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PRICES ARE MIXED IN CURB DEALINGS Market Becomes Irregular After Early Show of Strength. Trading Is Quiet. * ~ BY JOHN A. CRONE. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. December 12. —Starting Slowly, with prices fairly firm, today's curb market pick-i un speed and turned Irregular as the session progressed. Electric Bond & Share rose frac tionally, but Cities Service was down a shade. Goldman Sachs, after opening Off %, recovered most of its early loss. Trading corporations, realty issues, •tore stocks, petroleum shares and mis cellaneous industrials, in order named, reacted during the forenoon, which was notable for Its absence of big blocks. Sales during that period amounted to 238.700 shares, compared with 298.400 In the same period yesterday. Railway and light securities, which broke more than 12 points yesterday, was off only a point today as an earning statement indicated net for the 12 months ended November 30 of $2.71 a share on the common stock. Corpora tion Securities of Chicago by a frac tional decline hit a new low for the year. Shenandoah, Intercoast Trading. Chatham-Phenix Allied. North and South American and similar types of securities declined. Lefcourt Realty common and preferred were each off a point. Edison Stores B, Neisner Bros, pre ferred, Pender Grocery' B and United Milk Producers were a few of the wpak spots in store and food shares. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea moved against the trend because of its sales report, which showed business in the 11 months of this year totaling $40.295.2b1. or 4.89 per cent above the same 1929 period American Book Co. was a feature in the inactive industrials, opening up 16 points from its last sale of October 18. Associated Rayon preferred was up 2Vfe, while Celanese participating preferred lost half that amount. Copper shares moved lower in dull trading. Decline of 10,712 tons in re fined stocks of copper metal strength ened the statistical position, but the omission of Hudson Bay’s interim divi dend on both common and preference shares and slowness in working out the terms of the Rhodesian merger chilled the attitude of traders toward this group. . NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK. December 12 (Special). —Opening cotton prices today were 1 lower to 7 points higher, though most of the near contracts were still below the 10-cent level. Ring sentiment was Inclined to extreme caution, owing to the uncertainty of the Farm Board ac tion, and volume was slow as a result. Opening prices were: December, old, 9.98, up 7; December, new. 9.98, up 3; January, old, 9 94. up 1; January, new, 9.95. up 3: March, 10.19, up 1; May, 10.46. up 1: July, 10.62. off 1, and Oc tober 10.88. up 5. t . , GRAIN MARKET CHICAGO, December 12 (Special!.— The wheat market was quiet and steady today. There was scattered buying, in fluenced by the better tone to Livsrpool and Buenos Aires markets. December, old. opened 77 % to 77 %; March, old, 79 % to 79**; new, 79%: Mav, old, 81 to 81%; new. 81% to 81%. After the first half hour: December, old. 77%: March, old. 79%; new, 79%; May, old, 81%: new. 81%. Com was firm on covering by over night shorts. December, old. opened 72% to 72%; March, old. 75%; new, 75%; May. old. 77% to 77; new. 77%. After the first half hour: December, old. 72; March, old. 74%; new, 75Va; May, old, 76%: new, 77%. Oats showed little chanee. December, old, opened 34%; March, old. 35%; May, old. 36%. After the first half hour: December, old, 34%; March, old, 35%; May. old, 36%. Provisions were firm with‘hogs. BONDS ON THE CURB v MARKET Siei in DOMESTIC BONDS. euMDd* Hith Low Noon. 1 Alabama Pow »s '6B 101% 101% 101 V» JO Aluminum Co Sa '52 101% 101% 101% 1 Aluminum Ltd 5s '4B 97% 97% 97% lAm Aggre Ss ’43 ww 74% 74% 74% lAm Cmwlh Pw «S *4O 73 73 * 7» * ; 6 Amer G & E 5s '2B . 94% 94% 94% Amer PALS* 2016. 102 101% 101% Amer Roll Mill 4%*.. 97% 97% 97% Amer Roll Mill is 48 95% 95*1.15** Appalac Gm 6* B '4s 59 59 59 Asso Elec Ind 4%s 'SB 82 83 12 Amo G A E 4%s '49 C 61 61 61 jAsso Gas A El 5a 'SO 69% 69% 69% 2 Amo Gas A El 5s '6B 68% 68 68 lAs OAE 5%g 'BB In cf 65% 65’, 65% .8 Amo G A E 5%s '77 84% 84% 84% 10 As Tel Util 5%s 44 C 80 80 80 * Can Nat RE 7s E |5 l(ir;% 107% 107% iO Cent §t Elec 5%s '54 63 % 83 83 SCent St PAL 5%s '53 78 78 78 29 Otties Bervlc* 5s 'SO 76 % 76 78% 9CHiea Service is '56 74 73% 73'J Gas 5%s '42 84 84 84 1 Cleve Ter Bide 6s '4l 85 85 85 IComwh Ed 4%g D 57 98% 98% 98 s . JConsum Pw 4%s 'SB 98% 98% 98 s , •Cont G A E 5s A -5| 80% 80% 80% 1 Cudahy Pkg 5%s 37 95 % 95% 95% .IST 1 C.G** 6S A '47. 105’, 108% 105% If Elec P A L 5s A 2030 79 78 % 79 1 Firestone C M 5s 48 60% 80% 80% 4 Florida P A L 5s '54 . 82 81% 81 s j 3 Gatineau Pow 5s 56. 91% 91% #l% 1 Gatineau Pow 8s 41. 93 9} 93 I Gen Rayon 6s A '4B 52 52 52 J, if «" 97 97 97 77 Gillette Sat Rai 5s '4O S4’» 84% 64% i S r ?. n< k.T r li nk . <,s f 38 105% 105% 105% fOnlf Oil Pa 5s ’37. .. 101 101 101 1 Houst Gulf O6s A 43 86% 86’ , 86% I Hudson B MAS 6s ’BS 88 88 88 (Hygrade Pd 6* A 49 50 % 80 50 l Jilin PA L 5%s B ’54 99 99 99 2 Indepcndt Oil 6s 39 95 94 94 Slndrap PAL 5s A 57 98% 97% 98> . 8 Ir.sull tTtlllt 6s B 40 87% 87% 87% 71 Inter Pw Sec 7* E 57 93 92 92 8 Intern Sec Am 5s 47 73% 73% 73% j Interna Power 5s 57 83 83 83 1 Jer C PAL 5%s A '45 107 s. 102 s , 102% 1 Jer Cen PAL 5« B 47 99 99 99 10 Koppers G A Css '47 99% 99 s , 99% 4 Lehigh PB 6s 2026. 101 101 101 if* P Lss '57...T. 95% 95 s , 95 s , 4 Massaabu Qas 5s '55 97 97 97 10 Mass Gas 5%s '46 102% 102% 102% 2 Mid Wes* Util 5s 33 94% 94’j 94% •9 Minn G A Lt 4%s 50 87 86% *7 4 Minn PAL 4%s 78 88 88 88 8 Mia* Pow Ali 5s '57 93% 93 93% I 5»r r *^’- s «U. 5* *37 102 102 102 1 P A L 5s B 2030 82% 82% 32% 12 Nat P S 5s '78...... 70 69 s , 69% 5S Y t P j *„ L . 4! . s » 87 »1% 91% 91% 4 Nor Ind P 6 5s D 69 98% 98 s , 98 s , 1 Nor Ind P 8 4%s t 90 90 90 3No Ohio PAL 5%s 'sl 99 99 99 4 Ohio Edis 5s 60 wl. 98% 9)9% 98% 3Ohio Pow 5s B 52 98% f. 8% 98% 6 OkU Gas A E! 5s 50 99 98% 99 1 Ontario PAL 5%s 'SO 92 92 92 • OAE 4%s E '57 95 s , 95 5 , 95% (Pacif Invest 5s A '4B 77 77 77 Pacific Pw A L 5s '55 95 94% 95 Pac OAE 4%s P wl 95% 95% 95% Penp G Ed 6s 50 xw 10! 101 101 Phfla Elec 5jS 72 105*. 105 s , 105’. 