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SOCIETY (Continued From Second Page.) last evening at the National Woman’s Country Club. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rutherfurd Bingham. Miss Margaret Fraser and Mr. Robert leaser. Miss Washington of Virginia Engaged to Lieut. Clark, U. S. N. Mrs. William Dodge Washington of Warrenton. Va., has announced the en gagement of her daughter. Miss Jane Stevenson Washington, to Lieut. Thurs ton Booth Clark, junior grade. United States Navy, son of Mrs. C. L. R. Gaines of Warrenton. and the late Arthur Ludlow Clarh of New York. Miss Washington is the daughter of the late William Dodge Washington of Fauquier County. Lieut. Clark is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, class of ’27. The wedding Will take place In the late Autumn. Comdr. Archibald H Davis, U. S. N.: Mrs. Davis and Miss Davis are at the Schuyler Hotel, New York, for some time,' stopping on their return from Newport to Washington. Mrs. C. Cranston lee announces the marriage of her daughter Carrie E. S. to Dr. Aired D. Blanchet of Chicago. 111., Friday, August 29, at St. Agnes' Church, Evanston, 111. Mrs. M. de Clare Berry, who spent the Summer months at her country home in Bradley Hills. Is now, after a short stay in North Carolina, visiting relatives in Richmond and Hanover County, Va. Miss Katherine Fechet, daughter of Maj. Gen. and Mrs. James E. Fechet, entertained at luncheon yesterday at the Carlton. Her guests were Miss Nina Randell, Miss Mary Jacobs, Miss Barkley, Miss Charlotte Parker, Miss Mary Arias. Miss Winnie Jacobs, Miss Rosalind Deakyne, Miss Kitty Berry. Miss Billie Carmichael. Miss Charlotte Hannum. Miss Anna Randell, Miss Marttla Hickam, and her •Ister, Miss Mary Fechet. Col. and Mrs. C. C. Coombs have just returned from an extended tour byway of Toronto, through Canada to Banff, like Louise to Vancouver. British Co lumbia; down Puget Sound to Victoria, British Columbia. They visited Seattle, Tacoma. Rainier National Park, Port land. San Francisco, Catalina Island, the Grand Canyon, Colorado Springs. Pike* Peak and Denver. They arrived at home last Sunday evening. Mrs. Georgia Knox Berry has been Joined by her daughters. Miss Kath erine Berry and Miss Frances Berry, who spent the Summer with their grandmother, Mrs. Horatio Berry, at Nashville, Tenn. A wedding of interest in Washington took place Monday at the Island estate of Mrs. Cabot Steven's family In Eagle Lake, in the Adirondacks. when Miss Margaret E. Bamum of Canton and Pocasset, Mass., became the bride of Mrs. Steven’s nephew, Mr. Charles S. Conkling of Atlanta. The arrangements were simple, due 1 to the convalescence of Mr. Conklin gs father, and only the members of the families and a few intimate friends j were present. The ceremony was per- i formed by the Rev. Dr. L. E. Valentine of Brookline. Mass. A miniature chapel was arranged in the living room, and greens from the woods, with pink gladioli and white asters, were used throughout the house. The bride was escorted to the altar t>v her father. Mr. S. Ware Bamum of Boston, and she was attended by her sister. Miss Parnella Barnum. as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Margaret Conkling. sister of the bridegroom and Miss Marion Barnum, lister of thp bride. A string orchestra played for dancing during the wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Orme, who have been at the Chateau Fontenac. In Quebec. Canada, for 10 days, have mo tored back to Newport, where they enter tained guests at their cottage for the nternational vacht races. They expect to return to Washington the first part j »f October after a visit in New York. Mrs. Henry K. McHarg. jr.. c’ East Tawas. Mich., is now at the Mayflower making plans for permanent residence In Washington the coming season. Her' daughter. Miss Jane