Newspaper Page Text
BROTHER M’CLOSKEY DIES AT AGE OF 87 Oldest Member of Society of Jesus in Eastern Province, Dies at Georgetown. Brother James McCloskey. 8. J., 87, and the oldest member of the Society of Jesus In the Eastern province, died Sunday at Georgetown University, where he had served as lnflrmarlan for lIU J**, from Choice Fruit of the Crop- Right ttZeed to Umit Qaaatitie. —OM fa . W«> ««l jjf Royal Purple “Chicken Bones” rJ mV Sb»l “Chicken Bones” are made of |S gya| '¥ • g-tgy giLHTIC an old * flulhione<l cri »Py butterscotch I J |l)3 \JT tllp «/ M .rni r flavor that Is M W g/l St Vi(*\ Oa— I PlOlOsl irresistible. Packed In sealed ||| make this ■ healthful, refreshing j Little Drops of Delicious Goodness! m| B HHi !ill e V\ 1905—1930 / / Hers hey Kisses M J ROYAL Notice * ''pcp-ifp" “SILVER JUBILEE YEAR" M M *cGshdt 11 mak°e f £ 39cifc. || B nnli' An rl ldf»‘ n U(Jblt R to Jjl USB® 2 Pmfs /or 4oc fIU ln between me * u - Ipl | Noteworthy Savings on Drug Store Needs 1 « Thrift-Wise Shoppers Will Find Lower Prices Here That Will Save Them Much More! [|j gj Thousands of Our I Noteworthy Savings on Home Remedies lj| Li 'National B $1 Squibb* Mineral Oil 79c Epsom Salt, 5 lbs ....39c i ■I Pale Dry I 50c Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets 43c I Glycerine, 4cz ...» 18c Cinner Ale $1 Tyrees Antiseptic Powder 77c Brown Mixture, 4 oz. ♦ .25c | II ° g h . m 75c P. D. Alophen Pills 49c 25c Blue Jay Plasters 21c h tempting pale dry girtger jffljJ I 75c Dethspray, pint .59c $1 Bordens Malted Milk... •. ..... .63c |H|. SfreShi (§P 65c Glovers Mange Remedy 48c’ 60c Emersons Bromo Seltzer 36c jj St b * b ''“ dtd BH Extract Vanilla, 3oz 25c 60c California Fig Syrup 34c ||| Pj ginger perfectly blended end properly SpiFltS C&mphor, 2 OZ. .• . 19c 25c Carters Liver Pills 15c |jf U| take home. our - "* dy ° Flaxseed Meal, 4 oz. 15c isl Upjohn* Citrocarbonate 69c jg j lj 15c—2 for 25c Cream of Tartar, 4 oz. .25c $1.15 Dares Mentha Pepsin.. .. . . .85c jyj J . [l] fy J Sturdy }\ B 4n Exciting Game for i '% I || _ Only a few more days before school opens. Walter Johnson, the popular ball team |f| f B\ , And the children will need pencils, writing manager. You can make a “home KJHHV l •] tablets, notebooks, etc., to Start the school run” with the kiddies by giving them §,% These bags are fashioned of year right. Each of our stores has a com- onc 1 g black leatherette material. They 11 s-jpN /wL plete assortment of school supplies. Come t~t _ _ JPL fold like a pocketbook or may be SL—t 1 Kj in early and make your selections from our _£ C OUlDlete I-._ unfolded when a number of _L>W J/7 varied'stock items are to be carried. Just the tfd/ \arien .tick. . 111 thing for your shopping trips. Loose-Leaf Binders, side opening 25c (f --r. \ |1 II V. J Loose-Leaf Binders, inside rings 19c UH64 WWtB |j| II SjJX Loose-Leaf Fillers 8c; 2 for 15c \^L |] ® Ruled Writing Tablets.... 5c each; dox., 47c dfCIIUL PJ yl / \ fy\J\ ffiduQg \n Pencil tablets 5c each; doz., 47c pt* Ma\t ydl Hi I i F* o*4? m( v Writing Tablets... 10c each; 3 for 25c duetO \LJ ill ia V joumngb |/m /mssr Bdok. c sc to , '* c constipation m ' ,1 V i Notebooks 5c and 10c . on lul Mongol Pencils 5c each; doz., 50c tone / Genuine en Holders 5c jm II /w\ Jy Light Bulbs! f j Soap Erasers • • *^ c When traveling or visiting, 7f) ®1 n DisCOUllt I l\v\ Rubber Bandi, package ,'*® c your^iomach”*! 1 11!” 