CURB IMS GAIN IN Bn DEMAND Utilities Lead in Upturn. Diamond Match'ls Feature. BY JOHN A. CRONE. •peel*] Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. September B.—Opening ' strong as a result of the ability of lead-; lng shares to push through their highs ! 6t July in Saturdays session, the Curb Exchange today steadily advanced. • Trading was more active than it has been at any time since July 15 last. ' ? Public utilities gave the shorts some ,Uncomfortable moments as they led the . upswing. Electric Bond & Share rose more than a point, and was followed by a wide list of power and light issues. : Including Consolidated Oas of Baltimore, which rushed to a new peak for the year. Cities Service tfas firm, while the motor shares turned active. The new Diamond Match issues, which resulted from recapitalization plans providing for. a 9-for-l split-up of outstanding common shares, proved the individual feature of forenoon trad ing. Each present common share re ceives four new no par common and five shares of 6 per cent cumulative partici pating preferred of $25 par. The new common opened at 27% and the pref erred at 24* i. Other new issues admitted to curb trading today included American Pro ducts Co. and Illinois Oil Co. Ford Motor of Canada “A." in point of appreciation, and Ford Motors Ltd., in point of volume, led the motor list. The latter s English plants are being equipped to turn out more motors than the entire present output of that coun try. so a price war there seems in evitable. Earnings of Ford, Ltd., Justify * a higher dividend rate, some traders feel. The betterment in demand for the Ford shares attracted attention to the motor list and benefitted Cord, Isotta Fraschini and Durant. American Austin for a time met liquidation of the same character that caused its decline Saturday. Natural Gas shares became promt-' ' Bent early on reports of new wells or expansions. Duquesne Gas, for in stance, brought in a major new well, bringing its total to 158. Memphis Natural Gas added extensions to some of its compressor stations and similar developments were announced by sev eral other concerns. Mead-Johnson responded to its extra dividend declaration of 50 cents, which compares with an extra of 25 cents three months ago. Novadel-Agene like wise responded to an increase in the dividend rate from $2 to $3 a year and the declaration of an extra fit 25 cents. Prudential Investors common respond ed to an exchange offer whereby four and one-half common shares may be exchanged for one share of preferred, the holders thereby receiving sl.33V!i for each common share so exchanged. Three of the higher-priced indus trials stood out strong and active. Great Atlantic A Pacific Tea was whirled on reports that it plans taking over the freezing food process of General Foods Corporation. A. O. Smith Corporation rose abbut 5 points and Deere & Co. Was up more than half that amount as shorts tried to cover. Markets at a Glance NEW YORK. September 8 (A 5 ). Stock irregular: Aubum Auto soars on aqueeze of shorts. Bonds firm; Argen tines ease on light offerings. Curb firm; numerous specialties show strength. Foreign exchanges irregular; sterling cgtrong. Cotton weak; bearish Govern ment report. Sugar quiet and steady. Coffee higher; trade buying. CHICAGO, September 8 (IP). —Wheat easy; increased visible supply and larg er Russian offerings. Com easy; larg er country offerings. Cattle steady. Hogs steady to strong. POTATO MARKET. . CHICAGO, September 8 (IP) (U. S. Department of Agriculture). Pota toes—Receipts, 183 cars; on track, 269 ears; total U. S. shipments Saturday, 806 cars; Sunday, 43 cars; market stronger, trading fair; Wisconsin, sacked Irish Cobblers. 2.40a2.50; fancy higher; Minnesota, sacked Irish Cobblers, 2.25a 3.35; sacked early Ohios, 2.20&2.25. SILVER QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. September 8 OP).—Bar •liver, 36%. INVESTMENT TRUSTS NEW YORK. September 8 (IP).— Over-the-counter market: Bid. Asked. Am It Cont Corp IS 1 * 18% Am A Gen Secur... 