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B-4 GEN. BROWN SEES WORK ON MISSOURI Chief of Engineers Prepares Report on Tributary for Hurley. S; the Associated Pres*. ST. LOUIS, September B.—MaJ. Gen. Lytle Brown, chief of Army Engineers, today was preparing an extensive re port to Secretary Hurley on the prog ress of works on project* along the Missouri River. Before starting Saturday for Tulsa, OUa., for a visit at his home and also to address an American Legion con vention at Okmulgee, the secretary directed the general to make a brief Inspection trip over the Missouri River in order that a report on a, survey of that river might be included with one which the secretary will make to Presi dent Hoover on the Mississippi Rher from the Twin Cities to the Gulf. The general, accompanied by engineer ing subordinates, took oft for Citv early yesterday and was afto.ded a birde's-eve view of the projects along the Missouri from the air. Army officers acquainted with the lower river lolned the party aboard the U. S. S. Mississippi, and anchored alone the St. Louis levee today. They will replace engineers from the upper river. _ CONFERENCE TO STUDY ACCIDENT REDUCTION White House Group to Hear Report on Staggering Death Toll Among Children. Means of reducing the large number of fatal accidents reported from all parts of the country will be discussed at the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection to be held November 19-22. H S Braucher, secretary of the Na tional Recreation Association, hM been requested to make a study of play and safety and report at the confer ence. His committee will Investigate statistics showing that in a recent year there were 25,000 accidents in homes and that 38 per cent of these involved children under 15 and concerned acci dents met with at play. . Consideration also will be given to the fact that deaths by automobiles In this counry in 1929 were nearly a* great as the American batle fatalities In the World War and a high propor tion of them were children. How far play and opportunities for play can go to offset accidents will be for the com mittee to determine. TWO CENTENARIANS FLY Galusha Cole and Persian Savant, Each 104, Enjoy Airplane Tirjx, LOS ANGELES. September 8 UP). — Galusha Cole of Pasadena and Dr. Miria Assad U. Fareed of Los Angeles took a ride in an airplane yesterday and agreed it was the most interesting thing they had done in more than a century. Each is 104 years old. Dr. Fareed was bom in Persia and taught history Is the University of Ishpahan in his native lahd for half a century. SING SING TRUSTY FLEES Only Former Aviator in Prison* Uses Keeper's Auto to Escape. OSSINING. N. Y„ September 8 UP). — Using the automobile of a keeper, Wal ter Mitchell, 31, a trusty and described as the only former aviator in Sing Sing Prison, escaped late yesterday after being released for duty at the pumping plant, outside the walls. He was a sec ond offender and was serving a seven year sentence for grand larceny. Off To School Again ? J» ck Frost ■■MbPSa™ Brown Sugar m i» good for children. Ideal alio ft/ for many cooking purposes. JfICKFROST Jack Frost Sugar Melody Moments _ 4* —brought to you every Thurtday evening K Q AUI K| SlifiAßS over WEAF and NBC Chain, 8:30 liHWff I^l o’clock Eastern Standard Time. Iltfior Light or Dark Brown 149 Refined by The National sugar Refining Co. of N. J. Chicago Opera Home Financial Failure, to Be Midget Golf Links By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. September 8 Shades of Patti, Melba and Caru so! The Auditorium Theater, long the aristocratic home of opera and the better things of cultural life, 1s being turned into a miniature golf course. Opera never was a paying proposition. The Auditorium now is in the hands of a receiver. Bonds for $834,000, issued 40 years ago, are understood to be due ana'payable. 50 ART COLONISTS SEIZED BY POLICE Children of Chicago Rich Are Taken in Windy City Green wich Village. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, September B.—Raiding squads led by Capt. Michael Delaney early yesterday swooped down on play spots of Chicago's art colonists and arrested 50 persons described as of high i school age and for the most, part mem bers of wealthy local families. The “Kallco Kat” and the *'Entre Nous” were two of the places raided. All of those arrested were subjected to the routine procedure of Bertillion measurements and fingerprinting. Capt. Delaney, late of the tough “back o’ the yards” section, w'as recently transferred to the station having Juris diction over the art colony section and ordered by Acting Commissioner Alcock to clean up the district. After the raids. Capt. Delaney expressed himself as amazed at the “unwholesome, unamer lcan and degrading atmosphere” in which the youths were found. The raids marked the first major police action in many years against the Chicago Greenwich Village. ASPIRIN-- Beware of Imitations DEMAND MA/xickatjzs Genuine Bayer Aspirin has been proved safe by millions of users for over thirty years. Thousands of doctors prescribe it. It does not depress the heart. Promptly relieves Headache Sore Throat Rheumatism Colds Neuralgia Neuritis & ML ■■ ■■ Leaves no harmful after-effects. ■■ For your own protection insist on m ■ ■ the package with the name Bayer and the word genuine as pictured above. Aspirin is ths trads-mirt of Bsyor limnofseturc of Monoaestiesddestsr of Sslleylicsdd THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1930. TEACHER SLAYS SELF 1 Woman Member of Colorado Col lege Faculty Adjudged Suicide. GREELEY, Colo., September 8 (IP). — The body of Miss Alice Johnson, 40, member of the faculty of the Colorado State Teachers’ College, missing since Priday, was found yesterday with a bullet wound in the head in the Jack son Field Stadium. A .32-caliber pistol was found beside the body. The coroner said all evi dence pointed to suicide. Miss John son, University of Chicago graduate, was bom in Memphis. She is survived by three sisters. Sue Johnson of Mem ghls, Frankie Johnson of Pasadena and feta Johnson of Nashville, Tenn. PAIN LEAVES CORNS They dry MB it A m <rMi A AMAZING scientific discovery L ends coma and calluses. One drop does the work. It deadens pain hi S short seconds. Core then dries UP and loosens so you peel it off. Doctors find it safest way known. Beware of imitations. Get the real “Gets-It”—for tale everywhere. “GETS-IT,” Inc., Chicago. GETS-IT 3-SSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSS3SESSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs=s===S========m Our Phone Number It National I $4.95 Tr.iupw.nt M . S9c Golden P.sciuk v , e,ve “ Travel Print risk 4| Eiqunt., iu.- 6a oe A w M® • w ( .»nud body t.i- IQc M I urtous quality— Jfg cam in large bo*, Ml |pr»»iit'W« » with ▼•lour puff. •uch a price Black, winetone, M me V Goidenberg-.—Mein Floor. I nary and Kj ■ ■ Bi W MB If K JP all JP JL V%POk 9 ]y4 Velveteen Beret. Smart now black Amm _ MxEhl and colored rel- Atm cream that every homo should ■ veteen hereto with Agflal )Q§ v mX have on hand. eri.n grosgrain bow on top.— Oeldonbort I *—Mein Floor. I r 4 *wr~ M BK4 rKV*i. BKSMBum ** «*..«. 41 $2 Crinkle "Street-Seen” did “Buy” at Fall Knickers Size 80 x IBS C<R ,49 Label! $6.00 Manu fa e- ( m If) 4 I e, j A turer’s. clooe-out Vjl d^l woven »tripe* rose. bine, wool knickers, of corduroy, jB gold, orchid or green. Seal.op- tweed, cheviot, blue sorgo, and ed edge*. fancy mixture*. Size* 8 to 18 fjoldenherir’.—Main Floor. in lot. A few irregular*. Isl IT ,i ,-j Even with the reputation for Value long since ooia.nb.rg-e_Th.rd n.or. ■ 19c r nbieacnea established at Goldenberg’s, we expect our customers $5 Rayon Brocade Jk I Snee f ioq to j je p l eaian tly surprised at these dresses for $2.98 Spreads • '^3l .