1 ! order? far J IrJ IU 10 C'Ml UHUI AM \ 12-inch Rulers 5c and 10c that tired, achy feeling and bil- PJ , On All Sales Uj/f jjl Paper Clip., box ofl 00 5c {MI of 6or more bulbs Pf/Qp Brat, Protractor! -10 c „ c .. s „ c o a |j| On every order for six or more J Jfal \\ Eversharp Pencils I s *«« Si * * ], \&l Westinghouse Electric Light Bulbs, \J Fountain Pens 98c r/- wi I"| any ?ouc, we will allow a 10% discount ri) —ca — r> e* __J in, II on the regular retail price. Buy an [ * ifl' M Lrayons ■“«* f|B emergency supply for your home at Os / B Fountain Pen Ink . . .1 Oc . II *',is apeci.l ,avi" K b fl Cico Paste, with bruth 29c -0 hi 20c 60. watt ..20c W 9 Kongo Black M» 10c ye r,jl 40-w*tt .. 20c 75-watt. .. 35c M Mucilavp 10c ||l 50-w.1t... 20cI 100-watt.. 35c | '■.l \ Mucil^e str f * |y Noteworthy Savings on Toilet Articles Hundreds of Choice Quality r^j || $1 Wildroot Hair Tonic 63c j 25c Cuticura Skin Soap.. 18c Tooth Brushes fj m 25c Barnards Zinc Stearate 19c 25c Mennens Borated Talc 15c . IQ n § ; If $1 Leas Hair Tonic 84c 50c Mennens Shaving Cream ..30c poem "... \i *M 75c Wyetbs Sage & Sulphur 59c 30c Lyons Tooth Powder 21c l" ru £. r n f an g d ''“?"r„% b“Sl: I] |J 50c La Moderne Hair Dressing.... 42c Fiancee Face Powder SI.OO ti 25c Dermatone Skin Soap 19c 35c Barbasol Shaving Cream 24c |j II 50c Woodbury Cold Cream 34c 60c Forhans Tooth Paste 34c Rubber Baby Pants M fll Hudnut Bath Powder ...SI.OO 10c Lux Toilet Soap .2 for 15c 29c Pr. 111 My 60c Corega Tooth P0wder......... 39c 50c Williams Aqua Ve1va..,.,.,.». .30c f&s&r M ||j 50c Palmolive Shampoo . .28c $1 Hinds H. &A. Cream.,., 66c v J y many yean, and waa buried with lm preasive ceremonies yesterday. Brother McCloskey was bom ln Ire land November 10. 1843. and came to the United States in 1849. He entered the Society of Jesus in Canada ln 1865. He was one of the pioneer Jesuits who opened up Woodstock College and ' was associated in this pioneer work with Fathers Shandelle and James Becker. He came to Georgetown Uni versity in 1886 a-nd'was infirmarian un til 1923. when he became Incapacitated and was retired from active duty. The'funeral mass yesterday was cele brated in Dahlgreen Chapel, George town University, by Rev. W. Coleman Nevils. president, who also gave the final absolution at the grave. Rev. HU! EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. P. P.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1986. John A. Dixon said the office of the I dead. 1 Attending the funeral were the mem bers of the faculty and all members of the society at Georgetown University, with Rev. Robert Lloyd, 8. J.. head- - master of Georgetown Preparatory School, representing Holy Trinity parish; Rev. John Fleming. S. J., and Rev. John O'Connell. 8. J., representing the Gonzaga College. Fascists Taught to Fly. RUDINI, Italy. September 10 (W). — The government is teaching Fascist University students to fly for nothing. A month's course of instruction has opened here. MRS. MAGARITY FUNERAL SERVICES HELD TODAY Former District Teacher Died at Home, in Lewinsville, Va., on Monday. Funeral services for Mrs. 8. Walcott Magarity, 38 years old, former teacher ln the District of Columbia public schools, who died at her home, in Lew insville. Va„ Monday, were conducted in the chapel of J. William Lee's Sons, undertakers, today at 11 o’clock. Rev. C. S. Abbott of the Church of the Good P! ‘Tt'JI'IWr -HiM Shepherd officiated. Interment wi in Congressional Cemetery. Mrs. Magarity for several years taught in the primary grades *of the Wheatley Bchool, and later waa a member of the corps of art teachers in the local schools. Bhe was graduated from George Washington University in 1938. She is survived by her husband, Henry T. Magarity; her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Hairy L. Wolcott; two sis ters, Miss Marie E. Wolcott and Mrs. John M. Stockard, and two brothers, C. Walton Walcott and Ashley L. Wal cott. Electrical production ln Italy