13 .... Am & Gen becur B 3V« .... Am A Gen Secur S'* Pf 44 Amer Brit A Cont pf #0 70 Amer Composite Tr Shr* 9>,i •*-* Amer Founder* 9% 10% Amer Founders S'* pf.. 43’* 49% Amer Founders Irr1 r r pf 49'/« .... Amer-Founders l-70th ctfs..,., 13c 15c Amer Founder* eonv pf ctfs 90'* • Amer Founder* war 5% .... Amer Founrer* l-40c com 20c 23c Amer Ins Stocks 13 18% Am Util A Gen A 13 18 ■-Ain Util A Gen Allot ctf 34'.* 36 Assoc Stand Oil Share* 9H 10% Atl Sec pf 42*, 4tVs Atl Sec w*r Vi Atl A P*c com ; 2 4 .Atl A P*c Int Unit* 18 21 Atl A Pac pf war 14 18 Bankers Nat Inv 23 29 B*n*iciU« Corn 14 17 Beale Industry Shares 8% l’« British Type Invest 9% 10’,* Chain A Gen Equities 4 Chain A Gen Equit 4%% pf.... 60 87 Chain Store Invest 1 I Chain Store Invest pf 85 .... Chartered Invest 21 24 Chartered Invest pf 79 81 Chelsea Exchance A 4 8 Chelsea Exchange B 3 5 Corporate Trust Shares 7% •¥* Crum A Poster Ins B 53 57 Crum A Foster Ins pf 101 103 Crum A Foster Inc B 53 67 Crum A Foster Inc t'e pf 104 .... Deposited Bank Share Ser 10% 11% Deposited Bank Share Ser B 9.. 9% 105* Diversified Trustee Shares A.... 29 V* 24 Diversified Trust Shares 8.... 19% 20% Diversified Trustee Shares C.... 8 8% Federated Cap 10 12 Federated Cap pf*. IS'« 17% First Amer Corp 9% 10% Fixed Trust Share* A 19. Fixed Trust Share* B 175* .... Oeneral Equity A 5 7 Granger Trade 10 Guardian Invest 20 23 Guardian Invest pf 20 33 Guardian Invest wt 22 28 Quae Windmill Trad 35. 48 neorporated Equities 20% 24% : neorporated Investors 51 53*, Trust Shares SV* 854 nt Secur Corp Am A 40 nt Secur Corp Am B ... 10 nt Secur Corp Am tjrpt...... 89% ft Secur Corp Am 4%*; pf... 92'* . ... vestment Co of Am 27 30 vestment Co of Am pf 89 95 , vestment Trust Assoc 24 26 investment Trust Associates.... 16% • nveatment Trust of N Y 10 11 nyestors Equities 2J*« 25% . nvestora Trustee Shares 15>« 17% Jackson A Curtis Invest Assoc.. 51*4 53*4 Jackson A Curti* See Corp pf. 99 10.1 Joint Investors 30 ..... Leaders of Industry 101* 11 ¥4 Major Shares Corp 7% 8 Mars Investors TPust 42 44% I lawk Invest 59 61V4 ;u»l Invest Trust A 8 9% :u*l Manage 2 25, lop Wide Eecur 85* 9% A South Am Corp B 1 3 Am Trust Shares 7% ,„#% them Becur 128 132 Colony Invest Trust 40 43 Colony Trust Assoc 10 12 Shares toe unite 445* 46Vi roleum Trad A 30 25 Power A Light Sec Trust 52 54 ‘ower A Rail Trustee Shr* .... 1354 1*54 ' i ocur Corp sen pf 112 120 econd tot Secur Corp A 22 Second tot Secur Corp B 0 Second tot Secur Corp t'M Ist pf 44 ..... Selected Am Share* 77% hawmut Bank 90 54 22 i pencer Trask Fund Inc 35 * 371, tend Amer Trust Shares 9% **.4 Stand Oil Trust Shares 0 11 title Street Invert Corp 97 80 W Straus Invest unit*....... SO 54 !K: gggjjs «SSS 4::: ft £ I»nf CSli’BhlgM* : ft Jyth Century Fixed Tr Share*... financial. V” ~— I NEW YORK CURB MARKET mijars] Note—All stocks ore sold In one hundred-share lots exeeptling those designated by the letter s (80s) (2505) which shows those stocks to bo sold In odd lota only. *-Prev. IPSO.— Stock and Sale*— High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Open. High. Low: Close. 84 18 Agfa Ansco 1 17 17 17 17 9% 3V4 Air Investors vtc.... 1 454 454 454 444 9% 4 Allegheny Gas 3 4V4 4<4 4H 4V* 7V» 3% Amer Austin Car.... 35 65* 65* 5% 65* 44 26 Am Bakeries (A) <2) 4 27 27 27 27 285* 12% Am C PAL B (10%). 8 151* 15% 15% 155* 28% 20% Am Com P A f (6).. 1 108% 108% 108% 108%; i 16% 7% Am Invest Inc (B).. 10 85* 85* 8% 85*! ! 89% 52% Am Lt ATrac (2%). 4 62% 62% 62 62 4% 1% Am Marlcabo 3 2% 2% 2 2 J 19% 7% Am .Natural Gas 2 11% 11% 11% 11% 39% 20% Am Superpow (1)... 243 23% 24% 23'* 24 1 101% 945* Am Buperpwr lst(«) 1 101 101 101 101 15% 7% Am U A G B vtc 40c. 7 9 9% 8% 8% 7% 1% Am Yvette new wi... 2 2 2 2 2 145* 6 Anchor PF (bl 0%). 4 8% 9% 8% 9% 14% 8% Appalachian Gas.... 39 10% 11% 9% 11 23% 8 Arcturus Had Tube.. 2 9 9% 9 9% 16% 8% Arkansas Nat Gaa. .. 1 10 10 10 10 16% 8% Ark Nat Gas (A) 27 9% 9% 9% 9% 8 5% Asso Klee Ind (30c). 6 5% 5% 5% 5% 46% 30% Asso GAEA (at 2.40) 13 30% 30% 30% 30% 11% 3% Asso GAE (A) db rts 4 3% 354 3% 35* 147% 97 Asso GA El ctfs (8) .100 s 100% I#l 100 101 6% 2% Asso Rayon 3 3V4 3% 3% 3% 6054 38% Asso Rayon pf (6).. 4 51% 51% 50% 50% 14% *8 Atlas Util C0rp..... 6 ,85* 85* 8% 8% 5 2»* Atlas Utilities war.. 5 3% 3% 3% 3% 16% 2% Auto Mus Inst AUit-Chalmera Co. 5g 1937 102*' *?