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Our Holiday Wish: That neither -you nor your family trill have ACUTE INDIGESTION. <But why not be SAFE with Bell-ans sp© fOR INDIGESTION EsKfiE.’* "IS a Day’’ YOU "IS a Day’’ If NEED MORE EXERCISE ; GYM EQUIPMENT Health Equipment Co. Chat. G. Gravel. Mgr. Investment Bids. ME. 4269 FRED l Movin « * *■*■*-• ** so rears President - f /and General Manager t I ' of Krleg’s Express Co ** • Its NOW In business at KRfFft f 9O4104,1 St - N w * I IVIVILVJ \ Ca „ DJslrlct 9115 LITTLE BETTER FOR LESS YOUR CAR WASHED In _ While 18 You Klnutes Walt NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY Wax Polishing 52.00 Oil Polishing *I.OO Greasing. Spring Spray *I.OO Simoniring 5C,.00 to *B.OO F. P. SHEEHY No-Wav Auto Laundry 24-26 H St. N.E. "See Etz and See Better *’ 00. Eye Glasses for Christmas may seem a strange gift, but the clear and new vision they will give will re sult in seeing Christmas this year with new eyes. ETZ i Optometrists 1217 G St. N.W. SPECIAL NOTICES. Connecticut pie co—the annual meeting of the stockholders for the election «t the directors of thi* company will be held at the company's office, Wisconsin ave. and t> st. n.w., on Wednseday. January 14th. IWI. Polls open from 1 to 2 p.m. Books for the transfer of stock closed from December 12th. 1830, to January 14th, 1931. Inclusive. R. B. BEHREND, President. IBAAO BEHREND. Secretary. ¥he ANNUAL MEETING OP THE BTOCK holders of the National Capital Insurance Company of the District of Columbia, for the election of trustees and the transaction Sany other business that may be brought the attention of the meeting, will be held the office of the company, Pennsylvania aye. and 4th st. s.e., Washington. D. C., Wednesday, January 14, 1931. between the bouis of u o'clock noon and 3 o’clock p.m. WM. N. PAYNE. Jr.. Secretary. THE national metropolitan*BANK op Washington, D. C- December 12th, 1930 The annual meeting of the shareholders of this bank for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting will he held at the banking house on Tuesday. January 13th, 1931. at IS m. Polls to remain open until I p.m. Transfer books will be jed from January 4th. 1831. to January 13th. 1931, both dates Included. ... C. P. JACOBSEN. Cashier. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE STOCK holders of the Prudential Building Assoela ftidn will be held at the office of the associa -306 Second National Bank Building, 1 O street northwest, Washington. D. C., f P-®. on the 13th day ol January, A.D. PurP°»e of electing directors and for the transaction of any other busl -22* tb* l *?* 7 . properly come before the meeting The books will be closed H-L. . 08 ' .£ f business on the sth day of th «,P“ r Pose of recording trans fers for the ouallflcatlon of stockholders for Totln «- E. J. CARLSON. fca Secretary. ®. HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE oi the stockholders of the Jtlegg National Bank of Washington, D. C.. for the election of directors and the trans °A. ,uch ° th *r business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the Sjrthwf , House V 150 ? Pennsylvania avenue no. thwest, on Tuesday, January 13. 1931. Jb* remain open from 11 o'clock A.m.. until 12 o clock noon. GEORGE O VABB. Cashier. NO-DISTANCE MOVING WE HAVE in keeping faith with the public since iwo. Ask about our country-wide service S*ffrOBAGE CO 0 ’ UAVID6ON TRANSFER OUR ONE JOB IS TO MOVE YOUR OOODS with care, consideration and low cost to or from any point within 1.000 miles. Tell us Problem and we ll tell you how much ftnvLv“rJwfftUKF JS&t, 11 *lll take. NA TIONAL DELIVERY AHSN ._TKr Nat. 1460. _ CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 1150 vnjtuon “ nd “ eUlllc roof WJnt .mo®®?* 0 ” 1 . PXINT A*® GLASS CO , 1>39 Wisconsin Ave. west 0067 1 ,£o* Rent. SUITABLE' >OR PARTIES, banquets, weddings and gee tings. 