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'CURB ISSUES EASY IN BEnER TRADING Gas Group Featured in Mod erately Active Market. Leaders Sell Off. BY JOHN A. CRONE. Ipkiil Dispf tch to The Star. NEW YORK, September 1*. —Gas I Issues, representing the natural and manufactured branches of the industry, provided some of the widest swings in today’s moderately active and lower j Curb Exchange session. Professionals, as usual, centered con- J aidcrable attention on the market lead* j er. Electric Bond A Share, which ; dropped more than 2 points. Cities' Service was down a small fraction and its trend was followed by American Superpower, American & Foreign Pow er. pnited Light As Power A and Stand ard Oil of Indiana. Consolidated Oas of Baltimore opened dovtn 3 >2 points. Contrasting with this movement was the rise in Missouri- Kansas Pipe and later the gain scored by Dixie Gas & Utilities. The natural gas list, however, was not without its soft spots. Memphis Natural Gas. for example, opened off l 3 *. Appalachian Gas dropped a small fraction following the authorization of an issue of 100.000 convertible $7 pre ferred shares, which will be offered later under a payment method providing for . an initial cash outlay of 30 per cent and optional features regarding the payment of the balance. Radio shares were not active although two unfavorable dividend actions were taken in that industry. Eisler Electric equaled its previous low mark following the omission of the 37% cents quarterly payment. Ceco Manufacturing Co. took no action on the 2 per cent quarterly payment due at this time. Universal Insurance Co. fell 4 points to 40. a new low mark for the year. Insurance securities and some others of the group appeared on the tape occa sionally. but »t unchanged quotations. General Tire Sc Rubber, one of the Inactive industrials, came out at 120. or 10 points above its previous quota tion, which incidentally was the low level for the year. Unfavorable divi dend actions by several rubber and rubber machinery companies recently, such as National Rubber Machinery’s halving of its dividend, have brought about a slackened speculative interest In this division. Standard Oil of Kentucky early equaled Its previous minimum quotation. Gulf OH of Pennsylvania was also lower. Imperial Oil of Canada continued to move higher, but at a slackened pace. Th» lower-priced miscellaneous oils again were in supply. PARIS BOURSE PRICES. FARIS. September 18 (A*). —Trading was quiet and prices were steady on the Bourse today. Three pre cent rentes. 89 francs 35 centimes. Five per cent loan, 101 francs 80 centimes. Exchange on London. 128 francs 71 % centimes. The dollar was quoted at 35 francs 45 centimes. MOTOR SALES GAIN. NEW YORK, September 18 (>PI. —L. A. Miller, president of the Willys-Over land Co., said that the 30 per cent increase in the August business of the eempany over July indicated a ‘'definite and encouraging upturn.” He added that other statistics indicated an Im provement In purchasing power, pro duction and sales. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. September 18.—Following Is the complete official list of transac tions in stocks on the Chicago Btock Ex change today: By the Associated Brew. Sales. STOCKS. High. Lew Close. 50 Acme Steel 49% 49% 49% 50 Adams Mfg 30 30 30 50 All-Am Mohawli .... Hi Hi Hi 100 Allied Mot lnd «% |% V/a 100 Allied Prod 30 36 30 950 Altorfer Bros 133 117 lllVa 50 Am Service t'/i (74 *7, 100 Am Yvette 1% J% IV* •50 Aopalech Gas 10% 10% 10% 50 Art Metal 9Vi 9% 9% 70 Assoc TAT "A”.. 99V« 69% 69% 500 Auburn Auto 133 llf 119 150 Banco Kentucky .... 19% lit* I*7, 1400 Hendix Aviation .... 31% 31 31 100 Blnks Ml* IS 18 18 SSO Blum's Inc 38 3774 38 100 Bright Star "B" 14 14 14 SO Drown PAW •’A”.. S 3 33 33 450 Burnham Trad 8% 4% 63, 150 Burnham Trad pf... 33 39% 33% 350 Butler Bros 10’,« 10', 10’, 50 Cent 111 Sec 27% 37', 17% SSO Cent Pub Serv A 2574 3*7. 28% 200 Cent A So West 32 33 33 ♦9 Cherry Burrell 28 28 3t 500 Chi City A Con Ry.. % % % 10 Chic Corp 12% 13V, 12% 300 Chic Corp pi 44 41’,a 43'-a 850 Chic Investors 774 7’* 7*/« 450 Chic Invest pf 3»% 395* 38”., 23 Chi No 8h A Mil PI 64 64 64 50 Chic Towel pf 88«, i MV, 88'« * 450 Chic Yell Cab 27 245, :!7 3950 Cities Service 282. 38’, 285. 100 Club Alum 47. 4’. 4<i 135 Commonw Edison .. 388 3 4 286 288 , 50 Community Tel 18 18 18 50 Cons’ rue., Mat 14V. 14’,, 14% 100 Construct Met pf... 41’.a 41 '/a 41'a 100 Consumers 8 5 5 6100 Cont Chicago 16% 15 15’/. SOOCont Chic pf 48’.'* 45% 46 1800 Cord Corp <- 7% 7% 7*/. *l5O Corp Sec 32% 22 32 150 Corp Sec ctfs 63% 62 63% 115 Crane Co 40 40 40 i 25 De Mets pf 15% 15% 15',« | 50 Dexter Co 13% 13% 13Va 100 Duouesne Gas Corp... 11 11 11 ; 1250 Elec Household 43% 42 43 ' 50 Emp GAP 6'v Df .. 81% 81% 81% lOPed Elcc 8% pf 70 70 70 10 Ped Elec V. 75 75 75 300 Foote G A Mach 9 8% 9 100 Gardner-Denver 50% 50 50% 400 Gen Thea Eo 33% 33 33% 100 Gen Wat Wkg A 27% 27% 27% 100 Gleaner xd 27% 37% 37% 70 Coldblatt 17 18 17 j 100 Gt Lakes Aircraft 5% 6% »% • 400 Gt Lakes Dredge 28% 28 28 •0700 Grigsby-Grunow 9 7% 8 i 200 Hall Print 32 21% 21% 50 Harnlschfeger 21 21 21 200 Hlbb Spen Bart 48 45 45 l 100 Hormel A Co 29 39 39 350 Houdaille-Her A 30 19% 20 ' 800 Houdallle-Her B 9 8% 8%, 10 111 North Util 100 100 100 800 Inland Util . 23% 21% 22 9300 Insult Util 57% 55% 56% 100 Insull Util pf 83 83 83 ! 150 Kalamazoo Store.... 53 51% 51% 1350 Katt Drug 28 21 32 450 Kellogg Switch 5% 5 5 i 50 Kellogg Switch pf... 50 50 50 100 Ky Ut Pr Cum pi.. 50 90 50 SOLynch Corp 11% 18% 18% 4.00 Majestic House Ut... 32% 25% 26 300 Manhat Dearborn.... 30% 30 30 I 50Marks Bros 10% 10% 10%’ 350 Marshall Field 40% 40% 40% I SB McOraw Elec 21% 21% 21% 100 Meadows Mfg 1% 1% 1% 300 Merch hi Mfrs A 28 27 % 28 I 150 Mid West Tel 33% 22% 23% 8200 Mid West Util 28% 27% 28% 350 Mid WUt A war.... 3 2% 2% 50 Mid WUt B war.... «% 4% 4% I 100 Midland Nat Gas A.. 14% 14% 14% 300 Midland United 25% 25 25% 1 850 Midland Unit pf 44% 44% 44% i *OO Midland Unit war 1% l% 1% \ 70 Mid Ut 7 , pi 105’, 100 102 „ too Miller hi Hart 27% 27% 27% ' 93000 Mo-Kan Pipe 21% 19% 19% 250 Modlne 4*% 4* 4* , 100 Nnchmann Sprint ... 12 12 12 I 60 Nat Battery 21% 31% 31% I 300 Nat Family Str 11% 11 11% 20 Nat Pub Serv pf 47% 47% 47% I 100 Nat Becur Inv 13% 13% 18% i 50 Nat Secur Inv et1.... 90 90 90 I SO Nat Term 11% 11% 1134 100 North Am Car . 37 37 37 50 Nor Am L A Pow . 64 64 64 100 No West Eng 22% 22% 22% 50 Nor Am L A Pow .9 9 9 100 No West Ut 7% pf. 12 12 12 50 Pac Pub Serv A 13% 12% 13% *OO Process Corp 5% 5% 5% >0 Quaker Oats 23 23 23 700 Qu. ker Oats pf 33 22% 23 100 Southwest Oas util.. 13% 13% 13% 150 Rath Pack 15 14% 14% 100 Super-Maid 10 10 10 200 Swift A Co 30% 29% 30% 300 Swift Int’l 34% 34% 34% 50 Tlme-O-Stat Cont... 25% 25% 25% 500 Transformer of Am. 11% 11 ;i% *550 Twin St Nat Gas 13V4 13 13 ISO Unit Corp 11 10% 11 350 Unit Am Utl! 12% 12% 12% 400 U 8 Gypsum 44 % 44% 44% 550 U 8 Radio A Tel 29 39 39 300 Utah Radio 6% 9% 9% 600 Util Pow A L A ... 