~ Martin J. Carmody Will Be
Guest of Honor Here
Columbus Day.
Martin J. Carmody, Supreme Knight
of the Knights of Columbus, will be
the guest of honor and deliver an ad
dress at the Washington General As
sembly, K. of C., on Sunday. October
12., Columbus day, at the Mayflower
At the same time it was announced
that J. Eugene Gallery of 1019 Fif
teenth street has been appointed mas
ter of the fourth degree K. of C. for i
the district, including this city and I
Maryland. He is 31 years of age and j
the youngest knight ever to hold this
Important office.
Gallery' succeeds Edgar N. Ganster
of Baltimore and was appointed by*
John H. Reddin, supreme master of the
fourth degree. Gallery has been “faith
ful navigator” of the Washington Gen
eral Assembly for two years and previ
ously had served as grand knight of
the Washington Council. He is a grad
uate of Georgetown University and in
the real estate business here He will;
officiate at installation of officers of
the General Assembly October 6.
The Columbus day dinner will be the !
first occasion that the supreme knight, I
Martin J. Carmody. has been in this j
city since his election to that office j
Although the banquet is given under j
auspices of the fourth degree, it will j
be open to all Knights of Columbus
and friends.
William G. Feely, present state deputy, j
has given it his indorsement and has
asked all the councils to offer their \
support and co-operation.
Minor Accident Befalls Prof.
Claude's Sea-Power Plant.
HAVANA, September 20 (#*). —A j
minor accident yesterday befell the
machinery with which Prof. Georges
Claude is attempting to utilize for in
dustrial purposes the power latent in
the temperature differences of surface
and deep water in the Gulf Stream,
but the break was repaired in the
Prof. Claude said his great tube, sub
merged a week ago to bring up the
waters of the Gulf Stream, is function
ing perfectly.
♦ ♦ VTREEMf tL.
Children as your, jar new
as grown-ups bj■ ■ nncki& Msmm
may ride with the y
assurance of hav- A W Cl J
ing skilled and t I -
courteous drivers... W * O
prompt service and \RP£&SI W
the feeling of comfort ea h#J
which comes from using
one of the cabs of the ■ ■ ■
Largest Zone Cab Com- ijgf tII 6 ITI T O
pany in the United States. §£&&?'
responsibility BKlaliMpfeJSjM
Onr reputation for protection »•« 7" ““ '““™> *•
has been definitely esta)* way. There’s no charge for extra
lished for the thousands passengers, so 4 or 5 children who
that use our Cate. go to the same school may ride
every day for just a few cents
V;each trip. Rain or shine, winter
NU school the safest, quickest and
All our charges are made on J '\J S Economy
not have to pay for each Xiic / JvriXX-X\ : # M \XvX*X*X\vX-\ _ ■
JM# \lilA Service
itv Comfort
all rates MJm/ 111 Mm - .
clearly Mmm B / n wmmk Safety
printed Jrnmw ■ ilk IS
Mm W ORP - l|ll%pffC
xtop -m:
im 35 Cab / m
llif -mm ANYWHERE IN 1111 l
ill# ft)M ATilu\ THE city proser %|
f WfU 35
lA | I 1 U a g D ,♦ R E / P ON $ l B 1 L I TY|
Florida Pair Will Entertain
at Hospital With Mark
Twain’s Stories.
Misses Kathleen and Virginia Carson,
j youthful volunteer welfare workers of
Miami, Fla , who are visiting with
relatives in Washington, will give an
entertainment program for patients at
Children's Hospital Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, presenting several sketches
from Mark Twain's works.
There will be given a program of
stories and dramatic skits, including
| dialogues between Tom Sawyer and
i Huck Finn, presented in costume by
the Florida misses.
Kathleen and Virginia arrived here
recently for a visit with their uncle
and aunt. Maj. and Mrs. Frank Beery
of Chtvy Chase, en route to their
Miami home, and derided to give a
pregram for the benefit of patients at
some hospital here. They selected
Children's Hospital so the youngsters
there could enjoy the fun.
Both Kathleen and Virginia are
members of the Junior Miami Woman’s
| Club, and the former is chairman of
i the child welfare department. They
I have conducted children's story hours
1 in their home town and have been in
terested in children’s theater work
Miss Kathleen Carson appeared in
! Washington last Winter in a presen
! tation of the "Torch Bearer.” tliree-
I act comedy presented under auspices of
| the Community Drama Guild.
Transatlantic Flight Halted by
Low Depression Over Ocean.
! Island, September 20 (4 I ). —Capt. Erroll
i Boyd and Lieut. Harry Connor, who
! were forced down here September 13
en route from Montreal to Harbor
Grace, Newfoundland, on the first leg
of a transatlantic flight, will be unable
to proceed as planned tomorrow, they
said early today. A deep area of low
depression over the Atlantic was hold
ing them here.