1 Portland O E 4%s 60 85% 85% 85 , 3 Rel Manage 5s A 54 8! % 81 % 81% 2 Rocb Cn Pw 5s A 53 55% 55 .55 4 Saxet Co 6s A 45. 85 84% 84% • Scripps 5%s 43 80 80 80 , WA P A '67 91 91 91 ' f Shaw WAP 4%s D 9* 90% 9: 1 SE PAL 6s A 2025 xw 100% 100% 10C> • South Calif Ed 5s *sl 102% 102% 102' 2 Southern N C. 6s 44 67 67 67 4 Southw Nat G 6.s '45 58 57 57 11 Stgnd Gas E6s 35 100 99 5 , 100 2 Stand Gas A E 6s 51 #B% 97 5 , 97% ll Stand Gas AE 6s 35 ion 99 s , 100 3 Swift Co 5s '4O wi . 99% 99 99% 15 Ten n P A L 5s 91% 91% 91% 5 Texas Elec 5s 60 wl 95% 95% 9.6' . 1 Texas P A L 5* 56 97 % 97% 97% 3 Tri Util 5s '79 60 59% 60 13 Ulen A Co 6s 44 75 75 75 , 3* Union Gulf 5s 'SO 99% „99% 99% » 2 Uni Lt ARy 5%s 52 79% 79 s ,77 5 , 1 Uni Lt A Ry 6s A 52 99 99 99 | United P A L 6s 75 91% 91% 91% fU S Rub 8' is ’31.... 100 100 100 13 U S Rubber 6s 33 , 80 79 79 1 Valspar 6s '4O 79% 79 s , 75 . 18 Van Bw erlngen 6s Si 72 70 70 3Va Pb Ser 5%s 48 A 95% 95 95 7Va Pub Ser 6s '46.. 89% 89% 89’ SWanamaker 5%s 49 101'. m% Ifil' 135 Wes Tex Ut 5s A '57 89% 89% 89 s , 3 W’.scon PAL 5s E '56 100 99 % 99% FOREIGN BONDS MCan Dominion 4s 60 95% 95% 95% 1 Oauca Valley 7s '4B 54% $4% 54% 4 Cent Bk Co 6s B 'si 70 s , 70*, 70 s , m 3 Eur El Cp «%s 65 xw 68 68 68 J 1 Europ Mtg 7s C 67 . 84 84 84 g 1 Flnld R M Bk 6s 'Bl 77% 77% 77% I 3 First BGW 7s '57 ww 80 80 80 f 3 Ger Cons Mun 8s '47 70 70 70 | COer Con Mun Ts 47 80 s , 80 80 s ; f I "ambura El 5%s '3B M 80 80 I 3 tamburg Elec 7s 35 98 98 98 r . I Nippon El P 6%s 53 86 86 86 1 3 Ruhr Chem 6s A 48 64 % 64% 64% • Ruhr G Co «%* A *3 75 74 s i 74 s 1 8 7* '36 xw 65 62 65 i Term- 80c 6%s A 53 77 77 77 ww— 'With warrants gw--Without warrants. iMUtC FINANCIAL. [new YORK CURB MARKET « Not*—All stocks are sold In one hundred-share lota I excepting those designated by the letter a (80a) (250e) which shows those stocks to be sold In odd lota only. —Prav. 1030. atoes and . Sale*— High. Low Dividend Rata. Add 00. Open. High. Low. Close , 13 3% AcetolProdA 2 6V* 5% g* 6% 13% 3% Aero Supply <8).... 1 4 4 4 4 20% 10 Affiliated Prod 160.. 6 10 10 10 10 9% 1% Air Investors vto.• 4 1% i% i i 9% I*, Allegheny One 8 2% 29* 2% 2% 350 160 Aluminum Co of Am 280a 160% 162 160 162 7% 1% Amer Austin Car.... 4 1% 1% 1% 1% 100 82 Am Book (7) 10s 100 100 100 100 13% 5 Am Cap’tal (B) ... 6 6 6 6 6 40 28% Am Capital pf (»)... 2 28% 28% 28% 28% 90% 60 Am Clear Co 26 66% 65% 66% 65% 49 27 AmCPAUA) (at). 10 38% 83% 88% 88% 289* 6 Am C PAL B (10%). 24 6% 6% 6% 6% 28% 13% Am Com P A <blo%) 7 139* 189* 13% 13% 87 8% Am Cyanamld (81.. 61 8% 8% 8% 8% 112% 110 AmDTNJcv pf (I) 21a 1119* 1119* 111% 111% 22 .4% Am Equities 10 4% 4% 59* 76% 16% Am For Pow (wart.. 20 17% 179* 16% 16% 6% 4 Am Foundrs (b 4-70). 15 4% 4% 4% 4% 157 74% Am Gas* El (1D... 4 86% 87 85 85 7% IV* Am Invest (war).... 1 19* 19* 1% 1% 16% 4% Am Invest Inc (B).. 8 4% 4% 4% 4% 88% 40 Am Lt A Trao (2%). 4 409* 41% 409* 41% 4% % Am Marteaho 5 9* 9* 9* 9* 77% 45 Am Meter (3) 26s 46 46 46 46 19% 3% Am Natural Gas. ... 60s 4% 4% 4% 4% 26 15% Am St PS A (1.60).. 8 15% 17 16% 17 -39% 9% Am Snperrowr (40c) 80 10% 10% 10% 10% 3% 3 Am Thread pf (25c). 2 8 3 3 3 15% SH Am UtAG (B) (35c). 17 4H 4% 49* 49* 14% 4% Anchor P F (bl 0%). 3 4 4 4 4 43% 13% Anglo Chll Nitrate.. 2 12 12 119* 119* 14% 6 Appalachian Gas. ... 11 6% 6% 6 6 23% 3 Arcturus Bad Tube.. 6 4 4 39* 8H % A Ariz Globe Copper... 10 A A A A 16% 5% Arkansas Nat Gae... 4 59* 6% 59* 5% 16% 4% Ark Nat Gas (A).... 17 69* 59* 5% 59* 27V, 89* Art Metal Works. ... 1 4 4 4 4 8 4% Asso El Ind Ltd 30c. 18 6 5 6 *5 46% 16% Asso GAE A (at 2 40) 24 17% 17% 169* 169* 11% 1% Asso GAE (A) db rta 2 1% 1% 1% i% 93% 89 Asso GAE pf (6). .. 20a 89 89 89 89 147% 75% Asso G& El ctfa (8).200s 71 71 71 71 60% 35 Asso Rayon pf (6).. 1 389, 389* 88% 38% 14% 4% Atlas Util Corp 6 4% 4% 4% 4% 17% 5% Auto Vot M cv pf pt. 16% 59* 6% 5% 55 22 Aviation Cor of Am.. 6 22t* 23 22% 23. 19 7% Aviation Securities.. 1 10 10 10 10 7% 1% Bahia Corp 11% 1% 1% it* 7% 1% Bahia Gorppf 11% 1% 1% j% 18% 2% Bellanca Aircraft... 2 3% 3% 3% 3% 6% 1% Benson A Hedges. .. 4 3 3 8 3 30% 13% Bliss (E W) Co (1).. 1 169* 15% 16% 159* 16% 3% Blue Ridge Cp(p2oc) 6 3% 3% ‘B% 3% 44% 30 Blue Ridge cv pf(al) 15 33 33 32% 32% 44% 12% Blumenthal (S) 2 11% 11% 11% 11% 9% 3% Bourjois Inc 1 5 5 6 6 55V, 20V* Brazil TrALt(b*%). 26 22 229* 21% 21% 16% 6 Brillow Mfg Co(60c) 8 6 6% 5% 6% 10% 5 Burco Inc 1 5 5 S 6 39* 3 Burma Corp (t3lc).. 10 2 2 2 2 17% 6 Butler Bros (10c)... 1 59* 5% 5% 5% 5% 1% Bwana M Kubwa.... 2 19* 1% 1% 1% 9% 2% Canada Marconi ... 7 2% 2% 2% 2% 90 48 Celanct lstpf (t7 9*) 60s 60% 60%" 60V* 60% 42% 11% Cent Pub Svc A al.7* 16 11% 18 11% n% 39% 8 Cent St El (k40c)... 32 9% 9% 9% 9% 8% 1 Chain Store Devel... 11111 17 6% Chain Stores Stock.. 6 77% 77% 25 14% Chat Ph At nv (60c). 11 14% 14% 14% 149* 46 42% City Sav Bk Ltd 4.1# 1 42% 42% 429* 42% 44V* 16 Cities Serv «g30c)... 140 17% 17% 16% 17 98% 87% Cities Serv pf ll)... 6 87% 87% 87% 87% 36% 7% Clev Tractor (1.60).. 8 7% 7% 7% 7% 21 5 Col Oil * Gae vte.... 6 69* 5% 6% 5% 54% 16% Col Piet Vtc tfl%).. 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 9* % Colombia Syndicate. 6 % % % % 6% 1% Com 4k Sou war-.... 28 19* 1% 1% 1% 19% 8 Com WatSv (b*%). 3 8% 8% 8% 89* 1% V* Consol Auto March.. 47 % % % V* 5 1 Cons Auto Mcu pf... 2 % % % % 8% 2 Consol Copper 10 2% 2% 2% 29* 136% 82% Cona Gas Balt (8.60). 14 84% 85% 84% 85% 30% 15 Cons Gas Util A 2.20. 1 169* 16% 16% 16% 16 10 Consol Laundries (1) 6 119* 11% 11% 11% 3% 1% Cons Theaters 8 3 8 8 3 108% 99 Cont GAEpr pf (7). 25a 97% -97% 97% 97% 72 48 Cont Shares pf B (6) 25s 44 45 44 46 80 49 Conti Share cv pf (t) 36 61% 62 51% 62 67 20 Cooper Bessemer (2) 1 20 20 20 20 60 34 Cooper Bess pf A (!) 2 34% 34% 34%" 34% 17% 4 Cord Corp 16 4% 4% 4% 4% 27% 14% Corp Sec Ch <bS%).. 6 14% 16% 14% 15% 20% 4% Corroon & Reynolds. 14% 41* 4% 4^ 74% 1% Cosden Oil 12% 2% 2% 2% 7% 8% Creole Petroleum... 6 8% 3% 8% 8% % % Cresson Consol (4c).' 1 A ft 4 g, 34% 7% ('rocker Wheeler.... 20 7% 7% 77% 61% 16 Cuneo Press (2%)... 1 31 31 80 80 95 84 Cuneo Press pf (6%) 1 84 84 84 84 49* % Curtiss Wright war. 1 % % % % 219* 4% Darby Petrolm n (1) 2 6% 6% 4% 4% 8% 1% Dayton Air & Eng... 4 2% 29* 2% 2% 162% 35% Deere &Co <g1.20).. 7 87% 39% 37% 39 8% 1% De f orest Radio.... 60 1% 1% 1% 1% 22% 12 Delsel W Glib (1%).. 