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B-2 SOCIETY President and Mrs. Hoover Entertained Interesting Luncheon Guests at White House Yesterday. s Mrs. HOOVER entertained at luncheon yesterday at the White House in honor of Miss Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of Chief Justice and Mrs. Evans Hughes, whose marriage to Mr. William Thomas Gb&sett of Neat York will take place Friday, December 19. The company included Mrs. Herbert Hoover, jr.; Mrs. Manviile Kendrick, Mrs. Butler, wife of Lieut. Frederick B. Butler; Miss Gertrude Bancroft, Miss Anne Butler, Miss Isabelle Cotton. Miss Elizabeth Roberts, Miss Helen Strauss and Miss Ruth Fessler. President and Mrs. Hoover also had as luncheon guests yesterday the Sec retary of State, Mr. Henry L. Stimson, and former Secretary of State Elihu Root, who is spending a few days in Washington and is at the Willard. The Secretary of State and Mrs. Stimson will entertain at dinner this evening in their home, Woodley, on Cathedral avenue. Mrs. William De Witt Mitchell, wife of the Attorney General, attended the luncheon given today by Mrs. Wade Hampton Ellis in honor of Mrs. Pierce Butler, wife of Mr. Justice Butler. The other guests were: Mrs. Harlan Fiske Stone, Mrs. Howard Sutherland, wife of the Alien Property Custodian; Mrs. Peyton Gordon, Mrs. E. A. Harriman, Mrs. Everett Sanders, Mrs. George C. Thorpe, Mrs. Phil Campbell, Mrs. Charles A. Douglas and Mrs. J. Harry Covington. Secretary and Mr*. Harley Honor Guests at Dinner. Secretary of War and Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley will be the guests in whose honor Lieut. Col. and Mrs. M. Robert Guggenheim will entertain at dinner In their home in Edgemoor Wednesday, December 17. The Italian Ambassador and Donna Antoinette de Martino entertained at dinner last evening at the embassy, when their guests included the Ambas sador of Cuba and Senora de Ferrara, the Ambassador of France. M. Paul Claudel; the counselor of the Austrian embassy and Mme. Hauenschield, Mr. David Finley and his house guest, the Hon. Samuel Pepys of England; Mile. Heine Claudel, Mile. Maieli Pfaeffli, Miss Edith Hoyt and members of the embassy staff, including the counselor, Conte Alberto Marchetti di Muriaglio; •''the first secretary and Contessa An toinette Roncalli dl Montorio, the-as sistant naval attache and Nobile Ori etta Figarolo del Conti dl Gropello and the secretary of the embassy, Nobile Carlo Andrea Soardi. The Minister of the Union of-South Africa and Mrs. Louw entertained at (tinner last evening. The charge d’affaires of Czechoslo vakia and Mme. Skalicky entertained a company of 10 at dinner last evening. Chief Justice of the Court of Claims and Mrs. Fenton Whitlock Booth enter tained at dinner in their home preced ing the White House reception, when their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mrs. Charles Wheatley, Mrs. Louise Moyer and Dr. Daniel D. B. Btuart. all of whom attended the re ception with Chief Justice and Mrs. Booth. , Senator and Mrs. Jesse H. Metcalf have taken an apartment in the An chorage for the Winter months. Senator M. A. Coolidge has arrived in Washington from his home in Fitch burg, Mass., and is stopping at the Carlton Mrs. Lehlbach, wife of Representa tive Frederick R. Lehlbach, has left Washington to attend the Army-Navy foot ball game in New York tomorrow and to visit in New Jersey. She will re turn next week to the Shore ham, where she is making her home this Winter. Vice Admiral and Mrs. Arthur L. Willard were the honor guests at a dinner given last evening by Senator Thomas J. Walsh and his daughter, Mrs. Gudger, wife of Capt. Emmett C. Gudger, P. 8. N. I To Washington's Younger Set A Special Invitation to Visit 1 Our Beautiful New Store Tomorrow Marvelous new things shown here in every department for the Holiday season, for all winter festivities. Just | unpacked, new, fresh and lovely as you can imagine ... jij pleasingly priced, too, to agree with the younger people’s ideas of expenditure . . . Dresses Coats Furs Hats Greenbrier Sportswear All Accessories Our Remarkable Shoes Our ‘VFonderful Gift Selecti ons Everything that Misses, Juniors and Younger Sisters Need Misses' Own Floor, Fourth Floor Juniors', Young Girls' Wear, Sixth Floor W* Pari your ear while shopping hers. Julius GARFiNCKELtrCot F Street at Fourteenth of CONNECTICUT AVE. a£ CALVERT Dinner Dances Dances % ! ' to Ike Loute Setoe room tiers 1 to S tptctol dinnor. ft. to eppnlnp from it* to tlt stuiine ce*vert. topper e to perron or « to rone eerie, tl eoeiert. Dinner terete*). • Supper ■ peurene mop remote donee it to i fit. LOWC-NCVINS end donee tkroopk rent cowrjrt except iho# CM AM without