3* 39% 37 50 Util PAL n-vot 13% 18% 18% 4 650 Util A lnd 13% 13% 13% 350 Util A lnd pf J 3 100 Vortex Cup 34% 34% 34% 2* Vortex Cup "A” 38 2* 28 60 West PL* Tel 27 2* 27 500 Wls Bank Shrs 7% 7% 7 a ISO Z«nith Radio... 7% 7% 7% Stock sales today. 190.600 shares. HONDA. . 7000 Insull Util 6* 102% 103 102% 11000 Chicago Corn 12% 13% 12% Bond sale* today, 17,000 FINANCIAL. | NEW YORK CURB MARKET SStygaT Note—AH atorks are sold in one hundred-share lota excepting those designated by the letter ■ (S9a) (2505) which shows those stocks to bo sold In odd lots only. ,-Prev. 1920.-- Stock and Sales— filth. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Open High Low. Closa. 2% 1% Air Investors (war). 4 1% 1% 1% 174 104% 100 Alabama Pwr pf (9). 75s 103% 103% 103 103 23% 15% All AmOen Corp 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 256 210 Aluminum Co of Am. 1 281 231 281 231 111% 105% Alu Co of Am pf («).. 5 109% 109% 109% 109% 24% 18 Alum Goods (1.20).. I 18% 18% 18% 18% 99% 97 Alum Ltd cum pf«). 1 99% 99% 99% 99% 13% 6 Am Capital (B) ... 2 6% 6% 674 67t 40 30 Am Capital pf (3)... 1 31% 31% 31% 31% 28% 12% Am C PAL B (10%). 12 15% 16 15% 16 28% 19 Am Com P A (blO%) 9 20 20 19% 20 50% 24% Am Com PB <10%).. 1 44 44 44 44 ! 37 15% Am Cyanam Id (B).. 14 16% 16% 16 16 6 3 Am Dept Storaa..... SS 4% 4% 4% 4% 22 12% Am Equities 4 14% 14% 14 14 76% 38% Am For Pow (war)., 7 48% 48% 47% 47% 157 104 Am Gas AEI (21)... 8 127% 127% 127 127 109% 104 Am Gas AEI pf ((). , 2 109% 109% 109% 109% 16% 7% Am Invest Inc (B).- 18% 8% 8% 8% 89% 62% Am LtATrao (3%).. 7 61% 62 61% 62 i 40% 29% Am Mali# Prod (2).. 1 32 32 32 82 19% 7% Am Natural Gas 1 11 11 11 11 ! 48 ?4 Am Phoenix Corp(J) 1 23 23 23 23 j 39% 20% Am Superpow (1). .. *0 23% 23% 23 93 1027 s 94% Am Suptrpwr lst(S) 4 101% 101% 101% 101% 20 13 Am Transfor (1.40). 50s 15 15 15 15 15% 7% Am V &G B vtc 40c. 5 9% 9% 9 9 4 2% Anglo-Norweg; H 26c 2 2a* 2% 2% 2% 14% 8% Appalachian Gae.... 9 10% 10% 10% 10% Arlz Com Mining;... 3 1% 1% 1% 1% % Aria Globe Copper... 5 A A A A 16% 8% Ark Nat Gas (A).... 9 9% 9% 9 9 8 5% Asso Elec lnd (30c). 10 6% 5% 5% 5% 46% 3074 Asso G&E A (at 2.40) 10 307a 3074 80 3074 147% 97 Asso GA El ctfs (8). 26a 100 100 100 100 11% 3% Asso G&E (A) db rts 13% 3% 3% 374 93% 90 Asso GAE pf tS)... 20a 90 91% 90 91% 2 1 Asso Laundries 11% 1% 1% 1% 60% 38% Asso Rayon pf(6)... 2 60% 6074 60% 60% 14% 8 Atlas Util Corp 6 8% 9*4 874 9% 15% 2% Auto Mus Inst (‘A).. 12% 2% 2% 2% 17% 9% Auto Vot Mcv pf pt.. 1 10% 10% 10% 1074 22% 12% Aviation Credit 1 2274 22% 2274 2274 * 7% 2% Bahia Corp 8 4 4 8% 3% 187* 6% Bellanca Aircraft. .. I 9% 9% 974 974 16% 6% Blue Ridge Cp (40c). 11 774 77* 7% *7% 4474 33% Blue Ridge cvpfa3.. 9 39% 39% 89% 39% 5574 29% Brasil Tr ALt (h 2).. 7 36% 36% 35% 35% 674 2% Brldgept Mach (25c) 2 4 4 4 4 6% 174 Br Celanes* rets 3 2% 2% 2% 2% 46 31V4 Bulovacv pf (3%)... 1 32 32 32 32 4 1% Burco Inc (war).... 11% 174 IV4 1% 5% 2% Bwana M Kubwa.... 17 3% 3% 8 8 974 17* Cable Radio T vte... 1 3 8 8 3 9% 8% Canada Marconi 14 4% 4% 4 4% 2% % Carib Syndicate i 1% i% 1% 1% 8% 5 Carnegie Metals 4 7% 7% 7% 7% 42% 26 Cent Pub Svc A a1.76 11 26% 26% 26% 26% 39% 19 Cent St El (k4oc) 6 23% 23% 23% 23% 83% 72 Cent 8t El pf (6) xw. 1 77 77 77 77 9% 4% Centrifug Pipe (60c) 12 8% 8% 874 8% 8% 27* Chain Store Devel... 6 4% 5 4% 5 17 9% Chain Stores Stock.. 1 127* 1274 12% 1274 3274 22% Charls Corp (t 3). .. . I 27 28 27 27 25 17% Chat Ph Al nv <6oc).. 6 20% 2074 20 20% 17% 10% Chicago Corp (The). 2 12% 12% 12% 12% 46 4374 City Sav Bk Ltd 4.19. 2 44% 4474 44% 44% 44% 24% Cities Serv (*30c)... 76 28% 28% 28% 28% 93% 88 Cities Serv pf («) 1 91% 91% 91% 91% 35% 11 Clev T>-actor (1.60).. 2 15 15% 15 16% 8% 3% Colon Oil 4 3% 3% 3% 3% 21 5% Col Oil & Gas vtc. ... 15 8% 9% 8% 9% 54% 31 Col Plci vtc (fl %).. 5 39% 42 39% 39% a* % Colombia Syndicate. 1 % % % % 335% 234 Com Edison (8) 10s 286% 28674 286% 28674 67* 3% Com & Sou war 26 3% 3% 8% 8% 19% 11% Cora VVatSv ib6%). 31 157* 15% 14% 14% 1 % Comstock Tunnel.. . 1 % % % % 174 % Consol Auto Merch.. 2 % % % % 8% 3% Consol Copper 13% 3% 3% 3% 19 10 Consol Dairy Pr (2). 7 10 10 10 10 136% 9074 Cons Gas Bait (3.60). 6 116 116 116 116 127* 474 Copeland Pr Inc A... 2 474 4% 4% 4*4 17% 6 Cord Corp 8 7% 7% 7% 71* 27% 1974 Corp Sec Ch (b 6%).. 1 22% 22% 227* 22)4 74% 28 Cosden Oil 1 29 29 29 29 7% 574 Creole Petroleum. .. 82 5% 6% 674 6% 34% 15 Crocker Wheeler.... 1 17% 17% 17% 17% 4% 1% Curtiss Wright war. 11% i% ]% ]% 874 2% Dayton Air & Eng. .. 3 4 4 3% 4 162% 657* Deeie&Co (in 1.20).. 1 77 77 77 77 8% 2% De Forest Radio. ... 2 374 3% 37* 3% 11 4!* Derby Oil Refining.. 2 6% -6% 6% 6% 9% 3 Detroit Aircraft 4 37* 8% 3% 31* 24% 21% Diamond Match w.i. 20 22'.* 22% 22 22 27% 24% Diamnd Mtch pf w.i.. 3 257* 25% 25% 25% 23% 10 Dixie Gas & Util. ... 12 207* 23 20% 23 23 874 Doehler Die Casting. 2 11% 12% 11% 12% 209 140 Duke Power (jts). .. 25* 165 165 165 165 17 7 Duquesne Gas Cp wl. 24 10% 1074 10 10% 42 2574 East GA F Asso. ... 7 29% 29% 297* 29'*; 44 18% East St Pow B (1). .. 26 31% 3174 307* 30% 18% 7 East Util Inv (A).... 8 7% 7% 7% 77* 17% 12 East Util Asso cv.... 1 13 13 13 J 3 23 7% Eisler Elec (1 %). ... 11 7% 7% 774 7% 117% 70% El Bond &Sh (b 6). .. 240 81% 81% 79% 80 98 9274 El Bond &Shcupf 5. 5 97% 97% 97% 97% 109% 103% El Bond &Sh pf 16). 13 109% 109% 109 109% 37 16% Elec Pow Asso A (1) 2 257* 26% 25% 257* 32% 15% Elec Sharehold (fl). 4 19 19 18% 19 108 82 El Sharehold pf <a6) 2 96% 96% 967* 9574 B'4 574 Empire Corporation. 10 5% 6% 6 5 15% 1174 Empire Fire ins -2 11% 11% 11% 11% 25 16 Kmp PSer A nl.80) 1 16% 1674 16V« 167, 9 8% Europ Elec deb rts.. 14% 4% 4% 47* 9% 2 Fabrics Finishing... 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 74 Fiat Stock deb rts... 2 % V* % % 27% 12 Fllntkote (A) (1 %). 1 13 13 13 13 106 100 Florida P&L pf (7).. 1 100 100 100 100 34% 13% Fokker Aircraft. ... 1 17 74 1 77* 17 74 1 774 387* 28 Ford Mot Can A tl% 3 28% 28% 28 28 12% 6% Ford Mot France 28c 4 127* 127, 12 12 2374 1 077 Ford Mot Ltd 37 %c. 33 20% 207* 2074 20% 17% 274 Fox Theater Cl (A). 10 9% 974 97* 9% 80 50 Franklin Mfg pf (7). 25s 54% 64% 54% 54% 14% 6% Gen Alloys (80c). ... 1 1274 1274 1274 1274 4% 27, General Baking 2 2% 2% 27, 2% 14 10% Gen E Ltd ret (50c). 10 117* 117* 11% 11% 32% 32% Gen El Ger rets 1.92. 1 33% 33% 337* 38% 297, 18% Gen Empire Cord). 1 19 )9 19 19* 16% 9 Globe Underwriters. 1 1074 1074 1074 1074 6% 2% Gold Coin (new).... 4 2% 2% 2% 2% 72% Golden Center I 2% 2% 2% 2% 46% 15% Goldman Sach TC .13 187-4 19% 1874 1 87* 6 1% Gold Seal Elec new.. 2 274 274 274 2% 260 180 Gr A& P T n-v (5) .. 