you will immediately discern it* unusual advantages. WM|H| HI Open Daily, 9 to S, ViIHHR Saturdays, Until Noon NAtional 1381 VH ■Swim NATIONAL PERMANENT vH IWmH\ BUILDING ASSOCIATION Vi ■BiH\ 949 NINTH ST.,N.W. VI Hl#V T J Jußt below New York Ave. \w Organized 1890 VH H •11 N Under Supervision of U. S. Treasury W^H JOBLESS INSURANCE URGED BY CANADIANS Labor Congreii Also Calls for Im migration Regulation to Pro tect Employment. Br the Associated Press. REGINA, Saskatchewan, September B.—The annual report of the executive of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, presented by President Tom Moore today at the opening session of the forty-sixth annual convention, urged leglslatln to provide greater se curity for Canadian workers through the unemployment insurance and regu lation of immigration. The report suggested that the con gress reiterate proposals precented to the government in the past, including establishment of a national system of unemployment insurance based on con tributions by state, employers and em ployes. A Dominion advisory council on im migration was advocated, with labor members, whose advice would help to prevent admission of immigrants with little prospect of finding employment except by displacing Canadian workers. While the convention Is in session 110 resolutions will be presented by local unions and associations. These deal with a diversity of subjects, among which are old age pensions, unemploy ment, tariff, sale of beer and wine, mo tion pictures and the cost of living. Prominent Paris theaters, well patron ised by Americans when silent films were shown, are being deserted by them since talkies in Prench have been in stalled. RADIO THRILLS ...TONIGHT Make this teat .. .Tune in on your favorite program. Does it come to you clear and strong or is it marred by discordant noises and fading caused by inferior tubes? Banish poor reception by installing RCA Radiotrons...Enjoy that program tonight. See your dealer today! . - Highest Quality, New low prices UY 224—53.30 UY 227—32.20 UX 243—32.00 UX 2SO—sl.oo iNh for M, ra. j|jl r ' Radiotrons THE HEART OF YOUR RADIO Sturtevant Blowers For Burning Buckwheat Coal Fries, Beall & Sharp 734 10th St. N.W. NA. 1964