4 11% 11% 11% ut* 11 3% Derby Oil Refining.. 8 3% 3% 6 3% 9% 1% Detroit Aircraft S 3 2 2 2 2 27 15 Detroit Gask (1.20).. 1 15 16 16 16 24% 11% Diamond Match new. 4 15% 15% 15% 16% 27% 24% Dia Match cu pf (o). 87 24% 25% 24% 24% 66% 31 Dress S R (A) <*%>. 2 33% 33% 88 S 3 108% 28 Driver Harris new.. 1 27% 27% 27% 27% 42 19% East GA F Asso.... 1 20 20 20 20 44 14 East St Pow B (1)... 10 14% 14% 14% 14% 28 49* Eisler Electric Corp. 8 4% 4% 4% 4% 117% 38% Elec Bond ASh (bl). 242 41% 42% 40% 41% 98% 91 El Bond AShcupf 6. 6 91% 91% 91 91 109% 102% El Bond ASh pf t€). 1 104 104 104 104 39% 11% Elec Pow Asso U).. 27 129* 12% 12 129* 37 10% Elec Pow Asso A (1) 38 11% 12 11% 11% ; 32% 9 Elec Shareholdg (1). ll 12 - 12% 11% 12%. 18% 1 Empire Corporation. 12 1%„ 1% l 1% 60 31% Emp Pwr pt D 4.60). 8 32 32 32 32 13% 3% Empire SteelTTorp... 8 8% 3% 8% 3% 9 1% Europ Elec deb rta.. 4 1% 2 1% 1% 6 % Evans Wallow LwadL 1 % % % % 9% V* Fabrics Finishing... 7 % % % % 11 1% Fairchild Aviation.. 860 sl% 1% 1% 1% 68% 37 Fajardo Sugar 1 36% 36% 36% 36% 1 | 18 4 Fanstael Products... 6 4% 6% 4% 6% 'l 11V* 2 Federated Capital. .. 12% 2% 2% 2% 249* 9** Federal Met (t1%).. 2 9% 9% 9% 9% i 22V* 10% Flat rets (1.25) 4 1 09* 10% 10% 10% '3** V* Fiat Stock deb rts... 10 4 A A A : j 105 100 Florida PAL pf (7).. 1 100 100 100 100 j i 9% 1% Foltls Fischer Corp- 2 19* 1% 1% 1% 38% 18% Ford Mot,CanAT2.lo. 10 20% 20% 20% 20% ! 12% 6% Ford Mot France 2«o 18% BV* 8% 8% !. 28% 10% Ford Mot Ltd 17 %c 24 14% 14% 14% 14% 18 1% Foremet Dairy pr pf. 11% 1% 1% 1% | 1 24% 3 Foremost Fabrics... 15% 8% 6% 5% i 17% 2% Fox Theater Cl 1 A). 13 4% 4% 4% 4% i > 24 6% Franklin Mfg C 0.... 2 6% 5% 6% 5% | 38% 14% Garlock Pa<*k (1.60). 1 16% 15% 16% 15% , ' 34% 5% General Aviation... 8 6% 6% 6% 6% < ! 4% 1% General Baaing 27 1% 1% )% 1% i 64% 27 Gen Baking pf (J).. 12 29 29 28% 28% 14 9% Gen E Ltd ret (600 . 22 10% 10% 10% 10% 29% 15% Gen Empire Cor ll). 1 16 16 16 16 87V* 26% Gen Th cv pf w.1.(8). 12 28 29% 27 28% , 103% ,95% Georgia Pow pf 16).. 1 96% 96% 96% 96% * j 36 5 Gleaner C Harv new. 4 6 6% 6 6% , 1 121% 51 Glen Alden coal (8). 6 53 63 50 60V* 16% 6% Globe Undwmra 30c. 4 77 77 ' ' 6% % Gold Coin <new).... 1 % % % % 1 6 % Gold Seal Elec new.. 4 11 11 7 % Golden Center...... 8 % % 7/4 1 46% 6% Goldman Sacn TC ~ 188 6% 7% 6% 6% * 44 23 Oraymur Corp (1)... 8 24 24 24 24 '> 260 155 Grt At&Pac nv t 6.25 130 s 174% 182 171 171 ' I 14% 3% Groc Sirs Prod v.t.e.. 16 4 4 8% 3% j 166% 66% Gulf Oil of P%U%). 88 66% 67% 66% 66% ' 88 13% Hazeltlne Corp <2).. 1 16 15 16 16 | 14 8% Hecla Mining 11) 2 8% BV* 8 g ' ! 32% 24% Hires tCE) (A) (2).. 6 279* 28 279* 28 | 14% 3% Hudson Bay MAS. . 6 4% 4% 4% 4% > 119 66'* Humble Oil (t3H)... 22 66% 66% 65% 66% I " 65 23", Hvdro Elec Sec (3).. 6 25% 25V* 26% 25% 15 2% ilyg;ade Food Prod. 2 3% 3% 8% S’* ’ ! 30 15% Imp Oil of Can (500 10 16V* 16% 16% 16% j 29% 8 Ind Flnctfe (bl 0%). 2 8 8% 8 «^* 78% 60 Indus Fin cv pf (7). 160a 60% 60% 60% 60% ! 41 17 Ind Pipe L new(tS). 1 16% 16V* 16% lt% jl 1<»6% 98 ind PAL cu pf<6 %). 60* 99% 99% 99V* 99%' j 47% 16% .mi Ter lllu Oil <A). 6 16% 16% 16% 16% " , 71 36 Inxull Ut(|blo%%). 1 36% 36% 36% 36% 23 7% Insurance Sec (70c). 4 77% 77% 23% 7% U.tetcuael Trade (1) 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 1% 9* Intercontinent Pet n 16 % a* % *, 24 18% un Petroleum (1) 27 14% 14% 14% 14% 46% 21 Int Superpower (fl). 3 21 21 21 M , 19% 6 internal Flit 1B)... 76% 6% 69* 6% 14% 3 IntersiateE'iultiea.. 7 3 3 3 -8 ’ 46 30 Interstate Ecn pf(8) 4 80% 80% 80 30 ?. 3 ** Iron Cap Copper.... 11 11 1 < I 1M 3% Italian Superp 1 A«.. 13% 3% 3% 3% 99* 1 Italian Superp war.. 12 11 1 'j t 109 100% Jer Cen PAL pf (7).. 60a 107 107 107 107 . 22 6 Jonas &Ncu pf (3). 16% 6% 6% 6% 2 % Kolatar-Br (Am Sh). 2 % % % ** | 10 9 Kreys(SH)ap pf 60c. 7 10 10 10 10 12 1% Lakey Foundry 11% 1% l% 19* 25% 11 Lefcourt Raa! t 1.85. 2 12% 12% 119* 11% 37% 19 Lefcourt Real pf (8) 6 _l> .6 25 25 ij 49* % LeonardOli 9 % •’* % % 27 10 Libby McNeil AL. .. I ]()% 10', 10% 10V, 30% 16 'if Lily Tulip Cup (IV*) l 18% 18% lg% 18% * 20% 2 Loew s Inc war).... 2 2 2 1% 19* * 55% 20% Lon# Star Gas n (1). 7 224* 2294 2 24* 22% 56 30 Long laid Lt (5(c).. 6 30% 80% 30 •a ’ RAW SILK FUTURES. I NEW YORK, December 12 . (Spe ■j 1 cial).—Quotations for raw silk futures ! '* i were lower again today, refl-cting i unfavorable <ab!es fiom the Far East ern markets. Yokohama was off 17 to | 31, Kobe, 30 to 30 lower and the out* - , > THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, 1). C- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1930. - Prev. 1980.-- Stock and Sales— High. Low. Dividend Rate . Add 00. Open. High Low Ologe. 113% 107% Long Ist Lt pf (T)... 20s 108% 108% 108% 108% 107 100 Long Isl cu pf B (6). 60s 1009* 1009* 1009* 1009* 5 9* Louisiana Las A Ex. 82 1% 19* 1% 1% 249* 8% MacMarr Stores ft). 8 9 9 9 9 11% 7 Marconi I Mar (BSe). 2 9 - 9 9 9 409* 31% Md Casualty n (2%). 62s Z 5 26 25 86 8% % Mavis Bottling 14 9* 9* 9* 9* 20 14% MerCh AS (1.66).. „ 4 If 17 17 17 169* 9* Met A Min Inc (1.80). 1 % % % % 7% 19* Mexico Ohio 0i1...., 1 19* 19* 19* 19* 11% 2% Mid St Pet vtc A 8 8 8 8 8 29% 20 Mid WSt Ut (1%).., 1 229* 229* 229* 22% 38 16% Mid West Ut (bB%). 10 ig ig** n* 18 * 62 609* Midvale Co (4) 8 60 60 60 60 334* lg Miller A Sons (2) 6 18% 18% 18% 18% 36% 64* Mo Kan P L (bl 0%). 11 6% 6% 64* 7% 6 % Mo Kan V L vtc 9 % 9* % % 12% 59* Mount Prod (1.60),.. 16% 6% 5% 6% 27 89* Nachman Spring.... 6 8% 8% 8% 8% 129* 5% Nat American C 0.... 88 6% 6% 4 5 *21% 34* Nat Aviation 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 88% 2 Natl Banksvc (6)... 2 2 2 2 2 51% 28% Nat Bond ASh (76c). 17 29% 29% 29% 29% 20 4 Nat Fam S <b10%).. 3 4% 4% 4% 4% 30 4% Nat Inveatora 13 6% 4% 44* 4a* 104% 97% Nat Pow ALt pf (I). 9 984* 989* 98 98 169* 12 Nat Sh T Sec A 160 c. 8 15% 159* 16% 159* 35 26% Nat Sugar N J (2)... 2 279* 279* 279* 279* 229* 13 Nat Transit (1) 6 18 18 18 18 269* 13 Neet Inc cv A (1.60). 2 Iff 10 10 10 126% 75 Neisner Bros pf (7). 75s 70% 74 70 74 22% 17 Neptune Meter A(3). 1 20 V 0 20 20 149% 60 Nevada Cal Elac„... 10a 849* 844* 844* 844* 3% 1% New Brad Oil (60e).. 14% 1% 1% n* 100 80 New Eng Pow (2). .. 60* 79% 79% 78% 78% 95% 83% New Eng Pow pf (6) 80s Kl% 81% 80 80 105 96 New Eng PS pr in 7.. 