is greater than a year ago. PAUL GAY DEAD Culpeper Cattle Buyer Passes Away at Baccoon Ford Home. Special Dispatch to The Star. CULPEPER, Va.. September 10 Paul Gay, for many years a prominent cattle buyer of this section and owner of historic "Soldiers’ Rest. - ’ near Rac- Raccoon Fordcoon Ford, died from an acute heart attack at the Scott home, which he recently had purchased, at Racoon Ford. The funeral services were held at his late home by Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Hooper of the Presbyterian Church, and the body was taken to his former home, in Staunton, where in terment was made in Thornerose Cem etery. He is survived by five sons, Richard. Paul, jr.; Pettus and Mann Gay. all of West Virginia, and James Gay of Am herst County, and two daughters, Mrs. Sue Saunders and Mrs. Margaret Gay Webster, both of Norfolk. His wife, who was Miss Blanche Mann of Staun ton, died many years ago. - ♦ ■■ CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Carnival, Trinity Lodge, No. 5, Order of Shepherds of Bethlehem, comer Wis consin and Nebraska avenues, all this week. Hike, Red Triangle Outing Club over Miner HUI tonight. Meet at Old Dominion Terminal, Rosslyn, 8:15 p.m. Meeting, American University Park Citizens’ Association, Hurst Hall, Amer ican University, Massachusetts and Nebraska avenues, 8 p.m. Meeting. Washington General As sembly, Knights of Columbus, garden of the Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m. Dinner meeting. Educational Com mittee of Columbus University, Jefferson room of the Mayflower Hotel, 6 p.m. Meeting, Free Lance Writers’ Club, Annapolis Hotel, 908 Twelfth street, 8p m. Guest speaker, Mrs. Sallle V. H. Pickett, society editor of The Star. FUTURE. Luncheon meeting, Kiwanis Club, Washington Hotel, tomorrow, 12:30 p.m. Card party, St. John’s Parish House, Thirty-fourth street and Rainier avenue, Mount Rainier, Md„ tomorrow, 8:30 p.m. Card party, Endowment Committee of Bethany Chapter, O. E. S„ Winston Hotel, 116 First street, Friday, 8 p.m. ANTI-AIRCRAFT SHOW Demonstration of Firing and Arm ament at Aberdeen Tomorrow. Special anti-aircraft firing and dem onstration of anti-aircraft armament will be held at the Army Proving Ground at Aberdeen, Md.. tomorrow for the benefit of Army and Navy offi cers and others interested in such mat ters. The members of the Naval Acad emy Post Graduate School will be spe cial guests. — ■■■■■— —■ - Miss M. Fisher, who has only one hand, recently won a prize for a knitted dress at a show at Egham, England. FOUND. FOR LOST ANIMALB apply Animal Rescue League 34» Maryland ave. a.w. Nat. SOBB. LOST. 1 BILLFOLD, containing 320; lost Monday. Reward. Return to desk at Ambassador Hotel. * CAT-Maltese. 2 months old; no tall, white breast and feet. Reward. 309', 3 Kim st. mw. 10« COLLIE, large, white, male; one brown eye; 120 reward. SOS D s.e. Phone Lin. 1188, Dr. Pyles. 11* COLLIE, brown and white, clipped, Maryland tag, name "Patsy.'’ t 5 reward. Return to IS Bcuth Lincoln ave., Takoma Park. H« DOO—Friday, white Eskimo' Spits, weighs 40 lbs., answers to name "Bumps." Reward. 860 ft Eastern ave ■ Bhep. 2934-W after 8 p.m. FRATERNITY PIN, Sigma Chi. between 13th and 14th on Mass, ave., on Monday. Call Met. 7772. Reward. •_ GLASSES, metal nm. brown leather case. Sunday afternoon. Reward. Wisconsin 3418. n» KEYS, in green key esse! Reward. Georgia 0956-J. LADY S BROWN POCKETBOOK. containing blue fountain pen and musket pencil, at Norfolk boat. Wednesday morning. Poto mac 4382-W_after_6_pm. » PACKAGE, small, of unflniahed dress. In Wesley Heights bug, Monday morning. 4408 Kllngle st„ Wesley Heights. Clev. 2508. POCKETBOOK. brown leather; containing glasses, rosary, gold pencil, etc.; reward. 