10* 210 210 210 210 166% 115% Gulf Oil of Pa (1%). 7 118 118 117% 11774 H 4 % Happiness Candy.... 1 % % T 4 % 32% 14% Hires (CE) (A) (2).. 1 3074 3074 30% 30% 147* 7 Hudson Bay M&S. . 3 774 7% 7% 77* 119 78 Humble Oil (2)..... 2 8874 887, 8874 88% 15 87* Hygiad* Food Prod. 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 30 18% Imp Oil of Can (50c) 37 23% 237* 23 237* i 257* 227* Imp Tob Gt B&l tß9c 1 2374 237, 2374 2374 71 6374 Insull Util In v tb9% 1 6674 6 674 567, 5674 85% 6174 Ins Co NAm (t 3) 3 627* 63 6274 63 23 1174 Insurance Sec (1.40) 2 12 12 12 12 874 474 lnt Holding ft Inv Co 10 47* 4% 474 47* 24 17% lnt Petroleum (1)... 10 19 19 19 19 467* 3074 Internat Super (fl).. 3 39% 3974 39 3974 19% 6% Internat Util (8).... 6 137* 1374 13% 137* 10 574 lnt Util war (new).. 6 77 77 5074 34% Int Utilities A (3%). 3 44 44 44 44 14% 6% Interstate Equities.. 16% 6% 6% g% j 3 1% Iron Cap Copper 11% 17, 1% 1% 27 12 Irving Air Chute (1). 1 14% 14% 147* 14% 9% 1% Irving A Chute war.. 14% 4% 4% 474 ; 274 % Jonas & Naumburg. . 1 74 74 74 % ' 30% 1874 Knott Corp (*3 40).. 1 25 25 26 25 j 377« 24 I.efcourt Real pf (3). 1 : 374 23% :3% 3% 307* 1774 Lily Tulip Cup (1 %) 1 24% 24% 247* 247* 2074 3% Loew's Inc war).... 11 174 1 174 1174 111* 6574 34% Lone Star Gas n (1). 1 39 39 39 39 I 56 38 Long Jsld Lt (55c).. 1 40 40 40 40 I 113% 107% Long JslLtpf (7)... 10s 110% 11074 11074 110% NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, September 18 (Special). —Fluctuations in cotton today were again confined within narrow limits. After 1 an early upturn of 10 points or more, | ' weakness in the stock market wiped ] ' out the Improvement and closed the list | virtually unchanged on the day. The resistance of the past few days j in the face of light hedging from the South brought many shorts into the market and several blocks of contracts 1 I were taken during the day. Trade buy- j ing helped to steady the tone. Spots | ; were unchanged at 11 cents, i Cotton range: Open. High Lew Close i October, old. . 10.97 11.07 10.89 10.94 i October, new. . 10.92 11. OS 10.89 10 92 1 December, old . 11.17 11.28 11.14 11.16! December, new . 11.12 11.24 11.08 11.10, January, old.. . 11.26 11.37 11.20 11. IS January, new... 11.21 11.31 1118 11.19 1 March 11.39 11.82 11 35 11.37 I May 11.58 11.68 11.52 11.54 July 11 72 11 83 11.69 11.72 BALTIMORE STOCKS. Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, September 18 Sales STOCKS. Last Sales. 15 Arundel Corporation 43 7 « 15 Baltimore Trust Co 36' j 55 Black A Decker com 26 58 Consolidated Oas com 119’.i 48 Consolidat Oas Ss cum pfd A 104' e 25 Eastern oiling Mills com 14 5 Fidelity & D, posit Co 16»'„ 25 First National Bank 48 13 Houston Oli pfd 80 25 Mt Ver-Woodbury Mills pfd..... 71 , 55 Northern Cent N R c0m.... 89 "» 32 New Amsterdam Oas Co 39 lOFark Bank 28t* SO Unit Porto Rican Sugar com ... 15 26 Unit Porto Rican Sugar n/d 25 30 U S Fidelity A Guaranty 41 BONDS. 3000 United y A Eiec income 45...... 35 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1930, «-Prev. 19*0.-. Stock and Sale*— High. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Onen High. Low. Close. 101 96% La P&L pf (6) 200s 100% 102 100% 102 24% 13 MacMarr Store* (1). 1 H 14 14 14 80% 38% Manhattan Dearborn 4 30 30% 30 30% 17% 6% Marion Steam Shov.. 16% 6% 6% 6% 10% 6% Mass Util Asso 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 13% 1 Mavis Bottling 7 l 1% 11% 90 56% Mead Johnson (t 4%) 3 84 84 83% 83% 22% 10% Memphis Nat Gas... 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 1 16% 8% Met* Min Inc (1.20). 6 11% 12 11% 12 1 30 4 Met Chain Stores.... I 6% 6% 6% 6% 1 29 1% Met sto 50c Strs pf.. 10 2% 4% 2% 4% 1 6 2% MidSt Pet vtc 8.... 12% 2% 2% 2% 29% 22 Mid WSt Ut (1%)... 5 23% 24 22% 2374 38 25% Mid West Ut (bB%). 1 28% 28% 28% 28% 16% 13% Midld Nat Gas A 1.20 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 24% 16% Mid Roy cv pf (2)... 1 20 20 20 20 1 36% 14% Mo Kan PL (blO%). 335 2074 2174 19 1974 6 74 Mo Kan PL vtc 6 11 74 1 2374 23 Moore Corp Ltd (1).. 1 18% 18% 18% 1874 12% 6 Nat American C 0.... 16% 6% 6% 674 20 7% Nat Fam 8tb2%%... 1 1074 1074 1074 1074 ' 41% 25% Nat Fuel Gas (1).... 6 32% 32% 32 32 30 11 Nat Investors 7 13% 18% 13% 13% 104 100% Nat Pow &Lt pf (8). 1 10374 10374 1037* 10374 4774 46% Nat PS cv pf ww 3%. 1 4774 4774 47% 47% 16% 12 Natl S T Sec Assoc.. 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 10% 3% Nat Union Radio. ... 74% 4% 4% 474 14% 5 Nebel (Osc) («2%c). 3 5 5 5 5 31% 1774 Nelson (Herman) 2.. 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 95% 88% New Eng Pow pf (6). 10a 93% 93% 93% 93% 9174 62% N J Zinc (2%) 1 65% 65% 65% 65% ' 42 1974 Newport Co (2) 9 25% 25% 26% 25% 1 24% 14 N Y Merchandise (1) 1 14 14 14 14 1674 9 NY Pet Royalty.... 1 9 9 9 9 18 7 N Y Rio &Bu Aires.. 5 8 8 8 8 ' 117% 113% NYTelpf (6%) 75a 116% 116% 116% 116% 1 24% 1574 Niag-Hud Pow (40c) 27 16% 16% 16 16% 67* 3% Nlag-Hud Pow A w.. 2 3% 3% 3% 3% 1 4574 25% Niles-Bem-P (t 2%). 1 29 29 29 29 44% 20% Noranda Mines (2). . 7 22% 22% 22 22 1 1% U Nordon Mines. Ltd.. 11 11 1 1 5 2 No Am Aviat A war.. 12% 27J 2% 2% 90% 85 No Am L&P pf (*). 25* 90 90 90 90 4% 1% Nor Europ O!) Corp.. 1 ]% 1% ]% jx, 102% 9574 Nor lnd Pwr Svc(6). 50* 102 102 102 102 ' 1837* 130 Nor St Pow A (*). .. 1 155 165 155 165 102 95% Nor St Pow pf (6). . .120* 10174 10174 10174 10174 36% 22% Novadel Agene t 3 74. 2 37 37 37 37 174 % Ohio Copper 11 % % % % 107 10474 Ohio Power pf (6)... 20a 108 108 108 108 108 100% Ohio Pub Sv pf A (7) 10s 107% 107% 107% 107% 11% 7% Oilstocks Ltd A 50c.. 1 774 77* 77* 77* 18 374 Outboard Mot (8)... 1 3 3 3 3 27% 19 Pac Fin Corp (1.32). 1 19% 197* 19% 1974 28% 2674 Pac G&E Ist pf (1%) 6 28% 28% 28% 28% 106 101 Pac Light pf (fi). ... 100* 1047» 104'* 104% 1047* 39% 23% Pac Pub Sv (1.30)... 1 2874 28% 28% 28% 1974 127* Pac Western Oil 4 16% 16 15% ifi 2% % Pamlem Oil 8 4, £ % 4* 4% 1% Pantepec Oil •ft 2% 27* 2’4 2% 33% 374 Paramount Cab Mfg. 24 3% 674 3% 4% 42% 31 Parke Davis (t 1.68). 2 33% 33% 33% 33% 29% 22% Patterson Sarg (2). . 1 26 26 26 26 16% 10% Pennroad Corp (20c) 17 10% 1074 10% 1074 18% 14% Pens Gaa&El (al%). 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 32 17 Peijn Mex Fuel (2).. 4 24% 247* 24% 2474 111 108 Penn P&Lt pf (7).. 26s 104% 104% 104% 104% 674 2% Petrol Corp war 12% 2% 2% 2% 2 % Philip Morris Inc. ... 2 11 11 15% 47* Pilot Rad Tub# (A).. 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 2074 10 Pitney BPn (20c).. 6 10% 10V, 10 10V, 18% 5 Polymet Mfg (b 4%). 16% 67* 5% 6% 57V» 4574 Pratt & Lamb (t 6)... 1 49 49 49 49 15% 87* Prince & Whit (25c). 3 10 10 Ift 10 23 12% Prudential Invest. .. 12 17% 17% 17% 1774 j 27% 15 Pub Ut Hold (50c).. 27 167* 16% 1674 16V, 9% 2% Tub Ut Hold A(soc). 2 8% 3% 3% 3% 91 87 Puget Sd P&L pf(s). 