«>/« American Tel. St Tel. »%« 1943 169*4 10$% American Thread 8%« 1938... 100% 101 Baltimore 4- Ohio 4>/,» 1933 lfii 101% Batavian Pet. Corp j'll 1942.. tj>i 95% Bell Tel. of Canada 3s 1957 103 103 1 2 Calliorniii Pet. Corp. sVts 1938 103*'« 10214 . Canadian Nor Rwy. 4',« 1935. 100*4 Chicago Rock Island 4s 1934 9999*« Chile Copper Co. 5a 1947. .... 97*4 97*4 Cudahy Packing Co. s',as 1937.. 961a 97% Qen Mot. Accep. Corp. «n 1937. 103% 103% •eneral Pet. Ccrp. 5a 1940. ... 102% 102% Central Theater* Eq. 6s 1940 .. 95*4 96 Goodyear T. & R. 5a 1957 92*4 92 Grand Trunk of Canada 6s 1936 107 107% Gulf Oil Os Pa 5a 1937 101*4 101% Humble Oil s>4a 1932 102'/., 1021 j Internat. Match Corp. 5a ,947. .001* 101 Marland Oil 5s 1932 100% 181 New York. Chi. A Bt. L 6a 1932 1021a *o2*c Phillips Pet Co. 6*4s 1939 101 101 % Pure Oil Corn. s!»a 1937...e... 100 100% Shel* Union Oil Co. »a 1947 93% >5% Sinclair Crude Oil Co. sta» 1938 102% 102 V, Standard OP N. Jersey Sa 19467 104 104% Standard OH N. York 4%a 1931. 100 100% St. L„ Ir. Mt. Sc So. Ry. 5a 1931 101 101*4 St. L, Southwestern Ry. 4* 1932 100 100*« Swift & Co. 5s 19*2 100% 101% Union Oil Co. of Calif. 96 1935. 101% 101% United Drue Co 3a 1933 99% 100 U. S Rubber 5a 1947 83 98% Western Electric. Co. 5* 1944. 104% 105 Wheeling Steel Corp. 3e 1949.. 102% 103 Wheeling Steel Corp. 4%s 1933.... *2% 91 TREASURY CERTIFICATES. (Reported by J St W. Sellgman A Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid. Offer, jjjj gjpt. aim THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.* AY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1930. rev. 1930. Stock and Sales— High Low Dividend Rate. 1 Add 00. Open. High. Low. Close. 20% 3*4 Loevrs Inc war) 16 12% 12% 115* 11% 55% 34% Lone Star Gas n (1). 2 39 39% 39 39% 56 38 Long Island L 21 20% 20% 19% 20% 6 1 Mo Kan P L vtc. ~.. 17 1 IV4 1 . IV* 12% 8 Mount Prod <1.60). .. 4 9*4 95* 9% 9% 12% 6 Nat American C 0.... 16% 6% 6% 6% 21% 8% Nat Aviation ' n 9% 9% 9 9 41% 25% Nat Fuel Gas (1) 6 30% 30% 30% 30% 30 11 Nat Investors 31 13% 15% 13V, 13V* 16% 12 Natl S T Sec Assoc. 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 10% 3% Nat Union Radio.... 3 5V4 5% 5% 5% 26% 13 Neet Inc cv A (1.60). 3 17% 17% 17% 17% 2% 2% New Brad Oil (50c).. 8 2% 2% 2% 2% 95% 88% New Eng Pow pf (6). 20s 90% 90% 90% 90% 160% 141% New Eng TA T (8).. 50* 145 145 145 145 141% 79 Newmont Min 100 s 35 35 35 35 183% 130 Nor St Pow A (8)... 3 167 157 157 157 111 95% Nor St Pow pf (7 ). .. 20* 101 101 101 101 34% 22% Nojatlel Agene t2V4. 2 34% 36 34% 35 1% % Ohio Copper 10 % % % % 28 s * 26% Pac G&E Ist pf (1%) 7 28% 28% 28% 28% 39% 23% Pac Pub Sv (1.80)... 1 27 27 27 27 19% 12% Pac Western 0i1.... 1 16 16 16 16 2% % Pandem Oil 40 £ % % 4% 1% PantepecOil 8 2% 2% 2% 2% 13% 3% Paramount Cab Mfg. 3 3% 3% 3% 3'% 16% 10% Pennroad Corp (20c) 7 105* 10% 10% 10*4 111 108 Penn P&Ltpf (7).. 1 110% 110% 110% 110% 98 92% Penn Salt (6) 1 94 94 94 94 96% 70 Penn Wat A Pow (3) 2 73% 73% 73% 73% 46 25% Peop LAP A a2.40. .• 1 31% 31% 31% 31% 6% 2% Petrol Corp war 2’ 3 3 3 '3 22 11% Philippe (L) A fl. 80. 1 17% 17% 17% 17% 35% 20% Pie Bak of Am A (2). 2 30% 31% 30% 31% IZ% 7% Pierce Gov (1 %).... 17% 7% 7% 7% 18% 6 Polymet Mfg (II)... 4 5% 5% 6 6% 15% 8% Prince & Whit (25c). 4 10% 10% 10% 10% 44 35 Prince A Whit pf (3) 1 37% 37% 37V* 37% 23 12% Prudential Invest... 58 17% 18% 17% 18% 27% 16 Pub Util Hold w w.. 69 16*« 17 155* 16% 9% 3% Pub Ut Hold (war).. 4 3% 3% 2% 3% 91 87 Puget Sd PAL pf (&). 10» 88 88 88 88 99 935-4 Pure Oil pf (8) 10s 95 95 95 95 27 6 Radio Products (2).. 15% 6% 6% 6% 14% 6 Rainbow Lum Pr A.. 7 12 12% 11** 12 7% 2% Rainbow Lum PrR.. 10 6% 5% 5V4 5% 53 50 Raymond Con pf (3). 1 50% 50% 50 50 \ 16 7V4 Reliance Int (A).... 2 8% 8% 8 8 12 6 Rich Rad cum pf.... v 1 5 5 5 5 30% 26% Rike Kumbler (2.20). 2 30 30 30 38 29% 19% RockLt AP (900... 1 23 23 23 23 12% 8 Royal Cor pf (1.20).. 1 9 9 9 9 11% 654 Russek's sth Av 1.80. 3 9% 10 9% 10 147 109V4 Safety Car HAL (8). 26s 115 115 115 115 % it St Anthony G01d.... 2 it A L jl 34 18% St Regis Paper (1).. 10 22% 22% 22% 22V4 2% 1% Salt Creek Con (40c) 2 2 2' 2 2 17 14% S&xetCo 2 15% 16 15V4 16 4% 2% Schulte Un sc-$l St.. 