1104 M_at._n.w. National 7»20 RINOS. green gold with two diamonds. whiTe I gold setting, and white gold ring with large sapphire: Tuesday. Internsl Revenue Bulld mg. Reward. Potomac 3528 * RlNG—Beal ring, marked 8. H.. on Conn. Sini’ JF h ?)! y ? ha *?' M - W. H. Herschel. 8305 Florida st. Reward. Wls, 3095-J. ShiCTACLES, tortoise shell, front of Arcade Market. Reward if returned to 1439 Euclid gt. n.w. WALLET (man’s), between Fox Theater and West Executive ave.. Friday night. Finder communicate with Wisconsin 2872-R. WATCH BRACELET, platinum top with aQuamarine stone; lost Tuesday evening, TLW. sectlon. Reward. Adams 0308. WRIST WATCH, lady's, at 18th and You sts. n.w. at 7:30 o clock Tuesday morning. Re ward. Decatur 4929. __ H« YOUNG POLICE DOO. answers to name of Rf 1 wn VoA aK , n ii l , llb f r 13911 Call O. Hlbble, Col, 4803. at 726 Upshur st. n.w. 10* MEst. 1883 ONUMENTS on Display far Your Bela#, tlon. Workmanship and Ma terial Guaranteed, rrliai Right. WASHINGTON GRANITE MONUMENTAL CO., Inc. \VM JARDINE. Becty f ja | Efficient i* J c Service Funeral par- W’e are able to lor*, private render the most • ambulance and efficient mortician liverv in con- service possible. Our nection. morticians arc well trained. conscien tious worker*. JAMES T. RYAN Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701 [CHAMBERS This neat gray doth casket, plain and dignified, with the whole funeral— # s loo The same service m the higher Jiriced funerals, trith no extra charge or ehapel. All music. If desired by our pipe organ. In Case of Death Call THE GREATER W.W.ChambersCo. 14th Cor. Chapin St. N.W. Phone Columbia MSS Where thf Beet Costs Loss £ Carh of iUfisutkou DORSET. ROSA CLARKE. I wlah to ac knowledge nr sincere thanks to my neigh bor*, co-workers, friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy during the lingering Illness and at the death of my dear mother. ROSA CLARKE DORSEY. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER, HATTIE M. BOSTON. • Death a. BURROUGHS. MATTIE A. Suddenly Mon* day. September S. 1930. MATTIE A. BUR ROUGHS. beloved widow of James F. Bur roughs. Funeral Thursday, September 11. at 10 e.m., from the home of her niece. Mrs Annie L. Swain. 418 Marietta pi. n.w., thence to St. Mary’s Episcopal Churcn. Aspin. Md.. at II a.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Rockville, Md. 10 COURTMAN. JAMES. Suddenly, on Tues day. September V. 1930. at his residence. 9 and st. hr, JAMES COURTMAN, be loved husbaud or Betsy Courtman. Re mains resting at the parlors of James T. Ryan. 317 Penna. ave. s.e. Funeral from St. Mark's Church. 3rd and A s'.s s.e.. on Friday. September 19. at 2 p ni Rela tives and friends Invitrd. lutermeut Con gressional Cemetery. 11 DANUAKL. ANNA M. On Monday. Septem ber 8. 1930. ANNA M.. beloved wife of Joseph Danhak). Funeral from her late residence. 419 Emerson »t. n.w., on Thurs day. September 11. at 9 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Mary's Church at 9:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 10 DUVALL. FREDERICK RHODES. On Mon day. September 8. 1930. at his home. 2444 37th st. n.w.. after a lingering illness. FREDERICK RHODES DUVALL, aged 23 years, beloved sou of Frederick William and Alice Jane Duvall. Funeral from his late residence on Thursday, September 11. at 8:30 am., followed by requiem mass at Holy Trinity Church. 36th and O sts. n.w., at 9 o'clock. Interment lu Mount Olivet Cemetery. * EASLEY, ARAMINTA D. On Tuesday. Sep tember 9. 1930. ARAMINTA D. EASLEY. Funeral from her late residence. Ml Mass, ave. n.w., on Thursday. September 11. at 2 p.m, interment. Rock Creek Cemetery. 