Boyd is a Canadfan World War
veteran, and Connor accompanied
Roger Q. Williams on his recent round
trip flight between New York and Ber- ,
— '» •** '
F<*. Jr; / BaUfe,
Here are Virginia and Kathleen Carson (left to right! in the costumes of
Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, as they will appear Sunday afternoon in Mark
Twain sketches to be given before patients at Children's Hospita .
Rev. C. Warner to Officiate at
Services, With Interment
in Arlington.
Funeral services for Mrs. Rose E.
Ferree, 82 years old, who died at her
home, 3465 Macomb street, yesterday
morning, will be held tomorrow morning
at the residence at 10:30 o’clock. Rev.
C. Warner, assistant rector of St.
Alban's Episcopal Church, officiating.
Interment will be in Arlington Ceme
Mrs. Perree, a lifelong resident of
Washington, was the widow of Newton
Ferree. Formerly she was active in the
Women's Relief Corps and also had
been a member of the governing board
of the Home for the Blind.
Mrs. Ferree is survived .by one son.
Sheridan Ferree of this city, and several
Families Fight Ejection From
Homes Where Forefathers
Have Lived.
By the Associated Pres*.
HAVANA. September 20—A practical
state of martial law was reported in
Sagua dc Tanamo, Orient* Province,
today after a clash betweeq soldiers
and civilians.
Shots were exchanged, and 37 arrests
made, with more expected.
The conflict followed attempts of the
Atlantic Fruit & Sugar Co. to clear a
tract of land said to belong to the com
pany, of 660 Cuban families, nuiiibt* uig
3,726 persons.
The “squatters” refused to leave the
tract, saying it was government prop
erty on which they as well as their
forefathers had always lived.
Rioting resulted, and Secretary of the
Interior Manuel Delgado ordered the
army to interfere, making arrests if
necessary to restore order.
The army post reported that it met
witli resistance, and an exchange of
allots resulted. No casualties weie re
ported, but the Mayor of Sagua de
Tanamo last night requested additional
army protection.
President Machado, in an address
here Thursday night before tile Santa
Clara garrison, declared that he had
complete confidence in the support of
the republic during his administration.
"I have full backing of all Cuban so
cieties and organizations for public wel
fare, the army and ail the provincial
governments,” he said.
He also declared that the November
elections would be held as scheduled,
i contrary reports notwithstanding. He
made light of the opposition being made
by the Nationalists Union, anti-govern
ment faction.
Services for A. K. Parris, Sr., Will
Be Conducted in St. John's
Episcopal Church.
Funeral services for Albion K. Parris,
sr., veteran retired banker if this city,
who died in Toronto, Canada, Thurs
day. will be conducted in Si. John's
Episcopal Church, Potomac avenue and
O street, Georgetown, Monday after
noon at 3 o’clock Rev. Dr. F. Bland
Tucker, rector of St John's, will offi
ciate, assisted by Rev. Dr. Charles T.
Warner, rector of St. Alban's Episcopal
Church. Interment will be private, in
Oak Hill Cemetery. A service by the
Knights Templar will be conducted
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the
residence of Mr. Parris' daughter. Mrs.
Theodore N. Gill, jr„ 3022 P street. The
body arrived in tills city today.
Honorary pallbearers will be as fol
lows: Anthony C. Addison, James Ber
rail. Herbert A. Gill, Dr. Thomas E.
Greene, Blair Lee, Edward F. Looker,
Ben Miller, George L. Nicholson, Bug.
Gen. George Richards, Edward J. Stell
wagen, president of tile Union Trust
Co., and Eugene E. Thompson.
Mr. Parris, who was 73 years old,
had long been prominently identified
with various groups and organizations
in the National Capital. He was a co
founder of the original linn of Crane
Parris Co. here. Mr. Parris retired
from active business about 14 years
Births Reported.
The follow In* birth* limve been reported
to the Health Department lit the past 34
Harry N. and Mabel M. Ball. «irl.
Harry C. and Magdalene J. Lohmait, sir).
Russell M. and Hilda K. Buck. *irl.
Ernest L. and Gladys E. Miller, girl.
Ear! 11. and Lillian 1. Christian, girt.
Mike and Pauline Vlatios. girl.
Flank J. and Mary Fluid, gni.
William M. and Mary A. Miller, girl.
Edward P. and Berth* F. Donovan, girl.
Carroll F. and Kathleen V. Martin, girl.
James B. and Loraine Goldsmith, girl.
Michael F. and Katherine K. Greene, girl
llarry and Pauline Feldman, girl.
Fred R and Della V. Edwards, hoy.
Lewis and Lottie Ehrlich, boy.
1 George It, and Alice Kielerle. boy.
Donald A and Josephine Parsons, boy.
Daniel H. and Helen Jones, boy.
Louis F. and Adeha A. Sen war IZ. boy.
Elmer A amt Dorothy C. Dwyer, hoy.
Richard C. and Mildred J. Bailer, boy.
Hertha I. and Mary E. Dulaney, boy.
Henry T. ant Gertrude M. Arnold, girl.
Frank B. and Elenor Bell. boy.
Daniel anti Mary Wilkins, boy.