25s 96% 96% 96% 96% 141% 60 Kewmont Min (f 4).. 2 514* 614* 514* 514* 24% 10% N Y Merchandise (1) 1 10 10 10*- 10 117% 112 N Y Tel pf (6%).... 276e 114% 116 114 # 314 24% 9«* Nlag-Hud Pow (40o) 76 9% 10% 9% 10 6% 1«* Nlag-Hud Pow Aw. 71% 1% ** 16% 4% Nlag-Hud Pow B w.. 1 59* 54* 5% 59* 21% 6% Niagara Sb. Md( 40c) 62 69* 64* 6% 6% 45% 184* Nlles-Bem-Pd (t 3).. 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 1% A Niplasing (30c) 6 1% l% 1% 1% 21% 6% Noma El Corp (80c). 10 6% 5% 5% gj* 44% 13% Noranda Mines 9 189* 13% 13% 13% 96 92% No Am Ut Ist pf (6). 1 94% 94% 94% 94% 24 10 Nor ASo Am Corp A. 2 9 9% 8 9% 4% 9* Nor Europ Oil Corp. 12 1% 1% 1 i 183% 120 Nor St Pow A i1)... 8 180 130 1294, 130 1164* 106% Ohio B Tel cu pf (T) 100« ,1064* 1064* 106% 106V* 1% % Ohio 108 102% Ohio Oil ncu pf (6).. 1 103 103 103 103 11% 5 Oilatocks Ld B 60c.. 80 6% 6% g% 5% 29% 26% Pae GAE Ist pf (1 %) 1 26% 26% 26% 26% 394* 209* Pac Fub Sv (1.80)... 1 20% 20% 20% 20% 19% 8% Pac Ww tern 0i1.... 18 8% 8% g g 2% % PandemOn 1 % % % u 49* 1% PantepecOll t 19* 19* it* I** 35% 11 Pender (D) Gr (B).. 1 119* n** iia* ija* 16% 69* PennroadCp (JOc).. 78 8% 6% 5% a 32 169* PenrKMexFuel (8).. 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 111 107 Penn PALt pf (7).. 1 109% 109% 109% 109% 46 20 Peop LA P A a2.46.. 2 219* 229* 214* 22% 6% 1 Petrol Corp war 2 1 l 17 2 »* Philip Morris 1nc.... 1 9* 9* 9* ■* 12% 8% Pierce Governor l 4% 4% 414 au. 20% 6% Pitney BPn (80c).. 6 6% 6 69* 6 180 101 PitteALß(tlO)#.. 60s 101% 101% 101% 101% 159* % Prince A Whit 125 c). '2O 1 J j H 44 12 Prince A Whitely pf. 6 15% 16H 16% 16% 23 9% Prudential Inveat... 14 99* 10 9% 9% 27% 49* Pub Ut Hold (19c).. 86 5 69* 5 54* 99* 1 Public Util Hold war 31 11% 11 10% 4 Pub Ut Hold xw 60c. 4 4% 4% *l4 .ji 102% 989* Puget S£ALt pf (6) 110 s 99% 1009* 99% 100** 99 814* Pure Oil pf (f) 10 . 82% 82% 82% 82% 27 2 Radio Products (8).. 5 8 8 0% 9% 90% 42 RRALtS(tS) 26s 41 41 41 41 9% 3% R RSh Corp (25c).. 8 49* 49* 4% 4% 14% 8 Rainbow LumPr A.. 8 3 8% 3 3 79* 19* Rainbow Lum Pr 8.. 2 19* 14* 1% 1% 3 2„ 2 L £ e ? VM ‘ D * n ’ I> <lV4> 1 20Vfc 20 * 20% 20% 69* 1% Reiter-Foster 2 19* 1% it* is* 16 1% Reliance Int (A).... 2 2% 2% 2% ou 269* 3% Reliance Manag 4 34* 34* 39* 39* 6% 2 Ray barn C0.....'.... 7 2 2% 2 ou 8% 9* Reynolds Invest.... 9 9* % % £ 88 11% Ttoan Antelope Min.. 2 129* 124* 124* 12% 29% 15% Rock Lt A P (90c)... 1 16 16 16 16 25 2% Root Ref cv pr pf. .. 1 24* 24*» 2** 9s*. 11% 24* Rossla 1ntC0r0..... 1 3 g 3 3 12% 69* Royalty Cp pf t 1.70.. 16% 5% 5% tu 644* 89% Rubberold Co (4)... 1 40 40 40 40 216 % Safeway 8 w(2d) (C) 20s 9* 9* % % 34 13% St Regie Paper (1).. 38 139* 13% 13% 134* 2% 14* Salt Creek Con (40c) 10 1% 1% 1% 'iv* 16% 5% BaltCreek Prod (2). 14 6% 6% 6? 6% 179* 7% Saxet Co. 8 79* 7% 7% 71* 129* 1% Schletter A Zander.. 11% juju 26 7 SchlAZanpf (3%).. 1 * « g g* 149* 4 Schulte Real Estate. 8 8% 8% 3% ju 49* 1 Schulte Un6c-$1 St.. 6 19* 1% i% 16% 89* Seaboard Util <(0c). 1 89* 89* 39* 9 4 Seg Lock AH (660 . 4 6% 6% & 6% 129* 2% Selected Industries. ’ 8 2% 2% 2% 2% 84% 60% Selec In all etfe(4%) U 60% 60% 49% 40% 719* 47% Select Ind pr (6%).. 1 47% 47% 47U aZ* 9H 9* Sentry Safety Cont. • 25 % 1% £ 4 !£ 9% 2% Shattuck Den Mia... n g% 8% 3% 3% 20 5 Shenandoah Corp... 4 4% g ~, - 48% 80 Shenan Corp pf (at). 21 32% 33% 32% 99 & 83 >% Sotar^eflnlng. 1 !?!?! “RJJ 5} g 24* 1 So Am Gold A Plat.. 6 n* R ?% ft 28 24% 80 Cal Ed pf Bfl%). 1 26% 26% 26% 25% 27 224* So Cal Ed pf C (19*). 1 24% 24% i 4% V£t 20% 8* So Pipe Line (t 2)... 4 10% 10% fg foj? 17 6 Southldßoyalty (60c) 2 6% ««* g£ 18 1 SW Dairy Products. 8 1% 1% 20% 8% S W Gas Utilities... 2 3% 8% 3% au ► 2 * % Spanish A Gen rets.. 8 % % u 82% 49 Stand Inveat Cum pf 160a 40 40 40 xn 69% 34% Stand Oil Ind .2%,. 151 36 85 34% 40% 20% Stand Oil of KY (t 2) 19 21 21 20% 90v 103% 103 Stand Oil of Ohlo(6) 1101 10S 103 10? * A Stand Silver Lead. .. 13 A % u u 37% 8 Starred Corp 1 g% 8% 8% au! 48% 20 Starred Corp pf (3). 4 21% 21% 20% 20% 28% 4 Stein Coametlca 1 4 i *% 1 Stefnite Radio 1 9* H 9* % 16 14% Storkline Furn pf(2) 1 15% 15** u* .... 61 33 Sunlnvpf (3). .... \ 3R 38 i i?, tH Sunray Oil (b 5%)... 47 3 3% 2 % 1 21** Swift ACo new (2).. 6 28 28 27a* 27% 38% 30 Swift Inti (t 3%) 1 31% 3,*, ~,V 10 3% Syracuse W Mch(B). 14% 4% 1% 4% 86% 6% Technicolor Inc 20 7% 7w 71, | 43 18% Tobacco A All Stks.. 3 20V* 21 20% 21 * 10% 5 Tran Con Air Tran.. 16 6% 5% s *1 I 18% 4% Trans Lux DLPS.. 1 6 g g £ 9 2% Trl-Cont Corp (war) 2 2% 29* 2% 9% 22% 3% Tublze Chats! (8)... 6 4% 4% Vt 2u 28% 6 Tung Sol Lamp (1).. 16 7% 7% 7 7* 36% 13 Ungerlelder F Corp.. 6 28 *23 22« 99* 42 16 Union Am invest™.. * 2 16 16 ll 3n 16% Un NG of Can t 1.60. 2 16% 16% 16% iri/ ?6% 1 S 2 *£ 22% 16V4 4 ltd Otrr Fifltcntr, 4 41* 14/ j* 44 18% UtdChe.npf (8).... 8 17 13 17 ,5* 30% 6% (ltd Corp (war) 14 7% 7*. 7V 8% 2% Ltd Dry Docks 2 2% 2% 2% 9% 1 17% 10 Utd Elec Svc (1.41). 2 10% 10% 10% ft% 1 % Utd El Sv pr war.... H % % lo £ 44 6% Utd Found bS-S6 sh. 162 7% 8 7% T% 28% 79* Utd Gas Corpn 109 8 g% 7* 7„ il% * 3 Utd Gas (war) is 3 8 3 * 99% 86% Utd Gaa pf (7) > 8 869* 87% gg% gL , 56 23v* Utd Lt A Pow A (1). 26 28% 23% 28 23 99% 58 Utd Lt A Pwr B (1).. 2 66% 69% 66% gL 119 H 95 Utd Lt A Pow pf 16). 3 97 97 a? 07 6 19* Utd Milk Products.. 11% 1% 1% i% 65 44 Utd Milk Prod pf.... 66a 50 50 50 Kn 81 30% HMShMrhpf (1%). 1 80% 30% 80% 30% ! 72% 52 US Dairy (A)(6)... 9 60 60 60 So 26% 10 US Dairy (B) 7 10 10 0 0 2% 3% U 3 Elec Pow ww... 28 3% 4% 3% * 30 6V* U S Finishing 17% 7v4 1 26% 4% US Foil Co B (50c).. g 6 5 r r a 1 USAlntSecur 8 1% 1% 'l% iu 209* 5% US Llnespf (1),... 2 g i? 1 16 10 US& Oier ctfs 28 9*o 8 10% 11 10% .10% 64 46 (7S Playing Carda(4)l26a 48 50 48 60 16% 1;% Utd Verde Ext (2). . 19 g 8% g gu 28 8% Util Pow ALt (al).. 22 8% 9% g% ou 23% 6% Utility A Ind. . ..i... 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 22 5% Uti.j % Equities 4 5% 1% 5% 6% 97% 59% Vacu., n (t«%) 80 60% 61% 60% 60% 21 12% Waltt A Bond A 3).. # U 18 18 13 hi 20% Walgreen Co 16*, 2ff% 20% 19 10 18% 6% Walker <H»(l) 0 gi* g V , 6 g v . 19 6% Wayne Pump 4 6% 6% 6 6 35 24% Wayne Pump pf 8%. 4 21 21 21 21 % A Wenden Copper 10 % u, t* u 2V* % Weat V Coal A Coke. 1 % % % 74 46% 17% Weat Air Exp <6ocj. 2 14 14 14 14 ,51 '\ >8t Ma ” c « <2%). 1 63% 53% 53% 63% 40(V, 100% West Pow pf (7). ... 