10 GILL. WYLIE GILL. Suddenly September 7. 1930. GILL WYLIE GILL, aged 41. Inter ment in Arlington Cemetery, September 11. Family only. • HILL. CAROLINE. Departed this life Tues day, September 9. 1930. CAROLINE HILL, loving mother of Blanche Williams. Frank and Walter Bcippio Williams and Clar ence Hill, sister of Alice Brown and Mary Gregory. She also leaves six grandchil dren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Er nest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You at. n.w. Notice of funeral later. THE WEATHER District of Columbia lncreasing cloudiness tonight followed by showers tomorrow, not much change in tem perature: gentle easterly winds. Virginia—Cloudy tonight and tomor row; showers tomorrow and probably in south portion tonight; little change in temperature; moderate northeast and east winds. Maryland—lncreasing cloudiness to night, probably followed by showers to morrow; not much change in tempera ture; gentle to moderate easterly winds. West Virginia—lncreasing cloudiness tonight followed by showers tomorrow; little change in temperature. Record for 24 Hours. Thermometer —4 p.m., 77; 8 p.m., 72; 12 midnight, 67; 4 a.m., 61; 8 a.m., 64; noon, 79. Barometer—4 p.m.. 30.12; 8 p.m., 30.10; 12 midnight, 30.12; 4 a.m., 30.11; 8 a.m., 30.14; noon. 30.12. Highest temperature, 79, occurred at noon today; lowest temperature, 59, oc curred at 6:30 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 93; lowest, 72. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide, 4 a.m. and 4:06 p.m.; high tide, 9:25 a.m. and 9:47 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide, 4:36 a.m. and 4:34 p.xn.; high tide, 10 a.m. and 10:22 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 5:44 a.m.; sun sets 6:25 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 5:45 a.m.; sun sets 6:24 p.m. Moon rises 7:41 p.m.; sets 8 a.m. Condition of the Water. Potomac, clear; Shenandoah, little muddy. Weather in Various Cities. a Temperature. SSttfg .... 8 53 3g’ £ Weather. Stations. y o.» " S a 5 S • •■ ; | Abilene, Tex... 29.92 94 66 1.48 Cloudy Albany. N. Y... 30.20 74 60 .... Clear Atlanta. Qa..,. 30.00 00 70 0.38 Cloudy Atlantic City... 30.12 ’ 74 60 .... Clear Baltimore. Md.. 30.12 76 62 .... Clear Birmingham .. 29.98 86 72 Ft.cloudy Bismarck. N. D. 79.88 68 60 0.10 Clear Boston. Mass... 30.14 72 52 Clear Buffalo. N. Y.. 30 18 70 52 .... Clear Charleston. S.C. 30 00 86 74 0.42 Cloudy Chicago. 11l 30.14 72 58 .... Clear Cincinnati, 0.30 10 78 56 ....Cloudy Cleveland, Ohio 30.16 70 68 .... Clear Columbia. S C.. 30.02 84 70 0.04 Cloudy Denver, C 010... 29 92 78 56 .... Pt.cloudy Detroit. Mich... 30.20 72 54 ....Clear El Paso. Tex... 29 84 92 64 .... Clear Galveston. Ter *>9 94 88 78 .... Cloudy Helena, jilont.. 28.84 78 52 0.08 Cloudy Huron. HD.. 28 98 80 60 .... Clear Indianapolis.lnd 30.08 78 58 ClouJy Jacksonville. Fla 29.90 84 76 0.02 Cloudy KnnsasCity.Mo. 29.94 74 88 .... Cloudy Los Angeles .... 29.93 74 60 .... Cloudy Louisville. Ky.. 30.06 82 60 Cloudy Miami. Fla 29 96 86 76 1.10 Pt.cloudy New Orleans. La. 29 94 92 78 0.02 Clear New York NY.3O 14 74 60 .... Cloudy Oklahoma City 29.86 90 72 .... Cloudy Omaha. N»*br..29 98 74 66 .... Cloudy Phtlatiedphin ..30 14 78 60 .... Pt.cloudy Phoenix, Arlz.. 29.78 98 70 .... Clear Pittsburgh. Pa. 30 14 82 52 .... Clear Portland, Me... 30.14 68 50 .... Clear Portland, Oreg. 29.94 74 58 .... Cloudy Raleigh. N. C.. 30.0 S7B 64 0.06 Pt.cloudy Salt Lake City. 29.80 82 66 .... Clear San Antonio .. 29 94 96 70 Pt cloudy San Diego. Calif 29 90 72 80 ....Cloudy San Francisco.. 29.98 70 56 .... Cloudy St. Louis. Mo.. 30.00 78 66 .... Cloudy St. Paul, Minn. 30.0 572 58 .... Clear Seattle. Wash. 29.92 88 56 .... Cloudy Spokane, Wash. 29.80 78 Clear Tamca. Fir.