John and Atella Matthews, girl.
Jessie and Catherine Blew art. hoy.
Deaths Reported.
The following deaths have been reported
to the llritlth Department in the last 24
Amini A. Thomas. 86. 1314 12th st.
Michael W. Build, 75, Stanton Park Hos
Frederick Uppernian. 79, United States
Soldieis' Home Hospital
Sarah J. Baden. 70, 1527 Gales st. n.e.
William W. Harron. 63. Gallinger Hospital
Stephen D. ileilsler, 60, Waller Heed Hos
Ella F. Williams. 58. 5131 7th st.
Mary E. Thompson, 56. 4010 19th st. n e.
John H. Yeabower, 40. 5010 Arkansas ave.
Elizabeth M. Forsyth. 45. 1554 2511 i st. a.e.
Richard H Bussell. 30. 1237 44th pi. s.e.
Nellie J. Moviuhan. 25. 015 1 st.
Albert L. Jelfnes. 3, Georgetown Hospital,
la.garet P. Casey, l'j months. Childrens
Elizabeth F. Marshall, 75, St. Elizabeth's
Alberta Creek, 47, Gallinger Hospital.
Alton Carriek. 44. Tuberculosis Hospital.
Clarence McKenzie. 33. 2006 Greens cl
William Turner, 5. Fi minim's Hospital.
Charles Johnson, 30 months. 1625 I4lh s>
Repair Parts *
Hot Water Boilers
Fries, Beall & Sharp
734 10th St. N.W.
NA. 1964
Best in Town, J Art
Local Ca 11.... ST«UU
Chambers Co. c °» 8438
The (Tumhria-Miije*tie
1324-26 Fuel ill Slreet N.W.
2 Rooms, Kitchen
anil Bath, $42.50
Eatabiithmd 1883
The record of civilisation is
bated on memorials. Monument*
tell the story of what has none
before. On display for your selection. Best
of materials. Priced right.
Phone Natl. .76711. MK New V»»rk Ave, ,
Five Large Rooms
and Bath
24-Hour Elevator Service
Open A lighted *til 9 P.M.
District of Columbia and Maryland—
Partly cloudy tonight, tomorrow fair
and cooler; gentle southerly winds
sillfling to northwest tonight.
Virginia Partly cloudy tonight and
tomorrow, somewhat cooler tomorrow
In nortli and central portions; gentle
southerly winds becoming moderate
northwest, and north.
West Virginia -Generally fair tonight
and tomorrow; cooler in west portion
tonight and in northeast portion to
Records for 84 Hours.
Thermometer 4 pm., 79: 8 p m., 72;
12 midnight, 66; 4, 63; 8, 65;
noon, 79.
Barometer—4 p.m., 30.08; 8 p.m.,
30.09; 12 midnight. 30.10; 4 a.m.. 30.07;
8 a.m., 30.09; noon, 30.07.
Highest temperature, 82. occurred at
1:30 p.m. yesterday; lowest temperature
61. occurred at. 7 a.m. today.
Temperature same date last year—
High-st, 66; lowest, 44.
Tide Tables.
(Furnished by United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey.)
Today—Low tide, 11:32 a.m.; high
tide, 4:50 a.m. and. 5:28 p.m.
Tomorrow I*ow tide, 12:02 a.m. and
12:45 p.m.; "high tide, 5:52 a.m. and
6:27 p.m.
The Sun and Moon.
Today—Sun rose 5:51 am.; sun sets
6:12 p.m.
Tomorrow —Sun rises 5:53 a.m.; sun
sets 6:10 p.m.
Moon rises 1:29 a.m.; sets 4:56 p.m.
Automobile lamps to bg lighted one
half hour after sunset.
Condition of the Water.
Potomac, clear, and Shenandoah very
muddy this morning.
Weather in Various Cities.
ttTemuerwi tire “33
| 2* J? lit
| sS- -s •„£
Station*. <* 2.2 2-21 ° Weather.