360 s 95% 98 96% 98 37% 27 West Tab ASt (2)... 2 27V* 27% 27% 27% 16% 8 VVi 1-Low Cafeterias. 14 8% 39* 8 3% 36 10% Wil-Low Cafeteria pj 8 11% 13% n% i 3v * 21% 8 Zomte Product a • 11. 12 8% 9 g% 9 RIGHTS V Exoltr 14% 11% Com Edison. Feb 2 14 12% 12% 11% 11% 12% 6% Peop GLAC Jan 16 1 99* 9% 9% 9% 21 17% Pub Srv N 111. .Feb. 2 7 17% 17%*17% *17% - seW>iu. •W.SS?- h # pi2i u f% n !S‘.mct in nocir kPh “ lo * ! aide markets were down 30 points. | Trading was in moderat: volume, with the buying mostly from trade intr.ests ! and the selling from houses with im | porting connections and from trade ; interests. Commission houses w, ;e on j both sides and dealer interests were bidders for scattered amounts. ; U. S. TREASURY BALANCE. c The United Btates Treasury balance. _ announced today as of close of business e December 10. was $35,562,802.65. Cus i toms receipts for the month to date e were $11,352,500.60. Total ordinary ex- I pendltures, $0,671,048.00. , ROUTE OF CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD | // Rldllit • ' * r ' _ * S jtj i ' k J # §T I I - I.' 1 l yl/* 11 i \ /je***!'— | M ... . i » KANSAS CITY / j ™ (.' K JrraesoN ctiy/ MA r 9N,Qwafffl,*W > flgattJWMy t HllMßlWiV>SW?rßN<— *. Vs “ mCmcmo and Alton on. * 1 —-*» PALTIMOae AND OSP Am By the Associated Press. WILMINGTON. 111., December 12. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in ac quiring the Chicago & Alton has fol lowed again the policy of its founders, who, 104 years ago, foresaw that suc cess was in westward expansion. The public auction of the Alton here yesterday made certain its absorption by the Baltimore St Ohio, extending the Baltimore railroad’s lines from St. Louis to Kansas City and from both cities to Chicago. The Alton had 1,053 t miles of trackage. Will Coat B. A O. $75,000,000. The Baltimore & Ohio bid $23,000,000 for the Alton. It was the only offer and will cost the'B. St 0., with the added 1 obligations, about $75,000,000. . The auction, held on the station platform In this hamlet, was ended quickly. The sale terminated a Federai Court receivership of eight years. The Wilmington Station is the first out of Chicago owned by the Alton. The road enters Chicago on a leased line. I CORPORATION I REPORTS TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF LEADING ORGANIZATIONS NEW YORK, December 13.—The fol lowing is a summary of important cor poration news prepared by the Stand ard Statistics Co., Inc., New York, for the Associated Press: New» Trend. Os especial interest in corporate news is the purchase of the Chicago Sc Alton Railroad by Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Acquisition was made at public auction ‘yesterday for sum of $23,000,000 cash plus other considerations, which brings aggregate price to $73,000,000. The Al ton road has been in receivership for the past eight years, during which time a loss was shown in all but two years. Deficit at close of 1929 exceeded $12,- 000,000. Adverse dividend action was taken during the past day by Glidden Co., Hudsons Bay, Ltd.; Arthur G. McKee Co. and Associated Breweries of Canada. Os a favorable nature was announce ment Southern Railway, which declared dividend covering the last quarter of 1930 and $3.65 against requirements for first two 1931 quarters. International Superpower anounced a 10-cent cash disbursement in lieu of 24 per cent stock dividend. Two equity receivers have been appointed for worth, Inc. The Companies. ( Adams-Nillts November tales up 3.8 per cent. Eleven months up 11 per cent. Associated Breweries of Canada de clares 25-cent quarterly common div idend; paid 60 cents formerly. Baltimore Sc Ohio Railroad buy* in property of Chicago Sc Alton Railroad; aggregate price, $73,000,000; $23,000,- 000 to be paid in cash. Carnation Co. 1930 sales and net ahead of 1929. Chicago, Indianapolis Sc Louisville Railway, $3.50 semi-annual dividend; paid $2.50 and $1 extra so ly. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway estimated November net operating income off 59 per cent. Chicago Railways Protective Commit tee for Series 1 Participation Certifi cates to oppose revised unification plan. Denver Sc Rio Grande Western Rail road, early Interstate Commerce Com mission sanction of Denver St Salt Lake acquisition expected. Dominion Stores’ November sales off 1.6 per cent. Eleven months, off 2.6 ; per cent. i Engineers Public Service November electric output up 11 per cent. Federated Metals final half deficit i estimated $1 share; bonds in treasury $450,000 above sinking fund require ments; holds 15,900 shares own stock. Fuller (George A), $17,450,000 new business booked in past 30 days. Glidden Co. passed common dividend; paid 30 cents October 1. Great Atlantic Sc Pacific Tea Novem- I ber sales off 4.6 per cent; 11 months, up ' 4.3 per cent; November tonnage sales j up 4.9 per cent; 11 months, up 10.5 per 1 cent. Hudson Bay omits interim preference | and common stock dividends; paid 5 ] per cent and 74 per cent, respectively, | year ago. I Intercontinent Petroleum deficit be | fore depreciation and depletion, year ended December 31, $26,481, against deficit $28,510 in 1929 period. International Superpower. 10 cents cash dividend, in lieu of 2% per cent semi-annual stock dividend. Kansas City Public Service October operating Income of 25 per cent; 10 months, off 16 per cent. Loew’s, Inc., net Income, according to preliminary estimate, first 12 weeks of fiscal year to November 22, 20 per cent below $2.09 per common share earned like 1929 period. McKee (Arthur G.) Sc Co. omits Class B extra dividend; 874 cent* quarterly dividend declared. • ' Patterson-Sargent Co. share earnings, year ended Oct. 31, $3.40 vs. $3.93. Pines Winterfront additional automo bile manufacturers considering finger tip contro^ystem. Souther* Ry. declares $2 dividend covering final quarter 1930; also $3.65 dividend, representing surplus 1929 in come, declared against 1931 quarterly disbursements; 1930 earnings estimated $4.61 common share; Mobile Sc Ohio, subsidiary, declared $5 extra dividend. Strauss (Nathan) November sales up 15 per cent, 11 months up 23 per cent. Superior Oil; receiver Rogers’ report shows net loss of $31,423 for Oklahoma properties in August. United States Lines port authority defers Rurcnase of Hoboken piers pend ing new lease arrangements; Shipping Board rejects bids for American Dia [ mond and American France lines.