10c up per day each; new chairs UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 416 10th at. nw. Metropolitan 1844. I WUX NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR~ANY “ l 1 . 8 eontracted by any one other than my >elf. J. H. BURNHAM. 713 19th st. n.w. 14* THE OFFICE OF W W. A E. E. THOMP- Bn. chiropodists, 12th and G sts. n.w., will open 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. continuously. Carpenter, builder, remodeling, P?«- nCd ' *e, n eral repairs, cottages, ,ear * exD - WMh - • üb l u , r . bß Floors and FINISHED; NASH FLOOR CO.. 10*6 20th st?* r West*lo7*' REALTORS— " Architect*, house owners—all know the economical advantage of placing their r«>flr‘* order, with ua. Thorough work! TCOONS Roofln * H* 3rd 8t B.W. Company District 0933 ALLIED VAN LINE BERVICE. Nation-Wide Long-Distance Moving. . WANTED- RETURN LOADS jpom New York City Dec 17th com Pittsburgh. pa..:::::::::::::8S: igg PVom Cleveland. Ohio Dec. 19th To Poston, Mass Dee 19th iiffinadclphla. Pa Der 22r.d Statss storage 00,..»c, s FRUIT CAKE, „ J , Dark and Rich. Made from an Old Family Recipe. Ideal for Gifts. * »". d * Pound Decorated Ting, *l*o Per Pound Delivered Ak° L?,? e £,. c akes. Rich and Delicious. All Kinds. 12.50 Delivered. Elizabeth Burritt, Rockville. Md. R. P. D. 3. Phone Kensington 324. Overstuffed Furniture Cleaned. Let us give you an estimate. A. C. Thour Cleaning Co., Inc„ 728-3* nth st. NE. Lincoln 1266-1366. • t points South. Long-distance moving our •penalty. Smith's Transfer & Storage Company. 18U Too St North tro. _ Allied Van Line Service * Pr in ti n g Craftsmen ••. are at your service for result-getting publicity (The National Capital Press ISIS-1313 Dat W-W. Phone National 0660 Window Shades } 95c “ > »LS® Quality Hartshorn Water proof. Cleanable Curtains on your rollers at Jjh factory: any Hie up to 36'x6': larger we» in proportion. No phono orders. • . Tile Shade Factory ft Mil Conn. An. h ACTION BY HOUSE HIT BY CRUSADERS f Approval of Poison Dena turant Declared Accessory to Murder. Vigorous denouncement of the action taken by the House In approving the 1 use of wood alcohol as a denaturant | was expressed by the Washington Cru saders, meeting at the Hay-Adams House Wednesday. In characterizing the legislative move to curtail the flow of alcohol as “legal ized and organized murder” the Cru saders issued the following statement: "According to a well accepted prin ciple of law, any one who has the least thing to do with the committing of a murder is as guilty of murder as the one who actually commits the crime. For example, a man who suggests to another man that he commit a murder, is con sidered as guilty as the one who com mits the murder. "In this case, the House of Repre sentatives passes a law requiring the Government to place poison in alcohol when it knows that some of that alco hol will be drunk by its citizens and as a result of drinking the poisoned al cohol \some of its citizens will die. Even thoug'i a citizen be violating the law in purchasing this alcohol, although it is not definitely known whether it be a crime to purchase liquor, it is certainly murderous to place something in the alcohol which may, and has, and will cause death.” Will Rogers Says: BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.