10s 91% 91% 91% 91% 99 93*4 Pure Oil pf <•) 10s 96% 96% 96% 96% 14% 6 Rainbow Lum Pr A.. 19 13% 14 13% 13% 7% 2% Rainbow Lum Pr 8.. 13 5% 6% 674 km. 5% 2% Reiter-Foster 8 8 3 3 g 6% 4% ReybarnCo 15% 5% 6% 6% 3074 26% Rike Humbler (2.20). 1 30% 307, 30% 30% 29% 1974 Rock Lt & P (90c). .. 1 28% 23% 23% 237* 67, 2 Roosevelt Field Inc.. 2 274 2% 2% 2% 210 10 Safeway Sort war 2d 40* 15 15 16 15 34 18% St Regis Paper (1).. 3 22% 22% 22% 2274 17% 14% SaxetCo 4 17 17% 16% 17% 107* 674 Seaboard Util (SOc). 2 574 6% 5% 5% 9 4% Seg Lock & H (60c).. 3 6 6% 6 5% 12% 5% Selected Industries.. 16 g g g 8474 63% Sel lnd all ctfs(4%). 5 69 69 69 69 71% 54% Select lnd pr (674).. 3 64% 64% 64% 64% 2% 27* Self Prov St <13c).., 2 27* 2% 2% 2% : 597, 50 SheafferPen (t 5).... 1 50 50 50 60 20 8% Shenandoah Corp. ... 7 Ift in m jq | 48% 33 Shenandoah Cp (a3). 3 4174 41% 41% 41% 34% 1574 Silica Gel ctfs 9 16% 167* 14% 14% ■ 00° <25 Singer Mfg (tl7) 10* 425 425 425 425 467* 35 Sou Penn Oil (t 2%). 1 8674 36% 86% 36% ! 27 22% So Cal Ed pf C (1%). 1 26V* 25% 25% 25% 874 4% Southern Corp 3 674 6% 6% gu 17 8 Southland Roy (1).. 1 874 874 87* 8% 20% 774 S W Gas Utilities.... 6 14 14% uv* 2% 74 Spanish & Gen ret*.. 1 % % % 7, 82% 36 Spieg MSt pf (•%). . 26« 36% 36% 35% 357* 3% % Standard Motors. 50 3 3 2% 3 59% 47% Stand Oil lnd (2 74).. 30 4974 49% 49 49 40% 30 Stand Oil Ky, (tl 80) 9 30% 30% 30% 30% 4874 44% Stand Oil, Neb(t3 74) 1 477* 4 77* 47 74 4 77* : 108% 7474 Stand Oil Ohio (2 74). 50* 76 76 76 *76 3774 14 StarrettCorp 1 18% jg* 18 , 4 18%i 4874 30 Starrett Corp pf (3). 3 3974 3974 39 39% 10 4% Sunray Oil (40c).... 1 5 6 6 5 2274 9% Strauss Roth 5 14% 14% 1374 14% 347* 28 Swift &Co new (2).. 2 29% 29V, 29V, 29V, 86% 20% Technicolor Inc. .... 122 V, 22% 227, 22% 7% 4% Teck Hughes (60c).. 16% 6% ~6% ~g% 111% 1067* Tenn El P Ist pf (7). IHO 110 HO 110 19% 8% Texon OH&Land(t4) 1 12% 12% 12% 12% 2% % Tobacco Pr Exports. 11 1 j 1 ' 23% 13 Transfor Co (J 1.60).. 1 1314 33*44 1314 1314 I 137* 47* Trans Lux DLP S. . 20 9% 9% 9% 9% • 4 Tri-Cont Corp (war). 15 5 5 5 58% 45 Tri Utilities pf (3).. l 45 45 45 I 26 17% Trunz Pork S (1.60). 1 21 21 21 21 ) 15% 11% Twin St NG Apt (1). 1 13 13 13 13 i 35 25 Un NG of Can t 1.60. 2 2774 27% 27% 27% | 47% 38 Un Oil Asso (J 2) 10 39 39% 39 39% 1 167* 6% Utd Car Fast (60c).. 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 30% 12% Utd Corp (war) 6 16% 16% 16% 16% 8% 4 Utd Dry Docks 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 44 1574 Utd Found b2-3S sh. 72 16% 16% 16 1674 28% 12 UrdGasCo (new)... 49 167* 16% 15T4 15% 117, 5 Utd Gas (war) ]ft 77 g* 4 7' 9974 9 174 Utd Gas pf (7) 9 98% 98% 98% 98% 56 27% Utd Lt & Pow A (1). 46 39% 3ft% 38% 38% 99% 80 Utd Lt * Pow B (1). 1 80 80 80 80 | 119% 97% Utd Lt & Pow pf (6). 6 109 109 109 109 6 2% Utd Milk Products. . 16% 5% 514 3% 22% lOTir IJ S Elec Pow ww... 9 127, 127* 12V, 12% 957* 76 US Finish pf (7).... 60a 7774 7774 777, 77% 26% 15% tl S Foil (B) (1) 1 16% 154* i 5* 4 75 52 US & lnt Sec Ist (J) 1 61 61 61 61 j 20% 11 US Lines pf (1) 2 11% 11% 11% n% ; 23 13% US & Overseas war. 14 1 874 1 87* 187* 187, 70 44 Univ Ins (3%) 50* 45 45 45 45 28 1474 Util Pow &Lt «al).. 25 1874 19 18 1874 68% 37 Util P&L B ctfs (al) 1 40% 40% 40% 40% 23% 1274 Utility & lnd 1 1374 13% 137* 13% 9774 7674 Vacuum Oil 14) ]0 77% 77% 77% 77% 4% 2 Venezuela Patrol.... 6 274 2% 2% 27, 974 674 Vic Finan Cor (40c). 1 77* 7% 7% 7% ol 26% Walgreen Co 1 30% 30% 3074 30% j % 7* VVenden Copper 1° 74 74 7* 7* j 34% 29 Wheatsworth (tl%) 1 31 31 31 31 % 74 Yukon Gold 1 74 74 74 % 2174 8% Zonlte Products (1). 1 10 10 10 10 RIGHTS. Expire. 4% 2Vj Ins Co of NA. .Oct 17 2% 2% 2% 2% % -4, Newport Co. .Sept 22 109 ik it i "h. & ik Zonite Prod... Oct 1 222 % & 4, Dividend rate* in dollar* based on last quarterly or seml-annuaJ payment. •Ex dividend. (Partly extra JPlua 4% in stock, a Payable in eeah or stock, b payable in stock, e Adjustment dividend f Plus 5% in stock, g Plus 6% in stock, h Plus 1% in stock 1 Plus J% in slock, k Plus 10% In stock, m Plus 3% in stock, n Plus 9% in stock. ReDrganization Planned. NEW YORK. September 18 Di rectors of American Agricultural Chem ical Co. have adopted a reorganization plan whereby there will be issued in exchange for the present preferred and common stocks of American Agricul- I tural Chemical Co. of Connecticut 317,- : 875 shares of no-par common of American Agricultural Chimical Co. of : Delaware, of this. 284.552 shares will be issued to present preferred stock- I holders on a share-for-share basis, and ! 33.323 shares to present common stock- I holders on a share-for-share basis, and i 33,323 shares to present common stock j holders on the bash of one-tenth of ; a share of new stock for each present j common share NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. September 18 (>P;. — | Over-the-counter market: Bftok Stocks. Bid. Asked. America .... 07 100 IBkof U 8 Units 391. i\t. Broadway Natl 96 106 ! Chase 145 J4R Chat Phenix 109 112 city -. iso l . i«3', ! A ve , 99(91 310(1 First Natl N i 5050 ~250 ; 1615 I Manhat Co 113 116 Peoples Natl 400 500 Trust Companies. Bankers Cent Hanover 353 358 Chem Bk A Tr 68' 'a 68>o Corn Exchange 173 179 County sit 345 guaranty 640 645 trying 81 V« 5J"i Manufacturers 87 89 New York 252 237 United States 3930 4150 Westcherler Titl* * Tr 130 'VOTING MACHINE FIRM AWARDED BIG CONTRACT I Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, September 18.—Con ' tracts for work totaling approximately $1,500,000 have just been awarded the Poole Engineering & Machine Co., ac cording to S. Proctor Brady, president. The contracts are for voting machines for several counties in Pennsylvania, in cluding 1,000, which comes from Alle gheny County. The design and patents of the ma i chines are owned by the American | Voting Machine Co. of New York, of i which company the Poole Engineering Si Machine Co. is the manufacturer. 1 Among the features of the voting machines made here are the printing | of each vote cast, and its automatic ad dition to the number previously cast so ■ that at the end of the day there is no delay in obtaining an accurate total, not dependent upon addition by tellers. I Opportunity for voters to correct errors also is provided. The design was virtually perfected 15 years ago when it received the highest award at the Panama-Pacific Interna ; tional Exposition at San Francisco. U. S. TREASURY BALANCE. The United States Treasury balance announced today as of close of busi ness September 18 was $281,794,173.04. Customs receipts for the month to date I were $18,072,295.97. Tot*l ordinary ex penditures, $26,750,680.80. Washington Produce Butter —One-pound prints, 44*45; tub, 43*43. Poultry, alive —Spring chickens, large. 27*28; medium. 25*26; small, 25*26; Leghorns, 24*25; fowls, large. 24*25; small *nd medium. 