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A-16 BODY OF FRANKa IS BEUEVED FOUND Journalists Discover Bones and Other Relics Near Camp of Andree. 1 Br the Associated Press. STOCKHOLM, September B— The frozen Northern wastes of White Island, or Hvltvoen, have given up another body, presumably that of the third member of the Andree balloon expedi tion of 1897. A party of journalists aboard the sealing vessel Isbjoem. excited at dis coveries of the crew of the Bratvaag on the island and. hurrying there them selves, managed to land there Satur day to seek out relics of the ill-fated expedition which Dr. Gunnar Horn and his associates left behind. The skeleton found was presumed to be that of Knut Frankel. third member of the Andree group, who, it generally had been believed, died en route to White Island from the spot where the balloon, In which they wished to cross the North Pole, came down. The crew of the Bratvaag found only two bodies. A group of bones they believed' to be • the remains of the third man turned out to be a polar bear’s bones. In addition to the third skeleton the . Isbjoem party found a number of other things left by the Andree expedition of 83 years ago, including scientific Instru ments, weapons, pieces of the basket below the Andree balloon and Frankel’s note books. They said the camp was In excellent order. They believed the explorers died from a sudden catastro phe, such as a blizzard. Advices of discovery of the third body probably will lead to postponement of the memorial service planned for the three until it is known for certain that the body is that of Frankel. The Swedish warship Svenskund will await at Tromsoe for the Isbjoern, which must travel slowly because of motor trouble. lEGSMDIAMONDASKS DETENTION DAMAGES American Charges That Action of Kussian Police Was “Harm ful” to Credit. By the Associated Press. BERLIN, September B.—Jack (Legs) Diamond, who was shipped toward the United States from Hamburg Saturday on the freighter Hannover, took a part ing shot at Prussian police by entering a claim for damages because he was de tained. The American gangster charged that the matter was “harmful to my credit,” and demanded he be compensated for his detention.. The claim was filed before Diamond I •ailed by a Hamburg lawyer associated with a Berlin attorney engaged by Dia mond’s friends. The claim is based on the allegation that the German police had no right to arrest a man holding a vise to enter Germany and against whom neither a warrant nor an order of extradition I had been Issued by American author!- ' ties. In addition to damages for the time he was held, Diamond demands restitu tion of the money it cost him to travel from America and return* EDUCATIONAL. COLUMBIA vmv. SCHOOL. 1024 Bth n.W. ehZfcfj ■ * VenTnrl w-« 4. Moderate. ; • [NATIONAL UNIVERSITYS Fall Term Begins September 87, 1938 |( SCHOOL OF LAW—SCHOOL H OF ECONOMICS AND GOVERNMENT Bestatrmr’a office even for reclitratloe 1 • A.M. to 7 P.M. II 818 13th St N.W. Telephones Nat. 8817, Met. 7984 kte- 1 Mount Pleasant School M Secretaries TIVOLI THEATRE BUILDINQ TtUrHOHC. COlt/MJUA 3000 SidwelTs Friends School For Boys and Girls 47th Year Begins September 22 City School, 1889-1819 I St. N.W. . All Grades and Hich School Suburban School, 3901 Wise. Ave. KJndorcsrtcn and Grade* I, 11, 111. IV Cenntry Club, Grmaarium, Swimming, Bus Service Thoe. W. Sidwell, A. M. Principal