*1 «Te-e #: _
•< tr “
: ■ « *
•; ; B
Abilene, Tex ... 29 98 96 64 ....clear
Albany, N. Y... 30.04 78 56 .... Clear
Atlanta. Ga 30.08 78 66 016 Ram
Atlantic Cltv... 30.08 74 64 .... Ft. cloudy
Baltimore. Md.. 30.011 80 62 Ft.cloudy
Birmingham . . 30 04 78 70 024 Cloudy
Bismarck. N. D. 30.14 60 36 .... Ft.cloudy
Boston. Mass... 30.1(1 76 56 Clear
Buffalo, N. Y.. *29.90 74 66 .... Clear
Charleston. SC.3O 06 88 74 024 Cloudy
Chicago. 11l ... 30 10 88 56 Clear
Cincinnati. Ohio 30.04 82 00 ....Cloudy
Cleveland. Ohio. 28.88 80 66 .... Clear
Columbia. 3 C. 30.10 80 68 .... Cloudy
Denver. C 010... 30 14 68 48 .... Ft.cloudy
Detroit. Mu 11... 30 02 82 60 .... Cloudy
El Paso. Tex... 20 88 96 08 .... Pt cloudy
Galveston, Tex. 28 90 80 72 .... Ft cloudy
Helena. Mont .30 12 60 40 .... Cloudy
Huron. S, Dak 30 24 64 36 .... Clear
Indianapolis.lnd 30 02 82 60 .... Ft cloudy
Jacksonville. Fla. 30.04 92 76 .... Cloudy
Kansas City.Mo 30 20 88 54 Clear
Los AOgelcs 29 96 78 58 .... Cloudy
Louisville. Ky 30 06 80 62 Cloudy
Miami. Fla 30 06 88 74 012 Pt cloudy
New Orleans. 29 98 78 72 058 Cloudy
New York, NY.Su u 8 78 82 .... Clear
Oklahoma City. 30 10 90 62 .... Clear
Omaha, Nebi .30 24 76 50 .... Clear
Philadelphia .. 3o 12 76 62 Clear
Phoenix. Ariz . . 29 84 102 70 .... Cloudy
Pittsburgh. Fa. 30 06 80 56 .... Pt cloudy
Portland Me .. 30 10 72 50 .... Cloudy
Portland. Oieg.3o 06 84 60 Clear
Raleigh. N C. 30 11) 70 61 012 Cloudy
Salt Lake City. 29 98 86 58 .... Clear
San Antonio 29 92 96 68 ... Clear
San Diego. Calif 29 94 72 64 .... Cloudy
San Francisco. 29 94 70 58 .... Cloudy
St. Louis. Mo. .30 19 88 62 .... Clear
Si Paul. Minn. 30 10 66 40 .... Clear
Seattle. Wash .30 10 72 54 .... Clear
Spokane. Wash. 30 14 78 42 .. . Clear
Tampa. Fla . .30 02 90 76 .... Pt cloudy
WASH., D C. 3009 82 61 .... Pt cloudy
(7 a.m , Greenwich time, today i
Stations Temperature Weather.
London. England 56 Cloudy
Fans. Prance 58 Clear
Berlin, Germany 60 Ram
Stockholm. Sweden 48 Clear
iNoon, Greenwich time, today, i
Horta iFayali. Azores 76 Fart cloudy
• Current observations.!
Hamilton. Bermuda 80 Part cloudy
San Juan. Porto Rico... 82 Part cloudy
Havana. Cuba 76 Clear
Colon, Canal Zone <8 Cloudy
Artillery Officer Was Formerly on
Duty In Office of Chief of Artil
lery Corps Here.
Mrs. Margaret Alvord Spiller. wife of
Maj. Oliver L. Spiller. Coast Artillery
Corps, died yesterday at her residence
at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, where
Maj. Spiller is stationed. Maj. Spiller
formerly was on duty in this city in
the office of the chief of Artillery Corps.
Mrs. Spiller was the daughter of th»
late Maj. Gen. Benjamin Alvord and
a niece of Maj. Gen. John F. Morrison,
U. S. A., retired, of this city. She leaves
her husband, a 15-year-old daughter
and a son, 11.
Funeral services will be conducted in
Arlington Cemetery Monday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock.
Dinner. S. Kami Sons Co, garden of
the Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m.
Banquet. Fidac Convention, large ball
room of tile Willard Hotel. 8 p.m.
Card party, Good Will Chapter, No.
36, O. E. S„ club house of Women's
Benefit Association, 1750 Massachusetts
avenue, 8 p in.
lecture. “Revolution In Peru and
Nicaragua.'' ErgatrocifUs Society Study
Club, 1227 O stieet, 8 pm. Lecturer, J.
Card party, Ladies of the Col. James
S. Pettit Auxiliary, No. 6. United Span
ish War Veterans, Naval Lodge Hall.
Fourth street and Pennsylvania avenue
southeast, 8 p.m. Monday.
Gets State Department Post.
William Vallie Whittington, a local
I attorney, has been appointed to ttie
j Professional and Scientific Service of
I the Department of State. The ap
pointee will assume his new duties
and tail short-haired dug. Call Col. 3331 2li*
BOSTON BULL Male tag. Montgomery
2537. Reward Phone Cleveland 3477.
BRACELET, liukv white gold between NE
Masonic Temple and 10th and H sis lie,
Wednesday night: reward. _l426_F_Btne_
DRESS BAG Green striped cretonne, con
taining 7 diesses Friday evening, from car
on Reservoir rd., Wisconsin ave . O or
vicinity. Finder please call North 6577. Re
EASTMAN CINE KODAK and carrying case,
model B, No 33346: was lost early Sunday
mornlnp. probably on Cleveland or Connec
ticut avenue or R st. y. 8 Government
property. P.evvard Coi. J. P. Terrell, 3)18
Kllngle rdjiw. * ;
FOUNTAIN PEN. Waterman. Wednesday
night, near Conn. ave. and M st. or on Mt
Pie vsant_car. reward. Decatur 4020. 21* j
FRATERNITY PIN In shopping district. Re
waid if returned to 2022 P st. nw. North
0109. !
