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WE OF CAPITAL BANK IS EXTENDED Limited Trust Powers Grant- D. C. Institution by • Treasury Department. BY EDWARD C. STONE. It was announced at the Treasury Department today that the National Capital Bank of this city has been granted limited trust powers. This bank, located at 316 Pennsyl vania avenue southeast, is one of the older national banks in the city, H .H. McKee being the president. On the .last can the institution had $1,716,767.74 In deposits. On June 1, 1930, total resources amounted to $2,328,155. • The book value of National Capital Bank stock is $254.08. Directors include Charles A. Carry, Allan E. Clark, Clar ence F. Donohoe, John B. Earnshaw, V Lewis Flemer. W. P. C. Hazen, August , Q. Herrmann. Walter Leaman, Walter H. Marlow, H. H. McKee, James L. Parsons. W. L. Simpson, Charles B. Stuart, S. H. Walker and John C. Yost. Mr. McKee, the president, has been a leader in the American Bankers’ Asso ciation for years and also very active in the District Bankers’ Association. He is at present chairman of the Washing ton Clearing House Association. $6,000,000 Bond Issue OfTered. Public offering of a new issue of $6,000,000 first mortgage and refunding 20-year 5 per cent gold bonds, series B, of the Virginia Public Service Co., a part of the Middle West Utilities Sys tem, is being made today by a banking group headed by E. H. Rollins & Sons and including Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc.; Hill, Joiner & Co., Ind.; H. M. .'4 Byllesby & Co.; Blyth & Co., Inc.; A. B. Leach & Co.. Inc., and Eastman, Dillon & Co. The bonds are dated December 1, 1930, mature December 1, 1950. and are priced at 90 and interest to yield 5.85 per cent. The company supplies electric light and power in 241 communities in Vir ginia with a total population of over 245,000. Gas business is done in 9 and ice business in 20 communities, including Newport News and adjacent towns. Street railways are operated in Newport News and through a subsidiary in Charlottesville. More Booms and Breaks Seen. R. W. McNeel, Boston economist and former newspaper man, has writ ten a fascinating little book entitled “Sick in Bed With Common Stocks,” in which he states very plainly that « the days of business cycles are not » over and wilder markets may be ex pected in the future along with the resultant more serious breaks. One reason for this prediction is the fact that people everywhere do pretty much . the same things. In Maine and Texas. New York and California they ride in the same automobiles, go to the same movies and earn their living in pretty much the same way. People act as a unit. In the stock market when a break comes most every body sells at the same time. As time has gone on, all parts of the United States have been more closely con nected by wire with Wall Street. This makes selling possible or buying pos sible on a scale never before known. That is why Mr. McNeel believes that when the market turns it will go higher than ever before and when stocks get topheavy tthey will drop faster and farther than they have yet. When a nation of investors meets disaster in the market, either the principles behind the program are . wrong, or those trying to apply them lack the knowledge, ability of stamina to apply them correctly, he asserts. In his new book he infers that the prin ciples are sound, but the trouble is with the wouldbe investor. His views furnish a good tonic for those thou sands of investors who bought stocks before the crash and are still waiting for a comeback. Firm Opens Rosslyn Office. The American Small Lean Co. opened an office in the Arlington Trust Build ing in Rosslyn, Va„ today. The com pany plans to serve the people living on the Virginia end of Key Bridge, as well as Washington and surrounding towns, the new offices furnishing ample business facilities. The company is a wholly owned sub sidiary of Domestic Finance Corpora * tion, with headquarters at Chicago. , Through its subsidiaries, the parent company now operates a total of 41 of fices located in eight States. The Ross w lyn office is the third office operating in the Washington territory. American * Small Lean Co. at Alexandria, Va , and First Industrial Bankers at Mount Rainier, Md., are also subsidiaries of Domestic Finance Corporation. Personnel cf the Rosslyn office in cludes M. W. Bales of Alexandria, Va., manager; C. Grant Tall of Alexandria, Va., assistant manager, and Mrs. Mabel Davis of Ballston, Va., cashier. Opens Office in Washington. The Allied Van Line has opened an office in Washington at 1010 Vermont avenue, with Walter Hall as repre sentative. The members of the organi zation in this city are the Security Storage Co., United States Storage Co., k Guaranty Storage Co. and Smith's Transfer & Storage Co. This company , did a large business last year in long distance furniture moving and 1s open ing new offices in all parts of the coun k try in connection with an expansion program. Local Stocks Sell Lower. Local securities were off fractionally in today’s trading on the Washington Stoc.