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CANADIANS BEGIN ! ONJOBAIDBILL Parliament Also Considering Measure to Revise Tariff to Assist Workers. Special Dispatch to The Star. OTTAWA. Ontario, September 10 (C.D.N.).—With the brilliant social fanfare and preliminaries over, the : Canadian Parliament has settled down j to Intensive work and today will con- i aider a bill to grant $20,000,000 for un employment relief and another measure j to revise the dumping duties in the 1 customs act. The special session called by Premier i R. B. Bennett is dealing with the unem- i ployment problem and an upward revis- I ion of the tariff, as promised by the i conservative leader during the election j campaign. It is expected the session I will conclude within two weeks to per- j mit Mr. Bennett and some of his col- I leagues to attend the imperial and economic conferences in London, Sep tember 30. There are about 200,000 unemployed In Canada, it is estimated, and Mr. Ben nett has pledged himself to rehabilitate Canadian industry by sweeping tariff re forms. It is expected that action will b? taken tomorrow to increase the tariff on about 25 items, particularly In the textile industry. The preference ac corded to Great Britain and the British dominions will be left alone till after the Imperial Conference, it Is under stood. For the first time since 1921 the Con servative party is in power with Mr. Bennett as prime minister and minister of finance. He has a majority of 35 over all. Mackenzie King. Liberal leader, in a debate on the address in reply to the speech from the throne, which was adopted last night, reviewed the prom ises made by Mr. Bennett during the campaign. He spoke for more than three hours, desiring to place himself on record, so that If the pledges are not carried out he can place the facts be fore the electors. Mr. Bennett in reply reiterated that he intends to carry out all of his pledges. (Copyright, 1930.) Coen Title Predicted. NEW YORK. September 10 UP).— lf precedent be followed it would seem that Junior Coen some day will be tennis champion. Some folks in the gallery at the Forest Hills tennis matches have been impressed by Jun ior’s resemblance to a boy who created a sensation at the national amateur golf tourney at Merion in 1916. That boy, after sundry defeats, finally won at Merion, and this year is seeking, at the same club, to win his fourth champion ship of the season. The name is Jones. Will Rogers Says: CAMP RICHARDSON, Calif., September 10.—Maine holds the first electloQ every year they hold It for the reason there is an old saying, “as goes Maine, so goes the country,” well they held it a couple of days ago and nobody has been inter ested enough in it to ask how it went, nobody voted only the candidates that was running. p " people aint any more Interested In politics than they are In long underwear, both sides have lied to ’em so often that we don’t look on either candidate with admiration or with hate. We just pity ’em. WANTED I OLD & WORN FUR COATS Higheet Cash Pricet Paid If You Have an OLD FUR COAT Pleat e Bring It to 635 F St. N.W. Room *O7, Barrister Bldg. Opposite Heeht'a Deportment Store Will Be Here 3 Daye Thie Week ONLY Thursday, Friday, Saturday We tell nothin a—we trade nothing— iust buying old fur coatt for cash. SPECIAL NOTICES. ° I T I S K , AND SHOp SPACE FOR RENT, sVlit t ewJ or a^ obb,n *» carpenter or electrician. 3110 11th st. n.w. Lincoln 7588 after 6 pm. A W. HAOERMANN, PORMERLY WITH Pruitt 4k Zlmmerraan, Inc. Plumbing* tin s: n 8 v c * tlnr 3118 mh •* nw - c °- HUNTING PRIVILEOEB. NOTTAWAY COUN- Virginia. 650 acres. Q. L. HAMMOCK, Biackstone. Va. • CONCORD ORAPEB AT HORAKB POULTRY Farm. White Oak. Silver Spring. Md. Phone Silver Spring 283-W. FURNACES CLEANED AND PA'iNTED. 13.50, no mesa or dirt; heating systems installed, repaired. Open evenings. ROBEY HEAT ING CO.. 61 N at. n.e. Nat l 0635. "tiling for floors, walls, bath room*; fireplace repairing. Phone North 7871. ll« 5 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts other than those contracted by myself. JAMES H. GILLIB. Mather Bldg. 11* I NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY bills contracted by any one other than my self. JOHN HARTY, Sr.. 430 Warner st. n.w. • " WANTED—RETURN - LOADS From CHARLOTTESVILLE SEPT. 16 From NEW YORK CITY SEPT. Id From BOSTON SEPT. 17 To NEW YORK CITY SEPT. 18 To PHILADELPHIA SEPT. 15 To HARTFORD SEPT. 33 UNITED STATES STORAGE CO . INC . 