KEYS 7 or 6 In bunch, with leather tag
Irom Suburban Motor Sales, Hyattsvilie, Md. f
Return to 108 I. It. n.w.
NOSE GLASSES. Dr. Silver's name on case. I
lost in shopping district Reward Call |
Acorns 3665 4701 Colorado ave. I
PEKINGESE, red female, answers to name
of Boowoo. 2506 Wisconsin ave. Cleveland j
5105 Reward.
POOKKTBOOK, with money and permit,
valuable cards, etc.; vicinity 7tn and Pa.
ave. n.w. Reward, 624 Kennedy st. n.w. Ga.
1645-W,_ l
RING.' topaz", white gold with seed pearl*,
lady's room. Powhatan Hotel. Phone Silver
Sprint 52-J. Reward. 20*__
RINGS, two: broad band wedding ring and
diamond ring, since Sept 7. possibly at
chapel Point or 111 downtown section of
Washington Return 2807 sth st. n.e. Re
ward. 21*
TERRIER—White, West Highland, sharp
ears, stump tail, one bad eye; name • Reg
gie.'’ Reward. Return to 1125 Euclid st.
li.w. Tel Adams 1962-J. *
WATCH—"Bulova,” with link bracelet;
Wednesday. Reward Adams 6381.
WRfST WATCH, lost near corner of 14fh
and U *ta. n.w. Reward. Phone Potomac
JB7O-J. ai*
Lyons Death Still Mystery.
Youths Convicted of Joyrid
ing After Explosions.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
OWINGS, Md., September 20.—The
mystery of the “shooting up” of tills
community, already tense as a result of
the slaying of Benjamin Lyons In his
store here last Wednesday, appeared
solved today with announcement of the
arrest and conviction yesterday of two
Anne Arundel County youths for back
tiring their automobiles during a birth
day “joy-ride.”
Gun Blazes Reported.
Frayed nerves of local residents were
shattered late Thursday night by what
seemed to be desultory machine gun
Are from two cars, which sped through
town. Several eyewitnesses declared they
saw the blaze of guns from the ton
neaus and heaid the whistling of bul
lets nearby. A rumor spread that gun
men were endeavoring to intimidate
officials investigating the Lyons murder.
One of the residents aroused by the
explosions was Justice of the Peace
Thomas Hall of Traeys, across the
county line in Anne Arundel. Judge
Hall made an investigation and the ar
rest of Fred Seigert of Galesvllle and
John Seible of Owensvllle followed. It
developed that Seigert was celebrating
his eighteenth birthday and Seible was
helping in the celebration.
“Shot Dp" Many Towns.
According to Judge Hall, the boys
had been riding from town to town
startling inhabitants by turning on
devices which made their small cars
backlire. The trip through Owtngs,
Judge Hall said, was just an incident
of the itinerary.'
Seigert and Seible were convicted of
disturbing the peace and reckless driv
ing and each w'as fined a total of $66.70,
Searcli for the murderers of Ben
Lyons continued steadily today, with the
aid of Baltimore detectives. Progress
of the investigation was being with
held by the authorities.
The funeral of Mr. Lyons will take
place tomorrow at the M. E. Church
South, In Anne Arundel County.
Funeral services for John A. Shell, 56
years old, deputy register of wills for
the District of Columbia, who died at
his home, 503 Sixth street northeast,
Thursday, were conducted at St.
’ Joseph's Catholic Church t-day at 9
a.m., following brief services at the
residence. Interment was in Mount
Olivet Cemetery.
Widely known in this city, Mr. Sheil
had been deputy register of wills since
19*13 and long had been prominent in
Catholic organizations here. He was a
, member of the Knights of Mount Saint
Sepulchre and a delegate to the Holy
Land in 1928. He was a fourth-degree
member of the Washington Council,
Knights of Columbus, and was a past
State deputy of that organization.
, WILLIS—BOSTON. Mr. and Mrs. William
B. Alison announce the incrriage ot ineir
cousin. HATTIE M. BOSTON, on Tues
day. September 10. 1030. to Mr. JAMBS
M WILLIS, at St . Augustine s Church.
Rev. Alonzo J. Olds officiated. •
this life on Friday. September 19. 1930. at
4:55 aim. at the residence of Ills sister,
l Mrs. Poindexter. 271# Georgia -eve. n.w .
JOHN ALEXANDER, beloved husband ot
the late Carrie Ashton, father of Reginald
ann Hobti (. Ashton, and brother of Mrs.
Llilltn Poindexter. Kinma Ashton. Mrs.
Corimie Ashton Smith, Mrs. Rosalie Haw
kins and Robert H Ashton. He leaves to
’ mourn their loss many other relatiies and
, mends. Funeral services Sunday, Sep
tember 31. at 1 p.m.. at New Bethel Bap
‘ tist Church. »th and S sts. n.w.. Rev.