< Exchange. On one 10-share sale Capital Traction sold cx-dividend at 44. Mergcnthaler moved at 87, Peoples Dm;; scld at 98, 98' 4 and 99, and Po tomac Electric Power 5 1 -. per cent pre ferred changed hands at 107%. Washington Railway & Electric pre ferred figured in five 10-share-lot sales at 97 =~. Bonds were quiet. There was a 55.000 sale in National Press Club s’aS ' at 58. the first transfer since this issue was added to the securities in the un , listed department. Calls Conditions I'nchanged. > The Credit Monthly, representing the National Association of Credit Men, finds December trade practically the same as in November. Os 100 cities , *only 3 reported brisk sales and none reported good collections. Sixty-seven other cities reported sales as "fair” and 30 characterized sales as "slow.” Other Financial Notes. E D. Beliknap, vice president of the Wallpaper Association of the United States, will speak on “Art of the Ages In Wallpaper” over the Columbia Broad casting System Saturday night. M. J. Meehan & Co., which maintains an office in the Washington Hotel, has opened two branch offices in Florida— v one at Palm Beach and the other at Miami Beach. CRUDE OIL PRICE. NEW YORK, December 15 UP).— The average price of crude oil at 10 pro ducing fields was unchanged last week from the preceding week at $1,245 a barrel. Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter says. The average for the correspond ing period last year was $1,612 a bar rel. Gasoline at tire refineries was low er last week at 5.31 cents a gallon at four principal refining centers, com pared with 5.375 cents a gallon the pre vious week. "■ ' • CALDWELL CO. INVENTORY ' NASHVILLE, Tenn.. December 15 </P;.—Receivers for Caldwell & Co., in vestment banking house, filed an in ventory in Federal Court here today, in which liabilities were listed at $39,589.- 656.02, with assets at book value total ’tag the same amount. to. FINANCIAL. I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office. I Note—All stocks are sold In one hundred-share lots excepting those designated by the letter s (80s) (2505) which shows those stocks to be sold In odd lots only. Indivilna! sales compiled to 12:60—complete in 5:30 Edition. —Prsv isso-. Stock and Prsv. • Sikh. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Close 42% 8% Abitlbl Pow ft Paper 2 9% 944 9% 9% 86% 36 Abitlbl P&Ppf (•).. 1 40 40 40 40 110% 102 Abraham St pf (7).. . 10s 103 103 103 103 87*4 15% Adame Exp <1.60)... 42 16 16% 15=4 16=4 £94 85=4 Adams Exp pf (5)... 50s 85% 85% 85% 86% 23% 3% Advance Ruroley.... 13% 3% 3% 3% 1% % Ahumada Lead 4 *4 % % % 166% 91% Air Reduction (t 4%) 95 93% 90% 92% 93% 36 8% Airway El Ap (60c). 2 9% 8% 8% 9% , 2*4 % A iax Rubber 10 % % % % 9% 4'4 Alaska Juneau(4oc). 155 6% 5% 6% 6 1 36% 7% Allegheny Corp 43 76% 6% 7% 1 72 40 Allegheny 5t1(t2.55) 2 40% 40 40 40 243 179% Allied Ch & Dye(n6). 27 183 178% 179% 179% 126% 121 Allied Ch &D pf (7). 4 121% 120% 120% 123% i 68 32% Ailis Chalmers (J). . 79 33% 32% 32% 33% 42% 13 Alpha Port Cmt < 2).. 10 13% 12 12% 13 > 81% 18 Amerada Corp (2)... 12 19 17 19 19 2% 1% Am AgriChemctfs.. 6 1% 1% 1% 1% [ 41% 20 Am Agricul Ch pf.... 2 19% 19% 19% 20 23% 19% Am Aeri Ch pf ctfs.. 3 19% 19 19 19% 97% 45% Am Bank Note (t 3). ,420a 52% 51 51 52 66 60% Am Bank Note pf (3) 20s 61 61 61 60% 12 3 Am Beet Sugar 2 3% 3 3% 3 55% 16% Am Bosch Magneto.. 1 16 16 16 16% 54% 33% Am Br Shoe (2.41)).., 1 33% 33% 33% 33% 21% 6% Am Brown Bov Elec. 10 8% 7% 7% 8 156% 107 Am Can (15) 381 109 106% 108 107 150% 140% Am Can pf (7) 1 144% 144% 144% 144% 82% 30 AmCarftFdy <«)... 8 32 30% .32 32 116 75 Am Car & Fdy pf (7). 2 81% 80% 81% 81% 69% 32% Am Chain (3) 8 33 32% 33 33% 51% 36% Am Chicle <t3) 2 38 37% 37% 37 22 17 Am Colortype (2.40). 2 17 16 16 17 S 3 9 Am Com A1c0h01.... 15 10% 10 10% 10% 30% 8 Am Encaustic (1).... 