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 10% 5% Seaboard Util (50c). 15% 5% 5% 6% 12% 5% Selected Industries., 2 6 6 6 6 84% 63% Set Ind allctfs(4%). 3 68 68 68 68 715* 64% Select Ind pr (5%).. 8 63 63% 63 63% 95* 2 Sentry Safety Cont.. 8 3% 3% 3 3% 20 8% Shenandoah Corp;... 4 9% 10% 9% 10 48% 33 Shenandoah Cp (at). 8 41% 4154 41% 41% 6% 3% Sing Mfg Ltd (23c).. 14% 4% 4% 4% 25% 16% Sisto Finance Corp.. 1 18V* 18% 16% 18% 260 137% Smith (AO) 12)..A 140 s 1f7% 191% 18714 190V* 17 8% Southland Roy (1).. 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 20% 7% S W Gas Utilities.... 1 n n n 11 2% % Spanish A Gen Reg.. 11l 11 82% 70% Stand Inv pf (5%5). 60s 75 75 75 75 8% % Standard MotorlT.... 76 3% 3% 3% 3% 59% 47% Stand Oil Ind (2%). 44 49% 49% 49% 49% 40% 30% Stand Oit Ky, (tl.80) 2 31% 31% 31% 31% 48% 44% Stand O Neb (t 3%).. 1 48 48 48 48 19% 10 Std Pub Svc A(bß%) 4 18% 18'4 17% 18 4r Stand Silver Lead..., 1 jji * A fl, 37% 14 StarrettCorp 12 19% 19% 19 19% 48% 30 Starrett Corp pf (3). 4 39 40V* 39 40% 22% 9% Strauss Roth 7 14% 14% 14% 14% 10 4% Sunray Oil (40c). ... 8 5% 5% 5% 5% 34% 28 Swift ACo new (2). 4 1 31 31 31 31 98 64% Tamp* Electric (12). 6 71 72 71 72 86% 24% Technicolor Inc 3 27% 27% 27% 27% 111% 106% Tenn El P Ist pf (7). 10s 109% 109V* 109',* 109% 18 8% Texon OilALand(t4) & 17% 18% 17% 18V* 87 65 Thermoid Co pf (7). 60s 73 73% 73 73% 63 44% Todd Shipysrd (4).. 1 61 51 51 51 10% 5% Tran Con Air Tran.. 6 85* 8% 8% 8% 13% 4% Trans Lux DL b S.. 11 11% 11% nv* 11% 9 4 Tri-Cont Corp (war) 1 s»* 55* 55* 55* 11 6% Triplex Safety Glass 1 7V* 7% 7% 71* 68% 36 Trl Utilities (11.20). 1 44 44 44 44 58% 45 Tri Utilities pf (3).. 2 45 45 45 45 225* 654 Tubize Chatel <8)... 3 7% 7% 7% 7% 16% 115* Twin St KG Apt (1). 7 125* 13 125* 13 36% 2154 Ungerleider F Corp.. 3 29% 29% 29% 29V4 35 25 Un NG of Can t 1.60. 129 V, 29'/, 29% 29% 30% 12% lltd Corp (war) 2 17% 17% 17% 17% 8% 4 L’td Dry Docks 3 5% 6V« 5% 5% 44 15% Utd Found b 2-35 sh. 81 17 17% 17 17% 285* 12 Utd Gas Co (new)... 234 15% 16 15% 16 11% 5 Utd Gas (war) 15 6% 6% 6% 6% 99 91% Utd Gas pf (7) 21 96 96% 96 96% 56 27% Utd Lt A Pow A (1). 47 41% 415* 41% 41% 119% 97% Utd Lt A Pow pf (6). 1 110 110 110 110 1 % Utd Ret Chem B ctfs. 3 % V 4 V 4 % 72% 52 V S Dairy (A) (6)... 2 65% 65% 65'% 65% 22% 10% U 8 Elec Pow ww,.. 15 13 13% 13 13% 30 10% U S Finishing 1 12 12 12 12 20% 11 U S Lines pf (1).... 5 11% 11% 11% 11% 23 13% US A Overseas war. 241 18% 21% 18% 2054 6% 3% U S Rubber Reclaim. 1 3 3 3 3 18% 6% US Shares Fin 14% 4% 4% 4% 16% 8% Utd Verde Ext (2)... 3 8% 8% 8% 8% 18 7% Utd Wall Paper 18% g% Bt* gt* 2354 9 Univ Pictures 1 18% 18% 18V* 18% ! 28 14% Util Fow ALt (a1,).. 8 18** 185* 18 185*. 685* 37 Util PAL B ctfs (al) 1 39% 39% 39% 39% 235* 12V4 Utility A Ind 11 13% 14% 13% 14% 29% 205* Util Alndpf (1%).. 2 23% 28*4 23% 23** 22 10% Utility Equities 6 12 12% 115* 115, 97% 76% Vacuum Oil (4) 12 78% 78*4 78% 78% 4% 2 Venezuela Petrol.... 4 2% 2% 2V* 2% 9% 6% Vic Finan Cor (40c). 17% 7% 7% 7% 21 15 Wattt A Bond A 2).. 1 16 16 16 16 135* 8 Walker (H)(1) 4 8% 814 8% 8% 6 1% Watson (J W) C 0... 12% 2% 2% 2% 126 90 Western Md pf 20s 101% 101% 101% 101% 16% 6 Wil-Low Cafeteria.. 5 6 6V» 6 6V* 21% 8% Zonlte Products (1). 11 10% 10% 10 10 h IGHTB. expire. 1% 1% Insull Util.. .Sept 15 4 1% 1% 154 154 M A Insull Uln pf.Sep 15 3 % 54 % % 4% 2% Ins Co of NA. .Oct 1 4 2% 2% 25* 2% A % Zonite Prod. ..Oct 1 99 A A % V 4 Dividend rates in dollars based on last quarterly or aemi anuai payment. • Unit of trading lest than 100 shares. (Partly extra. {Plus 4% in stock, a Payable In cash or stock b Payable in stock, e Adjustment dividend f Plus t% In stock a Plus t% in stock h Plus 1% in stock 1 Pius 2% >n stock, k Plus 10% In stock m Plus 1% in stock n Plus t% in stock NEW SECURITIES NEW YORK, September 8 (IP). —New securities offered today include: City of Chicago, $23,735,000 tax war rants priced to yield 5 per cent, by syndicate headed by Halsey, Stuart Sc Co. State of Missouri, $5,000,000 5 per cent bond priced at 101 *4 and Interest, by syndicate headed by National City Co. City of Buffalo, N. Y„ $3,785,000 4 per cent bonds priced to yield 2.34 to 3.85 per cent, by Oeorge B. Gibbons Sc Co., Roosevelt Si Son and Stone & Web ster Sc Blodget. Erie County, N. Y.. $3,611,000 4 per cent bonds priced to yield. 