# - Western Tablet Sc Stationery share earnings, year ended October 31, $4.31 v» $6.03. Western Union Telegraph package delivery service agreement with New York, Philadelphia Sc Washington Air ways. October operating income off 18 per cent, 10 months off 39 per cent. Wilcox (H. F.) Oil & Gas receivership action filed by State of Oklahoma against this company and two other concerns because of alleged defiance of oil proration order. Worth, Inc., two equity receivers ap pointed. -- • - SILVER QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. December 12 (£>).—Bar silver, 32 4. For the Alton. It was the end of 83 years of fluctuating financial life. Wholly a Midwest line, traversing the rural districts of Central Illinois and Missouri, it always was a “home" road, weaving its fortunes and sentiments into the life of the territory. In 1827 the rallying cry of “West ward, Ho!” stirred the B. & O. builders. Railroad and canal promoters of that day were facing East, scrambling for the Atlantic port trade. “Important as Is this trade to Bal timore, it certainly is of minor con sideration when compared with the immense commerce which lies within our grasp to the west," reported the organisation’s subcommittee./ Pushes Steadily Westward. From that year the B. it O. has been steadily pushing westward. In 1852 it was at the Ohio River, by 1875 it had touched Chicago and at the turn of the century its trains were in Bt. Louis. The Chicago & Alton grew from the Alton & Sangamon, Incorporated in COPPER INTERESTS OPPOSED TO PLACING TARIFF ON METAL Br the Assoc luted Pres*. The problems confronting the copper industry of this country, it appears here, will have to be worked out by the individual firms themselves. A canvass of capital sources brought out that an overwhelming proportion of those engaged in the production of copper are vigorously opposed to adopt ing a tariff on the metal. They contend that such a step would be very unwise in view of this country’s status as an exporting nation, and might eventually lead to the same situation as confronts the wheat growers of this country. Officials of the American Mining Con gress, a leading representative body, say no requests have been received with respect to a tariff on copper, and have no Indication that such a request will be made. No action, of course, will be i taken by the mining congress unless a majority of its membership makes the request. The present problem is one of mark kets depressed by over-production. The World War proved a windfall for the industry, providing a ready market for j unlimited output. Demand became more ! or less normal In 1919 with a falling off of approximately 50 per cent, as com pared with the last war-year. The period following found many pre- I Baltimore Markets Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Md., December 12. Potatoes, white, 100 pounds, 1.25a1.75; sweet potatoes, barrel, 1.00a3.25; yams, barrel. 2.50a3.00; beans, bushel, 1.75; beets. 100, 3.00a4.00; cabbage, ton, 18.00 a23.00; carrots, 100, 3.00a4.00; cauli flower, crates, 1.50a2.00; celery, crate, 1.76a2.76; eggplant, crate, 1.25a2.25; kale, bushel, 60a75; lettuce, crate, 3.75a 4.25; peppers, crate. 1.25x2.50; parsnips, bushel, 90al.l0; spinach, bushel, 75a 1.00; tomatoes, 3.00a5.00; turnips, bushel, 80al.00; apples, bushel, 75a2.00; j cranberries, box, 2.5Cfa3.00; grapefruit, box, 2.25a3.50; oranges, box, 2.50a3.00; pears, bushel, 1.00a2.00. Dairy Market. Poultry, alive—Turkeys, pound, 25a26; old, 18a23; chickens, springers, 18a23: Leghorn, 17a20; barebacks, 14a15; old hens, 18a25; Leghorns, 14a16; roosters, 13a16; ducks, 13a20; geese. 15a20; guinea fowls, each, 30a36; pigeons, pair, firsts, 20a25. Eggs—Receipts, 964 cases; nearby firsts, 30; Southern firsts, 28; hennery whites, 29a33; current receipts, 28a30. Butter—Good to fancy creamery, pound, 30a8512; ladles, 27a30; rolls, 28a 30; process, 30; store packed, 15al8*. Hay and Grain. Wheat—No. 2 red Winter, export, 80 4; No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, 804: December, 804- Corn—No. 2 domestic, yellow, old, 89a90; cob corn, new, 4.35a4.40. Rye—Nearby, 60a65. Oats—White, No. 2, new, 454a46; No. 3, 444 a45. Hay—Receipts, none. General hay market strengthening. Drought has seriously curtailed nearby crops, chang ing the entire situation. Sections here tofore shipping are now asking for of fers of hay. Good clover mixed and timothy new hay will bring from 24.00 to 28.00 per ton. Wheat straw. No. 1, per ton, 9.00a 10.00; oat straw, No. 1, per ton, 9.00a 10.00. -v Live Stock Market. Cattle—Receipts. 500 head; light sup ply. market steady; steer*, choice to prime, none; good to choice, 8.50 to 9.50; medium to good. 7.50 to 8.50: fair to medium, 6.50 to 7.50; plain to fair, 5.50 to 6.50; common to plain, 4.50 to 5.25. Bulls, choice to prime, none; good to choice, 5.50 to 6.00; medium to good. 5.25 to 5.50: fair to medium, 4.75 to 5.25; plain to fair, 4.25 to 4.75; com mon to plain. 3.75 to 4.25. Cows, choice to prime, none; good to choice, 5.50 to 6 00; medium to good. 4.50 to 6.50; fair to medium. 4.00 to 4.50; plain to fair, STOCK AND BOND AVERAGES By the Associated Press. From Yesterday’s 8:30 Edition. STOCKS. v » . 5« 20 20 90 Industrials. Ralls. Utilities. Total. Today 1*2.1 *92.8 156.3 1*3.5 Previous day 123.4 94.0 - 157.7 1*4.9 Week ago J2B.T 99.0 164.7 130.4 Month ago J23.r 98.0 158.2 125.4 Year ago 167.9 131.1 202.4 168.1 Two years ago 190.2 127.5 182.1 178.5 Three years ago, weekly aver... 143.2 123.0 124.* 136.7 High, 1930 202.4 141.6 281.3 205.8 Low. 1930 , 121.5 92.8 154.3 123.4 High, 1929 252.8 167.8 353.1 253.5 Low, 1929 141.3 117.7 156.3 140.2 BONDS. . *• 1# M 80 Industrials. Ralls. Utilities Total. Today *86.2 *98.1 97.8 *94.0 Previous day 86.9 98.6 97.8 94.4 Week ago 88.7 101.4 99. X - 96.5 Month ago 90.3 104.5 99.3 98.0 led ago 92.7 105.3 . 98.6 98.8 Two years ago 94.7 104.8 99.6 99.7 Three years ago, weekly aver... 96.9 109.4 100.8 102.3 High. 1930 94.9 109 J 101.4 101.9 Low. 1930 86.2 98.1 97.8 % 94.0 High. 1929 95.3 106.0 99.8 99.9 Low, 1929 90.4 100.8 96.0 f«. 3 * New 1930 low. * (Copyright, 1810. Standard Stotiatiea Co.) 1 a VJ FINANCIAL. 