Phone National 0284 The Temple School, Inc. Emphtuizing Individual Instruction in Business and Secretarial Training Enroll for Fall Classes 1420 K St. NA. 3258 WOOD’S SCHOOL ESTABLISHED IMS 311 East Capitol St. Lincoln 0038 All Commercial Branches Enroll Now for Fgll Torm Evening Rates, $5.60 a Month Day Rates, $16.00 a Month COURT F. WOOD, Principal Felix Mahony’s National Art School FELIX MAHONY, Director Interior Decoration, Costume Design, Commercial Art, Post ers, Color, Dynamic Symmetry Professional, Cultural, Fundamental Courses, Personal Instruction Day and Night Classes Children’s Saturday Classes . Connecticut Avenue & M 1747 Rhode Island Ave. I North 1114 Begins October Ist THE SWAVELY SCHOOL Nationally Known Preparatory School far Bays > 2$ Miles From Washington 31st Year %en« Sept. IS Study and recreation adapted to Individual need*. „ _ „ Thorough Preparation for College, West Point and Annapolis. One year’s intensive course for I For Catalog addroM BogUtrar. I Swavely School. Manassas. Vs. W lir- -e-- w ml -St .. .. FROM SQUAD CAR SEAT TO POLICEMAN’S BEAT I Chicago Officer Learns That Dep uty Police Commissioner Has Parking Rights. i By the Associated Press . CHICAGO, September 8. —One can imagine the emotions of Policeman Ralph Catena*#. There he sat in the comfortable seat of a squad car, before the Detective Bu reau, when a mild-mannered chap ap proached with the soft-spoken query: "Wculd you mind moving your car • ahead a little so I can park?” T And he said it seriously—without a ' trace of a smile. Policeman Catanesc thought he’d be convulsed with laugh ‘ ter. Then he realized the effrontery and 1 turned on hlrf interrogator: * "Who the devil (or words to that ef fect) do you ‘hlnk you are?” The mild-mannered chap thought he was James Bcanlan, a deputy police commissioner. Catenese Isn't sitting in a squad car tonight. He's pounding a beat away out on th- West Side. 'HUNGARIAN MINISTER DIES —* i Dr. Joseph Vass, Clergyman, Was ] Welfare and Labor Head. BUDAPEST. Hungary. September 8 UP). —Dr. Joseph Vass, minister of social welfare and labor, died here today of apoplexy. Bom in 1877, Dr. Vass was a Roman Catholic priest and former professor of theology at Budapest University. He was food minister in 1920 and subse quently minister of education. He was one of the leaders of the Christian Na ! tional Party. | U. S. OFFICERS HONORED Duchess of Aosta Entertains Corps | of American Cruiser. ROME, Italy, September 8 (£*). —The Duchess of Aosta, cousin-in-law of the King of Italy, yesterday evening enter tained the captain and officers of the United States cruiser Chester at a din ner in Capodlmonte Palace. United States consul, Gen. Dreyfus, waa also in attendancee. The cruiser is at present anchored In the Bay of Naples. EDUCATIONAL. The Abbott School of Fine & Commercial Art Fall Term Starts October 1 1624 H St. N.W. Na. 8054. Devitt School I !Wi Accredited boarding and day 1001 in Washington, D. C., lich stresses College Entrance ard and preparation for West lint, Naval Academy, Coast lard and Air Service. Boston ’erences available. Catalogue on [uest. Fall term begins Septem r 17. Tuition and board SBOO r year. 2961 Upton Street N.W. Washington, D. C. I ACCOUNTANCY Pace Courses; B. C. S, and M. C. S. degrees; Day and Eve ning Classes; Coeducational. Atk lor Bulletin Benjamin Franklin University Sit TRANSPORTATION