3.85 per cent, by syndicate headed by Bankers’ Co. of New York. ■ West Chicago Park District, $2,000,000 4Vs per cent bonds priced to yield 3JO to 4.05 per cent, by syndicate headed by Continental Illinois Co. money market. NEW YORK, September 8 (IP).— Call money steady, 2% per cent all day. Time loans steady; 30 days, 2-2%: 60 days, 214-2%; 90 days. 2%-2%; 4 months, 2%-3; 5-6 months, 3 per cent. 1 2“?* commercial paper, 3-3%. * 1 months, 2J4-2; 5-6 months, aft-aft. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. (Quotations furnished by W. B. Htbbs & Co.) ' Nominal told Selling checks value. todar. London, sound 14 8895 $4 86V« Paris, franc 3 91 3 «c 3.93*«c Brussels, belts 13.81 c 13.98 c Berlin, mark 33.82 c 23 82V*c Rome, lira 8.28 c 5 2311 c Zurich, franc 19.3 c 19.40 c Athens, drachma 1.3 c Madrid, peseta 19.3 c Vienna, schilling 14.07 c Budapest, prngo 17.49 c Prague, crown 1 5s *B**so?? 103% JOSJa lS| 11 Det C Gas 5s A ’47.. 106% 106% 106% 6 Det lilt Brdc 6%s ’52 43 42% 48 19 Det Inter Bldg 7s 52 20% 20 20 lODixOG «%s A ’37 ww 97% 9b% 97% 9 Duquesne Ga* 8s 45 92 91% 92 2 Edis El Host 5s A ’33 102% 102% 102% 9 Elec PAL 5e A 2030 93. 92% 93 2 Empire OAR 6%S ’42 81% 84 *. 84/« 3 Fairbanks Mor 5s ’43 97% 97% 97% 20 Federal Wat S7is 54 94 93 91 6 Firestone C M 5* 48 87% 87 87/a 1 Firestone Tire 5s ’42 91 % 91% 91% 21 Florida PA Lss 54. 88% 8874 88.* 15 Gatineau Pow 5s 56. 99% 99 99^. 5 Gatineau Pow B ’56. 98% gSV. 98 * 24 Gen Bronze 6s 40.. 91 90 90% 36 Georgia Power 5s ’B7 100% 100% 100% 1 Gulf Oil Pa 5s ’47.. 104 104 104 2 Gulf St Util 5s A '56100 100 100 2 Hanna 6s .... 100% 1007 V I*®% 5 Hoojl Rubber 7s 36.. 89 89 89 11 Hous OG 6%» 43 WW 97Va 97 97% 11 Houst Gulf G 6s A ’43 97 08% 97 24 Hudson 6s ...103% 103% 103% 32 Hygrade Fd 6s A '49 59 56 59 1 Illinois PAL 5%s 57 94% 94% .94% 5 Illln PAL 5%s B '54 102102% 102% 5 Indnap PAL 5s A ’57 101% 101% 101 Vs 4 Inland Util «s ’34.... 99 98% 99 25 Insull Utility 6s B '4O 103% 102% 102% 5 Inter Pw Sec 7s E [57 100 100 100 6 Intern Sec Am 5s 47 80% 80% BtH» 11 Intersta Power 5s ’57 91% .90% 90/j 1 Inves Co 5s A ’47 ww. 90% 90% 90% 43 Inves Co 5s A ’47 xw 81% 80 « 81% 85 la Neb LAP 5s 57... 96% 98Vs 96% 3 jsrs C PAL s'as A ’45 103% 101% 103% 6 Kelvinator 6s ’36 xw 91 90% 91 5 Koppers GAC 6s ’47.. 100% 100% 100% 1 Koppers GAC 5%s *0 103% 1037 s 103 % 1 Lehigh PS6s A 2026 106 106 108 4 Libby McNAL 5s ’42. 94% 94% 94% 9La PL 5S ’57 99% 99 Va 98% 1 McCord Rd 6s ’43 ww 73 73 73 42 Mass Qas 5s ’46 99% 9974 99% 6 Mas* Gas 5%s '46... 104 104 104 * 5 Mid West Util 5s ’32. 100% 100% 100% 1 Mid West Util 5s ’33. 99% 99% 99% 12 Mid West UtU ’34... 98% 98% 98% 11 Mid West Util 5s ’35 98% 9874 98% 25 Midland Nat 55...... 96% 96 98% 3 Minn PAL 4%s 78... 95% 95% 95% - 4 Narragansett 5s ’57.. 101% 101% 101% 13 Nat FAL 6s A 2028... 108 107% 107% 1 Nat Food 6s A 72% 72% 72% 3 Nat PAL 5s B 2030... 84 94 94 31 Nat P 8 6s '7B 79 78 79 16 Neisner Bros 6s 48.. 88 87 88 5 Nstional Tea Ss '35.. 98% 98% 98% 3 Neb Pow «s A 2022 . 109% 109% 109% 8 New Eng GAE 6s ’47 91 90% 91 7N Y P A L 4%S ’67 96% 93% 93% 1 Nor Ind PBlsC '66 104% 104% 104% 1 Nor Tnd P 8 6s D ’66 103% 103% 103% 31 Ohio Pow 4%s D ’56. 98 97% 98 85 Ohio Ed 5s '6O 100% 100% 100% 3 Ohio Pow 5s B ’58... 103% 103% 103% 9 Okla 6s ‘SO 75 75 75 1 Osgood 6s ‘BB ww... 74% 74% 74% 1 Oswego Falls 6s '4l. 101% 101% 101% J Pac O* E 4%s E '57 98% 97% 97% llPicOtE 4%s F ’57 97% 97% 97% 34 Pac W O B%s '43 ww 96% 96% 96% 68 Pnc Pow & Ls* 99% 98% 98% 10 Pa Cen P&L 4%s '77 847-4 94% 94% 3 Penn Doc A W 6s ’49 95 95 96 20 Penn OEd 5%s B '59 102% 102 102 1 I enn O Ed 6s ’SO xw 104% 104% 104% 6 Penn P A L 5s D ’53 104% 104% 104% 5 Phila Elec 5%s ’72.. 106 106 106 6 Pitts Steel 6s ’4B ... 103 102% 102% 3 Potomac Ed 6s E '56. 101 101 101 . 