1 10 10 10 10 69% 20 Am European Secur. 42 20 19 19 20 101% 26 Am ft For Power.... 107 27% 25% 26% 26 33% 7 Am Hawaiian (alO). 6 7% 6% 6 7 341* 11 Am llide&Leath pf- 1 11 11 11 11% 69% 48 Am Home Pr (4.20).. 8 49 48% 48% 48% 41% 27% Am Ice (t 4) •. 3 28% ,27% 28 28% 66% 17% Am Internet] (2).... 28 18 17 17% 17% 4 % Am La Fr ft Foamlte 7 % % % % 105 21% Am Locomotive (2). 960 s 21 20 20 22 118% 79 Am Locomot pf (7).. 1 80 80 80 79% 45 30% Am Ma&Fy (t 1.65). 19 32 30% 31% 32% 14% 3% AmMach ft Metals... 2 3% 3 3 3% 51% 16% Am Metals&Min (1). 81 16 13% 15 16% 119% 39% Am Power ft Lt (rl). 14 41 39% 39% 39% 39% 16% Am Rad&Std San(l). 87 16% 16% 16% 16% 87 6% Am Republics 4 6 5% 5% 6% 10074 29 Am Roll Mill (n2>... 6 31% 30*4 31% 32% 67% 52% Am Safety Razor (6) 6 66% 66 66% 66 3% % Am Ship* Com . 2 % % % % 64% 38 Am Shipbuilding (6) 70s 38% 38 38 38 79% 44 Am Sm ft Ref (4).... 31 44 42 42% 44 141 131% Am Sm ft Ref pf (7). 2:.'.i%131 131 131% 4374 36 Am Snuff (t 3%).... 6 37% 37 37 38% 22% 2% Am Solv & Chem.... 4 3 2% 2% 3 52% 24 Am Steel Fdy (2).... 3 26=4 26 26% 26% 116 110% Am Steel Fdy pf (7). llOe 110% 110% 110% 110% 65% 37% Am Stores (t 2%).... 4 37% 37 37 37% 6974 40 Am Sugar Ref (6)... 4 45 42% 42% 44% 110 95 Am Sugar Ref pf (7). 4 101% 101% 101% 101% 26% 5 Am Sumatra Tob.. 4 8 6% 674 8% 27% 16 Am Tel & Cable (6).. 10s 17% lt% 17% 18 274% 178% Am Tel ft Tel <9).... 177 179% 177% 179% 178% 127 99 Am Tobacco (5) 20 100% 99% 99% 100% 13074 100% Am Tobacco B (6)... 82 102% 100% 101% 101% 129 120 Am Tobacco pf (6).. 1 123% 123% 123% 124 141% 95 Am Type Fdry (8).. 4 97 97 97 97 12474 50% Am Water Wks (3).. 130 52 50 50% 50% 108% 98 Am Wat W Ist pf (6) 5 99% 99% 99% 101 20% 6% Am Woolen 76% 6% 6% 6 4474 16% Am Woolen pf 2 1874 18% 1874 19 1774 4% Am Zinc Lead ft Sm. 2 5 4% 474 474 8174 29% Anaconda Cop (2%). 260 29% 26 26 29% 58% 20 Anaconda Wft C (1). 6 22% 20% 21 22% 61% 28 Anchor Cap (2.40)... 1 28% 28% 28% 2874 37V* ISV4 Andes Copper (1)... 7 12% 11% 11% 13% 29% 15 Archer-Dan-M (2)... 4 1 5 1 474 1 474 1 5 8274 61 Armour of Del pf (7) 3 68 67% 67% 69% 8% 2% Armour of 111 (A)... 29 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 1% Armour of 111 (8)... 6 2% 2 2% 2% 66 25% Armour of 111 pf (7). 1 36% 36% 36% 38% 13% 4 Arnold Constable. ..1 2 4% 4% 4% 474 100 80 Artloom pf (7) 20s 82 82 82 82 46% 20 Asso Appl Ind (4)..- 2 2774 26% 2774 28 60% 2374 AssoDry G (2%)... 7 2374 22% 23 23% 95% 85 AssoDG Ist pf (6).. 1 91 91 91 91 24274 171*4 Atch To &S Fe (10).. 22 175 172% 173% 173 108% 102% AtchTo&SFpf (5). 2 104 103 103 105 17574 105 Atl Coast Line (tlO). 6 105 100 100 105 80*4 36% Atl Gulf &W I (J).. 3 41% 39 40 40 61% 17% At. Refining (t 2).... 36 18% 17% 17% 17% 106 46 Atlas Powder <41.... 27 46 44 44 46 37 9*4 Atlas Stores (n1).... 3 9% 8% 8% 9% 8% 2% Atlas Tack 4 2% 2% 2% 3 263% 60% Auburn Auto (J 4).- 47 86% 83% 85 84 71% Austin Nichols 9 1% 1% 1% 1% 30 17% Austin Nich pr A (3) 80s 19 19 19 19 10% 1% Autosales 5 2 1% 2 2 974 2% Aviation Corp of Del 47 3% 2% 3% 2% 38 19% Baldwin Loco (1%). S 2 ‘ 21% 20% 2074 20% 116 93 Baldwin Loco pf (7). 60s 90% 90% 90% 9!} 122% 69 Balto ft Ohio (7).... 82 60 57% 58% 60 84% 74% Balto ft Ohio pf (4).. 1 7374 7374 7374 74% 110% 10674 Bamberger pf (6%). 110* 107 106% 10674 107 116% 109 Bang & Aroos pf (7). 70* 110 108 108 110 84*4 53% Bang & Aroos (S %). 2 55 55 55 56% 20% 8 Barker Bros (2) 3000* 10 8% B*4 11 34 10% Barnsdall A (2) 85 10% 9% 10% 10% 68 23 Bayuk Cigar (3) 10s 26 26 26 26 101 89 Bayuk Cig Ist pf 4 7). 60* 89 89 89 89 92 67% Beatrice Cream (4).. 4 69 67 67 69 41% 35 Beech Creek RR (2).. 10* 40 40 40 40% 70*4 46% Beech-Nut Pkg <3).. 1 48 48 48 48 6% 2% Belding-Hemingway 13% 3% 3% 3% 85*4 76% Bel NRypt pf t 5.51. 1 77% 77% 77% 76% 67% 14% Bendix Aviation (1). 35 1 574 15% 15% 16% 56% 3A% Best ft Co (2).. ... 16 36% 34% 35 36 110% 51% Bethlehem Steel (•). 379 62% 49% 61% 51% 134 115 Bethlehem St pf (7). 3 116 115% 115% 116% 41% 23 Blaw-Knox (1%) 2 23% 23% 23% 24% 2974 17 Bloomlngdale Bros.. 20* 18 18 18 20 69 15% Bohn Alum&Br(l%) 16 20 18% 20 19% 90% 60% Borden Co <k3) 68 66% 64 65 64% 60% 15 Borg, Warner (1)... 10 17 16% 16% 16% 112 50 Boston & Main# (♦).. 1 49% 49% 49% 50 5 174 Botany Con M (A)... 3 174 % % 2 26% 12% Briggs Mfg Co 67 14=4 14 14% 14% 35% 15% Brlggs&Strat (2)... 1 16% 16% 16% 17 22% 2% Brockway Mot Trk.. 3 3% 374 3% 2% 85 16 Brockway Mot pf (7) 10* 13 13 13 16 78% 67% Bklyn-ManTr 14>... 