18*20; Leghorn t fowls, 15*16; roosters, 15; ducks, 15. Home dressed —Spring chickens, large, ; 33*35; medium, 32*33; small, 30*32; , fowls, large, 28*30; small *nd medium. 27a28; Leghorn, fowls, 18*20: roosters, i 18*20; ducks, 23*24; turkeys, 32*35. Meats, fresh killed—Beef. 19a20; veal, , 18*22; lamb, 23a25; pork, loins. 34; , fresh hams. 25: fresh shoulders, 22; i smoked hams. 28; smoked shoulders, 20: bacon. 28; lard, in bulk, 15; one-pound packages, 16. i Live stock —Calves, SalO: lambs. 9. Fruits —Watermelons, 40a75; c&nta i loupes, Rocky Fords, flats, I.oo*l 25; , Hurlocks. Eastern Shore of Maryland, i large crates, 1.25*1.50; Persian melons, 1.50a2.50: honeydews, 1.25a2.00: honey balls, 3.00a4.00; oranges, 6.00*8.50; , lemons, 6.00*6.50; limes, per 100, 1.50; , apples, nearby, 75a1,50; box stock, 2.75a 1.00: peaches. Elbertas, 1.50a3.00; Hales, , 3.50*4.50: plums, 1.50*2.50: damsons, pony baskets, 1.25; grapes, Ribiers, 3.00; Tokays, 2.50a2.75; Thompson, seedless, i ?.25; figs. 4.50a5.00: grapefruit, 6.50a i 7.50; pears, 1.25a2.50. i Vegetables—Potatoes, 3.50; sweet po tatoes, 5.00; tomatoes, two-peck bas kets, 100al.75; peas, 4.00a6.00; string beans, 2.00a2.75; lima beans. New Jer i sey, 5.00; Eastern Shore of Maryland, i 3.00a3.50; carrots, per 100 bunches, 4.00; cut off. per bushel basket, 1.25; com, per dozen. 30a40; eggplant, 75a 1.00; turnips. 1.50a2.00; beets, per 100 bunches. 4 00: cucumbers, 1 50a 2.00; cauliflower. 2.50a3.00: squash, two-peck | baskets. 75*1.00; kale, 1.50; spinach, 1.75a2.25. Eg* s —Current receipts, 29a30; hen nery, 34a35 BONDS ON THE CURB MARKET. - . - - r . - 29 Alabama Pw 4'is '67 99'« 99V« 99% 6 Alabama Pow 5s '6B 103% 103 V. 103% 18 Aluminum Co 5s '52 104* 4 104% 104 V. 13 Am Cmwlh Pw 6s '4O 9S’/« 93 93% 50 Amer OAKS. '2B. 101 100*/. 101 1 Amer O A Pow 6s '39 9414 94% 94'/. 11 Amer P A L 6s 2016. 108 5 . 108% 108*4 10 Amer Roll Mill 5s '4B 100 V, 100% 100 V« 2 Appalach Gas 8s '45 107% 107'. 101*. 5 Apcalac Gas 8s B '45 92% 92', 92*4 12 Appalach Pow 5s '56 102% 102 102 4 Arkans P A L 5i '56 101 V. 101V* 101*4 6Armstrg Cork 5s '4O 98 97% 97*4 64 Asso Electric 4>,s 'S3 91 90*4 91 lAs GAE 4'■if '4B ww 87*4 87% 87*4 44 Assn GAE 4Vis ’49 C 82*, 82*4 82V. 17 ASSO G A B 5s '6B. 87*. 88% 87V. 14 Assn GAE 5V,s 'lB 88', 88 86’/. 3 Asso GAE 5%s '77 97 96*4 96% 3As Sim Hdw 6Vis 'l3 86 88 86 19 As Tel Util sV*s '4* C 98% 98 98 15 Calif Packing 5s '4O 102% 102*4 102*4 17 Can Nat Ry 4%s '55 102% 102',, 102% 3 Can Nat R E 7s E '35 110 99% 110 2 Cap Adm 5s 53 xw 81 81 81 17 Cardins F 4 Us '56 103*', 108% 103% 4 Caterpillar Tr 5s ’35 102*4 102*4 102'. 10 Cent Stat Elec 5s '4B 80% 80 *„ 80 V, SCent St PAL 5%s '53 89% 89% 89% 250 Cities Service 5s 'SO. 101% 101 101 1 Cities Service 5s '66 84V* 84% 84*4 1 Cit Ber Gas P 6s '43 93*. 93*4 93% 7 Cit Serv Pow 6*4s '52 92V, 92', 92*4 3 Cleve Elec Illu 7s '4l. 107% 107’, 107% 1 Cleve Ter Bldg 6s '4l 96 96 96 61 Comwlh Ed 4s E '6O. 100% 100% 100% 4 Con Gas Balt 4'is H 92% 92% 92% 10 Con G Bal s>4s E '52. 107% 107*, 107 V, 10 Consum Pow 4'is 'SB. 101', 101*4 101 Vi 3 Contln Oil 5%s '37. 98 97% 98 14 Crane Co 5s '4O 102 102 102 2 Crucible Steel 5s '40.101*4 101*4 101*4 6 Cudahy Pkg s’is '37. 99 98% 99 2 Det C Gas 5s B 'SO . 104 104 104 25 Duquesnc Gas 6* '45. 95*4 95% 95% 6 Duqucsne 6%s 88% 88 88% 15 Kdts El Bost 5s A '33 102% 102% 102', 4 El Paso N O 6*,s '3B 112 110 112 17 El Pg NO 6*,s 43 ww 113*4 112 112 30 Elec P A Lss A 2030 92% 92*4 92% 12 Fairbanks Mor 5s '42 98', 98', 98V, 4 Federal Wat 5%s '54 93% 93% 93', 21 Florida P AL 5s '54. 90% 90% 90V, 5 Garlock Packg 6s '39 99 99 99 15 Gatineau Pow 5s '56 97% 97 97*4 2 Gatineau Pow 6s 41 99 99 99 8 Gen Bronze 6s ’40.. 92 91% 92 5 Gen Rayon 6s A ’4B 80 60 60 1 1 Gen Wat Wk 6s B ’34 85 85 85 IS Glidden Co 5%s 35 . 99% 99% 99% 33 Georgia Power 5s ’67 101% 101*4 101% 25 Goodrich 6s 86% 85% 85% 7 Goody TAR 5%s 31100% 100% 100% i 5 Ground Grip 6s '44. 45 45 45 3 Gulf Oti Pa 5s '57.. 102% 101% 101*4 2 Gulf Oil Pa 5s '47.. 103 V, 103*4 103% 1 Gulf St Util 5j A '56 101 101 101 i 19 Hudson B MAS 8s 'ls 102% 102% 103% , 3 H/grade Fd 6s A '49 57 57 57 2 Illinois P A L 5%s '57 97 97 97 35 Indnap PAL 5s A '57 101*4 Ml% 101% i 15 Inland Util 6s '34.... 98 % 98V, 98% , 4 Insult Utilit 6s B 40. 102 V. 102'4 ,02% 1 Intercon Pw cv 6s '4B 96% 96% 96% 30 Intern Sec, Am 5s '47 83 83 83 2 Intersta Pow 5s 57.. 93% 52 92 1 Intersta Pow 6s '52., 90 90 90 1 Invest Co 5s A '47 xw 80% 80% 80% * 5 lowa-Neb LAP 5s '57. 97% 97% 97% i 3 Jer Cen PAL 5s B '47 101% 101% 101% 5 Hopper GAC 5s '47 100% 100% 100% 15 Kopper GAC 5%s 'SO 103% 103% 103 V. 4 Lehigh PB6s A >26 106*, 106% 106% i 7 Libby McN A L f, '43 95% 95% 95% 17 La P A L 5s 57.... 100% 100% 100’.- 1 McCord Rd 6s '43 ww 73% 73% 79’ 21 Massachu Gas 5s '55. 100% 100 H 10V 1 Mess Gas 5%s '46....104*, 104% 10' 5 Mead 6s A ’45 97V. 97% 9', . 4 Mid West Util 5s 33. 98% 98% 98% 4 Mid West Util 5s ’25 98% 98 98% 5 Midland Nat G 6s ’35 98*, 98% 98% 5 Minn PAL 4%s '78... 95% 95% 95% 3 Miss River Fuel xw.. 99’. 99% 99% 30 Miss Pow A Lt 5s '57 97% 97', 97% 3 Mont L HAP 5s A 'sl 103% 103% 103% 1 Narragansett 5s '57.. 102% 102% 102% 10 Nat P A L 6s A 2026 108% 108 108', 61 Nat PAL 6s B 2030 94% 93% 94 27 Nat P 8 5s '7B 80% 80 80% 2 Neisner Bros 6s '4B . 91% 91% 91*, 4 New Eng GAE 5s '4B. 92% 92% 93’, 16 N Y Chi St L 4',S C 98 97*. 97V, 2NY Fo In 5 Vis '4B WW 85 85 85 39 N Y P A L 4%s 67. . 97% 97% 97% 3 Nor Ind P S 5s C '66 104 104 104 21 Nor Ind P S 5s D '66 104 104 104 1 Nor Ind P S 6s 93% 93 % 93*4 1 Nor Tex Ut 7s '35 ww 100'., 100', 100% 3 Northw Power 6s '6O. 103% 103 103% 37 Ohio Edia 5s '6O wl.. 101% 101 Vi 101% 17 Ohio Pow 4%S D '56 . 98 97% 97% 9 Ontario PAL 5%s 50 96% 96% 96% 69 Pac P A Lt 5s 99V, 99% 99% 14 Pac O A E 4%s E ’57 98*. 98 98% 30 Pac G A- E F 98% 98 98*. 14 Pac W O 6%s '43 ww 96% 96% 96% 23 Pa Cen PAL 4%s '77 101', 101% 101% 1 Penn O Ed 5s B '59.. 102% 102% 102% ' 2 Penn O Ed 6s 'SO xw 104% 104% 104% 2 Penn P A L 5s B '52 103% 102 V. 102% 1 Peop LAP 5s '79 WW 82*. 82% 82*. lOPhtla Elec »%s '73... 106% 106% 106% 1 Pitts Coal Co 6s '49. 99% 99% 99% 7 Port Gen Elec 4%5.. 93% 93% 93% 1 Poor A Co 6s '39 103% 103% 103*. 3 Potomac Ed 5s E '56. 101% 101% 101% 4 Pow Co N Y 5%s '47 99% 99% 99% 31 Pub S Nor 111 5s '3l. 97 97 97 4 Pug S PAL 5%S '49. 103 V, 103% 103*. 1 Pug S PAL 5s C 'SO. 101 101 101 10 Qun.b Gas 5%s A 52 103% 103% 103% 8 Roch Cent Pow 6s '53 79% 79 79% 1 San Ant P 8 5s B ’SB 99% 99% 99% 2 Scripps 5%s '43 : 93 93 93 I 5 Servel Inc 5s '4B 72V, 72*a 72% 43 Shaw WAP 4'is A 67 98% 98% 98% 17 Shaw WAP 4%s B 'BB 98% 98% 98% 3 Shawg 5s C '7O 104% 104% 104% 21 Shawsheen 7s '31... 101 101 101 3 Snider Pack 6s '32... 