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A-16 CHAPEL SERVICE HONORS THOMPSON Chaplain Calls Former GracN uate “Naval Academy’s Best Friend.” Special Dispatch to The Star. ANNAPOLIS, Md., September 29 ' Yesterday’s service at the Naval Acad- j emy Chapel, the first since the opening of the new school year at that insti tution, took the form of a memorial service to the late Col. Robert Means Thompson, a graduate of the Academy, who by reason of his interest in his alma mater and many gifts to it and the regiment of midshipmen, had been long known as “the Naval Academy's best friend.” Services were conducted by Chaplain Prank H. Lash, who delivered the me morial sermon, from St. John, • “I have called you friends.” Relative* Are Present. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pell of Bayonne. N. J., ! son-in-law and daughter of Col. Thompson and their two children. Among the naval people present wire Rear Admirals (retired) Willard H. Brownson and Oscar C. Badger, former superintendents of the Academy, and Rear Admirals William F. V. Pratt and Walter R. Gherardi. Also present were representatives of the Navy League, of which Col. Thomp son had been the founder, first presi dent and president emeritus; the Asso ciation of Naval Academy Graduates »nd the Loyal Legion. Navy Love Never Lost. Chaplain Lash said, in part: "Not withstanding Col. Thompson's resigna tion from the naval service, he never lost his love for that career, and par ticularly his affection for his alma i mater, the United States Naval Acad emy. Instead of diminishing, the as- j section increased with the passage of time By a constant devotion to the re sulting friendship his personality be came an. important factor in the devel opment of the old Naval School into the Naval Academy of today.” borahmakTsplea FOR WORLD PEACE Senator Declares Present Business Depression Is Natural Result of World War. By the Associated Press. BLACKPOOT, Idaho, September 29. —The “present depression,” in the opinion of William E. Borah, is the “natural result of the World War,” and thus becomes a reason for devotion to the task of securing permanent peace. His explanation of persent condi tions was addressed to 15,000 persons attending the Eastern Idaho Fair yester day. “The great costs of the war are now being realized.” he said. Pointing out there were 3,000.000 unemployed in this country and 10,000,000 in the world, he said the depression led to disturbances In South America, and that only a "re flex” was being felt In this country. “The huge debt at the end of the war, both in human lives and in mone tary costs, brought about Increased taxes and took the money normally used for purchases,” he said. 5 LOST AT BOAT SINKS Radio Reports Schooner Disaster Off Newfoundland. HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, September 29 (/P). —The sinking of a schooner with the probable loss of five men, off Ferry land, Newfoundland, at midnight Satur day, was reported by wireless from Cape Race yesterday by the master of the Norwegian freighter Haugarland. The message, which did not give l the schooner’s name, reported the vessel had gone down after a collision pre sumably with the Haugarland, that one unnamed man had been saved, and that five were missing. The collision occurred three miles off Ferryland, about 40 miles south of St. John’s on the east coast. WOODPECKERBOTS PAL AUBURN, Nebr., September 29 (N.A. N.A.). —“Drummer” is only a red headed woodpecker, but he’s a real pal to Ted‘Cline, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cline of