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A-6 SALES TAX DEFEAT BY BUSINESS URGED Chain Stores’ Convention Speaker Says Proposal Is Bad for Rivals and All. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. September 29.—Concerted action by business to prevent adoption of the sales ta* was ufgeti in an ad- j dress prepared for delivery before the ; National Chain Store Association con- I vention today by William Nelson Taft.; editor of the Retail Ledger, Philadel phia. Taft said the sales tax. proposed as l See All the Presidents—- —y correct costumes of their time—an historically interesting jjjju Anniversiary window display • m J <*o fe 3o*l / a £II %,s ... Oa * / # ■ #/ US J§9Psv ■r/ v >/ n mm jii i A*- Jl PISS^/ihS^ / iY$ / «s e y (WJ /f/ I | M 0 / If// itjllfl I 5 -' Jy%f - It h f II JLV XO« —the Story of the Year’s Greatest Event Ii I and the Greatest Event in Years at Kann’s— j Our 37th Anniversary Celebration! Ii , —Today is the first, tomorrow is the second advance selling | j day! Today—the whole .;, v ore has been crowded to capac -4 ity * Again tomorrow, a grilled throng of expectant shop pers will marvel at the Anniversary offerings which defi nitely set a new standa/li of low prices on New Fall j! Merchandise. Come tomcAow and see for yourself! Many wB j|L! t^ e Anniversary Saving* will be advertised in the papers starting tomorrow evening Hundreds of items, however, will not be advertised at Watch the papers! Come to l| ■ I ] Come Tomorrow—Whether or Not You Received a Cofe. of the 8-Page Circular I Shown Above—Every Page Will Be Posted Where You C& See What Is Advertised a tether against development of chain systems, eventually would enmesh even the independents whom tl was designed to aid. Department stores 35 years ago aroused the same sort of opposition I which chain stores now encounter. Taft added, and some States then sought to tax the department stores out of ex istence. ‘ Even the operators of smaller stores are beginning to realize that such a (sales), tax may result in verv serious consequences.” he said. He cited Georgia, where State authorities have recommended that the $30,000 exemp tion for the gross sales tax be de creased to $3,000. With the adoption of this, he said, the small stores would "find themselves in the same boat with their competitors.” Ho called upon the chains, independents, manufactur ers and wholesalers to unite in steps to "forestall the almost universal adop | tion of this heavy burden.” Chain stores were credited with im j provlxg standards of retailing by Clar ence Francis, vice president of the Gen i era’ Foods Corporation, another speak -1 er on the opening program. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1930. OIL FAVORITISM!! DENIED BY WILBUR Resigning Chief Charges Special Consideration Given Large Firms. A charge of favoritism toward large oil companies leveled at Secretary, Wil bur by Ralph S. Kelley, chief of the field division of the General Land Office at Denver, was characterized today by the Interior Secretary as "nonsense." The Kelley accusation was contained In a letter announcing his resignation I which the field man made public yes terday. Kelley asserted that in the past five years the large oil companies, "be cause of great political and other pres sure brought to bear upon the Secre tary” had received favorable considera tion in spite of his urgings to the con trary. No change in this state of af fairs. he said, had occurred since Mr. Wilbur took office with the Hoover cabinet. Reserve Value High. The Denver man said public lands in Colorado held an oil reserve con taining petroleum, valued now at more than forty billions. "This is the huge prize,” he said, “to which the large oil interests are en deavoring to secure titles by fraud and failure to comply with the United States mining law requirements. These oil interests are thoroughly organized and work and act concertedly in bring ing pressure to bear upon the depart ment to induce it, to give them these valuable oil lands to which they are not rightfully entitled. Among those j in this combination are several of the ! very concerns whose fraudulent prac tices have so recently been exposed in the investigations and trials of former Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall, Harry Sinclair and others.” Kelley Letter Not Received. "In my opinion,” he added, "the ad justment of the titles to these oil lands in such manner that the rights of the public therein shall receive adequate protection, transcends in importance any other matters pending before the Interior Department in many years.” Interior officials said every effort was being made to recover oil lands in Colo rado in instances where local require ments had not been met. They said notices claiming forfeiture of more than 1,000.000 acres, some held by large oil concerns, had recently been posted on these lands. The Kelley letter. Secre tary Wilbur added, had not been re ceived at the department. ■■■ • Because drivers in Poland drive auto mobiles over the rough roads until the i machines are worn out the country has I no used-car problem. 1 - ' \ HSBHBOBBBI - ' ’ • Jtj £'j *f' ( 4 1 | n • ■ ! CO TO THE.... I WORLD SERIES | via THE STAR Denman Thompson, sports editor, and John B. Keller, ! staff correspondent of THE STAR;Crantland Rice, Walter Trumbull, Eddie Collins, John B. Foster, Will Wedge, Frank Graham, Alan Gould and other great writers will keep you in formed of every play of this great classic in the greater sports sec i tion of THE STAR. ' . f I ! ■ And every afternoon at I THE STAR BUILDING.. llth Street and Pennsylvania Ave nue, the games will be played, play by pIay,fromTHESTAR'S electric scoreboard. / ' , | SEE THE WORLD SERIES ON THE STAR'S | ELECTRIC SCOREBOARD ! READ ABOUT THE WORLD SERIES IN ✓ The Great Newspaper of the Nation's Capita! . w \ 1