60% 60% 60% 13 8E PAL 6s A 2025 xw 108% 108 108% 32 South Calif Ed 5s 'sl 104% 104% 104% 9 South Calif Ed 5s '52 104'-, 104', 104% 5 South Calif O 5s '37 95% 95% 95% 1 Sou Cal Oas 5s A '57 91% 91% 91% 32 Southern NO 6s '44 96% 96% 96% 8 Southern N O xp.... 85 85 85 4 Sthw Dai 6Via '3B ww 76 74 76 3 Southw GAE 5s A '57 98% 98 98 2 Southw Net G 6s '44 96 % 96% 96V. 1 Bo'thw PAL 6s A 2022 109% 109% 109'/, 7 S'alev Mfg 6s '42... 99 98% 9R% 1 Stand Oas A E 6s '35 102% 102% 102% 4 Stand Oas A E 6s '51102% 102% 102% 3 Stand Gas & E 6s '66 103 103 103 5 Stand Inv 5%s '39. 91% 91% 91% 12 Standard P A I, 6s '57 102*. 101% 102'’, 19 Swift Co 6s '4O 101 100% 100% 1 Swift Co 5s '32 100% 100% 100% *7 Texas Elec ss. 99*1. 99V4 99% 7 Texas Gas Ut 6s 45. 94% 94 94 3 Texas PAL 5s 'SB .. 101% 101 101% 1 Thermold Co 6s '34 90% 90V, 90'% 1 Trl Util 5s '79 82 82 82 6 Twin States 6s 96’, 98% 98% 1 Uni Lt A Ry 5%s '52 93% 93% 93% 1 Uni Lt A Ry 6s A *52 103% 103% 103% ID 8 Rub 6%s '33 90 90 90 4 U S Rub fl%s '39 92 92 82 16 Union Gulf 5s '50... 102 V. 102 10***/. 32 Van Bweringen 6s '35 98 97 V, 0 1 % 3V* K A P 5s A '55. 102% 102*. 102% 17 Wabash 5s D '80.... 103% 101% 102% 9 Waldorf-Astor 7s '54, 90 89% 88% 4 Wash W A Pow 5s '6O 104% 10*% 10*% 23 Wes Penn 5s 2030 wl 93% 92V, 92% 5 Wea Tex Ut 5s A '37 96 95% 96 FOREIGN BONDS. 3 Agr Mtg Bank 7s '46. 80 80 80 1 Bogota Mtg Bk 7s '47 81 81 81 I Brisbane City fs 'SO. 95’. 95% 95% 36 Buen Air Pr 7%s '47 93 98% 98*, 3 Cauca Valley 7s 48. . 72 72 72 1 Cent Bk Co 8s B '51.. 81V, 81% 81% 5 Chile Mtg Bk 6s *31.. 99V, 99% 99% 14 Com Pr Bk sVis '37.. 38% 38% 38% 1 Danish Con 5%. '55.. 101% 101% lOI'/i 1 Ere ME B%s A '53 ww 80% 80V, 80V, 1 Eur El Cp 6%s 'BS xw 80% 80% 80% 1 Finld Indßk 7s '44... 100% 100', 100% SOOer Cons Mun 8s '47. 84 83% 83% 10 Ger Con Mun 7s '47. 93 93 93 7 Hamburg El 5%s 38. 87% 87% 87% 1 Hanover Cred 6s 'St.. 99% 99% 99% 15 Hanover Pro 6%s '49 93 90% 93 1 Hanover City 7s '39.. 96% 96% 96% 1 Hun It B 7V,s AC '63 80 80 80 1 Mendoza Pr 7V,s 'sl 86% *6V. 88% 7 Nippon El P «%S '53 93 93 93 4 Pow C Can 4%s 59 B 90% 90% 90% 13 Prussia F S 6s '52. .. 80'% 65 85 2 Prussian F S 6*is 'sl 91 91 91 3 Ruhr GCo 6%s A '53 83% 83% 83% 5 Ruhr Hous 6'is 'SB 82% 82% 82% 5 Russian 6%s 'l9 84 84 84 2 Stinnes 7s '36 xw... 82 82 82 6 Tietz (L) 7%a '46 xw 95 95 95 48 Temt Soc OV,s A '53 84 82 V, 84 ww—With warrants, xw—Without warrants, n—New. wl—When issued. When the Rajah of Bhor. Bombay, recently toured Ireland, he was accom panied by his prime minister, secretary of state and eight lesser officials. STOCK AND BOND AVERAGES By the A .seriated Press. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. STOCKS. 50 20 30 00 Industrials. Rails. Utilities. Total. Tod iv 165.7 120.* 225.2 169.1 Previous day t 65.2 120.* 223.7 168.5 Week ago 170.* 122.5 229.4 173.6 Month ago 1*1.2 119.6 213 * 164.0 Year ago 240.4 161.* 343.9 251.6 Two years ago. 1*0.4 124.5 163.0 16*.2 Three years ago, weekly aver.. .143.3 121.3 124.4 136.6 High (1930) 202.4 141.6 281.3 205.8 Low (1930) 149.6 115.4 204.7 154.0 High (1929) 252.* I*7.* 353.1 253.5 Low (1929) 141.3 117.7 156.6 140.3 BONDS. 10 10 10 *0 Industrials. Rails. Utilities. Total. Todav »4.« 109.3 101.1 101.7 Previous day 94.9 109.0 101.1 101.7 Week ago * 94.5 109.1 100.8 101.5 Month ago 93.9 10* 0 100.8 100.9 Yttf fttO 01.9 101.1 96.9 96.6 Two years »*o M.% 105.4 99.3 100.0 Three years ago, weekly aver... 96.0 108.0 99.8 101.3 High (1930) 7r 94.9 109.4 101.1 101.7 Low (1930) 91.9 104.5 97.* 98.4 Hirh (1929)... 95. S 106.0 99.8 99.9 Low (1929) . 90.4 100.8 96.0 96.3 <Copyright 1930. Standard Statistics Co.l WOMAN'S BANK IS PLANNED BY GOTHAM FINANCIER'S WIDOW BY LEMUEL F. PARTON. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. September 18.—Just as John B. Watson, the psychologist, says that the idea of women in business is "all rot.” Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn, widow of the widely known New York financier, plans to start a big, metro politan woman’s bank, with the Board of Directors composed entirely of womeh. .. , A Mrs. Hepburn became the first woman bank director In Wall Street with her election to the board of the Industrial Banking Corporation of America a few weeks ago. Associated with her hus band In the control of large affairs, she disclosed marked financial ability on her own account and is moving up rapidly to a position of assured leadership in big business and finance. Challenges Male Dominance. Mrs. Hepburn was an active suffragist, associated with such women as Carrie Chapman Catt, Mrs. Raymond Brown and Mrs. George B. Case in the critical days of the movement. Hence her plan for a woman’s bank, made public today, carries with it an ardent championship of women’s financial competence and responsibility and a challenge of male dominance in this field. * ‘The aim of the bank,” the announce ment stated, “is to serve women's wel fare variously, effectively—significantly —to arouse women to a realization of the great opportunities they are now missing in the activities of the world and to awaken in them an intelligently keen interest in business, in investments and the provisions and processes of the law—so as to protect their own inter ests and so inform themselves in prac ticalities that they will have confidence and courage to assume responsibilities and maintain an influential part in the 'business sphere. “We are not going to be poseurs, to ask the world to consider us as wonder objects. We are going to be bankers, practicing banking in the straightest and strictest, the fullest and the broad est sense. We shall command resources sufficient to merit consideration in the larger phases of modern business. And as they who are the heads of our his torically pre-eminent instltut'ons are ADVANCE IN DAIRY PRODUCTS PRICES SEEN By the Associated Press. The expectation that prices for dairy products. Including butter, will advance moderately during the Autumn, but re main at a lower level than for several years past, was expressed today at the Department of Agriculture. This view was predicated upon a trend toward expansion in the dairy industry. In a report describing the dairy outlook the department said while the drought caused heavy damage to production during the past season supplies of roughage and hay are ample in the most important dairy sections and the decrease in Fall production is not ex pected to be as heavy as the decrease during the Summer months. DIVIDENDS DECLARED NEW YORK, September 18 (JP).— Regular. Pe- Pay- Hldrs. of Company. Rate.rlod. able. record. Am Commonwealth Pow l*t pf 1t.75 Q Nov. I Oct. 15 Do I 8 60 lit pi 1161 Q Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Do 2nd pf A II 75 Q Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Am Felt pf .