Auburn. Nebr. Ted found the bird helpless one day and he nursed it until it was able to fly again. The bird makes its home in a nearby tree, but comes to the boy whenever he calls, and hops about on his shoulders. (Copyrlctit, 1930. by North American News- paper Alliance.) ■ ■ ■■■■■ 1 ■■ ■ : ■■■■■■ , stays of |MQR||I CHARM fWC | |AYS of eharnt begin with Browning & Baines Charming HP|J| Coffee Mg M. A the Roasters ‘l* l ' _—— ■ CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Dinner, General Electric Co., Pan- American room of the Mayflower Hotel, 6 p.m. Meeting, North Capitol Citizens’ As sociation, McKinley High School, Sec ond and T streets northeast, 8 p.m. Card party, benefit Catholic Women’s Benevolent Legion. St. Peter’s Rectory Hall, 313 C street southeast, 8:30 p.m. FUTURE. Luncheon. Washington Civltan Club, tomorrow, 12:30 p.m. Speaker, Com missioner Oslas of the Philippine Is*- lands. Card party. Junior Ladies’ Auxiliary, St. Ann’s Infant Asylum, 2300 K street, Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Luncheon, Washington Round Table, 1 University Club, tomorrow, 12:30 p.m. Speaker. Dr. Guy W. Leadbetter, presi dent, Washington Lions Club. Vincent B. Costello Post, No. 15, American Legion,' will celebrate ' the eleventh anniversary of its organiza tion with a dinner-dance at the Villa i Roma, on Rockville Pike, Maryland, Tuesday, September 30. BADLY HURT IN LEAP I Man Found on Tracks After Van ishing From Train. ROANOKE. Va.. September 29 The condition of B. F. Moore, jr., of Birmingham, who was injured Satur day when he is thought to have leaped from a moving train near Groseclose, . Va., continued critical at a local hos pital last night. Although attending physicians said he was somewhat better, he was still dangerously ill. He suffered a crushed shoulder ■ and possible frac ture of the skull. Moore was en route to Baltimore in company with two detectives when he disappeared from the train and was later found beside the tracks. He is said to be the son of a hardware dealer in Birmingham. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS RENTS FIRST TRUST NOTES INSURANCE Fire. Liability, Automobile, Life, Tornado, Burglary THOS. E. JARRELL CO. Realtors 721 10th St. N.W. National 0765 iHEaI I ‘wsTSicstlSi 3 Bed Rooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Recep tion Room and 2 Baths; Electric Refrigeration. THE ARGONNE 16lh and Columbia Road N.W. Regular Delivery Over 100,000 families read The Star every day. The great ma jority have the paper delivered regularly every evening and Sun day morning at a cost of 1% cents daily and 5 cents Sunday. If you are not taking advan tage of this regular service at this low cost, telephone National 5000 now and service will start tomorrow. |tf SANDWICH L THE EVENING. STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1930. GOLD MEDAL OSflf TOMATO^KAnp CAKE FLOUR iOMATO SOUP At the Special HTJTfTS k’MUI fffH for Price of .I .k .1-7 JW Campbell’* Other Varieties 10c ' j Prudence “EF Hash j £ AO c I IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENTS Ritter Spaghetti 1 tin. 21c I Shoulder Lamb Roast Lb. 17© with tomato simply heat and serve. "J* pj"™* ShOUMOr Lamb ChOpS Lb. 25© Pabst-ett £He Lb 48c Hib Lamb Chops Lb. 39 J Bottom i; Brc&st of Ziemb Lb. lOc I ChipSO • te 20c 2 t ROUND j! Prime Rib Roast -35 c 1 For clothes and dishes, too. STFAIC Tender Chuck Roast ,b -25c p Fresh Ground Hamburg...2sc Sale Home Matches 6 ■>“« %a e Lb - 39c I SmSd:::::::::::** Full count, long-burning matches. ,^_ rwj . J^_iru^.u _ Lru _ Royal Fruit Gelatine a* is* I “Sanico” Smoked Hams <->>. 