—See by the papers this morning that the Government is not going to pur tposely bump you off with poisoned denatured alco hol, they are go ing to let you live but make you suffer. They claim this new ingredient they put in makes the smell something like a cross be tween garlic and bad eggs. Going to take more than bad odor to stop this new bunch of drinkers we got. They will just slide a clothes pin down over their nose and go right after it. All you will have to do Is dilute it with "Jockey Club” cologne. GOING AWAY Drive Your Own Car to th< Station —For a Small Charge We Will Take Caro of it While You Are Away F. P, SHEEHY GARAGE ft AUTO LAUNDRY 24-26 H St. N.E. i Steamed Connecticut Soft Clams // 72m Yeah «. \ A.Famous Restaurant JF I - ur-* 1 | Delicious Dinner*, $1.25 and $1.50 Pennsylvania Ave. at 11th Street 1— 1 ILg/ / osperih/ hEM BEGINS / “ AT HOME/ You Help Washington— . Your Home Gets Dairy Products of The Highest uaiitLj When Served By This IQO' D.C.INDUSTRY Wi I :>ifw WASHINGTON OWNED FOR 49 YEARS ' 1 —i ML : *** , i-M/r- .... THE EVEXIXG STAR. WABHIX6TON, D. C„ FRIDAY, FLYING WOMAN TOPIC " Eagle Wings Club Members to Hear Speakers Tuesday Night. Members of the Eagle Wings Flying Club, aviation branch of the Women’s City Club, will be guests of the Business Women’s Council at the Church of the Covenant. Eighteenth street and Con necticut avenue, at 8 o'clock Tuesday night. Lieut. Louis M. Rawlins, jr., Mary land National Guard, vice president of the club and ground school Instructor, and Howard Behr. the club’s flying in structor, will speak on "Flying for Women.” Other speakers will be Mrs. Peggy Hoffman, E. James Francis and 1 C. Newell Atkinson, who have registered for a transport flyers’ course offered by '< the club and who arc taking instruction in the club's plane. Your Dollars Do Double Duty Wlwn You Buy From Us—IMAGINE! FUR COATS SLIGHTLY USED COATS BRAND NEW FUR COATS Remodeled Fur Cost* Jkir The neaion’* best flat wp look like ne «. he- ■■ ■■ fJ] for. have been wtII- ■■ ■■ I*t /H F*,.’*. 77 Tt oH • glazed and re 11 ne d *" »>■ the lateet style. with new lining, and all ilze*. Special Lapin Jack- your Money A Small Deposit Wraps! nd 529.75° n and Back in 3 Day " Ho,ds An * Coat TiH $39.75 if Not Satisfied. Wanted. PARKER FUR SHOP 922 F Street N. W. For Your Girl— For Your Boy- Cycling is their Greatest Joy/ W What Health! /f\ What Appetites / Wonderful Exerdse! "SIAN DADO or THC WORLD Gir,c >*'* Thi!%^K S %?7sdt Magnificent Bicycle Conatruction end Equipment; Sparkling Ruat-Rcgigting, Permanent Finish; Noiteleet, Easy Riding. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A COLUMBIA l Once Again nta Claus - 11 flnwaE /da If c Will be hzppy to .end you Wot STEINFELD, inc wjw 11-13 E. 26 T "Sr,N«wY<ri». NEW KIWANIAN ENROLLED W. J. Booher, Title Co. Manager, Added to Membership. W. J. Booher, resident manager of the York Title & Guaranty 00., was yesterday admitted to the membership of the Kiwanis Club at its weekly luncheon meeting in the Washington Hotel. Mr. Booher was formerly a mem ber of the Huntington, W. Va., Kiwanis Glud. A special program on educaUonal sub jects was arranged for the meeting, under the sponsorship of Edwin F. Hill, lieutenant governor. Committee chair men aiding in the program were Edwin H. Etz W. Herbert Gill, Charles R. Huff, Bynum E. Hinton, Charles W PtoPer and Redford Moses. Robert A. HutchLson, president of the Manassas Club and lieutenant governor-elect of the first division, also assisted in the exercises. TALKS ON DIRIGIBLES Progress in Program to Be Dis cussed by Xarl Arnstein. Progress and projected development in the United States dirigible program will be discussed by Karl Arnstein, in ternational authority on airships, at a dinner meeting of the Society of Auto TALE Cheapest “TRUSTWORTHY BRAKE S,” observed / y . Shorty, “should be worthy of trust be /X yond * ,ouht - 14,8 41,8 cheapest Life Insurance f> / there Is. We have the latest equipment and 7 v 1 HUfl knowledge for Testing, Adjusting and Relining / A 3rour Br »kqs scientifically. If you can’t spare i f _j I 4 he time during the day—drive In at night!” iffr v WJU \*JDistrict 277 J t>re*to«te tires and batteries gTTTt DO YOU DREAD the ordeal of getting up in a cold house every morning? Forget it! —Marlow’s Famous