19 6174 57% 60% 68 98% 84% Bklyn-Man Tr pf (6) 8 86% 84 86 85 1574 6% Bklynft Queens 1 8 8 8 8 178% 99% Bklyn Union Gas (6) 6 101% 101 101*4 102 42 33% Brown Shoe (3) 2 36 36 36 36% 120 113% Brown Shoe pf (7).. 10* 118 118 118 117% 30% 10=4 Bruns-Balk-Col 4 10% 10 10% 10% 33% 5% Bruns Ter & Ry 5.... 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 3174 1274 Bucyrus (1) 6 12=4 11% 11% 13 43 26% Bucyrus cv pf (2%). 2 26 25% 25V* 25% 16% 4 Budd (EG) Mfg.... 2 5 4% 4% 4% 14% 6% Budd \\ heel (1) 16 9 874 9 874 74 14 Bullard Co 1150* 14 13% 14 14 43 11 Bulova Watch (3)... 4 11% 10% 11 11 110*4 35 Burns Bros (A) (8).. 2. 32 26% 25% 35 35 3 Burns Bros (B) 3 4 4 4 4 100 78 Burns Bros pf (7)... 10s 78 78 78 7874 51=4 18% Burr Add Mach (1 >.. 14 20=4 19% 20 20 48% 23% Bush Terminal <2%) 4 24% 24% 24% 2474 110 97 Bush Term deb (7).. 110 s 100% 100 100 100% 4% 1% Butte Cop ft Z (50c).. 5 1% 1% 1% 1% 29% 10 Butterlck Co 6 10 10 10 10 112*. 36 Byers (AM) 26 37% 35% 35% 36 77% 43% Calif Packing (4) 6 44% 43% 44% 43% 2% % Callahan Zinc & Ld.. 1 % % % % 89=4 32 Calumet & Arizona.. 10 34% 33 33 34% 33% 8 Calumet & Hecla.... 18 8% 8 8% 8% 30 10 Campbell Wyant (2) 6 11% 11 11 11*% 75*4 34% Canada Dry G A 16). 30 36% 36 35 36% 52% 39% Can Pac new (2%).. 210 38% 36% 36% 39% 34% 18% Cannon Mills (1.40).. 2 19% 19 19*/* 1874 28% 8 Capital Admin <A).. 32 9% 9 9% 9% 42 2974 Capital Adm Apf <2) 3 31% 31% 31% 32 362% 88% Case (J I) <6> 121 89% 85 88 88% 79% 28% Caterpillar Tracit4) 23 28 27% 27=4 28% 75 24 C’avan’gh-D pf (6%).100* 24 24 24 24 20% 10% Celanese Corp 7 12% 12 12 12% 60 6% Celotex Co 4 6 5% 5% 6% 84=4 22% Celotex Co pf 10* 22% 22% 22% 22% 30% 20*. Cent A gull re As 1% . 2 21 21 21 22 315 195% Cent P-R of NJ <tl2). 2 196 190 190 195% 65% 24 Cerro d* Pasco (4).. 21 22% 21 21 24% 157* 274 Certain-teed Prod... 24 3 274 3 274 67% 16 Checker Cab (1.50).. 13 17=4 16% 17 18% 51% 37% Che* ft Ohio >2%)... 46 37=4 37 37 37% 82V» 36% Chesapeake Corp (S) 8 37 3474 84*4 36% 10 % Chic & Alton 4 1 % % 1 10% % Chic & Alton pf 6 % % % 1% 17% 5 Chio Great Western. 23 5 4% 4% 5% 52% 17% Chicago Great Wn pf 42 17=4 12 16% IK 26% 6% Chic Mil St P ft Pac. 13 6% 6% 5% 6% 46% 9% Chic Mil St Pft P pf. 44 9=4 9% 9% 9=4 89=4 34% Chi & Northwn <4).. 2 34% 33 34 35% 37 7% Chic Tool ... 3 10% 10% 10% 10 65% 22% Chi PneuTpf (3%).. 1 26 26 26 30=4’ 1257* 63 Chic R1 ft Pac (7)... 5 62 60 50 63 104*4 83 Chic R1 ft Ppf («>.. 1 81 81 81 83 110*4 94 Chi RJ ft Pao pf <7). 2 93 93 93 94 32 2174 Chi VellowCab (J).. 80* 22 22 22 2174 ’ 32% 12% Chickasha Cotton 011 2 12% 12% 12% 1274 : 67% 27*4 Childs Co (2.40).. . 6 27% 27 2774 28 1 43 14% Chrysler Corp (1)... 129 15=4 15 15*4 15*4 49 35% City Ice ft F <k3.60). 3 36 35% 36 36 98% 79 CUy Ice ft Fps (6%) 40* 81 80 80 8074 13V* 3% City Store* (50c)... 9 3% 3% 3% 4 ■ 42 20 City StoresA (3 %).. 60* 22% 22V* 2274 22*4 1 44% 17 Clark Equipment (2) 3 18 18 18 18% ■ 109% 98 CiCCft St Lpf (5).. 10* 103 103 103 103 80 7074 Cle\ ft Pitts (3%)... 30a 77 77 77 80 60 21 Ciuett Peabody (I).. 1 21% 2174 21% 2174 191% 133% Coca-Cola (•> 27 1487. 146*4 148% 148 62% 4874 Coca-Cola A (3) 12 60 60 50 61 64=% 47% Colgate-Pal-P (2%). 3 48% 47 47 48% » 104 97 Colg-Palm-P of (*).. 1 103 103 103 104 36% 12 Collins* Alkman... 6 12% 12 12% 12 - 20% 9% Colonial Beacon SI 9% B*. 9% 97* j 77 20 Col Fuel ft Iron (1).. 13 20% 18% 2074 20 95 41% Colo* South (3). ... 2 41% 41 41 42 87 32 Col Gaa ft El (2) 93 32=% 31% 32 32 110 99 (,•! Gag ft El pf A 3 103% 103 103 10874 THE EVENING- STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1930. . Stock and Sale*— prn. Hitrh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Close. 37% 7% Colum Graph <&%).. 137 8% 7% 8 7% 199 73% Columbian Carb (t*) 20 74% 72% 74 73% 40% 16% Comm Credit (2).... 10 18 17% 17% 17% 44% 30% Comm Credit A (3).. 4 30% 30% 30% 30% 26*4 20% Comm Cred pf (1%). 10* 22% 22% 22% 23=4 95% 76% Comm Cred Ist (6%) 160a 83% 82% 82% 84 55 24 Com In Tr (g 1.60)... 13 24 23% 23% 24 87 80 Com InTcvpf (e6)- 2 82% 82 82 83 102% 89 Comm Inv Tr pf 6%.. 2 100 100 100 102% 38 1474 Comm Solvents (11). 62 16% 14% 15% 15 20% 7% Comwltb &So (60c). 389 8 7=4 7% 874 104% 90% Comwtth &So pf *6) 11 92 90 91% 91=4 67 33 Conde Nast Pub (2).. 6 34% 33% 33% 34% 19% 7% Congoleum-Nalrn... 34 7% 7% 7% 7*4, 69% 27 Consol Cigars (6) ... 4 26 26 26 27% 80 67% Consol Clg pr pf 6% - 10a 67 67 67 59 27% 1274 Consol Film t 2) 12 12% 12 12% 12=4 28% 16%IConsol Film pf (2).. 10 17% 17% 17V* 17% 136% 80% Consol Gas N Y (4).. 104 82% 80% 81 80% 105% 99% Cons Gns NY pf (6). 