-... 29 90 82 74 0.02 Cloudy WASH., D. C... 30.14 79 89 .... Clear FOREIGN. (7 am., Greenwich time, today.) Stations. Temperature. Weather. London. England 58 Clear Paris. France 58 Clear Vienna. Austria 58 Clear Berlin, Germany 54 Clear Brest. France 60 Clear Stockholm, Sweden 48 Rain Gibraltar, Spain 72 Clear (Noon. Greenwich time, today.) Horta (Fayal). Azores... 70 Part cloudy (Current observations.) Hamilton, Bermuda 80 Part cloudy San Juan. Porto Rico.... 80 Part cloudy Havana. Cuba 78 Clear Colon, Canal Z0ne...... 82 Part cloudy Births Reported. The following births have been reported to Hie Health Department lu the last 24 hours: Russell H. and Doruihy Pace. boy. Frank E. and Nettie L. James, boy. i Edwin and Margaret Jeffries, boy. Frank J. and Emma Loreto, girl. Louis B. and Ha idee W. McKenzie, girl. William O. and Margaret Martin, girl. Carl J. and Blanche Kirby, girl. Maurice M. and Martha Powers, girl. George and Nellie Happ. girl Leonard and Lillie Higgs, girl. Daniel R. and Eleanor M. Tassa, girl. William V. and Mamie V. Ryon, girl. Frank T. and May M. Mllstead. girl. Ackle M. and Della M. Corbin, girl. George D. and Katherine Murphy, girl. Edwin H. and Irene Pilson. girl. Louts and Sarah Brooks, girl. Nat and Dorothy Oscar, girl. Carl J. and Mildred Barbee, girt. Howard S. and Zetta Allen, girl. Alfred A and Josephine R Doppel, boy. Meyer and Lillian Cohen, boy. Philip and Alice May. boy. Charles and Ada Rouse, boy. Raymond J and Edna Shoemaker, boy. John W. and Thelma A. Kraft, boy. Arthur H. and Cora B. Ford. boy. Frank B. and Marie E. Mullen, boy. Joseph A and Madeline B. MeNamara. boy. R. L. Houston and Sara V. Jones, boy. Hiram W. and Rutii L. Lyon. boy. Earl M. and Beulah Cunningham, boy. Frederick A. and Nellie O'Neill, boy. Ricnard L and Margaret Kidwell. boy. Joseph and Margaret Terenyl, boy. N. Patrick and Ellen M. Shealy. boy. William J. A. and Margaret Kirk. boy. Walter H. and Katherine l Summers, boy Thomas C. and Elvira Duncan, boy. Clarence and Minnie Batts, bey. Charles and Mattie Williams, boy. Edwin and Nancy Brown, boy. Andrew and Fannie Tayler, boy. Fred and Mandella Adams, boy, Leslie and Edith Smith, boy. John M. and Daisy Dorsey, boy. » ■— • Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department in the last 24 hours: James McClaskey, 87, 37th and o sts. Caleb Hughes. 69. Sibley Hospital. Beniamin Goodman. 68. Sibley Hospital. Anna M. Danhakh 68, Sibley Hospital. Martha A. Cozen, 87, 1359 Girard at. Mary A. McPherson. 66, 3817 30th st. John F. Bolen. 59. 643 Lexington pi. n.e. Harlow Hewitt. 51, United States Naval Hospital. Vera E. Bennington. 44. 727 Webster it, Achllle M. Burklln. 39. 3013 Cathedral ave. Carrie Thompson, 108. Gallinger Hospital. Willi* J. Peacock, 88, Carsons Private Hos- P * Alonso Griffin, 46, Casualty HnkllL A-9 Deaths. HENSON, VICTORIA. Departed this lUe Sunday. September 7. 1930. at 8:26 p.m., at her residence. 2620 Pearson pi. a.e.. VIC TORIA HENSON, daughter of the lata Silas and Oeorgianna Sutton, wife of John H. Henson, mother of Mrs. Egbert D. Martin and Mrs Lillian Williams of De troit and sister of Mrs. Lillian Randall of New York and Mrs. Mamie Jamieson and Mrs. Silas Sutton of Washington. D. C. She also leaves a granddaughter, nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends. Funeral Thursday, September 11. at 1 p m., from Allen A. M E. Church, Garfield. D. C.. Rev. L. P. Herring pastor. Relatives and triends invited. Remains may be viewed at Adams A Smoot funeral parlor, 2428 Nichols ave. s.e. Her weary hours, her days of pain. Her weary nights are passed: Her ever patient worn-out frame Hag found sweet rest at last. THE FAMILY. JONES. WILLY G. Departed this life on Sunday. September 7. 