6 Pow Co N Y 5%s '47 99 98% 98% 16 Pug SP A L 5%s ’49 104 103% 104 It Pug 8 P ft L (s C SO 99% 99% 997% 1 Qunsb Gas 514* A 52 104 104 12 Rod) Cen Pow 5s 53 76% 75% 75% 1 San Ant P 3 5s B ’SB 69 69 69 2 Scripps 5%s 43 93% 93% 93% 2 Shaw WAP 4%s A ’67 98 98 98 5 Sheffield Stl SV& Ifift 12 SE PAL 6s A 2025 xw 108 108J4 168 U 1 South Calif Ed 5s ’44 103 Va 103 Va 103% 6 South Calif Ed 5s ’sl 104% 104% 104% 5 8011th Calif Ed 5S ’52 104% 104% 104% 30 South Cal Gas 5s 37 95% 95% 95% 11 Southern N O Is ’44 95 94 95 7 South N G 6* 44 xw 82 80% 82, 7 South L &P 6s A ’57 97% 97% 97% 7 Southw Nat G 6s ’44. 90 % 90% 90% 2 So’thw PAL 6s A 2022 109 109 109 3 Staley Mf*6s ’42.... 98% 98% 98% 13 Stand GAE ’35*....« 102% 102% 102% 8 Stand GAE ’51.....'.. 102 102 103 2 Stand GAE 66 103% 103% 103% 2 Stand Inv 5%s ’39... 91 91 $1 v 18 Stand PAL 6s ’57.... 103% 101% 103% 9 Swift Co 5s ’4O 101 100% 101 1 Swift Co 5s '32 100% 100% 100% 10 Tex Electric 5s ’60... 98 % 98% 98% 6 Texas Gas Us 6s '48.. 98 95 95% 46 Texas FA Lss '58.. 101 100% 100% 2 Thermoid Co 6s '34.. 90% 90% 9074 14 Trl Util 5* ’79 82 81 % 82 48 Uni Lt ARy 5%s 'B2 93V/ 93% 93% 2 Uni Lt, A Ry 6s A ’52 102% 102% 102% 1U 8 Rad 5s A '38.... 82 82 82 BUS Rub B'is ’31.... 100 100 100 9 U S Rub 6%« ’34.... 94% 94% 9414 2 U S Rub 6%a '39 92 92 92 1 Union Gulf 5s ’SO ... 102 102 102 5 Valvoline Oil 6* '37... 102% 102% 102% 26 Wabash 5s D ’BO 102 101% 102 , 1 Waldorf-Astor 7s ’54. 89% 89% 89% 1 Wash W A Po 5s ’6O. 104% 104% 104% 1 Webst Mill 6%a '33.. 96% 96% 96% 2 Wes Penn 5a 2030 wl 93 93 93 1 Wes Tex Ut 5s A ’75. 94 94 94 FOREIGN BONDS. 1 Agr Mtg Bank 7s ’46 86 % 86% 86% 5 Agr Mtg Bank 7s ’47 80 80 80 6 Buen Air Prov 7s ’52- 96% 95Ve 96% ISBuen Air Pr 7%S ’47 98% 98 98% 99% Isa 99% 'iferav i io 8 ? ; ini% 1 Flnld R M Bk 6s *6l, 81% n% 81% 1 Ist Bo GW 7s 57 ww' 83 83 §5 1 Oer Con* Mun 6* « 85% .86% 85J4 2 Hamburg El »%• ’BB 87% 87% 87% 7 Hanover Pro «%* 49 91 91 91 2 Hanover City 7* 31. 99 98 98 2 Hanover Cred 6s ’3l 100% 100% 100% 3lt Sup Pw 8s A '63 xw 72% 73% 72% 5 Mendoza Pr 774* ’sl 857« 85% 8574 28 Nippon El P BVi* ’53 94 93'* 91 14 Parana Brasil 7s 'SB 8974 698974 5 Pow C Can 4%» '59 B 89 89 89 9 Prussia P S 6s 53.. 88% 88% 88% IW—jW 1 tfl§Ul Wflf 1 iilSMb wC-Wwn issued. FINANCIAL. GRAIN MARKET. CHICAGO. September 8 (#V—Scat tered selling by commission houses and Chicago traders eased the wheat mar ket down today to below Saturday’s close after a firm start. Considerable selling was by traders who chcse to collect profits. Trade was not large and the market was easily influenced and nervous. The wheat visible sup ply increased 3.583.000 bushels for the week and is now 191.0tL000 bushels as compared with 184,408b00 bushels a year ago. Liverpool finished stronger, but this had only a transient effect on values here. The Grain Exchange at Buenos Aires was closed because of a holiday in Argentina. Com appeared overbought after a firm start-induced by a sensational crop report by a Chicago crop expert which predicted a total 1930 yield of only 1,750,000.000 bushels afld the upturn was short-lived. Prices eased back to below Saturday s finish. Wheat closed approximately 1 cent off and corn showed a loss of around Va cent a bushel. Wheat closed nervous and unsettled, lVa-l'2 cents net lower than Satur day's finish. Corn closed %-l% cents down, oats cent off and provi sions 10-23 cents lower. WHEAT— High. Low. Close. September 87 .83% .84 December >92-':. .89-Si 89% March 96'* 93'* ,93'4 May 99 In 96V. .96% CORN— September .9B 1 .96% 97' 4 December 93", 91% .91% March 95'4 .93'* .93 s * May 97% .95*9 .95*. OATS— September .40% .39% December 44 .43 .43 March 45% 45 .45 Mrye 47,2 A9V * ■ 463 * December 64 61% .81'a March 68 .65*4 .65*4 May ". 70*4 .GBV« 68'« NEW YORK COTTON ‘ NEW YORK, Sspterifcer 8 (Special). —Cotton prices declined about half a ceflt today as a result of an extremely small change in the Government Sepr tember crop estimate when a substantial reduction was generally expected. Weight of contracts carried December to 10.90, or within a point of previous low levels of the season, while July made a new low record of 11.51 before scale buying orders for the trade de veloped resistance. A recovery of 10 points toward the close left the list about $2 a bale lower than Saturday. Spots were reduced 40 points to 11.15. Cotton range: < Open. High. Low. . Close. October, old 11.48 11.53 10.98 11.10 October, new 11.27 11.40 10.75 10.87 December, old .... 