3 101% 101 101 101% 62 35 Cons RR Cub pf (6)0 1 35 35 35 35% 2 % Consol Textlie 6 % % *4 % 22% 91,4 Container A (1.20)..1 6 9% 8% 8% 9% 8% 2% Container B 6 2% 2% 2% 2% 52% 17% Conti Baking A 12 19% 18% 19 18% 7 274 Conti Baking B 35 2% 2% <2% 2% 94=4 667* Conti Baking pf (8).. 2 67% 67 6774 70% 71*4 44% Conti Can (2%) 29 47% 45=4 46% 46*4 87% 1074 Conti Dia Fibre (1).. Ift 10% 10% 10% n 77% 39% Conti Insur (2.40)... 15 40% 40 40 41% BV4 2% Conti Motorß 12 3 2% 2% 3 30% 10 Conti Oil of De1....... 65 10 9% 9% 10 40=4 10 Conti Shares (1).... 47 10% 1074 10% 10% 111% 71% Corn Pr Ref (t 4%).. 56 74% 71 72% 71% 33 9 Coty Inc 4 9 % 8% 9 35% 25% Cream of Wht(t2%). 3 29% 28% 29% 27% 22 5 Crosley Radio 14% 4% 4% 5 69% 33% Crown Cork (f 2.40).. 1 32% 32% 32% 33% 86 3174 Crown C&Spf (2.70). 2 32 32 32 31% 98% 69 Crown WP Ist pf (7) 70s 69 69 69 69 18% 5 Crown Zellerback.2 5 5 5 6% 93% 50% Crucible Steel <ks).. 6 52% 60% 52% 50% 117 103% Crucible Steel pf (7). 10s 102 102 102 103% 71 Cuba Cane Prod 13 1% 1% 1% 1% 19% 4% CubaCo 14% '4% 4% 6 70 38% Cubaßßpf (6) 100 s 39 39 39 38% 9 374 Cuban-Amer Sugar.. 2 4% 4 4% 5 65% SO Cuban-Amer Sug pf. 100# 28 28 28 32* 48 88% Cudahy Packing (4). 5 40% 40 40% 40% 12674 9574 Curtis Publish (t7).. 6 95 93% 94% 95% 12174 114=,4 Curtis Publish pf <7) 4 116 113% 113% 116 14% 2% Curtiss Wright Corp 66 2% 2% 2% 2% 19% 3% Curtiss Wr Corp A.. 13 3% 3% 3% 3% 120 101% Cushman’s pf (7)... ,200s 101 J 98% 98% 103 90% 37 Cutler-Ham <5%)... 6 36% 35% 36 37 43% 12% Davison Chemical... 5 12% 12 12% 12% 14 8% Deßeers Min (a1.44). 60s 8% 8% 8% 8% 24% 20 Deere &Co pf (1.40). 2 21 20% 20% 21% 181 133 Delaware & Hud <9)„ 10 132% 131% 132 133 153 76 Del Lack ft Wn (t7). 15 75% 69% 69% 76 80 30% Denver &R G W pf.. 2 32 32 32 35 255% 167 Detroit Edison (8)... 6 166 165% 165% 167 42% 12 Devoe & Ray (1.20)., 2 13 13 13 13% 10% 6% Dome Mines (1) 3 8% 8% 8% 8% 30% 12 Dom Stores (*1.20). * 6 13% 13% 13% 14% 87% 67% DrugCorporat (4)... 68 59% 68% 59% 69 48% 7 Dunhlll Int (1) 3 7% 77 7% 146% 83 DuPontdeN (t 4.70) 140 84% 82V* 83% 83 123 114% DuPdeNdebpf ((). 1 116% 116% 116% 116% 106% 100 Duques Lt Ist pf (5). 2 103 102% 103 103 57% 23 Durham Hosiery pf.. 10s 23 23 23 23 255% 149 Eastman Kodak (T 8) 38 151% 147 148% 149 134 120% Eastman Kod pf («). 120* 129 128% 128% 129% 37% 11% Eaton Axle & S <J).. 11 14 13% 13% 14% 10% 2% Eitlngton-Schlld.... 9 4% 4% 4% 47* 114% 33 Elec Auto Lit# (•)... 42 47% 457* 45% 47V* 9% 2V* Electric Boat 4 27* 2% 2% 2% 103% 36% El Pow &Lt <1) 113 38 36% 36% 36% 102 87% El Pow ft Lt pf («)... 7 88 86% 87 89 112 100 El Pow &Lt pf (7).. 2 101 100% 100% 101 79% 477* El Storage Bat (6)... 1 50% 50% 50% 51% 5% % Elk Horn Coai 1 % % % % 69% 38 Endlcott-John (5)... 6 40 39% 39% 40% 116 10774 Kndicott-John pf (7) 1 112 112 112 115 66 36% Eng Pub Serv (2.40). 1 38 38 38 40 50% 32 Eq Offic Bldg (2%).. 3 32% 32% 3274 32% 63% 2274 Erie R R 45 24% 23 23% 23% 67% 367* Erie RR Ist pf (4)... 4 30% 30 30 36% 6274 31 Erie RR 2d pf (4)... 1 31 31 31 31 43% 6% Eureka Vac Cleaner. 1150* 9% 874 874 10 80% 4 Evans Auto Loading. 1 5 5 5 5% 27% 22 Exchange Bus (1%). 4 22 22 22 22 39% 3*4 Fairbanks Co pf.... 30a 4 4 4 3% 60% 21% Falrbnks Morse 1.60. 2 21% 21% 2174 21% 2774 374 Fash,on Park Asso.. 5 3% 3% 3% 3% 80 15% Fashion ParkAs pf. .150 sl4 12% 14 15% 98% 90 Fed.Lt & Trac pf (6) . 70s 90 90 90 90 1274 5% Fed Motor Tr (80c).. 16% 6% 6% 6% 25% 12 Federal Screw (1)... 50s 12 12 12 12 43 24 Fed Wat Svc A 2.40. 7 23=4 23 23% 24% 38 14 Federated Dept Strs. 12 15 14% 15 15 89% 46 Fid Ph Fire In (2.40) 2 46 4574 45% 46 10% 7 Fifth Ave Bus (64c).1040* 7% 7% 774 8 33% 15% Firestone Tftß(l). 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 87% 63% Flrest T&R pf (6).. 5 60 58% 60 [ 697* 61% 39% First Nat Strs (2%). 13 4374 42 43% 43 Wfc % Fisk Rubber 24 % % % % 21 1% Fisk Rubber Ist pf.. 290a 2 1% 1% 1% 21% 1% Fisk Rub Ist pf cv... 20s 1% 1% 1% 2 100% 95 Florshelm Sh pf (6). 1 94 94 94 96*4 60=4 14 Follansbe Bros (1).. I 15 15 15 14% 104*4 44% Foster Wheeler (2).. 78 46 43 43 44% 28% 6% Foundation C 0...... 15% 5% 6% 5% 50 21% Fourth Natl Invest.. 10 22 21 21 22 57*4 16% Fox Film (A) (4)... 258 2674 24 25% 257* 65% 29% Freeport Tex (t 6)... 51 29 27% 2874 29% 86 60 Fuller 2d pf (t 7.40). 100 s6O 60 # 6O 61 11% 2% Gabriel Co (A) 13% 374 3% 3 80 50 Oamewell Co (5).... 110* 54 52 64 64% 7% 1 Gardner Motor 4 1% 1% 174 p, 16% 3% Gen Am Investors... 2 4 4 4 4% 105 78 Gen Am Inv pf (6).. 