418 10th St. N.W. Metropolitan 1645. GOING? WHERE? Tell ns when and we’ll move your furni ture and take mighty good care of It at low cost. A telephone call will save you time and trouble. NATIONAL DELIVERY ASSN., INC., phone National 1460. GRAPE JUICE (To Order) Concord (blue). 00c gal.; Niagara (white*. 81 gal; containers extra; larger amounts cheaper. Route; M st. n.w., Canal id.. Chain Bridge, State highway to Vienna. Phone Vienna 18-F-3. CHILCOTT BROS., Vienna. Va. Roof & Furnace Repairs WORK GUARANTEED. A. PHONE NORTH 0597. h. otmmons 23m 3d st. n.e t Wanted —Return Loads —from Boston. New York City. Rochester. Philadelphia. Columbus. Ohio; Asheville. N O.; Norfolk. Va., and anwhere In Vermont or New Hampshire. Long-distance moving* < our specialty. Smith’s Transfer .& Storage Co., 1 313 You St. North 3343 Printing Craftsmen . • . are at your service for result-getting publicity The National Capital Press 1210-1313 D St. N.W. Phone National 0650 •’KOONS” —a name to guide you when the roof coes wrong. 20 years of good reputa -1 «'n is your assurance for dependable root repairs. Estimates free. ’ • ODMC Roofing 119 3rd St AW. evUUINj rromuT District 08U Albrecht’s Bride -■ jji \m m j The divorced wife of Louis De Rud nay, minister of Hungary to Sofia, i whose recent marriage to the Archduke ; Albrecht Von Hapsburg, August 16. at ! Brighton, England, has stirred Austrian ! diplomatic circles and started a contro versy within the Hapsburg family. Her maiden name is Irene Lelbarh. By De Rudnay she has had two children. —Associated Press Photo. PERMITS TO BE ISSUED FOR MEDICINAL LIQUOR Bureau of Industrial Alcohol Ar ranging for Early Distillation of 2,000.000 Gallons. By the Associated Press. Permits will be issued soon for the manufacture of another 2,000,000 gal- j lons of medicinal liquor. The Bureau of Industrial Alcohol is making the arrangements. The same amount of medicinal liquor was distilled this year. The permits ! are expected to !:• issued to the same six distilleries which turned out this year’s supply. They are located in Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Bomb Factory Discovered. CALCUTTA, India, September 10 (t P). —Police today reported discovery of a large bomb factory in North Calcutta. Three persons were arrested, one of i them a woman. United^States ACOMPAN Y% When you’ve found the ideal apartment, call Metropolitan 1843 and ask for an estimate on the cost of moving. And don’t be surprised if it’s much lower than you expected! Con sidering the high-class service we render, our prices are unusually moderate. • MILK FROM THE MODEL DAIRY A A ■ A QUART HW » H EVERY day IS A Perfect Health Guard FOR EVERY SCHOOL CHILD IN WASHINGTON Milk is Nature's perfect food g for school children...especi- |y| ally rich in chemicals and vita- j|g| JBHpB^Bk mins that supply them with an |||| wKm abundance of nourishment and |§§| UHL ener sv- Wt tarffJfjß mm mmmM * Milk is the surest means to IhBhhSII' sturdy health for your child! ' 's< - Chestnut Farms Milk is per- , fectly pasteurized and kept un- HU JBgl 9gvg|r isl 9k der the most diligent sanitary im / control known to mcdernSAFE Mi dairying. Your child deserves this good, wholesome food. BB | '6Ae4t*uU'&cumu, ( J)au t u > Selected a* the WORLDS MODEL M/RYPLANT and Rated, 100% bu the, putrid of Columbia, 'health ‘Department Phone* Potomac AQOOfcrSert/ict* THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1930. SEUBERT SEES IMPROVED INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS Standard Oil Official, Upon Return From Europe, Is Pleased With Outlook in U. S. B7 the Associated Press. CHICAGO. September 10. —Pleased to I Ind curtailment in all production on his I return to work yesterday after an ex • tended vacation in Europe, President | Edward G. Seubert of the Standard Oil ; Co. of Indiana told newspaper men he ] sees signs of gradual improvement in | general Industrial conditions. “Recovery will be slow,” he said, “but j sure. While there is some actual de- I pression. a great deal of it is mental | iepression. That is what we must over , come. There has been too much pes ! stmism." He said the Standard Oil Co. still is planning to have Its stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Lott to Quit Tourneys. NEW YORK, September 10 (/P). George Lott intends to play tennis for exercise hereafter, giving up tourna ments. “It’s a great game for fellows in school.” he explained, “but when I you go to work you can’t afford the \ time necessary to keep in form. You’ve I got to give up one or the other." | A, KAHN INC 38 Years at 935 F Sts | GRUEN-ELGIN-HAMILTON WATCHES Mr Mr A watch for every occasion. Nationally fa ▼ Y mous watches with a reputation for quality. JEWELERS PLATINUM SMITHS A JKahn Jnc. 38 Years at 935 F St. c ‘Kenwood. High Type of Development With the rapid changes which are tak ing place in city neighborhoods, the advan tage of locating in an accessible suburb where controlled development insures im munity from undesirable encroachments, invites to Kenwood—a community with every city convenience, in the very heart of nature. West of Wisconsin Our rep r e sentalives avenue on Bradley Lane, will be at 301 Brookside continuing under the via- Drive every afternoon duct to entrance to ready to give you any Kenwodd, three short information and to guide squares on the left. you through Kenwood. I Kennedy-Chamberlin Development Co. 2400 Sixteenth Street Columbia 7280 i ■ - -• . '7. “ , All Over 15 Years Must Wed by Bill Os Hedjaz Council By the Associated Press. JERUSALEM. September 10.— An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from the Hedjaz today said that i a bill had been Introduced into that kingdom’s Advisory Council which would make It obligatory that every one over 15 years old must marry. The bill would limit, costs of wedding fees and of dowries. ) MARCONI WILL DISCUSS BAFFLING ‘RADIO ECHOES’ By Radio to The Star. _ t ROME. Italy, September 10.—Extra ordinary Interest has been aroused here by the announcement that Senator Guglielmo Marconi, Italian radio genius, will appear before the Italian Congress of Sciences at Trento tomorrow and deliver a dissertation on the subject of Very Special 100 Scatter Size | st«gs- ; Regularly $31.00 Value i ' | Large size Beloochistans. Closely woven. Approximately 2*4x5. $65 KURDISTANS Afro*. 4x7 $39 I Dulin a Martin ! Connecticut o4ve. andJC PARKING SERVlCE —Connecticut Ave. Entrance ■ iii 11 ii| /U ' S=^===^ss^\ I TL~ U/ av tn D . Tive OV J Massachusetts Avenue to Wisconsin JT 1 I m * tic **/ to Avenue—here Cathedral Avenue also intersects . ,m M £ ontinue straight on Cathedral Avenue iuit two V M Yr estcnester blocks. On the left is Westchester. You mav drive out Wisconsin Avenue to the same cross avenues. ■v v O lt A s Rather Unusual = To Find An Apartment That Combines ! "‘u 7: if Home Quiet With Every Convenience Sample Suites From Apartment /* ’ * ( m * \ Two Rooms and Furnished by jL —\ Bath to Seven Rooms W. & J. Sloane J and Three Baths i Overlooking Wesley Heights—Ten Minutes From Downtown Exclusive Beautiful Convenient Modern Westchester comprises a 30-acre Two blocks from the noise of main Unusual altitude and perfect ventila tract of beautiful woodland, artis- streets and traffic, Westchester pro- tion combine to make Westchester very tically landscaped. Just overlook- vides all the quiet and restfulness that cool; large, spacious rooms are the re ing exclusive Wesley Heights .. . you are used to in the private home. suit of skilled designing. Garage just off Massachusetts Avenue. And only ten minutes from downtown. facilities .. . and ample parking space. . Reservations Being Made for Immediate Occupancy mWIEST CHESTER" ' Cathedral Ave 39ia * ♦ Westchester Development Tower Building “Radio Echoes," one of the most baffling phenomena to come to the attention of radio engineers. When reached by telephone. Senator Marconi denied reports that he had suc ceeded in reflecting radio waves from the moon's surface and receiving them again aboard his experimental yacht Electra. On the other hand, he de clared that he had been greatly interested in the possibility that the moon and other heavenly bodies in the vicinity of the earth had a direct effect on radio | communication on earth and were re spons bi; for radio echoes—faint radio j signals often picked up by receiving sta tions and sometimes mistaken for "mes sages from Mars.” In his discourse tomorrow, Marconi All Fabrics fyj Enffmm Are “Renewed” by Tolman “Zoric,” the famous dry liquid fWMj first used in Washington by Tolman. brings out all the rich r ' \vi //( color of fabrics, in addition to j, cleaning them thoroughly. You j need not hesitate to send us your most expensive frocks.- furs, laces, etc., for “Zoric” 'v Ha Cleaning” when you | \}m can command this I | | Jr wonderful new process. i Il \ Zoric Cleaning Costs 1 fe \ \ Tolman Laundry Routemen Collect for VLr l \ Zoric Cleaning - Tolman Laundry ff/W Dry Cleaning Department |/\ | Corner 6th and C Sts. N.W. IW ll Phone Metropolitan 0071-0072-0071 ?. jfl Wto Branch Office, 6 Dupont Circle w Phone North 3445 - 11 . 1 • A-3 will review various theories, including his own. regarding the origin of thU phenomenon. < Copy-runt, 1930.1 ‘J