Reading Anthracite is so long burning, so easy to control, that it gives you just the RIGHT amount of heat, day or night. ’Phone Marlow for it today. Marlow Coal Co, 811 E St. N.W. NAtional 0311 » A man never i has too many h\ $ |i * HOSE ' /tip 1 j 5 — to take advantage of M m}% thU GIFT SPECIAL If' liw HOSE ® 1 Wool Mixed 3 IBfesX and Worsted p t I IpA R a y° n ** B 2? it 910 7th Street » ijJ We request the return of anything that can be bought for less elsewhere fS ig^a^giisgaggaggagacsgaggaggagaa;gai:a SMALL’S FLOWERS and SERVICE I This Christmas , At 15% to 20% Less Than Ever Before HKJBMIfi When the wholesale price declines, we believe that / ! , jh® retail price should follow as soon as possible ®y selling at the lowest possible retail price, we be ‘ P jlTl» ev ® we help the grower to dispose of his surplus, 81 i ® nd we ma^e *t possible to put more flowers in more Tfflßß homes—-some homes which probably never bad HRflPnpßl| Our Home Flower Market 1 was opened to enable you to buy Small’s m Flowers at the lowest prices at which flowers # In our Home Flower Market you get the same fgaM quality of flowers we sell in “Small’s,” but the service and overhead have been reduced to a 1 minimum. You must pay for the flowers when purchased and take them with you. J 1 rNUHM*! Th l s summer we sold the finest roses and gladioli at 50c per dozen. f This than the wholesale price paid by the grower for some j Today we are selling fresh roses at 75c, SI.OO and $1.50 per dozen, I many varieties of pompom chrysanthemums at 75c to SI.OO per bunch 1 and all other flowers and plants at proportionate prices. Our recommendation is that you send your Floral Christmas Presents f from Small’s, and then stop next door and take your own Christmas Flowers I and Plants home with you from The Home Flower Market. Since 1855 Also I SMALL’S Home Flower Market 1501 Conn. Avenue ISQ3 Conn. Ave. | at Dupont Circle Under Management J. H. Small flf Sons v ■ <\ ■ ■ ' ■ jtj. m Wh». eW* ' *.. v ■ 1 motive Enginem in the Washington Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Monday. A. Preston Petre will outline recent P™* rw * *n design and manufacture of piston rings. William p. MacCracken. Jr., former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics, will be toastmaster and the list of guests of honor will Include heads of all Federal aviation bureaus and branches. The commonest of all place-name* In England Is Newton, which occurs no fewer than 72 times In various parts of the country. . * “nßeioangTKcnb SJxp 1319-1321 F Street I Dm*. 12 STETSON HATS Hour** 8 AM. t» f FJj. . If a Woman Does Not Wish to Make the Selections* Our Christmas Gift Certificates Will Solve Her Problem St. Albans Wool Robes Reduced from $12.50 A very fine grade of all-wool flannel, perfectly tailored and ft? M ft C finished, broad sash belt, pearl # f buttons ... all in plain colors of * many different shades. Ladies, v in particular, will recognize the ft ■ great value in this offering. St. Albans Shirts Pre-shrunk broadcloth of ex ceptional quality and permanent lustre . . . plain or jacquard fig ured. The plain white style has mm mg either the neckband or the at- ft? '1 C tached collar. Those in shades I % % of blue, tan or green are sash- * H _ . ioned only with attached collar. H 3 for We guarantee to replace any shirt that shows shrinkage. mßi St. Albans Pajamas Reduced From $3.50 A fine grade of imported broadcloth that has been thor- p| oughlv pre-shrunk. There are ft? QC ' both the middy and collar styles jjTl H | in all sizes. A large variety of H plain colors with all edges piped H 3f0r55.50 I in a contrasting color that har monizes perfectly. JBt Monogram Initials Free With All Pajamas , Shirts and Robes ■ St. Albans s4.soaoves $0.75 of Buckskin F Either the embroidered or spear-point backs. II A-3