rrUon. Soturdop mni ORCHESTRA kelUape. St). • convert ekorpe. tototn *o§i*T turn ws a£M«-vat»©n* c Admmt OX>o| SOCIETY. t Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Thomas Q. Ash ; burn left yesterday for Jacksonville, s Fla., where they will remain a week. ; The Assistant Postmaster General, Mr. W. Irving Glover, will return to the city | tomorrow from Ottawa and Winnipeg, Canada, where he has been in confer • ence with officials of the Canadian Post office Department regarding matters in | relation to International air mall. Mrs. Clarence D. Lawrence, wife of ! the assistant attorney general in charge ’ of customs, has Joined Mr. Lawrence , at the Carlton, where they will remain | for several days. The United States Ambassador to 1 France and Mrs. Walter E. Edge are 1 spending a few days at the Ambassa dor Hotel in New York, where they have been joined by Mrs. Edge's mother, Mrs. : Harold M. Bewall. The secretary of the Rumanian le gation and Mme. PopovM entertained a company at dinner last evening at the Shoreham Hotel. Their guests includ ed Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose, Mr. Wal lace Murray, Mrs. Robert F. MacKen zie. the second secretary of the Cuban embassy and Senora de Guell, Mrs. Dresser of New York, who is now the house guest of Mrs. MacKenzle; the attache of,the Jugoslavian legation, Mr. Nikola Perazic; Mr. and Mrs. Constan tine Brown and Mr. Anker Boysen. The newly appointed secretary of the Italian embassy. Signor Rolando Della Rosa, has arrived in this country and is making his home at Wardman Park Hotel. ’ Roberts-Seiden Wedding i This Afternoon at 4 O’clock. The marriage of Miss Mary Selden, > daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sel den, jr.. to Mr. Henry Steele Roberts. . son of Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Roberts of New York City, will take place in the home of the bride’s parents, at 2018 | Connecticut avenue, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rev. John C. Palmer of [ flciating. Yellow and white will be used [ in the color scheme of the decorations as well as in the gown of the bride’s at ; tendant. Ferns, smilax and yellow and white chrysanthemums will be attrac tively arranged in the house, while white ’ lilies will bank the improvised altar. A three-piece orchestra of stringed instru -1 ments will play. Cream-color wedding ring satin fash ioned along Grecian lines and made ' with a V neck and long tight sleeves , will be the gown of the bride, who will , be given in marriage by her father. Her tight-fitting cap will be made of rose point lace, and she will carry a prayer book with streamers of ribbon falling , from it. Mrs. Rufus W. Peckham will act as her sister's matron of honor, and will In the Heart of Italorama’g FINEST 2435 Kalorama Road This home contains four r j teen rooms, three dressing | rooms and five family baths, Q j . also four servants’ rooms and | two baths; a four-car built-in I 1 garage. > Well Adapted to Entertaining Open for inspection today | 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Or Phone for Appointment tn Inspect. W.aL&A.3r IHtlhr 1119 17th St. N.W. Decatur 0610 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D, C., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1930, - Committee Chairman ran gL > M : ii MRS. FRANK M. ANDREWS, Who is taking part in the Indoor Horse Show at the Riding and Hunt Club at 8 o’clock this evening. wear a gown of yellow velvet with short sleeves bound in sable. Her brown hat will be trimmed with a feather of shaded ye#ow, and she will carry brown orchids. The bridegroom will have his brother. Mr. Dudley Roberts, as his best man. Mrs. Selden, mother of the bride, will wear a gown of orchid lace, made with long tight sleeves. A small reception will follow for mem bers of the immediate families and in timate friends. The bride will wear an ensemble of red and black for her going away costume, and they will make their home in New York. The list of out-of-town guests includes Genuine (Razor Rack) Smithfield Hams Cured in Smithfield, Va. POUND 65c 0 Ask for booklet of Cooking Instructions. Magruder Inc. Best Orocerles Conn. Ave. M and 18th Sts. N.W. Phone Decatur 4180 Established 1875 1 / Tomorrow —Saturday V "The Crowning Gift” <- \ MILLINERY Taken from our regular stock Formerly SIO.OO to $25 Reduced to |*s.oo| # * ' 0T No Credits # No Exchanges FIRST FLOOR W. ft. yti oses tii Sons Public Confidence Since 1861 F Street at Eleventh NatT 3770 ,r~ ■. , zi— ji . i - -- .. .. - - - -| I GIFT SUGGESTION i JMonogrammed “Flaying Cards M 2 Packs in a Gift Box $3.50 iJMonogrammed Stationery W Steel die of 3 initials embossed on Stationery Iff in Gift Box $3.00 up Sngraved Visiting Cards Plate and 100 Cards $3.30 up vB The above items must be ordered at once to insure delivery. • Sj Stationery in (jift "Boxes SI.OO up W\ "Desk Sets for any desk SIO.OO up f&p "Book Snds $5.00 up Sturdy kinds for nun as well as dainty kinds for women. Fountain "Pens "Btrtdge Sets Address "Books "Diaries Objects andffa iioners 611 - 12th st. N.W. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Weir and Mr. < and Mrs. Richard Morgan, Wilmington. ] Del.; Mrs. E. W. du Pont and Lieut, and Mrs. Robert Jas person of Annapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormick, sister < of Mr. Roberts; Mr. and Mrs. Henry, ’eckham, Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge El erman, Mr. Austin MacLinlan and Mr. William Herron of New York City; Mr. •nd Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald of Pltts mrgh and Mm. Charles Selden of Bal imore. 1 Gen. and Mrs. King Return i To Washington for Station. Gen., and Mrs. E. L. King, who re turned the latter part of November Trom a trip to the Philippines, are now/ ! *t the Westchester, where they have iken an apartment. They have one aughter, Mrs. Andrews, wife of Ueut. I . L. Andrews, who is stationed at Annapolis. Gen. King is on the genera) | staff. Mr. and’Mrs. D. B. Cunningham en tertained at dinner last evening at the Willard, where they are spending a few The Chimes of * Westminster THIS distinguished case en closes the Chimes of West minster ... a series of golden notes. The tones, clear and . vibrant, weave a melody that will last thru the ages. SETH THOMAS offers a variety of model? to choose from. You will enjoy seeing them in our complete stock. SALVATORE 'DESIO 926 F St. N.W. * Bet. »th and 19th Phfiadelphia. retUrnlnß to ****** home Mrs. Alice Nibley Smoot has taken an apartment in 2308 Ashmead place. Miss Sylvia Con tee Meredith, deb utante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WlP> liam Payne Meredith, left for Rich mond this morning, where she will attend the coming-out ball of Mias Josephine Moore, daughter of Mrs. Thomas L. Moore. Miss Meredith will return to the Capital tomorrow after spending the night with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Eppa Hun ton, Jr. Mias Carol Gordon"Herndon of Suf folk, Va., whp is passing the week end in Washington, was the luncheon guest yesterday of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. f The Junior Shop ' ( in ~ Third Floor j y j Juniors / coming home from \f will want to *** t ' lCie J 101 Sunday Night Jj Frocks r IMI Bright Greens I HI Rose-Red In Sombre Black Crepes $1 A**>o Chiffons I Skirts £o to ankles—flared M fIHIB f>r pleated lace yokes and \ I sleeves— sleeves, many 1 I ' banded with fur. rv M Sizes 11 to 17. i the *NEW s > 11 11 '■ ■ ■' 'MJ/i lilt 1 ru FIT {>l A L f '£/)* $1.35 VALUt All-SILK, PICOTTOP )CI C D V ® ■ B K * i«d first quality, 4j g«ug« inf* 1315 F STREET # * ' ;•' t - -,A _ 4 Nearby Stores: , WILMINGTON • 1 PHILADELPHIA- 4 Stores • BALTIMORE 3TS BECK HAS NO (AMMtrrinu V> ' '' IMI !■ 4PIM William Jefferies Chewnlng, Jr., at the Mayflower. Mias Herndon will be formally pre sented to society In the Capital bv Mr. and Mrs. Chewnlng at a dinner dance to be given Thursday at the Mayflower. Mrs. Wilson Compton entertained at a luncheon shower today In honor of Miss Dorothy Dawson, whose marriage to Mr. Charles Vernon Nichols will take place January 3. Mrs. Compton was assisted by Mrs. Jbel T. Boone, Mrs. Harold Fowler and Mrs. Chris Christensen. The guests included Miss Hettie P. Anderson, Mrs. Irving W. I Ketchum. Miss Cornelia Archer, Miss! Mignonette O. Buckingham. Miss Elsie ! J. Bunting. Miss Mary M. Burnett, i Miss Florence Carpenter, Miss Mabel! Cook, Miss Betsy Booth. Miss Helen Courtney. Mlm Catherine Dllle, Miss Dorothy Dawson. Miss Edith Dawson, Mrs. Charles E. Dawson, Mrs. Fletcher Lee Dungan. Miss Norfleet Dunlop. Miss Nellie S. Gist. Miss Jessie Fisher, Miss Mary Temple Hill. Miss Marlon W. Hunt, Miss Elsie Huntley, Miss Dor- &£xz OhtUpsborn W ELEVENTH ST. - SETWECN T% 0 t Belting Ribbon Satin Hats *5 jgf —. r)anie Fashion says that m you must have one of these n ats to com P^ ete your Mid- *•* W winter wardrobe. / % They’re hound to be popu lar because they are that’ / / “Rag-of-a-Hat” type that . L every one adores. Black is outstanding. r — 77 7 “V A New Philipsborn Service! Felthats MOULDED TO __ . YOUR HEAD...Styled $ to your characteristics Fourth Floor V • - -; ; /■; SOCIETY. I othy Latham. Miss Helen Llneweanr, I Mrs. Richard Nest. Miss Dorothea Me- Dowell, Miss Helen Middleton. M>sa Bertha Pabet. Miss Constance Porter, Dr. Grace O. P'lree. Miss Ethel Qulsen -1 (Continued on Third Baae.l