11.64 11.77 11.15 11.22 December, new ... 11.44 11.58 10.90 11.03 January, old .**• 11.74 11.90 11.26 11.37 January, new 11 54 11 64 11.00 11.12 March 11.62 11.76 1t.17 11.30 May 11 83 11.90 11.34 11.47 July ii.»« 12.07 n.»i 11.62 r (n 1 I - Rail Stocks i BY GEORGE T. HUGHES. (This is the thirty-ninth of a sseies of brief analyses by Mr. Hughes cm mlroad securities. The Intent Is not to recom mend the purchase or sale of any par ticular stock, but to give the investor such information as may enable him In- • telllgently to chart his own course.; j Union Pacific. Sometimes known as a railway vestment trust because of its large hold ings in the stock of other carriers. Union Pacific commands an Investment rating for all of its securities, bonds, preferred stock and common stock. Ac cording to the balance sheet as of De cember 31 last security holdings hacfjß book value of over $200,000,000, or over S9O a share, on Union Pacific common. The road owns approximately- one third of the capital stock of Illinois Central, almost $25,000,000 capital stock of New York Central, over $6,000,000 in Baltimore & Ohio common and over $1,800,000 in Baltimore & Ohio prefer red, over $4,400,000 ip Chicago & Northwestern common and $1,845,000 of St. Paul preferred, besides a large block of St. Paul adjustment 5 per cent bonds 'and of the St. Paul mortgage ss. It has often been rumored in the market that the Union Pacific would distribute to its share holders these holdings in stocks of other railroads, but there has never been any official countenance given to this idea, nor is there any.good reason to believe such a plan lifts ever been seriously con sidered by the directors. The income from these Investments is estimated as $4.86 a share on Union Pacific common, or almost one-half the present $lO an nual dividend. .Last year earnings from all sources were equivalent to $20.37 a share. This year at the present rate net should run 'around sl7 a share, more or less de pending on traffic conditions, which cannot be accurately forecast now. In any event the $lO dividend is entirely secure, a fact which is reflected in the market price of above S2OO a share, making the investment return consider ably less than 5 per cent. Union Pacific has a preferred Issue which meets the investment require ments of the most conservative. It has sold this year at a price to yield only 4.60 per cent, which is lower than the return to be had on a good many high grade bonds. Union Pacific’s bonds themselves are investments of the high est type. CHICAGO DAIRY MARKET. CHipAGO, September 8 alive, 7 cars, 10 trucks: steady; fowls, 22 , /fc; springs, 24: broilers, 21: roosters, 14; turkeys, 15al8; young and old ducks, I 15al8; small, 14: young geese, 15. - "■ ' (O G Putting the Shaft Before the Elevator I * WITHIN a round elevator shaft, a square elevator moves sedately up and down in the famous old building of Cooper Union, engineering and art school of New York city. In 1859 Peter Cooper, inventor and philan thropist, built this structure—and years before the invention of the elevator, he % foresaw it coming and left a shaft for it . . . round, for he believed the yet-to-be born elevator would require a round * shaft. Peter Cooper would find many a man after his own heart in Washington to day—men who are building for the fu ture, in finance as well as in engineering . . . men who are choosing firm foun dations for future incomes, building steadily, with the aid of sound, non fluctuating securities—securities such as the 6% First Mortgage Notes sold through the Swartzell, Rheem & Hensev Company. For more than 61 years these Notes have built for thousands of investors a stead ily growing fund for future independ ence . . . and in that time no investor has ever suffered a penny’s loss. They can do the same for you. v SWACTZEI L, • Puffa* & Mensfv fr MVtrWCt BA/StXtM . V IXI IS STRUT H.W. / \ WAItiINCTCNJ).C. / A-15 CHICAGO STOCK MARKET By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, September B.—Following is the complete official list of transac tions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Sales. STOCKS. Hifh. Low. Close. 