®** *j 1 tomorrow. The fabrics are high-grade rayon-and- s;** soxios- c *% 4A 41 thread ou«i- '2 V cotton flat crepes (rich in appearance and easy to BftilWfiPffEll inch * P r«ad., in •”^Z\ M U , Ze'ZrJZr launder) ... the pattern, are tho.e much-talked-of I ||]||gl|g Um, R..., J <w—--ift. ru.,. new travel print, that are ideal for w> many occa- f ®l®§3lsl H-. ..M, *,*,* v r... m sions ... and the styles are smart long-sleeved ones. I dtt I Girls* Muslin Undoes M carefully tailored as dresses selling for several l, 29c Bleached hikT SOC time. thi. amazing price. ft Pillowca.e. ~jl & sth llf s;,«. Among the many attractive model, are flattering 1| plfflM JfS£:.dS£ lOc 41 6 to 14 year*. styles with vestees, jabots, etc., for the larger woman. woven and nicely * ufl I ooMmbrrg'. Third Fioo,. Backgrounds of cricket green, navy, brown and wine. jfffl fi " U o*.uenb.r, -M.m fi.o,. J $1 Porto Rican Gowns Sizes for Every Woman and Miss! Jm $1.50 Mattress Covers jk 66c’ Size* 14 to 20, Women’. Size. 36 <3 i||E|A $ 1 , :±. KUet Z*.u, to 44, Extra Size. 46 to 52. broidered. aoldenberg’.—Second Floor. 1 * * Oeldenberg .—Main rioor. Goldenbcrg*.—Second Floor. $1 Double Bed Sixe , offing Four impoHant 69c Printed Rayon 4 Bleached *b..« •»** »0 $2.50 SUk. 4 40-in. Crepe Satins K *[ / / 40-in. Canton Crepes H v , inifio / 40-in. Washable Flat Crepes Ycl * / I / Heavy round You will find that these four rich silks are being used in / —-I / often to be found at make charming dresses at small cost by taking advantage m jwmmF' this prleo! Siso si* of this special sale. AD first quality and in full pieces. Black, „, so finished brown, navy, green etc. *“• $6 Rayon Satin Spreads Cheney’s $5.95 VOIVOt I Lgggening the cost of school frocks with Lfl pII .J A _ Handsome .all-silk quality rich as A this special offering of rich-looking rayon-and- 0 of shimmering ro.o. Mu/ gold ££ Y d. 1 °rch,d or »reen rayon sat.n and deep Autumn shades. 40 inches texture resemble expensive fabric. JM ruffled edge*. wide. A super value! Oeldenberg-*—Mala Flow. Oeldenberg *-M*la Fleer. OeMenberf Fleer. UNow in Progress! Half-Yearly CT4 of Furniture||| 1i99 r“" ——-————— With furniture prices the lowest they have been in ten years this jM B Use Our great semi-annual sale becomes the greatest opportunity for furniture Use Our ■/ \B Plan buying that has come to you in many a day! There are scores and Budget Plan A V| , I ® scores of other values at remarkable as the few that we mention here! I ft VJk ' No Interest or Extras Added to Our BudgetPlan—We Do Not Penalize Our Friends J , y .IX9 Kroehler Bed smite d ’ bUb I Ma f tch r < Jngt W r?c n u«n '^Srouf The design: Long, low, eomfortabls lines. Jh&* t £to™re£££ 1 ' B?f h - 4 f WBB hpLtered l in rich jacquard velour; with rever.i- 9XU gg Sg*.*» SK fnd IMI , ] ( rn h h , vinMy and' Sll W ® cushions. Beautiful taupo and rose one Armchair. In the Half-Yearly Bflßß B " d combination; harmonising cushions. Sale at only SIBO.M. BBHj , $59*95 Governor $129 Kroehler Bed Suite SB9 $45 Cogiwell dm ’ hLB wtntheop Desk sl B9 Kroehler Bed Suite $139 Ch . °'“ up A ’ |Cfl| s^9* 95 $199 Kroehler Mohair Suite, $129 , 2 . W£sm S.S 5 5269 Kroehler Mohair Suite, $159 rl 4 rrx s jvK '\ n| with four drawers. co *y trou P- J KSwI Three Super-Values From Slumberland! |u4 L l|^ $22.508ed Outfit * $25 Innerspring * SSO Bed Outfit A rlpH «12-’* < rr, »29-»* Will ft ■ dff This popular Bod Outfit consist* 41 ■ft /Aw(/1 Three-piece Bed Outfit, consist* Tho center of this Innerspring Jenny Lind Bod, in mahogany isl t 7NU ing of nil-steel metal bed in un- Mattre*. U of buoy.ut coil. or maple finish, with spool turn- T grained walnut finish; a roll-edge bJdy aU oV Uy.r! ings, with deep cod Spring, and I ■ ■fti cotton mattress and resilient of felt, well tufted; finished with roll-edge a re.s. Double or ft I A/ jp —[X springs. All sixes. • roll edge. Double or twin aixos. ' • twin sixes. mMbSS WStSMM B=BSBBS=SBBSBB=SBSasaSBBSSSBBBBBBBS=SS