BLDG. DUt, 8259 • 17th and H nsssnsssr, 7 sth Consecutive Tear I fi 1738-1740 P St. North 10359 S Dat School—Late Afternoon School- Si Co-Educational—Accredited In the ■ tJ. S. and Poreign Countries 1 Fait Term Begin, September 18 gj Preparing for College andaCnlversltr B —We»t Point—Annapolis—Coast Guard Boarding Department |jn Special classes preparing for exami sj nations tor Direct Commission In ■ U. 8. Army; also for Flying Cadets, S U. 8. Corps. S Write or Call for Information niiimmlm {mi’lnnlfiPiiaa *m nP \-Sa£jjSߣjV Dtst. S4M Art—Advertising Interior Decoration Costume Design Life Class Children's Saturday Gass 1333 F St. N.W. ME. 2883 WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW Co-educational Thirty-fifth Year Fall Tnrm Begins September 22 Day Session, 9:l* to 11 Evening Session, 8:18 to 7 , ; ; Throe-year coarse leading to LL. B. Fonr-year course leading to LL. M. and M. P. L. 2000 G Street Met. 4585 j GEORGETOWN LAW SCHOOL 1930-1031 SESSIONS COMMENCE Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1930 For Late afternoon Classes Monday, Sept. 22, 1030 Far Morning Clastei Degrees es LL. 8.. LL. M.. J. D. HUGH J. BEGAN. M. A.. LL. B„ Fh. D. Assistant Dean Georgetown Law School 506 E Street, N.W. ' Telephone National 7293 ifsTiSmsri COLLEGE | 5 **A Collegiate Institution for \ \ Business Training* \ Twenty-seventh successful 5 S year. Enlarged faculty. Im- $ 5 proved courses. Classes now $ $ forming. Day and Evening Sessions 5 $ Registrations Now Being Made i i For Catalogue, Call or Phone J National 1748 | 721 Thirteenth Street I £2 — 1 THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1930. IJjt ''wash 300 New Frocks Arrive! ~ Smart Canton Crepes EM r lVvyVjlVo Here'S the New > and Tweed Prints 11' S IOO Jersey Blouse CO 1 /Iffliilßil —Pretty prints, floral, 1 /Iffiißßll dotted and striped broad- /so "| Ff d'Y % /nft J\ / WmWA Nik /illl SI cloth, also linene and Peggy iN%| fIM ® cloth; made in regulation JL •WJ m J!. o ‘ / J style, with white collars and T —The smartness of style proves J I cuffs; some have bolero, V*pJ —One may have this them copies of much higher I flared or pleated skirts, or a’ hs new blouse with . , r . . , ■ ( tuck-in styles. A number sleeves or sleeveless, priced models, and the materials JJj trimmed with shirring. Sizes fl||H4 o° both are the popular Canton crepes, in VCA 7to 14. styles in this collec- black, brown and green; satins in ft ß ffjU'V Kann’s—Second Floor. m/ blouses have neat col® black only, and travel tweed /■ •'gß IMwKBMdv lars! Se others are col- prints, in colorful designs. Full uM , M I wlMn • larless. In pastel and flare skirts, pleats, yoke hip- /M (■■\ !m Mfllß shades and rich Fall , , f . . : _ / H Mi\ jm MWilB , colors. lines, bolero and jacket effects; |nl (■■l\ I IN OUR ANNUAL LINEN SALE & , capes, too, are still very popular. /||M* * 9 || | AjS jflBS tsscS" rmd Collars in various styles, tailored IM I ■ QTITIATI |V/| iI I Wr> o vv' / Women 9 s Sizes or ruffled, and flesh-colored yokes / Hn\ Vjdllllfjll ITXIII UIICCIO v Kann’s—Second Floor. and bow ties. mBU ■LJM3 Q g* ril* “I tut n T7 - Misses 9 Sixes 14 to 20 \ \ / O sizes S±AJU ea. New Kayo J\VBpO Women 9 * Sixes 36 to 46 \V I L _ KAnn’s—Second Floor. / 'A ] M —63x99,72x99 and 81x90 in. sizes. They are made Porto Ricail GoWHS of an excellent grade of sheeting, neatly hemmed. 