1930. at the rest deuce of her parents, 820 Rutland ave., Baltimore. Md.. WILLY O. JONES, beloved wife of Charles Henry Jones, devoted mother of Doris Jones, loving daughter of Amos T. and Mildred E. McCormick She also leaves two sisters, La Fond 2'wlne and Claudlne Pickett, and a brother. Clarence McCormick. Remains resting at George F. Roy's fune-al home, 1508 9th st. n.w., until Wednesday at 2 p m , thereafter’at lier late residence. 558 25th st. n.e. Fu neral Thursday. September 11, at 1 p.m. Relatives and frieuds invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 10 MACALLISTER. JAMES O. Suddenly, on Tuesday, September 9. 1930. JAMES 0., beloved husband of Josephine E. Macal lisler (nee JJe Neanei of 209 Willow ave., Taicoma Park. Funeral from the resi dence of his brother. 748 Park rd. n.w.. on Thursday. September 11. at 2 30 p.m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Glcnwood Cemetery. MACAM.ISTER. JAMES O. A special com munication of Takoma Lodge, No. 29, F. A. A. M . has been called for Thursday. September 11. 1930, 1 p.m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, JAMES O. MACALLISTER. WM. H. DYRE, Master. • Mi PIILRSON, AMELIA. Departed this life Tuesday. September 9, 1930. at Freedmen s Hospital. AMELIA McPHERSON. devoted wife of James McPherson, loving mother of John and Dorothy Tolson. daughter of Ella Spencer, sister of Margaret and Ella Spencer and Joseph Tolson. She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. MOBLEY. RUTII E. Suddenly, on Monday, September 8, 1930, RUTH E., beloved wife of Philip J. Money of 531 Delaney ave., Virginia Highlands. Va. Funeral services at W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Wednesday. Sep tember 10. at 7 p.m. Interment at Ever green Cemetery, Elizabeth, N. J. MUELLER, IDA. On Wednesday. September 10. 1930. at 5:45 a.m.. IDA, beloved Wife of ConYad Mueller. Funeral from her late residence. 835 Quebec pi. n.w., on Friday. September 12. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Rt Fort Lincoln Cemetery. ll» PHELPS. DANA MILES. On Tuesday, Sep tember 9. 1930. at Garfield Hospital. DANA MILES, beloved wife of Charles X. Phelps. Funeral services at 3909 Twen tieth st. n.e.. on Friday. September 12. at 2 p.m. Interment at Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. u PRICE. WALTER SCOTT. On Wednesday, September 10. 1930. at his residence. 817 Elder st. n.w., WALTER SCOTT, beloved husband of Florence M. Price and father of Miss Myrtle Price. Mrs. George R. Bruce and Mrs. Henry Bauer. Funeral services at W. W. Chambers’ funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Friday. Septem ber 12, at 7:30 p.m. Interment private. 13 RUTHERFORD, GEORGE T. On Suncfgy. September 7. 1930, at Emergency Hos pital. GEORGE T RUTHERFORD, be loved husband of Mrs. Lottie Ruth-rford. beloved son of Mrs. Belle Jackson and devoted father of. Mrs. Ellen Rutherford Hyde. Remain* at Frazier's funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Funeral Fri day. September 12. from Frazier's funeral home. Friends invited. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 11 SIIFA. WILLIA3T C. On Tu»vday. Septem ber 9, 1930. WILLIAM C. SHEA, beloved husband of Annie W. Shea. Remains rest ing at Gasch’s funeral parlors. Hvattsville, Md., until 9 a.m. Thursday, September 11; thence to St. Joseph's Church. Ammen dale, Md.. where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Interment Ammendale. • SPRIGGS. STERLING. Departed this life Monday, September 8. 