2 77% 77 77 78 111% 62% Gen Am T'k Car (J 4) 21 62% 61% 62% 62% 7174 26 Gen Asphalt (3) 15 26 25 26 26 34% 10 Gen Cable 19% 9% 974 10 74% 19% Gen Cable A 4 19% 19% 19% 20 109% 57 Gen Cable pf (7).... 10s 57 67 57 57 61 34 Gen Cigar (4) 3 34 33% 34 34 95% 43% Gen Electric (1.40).. 361 44% 42% 43% 43% 12 11% Gen Elec spec (60c). 4 11% 11% 11% 117* 61*4 46% Gen Food Corp (!).., 130 48% 4774 47% 48 18% 474 Gen Gas&El A(e3oc) 26 4V* 4 4 4% 106% 38 Gen G&Elcv pf (6). 2 40 39 39 40 44% 32% Gen Ital Ed (a2.62)., 2 3274 3274 32% 32% 59% 40% Gen Mills (3) 15 4474 43 43% 44 * 54V* 3174 Gen Motors <13.10) -. 337 33% 32% 33V* 33% 100% 92% Gen Motors pf (6)... 6 96 94% 95 96 21% 5 Gen Outdoor Adv.... 7 8 7% 7% 8% 417* 22% Gen Out Adv (A) (4) 3 23 22% 23 23 90 69% Gen Print Ink pf (6). 30s 65 65 65 69% 62% 1374 Gen Pub Svc b6%stk 1 14 14 14 1374 106=4 66 Gen Ry Signal (6)... 3 65 64 64 64 I 19% 5% Gen Realty & Util... 15 574 4V* 474 5% 100 61 Gen R& Ut pf (e6).. 10 62 61V* 6174 61% 90 40 Gen Refract <t414).. 2 4274 42 42 42% 10 7% Gen Theatre Equip.. 38 7% 77% 7% 10674 25% Gillette Saf Raz (4). 36 25% 24=4 24% 26 70% 58 Gillette Saf Rps (5). 5 58% 57% 68% 69 20% 5% Glmbel Bros.. .... 8 6% 6% 5% 5% 82V* 47% Glmbel Bros pf (7).. 1 47 47 47 4774 38 8 Glidden Company.... 8 7% 7% 7% 874 19 474 Gobel (Adolf) 7 474 4 4% 47* 47% 29% Gold Dust (2%) 103 32% 30% 3074 31% 6874 1574 Goodrich <B F) 20 16=4 16% 16% 16% 96% 35% Goodyear Tire (6)... 26 46% 45% 46 45% 10274 7874 Goodyear Ist pf (7).. 1 817* 81% 81% 83 28=4 6% Gotham Silk Hosiery 4 574 5 5 5% 79 50 Gotham pf xw (7)... 10* 50 60 50 60 13% 3’/4 Graham-Paige 9 374 374 374 3% 59% 12 Granby Consol (2).. 18 1474 13 13% 14** 52 25 Grand Silv Strs(hl). 4 24% 2174 21% 25% 20% 10 Grand Union 10 11 10% 10% 10% 44 34% Grand Union Df (3).. 3 36 34% 34% 36% 60% 21 Granite City St (3).. 2 20 197* 20 21% 43 28 Grant <W T) (1).... 4 28% 27% 27% 28 102 6874 Gr North pf (5) 30 5774 55% 55% 5874 25% 18 Great Nor Ore(t2%). 7 18% 18 1874 18 34% 10 Great Western Sugar 8 107* 9% 9% 10 120 96 Gr West Sug pf (7). 60s 97 9174 91% 96 89 47% Greene Cananea Cop.loob 47 47 47 477* 28 3 Grigsby Grunow.... 35 3% 3 3 3% 2 74 Guantanamo Sugar.. 1 % % % % 98% 65% Gulf M(A ft Npf («). 1 61 61 61 6174 80 17 Gulf States Steel.... 2 16% 16% 16% 17*4 109 92% Gulf St Stl Ist pf (7) 20s 83% 83% 83% 92% 30 26 Ilacken pf A(1 % ).. 100 s2B 28 28 28 23% 7% Hahn Dept Stores... 4 8 7% 8 7% 31% 16 Hall (WF) Pr Co (2). 1 17 17 17 17 98 85 Hanna pf (new) (7). 10a 90 90 90 91 7274 40 Har Wk Ref <t2%).. 4 4074 40 40 40 20 3*4 Hartman Corp (B).. 2 3% 3% 3% 3% 17% 2% Hayes Body 2 3% 3% 374 37* 92% 7774 Helm# (GW) (t7)... 3 78 78 78 78 31 15 Hercules Mot (1.20)„ 1 15 15 15 15 85 63 Hercules I’owd (3),. 1 60 50 60 63 109 70 llcrahey Choo (5).... 5 85 84 84 85 108% 83*4 Hersh Choc pf (t 5).. 3 92 92 92 92 25% 6 Hoe (R) ft Co 10 6% 6% 6% 6% 29 4% Houdallle Herahey.. 7 574 4% 6 5 116% 33% Houston Oil (blo% ). 12 33% 33% 33*4 34 11% 7% Houston Oil (new).. 60 8 7% 7% 7% 41% 20 UoweSound (t 474).. 10 2274 21% 21% 22% 53% 37% llud&Man Ry (3.60). 11 36 35 36 37% ) 62% 18 Hudson Motora (2).. 26 21% 21 21% 21% 26% 7% Hupp Motors 28 874 8 87-* 8 136% 69% Illinois Central (7).. 10 70 68*4 69 70 83'* 73% Illinois Cen Is In (4). 60s 70 70 70 73% 17 2 Indian Motor Cycle.. 5 2% 2% 2% 2% 87% 20 Ind Motor Cycle pf... 90s 24% 20% 21 227* 28% 3% Indian Refining... .. 39 3% 3 3% 3% 124 31 Indus Rayon (4).... 9 47% 46 47% 48 239 147% Ingersoll Rand (t 6). 4 175*4 172 175% 174 98 68 Inland Steel (4) 2 59% 5974 59% 60% 30% 8 Inspiration Copper.. 8 8 7% 7% 8 17% 6*4 insurance Sh (45c).. 18 6 4 5 6% 13% 6 Insctfs (Md) (60c).. 21 6% 5% 6 6% 39% 20% Interboro Rap Tran. 22 27% 2574 27% 22% 35% 21% Interbor Rap T c.0.d.. 1 26% 25% 25% 21% 774 I*4 Intercont Rubber.... 15 274 1% 1% 2% 28% 1174 Interlake Iron (1)... 15 12% 12% 12% 12% 8% 3% Int Agricultural.... 3 3% 3% 3% 3% 6774 4274 Int Agricul pf (7)... 1 48 48 48 48 19774 131 Inti Bua Mach (n<)., 20 144 140% 143 14274 19% I« Inti Carriers (26c).. 26 1074 10 10 10 75% 54 Inti Cement 14)...... 3 55 64 54 65 14% 1% Inti Combustion 31 I*4 1% 1% 1% 115% 60% Inti Harvester (2%). 65 61% 49% 61% 60% (Continued On Fag* I4J STOCKS SUPPORTED AFTER EARLY DROP - I ; Market Becomes Steadier in Late Dealings as Lead ers Show Gains. 1 1 1 BY GEORGE T. HUGHES , Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, December 15.—Support 1 for the industrial leaders steadied to -1 day’s market after stocks, under-con . centrated selling, had dipped into new 1 low ground for all classifications, in -1 dustrials, utilities and rails. 