81x99-in. Sheets, $1.09 42 and 45 in. by 36 in. Cases, 25c ea. J- O v/vF IVT Attractive Crinkle Bedapreads $139 _ Every one is handmade and very Jdl iM 6\V I Rll Rayon Spreads in Attractive Colors dainty, too, with touches of colorful ~wwr~ a a Ready-Made Pillow Tlcka 44c i£S RShFrOCKS Ksnn’s—street Floor. that launder excellently and wear well. * The colors are flesh, peach, white and Have the Style Features of Hand-Block Print ««.«> ««d ir«,m«. n .§l.oo Ksnn’a—Second Floor. rfl tt fll I 1 *| a 1 A —You will be surprised to learn » IJll| I I 4V I fl Gl ini Ea LjiffilmJm that such attractive frocks could v/ V/ • be priced so low. Here are pretty / A J:b. a Qjif Diffpront IwSSg&Vtti novelty prints, made in the smart —52 inches wide, in very decorative designs and all /lff/tfc? UUI Uijjiziviil jnew styles, with flared skirts, colors. An unusual value at the sale price. « *,s in.,, ' or straightlme effects. Some r Krnf har nun Slfifpr IfiwtXPa lsaW Wlth new collars, others collar 50c Linen Huck Towels, special 37c ea. DHHIICI ctUU O J ess * and with three-quarter or 29c Linen Guest Towels, special 19c ea. Suits of Jersey >ows, buttons, and collars furnish 52x68 Linen Tablecloths, special ...89c .. J \ 1 the trimmings. Linen Damask Napkins, good quality 6 for 75c "I QA \ / Misses 9 , Women 9 * Linen Crash Toweljng 23c yd. , I and Extra Sizes Quilted Table Padding, special 89c yd. ’yV j hg KAnn’s—Second Floor. I" ' , Ksnn’s—Street Flo or. Sister’s has (§P\ H&1 \ Jrr| made on a waist, pa - and Brother’s suit IV.T ’ 1"I TB A The y^ in ! X, IN ew t all Bags Are Just Arrived— loo Decorated I'*/[*[ nr tan ’ red ’ blue » _ _ __ I J II pink and white, I ■ ’k I | T * 1 r<i ,i u . 1 omk* r.o 6 y t's from Ah Hull Leathers Clothes Hampers Specially Priced $2.95 HTN # 3,600 Yds. 29c and 39c f H «x, ||\J —Smart calf bags and dull l W WWTT 1 11 red, pin morocco; with slide \ QclmhlP fastening; others in flat \ U.ually 94.00 and 96.00 ’’ ttaiiamt/ ”yIe OI |!ll n “ti y ?iyj ' 7 —Choose from round, square and - fitted. The colors are black. H oblong shapes, sturdily constructed, a f 4k H /An brown, green and navy. : I g§1 5 handmade willow hampers. A good C 1/CrIJ.JLJLC^id IlllilH range of color schemes in the deco- ,'\ Kanns—street Floor. I! I i ration from which to select. „ . Knm',—Third . Specially Priced M ' . 19C yd. //r r I aa A H For Your Old Radio —For the many household uses for I I eJ Im /j\ i \ jh / ffp , which you need cretonnes, here is an >|f 8 ” or Fhonograph unusual chance to supply those needs. C'll | | Both medium and heavy grades in the OIIK I lOSO Hn small, large and all-over lany modernistic effects. yjji \ Worn b\< thousands any one pattern to fit up jMttJjf JW I of Washington ome. All full bolts. I Wom » n ann’.—Third F,oor. | sMya. . | .I / “Selma” All-Silk I .75 Heavy-Weight j Chiffon, at J ° 111 sj I "| Id Base Rues ft%/ I \ 11 j/* I —Full fashioned, of course, ♦ ,11 / serviceable, with tops inter- AA j J/ !ilth becomiSe French’heels LI lil l K1 i / They make lasting friends ' FJr • \*r * I of every new purchaser. All, ,j xt the new shades. and 9,10*+. Si„. sjstjs (#SI z :: excellent range ot patterns and I _ wstsht $1.95 #r. is packed in its individual carton. )MB\ I n °si 7 soo^MVdium h ‘i'' 11,80 ral patterns in the’collection. hJJF/M\f wsight, $135 OC Sx**Ft ts-T Ag I / Kann’B—Street Floor fl size st ... r / Ksnn’B—Third Floor. La«^ ■-: : r -<- ■ - r.’iri-'■■ euiii. hi*. aM