. W. Jarvis officiating Relatives and lnends
. Invited. Remains at VV. Ernest Jarvis fu
neral parlor, 1432 You st n.w. 21*
1 Bj ALL, ELLEN E. On Thursday. September
18. 1930. at her residence, 618 T st. n.e„
ELLEN E BEALL, beloved mother of Ella
M Beall. Remains resting at tlie 3. H.
1 Hines Co. funeral home. 29ul 14th st. n w.
Funeral services at the linininuel M E.
Church. Scaggsville. Md., Monday, .Sep
tember 22, at 11 am. 21
. , KKE. M aide t. On Thursday. Septem
ber 18, 1930, at 11:45 p in., at her resi
dence. 2432 Ontaiio id, MAUDE E.
bIJttXE. devoted wife of Cornelius Burke
and mother of Caroline Burke, daughter
of Thomas and the late Elizabeth Wash
ington. sister of Mane, Milton, Juanita,
Dorothy, Samuel. Jean and Lillie May
Washington. Funeral Sunday. September
2i. at 3 30 p.m.. uoni tlie W. Ernest Jar
vis clnucti. 1.32 You st. n w., Rtv.
Alston: officiating. Interment Lincoln
' Mrmoiial Cemetery.
tember 19, 1930. at Tuberculosis Hospital.
SPILLMAN CARPENTER, devoted brother
of O. \V. and Russell Carpenter. Remains
resting at ttie VV. Ernest Jarvis funeral
church, 1432 You st n.w. Funeral Sun
day. September 21, at 1 p m., from the W.
Ernest Jarvis West End parlors, 28th st.
and Dumbarton ace n w. 21
t iIHEN. MYEK. On Saturday. September
i 20. 1930, at Union Memorial Hospital,
1 Baltimore. Md , MYER COHEN, in his «stn
year, beloved husband of Helen Wolf
1 Cohen and father of Ruth C. Chase. Edith
C. Robeson. Rogei 3 Cohen ami M>er
! Cohen. Jr. Notice of funeral hereafter. 21
Friday. September 19. 1930, at her resi
dence. 1314 East Capitol 3t., ELIZABETH
JANE CONNOR Funeral from Zurhorsi s
funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol st., on
Monday, September 22, it 8:30 am., thence
to Hot) Comforter Church, where mass
will be said at 9 a m. for the repose of
tier soul. Relatives and friends invited.
Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. 21
CROUCH. EFFIE. On Thursday. September
18. 1930. at her residence, 717 10th st. s e ,
EFFIE CROUCH, wife of the late Cupt.
David Crouch Funeral from tier late resi
dence Monday, September 22. at 10 a m.
Relatives and friends invited to attend.
Interment Arlington National Cemetery.
CROUCH. EFFIE. A special communira'ton
us Oavel Chapter. No. 29, O. E. S., is
hereby called Monday. September 22. 1930.
at 9 a m . 11l Masonic Temple. JStli st.
and New York ave. n.w.. for the purpose
of attending the funeral of our late sister.
EFFIE CROUCH. Officers and members
please take notice. .
NORA M HEIM. Worthy M.rtron.
Attest: LILLIAN ROWZEE. Sec. 21
HARRIS. JOHN C. Oil Tuesday, September
16. 1930. at 5:30 p.m., after a long Illness,
JOHN C.. retired bandmaster. 91 h U. S
Cavalry, devoted husband of Dora K. Har
ris Funeral Sunday. September 21. at
1:30 pm., from Metropolitan A. M. E.
Church. M si between lath and 16th sts.
n w . Rev William If. Thomas, pastor.
Members of all veterans 1 organizations
and friends invited to attend Remains
resting al McGuire's funeral home until
Saturday morning, when they will be re
moved to his late residence.
You left behind a broken heart
That loved you so sincere.
That never did and never will
Forget you, husband, dear.
JACKSON. MARY. Departed this life sud
denly, on Friday, September 19. 1930. at 47
D st. n.w.. MARY JACKSON Remains
resting at Barbour Bros.' funeral home,
48 Kst ti e Notice of funeral later.
JOHNSON, LAURA. Departed this life Wed
nesday, September 171 1930. at 6 p.m., at
I her residence. 3021 Stanton id. s e.. LAURA
JOHNSON, widow of the late Ciiester
Johnson and devoted mother of Annie Me*
Pherson. Grace Richardson, Clara Locks.
. Gertrude Davis, Louise Johnson and
' George Delaney. She is also survived by
four grandchildren Funeral Sunday. Sep
tember 21, at 1 o'clock, from St. John's
C M E Church, comer Stanton and
I Fomeroy rds s.e , Rev M. Wilcox, pastor.
! Friends and relatives Invited to attend
i Interment Rosemont Cemetery. *
denly. on Friday. Septetnm r 19. 1930. at
Hyattsville, Md., ERNEST ROBERT, be
loved husband of Margaret J Livingstone,
aged 61 years. Funeral from his late resi
dence. Park ave . Hyattsville. Md , on Sat
urday. September 20, at 5 p in. Interment
Fall River, Mass.