McHarg, will re sume her studies at the Washington College of Law-, and Miss Estherbelle McHarg will return to Holton Arms. Mr. Henry K McHarg, 3d, will attend the Severn School, at Annapolis, in preparation for entrance to the United States Naval Academy. Mrs. Daisle Huff, who with a party of friends spent the month of August In the Green Mountains of Vermont, has returned to her apartment, ’430 Rhode Island avenue northwest. Mrs. Dottle Gallagher has returned to her home In New York City from a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Barrett, of the Ethelhurst Apartments. Mrs. Harry Colfax Grove, State vice regent. District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution, was at home Informally yesterday afternoon to celebrate Constitution day. A feature of the afternoon was the address of Mr. Theodore G. Rlsley, solicitor for the United States Department of Labor, to which about 50.000 Daughters lis tened In over Station WMAL. Miss I Helen Harman. State regent, presented the speaker and Miss Virginia Price of Judge Lynn Chapter was chairman of the Radio Committee, D. C. D. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rufus Abbott of Chicago are now in Washington at the j Mr*. K’s Toll House Tavern Cnlf.vlll, Pi,. ,il,.print Md. AUTO ROUTE 27 Or Four Corner* Bu* out 18th Street or Georgia Ave. 1 mile from D C. line brings you to this quaint i old Tavern for A Real Maryland, Country- Cured. Ham Dinner Sunday Breakfast. Too Special Chicken. H eak and Chop Dinners served in colorful homelike surroundings, or outside on our flom-er-decked terraces Phone Silver Sprint S l.uneheons Tea* Dinner* Clean Your Rugs Before Moving! YOUR new home will he so much more fastidi ous and bright if you have your rugs thoroughly clean ed before moving. T,et us remove your soiled rugs from your old address and return them to you at your new r address. Juet Phone Mr. Pyle National 3257-3291-2036 Sanitary Carpet & Rug Cleaning Co. 10€ Indiana Ave. Mayflower. Mrs. Abbott will spend the week end in Virginia and will return here the first of the week to accompany her husband back to Chicago. Mr. Ab bott is vice president of the United States Chamber of Commerce. I Dr. and Mr*. O’Hara Host* Today ' At Reception for Bishop-Elect O’Hara. Dr. and Mrs. Frank O'Hara are hold ing a reception this afternoon in their j home In Brockland to afford an oppor tunity to their friends to congratulate the former’s brother, Rev. Edwin T. O'Hara. Bishop-elect of Great Falls. Mont., and to bid him good-by before his departure for the consecration cere monies In Portland, Ore. The bishop elect received with Dr. and Mrs. O Hara and several hundred guests were in at i tendance. Many of the guests are asso ciates of the future prelate In the rural Catholic life movement' and included many pastors in the immediate vicinity of Washington and from the counties of Maryland and Virginia. Mrs. O'Hara was assisted by Mrs. Leo F. Stock, who presided at the tea table, and Mrs. John J. Noonan of Cleveland Park, at the sherbet bowl. Others as sisting were Mrs. P. J. MacCavanaugh, Mrs. J. F. Hartnett, Mrs. A. E. Landry and Mrs. M. B. Downing, Miss Fannie Brawner. Miss Kathleen Noel, Miss Florence Roach and Miss Juanita Gosch Community Dinners SERVED IN Tilden Gardens Case Connecticut Avenue at Tilden Street We offer exceptional facilities for entertaining LUNCHEON DINNERS BRIDGE For *ll social functions you will find the atmosphere entirely differ ent in character from the usual case or hotel. Our table appointments compare favorably with those of the most exclusive homes. Our cuisine and service are equaled by NONE at the price and excelled by NONE at ANY PRICE DULIN A MARTIN TTfK NEW Graylsaß A SIMPLIFIED WASHER Y\ : * 9450 |Q | ’’ ASHES and drie? elothrs at the same time ... in the • fame tank! “Does" a whole ■•— -1 I load with only 20 minute? J lif j 1 help from yoti! See it today! Dulin a Martin j (Connecticut &4vc. anctlC PARKING SERVICE —Connecticut Avenue Entrance .... - ,-. r .