1847. Abraham Lincoln was an tin known law clerk in its legal desart ment. George Pullman first trlea out his sleeping car on the Alton in 1857. In 1865 an Alton funeral train carried Lincoln to his grave in Springfield. During the late decades of the nine teenth century the Alton prospered. It was one of the first to use bright colors on its coaches, giving its trains such names as the “Red Bird” and the "Red Hummer.” In 1896 E. H. Harriman acquired the Alton for 139,000.000. He loaded it with $40,000,000 in bond issues and a few years later added $30,000,000 more. A shopmen's strike and a mint**' walk out brought a receivership in 1922. W. A. Blerd, the president, remained as receiver. Minority stockholders of the Alton sought to avert the auction, contend ing the property was being sold for much less than its value. The law pro vides an interval of 38 days for in terested parties to object before the court may approve the sale. war use* of the metal eliminated by the advent of more modern equipment. Despite this curtailed use, production was allowed to Increase yearly, with the in dustry facing the problem of devising new uses for its product. Tremendous progress has been made in this direc tion. but supply and demand are far from being parallel. In the meantime an oversupply Is steadily piling up. The United States, which is responsi ble for hAlf the World's exports of cop per, produced about 1,015,000 tons in 1929. compared with 912,930 tons the previous year, and with 643,210 tons in 1919. Domestic consumption for the comparable years was tons. 804,269 tons and 457,236 tons, respec tively, the latter representing a sub normal year, due to a let-down as an aftermath to the war. i The .acuteness of the situation is em phasized in the trend of the market. lAs late as last April the level was I around 18 cents a pound, while today ,it is approximately 12 cents. A few weeks ago a new low mark of 9Vi cents a pound was recorded. The Tariff Commission is powerless to act in the matter, even though pres ' sure were brought 8o bear upon it, as the 1930 tariff act specifically prohibits ; transfer of an article from the dutiable ' list to the free list, or vice versa. 3.00 to 4.00; common to plain, 2.25 to 2.50. Heifers, choice to prime, none; good to choice, 6.75 to 7.75; medium to good. 8.25 to 6.75; fair to medium, 6.50 to 6.00, plain to fair, 5.00 to 5.50; com mon to plain, 4.50 to 5.00. Fresh cows and Springers, 20.00 to 80.00. Bheep and lambs—Receipts. 300 head; light supply; market steady; sheep, 1.00 to 3.50; lambs, 5.00 to 9.00. Hogs—Receipts, 300 head; light sup ply; market higher; lights, 8.50 to 8,90; heavies, 8.25 to 8.65; medium, 8.50 to *-70;r°ughs, 6.50 to 7.60; light pigs, 8.25 to 8.60; pigs, 8.50 to 8.90. Calves—Receipts. 75 head; light sup - ply; market steady; calves, 5.00 to 11.60. i NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK, December 12 (/PL- Over-the-counter market: BmUli. America *... B is Bk of u s units...!.!!:::::::; 3 ? Chase 92i» osi« Chat Phenix 74 * 77 * Fifth Ave .. ... 3300 2500* First Nati n y... .3725 m? Harriman 1510 1610 Manhat Co . ’ 75 ,2 Peoples Nau .;::: 35b 450 Trnst Companies. Bankers m 2 ms Broadway Plara !.::.. :: 19 « Cent Hanover 230 375 Chelsea Bk & Tr .. . . 22 34 Chem Bk & Tr ’ 44 « Corn Exchange 123 127 County 35 38 Manufacturers !!!: 33 35 New York : ::::::: ij* *» INVESTMENT TRUSTS NEW YORK, December 12 (JP). — Over-the-counter market: Amer Founders 6* pf As so d Amer Founders 7"» pf 493. Atl See pf 33 jg' Bans:cilla Carp 7Vi gii S B , s A c ludustry Shares s l * 7 British Type Invest 5V a 6Vi Chain Store Inveat pf 50 54 Chelsea Exchange B 14 2 Cumulative Tr Sh -;>J 73. Deposited Bank Shares Ber 73. £■« First Amer Oorp 744 g'. Fixed Trust Shares A 15' , Fixed Trust Shares B 13*x Oranger Trade 10 io'i Incorporated Equities 514 71 J Incorporated Investors 345, 37 Int Secur Corp Am 6 (A<5. pf 92W Investment Trust of N Y • 73* 83* Jackson A Curtis Invest Assoc.. 36*s 39">, Mass Investors Trust 33 34 Nation Wide Secur 63a 6V. N Y Bank A Tr Shares 7% 83a Nor Am Trust Shares 6 s , e’4 Public Service Tr Sh 6% 73a Shawmut Bank f!.. 8 9 Stand Collat Trusteed Sh 934 10*a Super Corp of Am Tr Shares A.. 6’« 7>4 Trustee Am Bk Sh Bl'*8 I '* United Ins Trust Shrs P lOVf 11 >4 United N Y Bank "A*Tr Bhrs C. 12 13'/« U S Elec Lt A Pow SharM 8... 634 7V4 Others unchanged. A-15 ViniA TOBACCO BRINGS $3,187,857 f Warehouse Reports Show Total of 34,742,746 Pounds of Leaf Marketed. By the Associated Prase. RICHMOND. Va. December 13- Producers' sales of leaf tobacco on Vir ginia markets during the month of No vember amounted to 34,742.746 pounds, valued at $3,187,857; sales of tne cor responding period last year were 34,- 721,246 pounds, valued at $6,357,051, warehouse reports of the commissioner of agriculture, released here today by the division bf agricultural statistics of the Virginia Department of Agriculture, showed. The average price of all types gold during November was $9.18, compared with $18.31 for November last year. Flue-cured sales amounted to 29.831,- 621 pound;, with an average of $9.37 per hundreds pounds, compared with 29.798.536 pounds in November last year, with an average of $18.97 per hundred pounds. Fire-cured sales amounted to 4,682,- 650 pounds, with an average of $8 03 per hundred pounds .compared with 4.631,032 pounds In November last year, with an average at $14.53 per hundred pounds. Sun-cured sales amounted to 228.476 pounds, with an average of $7 per hun dred pounds, compared with 291,678 sold last November at an average of $lO 23 per hundred pounds. Warehouse men estimated that the ’ quality of all sales during the month ■ graded 12 per cent food. 27 per cent medium and 61 per cent common, com pared with 29 per cent good, 41 per ; cent medium and 30 per cent common 1 for November, 1929. The burley market at Abingdon did i not open until December 9, so no report ■ * of sales was available from that market. • The report was compiled by John A. • Hicks, agricultural statistician of the • Federal-State Crop Reporting Service. MORRIS BANK DIVIDEND. BALTIMORE. December 12 (Special). —Directors of the Morris Plan Bank of Baltimore yesterday declared the thirty second semi-annual dividend of 3 psr , cent on the capital stock, payable De cember 31 to holders of record Decem ber 24. The stock is on a 6 per cent annual basis. During the last year the f savings deposits in the bank increased . 