Li AH ER. HELEN KING. On Saturday. Pep-,
tembei 20. 1930, at her residence. 1701 New
Hampshire ave n.w., HELEN KING, wife
otjjNicHols Luquer. Funeral services a4
her late* residence on Sunday. September
21. at 4 p.m. Please omit flowers. Inter
ment Greenwood Cemetery. New York. 21
I VONS. BENJAMIN 11. Suddenly, on Thurs
day. September 18. 1930. at Prince Fred
erick Hospital. Prince Frederick. Md..
BENJAMIN H., the beloved husband of
Helen H. inee Huntt) and father of Wil
liam A. Lyons. Remains now resting at
his residence, at Owlnas. Md. Funeral
Sunday, September 21. at 2 p.m , from the
Friendship M K Church. Intenment in
the church cemetery. Relatives and friends
invited. 30*
McKINNEY. della A. On Friday, fcptem
ber 19, 1930, at 3 15 pin . at hA real*
deuce, 1515 Ist st. n.w , DELLA A,, be*
loved wife of the late Samuel A. McKin
ney and mother of Guilford 8, McKinney,
Lewis B McKinney, James E. McKinney,
Dr Arthur B. McKinney, Dr. Waiter v,
McKinney. Ralph t McKinney, Mrs. Eg.
tell* A Fendaliand Mrs. b.-» le T Austin,
Funeral from Asbury M. * Church. lUh
and K sts n.w , Monday, September 22, at
1p m. Relatives and fiiends Invited. 21
PARRIS, ALBION K. Suddenly, oti Thurs
day, September 13. 1930. at Toronto. Cane
ad*. ai.bion K PARRIS, m the 74th year
of hla age. Funeral services at 8t John's
P E Church, Potomac ave and O rt.
n.w , Georgetown, on Monday, Sep tern be*
22, at 3 pm. Intermeut private. 21*
PARRIS. ALBION K. The members of Asso
ciation Oldest Inhabitants are requested
to attend the funeral of our late asso
ciate and vice president, ALBION K. PAR
RIS, at St John's P E Church, on Mon
day, September 22, 1930. at 3 p m.
, THEODORE W. NOYES. President.
J. ELIOT WRIGHT. Secretary.
PENN. IRONS. Suddenly, on Thursday,
September 18. 1830. at 4 30 am. at her
residence. 700 Columbia rd., IRONE, de
voted daughter of Sadie Lucas White and
Harry Penn, stepdaughter of Fred H.
White, sianddatighter of tlie late J.
and Sarah A I.ucas. Remains can be
seen at the residence of her aunt, Mrs.
Lillian Bradford. 1225 W st. nw. Sat
urday JSj ler , 3 i* m f uneral from Asbiuy
M E Church Sunday at Ipm Relatives
and friends invited Interment Harmony
Cemetery. 20
day, September 17, 1930. ETHEL WIL
LIAMS PERRY, the devoted wife of Clar
ence Perry and loving daughter of Susie
Gaskins She also leaves other relatives
and friends. Remains resting at the W.
Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You
st. n.w . until 4 p .hi. Saturday, there
after at her late residence. 321 D st.
s.w. Funeral Sunday. September 21, At
I B ffi ■ from St. Paul's A. M. E. Church,
Bth st. between D and E sts. ■ w. 21
life on Thursday. September 18. 1930
THEODORE JAMES, of 2211 N st. nw.
husband of the late Nellie Wilson Perry.
Funeral services at Bt. Augustine's
Church Monday. September 22. al 10 a m
Body can be viewed at Boyd’s undertak
ing establishment. 19th and L sts. n.w. 21
RIUF.LF.S, HARRY 8. On Saturday. Septem
ber 20. 1930, at tils home. 107 Latterner
ave . Clarendon, Va . HARRY S. RIGELES
Funeral services at his late residence.
Monday. September 22. at 2 p.m. Inter
ment at Columbia Gardens. Services pri
vate. 21
RILEY. HORACE. Departed this life on
Wednesday, morning. September 17. at B
o clock, at his residence. 1602 13th *t.
II w.. HORACE RILEY, the devoted hus
band of Mary Riley. He leaves to mourn
their loss one adopted soil and son-in-lav.
Geo. W. Brooks: two nieces, two nephew*
and brother-in-law. and a host of other
relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday
September 21. at 1 30 pin., from Union
Wesley A. M. E. Church. 23rd st. between
I. and M st*. n.w. Interment Monday.
September 22. at Arlington Cemetery. 20*
ROSENBERG. HENRY. Suddenly, Frldgy
morning. September 19. 1930. HENRY
ROSENBERG. Funeral from Danzanskv
, funeral parlors. 3501 14th st. n.w., at 2
pm. Sunday, September 21. Interment at
Washington Hebrew Congregation Ceme
tery. Relatives and friends invited. 21*
1 BAIITH. JOSEPH. On Thursday. September
18 1930. at his residence. 517 Gibbons st ,
Alexandria. Va . JOSEPH SMITH, beloved
1 son of Frank and Lillian Smith. He also
leaves two brothers, three sisters and many
other relatives and friends. Remains rest
ing at the John T. Rhine* funeral home.