$1.50 Q Oct. 1 Sep 16; Am Truatec Shares j Diver Tr Bhar B. 37.180 c Oct. I Ark Pow A Lt $6 pf.t1.50 O Oct. 1 Bep. 15 Bearings Co of Am Ist pf 11.15 Q Sep. 30 Bep. 15 Bird A Sons Inc 35c Q Oct. 1 Sep 15 Blue Ribbon Ltd 50c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Booth (P E) Co A....76C Q Sep. 30 Sep 15 Bklyn Boro Oas *1.50 9 9°!' Do part pf 75c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Chain Store Pr0d...37*%c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 30 Chic Junct Rys & _ j Stock Yards 13 38 0 Oct. I Bep. Do pf 11.50 Oct. 1 Sep. 15 i Cinn Street. Ry 75c <3 Oct. 1 Sen. 34 , Cities Service 3%c M Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Do pf 50c M Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Do pf BB 50c M Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Do of B 5c M Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Cleve Auto M Ist pf.t1.75 Q Sep. 30 Sep. 18 Cockshutt Plow 37Vic Q Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Columbus Ry Pow A . . _ Lt Ist pf II 50 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Continental Gin pf *1.50 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Crucible Bteel 11.35 Q Oct. 30 Oct. 15 Crystal Tissue 37 %c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 30 Divers Invest C ..II Q Oct. 18 gep. 34 Do Ist pf.. 11-75 Q Oct. IS Sep. 35 Do Pt pf II Q Oct. 15 Sep. 35 Dolphin Paint A Var- „ .. _ . , nish A 50c Q Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Dunean Mills pf 11.75 Q Oct. 1 Elder Mfg 25c Q Oct. 1 Sep 20 Do A 11.35 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 30 Do Ist Pf 12 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 30 Equitable Tr (Balt). . 75c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 34 Gottfried Bak pf.... 11.75 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 30 Greyhound Co p? A 11.75 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Hollinger Cons Gold „ _ Mines ,5c M Oct. 7 Sep. 23 Humph Mfg 8 r « pf. .. 50c Q Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Imperial Sus IT pf. 11.75 Q Oct. 1 Do *7 pf *1.75 <3 Jan. 1 Do *7 pf 11.75 Q Apr. 1 Ipterst Pet pf A 50c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Kan Gas A El pf....*175 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 17 Kawneer Co 62%C Q Oct. 15 Sep. 30 Kroger Groc A Bak Ist pf *1.50 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Do 2nd pf *1.75 <3 Nov. 1 Oct. 20 I Laclede Tr «6tl> 11.50 <3 Oct. 1 Sep. 24 La Salle Ext Un pf. 51.75 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Lawrence Gas A E1...65c Q Nov. 1 Oct 15 Letch <C> A Co pf A. 11.75 <3 Oct. 1 Sep .10 Mead Corp pf *1.50 Q Dec. 1 Nov. 30 Montreal Tram *2.50 Q Oct. 15 Oct. 6 Nat Oxygen pf A....56%e Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Paragon Ref pf A....75c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Peter Paul Candy.... *1.50 Q Oct. 1 Sen. 16 Regal Shoe pf *1.75 Q Oct. 1 Sen. 30 Rumford Printing $2 <3 Oct. 1 Sep. 15 ! St Joseph Ry Lt Ht A Pow pf *1.25 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Schleslnger (B F) A Sons pf $1.75 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Sharon Ry *1 25 SA Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Sleloff Pack . .30c Q Sep. 30 Sep. 20 Slattery (E T) C0pf.t1.75 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Southern Ice pf A...51.75 C Oct. 1 Sep. 19 Stanley Works 62 %c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Do pf 37 %C Q Nov. 15 Nov. 4 Taylor Colquitt 56%c Q Sep. 30 Sen. 15 Textile Banking 50c Q Oct. 1 Sep, 24 Twin State G A E $2 Q Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Do pr lien $1.75 Q Oct. 1 Sen. 15 Do 5% pf $1.25 <3 Sep. 30 Sen. 15 Unit Milk Prod pf.. $4.75 <3 Oct. 1 Bep. 15 U S Cold Storage ... 50c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Do pf A $1.75 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 20 Valve Bag Toledo (Ohio* pf *1.50 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 Washington Oil 75c Q Sep. 30 Sep. 16 West Va Wat 8 pf $1.50 Q Oct. 10 Sep. 20 Wia Hydro El 6% pf.t1.50 Q Oct. 1 Sep. 15 i Extra. Am Trustee Share Div Tr Sh B 14 051 c.. Oct. 1 Bklyn Boro Gpt pf.6'/«c .. Oct 1 Sep. 15 Increased. Occidental Petroleum. 50c Q Sep. 30 Sep. 20 Reduced. Nat. Rubber Machy...2sc Q Oct. 15 Oct. l Potter Co 25c Q Oct. 1 Sep. 26 Stock. Am Commonw A ...2%'"l Q Oct. 25 Sen. 30 Do B 3%% <3 Oct. 25 Sep. 30 Central * 8o W U .lVa'r <3 Oct. 15 Sep. 30 Cities Service %% M Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Omitted. Avery <B F) & Sons. $1 25 Q Due Sep. 3 Ferro Enamel B 25c O Due Sep. 30 Greyhound Co pt pf.... 52 Q Due Oct. 1 Humphries Mfg 25c Q Due Sep. 30 Seaboard Dairy Cred. .25c Q Due Oct. 1 Do pf $1.75 Q Due Oct. 1 Deferred. Farmers’ Loan A Mtse (Hart) A 25c Q Due Oct. 1 FINANCIAL. running their banks—to meet modern business demands, to perform modern public service, to earn dividends and make surpluses—so, precisely to, shall we run ours. "Can women be prosperously self-re liant?” We hope to prove it—by what every man extols as ‘results.’ "Has woman the capacity to achieve in finance? We hope to prove that she has —by achievement!" Fetr Seek Office. As Mrs. Hepburn and her associates tlius breezily declare themselves in on the Wall Street doings, it is noted that few of the ardent suffragists of other years have gone out for political plums. The militant wing of the suffrage party either faded out or consecrated itself to a lirelong battle against discrimina tory legislation. The conservative wing, to which Mrs. Hepburn belonged, has sent few, if any, women to office. New York women’s Republican clubs recently have been perturbed by the finding that nearly half their members aren’t inter ested in politics and vote as their hus bands vote. “The more the change the more of the same thing,” as the French put it*. . But enfranchised women are begin ning to take notice of the fact that, with the steady accumulation of estates and the increase in life Insurance, women own just about half or maybe more of the wealth of the country; that 80 per cent of the savings bank deposits of the country are those of women and that 85 per cent of salaries and wages is spent by women. In New York and other large cities, there are many women employed in high-salaried positions in banks, trust companies and brokerage houses, but they have not gained membership on boards of directors. Down in Wall Street, Brokers report that, all in all, women showed just as much sagacity and bus iness ability as men during the period of public participation in the bull mar ket. One charming young woman al most but not quite bought a seat on the Stock Exchange. But, while lace cur tains and window boxes may yet deck the Stock Exchange, there is one safe arcanum still uninvaded. Babe Ruth and Hack Wilson are still the home-run kings. fCopyrlfht. 1930.