-. .■...,. 1 ,- - 1 ■■■ ' ■ ■ ■■ ■■"■ ■■'■■■■-—— | 1 if " ■ ■ =E======s= ; —From the Manufacturer to You NORMA H S Y HOSIERY SALE! ■ Just in Time for Your Supply for the School Season Perfect Quality PIGOT TOP CHIFFON and Beautiful 42-Gauge SERVICE WEIGHT Hosiery §P New French Heel All the new shades. Every pair guaran teed to give satisfaction or a new pair FREE. The Ne w Chardonize Crepe de Chine Guaranteed Non-Run UNDERWEAR l)jnrr Set*— Worth ( £ C Ib» W — siin. ts - XMP *!.95 to Where Friends Meet Norma Sh ET’ 711 13th St. AND 713 14th St. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 193(T, Among those present were the rector of the Catholic University, Mgr. James Hugh Ryan, and the vice rector. Mgr. Edward A. Pace, and the former rector. Bishop Shahan, and Bishop McNamara, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, and a numerous contingent from all the fac ulties of the university; Mr. and Mrs. William Schilling of Northfleld, Minn ; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. H. Peters of The Netherlands legation, and Rev, Dr. Hyland, secretary of the apostolic dele gation. Mrs O. Raymond Evans and her daughter, Miss Eunice Lee Evans, are spending a few days in New York. They will return to Rehoboth Beach the latter part of the month and are expected in Washington shortly after that time. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Keeper have returned to Washington after’ a motor trip through the West, which included Yellowstone Park. They returned East by the northern route to Maine, where they spent sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Yost of Cleveland are at the Dodge Hotel for several days, accompanied by Mrs. W. H. Du Ross, also of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P Carroll are Duddil DINNER fa'Ml 5 »• »:M . /TT ""V Menu / \ Mock Turtle /JSLfiV. ' I A A Soup j j \ Sauerkruut W, Broiled 1 I Tenderloin -SaL*.' Steak Baked Fresh Ham Veal Pie. London Style Fresh Vegetable* Lettuce Salad Home Made Fie* and Desserts J . Phone Columbia »7*M> for fllJ I 30 minute delivery service * anywhere any time on Pm •>”«« ’ Cream. 50c nt. 17,1 Cpuy,M^lA>OAl> at. the Traymore, Atlantic City, after a trip to Canada. They will return to their home, on Fifteenth street, this week. Mrs. Amanda Shaw Hlrsch. Mrs. Katherine Schultz and Mme. Terese L. Gerl, all of New York City, will be the week end guests of the American Wom an’s Towne Club, 3125 P street north west. These ladies will be guests of honor at a patriotic toa to be given by the club Monday afternoon, September 22, from 4:30 to 6 o’clock. Mrs. S. Bingham Martin ha* returned to her home In Chevy Cha*e after a fortnight spent In Mississippi, where she was called on account of the death of her sister. Mrs. J. B. Canada, at Gulfport. Miss. The ancients used to shave them- • selves with bronze razors. They made j a bronze or brass of tin and copper, j which they hardened so that It took an edge like steel. The Women s Shop of the RALEIGH HABERDASHER 1310 F Street Smart Fall styling is evi dent in every one of these Paulina \£f Knitted Freaks $ 16 75 W Knitted Frocks are espe- WfMj mP cially in Fashion at thistime of the year and here are the smartest .. . Sketched is a One piece, bloused knitted dress with beret to match. The skirt is flared v'' \ ' n: ‘ f . . . Featured in Cricket \\ Green, Briar browm, Cor- \ \ / sair blue and wine ... \\ / j Other dresses in wool A#/ crepe. Canton crepe and M * wool jersey For Women and Misses S 6 SO You’ll like all these excit ingly capricious little creations designed for Ra Leigh ... off the face models in felts, soleils and velvets ... In black, Bison brown, Cricket green