> 221 North Patrick st.. Alexandria, Va.
Funeral Sunday, September 21. at 1 p m.,
1 from the Ohuicli of God and Saints of
Chi Ist. 519 Gibbons st. Interment Douglas
Cemetei y. 21
SMITH, MINNIE. On Friday. September
19. 1930. at Fieedmen's Hospital, MINNIE,
daughter of Mrs. Florence Knight of Tar
boro. NC. Rem tins at, Frazier's funeral
home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice
. | of funeral later, 21
, Friday. September 19. 1930. at 1.30 p.m,
• late Richard and Annie E Smith, in the
44th year of his age. Funeral from the
1 residence of his sister. Mrs. 1,. Hopkins.
640 E st. s e,. Monday. September 22. at
8 30 a m.. Wtence to St. Peter's Church,
' where mass will be said at. 9 a in. Int.r
--1 meat Arlington Cemetery. Relatives and
* friends invited to attend. 21
Thursday, September 18. 1930. at Upper
1 wife of Henry Clark Townsend. Private
, funeral services at her late home, 130
Clarew el! ave . Upper Montclair. N J . Bat
-1 urday afternoon. September 20. at 2 o'clock.
1 YORK, GERTRUDE. The officers and mem
ber of the Bureau Relief Association sre
. hnwoy notified of the death of GERTRUDE
YORK, died September 17, 1930.
in fHemnrlant.
BARNES. WILLIAM I. Sacred to the mem
ory of my husband and our dear daddy.
WILLI AM I. BARNES, who left us thirteen
years ago today, September 20, 1917.
Always remembered.
- BUTLER. H 11.1.1 AM l)E SOTO. In sad but
3 loving remembrance of our dear father,
son aud brother. WILLIAM DE SOTO
BLTI.ER. who departed this life twelve
years ago today. September 20. 1918.
Sleep on. our loved one, God's ways ara
He knew you were weary and needed rest—
* Called you home: your work was done.
, Some day we ll meet you. one by one.
i DORSEY. WILLIAM O. In sad but loving
j remembrance of our dear husband and fa
-1 her. WILLIAM O DORSEY, who entered
into eternal rest two yens ago today,
September 20, 1928.
i Dear husband, never shall I cease to love
1 you.
Never shall vour memory fade;
Sweetest love forever lingers
Around your sv.-et and peaceful gravf.
When father breathed his last farewell
The stroke meant more than tongue can
r tell
• The world seems like another place
1 Without tlie smile 011 lather's face.
ROBINSON, LDMONIA. In everlasting and
loving memory of my dear sister. EDMONTA
ROBINSON, who died September 20, 1927.
Love and memory last forever.
lovms memory of my dear wife, ELIZA
, ed this life one year ago today. September
, 20. 1929.
One year has parsed, dear one.
Since rou were called awav—
How well do I remember
1 That sad and dreary day.
The hands thpt did so much for me,
How helplessly they lav;
God knows they worked continuously,'
But they are none today.
1 Til OMAN. JENNIE. A tribute of love and
memory to my mother. JENNIE TILGMAN,
who departed this life one year ago today,
September 20. 1929.
Dived in life, remembered In death.
WHEELER. CHARI F S W. In loving remem
brance of my dearest friend. CHARLES
W. WHEELER, who died September 20,
Nothin* can ever -take away
Th# love my heart nolds dear.
Wt We Deal & Co.
816 H ST N E LINCOLN 8200
Established 1876
1337- loth St. N.W. Phone North 0047.
3900 M St. N.W.
West 6138 . J
Herbert B. Nevius
Funeral Home
934 Nfw y<'£ k Ave. N.W. District 2606
Clyde J. Nichol*, Inc,
4309 9th St. N.W. Col. 6824
332 PA AVE N W NATIONAL 1384. 18W
Phone Lincoln 6373
Frank Geier’s Sons Co.
1113 SEVENTH st n.w. National 2473
Modern Chapel. Telephone »» Iloi>M
Neither the guccessors of nor connected
with the original W R. Speare establish
ment 1009 H St N W
Phon. ptyftwg jy;," *.*• w - w *
Wm. H. Sardo & Co.
Private Limousine Ambulance
Succeeding the Original W. R. Speare Ce.
1633 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4f>oo_
Joseph F. Birch's Sons
3034 M St N W Phon ® We *‘ <»»•
1 * ‘ ■ r)l • Establlahed 18*1
Vaultafe, S 5 per month
Choice lots and »ite« lor sale.
ERATE PRICES. TEL. NAT. 2416 * NAT. *166
Open Evenings 14th Rr Fve
and Sunday* 06
Glide Bros. Co.. 1212 F St.
Frompt Ante Delivery Bertie.