1 Selling was heavy and prices were 1 acutely weak in the first half hour. Al -1 though margin trading has been re duced to a relatively low volume by the long decline, today’s events showed that there were still many speculators close to the danger line and liquida tion from this source, forced and vol untary, accounted for a good deal of the pressure. Volume Picks Up. In the first 30 minutes 770,500 shares changed hands, the largest total for that period in two months. The ticker fell behind three minutes. The majority of active issues made new lows during this selling. Among them was United States Steel, which broke through 136 for the first time. Others were General Electric under 43 and American Can under 107, while In the utility group American Telephone & Telegraph broke through 178 to the lowest that stock has sold In the bear market. The rails were acutely weak, some of them breaking points between sales. Now York Central opened at 111, off 3 points from Saturday’s close. Large blocks of Baltimore & Ohio were thrown on the market and that stock dipped over 2 points. One lot of 16,000 shares of Canadian Pacific at 31 Va. down al most 2 points, was another feature of the early trading. New lows were also made by Atlantic Coast Line, Chesa peake & Ohio. Delaware & Hudson, Lackawanna, Nickel Plate, New Haven, St. Louis-San Francisco, Southern Pacific and Union Pacific. Losses in the oils were not large but they, too, went into new low ground. Including this time Standard Oil of New Jersey. This group suffered not alone from general conditions but from the difficulties peculiar to the oil trade. Leaders Supported. Copper stocks went down with the rest, taking Anaconda and Kennecott to new lows, among others. Bethlehem Steel was under pressure again and a long list of industrials violated their previous resistance points. Among the last named were J. I. Case, Allied Chemical, West inghouse Electric and Johns-Manville. After the initial selling orders had been executed there was a lull, then a rally in United States Steel, American Can and American Telephone that car ried the prices for these issues above Saturday’s finals. The improvement did not extend to the rails in any great degree, although Lehigh Valley rallied briskly from its low. Trading was less active on the recovery, showing that buyers were unwilling to follow prices up. Reasons for the day’s weakness were Mackubin, Goodrich & Co. Established 1899 BANKERS Members New York and Baltimore Stock Exchanges Associate Member New York Curb Exchange 1508 H STREET REDWOOD & SOUTH STS. WASHINGTON. D. C. BALTIMORE, MD. Equitable Co-Operative Bldg. Ass’n Organized 1879 51st YEAR COMPLETED JOHN JOY EDSON, President WALTER S. PRATT, Jr., Secretary j Assets $5,901,122.48 Surplus & Profits $1,818,655.92 j Subscription for the 100th Issue of Stock Being Received SAVE AS YOU EARN c;q That is the sure way to W .. get ahead financially and ■! the way to prepare for an)' emergency. We will gladly explain our sys- Share! ym lematic saving plan. 915 F St. N.W. SAFE FIRST MORTGAGES BUILD UP A PROFIT ® EARNING RESERVE This can easily be accomplished through investment in our 6% FIRST MORTGAGES They will give employment to Over a Third your sur P lus funds—and pay this , liberal interest while so invested. of a Century The principal is fully secured Without a by improved real estate con- L oss servatively appraised. May be purchased in amounts from $250 up. B. F. SAUL CO. National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SAFETY | the same as those so effective last week. Failure of the bond market to receive support was one of them. Another was the disturbing news from abroad. An other was the continued declines on commodities. Finally, there were the usual crop of rumors, which every vio lent break In the stock market breeds. It can be said that all these rumors did not have foundation In fact, but they were bad Influences just the same. Heavy Selling at Opening. The heaviness of the closing on Sat urday. coupled with unfavorable busi ness developments during the week end such as commodity declines, decreased production and smaller sales, brought out big offerings of leading shares at the opening, but some leaders showed an Improved tone during the first half hour. United States Steel, after breaking to a new low, rallied somewhat. New York Central and American Can behaved similarly after scraping new bottom levels. Transamerica Corporation, in which a $20,000,000 syndicate is said to have been formed, opened In a block of 10,000 shares at lO'i, or un changed, but later hit its previous low of 10%, from which lt then advanced about %. General Motors was a strong spot In the active Issues, as it took offerings without faltering. Oils, rails and cop pers were notably weak. Sales in the first half hour were 770,500 shares, the largest of any similar period since Octo ber 10, when sales aggregated 936,700 shares. Call money renewed at 2% per cent. STEEL MILL OPERATIONS. NEW YORK, December 15 (A 3 ).