20 per cent officials said, while the reg- ular loan volume Increased 10 per cent \ DIVIDENDS DECLARED r NEW YORK, December 12 OP).— ImUr, . , _ Pe- Pay- Holders Company. nod. able, ot record. ’ Airway EIecAPD 1175 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 30 1 Am Therm Bo pf..B7Vac Q Jan. 1 Dec. 30 B Apponaus Co 60c Q Jan. 1 Dec. 16 1 . D°- « 1 - . 11.63 1 /i, Q Jan. 1 Dec. 1# ■£ rk l i at ° M Pf 15c Q Jen. 3. Dec. 15 e Asso Ba A Mt Gu 37>-ac Q Jan. 3 Dec. 30 I. pf i iAT 5c Q Jan - 2 Dec. 18 . Bickfords Inc pf 62V,c Q Jan. 3 Dec. 30 - g owm Nat Bk (Chi) *3 S-A Dec. 31 Dec. 37 Branche DrCopf.B7‘2C Q Nov. 1 Oct. 30 1 Bulkier Build pf .*1.35 Q Dec. 31 Dec. 30 j Budd Wheel 35c Q Dec. 31 Dec. 32 . d oo ' ■•••*1.75 Q Dec. 31 Dee. 33 Burt if Nl Co 75c Q Jan. 3 Dec. 15 .: •iv• -• ® Jan - 2 Dec. 15 s Cent 111 Lt 6*V pMVk% Q Jan. 3 Dec. If i, Do 7% Pf l 3 *'* Q Jan. 2 Dec. IS " Chem Bk & Tr 45c Q Jan. 2 Dee. It V Chariest Tr <80i).51,60 <3 Jan. 1 Dec. 15 5 Chicago Towel 31.25 Q Jan. 2 Dec. 30 Do. pf.. . 11.7 S q Jan. 2 Dm. 30 Cln Newport A Cov Lt 5 * Tr *1 50 Q Jan. 15 Dec. *1 • „.D°- Pf - : -- . *l.l Q Jan. 15 Dec: ll . Cinn On Btk Yds. 40c Q Dec. 31 Dec. 17 6 City Sav Bk <Pas).*2 50 Q Jan. 2 Dec. 30 5 Cons Steel Cor pf.43V.c Q Jan. 2 Dec. tS B Conn Rlv Bkg... .*1.50 S-A Dec. 31 Dee. S Dayton Pow ALtpf. ,50c M Jan. 1 Dec. 30 Detroit Bankers Co. .85c <3 Dec. 31 Dec. 30 Detroit Savings Bk.. 80c Q Dec. 31 Dec. Is Diam Elec Mfg....50c <3 Dec. 31 Dec. 30 5 *U* Q Dec-51 Dec. $0 Diamond Shoe 50c Q Jan. 3 Dec. 10 ! Do. «'*% pf. .*l.B2Vs Q Jan. 3 Dec. IS ? Do. 0% pf 30c SA Jan. 2 Dec. 10 ) Duqueinett Ist pf.*1.25 Q Jan. 15 Dec. 31 . j Elwell Park Elec— *1 Q Dec. 31 Dee. IS , • ‘AUant.*). .S 3 Q Jan. 1 Dec. U > Equitable Trust of _ Chicago *1.50 Q Jan. 3 Dec. $4 Erie A Pitts RR 80c Q Dec. 10 Not. 39 I ir>cAPitt,Rßsp.. 87.40 Q Dec. 1 Nov. it ’ First Bk Stk Corp.2sc Q Jan. 1 Dec. 17 First Nat Bk (At)..soc Q Jan. 1 Dee. 20 First Nat Ek & Trust (Montclair.N J) .*2.60 Q Dee. 31 Dm. SO Florida Pow A Lt > Pf 31.76 Q Jan. 3 Dm. II , Flour Mills ol Amer ' pf A.............. .*3 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 18 Oen B »klng *6 pf..75c Q Jan. 2 Dec. 18 Do. *8 pf *3 Q Dec. 31 Dec. 30 Hamilton Cot tons pf 50c Q Jan. 2 Dec. 18 Hanover Fire Ins. 40c <3 Jan. 2 Dec. 18 Honey Dew pf A..*1.75 Q Jan. 2 Dec. 16 Hoover Steel 8a11,..30c Q Jan. 2 Dec. 24 Household Finance A.... 80c Q Jan. 15 Decs 31 Do. B. 80c Q Jan. 15 Dec. 31 Do. pt pf ji q Jan. 15 Dec 31 Inter Tel A Te1....50c Q Jim 15 Dec! 10 Jamestown Tel Corp 7-» Ist pf.. 51.76 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 15 Jenkins Bros 50c Q Jan. 2 Dec. 16 Do. Pf *1.75 Q Jan. 2 Dec is ' Kaybee Stores. 15c O J.S! 15 J?n. 3 Do. A 43 S 4C q Jan 2 1 Le rD? lt n N * t ®* c A - P c Q Jan. 2 Dec! 15 Do ?- -- i--‘ 35c Q Jan. 3 Dec. 15 Do. 7% pf 35c Q Jan. 3 Doc la Unde Air Prods pf.*1.50 Q Jan. 1 Dee' 10 Locomotive Firebox .50c <3 Jan. 2 Dec 16 Masnln <H A 00..37Wc Q JiS 15 Dec 31 Maryl’d Tr Co (8a1>.46c S Dec II Kc' Sa Marine Midland Tr Metal A Therm PfVh 75 § J?n! *2 D?c! 30 McKee'l AG) A - 50C Q J * n ' 2 » MMLSamr** Q Jan - 1 D * c ' 3o pr 1ien..........*1.75 Q Jan. 6 Dec. 22 Do- 7% pf A....*1.75 Q Jan. 6 Dec. 22 Do. 67S- pr lien. .*1.50 Q Jan. 6 Dec. 32 Do S"r pr A ...$1.50 Q Jan. 6 Dec. 22 Morris Plan Bank * 3 50 8A D#C ' 30 D «' 33 MorrU VphUlp)' "** Q J#n ' 1 Dec '» T „Co Letd.. . Jsc q Jan. 15 Jan. 3 Nat Battery Co ,65c Q Jan. 1 Dec. 17 Northern Mex Pow „ * Dev pf *1.75 Q Jan. 3 Dec 30 Morthw Bancorporat.46c Q Jan. 1 Dec. 20 Ohio Savings Bank & Tr (T01ed0)....75c M Jan. 1 Dec. 26 Ontario Mfg pf. ..*1.75 Q Dec. 31 Dec 20 Ottawa Lt Ht A P.*1.60 Q Dec. 31 Dec 15 _Do. pf 51 82'a Q Jan. 1 Dec. 15 Otter Tail Power *8 ft (Deli *1.50 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 15 >o *5.50 Pf ■ ■ *l-37' 2 <3 Jan. 1 Dec. 15 rae fle Gas & Elec. 50c Q Jan. 15 Dec. 31 Pacific Ltg *6 pf *1.50 Q Jan. 15 Dec. 31 Penn Pow ALt pf. *1.75 Q Jan. 2 Dec. 15 Do *6 pf *1.50 Q Jan. 2 Dec. :6 Do. *5 pf.. . *1.25 Q Jan. 2 Dec. 16 Philip Morna A Co Ltd..... Me Q Jan. 15 Jan. | Ritter Den Mfg..62'2C Q Jan. 1 Dec. 33 Skelly Oil pf *1.50. Q Feb. 2 Jan. 3 Smith L C A C0...25c Q Jan. 1 Dec 20 Southern Ry *2 <3 Feb. 2 Jan. 2 Do *2 Q May 1 Apr. 1 go *l«s Aug. 1 July 1 „Do pf *-.75 Q Jan. 15 Dec. 26 Square D Co B 50c <3 Dec. 31 Dec. 30 State Tit A MU..*1.50 Q Jam I Dec. IS Stockyards Natl Bk * _ (Chicago) 80c Q Dec. 31 Dec. 24 3rd Natl Bk A Tr (Spgfleld, Mass) .*4 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 0 Utd Bus Pub pf. .*1.75 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 20 Utd Loan Corp.. .*1.25 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 30 Utd out 9% pf. *1.50 Q Feb. 1 Jan. 10 Unt Pub *135 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 20 „ D .°£ l u,— * Us G Jan - 1 Dec. 20 U S Bobbin A Shuttle pf . .11 75 Q Dec. 31 Dec. 30 U S Dtstrib pf .$Va% SA Jan. 1 Dec. 23 Van de Kamps Holland R • 37 ‘» c Q Jan - 2 Dec. 10 Bo *«*<> PF. *l62’j <3 Jan. 2 Dec. 10 Waterbury Tr C0...*2 Q Jan. 1 Dec. 23 Weeden A Co_ ...Me Q Dec. 31 Dec. 30 Weinberger D* St . ,25c Q Jan. 1 Dec. 20 w Fw 7% pf..»1.75 Q Feb. 2 Jan. 8 # Do 6*J- pf q Feb. 2 Jan. 6 Workingman’s Sav Bk A 17- (Pitts).. .*7.50 Q Dec. 28 Jan. t Extra. Ang A Lon Par Na .. Jan. 3 Dec. 20 Bridgeport Ci Tr...50c .. Dec. 30 . . Budd Wheel Pt pf. 75c .. Dec. 31 Dec. 33 Conn Rlv Bkg *1.50 .. Dec. 31 Dee. 2 D°. *PI *9 .. Dee. 31 Dee. 8 n£t 0lt N?? V B I ? n * " Dec ' 3l Dec l » :: g^:!| Mobile A Ohio RR. .*5 .. Dec. 30 Dee. 32 Ohio Sav Bank A Tr (Toledo) *2 60 .. Jan 1 Dec 35 Phlladel Oo (new). 35c !. JiS. 31 31 Initial. Alaska Juneau Min.,loc Q Feb. 1 Jan 18 Pacific Freight Unes * Ltd pt Pf A.. 43},c .. Jan. 1 Dee. 19 Increased. Bickfords Inc 30c <3 Jan. 2 Dec. 30 Chatham State Bk (Chicago) *3 8 Jan. 1 Dec 37 Chic Ind A Louis S 3 50 S-A Jan. 10 Dee. if Rednead. Hercules Motors.... 30c Q Dec. 18 Jan. I Stock. Weinb Dr Stores... \% Q Jan. 1 Dec. 88 Omitted. Autom Washer p|..25c Q Due Jan. 1 Diamond Elec Mfg. .2(, Stk Dae Dec 31 First Ohio Inv pf. J 1.50 Q Due Jan 1 First Prop Tr Ist pf (Boston) 87vac Q Due Jan. I Motor Bankers 35c Q Due Jan. {