50 Acme Steel 53 53 53 250 AU-Amer Mohawk ... 1V« 1% 1% 50 Allied Mot Ind 10 10 10 400 Amer Equities 14 13*4 13% 25 Am Pub Util PI 100% 100% 100% 700 Amer Radio 1% 1% 1% . 400 Amer Service 9 9 9 V 100 Amer Util A Gen.... 9 9 9 50 Art Metal 11 11 11 45 Assoc TAT A 68 67 % 68 5500 Auburn Auto 134% 124 134% 50 Banco Kentucky .... 16% 16% ’6% 4500 Bendix Aviation .... 33% 33 33% 150 Btnks Mfg 18 17 18 3900 Borg Warner 30% 39% 39% 50 Borin Vivitone pf.... 5% 5% 5% 50 Brown P A W A 22% 23% 22% 100 Brown PAW 8..‘... 11% 11% 11% B*o Burnham Trad 6% 5 6% 2200 Burnham Trad pf... 24% 20 24% 300 Butler Bros 10 9% 3% 62 Canal Construction... 8% 8 8 114 Cent XU Pub Ser pf. 94% 93% 94% 350 Cent 111 Sec 27% 27% 27% 75 Cent Pub. Berv Del... 30% 30% 30% 100 Cent Pub Serv A 27% 27% 27% 100 Cent A Co West 24 23% 24 100 Cent A So West pf.. 98 97% 98 50 Cent A S West pi pf. 104% 104% 104% 18500 Chic Corp 12% 11% 13 1700 Chic Corp pf 41% 40*. 41% . 4600 Chic Investors 7% 6% 7% 1600 Chic Invest pf 37% 36% 37 15 Chi No Sh A Mil pi 65% 65% 65% 50 Chi Rys Ser 3 % % % 4450 Cities Service 39% 29% 29% 50 Coleman Lamp A S.. 22 20 20 175 Com with Edis 297 294 298 200 Consumers 5 4% 5 3350 Cont Chicago 14 . 13% 13% 1350 Cont Chic pf 43% 43% 43% L 6800 Cord Corp 9 8 9 850 Corp Sec 23% 23 23 % ioi) Corp Sac ctf5......... 63% 62% 63% 100 Crane Co 41 41 41 47Crane pf 115% lU' - 115% 10 Curtis Linht 14% If; 14% 10 Diversified Inv 54 54 54 ** 4900 Elec. Household 48% 46% 47% 100 Elec Research % % % 50 Emp G & P 6%% pf 86% 86% 86% 50 Emp G A P 7a pf... 91 91 91 . 50 Fabrics Finish 3% 3 3% 1450 Fitz Simmons A Con 44% 40 44% 150 Foote O A Mach 9 8% 9 10 Gen Cand Corp 5 5 5 fl? Sen SMs a:::: 35* 3• 50 Gleaner 27% 27% 37% 25 Goldblatt 18 18 18 2150 Gt. Lakes Aircraft... 5% 5 5% 500 Gt Lakes Dredge 29% 29 29 50 Greyhound 6% 6% 8% 5200 Grlgsby-Grunow .... 14% 14 14% 200 Hall Print 22% 22% 22% 150 Hart-Carter 16% 15% 16% 100 Hcrmel A Co 31 31 31 500 HoudnilloHcr A 19 17% 19 2150 Houdnille-Her B 9 8 9 100 111 Brick 20% 20% 20% 1100 Inland Util 22% 22 22% 6500 Insull Util 57% 57 57% 24’00 Insull com rts 1A 1% 1% 200 Insull U pf 2nd ser 93% 93 93% 5200 Insull 2nd pf rts.... % % % 1750 Iron Fireman 28 27 28 50 Invest Co of Am..., 38% 36% 36% 200 Kalamazoo Store.... 52% 52 52% 50 Kata Drug 28% 28% 28% 600 Kellogg Switch 6% 6% 8% 250 Ken-Rad T A L.... 6% 5% 8% 50 Keystone Steel I. 15 15 IS 2200 Libby-McNeilL 18% 18V* 16% 50 Lincoln Print 23% 23% 23% 100 Lincoln Print pf.... 47 46% 47 100 Lion Oil Ref 18% 18% 18% , 250 Lynch Corp 21% 20 21% 12900 Majestic House tit.. 55 51% 52% 600 Manhat Dearborn ... 30 29 30 65 Marks Bros 9% 9% 9% 1800 Marshall Field .... 41% 41 41% 50 McGraw Elec 21 21 21 lOOMerch ft Mfrs A... 30 30 30 6600 Mid West Util 29% 29% 29% 500 Mid W Ut A war.. 3% 3% 3% 550 Mid WUt B war... L 4% 4% 4*2 500 Midland Nat Gas A 15% 15 15% 200 Midland United ... 26 25% 25% i 300 Midland Unit pf... 44% 44 44% 50 Midland Unit war... 2 2 2 21 Mid Ut V* pi 97 J»b% 97 11 Mid Ut 7s pi...*.. 107% 107% 107% 50 Miss Val Util pf 96% 98% 96% 350 Mo-Kan Pipe 20% 30 20 50 Modine 50 49 50 40 Monroe Chem pf 23 23 23 450 Morgan Litho 14 13% 13% 200 Nat Eiec Pow A 28 28 26 i 350 Nat Leather 1% 1% 1% i 100 Nat Secur Inv ctf... 88 88 88 I 250 Nat-Standard 31% 30% 30% | 950 Nat Un Radio 5 4% 5 150 North Am Car 87% 36% 37% 150 Nor Am L ft Pow 65% 85 65 1100 No A So' Am 14% 13% 14% 100 Parker Pen 81% 31% 31% 65 Peabody Coal “8”... 8 6 6 550 Polymet 6 S% 8 1000 Process Corp 9% ■«% 9% 10 Public Serv 380 280 280 36 Pub Serv 6% pf.... 126 125% 126 150 QRS Music 13% 12% 13% 193 Quaker Oats 205 200200 V 16 Quaker pats pf 119 119 119 50 Rath Pack 21 Vi 21% 21% 50 Ryerson A Son 30% 30% 30% 900 Sangamo Elec 34% 33% 34% 450 Seaboard Util 6 5% 6 250 Bo Union Gas 33 23% 23 100 Stand Dredging .... 15 16 15 50 Stand Dredg pf .... 31% 21% 21% 100 Stand Pub Serv .... 18 18 18 100 Steinite Radio 1% 1% 1% lOOStcne (H Oi At C 0... 3 2% 3 100 Sutherland Pap 11 11 11 ; 1000 Swift At Co 31% 31 31% ! 200 Swift Inti 35 35 35 100 Time-O-Stat Cont 24 24 24 400 Transformer of Am... 18% 18 18% > 450 Twin St Nat Gas.... 13% 12% 12% 250 U 8 Gyp5um........ 45% 45 45 3200 U S Radio At T