1930. STERLING SPRIGGS. He leaves to mourn their 16ss a devoted mother. Edna Sorites; fether. Walter Spriggs: a loving sister end broth er. grandmother and grandfather, jlx aunts, four uncles and a host of other relatives and friend*. Funeral Thursday, September 11. at 1 o'clock from John Stuart Church, G st. between 3d and 4% *ts. s.w. Interment Chapel Hill Cemetery, Md. * TULLOCH. MARGARET Y. On Wednesday, September 10. 1930, Mrs. MARGARET Y. TULLOCH. beloved wife of William Tal loch, 3229 McKinley st., Chevy Ghue. Notice of funeral later. f In HJemnrfaijt. BERRY. SARAH. In sad but loving remem brance of our dear grandmother and great-grandmother. SARAH BERRY, who left us for her heavenly home five years ago today. September 10. 1928. HER GRANDAUOHTER. MYRTLE A. HAYES. AND HER GREAT-GRANDSON, J. WARREN HAYES. • BERRY, SARAH. In loving memory of our dear mother. SARAH BERRY, who de parted this life five years ago today, Sep tember 10, 1925. In the beautiful hereafter. In the life that is to be. Somewhere in God’s great glory. Mother, we shall meet with thee. MRS. CALLIE JACOBY. W. K. BERRY. * BRANSON. ALBERTA. In loving remem brance of nr.y dear wife. ALBERTA BRAN SON. wffio departed this life two years ago today. September 10. 1928. HUSBAND. J. RANDOLPH BRANSON. • LEWIS. BELL E. In sad but loving remem brance of our dear sister. Mrs BELL E. LEWIS, who departed this life eight yegrs ago today. September 10, 1922. Rest in peace THE FAMILY. • SMITH. BELLE. Sacred to the memory Os our beloved mother, grandmother and aunt. Mrs. BELLE SMITH, who departed this life one year ago today, September 10, 1929. Thy way. oh. Ood. we cannot see. But all is well that is done by Thee. Some day He wilt make it plain to us. Some day alien we His face shall see, Then we shall understand. DAUGHTER. MRS. FANNIE ROOT: GRANDCHILDREN. AUBTINA. WILLIE AND ERNEST. BLANCHE AND JAMES GREEN. • THOMAS, MARY E. In loving remembrance of our dear mother, MARY E. THOMAS, who departed this life three years ago today. September 10. 1927. MRS. HOWARD S. FISK. MRS. GEORGS A. TRAPP. . * WHITNEY, MARY. In sad but loving re membrance of my dear mother and our devoted grandmother. MARY WHITNEY, who departed this life eight years ago today, September 10, 1922. Keep her. Jesus, in Thy keeping Till we reach the heavenly shore; Then, O Master, let us see her. Love and have her as before. HER DAUGHTER. RUTH. AND GRAND CHILDREN, WILLENA, GLADYS AND MELVIN. • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Joseph F« Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) M St \r W Phone West 0066 JUO-t .VI PI. -N.VV. Established 1841 Established 1876 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. Clyde J. Nichols, Inc. _4te>) 9tta_SL_N.W. Col. 6324 J. WILLIAM I .HE’S SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS CREMATORIUM 832 PA. AVE N.W NATIONAL 1384. 1388 W. W# Deal & Co* 818 H ST N.E. LINCOLN 8200 CHAS. C. ZURHORST 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln 0373 Herbert B. Nevius Funeral Home 9U New York Are. N.W. District 2606 Frank Geier's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST n.w. National 2473 Modern Chapel. Telephone l^*lloll * l V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the euccesaors of nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establiah & Frank 6626 ™O9 H St. N.W. Formerly 940 F SI. N.W. Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance Lincoln 0524 ALMUS R. SPEARE Succeeding the Original W. R. Speare Ce. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4606 CEMETERIES. GLENWOOD CEMETERY Vaults**, $5 per month Choice lot» and sites for pale. FUNERAL DESIGNS. Glide Bros. Co., 15J2 F St. Prompt Auto Delivery Service 09 Z tSSS J4th & Eye