—steel mill operations in the Chicago district are holding at 40 per cent of capacity this week, Dow, Jones & Co. reports. The United States Steel Corporation has 10 of 27 furnaces active in the Chicago district. I I WILL SELL I $3,000 Hamilton Hotel first mort gage 6(4%, 1942, @1 56. SIO,OOO Jefferson Apt. first, mort gage 6%, 1939. @ 40. $5,000 Corcoran Courts first mort gage 7%, 1935, @ 70. $7,000 Wardman Real Estate Properties Ist & Ref 6 1938. Bid. #OO Miller Train Control, new. @ 114. equivalent to 3,000 old ® 15c. 100 Virginia Plate Glass, bid. 1,500 Nat. Mort. & Inv. com., old, <g) 31c. 100 Unlts_Vasco Products, ® 7. 100 Vasco Products pfd. @ 2%. 200 Mike Martins Liniment, @ 2%. 100 Gayety Theater, @ 110. 40 International Bank, <8) 60. 400 Action Advertising Corpn. of America, @ 1%• 50 Great Nat. Insurance, @ 7. 10 International Finance units, @ 50. 100 North American Develop ment. free stock, @ 32. 100 Washington Baseball, bid. 25 Peoples’ State Bank of Cherrydale, @ 26%. 80 Clarendon Trust Co., @ 31. 2 Lincoln Hall Assn., bid. 100 Washington Sanitary Hous ing, bid. THOMAS L. HUME (Established 1899) 1412 G St. Nat. 1346-1347 FINANCIAL. National Metropolitan Bank 1814—Oldest National Bank In the District of Columbia 1930 15th St., Opposite U. S. Treasury Open Until —to accommodate our Account for yourself or for some one else? ’ —“ 3% on Savings Have You Figured the Cost? When making a Real Estate Loan you should get the best at the most reasonable cost. The Mortgage Loan Plan of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is arranged to meet the needs of home-owners. Loans for Fifteen Years Low Interest Rates No Life Insurance Required Construction Loans in Any Amount U/EAVER BROC YY REALTORS v-> Washington Building District 9486 Mortgage Loan Correspondent Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Loans Made in the District of Columbia and Nearby Maryland and Virginia | No Endorser hrgjEgL^' U P +0 S3OO Under State Supervision This Holiday Season Naturally Brings a Host of Bills I It is not necessary to begin the New Year burdened with financial cares ... for we can consolidate your ■HI debts into one, and allow you to repay us in small monthly payments . . . arranged to conform with your jjn income ... without the embarrassment of securing endorsers. ■ Our Service is Personal and Confidential, and additional information will be cheerfully given. i People’s Personal Bankers, Bethesda Personal Bankers, I l®c- Inc. SSOS Rhwle HUind Ave. 6982 Wisconsin Ave. Mt. Rainier, Md. Bathesda, Md. Phones: HyattsviUe 1779-1771 Phono Wisconsin 4374 I Public Small Loan Co., Inc. Mary,and P< ** onal Bankers, ■ Rosslyn, Va. InC. Phone Clarendon 3600 8405 Ga. Ave., Silver Spring, Md. West 2443-3144 Phones: Shepherd 3854-3833 i Gifts of I \ * t Endurance ♦ .♦ ♦; ▲J■ 4 ♦ v r | ' HE Christmas tree is the living sym- 4 •a- gift-giving of the Yuletide season. In a* ,▼ planning your presents to your family, i ♦ why not make lasting and living gifts • • • gifts that will be of value for years. A' I f ♦ A suggestion for a lasting gift are the 6 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE « ♦ NOTES offered through Swartzell, a 'a Rheem & Hcnsey Company. For your children, particularly, gifts of these se- A + curities will form the nucleus of savings ▼ \ to grow as they grow. For the older T members of your family these Notes \ with their generous assured semi-annual » income yield are gifts of lasting value. J ♦ A With their record of MORE THAN 61 1 ▲ YEARS WITHOUT LOSS TO A SINGLE ♦ INVESTOR, our First Mortgage Notes ♦ can be ranked among the safest of in- l vestments. They can be purchased in ♦ denominations of SKK) and upwards. 4 l 4 [ SWARTHIL ♦' t Rheem Si IHensey Ct> t; ♦ MORTGAGE BANKERS ♦ IV PU IS STREET Af.Wo / \ SVA9HMGTOM ©.Co / X. ■ . __ 4. >* A_ A-13