> GRAIN MARKET CHICAGO, September 18 (/P). —Wheat values displayed a downward bias today, influenced a good deal by reports that the Grain Stabilization Corporation would have some of its wheat surplus holdings ground to be used as feed and shipped into drought districts. Selling pressure both on the wheat market and on corn resulted, although President Milnor of the stabilization corporation has repeatedly said that any wheat sales by the corporation would be re placed by purchases in the open market. Weakness of wheat was also promoted by a late break in com prices, a de velopment due to increased selling as the day drew to an end. WHEAT— High. Low. Close. September MV* 82% 82% j December 87% 86V3 -SS?. 4 March 91 > 4 .90 90'. May 94 921. .93V. CORN— I September 93% .91% .91% ! December 88% .86% .86% March 90% .88*8 .88 s * May 911. .901. .90% OATS— September 38% .38 .38*. December 411* .41 .41% March 43 V* .42% .42% May 44% .44 .44% September 55% .54% .54% I December 59% .58% .58% March 63% .63 .63% May 68% .65% .65% NEW SECURITIES NEW YORK. September 18 (JP).— New securities offered today include: ; City of Cincinnati, Ohio, $1,000,000 4 I per cent bonds, priced to yield 3.50 to | 3.90 per cent, by Eldredgc & Co. Electric Power & Light Corporation 100,000 shares of $6 preferred stock, priced to yield over 5.95 per cent, by j Bonbright & Co. Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad Co., I $7,183,000 general and refunding mort- ] gage 4Vi per cent bonds, series A, due I December 1, 1977. pticed at 100% and accrued interest, by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. # —. POTATO MARKET. CHICAGO, September 18 (&. (United States Department of Agricul ture).—Potatoes, receipts, 77; on track 385 cars; total United States shipments, 755; dull; trading slow. Wisconsin sacked Irish Cobblers, 2.00a2.25. mostly 2.20 for best stock; Minnesota sacked Irish Cobblers, 1.80a2.05; Idaho sacked Russets, 2.50a2.75; few fancy higher; mostly 3.60a2.65. REAL ESTATE LOANS Made at Low Interest Rata* TYLER & RUTHERFORD Application* invited an high • elaet j apartments and dwellings, and partieu -I - on well located basinets properties i | for 3. IS or 16 years. If so deslred. 1520 K St. N.W. National 0475 Offices Saul Building 925 15th St. N.W. Several desirable rooms at very reasonable rents, inspec* H tion invited. B. F. SAUL CO. Nat. 2100 925 Isth St N.W. all ar d Heating Oil^ / For Your % {Ballard Oil Burnerx j y And Get \ \Continuous Free Serviced >Arthur H. Ballard, Inc.< > 1015 15th St. N.W. > A-15 FORD’S ACTIVITIES' MAY BE INCREASED Motor Manufacturer’s Visit Abroad Is Followed With Interest. BY I>AVII> J. WILKIE. Associated Press Staff Writer. DETROIT, September 18.—Although Henry Ford has stated emphatically that his present visit to Europe is main ly for pleasure, his movements abroad are being followed with no little interest by automotive executives at home. The fact that he has been accompanied a great deal on his movements abroad by ir Percival Perry, chairman of Ford Motor, Ltd., of England, has given rise to speculation as just how much busi ness activity may, after all, occupy Mr. Ford's time in Europe. Ford Motor, Ltd., of England is the parent concern of the various contin ental Ford companies, and holds seme 60 per cent of the capital stock of the latter companies. Plan Expansion. . Recent advices have told of plans of British and other European automobile manufacturers to make a more earnest bid for domination of their own domes tic markets and at the same time reach out for more export business. Ford in terests In the foreign markets are re garded as fairly well protected, how ever, by the policy of identifying each continental plant closely with the coun try in which it is located. Wherever possible raw materials are obtained at home by these companies, native labor is used and a certain percentage of stock is sold among home investors. Some recent figures on the export business for last year showed that ap proximately one out of every five cars manufactured in the United States and Canada were sold abroad. From these figures can be seen the importance of the export business to the industry. The falling off In exports this year has been as marked, as Jias been the reduction In gross output, as compared with last year’s record production. Manufacturing activity at home con tinues at about the low level established immediately after the recent two-week Inventory shutdowns, and although sales executives of some of the low price lines claim an upward trend In retail demand there is nothing at present to Indicate a marked increase in pro duction within the next few weeks at least. Inventory Shutdowns. The inventory shutdowns, the re stricted production schedules and price cuts designed to clear out stocks on hand have operated to sharply reduce dealers' Inventories, and many of the industry’s leaders assert that it is in ideal condition to take immediate ad vantage of any upward swing in the demand for new cars. Most of them are agreed that the increased demand will come soon after over-production in other major lines as well as in the automotive industry has been absorbed and unemployment conditions have been relieved. J. C. Fields, sales manager of the Chrysler Corporation, is one of the in dustry’s executives who does not belieye I in overly optimistic statements as the means of stimulating business condi tions. "Leave business alone and it will take care of Itself.” he said. ‘‘There are too many statements issued with the Idea of pumping up business. The result is everybody thinks business must be very poor. Business doesn’t need pumping up; leave It alone and the re sults will speak for themselves.” Money to Loan Secured b? first deed at trust on reel estate. Prevailing Interest and commission. Joseph I. Weller f ST First Mortgage Loan Applications Invited at Construction Loans Glover iS Flather 1508 H St. N.W. 1 National 1753 Additional • Capita] Wanted f —for expansion pro gram in an established Washington business, which has proven it self beyond question. Thorough investiga tion invited —full de tails given hv appoint ment. Satisfactory refer en c e requested and given. Address BOX 2-R, Star Office Simmons -Boardman Publishing Corporation $3 Cumulative Convertible Preference Stock Canvartibla into Cmninon Stocfc share for share Corporation occupies prominent position in publishing field. Its periodicals are outstanding examples of specialized trade papers. Earnings for first half of 19JO more than Jj'g times Preference Stock dividend requirements. Traded in on Terlt Curb Exchange To yield over 7H% Further details upon request Spencer Trask & Co. 26 Breed Street, New Yerk ALBANY BOSTON CHICAGO * MOVIDENCE PHILADELPHIA NEWARK LONDON Members Sets York Stock Exchange Washington Correspondent James M. Johnston Sc Co. Shore ham Bldg., Washington, D. C.