and Rubytone. • • • sl-55 Pure Silk Chiffon (FIRST QUALITY) HOSE 95c The sheer silk chiffon hosiery offered in this sale is forty-five gauge---pure silk from top to toe . . , Also with lisle top . .. French heels ... In the newest Fall shades, Oak Rose, Nightingale, Bahama, Mauve Biege, Acajou, Crystal Beige, Light Gunmetal and Promenade First Floor—Hosiery Dept. RALEIGH HABERDASHER 1310 F Street KIWANIANS OBSERVE CONSTITUTION DAY 143 d Anniversary of United States’ Basic Law Celebrated by Interclub Meeting. The 143 d anniversary of the estab lishment of the Constitution of the United States'was celebrated by an ln terclub meeting of the first division of the Capital District Klwanis Clubs at the Washington Hotel last night. Near , ly 300 Klwanians, representing clubs | in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and ! the District of Columbia, were in at tendance at the Constitution day meet ! ing. Judge Mark Sullivan of Jersey City, N. J., spoke on the subject. “The Con stitution of the United States.” In lauding this country’s Constitut ion Judge Sullivan paid tribute to the great statesmanship of the drafters of the document, naming principally Washing ton. Monroe, Jefferson and Hamilton. Other speakers included Lemont Hackett. superintendent of the Mary land Workshop for the Blind and a member of the Baltimore Kiwanls Club, who spoke on "What Kiwanis Means to Me”; Jesse H. Binford, assistant super intendent of city schools of Richmond. Va.. and governor of the Capital Ki , wanis district, which includes 48 clubs in Virginia, Maryland. Delaware and the District of Columbia; Dr. W. H. S. ’ White, president of Shepherd College. Shepherdstown, W. Va., and governor of the West Virginia district of the Ki v Specially Priced at Copies of the newest Parisian imports made with the perfection of MKtKt detail that distinguishes I the original models. Os velvet, felt, soleil and suede. At W The way these hats are draped and their charming'detail will capture your heart. Thev are well w r orth looking at. Head- n . * _ __ sizes and models for all types, including Re S ular * 650 and * 7 - 50 many for the mature woman. Values oJ z hmleii& 12*21 F eftreet, N .W. A Exclusively at Erlebacher's Hill COSTUME if] W~ Jgkjft i en Beret I I of wool crepe I j I COLLEGE I ms J In I SPORTS I Mu HI I BUSINESS I JP an| ®39 75 Wy ft gg iSSBBy Smart, two-piece effect fe._- .nsflSK Wm turnip new peph'm. straight Al A mjlBR 9&9K){B The sn,ar, pocket peplum Wmm frock. Gilet and cuffs of white wQUjjjum Hiyl both tone silk pique neck and J cuffs gives the required fem II / inine touch. \ I ▼ f I if III* II / I 9 B I Jaunty bolero frock, silk !Ji Ti pique collar, smart button * treatment of self-color with 1 | w hite. A very missy silhouette. sZ Erleb artier sZ:zl TWELVE-TEN TWByE-TWH_VE F.STREET mmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsrwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmrn wants International, and Dr. Henry A. Converse of Harrisonburg, Va.. chair man of the Capital district Interclub Relations Committee and president of the Virginia State Teachers’ College. Entertainment features of the meet ing included a Washington Constitu tion day skit by John J. Boobar and Mark Lansburgh. both past presidents ! of the Washington club, and a comic skit by J. W. May and D. C. Givens of the Alexandria club. Speech Is "Knockout.” NEW YORK. September 18 (/Pi.—A ‘knockout” speech is what- Mayor Jimmy Walker calls it. He was speak ing at a Brooklyn ceremony attending the breaking of ground for a school. I Two boys fainted from heat. SHAFFER FUR CO 1 1212 "Gee" St. N.W. ATRONS tell us tlkat our furs always have l___J a certain individu ality. Th e re son is II that Shaffer Furs are “Custom-made" to your particular style. And 19.30-31 i ce «rc very I moderate, too. Remodeling and Repairing B-3