29c | Everyday Pantry Needs — m „ INTERESTING NEWS FOR Sll<FAr c Fi T,, **• 2 l ?|** l u*’4Qr A NEW ,TEM WE BELIEVE THE THOUSANDS OF USERS JUgaT W LOC, b., T3C YO(J , LL ENTHUSE QyER OF FINE MAYONNAISE V "l6r , «_ _• Z, have _ ' fought: to Washington. We are sure Peter Pan We now offer Best Foods Mayonnaise and *p. PiiUbury*. mm mm whole Grain Corn will be a welcome addition to Relish to the thousands of Washington people who I* lOIUT - our ta^le * use and want this splendid mayonnaise and relish. wiam Flour" **** w W ‘ 9 __ «17| cow Medai 12-lb. CC JT lOUr " 7 ™- n * bag DDC '\dVVUU^j*wS|r!S!B^ 171*111* ’“Same” .... 12-lb. AC* r lour b * tter mn,ed bag HtDC ;; d| 17 JIPJUIJI Sanico FRESH Carton i 1 grain coriflf LggS Selected •*£ gSBOTg heat, drain its DSICOn PariUn 1). yw IndlvlduM feurte. ____ mm a Rr/vitiv a *am __ _ HEAT, but DO NOT BOIL, as boiling will destroy ‘BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Frank* Lo “‘ r ‘ *• ,ex,ure of this or ,ny oth ' r cann "‘ ytttm and BEST FOODS RELISH —— i^n. ha tfeek •‘tftr -« r* Franks 1 29 c CORN “ n , Either I / /a. “ And Here la Another New Com You WUI Like - B>. 29c STOKELY ’ S Country Genrieman CORN.... “»15c Good Scot Foods Pticod^ || I -A New Lower Price on | Pink Salmon 2 £ 2s« fSTiPH A JOStSSk' 'Sanhaown n «a M Chum Salmon Tin HO* 5.% wflHltEPy BUltef Del Monto Sardines 10« I ° Ur P ° P ” l * r s “ iUry «d^>rtM| , butrtr. ~f U ** r * Domestic Sardines ge p o«mdc. rt <» NQw Silver Brand Peas.. tin Me « * wra aw a vre Sw * et Land o’Lakei Pea. -15 c LAND O’LAKES c,..„ A. J#® Standard Com .- 12*/ic -*• 23c Sanico Shoe Pc* C0ra...... —l9c Who know’ Firit Pnze Mar t ann. ?® c . c , „ * tlnla W«coa Nut Margarine..., 25c Black-Eyed Peas 19c A|||% PaaanilP Kraft Packaged Chee5e.^........* k *- 23c Musselman’s Apple Sauce thl lOc OUR FAM OUS Philadelphia Cream Cheese ***• 12c Campbell’s Pork and Beans..... . t,n 8 1 ,3c m m m Honey Dew Pineapple tin 25 c ‘ Ritter Pork and Beans t,n BV3C ■■ M EB A ffi Silver Slice Grapefruit « n 25c B& M Lima Bean. - 12) it ■■Bk PrN MM MV*, lii OidDulch Cleamer w ....2»“15c Silver Lake Cut Beeb J - Kc Ullhbll IMkIP Swift. SunbnteCU.n«r •••“"Sc Miippp . — ■ ■■b■■ ■■ ■■ Palmetto Toilet Soap 3 e » ke * lOc Tomatoes- Illiribbi ______ Standard Grade 3 25c I[“ ly 5,N? Coff T "A 0 " 6 Per AA * , “ — That Will Please the Great > k WUa SsalCCt Brand % I* 11 9C#t Standard Grade 2 2Sc Majority »f Coffee Drinkers 5U v.s<mri no. a •*X_ , Carnation or Bordsn'a J;» IOC t ‘“ 12C Sanitary’s SPECIAL Coffee Lb.2sc Challenge Brand > 16c EZ!*£i&r*' 2 V 29e _ 1 SANICO” COFFEE V 3Sc Eagle Condensed 19c N.rc.bbfT’;::::::?- New York Quinces Z -preserve needs- Bunch. Carrots . 2 for 15c Fancy New York grown Quinces ... fine for pre- >B ’ ' Mason Jars (Pints) I>oJten 69c Bulk Carrots ,b - 5c serves.. .the skins give apple jelly a fine flavor. See for 1 (Quart*) Dozen 7A Cranberries 2 ,ta * 35c these Quinces in your nearest “Sanitary” or Piggly ■■ MW IYIaSOII «faTS 79C Uma Beana.!!. .! !. ! * 3 ,bs 25c Wifgly * Mason Jars (% Ga,fc) Do “ n $1.09 Fr«h r pc«.'“ UCe '.'.' 2 .2 -29 c New York Bartlett Pear. 4 -25 c Jar Rubber* D "“" 7c Ripe Tomatoe. 3 —25 c, OXe< ?, e ? r ' ib * 25c Jar CaDS D *”" 25c H Elberta Peaches 4 ,25 cb *2sc New York Seckel Pears 4 ,bB 25c pic*. 10° Sweet Potatoes 4 * New York Damsons 4 ,b * 25c 1 araiiine lUc — Fancy Crabapples 4 ,hs 25c Certo (Sure Jell) Bott,e 29c GRAPEFRUIT # Jelly Glasses Doien 39c N#werop^j! t'&iToSZ"™'"- Grime# Golden Apples j* ib*. g* APPLE CIDER VINFfiAR r or serving, as 49c 1 • e •